Jewish Standard, March 17, 2017

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MARCH 17, 2017

VOL. LXXXVI NO. 24 $1.00 86 2017


Think iCan

Federation program
helped teens learn how

Teaneck, NJ 07666
to talk about Israel page 20
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Jewish Standard
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Page 3
Massive avocado heist averted
Holy guacamole! abandoned the vehicles at a local
Israel Border Police last week gas station. Police found five tons
thwarted what would have been of avocados packed into the two
one of the greatest produce-relat- cars.
ed crimes in the countrys history. The stolen produce, valued in
Security forces were alerted the tens of thousands of shekels,
to the heist after security guards was returned to the growers.
patrolling avocado groves near One suspect was arrest-
Haifa saw two unfamiliar vehicles ed near the gas station
fleeing the area. They set up road in connection with the
blocks and carried out searches of robbery.
vehicles matching the description The suspect was
of those cars. said to be a 20-year-
Apparently deterred by the old resident of
ramped-up security, the thieves Akko. TIMES OF ISRAEL

Suspects in avocado heist? This photograph made the

rounds on Facebook last week. The Hebrew caption
suggests, If you dont have a Purim costume...

Israels mighty menschen have struck out

The Jewish, mostly-American way to an 8-3 victory before more advance to the semifinals next week in This is the first year that Israel has
princes of baseball were beaten by than 40,000 fans packed into the Los Angeles. Japan, with a tournament qualified for the tournament. In 2012, its
the Japanese in Tokyo on Wednes- Tokyo Dome. record of 6-0, and the Netherlands will inaugural WBC squad narrowly missed
day, ending Team Israels Cinderella Israel, the lowest-ranked team to advance from Pool E. They will join the advancing past the qualifiers.
run at the World Baseball Classic. qualify for the showcase tourna- top two teams from the Pool F games Most of the players are American
Japan snapped a scoreless tie with ment, dropped its last two games now being played in San Diego. Jews, and several former major leagu-
five runs in the sixth inning on the in the second round and will not Israel had startled the baseball world ers are among them. WBC rules say
by opening the tournament with four that players who are eligible for citizen-
straight victories, including a 4-1 win ship of a country may play on its team.
over powerhouse Cuba in the first Jews and their grandchildren, and the
game of the second round. But Israel grandchildrens spouses, have the right
lost 12-2 to the Netherlands on Monday to become Israeli citizens.
and had to beat Japan to move on. The team appeared on the field at
Last week, in the first round, the Is- each game for the national anthem of
raelis squeaked past third-ranked South Israel, Hatikvah, wearing matching
Korea, 2-1, in extra innings, outscored blue kippahs. The clubs mascot was a
fourth-ranked Taiwan, 15-7, and defeat- super-size version of the plush Chanu-
ed ninth-ranked the Netherlands, 4-2, to kah toy called Mensch on a Bench.
finish first in Pool A with a 3-0 record. JTA WIRE SERVICE

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Candlelighting: Friday, March 17, 6:47 p.m. OPINION ........................................................... 52 political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
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Shabbat ends: Saturday, March 18, 7:47 p.m. THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE ...................60 any employees.
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REAL ESTATE..................................................69
That much-loved grease ball wrapped in
yesterdays newspaper is less Etonian
and more Estonian.
Thats historian Denise Phillips on a BBC show, explaining how the Jews brought
fish and chips, an iconic British food, to England with them.


B&B returns;
this time its live!
The tale as old as man at the end of the than most of his prior
time returns to film which Gad says film work. The setting is
theaters in a new is subtle, but incredibly the Austin, Texas, music
live-action film. This effective in showing scene. We follow two
Beauty and the Beast hes gay. The Variety entangled couples as
is not an adaptation of reviewer differed: Josh they chase success. One
the hit 1994 Broadway Gad plays Gastons wor- couple (Ryan Gosling
stage version, but a new shipful stooge as maxi- and Rooney Mara) are
re-imagining of the mally silly and fawning, struggling songwriters.
story as told in the but I must have missed The other couple is a
beloved 1991 animated the memo where that music mogul (Michael
film musical. Advance spells gay. Fassbender) and the
reviews say its quite The great original waitress he ensnares
good, but some parts of film songs, all of which Josh Gad Alan Menken Howard Ashman (NATALIE PORTMAN,
the story and some appear in this version, 35). The impressive cast
songs had more magic were written by com- includes Cate Blanchett,
in the animated version. poser ALAN MENKEN, Iggy Pop, and Patti
(Opens Friday, March now 67, and lyricist Smith. (Opens March 17.)
17.) HOWARD ASHMAN No doubt the cinema-
The title characters (1950-1991). Four new tography will be gor-
(Belle and the Beast) songs, written just for geous since the cinema-
are played by Emma this film, are by Menken tographer is the great
Watson and Dan Ste- and lyricist Tim Rice. EMMANUEL LUBEZKI,
vens. Kevin Kline plays Meanwhile, Menken has 52. He won three best
Maurice, Belles eccen- another hit now running cinematography Os-
tric but lovable father. on Broadway a musi- cars in a row, from 2013
(Klines father was Jew- cal version of the film to 2015, with Gravity,
ish, but he was raised A Bronx Tale (1993), Birdman, and The
in his mothers Catholic which opened in No- Natalie Portman Emmanuel Lubezki June Squibb Revenant. He is the
faith.) Other major sup- vember to glowing re- only person to have
porting actors include views. Its score is much although he was not a perceptively have point- and your wives, well achieved this.
Emma Thompson and more rock and roll than credited screenwriter ed out, a Beauty song, save our village and our JUNE SQUIBB, 87,
Ewan McGregor (whose the Beauty score. on Beauty, everyone Kill the Beast, has a lives. and Hal Holbrook,
children are being raised As an editorial note agrees that he vastly poignant AIDS subtext In other words, given 92, will guest star
in his wifes Jewish I dont think that the gay improved the original in the lyrics that refer- the constraints of work- as a married couple in
faith). community gains much scriptwith comedy ences the AIDS hysteria ing within the plot of a an episode of Greys
JOSH GAD, 36, plays from an arguably gay and with the shaping of of the 1980s and 90s. fairy tale, and given the Anatomy that will first
LeFou, the flunky of character who, as Va- the Beasts tragedy. Gaston sings about the politics of 1991, Ashman air on Thursday, March
Belles other suitor, riety says, is silly and Like the Beast Ash- need to end the Beasts subtly made a strong 23 (at 8:30 p.m., on
Gaston. Disney says fawning and the stooge man was afflicted with life despite his igno- point. I wish Disney had NBC). Squibb was
that LeFou is an explic- of Gaston, a handsome a curse AIDS that rance of his condition. found another way, in Oscar-nominated for
itly gay character in the idiot. Howard Ashman, drastically altered his Here are two apt lines: 2017, to celebrate in- best supporting actress
new film, and of course who was gay, was no physical appearance. We dont like what clusiveness other than for Nebraska. By the
that has attracted some LeFou. He and Men- But he worked coura- we dont understand making a foolish charac- way, Holbrook is still
controversy. However, ken revived the Disney geously to get every and in fact it scares us, ter sort of gay. touring his one-man
like beauty, explicit animated musical with film detail right even and this monster is mys- Word is that stage show, Mark Twain
appears to be in the eye The Little Mermaid as his death neared terious at least / Bring Terence Malicks Tonight! He began
of the beholder. LeFou and Beauty. He also he died just before the your guns, bring your new film, Song to touring in it in 1954.
dances with another was a playwright, and films opening. As many knives, save children Song, is much lighter N.B.

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Mazon tractor-trailer exhibit
coming to Teaneck
Interactive display shatters myths about hunger

Yes, you can learn values at your mothers

knee and your fathers.
I got involved with the issue of hunger
at an early age, Joel Pitkowsky, the rabbi of
Teanecks Congregation Beth Sholom, said.
My parents were involved in Mazon
since it began, he added; hes been on its
board for some four years. My parents
also delivered Meals on Wheels for many Rabbi Joel Rabbi Nathaniel
years through Jewish Family Service. They Pitkowsky Helfgot
showed me it was very important to care
about another persons basic needs. I saw (literally) park at Teanecks Temple Emeth.
that there are people, just like us, who Rabbi Steven Sirbu has been an amaz-
happen to be in a difficult situation and ing partner and co-sponsor, Rabbi Pit-
need a hand. kowsky said; Steven Sirbu is the rabbi of
That premise, that those in need are Temple Emeth. Were excited to have
just like us, underlies Mazons traveling people experience this multimedia edu-
exhibit, This is Hunger, which will be in cational exhibit to hear some of the sto-
Teaneck on April 3, 4, and 5. ries, see the photographic images, read
A few years ago, Mazon commissioned the statistics, and have a chance to react.
a photographer to take a trip across the The trailer expands on both sides when
country, Rabbi Pitkowsky said. We had its parked, he said, giving it 1,000 feet of
been hearing people talk about hunger, exhibit space.
saying, Yes, we know theyre hungry, but Rabbi Pitkowsky said he became
they dont look like us, theyre other peo- involved with Mazon because I really like
ple. We asked the photographer to take what they try to do. They address the core
pictures and record stories. We called the issues of hunger and try to solve the prob-
project Faces of Hunger, showing who lem. While they certainly do fund food
really goes to food banks and shelters. banks and support food drives, they try
So powerful was the exhibit, and so suc- to go a step beyond that and prevent hun-
cessful, that we didnt want to leave it as ger in the first place, asking, Why are they
a 2-D exhibit, so we spoke with creative hungry? What can we do? What do we, as
artists and museum exhibitors about how a society, owe other people?
to get our message across, he continued. We also believe that the role govern-
The result, This is Hunger, is an incredible ment plays is important. We cannot food-
exhibit a high-impact educational expe- bank our way out of the hunger crisis. A flyer for the Mazon exhibit that will roll into Teaneck next month.
rience housed inside a big tractor trailer. Mazon stresses the long game with stra-
That truck is now traveling across the tegic thinking, he added. For example, it must remain strong. The idea of the insecurity in Bergen County is being moni-
country on a 10-month tour. It already sometimes funds research. In the Mid- group taking care of the individual really tored and addressed by the Center for Food
has traversed the Midwest and is headed west, theyre dealing with the serious issues appeals to me. Action. Patria Espy, the groups executive
in our direction. After a late-March stop- of rural hunger, funding research into this. Rabbi Pitkowsky said he particularly director, said Many Bergen County resi-
over in various MetroWest locations, it will His own synagogue, he said, has a strong appreciates the annual Mazon board meet- dents struggle to put food on their tables.
social action committee, participating in ing that brings members to Washington, For many of our neighbors, hunger is one
Who: Congregations Beth Sholom and food drives and volunteering in shelters. D.C., to lobby members of Congress on of the most difficult problems they face.
Temple Emeth
But lately, the shul has spoken more particular issues, such as shoring up SNAP, The high cost of living in our county makes
What: Will co-sponsor MAZONs ex- about the social justice side of hunger, the food stamp program, or addressing the it difficult for the working poor, many of
hibit, This is Hunger creating a social justice committee to look issue of hunger among military families. our elderly neighbors, folks unable to work
When: On April 3, 4, 5 at these, and other, pressing social issues. We raised the profile of hunger in the due to disabilities, and the recently unem-
Where: At Temple Emeth, 1666 Wind- More than 40 million people in our military, bringing the issue to the public, ployed to get by without help.
sor Road, Teaneck country are food insecure, not knowing he said. Were trying to create a legisla- Ms. Espy stressed that hunger and
Cost: Free to the public, but attendees if they will have enough food tomorrow, tive fix for Congress to vote on. Much of it the risk of hunger is very real in Bergen
must register. Call Elaine Hanan at (201) Rabbi Pitkowsky said. Theres no way has to do with a quirk in the law, how the County and across New Jersey. The Cen-
833-1322 or email her at ehanan@ that food banks can deal with that. Mazon laws on food stamps were written. Young ter for Food Action provided more than for help with registration or believes that what we need to do is make enlisted folks who move off base live at a 64,000 food packages to people from
questions about the schedule. Go to sure our government is helping people in lower standard of living because of how nearly every town in Bergen County last to learn more about
every way possible. The food safety net the law was written. year. A third of those helped were chil-
the program and to see all the tour
has been a strong part of our countrys While Mazon is involved with hunger dren, and 17 percent were seniors.
policy for decades. And this commitment on a national scale, the problem of food SEE MAZON PAGE 64


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Going into the family business

Father, son to be ordained together join other local father-son rabbinic pairs
ABIGAIL KLEIN LEICHMAN Yeshiva College and also earned a masters

degree in Jewish history; he is now a doc-
hen Alvin Reinstein of toral student.
Teaneck had to borrow I worked in administration for YU for
class notes, find a study a couple of years and then had the oppor-
buddy, or get advice on tunity to work with students on campus,
courses toward ordination at Yeshiva Uni- something I never thought Id be doing,
versitys Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theologi- he said. Once I started, it really spoke
cal Seminary RIETS he turned to a to me. Theres something very powerful
classmate two years ahead of him: his son, about the ability to be there as a resource
Sam. for people.
The Reinsteins were the first father- Rabbi Michael Taubes said he didnt
son pair simultaneously studying for the expect Yaakov, his middle child, to become
rabbinate in the history of the 121-year- a rabbi. This opportunity at JLIC almost
old RIETS. fell into his lap, and I hope he enjoys being
On March 19, they will be among 130 a rabbi as much as I have over the years,
rabbis from the classes of 2014-2017 he said.
celebrating their ordination (semi- Rabbi Taubes added that he and his
cha, or semikhah as YU transliterates wife, Bassie, made their household a place
the Hebrew word) at the Chag HaSe- where their five childrens needs and feel-
mikhah convocation on YUs Washington Rabbi Kenneth, left, and Rabbi Tuvia Brander.  YESHIVA UNIVERSITY ings were prioritized above all. We rarely
Heights campus. if ever discussed matters relating to shul or
If the triennial event were held every 32-year career in administration at the Being in classes with my father was school at the table, he said.
four years in other words, in 2018 it New York City Housing Authority, he a little weird but very special, he said. Teanecks Rabbi Kenneth Brander, the
would also include Alvins son-in-law and had the opportunity for serious Torah Especially with Torah topics, transmis- vice president of University and Com-
Sams brother-in-law, Josh Botwinick, hus- study but encountered many distrac- sion usually flows downward from father munity Life at YU, similarly said that he
band of Margot Reinstein Botwinick, now tions. Seeking a structured framework, to son, and with us it went the other way and his wife, Ruchie, always made sure
in his fourth year at RIETS. he registered for RIETS in January 2012 because I was advising him which classes there was a healthy balance in the house
Nevertheless, the Reinsteins achieve- two years after Sam began the program to take and sharing my notes with him. It between engaging in the community and
ment is unusual enough that YU has inter- with the strong encouragement of his was great. being there for our children.
viewed them for a special video. wife, Esther Lauber. The convocation also will include sev- Rabbi Tuvia Brander, 29 (RIETS class
The Chag HaSemikhah is about the That year, at the class of 1972s 40th eral Bergen County residents whose of 2015), now leads the Young Israel of
passing of the mesorah [tradition], and the reunion, YU President Richard Joel noted fathers and in some cases, their grand- West Hartford, Connecticut, and is vice
meeting of the generations, RIETSs dean, that Alvin Reinstein was the only class fathers are RIETS alumni. president of the Greater Hartford Rab-
Rabbi Menachem Penner, said. A father member now enrolled as a student in any Rabbi Yaakov Taubes (class of 2014) binic Association.
and son completing semicha at the same of the universitys various schools. is the son of Rabbi Michael Taubes, the He hopes to attend the Chag HaSe-
time, in the same yeshiva, exemplifies the It was a case of the father following the leader of Teanecks Zichron Mordechai mikhah convocation not only with his
beauty of that never-ending chain. It is also son, he said. It wasnt my intention to get synagogue, a RIETS Rosh Yeshiva and father but also with his grandfather, Rabbi
a testament to the vitality of our yeshiva a job as a rabbi; I just wanted to study. And instructor, and Rosh Yeshiva at MTA. Aaron Brander, a RIETS-ordained rabbi
and yeshiva campus, with students of all my son Sam was an inspiration for me. Yaakov Taubes and his wife, Racheli, who was formerly the principal of the
ages learning side by side. We took many courses together and stud- are in their third year teaching and men- Yeshiva of Central Queens and now splits
Alvin Reinstein, now 66, is the son of ied together. When he was going through toring University of Pennsylvania students his time between Far Rockaway, New York,
Holocaust survivors who raised their three Yavneh Academy and Torah Academy of through the Orthodox Unions Seif Jewish and Deerfield Beach, Florida.
boys in the Bronx. He graduated from Bergen County, I would learn with him Learning Initiative on Campus. They have Rabbi Kenneth Brander started his
MTA, YUs high school for boys, in 1968, but now it was on a peer basis. two children. career in 1986 as assistant rabbi of Man-
and from Yeshiva College, with a bach- Rabbi Sam Reinstein, 27, is an actuary I grew up in a rabbinic home, going to hattans Lincoln Square Synagogue. From
elors degree in math, in 1972. I always at Prudential and has a weekend pulpit shul with my father and learning Torah 1991 to 2005, he was the senior rabbi of the
wanted to learn Torah, he said. I feel it as the assistant rabbi of Congregation Kol with him my entire life, Rabbi Taubes Boca Raton Synagogue in Florida, and was
is our primary duty to achieve spiritual Torah, a 90-year-old synagogue in Brook- said. I dont recall having rabbis son syn- involved in founding and leading several
growth by learning Torah and doing mitz- lyns Prospect Heights neighborhood. He, drome. I was very proud that my father communal institutions.
vot, he said. his wife, Hannah Dreyfus, and their six- was a rabbi, and it felt natural to me. I tried to make sure that during
After his 2010 retirement from a month-old son, Leon, live in Brooklyn. He enrolled in RIETS after finishing the more than 20 years I spent in the

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effect change on a broad and individual scale. Over time

and with an incredible partner in my wife, Miriam, I was
able to do this myself.
He originally thought of working in a math-related field,
but a summer in Kansas City through YUs Jewish Experi-
ence program which combines communal work with
business internships convinced him that he belonged
in the pulpit, and he returned the next summer as a rab-
binic intern.
I always wanted to contribute to the Jewish community
in an active way, and there are ways you can do that as a
lay leader and there are ways you can do that as a rabbi,
he continued. I enjoy working with people, and going
into the rabbinate was a real opportunity to engage with
people and be involved in the community on the most inti-
mate level.
Rabbi Alvin, left, and Rabbi Sam Reinstein at the Two sons of Rabbi Menachem Genack of Congregation Rabbi Yaakov Taubes, left, and his father, Rabbi
recent bris of Sam Reinsteins son, Leon. SAM REINSTEIN Shomrei Emunah in Englewood are taking part in the Michael Taubes.
March 19 event: Rabbis Moshe Genack (2017) and Chaim
rabbinate, and as a community leader and activist, I Genack (2014). Their father also is a RIETS rosh yeshiva, Neuburger is the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth
never said my children should act a certain way because and he is the head of the Orthodox Union Kosher Division. Abraham in Bergenfield.
theyre the rabbis children, Kenneth Brander said. They Another intergenerational feature of the Chag HaSe- Special mention will be made of Rabbi Jason Gross-
were part of the conversation and part of the experience mikhah convocation will be the presence of 10 men who man (2014), a Teaneck native and the grandson of the late
instead of resenting the experience. were ordained at RIETS and whose grandsons are in the Rabbi Zelo Schussheim, a RIETS graduate and longtime
I definitely went into this with eyes wide open, Tuvia new cohort. RIETS Rosh Yeshiva.
Brander, the oldest of five children, said. In our home, Among these are Rabbis Motti Neuburger (2015) and The three classes of new rabbis represent an interna-
the work of the rabbinate was a family project, and we Yechiel Neuburger (2017), sons of RIETS Rosh Yeshiva tionally diverse group, hailing from five continents and
were all included in this holy work. It was a way for our Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger (1979), maternal grandsons more than 50 North American cities. The convocation
family to give back to the community, and to see firsthand of Rabbi Zevulun Charlop (1954), and great-grandsons will be presented as a live webcast to the public at www.
how we could help people in all different stages of life and of Rabbi Yechiel Michel Charlop (1921). Rabbi Yaakov

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17, 2017

Bridging worlds
Franklin Lakes rabbi is new head Jewish Boy Scout chaplain
JOANNE PALMER During college, Rabbi Prouser was in the College Scout-
ing Reserves, a program created largely to keep young
It is a safe bet that when Lieutenant General Robert Ste- men connected; he lost most of that connection in rabbini-
phenson Smyth Baden-Powell, the first Baron Baden- cal school and then picked it up at the local level when he
Powell, first came up with the idea of Boy Scouts, it didnt and his young family moved to Connecticut when he took
occur to him that just a little over a century later, his move- a pulpit there. But then, in 1997, I got a call, out of the
ment, transplanted to the United States, would include a blue, from a member of the National Jewish Committee
National Jewish Committee on Scouting. on Scouting, saying that there was a need for a chaplain at
Baron Baden-Powell was a consummate Victorian mili- a National Jamboree.
tary man; if he hadnt been born, Rudyard Kipling would The Boy Scouts of America holds a national jambo-
have invented him. He of course was Christian, but as it ree every four years. The international scouting organi-
soon became clear, his emphasis was more on religion in zation holds one every four years as well. The dates are
general than his in particular. Religion is very important staggered, so there is a Boy Scout Jamboree to which an
in scouting. American Boy Scout can go held every other summer.
Hence the many official Boy Scout national chaplains in Rabbi Prouser had never been to one before, though; as
this country, representing, among other faiths, Catholics, soon as he was old enough for a summer job, hed worked
Baptists, and Presbyterians. The Jewish chaplaincy has at a Boy Scout camp. One of my first paid jobs was as a
existed since 1927, a surprising 90 years ago. cooking merit badge instructor, he said; in that capacity
This is relevant here and now because the committees I taught kids how to cook over an open fire. It is a skill
new head is Joseph Prouser, Conservative rabbi and Eagle he retains, he added.
Scout. Rabbi Prouser went to the jamboree, and despite being
Rabbi Prouser, who leads Temple Emanuel of North geographically illogical, he became the scouting move-
Jersey in Franklin Lakes, has been a Scout ever since I ments Jewish chaplain for the western region, where he
was a little kid, for almost as long as I can remember, he did not live. But he spent some time in Utah, and devel-
said. He grew up in Northampton, Mass.; his troop was oped what have become strong, long-lasting relationships
sponsored by the First Church of Christ. That was never with Mormon Scout leaders.
an issue, he said. The troop drew boys from all over the Now, Rabbi Prouser is one of four Boy Scout Jewish
area, although none from that church. Very few of them chaplains; he replaces his mentor, Rabbi Peter Hyman,
were Jewish it was not an overwhelmingly Jewish area, who remains as senior Jewish chaplain but is giving up
although because its home to many academics, there In the International Jamboree in Japan, an Indone- his chairmanship after 30 years. Another of the rabbis is
always are some. It was never a problem being Jewish, sian scout is flanked by Joseph Prouser, left, and a former Eagle Scout.
Rabbi Prouser said. Religious devotion what Scouts Archpriest Eric Tosi, national chaplain for Christian There are many Jewish Boy Scouts, Rabbi Prouser said.
call reverence is very much a part of it. Orthodox scouts. At the Jamboree, there is a sizeable contin-
Everyone was urged to grapple with their gent of shomer Shabbes Scouts, who have
own religious identity, and that work was their own synagogue tent. And there are
rewarded, no matter what religious iden- many other Jews who are not part of that
tity you claimed as your own. organized effort.
Rabbi Prouser began his Scouting career This is a National Jamboree summer; its
as a Cub Scout, and then moved steadily set for ten mid-July days, in West Virginia.
through the ranks until he reached the They are major undertakings; the last one
highest, most difficult to attain level, Eagle drew about 35,000 boys and about 10,00
Scout. To become an Eagle Scout, a boy staff members, Rabbi Prouser said. Among
has to plan and execute a major project, them are many Jews and many Muslims.
and direct other Scouts as they help him. Were planning a joint meal for the Jew-
Rabbi Prousers was with the Northamp- ish and Muslim Scouts, Rabbi Prouser said.
ton Historical Society. The town was Some Muslim Scouts will be from overseas,
founded in the 17th century, and the his- he added. Foreign delegations can come to
torical society had a barn where they U.S. jamborees; one will come from Egypt
had been keeping all sort of artifacts for this year, and maybe from other majority
decades, or maybe even for centuries. Muslim countries as well. We are going to be
I took a group of boys into the barn doing some joint programming, and I think
and we did almost an archeological dig. Two summers ago, Rabbi Prouser went to the International Jamboree in Ja- its for the first time, he added. There have
We sorted through the stuff there, and pan. Here, he stands with the Bangladeshi contingent. (Girls are welcomed in been smaller-scale efforts to get us together,
catalogued it, and provided suggestions Boy Scout troops overseas.) but this is the first time en masse.
for its use or display. We found paintings, Although the plans are not yet firm, he
we found 19th century farm equipment. We found some was in 1976 the bicentennial year so it was even more hopes to break the ice between the Jewish and Muslim
tombstones from the founding fathers of Northampton. relevant. scouts spectacularly, with what are called social circus
Those tombstones provided one possible answer to the A candidate becomes an Eagle Scout at what is called a coaches. (Thats circus coaches who use the circus arts
age-old question what do you do when you have a typo Court of Honor, an individual ceremony with great emo- they teach to bring disparate students together, not peo-
etched in stone? Obviously you cant erase it. So, at least in tional weight for the boy and his family and friends. Joe ple who think of social relationships as a metaphoric cir-
Northampton, you redo it on another stone, and you keep Prousers was at his shul, Congregation Bnai Israel. He cus.) The program is specially designed to bring together
the old one around, to use to pave a road or hold down a remembers its Hebrew school as being extraordinarily groups separated by culture of circumstance, he said. It
weight or whatever else it could be handy for. And until good so good, in fact, that when his rabbi, Asher Bar- should be fun.
then, you store it, so an Eagle Scout can uncover it hun- Zev, spoke at the ceremony, he addressed me in Hebrew, Rabbi Prouser believes that scouting has widened his
dreds of years later. and I remember feeling a bit surprised, both because he world, increased his understanding of the many people
It happened that Rabbi Prousers Eagle Scout project chose to do that and because I could understand him. with whom he shares it, and given him the freedom and



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Save the Date

As he was made an Eagle Scout at his Court of

Honor at his shul in 1976, Rabbi Prousers rabbi,
Asher Bar-Zev, addressed him in Hebrew.

flexibility to remain fully who he is. From the time I

was really young, my deepest and most valued friend-
ships were with other people involved in scouting, he
said. That is certainly true today. I think that those
friendships were so deep and lasting because we share
values and commitments.
I am regularly in touch with people of very differ-
Relaunching a career
ent perspectives, religious affiliations, and beliefs,
and theyre very different from mine, he continued.
I have close friends who are members of the Church
after time away
of the Latter-Day Saints in Utah, and Rabbi Hyman
is one of my closest and dearest colleagues. Rabbi strategies, success stories and advice
Hyman is Reform, and theologically and in religious
practice we are really very different. It is our common
experience with and commitment to this organization with Carol Fishman Cohen, CEO, iRelaunch
that brings us together, and bridges all these other
differences. Carol Fishman Cohen is the CEO and co-founder of iRelaunch. iRelaunch works
In a way, hes a Jewish ambassador to the scouting with employers to create programs for hiring professionals returning to work after
world. Part of my job as national chaplain is to bridge a career break, and provides strategies for relaunching individuals to resume their
what sometimes can be a gulf, he said.
careers. Carol wrote the seminal Harvard Business Review article The 40 Year Old
What about bridging the worlds of Scouting and the
rabbinate? Intern on this topic and is a regular HBR contributor. Her TED talk How to get
The rabbinate can be all-consuming, Rabbi back to work after a career break has been viewed over 1.4 million times and translated into 27
Prouser said. This level of scouting can be therapeu- languages. Carol is a graduate of Harvard Business School and her return to work at Bain Capital
tic. It is very healthy to have some other area of activ- after 11 years out of the full time workforce is documented in a Harvard Business School case
ity and creativity. But they arent completely separate
worlds. Part of the attraction for me is that they are
study. She lives in Boston and is the mother of four Millennials.
complementary areas of my rabbinic endeavor.
A rabbi would ill serve the Jewish community by
devoting himself exclusively to Jewish particularist
interests and activities. So I honestly believe that it is
Tuesday, March 21 I 7:00 pm
a service to my congregation, my community, and the Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 West Englewood Avenue, Teaneck
Jewish community more broadly that I involve myself
in the Boy Scouts of America.
And I think that it is to the credit of the Boy Scouts To ensure a seat, please RSVP to or
that it so strongly urges its participants to engage in
their own religious identities and communities. The
scouting organization understands that this kind of
religious expression strengthens the Boy Scouts and
that it also strengthens the individual.



