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Quantitative analysis of serum sodium concentration

after prolonged running in the heat

Lindsay B. Baker, James A. Lang and W. Larry Kenney
J Appl Physiol 105:91-99, 2008. First published 1 May 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00130.2008

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J Appl Physiol 105: 9199, 2008.
First published May 1, 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00130.2008.

Quantitative analysis of serum sodium concentration after prolonged running

in the heat
Lindsay B. Baker, James A. Lang, and W. Larry Kenney
Noll Laboratory, Kinesiology Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Submitted 4 February 2008; accepted in final form 28 April 2008

Baker LB, Lang JA, Kenney WL. Quantitative analysis of of S[Na] and the symptoms associated with EAH are mediated
serum sodium concentration after prolonged running in the heat. by the consumption of fluid at a rate that grossly exceeds
J Appl Physiol 105: 9199, 2008. First published May 1, 2008; sweating rate. The model also predicts that S[Na] is moder-
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00130.2008.This study compared mea- ately sensitive to changes in the mass electrolyte balance of
sured serum [Na] (S[Na]; brackets denote concentration) with that Na and K (E), such that the consumption of a carbohy-
predicted by the Nguyen-Kurtz equation after manipulating ingested
drate-electrolyte solution (CES) will attenuate the decline in
[Na] and changes in body mass (BM) during prolonged running in
the heat. Athletes (4 men, 4 women; 2236 yr) ran for 2 h, followed S[Na] compared with the consumption of water alone (14, 27).
by a run to exhaustion and 1-h recovery. During exercise and recov- This theoretical model provides a practical means for athletes
ery, subjects drank a 6% carbohydrate solution without Na (Na0), to predict changes in S[Na] so as to decrease their risk of EAH.
6% carbohydrate solution with 18 mmol/l Na (Na18), or 6% However, predictions using this model have not been directly
carbohydrate solution with 30 mmol/l Na (Na30) to maintain BM compared with empirical data of postexercise S[Na] in athletes
(0%BM), increase BM by 2%, or decrease BM by 2% or 4% in 12 with known preexercise S[Na], BM, sweating rates, sweat
separate trials. Net fluid, Na, and K balance were measured to [Na] and [K] (brackets denote concentration), fluid intake,

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calculate the Nguyen-Kurtz predicted S[Na] for each trial. For all and Na and K intake in a controlled laboratory setting.
beverages, predicted and measured S[Na] were not significantly Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to compare
different during the 0%, 2%, and 4%BM trials (0.2 0.2 measured S[Na] with that predicted by the Nguyen-Kurtz
mmol/l) but were significantly different during the 2%BM trials equation in athletes after prolonged running in the heat to
(2.6 0.5 mmol/l). Overall, Na consumption attenuated the
assess the equations accuracy. A second goal of the study was
decline in S[Na] (2.0 0.5, 0.9 0.5, 0.5 0.5 mmol/l from
pre- to postexperiment of the 0%BM trials for Na30, Na18, and to measure the effects of beverage [Na] (0, 18, and 30
Na0, respectively) but the differences among beverages were not mmol/l) and pre- to postexercise BM (2%, 0%, 2%, and
statistically significant. Beverage [Na] did not affect performance; 4%) on measured S[Na]. Furthermore, we aimed to measure
however, time to exhaustion was significantly shorter during the 4% the effects of a BM deficit (2% and 4%) vs. fluid consump-
(8 3 min) and 2% (14 3 min) vs. 0% (22 5 min) and 2% tion to match sweating rate (i.e., 0%BM) on prolonged
(26 6 min) BM trials. In conclusion, when athletes maintain or running performance in the heat. We hypothesized that 1) the
lose BM, changes in S[Na] can be accurately predicted by changes in Nguyen-Kurtz equation would accurately predict the measured
the mass balance of fluid, Na, and K during prolonged running in postexercise S[Na], 2) increased [Na] in a CES would atten-
the heat. uate the decline in S[Na] compared with a beverage with no
Nguyen-Kurtz equation; carbohydrate-electrolyte solution; hydration; Na, 3) an increase in BM as a result of overdrinking relative
hyponatremia; endurance performance to sweat losses (2%BM) would be associated with a de-
crease in S[Na], and 4) a decrease in BM via underdrinking
relative to sweat losses (2% and 4%BM) would impair
EXERCISE-ASSOCIATED HYPONATREMIA (EAH) is defined as a se- endurance performance compared with maintenance of preex-
rum sodium concentration (S[Na]) less than 135 mmol/l and ercise BM (0%BM).
occurs primarily in endurance events such as marathons, ultra-
marathons, and triathlons (15). Although the condition is rare, MATERIALS AND METHODS
severe EAH (typically S[Na] 125 mmol/l) can result in Subjects. Eight very active subjects (4 men, 4 women; 2236 yr)
cerebral/pulmonary edema, coma, and death (1, 15, 22). There- volunteered to participate in this study. Subjects were informed of the
fore, research regarding the mechanisms and prevention of experimental procedures and associated risks before providing writ-
EAH has been of utmost importance since it was first described ten, informed consent. This study was approved by the Institutional
in 1985 (18). Montain et al. (14) and Weschler (27) have Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at the Pennsyl-
completed detailed theoretical quantitative analyses on sodium vania State University. Preliminary screening included a physical
balance and, by extension, the etiology of EAH, using a exam and a graded-exercise test on a treadmill to determine maximal
oxygen uptake (V O2max). Criteria for the subjects inclusion were
prediction equation developed by Kurtz and Nguyen (10) to O2max 50 ml kg1 min1 for men and 45 ml kg1 min1 for
calculate postexercise S[Na] on the basis of changes in the women, running 32 km per wk, and not currently taking medica-
mass balance of water, Na, and K (14, 27). tions or oral supplements that could interfere with study results. All
The mathematical model predicts that S[Na] is most sensi- women were eumenorrheic with regular cycles (natural, n 2; oral
tive to changes in total body water and thus the primary cause contraceptive users, n 2) and were tested within 7 days after the
of EAH is an increase in body mass (BM). That is, the dilution
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: L. B. Baker, Gato- of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement
rade Sports Science Institute, 617 West Main St., Barrington, IL 60010. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

