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Annotation Key:

(1) This reports NWEA MAP scores from Fall 2015 to Spring 2016.

(2) The sixth grade data in the red frame is the data I am presenting to demonstrate the growth my students made in the 2015-2016
school year.

(3) This report was pulled from a sampling of 45 students who had assessment data available from the start and end terms.

(4) On the Fall 2015 MAP assessment, the mean RIT score was 204. This represents average achievement on the Fall 2015 MAP

(5) The standard deviation of scores on the Fall 2015 MAP assessment is 15.1, which illustrates that the sixth grade scores had a wider
deviation than the seventh and eighth grade scores.

(6) On the Spring 2016 MAP assessment, the mean RIT score was 210.4. This represents average achievement on the Spring 2016
MAP assessment.

(7) The standard deviation of scores on the Spring 2016 MAP assessment is 15.0, which illustrates that the sixth grade scores had a
wider deviation than the seventh and eighth grade scores.

(8) The observed growth between Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 was 6.4 RIT. According to the MAP Scoring Chart, typical mean growth
between the beginning-of-year and end-of-year term is 4.8 RIT. My students exceeded this typical mean growth by 1.6 RIT. This
demonstrates that students grew by over a year in one school year.

(9) The projected growth for students was 5.7 RIT, so students exceeded this projection by 1.19 RIT.

(10) This graphical comparison illustrates that my sixth grade students made 2.3 RIT more growth than the seventh grade students at
my school and comparable growth to the eighth grade students at my school.

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