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December 2003


Machias Valley Composite Squadron

LOCAL TEENS PARTICIPATE IN ceiving a briefing on the mission from eral miles away from base and radi-
ANTI-TERRORISM, DISASTER RE- MK2 Bouchard of the Coast Guard oed pictures back to Emergency
LIEF AND SEARCH & RESCUE EX- Station-Jonesport, the teams Management director Paul Thomp-
ERCISES launched a 47' boat and started an son of Pembroke, who was able to
(MACHIAS, MAINE) Although fog audio search using the Coast immediately display and print the
and rain kept the pilots and planes Guard's antenna and the CAP's re- strategic photographs. He was
away on Saturday, September pleased with the results and
27, ground crews from across the "impressed by the portability."
state came to the Machias Valley Keying in on the practical and
Airport to hone their skills , as the economical use of slow-scan
Machias Valley Composite technology in terms of hazard
Squadron hosted a Search and material spills, marine oil spills,
Rescue Exercise. Over 40 mem- rapid response, and border patrol,
bers of the Maine Wing of the Thompson sees " a lot of good
Civil Air Patrol, including 25 Ca- potential," and hopes to be able
dets from Augusta, Waterville, to use this technology with CAP
Trenton, Princeton, and Machias, in the future.
joined forces with Dirigo Search Maine Wing Commander Col. Mitch A practice rescue mission also
and Rescue, Sunrise Search and Sammons, CAP (left), debriefs the partici- took place during the day. Ground
Rescue, Washington County pants of Civil Air Patrol's Search and Res- teams were given the information
Emergency Management and the cue Exercise, held Saturday, September that a "Pierre Thibodeau" was
U.S. Coast Guard to learn and 27, at the Machias Valley Airport lost, probably somewhere on the
practice techniques in search and Cherryfield Foods' barrens, while
rescue, as well as anti-terrorism and ceiver. In about one hour, the trans- 4-wheeling his way from Houlton to
disaster relief. While search and res- mitter was located on a small fishing Montegail Pond. Although "Pierre"
cue and homeland security exercises boat and retrieved. The teams re- was an intermediate woodsman and
are practiced monthly by the Maine turned to base to discuss the effec- somewhat knowledgeable of the
Wing of the CAP, coordinating the tiveness of the mission, where all many fire roads and trails, the war-
five different agencies to take advan- said it went well, as the Coast Guard den's service had (in simulation)
tage of each other's resources was learned several effective techniques been looking for him since Friday
the main goal of the Machias mis- using the radio direction finding noon, and requested the services of
sion. The morning started with a equipment. CAP. Under the organization of Lt.
team of Cadet and Senior members Meanwhile, the Washington County Merrie Knightly, CAP, and Susanne
of Civil Air Patrol heading to Jones- Emergency Management team went Kynast of Sunrise Search and Res-
port to work with the U.S. Coast out with a CAP crew to test slow- cue, ground teams from both organi-
Guard on the use of radio direction scan photography, where a digital zations went out in vans of 8 to 12
finding equipment to be used for lo- photo can be sent to a computer via adults and teens and searched the
cating vessels in distress. After re- two-way radio. The group went sev- (Continued on page 3)