http://www. 8750-7587/08 $8.00 Copyright 2008 the American Physiological Society 91

onset of menstruation. No subjects reported having experienced EAH of their BM by the end of the 2 h of interval running. The 2% gain in
previously. Sample characteristics are presented in Table 1. BM was titrated over the 2-h interval running protocol so that BM
Preexperiment control. All subjects had been engaged in 12 wk gain was achieved gradually (to maximize fluid retention and mini-
of regular running before participation in the study and maintained a mize gastrointestinal discomfort).
consistent training schedule until completion of all experimental trials. Performance run. At the end of the 2-h interval running protocol,
Subjects were instructed to eat their typical prerace diet the evening subjects voided and then had their BM measured. Next, subjects drank
before and to abstain from heavy exercise, alcohol, and caffeine at the appropriate volume of Na0, Na18, or Na30 or drank no fluid
least 24 h before each trial. Diet logs were kept by the subjects to to maintain the desired %BM. The performance run commenced 15
facilitate consistent food and fluid consumption for 24 h before each min after the end of the final interval running bout. During the
trial. Subjects reported to the laboratory at 0700 on the morning of test performance test subjects ran at a speed corresponding to 85% V O2max
days after an overnight fast. Immediately upon arrival, a blood sample until exhaustion. Subjects were instructed to run until volitional
was obtained to confirm normal baseline hydration and Na status. fatigue and received a monetary incentive. No fluid was consumed
Subjects were considered euhydrated when serum osmolality was and no verbal encouragement or feedback on run time or distance was
290 mosmol/l (22) and eunatremic when S[Na] was 135145 given to subjects during the performance run. Time to exhaustion was
mmol/l. recorded to the nearest second. HR, BP, Tc, and RPE were recorded
Experimental procedure. There were 12 experimental trials (3 at the end of the performance run. Seven subjects repeated one trial to
beverages at 4 different %BM). In separate trials, subjects drank determine the repeatability of the performance test. The beverage and
fluid or no fluid to 1) maintain BM (0%), 2) increase BM by 2%, %BM of repeat trials were selected at random and the subjects were
3) decrease BM by 2%, or 4) decrease BM by 4%. The beverages blinded as to which trial they were repeating.
were 1) a 6% carbohydrate solution without Na (Na0), 2) a 6% Recovery. During the first 10 min of recovery, subjects walked at
carbohydrate solution with 18 mmol/l Na (Na18), and 3) 6% 2.5 mph for a gradual cooldown. Next, subjects sat quietly in the
carbohydrate solution with 30 mmol/l Na (Na30). Experimental environmental chamber (30C and 40% relative humidity) for a
trials were scheduled at least 1 wk apart and were assigned in random 50-min recovery period to allow fluid compartments to stabilize and
order. Both the subject and investigator were blinded to the beverage capillary filtration pressure to return to resting values. This was
consumed during the trials. important because the Nguyen-Kurtz equation was derived from

