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in Intensive Care
Cardiovascular Anesthesia

Endorsed by

Perioperative evaluation
of primary hemostasis in patients
undergoing mitral valve repair
F. Pappalardo¹, P. Della Valle², G. Maj¹, A. Franco¹, A. Lattuada3,
G. Landoni¹, A. Zangrillo¹, A. D’Angelo²
¹Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy;
²Coagulation Service and Thrombosis Research Unit, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy;
³Coagulation Service and Thrombosis Research Unit, Ospedale Sacco, Milan, Italy

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 2: 119-127

Introduction: No data exist on the prevalence of primary hemostatic defects and acquired von Willebrand
disease in mitral valve prolapse with severe regurgitation.
Methods: Primary hemostasis was evaluated by PFA-100, von Willebrand Factor Antigen (vWF:Ag) and Ris-
tocetin cofactor (vWF:RiCof) assays in a prospective observational trial. Sixty-five consecutive patients with
mitral regurgitation (study group) or aortic stenosis (control group) who were operated for mitral valve repair
or aortic valve replacement were enrolled in the study.
Results: There were no differences in Closure Time in the two groups at all time points. The concentration
of plasma vWF: Ag was within normal limits in all patients preoperatively; after surgery, a significant increase
was observed in both groups from baseline (199 +/- 144 mcg/dL vs. 295 +/-141 mcg/dL in the study group,
p=0.002; 243 +/- 141 mcg/dLl vs 338 +/- 154 mcg/dL in the control group, p=0.009).
The ratio of vWF:RiCof to vWF:Ag was slightly decreased preoperatively in both groups (ratio= 0.91) and
showed a marked increase in the postoperative period (ratio=0.22) as, probably, new hemostatically effective
large multimeric forms of vWF were released.
Conclusions: Patients who present for surgery with a valvular pathology with high shear stress have some
degree of primary hemostasis defect; nevertheless, the potent stimulus of surgery and the correction of the
underlying disease allow quick restoration of vWF activity and normalization of PFA-100.

Keywords: von Willebrand, mitral surgery, aortic surgery, platelect function, cardiac surgery.

Introduction tions. Similarly, patients with other cardiac

defects might occasionally exhibit such ab-
Acquired von Willebrand syndrome in high normality.
intracardiac shear stress conditions, such Platelet and blood clotting activation has
as aortic stenosis (1-8), ventricular septal been shown in patients with mitral valve
defect (9) and patent ductus arteriosus (10), prolapse but no data exist on the prevalence
has been clearly defined in its epidemiol- of primary hemostatic defects and acquired
ogy, pathophysiology and clinical correla- von Willebrand disease in mitral valve pro-
lapse with severe regurgitation (11).
Corresponding author: The fluid dynamics of a regurgitant valve
Federico Pappalardo, MD
Department of Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care are, in many ways, similar to the fluid dy-
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Via Olgettina, 60 - 20132 Milan, Italy
namics of a stenotic valve; however, the
e.mail: anatomy of the regurgitant orifice and the
HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2
F. Pappalardo, et al.

