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Pediatric Anesthesia 2008 18: 915921 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2008.02764.

Review article
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen): mechanisms of
Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Paracetamol has a central analgesic effect that is mediated through
activation of descending serotonergic pathways. Debate exists about
its primary site of action, which may be inhibition of prostaglandin
(PG) synthesis or through an active metabolite influencing cannabi-
noid receptors. Prostaglandin H2 synthetase (PGHS) is the enzyme
responsible for metabolism of arachidonic acid to the unstable PGH2.
The two major forms of this enzyme are the constitutive PGHS-1 and
the inducible PGHS-2. PGHS comprises of two sites: a cyclooxygenase
(COX) site and a peroxidase (POX) site. The conversion of arachidonic
acid to PGG2 is dependent on a tyrosine-385 radical at the COX site.
Formation of a ferryl protoporphyrin IX radical cation from the
reducing agent Fe3+ at the POX site is essential for conversion of
tyrosine-385 to its radical form. Paracetamol acts as a reducing
cosubstrate on the POX site and lessens availability of the ferryl
protoporphyrin IX radical cation. This effect can be reduced in the
presence of hydroperoxide-generating lipoxygenase enzymes within
the cell (peroxide tone) or by swamping the POX site with substrate
such as PGG2. Peroxide tone and swamping explain lack of peripheral
analgesic effect, platelet effect, and anti-inflammatory effect by
paracetamol. Alternatively, paracetamol effects may be mediated by
an active metabolite (p-aminophenol). p-Aminophenol is conjugated
with arachidonic acid by fatty acid amide hydrolase to form AM404.
AM404 exerts effect through cannabinoid receptors. It may also work
through PGHS, particularly in areas of the brain with high concen-
trations of fatty acid amide hydrolase.

Keywords: paracetamol; acetaminophen; cyclooxygenase; cannabi-

noid; serotonergic; prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthases

the following year. Its ascension followed an asso-

ciation noted between Reyes syndrome and aspirin
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) remains the most (1). Despite the popularity of this medicine, the
popular analgesic antipyretic used in children. The mechanism by which paracetamol achieves its
product became available in USA in 1955 and in UK effects on fever and pain is still debated.
It has been assumed that paracetamol probably
Correspondence to: Brian Anderson, C - PICU, Auckland
Childrens Hospital, Park Road, Auckland, New Zealand (email: acts through the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway (Figure 1). This is the pathway through which the

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Phospholipids and exert consequent effect (Table 1). They also

