ADLIWA IRR On 12th Charlwin Lee Cup

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Date Revised By Approved By Noted By Details
James Derrick S. Kenrick Errol L. Conrad Allan M.
1.01 01/05/2006 Initial Issue
Dizon Ngo Alviz
Haydee Dianne A. Edgardo Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.02 01/23/2007
Bal Yapchiongco Jr. Alviz Update
Ryan Jason B. Shayne Rose R. Annual
1.03 01/15/2008 Jayson V. Lu
Ocampo Bulos Update
Ryan Jason B. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.04 02/10/2009 Jeffrey R. Ebio
Ocampo Alviz Update
Fernan Michael C. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.05 02/23/2010 Rafael S. Pacatang
San Diego Alviz Update
Mae Bernadette M. Andrew Timothy L. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.06 02/02/2011
Estanislao Cachero Alviz Update
Fredelene P. Yhoissa P. Richardson E. Annual
1.07 02/20/2012
Magdaug Bustamante Navor Update
John Michael T. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.08 01/17/2013 Rodel B. Tria
Lava Alviz Update
Jay Albert H. Danny M. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.09 02/05/2014
Gracilla Villanueva Alviz Update
Kenneth John V. Conrad Allan M. Annual
1.10 01/5/2015 Jury A. Vibar
Silo Alviz Update
Jerwin Dave V. Shayne Rose R. Annual
1.11 1/01/2016 Susan G. Salomon
Patacsil Bulos Update
Mark Daniel A. Rolando R. Annual
1.12 2/6/2017 Julius F. Llanera
Bernales Hogar Update


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 3
OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
QUALIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL CONTEST RULES AND MECHANICS ............................................................................................... 5
ELIMINATION ROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 6
FINAL ROUND ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
PERMANENCY OF THE REVOLVING CUP ......................................................................................................... 9
ENFORCEMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS........................................................ 9
AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS ........................................................................................................................... 9
SEPARABILITY CLAUSE ..................................................................................................................................... 10
REPEALING CLAUSE .......................................................................................................................................... 10
EFFECTIVITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 10

NFJPIA-NCR aims to promote academic excellence by adopting measures to foster educational advancement
in the field of Accountancy. The Charlwin Lee Cup is an academic competition honoring Mr. Charlwin Aljon Pua
Lee, the charter president of NFJPIA-NCR. To uphold the prestige and competitive character of Charlwin Lee
Cup, it shall remain open to members of other NFJPIA Regions.

Exclusive in its nature, Charlwin Lee Cup (CL Cup) is open only to JPIAns who were top placers of identified
accounting quiz bees, thus, making this competition as the Cup of All Cups.

CL Cup complements the academic curriculum and is designed to motivate students as they acquire higher level
of knowledge in the field of accounting. The 12 th Charlwin Lee Cup is an individual quiz bee competition which
shall cover the six CPA board subjects.

1. To promote academic excellence to qualified members by expanding their knowledge and understanding of
the accountancy profession through academic competitions.
2. To help the contestants discover their strengths and be aware of their weaknesses in different board-related
subjects through academic competition with the ultimate aim of maximizing the former and overcoming the
3. To allow the contestants to learn new techniques in answering questions in the shortest possible time as well
as handling time pressure which shall serve as preparation for the actual CPA board examination.
4. To allow the contestants to assess their current academic standing as compared with the other JPIAns in the

CL Cup shall cover the following Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination subjects:

1. Financial Accounting and Reporting

2. Regulatory Framework for Business Transaction
3. Taxation
4. Auditing
5. Management Advisory Services
6. Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting

1. The 12th Charlwin Lee Cup is open to bona fide members of the NFJPIA FY 2016-2017.
2. It is exclusive only to the winners of the following accredited quiz bees:
a. 1st, 2nd and 3rd placers of INDIVIDUAL inter-school accounting quiz bees with at least 7 contestants.
Examples are the following:
1st, 2nd and 3rd placers in the National Midyear Convention (NMYC) Cup

1st, 2nd and 3rd placers of the National Accounting Quiz Showdown (NAQDOWN)
1st, 2nd and 3rd placers of the National Capital Region Cup (NCR Cup)
b. 1st placers only of GROUP inter-school accounting quiz Bees with at least 7 participating groups.
c. Top 20 winners of NCRs Search for Frontliners

3. Accredited quiz bees shall pertain to quiz bees held and concluded in Federation Years 2015-2016 and 2016-
4. There shall be no imposed limit as to the number of participants per Local Chapter provided that they meet
the qualifications.
5. Previous winners of CL Cup (1st, 2nd and 3rd placers) shall not be allowed to join.
6. There shall be an imposed limit as to the total number of participants for the 12 th Charlwin Lee Cup. First-
Registered, First-Served policy shall be applied. Limit shall be provided by the organizers and announced
at least one week before the event.
7. Change of contestant or substitution shall be allowed during the day of competition provided that the
qualifications mentioned in 1 and 2 are met by the substitute. He/she shall submit all requirements, in hard
copy form, during the registration of the event. Failure to do so shall mean automatic disqualification.

