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Project Nine is a student led project bytheExerciseScienceCoreatWindsor

High School. We formulated this project around our Athletic Issues unit curriculum;

Title Nine. The main objective was to explore gender equality within the Windsor

School District, based on our focus questions. We were curious to find out if our

school was in compliance with Title IX, and if young female students feel

empowered to follow their passions without roadblocks, physical and/or mental,

standing in their way. Our group decided to explore the gender equality from the

students perspectives at Windsor High School. We did this by creating a

questionnaire on google forms, and sending it out to our peers through our

teachers. The questionnaire was comprised of numerous open ended questions in




1. Startdevelopingquestionsforquestionnaire

2. Putquestionsintogoogleformforquestionnaire

3. FinalizeQuestionnaire

4. Each group member creates a rough draft email to send to teachers of

Windsor High School asking if they would give the questionnaire to their


5. Revieweachemailandcollaboratetomakeonefinaldrafttosend

6. Sendstarteremailwithoutlink

7. Sendfollowupemailwithlinktoquestionnaire

8. Separatechartsintomaleandfemaleresponses

9. Analyzethedata

10. Demonstratedataintheformofalabreport(datareport)




- 72.6% of females felt as if they were able to play a sport of there choice in

comparison to males ranking at 64.7%. Thisshowsusthatoutofthemaleand

female population at Windsor High School there is an equal balance in who


- While analyzing the amount of females who felt inferior to the opposing

gender 87.7% of the participants answered no, yet due to the non

specification of inferior thisdataisinconclusiveasmanymaynotknowwhat


- In identification of how many female participants had attended a female

sporting event was about or about 72.6% and in the following question

when asked whether or not you had attended a male sporting event the


- Likewise to the females graph, the amount of males who have attended

female sporting events stood at 73.7% and those who attended a male


- Due to not being educated on TitleIX81%oftheparticipantsanswereddon't

know for the question asking does title IX provide equal opportunity in

women's and men's sports? This too can be seen in the males answers,


- In a controversial questionaskingtheparticipantswhetherornottheWindsor

High School campus is free from sexual discriminationbothmaleandfemale

selected Yes but more so in the male participantsat59.9%incomparisonto



To receive more accurate results it is vital that in revising this project we

insert the question based on playing sports at Windsor High School to properly

identify our audience. Therefore, we received inconclusive data derived from not

asking a specific question at the beginning of the survey we can not determine

which students are taking the survey and whether or not they are athletes. Due to

numerous questions being directed toward athletes it is important that we can

identify which students are and are not athletes and then shape our findingsbased

off of these specifications. Overall, fromthedatawecollectedinthisprojectwecan

now properly say that Title IXisnotarelevanttopicdiscussedinclassroomsaround

Windsor High School, as 80% of both males and females do not know what it is.To

investigate this topic further we can conduct outreach to teachers at Windsor High

School in displaying a presentationbasedonTitleIXtoeducatethesestudentswho

lack knowledge. Another area we fell short was with the answers towards the

questions we created. For example, when asking the question DoestitleIXprovide

equal opportunity in women's and men's sports?, we gave the options: yes, no,

maybe, and don't know. Due to shaping our answers this way it lead to not getting

the most accurate results because two of the answers are alike, don't know and

maybe. If I had to do this project over again I would change the answers of many

questions to get one's honest opinion while having to think harder upon answering



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