A Passover windfall
Stop and Shop to donate two tons of food to JFCS food pantry
Larry Yudelson the pantrys busiest time of year.

Food costs can quadruple, Ms. Finkelstein said. For
ts not news that Passover is expensive. many families, its impossible to put adequate Passover
It demands more food. Special food. Special food on the table. More people struggle than do during
kosher food. the rest of the year.
There is good news for hard-strapped local fami- The food bank is open to anyone in the Jewish Feder-
lies this year, however. ation of Northern New Jerseys catchment area. Thats
The food pantry of the Jewish Family and Childrens Ser- Bergen, Hudson, and parts of Passaic County. Eighty-two
vices of Northern New Jersey will be getting a donation of percent of those who use the pantry are from the Jew-
two tons of food from Stop and Shop. ish community.
Every year, probably for more than the last dozen Who is eligible for assistance?
years or so, weve partnered with a local Jewish organi- People are able to come for the food pantry help if
zation in our market area, Jim Keenoy explained. Mr. their family is having a difficult time putting food on the
Keenoy is Stop & Shops director of marketing and exter- table, Ms. Finkelstein said.
nal communication. Its part of our bigger and broader It starts with a meeting with Faith OConnor, the JFCS
objective of being a better neighbor. employee who handles referrals. Shell ask about a fam-
That includes turkey donations before Thanksgiving, ilys situation and look for other ways that the agency
and ham donations before Easter as well as ongoing sup- might be able to help.
port for local charities and food banks. With the Stop and Shop donation, we are putting word
The list of food being donated was drawn up by JFCS. out in the community that this year we have help available
The vast majority is shelf stable. Some components are for all those families who have a very difficult time mak-
frozen or fresh, Mr. Keenoy said. ing ends meet, Ms. Finkelstein said. This contribution
Throughout the year, the food pantry stocks shelf sta- from Stop and Shop is putting us in a unique situation,
ble, fresh and frozen foods, according to Ellen Finkelstein, The food pantrys stocked for Passover. so we can provide kosher for Passover food for a much
the marketing director for Jewish Family and Childrens greater community.
Services. We support just shy of 1500 people a year, all of it. We know that one in five children in New Jersey The food will be delivered on March 28. The gift will
she said. go to bed hungry each night, she said. reflect a wish list drawn up by JFCS, and it will include
She knows that the need is so great that JFCS cannot fix Because it serves so many Jewish families, Passover is canned tuna, grape juice, chicken soup, matzah ball mix,

Taking it to the state legislators

Tuesday is JCRC advocacy day
Larry Yudelson across the country. We Vered Adoni, an assistant prosecutor Much is said about Israels dynamic

can strengthen ourselves at the Bergen County Prosecutors Office, technical companies and institutions,
his year, you by standing together and will discuss these issues at the briefing. their incredible advances in so many areas
dont have to go taking purposeful action. The second issue to be discussed will be of science and technology, Ms. Fein said.
to Trenton to Security and anti-Sem- senior and disability services. Federation One such area is the advances made in
speak to state itism tops the list of four is one of the largest funding organizations water preservation, water conservation,
legislators about the Jewish issues the JCRC has put for senior services, Ms. Fein said. and water resources. In a short period
communitys concerns on on the agenda for the The third issue is educational funding of time, Israel has gone from drought
behalf of the Jewish Com- meetings, Ms. Fein said. parity state aid for Jewish day schools and water shortages to become a water
munity Relations Com- Concretely, the state gov- she continued. To the extent that the exporter. Its exporting not just water but
mittee of the Jewish Fed- ernment administers the state can fund completely secular areas water technology as well.
eration of Northern New Stan Goodman federal Nonprofit Security of the school, we advocate for it. We were Many specific advances are things that
Jersey. Grant Program, which has successful last year in getting allocations to could have important implications for
This Tuesday, March 21, the JCRC will helped many local institutions including increase. We hope to do it again. New Jersey, which has some overlap and
hold its state legislative advocacy day, synagogues and schools beef up their Maurie Litwack, director of state politi- some differences in its water problems.
starting with a breakfast and a briefing security. cal affairs for the Orthodox Union, will Theres a chance to build something
on key issues at the federations Paramus The JCRC also is asking for the state to explain the details at the briefing.
office. Then participants will fan out to supplement the federal grants, because Support for Israel among elected offi- What: JCRC State Legislative Advo-
the offices of state senators and assem- they are targeted at urban areas. Those cials is the fourth item on the agenda, Ms. cacy Day
bly members throughout the federations areas include the federations catchment Fein said. Last year we were successful. When: Tuesday, March 21, 8:30 a.m.
North Jersey catchment area. area but excludes some of the states We had an anti-BDS bill that was passed 3 p.m.
This is an opportunity to stand firmly remote Jewish communities. with almost unanimous support by the Where: Jewish Federation of North-
with your community, JCRCs director, The JCRC also will ask the legislators to legislature, preventing the state from con- ern New Jersey, 50 Eisenhower Drive,
Lori Fein, said. Our community feels allocate funds to help institutions pay for tracting with companies that support a Paramus
itself under attack and very vulnerable, security guards. The federal grants can boycott of Israel. More information: Call David Silver-
she added, referring to the repeated bomb be used only for specific items of security This year weve decided to highlight a man at (201) 820-3944, email him at
threats sent to the Kaplen JCC on the Pali- infrastructure, such as cameras and bullet- potential area for partnership with Israel,, or go to www.jfnnj.
sades in Tenafly along with other JCCs proof window coatings. she said. That area is water. org/advocacy.

12 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017

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olive oil, among other things. The full shopping list
for stable, fresh, and frozen food, Ms. Finkelstein said.
es She is excited by the donation. To have a food
pantry with that kind of ability going into Passover is any one item $25 or more
unheard of, she said. In normal years, JFCS cant be so
with this coupon.
generous. Not in this quantity. Not in a million years.
JFCS has a long-standing relationship with Stop Excluding jewelry and sale items. May not be combined with credits,
other coupons and offers. Valid 1 per customer.
and Shop, which has supported the food pantry over
the years.
Ms. Finkelstein said the food pantry preserves the
privacy of participants.
1454 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 201.342.1089 @ONTHETABLENJ
Each appointment is handled on a confidential
basis, she said. There is only one client in the pantry
at a time. Youll never see someone coming and going.
The individual is able to choose the products they like,
rather than being given a bag of groceries.

What: Make a reservation at the food pantry of the

The Torah teaches that strife in the home YOURS + MINE =
Jewish Family and Childrens Services
is often due to money issues. - Bave Metzia 59a OURS
Who: Anyone in Bergen, Hudson, or parts of Pas-
saic who will have difficulty putting food on the
table for Passover THE AISLE will
When: Food will be available March 28. Contact
now to make a reservation. help young couples

How: Email Faith OConnor at recognize the

or call her at 201-837-9090.
importance of

shalom kesef,

providing them with

the tools to work

together on a path


thats better for New Jersey and better for Israel, Stan
healthy life-style.
Goodman said. Mr. Goodman is chair of the JCRCs

Cordially invites you to an

government relations committee and will present the
case that New Jersey can learn from Israel on water
matters at Tuesdays briefing.
Mr. Goodman said the advocacy day is part of a
long-term effort to build relationships so they recog- entertaining and fun dinner
focused on recognizing the
nize us and understand our interests.
Taking the meetings to the legislators district
offices, rather than to Trenton, has a lot of advan-
tages. We can include more volunteers.
All told, the federation extends into nine of the
states 40 legislative districts. If volunteers dont show
importance of shalom
up from all of the districts, the JCRC will send a del-
egation anyway, Ms. Fein said. As much as legislators
generally do prefer to hear from their own constitu-
ents, the legislators are very happy to hear from who-
Wednesday, March 22 I 7:00 pm
ever is coming from Federation representing the Jew- Congregation Beth Abraham, 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield
ish community as a whole.
So why should newcomers to the JCRC show up on By advanced registration only: Gratis.
Tuesday to join in the advocacy?
This is an opportunity to make a difference on
issues that are important for the whole community,
Ms. Fein said. Its an opportunity to meet your legisla-
tors and develop your own personal relationship with
them. And of course its an educational opportunity to This initiative could not have been launched without the encouragement and
backing of our communitys Rabbis and the generous sponsorship of
learn more about these issues through our briefing.
Elana & Marc Rothenberg and Tamar & Ross Rothenberg; we are most grateful.
And after the meetings, its an opportunity to return
to the federation offices for lunch and a briefing.

Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 13


From member to volunteer Back to work

Adler Aphasia Center inspires local woman to give back iRelaunch helps women
reenter the workforce
LOIS GOLDRICH wanted to do something useful. BANJI GANCHROW
I chose to work at Adler, she said, becom-
Talk about coincidence. ing the first member to work as a volunteer. If you are a woman, sitting on your couch, trying to
In 2010, while she was an elementary I work mostly in the store, teaching couture figure out what to do with the rest of your life, then
school teacher at Gibbs, a public school in jewelry. Ive always been good with my hands put March 21 at 7 p.m. on your calendar. Thats when
New Milford, Stacy Kaplan of Fair Lawn, and have a good eye, which helps. At first, I Carol Fishman Cohen will talk about how you can go
then 47, got married at a ceremony con- put my hand on the table and however little I about finding a job thats right for you.
ducted by Rabbi Francine Roston, the could use it, I did. I saw that I could make nice For those of you who have never heard of her, Ms.
leader of Congregation Beth Tikvah there. pieces. I guess I was a bit surprised. Fishman Cohen is the CEO and co-founder of iRe-
(The synagogue, also known as the New She also decided that she had to relearn launch. This organization is dedicated to helping
Milford Jewish Center, closed its doors how to read. I used to read quickly, she said. women become relaunchers, restarting their careers
in 2013, merging with the Jewish Com- Stacey Kaplan When I first came home [after recovery], I or even starting new ones, after they have been out
munity Center of Paramus. Rabbi Roston had all this free time but I couldnt read. I of the work place for an extended period of time. Ms.
went on to head a congregation in South Orange before taught myself to read using a first-grade phonics book. It Fishman Cohen gave a TED talk, How to get back to
she and her family moved to Whitefish, Montana.) gave me such insight into how children learn. I was really work after a career break. Clearly she hit a nerve with
Around that time, the rabbi ran into my mother and determined. I dont like to sit still. Now I can read again, it, because it was viewed over 1.4 million times and
they discussed books, Ms. Kaplan said. She suggested and faster, but for me it feels like Im reading slowly. has been translated into 27 languages. She also wrote
that my mother read My Stroke of Insight, written by In May, Ms. Kaplan is going to Israel, where she will a Harvard Business Review Article, The 40 Year Old
a neurologist who had a stroke and knew what she was visit the Adler facility at the Hadassah Academic College Intern. iRelaunch runs seminars that advise women
going through. Soon afterward, Ms. Kaplan had a stroke. in Jerusalem. She is inspired by Jewish values, she said. on all aspects of rejoining the workplace, including
The rabbi visited me and said shed never recommend I learned about giving back, about being kind. She also resume writing, interviewing techniques, and every-
that book again, Ms. Kaplan, now a volunteer at the Adler recalls the determination of her grandfather, who fled thing in between; it also runs meetings, similar to job
Aphasia Center, said. Russia because of persecution and always said he planned fairs, where companies and future employees come to
The book, however, did prove helpful. In the hospital, to go back to get the money he left. (That dream has meet each other.
my mother read it out loud, she said. It helped me with remained unfulfilled.) In other words, iRelaunch gives its participants
my recovery. But for the granddaughter, Adler has brought my life every opportunity to relaunch into the business world.
Ms. Kaplans stroke happened while she was driv- back to me. I go places, have friends, conversations. And Rachel Book of Bergenfield is responsible for con-
ing down Route 4. She noticed that her vision was get- the groups are purposeful, not just exercises. She did necting Ms. Fishman Cohen with Project Ezrah, a local
ting cloudy in one eye. I went to the ER, she said. My make inquiries at local Jewish institutions after her stoke organization that helps people who are unemployed or
carotid artery had ripped. Ms. Kaplan, the mother of four but couldnt find anything that fit because I didnt talk are in financial crisis.Some women choose not to go
teenagers two hers, two her husbands at the time of much. It would be helpful if synagogues and other Jewish back to work after they have children, or if they are in
her stroke, spent a week and a half at Valley Hospital and organizations could just be aware of what is out there for a caregiving position to someone who is ill, Ms. Book
then a month at the Kessler Institute in South Orange. She people to go to, she said. said. But the years go by, and they find themselves in
emerged with aphasia, a communication disorder that For now, Adler is filling Ms. Kaplans needs, and her a position where they either want to go back to work,
affects a persons ability to speak. desire to give back is being put to good use. She is actively or for financial reasons, they need to go back to work.
The doctor told me I had aphasia, she said. It was involved in planning the centers April 5 open house, Whatever the reason may be, they just dont know
the first time I ever heard the word. I was paralyzed when which will showcase the jewelry created by members. Pro- where to start. This is where Carol Fishman Cohen
I first got the stroke and the doctor said I wouldnt be able ceeds are used to fund scholarships for attendees. Ive can help.
to walk without aid and wouldnt have the use of my left made some of those pieces, necklaces and earrings, Ms. Ms. Book leads diversity recruiting strategies for
arm. Undaunted, and determined to regain her skills Kaplan said. Ill also help with the selling. Fidelity Investments. Before that, she built and led
she can now jog a little she did not accept her doctors Some of that selling takes place at synagogues, she similar programs at Bloomberg and AT&T. She has 18
diagnosis. added, and she singled out Lisa Jacobson, whose hus- years of experience in corporate recruiting. In the last
Hearing about the Adler Aphasia Center in Maywood band, Paul, is the rabbi of Temple Avodat Shalom in River seven or so years, she has been focused on helping
from her friend Roz Goodman Roz and her husband, Edge, as being particularly helpful in that effort. Shes
Larry, are Jewish activists, and their son Larry is a former absolutely great and has been very supportive to the cen-
president of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey ter, Ms. Kaplan said; Rabbi Jacobson has sponsored both
she made a decision that changed my life. home and synagogue events., she added We had a sale at
Joining the center gave me my life back, Ms. Kaplan Avodat Shalom in the ballroom and it felt so peaceful, she There are
said. Working on jewelry there was better than any physi-
cal therapy for my fine motor skills. But even more, Ms.
said. There was a real spirit there.
so many challenges
Kaplan, who had continued attending Jewish communal facing women looking
events before joining Adler but admits to feeling some-
what awkward, now had an opportunity to talk to people
What: The Adler Aphasia Center will hold its Spring
Boutique and Open House, showcasing handcrafted to return to work
and not worry about what they would think of my talk- jewelry and gifts created by Something Special, the
centers vocational artisan program
after an extended
ing. I walked in and felt like I was home. It was warm and
welcoming. When: On April 5 from 4 to 8 p.m. career break
At first, she avoided jewelry making, she said. I didnt Where: At the Adler Aphasia Center, 60 West Hunter
want to do jewelry. I did it before the stroke and didnt Avenue, Maywood companies build strategies to attract diverse talent
think I could do it. The second semester, Eunice then RSVP: (201) 368-8585. Center staff will provide tours people who come from communities that are under-
jewelry director kept trying to get me to do it and said on request, as well as information about the facility. represented in the workforce or who are members
she would help me. Sales primarily support the centers scholarship fund, of protected classes. She works to recruit women to
In the meantime, Ms. Kaplan tried to go back to work so that anyone with aphasia can participate in its pro- finance and tech, as well as African Americans and
grams and services, regardless of ability to pay. Some-
but was not successful because of aphasia. My spelling Latinos, military veterans, people with disabilities,
thing Special has provided scholarships to more than
was bad. I had to figure out what to do. In the end, she and people who identify as LGBT. Part of Ms. Books
100 people with aphasia since the program began.
had to retire. But with all this time on her hands, she still job has been running internships for women who are



getting back into the workplace after career breaks. Some

of them have been out for two years, some longer, but we
give them mentors and teach them technology skills and
reintroduce them to the corporate culture, she said. Ms. If you realize that you
Book has found that not all the women with whom she
works decide to stay in those jobs, she said, but even if half
have a passion for
of them do, that means its been a success. something else, go after it,
Ms. Book approached Project Ezrah late last year and
volunteered to create career programming and resources
even though it may be
specifically for women, whose needs often are not the hard for a few years
same as mens. There are so many challenges facing
women looking to return to work after an extended career Gila Guzman of Teaneck, who now is known as Coach
break, she said. They arent sure if they want to continue Carol Fishman Cohen Rachel Book Gila and is the founder of Main Asset health (mainass-
in the same career area, they dont know how to represent, went from being an attorney to a nutri-
their nonprofit, volunteer, or Rodan + Fields experience, love being able to teach their students, and everyone is tional coach. Its OK to invest in a career and then change
they are disconnected from their professional networks, finding it mutually beneficial. your mind, she said. Yes, its scary, but feel the fear and
and they are really intimidated by technology. (Rodan + The Genius Bar meets during Maayanots club period do it anyway. Move outside your comfort zone that is
Fields is a skincare line that recruits salespeople online.) Wednesdays from 11:40 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. The last class where the magic happens.
So Ms. Book met with Project Ezrahs director, Robert will meet on March 22. When they signed up for the class, If you realize that you have a passion for something
Hoenig, hoping, at first, for a womens career initiative women were able to indicate in which areas they need else, go after it, even though it may be hard for a few years.
that could address those needs. help. This ranges from understanding Google drive to
The first part of that initiative was a talk given at the photo editing to a general knowledge of social media.
Young Israel of Teaneck about the work that goes into Chani Karen Laifer of Teaneck, an attorney now in pri- Who: Carol Fishman Cohen
a job search researching whats available, writing a vate practice, specializing in matrimonial law, went back What: Will talk about job searching for women, for
resume networking. The second part, which is going on to work after 15 years. The experience was daunting at Project Ezrah
now, is called the Maayanot Genius Bar. Its for women first, she said. But I realized what a positive example Where: At Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 West
who are looking to learn about technology but are intimi- I was setting for my daughters. Its difficult if we view it Englewood Avenue in Teaneck
dated by it. Ms. Book employ s reverse mentoring, with as fulfilling one role at the expense of the other. We as When: On Tuesday, March 21, at 7 p.m.
students working with adults, tutoring them. It has been women need to find the right balance between our profes- RSVP: Email
a really successful venture, Ms. Book said. The students sional and personal lives.

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2/27/2017 2017 PM15
Briefly Local

are honored
Rabbi Mark and Esther Bauman of
Teaneck were honored as parents Rabbi Arthur Weiner of the JCC of Rabbi Alberto (Baruch) Zeilicovich of Temple Beth Sholom in Fair Lawn,
of the year at Yeshiva Rabbi Samson Paramus/Congregation Beth Tefillah. with his wife, Graciela, and children, Daniel and Ruth.
Raphael Hirsch. The school is in Wash-
ington Heights, in northern Manhat-
tan, the dinner was at the Teaneck
Marriott at Glenpointe, and the couple
and their 12 children all are alumni or
students of the school. Rabbi Bauman
is a Judaic studies teacher at the Rosen-
baum Yeshiva of North Jersey.
The school, also known as Breuers,
was named for its founder, Rabbi
Joseph Breuer, and is run according
to the philosophy of Rabbi Breuers
grandfather, Rabbi Samson Raphael
Rabbi Shelley Kniaz, Rabbi Joseph Prouser
left, and Rabbi Lori
Rabbi Paul Kurland of the Nanuet Hebrew
Center and his wife, Gerri.

JTS convocation honors local rabbis

The Jewish Theological Seminary awarded 55 honorary doc- Teaneck, the director of the Jewish Journey Project; Rabbi
torates to Conservative rabbis who have served the Jewish Shelley Kniaz, director of congregational learning at Temple
community with distinction for 25 years or more. Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake; Rabbi Paul
The ceremony was at Sutton Place Synagogue in Manhat- M. Kurland of the Nanuet Hebrew Center in New City, N.Y.;
tan, with Alan Levine, chair of the JTS board of trustees, pre- Rabbi Joseph H. Prouser of Temple Emanuel of North Jer-
siding. The chancellor of JTS, Dr. Arnold M. Eisen, conferred sey in Franklin Lakes; Rabbi Arthur D. Weiner of the Jewish
the degrees and delivered the convocation address. Community Center of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah,
The rabbis receiving the Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa, and Rabbi Alberto Zeilicovich of Temple Beth Sholom in Fair
included congregational rabbis, Jewish communal profes- Lawn. Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein, formerly of Temple Eman-
sionals, educators, and chaplains from across the United uel of North Jersey, and Rabbi Michael Steven Goldstein, for-
States and Canada, as well as from Israel and Switzerland. merly of the Glen Rock Jewish Center, also were among the
Local honorees included Rabbi Lori Forman-Jacobi of honorees.

Senator Roger Wicker


Wicker is guest at YU/RIETS shabbaton Yeshivat Lev HaTorah dinner

Norpac meeting in Teaneck A gala dinner celebrating the 15th anniversary of
Roslyn and Leon Kozak will welcome During Shabbat on March 18, Yeshiva Yeshivat Lev HaTorah in Ramat Bet Shemesh,
Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) for a Nor- Universitys outgoing president, Rich- Israel, is set for Sunday, March 26, at the Palisa-
pac dinner in their Englewood home ard Joel, and its incoming president. dium in Cliffside Park. It will begin with a reception
on Sunday, March 26 at 5 p.m. Rabbi Ari Berman, will speak at a shab- and appetizers at 4:30 p.m.
For more information or to RSVP, baton at Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Rabbi Ely Allen, Debbi and Marc Frankel, and
email or call him at The shul is at 389 West Englewood Dani Vanderwalde are the honorees, and a spe-
(201) 788-5133 Ave., in Teaneck. For information, call cial tribute will be given to Dr. David Kallus for his
(201) 837-2795. decade of dedication to the students.
For information, call (201) 232-8009 or go to

Rabbi Ely Allen


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Briefly Local

Ahavath Torah to honor the Goldins

Congregation Ahavath Torah in Engle-
wood will honor Rabbi Shmuel and
Barbara Goldin as guests of honor at
its annual dinner on Sunday, March 19,
at 5 p.m.
Under their leadership for the last 33
years, the shul has grown to become
one of the largest and influential
Orthodox synagogues in America.
A spokesman for the Orthodox
community, Shmuel Goldin is a past
president of the Rabbinical Council
of America, the worlds largest asso-
ciation of Orthodox rabbis, and is
chairman of the committee oversee-
Rosenbaum Yeshiva
ing the RCAs policies and standards
Rabbi Shmuel and Barbara Goldin
holds empowerment workshop
for conversion to Judaism. He has been leaders. Rabbi Goldin also taught Bible Last month, Dr. Tamar Kahane, a licensed prioritizing, and organization. During
president of the Rabbinic Alumni Asso- and philosophy the Yeshiva University child psychologist and the founder and the workshop, Dr. Kahane showed how
ciation of Yeshiva University and the for more than 20 years. director of the Kahane Center, met with to incorporate those skills into the class-
Rabbinical Council of Bergen County Barbara Goldin partners with her hus- the early childhood educators and sup- room to empower both educators and stu-
and is on the boards of many local, band in all of his activities on the local port staff at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of dents. Shani Skydell, the director of RYNJs
national, and global organizations. He and national level. She has been instru- North Jersey to empower them with tools early childhood division, said, The teach-
was on Newsweeks list of Americas mental, often behind the scenes, in and strategies to effectively grow their ers were actively engaged in Dr. Kahanes
Top 50 Rabbis in 2012 and has been many synagogue programs. students executive functioning. Execu- entire presentation, and could not get
one of the Forward 50, Forward mag- For information, go to www.ahavath- tive functioning is a term that describes enough insight into how they can better
azines list of top Jewish communal or call (201) 568-1315. the mental processes we use to help us support the children in their classrooms.
organize our world. Skills include task ini- For more information, go to www.thekah-
tiation, emotional regulation, planning,

ADL programs
for adults and teens
Joshua Cohen, Anti Defamation Leagues New Jersey
regional director, talks about the rise of anti-Semitism
around the world, in the U.S., and locally, for Ramapo Col-
lege of New Jerseys Gross Center for Holocaust and Geno-
cide Studies and the colleges Hillel, on Monday, March
20, at 1 p.m. The college is at 505 Ramapo Valley Road in
Richard and Phyllis Rosen Fran Gordon Mahwah. Call (201) 684-7409.

HaZamir gala honorary concert Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne offers a session of the ADLs
Words to Action program for all high school teens and
Joshua Cohen

Hundreds of teen singers from the the United States and Israel, in Hebrew their parents on Tuesday, March 21, at 7 p.m. The interactive program is designed to com-
United States and Israel will perform and English. It features the world pre- bat anti-Semitism and prejudice on college campuses and in our lives. The temple is at
on the stage of New Yorks Metropolitan miere of Fanfare for Jerusalem by 950 Preakness Ave. For information, call Rabbi Meeka Simerly at (973) 595-6565 or email
Opera House when HaZamir: the Inter- award-winning New York pianist and her at
national Jewish High School Choir, holds composer Randy Klein. His composition
its gala concert on Sunday, March 26, at is based on excerpts from the Psalms of
4 p.m. Conductors from 35 HaZamir David.
chapters are expected to be on stage, During the gala, the Zamir Choral
along with about 400 singers.
HaZamir, a project of the Zamir Cho-
Foundation will present the Kinor David
award, which honors people who have
The theologies of Bruce Springsteen
ral Foundation, is the only international made a meaningful contribution to Azzan Yadin-Israel, Rutgers University Jewish Studies pro-
organization dedicated to fostering Jew- HaZamir. Francine M. Gordon brought fessor and author of The Grace of God and the Grace of
ish identity across generational, denom- the HaZamir program to the Jewish Fed- Man: The Theologies of Bruce Springsteen, discusses his
inational, and geographic lines through eration in Cleveland, creating the first book with Dr. William Storrar, director of the Center of
Jewish choral music. To perform at the HaZamir sister-city Partnership in Israel. Theological Inquiry in Princeton, on Thursday, March 23.
Met is a great honor. I know I speak for Phyllis and Richard Rosen helped create The 7 p.m. talk will be at the centers Luce Hall, 50 Stock-
all of the singers, musicians and con- and sustain the HaZamir Jerusalem chap- ton St. For more information, call (609) 924-8144, ext. 113.
ductors, when I say this is a day we will ter she is a Zamir Chorale Foundation
always treasure, said Matthew Lazar, board member, and both have sung in
the founder and director of the Zamir Zamir.
Choral Foundation. For more information on the gala, go
This years gala program includes tra- to Azzan Yadin-Israel 
ditional and modern compositions from  FRANK VERONSKY


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Cover Story
How to talk
iCan makes college-bound students more
comfortable with what they might find on campus

JOANNE PALMER Jews on college campuses, and
to have fun being together.
srael is a real place, with The conferences topic was
sidewalks and traffic lights broad, and that was on pur-
and lakes and streams and pose. Created from a grant
wild hills; with sunlight from the Russell Berrie Foun-
and weather and storm dation, with the mission to
sewers and beaches; with create something to educate
restaurants and museums and fac- kids about what theyll find on
tories and apartment buildings and campus, I saw it as the oppor-
nursing homes. tunity to take on issues of con-
It is also a place of huge symbolic cern to a broad range of people
meaning, ancient, haunting, sweet, in our community and bring
threatening. Ever-changing. them together, Lori Fein, the
For millennia, for Jews, it was a director of the federations
place fervently longed for. Then it Jewish Community Relations
became real, and almost all Jews Council, said.
looked toward it with reverence. So we brought in various
But things change. Now, Israel youth groups, day schools,
has become a divisive issue for religious schools, synagogues,
many people. Some, including and nonprofits that were oper-
much of the Jewish community, ating either with teens or in the
love the Jewish state, with a love Israel space, she said. The
based in reality. Others, both inside federations the organization
and outside the Jewish commu- in which all local Jewish groups
nity, do not. Some argue politics or can feel comfortable, because
specific policies, but others react From left, teen council members Briana Gotian, Elizabeth Maline, and Zachary Zimmer. its mission, at its core, is to
negatively, dismissively, or even strengthen the community by
hatefully. Some use their dislike of students? We already know that col- for them? becoming home to all of them.
Israel, whatever that dislike may spring lege students are facing a reality unlike On Sunday, March 5, the Jewish Federa- iCan, as a federation project, set as part of
from, as either a pathway to anti-Semitism the one their parents knew. What about tion of Northern New Jersey sponsored its mission its ability to provide a welcome
or a mask for it. their slightly younger peers? How can the what it hopes will be the first rather than to all local Jewish high school students as
Why thats happened is a long, sad story, local Jewish community support them, the only iCan conference; 218 high school they look toward college.
outside the scope of this one. But that its and send them out in the world open to students, mostly from the federations And how to talk about Israel? There
happened is a fact, a truth that must be new experiences and new ideas but able catchment area but also from Essex and was a sense that just addressing the nega-
navigated. to decide for themselves what to believe, Rockland counties, showed up to learn tives the Boycott Divestment and Sanc-
Where does that leave high school which beliefs to retain, and how to argue about Israel, to learn what to expect as tion movement that flourishes on some


Cover Story

Chloe Valdary takes a selfie at the meeting.

