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March 2002


Maine Wing, CAP Guests of Maine Air National Guard

face shield and lab coat, he pre- Adjutant General of the Great State
pared a devilishly foaming grog of Maine and Brigadier General John
bowl whose less alarming ingredi- Bubar, Commander, Maine Air Na-
ents included kitty litter, prune juice, tional Guard. Representing Maine
and Maine’s “acquired taste” soft Wing, Civil Air Patrol were Col
drink, Moxie. LTC Vajda has pre- James Linker, Commander, Maine
pared the grog many times for the Wing; Col Craig Treadwell, former
Maine Wing CAP Dining-Out held Maine Wing Commander; LTC
each fall. The evening followed the Sheryl Treadwell, Director of Cadet
set procedure of “points-of-order” Programs Development; Capt. Chris-
being raised by members of the topher Hayden, Commander, Cum-
Col. Craig Treadwell and Col. James mess and the Mess President me- berland County Composite Squad-
Linker of Maine Wing CAP converse ron; 2Lt Paul Connors, Public Affairs
with Lieutenant General Ronald C. Officer, Cumberland County Com-
Marcotte, USAF Vice Commander,
posite Squadron and Cadet A1C,
Air Mobility Command.
James Connors.
Maine Wing Civil Air Patrol at Din-
Capt Chris Hayden, Maine Wing
ing Out as guests of the Maine Air
National Guard. The 265 Combat Photos By LTC Edward Vajda, Maine Wing
Communications Squadron and the
243 Engineering Installation Squad-
ron of the Maine Air National Guard
invited members of Maine Wing, Civil
Air Patrol to join them at their Dining-
Cadet A1C Connors with AF honor guard
Out in Portland, Maine on Saturday
February 2nd, 2002. They extended
tering out numerous trips to the
special recognition of the Civil Air Pa-
grog bowl. One Civil Air Patrol guest
trol by inviting Cadet James Connors
noted: “ Its good to know that our
to join their honor guard and post the
CAP Dining-Out’s use the same
Civil Air Patrol colors alongside those
script and generate equal camara-
of the USAF and Air National Guard.
derie.” Lieutenant General Ronald
Other honors included a toast to the Maine Wing well represented at Dining out Ball
C. Marcotte, USAF, Vice Com-
National Commander, CAP, among
mander, Air Mobility Command,
the initial toasts of the evening by the
Scott AFB, was the Special Guest Participation
President of the Mess. M/SGT Ed-
of Honor and Speaker. Other rank- Makes you
ward Vajda, USAF (aka LTC Edward
ing military guests included Briga- A
Vajda, Maine Wing, CAP) played the
dier General John Libby, Deputy Better
role of Mr. Brewmiester .Dressed in

IN THE NEWS Closely Held Mission Completed team with SAR/ICP at the State Po-
Congratulations to Brooke Renzullo by Cumberland County Composite lice barracks on the Maine turnpike in
who was promoted from Tactical Squadron Portland.
Flight Officer to First Lieutenant at
our meeting on 1/31/02. Brooke also The historic and closely held search Capt. Chris Hayden, Lt.’s Andrea
received her EMT credentials from a mission on Saturday, December 8th, Hayden, Rick Machado, Paul Con-
long hard training course at the Uni- in Portland that included certain nors and David Genest and Capt
versity of Maine at Machias and will members of Cumberland County Ralph Gamache found themselves
be sporting an EMT patch. She has Composite Squadron CAP can now both ‘dumpster diving’ as well as per-
only one more step to be certified as be reported. forming traditional line searches in
a scuba rescuer. Congrats! the thick and hilly woods surrounding
Maj Jim Raymond, Machias Composite If you saw the news on WMTW (and the Smiling Hill Farm area of Scar-
WCSH) on Saturday you would have borough. Assisting them from CCCS
seen the Cumberland County Squad- HQ via radio was Lt. Mark Sullivan.
ron CAP team working in the crime
area alongside the Maine Warden While a police helicopter and plane
Service and State and local police. were used through out the day,
TAPS They were there as members of a CAP’s participation was limited to as-
combined search team that success- sisting in the ground team search.