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The night before each experiment, subjects swallowed an ingestible measurements made at rest. The subjects BM was measured at 10
temperature sensor for the measurement of body core temperature min, 30 min, and end of the recovery period. Subjects drank fluid
(Tc). On test days, subjects had an 18-gauge Teflon catheter placed in (either Na0, Na18, or Na30) or no fluid during the 50-min
an antecubital vein, voided their bladder, and then entered an envi- recovery period to maintain the desired %BM. Urine samples were
ronmental chamber set at 30C and 40% relative humidity. Next, the collected at the beginning (as needed) and at the end of the 50-min
subject sat quietly for 30 min before the baseline heart rate (HR), recovery period. During exercise and recovery, fans were placed
blood pressure (BP), Tc, and blood sample were obtained. Next, the around the subject to promote evaporation of sweat and minimize the
subjects initial BM was measured to the nearest 0.05 kg. All BM amount of sweat trapped in their clothing and shoes.
measurements during the experiment were taken with the subject Sweat collection. Sterile sweat patches (PharmChem) were placed
wearing lightweight running shorts, sport bra (women), thin socks, on the forehead, forearm, scapula, upper chest, and anterior thigh of
and running shoes. Next, the subject ran for seven 15-min bouts (70% subjects during the second rest period. The subjects skin was cleaned
V O2max) each separated by 2 min of rest (2 h of interval running total). with an alcohol swab and dried before the sweat patches were applied.
Twelve minutes into each running bout, HR, BP, Tc, rating of The patches were removed when an adequate sample was obtained.
perceived exertion (RPE), and a blood sample were obtained. Urine The patches were then placed in air-tight plastic tubes (Sarstedt
samples were collected during rest periods as needed so that BM Salivette) and then centrifuged at 4C for 15 min. The sweat samples
measurements did not include bladder volume. The criteria for termi- were aliquoted into cryovials and refrigerated until analysis.
nating a trial before the planned 2 h were S[Na] 132 mmol/l or Blood, urine, and sweat analysis. Venous blood samples (9 ml
Tc 39C. each) were drawn without stasis. A 2-ml aliquot was transferred into
Drink protocol. During each rest period, the subjects were toweled an EDTA-treated test tube and immediately analyzed for hematocrit
off and then had their BM measured. During the 0%BM trials, (microhematocrit centrifugation) and hemoglobin (Hemacue Hb
subjects drank fluid (either Na0, Na18, or Na30) volumes during 201). The remaining 7-ml aliquot was transferred into a serum
the rest periods to maintain their initial BM. During the 2 and separator tube, allowed 30 60 min to clot, and then centrifuged at
4%BM trials, fluid was restricted until the subjects reached their 4C for 15 min. All of the following measurements were made in
target BM. If the subjects BM fell below their target BM, they triplicate. Serum was analyzed for [Na], [K] (S[K]), and osmola-
ingested enough fluid (either Na0, Na18, or Na30) to maintain lity (Sosm; freezing point depression, Advanced DigiMatic Osmome-
the desired %BM. During the 2%BM trials, subjects drank the ter model 3D2). Urine samples were analyzed for volume (Uvol),
necessary fluid (either Na0, Na18, or Na30) volumes to gain 2% [Na] (U[Na]), and [K] (U[K]). Sweat was analyzed for [Na]
(Sw[Na]) and [K] (Sw[K]). Serum [Na] and [K] were measured
by the ion-specific electrode method (Diamond Diagnostics, Ciba
Table 1. Sample characteristics Corning 614), and urine and sweat [Na] and [K] were measured via
flame photometry (Instrumentation Laboratory model IL943). The
Men (n 4) Women (n 4) All Subjects (n 8) two methods for [Na] and [K] analysis were compared in a subset
Age, yr 282 283 282 of serum samples, and the coefficient of variation (CV) between
Weight, kg 745 583 664 methods was 0.8 and 2.5% for [Na] and [K], respectively.
Height, cm 1804 1694 1754 Measurements. HR was measured by use of a Polar monitor, and
Body fat, % 112 161 131 BP was measured by brachial auscultation (sphygmomanometry).
O2max, ml kg1 min1
V 592 493 542 RPE was assessed by the Borg scale (3). BM was measured to the
Training distance, km/wk 5810 548 566 nearest 0.05 kg via a Seca 770 scale. A CorTemp Disposable Tem-
Sweat Na, mmol/l* 648 4714 568 perature Sensor (COR-100) and CorTemp Recorder (CT-2000) were
Values are means SE. *Mean sweat sodium concentration (Na) used to measure Tc.
O2max, maximal oxygen consump-
measured during the experimental trials. V Calculations. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was calculated as
tion. MAP [1/3] pulse pressure diastolic BP. The percent change in
J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008
plasma volume (PV) from baseline (PV) was calculated from he- Table 2. Beverage composition, mean net % change in body
matocrit and hemoglobin (5). Volume of sweat loss (Swvol) was mass, and net change in E (Na and K) for each trial
calculated from BM corrected for fluid consumed and urine ex-
creted. Total sweat Na and K loss were calculated from Sw[Na] Na0 (Na: Na18 (Na: Na30 (Na:
and Sw[K] and Swvol. Total urine Na and K loss were calculated 0 mmol/l; 18 mmol/l; 30 mmol/l;
Target BM K: 0 mmol/l) K: 3 mmol/l) K: 11 mmol/l)
from U[Na] and U[K] and Uvol. The net change in total Na and K
(E) was calculated as [Na K intake] [(Na and K sweat Measured BM, %
loss) (Na and K urine loss)]. 2% BM 1.80.2 1.70.1 1.90.1
Predicted postexperiment S[Na] was calculated according to Kurtz 0% BM 0.00.1 0.10.1 0.20.1
and Nguyen (10): 2% BM 2.00.1 2.10.1 2.10.1
4% BM* 3.30.1 3.40.2 3.40.3
S [Na] {[(S [Na]i 23.8) TBW i 1.03 E]/ Net E, mmol
2% BM 13914 6521 1422
(TBW i TBW)} 23.8 0% BM 14016 9821 5420
2% BM 14725 13123 11819
where S[Na]i was initial serum [Na], TBWi was initial total body 4% BM 17519 16828 16027
water (TBW) (assume 0.73 of fat-free mass, Ref. 20), and TBW
was the pre- to postexperiment change in TBW (assume BM). Values are means SE; n 8 for all trials except 4% BM (Na0, n
Sweat [Na] and [K] were measured in samples collected from 4; Na18, n 5; Na30, n 5). Target BM, target net change in body mass
all five sites. However, the [Na] and [K] reported and used for all from pre- to postexperiment; E, net change in Na and K from pre- to
calculations in the present study were from the forearm and chest, postexperiment. All fluids contained 6% carbohydrate. *Only 3 of 8 subjects
had sweating rates high enough to reach 4% BM; P 0.05, vs. Na0
respectively, since these regional sites have been reported to be the
within the same % BM; P 0.05, vs. Na18 within the same % BM.
most highly correlated with whole body sweat [Na] and [K] (21).
Subjective ratings. The survey was administered immediately after
the 2-h interval running period and at the end of the 50-min recovery data in the analyses (when computing ANOVAs, PROC
period. The survey consisted of 100-point visual analog rating scales MIXED still analyzes data from all subjects, even if some have

