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Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Training Guide

Rev X05, 09/2013

A JSJ Business

What is data?
Data is factual information (as measurements or
statistics) used as a basic for reasoning,
discussion or calculation. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
What does this mean?
Data allows us to make educated decisions and take

A JSJ Business

Why is Data Important?

If we dont collect data about a process then what?
Without data we dont understand the process / product
So what?
Without understanding of the process / product we cant control
the outcome
Is it important to control the outcome?
When you cant control the outcome you are dependent on
You may have a good outcome, you may not.
Without data collection you may not know either way.
A JSJ Business

Use of Data
Im not collecting data because its non value
Without data collection there is no way to identify problems,
continuously improve or ensure you are meeting the voice of
the customer.
Im collecting data, but not looking at it. Is that
No, the collection of data without analysis is a bigger waste
than not collecting data in the first place.
What should I be doing with the data?
A JSJ Business



Information that can

be understood and
acted on.
A JSJ Business

What are Statistics?

A branch of mathematics dealing with the
collection, analysis, interpretation and
presentation of masses of numerical data
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary,

What does this mean?

Once data is collected we can use appropriate
statistical methods to describe (understand) our
process / product and control (predict) the process /
product outcome

A JSJ Business

Statistics Allow us to
Describe our process / product

Control (predict) process / product outcomes

Sample Population
(125 (All Product)

A JSJ Business

Important Notes
1. Statistical conclusions require useful data
We need to measure the right thing
Determining what data to collect and how to collect it are important steps in the
APQP / continuous improvement process

2. We need to have confidence the data collected is

A good measurement system is required to collect data
Be sure the measurement system analysis (MSA) is acceptable before
collecting data
There is a separate training available for MSA

3. Reduce / Eliminate Waste

Data that doesnt provide useful information drives waste
We want to gain the most useful information from the least amount of data
A JSJ Business

Types of Data
Variable Data (Continuous Data)
Measurements on a continuous scale
Product Dimensions
Process parameters (cutting speed, injection pressure, etc.)
Attribute Data (Discrete Data)
Data by counting
Count of defective parts from production
Number of chips on a painted part
A JSJ Business

Types of Attribute Data

Binomial Distribution
Pass / Fail (PPM)
Number of defective bezels
Number of defective castings
Poisson Distribution
Number of defects (DPMO)
Number of defects per bezel
Number of defects per casting

A JSJ Business

Which Type of Data is Better?

Variable Data Attribute Data
Pros: Pros:
Provides useful information with smaller sample Very easy to obtain
sizes Calculations are simple
Can identify common cause concerns at low defect Data is usually readily available
rates Good for metrics reporting / management review
Can be used to predict product / process outcomes Good for baseline performance
Very useful for continuous improvement activities
(DOE, Regression analysis, etc.)
Data collection can be more difficult, requiring
specific gauges or measurement methods
Cons: Analysis of data requires some knowledge of
statistical methods (Control charting, Regression
Data collection can be more difficult, requiring analysis, etc.)
specific gauges or measurement methods
Analysis of data requires some knowledge of
statistical methods (Control charting, Regression
analysis, etc.)

A JSJ Business

Introduction to Statistics
1. Define basic statistical tools
2. Define types of distributions
3. Understand the Central Limit Theorem
4. Understand normal distributions

A JSJ Business

Population: A group of all possible objects

Subgroup (Sample): One or more observations used to analyze the performance of

a process.

Distribution: A method of describing the output of a stable source of variation, where

individual values as a group form a pattern that can be described in terms of its
location, spread and shape.

A JSJ Business

Measures of Data Distribution

Measures of Location
Mean (Average)
The sum of all data values divided by the number of data points

The most frequently occurring number in a data set

Median (Midpoint)
Measures of Spread
The difference between the largest and smallest values of a data set

Standard Deviation
The square root of the squared distances of each data point from the
mean, divided by the sample size. Also known as Sigma () A JSJ Business

Distribution Types

A JSJ Business

Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem is the basis for
sampling and control charting (of averages).
There are 3 properties associated with the CLT;
1. The distribution of the sample means will approximate a normal
distribution as the sample size increases, even if the population is
2. The average of the sample means will be the same as the
population mean
3. The distribution of the sample means will be narrower than the
distribution of the individuals by a factor of , where n is the

sample size.
A JSJ Business

CLT Property 1
Population Population

The distribution of the sample means

of any population will approximate a
normal distribution as the sample
size increases, even if the population
is non-normal.