Lt Col Michael Walko, Jr. served well fully found the body Amy St. Laurent Although at the last minute as the
and faithfully on NER staff for many late Saturday afternoon. (This news light started to fade, CAP aviation re-
years. Those who knew him will be story was repeated throughout Sun- sources were requested to photo-
saddened by his passing in Decem- day.) Police had been searching for graph the crime scene. However the
ber. Our condolences to his family. Amy St. Laurent, a 25 year old fe- fading light won out over the crew's
male missing since October 21st, for ability to launch. All teams were
many weeks without a great deal of called back to the ICP at 3:30 pm af-
success. ter the discovery of the shallow
Former Maine Wing Commander, grave.
Col. Richard T. Davis has passed The Warden Service had been fol-
away. He commanded Maine Wing lowing the local search and recom- One of the volunteer teams with SAR
for nearly 7 years, from March mended deployment of qualified dogs had discovered the shallow
1970 until December 1976. search & rescue teams from across grave off Route 22 west of the Port-
the state to assist local authorities. land Jetport. This was apparently an
This recommendation resulted in a area that had been searched by po-
Maine Wing Over massive search Saturday involving lice only a few days prior. An autopsy
the Maine Warden Service, State on the Sunday confirmed everyone's
Wing Commander
and local Police and volunteer suspicions that they had found Amy
Col James F. Linker searchers from various Maine Asso- St. Laurent.
ciation Search & Rescue (MASAR)
Vice Commander affiliates including Maine Wing The Warden Service was very
Capt Mitch Sammons
CAP. This was an experiment initi- pleased with the volunteer efforts on
Newsletter Editor ated by the Maine Warden Service Saturday and is hopeful the use of
Lt Dennis Murray and as such they have dubbed it a MASAR and CAP resources will be
historic event that proved the suc- employed in the future should state
Maine Wing, Civil Air Patrol
cess of this combined search team. and local police authorities face simi-
PO Box 5006 lar situations.
Augusta Maine, 04332-5006 Members of the Cumberland County
Composite Squadron (NERME058) Lt Paul Connors
Editorial Office: 207/767-1874
Headquarters: 207/626-7830
contributed over 60 hours of ground ME058/PA
search time on Saturday as part of
The Maine Wing Over is an unofficial newsletter team #9. There were 10 teams in
published quarterly in the interest of members of the the field yesterday searching 17 sus-
Maine Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. Any opinions
either expressed or inferred by the writers herein are
pected areas; each one included a
their own and are not to be considered official ex- state police officer and a state war-
pression by the Civil Air Patrol or the Department of den who coordinated the search
the Air Force.

aine Wing Cadets and Seniors at Stobie Seaplane Base on Moosehead Lake, Maine move a Cessna 182 seaplane from the water ramp to land parking. Maine Wing
Maine Wing be getting
has supported the International Pilots association two
Fly-in for 7 passenger
the past vans,
seven years. Photo Courtesy of MikeOn
Lange,January 26th and 27th,
Moosehead Messenger.
To Receive one to replace NER 91003. (Net gain year’s first CLC Course was held in
One = 1; new total = 3) The total is 9 new Augusta, Maine for those senior
New Van vehicles for the Region, with 4 old members who have
vans being turned in, for a net gain of completed the SLS.