In green, JFNNJs Elise Hirsch and Lori Fein stand on either side of the teen advisory task
force; comedian Jon Rudnitzky, who performed, is in the middle. Students look at materials at registration.

campuses, the mock apartheid walls and to give them a sense of whats out there, learn, they also were invaluable in con- community outreach and engagement,
faux border checks and eviction notices of the knowledge base they might want vincing their friends to show up for the who worked on the conference with Ms.
and other drastic tactics that kids may to access, even if we couldnt deliver all conference. Not only did they use their Fein, reported, the fire alarm went off,
encounter is misrepresenting what that information in the four or five hours already well-honed social-media skills because the cotton candy machine set it
Jewish life on campus is, Ms. Fein said. that we had. to that end, they also had the chance to off. But the kids just didnt want to leave.
We wanted to give students a fuller sense The conference was many months in the learn from a marketing professional who We told them they had to and eventually
of what they will face, and the support net- making, and it was put together in large worked with them. they did but they just didnt want to.
works that are available to them. part by the teens themselves. A teen advi- The conference included speakers, a That was nothing new, Ms. Fein added.
It came out that there was a lot of igno- sory task force met once a month; not only panel of college students, breakout ses- After the teen council meeting, which ran
rance about Israel, even among Jewish did its 18 members provide a great deal of sions, and a resource fair. At the end, from 7 to 9 in the evening, wed clean
teenagers, Ms. Fein said. So we wanted insight on what theyd want to discuss and Elisa Hirsch, the federations manager of up and go out and wed see them in the


Cover Story

parking lot, still talking. For decades, we have been ask-

iCans speakers included Sena- ing how we can restore something
tor Robert Menendez, the Demo- on campus, when we should be ask-
crat who is New Jerseys senior ing how we can create something
U.S. senator; he has been a firm spectacular.
friend of Israel, and was able to How do we talk about Israel in
talk about his passion for the Jew- ways that add value to their lives? By
ish state with the students. doing so, my hunch is that not only
Chloe Valdary also spoke. Ms. will things like BDS and anti-Israel
Valdary, an intense, even fierce sentiment become irrelevant, we
young woman in her early 20s, is actually will be able to mainstream
the director of partnerships and pro-Israel affinity into the popular
outreach for Jerusalem U, where culture.
she makes digital shorts on social One of my sources of frustra-
media when she is not out speak- tion was that when I was in col-
ing; before that, she was a fellow lege the University of Louisiana
at the Wall Street Journal. A proud Senator Robert Menendez talks to Donna Weintraub, doing Israel advocacy in the
Zionist, she is not Jewish. a federation board member who was instrumental in usual way, then I got the opportu-
Ms. Valdary grew up in New creating iCan. Chloe Valdary nity to experiment, to do it the way
Orleans, into a unique Chris- I wanted to. And when I did that, I
tian home steeped in Jewish culture, she said. I grew Newman and that was how I fell in love with Israel. discovered that millennials are more encouraged by unity
up keeping kosher and keeping Shabbat. She was not And Ms. Valdary is a proud millennial who knows how and positivity than by disunity and negativity.
a Seventh-Day Adventist, she clarified, but her family to reach millennials. She encourages discussion of Israel not to center on the
belonged to a similar but less well known denomination. The research seems to indicate that we have been ask- conflict although it neither could nor should be ignored
As a result, I grew up at the intersection of two cultures, ing the wrong questions, she said. We have been ask- but to understand that the conflict is not the primary
Christian and Jewish, and it gave me a lot of perspective. ing how we can defeat BDS and fight anti-Israel groups on defining factor of Israeli society. The more we feed into
And then, when I was in high school, my father intro- campus. What we should be asking is how we can build it, the more we treat the narrative that it is, the more we
duced me to the writer Leon Uris and to Exodus Uriss bridges of affinity and solidarity between young Jews, and reinforce BDS.
1958 novel about the founding of the state of Israel, later between Jews and non-Jews who can take Jewish values This is my analogy imagine that we are in America,
made into a movie starring blue-eyed, glamorous Paul and lessons for their own lives. and the only musical genre that exists is country music. I


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Cover Story

am trying to come into this landscape and create hip hop. theyve learned and of course first to anti-Semitism, although it did not get in
The type of language you use, the type of clothing learn. A message for students is that if the way of his friendship with Jacobson.
you wear, the attitude you convey Im trying to change you, as a student, as an interested party, When delegates of Jewish leaders came to
all that. go to your school or to your community see him, he said no. He was not interested.
Shahar Azani, the executive director of Stand With Uss to try to bring in someone important, The answer was no.
northeast office and before that the spokesman for Isra- something important, a speaker, a pro- He turned down a visit from Chaim
els consulate general in New York also spoke at iCan. gram, you have a better chance of get- Weizmann, the scientist who became Isra-
Spending that day in Hasbrouck Heights was a surpris- ting it than if a professional tries to do els first president. But then Harry Jacob-
ingly easy decision for him, although really it shouldnt it, Mr. Azani said. son, Harry Trumans old friend, came to
have been. Stand With Us was holding its annual anti-BDS I think that students have a real visit, and to plead, and according to some
conference that same weekend, he said. The conference thirst to know, to answer questions for accounts to confront his friends anti-Sem-
is very focused; professionals in the field of Israel educa- themselves. It is crucial. We want them itism for the first time.
tion come to brainstorm how to promote Israel. to ask questions; we need to be able to And then Truman said yes, and that was
So which is more important to study or to do? The answer the questions within the fam- a turning point, and soon Israel was born.
Stand With Us conference was so important but to stand ily before they go out to the campus, to Shahar Azani Obviously the story is a very complicated
before hundreds of students, in an actual educational set- the workplace, into general society. We one, but this is part of it.
ting that was even more important to me. Thats how want them to answer those questions honestly. When I shared that story, suddenly they realized that
excited I was about it. One of the students wanted to know why we should Israel wasnt a given, Mr. Azani said. It could have gone
Thats what we are trying to achieve. To bring these care about Israel, Mr. Azani said, so he told the story of the other way. When you understand where we are com-
students together to galvanize their thinking about Israel, President Harry S Truman and his old friend, Harry Jacob- ing from, you understand what we have, he added.
and not only them but the people surrounding them. son. The two men had met when Jacobson was 14 and I loved the meeting, Mr. Azani concluded. It echoed
Then we all can play a role in bridging the gap and the Truman was 20, found themselves in the same unit when our core mission, which is nurturing our leaders of tomor-
gap is ignorance about Israel. they both fought in World War I, and eventually went in row, fostering the younger generation, making sure that
Were not even talking about disagreements about pol- business together as co-owners of a haberdashery store in Israel and the Jewish community continue to have conti-
icy, because the ignorance about Israel is so deep, about Kansas City. (The store did well at first, and then it failed.) nuity, not only for the next few years but for the next few
what Israel is, about what it stands for. And we know that Truman did not want to recognize the state of Israel decades.
ignorance is the most dangerous thing of all, because it as World War II drew close to its bloody close. He was Donna Weintraub of Haworth, who sits on the federa-
allows lies to bloom and to flourish. annoyed at the effrontery of the Jews who tried to push tions board, was instrumental in putting together the
But individual people have the power to affect their it on him; as was not surprising (but still is dismaying) iCan conference. I saw a roomful of kids, public school
communities, to bring in speakers, to talk about what in a man of his time and place, he was not free from kids, private school kids, day school kids, Orthodox kids,





COMEDY Cover Story

anything, the school reported, and the
administration assured students that the
culprit didnt go to Dwight-Englewood.
But then, right after the presidential
election, a student in the Young Repub-
lican Club sent out an email with a photo
AT T E M P L E B E T H S H O LO M of a flag and a swastika from the alter-
COMEDIENNE BEER, nate reality show The Man in the High


Castle. He didnt send it to the whole
school, just to members the club, but
it also said something with the word
Saturday, April 1 7:45 p.m. INCLUDED Reich in it.
Price: $50/ticket or $360 for table of 10 Obviously the email spread from
there, and then people started find-
ing out about it. He is no longer at our
TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Donna Weintraub introduces a
speaker at the conference.
school. Parents particularly Jewish
parents got very involved, because the
32 Park Avenue Park Ridge, NJ (201) 391-4620 other situation was never resolved. Par-
Reform kids the community usually is ents really insisted this time that some-
Please try to submit checks together if reserving a table. all divided up between so many compart- thing be done.
Send reservations with payment to: ments and they were all in the same As difficult as that situation was, Eliz-
Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood 32 Park Avenue Park Ridge, NJ 07656 room, because of the same thing. abeth said, she realized that if there
Make check payable to: Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Yes, anti-Semitism and anti-Israel feel- werent so many Jewish students at
ing were among the reasons the confer- school with her, it would have been
ence came together, but it wasnt at much worse. As it was, I definitely
all negative, Ms. Wein- wasnt alone. Some other

THE GROSS CENTER FOR traub said. It was incred-

ibly positive. We spoke to
teen council members
come from schools were


them about all of the great there are not many Jews.
things going on on cam- If something like this

pus today, and how much happened at their school,
Jewish life there is, and theyd feel more alone,
how much there is to look she said. At my school, a
forward to. lot of people were speak-
We had a chance that ing up, and that was a good
day to write the next nar- feeling.
rative, about where we are I want to be part of the
going to be. Chloe Valdary Elizabeth Maline solution, so I am on the
was talking to them about council, she added.
the beauty of Judaism, Brianna Gotian of Wayne
and you just watched also is on the council. A
MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1 P.M. MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1 P.M. these kids watching and junior at Wayne Hills High
Imagine A World Without Hate: An Epiphany in Lilacs: listening. She has a beau- School, she is just begin-
the Current State of International In the Aftermath of the Camps
tiful way of speaking, and ning the active part of the
and Local Anti-Semitism Iris Dorbian, Author
Joshua Cohen, New Jersey Regional Director, Fair Lawn, New Jersey it set a beautiful tone for college search process. A
Anti Defamation League In Cooperation with the Hillel of Ramapo College the rest of the day. One of lot of the universities that
In Cooperation with the Hillel of Ramapo College Commemorating Yom HaShoah my friends, who also was I have been looking at are
Ramapo College, Robert A. Scott Student Center (Holocaust Remembrance Day) volunteering that day, very large, she said. Often
(Alumni Lounges, SC157-58) Ramapo College, Robert A. Scott Student Center showed me her arm, and you may encounter stu-
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 7 P.M. (Alumni Lounges, SC157-58) said, Look. Shes giving dents there from the BDS
East West Street: Personal Origins of WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 9 A.M-3 P.M. me goose bumps. Brianna Gotian movement, and I just felt
Genocide and Crimes against Humanity Gumpert Teachers Workshop The conference didnt like Id be more comfort-
Philippe Sands, QC The Exploitation of Women in happen by accident, she added. The able and more ready to attend college
Matrix Chambers, Grays Inn, London Genocide: How to Bring a Delicate
federation is positioned to be the one having this information that could help
Professor of Law and Director of Subject into the Classroom
the Centre on International Courts and In cooperation with and supported by the N.J. thing that can bring the entire commu- me with BDSers.
Tribunals at University College London State Commission on Holocaust Education nity together. We live in a great place to She knows that it could be a problem
Ramapo College, Birch Mansion, The York Room Ramapo College, Trustees Pavilion be Jewish, and I have never been prouder because I recently have heard a lot
of my federation than I was last Sunday. about it on the news, and I have friends
For Information and to request
disability-related accommodations All Programs Free and Open Elizabeth Maline of Tenafly is a senior who have gone to schools where they
please contact:
to the Public at the Dwight-Englewood School, a pri- have encountered problems like that.
or 201.684.7409
vate high school in Englewood. She She feels better armed to confront
heard about iCan from her mother, but anti-Israel accusations now because
SALAMENO SCHOOL she was impelled to join the teen task iCan gave us more understanding of
OF HUMANITIES force because of two incidents not whats going on than were hearing in
AND GLOBAL STUDIES major, she said, but still of anti-Semi- the news. It helped me a lot in creating
505 Ramapo Valley Rd Mahwah, NJ tism shed experienced at school. my own opinions rather than just being
The first was when someone no one influenced by what I was hearing.
knows who drew a swastika on the I learned what these anti-Israel move-
schools soccer field. It was backward, ments really stand for, and it helped me
More than 407,000 likes
and it just said Jews! and no one in my to know what I can do to not be afraid. It
Like us on Facebook school confessed to doing it, Elizabeth
said. The security cameras didnt show
put it into context for me, so I can under-
stand it better.
Jewish World

The false choice between Zionism and feminism

ANDREW SILOW-CARROLL of civil society, in fact is putting aside
disagreements on specific issues to work
Two weeks ago, the Palestinian-American together on the things you can agree on. In
activist Linda Sarsour started a fundrais- this case, Jews and Muslims have a mutual
ing campaign to help restore the graves at self-interest in standing up to bigotry, even
a St. Louis-area Jewish cemetery damaged if they disagree on some major issues.
by vandalism. If Sarsour accepts this principle, its not
The Jewish community there and across clear from her role as an architect of the
the country generally welcomed the effort International Womens Strike USA, the
wildly successful, as it turned out as a grassroots feminist movement that orga-
lovely moment in interfaith solidarity. nized events around the world on Inter-
Its sad that its happening in the midst national Womens Day. In addition to call-
of tragedy, but its a beautiful gesture, ing for gender equality, an end to racial
Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg of the United and sexual violence, and protection of
Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis told reproductive rights, the groups platform
the Forward. includes a plank For an Antiracist and
Gratitude like Rosenbergs largely Anti-imperialist Feminism that demands
drowned out the voices, mostly from the the decolonization of Palestine.
right, of those who charged that Sarsours We want to dismantle all walls, from Women and their supporters rally at a New York City park to mark International
efforts were a cynical attempt to distract prison walls to border walls, from Mexico Womens Day on March 8. DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES

critics from her support for the Boycott, to Palestine, the platform continues.
Sanctions, and Divestment movement (It is important to note that Palestine of 49 nations that dont criminalize mari- This week, Sarsour responded to a critic
that many Jewish groups see as nothing is mentioned twice in the brief platform; tal rape; not Pakistan, where just one- who asked why activists need to check
less than an effort to delegitimize and dis- no other country or people is specifically quarter of women are in the labor force; their Zionism at the door when signing on
mantle Israel. singled out as a cause to be embraced or a not Mali, where adult womens literacy is to a feminist platform.
A basic principal of coalition building target for activism not India or any one only 29 percent.) I identify as a Zionist because I support

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Jewish World

Israels right to exist as a Jewish state, Emily Shire wrote in In her remarks, Sarsour also alleged that Palestinian-Amer-
the New York Times. I am happy to debate Middle East pol- ican women hesitate to get involved in social justice causes
itics or listen to critiques of Israeli policies. But why should because they fear becoming an immediate target of the right
criticism of Israel be key to feminism in 2017? wing and right-wing Zionists. Indeed, she has often been In the name of
Asked by The Nation to respond to Shire, Sarsour was accused of having ties to Hamas, on fairly wispy evidence.
unequivocal: If by Zionist you mean someone who doesnt But Sarsour also focuses on right-wing Zionists at the intersectionality, she is
accept the platforms singular focus on Israel, then no, you exclusion of all others. She doesnt leave room for Israelis willing to lose useful
can be a Zionist or a feminist, but you cant be both. who might share her social justice agenda, not only when it
It just doesnt make any sense for someone to say, Is comes to feminism but to Palestinian women as well. First allies who cannot sign
there room for people who support the state of Israel and she raises Palestine as literally the only global cause worth on to every plank
do not criticize it in the movement? There cant be in femi- mentioning. Then she offers a false choice between support-
nism, Sarsour said. You either stand up for the rights of ing Israel and feminism. of her platform.
all women, including Palestinians, or none. Theres just no Such thinking seems infectious. Writing about the Shire-
way around it. Sarsour debate in New York magazine, Eric Levitz explained, movement has no choice but to represent one woman,
Sarsour cant seem to imagine a movement in which To a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, no issue may and not the other.
activists might disagree on certain issues but can work appear more central to her liberation than the end of the Really? No choice? Because I can point to Israeli
together on others. In the name of intersectionality, she Israeli occupation. To a Zionist woman in Tel Aviv whose women who have lost family members in the Holo-
is willing to lose useful allies who cannot sign on to every family tree lost branches to Hitler and then to Hamas no caust and to terrorism, and who care deeply about
plank of her platform. issue may seem less relevant to her interests. The feminist womens and all peoples rights in both countries.
Like members of the Parents Circle, a group of Pal-
estinian and Israeli families who have lost relatives to
terror and violence but still work together on coexis-
tence. Or the Coalition of Women for Peace, an Israeli
feminist organization founded in 2000 following the
outbreak of the second intifada. The women who
belong are committed to ending the occupation and
creating a more just society, while enhancing womens
inclusion and participation in the public discourse,
according to its mission statement.
Or Women Wage Peace, who two years ago led a
protest march from northern Israel to Jerusalem to
demand that Israel restart the peace process with the
Palestinians. WWP describes itself as above the politi-
cal and religious divide, seeking to do something that
Sarsour insists doesnt make any sense: creating
allies among people who disagree.
Members of all three groups might happily sign on
to the Womens Strike platform or they might bris-
tle at how the platform aims to alienate Israelis and
their supporters by making Palestine its only specific
nationalist cause.
The Womens Strike platform is not just asking fol-
lowers to criticize Israel, but to do so in the terms
Sarsour and the BDS movement insist upon: Israel as
a colonialist and racist enterprise. Theres no men-
tion of peace, only of a de-colonization of a Pales-
tine whose borders are never specified because, it
seems, the BDS movement cannot bring itself to rec-
ognize Israels right to exist. There is no room in the
coalition for the Israeli left, right or center who
wants women on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian
divide to enjoy full rights, but who believes with good
reason that the platforms framing of the conflict is a
recipe for eternal violence.
According to the Womens Strike platform, We
celebrate the diversity of the many social groups that
have come together for the International Womens
Strike. We come from many political traditions but
are united around the following common principles.
Like the Black Lives Matter platform issued last
year, however, the Womens Strike version seems
engineered to specifically exclude one social group:
supporters of Israel who do not buy into a one-sided
condemnation of Israel, who believe it doesnt deserve
to be singled out among all the conflicts in which men
and women have been oppressed, marginalized or
exploited and who dont accept that the only solu-
tion worthy of discussion is the one that leaves no
room for a Jewish state. JTA WIRE SERVICE

Andrew Silow-Carroll of Teaneck is the editor of JTA

Wire Service.


Jewish World

Trump the change agent looks

f positively traditional on Mideast peace
s RON KAMPEAS 2011 until January, said in an interview.
Its striking to hear quite similar language in
WASHINGTON Trump administration rhetoric describing their approach, their goals, their under-
n about Israeli-Palestinian peace is typical of a presi- standing of the relationship between the issue of set-
dent who would make everything great: President tlements and prospects for success in negotiations,
Donald Trump is going to bring about a historic added Shapiro, who now is a senior visiting fellow at
. deal, the White House has said. A deal that would Israels Institute for National Security Studies.
reverberate positively throughout the region and Trumps pro-Israel supporters hailed his election
the world. as an opportunity to reset the relationship between
What isnt typical, at least for a president who has the two countries. Israels right crowed after his vic-
shattered conventions in so many other sectors, is tory, with Education Minister Naftali Bennett saying
how typically Trump is going about reviving talks. it was a chance for Israel to retract the notion of a
Jason Greenblatt of Teaneck, a real estate lawyer Palestinian state.
and trusted longtime adviser to Trump, is in the Settlements were a key bone of contention
region drumming up interest in new talks, and hes between the Obama administration and Prime
partying like its 1989: Minister Benjamin Netanyahus government, cul-
Press Israel to limit settlement building? Check. President Donald Trump at the White House, at a meeting on minating in December, when the United States
Emphasize economic capacity-building for the health care, on March 13. MICHAEL REYNOLDS-POOL/GETTY IMAGES allowed the U.N. Security Council to pass an anti-
Palestinians? Check. settlements resolution.
Talk about a grand deal involving the surrounding Arab through the tenures of his successors, including Bill Clin- Nothing quite so contentious has emerged yet in the
Sunni states? Check. ton, Bushs son, and Barack Obama. Trump-Netanyahu relationship, but it hasnt disappeared,
Except for the hyperbole, the statements emerging I have a lot of differences with this administration on either. Trump straight out asked Netanyahu to hold off on
from Greenblatts listening tour of the region this week a lot of issues, but on the issue of Israel and Palestinians settlement building for a while when they met at a White
could have been lifted from boilerplate dating back to the they have been probably more cautious and more respon- House summit last month, and Greenblatt raised the issue
administration of George H. W. Bush, the first president sible than on almost any other issue, Daniel Shapiro, who in his five-hour meeting with Netanyahu.
to get Israelis and Palestinians into the same room, and was the Obama administration envoy to the region from With respect to settlements, we see them as a challenge

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Jewish World

that needs to be addressed at some point,

Marc Toner, the State Department spokes-
incitement always was something of a
myth. Obama and his top officials repeat-
foreign policy, where he is trying to bring
about real and dramatic change, includ-
weeks is seeking Arab investment in his
bid to crush the Islamic State. A
man, said this week.
Other differences in tone and empha-
edly decried incitement, as recently as his
farewell speech to the United Nations in
ing limiting the intake of immigrants and
refugees, pulling out of multilateral trade
Every administration comes into
office, they confront the array of Ameri- t
sis are emerging between the Trump and September. Those calls, however, tended deals, recalibrating ties with China, and can interests and partners in the Middle
Netanyahu governments. to receive less media coverage than his ten- raising the stakes in the fight with the East, and it makes it hard for them to B
After Greenblatt met with Palestinian sions with Netanyahu. Islamic State. do what they want to do if Arab-Israeli
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, a There are some differences of tone Those are issues he deeply cares conflict is at risk of becoming an Arab- O
U.S. readout of the meeting said they reaf- most dramatically in how Trump has about, she said. Israeli conflagration, said Wittes, who o
firmed the commitment of both the Pal- retreated from explicitly endorsing the Another factor was the administrations was a senior Middle East policy official in b
estinian Authority and the United States two-state solution. slowness in filling second and third tier Obamas first term.
to advance a genuine and lasting peace Danielle Pletka, the vice president of the jobs in national security and foreign pol- One of the things Arabs always ask a D
between Israel and the Palestinians. American Enterprise Institute, said that icy, which would inhibit the advancement new administration is Please avoid doing i
Notably, Netanyahu who has made no should be seen less as a rejection of the of dramatic policy changes. things on the Arab-Israeli issue and tell o
secret of his preference for Trump over two-state outcome than a means of return- Shapiro said Trump and his team were the Israelis not to do things that would cre- J
Obama has spent the three years since ing the ball to the court of the Israelis and learning that ideological postures taken ate a crisis, she said. That, which would
the collapse of the last round of talks say- the Palestinians. during a campaign bang up against reality be a normal thing for Arab governments s
ing Abbas appears anything but commit- All that Donald Trump said to Netan- after the election. to do, is magnified by the anti-ISIS impera- s
ted to advancing peace. yahu was if youre comfortable with it, Combating incitement, limiting settle- tive, she said.
Jewish officials who favor the new Im comfortable with it, Pletka said. And ment expansion, seeking a broader buy-in Jeff Ballabon, a Republican with deep J
administrations Israel posture say they Netanyahu is comfortable with it. What he to peace by Israels Sunni Arab neighbors, ties in the Orthodox Jewish community w
see a difference in how Trump and his didnt say was heres a two-state solution, and advancing two states are structural who advocated for Trump, said the narra- s
team emphasize the need for Abbas to it will look like this. U.S. interests, they are not ideological fix- tive of same-old, same-old was deceptive. w
tamp down Palestinian incitement, par- The Obama administration grated on ations of one administration or another, I have tremendous faith in the presi-
ticularly the payments handed out by the Israel by prescribing the outlines of the one that any administration interested in dent as a negotiating prodigy, he said, a
Palestinian Authority to families of impris- two states although even that pressure U.S. interests in the region will coalesce referring to Trumps decades as a real r
oned or killed terrorists. had diminished after the last round of talks around, Shapiro said. estate dealmaker. They clearly have
President Abbas committed to pre- collapsed in 2014. Tamara Cofman Wittes, who directs the Americas and Israels best interests at k
venting inflammatory rhetoric and incite- Pletka said that one reason for the lack of Brookings Institutions Center for Middle heart. We finally have a team thats real- b
ment, the meeting readout said. surprises from Trump on the Middle East East Policy, said that Trump who is meet- istic and isnt beholden to any failed past s
But the notion that Obama downplayed was his focus on other areas security and ing with an array of Arab leaders in coming policies. JTA WIRE SERVICE t

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Jewish World

At Jewish schools hit by bomb threats,

trying to teach students just enough to cope
BEN SALES racist, and trying not to terrorize them.
The Boston-area campuses were two of at least a dozen
On the morning of March 7, Rabbi Beth Naditch found Jewish day schools that have received bomb threats since
out that two of her three childrens schools had received the beginning of the year. Most of the threats have targeted
bomb threats. JCCs, largely affecting either adults who can process the
The anonymous calls placed to the MetroWest Jewish distress or preschoolers too young to perceive it.
Day School and the Solomon Schechter Day School, both But the threats against Jewish schools have placed par-
in suburban Boston turned out to be hoaxes, like the rest ents, teachers, and administrators in an uncertain posi-
of the calls placed to some 120 Jewish institutions since tion. Many of their students are old enough to understand
January. the threats, but not old enough to cope by themselves. So
And while the news was shocking, the threats were schools have tried to walk a fine line: They want to give
something Naditch and her husband had tried to make students enough information to answer their questions,
sure their sons ages 9, 12, and 14 would be ready for. but not enough to traumatize them. They want to explain
A week earlier, a relative had been evacuated from a anti-Semitism, but not normalize it.
Jewish community center during another bomb threat This is something we may do, but its not a fun thing,
wave. And as a rabbi at a Jewish eldercare facility, Naditch its not a good thing, it was an unfortunate thing that
spoke regularly with Holocaust survivors or refugees who happened, Rabbi-Cantor Scott Sokol, head of school at
were feeling echoes of their pasts. MetroWest Jewish Day School in Framingham, said he
So she and her husband had spoken to their boys about told his students. Were not looking to make it a bigger
anti-Semitism, why its returning, and what to do if it deal than it was. At the same time, they understand this
reaches them. is something that happens more to kids at Jewish day
My husband and I were just waiting for it to hit our schools.
kids, Naditch said. We were trying to walk a fine line Many schools delivered their messages based on the Rabbi Beth Naditch and her husband already had
between having them prepare and be aware of safety mea- grade level. Students up to third grade in some schools been talking to their children about anti-Semitism
sures, aware that there are people in the world who want were told they were going on a fire drill. Fourth- and when bomb threats hit two of their sons schools the
to hurt us or other people because they are anti-Semitic or SEE BOMB THREATS PAGE 31 same morning. COURTESY RABBI NADITCH


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This ad is in
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a similar version, Devin Naar is teaching his one-year-old son Ladino.
House Dressing
Bring this Ad in
Bring this Adis now bottled to go. Jersey Media
be reproduced
approval fromand may not
in any form, or
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replicated in a similar version,
without approval from North

Free Bottle
Sephardi studies professor
Jersey Media Group.
Free Bottlea
$40 purchase
Expires 3/24/17
6/30/13 sees preserving Ladino
Expires 6/30/13 jewishstandard
as act of resistance

116 Main Street, Fort Lee

116 201.947.2500

Main Street, Fort Lee JOSEFIN DOLSTEN
3493212-01 One-year-old Vidal doesnt know the

significance behind the lullaby his To lose a
father sings him at bedtime.
He knows it helps him fall asleep, but language is to
74th ANNIVERSARY not that the Ladino song is part of an lose a world,
effort to teach him the language that
WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING served as the lingua franca of Sephardi and were
Jews of the Ottoman Empire for more on the cusp
than 500 years.
And he doesnt know that when of that.
he says his first words, he will join a
shrinking cadre of Ladino speakers, because it serves as bridge language
most of them elderly, who hold the between different cultures between
keys to a culture that is on the brink of Jewish culture, between Spanish cul-
extinction. ture and between the Muslim world,
To lose a language is to lose a world, he added.
and were on the cusp of that, his President Donald Trump has signed
father, Devin Naar, said. executive orders to build a wall
Naar, a professor of Sephardic stud- between the United States and Mexico,
ies at the University of Washington, is and to ban immigrants from some Mus-
deeply passionate about preserving lim majority countries.
Ladino, which also is known as Judeo- If Trump is interested in building a
Spanish, Judezmo, or Judio. It is the wall, Judezmo serves as a bridge, and I
language that his grandfathers family think that we need bridges such as this
spoke in their native Greece. By teach- in our time, Naar said.
ing Vidal Ladino, Naar hopes to fulfill Naars grandfather, along with most
YIZKOR Remembrance Service a longtime dream of transmitting its
legacy to his son.
of his family, came to the United States
from Salonika, Greece, in 1924. Dis-
for the 6,000,000 JEWISH MARTYRS In recent months, theres something criminatory measures were being
else at stake too. The 33-year-old Seat- passed against Jews in Salonika. Family
Sunday, April 23, 2017 / 27 Nisan 5777 tle resident sees the linguistic roots of members who did not leave later died
Ladino, which include Hebrew, Span- in the Holocaust, along with 95 percent
Jewish Community Center of Paramus ish, Turkish, and Arabic, as providing of the citys Jews.
East 304 Midland Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey
a way to connect Jews with Latinos In the United States, the family
Photo Exhibit 3:30 pm ~ Program 4:00 pm and Muslims. Preserving Ladino is a encountered other difficulties. Naars
specific political act of resistance in grandfather heard anti-Semitic slurs
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mordecai Paldiel Trumps America, Naar said. and other insults from bigots who mis-
Topic: Jews Rescuing Jews Its a language of linguistic fusion took him for South American or Middle
For information call Dr. Wallace Greene 201-873-3263
that is based in Spanish but really Eastern.
Sponsored by brings together a lot of other linguistic Speaking Ladino serves as a method of
of the JEWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNTIL of elements that I think give it a special reclaiming that heritage and activating
NEW of the
resonance, especially in todays world, SEE LADINO PAGE 34


Jewish World

Bomb threats Durham, North Carolina, which was threatened on Feb. 22. which fell just last week and celebrates the Jews survival in
FROM PAGE 29 We wanted to focus on, yes, this is happening in our world, ancient Persia in the face of an enemys threat. This, Naditch
fifth-graders in several schools were told there was a but lets take a look at everyone trying to support us. told her sons, is sort of like a modern version of that story.
threat, they were safe, and little more. Middle school- As the wave of bomb threats rolled on, the Anti-Defama- He really wants to know why, Naditch said of one of her
ers and high schoolers, many of whom read the news tion League put out a list of 5 Tips for Talking with Children boys. Why would anybody want to hurt us just because
on their own, were given a fuller picture. about Bomb Threats at Jewish Community Centers. Like were Jewish? And its a hard thing to answer.
But every school has placed limits on its communi- Oakes, the ADL urged adults to focus on the helpers who Weve tried to connect it to Jewish history. I cant say to
cation. At MetroWest, Sokol asked students and par- supported the community after a threat. them everythings going to be fine. I cant say to them you
ents not to post about the threat on social media. At And some parents and teachers have tried to explain the dont have to worry because they do have to worry.
the Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and threats by way of the Jewish calendar particularly Purim, JTA WIRE SERVICE

Aleph Bet Jewish Day School in Annapolis, Maryland,

both threatened on Feb. 27, administrators opted to
give the students no more information than necessary.
Talking that directly with our older students
helped them understand, OK, this was a threat, its
no longer there, said Sarah White, head of school at

Our general approach

was we wanted

to keep things
as normal as we
possibly could.