120 dynamics of the regurgitant flow are com- All patients signed an informed consent,
plex and not fully understood. The shape according to the Declaration of Helsinki,
and the direction of the regurgitant jet de- after approval of the protocol by the Ethics
pends on multiple factors, including the Committee of our Institution.
anatomy and orientation of the regurgitant
orifice, the driving force across the valve, PFA-100
and the size and compliance of the receiv- The PFA-100 provides an ex vivo quanti-
ing chamber. tative measure of platelet function under
Given these facts, we hypothesized that pri- high shear conditions simulating primary
mary hemostasis defects could be a feature haemostatic events following vascular in-
in patients with mitral valve prolapse. jury.
Aim of this study was to evaluate the prev- The platelet function analyzer (PFA-100,
alence of primary hemostasis disorders in Dade Behring, Inc, Deerfield, Ill.) performs
patients with severe mitral regurgitation analyses on citrated whole blood samples
due to prolapse without an history of path- (Vacutainer tubes, Becton Dickinson; ci-
ological mucocutaneous bleeding, by means trate 129 mmol/L; 3.8%) and measures the
of PFA-100 and to define their pathophysi- time needed for a platelet plug to form after
ology and clinical implications. activation of platelets by collagen and aden-
osin diphosphate (CADP, 50 μg) or collagen
and epinephrine (CEPI, 10 μg). The sample
METHODS is aspirated under constant negative pres-
sure through a 200 μm capillary into a small
65 consecutive patients undergoing open reservoir, by passing through an 150 μm
heart surgery for valve operations were opening coated with collagen/epinephrine
prospectively evaluated; 41 patients under- (CEPI) or collagen/ADP (CADP). As blood
went mitral valve repair for severe mitral contacts the collagen-coated membrane,
regurgitation (study group), 24 of them un- the platelet agonist (epinephrine or ADP)
derwent aortic valve replacement for severe is solubilized, resulting in platelet stimula-
aortic stenosis (control group). 5 patients tion. The test terminates when the devel-
were excluded from the analysis for postop- oped primary hemostatic plug obstructs
erative re-exploration with evident source the opening. The instrument provides the
of surgical bleeding. Closure Time (CT) parameter, indicating
Patients were not included if operated on the time duration of the test: results are ex-
urgency-emergency priority or with a mini- pressed in seconds, with a maximum test
mally invasive approach or had chronic time of 300 seconds. Any value greater
atrial fibrillation. No patient received war- than that is reported as non closure. Our as-
farin or antiplatelet drugs within 7 days says were performed with CADP cartridges
before surgery; patients on intravenous in order to remove the effect of antiplatelets
heparin had it stopped at least 6 hours pre- acting on ADP receptors.
operatively. Patients were not considered All PFA-100 measurements were performed
eligible if the preoperative platelet count within 30 minutes of sample collection.
was <80,000 x 109/l, if they had preopera-
tive PT and/or APTT ratios >1.2 or if they Patients’ management
had a history of hematological or hepatic Prior to institution of cardiopulmonary by-
disease (e.g., active hepatitis or cirrhosis), pass (CPB), patients received intravenous
or chronic renal failure requiring dialysis. porcine heparin (300 IU/kg of body weight)

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Primary hemostasis in patients undergoing mitral valve repair

and, during CPB, additional doses (5000 to Buckberg’s protocol. Mild-to-moderate 121
IU), if required, to maintain the activated hypothermia was employed (mean internal
clotting time (ACT) >480 sec. (ACT II, temperature: 31.4°C).
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA). ACT Shed mediastinal blood suction and left
measurements were carried out 2 minutes heart venting were actively performed with
after heparin administration and every 20 two separated roller pumps. Additionally,
minutes thereafter. After termination of blood was aspirated from the operative
CPB and surgical hemostasis, heparin was field with a vacuum suction device (D745,
neutralized with protamine sulphate (1:1 Dideco, Mirandola, Italy), processed in a
ratio). All patients received an intraopera- cell saver (Compact-A, Dideco, Mirandola,
tive infusion of tranexamic acid (1g in 20 Italy), and then reinfused after closure of
minutes before skin incision, followed by the chest.
a continuous infusion of 400 mg/h until
completion of surgery) according to our in- Laboratory assays
stitutional protocol. Blood samples were collected from a radi-
At the end of the surgical procedure, pa- al arterial catheter by means of a two-sy-
tients were transferred to the Intensive ringe technique. The first syringe was used
care unit (ICU). Postoperative blood loss to withdraw 10 ml of blood and then the
was collected in a graduated reservoir con- sample was obtained in the second syringe.
nected to a closed evacuation system (Ar- Sample time points were as follows:
gyle, Aqua-seal, Sherwood Medical, Tul- A) preoperatively (Baseline);
lamore, Ireland). B) before heparin administration (Pre-hep);
C) after removal of the aortic crossclamp
Cardiopulmonary bypass circuit (Unclamp);
Extracorporeal circulation was instituted D) 4 minutes after the administration of
in all patients by draining blood by grav- protamine (Post-prota);
ity into an open venous reservoir (Avant E) at ICU arrival (ICU-arrival);
Reservoir, Dideco, Mirandola, Italy), and F) 4 hours after ICU arrival (ICU-4h);
by driving it by means of a roller peristal- G) the morning following surgery (ICU-
tic pump (Caps, Stöckert Instruments, Mu- 18h).
nich, Germany) through a heat exchanger Blood samples were collected in siliconized
integrated with a hollow fiber membrane Vacutainer tubes (Becton Dickinson, Plym-
oxygenator (Avant D903, or Avant D903 outh, UK) containing tri-sodium citrate
Ph.i.s.i.o., Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) and (0.19 M); within 1 hour from blood collec-
through an arterial filter (D734 MICRO tion, platelet poor plasma was obtained by
40, Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) back into the centrifugation for 20 minutes at 2000 RPM
patient at a mean flowrate of 2.4 l/min/m2. at room temperature.
The same custom pack of PVC/silicone tub- Plasma aliquots of platelet-poor plasma (0.4
ing (Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) was used for mL) were snap-frozen with methanol and
all patients. The circuit was primed with dry ice and finally stored at –80 °C until
1500-ml Ringer lactate solution, 100 mL assayed.
Mannitol 18%, and 5000 IU porcine hepa-
rin. Intermittent cold blood cardioplegia Assay methods
(4°C) was infused by means of a heat ex- Von Willebrand Factor Antigen (vWF:Ag)
changer (D720 Helios C, Dideco, Mirando- was determinated by commercially avail-
la, Italy) and two roller pumps, according able ELISA assays (Asserachrom vWF, Di-