5 for the Region, bringing our total up The Corporate Learn-
I was recently notified that CAP/EX to 145. ing Course is designed
has authorized CAP/LG to execute the Northeast Region has a better ratio to further senior’s edu-
vehicle buy that had previously been of vans to members than most other cation about how the
postponed. As you might imagine, a Regions, so we are lucky to be able Corporate CAP func-
great deal of "horse trading" has been to have a net gain in vehicles. tions. As always, our Wing Com-
going on among Region Commanders My distribution plan is based on the mander Col Jim Linker presented
to try and get the greatest number of number of total members a Wing our Welcome and Introductions and
vehicles for our respective has, as well as the percentage of Ca- assisting, him on this mission as
Regions. All in all, Northeast Region dets to Senior members and the well as taking charge of the course
did pretty well. As it now stands, the square miles covered by the Wing. I was Capt Mitch Sammons. The first
buy will be let for bid next month, with also took into account the number of day consisted of courses on CAP-
deliveries staggered throughout the actual missions AFRCC assigned to USAF/ State Directors, presented
May - June time frame. These vehi- a Wing during FY '01. I know this is by Chief Porter, Aerospace Educa-
cles will be purchased with a 7-year, not what many of you wished, but I tion, presented
100,000 mile full warranty, which have to place the vehicles where by LTC Christie,
should save Wings a substantial they will benefit the greatest number Jr., Inspector
amount in maintenance costs over the of CAP members within the Region, General, pre-
life of the vehicle. Currently, we have as well as Cadet transport and mis- sented by LTC
140 vehicles in Northeast Region, dis- sion requirements. Schaffer, Cadet
tributed as follows: Wing Commanders have the final Programs, pre-
NER 2 say as to where in their Wings they sented by Col Treadwell, Drug De-
CT WG 13 wish these new vehicles to go. mand Reduction, presented by 1Lt
MA WG 16 Please don't pester Duane about the Hunter, Legal, presented by LTC
ME WG 15 number of vehicles we got, or how Broder and Safety, presented by
NH WG 11 many your Wing will or will not get. Col Linker. At the end of a full day,
NJ WG 14 That decision was mine and mine the attendees went their separate
NY WG 18 alone, and National has no say in ways to get some much needed
PA WG 30 allocation of vehicles beyond the to- dinner and sleep. The following day
RI WG 9 tal coming to a particular Region. If we started classes with Emergency
VT WG 12 you have any problems or com- Services, presented by 2Lt Merrie
With the help of CAP/LG, I have deter- plaints about this allocation, please Knightly, Counterdrug, presented
mined the following Wings will be get- contact me directly. by Maj Crowley, Flight Operations,
ting vehicles. In some cases, Wings presented by Col Linker, Member
will also be giving up vehicles that RICHARD A. GREENHUT, Col, Services & Administration, pre-
have gone past their useful life. The CAP Commander -- Northeast Re- sented by 1Lt Wayne McKinney,
list is as follows: CT WG will be getting gion Logistics, presented by LTC
one 12 passenger van to replace CT Grover, Communications, pre-
06005. (Net gain = 0; new total = 13) sented by Maj. Pellerin, Finance,
MA WG will be getting one 12 passen- presented by Maj Quinn. Because
ger van. (Net gain = 1; new total = 17) we were running late we also had
ME WG will be getting one 12 passen- short presentations for Training,
ger van. (Net gain = 1; new total = 16) presented by 1Lt Greer and Mar-
NY WG will be getting three 12 pas- keting & Public Relations, pre-
senger vans, one to replace NY sented by Capt Chris Hayden. At-
31001. (Net gain = 2; new total = 20) tendees and graduates of the 2002
PA WG will be getting 4X4 pickup to CLC Course were, 1Lt Mary East-
replace PA 37674 (for glider program). man, Capt Josh Broder, 1Lt Andrea
(Net gain = 0; new total = 30) NER will CLC Course Hayden, Capt Richard Doughty, 2Lt
(Continued on page 5)

Downeast Patrol Waterville Composite Scenes from the funeral of
Composite Squadron Squadron Walter Anderson
Photos by 1Lt Merrie Knightly
At our meeting, February 11th, the On Friday, January 25, 2002, repre-
Downeast Patrol Squadron pro- sentatives from Waterville Composite
moted c/SSgt Dana Maddocks to his Squadron went to talk to a 6th grade
current rank. The award was pre- class at Benton Elementary School
sented by LtCol Ken Goldstein. Visit- in Benton Maine.
