Photos of Gulbarga City

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Aiwan Sh..

Aiwan Sh..

Arbindo ..

Buddha M..

Central ..


CMC Garden




Forte Gu..


Haft Gum..

Khaja Ba..



Picture ..

Picture ..

Picture ..

Picture ..

Railway ..
Ram mand..

Ram mand..

Sheik Ro..

Sri Shar..

Sri Shar..






Buddha S..

Buddha S..

Buddha V..

Buddha V..

Night Vi..

Statue o..

Pooja Ma..

Prayer H..

Dr Ambed..

Front Vi..

Gulbarga Fort - An extensive piece of work, the Gulbarga fort was originally built by Raja Gulchand
and afterwards strengthened by Ala-Ud-Din Bahmani. The fort with its 15 towers and 26 guns has
witnessed many a battle and suffered many an onslaught. Razed to the ground by Krishna Devaraya
of Vijaynagar, it rose like a phoenix when Adil Shah undertook its repair with booty captured from

Khwaza Bande Nawaz Dargah - The most important monument in Gulbarga is probably The
Khwaza Bande Nawaz Dargah. The tomb of the great sufi saint, Khwaza Syed Mohammad Gesu
Daraz, popularly known as Khwaza Bande Nawaz. This is a magnificent building built in the Indo-
Saracenic style. The dargah is the venue of an annual 'Urs', which is attended by nearly one
thousand people, both Hindus and Muslims.
Jumma Masjid - This huge mosque built by Feroze Shah, covering an area of 38016 sq. feet
resembles the great mosque of Cardova in Spain. The architectural style is typically Persian, with
stilted domes and narrow entrances.
Book your Tour to Gulbarga

Excursions :

Ganigapur - A few kms from Gulbarga is Ganigapur. A famous centre of Dattatreya worship, this
pilgrim centre has the sacred math of Shri Narasimha Saraswathi. The confluence of the rivers
Amreja and Bhima attracts many pilgrims who take a holy dip here. A huge 'jatra' is held here every
year in the month of February. This place is popularly known as 'Deval Ganagapur' to the pilgrims.

Malkhed - A Jain centre in the past, many Jain sculptures and bronzes have been found here.
Malkhed is also famous for having produced two great personalities, namely, Tikacharya, the
Madhava saint and Pushpadanta, the poet who wrote during the reign of Krishan II, the Rashtrakuta

Shorapur - Also known as Surpur, is the picturesque town on a ridge, surrounded by hills. It is
dotted with temples, palaces, mosques and 'ashur-khanas'. An imposing fort is nearby. Taylor's
Manzil, the residence of Col. Meadows Taylor, an Englishman appointed by the British, as a political
agent to the state is a beautiful building.

Sonthi - An important pilgrim centre, Sonthi houses the renowned Chandralamba Temple with the
sacred Bhima river flowing besides it. On the either side of the main entrance are huge mantapas. In
the inner courtyard are 12 lingas and the statues of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Saraswathi.

Narayanpur Dam - Across the Krishna river is a huge engineering feat. The Narayanpur Dam,
inaugurated in 1982, is set among beautiful gardens.

Sharapur - This is a Buddhist centre and the sleeping Buddha shaped mountain is worth seeing

Kembavi - 29 kms north west of Sharapur, this place is noted for its relations with Bahamani

Gulbarga - Land of Fascinations

Situated at a distance of 600 Km from capital city of Bangalore, to the north east of
Karnataka, Gulbarga is a city rich in history. In fact, it is more closer to Hyderabad, the
capital of Andhra Pradesh. The city was once under a Hindu Ruler before Bahman Shah
took over. This led to an amalgamation of two cultures that is visible even today.
Bahman Shah chose Gulbarga as his capital when he took over the throne of
Daulatabad. Scattered with numerous monuments, one can see the ancient and the
earliest forms of Islamic architecture in Gulbarga. Most of the structures are from the
13th - 15th century.