Because of this property control

charts (for averages) is based on the
normal distribution.

Distribution of sample A JSJ Business

means from any population

The Normal Distribution

50% 50%

1 = 68.3%
2 = 95.4%
3 = 99.7%

2% 14% 34% 34% 14% 2%

-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

A JSJ Business

A JSJ Business

Process Capability
Understand process capability and specification
Understand the procedure of calculating process
Understand Cp, Cpk, Pp and Ppk indices
Estimating percentage of process beyond
specification limits
Understanding non-normal data
Example capability calculation A JSJ Business

Specification Limits
Individual features
(dimensions) on a product
are assigned specification
How do we determine a
process is able to produce
a part that meets
specification limits? LSL USL
Process Capability!

A JSJ Business

Process Capability and Specification Limits

Process capability is the ability of a process to meet customer requirements.


Acceptable capability Product outside of spec limits

A JSJ Business

Calculating Process Capability

A JSJ Business

Determine Stability

All sample
means and
ranges and in
control and do
not indicate
obvious trends

A JSJ Business

Determine Normality
Placing all data in
a histogram may
be used to help
normality. If the
data represents a
normal curve.

A JSJ Business

Determine Normality
A more statistical method is to use the Anderson Darling test for
In Minitab go to:
Stat > Basic Statistics > Normality Test
Select Anderson Darling and click ok

A JSJ Business

Interpreting Normality
The p-Value must be greater
than or equal to 0.05 to match
the normal distribution.

A JSJ Business

Process Indices
Indices of process variation only, in regard to
Cp and Pp
Indices of process variation and centering
combined, in regard to specification;
Cpk and Ppk

A JSJ Business

Before calculating capability or performance indices we
need to make sure of a couple of things!
1. The process needs to be stable (in control)
2. The process needs to be normal
3. A completed MSA needs to prove the measurement
system is acceptable

If the above items are not met understand the results of the capability studies
may be inaccurate. Also, per the AIAG PPAP manual (4th Edition) if the above
items are not met corrective actions may be required prior to PPAP submittal.

A JSJ Business

Cp Overview

Cp = Potential Process Capability = =

This index indicates potential process capability.

Cp is not impacted by the process location and can only
be calculated for bilateral tolerance.

A JSJ Business

Cp Calculation Size

2 1.128

3 1.693
Cp = =
6 4 2.059
2 5 2.326
6 2.534
7 2.704
8 2.847
USL = Upper specification limit 9 2.970
LSL = Lower specification limit
10 3.078
= Average Range
d2 = a constant value based on subgroup sample size

A JSJ Business

Interpreting Cp
Garage Door Width




Cp = Number of times the car

(distribution) fits in the garage
(specification limit) A JSJ Business

Cpk Overview
Cpk is a capability index. It takes the process location and the capability into
Cpk can be calculated for both single sided (unilateral) and two sided
(bilateral) tolerances.
For bilateral tolerances Cpk is the minimum of CPU and CPL where:

CPU = =
and CPL = =
3 3 3 3
2 2

= Process average
USL = Upper specification limit
LSL = Lower specification limit
= Average Range
d2 = a constant value based on subgroup sample size

Note that is an estimate of the standard deviation A JSJ Business

Cpk Example 2 1.128
3 1.693
GHSP is provided a machined casting with a hole diameter
of 4 2.059

16.5 1.0mm. 5 2.326

The supplier has collected 25 subgroups of 5 measurements 6 2.534

and wants to determine the process capability. 7 2.704
With a subgroup size of 5 d2 is 2.326 (table to right). 8 2.847
If the process average ( ) is 16.507 and the average range 9 2.970
( ) is 0.561, then the Cpk is calculated as follows: 10 3.078

Cpk = Minimum CPU = = , CPL = =
3 3 3 3
2 2

17.5 16.507 16.507 15.5

= Minimum CPU = 0.561 , CPL = 0.561
3 2.326 3 2.326

= Minimum CPU = 1.372 , CPL =1.392

= 1.372 A JSJ Business

Cp / Cpk Review
Cp indicates how many process distribution widths
can fit within specification limits. It does not
consider process location. Because of this it
only indicates potential process capability, not
actual process capability.
Cpk indicates actual process capability, taking into
account both process location and the width of
the process distribution.