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that assessed lightheadedness, windedness, stomach bloating, sloshing
of stomach contents, stomach upset, side stitch/ache, total body
missing data). The n for each trial is provided in all tables and
fatigue, muscle cramping, and the saltiness of the beverages. Subjec- figures. Also, it should be noted that, for simplicity, all trials
tive ratings were assessed by having subjects place a pen mark on the will hereafter be referred to as the target %BM (as indicated
100-point scales between the extreme answers at the opposite ends of in all tables and figures), not the measured %BM.
the line [ranging from none (0) to very or severe (100)] to Fluid, Na, K, and carbohydrate intake during each trial
represent their perceived intensity of the attribute (see Ref. 13 for a are presented in Table 3. As predicted, subjects consumed
more detailed description of linear rating scales). significantly more fluid and carbohydrate during 2% vs. 0%
Statistical analysis. Fluid and sodium balance data, physiological vs. 2% vs. 4%BM, respectively. Na intake was signif-
variables, time to exhaustion, and subjective ratings were analyzed by icantly higher during Na30 vs. Na18 during the 2% and
two-way ANOVA (beverage vs. %BM) with repeated measures. 0%BM trials.
The Tukey honestly significant difference test was performed when
main effects were found. PROC MIXED in SAS 9.1 was used to
Fluid, Na, and K loss during each trial are presented in
perform the ANOVA tests. An intraclass correlation coefficient was Table 4. There were no significant differences among bever-
used to test the reliability of performance between repeated trials and ages within each %BM. Total Uvol was significantly higher
the reliability between predicted and measured postexperiment S[Na] during 2% vs. 0% (P 0.0001), 2% (P 0.0001), and
(23). The slope and intercept of the regression line and line of 4% (P 0.0001) BM trials. There were no statistical
identity of the scatterplot for predicted vs. measured S[Na] were differences in urine Na loss, sweat volume, or sweat Na loss
compared to determine the accuracy of the Nguyen-Kurtz equation among trials. No subject became hyponatremic during the trials
in predicting postexperiment S[Na]. A paired t-test was also used (the lowest measured S[Na] was 136 mmol/l).
to determine whether there was a significant difference between Predicted vs. measured S[Na]. The relation between pre-
predicted and measured postexperiment S[Na]. The significance dicted and measured postexperiment S[Na] are presented in
level for all statistical tests was set to alpha 0.05. All data are
presented as means SE.
Fig. 1. When 2%, 0%, 2%, and 4%BM were all
included in the analysis (left), the slope (0.71) of the regression
RESULTS line was significantly different from one and the intercept (42)
was significantly different from zero. Additionally, the paired
Fluid and sodium balance. The measured net %BM and t-test results showed a significant difference between predicted
net E for each trial are presented in Table 2. The measured and measured S[Na] (P 0.00) when all trials were included
%BM was similar to the target %BM in all except the in the analysis. However, when the 2%BM trials were
4%BM trials. Five of the eight subjects did not have excluded from the analysis (right), the slope (0.84) and inter-
sweating rates high enough to reach 4%BM. Their actual cept (23) of the regression line were not significantly different
BM after total fluid restriction was 2.9 0.1%. Because from one and zero, respectively (additionally, paired t-test P
these five subjects (4 women, 1 man) did not consume any fluid 0.42). Furthermore, the intraclass correlation coefficient be-
during this trial, a beverage Na comparison at 4%BM for tween predicted and measured S[Na] was 0.90. The mean
these subjects was not possible. Thus these five subjects were difference between predicted and measured postexperiment
only asked to complete one 4%BM trial. A total of 86 trials S[Na] was 0.8 0.2 for all trials and 0.2 0.2 when the
were completed (24 trials at 2%BM, 24 trials at 0%BM, 2%BM trials were excluded.
24 trials at 2%BM, and 14 trials at 4%BM), all of which Physiological data. There were no differences in baseline
were included in the statistical analyses. The target 4%BM S[Na] and Sosm among trials. The mean S[Na] and Sosm at
trials that were not completed (10 total) were treated as missing baseline were 142.4 0.2 and 285.5 0.3, respectively. The
J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008

Table 3. Total fluid, sodium, potassium, and carbohydrate exhaustion was significantly shorter during the 2% vs. 0%
intake during each trial (P 0.01) and 2% (P 0.0005) BM trials and during the
4% vs. 0% (P 0.002) and 2% (P 0.0001) BM trials.
Target BM and Beverage
Fluid Volume,
There was no statistical performance difference between 2
and 4%BM (P 0.56) or between 0 and 2%BM (P
2% 0.49) trials. The intraclass correlation coefficient between
Na0 (n 8) 4.20.3 0 0 23315
Na18 (n 8) 3.90.3 716 121 22017 repeated trials was 0.96 and the CV between repeated trials
Na30 (n 8) 3.70.3 1139 413 21118 was 10 2%.
0% Subjective ratings. Subjects responses on the 100-point
Na0 (n 8) 2.60.2 0 0 14510 visual analog rating scales are presented in Table 6. At the end
Na18 (n 8) 2.70.2 494 81 15311
Na30 (n 8) 2.60.2 785 292 1459 of the 2-h interval running period, subjects felt significantly
2% more lightheadedness, windedness, and total body fatigue
Na0 (n 8) 1.10.1 0 0 628 during the 2% vs. the 2% (P 0.03, P 0.04, and P
Na18 (n 8) 1.00.2 183 31 559 0.01, respectively) and 0% (P 0.02, P 0.01, and P 0.02,
Na30 (n 8) 1.00.1 284 111 547
4% respectively) BM trials and during the 4% vs. the 2%
Na0 (n 4) 0.10.1 0 0 72 (P 0.0001, P 0.0002, and P 0.001, respectively) and 0%
Na18 (n 5) 0.20.1 41 11 122 (P 0.0001, P 0.0001, and P 0.003, respectively) BM
Na30 (n 5) 0.10.1 42 21 84 trials. There was also a significant difference between the 2%
Values are means SE. *P 0.05, among each % BM; P 0.05, vs. and 4%BM trials for ratings of lightheadedness (P 0.03)
Na0; P 0.05 vs. Na18. and windedness (P 0.01). Additionally, subjects rated their
muscle cramping higher during the 4% vs. the 2% (P
S[Na], Sosm, and %PV from pre- to postexperiment are 0.04) and 0% (P 0.04) BM trials. At the end of recovery,