Marc Lindner

Aleph Bet. That was the only conversation weve had

with them. At school, youre expected to be safe. If

things are organized, things are calm and teachers are
in control, you feel safe.
Administrators at various schools said that that their
top priority was to get students back in class and on
schedule. Several schools returned to a regular school
day following a brief evacuation. At MetroWest, kids
were dressed in pajama pants celebrating Purim on
the day the threat came; they opted to continue their
By creating a secure American
weeklong festivities. At the Charles E. Smith Jewish Friends of The Hebrew University
Day School outside Washington, D.C., which also was
threatened on Feb. 27, high school principal Marc
Gift Annuity, youll receive great
- Lindner said police did not require the students to rates and the priceless feeling of
leave class.
Our general approach was we wanted to keep
changing lives.
d things as normal as we possibly could, Lindner said.
l There wasnt anything real about it. It was just an
empty threat. Thats what was communicated.
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Jewish World


IMMIGRATION Devin Naars family in Salonika, Greece, in the early 1920s, before the family
moved to the United States. COURTESY OF NAAR

Ladino child being taught to speak Ladino.
FROM PAGE 30 Theres no community that uses
that heritage not only for personal and it daily. Its very challenging, to put it
family reasons but for political reasons, mildly, to actually pass on the language
Naar said. in the way that a person like me grew up
Ladino emerged following the expul- in, said Bortnick, who learned Ladino
sion of Jews from Spain in 1492, when as a child in her native Turkey.
the community dispersed throughout Naars interest in the language goes
the Ottoman Empire and came in con- back to his family history. He grew up
tact with local languages as well as dif- hearing his grandfather and older rela-
A PROVOCATIVE NEW PLAY WITH MUSIC ferent Iberian dialects. At its height, in
the beginning of the 20th century, the
tives speak the language.
But by the time he started college in
CELEBRATING JEWISH CULTURE language had about half a million speak-
ers, Naar estimated.
2001, he had learned only a few words:
greetings, curses, food-related words,
Estimates of Ladino speakers today and liturgical passages. Questions from
vary widely, from between 160,000 classmates about his last name, which
to 300,000 people who have some did not sound like the Ashkenazi Jew-
familiarity with the language to around ish names they were familiar with, moti-
50,000 to 100,000 speakers. Most of vated him to dig deeper into his heritage.
the population today is elderly, but He started studying Sephardi history
there is renewed interest in the lan- and asked his grandfather to teach him
guage in some universities in the United Ladino.
States and Israel, as well as among Sep- A year later, Naar was able to read let-
hardi Jews. ters detailing the fate of family members
Teaching Vidal Ladino has its chal- who had died in Auschwitz. The letters,
lenges. There is no complete English- written in Ladino by a family friend after
Ladino dictionary and most speakers World War II, had been tucked away in a
are elderly. Naar recently read Vidal a closet, and some of Naars family mem-
childrens book about a dinosaur with bers had been unaware of their exis-
slippery flippers and found himself at tence and the details they provided of
a loss for how to translate that expres- the deaths of family members.
sion into Ladino. He consulted a scholar The older generation, they couldnt
in Israel and a local Ladino speaker to believe it, Naar said. They hadnt

get it right. heard somebody speak like that in years,

Its a learning process for me, both so that was very powerful for me.
speaking to him and recognizing the Now hes doing his part to pass the
limits of my vocabulary and trying to language on to the next generation and
A NEW PLAY BY DIRECTED BY expand my vocabulary, Naar said. with it, a set of values.

PAULA REBECCA But he isnt alone. Naar enlisted the

help of a Seattle-based group of elderly
One of my goals in trying to teach
Vidal Ladino would be so that he has a
VOGEL TAICHMAN Ladino speakers, who translated Lit-
tle Red Riding Hood into the language
sense of connection and awareness, not
only of where he comes from, but also
as a gift to Vidal. And his wife, Andrea, how the culture that he is connected to
speaks to their son in a mix of English, is connected to many other people, so
Spanish, and Ladino. that if he sees that immigrants in gen- / 212-239-6200 Rachel Amado Bortnick, the founder eral or Spanish-speaking immigrants or

CORT THEATRE 138 W 48th St, New York of an online community for Ladino
speakers, said that she had only heard
Muslims in America are being maligned,
I hope that he would be inspired to
of one other case in the last decade of a stand up. JTA WIRE SERVICE


Jewish World

Jake Tappers professor brother

writes intro to range of Judaisms
ANDREW SILOW-CARROLL questions stuck with Hahn Tapper, 43, Others believe in a Jewish soul, or
through a career in Jewish and religious neshama, that amounts to a metaphysi-
Aaron Hahn Tapper was spending the studies. cal essence, or even genetic definition,
summer of 1994 studying at an Ortho- Now the Mae and Benjamin Swig Asso- apart from ritual and belief. Israel has its
dox Yeshiva in Jerusalem when he was ciate Professor in Jewish Studies at the own definition, which combines nation-
called into the office of the schools mara University of San Francisco, Hahn Tap- hood, citizenship, and increasingly, rab-
datra, or chief legal authority. per has written an introduction to Juda- binic oversight.
Noting that Hahn Tappers mother ism for the college student and general Then there is the postmodern approach,
converted to Judaism under the auspices reader that puts identity questions front in which people become a part of a com-
of the Conservative movement, the rabbi and center, starting with its title: Juda- munity simply by believing themselves to
was blunt. Well, it seems you may not isms: A 21st Century Introduction to Jews be part of a community.
be Jewish, he said, explaining that Con- and Jewish Identities. In one way or another, all Jews are
servative conversions may or may not be Can someones identities be deleted SEE TAPPER PAGE 39 Aaron Hahn Tapper BARBARA RIES 2013

acceptable to Orthodox authorities. overnight on a technicality? he writes,

Hahn Tapper was allowed to con- after describing the yeshiva incident.
tinue his studies, as long as he agreed to Does Jewishness really depend solely
research the terms of his mothers con- on ritual and legal requirements? Or are
version: When was it done? Who wit- Jewish identities more malleable than
nessed her conversion ceremony? Were that?
they men? At its core, the book is an attempt to
Hahn Tapper had spent 13 years at answer the question What does it mean
Philadelphia Jewish day schools and to be a Jew?
10 summers at Camp Ramah in the For someone whos a halachic man
Poconos. The yeshivas challenge forced the way in which they understand
him to ask uncomfortable questions the world is only through the lens of
about Jewish law, beliefs, and practice. halachah [ Jewish law] and thats their
Most of all, it raised questions about construct its a legal category, Hahn
identity. Tapper said in a recent interview. You
Long after the yeshiva eventually either are or are not. Its black and
accepted his mothers conversion, those white.

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Jewish World

Tapper it matter what I think if the person across from me thinks reality, it is much, much, much more messy and compli-
FROM PAGE 35 that theyre a Jew? Their identity is critical to them and has cated than that.
choosing to be Jewish or at least have the luxury to do everything to do with their meaning as a person. Ultimately Theory one day will meet practice, he realizes, especially
so in the 21st century in a process Hahn Tapper and I am not making institutional decisions, so I can be open- as a father raising two Jewish children. He and his wife,
sociologists call social identity performance, which minded about that stuff. Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper, the director of Jewish studies
depends on the behaviors and choices they present to Hahn Tapper knows that such open-mindedness can be and school rabbi at the Yavneh Day School in Los Gatos,
each other and the outside world. frustrating and even threatening to those who prefer strict Calif., have two children, 6 and 9.
Most of us cant trace ourselves back that many criteria for belonging. Just putting an S at the end of Juda- When my kids want to pair off thats when I would
generations, Hahn Tapper said. Theres a certain ism can be very disruptive for people because they do have have to answer, would I accept so and so as really Jewish?
acceptance that whatever were told by our parents some sort of concrete notion of what a Jew is, he said. In Hahn Tapper said. JTA WIRE SERVICE

are the facts. Ancestry doesnt go back that far for

most of us.
In telling the story of Jews across the centuries
and the continents, Judaisms a finalist for a 2016
National Jewish Book Award presents Jewish his-
tory less as a timeline than a tapestry. Hahn Tapper
writes about Jewish communities that developed
within Christian, Muslim, and Hindu cultures; Euro-
pean Jews and Asian Jews; gay Jews and Jews of color;
assimilated American Jews and Ethiopian Jews who
consider marrying out of their sub-community a form
of intermarriage.
He writes that as far back as the Hebrew commu-
nity, and through their subsequent rebirth as Isra-
elites, Judeans and, eventually, Jews, this group has
never been uniform or consistent. There has never
been a Jewish people, only peoples. Within the Jew-
ish tent there have always been subtribes, subiden-
tities, and subfactions. And yet, even though the
Jewish community has never been homogeneous
or monolithic, Jews and non-Jews frequently speak
about the Jews, as if they are a single, cohesive,
interconnected group.
Hahn Tapper says his multicultural view of Jewish
identity is shaped by his own experiences. Growing
up in Philly (his older brother is Jake Tapper, the CNN
anchor and chief Washington correspondent), he
attended a Conservative-affiliated Solomon Schechter
school (now the Perelman Jewish Day School) through
sixth grade, and high school at the unaffiliated Akiba
Hebrew Academy, now the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew
Academy in Bryn Mawr.
He was active with the Jewish community as an
undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University but was
heavily influenced by the baal teshuvah community
he found in Jerusalem, where rabbis took an almost
evangelical zeal in introducing young American Jewish
backpackers to Orthodox life.
Hahn Tapper was both a participant in the baal tes-
huvah culture and an observer, fascinated about the
ways these newly observant Jews framed their iden-
tities. Having grown up in a chavurah, or informal
congregation, that included some heavy hitters from
the Conservative movement including Jeffrey Tigay,
the onetime chair of the Jewish studies department at
the University of Pennsylvania, and Chaim Potok, the
rabbi and novelist Hahn Tapper was able to think
critically about the rigid Orthodoxy he saw at the baal
teshuvah yeshivas.
The guys around me [growing up] were no
slouches, and I knew that they had a much more
sophisticated understanding of things than I was being
taught in this yeshiva, he said. Help provide a home, love, and education
Later he spent a summer in Fez, Morocco, on his to thousands of poor, orphaned, and at-risk
way to getting a masters degree in theological studies children across Israel. Lift them from the
from Harvard and a doctorate in comparative religion
deepest of despair to a bright, dignified
at the University of California, Santa Barbara. That
started opening up my eyes to the Ashkenazi-centric and productive future.
perspective of what it means to be a Jew, he recalled.
All those experiences led him to think less about Visit Lighting the way.
Jewish boundaries and more about Jewish possibili-
ties. Ive come to accept to some degree, what does

AMFO_NJJewishStandard_HalfPageIsland.indd 1 JEWISH STANDARD MARCH2/17/17

17, 2017 39
3:20 PM
Jewish World

In Turkey-Netherlands row, a foreboding sign for Jews

CNAAN LIPHSHIZ Kaya. In reality, she was escorted out of the in Rotterdam, in which five people were who has written extensively about the
country to Germany on orders of the Dutch moderately injured, triggered the worst Netherlands.
ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS The thou- government. In the run-up to Wednesdays diplomatic crisis in years between Turkey In 2014, amid protests over Israels
sands of people who gathered outside the general elections in the Netherlands and the European Union, and reopened strikes against Hamas in Gaza, anti-
Turkish consulate in this port city on Satur- immigration and Islam have become major a polarizing debate about the loyalty of Semitic hostility led dozens of French
day patiently waited for hours, chatting with issues in the heated campaign the gov- some Dutch of Turkish descent. Arab rioters to besiege a Paris syna-
friends and relatives. ernment objected vocally to Turkeys cam- But for Dutch Jews, the affair also gogue, which community members
Waving Turkish flags, they had gathered paigning on its soil. underlined a growing concern over the defended for long minutes in a savage
on a chilly evening to listen to a Cabinet Hundreds of young men began confront- defiance of a minority among local Mus- street brawl as police scrambled to dis-
minister from Turkey arguing in favor of a ing police, hurling stones at them while lims, whose anti-Semitic attitudes and patch officers in time to prevent a blood-
government-led referendum in that coun- shouting Allahu akbar Arabic for Allah actions are generating an anti-Muslim ier outcome.
try next month. The referendum would is the greatest. Some in the crowd then backlash in a once-tolerant society. Yet despite several close calls in
give even greater powers to President Recep shouted cancer Jews in Dutch at the riot We saw again that the word Jew and 2015 Dutch police arrested several
Tayyip Erdogan; critics say Erdogan already police, who used water cannons to disperse homo are curse words in these groups, alleged Islamists suspected of plotting
rules the country with an iron grip. the crowd, according to witnesses. It was Esther Voet, the editor-in-chief of the to blow up a synagogue in Amsterdam
Erdogan is eyeing the 3 million Turkish one of several incidents recently in the Neth- Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad, said. in recent decades the Netherlands has
nationals living in Europe who can cast their erlands where anti-Semitic slogans were Those protesters have such hostility seen neither major jihadist attacks nor
votes in Turkish embassies. shouted at demonstrations that had nothing toward Jews that it just comes out. deadly incidents of anti-Semitism of the
But the chummy atmosphere evapo- to do with Jews. Voet also called the violent protesters kind that have occurred in France and
rated as word spread that Dutch police had Occurring as the far right prepares to in Rotterdam a fifth column in Dutch neighboring Belgium since 2012.
arrested the minister, Fatma Betul Sayan make historical gains in the voting, the riots society, adding that she was in some In covering the Rotterdam rioting, the
ways glad the riots exposed what many Dutch media largely ignored the anti-
would rather deny. Semitic shouts, focusing instead on the
Across Western Europe, surveys con- far wider ramifications of what quickly
sistently show a relatively high preva- evolved into a showdown featuring Tur-
lence of anti-Semitic sentiment among key, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Muslims, many of whom associate After the incident with Kaya and the
Jews with an establishment they feel is Dutch governments refusal to admit
oppressive and hostile to their identity Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavu-
and faith. soglu into the country, Erdogan accused
But the use of slogans about Jews dur- both Germany and Holland of having a
ing violent confrontations that do not Nazi heritage, leading to condemna-
involve Jews is a recent development. tions of Turkey by other EU leaders and
And it is shocking to many European Jewish groups. Turkish protesters subse-
Jews because it shows the centrality of quently were allowed to gather outside
anti-Semitism as a core identity value the Dutch Embassy in Ankara, leading to
among some Muslim immigrants and its brief closure as the Dutch and Turk-
their descendants, according to Manfred ish governments exchanged threats of
Gerstenfeld, a scholar of anti-Semitism SEE TURKEY PAGE 43


Protesters outside the Dutch consulate in Istanbul after the Turkish foreign
minister was refused entry into the Netherlands on March 12.

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Jewish World

Turkey Ultimately, though, Wilders measure of popularity Le Pen has courted Jewish voters and worked to rehabil-
FROM PAGE 40 among Dutch Jews owes to fear rather than to his cre- itate the racist image of the party founded by her father,
financial sanctions. dentials within that community, according to Hayut, the Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has been convicted many times for
All in all, a good show for Dutch Prime Minister filmmaker. Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred against Jews. And
Mark Rutte, who wants to flex muscles ahead of the In France, too, the far-right National Front party under while she lacks Wilders pro-Israel and philo-Semitic creden-
election to avoid hemorrhaging votes to the far right, Marine Le Pen has made inroads into the Jewish commu- tials, her message resonates with some Jews who hope she
said Maurice Hayut, a Morocco-born Jewish-Israeli nity. In a poll from 2014 among 1,095 French Jews, her will shield their community from attacks by Muslims.
filmmaker who lives in Amsterdam. party enjoyed the support of 13.5 percent of respondents. When you are afraid, you look around to see who will
Also a great show for Erdogan, who is portraying She now is the leading candidate in polls before the first protect you, especially in a community scarred by the Holo-
himself at home as the champion of the Turkish and round of the presidential election next month, with approx- caust, Hayut said. And like the French Jewish community,
Muslim causes against the hostile West, added Hayut, imately 25 percent of all voters. the Dutch one is afraid of Muslims. JTA WIRE SERVICE

who has made two documentaries about anti-Semi-

tism and Islam in Europe.
Nonetheless, for the Dutch chief rabbi, Binyomin
Jacobs, the anti-Semitism on display in Rotterdam
raised the specter of violent attacks, like the recent
attacks on synagogues in Paris.
I hope I am wrong, but I wouldnt be surprised
if this happens also here, Jacobs said when asked
whether he believed that in response to the riots, Mus-
lim radicals may turn violent against Jews.
Jacobs home in Amersfoort has been vandalized sev-
eral times in recent years, and he has said that he would
leave the Netherlands if not for his communal duties.
Against this backdrop, many Dutch Jews are joining
other countrymen in supporting the Party for Free-
dom, which is led by Geert Wilders, a stridently anti-

Across Western
Europe, surveys
consistently show us
a relatively high
prevalence of anti-
Semitic sentiment
among Muslims.
Islam lawmaker who was convicted last year of inciting
discrimination for promising, during a 2014 speech,
to make sure the Netherlands has fewer Moroccans.
Wilders party, which opposes the construction of
mosques and seeks to end immigration from Muslim
countries, is now the third largest in the Dutch parlia-
ment. However, with the elections at hand, the Party
for Freedom is in a tight race with the ruling center-
right Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy to
become the largest.
Wilders popularity among Dutch Jews a commu-
nity in which many have bitter memories of the effects To place a tribute journal ad and to make dinner reservations, please visit
of xenophobic rhetoric is lower than among the gen-
eral population. But it is significant nonetheless. or contact the Etzion Foundation.
In a poll of more than 1,300 Dutch Jews conducted
earlier this month, Wilders party finished third, with
10 percent of the vote. According to polls, it is poised
to receive 15 percent of the general vote. Among Jews,
17 percent chose the Peoples Party for Freedom and
Democracy and 11 percent picked Labor.
By contrast, in a 2010 poll of Dutch Jews, only 2 per-
cent of respondents said they supported Wilders.
Wilders electoral success with some Dutch Jews
is helped by his professed love and commitment to
Israel, a country where he lived for two years in the
1980s, and to what he calls Judeo-Christian values
that he says are threatened by Islam. But it suffered
over his partys support in 2010 for a ban on the ritual
slaughter of animals. The ban, passed by parliament,
ultimately was scrapped by the Dutch Senate in 2012.


Come Smile with Us Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles
More than
likes. Holy Name awarded
$50,000 from Walmart
Like us for high school summer learning

oly Name Medical Cen- The introductory program is the first
on ters Institute for Simula- level, accepting 20 students at each of
tion Learning was awarded two 1-week sessions. Interactive sessions
Facebook. a $50,000 grant from the include classroom, clinical observation,
Walmart Foundation for its healthcare and simulated experiences introduc-
careers discovery program. The funds ing the students to various professions
will be used to provide summer learning and skills. Experienced medical profes-
TEANECK DENTIST opportunities for high school students sionals share skills and experiences with
interested in healthcare careers through the students during clinical observation
the Healthcare Careers Discovery intro- times. American Heart Association CPR/
We put the Care ductory and advanced programs offered AED certification is included, along with
into Dental Care! at Holy Name Medical Centers Institute the opportunity to simulate taking blood
for Simulation Learning. pressures, giving injections, starting IVs,
Weve designed the Healthcare and responding to emergency situations.
Richard S. Gertler, DMD, FAGD
Careers Discovery program to be a Additionally, career development strate-
Ari Frohlich, DMD hands-on, immersive learning experi- gies are presented by Holy Names human
ence for high school students, said resources department, including inter-
100 State Street Teaneck, NJ Cedar Wang, director of simulation edu- viewing skills, interpersonal communica-
cation at Holy Name Medical Center. tions, and rsum writing.
201.837.3000 It is the perfect opportunity to intro- The advanced program is open only duce the many possible career paths in to those students who have completed
the healthcare field. Students have the the introductory program the previous
Visit us on Facebook
chance to figure out if its really what summer. Applicants are selected for this
Convenient Morning, Evening & Sunday Hours they want to do before they make a seri- program in the order their application is
ous commitment of time and money. received. Participants engage in focused
According to Modern Healthcare, 5.6 activities to prepare for their future
million more healthcare workers will careers. Building on Basic Life Support
be needed by 2020. This is quickly rep- certification from the introductory pro-
resenting the fastest growing employ- gram, they earn AHA Healthcare Provider
ment sector in the U.S. economy. While basic life support certification which is
there is great employment potential in often required prior to entering educa-
the future, high school students are not tion in a healthcare related field. Students
often exposed to the myriad opportuni- are matched with providers in their field
ties available in the healthcare industry. of interest as much as possible and spend
Holy Name Medical Center has devised intense time learning with these profes-
a multi-level program both to introduce sionals. Access to Holy Names medical
Serving the Jewish community career options and to train future health- library resources allows students to learn
of Bergen County for 12 years care providers through its Healthcare more about what they are experiencing
Careers Discovery programs. Students and witnessing each day. Roundtable dis-
All certified home health aides gain entry into the program by com- cussions enable participants to share their
petitive application based on merit and knowledge with one another. Students
licensed, bonded and criminal there is a fee for participation. In 2017, engage in simulated patient encounters
background checks those unable to pay the fee may apply to further hone technical, interpersonal
for scholarship funding generously pro- and communication skills. New skills are
RN supervision & coordination vided by the Walmart Foundation. introduced with hands-on demonstra-
Eighty students are expected to attend tions. Finally, students leverage their par-
the 2017 Summer Healthcare Careers Dis- ticipation in the advanced program when
Hourly, live-in and respite care covery program, and an active learning applying for scholarships, honors pro-
environment which combines classroom grams, or college entrance by creating a
24/7 live on-call service and hands-on experiences to prepare the professionally produced video brief as a
participant for a successful future in the unique demonstration of poise and schol-
healthcare profession. The ISL will offer 2 arship. A videographer/media specialist
Complimentary social work weeks of the introductory program and 2 supports the production of a unique video
services weeks of the advanced program, serving for each individual participant outlining
20 students each week. the program and including an individual
We are proud to support Holy Name interview for each student.
Linkages to other elder care Medical Center and its program which High school students who live in
options provides summer learning opportunities northern New Jersey and interested in
for high school students interested in learning more about a career in a health-
healthcare careers. said Jennifer Hoehn, care-related field can apply by visiting:
the Walmart Foundations director for
public affairs and government relations To learn more about the Healthcare
1.866.7FREEDOM for New Jersey The programs speaks to Careers Discovery program at the Insti-
(1.866.737.3336) both our commitment to healthy com- tute for Simulation Learning at Holy munities and creating opportunities for Name Medical Center, visit http://simu-
our neighbors.


Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles

Pets of all kinds

in the Jewish Home dog show Discover

Not to be outdone by the
more ways
prestigious Westminster
to live well

Dog Show, the Jewish
Home at Rockleigh held
its very first Rockminster
Dog Show last month.
The Rockminster show
was that it featured both
live animals and compan- Call for a free consultation
ion pets, which are actu-
ally robots equipped with
sensors that enable them
to interact and respond to
both sound and touch. Do you want to live independently and stay in your
These robotic pets
own home? We can help. Whether its stimulating
have earned a place in our
hearts as well as in our therapeutic rec- welcomed at the Jewish Home. In fact, social activities at our Gallen Center, an aide to help
ommendations, explains Jewish Home volunteer Shana Horn and her therapy with housework, a care manager to help plan for
Family President and CEO Carol Silver dog Rosie, just won the right to ride New
Elliott. We have long witnessed the Jersey Transit buses together, thanks in the future, or guidance to keep your home safe
magic and effectiveness of pet therapies, part to advocacy by the Jewish Home. were here. Talk to one of our experts today.
and these realistic robotic dogs and cats The winner of the Rockminster
have allowed us to extend many of the show? Well, the prize went to a live dog
benefits of pet companionship. this year, Bentley, a toy poodle owned by
While the robot pets feel and look real, Activity Director Tracey Couliboly. As for
and respond as actual animals would, the robot dogs, there is always next year!
they can be held and petted endlessly Both kinds of pet therapies join a wide
and they are available for residents at array of other therapies at the Jewish
any hour of the day or night. Many resi- Home, which include Tai Chi, Yoga, a A Member of The Jewish Home Family
dents have formed strong bonds with virtual rehab platform, and therapies
these robots, connecting with them as developed for people with Parkinsons
they would with a live pet. disease, which include specialized dance
While inclusion in a real dog show and a boxing program. Jewish Home at Home is a not for profit, non-sectarian program
may be a giant step for robot-kind, live For more information go to Jewish- open to all seniors regardless of race, religion or ethnic origin.
therapy dogs continue to be warmly or call (201) 784-1414.
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Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles

Are you ageist?

