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Chapter 6

System Stability

Chapter Objective:
System stability
Routh-Hurwitzs Stability Criterion

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Higher-order System Response
Consider a transfer function

With .
For the case of , there will be poles of , or roots of the
Characteristic Equation
can also be written as, with ,

Real Roots
Complex roots

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Higher-order System Response
For a unit step input, we can take from the earlier slide that Recall for a unit step input:
C(s)/R(s) = K/(1+sT)
and R(s) = 1/s

In which we assumed all roots are distinct.

Taking inverse Laplace Transform yields

Where and are constants depends on , , and .

For a stable response, all of the poles must have negative real parts.
The stable response is a sum of decaying exponential curves and
decaying damped sinusoidal curves together with a term dependent
upon the input.
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Higher-order System Response
Plot of Poles on the S-plane
Real poles and their effects on the response

Each real pole will contribute a term

to the response.
The more the negative value of the
pole, or the farther to the left from
the imaginary axis, the more rapidly
the exponential term decays to
- p1 - p2 Re zero.
In general, if two poles are such
that , then the response
caused by is dominant and that
Real pole on the S-plane.
caused by can be neglected
without loss of accuracy.
Feb-17 C6.4
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Higher-order System Response
Plot of Poles on the S-plane
Each complex conjugate pair
= = 1 >0
+2 + contributes a decaying

damped sinusoidal term to the
Imaginary Poles
The more the negative value of
the real part , or the
Im farther away to the imaginary
1-z 2 w n
axis from the left side, the more
rapidly the term decays to zero.
f The angle the poles make
-zw n with the Real Axis determines
Re the damping ratio, the greater
= cos
the angle, the less the damping
Complex conjugate poles on
the S-plane.
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Some Typical Responses
Stable systems

wn 3, 1/3

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Some Typical Responses
Stable systems

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Some Typical Responses
Unstable systems

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Effect of Closed-loop Poles on Response
Matlab program =
g2=tf([10], [1 10]); + 10
[y, t] = step(g2);
hold on
g1 =tf([1], [1 1]); =
[y, t] = step(g1);
g3 =tf([10], [1 11 10]);
[y, t] = step(g3); 5
plot(t,y,black); 10
+1 + 10

-10 -5


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Effect of Closed-loop Poles on Response
10 1
G1 (s)
(s 10) (0.1s 1)

10(s 1.1) (0.909s 1)

G3 ( s )
1.1( s 1)( s 10) ( s 1)(0.1s 1)

10(s 4) (0.25s 1)
-10 G4 ( s )
-5 4(s 1)( s 10) ( s 1)(0.1s 1)

10 1
G2 ( s )
-5 (s 1)( s 10) (s 1)(0.1s 1)

Feb-17 C6.10
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Concepts of System Stability
A system (linear or non-linear) will be BIBO
(bounded input, bounded output) stable if,
for every bounded input, the output is Im
bounded for all time.
A linear time-invariant system must have all
poles on the left-half of the s-plane (with Stable Unstable
negative real parts) to make the system Region Region
If the poles lie on the imaginary axis, the
system is critically stable.
If any poles have positive real parts, the
system is unstable.
If the system is unstable, even in the absence
of any input, the output will grow without
bounds and becomes infinitely large as time
goes to infinity.
Feb-17 C6.11
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Higher-Order System response
For a unit step input, we can re-write in terms of partial fractions as

For simplicity, we assume that all the poles are distinct.

The time response will then be, by using the Inverse Laplace Transform

Where and are constants depends on , , and .

For a stable response, the poles must all have negative real parts.

The response of a stable higher-order system thus comprises a sum of a

number of decaying exponential curves and decaying damped sinusoidal
curves together with a term dependent upon the input.

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Rouths Stability Criterion
A system is stable if all the roots of the systems characteristic
equation or have negative real parts.

The problem is if the characteristic equation is of an order higher than

two, it is not easy to find the roots. (other than some computational
software like MatLabTM, SciLabTM or OctaveTM.)