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presented in Fig. 2. During the 2%BM trials, the decrease subjects felt significantly more lightheadedness (P 0.006
in Sosm was significantly smaller with Na18 and Na30 and P 0.006, respectively) and total body fatigue (P 0.02
vs. Na0. and P 0.04, respectively) during the 4% vs. the 0% and
Table 5 presents Tc, HR, MAP, and RPE results at the end 2%BM trials.
of 2-h interval running and the 50-min recovery period for each At the end of the 2-h interval running, subjects rated their
trial. There were no significant differences among trials at level of stomach bloating (P 0.0001, P 0.0001, and P
baseline. Preexperiment resting Tc, HR, and MAP were 0.0001, respectively) and sloshing of stomach contents (P
37.09 0.03, 58 1, and 84 1, respectively. RPE was 0.003, P 0.0009, and P 0.0009, respectively) higher
8.9 0.2 at the end of the first running bout. Significant main during the 2%BM vs. the 0%, 2%, and 4%, BM trials.
effects of %BM at the end of exercise and the 50-min At the end of the recovery period, subjects felt significantly
recovery period are shown in Table 5. There were no signifi- more bloated during the 2%BM vs. the 0% (P 0.0001),
cant differences in Tc, HR, MAP, or RPE among beverages at 2% (P 0.0001), and 4% (P 0.0002) BM trials.
the end of exercise or the 50-min recovery period. There were no statistically significant differences among
Performance. Time to exhaustion and repeatability of the beverages (i.e., no effect of beverage [Na]) within %BM
performance run are presented in Fig. 3. There were no levels for any of the subjective ratings at the end of 2-h interval
significant differences among beverages (i.e., no effect of running or recovery. Likewise, there were no statistical differ-
beverage [Na]) so the average performance times of Na0, ences among beverages in the subjects ratings of beverage
Na18, and Na30 were calculated and presented. Time to saltiness at the end of the 2-h interval running (31 5, 33

Table 4. Total fluid, sodium, and potassium loss during each trial
Target BM and Beverage Urine Volume, liters Urine Na Loss, mmol Urine K Loss, mmol Sweat Volume, liters Sweat Na Loss, mmol Sweat K Loss, mmol

Na0 (n 8) 0.540.10* 61 71 2.60.3 11612 153
Na18 (n 8) 0.510.10* 82 112 2.40.2 11721 131
Na30 (n 8) 0.450.08* 83 102 2.20.2 11215 111
Na0 (n 8) 0.190.04 61 82 2.40.2 11414 121
Na18 (n 8) 0.250.07 62 61 2.50.2 13121 131
Na30 (n 8) 0.210.05 51 61 2.60.2 13520 131
Na0 (n 8) 0.120.04 93 61 2.30.2 12927 111
Na18 (n 8) 0.090.02 61 83 2.30.2 12523 152
Na30 (n 8) 0.090.02 72 72 2.30.2 12920 121
Na0 (n 4) 0.100.01 72 82 2.20.3 15021 101
Na18 (n 5) 0.090.03 72 72 2.60.2 14028 141
Na30 (n 5) 0.070.02 42 62 2.50.2 14029 132
Values are means SE. *P 0.05, vs. 0%, 2%, and 4% BM trials. Urine volume is the total sample volume collected, including 2 scheduled voids
(at the end of the 2-h interval running protocol and postrecovery) and as needed throughout the experiment.

J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008


Fig. 1. Relation between predicted (according to Ref. 10) and measured postexperiment serum sodium concentration (S[Na]). Solid line, regression between
predicted and measured S[Na]; dashed line, line of identity. Left: data from all trials (total n 86). Right: data from the 4, 2, and 0% change () in body
mass (BM) trials only (total n 62, excludes 2%BM trials). When all trials are included in the analysis, the intercept of the regression line is significantly
different from 0 and the slope is significantly different from 1. When the 2%BM trials are excluded from analysis, the slope and intercept of the regression
line are not significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively (i.e., there is agreement between predicted and measured S[Na]). It is likely that fluid absorption

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was not complete at the time of postexperiment BM measurements, thus measured S[Na] was not as diluted as would be predicted by the change in total body
water (TBW) in the Nguyen-Kurtz equation.

