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Debate Strategies

Debate Research

For a Debater, knowledge is power. No matter how eloquent or

passionate a speech may be, it will ultimately be toothless with key
information and evidence to support the argumentation. Thus,
debaters will have to be well-read and well-researched if they are to
improve. Diligent research will provide not only the evidence for cases
but also generate the argumentation which could be used in debates.
Constructing a speech
There is more to a debate speech than the mere delivery of
arguments and rebuttals. No doubt these two elements will form the
backbone of speech. However, the following elements are crucial in
making a speech interesting, memorable and easy to follow for the
judges. When the judges have an easy time following a debaters
speech, they will always be more inclined to give more points in
return for making their jobs easier.
The Psychological Dimension of Debate
Debaters are no doubt aware of the physical aspects of debate
(listening and speaking) as well as its mental aspects (thinking of
arguments and rebuttals). They often neglect an equally important
dimension of debate: the psychological factor. Every speaker should
therefore look to put themselves in the best psychological position
and the following steps could be of help.
With the exception of a few debate formats such as Lincoln Douglas
debating in the US, debating is a team event. This is especially true for
the World Schools Debating format, with three speakers per team
taking the floor.
Practical Advice
Unless gifted with a perfect, photographic memory, speakers will
need to use a notebook or palm cards to write down the components
of the speeches to be delivered. The following considerations could
be applied when deciding on whether notebooks or palm cards
should be used in a debate.
Training Tips
Before the start of each training session, each debater should decide
on a particular area to focus on and pay it particular attention. For
instance, a debater could choose to pay more attention to controlling
hand gestures, giving better points of information or rebutting
stronger. This provides a direction and challenge for the training
session. This should not, of course, mean that the other aspects of
training should be neglected or de-prioritized!

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