LAI Contract

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Leading Authorities, Inc. 99H AU Stect, NW, Suite BM, Washingson, OG 20056 aus 1. Agreement For Talent Services i “ate ogre PEARSE | Vax 22-743.0800 cn Lanaing aunanes Conse Date of Anpearance: Event Teta: “Tne of Mos equi Ate: Event Loeatan/Phone Aeconmodaton Phone Nat Tata Fee Expense Ooscrnton ‘Travel Agreement: ea ‘Ne Tevet: Accapted by Leading Authorities, Ine Name Title: Pragram Consultant Signature: cea Date: Nov Leading |W Authorities Wea GREAT EVENTS START WEE Wastin TON, BE | CuitEAGO | LoNDoN RYTV-Amarica 1325.6 Soot NW Site 269, istingor, oc 20005 Veronica voioknonah ano Fyn (hes Prone “Thuredny, Dasember 10,2015 Speokr wit pericaatein a 60 minute moderated nlenvconveraain wh a preventer. Ths scheduled to Bolntomeino between 1000 gn 60, Exact tre to be anarged between speaker and clan. ‘Geopates 2018 ané Rusts Changing Ralein the Wo 10 Anivesry Coneronse unde! ournaiss.oegn poy analysts ana econales expen oa vor ho we Business Mevopal Moscow Hotet 2 TEATRALNIY PROEZD taoscom, 109012 Phone! $7 499 $0 7609 Fax +7 400 Sot 782708 atroo! Moscow Hot! SP eaTRALnIY PROEZD Phone 7 499501 7 0) Fax, +7 499503 789708 $03,750.00 Cen wl range a py fe rund business ferme! gis) ors ass {Gcmestciconntatng igh) afare fortwn nance. In adatom. oun Nangpacatan eal a eden expense in Massow to vo (2 wi be arranged and Pal for by cr. Holl 2 or up to ee (3) righ tobe dil te cant mest Secours Ground ansporaton inthe US. Vis coals and ay ether costs seis “ie event nthe U.S. wll brangoc by UAT an ile ah Uses poverpein with aucldeo foe MOST prsantstons and wl ing vith him an @ ach dive fo evel Gis of water an ly “alent sprees opr teal lino Lending Aone no ae Oh 10 day prior to Toent wil are the day bear be presentation For ovens requiing lr ave, poker ngren oschoduo gh dpartie to once at Tons one bac go carpet or Stee fig eaneatons cause by vweabar equipment, oa af syst proba. Frocal overs, pear 2700s fo tive event acai fotlogsthan 48 res prt tha ln fhe rasataion, to tho terms in section one shove snd to those editions terms st forth in sections a throug twenty. age {2 Accepted by Talent Name: Michael. Flynn Tite: CEO 8 Chairman Signature: Wchace Te Ebene bate: Nov FiaabiB Leading Authoides, Ine i FN Se Sak 0 ipo C2036 Leading Sealer Authorities w GREAT EVENTS START HERE 4, Agreement Te Engage Talent ‘wasuueron, DC | CiicAgo | LONDON * ‘orign Coma ‘etree Fe, 4 BH beset erin Vesteneh space tte ‘espn fone Chang ae Wed fiescon 1900 Prone 7 S05) 7800 Fe 17 0 T3708 ep eno ier eo reste Stsponeo Fee Pee By Din gan roca ct ck Comecometson lot ceo i hn ra a ce OFF Potala ‘Accept by Cont i Tae i cusoter oot uetzi ear = cS Se TS as ae bod

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