ing our meeting and witnessing the
promotion were LtCol Lindon The two cadets, C/CMSgt Erik Bel-
Christie and Maj Larry Woods of landi, and C/Amn Miles Noonan,
Maine Wing and Commander Dick along with Squadron Commander,
Butters of the Trenton, Maine Ameri- Captain Mitch Sammons, talked
can Legion Post 207. Additionally, about the opportunities of being a
Commander Butters presented cadet in the Civil Air Patrol.
American Legion Certificates of Ap- The experience at Lt. Col. Walter
preciation for participation in the With a discussion style presentation, Anderson’s funeral was new for
American Legion "Table for One" the students of Mrs. Walder's class some people. Performing the mili-
ceremony. Over the last Year, the responded very well, and expressed tary honors, and working with an
Downeast Patrol Squadron cadets their interest in the Civil Air Patrol Air Force Honor Guard doing the
have presented the "Table for One" cadet program. The entire presenta- gun salutes, was part of something
ceremony at least eight (8) times at tion lasted 40 minutes. that, whether it was new or not,
various locations around the State of made participants honored to be in
Maine; including the Maine State This presentation was the second such an event, especially since we
American Legion Convention at such opportunity for the Waterville were honoring one of our own.
which they were commended for an Composite Squadron to meet area Right before vehicles arrived, ca-
outstanding" performance by the students and to tell them about the dets lined up on the sides of the
National Commander of the Ameri- Civil Air Patrol. Another presentation path the hearse was going to drive
can Legion! In fact, the Downeast is scheduled for February 23rd at the through. As the hearse drove by,
Patrol Cadet Squadron has earned a Frankfurt, Maine, school where al- the cadets saluted. The casket,
very good reputation for performing most an entire day will be spent dis- draped in an American flag, was
the "Table for One" ceremony and cussing C.A.P. and aerospace sub- carried over to the gravesite. After
we continue to receive requests from jects with the students. the pastor said a few words, mili-
other American Legion posts to pro- tary honors started. The Air Force
vide this service to them as well. C/Amn Miles Noonan and Navy Honor Guard performed
LtCol Kenneth Goldstein Waterville Composite Squadron a twenty-one-gun salute; seven
Public Affairs gunmen fired their M-16s three
times. As the sound of shots died
W a l t e r down a lone trumpeter sounded
Anderson taps. As the cadets saluted, mem-
served 50 bers of the Air Force and Navy
years in Bangor-Brewer Composite Honor Guards folded the American
CAP and Squadron flag and presented it to Lt. Col.
will be Walter Anderson’s family. As this
missed by Our squadron is mourning the loss of
(Continued on page 5)
all of us. three of its members. LTC Walter
Our prayers go out to his family and Anderson, LTC Lee Winter and LTC
friends on the lost of a great member. Don Strout. Our Prayers are with the
Bangor-Brewer especially will miss him. families. Recent promotions include C/
Walter SSgt Hicks and Webber promoted to C/
TSgt, C/SSgt Knightly and Taylor to C/
TSgt, C/A1C Curley to C/SrA, C/Amn
Are You Mission Ready? Gomes to C/A1C and C/Amn Crump to
Be Prepared! C/A1C. Congratulations to all cadets
and to the Cadet Commander C/MSgt
Thompson for receiving his Goddard.

