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Dig the Data Complete Student Checklist

.Name:abby liebler
Date: 3/1/17
Teacher name: rude

13. Dig the Data Student Party Planner

QUEST #1: Basics

Check off Description

X Watched the introductory video for Dig the Data Q1 Party Planner

X Followed the video instructions for Q1 Basics

X -or-Linked to Spreadsheet - Quest 1 Basics pdf & followed directions

X Created a spreadsheet with three columns, headers & information required

X Viewed and compared my spreadsheet to the spreadsheet sample

X Saved my document

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student Party Planner

QUEST #2: Format, Insert, Merge

Check off Description

X Watched the video for Dig the Data Q2 Party Planner: Data Format, Insert &

X Followed the video instructions for Format, Insert & Merge

X -or-Followed pdf Data Format, Insert & Merge spreadsheet directions

X Viewed and compared my spreadsheet to the spreadsheet sample

X Saved my spreadsheet

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student PartyPlanner

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QUEST #3: Formulas

Check off Description

X Watched the video for Dig the Data Q3 Party Planner: Formulas

X Followed the video directions for creating formulas in my spreadsheet

X -or- Followed pdf spreadsheet formula directions

X Viewed and compared my spreadsheet to the spreadsheet sample

X Saved my spreadsheet

x Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student Party Planner

QUEST #4: Charts

Check Description

X Watched the video for Dig the Data Q4 Party Planner: Charts

X Followed the video directions for creating charts in my spreadsheet

X -or- Followed pdf spreadsheet formula directions

X Viewed and compared my spreadsheet to the spreadsheet sample

X Saved my spreadsheet

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student Party Planner

QUEST #5: Share

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Check off Description

X Watched the video for Dig the Data Q5 Party Planner: Share

X Followed the video directions for sharing my spreadsheet

X -or- Followed pdf spreadsheet formula directions

X Checked with my teacher for sharing options to embed my spreadsheet into my

web presence

X Shared my spreadsheet with my teacher

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student

QUEST #6: Spinout

Check off Description

X Watched the introductory video on Dig the Data Q6 Spin Out

x Step 1. Checked with my teacher about my document and browser choice

X Opened the spreadsheet and saved it with my name (one person per group)

x 2. Created a word document with screenshots & answers to questions from

spinner project (one person in the group)

X 3. Spinner: opened the interactive spinner for the simulation (one person in the

X Part 1 Spin and Collect data: Group carried out:

X 1.1 click on results button and did 20 spins

X 1.3 Results entered into the spreadsheet and spinner data cleared

X 1.4 Repeated this with 20 spins and entered the data

X 1.4 Repeated this again to have 3 sets of data entered into the spreadsheet

X Part 2 Formulas groupwork

X 2.1 put the cursor in the total row B7

X 2.2 Typed the formula =SUM(B4:B6) and pressed enter

X 2.4 Used the formula for the other columns the same way using their column
letters instead of B

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X PART 3 Analysis, prediction and global results

X 3.1 Discussed and made a prediction with the group or partner

X 3.2 Changed the spins to 40 and repeated the process filling in the data and took
screenshots for a presentation with notes

X 3.3 Entered the data into the global collaboration survey using the link

X 3.4 Viewed the global survey results entered by others and ours and made the
following observations:
The number of total results collected in the global survey.
In your own results, how close were your results to the total
survey results?
As more students enter their results into the global survey,
what do you expect to happen to the totals for each color?

X 3.5 Participated in a class or group discussion about:

How many times did 1, 3, and 5 (prime numbers) occur in the global
survey results? Why would this number be different from spinning the
spinner 200 times?
X 3.6 Made predictions based on our data

If you walked into the Slushie store with five friends

and you each spun the wheel for a slushie, what color or colors
would you expect each of you to receive?
Use the data you collected to predict and then
compare with two other groups
Defend how your data supports your answer
Do all of you agree on the answers? Why or why not?
Discuss your answers with your class

X Part 4 Delivery Problem (advanced option)

X 4.1 Changed the spinner numbers

X Made a prediction for:

Looking at your new spinner, which color will have the

highest probability of hits, and which one the lowest out of 20
Wrote your prediction into your document.

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Now keep track and spin the spinner 20 spins.

Enter your results into your spreadsheet.
How did you do (based on your predictions)?

X 4.5 Answered: If you spin it more times, will it be closer to your prediction?
And tried it out
X 4.6 Answered: When you changed the spinner, why did this change the

Was this a good solution to the problem? Why or why

How does the data you collected support your
Check with two other groups in the class to see if they
agree or disagree with your findings?

X Saved the document and spreadsheet.