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

F. Pappalardo, et al.

122 agnostica Stago, Asnier sur Seine, France). Differences were considered statistically
Ristocetin cofactor activity (vWF:RiCof) significant in case p-values were lower than
was measured by commercially available ly- 0.05.
ophilized platelet reagents (Dade-Behring, Statistical analyses were performed using
Marburg, Germany) using an automated the SPSS Statistical Package version 11.5.1
coagulometer (ACL 9000; Instrumenta- (SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA).
tion Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusset,
USA) (12).
All results are the mean of the two determi- RESULTS
nations and expressed as IU/dL of plasma.
The authors had full access to the data and Patients’ demographics were similar in the
take responsibility for its integrity. All au- two groups (mitral valve repair/study group
thors have read and agree with the manu- vs aortic valve replacement/control group).
script as written. Platelet count and hematocrit did not differ
between the two groups at all time points
Statistical analyses (Figure 1 and 2)
Descriptive data are expressed as mean There were no differences in Closure Time
standard deviation or median with inter- in the two groups at all time points (Fig-
quartile range (IQR) as appropriate ac- ure 3): the median closure time at baseline
cording to the skewedness of the observed was above the normality range (less than
distribution. Statistical significance of the 118 sec.) in both groups (146 sec. [106-299,
difference between continuous variables 25th-75th percentile] in the study group vs
was assessed by using a Student t-test or a 183 sec. [128-299, 25th-75th percentile] in
Mann-Whitney U-test as appropriate. Com- the control group, p=0.22); only three
parison of proportions was performed by patients in the control group exhibited a
Chi-Square or Fisher Exact tests as appro- “normal” CT preoperatively (12%) vs 14
priate. All reported p values are two tailed. patients (38%) in the study group. Five pa-

Control group
P = 0.6 Study group
P = 0.5 P = 0.7
P = 0.8
P = 0.9


Baseline Unclamp ICU arrival ICU-4h ICU-18h

Figure 1 - Time course of platelet count (t-test) mean ± SD.

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Primary hemostasis in patients undergoing mitral valve repair

Control group
Study group

P = 0.9 P = 0.7

P = 0.6
30 P = 0.7 P = 0.4

Baseline Unclamp ICU arrival ICU-4h ICU-18h

Figure 2 - Time course of hemostasis: (%) (t-test) mean ± SD.

tients in the control group had non closure 18 hours postoperatively (163sec. [109.5-
(CT >300 sec.) preoperatively. 299, 25th-75th percentile] vs 83sec. [66-
Preoperative CT increased following hepa- 112, 25th-75th percentile], p<0.001) (Table
rin administration and again with initiation 1); similarly the haematocrit and plate-
of CPB. Fifteen minutes after protamine let count decreased. These variables were
sulphate administration, CT returned to inversely related to CT at all time points
near baseline values. (PLT p<0.001, r=-0.424; Hct p<0.003,
Median (CT) of all patients significantly r=-0.353 at ICU arrival (Spearman test).
decreased from baseline at ICU arrival and The concentration of plasma vWF:Ag was

Control group
Study group
P=0.01 P=0.09

P = 0.2
P = 0.7
P = 0.1 P = 0.5
P = 0.7

Baseline Post-epa Post-plegia Unclamp Post-prota ICU arrival ICU-4h

Figure 3 - Closure Time (Mann-Whitney) median (25th-75th percentile).