5, 32 4 during the Na0, Na18, and Na30 trials, respec- TBW BM, is a valid one. However, Noakes et al. (19)
tively) or at the end of recovery (28 5, 33 5, 34 5 during contend that, because of 0.7-kg loss from fuel oxidation, 0.4-kg
the Na0, Na18, and Na30 trials, respectively). gain from metabolic water production, and 1.5-kg gain from
water released with glycogen utilization, 70-kg endurance
athletes can lose 3% of their BM over the course of a
The main findings from this study were 1) the Nguyen-Kurtz marathon without experiencing a change in TBW. If this
equation accurately predicted the measured postexperiment assessment was correct, then using BM as a surrogate for
S[Na] during the 0%, 2%, and 4%BM trials, but not the TBW in the Nguyen-Kurtz equation would cause the mea-
2%BM trials, 2) Na consumption attenuated the decline in sured decrease in S[Na] to be larger (more negative) than that
S[Na] from pre- to postexperiment during the 0% and predicted for the 0%, 2%, and 4%BM trials. Noakes
2%BM trials, but the differences among beverages Na0, et al.s theory was not supported in the present study, since
Na18, and Na30 were not statistically significant, and there was no significant difference between predicted and
3) prolonged running performance was impaired when subjects measured S[Na] during the 0%, 2%, and 4%BM trials.
incurred a 2% and 4% BM deficit due to fluid restriction. Although it is possible that pre- to postexercise BM overes-
Predicted vs. measured S[Na]. The results confirm the timates sweat losses to some extent (because of endogenous
predictions of the Nguyen-Kurtz equation (10) when subjects water production and/or weight loss from the oxidation of
drink to match sweating rate (0%BM) or restrict fluid con- glycogen and fatty acids), it is apparently not enough to affect
sumption and lose BM (2% or 4%) during endurance S[Na]. Similar to Noakes et al.s view, Hew (8) suggested that
exercise. These results support the notion that changes in runners who finished a marathon in a 3-kg BM deficit were in
S[Na] can be predicted by changes in the net mass balance of a state of euhydration, not dehydration (deficit in body water).
fluid, Na, and K from pre- to postexercise. As indicated in Hew came to this conclusion after conducting a retrospective
Fig. 2, the pre- to postexercise S[Na] in the present study was analysis of pre- and postrace measurements of BM and S[Na]
most sensitive to the BM (i.e., fluid balance). As predicted, in runners who participated in the Houston Marathon. In Hews
drinking any of the fluids in the present study at a rate greater analysis, a scatterplot of BM vs. S[Na] illustrates that a
than sweating rate (2%BM trials) leads to dilution of S[Na] 3-kg loss in BM corresponded to a zero S[Na] from pre- to
and restricting fluid intake (a decrease in BM) leads to an postrace and that a zero kg BM corresponded to a 6 mmol/l
increase in S[Na] even in the presence of a substantial sweat decrease in S[Na]. Hew interpreted these data as evidence that
Na loss. Moreover, Na consumption influences the relation 3 kg of endogenous water production caused the 6 mmol/l
between BM and the S[Na]. As indicated in Fig. 2, Na decrease in S[Na] despite a zero BM. However, Hew did not
consumption (i.e., 0% and 2%BM trials) attenuated the consider the impact of Na intake and loss on postrace S[Na].
decline in S[Na], and the higher the [Na] in the beverage, the In the present study, a 0%BM also corresponded to a de-
greater the attenuation. crease in S[Na] (2 mmol/l); however, the decrease in S[Na]
Because the accuracy of the Nguyen-Kurtz equation was is associated with a Na deficit (E 140 mmol/l, Table 2)
confirmed in the present study, it is logical to conclude that the since runners consumed a Na-free beverage to replace sweat
assumption made in calculating predicted S[Na], i.e., that losses. It is possible that the runners in Hews analysis also
J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008

sured S[Na]. The mean difference between predicted and

measured S[Na] was 2.6 0.5 mmol/l. The subjects renal
systems were effective in excreting excess fluid, as indicated
by the significantly larger urine volumes collected during the
2%BM trials (Table 4). Because of the high rate of urine
excretion during the 2%BM trials, subjects drank a sub-
stantial volume of fluid (900 ml) during the 50-min recovery
period to compensate for urine losses and maintain 2%BM.
It is possible that fluid absorption was not complete and a
portion of the ingested fluid volume remained in the subjects
stomachs at the time of postexperiment BM measurements.
Accordingly, at the end of the 50-min recovery period, subjects
rated their level of stomach bloating and sloshing of stomach
contents significantly higher during the 2%BM vs. the 0%,
2%, and 4%, BM trials. Consequently, measured S[Na]
was not as diluted as would be predicted by the TBW in the
Nguyen-Kurtz equation.
It is interesting to compare the measured S[Na] results of the
present study with that predicted by Montain et al. (14), who

Table 5. Physiological and RPE variables at the end

of exercise and recovery for each trial

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Target BM and Beverage Tc, C bpm mmHg RPE

Na0 (n 8) 38.050.08 1526 942 131
Na18 (n 8) 38.060.14 1545 922 131
Na30 (n 8) 37.950.13 1563 951 131
Na0 (n 8) 38.280.11 1584 942 121
Na18 (n 8) 38.080.11 1603 912 131
Na30 (n 8) 38.230.17 1584 921 131
Na0 (n 8) 38.380.13* 1653* 921 141*
Na18 (n 8) 38.510.10* 1684* 922 151*
Na30 (n 8) 38.480.10* 1644* 891 141*
Na0 (n 4) 38.690.04* 1714* 931 161*
Na18 (n 5) 38.710.08* 1712* 911 161*
Na30 (n 5) 38.830.05* 1721* 891 161*
Na0 (n 8) 37.180.09 805 803
50-min Recovery
Na18 (n 8) 37.160.12 814 802
Na30 (n 8) 37.240.06 844 802
Na0 (n 8) 37.200.07 804 782
Fig. 2. Change in serum sodium concentration (S[Na], A), change in serum Na18 (n 8) 37.210.10 853 792
osmolality (Sosm, B), and %change in plasma volume (PV, C) from pre- to Na30 (n 8) 37.280.08 863 802
postexperiment. Values are means SE; n 8 for all trials except 4%BM Na0 (n 8) 37.380.05* 893 741*
[6% carbohydrate solution without Na (Na0, n 4), with 18 mmol/l Na 2%
(Na18, n 5), and with 30 mmol/l Na (Na30, n 5)]. *P 0.05, vs. Na18 (n 8) 37.430.09* 914 772*
Na0 within the same %BM; P 0.05, among each %BM. Na30 (n 8) 37.460.07* 853 751*
Na0 (n 4) 37.660.05* 921* 773
incurred a Na deficit during the marathon, which would Na18 (n 5) 37.690.08* 915* 802
account, at least in part, for the 6 mmol/l decrease in S[Na]. Na30 (n 5) 37.740.09* 892* 782
However, it is difficult to draw any conclusions from Hews Values are means SE. There were no significant differences among trials
analysis because the runners sweating rate, sweat [Na], Na at baseline. Preexperiment resting body core temperature (Tc), heart rate (HR),
intake, and actual fluid intake were not measured. and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were 37.09 0.03, 58 1, and 84 1,
When subjects overdrank relative to their sweat losses respectively. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during the first running bout
was 8.9 0.2. Exercise values were obtained during the last bout of the 2-h
(2%BM trials), the Nguyen-Kurtz equation was not accu- interval running protocol. Recovery values were obtained at the end of the
rate. During the 2%BM trials, the S[Na] predicted by the 50-min recovery period. *P 0.05, vs. 0% and 2% BM; P 0.05, vs.
Nguyen-Kurtz equation was significantly less than the mea- 2% BM; P 0.05, vs. 2% BM.