Machias Valley St Croix Composite (Continued from page 3) CLC Course
Composite Squadron Squadron Peter Kleskovic, SM Michael
McCray, 2Lt Merrie Knightly, 2Lt
Kenneth Knightly, 1Lt Dennis
During the last quarter, the St Croix Murray, 2Lt Judy
Well, they finally did it. Major Jim Composite Squadron has been busy
Greenlaw and Major Jim Raymond Murray, Capt Don-
with learning about the updates on ald Godfrey, 2Lt
made it to the top. It is over 900 feet CPR & First Aid training. All cadets
from Musquash Lake to Musquash Paul Connors, 1Lt
and senior members did very well in Richard Machado,
summit. There are several antenna adapting to the new procedures. One
towers there and several equipment Capt Chris Hay-
entire meeting was dedicated to learn- den, Capt Brian Carter, 1Lt Cindy
shelters to
accompany Greer, 1Lt Richard Hunter, LTC Rich
them. The Grover, 2Lt Mona Grover, Capt
wing was in- Jerry Carlyle, 1Lt Louis Eastman,
terested in is 1Lt Jean Boynton, 1Lt Wayne
a small 8x8 McKinney and Capt Ralph Ga-
wood con- mache. Capt Mitch Sammons did an
struction with Styrofoam insulation. excellent job by putting together this
Not exactly weather tight. They ac- course and for having speakers
quired the combination and finally got available to fill in for educators who
in. There are three repeaters housed at the last minute could not attend. I
ing about this important subject. In our strongly recommend to each senior
in the shelter. K1HHC amateur voice, monthly newsletter “Sierra Charlie”,
K1HHC amateur digi and ME1601 member to attend the CLC if given
a quiz is presented to educate our ca- the chance to do so. You will learn
CAP digi. The tower is claimed to be dets and keep them up-to-date. In
under the control of the International more than you can get on the
February, the squadron had the first squadron level and this course helps
Amateur Radio Club and under the ever “Winter Survival” weekend. The
custodianship of Harland Hitchins of to bring you “the big picture.” - Editor
cadet and seniors arrived at the
Princeton. Princeton Airport after dark and made
shelters out of the materials available (Continued from page 7)CAP In Races
Machias Valley and St Croix Compos- in the woods where the camp was set to work in the shop to complement
ite Squadrons up. Classes were held on a variety of the 2001 team. The No. 46 Civil Air
held a joint subjects pertaining to winter survival Patrol Chevrolet will make its debut
holiday party and off they went to sleep outside with run Feb. 16 in the Daytona 300 at
at the winter temperatures dropping to 5 degrees Daytona International Speedway in
quarters of above zero. All survived and ate Florida. (Courtesy of Air Education
the Machias MREs the next morning for breakfast. and Training Command News Ser-
Squadron. All Cadets stated they enjoyed the week- vice)
cadets and end and additional training they re-
seniors enjoyed the food and social ceived.
aspects of the party. 2Lt Judy Murray, PAO, ME076
(Continued from page 4)Walter Anderson
was being done, one of Bangor/
First Lieutenant Wayne Merritt, Com- Brewer Squadron’s aircraft flew
mander of the Machias Valley Com- Sundown Composite over, dipping its wings. Afterwards,
First Lieuten- promotes Second
posite Squadron,
ant Wayne Squadron as people were leaving, Mrs. Ander-
Lieutenant Elaine Merritt to First Lieu- son thanked cadets. This experi-
Merritt, Com-serves as the adminis-
tenant. Elaine
mander of the Pinetree Senior Squadron ence was a good one for cadets
trative officer and testing officer of the who were involved. The Air Force
C o m p os ite Honor Guard was very helpful in let-
Cumberland County ting the cadets know what they were
Squadron, pro-
motes Second Composite Squadron to be doing while military honors
Lieutenant Elaine Merritt to First Lieu- were given. It is something that will
tenant. Elaine serves as the administra- Augusta-Gardiner Composite not soon be forgotten, the honor of
tive officer and testing officer of the Squadron paying tribute to one of our mem-
squadron. bers. By C/TSgt Scott Knightly.

corporate fixed-wing search planes,
some in stock trim. Others are cus-
tom-outfitted with floats or skis. Each
hauls a crew of three, four or six on
air hunts. Searchers find crash sites
and radio their findings to a dis-
patcher. Then other agencies pick up
the survivors. In Alaska that process
amounts to about 100 “saves” yearly.
