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1. Hot Extraction Technique

In this method a small representative sample is sucked and transported vide a Heat Traced
Tube to the Analyzer. The sample is taken wet. The transported sample is dried using a
refrigerant cooler. The dry sample is then analyzed in an Analyzer. The Analyzed readings
are on Dry basis. The system has a heated probe, a blow back system, Heat Traced Sample
Line, Secondary Sample Handling system and the Analyzer.

2 Insitu Technique

In this method the Analyzer (probe type or cross duct type) is mounted directly on the
Stack / Duct. The measurements of the Gases are done at the Stack without any extraction.
The in-situ system consists of Probe with Electronics, Connection unit and Evaluation
Electronics in remote.

We do not recommend In Situ analyzer for Indian Power plant installations because of high
dust and moisture content. Also, the maintenance of the In-situ Analyzers is really
cumbersome and always requires the analyzer to be sent back to the factory for services.
Another draw back of In Situ analyzer is that if IR technique is used for measurement of
SO2, NO the moisture (which is more than 20 % in Flue Gas) has more interference with
the readings.

In hot extraction method the moisture is knocked down before measurement and also the
quoted MULTOR module measures moisture as fourth component and dynamically
compensates the reading of SO2 and NO. .

We have successful installations of extractive technique based Continuous emission

monitoring systems in various industries spread across India. We would like to show few of
these installations for your self to discuss with the customer and to have a first hand
information on the working of our systems.


Not influenced by stack temperatures

Not influenced by stack pressure

Not influenced by Dust particles Auto Blow Back

Not influenced by Moisture

No Pressure / Temperature compensation required

Single Analyzer for SO2 / NO / CO & CO2 measurement

Requires only one tapping even if measurement of Total HC is included

Easy to Maintain

Long Life for Analyser

Analyser can be validated with calibrated gases


Insitu CEMS technology has many short comings -

Inability to reject widely varying H2O concentartion interferences.
The inherent problems using INFRARED technology above 200 deg C Black
body radiation interference

Inability to measure low concentration.

Interferences caused by high dust opacity and hot dust emits infrared
energy which leads to error in the systems.

It requires continuos purge air to protect the optical lenses and at the
same time the moisure in the Instrument air/purgeair itself induces
contamination due to presence moisture in the purge air.

T90 degrades due process variations.

Suffer from problems with High stack gas temperature, corrosion,

Vibration & Alignement etc.

The inability to Calibrate with a bottle gas at Stack Concentration.

When mounted outdoors are susceptible to rapid temp changes, rain ,

winds etc which compounds with calibration and maintenance.

Insitu devices are bulky to handle with weight of appx 60kgs to 90 kgs,
suffer from Maintenance probelems, this maintenance problems must also
dealt with up to stack and is always potentially burdensome with costly.

The gas filter wheel method can cause signal variability of the
frequency of interposition of the filters is low and there are
changes in the dust burden. Gas cell leaks can cause span drift.


Parameter Insitu IR Hot Extraction
Method Insitu IR is not suitable because of the interference of IR based measurements are
Moisture in IR method. possible, as the interfering
moisture is removed before
Accuracy The accuracy and the drifts are worse The drifts that can be achieved
can be upto 2% per 1/4 year
Interference The dust and Moisture are interfering components in the Hot Extraction system can work
measurement. High dust loads can lead to errorneous even with heavy dust loads and
measurement. (sometimes there is no light left for the highly saturated system.
detector for sensing) There is property of the hot dust
pieces which start emitting Infra red energy in all the
wavelengths. This secondary emission will lead to error in

Calibration Calibration of In-situ is possible only outside the stack, which The Calibtration is done easily by
defeats the purpose of the In-situ measurement. The passing standard gases to the
instrument has to be removed each time and to be taken to analysers, which can be
lab for calibration. automated.
Purge Air There is possiblity for the contamination of the lenses. No requirement of Purge air
Which makes purge air connection a necessacity.

Process Changes Any process with saturated moisture will not be possible for Any process variation will not
measurement. (where there will be a mist condition which affect the operation of the analyse
will absorb most of the emitted light) as they are taken care by the
Sample Handling System.
Temperature This is not possible for measurement at high temperature as Can be used for temperatures
the electronics cannot withstand high temperatures. upto 1800 deg C.
Normally used for temperatures less than 200 deg C.

Mandatory VERY HIGH as the probe is the only spare which is VERY LOW as the every part
spares cost equivalent to the cost of new analyzer . of the system is available as

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