ROBIN GRANAT Do you believe that the age you will become is inferior for your age or youre so young at heart are age-
to the age you are? Do you see getting older as inferior to ist statements, not compliments. It reinforces the idea
For the unlearned, old age is winter; for the learned being younger? Do you avoid telling your age or make fun that young is good and old is bad.
it is the season of the harvest. of your age? Do you fear getting older? If so, I am sorry to Ageism is prevalent in our society and we are all
the Talmud say that you are an ageist. Statements like you look great at risk to buying into ageist stereotypes. Our culture
devalues growing older. We think nothing of products
that are sold as having anti-aging benefits. We accept
this as normal. Find an old Life Magazine from the
50s or 60s and look at how women are portrayed in

advertisements. Thats where we are today with how
we portray older people.
The tragedy of ageist beliefs is that ageism is a prej-
udice against all of us, our future, and older selves.
Concealing or disavowing our age gives the number of
years we have been alive a power it does not deserve.
Ageist beliefs significantly strip us of our confidence
AT to be and do as we age. The truth is that chronological
age is an increasingly unreliable benchmark of pretty
much anything about a person. The sooner we stop
dreading growing older, the better equipped we will
be to benefit from countless ways in which we can
enrich ourselves.
Trust the team that knows your needs The Torah considers getting older a virtue and
a blessing. The Torah commands us to respect all
Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute has provided care to the seniors of elders simply because the many trials and experi-
ences that each additional year of life brings with
our community since 1921. Who better then to understand their specialized needs? Our
it wisdom and experience that the most accom-
experienced postacute care team uses the latest advances in therapies to provide the plished young person cannot equal. As we get older
highest quality care. Individualized care plans are designed for each patient. Whether we know this is true. Most of us would not want to
getting back on your feet after a fracture or recovering from surgery or a stroke, DMC has be 20 again. Most of us like who we have become
the most experienced staff to help seniors achieve the best results. because of age and experiences. This is in marked
contrast with how most of us speak and live our
lives. We consider 50 plus to be over the hill. We
The rehabilitation team at Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute make fun of ourselves and others, prescribing any-
is here to bring you the best in rehabilitation and subacute care. thing negative to age. We all look for younger peo-
ple to fill positions, reinforcing that young is better
Our interdisciplinary team of physicians, therapists, nurses than old.
Instead of being fearful of getting older, we should
and social workers can meet all of your rehabilitation needs.
change our thinking and all get into training for lon-
gevity. What we really want is to live life in a way that
We offer intense short-term rehabilitation for: ensures us the best overall health and wealth for the
hip and knee replacements long haul.
hip and knee fractures Be conscious of ageist views and dont allow them
amputations to hold you back. I recently have been pointing out
post stroke recovery ageist comments when they occur to my family,
friends, and acquaintances, and I should say I am
Our team can also provide you with not gaining in popularity. Many people believe the
medically complex services such as: stereotypes and argue that of course it is no fun to
cardiac rehabilitation get older and making jokes at the expense of older
comprehensive wound care people is funny.
enteral nutritional therapy The senior living industry is not immune from
extended IV therapy ageist thinking. Often when you visit a community,
nutritional diabetic counseling youll be asked your age before you are asked what
pain management your needs and wants are. Ageist compliments such
PICC line management as you are doing so well for your age are used all
post surgical stabilization the time. Accomplishments are labeled cute and
pulmonary rehabilitation sweet.
total parenteral nutrition (TPN) No matter what your biological age is, start bring-
orthopedic surgery care ing an awareness regarding the prejudice of ageism.
urology/ostomy care THERAPY IS PROVIDED/AVAILABLE Reflect on your own beliefs and join me in creating
UP TO 7 DAYS A WEEK dialogue that questions ageist views. Remember, we
all want to get older every year. This is a good thing.
Daughters of Contact us at
Miriam Center/
The Gallen Institute 973-253-5358 Robin Granat, LCSW, CALA, is executive director of Five
is a Glatt Kosher Star Premier Residences of Teaneck
Facility 155 Hazel St. Clifton NJ 07011

Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute: Where Innovation Meets Experience

Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen Institute is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.


Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles

Englewood Hospital awarded spinal

- fusion certification from the Joint Commission

l fter a rigorous on-site review, Engle- excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest organization, the Joint Commission is the nations old-
e wood Hospital and Medical Center has quality and value. The Joint Commission accredits and est and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in
s earned the Joint Commissions Gold Seal certifies more than 21,000 health care organizations and health care. Learn more about the Joint Commission at
t of Approval for Spinal Fusion certification programs in the United States. An independent, nonprofit
for the third consecutive time since 2012. It is the only
hospital in New Jersey to receive a Gold Seal for spi-
nal fusion, a symbol of quality that reflects an organi-
zations commitment to providing safe and effective
- patient care.
. Englewood Hospital was also recertified with the
Gold Seal of Approval for Advanced Certification for
. Total Hip and Total Knee Replacement and with the
Gold Seal of Approval for Advanced Certification for John Goncalves, Jr., M.D.,
Primary Stroke Centers. Surgeon
y The Joint Commissions recertification of our hip/
knee, stroke, and spinal fusion programs is a strong Director of Cardiac Surgery
testament to our ongoing efforts to bring the safest, Surgical Director of
n highest quality, and most technologically advanced Transcatheter Aortic Valve
care to our community, said Warren Geller, president Replacement Program
and CEO of Englewood Hospital and Medical Center.
We thank our doctors, nurses, and other staff for Leader in aortic valve surgery
- their tireless efforts to make us who we are and con-
Pioneer of innovative
gratulate them on this recognition of excellence by the
- Joint Commission.
At Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, the
spinal surgery team includes neurosurgeons and
orthopedic surgeons, as well as anesthesiologists,
d pain management specialists, registered nurses,
r physician assistants and advanced practice nurses,
e rehabilitation specialists, and other professionals
- dedicated to restoring patients to a state of optimal
- health and well-being.
r In addition to being the only hospital in New Jer-
sey to receive this Joint Commission certification
d in spinal fusion, Englewood Hospital and Medical
- Center is ranked No. 1 in the state and among the
t top 10 percent in the nation by CareChex/Quan-
e tros for both medical excellence and patient safety
in spinal fusion, and has been a 5-Star recipient
m for spinal fusion surgery for five years in a row by
t Healthgrades.
, Being the only New Jersey hospital certified by
the Joint Commission for spinal fusion is an honor

Proven. Innovative. Here.

that reflects the dedication and hard work of our
o interdisciplinary team, says Dr. Michael T. Har-
r ris, chief medical officer and chief of surgery at
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. Hav-
m ing strong and diverse care teams not only for
, spinal surgery, but also joint replacement surgery Valley Health System is proud to announce John Goncalves, Jr., M.D., as the new
and stroke care allows us to focus on every ele- Director of Cardiac Surgery. Dr. Goncalves is one of the northeast regions most
ment of care that impacts the patient experience skilled heart surgeons. With his leadership, our team which has consistently been
and outcome, such as timeliness of care, infection awarded the highest designation by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons is stronger
prevention and avoidance of complications, cul- than ever. Heres Dr. Goncalves story.
turally appropriate patient and family education,
- pain assessment and management, and restora- Since 2003, Dr. Goncalves has focused on one thing: saving lives. Hes had incredible success
tion of mobility and quality of life. providing superior care for his patients, and pioneering innovative treatments used in hospitals
The hospital underwent a review in Septem- around the world. Dr. Goncalves chose Valley Health System because he knew our caliber
e ber 2016 for all three programs in which Joint of care and outstanding outcomes would inspire him to be an even better surgeon and leader.
Commission experts evaluated compliance with
national disease-specific care standards. Clinical
e practice guidelines and performance measures
also were assessed. Schedule a free heart health risk
Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to assessment today. Call 201-447-8535 or
continuously improve health care for the public, in visit
collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluat- Screening
Ridgewood, New Jersey
ing health care organizations and inspiring them to


Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles

More than Guiding patients

Doctors should 407,000 likes. on their joint
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their patients care, Facebook. Meet Valleys orthopedic
nurse navigator

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suffer with for
years, living with con-
HuDSoN 1415 Queen Anne Road, Ste. 210 Teaneck, NJ jewishstandard stant discomfort and
CouNtIES limited ability to enjoy
their favorite activities.
For those looking to
return to an active and
pain-free lifestyle, total
joint replacement may
be the solution. At the
Valley Hospitals Total
Joint Replacement Cen- Marcella OHerlihy, RN
ter, Orthopedic Nurse
Navigator Marcella OHerlihy, RN, works with patients
throughout their journey, beginning with their deci-
sion to undergo surgery, through their recovery.
My priority is to ensure patients and their families
are prepared, informed, and are provided with excep-
tional care and service throughout the entire process,
says Ms. OHerlihy.
At Valley, the goal is to make each patients total
joint replacement surgery experience as stress-free as
possible. When a patient hears from their orthopedic
physician: Its time to have that joint replaced, there
tends to be anxiety about what surgery will entail,
says Ms. OHerlihy. My job is to ease those fears by
answering questions, providing education, and eval-
uating individualized needs to set safe and effective
post-operative goals.
Marcella also helps facilitate Valleys pre-operative
education class, which is tailored to patients preparing
for total joint surgery. Patients can meet the team, ask
questions, and learn more about what to expect, says
Ms. OHerlihy. It empowers patients to feel informed
about their surgery and prepared to recover for a
more active life.
Valleys Total Joint Replacement Center has been
recognized by the Joint Commission, U.S. News and
World Report, and Healthgrades, for excellence in
joint replacement surgery. The multidisciplinary team
works with patients, families, and primary care phy-
sicians to provide comprehensive and individualized

Engaged living...
care, including access to pre- and post-operative ser-
vices. These include Prehabilitation, a unique condi-
tioning program completed prior to surgery, and Val-
ley Home Cares Steps Ahead program, which offers
in-home post-operative rehabilitation, pain manage-
ment, and assistance.
At Arbor Terrace Teaneck, were doing away with all of the traditional In her role, Ms. OHerlihy is proud to support indi-
stereotypes of senior living. We offer a maintenance-free lifestyle viduals on their journey to a healthier life. Prior to
with numerous amenities and luxury services to fit your every need. surgery, patients are in pain, limited in their activities,
and feeling uncertain about the future. After their sur-
Our community focuses on providing active seniors a comfortable
gery and recovery, it is truly fulfilling to learn how they
and inspiring lifestyle. Kosher meals available.
are enjoying life again.
For more information, please call Marcella
Call or visit us online to set up a tour today! OHerlihy, RN, at 201- 251-3317.
(201) 836-9260|


Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles
 a pt
A season of memory
of  Fily...
t seems but yesterday that fall gave the past greens of summer or the chal-
way to winters cold and bleak col- lenges and excitement of fall and winter?
oration. And now spring will soon Do we leave our middle years behind
set blossoms over the landscape. and focus on the years ahead? Or do we
Yet let us linger on fall for just a bit. The seek safe harbor in the remembrance of
passage of fall does not designate just the summers lush colors and fear falls leaf
passage of a season. It has substance and discoloration?
memory. I am involved with many seniors and (Resident, Lillian Grunfeld with her daughter,
Fall is an impactful time of year. It am amazed at their determination to jus- Dir. of Community Relations, Debbie Corwin)

is the time when nature thrills and tify their present and not crawl as if at
astounds. Falls smells and colors glide lifes end. Whether in their sixties, sev- WHERE OUR RESIDENTS MAINTAIN THE LEVEL OF INDEPENDENCE
through the air to keep vital our senses enties, eighties, or nineties, they are pro- THEY DESIRE WHILE RECEIVING THE CARE THEY NEED.
excited still by summers realm. Fall can ductive in both mind and body. Whether
astound odors of a dormant chimney graced with good health or affected with FAMILY OWNED COMMUNITY
newly lit to warm a mornings chill; col- medical issues, they live each day; they SPACIOUS, FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS AT CHESTNUT RIDGE
orful foliage demanding recognition perceive the importance of the present.
prior to its surrender to winter, and They know not their appointment with
fallen leaves, bright to the eye, crackling their last breath and accept each season RN DIRECTOR OF WELLNESS PROGRAM CHESTNUT RIDGE, NY 10977
underfoot. Fall is a season of change; it is as the natural effect of being alive. They RESPITE PROGRAM AVAILABLE 845-620-0606
a season of guidance and remembrance, strive to remain strong performing LICENSED BY NYSDOH
of excitement and anticipation. Winter, exercise, eating correctly, and stressing PROMENADESENIOR.COM
that demanding period of snow and ice, their minds to grow. To them, the natu- CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ON THE ROCKLAND/BERGEN BORDER

Come Fe O Wm
of frosty cold and still air, has us still in ral change in seasons does not indicate
its grip, although spring seems to be cas- an approaching end; it is a challenge to
cading quickly towards us. live well in the present and excel!
Fall, however, is a softer period Like the seasons, we all age. But it is
between the green of summers growth not that we age, rather it is how we age. VISIT US ON THE WEB AT PROMENADESENIOR.COM
and the white of winters dormancy. We are a sophisticated species, comfort-
Animals grow thicker fur, store food, able with our rhythms with nature and
and prepare their dens. Trees shake preordained to change with the earths
their branches till bare and sprinkle the rotations and return to the cosmos from
ground with the leaves of summer. Flow- which we were born. So the time given
ers bid farewell, a mere remembrance to us is precious and is not defined by
awaiting springs rebirth. Fall is the sea- your youth or your age, but by your
son we fondly recall summers last warm lifes span and how you affect each day.
breeze and prepare for winters chilling No doubt it is easier to expend energies
welcome. It is a time when we acknowl- in the summer of our youth. Changes do
edge that change is inevitable, good and take their toll in body, mind, concentra-
cathartic. It is intense, therapeutic, and tion, and strength. Yet, the fall and win-
cleansing. Smells, colors, and textures ter of our lives offer tremendous oppor-
transform; the light is less intense and tunities and is a time not to be wasted,
the clouds thicker; time itself appears but to be lived with grace and energy.
to slow, the tick of the clock seemingly We are now seasoned, experienced, and
more rhythmic in its cadence. It is a sig- hopefully wise. To navigate our fallen
nificant time of year! leaves and hardened bark, those seniors
The cadence of seasonal change determined to justify their time do not
affects a range of participants. A persons go lightly into the night. They exercise
worth and the human aging process are their bodies and minds; they perform
also embedded in the rhythms of the aerobically and anaerobically; they prac-
earth. We age along with the seasons tice cognitive fitness; they live their lives
and find ample cause to identify and with purpose and vitality.
compare. Yet a persons age, especially The passage of time is a path we all
for seniors, is a time when, like fall, our must take. Whether burdened with med-
leaves are falling and the bright greens of ical issues or blessed with good health,
summer change into the golden hues of the date with our last breath is preor-
fall. Winter is but a short span away. But dained. It is how we weather the change
it is all in our perspective! of seasons that will ultimately define the
When we hear of a person dying seasons of our lives.
in their late fifties or early sixties, a
seniors initial reaction is that they were Richard Portugal is the founder and
so young; so many years abandoned and owner of Fitness Senior Style, which
cut short; so much left to be done and exercises seniors for balance, strength,
now no time to perform. And yet when and cognitive fitness in their own
we celebrate our sixtieth birthday, we homes. He has been certified as a senior
feel old, the bulk of our lives behind, the trainer by the American Senior Fitness
age of slow decay ahead. It does seem to Association. For further information, call
be all in the perception. Do we focus on (201) 937-4722.


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Work Month, a time to team of knowledgeable care coordina-
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cracked, and worn teeth, awareness of the count- matches possible.
dentures, and implants, with less contributions social workers make As clients and caregivers work
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care for your whole family. According to the National Association sional bumps in the road. When issues
of Social Work, the primary mission of arise, Freedoms social worker is avail-
Diane Jonas, DMD the social work profession is to enhance able to coach and counsel caregivers,
General Dentistry human well-being and help meet the helping caregivers fully understand their
Daniel Feit, DMD basic human needs of all people. Social clients needs and providing the tools to
Prosthodontist workers do this while respecting the meet those needs.
NJ Specialty Permit 5007 dignity and worth of each individual The social worker also meets with cli-
and valuing the importance of human ents and their families to insure that they
19 Franklin Street Tenafly, NJ 07670 (201) 569-4535 relationships. have realistic expectations and can maxi-
For older adults and their families, mize the benefits of having a caregiver.

Wishing you a
Wishing you a
social workers can be integral to finding
services, connecting with resources, and
getting support to cope with the chal-
The social worker gets to know clients
and families and provide support and
guidance as needs change.
lenges of aging. Each family is unique and has unique
Happy Passover
Happy Passover
Freedom Home Healthcare integrates
the principals of social work in every-
thing the company does from the top
needs. The social worker works with
the entire care team to develop creative
solutions to the challenges of aging and
down. Freedoms president, Barbra caring for an aging loved one.
London, holds a master of social work The Freedom team coordinates ser-
The Chateau degree and is committed to the highest vices and care with senior buildings,
ideals of the profession. assisted living facilities, rehab centers,
At Rochelle Park
Freedoms mantra of whatever it hospice agencies and other provid-
takes flows from social works strength- ers. Freedom celebrates social workers

The Chateau
96 Parkway based, solution-oriented model. Free- throughout the community and com-
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 dom is unique in that a social worker mends them for their tireless efforts on
Alaris Health at The Chateau 201 226-9600 is a member of the care team that coor-
dinates services. The director of social
behalf of older adults and their families.
Freedom Home Healthcare, located in

96 Parkway
Sub Acute
At Rochelle Park
Rehabilitative Park,
Care NJ for
Center 201-226-9600
Hospital After Care
At Rochelle Park
work/care management is a resource for
clients and their families as well as care-
Hackensack, was founded in 2003 by a
group of dedicated and compassionate
givers and is one of the key ingredients experts in geriatrics. We are proud to
Sub Acute Rehabilitative Care Center for Hospital After Care to the Freedom difference. represent more than 200 years of pro-
After care is so important to a patients recovery once a patient is released from the Freedom has high standards for its fessional experience in aging, a 3 year

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hospital the real challenges often begin the challenges they now have to face as they
try and regain their strength and independence.
caregivers. All caregivers must have pre-
vious experience and complete a thor-
winner of the national recognition of
the Best of Home Care Award (only 1%

Rochelle Park, NJ 07662

ough vetting process, which includes of companies achieve this honor) and a
Here at The Chateau we combine the very same sophisticated technologies and
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techniques used by leading hospitals with hands on skilled rehabilitative/nursing care.
Sub Acute care ensures that patients return home with the highest degree of function reference checks, demonstration of clini- vice Firm.

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information,or ortotoschedule
schedulea tour of of
a tour Alaris
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Rochelle at
Health fair at Arbor Terrace
please call
Rochelle our please
Park, Admissions
call ourDepartment
201 336-9317
at 201 336-9317 Arbor Terrace will hold a free health fair seniors called Choose Well to Live Well.

After care is so important to a patients recovery once a patient is released from the on Sunday, March 26, from 11 a.m. to 2
The program will include daily exercise
classes, nutritional advice, cooking dem-
hospital the real challenges often begin the challenges they now have to face as they The health fair will provide individu-
als with healthcare options that are
onstrations, and weekly healthcare eval-
uations provided by a registered nurse.
try and regain thanstrength
and independence. available in this area, with a focus on the It is designed for seniors to embrace a

Like us on Facebook. needs of the senior population.

Featured vendors will provide blood
healthy approach to weight loss, while
getting the support and inspiration that
Here at The Chateau we combine the very same sophisticated technologies and pressure checks, and gait and balance
screenings, while also providing educa-
they need to succeed. Interested par-
ticipants should contact Mary or Jose at
techniques used by leading hospitals with hands on skilled rehabilitative/nursing care. tional health products that may be cov- (201) 836-9260, as there is limited avail-
ered under your Medicare plan. ability for this free program.
Sub Acute care ensures that patients return home with the highest degree of function In addition, Arbor Terrace will launch Arbor Terrace is at 600 Frank W. Burr
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Healthy Living & Adult Lifestyles

Heart-smart ways women can

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ore women than men have
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mans disease. Research indicates that
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ness of breath, nausea or vomiting, and stick with it. Try also grabbing a friend
dizziness. As a result, women may not or family member for a walk around the
realize they are experiencing cardiac park to help keep each other motivated.
symptoms, says Dr. Sarah Kaplan, car- And dont forget that portion size and
diologist at Englewood Hospital and a healthy diet are just as important for
Medical Center. Oftentimes, women heart health. I recommend cooking at
put others needs ahead of their own home more and making heart-healthy Brightview.
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Three everyday ways women can In addition, women can reduce heart
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Exercise, in particular, really goes a L earning family history of heart
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Sign up for the Specialized dementia
Jewish Standard daily newsletter! care neighborhood

Visit Call Richard or Gina to schedule

your personal visit.
55 Hudson Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670



Learning from iCan

Jason Greenblatt of Teaneck

L is charged with bringing
ast Sunday, more than 200 high But it would be a mistake and unfair
school students gathered in a to think of the day as anything other than
hotel in Hasbrouck Heights not
exactly around the corner for most
of them to learn about Israel.
positive, and a great accomplishment for the
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey,
which sponsored it.
Middle East peace
Part of what pulled them there, to the The day was put together in large part by In the presidential debates, Hillary widely admired for the strength of his
iCan conference, is sad and scary. There the teen task force members, who guided Clinton was asked to name a positive spiritual commitments. When before
is an uptick in anti-Semitism (and racism, the programming and gathered the crowd. quality about her opponent, Donald has America had an envoy who, en
and anti-immigrant sentiment as well) in The group they put together reached over all Trump. She said he had special kids. route to one of the worlds most trou-
the country, and some of the teenagers are kinds of lines there were kids represent- Most of America agreed. bled regions, tweeted a picture of his
feeling it. They want to learn techniques for ing the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, The presidents children are impres- prayer shawl (tallis) and tefillin (spe-
dealing with it, and they take comfort in and there others who are unaffiliated with sive in their maturity, eloquence, cial leather boxes with biblical scrolls)
numbers. synagogues or streams. There were kids industry, and commitment to fam- for the morning prayers in Frankfurt?
Also, some of them are worried about from day schools, public schools, and pri- ily. Indeed, Trumps children did And just think of the symbolism. The
what they will face on college campuses if vate schools; in fact, the Bergen County High much to soften his image and win him son of parents who fled, and hid from
they appear too positive about Israel. There School of Jewish Studies canceled its classes accolades even from his most ardent Hitler, arrives in Germany as the per-
is a climate of intimidation on some cam- that day, urging students to go to the iCan detractors. sonal representative of the most pow-
puses, we are told. These students want to conference instead. Students from across But the same could be erful man on earth, and
learn how to cope; they know that if they the federations catchment area came, and said of the presidents the first thing he does is
understand the arguments they are less they were joined by some who came from choices of the people pay homage to God as
likely to be browbeaten by them. farther away. who have been his long- part of his daily religious
They know just as we know that to The conference showed a few things. It time employees. I speak obligations.
defend Israel is not to pretend that Israel is showcased our teenagers vitality, curiosity, especially of his attor- Some said that the
perfect. It is a state of human being, on an and willingness to learn. It highlighted the ney of 20 years, Jason tweet would appeal to
earth populated by human beings. Neither federations ability to bring things together, Greenblatt. the Jewish community.
it nor any other country is perfect. It is very to make them happen. And it made clear Jason is a neighbor to I actually believe it will
good, and its leaders and citizens are human, that despite surface differences, we really all the Standards read- appeal even more to Isra-
and that should be enough. are one people. JP ers, a resident of Teaneck, Rabbi els Arab counterparts,
New Jersey, who now Shmuley who take their Islamic
has been thrust into Boteach faith seriously and will

Now what, darling buds? the international spot-

light through his recent
find in Jason a man of
deep spiritual integrity

appointment as the presidents chief and religious conviction.
he Jewish Standard goes into pro- time itself even though its only been four negotiator for international affairs and In the mid 1990s, while I was serving
duction on Tuesday. By the time months since we went through the same mis- is currently in the Middle East begin- as rabbi at Oxford, the student presi-
you get your physical copy of this erable exercise in reverse. As if we can trick ning a new effort for peace between dent of our Oxford LChaim Society
newspaper, dear reader, Tues- time. As if time has anything to do with what Israel and its neighbors. Its the worlds was a young man from Miami Beach,
days storm will be just a distant, vaguely we decide to call it. toughest job. Jason has a skill set that where I had grown up, who was doing
embarrassing memory, but for us, right now, Its still winter. Yes, the crocuses are up. Yes, might just fit the requirements. a graduate degree in international
it is all too real. there is green fuzz on some trees, and yes, In my professional years I have met relations. Brilliant and eloquent, he
Or perhaps all too unreal. there are buds. But its still winter. For another few who walk with greater humil- became a force for our organization
We all are scrabbling away in our own week! But no! We have to spring ahead. ity. Jason is as far from being a grand- in fighting Israels battles in public
homes right now, using a sprawling network And then it gets bitterly cold, soul-chillingly stander as I have met. He wears the debates. But he also befriended lead-
of our own computers, hauled-home work cold, crocus-slaying cold. If rough winds do vast responsibilities placed upon ing Arab and Muslim students at the
computers, cobbled together slow networks, shake the darling buds of May, what, then, of him by the president without showi- university who respected him greatly
ebbing patience, and sheer disbelief to get the foolhardy buds of March? Gone! And then, ness or arrogance. He is patient to a because of his Jewish observance and
the paper out. with Daylight Savings Time making the early fault, an excellent listener, and utterly commitment. He would bring them
Storm of the century! Ten inches of snow an mornings dim, it snows! unflappable. every Friday night sons of ambas-
hour! A blizzard of epic proportions! Or, well, And then it doesnt snow! Or at least not as And in a region that respects peo- sadors of Arab states and scions of
not. Not so much. Not at all. much as it was predicted, and here we are, feel- ple of faith, Jason is an observant Jew important Muslim families to our
So heres the irony. First, we are told to turn ing foolish, with stockpiled reserves of food and
our clocks forward an hour on erev Purim, Pesach on its way. We plan, and God laughs? Shmuley Boteach is the author of 30 books, including his most recent, The Israel
of course, as if were masking or unmasking Maybe one last Purim jest after all? JP Warrior. Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.