The Civil Air Patrol is often A commercially rated pilot flies the
the first to find those who aircrew within an assigned inland
are lost or in distress search grid. A “scanner” crewmem-
CONCORD, N.C. (AFPN) -- The By Tech. Sgt. John B. Dendy IV, Photos ber, which sits in the rear seat of the
Civil Air Patrol announced Jan. 15 by Tech. Sgt. John Lasky. Reproduced by single engine aircraft, looks for
special permission from Jerry R. Stringer- wreckage and other air traffic. In the
a multiyear agreement as the pri- Editor, Airman Magazine
mary sponsor of the NASCAR right front seat an “observer” primar-
The master pilot and his untested ily navigates and picks up distress
Busch Series No. 46 Lewis Mo- Civil Air Patrol search party orbited
torsports Chevrolet. signals. The CAP, for example, can
the Alaskan bush between Anchor- have several search aircraft teams
By signing on as primary sponsor, age and Mount McKinley. All eyes
CAP officials hope to increase aware- orbiting Alaska’s sprawling land
were on the ground, looking for evi- mass. Their senior members work
ness of their three primary missions: dence of aircraft wreckage. Two
cadet programs, aerospace educa- closely with the Alaska Rescue Coor-
hours into their sector, full of bears, dination Center at
tion, and emergency services. CAP is leafy brown plains and brisk Memo-
the official civilian auxiliary of the Air Camp Denali on fort
rial Day air traffic, the team spied Richardson. This in-
Force. "The NASCAR Busch Series the speck of a wreck from 1,500
offers the Civil Air Patrol an afford- teragency organiza-
feet. The search team honed their tion responds to
able and effective marketing platform skills in this aerial confidence
that will provide the vehicle to inform about 400 rescue
course. Someday members might calls each year. The
and educate the general public about fly an actual emergency mission
CAP," said Brig. Gen. Richard Bowl- center is also the
over Alaska, sometimes called the CAP’s mission-based
ing, CAP national commander. "The inland aerial search capital of Amer-
enormous reach of the sport will en- planning staff in Alaska. While a
ica. Airmanship, courage, vigilance team at camp Denali does much of
able us to introduce our 60 year old and sacrifice pervade Alaska, the
organization to millions of people the flight following, planning and di-
sprawling land where many citizens recting, the CAP focuses its missions
over a short period of time," he said. own private airplanes. And where
"This will provide the impetus neces- for the center’s time sensitive
one-third of the CAP’s forces never searches. Such a support structure is
sary to effectively augment and ad- served in the military. No problem.
vance CAP missions." CAP found a particularly helpful during costly, and
They’re serving humanity with their o f t e n o v e r l a p p i n g , m u l t i - day
perfect fit with driver Ashton Lewis Jr. civic duty today. The Civil Air Patrol
and the family-owned team of Lewis searches that require several rescue
is the official Air Force auxiliary, a craft. “This is unlike other wings. The
Motorsports, CAP officials said. nonprofit and federally chartered
"Once the Civil Air Patrol recognized amount of saves they do is probably
corporation of nearly 60,000 people double or triple what the ‘lower 48’
the marketing potential available to age 12 and up. Their storied and
us through primary sponsorship in does,” said Lt. Col. Randy Mathis,
aggressive start was in 1941. As a the Civil Air Patrol-Air Force Pacific
the NASCAR Busch series, it be- flying “Neighborhood watch with
came necessary to find the right Liaison Region commander at Beal
bombs,” they were on patrol against Air Force Base, California. Credit for
team -- or the right fit -- for CAP," Nazi subs and other menaces to
Bowling said. "We were not inter- all lives saved in Alaska is about
national defense a week before equally divided among Civil Air Pa-
ested in just any team. Other than the Pearl Harbor was attacked.
obvious criteria -- a driver with the trol, Air Guard, Army guard and mu-
Since that dark time, the United nicipal forces he said.
ability to win races -- there were other States’ need for this volunteer
requirements that had to be met if we Special arsenal
group has increased, although the Seventy-five feet of wood planking
were to enter into this arena. "The mission has changed.
