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Teacher Name Melissa Pratt Date Thursday February 2, 2016

Subject Area Social Studies Grade 1

Topic Friendship and Working Time 1 hour
Together Lesson 1

Learning The students will demonstrate how to solve problems peacefully and
Objectives/ be able to talk about how their actions might affect others.
1.1 My World: Home, School, and Community

Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how

identity and self-esteem are enhanced by their sense of belonging in
their world and how active members in a community contribute to the
well-being, growth and vitality of their groups and communities.

-appreciate how their actions might affect other people and how the
actions of others might affect them (C)

-demonstrate a willingness to resolve issues and/or problems

peacefully (C, PADM)

-assume responsibility for their individual choices and actions (CC, I)

Materials: -One by Kathryn Otoshi

-Deck of Cards
Assessment: -Teacher observation during discussion after reading the book
-Teacher observation during problem solving scenarios

Learning Activity 1 (10 minutes)

-Play the feeling card game with cards. Each student gets a card with a number on it. I
will instruct the students to place the card on their forehead WITHOUT looking at it.
They will then just walk around and treat each other like the card on their head (Ideally,
higher cards will be treated better than the lower cards). After, we will debrief and talk
about how we felt when people treated us good or bad. Make sure students know this is
just a game and everyone is great! Talk about how our actions can affect others and
themselves and make us feel good or bad.

Learning Activity 2 (20 minutes)

-Introduce our new Social Unit: Friendship and Working Together.

-Today we are going to talk about how our actions might affect others and how the
actions of other people might affect us by reading this book called One. Before we read,
we are going to brainstorm how colours might feel! Have any of you watched Inside
Out? Can someone tell me a little bit about that movie? (The colours/characters
represent feelings) In the book we are going to read, it is similar to Inside Out- the
colours represent feelings!
What feeling might you associate with red? Anger, love
What feeling might you associate with yellow? Bright, happy
What feeling might you associate with blue? Sad
Read One by Kathryn Otoshi and have a discussion at the carpet

Learning Activity 3 Problem Solving (20 minutes)

Ask students what respect it.

Ask students what a problem is.
Ask students to share a story with their elbow partner one strategy they used this week
to solve a problem. (3 min)

What are some strategies we can use to solve problems peacefully?

1. Talk about the problem (point to your mouth)

2. Listen to understand (point to your ear)
3. Think of ways to solve it (point to your head)
4. Choose the best plan (point to the palm of your other upheld hand.)

Do you think these steps will help you talk out your problems? Do you think these steps
help you to show respect for the other person? Why or why not?

Sometimes, we have to show perseverance as we try to solve our problems because

the first strategy we try doesnt always work.

Share the following scenario with the students: Tanya and her sister both want to play on
the iPad after school. Tanya grabs the iPad before her sister does and says Ha! Guess
I get to play with it today, not you! This causes Tanyas sister to burst out in tears and
yell, This isnt fair! Its always your turn!

Ask the students how the Tanya and her sister could solve the problem using the four-
step model.

If there is time, have students work in groups of 2 to make a skit about how they could
solve a problem.


Have a couple groups of students share their skit about how they solved a problem.

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