Jewish Editor
Joanne Palmer
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1086 Teaneck Road Miriam Rinn Peggy Elias Bob O'Brien
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Shabbat table. Today, that young man, Ron Dermer,

is the first Israeli ambassador to the United States to Stop Ryans attack
ever publicly wear a yarmulke and has won over the
Washington elite with his integrity and uncompromis- on Americas
ing convictions.
Jason is cast in the same mold. He lives by the Jew- safety net

ish tradition of family and community and by the
American values of liberty, democracy, and personal hat kind of America would we have if we
responsibility. allowed Speaker Paul Ryans Obamacare
The New York Times reported that Jason was cho- repeal plan to pass?
sen almost arbitrarily by candidate Trump to discuss According to the AARP, the Ryan plan
Israel and the Middle East when he was in the mid- to repeal Obamacare would increase healthcare costs for
dle of an interview with a Jewish newspaper. Such seniors dramatically. Seniors would pay more for their
nonsense belies the relationship that the president healthcare, while getting less.
- had with Jason for two decades when he watched his Standard and Poors says that between 6 and 10 million
attorney leave early on Friday to honor Gods day and American non-seniors would lose their health coverage
- saw in Jason a brilliant negotiator and honest broker entirely under the Ryan plan.
) who might just bring two opposing sides together. For Ryan, who has long advocated for the privatization of
? good measure, Jason has always related how absurd Social Security, now fights for an Obamacare repeal plan
the accusations against Trump as being insensitive to that also takes billions from Medicare. Among the many
Jewish concerns is, given how utterly accommodat- ways Ryan does this is by removing taxes on our wealthi-
- ing the real-estate mogul always was to his observant est that Obamacare used, for example, to close the donut
- Orthodox employees and their spiritual obligations, hole in the prescription drug program for seniors. Under Speaker Paul Ryan
like not working on the Sabbath and Jewish festivals Ryans plan, that hole in coverage for
and observing prayer times during the day. seniors prescription drugs comes back. provide for its poorest, most vulnerable citi-
Now, Donald Trump is president of the United The speakers plan also eliminates the zens, and how much should be taken from
States and he has said that peace in the Middle East Obamacare expansion of Medicaid to 14 mil- the rich and powerful to do it?
is among his highest priorities. He has chosen well lion of our poorest citizens. That includes Under Ryans plan, Americas richest one
with Jason Greenblatt as his chief negotiator and money used to treat the drug addicted, the percent get a $600 billion tax break over 10
David Friedman as his ambassador to Israel. Both mentally ill, and the working poor. years. The other 99 percent share less than 1
. men have the confidence of the President, are skilled It also ends Medicaids guaranteed cover- percent of that amount.
negotiators, and have the absolute trust of the pro- age for those lucky enough to keep it. The Republican economic historian Bruce
- Israel community and in the United States, a group In his first address to a joint session of Con- Bartlett, who served in both the Ronald Rea-
, whose support is vital to American initiatives that gress, and during his presidential campaign, Steven R. gan and George W. Bush administrations,
pertain to the Jewish state. Both have shown, as Donald Trump said that he would not cut Rothman says that the Ryan Republicans are not only
proud Americans, a vital commitment to Americas Medicare or Medicaid, that he would only rejecting the merit of a social safety net, but
f most important ally, Israel. And both live by the Jew- repeal and replace Obamacare if it would of any kind of social insurance at all: [They]
y ish biblical values of seeing all of Gods children provide cheaper coverage to all Americans, and that he argue that redistribution is inherently immoral without
Jew, Arab, Christian, Hindu, atheist, and agnostic would expand the treatment of opioid addiction. acknowledging that the very nature of insurance is per se
as equals, endowed with a spark of the divine that We willlower the cost of health insurance, President redistributive. Youre taking money from people whose
- lends them infinite dignity and value. Trump said. houses dont burn down to give it to the people whose
y There is one more thing about Jason that has The Ryan plan that President Trump presently endorses houses do burn down.
, always impressed me. He has absolutely not a vindic- reneges on each and every one of those promises. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare
tive bone in his body. When he came to our annual Firstly, it doesnt lower the cost of healthcare insur- operate under this social insurance model. They are man-
l Champions of Jewish Values International Awards ance. That is one of the reasons why the very conservative datory programs requiring all to participate, in one form
Gala last year at the Marriott Marquis in New York Republican House Freedom Caucus opposes Ryans plan. or another. These programs help achieve the dream of
City (this years gala on 21 May at Cipriani in New Just ask its chairman, Mark Meadows (R-NC), who admit- our nations founders and our Constitutions framers, who
York City honors the memory of Elie Wiesel and fea- ted to Fox News on March 7 that if Ryans plan passes, sought, among several other righteous goals for our gov-
- tures President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Martin healthcare insurance premium prices go up. ernment, to promote the general Welfare.
Luther King III), not all ran to greet him, seeing as Just ask the AARP, the Joint Policy Center, the Ameri- In 2009 and 2010, the Republicans in Congress
y he had not yet attained the high office in which he can Medical Association, the American Hospital Associa- insisted that the Democrats take their time in crafting
is now installed. The picture of Jason at the gala has tion, the American Nurses Association, and many others Obamacare. There were 12 months of debate, input from
now gone viral. Its the one being used by the New that should know about caring for seniors and Ameri- Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, hundreds
- York Times. I have seen some of those same people cans who need healthcare. They all vehemently oppose of witnesses before the bill-writing committees, and
f now eager to make his acquaintance. He has treated the Ryan plan. thousands of town hall meetings before the Congress
r all with respect, cordiality, and warmth, reminding Speaking of Ryan bills extremely damaging effect on passed and the president signed the Affordable Health
me that for all his brilliance what truly makes Jason Americas social safety net, Nancy Altman, the director of Care Act. The first vote on the House bill did not even
special is that he has earned what we Jews regard as Social Security Works, said: While Donald Trump and his occur until seven months after the House committees of
the highest accolade: he is a mensch. fellow Republicans campaigned on undoing the Afford- jurisdiction began discussion of the bill.
able Care Act, no one ran on undermining Medicare or Ryan and his House Republicans first presented their
Medicaid. No one ran on undermining the health security plan on March 6, 2017. As of this writing, their committees
of seniors. But the so-called repeal and replacement of the of jurisdiction have heard from no witnesses, and have yet
ACA would do just that. to receive a price tag from Ryan or anyone else.
Should Ryan and his Republican cohorts succeed in They have threatened to vote on it within four weeks.
The opinions expressed in this section are those their harsh and cruel efforts, America would be a colder, When Obamacare was being crafted, Republicans
of the authors, not necessarily those of the more difficult country. That is a reality that most Ameri- insisted on process, precedent, and prudence. Now they
newspapers editors, publishers, or other staffers. cans would not want. say we should just trust them and President Trump.
We welcome letters to the editor. Send them to Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post correctly You remember President Trump. Hes the presidential describes the core of this debate as a bedrock philosoph- candidate and president who said that he would have
ical and ideological question that has always been in the health care for everyone, that he would never cut
background of any argument about the governments role Medicare or Medicaid.
in health care: What is the minimum that society should SEE RYAN PAGE 58



Desperately seeking potatoes

torms a-comin, Jon warns day long, percolating murkily beneath my holding their breath, hunker- vanilla. Only green bananas
me, in his best Southern other thoughts as I drive Son #3 and his ing down, waiting. remain on the banana dis-
accent. The way he says it Purim costume to school, loop around and On a Monday night, our play. All over the store,
makes me think of Doro- drive to Party City to buy balloons to com- local Stop and Shop should shelves are emptied, picked
thy and Toto, and the twister that roars plete Son #2s costume, then loop around be deserted. Theres barely through, in sloppy disarray.
through her farmhouse in Kansas and again to deliver them to his school, where anyone there at the busiest Its like people are preparing
drops her in Oz. he is waiting for them. of times. But not tonight. for war.
A blizzard is barreling toward us. Win- In the afternoon, I drive to the Farmers The parking lot is packed As for the potatoes I came
ter Storm Stella will blow into Teaneck in Market. I feel an inexplicable urge to buy and buzzing. I hardly rec- for, theres nothing but bare
a few hours, and I dont know what kind potatoes. Right away, I notice it is busy. To ognize the place. Cars idle Helen crates. If I want to buy a five
of world we will wake up to tomorrow. Do my astonishment, I realize that the check- near the sliding doors. More Maryles pound bag of squishy, ludi-
we have enough heating oil to get through out line snakes all the way to the back of cars prowl through the lot, Shankman crously expensive organic
the next few days? Will it be the kind of the store. I walk out without buying any- pouncing on parking spaces spuds, there still are a couple
storm where cold air whistles in through thing. I tell myself I will go later, after the close to the entrance. Inside, available.
the air conditioner units and loose window boys come home from school. its a madhouse. Frantic shoppers rocket Fear rises into my throat. My heart
frames, making us shiver no matter how But first I have to teach, then I have their carts through the aisles, or stand pounds. Beads of sweat break out on my
high the thermostat is turned up? Will we to pick up Son #3 and his costume from impatiently in long lines to check out. brow. I fight the urge to drive to three
lose electricity and heat, wi-fi and cable? school, and then I have to make dinner. Panic crackles in the air. Passing through more stores, ten more stores, desperately
What about our pipes? Will they freeze? One thing leads to another, and suddenly, the water aisle, I halt, astonished. The seeking potatoes.
When is the next time the garbage men the sun goes down, its already night time, water aisle is stripped clean. Its a strange I tell myself that the storm will likely be
will be able to get to our cans? When is the the storm is coming, and I worry we wont sight. Curious now, I walk down other over by tomorrow night. I tell myself that
next time Ill be able to get the recycling be able to get out of the house until Fri- aisles to see what else is gone the streets will be plowed. I tell myself that
to the curb? day. I convince Jon that we need a trip to Boxed oatmeal has been ravaged. So has I will likely be back in a grocery store by
I fret further. Will the grocery stores the grocery store. We fire up the minivan breakfast cereal. Milk. Bread. Bags of let- Wednesday afternoon. I tell myself that I
lose power? The gas stations? The storm and trek to the store. The streets are eerily tuce. Its slim pickings on the canned food have Amazon Prime. I tell myself that it
weighs heavy on my mind. Ive felt it all quiet. Its like the trees and houses are shelves. The lone La Yogurt flavor left is was just Purim, and that every counter and

Jews will not be terrorized

he purely righteous do not I moved to the United States
complain of the dark, but and I became a citizen because
increase the light; they do I believe in the principles of this
not complain of evil, but country.
increase justice; they do not complain I moved to America because
of heresy, but increase faith; they do not it was the only place that could
complain of ignorance, but increase wis- accept me and let me do my pro-
dom Rabbi Abraham Kook. fessional work without reference
This was my first Purim celebration with to my religion, beliefs, and sexual
my community, Bnai Jacob, in Jersey City. orientation. It was the country that
It was a celebration with costumes, hap- saved my future.
piness, food, and drinks. A time to remem- I learned the history of our fore-
ber the story from the book of Esther, fathers and of the United States
when Haman, the minister of the Persian Constitution. It amazes me that
empire, persuaded the king the principles of equal-
to issue a decree to annihi- ity, liberty, respect, A little boy, Rabbi Katz, and Gloria Langer, all in costume, celebrated Purim at Bnai
late all Jews, young and old, and freedom were a Jacob in Jersey City. (Ms. Langer is among the shuls founders.)
men, women, and children, fundamental pillar to
all on one day. them. As a Jew, it amazes me Personally, I dont see how we as rabbis, No human race is superior, no religious
In the last few months, to see that these principles are leaders of communities, can be quiet or pas- faith is inferior. All collective judgments
we have seen a rise in anti- exactly the same ones that our sive. It is not a question about the political are wrong. Only racists make them Elie
Semitism in our country. religion is based on. party we belong to. It is a question of values Wiesel.
It reminds me of my Now, though, we are wit- of Jewish values. We cant fight anti-Semitism alone! The
childhood. I grew up in nessing the birth of a new My rabbi taught me that our voices must victim cannot cure the crime. We expect
Argentina. There, it was Rabbi politics, a politics of fear and be heard when our values are threatened. and demand that the government of the
common for people to be Aaron Katz anger. It is very dangerous. Our communities must be places where United States will do everything to combat
judgmental and disrespect- Anger is a mood, not a strat- each of us will know were not alone. this noxious weed.
ful of peoples differences. egy. It can only make things The only sane response to anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism is an assault not only on
Anti-Semitism was a fact of life. The gov- worse. It cannot make anything better. is to monitor it, to fight it but never to let Jews, but on the human condition. Lets
ernment was quiet at best; sometimes it Fear and anger never solve problems. it affect our idea of who we are. remember the past to build our future.
took an active part of this discrimination. They merely inflame. They are the start Pride is always a healthier response than Thanks to Mordechai, and to the courage
William Howard Taft said, Anti-Semi- of a demand for authoritarian leadership, shame. of Esther, the decree was not carried out.
tism is a noxious weed that should be cut and that is the beginning of the end of the I see how important the Jewish federa- Purim teaches us that we defeat fear by joy,
out. It has no place in America. free society. tion is, particularly in these days. It is an and that we conquer terror by collective cel-
Albert Einstein said, Those who believe umbrella to all the Jewish communities. ebration. With our happiness, we deny our
Aaron Katz is the rabbi of Congregation Bnai that politics and religion do not mix, We need the voice of our leaders in every enemies a victory.
Jacob in Jersey City. understand neither. aspect of our lives. To be a Jew is to refuse to be terrified!



tabletop is covered with shalach manot me to something, and then had to reverse
bags stuffed with candy, cookies, and myself and say, Im sorry, I wasnt think-
hamentaschen. I have gas in the car, and ing. Im in avel.
a case of Poland Spring sitting in my base- In April, my year of mourning will be
ment. So why am I giving in to panic? Is it over. Im already grieving, just thinking
instinct, this need to fill the pantry before about it. Each time Im prohibited from
snow comes? Or are my parents speaking doing something fun, my loss is fresh
to me from somewhere far away? all over again. The year of avel is my last
My dad passed away last April. Its been active connection with him. I know I will
almost a year, but I still expect his phone miss it when its gone.
calls at 9:30 at night, or a few minutes But right now, I can hear his voice in my
before Shabbat. And now, the night before head, instructing me to get potatoes, and
a big storm, he would have been watching I smile. I dont really need potatoes. I can
the news, knowing the snow was heading go home and watch the news. The house
our way. Do you have food in the house? is warm, theres food in the refrigerator,
he would have asked urgently. Do you more in the freezer, and its almost spring.
have milk? Bread? Potatoes? Good night, Dad, I think. Were okay. But
The official emergency lists suggest bat- thanks for reminding me.
teries and water for three days. My dad
would have laughed at that. You dont Helen Maryles Shankman of Teaneck is
need to buy water. I have news for you. an artist and writer. Her work appears in
Snow is made of water. But you need pota- many fine journals, including The Kenyon
toes. As long as you have potatoes, you avel. During the year of mourning, Im not I cant wear new clothes. I dont listen to Review, Gargoyle,, and
have something to eat. allowed to go to parties, to celebrations, or music. I can easily think of five times in Cream City Review. Scribner recently
Its funny, the things that remind me of to events with live performances. No wed- the past few months where I automati- published her second novel, In The Land
his absence. This is the year that Im an dings. No bar mitzvahs. No Oscar parties. cally answered Yes when friends invited of Armadillos.

Were everywhere,
every week!
Rockland, Passaic,
COUNTY Hudson, and, of course,
Bergen counties
For advertising opportunies,
email Natalie Jay at
or call her at (201) 837-8818, ext. 121
Let us
prepare your
schedule! HUDSON

READ. FOLLOW. Join the conversation.



To be a Jew in Cuba
Stories of valor, resilience, and hope
We want to see Cuba before it changes. According to the Torah, we are a stiff- memory at all. There were people ranging in age from 16

necked, stubborn people. When it comes some old Jews who had some to their twenties. At the end
hat phrase suddenly has made to Cuban Jewry this is a compliment, not Jewish knowledge, and who a choir of about 50 young
Cuba a tourist Mecca. If Raul a criticism. We can look down on what could not or did not want to people led us in Adon Olam.
Castro sticks to his word and is left of Cuban Jewry and deny they are leave Cuba but that meant You could tell that this
leaves the presidency of Cuba even Jewish, if traditional Jewish law is the Judaism would die out as cadre was tight, deeply
in 2018, what Cuba will become is any- determining factor. We can blame them soon as they did. bound to each other. They
ones guess. So, before whatever the for a sky-high 90 percent intermarriage Enter the American were very clearly Jewish in
future brings, everyone wants to see the rate, if we choose. We can deny they have Jewish Joint Distribution their identity and knowledge-
colorful antique cars that have been ren- a future because of their numbers. Committee. Rabbi able about Jewish history
ovated countless times since the United We who went to visit them, however, The JDC came to Cuba and Dr. Michael and religious observance,
States embargo. They want to see the came away humbled and moved by Cuban took on not only the physi- Chernick and they are dedicated to
crumbling, colorfully painted facades of Jewrys stiff-necked unwillingness to give cal support of the remnants Israel, which they visit on
what an observer can tell was stunning up their heritage, their identity, and their of the Cuban Jewish commu- Birthright.
Old and New Havana, a city meant to faith in the face of all the discouraging nity, but also undertook the creation of a But were they Jewish?
house 600,000 people but is now home facts and figures that surround them. religious school led by teachers from the Adela told us that once the JDC reor-
to two million. As odd as it may sound to us in flush- Conservative Seminario Rabbinico Latino- ganized the Cuban Jewish community, a
My wife, Miriam, and I went to see the with-Judaism Bergen County, Cuban Jews americano in Argentina. The Joint refur- rabbi from Chile visited regularly. Through
Jews and the amazing array of arts that are far more heroic than we are. One thou- bished the crumbling El Patronato Ash- him, those who identified as Jews, but
Cubas government supports, despite its sand two hundred in number, the effort kenazi synagogue. The synagogue soon whose mothers were not Jewish, could
being bankrupt. that they expend to remain Jewish and sus- turned into the offices of the Havana and convert formally to Judaism if they chose.
The trip to Cuba we went on actu- tain Jewish life and organizations makes national Cuban Jewish community. Adela At present, 60 percent of the Cuban Jewish
ally was a mission to the Jews of Cuba, us privileged American Jews many of Dworin is the yiddishe mama Jewish community who were born to non-Jewish
sponsored by the Museum of the Jewish us who get our Judaism on a silver platter community president; she has the best mothers have converted to Judaism, and
Heritage in New York. We chose this trip and others of us who dont bother to take fundraising (read: schnorring) skills Ive many who identify as Jews see this as the
because it offered far more than sightsee- whats on that platter look like midgets ever experienced. She pointed out that final step in the full reclamation of their
ing and a passing engagement with Cuban compared to these giants of Jewish loyalty. young Cuban Jews know much more than Jewish identity. Imagine what it takes for
Jews. The trip was accompanied by schol- What do these Cuban Jews actually do their parents about Judaism. Come to an 18-year-old man to be circumcised in
ars of the Jewish Cuban communitys past that leads me not only to praise them but services erev Shabbat, and youll see, she order to fulfill one of the aspects of the
and present, and specialists in the indig- to revere them? said. Its our youth who know how to lead conversion process!
enous Cuban music and visual arts. Differ- When the 1991 constitutional changes them. So we went. There also were men who had not
ent representatives of the Cubans we met, that allowed for serious religious freedom El Patronato was filled with about 200 been circumcised during the time before
whether Jewish or not, had one thing to in Cuba were issued, only a decimated people. Yes, some were Jewish tourists religious freedom was restored. Adela
say about the relationship between non- Jewish community remained. The greater who had El Patronato on their must-see described a mass brit milah event, where
Jewish Cubans and Jewish Cubans: there part of the Jewish community had fled; the list, but there were many Cuban Jews boys and men, ranging from toddlers to
is no anti-Semitism in Cuba. And its true. Jews who stayed had virtually no Jewish there as well, and the service was led by 60 year olds, underwent ritual circumci-
sion with the help of several Argentinian
mohalim. Unbelievably, after the surgery,
and I assume before the anesthetic wore
off, the older participants in this ritual
formed a circle and danced, singing Am
Yisrael Chai.
Soon after the El Patronato was turned
back into a synagogue, the school, com-
munity center, and offices of the Cuban
Jewish community, El Centro Sefardi, the
Sephardic synagogue, were repaired. That
community, descendants of Turkish and
Syrian Jews, soon created a senior center
and Holocaust memorial and museum. On
Shabbat morning several shomer Shabbat
members of the mission went there. It
should be noted that out of the five syna-
gogues that existed in Havana, only three
continue to operate: El Patronato (Ash-
kenazi, Conservative), El Centro Sefardi
(Sephardi, Conservative), and Adath Israel
(Ashkenazi, Orthodox).
El Centros service is interesting, to say
the least. What the Sephardim remember
of their forebears chants and melodies
they sing as they once did. As is typical
among Sephardic Jews, the entire ser-
vice is recited out loud. When, however,
no one remembers how a section of the
service used to be sung, they use pres-
Adela Dworin is the yiddishe mama of the Cuban Jewish community. JOSH TAPPERW ent-day Israeli or Ashkenazi melodies



El Patronato is Cubas largest synagogue, with a 300-seat sanctuary, social hall, library, pharmacy and Sunday school.  JOSH TAPPER

instead. Actually, many people who older, knowledgeable Jew, is rabbi, we work for. Today. people to celebrate the event. Since the
attend Shabbat services, and the com- teacher, and arranger of all Jewish special On Santa Claras Communidad Hatik- early 90s Rebecca has worked to bring
munal dinners and lunches that fol- events. His son has made aliyah because vahs roof is a lovely mural of Jerusa- Jewish practice back to Cienfuegos. David
low them, attend both El Patronato and he wanted to marry a Jewish woman, lem, done in a somewhat Cuban style. and Danny are bnei mitzvah and have
Centro Sefardi at various times, because and there were not too many choices When David Tacher showed it to us, our visited Israel. David also went on March
Havanas Jewish community sees itself as left in Santa Clara, or in Cuba in general. group was so moved by the whole expe- of the Living and has won prizes for Cuba
a single community. Ashkenazi and Sep- Tachers son still lives in Israel, and his rience we had with him that we sponta- in the Israeli Maccabiah. He is a photog-
hardi refer to origins. A Jew in Cuba is father visits him regularly. neously and appropriately began to sing rapher, and of course, we bought his art.
anyone who identifies with the commu- When we were with Adela and repre- Hatikvah. In Cienfuegos the community prays
nity and has Jewish ancestors, and they sentatives of Centro Sefardi, it was clear He joined in. And why not? He is hope and shares Shabbat meals, and holds on
all have learned to support one another. to us that they needed money and medi- personified. to its Jewish life like the caper bushes
(I wish we could say the same for Ameri- cal supplies to support the services that Moving deeper into Cuba, we visited hold onto the stones of the Kotel.
can Jewry.) they were offering the Jewish commu- the Cienfuegos Jewish communitys This travelogue could go on, but it
For all that Havanas Jews were amaz- nity in Havana and throughout Cuba, leader, Rebeca Langus, the daughter of could not add to the praise and admira-
ing in terms of their services to the aged, and we gave. a Sephardi family. Rebeca has made her tion my fellow travelers and I feel for the
to the education of the young and old, We asked David Tacher what his com- living room into a room of living Judaism Cuban Jews we met. Having met them,
and to the sense of organized community munity needed, obviously meaning for the fivethats right, fiveCienfuegos my greatest hope for American Jews is
they have created, nothing compares to financially. He replied, Today a group Jewish families. They hold services that we should merit to be as dedicated
the valor of David Tacher, the head of the like yours comes, and tomorrow another weekly and on the yamim tovim, without and determined as they are in keeping
Santa Clara Jewish community. group will come. That is what we need. benefit of a rabbi or even a sefer Torah. the flame of our Jewish identity alive.
Singlehandedly, Tacher holds his To know that Jews are thinking about us But there is a library of Jewish books in
tiny community of 22 Jewish families just as we think about them. To know we Spanish, a variety of siddurim, and the Professor Michael Chernick of Teaneck
together. Tacher saw to reorganizing Jew- are not alone. We do not need your pres- necessary Jewish artifacts for observing holds the Deutsch Family Chair in Jewish
ish life for the Santa Clara Jewish families ents; we need your presence. the special days in the Jewish calendar. Jurisprudence and Social Justice at the
he knew, once religious freedom became When we asked him to speculate about We spent an hour with her and her son, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
a reality. Together they built a small syna- the future of a community of 22 families, David. Her other son, Danny, now 16, was Religion in New York; his area of expertise
gogue, bet midrash and library, and com- he responded, We do not think about in school. Danny had his bar mitzvah cel- is the Talmud. He received his doctorate
munity center. Soon, other Jews started the past here, nor do we think about the ebration in Santa Clara because the Lan- from the Bernard Revel Graduate School
to surface. Services are held every Shab- future. We think about what we can do to gus family felt that a bar mitzvah should and rabbinic ordination from the Rabbi
bat and yom tov, and Tacher, who is an preserve our heritage today. That is what include a real Torah and more than 18 Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.



The risk of traveling with

an undocumented nanny on Pesach

ith Passover on the hori- many families have hired workers who Enforcement Agency, and time to get out the extra pair
zon, many Jewish families lack employment authorization because state and local police depart- of rubber gloves to do your
elect to spend their time of their immigration status. Not knowing ments. Since the inaugura- own dishes, employ local
away from home. this status can have serious consequences tion of President Trump, legal help if you can find it,
These Pesach vacations add travel to a for both the worker and for your family. major media outlets have or hire your friends high
holiday already imbued with many chores To be clear: it is illegal to employ any- reported several instances school-age daughter to baby-
getting to be machmir often can require one without valid immigration status. All where immigration officials sit at night.
hours of labor. With the added cleaning, employers even of household workers have verified domestic pas- I strongly support the con-
travel, food preparation, and family com- must complete a Form I-9 to verify the sengers immigration status. tributions immigrants con-
mitments, some will rely even more on employees immigration status. Failure Recently, an Indian diplo- Michael J. tinue to make to our coun-
their trusted housekeepers and/or domes- to comply with the I-9 rules can result in mat, Devyani Khobragade, Wildes try, but until our system of
tic workers, even bringing them along for substantial civil fines or criminal charges was accused of committing immigration is reformed it
the vacation. But before you buy his or for recruiting, employing, and harboring visa fraud and providing is important to stay on the
her flight to Florida, however, its critical illegal aliens. Your need for a clean house false statements in order to gain entry to right side of the law. If you do happen
to know the workers immigration status. during Pesach certainly will not be a via- the United States for her domestic worker. to employ an undocumented nanny or
With a new presidential administration ble defense to a charge of knowingly trans- Our nation was built on the backs of housekeeper, he or she certainly should
now in charge, even domestic travel may porting an illegal alien across state lines immigrants; many Jewish Standard read- not be part of your out-of-state Pesach
buy her a one-way ticket back to her home by plane or other conveyance, and your ers are the children and grandchildren vacation. Try to remember, when you
country. beloved worker will be subject to deporta- of people who came to this country with hear of a congressional debate about an
To be sure, domestic workers play an tion proceedings. little more than the clothing they wore. It anticipated act that will fix our broken
integral role in many Jewish families. They Your workers risk of deportation is was their hard work that laid the founda- immigration system, to participate in
perform child care, household tasks, and/ increased substantially if he or she trav- tion for our families secure futures. At convincing your congressperson of the
or upkeep of a home or surrounding yard els, even domestically. Whenever anyone the same time, our nation is growing, and need to enable sponsorship of foreign
on a regular basis in return for wages or travels, whether by air or on ground, the the threat of terrorism and illegal entry domestic workers who are so needed
other benefits. Many are entrusted with Transportation Security Administration into the country is also expanding. As a here. Lets hope that by next Pesach you
the most important people in our lives is present to oversee operations. Nan- result, increasingly strict laws have been will be able to include your household
our children and even more are trusted nies, housekeepers, and other undocu- put into place to protect our nations bor- help in your plans for the holiday.
with our very homes and our prized mented people should be wary as they ders and our economy. This article is based on information
belongings. Given deep-seated reliance, pass through airports, bus terminals, train Your nanny or housekeeper, though available as of its publication and is not
families may treat home workers as mem- stations, or other crowded areas where an integral contributor to your family, is intended to be all-inclusive or to fur-
bers of our extended family. authorities may require documentation. not afforded the same freedom of travel nish advice in a particular case. We are
Despite families affinity and indeed love In addition to the TSA checking identi- as a U.S. citizen, a lawful permanent resi- not responsible for any changes in regu-
for their domestic workers, the reality is fication, there are many other agencies dent, or a noncitizen with work autho- lations that may occur subsequent to
that those workers often lack immigra- charged with seeking out unauthorized rization. Homeland Security and other publication.
tion status. Many of my clients are unfa- noncitizens, including Customs and Bor- federal agencies are looking for illegal
miliar with employment authorization der Protection, the U.S. Coast Guard, aliens on commercial airliners and pri- Michael J. Wildes of Engelwood, a former
rules or presume that they apply only to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce- vate planes, on trains or buses, particu- city mayor, is the managing partner of
corporations. Regardless of the reasons, ment, the U.S. Secret Service, the Drug larly in light of recent events. It may be Wildes and Weinberg, P.C.

health care coverage, which they receive

Ryan today from Obamacare, according to a self-
described centrist think tank, The Third Way.
Then realize that Ryans Trumpcare will, I served with Paul Ryan in Congress for 14
among other very bad things, voucherize and years.
shorten the life of Medicare and end Medic- He fought zealously to privatize Social Secu-
aid as we know it. rity. But a coalition of like-mined Democrats,
The only way out of this extraordinarily Republicans, and Independents stopped his
damaging train-wreck-to-be disaster is if the efforts, which would have resulted in devas-
American people and their representatives tating harm to our nations seniors.
stop this train now. We stopped him then.
They must insist that the American peo- Now, his new plan cuts money for Medi-
ple be allowed to take a closer look at it and care and shortens that programs very life.
then offer their opinions, just as the Republi- He eliminates the Medicaid guarantee for the President Donald trump takes oath of office with House Speaker Paul Ryan
cans demanded when Obamacare was being poor, repeals Obamacare, makes millions looking on. WHITE HOUSE

drafted. of American citizens uninsured, and raises

What is so ironic and painful is that the healthcare costs for all but the richest one Carlson continued, whove gotten the rich- Congress to stop Ryan and this runaway
average Trump voters will suffer the most if percent of us. est over the last 10 years, should they be disaster train, before it goes any further.
Trumpcare passes. They will lose money or In his March 8 interview, Fox News Tucker the extremely disproportionate recipients of America can do better.
lose their healthcare altogether. If they think Carlson asked Mr. Ryan whether, looking at your plans tax relief? We must insist on it.
they are financially insecure now, just wait the last election, was the message of that elec- Ryan answered: Im not that concerned
and see what this Trumpcare will do to them, tion really we need to help investors? I mean, about it. Steven R. Rothman, a Democrat, is the former
their friends, and their loved ones. 2.2 mil- the Dow is over 20,000, Carlson said. Are We can and must stop Mr. Ryan again. U.S. Congressman who represented New
lion low-to-moderate-income Trump voters they the group that really needs the help? There is simply too much at stake. Jerseys 9th Congressional District from
would lose the financial assistance for their Should those wealthiest of investors, Call and email your representatives in 1997 to 2013.