A JSJ Business

Pp Overview
This index indicates potential process performance. It
compares the maximum allowable variation as indicated
by tolerance to the process performance
Pp is not impacted by the process location and can only be
calculated for bilateral tolerance.
Pp must be used when reporting capability for PPAP
= Standard deviation
Pp =
6 USL = Upper specification limit
LSL = Lower specification limit

A JSJ Business

Pp and Cp


Cp takes into account within subgroup variation (average range)

Pp takes into account between subgroup variation
A JSJ Business

Ppk Overview
Ppk is a performance index. It indicates actual
process performance, taking into account both
process location and overall process variation.
Ppk shows if a process is actually meeting
customer requirements.
Ppk can be used for both unilateral and bilateral
Ppk must be used when reporting capability for
A JSJ Business

Ppk Calculation
Ppk is the minimum of PPU and PPL where:

PPU = and PPL =
3 3

= Process average
USL = Upper specification limit
LSL = Lower specification limit
= Standard deviation

A JSJ Business

Pp / Ppk Review
Pp indicates how many process distribution widths
can fit within specification limits. It does not
consider process location. Because of this it
only indicates potential process performance,
not actual process performance.
Ppk indicates actual process performance, taking
into account both process location and the width
of the process distribution.

A JSJ Business

A Few Notes
Cpk will always be smaller than Cp, unless the process is centered. If the
process is centered the two value will be the same.
Ppk will always be smaller than Pp, unless the process is centered. If the
process is centered the two values will be the same.
Cp and Pp cannot be calculated for unilateral tolerances.
Cpk and Ppk can be calculated for both unilateral and bilateral tolerances.

Often, short term capability will be calculated using Cp and Cpk. This is

because these indices use to estimate standard deviation, which is a
calculation of within subgroup variation. This calculation tells us how good
a process could potentially be at its best performance.
Pp and Ppk uses the actual (overall or between subgroup) standard
deviation to calculate performance. As such, when reporting capability use
Pp and Ppk. A JSJ Business

Cpk and Ppk Compared

These two data sets contain the
same data.

The top data set is from an

immature process that contains
special cause variation.

The bottom data set has the same

within group variation, but has
between group variation removed.

The bottom data set shows a

process that is in statistical control.

This example may be found in the AIAG SPC (Second

Edition) Manual on page 136
A JSJ Business
Process Indices Review

Process Indices Interpretation

1. Cp = 4.01, Cpk = 4.01 1. This process is stable
Pp = 4.00 , Ppk = 3.99 and produces almost all
parts within specification
2. Cp = 0.27, Cpk = 0.26
2. Significant common
Pp = 0.25, Ppk = 0.24
cause variation exists
3. Cp = 4.01, Cpk = -2.00
3. Significant special cause
Pp = 3.99, Ppk = -2.01
variation exists
4. Improvement can be
4. Cp = 4.01, Cpk = 4.00 made by centering the
Pp = 2.01, Ppk = 2.00 process
A JSJ Business

Estimating Percent Out of Specification

To estimate the

USL = 182
LSL = 160
percentage of product
that falls outside of the
specification limits we
need to compute Zupper
and Zlower
For this example
assume an average 167.8 178.6 189.4
range of 8.4 from a
stable process using a
sample size of 5
Zlower is the number of Zupper is the number of
standard deviations standard deviations
between the average between the average
and the LSL and theA USL
JSJ Business

Estimating Percent Out of Specification


USL = 182
LSL = 160

= = 3.6
2 2.326

Zupper =

182.0 178.6
Zupper = = 0.94
167.8 178.6 189.4 3.6

Zlower =

The LSL is The USL is
5.17 from 0.94 from
178.6 160.0
Zlower = = 5.17
A JSJ Business

Estimating Percent Out of Specification

USL = Next, we need to reference a z table.