J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008

the theoretical effect of CES (17 mmol/l Na and 5 mmol/l
K) consumption on S[Na] under the same conditions de-
scribed previously. Montain et al.s model demonstrated that
fluid replacement with CES attenuated the dilution of S[Na].
However, the difference in S[Na] between CES and water after
2 h of exercise was only 1 mmol/l. Similarly, the difference
between Na18 and Na0 during the 0% BM trials was 1.2
mmol/l in the present study.
Although Na ingestion attenuated the decrease in S[Na]
during the 0% and 2%BM trials (Fig. 2), the difference in
the decrease in S[Na] among beverages did not reach statistical
significance. Two studies have been able to demonstrate a
significant effect of beverage Na on the S[Na] during
exercise. In a study by Vrijens and Rehrer (26), the measured
rate of S[Na] was significantly greater (more negative) with
water than with a CES containing 18 mmol/l Na (2.5 vs.
Fig. 3. Time to exhaustion during the performance run at 85% maximal 0.9 mmoll1 h1) during 3 h of continuous cycling. Twer-
oxygen uptake. There were no differences among fluids (i.e., no effect of enbold et al. (25) measured the S[Na] after 4 h of running in
beverage Na concentration), so the average performance times of Na0, women who consumed equal volumes of either water, CES
Na18, and Na30 within each %BM are reported. Inset: repeatability of the with 410 mg/l Na (17 mmol/l Na), or CES with 680 mg/l
performance run (7 subjects repeated 1 randomly selected trial). Solid line,
regression line; dashed line, line of identity. Values are means SE n 8 for Na (28 mmol/l Na), in separate trials. The subjects fin-
all trials except 4%BM (Na0, n 4; Na18, n 5; Na30, n 5). *P ished the trials in positive fluid balance (2%BM), but the

Downloaded from on January 21, 2015

0.05, vs. 0% and 2%BM trials. decrease in S[Na] was significantly greater when runners
drank water compared with the CES with 680 mg/l (6.2 vs.
used a mathematical model and theoretical conditions to pre- 2.5 mmol/l). The difference in the results of these two studies
dict S[Na]. In Montain et al.s model, the environmental and the present study may, in part, be explained by the longer
conditions, running speeding, body composition, and sweat exercise times in the Vrijens and Rehrer and Twerenbold et al.
S[Na] were systematically varied. The scenario that is most studies (3 4 h vs. 2 h in the present study). Their findings
comparable with the experimental conditions and subjects support the notion that Na ingestion becomes even more
physical characteristics of the present study is illustrated in Fig. critical as the duration of exercise increases.
1 of Montain et al. (14). In this figure, the theoretical ambient During the 0%BM trials, the measured S[Na] was similar
temperature was 28C and the athlete weighed 70 kg (63% of to that predicted by the Nguyen-Kurtz equation when subjects
which was water), had a sweat [Na] of 50 mmol/l, and was consumed Na0 (2.0 vs. 2.7 mmol/l), Na18 (0.8 vs.
running at 10 km/h. By comparison, in the present study the 1.6 mmol/l), and Na30 (0.5 vs. 0.6 mmol/l). In the
ambient temperature was 30C and, on average, the subjects present study, to maintain preexperiment S[Na] while also
weighed 66 kg, had a sweat [Na] of 56 mmol/l, and ran at consuming enough fluid to replace sweat losses and maintain
10.3 km/h. In Montain et al.s theoretical example (14), the BM, a higher [Na] in the CES would have been required.
athlete consumed 800 ml of water per hour to maintain BM. According to the mass balance calculations, the subjects
After 2 h of running, the athletes S[Na] decreased from 140 to average E due to sweat Na and K losses was 70
139 mmol/l. In the present study, when subjects drank 870 mmoll1 h1 and sweating rate was 1.2 l/h. Thus a CES with
ml of the Na-free beverage to maintain BM, S[Na] decreased a combined [Na] and [K] of 58 mmol/l (i.e., 70 mmol/l
from 141.6 to 139.6 mmol/l. Thus the S[Na] predicted by the divided by 1.2 l/h) would be required to maintain preexperi-
mathematical model was similar to the S[Na] measured in ment S[Na], when consumed at a rate equal to sweating rate.
the present study. In Fig. 4 of Ref. 14, Montain et al. illustrated That is, to maintain Na balance, the CES should be similar in

Table 6. Subjective ratings on a 100-point visual analog scale

Target BM Lightheadedness Windedness Total Body Fatigue Muscle Cramping Stomach Bloating Sloshing of Stomach Contents

2% 104 144 235 62 576 337
0% 83 123 254 63 124 113
2% 275* 276* 386* 123 83 73
4% 508* 608* 537* 265* 51 42
50-min Recovery
2% 83 11 275 21 387 125
0% 83 21 264 21 82 31
2% 164 20 325 52 42 42
4% 267* 31 426* 52 42 31
Values are means SE; n 8 for all trials except 4% BM (Na0, n 4; Na18, n 5; Na30, n 5). Exercise values were obtained during the last
bout of the 2-h interval running protocol. Recovery values were obtained at the end of the 50-min recovery period. *P 0.05, vs. 0% and 2% BM; P
0.05, vs. 2% BM; P 0.05, vs. 0%, 2%, and 4% BM.