North Korea, king of the rogues

he prospect of all-out
conflict between the
United States and
the North Korean
regime has loomed large over
the last fortnight, as a conse-
quence of the latest round of
provocations from Pyongyang.
Its always a competition
between the worlds rogue Ben Cohen
states as to which one of them
can pose the greatest threat to
global peace and order at any given moment. Since 2011,
the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, backed by Russian
and Iranian military power in the air and on the ground,
has wreaked havoc in the Middle East, annihilating
around 500,000 people and transforming millions more
into an endless column of refugees streaming across the
countrys borders. Iran, Assads lifeline, is itself a persis-
tent and urgent threat, temporarily held in check by the
flimsy nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administra-
tion, which at its most generous interpretation allows the
conditions for Tehran to weaponize its nuclear program
within a decade.
But it is outside the Middle East, on the Korean pen-
insula, that the most present threat to the United States
and its regional allies manifests. How we deal now with
an angry, nuclear-enabled North Korean regime, and
whether we can avoid a perilous confrontation with it,
will be decisive when it comes to facing similar flashes of
belligerence from Tehran or Damascus.
It was the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, the half-
brother of Kim Jong Un, at Kuala Lumpur Airport on Feb- On this satellite image, South Korea (bottom) sparkles brightly, North Korea (center) is shrouded in pitch black
ruary 13 that set off this new series of tensions with North darkness. The small glimmer is around Pyongyang, the capital, where the officials of the ruling party live. NASA
Korea. The manner of the elder Kims deathsprayed with
a VX nerve agent by two women who appear to have been The best visual illustration of the nature of Kims regime children, while children know that the state can seize
unwittingly recruited by North Korean agentswas an act can be found in a satellite image of the Korean peninsula them from their parents at any time, for any reason.
of pure terrorism, and one more piece of evidence that at night. South Korea sparkles brightly, while North Korea There are other features that North Korea shares with
North Koreas dictator, like his father and grandfather is shrouded in pitch black darknesssave for a small glim- similarly blood-drenched regimes. For all its talk of social-
before him, has only contempt for the sovereignty of for- mer around Pyongyang, the capital, where the officials of ism, North Korea functions like an unopposed hereditary
eign countries. Nothing has changed on that score: The the ruling party are quartered, and which is spared, rela- monarchy, much as Iraq did under Saddam Hussein, and
North Korea that carried out kidnappings in Japan in the tively speaking, from the famine and electricity shortages as Syria has done under Hafez and Bashar al-Assad. Like
1970s is the same North Korea carrying out assassinations that prevail in the rest of the country. those countries, North Korea has pursued weapons of mass
in Malaysia decades later. To look upon that image is to be reminded that North destruction on the biological and nuclear frontsonly with
The grisly murder in Kuala Lumpur quickly was followed Korea isnt a normal country so much as it is a concen- the success that eluded Saddam and the Assads, and for
by the launch of four ballistic missiles, three of which landed tration camp with a seat at the U.N. Indeed, large tracts which Iran eagerly awaits.
in Japans exclusive economic area 200 miles from its coast- of the country to the north of Pyongyang are given over The old policy on North Korea, which involved alternately
line. Fifty-four thousand American troops remain stationed to North Koreas very own gulag system. They are penal dangling tempting rewards in front of the Kims and then
in Japanone of several reasons why Kim is aggressively colonies where up to 150,000 people are incarcerated, hitting the regime with tough sanctions, has failed to slow
baiting his neighbor across the sea. and are subjected to forced labor, starvation rations, North Koreas military development. The songun doctrine
As the crisis has escalated, China, which supposedly harsh beatings, rape, torture, exposure to extreme suggests that Kim Jong Uns sacred duty now is to accelerate
wields the greatest outside influence on the North Kore- weather, disease, and repulsive acts of sadism by guards that process even further. As Korea analyst Robert E. McCoy
ans, has been powerless to rein in Kim Jong Un. Bei- who just as easily could have served in the death camps explains, The ultimate goal remains one Korea ruled by the
jings proposal that North Korea end its missile tests in of the Nazis. Kim dynasty. What remains unknown is how and when Kim
exchange for the cancellation of joint American-South As is always the case with totalitarian states, there is Jong Un would attempt to achieve that.
Korean military exercises fell flat, with the U.S. ambas- a ruling ideology that glorifies the fusion of war com- The answer may lie in the speed with which Kim devel-
sador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, subsequently munism and medieval bloodlust that North Korea repre- ops intercontinental ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear
announcing that all options are on the tablea phrase sents. In Iran, they call it velayat-e faqihthe concept warheads toward Hawaii or the U.S. mainland. When and
that is familiar from the Iranian contextin dealing with that only Islamic jurists can rule legitimately on Earth. In how we prevent him from reaching that point could turn
the unbelievable, irresponsible arrogance of the Kim North Korea, the total concentration of power in the Kim out to be the most fateful foreign policy decision since Octo-
family dynastys current figurehead. dynasty is expressed in the doctrines of juche, mean- ber 1962, when U.S. aerial photographs revealed the deploy-
At times like these, we should be under no illusions ing self-reliance, and songun, putting the military first ment of Soviet missiles in Cuba. And nobody will be cheer-
about the character of the enemy. North Koreas rulers, in terms of resource allocation and placing the armed ing on the North Koreans more than Iran. JNS.ORG

in that regard, are first of all an abomination, both in forces at the heart of the state. These dogmas celebrate
the manner in which they treat their own people, and in cruelty and ideological fanaticism. By the same token, Ben Cohen, senior editor of and the Tower
the mortal danger they pose to outsiders. We are duty- they scorn those very thingslike family ties, friendship magazine, writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
bound to do everything in our power to bring down the and independent thoughtthat give value to the lives of Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published in
Kim dynasty, and we should apologize to nobody for Westerners. In North Korea, fear dressed as ideology Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street
declaring this our ambition. penetrates so deeply that parents cannot trust their own Journal, and many other publications.


The Frazzled Housewife Crossword
The shot heard round the world
BANJI GANCHROW there was son #3, and I started

humming the theme song to
have been married to My Three Sons.
husband #1 for almost So there you are, with three
22 years. (For those kids, and life passes you by,
of you new to my col- both slowly and at the speed
umn, I refer to him as hus- of light. But with all of the
band #1 because, so far, he things I can say about hus-
has been it. Will there be a band #1, he is a really, really
husband #2? Statistically, Banji good dad. Enough about that.
maybe, but for now he is Ganchrow So we have been through
still #1.) good things and bad things.
We have been through a We have laughed, we have
lot together, as married couples usually cried, I have threatened him with a ham-
have. Childbirth was lots of fun. There mer ( just kidding). Usual married stuff.
I was, in labor for 22 hours and 30 min- But the other night, he came home and
utes with son #1, listening to the relaxing was sort of hunched over like the guy from
Lamaze cassette tape that I made (hey Beauty and the Beast, and I decided to
kids, a cassette tape is what came before show some compassion and ask what was
the iPod, I think. There could have been wrong. Well, if you really want to know,
compact discs before that. Who knows? It as I was getting up from my chair, I heard a
is hard to keep up with technology when snap and now my back really hurts. Hmm.
you still think that the 80s were last week.) Pain becomes more of an issue for hus-
In any event, I am in labor with our first- band #1 because he doesnt swallow pills.
born, and husband #1 is watching Yankee (Insert gasp noise here.) And our doctor,
playoff games. Really, what else was he who is also our neighbor and friend, is out Across Down
supposed to be doing? When your wife of town. I decided to text his urologist. He 1. Many homes near YU 1. Citrus drink
attempts to have a drug-free, natural labor, is familiar with husband #1 because of his 5. She follows 45-Down to 48-Down 2. Anti-Semitic attacks in 21-Across
10. LA sight that can make it hard to see 3. Tevyes eldest
they have her sitting on a rocking chair, kidney stone issues. Hi Dr. XXX, husband the stars? 4. Gainsbourg or Ibaka
sitting on the floor, head down on a chair, #1 hurt his back and he is in a lot of pain, 14. Take a (Shabbat) nap 5. (False) god queen
on her back, on her side, screaming her anything you can do to help us? And dont 15. Place for Napoleon or Moses 6. Goring animals, in the Bible
brains outthe only natural thing to do is forget, he doesnt take pills. 16. One helping Chuck Schumer 7. Midler and Carey
17. Rabbi Akiva from the 18th century 8. Extract (like chemist Fritz Haber)
to have her spouse watching baseball. After the doctor stopped laughing, 18. Get an engine (or a simcha) going 9. One with a skin disease dating back
Then I am in labor with son #2, and hus- because what 46-year-old doesnt take 19. Street ___ (Mickey Cohen had it) to Biblical times
band #1 is watching Days of Our Lives pills? (The same 46-year-old who doesnt 20. Fix (like Rothstein supposedly did 10. What the tired look forward to hit-
with the World Series) ting on Shabbat
while my OB yells at him to get up and know how to open a can of tuna fish, but I
21. Setting for this puzzle 11. Word repeatedly sung by Motel
help me give birth to his child. (At least I digress.) The doctor is kind enough to offer 23. On a scale of one ___ 12. Work by Keats or Lazarus
wasnt the one yelling at him, for a change. to make a house call and give poor hus- 25. Like the Negev 13. Deg. received by Fran Leibowitz and
Hey ladies, am I right?) As for son #3, I band #1 a shot of some sort of anti-inflam- 26. Ear piece? Paris Hilton
29. ___ Mine (Beatles song produced 22. Chill on the couch
couldnt tell you. It was 1:30 on a Friday matory. At least that is what he said it was.
by Spector) 23. Black ___ (simcha)
We will never know. 30. Make like Portman 24. CNN journalist Octavia fired for sup-
What we do know is that when the doc- 33. Mrs. Tevye porting Hezbolah
tor came over, our friends from the Island 35. Alien subj.? 27. Some camp counselors at night
36. Aleichem who wrote Tevye the (abbrv.)
So we have of Long were over, son #3 had a friend
or two over, and the house was hopping.
40. Michael Crichtons ___world
28. Gimmel preceder
31. Son of Noach
been through Then the doc walked in and said, Um, I 41. The theme of this puzzles theme
43. Deal (with running a stressful Seder)
32. Well-___ (one with kesef)
34. Posess
good things and need you to pull your pants down. Oooh,
thats where the shot goes.. I couldnt
46. Actor who first played Tevye 37. Fleur de ___ (flower in Le Marais)

bad things. We stop laughing. I am a terrible wife.

47. Kind of announcement; Abbr.
50. Matzah is made in them
38. Jazzy James who worked with Jerry

have laughed, we And then I couldnt find rubbing alco-

hol to disinfect the area, all I could find
52. ___ G-d said to Moses....
53. Financial assistance for many
39. Manner (of a mentsch)
41. Minyan men

have cried, I was nail polish remover, and apparently

Yeshiva tuition paying families
54. Yom Kippur, e.g.
42. Auto pioneer that was not an anti-
have threatened they are two different things. So we settled
for soap and water and when husband #1
55. Tref sushi options
59. Souvenirs from Phantom or
43. Holy barn yard animal?
44. Eggs
him with a reached out to hold my hand before he got Fiddler
61. There was no on the other hand
45. See 5-Across and 48-Down
47. Reb Nachum the begger and others
hammer (just the shot, the doctor thought he was reach-
ing for his hand and then I just started
for her
65. ...when I ___ thine lips... (Merchant
48. Where 5-Across and 45-Down take
a train to
kidding). Usual laughing again because, yes, I am a ter- of Venice)
66. Woe for those at the Carmel Forest
49. They can help a business
51. Red ___
married stuff. rible wife.
It took a few days, but now he is feeling
68. Hirsch or Zola
56. Bar Mitzvah party, e.g.
57. Odom who played with Jordan
better. And it makes a great story for cock- 69. Actress Gilpin or former Shin Bet Farmar
morning, and statistically, I knew the baby tail parties. Too bad we are never invited to head Yaakov 58. Reach home head-first, like Ian
71. Head cover Kinsler
was going to be a boy. This meant that any. But I think I know why. 72. Comaneci who won Olympic Gold 60. Tevye on film
husband #1 would have to make a shalom long before Aly Reisman 62. Not his
zachor without me home. (But his mom Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck is very 73. Are you out ___? 63. Kazan who directed On the
would be there. Enough said.) The doctor, excited about her new home at the Jewish 74. Noah and Indiana had them Waterfront
75. Paskesz item 64. Micky Arisons Florida team
in his infinite wisdom, said, This baby has Standard, a paper she grew up reading. She 76. Test for those planning to go to 66. One hit wonder band
short eyelashes. It is going to be a girl. And is the mother of son #1, son #2, and son #3, Cardozo 67. Paul Newman voiced one in 2006
I said, in my infinite wisdom, Hey dude, and the wife of husband #1. (She calls him 70. Bad pass from Rodgers or Fiedler;
The solution to last weeks puzzle Abbr.
its a boy, just take out the rest of him. And that because, well, you just never know....) is on page 67.


Arts & Culture

Through the Darkness self-censored, not necessarily to make the

tellers appear more heroic, but to shield

reveals survivor stories the memory of others and to protect the

sensitivities of the listener. Through the
Darkness is a straightforward, moving
Miriam Rinn and steps in to speak as several other char- characters from many conversations he had telling of the Holocaust experiences of

acters when necessary. The four span the with Holocaust survivors, a process sparked four characters, but it is not a deep exami-
o run or not to run? social and economic strata of Europes pre- when he moved next door to a particularly nation of human character under unimagi-
Thats the question that tor- war Jews. Simon, the son of a poor peddler, chatty man in the 1980s. That neighbor nable duress.
ments all people trapped in coun- recognizing the danger when his neighbor probably inspired the character of Simon, Peter (Alex Dmitriev) adjusts to life in
tries sliding into war or already casually said that he couldnt wait until the who announces early in the play, I knew America, only to be drafted and end up in
embroiled in military conflicts. It tortured Germans arrived to kill the Jews, set out when to run. As acted by Robert Meskin, a POW camp. There his fluency in German
the Jews in 1930s Germany, just as it haunts on a long journey that took him to Belarus Simon is the most fully developed of the puts him in greater danger than the other
Syrians today. Should we try to escape or and then deep into Russia, all the way to four, and the one who adds some humor prisoners are in. Clara (Tracy Newirth)
are we better off hanging on? Three of the Siberia. Clara, another Polish Jew, had the to the narrative. Young and strong, he survives thanks to the kindness and pro-
four characters in Alan Breindels new play, good fortune to be blonde and blue-eyed; moves from collective farm to hideout and tection of people she meets on her journey.
Through the Darkness, now at the Work- passing as a Christian, she also escaped eventually to the Polish army in an almost The Russians were especially good to her,
shop Theater on West 36th Street, chose to to the Soviet Union. Helen, the daughter picaresque series of events. Helen (Emily she notes; not the Ukrainians or the Belar-
run and kept running, staying a few steps of a comfortably middle-class family in Zacharias) survives the ghetto and then Aus- usians, though. That sentiment echoes
ahead of the Nazis till the end of the war. Lodz, was sent to the Lodz ghetto with chwitz through grit and perhaps her good many survivors feelings.
The fourth hung on and got lucky. And as her mother, where she remained for most looks. She hints at her mothers urging to Directed by Leslie Kincaid Burby,
we know from all the Holocaust survivor of the war. Peter is the son of a wealthy get more food through her charms: Did Through the Darkness benefits from its
stories weve heard, luck matters just as German manufacturer, who managed to Mama know the cost of the bread? Helen fine cast and from the directness of its
much as anything. get his two sons to England and then the seems the most psychologically damaged of presentation. Although we have all heard
In his first play, Breindel, who lives in whole family to the United States. His story the group, acknowledging that some part of many of these stories before, each one is
New Jersey, allows the two men and two is a reminder that the rich have resources her died and cannot be revived. unique and memorable, even when they
women to tell their stories, with only min- in any circumstance that are unavailable Breindel treats these stories with the have been condensed, combined, and dra-
imal interruption from a fifth figure, the to others. respect they deserve, but his delicacy matized. The least we can do for the survi-
Writer ( Jeff Dickson), who acts as narrator Breindel formed these composite reminds us that survivor stories are often vors left among us is to listen.

Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 61

march 17

Inbal Milliger and Ambassador Dani Dayan

Benjamin Goodman
Israels Consul General
Israeli music: Temple in West Orange: The
Rabbi Elazar Muskin Israel & JCC of West Orange and
Ridgewood hosts the Livingston friends of
Shabbat in Teaneck: Winter Music Sunday One Israel Fund host
Rabbi Elazar Muskin, concert featuring award- a cocktail reception
senior rabbi of Young winning Israeli pianist with Dani Dayan,
Israel of Century Benjamin Goodman and Consul General of
City in Los Angeles mezzo soprano Inbal Israel in New York
and vice-president Milliger performing 6:30 p.m., at a private
of the Rabbinical works by Purcell, Mozart, home. A community
Council of America, is Gershwin, Bizet, Weill, program follows at
scholar in residence and others, 4 p.m. Wine Congregation Ahawas
at Congregation Beth and cheese reception Achim Bnai Jacob &
Aaron. On Shabbat follows. (201) 444-9320, David in West Orange
morning he will speak or at 8. (516) 239-9202 or
after davening in
the main minyan. At march Maggie Kneip, author of Now Everyone Israeli wines in Teaneck:
Will Know The Perfect Husband, His Kid-friendly seders:

5:40 p.m. he will discuss The mens club of
Shaare Tefillah,
When Unity Reigned: Shattering Secret, My Discovered Life, Congregation Beth
Yavneh Academy, and
Yom ha-Atzmaut 1954, Aaron offers a night of
and after Mincha at 6:40,
and psychologist Dr. Dale Atkins speak at Israeli wine tastings by Congregation Rinat
on Strictly Confidential? Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, Tuesday, Wine Country Store in Yisrael host Seder
Surprises with Zalman
History vs. Halacha. March 21, 7 p.m. Co-sponsored by Temple Beth Sholom Bergenfield, featuring
Suldan at Rinat in
950 Queen Anne Road. wine samples from wine
(201) 836-6210 or www. of Pascack Valley, Park Ridge, and Temple Emanuel of expert Jay Buchsbaum, Teaneck, 7:30 p.m. 389 the Pascack Valley, Woodcliff Lake. Fee includes book, at the shul, 6-9 p.m. 950 West Englewood Ave.
(201) 837-2795.
Shabbat in Teaneck:
wine, cheese, and dessert. Dietary laws observed. 50 Queen Anne Road. www.
Temple Emeth offers Eisenhower Drive, Paramus. (201) 820-3958 or www. winesale17 or mensclub@ Tuesday
musical services with
the Temple Emeth Band, march 21
Cantor Ellen Tilem, and
Rabbi Steven Sirbu, Comedy Night with Legislative advocacy:
8 p.m. 1666 Windsor Tom McTiernan, Record Jewish Federation of
Road. (201) 833-1322 or columnist Bill Ervolino, Northern New Jersey and Buddy Fitzpatrick. holds JCRC State
Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; Legislative Advocacy
Saturday comedy begins at Day, a chance to meet
with state legislators
8:30. 53 Palisade Ave.
march 18 (201) 265-2272orwww. in Bergen, Hudson,
Rabbi Mark Wildes and Passaic counties
Hudson County to discuss key issues
Searching in
Night Out: The newly important to the Jewish
inaugurated Hudson Sunday Malcolm I. Hoenlein
Bergenfield: Jewish
Journeys welcomes
community. Meet at
County Regional march 19 Federations Paramus
Rabbi Mark Wildes,
Council of the Jewish U.S.-Israel relations: founder/director of
offices for a briefing and
Federation of Northern Malcolm I. Hoenlein, visit elected officials
From Motl the Manhattan Jewish
New Jersey hosts executive vice chair/ area offices. Breakfast
Experience, talking
Hudson County Night CEO of the Conference Operator and lunch served.
about Reaching Out
Out wine, desserts, of Presidents of Major (201) 820-3944 or
Film in Franklin Lakes: and Searching Within
conversation, and an American Jewish
Temple Emanuel of at Congregation Beth
opportunity to meet Organizations, discusses
North Jersey screens Abraham, 8 p.m. 396
the newly appointed Assessing U.S.-Israel
the National Center New Bridge Road. www.
council member; Relations II: Is the Special
for Jewish Film Motel or
8:30-10:30 p.m. at JCity Relationship Still Intact?
(Motl) the Operator, bergenJWRP@gmail.
Realty. 109 Christopher at the annual Israel and
2 p.m. Starring actor/ com, or email julie@
Columbus Drive, Jersey Burton L. Visotzky Pearl Stern Memorial
City. Kim Schwartzman, lecture at the Community singers Moishe Tauber
(201) 820-3936 or Judaism as a world Synagogue of Monsey, and Seymour Rexite, religion: The United 10:15 a.m. Brunch follows. its about a Lower East
Side sweatshop worker
Synagogue of Hoboken 89 West Maple Ave.
hosts a Book Brunch leading a strike. Ice march 20
(845) 356-2720 or
about Aphrodite and the cream and popcorn.
558 High Mountain Road. Yoga for arthritis: Shulem Deen
Rabbis: How the Jews
Adapted Roman Culture (201) 560-0200 or The Graf Center for
Integrative Medicine at Author in Teaneck:
to Create Judaism as Shulem Deen, author of
We Know It with JTS Englewood Hospital &
Medical Center offers National Jewish Book
professor Rabbi Burton Award-winning All Who
L. Visotzky, 10:30 a.m. a series for people
with arthritis, 2:30 p.m. Go Do Not Return,
Bill Ervolino Brunch. 115 Park Ave.
Free valet parking. about leaving the
(201) 659-4000 or office@ chasidic world, speaks
Comedy in Emerson: (201) 608-2377 or
Congregation Bnai Israel grafcenter@ehmchealth. for the Bergen County
hosts Luck of LChaim org. section of the National

62 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017

Council of Jewish evening for healthcare Lamont-Doherty Earth
Women at Temple Emeth
in Teaneck, 12:30 p.m.
professionals at Temple
Emanu-El of Closter,
Observatory, talk will be
on Seth M. Siegels book Singles Sunday
Light refreshments. 7 p.m. Amir Sagie, Let There Be Water, march 26
1666 Windsor Road. Deputy Consul General and how it compares Friday Seniors meet in Nyack:
(201) 385-4847or www. of Israel in New York, is with water supply the keynote speaker. 180 and disposal in New
march 17 Singles 65+ of the
Piermont Road. www. Jersey. Refreshments. JCC Rockland meets 53 Palisade Ave. Singles Shabbaton for lunch at Amici
From Central Station (201) 265-2272 or www. in Teaneck: Sharon Restaurant, noon. 303
Paint and sip in Tenafly: Ganz & Friends hosts a Route 59, Nyack, N.Y.
Movie series in Tenafly: A skilled instructor will Shabbaton weekend for Individual checks. Gene,
The Kaplen JCC on the guide participants, 21 and Chocolate seder in Orthodox Jewish singles, (845) 356-5525.
Palisades begins the JCC older, so they can finish Emerson: Congregation 27-43, at Congregation
Us Signature Daytime
Film School series with
painting to take home
and hang at Paint and
Bnai Israel hosts a
chocolate seder for fifth-
Bnai Yeshurun. It will
include Shabbat meals, Monday
Central Station, 10 a.m., Sip at the Kaplen JCC to eighth-graders as part mixers, discussions, guest March 27
and commentary by YU on the Palisades, 7 p.m. of a Kadima Youth Group speakers, Shabbat tour
adjunct professor and The JCC will provide collaborative, 3 p.m. of Teaneck, Melava Malka Support group in
Carol Cohen party, and programs.
Ergo Media founder Dr. the wine, paint, and FLIPPER Kadima is Tenafly: The Kaplen
New career strategies: Eric Goldman. Series canvas. 411 E. Clinton Ave. a joint youth program Housing available. JCC on the Palisades
Carol Fishman Cohen, continues April 6 and 20. Michele, (201) 408-1496 sponsored by Bnai Israel, Sharon, (646) 529-8748 begins a seven-session
CEO, iRelaunch, gives a Kathy, (201) 408-1454 or or the Fair Lawn Jewish or (718) 575-3962. bereavement group with
seminar, Relaunching Center/CBI, Temple Beth therapist Judy Brauner,
a Career After Time
Away Strategies,
Sunday Sholom in Fair Lawn,
Temple Israel & JCC of
Widows and Widowers:
You Are Not Alone,
Success Stories, and march 26 Ridgewood, and JCC- 6:15 p.m., through May
Advice, at Congregation Paramus/Congregation 22. 411 E. Clinton Ave.
Rinat Yisrael, 389 Disability and inclusion: Beth Tikvah. 53 Palisade Esther, (201) 408-1456.
W. Englewood Ave., Local New Jersey Ave. (201) 265-2272 or
Teaneck, 7 p.m. Jewish organizations
Sponsored by Project will partner to organize
Ezrah. Keys to Support, the
ProjectEzrah or email third annual Jewish disability awareness and
inclusion conference,
at the Kaplen JCC on
The Spinners and Little Anthony &
Wednesday Movies in Closter:
the Palisades in Tenafly. The Imperials coming to Englewood
Temple Beth El
march 22 screens Berlin 36,
Registration begins at
8:30 a.m.; conference
10:15 a.m., and again at The Bergen Performing Arts
Towards financial with a vendor fair runs
6:30 p.m. Refreshments.
fidelity: Project Ezrah 221 Schraalenburgh
from 9 to 4:30 p.m. 411 Center, at 30 North Van
hosts The Aisle A E. Clinton Ave., Tenafly. Brunt Street in Englewood,
Road. (201) 768-5112 or
Path Towards Financial Email presents the Spinners and
Fidelityrecognizing the
need for shalom kesef Presidents and Israel:
Chinese food and game Little Anthony and the Impe-
(financially healthy life show in Paramus: rials on Thursday, April 6, at
Rabbi Dr. David Fine
The JCC Center of
style), at Congregation continues a series, From
Paramus/Congregation 8 p.m.
Beth Abraham, 396 New Roosevelt to Obama:
Beth Tikvah serves a The Spinners had 18 Solid
Bridge Road, Bergenfield, Presidential Interactions
7 p.m. Dinner served. with Israel, at the JCC
Chinese buffet lunch, Gold Top 40 hits, including
Sponsored by Project 12:45 p.m., followed by Then Came You, Work-
of Fort Lee/Gesher
a professional family
Ezrah. Reservations, Shalom, 12:45 p.m.
game show by Hollyrock ing My Way Back to You Discussion, The Reagan
Entertainment, 1:30. Girl, Cupid, The Rub-
Administration; The
Womens shiur in First Lebanon War. ~
304 East Midland berband Man, Could it be
Teaneck: Rebbetzin Ave. Reservations, Im Falling in Love, Ill Be
Bush 41 and the Gulf
Chana Reichman of (201) 262-7691 or www.
War. Refreshments Around, and One Of A Kind
Englewoods East Hill at 12:30. Program
Synagogue discusses Love Affair. Some of Little
continues through April Jewish gender/identity/
The Power of 6. 1449 Anderson Ave. Anthonys hits include Tears
Chesed: Small Acts/ humanity: Temple
(201) 947-1735. Emeth of Teaneck s On My Pillow, Shimmy,
Great Impacts, for
the sisterhood of Viewpoints Committee Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop, Goin
Happy hour in Wyckoff:
Congregation Beth Temple Beth Rishon
hosts Grammy Out Of My Head, and Hurt
Aaron, 8:30 p.m., hosts a happy hour So Bad.
Sponsored by Deena and storyteller Milbre Burch,
with appetizers and
presenting her latest Tickets are available at
David Fisher, to mark drinks at Blue Moon,
the yahrzeit of Deenas work, Changing Skins: or
327 Franklin Ave.,
mother, Bernice Garfinkel. Folktales about Gender, by calling bergenPACs box
6:30-8 p.m. Courtesy
Identity and Humanity
950 Queen Anne Road. TBR. Prospective office at (201) 227-1030.
(201) 836-6210. for adults, 1 p.m. Talk
members welcome.
back with Burch after
(201) 891-4466.
the performance.
Thursday 1666 Windsor Road.
march 23 (201) 833-1322

Book discussion in
Networking in Fair Emerson: Congregation
Lawn: The Jewish Bnai Israel, in partnership
Business Network with the Jewish
group meets at the Federation of Northern
Ives Architectural Firm New Jersey, hosts Let
offices, 8:30 a.m. 14-25 There Be Water in
Plaza Road, Suite S-3-5.
www.jbusinessnetwork. Amir Sagie Israel and New Jersey, Announce your events
a One Book One
net. We welcome announcements of upcoming events. Announcements are free. Accompanying photos
Federation for Community Event,
must be high resolution, jpg files. Send announcements 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Not every release
healthcare 2 p.m. Led by congregant
will be published. Include a daytime telephone number and send to:
professionals: Jewish Dr. Mike Passow,
Federation of Northern adjunct associate  Jewish Media Group
New Jersey hosts research scientist at 201-837-8818
its annual cocktail Columbia Universitys

Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 63


from Arizona, said This brought back need to play a role to make the world as and were redeemed by God to reach a
Mazon many memories. I was one of these peo- it should be. point of national and personal fulfillment
from page 6
ple struggling with hunger and health. I Happily, Rabbi Pitkowsky said, in and success. These mitzvot that we lov-
Not surprising, some of those people became disabled. Many years later, I real- Teaneck the Mazon project has gar- ingly and carefully practice each and every
are Jews. ized I wasnt at fault.... Food should be a nered the participation of several Jewish year are not simply theatre and customs.
Ive definitely seen hunger in the Jew- right as a human being, and one should streams. Beth Sholom is Conservative, They go to the heart of our [belief ] that the
ish community, Rabbi Pitkowsky said. never go hungry here in America. Temple Emeth is Reform, and Congre- human being, created in the image of God,
We have members of the community Rabbi Pitkowsky said that people who gation Netivot Shalom whose religious should not be harmed or degraded in any
who come and ask for help because they see the exhibit will have a greater under- leader, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, will talk way. The Torah constantly makes reference
cant afford food on a weekly basis, espe- standing of the serious situation in our about hunger at Temple Emeth on April to our historical experience so that we will
cially for the holidays. I also volunteer for country in regard to hunger and food 3 is Orthodox. Rabbi Helfgot, who also treat others properly and with dignity.
Tomchei Shabbos. Theres a tremendous insecurity, realizing that people who are chairs of the departments of Bible and One of the modern examples of the
amount of need out there. Those who desperate to rise out of their current situ- Jewish thought at Yeshivat Chovevei degradation of the human being and spirit
think that hunger doesnt affect Jews are ation are relying on our help and support Torah in New York City, and teaches is the cold harsh reality that many people
mistaken. to live a better life. Judaic studies at the citys SAR High in our blessed country go to sleep hungry,
Rabbi Pitkowsky said the exhibit In these days leading up to Passover, School, will offer a public lecture, Let and rise in the morning not knowing if
clearly has had a strong effect on people when we sit around the seder table, All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat: Mov- they will have enough food to feed them-
who have seen it. Asked for reflections grateful for freedom, and lift up the mat- ing from the Particular to the Universal in selves and their family. This year before
after viewing the project, one viewer zah, the bread of affliction, and say, Let Eradicating Hunger. Pesach, we have the opportunity to take
from Texas said, When I was unem- all who are hungry come and eat, we Rabbi Helfgot said in an email, On a bit of time from the hectic preparations
ployed for 15 months, I made $9 a month should mean it. Part of the message is Pesach night, we as Jews engage in elabo- and cleaning for Pesach to educate our-
too much for food stamps. It shocked me that the world we see around us is not rate and meaningful rituals to recollect the selves and friends about the realities of
that I even had to consider it. Another, the world as it is supposed to be. We each past when we were slaves and oppressed hunger in the United States of America.