1. Each applicant must comply with the following requirements:

a. Duly Accomplished Application Form with 2X2 Formal ID picture in a white background. File name shall
abide with the following format:

AppForm_<Region>_<Surname>_<Name of Local Chapter>

b. Scanned copy of the Certificate of Recognition on the Interschool accounting quiz bee won by the
applicant. File name shall abide with the following format:

COR_<Region>_<Surname>_<Name of Local Chapter>

c. Updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) using the prescribed format by the organizers. File name shall abide with
the following format:

CV_<Region>_<Surname>_<Name of Local Chapter>

d. Local Chapter Endorsement Letter certifying and attesting that the contestant is a member of the Local
Chapter and that he is the official representative of the Local Chapter for the quiz, signed by the Local
Chapter President, noted by the respective Local Chapter JPIA adviser/s and/or Program Chair or
College Dean. (Softcopy). File name shall abide with the following format:

EL_<Region>_<Surname>_<Name of Local Chapter>

e. School ID or printed copy of requirement d. (Endorsement Letter) must be presented upon registration
on the day of the event.

2. Requirements shall be filed in a folder and sent to and carbon copied to ON OR BEFORE the date provided for by the organizers. The file shall
abide with the following format as email subject title:

CL Cup_<Region>_<Surname>_<Name of Local Chapter>

Example: CL Cup_NCR_Bernales_Adamson University


1. Contestants are advised to be at the designated place at least 30 minutes before the time schedule.
2. Contestants must be properly registered and sign the attendance sheet before proceeding to the competition
3. Late contestants shall be ALLOWED to join the competition. However, he/she shall no longer be allowed to
answer the questions he/she have missed. Hence, all latecomers shall automatically receive a zero point for
question/s already read and answered. Late comers shall be allowed to answer only the remaining questions
in the said round.
4. The contestants shall not be allowed to bring anything on top of their desks except their writing materials and
non-programmable calculators. Mobile phones, iPad, laptop and other electronic devices shall not be allowed
to be used during the contest proper.
5. A judge or board of judges shall be a Certified Public Accountant for the purpose of giving an intelligent and
independent decision.
6. The judge or the board of judges and the Regional Vice President for Academics shall have the authority to
clear or answer any protest/clarification raised by the contestants. In case of conflict of decision between the
judge or board of judges and the Regional Vice President for Academics, the latters decision shall prevail
as it represents the decision of the whole Council. The decision of the judge or board of judges and the
Regional Vice President for Academics is final and irrevocable.
7. Any contestant who shall be caught cheating shall be automatically disqualified in the competition.
8. The contestants should write their answers clearly and legibly on the answer boards provided to them. The
contestants are allowed to use the following abbreviations:

T or F for True or False, respectively

U or F for Unfavorable or Favorable, respectively
Dr or Cr for Debit or Credit, respectively
A/B/C/D for multiple choice questions
PERT CPM for Program Evaluation Review Technique/Critical Path Method
BOA for Board of Accountancy
CPA for Certified Public Accountant
PICPA for Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AR for Accounts Receivable
AP for Accounts Payable
PPE for Property Plant and Equipment
TS for Trading Securities
SHE for Shareholders Equity
RE for Retained Earnings

9. Other abbreviations not specifically written in this IRR are highly discouraged to be used. For questions
requiring computations, only final answers shall be rounded off to the nearest hundredths unless the question
suggests otherwise.
10. Contestants who shall insist in writing the answers ambiguously, abbreviated or illegibly may still claim points
for correct answers only upon the discretion of the panel of judges or the Regional Vice President for
Academics or Event Project Head.
11. After the final answer has been announced by the quizmaster to the contestants, the quizmaster may
entertain protests and questions.
12. Only the contestants shall be allowed to raise queries, clarifications, questions and/or protests on the
13. All queries, clarifications, questions and/or protests shall be addressed to the panel of judges. The decision
of the panel of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
14. Once the next question has been distributed, queries, clarifications, questions and/or protests shall no longer
be entertained.
15. Failure to follow the instructions stated in this IRR shall merit the contestant a warning. A maximum of two
warnings shall be given to each contestant. A third violation shall automatically disqualify the said contestant
from the competition.
16. Organizing committee members shall be in-charge of monitoring the said offenses. Their decision shall be
binding and irrevocable.