Lewis Motorsports Team fit the bill for squeaked and swayed with friendly
Floats and skis
The Alaska Civil Air Patrol flies 31
(Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 7)

(Continued from page 6) tive-duty air weapons instructor. He nications, or on search parties. For-
familiarity under the weight of Bob teaches technology, aerospace and tunately, the intensive aerial drills in
Brouillette’s brown Wellington math at Anchorage’s Bartlett High, clear summer weather were not in-
boots. Shock waves in the water subject areas that help him moti- terrupted by any calls to real, dire
underneath the dock obscured an vate cadets who attend school. action. But more than a few senior
upside-down view of what could be Just 25 air miles from Merrill Field members had ears trained to res-
called the wettest U.S. government stands a flight-meeting center cue radio bands for field calls that
airfield, The Alaska Civil Air Patrol’s where members practice aerospace could have turned into riveting, all-
floatplane base and maintenance education. The town, airport and out holiday search calls. Bethany
facility at Lake Hood in Anchorage. auxiliary derive their natural name- Morgan of Anchorage listened and
Brouillette flies and manages the Birchwood- from the surrounding labored. As a volunteer she’s ready
CAP facility that maintains 31 air- trees. Exuberant cadets marshal on the invisible edge members
craft and five gliders. His staff in - $250,000 aircraft at Birchwood, with maintain between ‘practice” and
cludes three full-time mechanics. senior members shadowing them. “real world” at Birchwood. Although
He learned about CAP when he Their spirit and curiosity make she works full time, Morgan has
retired from the Air Force in 1970. those fictitious youths from “Lord of been on three searches, once over
the Flies” seem like wimpy wanna- the exotic grand spine of the lower
bes. One clear motivating factor for Alaska-Canada frontier. “When
cadets remains encased. It’s a Ger- we’re on exercises, we search for a
man-made glider so advanced the target, and it’s a scientific mindset.
U.S. Test Pilot School at Edwards But an actual search is different,”
Air force Base, Calif., leases one as she explained. “You’re searching
the TG-9. On this three-day holiday for a life.”
weekend, cadets at Birchwood Saving others is at the core of
raised their voices in unanimous CAP service.
support of the glider flights being
“I was always interested in making rolled into the patrol’s cadets and
civilians proud of the military,” he aviation education charters. (Continued from page 6) CAP in the Races
said. “This fulfills that requirement.” “Everybody was out of their seats, us," he said. "They are a family-
Two of the patrol’s floatplanes are going ‘Yes!’ there’s a glider coming owned and managed team. CAP is
always ready for duty for Alaska’s down,” said Cadet Naythan Han- a family-oriented membership or-
many lakes and 17,500 miles of sen, an excited visitor from Kenai, ganization. We have many mem-
inland waterways, even during win- Alaska. The charismatic glider of- bers where the entire family partici-
ter. This includes the state’s 28,000 fers quality airtime at a sliver of the pates in CAP missions -- some
miles of glaciers. Aircraft from even go back to the grandparents
Alaska’s state law enforcement and who joined during World War II."
National Guard are also in the Ashton Lewis Jr. will pilot the No.