The report was later confirmed by White House Press
North-African Arab Secretary Sean Spicer.
Abu Rdainah said that in his phone conversation
journalists call Israel with Trump, Abbas stressed the commitment to
Western and free peace as a strategic choice to establish a Palestinian
Following an invitation from Hassan Kaabiya, Israels state alongside the state of Israel. The PA spokesman
deputy spokesman for Arab media, a group of six said that Trump stressed his commitment to a peace
North African journalists and bloggers is visiting Israel process that would lead to real peace between Pales-
this week as guests of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. tinians and Israelis.
During their trip, the Algerian and Tunisian jour- During his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benja-
nalists are meeting with senior Israeli officials at the min Netanyahu at the White House in February, Trump
Foreign Ministry, the Supreme Court, and the Knes- broke with long-held U.S. policy by saying that he was Teanecks Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trumps
set. Members of the delegation Monday visited the open to alternative resolutions to the Israeli-Palestinian international negotiations adviser meets with Israeli Prime
Old City of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the Yad conflict, rather than exclusively a two-state solution.  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Vashem Holocaust memorial and museum.  JNS.ORG

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, the blog- Trump special adviser visits Israel
gers described their first impressions of Israel as Intel acquires Israels in effort to restart talks
appearing Western and free.
This is the sixth time that a delegation of North Afri- Mobileye for $15.3 billion President Donald Trumps international negotiations adviser, Jason
Greenblatt of Teaneck, arrived in Israel this week for meetings with
can journalists has visited the Jewish state as part of in largest-ever tech buyout Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and Pales-
an initiative by Israels Arab media representatives. The American high-tech giant Intel Corp. announced tinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah.
Most recently, in November 2016, seven Moroccan that it has agreed to buy Israeli vision technology For 20 years before going to work at the White House, Green-
journalists participated in a weeklong trip to Israel developer Mobileye for $15.3 billion, in the largest blatt was Trumps lawyer. The stated purpose of his trip is to
sponsored by the Foreign Ministry. The Palestinian acquisition of an Israeli technology company. jumpstart negotiations between Israel and the PA, and to explore
terror group Hamas condemned the Moroccan del- As automakers around the world compete to new strategies for advancing Middle East peace.
egations visit, calling it a crime against our people. develop cutting edge self-driving car technology, Greenblatt and Netanyahu met for more than five hours Monday
Intels purchase of Mobileye, a global leader in the night and reaffirmed the joint commitment of both Israel and
development of vision technology for Advanced the United States to advance a genuine and lasting peace between
Trump invites Abbas to White Driver Assistance Systems, places the U.S. computer Israel and the Palestinians that strengthens the security of Israel
chip company at the forefront of the expanding and enhances stability in the region, according to the Prime Min-
House to discuss peace process autonomous vehicle market. isters Office.
President Donald Trump invited Palestinian Author- After the deal was announced, Israeli Prime Minis- The Israeli leader told Greenblatt that he believes that under
ity President Mahmoud Abbas to visit the White ter Netanyahu tweeted, Congratulations to Mobileye! President Trumps leadership, it is possible to advance peace
House following their first phone conversation since Israeli genius, Israeli pride. between Israel and all its neighbors, Netanyahus office added,
Trump took office in late January. Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis while Greenblatt similarly reaffirmed President Trumps commit-
President Trump has extended an official invitation also spoke proudly of Israels hi-tech industry fol- ment to Israels security and to the effort to help Israelis and Pales-
to President Abbas to visit the White House soon to dis- lowing the announcement, saying, The fact that tinians achieve a lasting peace through direct negotiations.
cuss ways to resume the political process, stressing his large international companies see potential in During his visit, Greenblatt was also scheduled to meet with
commitment to a peace process that will lead to a real Israel and are seeking to acquire Israeli compa- Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, opposition leader Isaac Herzog,
peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis, said nies that lead their prospective fields is a source of acting National Security Council head Yaakov Nagel and Coordi-
Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah, the official PA national pride for our technological strength. nator of Government Activities in the Territories head Maj.-Gen.
news agency WAFA reported.  JNS.ORG Yoav Mordechai. JNS.ORG

64 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017

Gorny Funeral Service Inc.
Obituaries 1-862-354-8596 or 973-919-4570
We SpecIalIze In
GraveSIde ServIceS
Helen Gaelick Arleen Cogoni (Steven), and Jeffrey Frank Paul Stern coSt-conScIouS and
Helen Gaelick, ne Krinsky, 87, of (Noreen); a sister, Beverly Osur; seven Frank Paul Stern, 66, of Mahwah, reSpect For tradItIon
Paramus, formerly of Fair Lawn, grandchildren, five great-grandchil- died February 17. Free conSultatIonS
died March 6. dren; and her former husband, Mar- He is survived by his wife of Website coming Soon
She was a member of the Fair Lawn tin Helfand. Arrangements were by 41 years, Sandra; children Julie 240 Mount Prospect Ave. Newark, NJ 07104
chapter of Deborah Hospital and the Louis Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn. (Matt), David, and Valerie; and a John M. Gorny, Manager NJ Lic #3563
Fair Lawn Senior Citizens Center. grandson, Max.
Predeceased by her husband, Norman Kahn Donations can be made in his
Lloyd, she is survived by children, Norman Kahn, 83, of Fair Lawn, honor to the Center for Food Action
Cheryl Schultz (Brian) of Fair Lawn, died February 18. of NJ. Arrangements were by Robert Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Inc
and Ed (Liz) of Woodcliff Lake; and He attended New York University, Schoems Menorah Chapel, Paramus. Jewish Funeral Directors
four grandchildren. worked in brokerage clearance on Family Owned & managed
Generations of Lasting Service to the Jewish Community
Donations can be made to the Wall Street, and was a member of the
American Heart Association. Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congrega- Serving NJ, NY, FL & Our Facilities Will Accommodate
Throughout USA Your Familys Needs
Arrangements were by Louis Sub- tion Bnai Israel. Prepaid & Preneed Planning Handicap Accessibility From Large
urban Chapel, Fair Lawn. He is survived by his wife, Rita, Obituaries are prepared with Graveside Services Parking Area
sons, Keith (Arti) of Bedminster, and information provided by
Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
Harriet Helfand Brian (Lisa) of Washington Township; funeral homes. Correcting Conveniently Located
Harriet Helfand, ne Osur, 89, of Pat- and two grandchildren. errors is the responsibility W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
erson, formerly of Pompton Lakes, Donations can be sent to the World 201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
of the funeral home.
died March 7. Jewish Congress.
She is survived by children, Gail Arrangements were by Louis Sub-
Baum (the late N. Joseph Baum, Jr.), urban Chapel, Fair Lawn.

Blessed to live 101 years, Goldie Suss- willing opponent to an afternoon of Rum- Established 1902
man passed away peacefully on Monday, mikub or many other games brought her
Headstones, Duplicate Markers and Cemetery Lettering
February 20, 2017, in the comfort of her much joy. Weekly trips to the Hard Rock With Personalized and Top Quality Service
Palm Harbor, Florida home surrounded Casino and hours spent at the black-
Please call 1-800-675-5624
by her loving family. jack tables continued until her final days.
Goldie was born in Jersey City, NJ Fiercely independent, Goldie maintained
October 14, 1915 to the late Jennie and a sharp mind and even at the age of 101, 76 Johnson Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601
Samuel Kossman. She graduated East was knowledgeable about politics, Holly-
Side High School in Paterson, NJ and wood happenings, the stock market, and
continued on to earn her BA degree everything going on in the lives of her
from Montclair State College majoring family members.
in German. Falling in love at a very young age, she She was preceded in death by the love of her life,
married her first and only love, Oscar Sussman, in her husband of 36 years, Oscar Sussman, and also Planning in advance is a part of our lives.
1937. After his passing in 1973, she dedicated the by her brother Larry (Evelyn) Kossman. Her beauti- We spend a lifetime planning for milestones such as
weddings, homeownership, our childrens education,
rest of her life to her family providing love, support, ful spirit will forever live on through the lives of her
retirement, vacations, and insurance to protect our
guidance, and strength throughout the years. three children: Roni Oren, Harvey Sussman, both of loved ones.
As a young woman, Goldie helped out in her par- Palm Harbor, Florida, Stephen (Barbara) Sussman End-of-Life issues are another milestone. You
ents dry goods store. After marrying Oscar, she of Teaneck, New Jersey, and her grandchildren: Bar- make arrangements at your convenience, without
helped him build the family business, Sussmans bra (Charley) Leidner, Cindy Lenok, Robin (Chris) obligation and all funds are secured in a separate
Drugs, into a Paterson, NJ landmark. Taking care Korines, Jonathan (Patricia) Sussman, Jeffrey Suss- account in your name only.
of the customers was always a priority and she es- man, Chaim (Shelli) Sussman, Joshua Sussman, and Call our Advance Planning Director for an appointment
pecially enjoyed working the ice cream counter to her great-grandchildren: Lazaro, Brittany, Michael, to see for yourself what peace of mind you will receive
the delight of patrons as she was very generous with Julia, Matthew, Jeremy, Lincoln, Chani and Yoni, in return.
her scoops. Over the years, she also assisted in her her great-great-grandchildren: Lazaro Jr., and Em-
sons CPA business and her daughters travel agency,
working in the office doing bookkeeping until she
bree. In addition, Goldie left behind treasured nieces
and nephews, extended family and cherished friends
officially retired at the age of 88. who will miss her dearly. JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Throughout her life, Goldie held a very strong The family is very grateful for the devoted and lov- 800-522-0588
belief in her Jewish faith and observed the many ing care given to Goldie by her long-time caregivers,
traditions with reverence. She was also very faithful
to the Jewish community volunteering with Yavneh
allowing her to maintain the independence she ex-
hibited her whole life. In addition, Suncoast Hospice WIEN & WIEN, INC.
Academy and serving as President of the local Ha- provided immeasurable support to Goldie and the MEMORIAL CHAPELS
dassah Chapter. She always believed that her gener- family through her final days to which we are eter- 800-322-0533
ous contributions to hundreds of different charities nally grateful.
through the years granted her favor in the eyes of For Goldie, family was the cherished thread that
G-d to live a long and healthy life and her charitable connected every fiber of her being. She will be deep- ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
MARTIN D. KASDAN, N.J. Lic. No. 4482
donations continued until her passing. ly mourned and sadly missed; always remembered
Devouring at least a book a week for most of her as a lover of life and a fighter until the end. We love
life, Goldie was an avid reader. She loved playing you the whole wide world Goldie and pray for your Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged
tennis and her competitive spirit always ensured a eternal peace. at Our Funeral Home or in Your Own Home
hard-hitting game and lots of laughter on the court. Funeral Services were by Louis Suburban Chapel,
Doing daily crossword puzzles and challenging any Fair Lawn, NJ.

Paid Obituary

Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 65

Crypts For Sale Help Wanted Situations Wanted
(201) 837-8818
Situations Wanted Situations Wanted Situations Wanted
Sanctuary Abraham & Sarah, . Ten years experienced CHHA is COMPANION: Experienced, kind, HHA with 11 years experience, 2 veteran/college graduate
Paramus, N.J., single crypt . Rea- Rockland based very good with elderly people. trustworthy person seeking part years Nursing School. Live-in/out. seeks employment in telephone
sonably priced! Call 917-991-1753 Health Care Firm Drives with valid lics. References time work. Weekends OK. Meal Great references. Reliable, com- sales. 25 years experience in pur-
for further details. is seeking to hire a upon request. 201-214-7318 preparation, laundry, housekeep- passionate, dependable. Speaks chasing and marketing of diverse
RN Assessor ing. Will drive for doctors appoint- English. Drives/own car. 201-982- products. Proven success in gen-
Professional Services to conduct chha Live Your Life - Mature, ments; occasional sleepovers. 973- 3176 erating new business through
home assessment visits nuturing companion, nursing skills, 519-4911 building strong relationships, senior
QUICKBOOKS SPECIALIST MLTC/healthcare medical experience. Will do cook- Homecare provider with referen- buyer of toys, hobbies, hard goods
Need help with your experience a plus. ing, shopping, daily routine. Call ces and experience looking for live- and bulk toys. Honest, hard work-
QuickBooks? Call We offer competitive pay Shida 973-333-7878 in/out or part time position. I drive. er.
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and great benefits.
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CHHA Certified Nurses Aide/Long BABYSITTER WOMAN seeks job as Home Care

time care - 15 years experience Assistant. 17 years with hospital
Reasonable rates! caring for the elderly with Alzhei- for Teaneck area. and cardiac experience. Referen-
hourly, weekly or monthly mers/dementia. Knowledge of ces available. 201-450-2080
kosher food preparation, will shop,
clean, administer medication and
drive client to MD appointments.
Please call Jenna FOR A DAY, LLC Cleaning Service
References upon request. 201- 201-660-2085 LICENSED & INSURED
Help Wanted
- Homes, Apartments, Offices-
chha experienced, looking to care
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seeks Full-Time, Part-Time, live Certified Home
Half time. Develop technology and information literacy skills. CHHA to care for elderly. Live-in or in/out position to care for elderly. Health Aides
BA and experience in education. Media specialist and/or train- live-out. Pleasant! 12 years experi- Call 718-216-2009
Hourly - Daily - Live In
ing is preferred. Knowledge of technology integration in the ence! References! Drives/own car!
classroom necessary. 201-580-0300 Home Health Aide/Nurses Aide. NURSE SUPERVISED A Team of
Send resume to Mr. Robert Smolen at 20 yrs experience with Elder Care Creative Polish Women
seeking live-in/out position. Refer- Clean
ences Call 973-356-4365
interactive, Apartments
Antiques intelligent Homes Offices
Experienced References
conversation &
social outings 201-893-2145
Sterling Associates Auctions Downsize
Coordinator Personals
Sculpture Paintings Porcelain Silver
NICHOL AS Assist w/shopping,
errands, Drs, etc.
Chapter 3 Offers retirement age

women the opportunity to stay
Jewelry Furniture Etc. paperwork,
connected and engaged with
peers to share information,
bal. checkbook,
skills and knowledge relevant

ESTATES bookkeeping
Resolve medical
and enriching for this stage of
our lives. Whether formally re-
tired or still active in the work-
BOUGHT & SOLD insurance claims place, this is a chance to make new friends, hear speakers on

70 Herbert Avenue, Closter, N.J. 07642

Fine Furniture Antiques Accessories Free Consultation a variety of topics and enjoy
Meetings are the last Wednes-
day of the month at 5:30 pm,
FREE APPRAISALS TUESDAYS FROM 12-2 201-920-8875 Rudys Restaurant,
201-214-1777 Hackensack, N.J. Cost is $27.
For further information and to
be put on our email list, please
Established 2001 call Susan 201-343-8374
Natalie 201-265-2087

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Established by Bubbe in 1940! Over 25 years courteous service to tri-state area partners.
We come to you Free Appraisals Early literacy and special education background Shommer
Call Us! Shabbas
is a plus.

201-894-4770 201-861-7770 201-951-6224

To express interest please
submit CV to Shani Norman at
Shomer Shabbos

66 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017


Cleaning & Hauling HoMe iMproveMents

Solution to last weeks puzzle. This weeks puzzle is
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68 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017
Real Estate & Business

Cybersecurity and big data analytics to TM

be explored at William Paterson University symposium

A conference focusing on how businesses can anticipate regional director of the William Paterson University Small
and reduce cybersecurity threats using big data analyt- Business Development Center. Its very important for all
ics will be held at William Paterson University on Friday, businesses, whatever their size, to have a plan.
March 31, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 1600 Valley The conference will include two panel discussions.
Road in Wayne. David Rossi, cyber security architect for Samuel S. Conn, president and CEO, NJEdge.Net, will
IBM z System, will give the keynote address. moderate a discussion of Trends in Big Data Analytics:
The third annual Cyber Security and Big Data Ana- Finding Your Answers in Analytics with participants
lytics Symposium: Understanding Trends Across Indus- Don Burgio, executive director, Business Network &
tries, will explore how advanced analytic techniques Security Solutions, Verizon; Eric Gutenberger, senior
help professionals make significantly faster and better manager, Systems Programming, UPS; and Kevin Slavin, Grand 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial on private cul-de-sac, 2-story foyer
decisions by examining large data sets to uncover pat- president, St. Josephs Medical Center. w/marble floor, kitchen w/breakfast area & doors to paver patio, 2-story great
room w/fireplace, master suite w/walk-in closets & spa bath,
terns and trends. Rossi will moderate a discussion on Cybersecurity: hardwood floors, 2 staircases, wide hallways, closets galore.
Were bringing together leaders from healthcare, From Data to Action with participants William Gouveia,
logistics, telecommunications, technology, education, managing director, Security & Privacy, Protiviti; Larry Orna Jackson, Sales Associate 201-376-1389
768-6868 666-0777 568-1818 894-1234 871-0800
and finance to share their experiences dealing with Big Pierce, manager of information security, Atlantic Health;
Datas volume, variety, and velocity, along with the chal- Eric Rosenberg, chief information officer, William Pater-
lenges of keeping huge volumes of highly confidential son University; and Phil Tully, chief architect, Infrastruc-
data secure from cyber threats, says Bernadette Tier-
nan, executive director of the School of Continuing and
ture & Operations, ADP.
Registration is $40 and all business owners, manag- OPEN HOUSES
Professional Education at William Paterson.
In organizing the symposium, our purpose was to
ers, and leaders responsible for decision-making, and
career-changers interested in understanding industry
give business owners the information they need to elimi- trends are invited to attend. Register online at http://bit.
nate potential cybersecurity threats, says Kate Muldoon, ly/WPCyber2017

New BGU technique Grand opening of new

guards against cyber attacks Walgreens slated for March 24
A Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researcher The grand opening of Teanecks new Walgreens at 520
has developed a new technique that could provide vir- Cedar Lane will take place at noon on Friday, March
tually one hundred percent protection against cyberat- 24. There will be a ribbon cutting with the mayor, as
tacks launched through internet videos or images. Any well as giveaways, cake, and surprises.
downloaded or streamed video or picture is a potential
vehicle for a cyberattack, says Professor Ofer Hadar,
chair of BGUs Department of Communication Systems 927 Country Club Dr. $479,000 12 PM 2 PM

C. Club Area. Spacious, Updated Tri-level. Ent Hall, Lg LR, Form DR,
Engineering. Hackers like videos and pictures because
Lovely Fam Rm/Stone Fplc, Granite Eat In Kit, Mater Suite/Updated
they bypass the regular data transfer systems of highly Bth + 3 more Bdrms & Updated Bth. 75' x 100' Prop. C/A/C. Gar.
secure systems, and there is significant space in which
to implant malicious code. 713 Salem St. $449,000 12 PM 2 PM
C Club Area. Spacious S/L. LR, DR, Vault Ceil, Lg Kit/Solarium, Bkfst
We are dealing nowadays with the use of stegan-
Rm & Deck. 4 BRs, 3 Full Bths. C/A/C. Gar.
ography to insert malicious codes within videos and Advantage Plus
photos to attack the viewer, explains Prof. Hadar. FORMER NJ 601 S. Federal Hwy 904 E Lawn Dr. $434,000 12 PM 2 PM
RESIDENTS Boca Raton, FL 33432 C Club Area. Beaut 4 BR Tri-Level. Spacious & Open LR + Form DR,
We have developed algorithms to find a solution to SERVING BOCA RATON, Elly & Ed Lepselter Skylit Isle Kit open to Fam Rm/Sldrs to Patio. C/A/C, Gar.
that problem in the compressed domain. The idea is DELRAY AND BOYNTON BEACH
(561) 302-9374 55 Minell Pl. $419,000 12 PM 2 PM
to manipulate the files payload to remove the mali- AND SURROUNDING AREAS
Absolute Mint Cond. C Club Area. Col/Corner Lot. 4 BR, 2.5 Bths. LR/
cious code without damaging the data quality. NOw sELLINg VALENCIA BAy Fplc, DR, Grnt Cntrd Kit, Spacious Den. Recrm Bsmt. Paver Patio, Gar.
Prof. Hadars approach, which he has dubbed The
Specializing in active adult, country club
Coucou Project, addresses two potential attack sce-
narios. Both scenarios assume that basic malware has
and beachSide communitieS BY APPOINTMENT
been planted on the victims servers/hosts by means
of social engineering, such as phishing scams or other
Beaut Ofc Condo in Well-Maint Prof Bldg. Grnd Lev Ent. Renov
means of exploiting data vulnerability. From there, Shared Lobby, Lg Wait Rm, 4 Priv Ofcs (3/Sinks + 1/Priv Ent),
the malware gathers classified information from the OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 .5 Bth, Lg Stor Rm, Reception Area. Bsmt Storage. Ample On-site
victims data center. 787 SALEM STREET, TEANECK Pkg+Street Pkg. $250,000
In the first scenario, once the user uploads an image New Listing! Total, custom and stylish renovation, 4 BR, 3 BTH.
or a video to a social network, the malware embeds Large master bedroom suite on first floor. Great for extended
living. Finished basement with walkout, second kitchen and full
the classified information into the uploaded content For Our Full Inventory including
bath. C/A/C, 2 car garage. Located in desirable Country Club
(making it accessible to the attacker). In the second area on 133' fenced-in property near NYC express bus, Houses Details & Pictures, Visit our Website
scenario, the attacker uploads infected content to a of Worship. See it, fall in love and move in! $549K.
social network or any other shared server where the Exclusive listing. W. Eng/Teaneck impressive and stately 4 BR
malware can extract the malicious code and execute col with MBR suite, nearly 3000 sq. ft., on prestigious street near (201) 837-8800
it. Preliminary experimental results show that a multiple Houses of Worship. $729K. Call Wendy for appointment.
method based on a combination of Coucou Project
Wendy Wineburgh Dessanti
techniques results in virtually 100 percent protection Broker/Sales Associate
against cyberattacks, says Prof. Hadar. We envision Top Office Producer 2016
that firewall and antivirus companies will be able to NJ Realtors Circle of Excellence 2016-Silver
utilize Coucou protection applications and techniques
in their products.
201-310-2255 (pref) 201-569-7888

Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 69

Real Estate & Business

Thrift shop is full of surprises

You never know whats going to hap- questioned how she was going to walk in he settled on a black leather jacket that purchases and invited the volunteer for
pen in a thrift shop! At the Council Thrift them, she replied, Oh honey, I only plan complemented his physique and his her next dinner!
Shop in Bergenfield, the National Coun- on wearing them from the living room to mood. He felt so good about his purchase, Clothing and household items may
cil of Jewish Women volunteers are con- the bedroom! he promptly posted his selfie on Facebook no longer be serving a useful purpose
stantly surprised by the reactions of Leather jackets are especially popular. A when he got home! for one person, says Karen Kurland,
their customers. donor finished bringing her merchandise Also in great supply is inspiration. One National Council of Jewish Womens vice
The store is known for its fashion bar- in the back door and proceeded to begin customer wanting to throw a dinner party president in charge of the Council Thrift
gains. On one occasion, a woman wearing browsing for purchases. After a while she came into the store and started discuss- shop. Now for someone else, thats
a fur coat came into the store, whereupon found a fantastic black leather jacket by ing her menu and recipes with the store another story!
she was promptly complimented by other Marc Jacobs (who grew up in Teaneck) volunteer. After searching for household Now that spring is around the corner,
customers on her fur. Oh, she said, I in the coat section for her husband in an items that were on sale, she came to the Council Thrift Shop is accepting all cool
bought it here. I got a small tear repaired a XXL size. Neither she nor her husband register with a Moroccan serving dish for summer clothing as well as decorative
few stores down. She said she was saving could believe their good fortune. Another her main course, a small punchbowl and items, handbags, and household items
for her next fur coat and would be back gentleman came in browsing for a leather cups for the sangria, a Pyrex loaf pan for that you no longer need. The Thrift Shop
with the money. Meanwhile, a tall woman jacket for himself. After trying several on the bread, a wine decanter, and small is at 75 South Washington Avenue in Ber-
came in and brought a 5 pair of sequined and receiving the help and comments spoons for sugar, along with salt and pep- genfield. For more information, visit www.
high heeled shoes to the register. When from the volunteers behind the register, per shakers. She happily paid $32 for her

Project Ezrah offers path toward

SELLING YOUR HOME? financial fidelity
On March 22nd, Project Ezrah will teeth, hang up their clothes (or not), and
launch The Aisle: A Path Toward Finan- how they handle money. The Aisles goal
cial Fidelity at 7 p.m. of preventative financial education will
In years of working with couples, Proj- cover some of the following to help the
ect Ezrah has seen a great need for pre- couple tie the financial knot: Step One
ventative information and has become From Yours and Mine to Ours
able to identify signposts of discord and/ The Aisle will give participants the
or financial mismanagement tools to deal the many issues that
Most families teach their engaged come up during the engagement and
children about shalom bayit before the right after the wedding. Yes, now (dur-
wedding. Understanding that the Torah ing the engagement) is the time to dis-
teaches that strife in the home is due cuss finances.
to money problems (Bave Metzia 59a,) Money management can be a reward-
The Aisle will help young couples recog- ing way to bond: It builds team work,
nize the importance of shalom kesef, trust and communication skills and
providing them with the tools to work helps set common goals. (You need
together on a path toward a financially a budget! is unconstructive because
healthy life-style. budget is perceived as a depressing
Project Ezrah plans to hold The Aisle chore. Plan to manage your money! is
sessions every six months. The March the constructive approach, the one The
22 session at Beth Abraham will include Aisle will use.)
dinner, games, a workshop and gifts to Eighty four percent of married cou-
Call Susan Laskin Today
all who attend. There is no charge for ples admit that the primary source of
To Make Your Next Move A Successful One!
the evening and it is open to all with tension in their marriage is: money. Cell: 201-615-5353 advanced reservation. It is not surprising then that money-
2017 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The foundations built during the related fights is the number one cause of
An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC.
engagement period and directly after divorce. The Aisle will help couples real-
the wedding affect the whole relation- ize how important money management

ship; the stronger that foundation, the is in order to stop money issues before
stronger the couple will be. During this they become financial infidelity.
period, each is learning more and more Email to reserve
about the other: how they brush their a place.

the Junk Man



page 6

page 47
page 12

MARCH 10, 2017

VOL. LXXXVI NO. 23 $1.00 86 7
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Jewish Standard

WE CLEAN OUT: Transcending denominations

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The story of Rabbi Shai Held,
co-founder of New Yorks
70 Jewish Standard MARCH 17, 2017 Mechon Hadar, which
celebrated its 10th anniverary
CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED in Teaneck last weekend page 22
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T: 201.266.8555 M: 201.906.6024 Standard MARCH 17, 2017 71

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