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Twelve Viu Names

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Sadhana


Twelve Viu Names

What do these twelve names of Viu (actually Ka) really mean in jyotia? They were very important and were a
part of every vedic ritual and the sadhy vandan would be incomplete without recitation of these names. Since
Viu is the sthiti-kraka, by implication these names should be associated with the Moon, the natural sustainer
giver of longevity and consciousness which we say is experiencing life. In fact, traditional astrology recommends
choosing the nmakara from the janma ri (Moon sign). Based on this, we check the nava position of the Moon
in some charts taking the ukla or ka paka births as the twelve names of Ka are divided into ukla and ka

Table: Viu Nma Table

ukla paka ka paka

1. 1.
2. 1. keava 2. 1. sakaraa
2. nrayaa 2. vsudeva
3. 3.
3. mdhava 3. pradyumna
4. 4. govinda 4. 4. aniruddha
5. 5. viu 5. 5. puruottama
6. 6. madhusdana 6. 6. adhokaja
7. 7. trivikrama 7. 7. narasiha
8. 8. vmana 8. 8. acyuta
9. rdhara 9. janrdana
9. 9.
10. hkea 10. upendra
10. 11. padmanbh 10. 11. hari
11. 12. dmodara 11. 12. rka
12. 12.
Usage in Jtaka NarasimhaAmitabhAcyutnandaVasudevaUpadea

Usage in Jtaka
We need to have an accurate calculation of the position of the Moon, Lagna and other graha in the chart. There are a few methods
to choose the name.

Method 1: Sasra
Applicable to most charts of people

Determine whether the native is born in ukla paka or ka paka and accordingly choose the twelve names based on the ukla
paka table or ka paka table. The connection to Ka comes from the Moon and the nava position of the Moon is to be

Method 2: Mira
Applicable to people who have not renounced but are very spiritual

These people are moving away from the wealth controller Sun but are not yet fully capable of burning their bridges. They live in
sasra but are gradually breaking relationships and ties to the world they knew. Hor rules wealth and this is what is still dragging
them to sasra. The hor measures 15; and in odd signs first hor (0-15) is ruled by Sun, second hor (15-30) is ruled by the
Moon; this is reversed for even signs. If the Moon is in Sun hor, then choose ukla paka table, else if the Moon is in Moon hor,
choose ka paka table.

Method 3: Sanysa
Applicable to people who have renounced

These people have fully renounced and surrendered. Technically they have taken sanysa vows which means renouncing all their
worldly possessions indicated by the Sun as well as all ties to the world indicated by the hor. Here the lagna (intelligence) starts to
dominate and impel the Moon (mind). Check the position of the Moon with reference to Lagna. If Moon is in adya portion (lagna to
7th bhva cusp), then choose ukla paka table, else choose ka paka.

Moon Duality
The strong duality of the Moon cannot be ignored. The name can be from the nava sign or the Moon or its opposite sign.

Chart 1: P.V. Narasimha Rao

Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao was an Indian lawyer and politician who served as the Prime Minister of India (19911996).
He was born in Lakkampalli village of Narasampet in Warangal district, Hyderabad State, British India (now in Telangana, India). He
died in his 84th year (28 Jun 1921 23 Dec 2004) which in sudarana chakra comes to Pisces da Aquarius Bhoga (84Y) and is
aspected by Rhu. There is no doubt about his incredible achievements in Indian politics. He was the Father of Indian Economic
Reforms as well as the Germinator of India Nuclear Program. According to Natwar Singh, Unlike Nehru, his knowledge of Sanskrit
was profound. Nehru had a temper, PV a temperament. His roots were deep in the spiritual and religious soil of India. He did not
need to Discover India.
In his chart Moon is in Pisces ri and Libra nava. Since birth occurred in ka paka we examine the ka paka column in
the Viu Nama Table. The specific name of Viu is Narasimha! Thats exactly the name chosen by his parents. When the name
of the native resonates with the name of Ka (Viu), it is sure to bring the mind to a state where he achieves the goals of his life.
Chart 2: Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh is a famous Indian actor and needs no introduction. He was born in ukla paka dvitya with the Moon placed in Makara
nava. We need to examine the ukla paka column in the Viu Nama Table. The specific name is (hikea) and is
composed of two words (hi) and (kea). Be careful with the names of Viu. For example, most people read this
as i (rishi) which is completely different from hi.
(hi) means joy, satisfaction, splendour that comes from Agni and Soma.
(amitabha) means immeasurable splendour
We can see how the name Amitabh is similar to Hikea (part hi). It is this connection which makes a big difference as it guides
the mind (manas-Moon) to success.