search chain. But- logistically and 46 Civil Air Patrol Chevrolet, while
financially- the Civil Air Patrol is the his brother Charlie Lewis will call
area’s first search force. the shots as crew chief. "We have
Growth from within worked for years to get to this
Across town in Anchorage is the point, and to have our first sponsor
bright blue-and-white Polaris Civil be the Civil Air Patrol is more than I
Air Patrol compound at Merrill could have ever asked for," Ashton
Field. CAP leaders tweak the curi- said. "The Civil Air Patrol is new to
osity of 12 young cadets. the sport and we want to make
Cadets don’t fly searches, but their first year very memorable, and
many do learn to refuel and fly air- fixed wing flying hour expense. It’s that is my major focus for the 2002
craft--and discourage drug use one big way the leaders motivate season.” "Last year we ran in the
among peers. These are forms of cadets. There are rewards for the front with teams that have 20 or 30
“cadet education,” said Capt. patrol’s senior members, too. They guys at their shop," he said. "Lewis
Stanley Bolling, the Reserve’s indi- can rotate through the core emer- Motorsports had eight guys total,
vidual mobilization augmentee to gency leadership positions at Birch- including the team owner, my fa-
squadrons in Alaska. Bolling is a wood, from the office radio commu- ther." The sponsorship will allow
native of the state and a former ac- the team to hire additional people
(Continued on page 5)

Who is the Safety Officer?
CAP's recent accident record has been director of CAP's national glider encam p- saying "Everybody is a Safety Officer" is
good. By far, the majority of the crashes ment, to name a few. We're not neces- that "Nobody is the safety officer".
that have occurred have been during sarily talking about a group of low-time Blasphemy! Lightning from Maxwell....I
landings with C-182's and our glider- pilots here, folks. That's why, if you were don't care. Sometimes the old catch
towing Maule with the big 235 engine. designing training, you'd go to where phrases just don't get the job done. In life,
Both have heavy engines. Their noses there is demonstrated weakness first. if everyone's responsible, nobody is re-
want to drop when the power is pulled Practicing good landings is important. sponsible. Only one person attempted
back close to the ground. When that hap- PIO's cause crashes. Learn to control "PLA" as the answer. He qualified it by
pens, non-proficient pilots often end up PIO's. Crashes will be avoided. Many saying, if PLA stood for Pilot's Lax Atti-
making multiple landings when only one people said, The Pilot in Command (PIC) tudes, that would be his choice. It doesn't
was intended. This bouncing, sometimes is the cause of almost all crashes. We're stand for that. It was supposed to stand
known as porpoising or Pilot Induced Os- talking bent metal crashes here, (that for Palestine Liberation Organization, but
cillations (PIO), is embarrassing and hard shouldn't confuse anyone). Well, PIC is a I spelled it wrong. Take some time this
on the hardware at best, but can quickly good answer, but not the right answer. It week to practice landings (if you are a
turn nasty as the a/c gains more energy doesn't go to the question of how you pilot). Control the flair. If you bounce, use
in each succeeding bounce and becomes train for safety. If "(A) The PIC" was the a little power to ease it back on, or else,
more nose-down in attitude. On the air- answer, then the only solution would be fly off and get back in the pattern. Don't
craft we fly this leads to bent props, to ground the pilots. Training should give those fools in the parked cars out-
crushed landing gear, smashed cowlings, change behavior to achieve a desired side the fence along the runway anything
engine tear-downs, and because of the result. To do that you have to determine to talk about.
vectors of force in this attitude, bent fire- what behavior is behind the problem, and Col. James Linker, Maine Wing Com-
walls --significant damage, in other words. then effect a change that eliminates the mander, CAP
So, what kind of CAP members would problem. While saying "the PIC is at
flub up a landing with PIO's? 1) A FL. fault" is a truism, it is also a cop-out. To a Encampment is just
Wing member bringing a CAP a/c into great extent, CAP culture is a problem around the corner.
Fun-n-Sun....splashed in front of the here. How many times have you heard For all first year ca-
crowd, stopping the air show action, and someone (like me) say "Everybody is a dets, the wall awaits
rendering CAP no longer the best kept Safety Officer." We all say it. I think it's you. For returning ca-
secret at that gathering; 2) A CAP mem- emblazoned somewhere on the CAP dets, let’s get ready to
ber and Marine F/A 18 driver, (crosswinds coat of arms. We know what is intended have some fun this
on a light a/c helped him lose it); 3) the by the little ditty, but the real effect of summer. –Editor

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