The name Gulbarga comes from the Kannada word Kaliburgi which means 'the stony
land'. And the barren lands with age old buildings, give the same picture. So it is better
to visit the city after the monsoons, during October and February months which are
early winters.

Attractions - Tribute To Karnataka's Past

Most of the attractions in Gulbarga are historically important. Places like Gulbarga Fort,
Jumma Masjid and Khwaja Bande Nawaz Dargah not only attracts tourists but also the
attention of historians. Buddhist sites of Sannathi have revealed a lot about the history
of Gulbarga and nearby areas. For people interested in the golden history of India,
Gulbarga is a must visit.


Situated on the banks of Bhima River, at a distance of 40 kilometers from Gulbarga,

Sannathi is the largest Buddhist site in Karnataka. Number of pilgrims visit Sannathi to
visit the famous Chandralamba Temple. It is an 11th century temple which is dedicated
to Goddess Durga. Being the largest Buddhist site in Karnataka, it holds a great
archaeological importance. Numerous relief slabs of Satavahanas reign, which covered
domes of Buddhist Stupas have been recovered in Chandralamba Temple. One relief
depicts the birth of Buddha and one has a throne, footprints and a Bodhi tree drawn on
it. You will find number of slabs used as steps for a bathing ghat near the temple.

Gulbarga Fort

Gulbarga Fort still is the most prominent structure in the city. Built by Raja Gulchand,
the fort was fortified and expanded by Alauddin Bahman. The fort has been seized by
many rulers and has faced many wars. King Krishnadevaraya once completely
decimated the fort. But Adil Shah soon rebuilt it the way it was with the bounty looted
from Vijayanagar. Gulbarga Fort now houses many mosques, temples, huge buildings,
towers and guns. Although most of the fort is in ruins and presents a sorry state, the
walls still resonate its old aura and grandeur.

Khwaja Bande Nawaz Dargah

Khwaja Bande Nawaz Dargah is among the holiest Muslim shrines in South India. It is
the tomb of Syed Mohammed Gesu Daraz which is situated right in the center of the
town. Dargah, built in Indo-Saracenic style. However you will get to see more than one
form of architecture here. The arches of the dargah are typical examples of Bahmani
architecture, whereas the paintings that are found on the walls and ceilings are
strikingly similar to Iranian and Turkish paintings. The main attraction of the dargah is
the annual urus held here. Thousands of pilgrims from all over India visits Khwaja
Bande Nawaz Dargah to pay their homage. What is most heartening about the event is
the participation of both Hindus and Muslims, which puts light on the communal
harmony that prevails here. Also visit the library of the Dargah that contains more than
10,000 books written in Urdu, Arabic and Persian.

Jumma Masjid

Situated inside the premises of the fort, Jumma Masjid is among the oldest mosques to
come up in South India. The structure of the mosque has huge resemblance to the
famous Mosque of Cordova in Spain. Jumma Masjid was built by Muhammed Bahmani
in the year 1367. The roof of the mosque is the striking difference that comes in notice.
There are 68 domes on the top seem to like a collection of huge pots. The style of
architecture is Persian with
Story of Sannati Chandralamba Devi Temple:
Seethuraja was evil King and takes away Chandrala the wife of Naryana Muni. In order to get back
naryana Muni goes to Kashmir place called Hingula Peeth and prayed Godess Hingulambike. Pleasing
with his bhakthi Hingula agreed to come to his place to destroy evil king with a condition that he
should not turn back till he reaches his place. naryana Muni agreed and started journey. during
journey he used to ensure the devi following him by her dizzling sound of Anklets. He came near place
called Sannati where Bhima flows with lot of roaring sound where he had doubt when sound was
feabled and turned back. Then Devi stood there only but gave him a coconut and said take it his place
and break in fornt of evil king. he did the same. Then thousands of bees came out it and forced the
king to drown int he bhima river. Thus this godess is also called as Brimarambika also. Accomodation
is available by trustee of the temple. Must see place when you viist Gulbarga

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