ME2142C1 162 Intro To Controls

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ME2142 Feedback Control Systems

Semester 2

Mechanical Engineering Department
National University of Singapore

Rm: EA-05-24
Tel: 6516-2272

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Module Learning Outcome
Able to obtain dynamic models of simple physical systems and obtain
the transfer functions of the system.
Able to determine the transient response of systems.
Able to determine the stability characteristics of a system using
Rouths stability criterion and Root locus method.
Able to determine the steady state error characteristics of systems.
Able to determine the steady state frequency response of physical
Able to represent the frequency response graphically in terms of
Bode diagram, and Nyquist polar plots.
Able to determine the stability of physical systems through frequency
response using Nyquist stability criterion.
Able to determine the relative stability measures such as gain and
phase margins and to translate these values in terms of transient
Able to conduct simple experiments determining performance of
control systems

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.2

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1. Kuo, BC, Automatic Control Systems 7th Edition, Prentice Hall
2. Dorf, RC, and Bishop, RH, Modern Control Systems, Prentice Hall Inc., 2008
3. Shinners, MS, Modern Control System Theory and Application, Addison-Wesley
4. Ogata, K, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall
5. Raven, E, Autoamtic Control Engineering, McGraw Hill.
6. Norman S Nise, Control Systems Engineering 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.3

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The module is consists of
Lectures: (13 weeks)
Monday 18:00-21:00 (LT7A)
Tutorials: (6 tutorial classes)
E30614 E30613 E30612
Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even
18:3019:30 Grp 1 Grp 7 Grp 2 Grp 8 Grp 3 Grp 9
19:3020:30 Grp 4 Grp 10 Grp 5 Grp 11 Grp 6 Grp 12

Laboratory experiments:
Frequency Response
Speed/Position Control of a DC Motor

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.4

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Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.5
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Final exam:-
70% (Closed book with one A4 sheet allowed)
Examination date: 27-Apr-2017 (Evening)

Lab experiments/reports:= 30%

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.6

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Course Outline
1. General Introduction to Automatic Control:
Definitions. Closed-loop and Open-loop Control. Examples
2. Review of Mathematical Background:
Review of Laplace Transformation. Inverse Laplace Transformation. Solution of
Differential Equations.
3. Mathematical Model of Physical Systems:
Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Modeling of mechanical systems, electrical
systems, motors.
4. Transient Response Analysis:
Standard time response test functions. Time responses of first-order, second-
order and higher-order systems.
5. System Stability and Steady State Characteristics:
Routh's stability criterion. Root locus Method. System Types. Steady state error
6. Frequency Response Analysis:
Forced sinusoidal response. Graphical frequency response methods
Bode and Nyquist plots.
Nyquist stability criterion.
Gain and phase margins.
Closed-loop frequency response.

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.7

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1.1 Control System Concept
A typical control system has the feature that some output quantity is
measured and then compared with a desired value, and the resulting error is
used to correct the systems output.

This concept is called A counter example to closed-loop

FEEDBACK CONTROL control system is an

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.8

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1.2 History of Control

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Examples of control Systems

in ships in air planes

in humanoids >

in manufacturing
in CNC machines

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1.3 Why Feedback Control?
Consider a DC motor as show below: Combining these equation yields

Hence we have derived a differential
equation that describe the motor
position subject to an applied
voltage .
Using KVL on the circuit, we have
v(t) (t)

is the angular displacement
Control Transfer Output

Variable Function Variable
The motor will produce a torque that
can be derived from the motor law that Objective:
To choose a control function such that the
motor position (output) behave in the desired
This torque is used to do the work of manner.