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

F. Pappalardo, et al.

124 Table 1 - Time course of Platelet Function Analyzer Closure Time [median (25th – 75th percentile)] in the overall
25th percentile median 75th percentile p
Baseline 109.5 163 299
Pre-hep 132.75 185 299.75 0.389
Post-hep 120 163 299 0.112
Post-CPL 205.5 293 299 < 0.001
Unclamp 151.5 256.5 300 0.009
Post-prota 106 151 247 0.109
ICU arrival 63.5 78 90 < 0.001
4h after ICU arrival 62 79 102 < 0.001
18h after ICU arrival 66 83 112 < 0.001

within normal limits in all patients preop- groups (ratio=0.91; normal range greater
eratively. (VWF:Ag) levels did not differ than 0.7) and showed a marked increase in
at all time points in the two groups; after the postoperative period (ratio= 0.22) as,
surgery, a significant increase was observed probably, new hemostatically effective large
in both groups from baseline (199+/-144 multimeric forms of vWF were released.
mcg/dL vs 295+/-141 mcg/dL in the study The correlations between CT and vWF:Ag
group, p=0.002; 243+/-141 mcg/dL vs and vWF:RiCof could not be calculated be-
338+/-154 mcg/dL in the control group, cause of a number of patients had an infi-
p=0.009) (Figures 4, 5 and 6). nite CT (>300 sec.). However, our results
The ratio of vWF:RiCof to vWF:Ag was indicate that, on the whole, the prolonga-
slightly decreased preoperatively in both tion of the CT was inversely proportional

600 P < 0.001 600

P = 0.009

500 500
P = 0.155
vWF (mcg/dL)

vWF (mcg/dL)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

Baseline Unclamp ICU-arrival Baseline Unclamp ICU-arrival

Figure 4 - von Willebrand Factor Antigen concen- Figure 5 - von Willebrand Factor Antigen con-
tration: time course in the overall study population. centration: time course in the control group.

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Primary hemostasis in patients undergoing mitral valve repair

found to be both sensitive (90-100%) and 125
specific (88-95%) in the detection of von
P = 0.009
500 Willebrand disease (13-16).
P = 0.932 Our study shows that patients with mitral
valve regurgitation due to prolapse have
vWF (mcg/dL)

high intracardiac shear stress which is re-
300 sponsible for the development of defects of
primary hemostasis, which can be detected
200 by means of PFA-100.
Despite these biological alterations, how-
100 ever, these patients do not show any patho-
logical mucocutaneous or surgical bleed-
Baseline Unclamp ICU-arrival ing, confirming the discrepancy between
the low frequency of bleeding symptoms
Figure 6 - von Willebrand Factor Antigen con- and the high prevalence of hemostatic ab-
centration: time course in the study group. normalities in this setting. This subclini-
cal defect of primary hemostasis is quickly
to the level of vWF:Ag and of vWF:RiCof corrected by valve replacement due to the
(Figure 3). quick restoration of vWF levels; however
Postoperative bleeding did not differ in the it is responsible for a higher postoperative
two groups (280 ml [220-400, 25th-75th per- bleeding in those patients with the most se-
centile] vs 300 ml [180-400, 25th-75th per- vere deficiencies.
centile]) and no significant correlation was The PFA-100, however, is a sensitive, spe-
detected between nor preoperative or post- cific and reproducible test which might be
protamine CT and postoperative mediasti- useful to screen patients preoperatively to
nal drainage. However, among the patients identify those who could benefit from cor-
population, five patients had no formation rect diagnosis and appropriate therapy to
of the platelet plug at baseline (CT>300 or reduce their complications.
non-closure): this subgroup showed a sta- High shear rates prevail in stenotic valves:
tistically significant higher postoperative under these conditions, large molecular
bleeding as compared to the rest of other weight multimers of vWF are changed in
patients (350 ml [240-400, 25th-75th percen- shape and exposed to the action of, which
tile] vs 220 ml [180-290, 25th-75th percen- results in their proteolysis. High molecu-
tile]), p=0.05) which was related to CT at lar weight multimers of vWF are the most
baseline (r=0.441, p=0.035). effective in platelet mediated hemostasis.
No patients suffered of any thromboembol- Platelet adhesion to the subendothelial ma-
ic complication. trix of injured arterial vessels wall requires
adhesion of platelets to subendothelially lo-
cated vWF and of plasma vWF to subendo-
DISCUSSION thelial collagen. In addition, vWF enhances
the adhesion of platelets to fibrin clots and
Patients with high intracardiac shear stress stabilizes coagulation factor VIII (17-20).
have a certain degree of proteolysis of high Although aortic stenosis is a relevant in
molecular weight vWF and such a condi- vivo model of shear stress induced cleav-
tion may contribute to the increased risk of age of vWF with resultant loss of its larg-
postoperative bleeding. PFA-100 has been est multimers, fluid dynamics of mitral re-