1. The quizmaster shall read each question once.
2. The contestants shall be provided with a copy of the questions.
3. The contestants shall start reading the question only when the quizmaster started reading the same.
Quizmaster shall say the word FLIP to signal the start of reading the question.
4. The contestants may start answering and manipulating their calculators as soon as the quizmaster has read
the first word of the question. Any contestant who violates the said provision shall be given a warning for the
1stand 2nd offense. Violation of this provision for the 3 rd time shall mean disqualification of the contestant from
the competition.
5. Before the time allotted for each question had lapsed, the contestant should have written his/her answer on
his/her answer board. When the bell rings signaling the lapse of time allotted, the contestant should stop
answering and must raise his/her answer board. Otherwise, his/her answer shall be forfeited.
6. Contestants may neither glance nor talk to their seatmates nor to the other members of the audience unless
there is an urgency during the contest proper.
7. Contestants must not erase what they have written in the answer board unless the quizmaster has given the
clearance. This is to document the answer of the contestants in case disputes/protests have been made on
a certain question.
8. In view of a protest, contestants who erased their respective answer board are deemed to be forfeiting the
chance to earn a point just in case they have a correct answer.

9. The Elimination Round is composed of three (3) subset levels namely; Easy, Average, and Difficult.
Corresponding points, time allotments and number of questions for Elimination Round are as follows:

Easy Average Difficult Clincher

Time allotment (Theory) 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds
Time allotment (Problems) 30 seconds 40 seconds 60 seconds 30 seconds
Total number of items per round 10 questions 10 questions 10 questions
Corresponding points 2points 3 points 5 points

10. The top 10 contestants with the highest points shall advance to the Final Round.
11. In case of a tie, a question chosen either by the panel of judges or the Regional Vice President for Academics
or Event Project Head shall be asked to the concerned contestants to break the dead lock. The first
contestant to raise the correct answer shall win the Clincher Round.
12. Clincher Round questions shall have no bearing on the cumulative scores of the contestants.

1. All points shall revert to zero in this round.
2. There shall be 30 questions in the Final Round which will be a buzzer type quiz bee.
3. Time allotment, number of items, corresponding points for every correct answer and corresponding
deductions for every incorrect answer are as follows:

Easy Average Difficult Clincher

Time allotment (Theory) 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds
Time allotment (Problems) 30 seconds 40 seconds 60 seconds 30 seconds
Total number of items 10 questions 10 questions 10 questions
Corresponding additional points 4 points 6 points 10 points
Corresponding points deduction 2 points 3 points 5points

4. Negative points can be awarded in the Final Round.

5. The contestants shall start reading the question only when the quizmaster started reading the same.
Quizmaster shall say the word FLIP to signal the start of reading the question.
6. The contestants may start answering and manipulating their calculators as soon as the quizmaster has read
the first word of the question provided that BEFORE the contestant presses the buzzer, his/her answer must
already be written on the answer board, otherwise his/her answer shall be deemed null and void. Any
contestant who violates the said provision shall be given a warning for the 1 st offense. On the 2nd offense,
the contestant shall be given sanction of accumulating only 50% of his/her total score garnered in all rounds.
Violation of this provision for the 3rd time shall mean disqualification of the contestant from the competition.
7. A contestant may answer the question at any moment even if the quizmaster is still in the course of reading
the question, provided that before he presses the buzzer, his answer must be written already on the answer
board, otherwise, his/her answer will be deemed null and void.
8. The first contestant who presses the buzzer shall be given the chance to answer the question.

9. If the first contestant who presses the buzzer provides an incorrect answer, TWO chances of steal for the
question shall be open to other contestants. If the same question has been answered correctly, the
corresponding points for the question shall be given to the said contestant and he/she shall have the privilege
to advance in the race. In case of a steal, an incorrect answer and/or void answer shall have a corresponding
point deduction on that particular question
10. Contestants must wait for the word STEAL from the quizmaster for them to have the chance to answer the
11. Contestants must reach the top of the NFJPIA - NCR pyramid in order to win the throne.

12. The first contestant to reach the top of the pyramid shall be declared as the Grand Master. The 2nd and 3rd
contestants to reach the top of the Pyramid shall be declared as the Senior Master and Junior Master,
13. Every question correctly answered merits the contestant a step towards the top of the Pyramid. However, a
contestants track to the top of the Pyramid may be blocked by one or more contestants immediately on top
of his/her position in the Pyramid. In this case, the blocked contestant may challenge any of the blocking
contestants for a ONE-ON-ONE match. If the challenger correctly answers the match question first, he shall
gain the position of the blocking contestant. In this case, the challenger shall be promoted and the blocking
contestant shall be demoted. If the blocking contestant correctly answers the match question first, he shall
retain the position.
14. In case of a challenge and nobody gets the correct answer, another match question will be asked and the
above rules shall be observed.
15. In case of a challenge, only a maximum of two match questions will be asked. If nobody gets the correct
answer after the second question, both the contestants shall retain their current positions.
16. In case of a challenge, the match questions shall have no bearing on the total accumulated scores of the
17. In the event that only one contestant reached the top at the end of 30 questions, the 2 nd and 3rd placers shall
be determined based on the total accumulated points. The two highest scorers, except for the one who has
been declared as 1st place, shall be declared as 2nd and 3rd placers respectively.
18. In the event that only two contestants reached the top at the end of 30 questions, the 3 rd placer shall be
determined based on the total accumulated points. The highest scorer, except for the one who has been
declared as 1st and 2nd placers, shall be declared 3rd placer.
19. If no contestant reached the top, the three highest scorers shall be declared as 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd placers