From the z table we find 0.94, which


corresponds to a proportion of 0.1736

This convert to 17.36% defective or

173,600 PPM
167. 178. 189.
8 6 4

= 0.94

A JSJ Business

Understanding Non-Normal Data

What happens when data used for capability is not
normally distributed?
Cp and Pp indices are robust in their accuracy with
regards to non-normal data.
Cpk and Ppk indices are not robust with regards to
non-normal data.
Calculating (and making decisions based on) Ppk and
Cpk indices assuming normality with non-normal data
can be misleading.

A JSJ Business

Understanding Non-Normal Data

What do I do if my data is not normal?
Gather more data
This may or may not be an option given timing and cost.
The Central Limit Theorem (covered earlier) states that all population
means resemble the normal distribution with larger sample size
Transform the data
Using either the Box-Cox or Johnson transformations we can transform
non-normal data to a near normal form
This allows use to accurately calculate Cpk and Ppk indices and the
proportion nonconforming
Calculate capabilities based on different distributions
A JSJ Business

Box-Cox Transformation
The goal of the Box-Cox transformation is to identify a
Lambda value ().
The Lambda value will then be used in the function X to
transform the data (X) from a non-normal set into a
normal data set.
The formula for this transformation is W=X where:
-5 5
and = 0 for the natural log transformation
= 0.5 for the square root transformation

A JSJ Business

Box-Cox in Practice
The Box-Cox transformation can be used in Minitabs capability
analysis of normal data.
When running a capability study in Minitab select:
Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Sixpack > Normal
Then select Transform and check Box-Cox power

A JSJ Business

Johnson Transformation
The Johnson Transformation uses a system of transformations that
yield approximate normality.
The Johnson Transformation covers:
Bounded data
Log normal data
Unbounded data
This system of transformations cover all possible unimodal
distribution forms (skewness-kurtosis)
This transformation can also be ran in Minitab

A JSJ Business

Johnson Transformation in Practice

The Johnson Transformation can be used in Minitabs capability
analysis of normal data.
When running a capability study in Minitab select:
Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Sixpack > Normal
Then select Transform and check Box-Cox power

A JSJ Business

Example Process Capability

Using the data below captured from an early pre-
production run calculate initial process capability.
0.6413 0.6416 The process specification is 0.642 +0.001 / -0.002
0.6415 0.6417
0.6415 0.6415 30 data points were collected (subgroup of 1)
0.6412 0.6416
0.6413 0.6416
0.6415 0.6414
0.6413 0.6415
0.6414 0.6418
0.6415 0.6417
0.6418 0.6417
0.6416 0.6415
0.6415 0.6417
0.6414 0.6415
0.6418 0.6415
0.6416 0.6416
A JSJ Business

Is the data stable?

A JSJ Business

Is the data normal?

A JSJ Business

Calculate Capability

A JSJ Business

Analyze Results

Process Stable?

Data set normal?


Capability Acceptable?

A JSJ Business

The organization
Listens and reacts
The process talks -Root cause The process
through the -Learning (Understanding)
-Corrective Action
control chart
-Share knowledge

A JSJ Business

Why do we need process control?

Why prevention instead of detection?

Detection tolerates waste, Prevention avoids it.

A JSJ Business

There are two types of variation
1. Common Cause
The many factors that result in variation that is consistently acting on a
process. If only common causes are present in a process it is considered
stable and in control. If only common cause variation is present in a
process the process outcome is predictable.

2. Special Cause
Also known as assignable causes, special causes are factors that result in
variation that only affect some of the process output. Special cause
variation results in one or more points outside of controls limits and / or
non-random patterns of points within control limits. Special cause variation
is not predictable and, if present in a process, results in instability and out
of control conditions. A JSJ Business

Common Cause Variation

If only common
cause variation is
present in a process
it will result in an
output that is stable
over time and
predictable Prediction

Common cause variation can result in,

for example, slight variation in the size
of a bolt (exaggerated visual)

A JSJ Business

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