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5 Lightweight Linux Distros Ideal for

an Intel Atom Processor PC

By Moe Long

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Intels Atom processor is a line of low-voltage microprocessors. Featured in many ultra-portable

devices, like netbooks, net-tops, and tablets, the power efficient Atom quickly showed its limits
in keeping up with current software.

But that doesnt mean you should let your Atom-powered device collect dust in a closet! Bring it
back to life with a lightweight distribution.

Linux operating systems generally use fewer system resources than their Windows counterparts,
and there are many compelling reasons to switch. With full-fledged distros like Ubuntu
chewing through less CPU and RAM use than Windows, lightweight distributions are incredibly
efficient. Xfce and LXDE environments are designed to consume fewer resources than GNOME
and KDE.

Theres no shortage of Linux distributions, or lightweight distros for that matter. Here are the
top five lean distros to breathe new life into your Atom-powered devices.

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1. Puppy Linux

Image Credit: Mick Amadio via Wikimedia Commons

Puppy Linux boasts a tiny memory footprint (or pawprint). A slogan on the overview page even
suggests Dont throw away your PC make it new with Puppy! Its about 100 MB total and can
live boot from flash drives and DVDs. The entire operating system may even be run entirely from
RAM. This lends a speedy experience on any device, overcoming slow hard drive read-write

The latest iteration, Puppy 6, is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS which promises longevity.

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2. Lubuntu

Lubuntu pitches itself as both lightweight and fast. This distro uses the LXDE desktop
environment, and includes a smattering of apps. Firefox, Pcmanfm file manager, and Lightdm
GTK Greeter are pre-installed.

System requirements are undemanding. The Lubuntu website recommends 1 GB of RAM for
intensive web apps like YouTube, Facebook, and Google Docs. Lubuntu is my operating system
of choice for my Acer Aspire One netbook.

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3. Linux Mint MATE and Xfce

When it comes to Linux, Mint is one of the more popular releases, and for good reason. The
Ubuntu and Debian-based distribution has a modern, simple, elegance. Its pretty user-friendly,
too. The most recent iteration, v18 Sarah abandoned previously pre-installed multimedia
codecs, but these can be installed with ease.

There are several releases of Linux Mint available, and MATE and Xfce are tied for best
lightweight Linux Mint release. Both are well suited to Atom processors, and most under-
powered CPUs for that matter. Of all the distributions on this list, Mint offers arguably the best
looking environment.
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4. CrunchBang

Image Credit: Anestis17 via Wikimedia Commons

As lightweight Linux distributions go, CrunchBang is one of the more lean offerings, and its
glorious. In fact, CrunchBang avoids the traditional desktop environment, instead employing a
retooled version of the Openbox window manager. While the Debian-based distro is forgiving to
Atom processors, its spartan design may not be for everyone. Theres an emphasis on
functionality over form, which posits it as one of the top picks for older hardware, but the eye
candy of releases such as Lubuntu just isnt there.

Nevertheless, its a fantastic choice and even runs well on newer hardware as well (I tried it on
an AMD A10-equipped HP and an i5 Dell in addition to my Acer Aspire One). Creator Philip
Newborough announced in February 2015 that he was leaving the Crunchbang project, but its
continuing mission has been perpetuated by several groups. Consequently, CrunchBang++,
BunsenLabs, and CrunchBang-Monara continue the legacy.

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5. Porteus

Watch this video on YouTube:

Small, fast, and bootable from a variety of storage media, Porteus is an excellent distribution. At
under 300 MB, its super efficient, and arrives in both 32- and 64-bit packages, and theres an
option to run Porteus in RAM. Another unique aspect is that Porteus is modular, so rather than
using a package manager and connecting to the internet during initial installation, it uses pre-
compiled modules that are activated and deactivated before install.

Porteus is a top pick because its compressed, may be run in-RAM, and features a sweet
modular install. As a result, these combine to make a fast, efficient experience that can be
booted in typically under 30 seconds.

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While these are the top five, there are loads of alternate lightweight Linux distros. Xubuntu is
an awesome runner up that powered my Acer netbook for a spell until I tried Lubuntu, and also
resurrected my ancient Shuttle XPC before the motherboard died. Now all thats left is to figure
out a use for your lively new (old) PC.

Which distribution do you use, and what are you going to use your Atom-powered PC for?
Got a favorite lightweight distro to recommend? Leave a comment and kickstart the

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