Inhibited by steroids Phospholipase A2 influence thromboxane (TXA2). TXA2 is a vasocon-
strictor, potent hypertensive agent, and facilitator of
Arachidonic acid + lysophospholipids platelet aggregation. The ubiquitous nature of the
Inhibited by NSAIDs Cyclooxygenase PGs in the human body (Table 1) means that
pediatric indications for NSAIDs range from pyrexia
and analgesia to ductus arteriosis closure, preven-
tion of vascular thrombosis and cystic fibrosis
PGF2 reductase PGH2 TXA2 synthetase management.
Much investigation has centered on paracetamols
PGI2 inhibition of the COX enzyme because its analgesic
synthetase synthetase and antipyretic effects are similar to those of aspirin,
TXA2 the archetype NSAID. However, paracetamol does
not have significant anti-inflammatory activity nor
Figure 1 does it inhibit production of the pro-clotting TXAs.
Schematic diagram of arachidonic acid metabolism. Paracetamol does not appear to have a major effect
peripherally; its action appears to be mostly central.
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act. It seems reasonable to assume that although there
The NSAIDs inhibit production of prostaglandins may be some effect on COX enzymes, this effect is
(pro-inflammatory chemicals; PGE2, PGI2, PGF2a) different from that seen with the NSAIDs.
Alternative mechanisms of action proposed
Table 1 include inhibition of the L-arginine-nitric oxide
Prostaglandin receptors and their proposed physiological effects
(NO) pathway (2,3) mediated through substance P
Prostaglandin Prostaglandin or N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (4), reinforcement
type receptor Function of descending inhibitory serotonergic pain pathways
PGI2 IP Vasodilation (5), and active paracetamol metabolites that have
Inhibit platelet aggregation effect on cannabinoid (CB) receptors (6,7). This
current review attempts to link these disparate
PGE2 EP1 Bronchoconstriction
GI tract smooth muscle contraction mechanisms, albeit loosely. Several recent reviews
Regulation of blood pressure (812) cover this subject matter comprehensively.
EP2 Bronchodilation
GI tract smooth muscle relaxation
Vasodilation A central serotonergic mechanism
EP3 Gastric acid secretion
Gastric mucus secretion A central mechanism of action for paracetamol has
Uterine contraction (when pregnant)
GI tract smooth muscle contraction
been proposed (13,14). Paracetamol concentrations
Lipolysis inhibition in the cerebrospinal fluid mirror response to fever
Autonomic neurotransmitters (15) and pain (16) to a greater extent than plasma
Fever generation
concentrations. Paracetamol is effective in rat pain
Kidney reabsorption
EP4 Level and stability of COX-2 mRNA models after central administration (17). Animal
Neonatal adaptation of circulatory data supports the contention that spinal 5-hydroxy-
system tryptamine type 3 (5-HT3) receptors are be involved
Not Hyperalgesia
specified Pyrogenic in the antinociceptive effect of paracetamol (18,19)
PGF2a FP Uterine contraction and that paracetamol interferes with serotonergic
Bronchoconstriction descending pain pathways. Support for these data in
Induces parturition
Modulates intraocular pressure
humans comes from the demonstration that co-
administration of tropisetron or granisetron (5-HT3
PG, prostaglandin; GI, gastrointestinal. Prostaglandin receptors receptor antagonists) with paracetamol completely
are termed DP, EP, FP and IP that relate to the receptor that ligates
the corresponding prostanoid e.g. EP (there are 9 known blocked the analgesic effect of acetaminophen in
subtypes) is the receptor for PGE2. volunteers (rapid metabolizers of tropisetron,

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Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 18, 915921

n = 26) when assessed by pain induced from elec- to as COX-1 and COX-2 (24). However, the nomen-
trical stimulation of the median nerve. Volunteers clature PGHS is preferred because there are two
given granisetron, a more specific antagonist, had active sites on this enzyme: a COX site and a POX
greater pain (measured as area under the time-pain site. The activity of the COX enzyme relies on its
curve) than those given tropisetron (20). It is being in the oxidized form and it is suggested that
believed that paracetamol reinforces descending paracetamol reduces the amount of the oxidized
inhibitory pain pathways (5). form by an action on the POX site (10). An alterna-
Data supporting the central effect of paracetamol tive suggestion is that a PGHS variant (COX-3) exists
through activation of descending serotonergic path- in the central nervous system (CNS), and that this
ways do not refute arguments that its primary site of variant is exquisitely sensitive to paracetamol (25).
action may still be inhibition of PG synthesis, as for
the NSAIDs (8). For example, the expression of a
Paracetamol activity at the POX site
PGE2 receptor (EP3) by most of the serotonergic,
noradrenergic, and adrenergic cell groups suggests There is a two-step process for conversion of
that PGE2 modulates many physiologic processes. It arachidonic acid to PGH2. First, arachidonic acid
may modulate nociceptive and autonomic processes gains two molecules of O2 to form PGG2 (via COX)
by affecting the descending serotonergic pathway and then PGG2 is reduced to PGH2 by two electrons
from the raphe magnus nucleus to the spinal cord (via POX). These reactions occur at two different
(21). Serotonergic cell bodies in the raphe magnus sites. POX occurs at an heme-containing active site at
nucleus provide dense projections to the dorsal horn the protein surface while COX happens in a hydro-
of the spinal cord, and this descending pathway has phobic channel in the core of the enzyme (26). COX
been shown to mediate the antinociceptive action of is dependent on POX, but POX can operate quite
morphine (22,23). independently (27).
The conversion of arachidonic acid to PGG2 is
dependent on the tyrosine-385 radical (Tyr385*) at
Prostaglandin H2 synthetase inhibition
the COX site (28) (Figure 2). However, generation of
Prostaglandin H2 synthetase is the enzyme respon- this radical from Tyr385 is reliant on generation of a
sible for metabolism of arachidonic acid to the ferryl protoporphyrin IX radical cation (Fe4+ =
unstable PGH2. The two major forms of this enzyme OPP*+) at the POX site. Paracetamol interferes with
are the constitutive PGHS-1 and the inducible this process by acting as a reducing cosubstrate in a
PGHS-2. These two enzymes are commonly referred reaction that partially reduces Fe4+ = OPP*+ so that

