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Procedure For Compaction

1. The mould with the baseplate attached was weighed and the mass was recorded.
2. The collar was attached to the mould and placed on the level floor.
3. The empty can was wighed.
4. The soil sample sieved using a sieving size 20mm for about 5.5kg.
5. The 5.5kg soil sample was mixed with 1000L water.
6. The moist soil was placed into the mould such that it occupies 1/3 of the height of
mould when compacted.
7. 27 blows was apply from the 2.5kg rammer dropped from height of 300mm above the
soil. The blows was distribute uniformly over the surface to ensure that rammer
always fall freely and is not obstructed by soil in tube.
8. Step 7-8 was repeated twice more so that the amount of soil is used is sufficient to fill
the mould.
9. The collar was removed , the excess soil was strike off and level of using straightedge.
10. The soil compacted and mould with baseplate was weighed.
11. The compacted soil is removed using soil extruder and place it on metal tray. The
representative soil was take and placed in empty can.
12. The empty can with representative soil was weighed.
13. The remainder soil was break up and mixed with the remainder of prepared test
14. 250ml of water added to the mixture.
15. Step 8-16 was repeated until 5 reading.

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