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Work Ethic Grading Rubric Visual Arts | Wolf

Exemplary Excellent Acceptable Needs Work Unacceptable

(25 points) (24 points) (20 points) (15 points) (12 points)

Student does extra to Student ensures that any Student takes care of most Student might clean or Student actively
ensure that art materials art materials they use are of the materials they use, care for tools & materials, contributes to the wear &
Care & and tools are well taken well taken care of, but may not always fully but regularly neglects to destruction of tools.
Management care of, including cleaned, and ready for use clean or care for leave tools and materials
of Materials additional upkeep, by others. tools/media. ready for use by others.
cleaning, & inventory.

Student puts in extra Student makes sure to Student does a minimum Student might put away Student does not do any
effort to ensure that the keep any areas of the amount of cleaning up some materials, but leaves amount of cleaning up
Studio entire studio space studio they use are left after themselves and may behind most mess they after themselves and
remains clean, organized, clean, organized, and leave some materials create during studio time. leaves the studio
Upkeep & ready for use by all. ready for use. organized or ready for significantly unready for
use. use by others.

Student uses the entirety Student uses the bulk of Student is on task about Student might use some Student fails to use studio
of class time, as well as class time to actively half of the time, and time for work on projects, time productively &
Productive of optional studio time, to engage with the current mostly uses their on task but often is off task and actively contributes to the
Use of Studio actively engage with the topic, technique, & time to pursue the topic, distracting to others. distraction/off task time
Time current topic, technique, assignment. technique, & assignment. of others.
& assignment.

Student goes out of their Student regularly speaks Student usually speaks Student rarely uses kind Student actively
way to be kind to others, kindly and shows respect kindly and helps words & does not often undermines the
Community build up the esteem of in an effort to contribute contribute to a respectful speak to others - or about community of kindness &
others, & foster respectful to a comfortable classroom community, their artwork - with respect in the studio.
Contributions community connections classroom community. but sometimes does not. respect.
in the studio.

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