There is also a simple criterion, known as Rouths Stability Criterion

(sometimes known as the Routh-Hurwitzs Stability Criterion), which
enables us to find out the number of roots of the characteristic
equation that lie on the right-half of the s-plane and have positive real
parts, without solving the high-order polynomial equations.

Feb-17 C6.13
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Rouths Stability Criterion
1) Form the characteristic equation


2) If any of the coefficients is negative or zero, the system

is not stable.
3) If all the coefficients are positive, there is still no
guarantee that all the roots have negative real parts. We
then form the Routh Array and use the Routh
Criterion to determine the number of roots with positive
real parts.

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Rouths Stability Criterion
Characteristic equation

Routh Array


Feb-17 C6.15
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Characteristic equation

Routh Array


Feb-17 C6.16
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Characteristic equation

Routh Array

Note: sAll over a1

Rouths Criterion states that the number of roots with positive real parts is
equal to the number of changes in sign of the coefficients in the first
column of the array.

Feb-17 C6.17
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Example 1:
Determine the conditions for the following equation to have all the roots
with negative real parts.

Routh Array

If , then there is no sign change and there is no roots with

positive real parts.

If , then there are two sign changes. Therefore there are

two roots with positive real parts.
Feb-17 C6.18
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Example 2:
Determine the conditions for the following equation to have all the roots
with negative real parts.

Routh Array
1 3 1 4
4 2 4 0
4321 4141 4410
2.5 4
0 44 0
2.5 2 4 0
2 2.5 4 4 4
2 0 + 2.5 2.4 2 4 2.5 0
3 4
2 0

-0.267 0

4 0

There are 2 sign change, therefore 2 unstable pole.

Feb-17 C6.19
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RSC Example 3
Consider a system in the configuration

Is the system stable?

Step1: Obtain the closed-loop transfer function,

= =

Closed-loop characteristic equation is + 10 + 31 + 1030 = 0

Step 2: Use Rouths Stability criterion
All coefficients are positive passed first test.
Construction of Routh array.

Feb-17 C6.20
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RSC Example 3-a
Example 3:
Closed-loop characteristic equation is

Routh Array

10 31 1 1030
720 1030 10 0

There are 2 sign change, therefore 2 unstable pole.

Feb-17 C6.21
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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion: Special Cases
Two special cases can occur:

(1) Zero only in the first column of a row (2) An entire row that consists of zeros.
Consider the characteristic equation: Consider the characteristic equation:

1 3 5 1 6 8
2 6 3 7 42 56
2316 7 7 6 1 42
=0 0 =0 0 0
2 2 7
Cant proceed Cant proceed

Feb-17 C6.22
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Special case 1
A zero value occurs in the first column of any row while the remaining
terms are not zero, or there is no remaining term.
Solution: The zero term is replaced by a small positive number and
the array is calculated accordingly.
Example: Routh Array:

1 3 5 +ve
2 6 3 +ve
0 0 +ve

3 -ve

42 49 6
0 +ve
12 14
There are 2 sign change, therefore
2 unstable pole. 3 +ve
Feb-17 C6.23
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Rouths Stability Criterion
Special case 2

If all the coefficients in a derived row are zero, it
means that there are roots of equal magnitude
located symmetrically about the origin. For
example, the characteristic equation have factors Re
such as ( s )( s - ) or ( s j w )( s - jw ) .

For such cases, one may form an auxiliary polynomial to take the place
of the all-zero row. The coefficients of this auxiliary polynomial is
obtained by taking the derivative of the polynomial above the all-zero

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Rouths Stability Criterion
Special case 2 Example

Note that because not all the coefficients are positive, this indicates
that there is at least one root with a positive real part.

New Routh Array:

Routh Array: Use this as auxiliary
polynomial 1 6 8
1 6 8
7 42 56
7 42 56
28 84
0 00
21 56
9.33 0

There is no change in sign in the first column, which

means that there is no root with a positive real part.
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Rouths Stability Criterion - Application
Consider a unity feedback system as shown below with

What is the maximum value for K such that the closed-loop system is stable.

The closed-loop transfer function is Routh Array:

1 3
3 2
The characteristic equation is

All coefficients positive if .

For no sign change (no unstable pole)

For stability
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The End

Feb-17 C5.27
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