(hydroperoxide substrate)

Figure 2 Tyr385* radical
Prostaglandin H2 synthetase Arachidonic Acid
(PGHS) is the enzyme responsible
for metabolism of arachidonic
acid to the unstable PGH2. Reducing
cosubstrate paracetamol
Formation of tyrosine-385 radical e.g.
(Tyr385) at the cyclooxygenase paracetamol Fe4+ = OPP+*
site is dependent on the reduction
of a ferryl protoporphyrin IX Fe4+ = O electron transfer
radical cation (Fe4+ = OPP*+) at Tyr385
the peroxidase site. Paracetamol
is a reducing cosubstrate that
partially reduces Fe4+ = OPP*+,
decreasing the amount available PGG2* radical
for regeneration of Tyr385*. PGG2
Figure adapted from Aronoff
et al. (10). Peroxidase Cyclooxygenase

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less Fe4+ = OPP*+ is available to be transferred to the amus rather than the cerebral cortex. PGHS-1 or a
COX site. Consequently, less Tyr385* is available to variant of PGHS-1 (COX-3) seems to have little role
stimulate conversion of arachidonic acid to PGG2 here. Similarly, PGHS-2 is constitutively expressed in
(10,27). the CNS and rapidly up-regulated to reinforce pain
Two factors contribute to paracetamols poor anti- perception. This would suggest an isoform variant of
thrombotic and anti-inflamatory effects. Paracetamol PGHS-2 rather than PGHS-1. Despite limitations with
inhibitory potency against PGHS is antagonized by the belief that COX-3 may be site of paracetamol
hydroperoxides such as PGG2. The increased gener- action, it has been suggested that there may be varied
ation of Fe4+ = OPP*+ guarantees available substrate products from the two distinct COX proteins with
for transportation to the COX site. Low levels of overlapping contributions to prostanoid production
exogenous arachidonic acid are provided to brain throughout the body (30).
endothelial cells where PGHS-2 is induced during
fever. Consequently less PGG2 is generated. Parac-
Cannabinoid receptor activity
etamol has effect in these cells. In contrast, there is
explosive activation of phospholipase A2 biosynthe- Parents may administer paracetamol before bed time
sis in platelets when activated by thrombin. The to relieve pain, reduce fever or simply to settle. The
burst in PGG2 formation inhibits any paracetamol mechanism behind this settling or even the existence
effect. In addition, another lipid hydroperoxide (12- of paracetamols settling property has been doubted.
hydroperoxyicoatetraenoic acid) is also formed by Paracetamol results in only a modest improvement
platelet 12-lipoxygenase. This substance is also a in activity and alertness in viral infections. Mood,
good substrate for the reducing agent Fe3+, increas- comfort, appetite, and fluid intake were not
ing Fe4+ = OPP*+ availability. Hydroperoxide-gen- improved compared with controls (3133). Despite
erating lipoxygenase enzymes are also extremely these doubts about paracetamol, subjective effects of
active in inflammatory leucocytes, negating paracet- euphoria, relaxation, and tranquillity are shared by
amols effect. This peroxide tone of different cells aniline analgesics. These effects are similar to those
may explain paracetamols differing effects in dif- of CBs.
fering tissues (10). Two research groups (6,7) have demonstrated an
active metabolite of paracetamol (the fatty acid
amide N-arachidonoylphenolamine; AM404); a
Paracetamol activity at a variant PGHS
compound that shares the ability of CBs to display
(COX-3) site
analgesic activity and to lower body temperature
Flower and Vane (29) demonstrated that paracetamol (34,35). Paracetamol is mostly cleared by the liver
inhibits COX activity in brain homogenates more so through glucuronide and sulfate conjugation. How-
than those from the spleen. This experiment sup- ever, it is de-acetylated in the mouse brain and
ported the idea that variant COX enzymes exist and spinal cord to p-aminophenol. This primary amine
that paracetamol acts centrally. Such an enzyme is then conjugated with arachidonic acid by fatty
(COX-3 or PGHS-1b) has been identified in the canine acid amide hydrolase to form AM404. AM404 does
cerebral cortex (25). This enzyme, when expressed in not work directly on CB receptors (36). It is a potent
dogs, shares a strong similarity to the other COX activator of the vanilloid subtype 1 receptor
enzymes, produces pro-inflammatory chemicals, and (TRPV1) (37), which is a ligand at CB1 receptors
is selectively inhibited by paracetamol (25). However, and an inhibitor of cellular anandamide uptake
subsequent research has suggested that in humans resulting in increased levels of endogenous CBs.
and mice, the COX-3 encodes proteins with com- Anandamide uptake would result in the activation
pletely different amino acid sequences than PGHS-1 of nociceptors. AM404 may also work through
or PGHS-2 and without COX activity, so that it is PGHS, particularly in areas of the brain with high
improbable that COX-3 in these species plays a role in concentrations of fatty acid amide hydrolase
PG-mediated fever and pain (9,12). (mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, primary
Fever is associated with rapid induction of PGHS-2 sensory neurons), although this argument remains
and an increase in PGE2 production in the hypothal- speculative.

