Irr 11th Nca Cup

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Implementing Rules and Regulations: 11th NCA

February 22, 2017

I. Title. The quiz bee shall be named The Marvelous Battle of Future CPAs

II. Scope. The NCA Cup is an inter-school Accounting Quiz Bee which shall
cover all the CPA board subjects listed below:
a. Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
b. Auditing
c. Financial Accounting and Reporting
d. Regulatory Framework for Business Transactions
e. Management Advisory Services
f. Taxation

I Participants. The quiz bee is open to all colleges and universities. Each
team will comprise of two participants. Each school can send four
students (two pairs) to represent their school. In a case where the
participating school will be able to send only one representative, he/she
will represent the school alone and will be allowed to join the quiz bee.

III. Qualification. All graduating (or penultimate) BS Accountancy students

(or its equivalents) during the academic year 2016 - 2017 are qualified to
take part in this event. Anyone who fails to qualify shall not be allowed to
participate in the quiz bee.

IV. Requirements.
a. Each school must submit the following:
1. Accomplished Application Form. (One application form per
2. Scanned copy of the participants Certificate of Registration
or any proof that the participant is presently enrolled.
3. Endorsement letter signed by the local chapter president.
a Compress all the requirements into a .zip file under the file name:
Name of School Names of Participants. (Example: San Beda
College Alabang Reena del Rosario, Japeth Rueda) Attach the
compressed file to the email with the email subject: Name of
School, and send it to on or before February
12, 2017.
b. If the participants fail to pass the requirements on the given
deadline, they will not be allowed to take part in the quiz bee.
c. On the day of the event, each participant must bring and
present their School ID to the event organizers.

I Substitution. The substitution of participants shall be allowed during the

day of the competition provided that they present to the event organizers
the necessary requirements, as stated above. Failure to do so will result
to disqualification.

V. Composition. The quiz bee shall consist of two stages: The Elimination
Stage, and the Final Stage.

A. Elimination Stage This stage shall consist of three rounds: Easy,

Average, and Difficult.
1. The Easy Round will consist of ten questions (10), all of which
are multiple choice questions. For this round, each correctly
answered question will be awarded five (5) points. A theoretical
type and a problem type of question will be given a time
allotment of 15 and 30 seconds, respectively.
2. The Average Round will consist of ten questions (10), all of which
are multiple choice questions. For this round,each correctly
answered question will be awarded ten (10) points. A theoretical
type and a problem type of question will be given a time
allotment of 20 and 40 seconds, respectively.
3. The Difficult Round shall consist of ten questions (10), which will
be a mix of multiple choice and identification types of question.
For this round, each correctly answered question will be awarded
fifteen (15) points. A theoretical type and a problem type of
question will be given a time allotment of 30 and 60 seconds,
The five (5) teams that will garner the highest scores out of all the teams shall
advance to the Final Stage.

A Final Stage The top five (5) teams from the Elimination Stage shall
be competing in this stage. This is the stage where the teams will
be able to use their chosen special power. However, they can only
use it once.

In this stage, the teams will be given 90 seconds to answer

each question but the first team to raise the correct answer shall be
the only one entitled of the point. However, in the event that the
first team to raise their answer is incorrect, other teams will be
allowed to steal. A steal shall only be allowed once if the
question is a multiple choice type, but if it is an
identification type, it shall be allowed four times, hence all
the teams will have a chance to answer, unless otherwise
prevented by a special power.

The first three (3) teams to obtain three (3) points shall win
this competition. The first, second, and 3rd teams to obtain three (3)
correct answers shall be declared the Champion, 1 st runner-up, and
2nd runner-up, respectively.
VIII. Special Powers. Each team will be given the chance to choose
one special power UPON REGISTRATION. (It is included in the
application form) A character shall only be allowed to be chosen twice.
Therefore, teams are encouraged to register immediately so as to be able
to obtain the special power they desire the most. Each character
represents powers that can be used by each team only once in the final
stage, in the event that they advance to the latter. The powers of each
character and their nature are explained below:

I. Captain America Captain America is known for
his shield. This shield is made
out of vibranium that can
protect him from the attacks of
his enemies. Choosing Cap will
give you the ability to shield any
kind of attack from your
opponent and be able to sustain
it. However, you can only use
this shield once, so be wise in
shielding things. Moreover, if
things get rough for Cap, he can
choose to use his shield as an
offensive tool to beat his
enemies. Cap can throw his
shield at 2 of his opponents to
make them dizzy and not let
them answer the next question
for 45 seconds (not even see
the question or manipulate any
calculators or pens). Good luck,
II. Thor Thor is known for his hammer
called the Mjolnir. And
whosoever holds this hammer,
if he be worthy, shall possess
the power of Thor. Hence, if
you choose Thor, upon raising
your hammer, it shall allow you
to paralyze all other opponents
making them unable to answer
the next question for 60
seconds (not even see the
question or manipulate any
calculators or pens). After the
lapse of 60 seconds, your
opponents will be given the
chance to answer, so be sure to
use your godly power efficiently
as you will only have the chance
to use it once.
I The Hulk The Hulk is known for turning
green and uncontrollable when
he gets angry. The Hulk will
destroy anything that will go
against his way. Choosing to be
Dr. Bruce Banner will give you
the power to smash two (2)
opponents and not let them
answer the next question. As he
once said, You wont like me
when Im angry.I will certainly
not! However, the hulk can only
be angry once, so learn to
control your anger.
II Spider-Man Spider-man is known for his
spider webs that come out of
his wrists. He sometimes uses it
to annoy his enemies and
consequently defeat them.
Choosing to be Peter Parker for
a day will allow you to steal
from an opponent his or her
board, preventing him to
answer the next question and
allow yourself to raise two
answers at a time. So if you are
not sure about your answer
might as well become a smart
ass like spider-man and have
two. But of course, you can only
use your power once. With
great power, comes great
I Deadpool Deadpool is known for his ability
to heal his wounds and
eventually get back from being
hurt. Choosing to become ugly
like Wade Wilson will give you
the power to heal your wounds
and answer infinitely until you
get the correct answer.
However, theres a catch to this,
since Deadpool does not heal
within a single second, you have
to wait for 5 seconds before you
can answer again. Although, be
careful with your words when
your opponent gets the correct
answer because we do not
tolerate Deadpools profanity.

Participants will be asked by the emcee if they want to use their power
before proceeding to the next question. Moreover, before proceeding to
the question, the emcee will tell them what type of question will be the
next one so as to help them strategize whether to user their powers or

IX. Awarding. The first three (3) teams to obtain three (3) points shall win this
competition. The first, second, and 3 rd teams to obtain three (3) correct
answers shall be declared the Champion, 1 st runner-up, and 2nd runner-up,

X. Clincher. In case of a tie, a clincher round will take place and the team with
the most points shall be awarded as winners. This only applies to the
elimination stage.

XI. General Contest Rules and Mechanics

a. The quizmaster shall read the question only once.
b. The contestants will be provided a copy of the problem and may flip
out the same when the quizmaster utters the first word of the
c. The contestant may manipulate their calculators as soon as the
quiz master reads the first word of the problem.
d. Scratch papers shall be provided for the contestants, as well as the
whiteboards and markers that they will use.
e. Participants must refrain from looking at other participants
f. Anyone caught violating the rules shall be: (1) Given a warning at
once; (2) Disqualified from answering the next question; (3)
Disqualified from the competition.
g. Answers must be written on the boards only after the quizmaster
finishes reading the entire question. Boards must be raised after
the quizmaster says so. Boards that are raised late will no longer be
entertained and no point shall be given for it even if the answer is
correct. (This only applies during the elimination stage.)
h. All questions or any other concerns shall be raised before the next
question is raised. Otherwise, it will no longer be entertained.
i. Decision regarding unforeseen situations will depend on the
organizers and it will be final and irrevocable.
j. Special powers shall only be used once and when the quizmaster
starts reading the question, no one shall be allowed to user their
powers. (This applies only to the final stage.)
k. The team that got the highest points in the elimination round shall
be prioritized in using the special powers. Meaning, they will be the
first one to be asked by the quiz master whether they wish to use
their special power. Once a team has decided to use their special
power, no other teams shall be allowed to use their special powers

except in the case of Captain Americas power because it is a

defensive type of power.

I Queries. For more details, please contact:

Japeth Rueda, Director for Academics (09067336354)

Prepared by:

Japeth Z. Rueda
Director for Academics, JPIA - SBCA

Approved by:

Reena Angelica A. del Rosario

President, JPIA SBCA

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