20. In case of a tie, a question chosen either by the panel of judges or the Regional Vice President for Academics
or Event Project Head shall be asked to the concerned contestants to break the dead lock. The first
contestant to raise the correct answer wins the clincher round.
21. Clincher Round questions shall have no bearing on the cumulative scores of the contestants.


1. The Charlwin Lee Cup shall be a Revolving Cup. The Grand Master of CL Cup for the federation year shall
be given the right to hold the Cup from the moment he is announced and awarded as the Grand Master until
the next federation years Charlwin Lee Cup.
2. Permanency of the right to hold the Cup shall be granted if, and only if, a participating school has been
awarded as champion for three consecutive years. Otherwise, the Cup shall remain as a Revolving Cup.


1. It shall be the primary duty of the Regional Vice President for Academics, the Event Project Head, and the
Council to effectively enforce the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations. The Council also
has the sole right to interpret the contents of this Implementing Rules and Regulations and their decision
shall be binding and irrevocable.
2. All the host schools of CL Cup, upon the call or request of the Regional Vice President for Academics or the
Event Project Head or the Council, shall render assistance in enforcing this Implementing Rules and
Regulations and to give necessary action to any person violating the provisions of the same.
3. The Regional Adviser or the duly designated representative shall act as legal adviser to the Regional Vice
President for Academics, or the Event Project Head, or the Council and shall render legal assistance as may
be necessary in carrying out the provisions of this Implementing Rules and Regulations.

1. The Council shall be vested with the exclusive power to revise and amend this Implementing Rules and
2. Any amendments to or revisions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations may be proposed by any
member of any NCR Local Chapter upon a written request of such member, stating the reasons thereto.
3. Any request for amendments and revisions as well as proposed amendments must initially be reviewed by
the Regional Vice President for Academics attested by the Regional Adviser and then forwarded to the
Regional Executive Officers for discussion, editing and final approval.
4. The Regional Executive Officers shall have the right to debunk any proposed revisions and amendments,
submitted to them by the Regional Vice President for Academics, which are deemed unnecessary. The final
decision on any inclusions and exclusions to this Implementing Rules and Regulations must be determined
by a majority vote of all Regional Executive Officers in which the Regional Vice President for Academics is
5. Amendments to particular provisions in this Implementing Rules & Regulations shall be allowed provided
that such amendments shall be communicated to the Local Chapters at least one week before the event.

If any clause, provision, paragraph or part of this Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be declared
unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, invalidate, or impair any other part hereof, but shall be
merely confined to the clause, provision, paragraph or part directly involved in the controversy in which such
judgment has been rendered.

Any rule and regulation or resolution or part/s thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Implementing Rules
and Regulations are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

This Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take its effect immediately after presentation to the assembly.
Promulgated in the City of Manila this February 2017.


Mark Daniel A. Bernales
Regional Vice President for Academics
Adamson University


Arielle Anne M. Alipio
Regional Executive Secretary
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


________________________________________ ________________________________________
Julius F. Llanera Leonel Brandon S. Acosta
Regional President Regional Vice President for Non Academics
Manuel L. Quezon University Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

________________________________________ ________________________________________
Hanna Marielle B. Calacat Lester Jerome P. Tan
Regional Vice President for Finance Regional Vice President for Membership
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila

________________________________________ ________________________________________
Ron Mcrenz H. Guittap Christina Wong
Regional Vice President for Information and Publicity Regional Vice President for Communications North
University of the East Caloocan University of the East Caloocan

________________________________________ ________________________________________
Mary Dianne B. Delatado Juneil M. Go
Regional Vice President for Communications East Regional Vice President for Communications West
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig University of the East Manila

________________________________________ ________________________________________
Daniel John C. Legaspi Michellene D. Garay
Regional Vice President for Communications South Regional Vice President for Audit
Asia Pacific College Far Eastern University - Manila


_________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Shayne Rose R. Bulos, CPA, MBA Rolando R. Hogar, CPA
Regional Adviser Regional Adviser
Insurance Commission Philippine Christian University

Emmanuel C. Calvez, REB, REA
Regional Adviser
Real Estate


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