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1.3 Why Feedback Control?....
From previous slide, we have

For simplicity in illustration, let us assume these parameters with some values such
that the o.d.e becomes
We wish to control the motor such that it turns to a desired position

Two approaches
Case I: Open-loop Control

Case II: Closed-loop Control or feedback control

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.12

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1.3 Why Feedback....Case I
Case I: Open-loop Control
Motor Equation
We can solve the problem by defining
No#ce: V(t) in the control signal as
terms of Td

such that the motor stop at the desired
Design: what is the relation between 15

and ? 10

Taking Laplace Transform on these

equations yield (refer to Chapter 2)
0 2 4 6
Time (seconds)
8 10

Using final value theorem yields


Equating with yields

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (seconds)

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.13

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1.3 Why Feedback....Case II
Case II: Feedback Control
Motor Equation
We solve the problem by defining the
No#ce: V(t) in
terms of theta(t) feedback law of Control Signal V(t)

i.e. feedback 15
Substituting this control signal into the 10
motor equation yields
2 0

Taking Laplace Transform on this -5

0 2 4 6 8 10
equation yield Time (seconds)
Motor Positions theta(t)

Using final value theorem yields 10

lim 8


0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (seconds)

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.14

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Which one is better?
Case I: Open-loop Control Case II: Feedback Control
Control law Control law


Say, we did not model the system correctly, the actual motor equation is
2 0.8
Control Signals V(t)

Closed-loop K=1
10 Open-loop Vo=10

Control Signal V(t)

15 5 20


0 2 4 6 8 10 5
5 Time (seconds)
Motor Position theta(t)
0 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (seconds)
Time (seconds) K=1
15 Motor Positions theta(t)
6 12

10 10

5 6

0 0 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (seconds) Time (seconds) 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (seconds)

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems

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1.4 Problem with Closed-loop Control
The example in the previous section has illustrated the
advantage of using the closed-loop control. Such control
strategy is commonly called as the
However, feedback control is not always trouble free. To
illustrate the unpleasant effect of feedback, let us
consider the example below.
Consider a feedback control system as shown below

+ Y(s)
G (s)
0 .1 Kc G(s)
s s 2s 1 R(s) -
Controller gain System

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.16

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1.4 Closed-loop Problems
Kc = 2,4,6,8,10 Kc = 20
Closed-loop res pons e
1.6 Clos ed-loop res pons e at K = 20



1 1

y (t)



0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

A further increase of the controller gain
0 will make the system unstable.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

That is, if we are not careful, the system

can become unstable!

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.17

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1.5 Motivation
These examples draw to our attention that stability of the
closed-loop system is a concern if we want to use
feedback control scheme.
This means that, normally, we try to predict the systems
closed-loop stability from the limited open-loop
information we know.
Knowledge Required: Module Outline
1. General Introduction to Automatic Control:
System representation
2. Review of Mathematical Background: (Laplace
Solving ODE Transformation)
3. Mathematical Model of Physical Systems:
Assess performance and
4. Transient Response Analysis:
stability of the system 5. System Stability and Steady State Characteristics:
Implementation 6. Frequency Response Analysis:

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.18

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1.6 System Representation - Model
A function to describe the relationship between the input and output is
required. This is usually referred as the model of the system.
The system model can represented in the form of:
Differential Equations
Example: 3 4
where is the system output and is the control input
Transfer function using Laplace operator
where is the system output and is the control input
State-space model

where is the system output, is the control input and is the state vector of the

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.19

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1.6a Techniques to obtain these models
Direct derivation
From law of physics
Lagrangian mechanics
Bond graph
Experimental approach:
Frequency domain approach:
Bode Plot.
Auto- and cross-correlation techniques
Time-domain approach:
From step response and impulse responses
System identification methods

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.20

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1.7 Linear and Non-linear Systems
A system is linear if it satisfy the properties of
superposition and homogeneity/scaling.
A system is non-linear if it is not linear.
Consider a system which has the responses to any two
arbitrary inputs and as
Property of Superposition is satisfied if the output for a
combined input of and is

Property of homogeneity is satisfied if

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.21

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Linear Approximation of Systems
Any non-linear system can be linearized about some
operating point and can be considered to be linear
within a small operating region about that point
For any function with
We can use the Taylor Series expansion about some
operating point, , and have
H. O. T.

For small variations about the operating point, higher

order terms can be neglected. Then
or y which is linear

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.22

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The End

Jan-17 ME2142 Feedback Control Systems C1.23

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