J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008


composition to that of the athletes sweat (the mean sweat each beverage consisted of the same carbohydrate concentra-
[Na] in the present study was 56 mmol/l). This point illus- tion (6%), subjects consumed more total carbohydrate as total
trates the influence of sweat Na losses on the S[Na] and the fluid volume intake increased (i.e., 2% 0% 2%
importance of individualized fluid and electrolyte replacement 4%BM trials; Table 3). Thus the subjects run time to
programs for endurance athletes. exhaustion was likely influenced by carbohydrate availability.
Because only four men and four women were tested in the Below et al. (2) suggest that fluid and carbohydrate ingestion
present study, it would be difficult to make any firm con- have independent and additive beneficial effects on endurance
clusions regarding sex differences. However, it is important performance, which may have been the case in the present
to note that there were no indications of sex-related differ- study.
ences in the baseline S[Na], pre- to postexperiment S[Na], It is also important to note that there was no difference in
or fluid retention, nor in the relation between predicted and time to exhaustion, sweating rate, or Tc between 0% and
measured S[Na]. 2%BM trials in the present study. These results are con-
It has been shown in clinical settings that significant hyper- sistent with those of Latzka et al. (12), who demonstrated that
glycemia can induce dilutional hyponatremia by promoting the hyperhydration via water or glycerol (1.5-liter increase in
osmotic shift of water from the intracellular to the extracellular TBW) provided no performance or thermoregulatory advan-
space (10). Although each beverage used in the present study tage compared with the maintenance of euhydration during 2 h
was composed of the same 6% carbohydrate solution, the of compensable exercise-heat stress.
volume of fluid ingested and therefore the quantity of carbo- EAH tends to occur more commonly in running than cycling
hydrate consumed varied among trials and subjects. Blood endurance events. Therefore, since the primary aim was to
glucose concentration was not measured; however, given that determine the effects of Na intake and BM on the develop-
the subjects were healthy individuals, it is highly unlikely that ment of EAH, treadmill running was the mode of endurance
significant hyperglycemia developed. Therefore, it is also un- exercise used in the present study. To test the effects of
likely that differences in carbohydrate ingestion among trials experimental manipulations on endurance performance, one

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affected the S[Na]. could administer either a time-to-exhaustion or time-trial ex-
Performance. Although BM clearly made a difference, ercise test. Time-trial tests are thought to be more meaningful
there was no effect of beverage [Na] on the time to exhaus- performance tests owing, in part, to the lower variability
tion during the performance run in the present study (data not associated with time-trial vs. time-to-exhaustion protocols (9,
shown). There have been mixed results in the literature regard- 11). A time trial is practical for a cycling test in which the
ing the effect Na intake and S[Na] on endurance perfor- subject can simply control the pace by adjusting the revolutions
mance. For example, performance was not affected by plasma per minute. However, a time-to-exhaustion test was used in the
[Na] or the rate of change in plasma [Na] in female present study because it would have been difficult (and dis-
endurance athletes running for a period of 4 h in various tracting) for subjects to control their own treadmill speed for a
environmental conditions (25). Conversely, Vrijens and Rehrer time trial. Although the CV for time to exhaustion in the
(26) found that a high rate of change (decrease) in plasma present study (10%) was higher than the typical CV for time
[Na] was correlated with a decreased time to exhaustion trials (23%, Ref. 9 and 11), the intraclass correlation coeffi-
during 3 h of cycling. Furthermore, preexercise Na loading cient (0.96) indicated excellent reliability between repeated
(with 164 mmol Na/l beverage) is associated with improved time-to-exhaustion tests (23), supporting its use as a meaning-
cycling time trial performance compared with preexercise ful performance test. Moreover, the 37 and 63% decrease in
consumption of an equal volume of a no or low-Na (10 time to exhaustion (compared to 0%BM trials) during the
mmol/l) beverage (4, 24). One factor that probably contributed 2%BM and 4%BM trials, respectively, far outweighed
to the improved performance with Na ingestion in the preex- the 10% variability between repeated tests.
ercise loading studies was the concomitant improved mainte- Limitations and future directions. During the 2%BM
nance of PV (4, 24). In these studies, increased performance is trials fluid was restricted until the subjects target BM was
likely mediated by improved cardiovascular and/or thermoreg- reached. Perhaps a more realistic simulation would have been
ulatory function conferred by the maintenance of PV (6, 7, 16, to provide fluid intake at more even allotments throughout the
17). In the present study, there were no significant differences 2-h interval running protocol (i.e., smaller volumes given
in the %PV among beverages (Fig. 2), which may explain the during each rest period rather than a larger volume toward the
lack of a beverage effect on endurance running performance. end of the 2-h running). A practice trial in the heat to determine
A 2% and 4% BM deficit was associated with a significantly each subjects sweating rate would have facilitated a titrated
decreased time to exhaustion in the present study. The im- fluid intake procedure. However, because of the time commit-
paired performance could be attributed to the significantly ment already involved with experiment participation (2 screen-
higher Tc and greater cardiovascular strain (as indicated by ing days and up to 13 experimental trials), a practice trial was
higher HR) after the 2-h interval running period when subjects not conducted. Regardless, it was more important to ensure that
lost BM vs. when they consumed enough fluid to either subjects would achieve 2%BM during the trial than attempt
maintain or increase BM by 2%. Likewise, after the 2-h to titrate fluid intake.
interval running period, subjects rated their perceived exertion, The results of this study showed that the S[Na] from pre-
lightheadedness, windedness, and total body fatigue signifi- to postexercise can be predicted simply from the mass balance
cantly higher during the 2% and 4%BM trials vs. the of fluid, Na, and K. However, it is important to note that
2% and 0%BM trials. It is also possible that the perfor- these results are only applicable to individuals who have no
mance differences among levels of %BM could be caused by history of EAH (because subjects in the present study had no
differences in the amount of carbohydrate consumed. Although history of EAH). In future studies, it would be important to test
J Appl Physiol VOL 105 JULY 2008
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