Chart 3: r Acyutnanda Das

Acyutnanda was a 16th century poet seer and Vaiava saint from Odisha, India. He was triklaja (power to see the past, present
and future) and wrote many books that form the foundation of Utkala Vaiava Dharma. He was the youngest of the paca-
mahpurua of Odisha along with Ananta, Yasovanta, Jagannth and Balarma who were also known as the paca-sakh (five
friends or five witnesses) of r Chaitanya Mahprabhu.
Although the ssana brhmaa of Puri had access to all the Sanskrit literature, these were in the Devanagari script and in Sanskrit.
The paca sakh have the credit of translating these into the Odia language. Acyutnanda translated the Harivaa Pura.
In the chart, hasa mahpurua yoga of Jupiter exists in the 4th bhva while mlavya mahpurua yoga is formed by Venus in
7thbhva. Lagnea and tmakraka Mercury conjoins Jupiter to show that the hasa yoga shall dominate the chart [as only one
mahpurua yoga can function properly while other shall support it]. This confirms the statement of the Odia people about paca-
mahpurua. Further, this is in the 4th bhva which has Moon as kraka and as such Moon can connect one to Ka through the
dharma-aa (nava).

We find the Moon is in Vcika nava in a battle with Rhu. He was born in ukla paka but due to his great spirituality, we must
consider all three methods

Method (1) sasra: birth in ukla ekda consider ukla paka Viu nma table. The resultant auspicious name of Ka is

Method (2) mira: Moon is in Gemini 413 which is the first hor (0-15) of an odd sign; Sun is the lord of this hor. consider
ukla paka Viu nma table. The resultant auspicious name of Ka is (vmana)

Method (3) sanysa: Lagna in Virgo 1914; Moon in tenth bhva 413; clearly Moon is in the dya part of the horoscope. We
have to choose the ka paka column in the Viu nma table. The resultant auspicious name of Ka is (acyuta)

The spiritual name Acyutnanda connected him directly to (acyuta) the holy name of Ka associated with Scorpio
nava of the Moon and impelled him towards high spiritual goals.

Chart 4: r Ka

r Ka incarnated (avatra) in the midnight of janmam in ka paka. The Moon is vargottama in Vabha ri. We need to
check the ka paka column in the Viu Nama table and we find the second name to be Vsudeva. Therefore, the best name
to directly connect with His Moon (mind) is Vsudeva. Accordingly, the dvdaskar mantra can be recited.

om namo bhagavate vsudevya

However, we must bear in mind that this particular chart was of r Ka and all the names are actually addressed to Him. r
Ka is the Chandra avatra and the Moon alone can point to Him.

Study Holy Names, bja
Every of the holy names of Ka has to be studied and understood to be able to link them. Consider the names for Gemini. In ukla
paka the name is (mdhava) which directly associates with the lineage of r Ka and shows one who is from the lineage or
upholds a parapar. We have the example of Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvat with the Moon in 4th house from lagna (sanysa: refer
ukla paka column) in Gemini nava. He was a stalwart of the Gaudiya vaiava parapar. Whereas in ka paka the holy
name is (pradyumna) which is the name of one of the sons of Ka born to Rukmini. The name directly associates with
Kma deva and means pre-eminent mighty one having a pleasant intellect. It directly resonates the kma bja (kl). In this
manner, every name has a bja.

Ka in Karma Bhva from Moon

Another important observation is that both the names are associated with vasanta tu (spring) which maps to the sign Pisces. Pisces
is the 10th bhva from Gemini which brings Success through the power of Viu (Ka). In this manner all names activate their
power of Viu in the tenth sign.

Karma sthna is where Ka is

Yet another important observation is that the power of Viu may compel the mind to travel to a place ruled by this nava sign in
the tenth house from nava Moon and achieve their success. It is not easy to understand how this gets activated, but the fact is
that it does get activated. Some examples:

1. Srila Prabhupada has Moon in Virgo nava and travelled to USA (Gemini which is 10th from Virgo) for his grand success in
establishing ISKCON
2. Amitabh Bachchan has Moon in Capricorn nava and travelled to Bombay (Libra, Maha Lakm, which is 10th from Capricorn)
for his grand success in movies
3. Acyutananda has Moon in Scorpio nava and lived in Odisha (Kaliga is Leo, which is 10th from Scorpio) for his grand
success in establishing the Odia traditions.

Bear in mind that success is not only due to Moon but also other graha. The houses to be check for success are

Agni Sun, Mars, Ketu 4th house

Jala Moon, Venus 10th house

Vyu Saturn, Rhu 7th house

Others Mercury, Jupiter 1st house

But the success given by Moon also gives great satisfaction which may not be promised by other graha.

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