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Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 18, 915921

Paracetamols mooted physical sites of action also mechanism does not refute arguments that its
appear similar to CB sites. The antinociceptive effect primary site of action may still be inhibition of PG
of paracetamol involves the activation of spinal synthesis. An elegant model where paracetamol acts
serotonergic descending projections (18). CBs also as a reducing cosubstrate on the POX site of the
produce their antinociceptive effect by descending PGHS enzyme when combined with the peroxide
spinal inhibition mediated mostly through CB1 tone of different cells, explains paracetamols lack of
receptors. CBs markedly lower body temperature platelet and anti-inflammatory effects. An active
(156) through the activation of CB1 receptors in the metabolite has been identified in mice. This metab-
pre-optic area (38). olite (p-aminophenol) is then conjugated with ara-
chidonic acid by fatty acid amide hydrolase to form
AM404. AM404 exerts effect through CB receptors. It
Nitric oxide
may also work through PGHS, particularly in areas
Depolarization of afferent neurones by peripheral of the brain with high concentrations of fatty acid
harmful stimuli leads to activation of spinal amide hydrolase. Currently, the role and activity of
NMDA receptors. Rodent studies suggest that this metabolic product have only been identified in
these, in turn, promote the synthesis of NO; a mice and its role in humans unquantified. The
neurotransmitter at a spinal level conveying noci- theory that paracetamol is a prodrug and that an
ceptive information (39,40) NSAIDs and paraceta- active metabolite may exert effect through CB
mol interfere with nociception associated with receptors and the PGHS enzyme is certainly attrac-
spinal NMDA receptor activation. This effect may tive. It is possible that paracetamol works at several
involve an inhibitory action on spinal NO mech- stages within spinal pathways and future develop-
anisms (41). It seems counter-intuitive that NO- ments in this field are eagerly anticipated.
releasing NSAIDs or NO-releasing paracetamol
(nitroparacetamol) should have enhanced potency
Conflict of interest
and an improved safety profile (42,43). However,
the small amounts of NO released by nitroparac- Brian Anderson has received honoraria for talks,
etamol appear to have minimal effect on central consultancies, and support for travel costs to con-
pain mechanisms, but an improved peripheral ferences from Neuren Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-Myer
anti-inflammatory effect (11). Squibb, Reckitt Benckiser, SmithKline Beecham, and
The role that NO plays in nociception remains McNiell Pharmaceuticals.
blurred. NO donors may induce either pronoci-
ception or antinociception. These opposing actions
may be concentration-dependent with high doses
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Accepted 12 August 2008

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Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 18, 915921

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