X Checked with the teacher about how to turn it in

X Created a Spinner report

X Checked this off on the roadmap document

13. Dig the Data Student

QUEST #7: Just Function (Fx)

Check off Description

X Watched the introductory video for Dig the Data Q7 Just Function

X Checked with my teacher for the activity to complete (Car Cruising, Cell Phone
Plan, or Hungry Mungry)

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X *Car Cruising Checklist*

X Collected information from the parking lot (downloaded & used the pdf provided)

X Entered the data into the Car Data Spreadsheet

X Watched the Car Cruising Video

X Totaled the Number of Cars, Percentage of each color in column C, and compared
results of survey data collected by RPG Industries

X Created a bar chart of my results from columns A, C, & D

Created a screenshot of each spreadsheet page and graphs

Pasted screenshots into a word processing document or my portfolio

X *Cell Phone Checklist*

X Watched the Cell Phone introductory video

X Created a new spreadsheet

X Renamed sheets at the bottom of the screen

X Entered all data into my spreadsheet

X Created an extra row and titled it Total

X Summed the total minutes and total texts

X Created a new row below Total and named it Average

X Created a formula to average the minutes and texts

X Created a bar graph for each set of data (included titles)

X Created a screenshot of my graphs

X Pasted screenshots into a word document

X Answered all questions required in my word document

X Saved my document

X Helped Sean choose a cell phone plan

Wrote a paragraph which summarized cell phone plan features

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Compared my recommendations with others in my class.

X Saved and submitted all work to my teacher

X *Hungry Mungry Checklist*

X Listened to the Hungry Mungry audio recording

Worked with my partner and collected information on the first stanza of the Hungry
Mungry poem

X Entered data into the Hungry Mungry spreadsheet with the types of food eaten
(included quantity, servings and food group for each item eaten)

Analyzed the data and totaled the number of servings per food group and totaled
number of servings overall.

X Created two charts with the data- Bar Graph and Pie Chart with appropriate labels

X Prepared a report with all required answers to questions asked about Hungry
Mungrys eating habits

X Saved my Report and Charts

X Checked with my teacher for submission requirements

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student

QUEST #8: Whiskers

Check Description

X Watched the introductory video on Box and Whisker Plot

X Downloaded the Whiskers spreadsheet

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X Downloaded a number line of my choice

X Created two Box and Whisker Plots

X One Plot was used data for voice

X One Plot was used for text message data from the number line

X Entered my voice data and text message data into the interactive site

X Took a screenshot of each of the plots created using the mathwarehouse site

Copied and pasted the screenshots and the required questions into my document

Discussed questions with my partner and answered them in my document

X Decided on how many minutes and text messages my family should purchase

X Defended my solution for my reasonable family plan to two other groups.

X Discussed solution with two other groups

X Wrote a paragraph which served as my sales pitch for my recommendation

X Created an advertisement that convinced the audience that my plan was the best for
my family

X Voted on recommendations in my class

Turned in my presentation with supporting documentation (screenshots and answers
to the questions)

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student

QUEST #9: Changes Over Time

Check off Description

X Watched the introductory video for Changes Over TIme

X Checked with my teacher for task to follow: Lucrative Lemonade or The Coffee

X *Lucrative Lemonade checklist*

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X Listened to the Lucrative Lemonade soundcloud recording

X Received the data collection sheet from my teacher (download spreadsheet)

X Filled in the white columns before I sold lemonade

X Filled in the green columns the days after I sold lemonade

X Linked to Lucrative Lemonade website

X Played the game and predicted the right amount for the day

X Wrote down the temperature and the weather forecast on information sheet

X Set-up my recipe and wrote it down on my information sheet

X Determined how much to charge for each lemonade

X Ran the simulator and recorded all data. Wrote down information on my
information sheet: how many cups I sold, how many potential customers I had,
and how much money I finished the day with.

X Repeated running the simulator for days 2-14 and recorded all results

X Inserted a new tab in my spreadsheet and created a graph (with titles) on the tab

X Answered all required questions in a word processing document or presentation

and submitted to my teacher

X Created a screenshot of my graph and submitted to my teacher

X *The Coffee Stand*

X Listened to the Coffee Stand soundcloud recording

X Received data collection sheet from my teacher (download spreadsheet)

X Filled in the white columns before I sold coffee

X Filled in the green columns the days after I sold coffee

Bought all of my supplies and predicted the right amount for the day

Wrote down the temperature and the weather forecasts

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X Set-up my recipe and wrote it down on my information sheet

X Determined how much to charge for each cup of coffee

Ran the simulator and recorded on my information sheet: how many cups I sold,
how many potential customers I had, and how much money I finished the day

Repeated running the simulator for days 2-14 and recorded all results

X Inserted a new tab in my spreadsheet and created a graph (with titles) on the tab

X Answered all required questions in a word processing document or presentation

and submitted to my teacher

X Created a screenshot of my graph and submitted to my teacher

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

13. Dig the Data Student

QUEST #10: Sort It Out

Check off Description

X Watched the introductory video for Sort It Out

X Checked with my teacher for options of using Excel or Google

X Download the file from the source (excel or google)

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X Renamed my party list with my (copied & renamed if needed)

X Watched the corresponding video to my project

X Followed instructions for sorting- by Artist, Genre, Song Title

x Froze the header row

X Made a decision on my Party Mix

Created a new tab in my spreadsheet and title it "Party playlist"

X Copied and pasted column headings into my spreadsheet

X Copied and pasted favorite songs for my playlist into my spreadsheet

X Created a formula on my spreadsheet to add up music time

X Made sure my party list was less than 30 minutes

X Saved and shared my spreadsheet with my teacher

X Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap


Check off Description

X Took the Dig the Data Quiz

X Created an image capture of quiz results

X Shared image capture with teacher

X Took survey for improving activities

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