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

F. Pappalardo, et al.

126 gurgitation are also characterized by high of vWF has large variations, as it is influ-
shear stress. enced by ABO blood type, Lewis blood type
These anomalies measured with PFA-100 race and age (25).
were reversed by surgical correction of the Moreover, the plasma level of vWF tran-
regurgitant valve on the first postoperative siently increases in response to a variety
day, a finding which is consistent with the of physiological conditions including trau-
12-to-20-hour half-life of vWF in vivo. ma, surgery, atherosclerosis, inflammatory
The correction of PFA-100 abnormalities states and β-adrenergic stimulation.
after surgical repair or replacement of the
diseased valve indicates that the passage
of blood through the diseased valve causes CONCLUSIONS
a disturbance of flow, thereby generating
high shear stress and turbulence, may be In conclusion, mitral regurgitation second-
responsible, at least in part, for a height- ary to prolapse is responsible for a certain
ened vWF proteolysis. However, the overall degree of proteolysis of high molecular
imbalance of primary hemostasis is usually weight vWF as shown by abnormal shear
mild and the PFA-100 abnormalities are not induced platelet aggregation. This defect of
an accurate predictor of a bleeding tenden- primary hemostasis is quickly corrected by
cy, unless non closure is present (21). valve repair due to the prompt restoration
Froom et al. (22) reported their evaluation of vWF levels and this condition is not as-
of vWF in mitral valve prolapse: they con- sociated with an increased risk of bleeding,
clude that there is a relationship between except for those patients with the most se-
mitral valve prolapse and low levels of vere deficiencies.
vWF:Ag. However, vWF:Ag levels are nor- On the basis of these data, postoperative
mal in those patients with mitral valve pro- bleeding after mitral valve repair should
lapse and heart failure, as it may account prompt a search for other causes than von
for an increased release of vWF. Willebrand disease.
Slaughter et al. (23) have investigated the In addition, our observation confirms the
PFA-100 in CABG patients: they showed discrepancy between the low frequency of
that an impaired ADP mediated platelet ag- bleeding symptoms and the high prevalence
gregation is not corrected after surgery in of hemostatic abnormalities in the setting
17 of 19 patients. Moreover, they reported heart valve disease. Although aortic steno-
that 80% of patients having CABG with sis and mitral regurgitation are a relevant
abnormal chest tube output had prolonged in vivo model of shear-stress induced cleav-
PFA-100 measurements 15 minutes after age of vWF with resultant loss of its largest
administration of protamine sulphate. multimers, the diagnosis of von Willebrand
Raman et al. (24) identified 16 bleeders syndrome should be restricted to those pa-
after CABG: in 15 of those whose bleed- tients who have bleeding.
ing was controlled by platelet transfusion, Shear induced platelet aggregation is sig-
PFA-100 after protamine sulphate was pro- nificantly increased after cardiac surgery,
longed. They suggested a potential role for but the role that this phenomenon might
PFA-100 measurements to help identify play in the development of postoperative
which patient could benefit from platelet thromboembolic complications remains to
transfusion after CABG. be addressed.
Several limitations of our study should be
acknowledged. First, plasma concentration No conflict of interest acknowledged by the authors.

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Primary hemostasis in patients undergoing mitral valve repair

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HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

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