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, a t W a t s o n E a s t T r i a n g l e . people take the time to register it,"
Va. (AFPN) -- A Cleveland man "The center has many resources avail- Morgan said. "With this information,
was rescued Nov. 14 through the able to dispatch on a moment's notice the center can validate an alert with
help of a personal locator beacon to aid in search-and-rescue efforts," one phone call to the emergency
and efforts of Air Force Rescue Coor- Morgan said. "The beacons help pin- contact number on the registration."
dination Center officials here. The point the location of a person in dis- The success seen in Alaska paved
rescue marks the first such use of tress." Because of heavy snows, forest the way for the technology to be used
personal locator beacons in the con- service rangers were unable to reach throughout the rest of the nation.
tiguous United States. Carl Skalak Skalak's campsite and requested flight (Courtesy of Air Force Special Op-
was in the Adirondack Mountains of assistance. The rescue center scram- erations Command News Service.
upstate New York when he was bled the Fort Drum Air Ambulance De- NOAA Public Relations contributed to
snowed in at his campsite. Faced tachment, which launched a UH-1 this story.)
with frigid weather, 4-foot snow drifts Huey helicopter and medical team to
and a frozen river that he had pad- assist in the search effort. Upon arriv-
dled in on, Skalak activated his bea- ing on scene, the rescue crew received
a flashlight signal from Skalak who was November SAREX at the
con, alerting the rescue center of a
distress. The center is the single fed- then airlifted to Fort Drum for medical Portland Jetport
evaluation before being released. "A By Maj Chris Hayden
eral agency for search and rescue in
the 48 contiguous states. Center offi- thank you doesn't even begin to cover
my appreciation," Skalak said. "I am Portland Jetport was the scene for
cials received the distress call at
profoundly thankful for all those who the Wing’s second SAREX this
10:45 a.m. EST via the Search and
were willing to put themselves in quarter hosted by Cumberland
Rescue Satellite Air Tracking Sys-
harm's way on my behalf. Many terrific County Composite Squadron. 1Lt
tem, which is operated by people at
people worked together to make this Paul Connors and 2Lt Jeffrey Fur-
the National Oceanic and Atmos-
mission a success." The team effort is long organized an intense ground
pheric Administration. When the bea-
what makes the beacon system a suc- team training day including line
con alert came in, center officials no-
cess, Morgan said. "Working together, searches, dead reckoning
tified the appropriate state emer-
we have been able to establish a sys- (compass) and DF searches at
gency-rescue agency, said Lt. Col.
tem that which allows for a quicker re- Bradley State Park.
Scott Morgan, the center's com-
mander. In this case, the Herkimer sponse by emergency personnel," he
said. The beacon sends out digital- Capt Don Saucier acted as IC and
County (N.Y.) Sheriff's Department
distress signals detected by NOAA's was immediately hit with several
worked with the center and provided
Geostationary Operational Environ- scenarios including a stolen airplane
information to the U.S. Forest Service
mental Satellites and Polar-orbiting out of Fryburg. Wing aircrews were
Operational Environmental Satellites. also tasked with conducting real
The Geostationary satellites, the first to Homeland Security Aerial photogra-
Maine Wing Over detect a beacon's distress signal, phy for the Portland based TSA and
Wing Commander
hover in a fixed orbit above Earth and the Portland-Montreal Pipe Line
Col Mitch Sammons receive the signals, which contain reg- Company.
istration information about the beacon
Vice Commander
Lt Col Larry Woods and its owner. The polar satellites con- Two special guests included: Jeff
stantly circle the globe, enabling them Monroe the Portland Director of
Public Affairs Officer
Maj Chris Hayden to capture and accurately locate the Transportation for the Jetport and
alerts to within a few miles. When indi- Seaport and George Flaherty of the
Newsletter Editor
Capt Dennis Murray
viduals purchase the beacons, they are Cumberland County EMA.
required to register them with NOAA.
Headquarters This registration, according to NOAA Refreshments and lunches were
Maine Wing, Civil Air Patrol
PO Box 5006 officials, includes critical information provided by the Portland based Sal-
Augusta Maine, 04332-5006 such as the owner's name, address, vation Army. The Salvation Army
Editorial Office: 207/767-1874 telephone number and the beacon's have been extremely supportive of
Headquarters: 207/626-7830 identification number. When a distress CAP, so during the holidays please
The Maine Wing Over is an unofficial newsletter pub-
signal is received, the information is remember their support as you pass
lished quarterly in the interest of members of the Maine checked against the database to deter- the kettle ringers at the Mall.
Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. Any opinions either ex- mine the identity of the missing person.
pressed or inferred by the writers herein are their own and
are not to be considered official expression by the Civil "The beacon is an effective tool only if
Air Patrol or the Department of the Air Force.

pageand Seniors atValley
1) Machias Stobie Seaplane
SAR for
Base on homeland
Moosehead security,
Lake, Maine disaster
move a Cessna relief,
182 seaplane unwise
from the use
water ramp of alcohol
to land or Wing
parking. Maine drugs.
has All we
supported the International Pilots association Fly-in for the past seven years. Photo Courtesy of Mike Lange, Moosehead Messenger.
area. At around 2:30, a CAP team or search and rescue, all agreed that want them to do is make the right
found an overturned 4-wheeler fitting we are now better prepared to work choice during this
International high-risk
Parade Lead event."
by CAP
the description of the missing ATV together in the future. More than 12,000
Color and Honor Guard high schools across
with a note on it stating that the Civil Air Patrol, the official U.S. Air the country received promotional
On August 9, 2003, the Maine Wing
"victim" was suffering from a punc- Force Auxiliary, is a civilian, volun- materials
Squadrons to show
from St students how to en-
Croix Composite,
tured lung and that his leg was going teer, nonprofit, service organization ter the sweepstakes. The
Machias Valley and Downeast once program also
numb. After a ground line search the with more than 63,000 members na- will be highlighted in popular
again participated in the International teen
"victim" (played by David Garrison of tionwide. It performs 95% of conti- magazines
Parade from and on Web
Calais, sites.
Maine toStudents
East Machias) was found 200 yards nental U.S. inland search and rescue can enter online at
Stephens, New Brunswick. In addi-
downhill, in the woods. He refused missions as tasked by the Air Force ortion,
the Honor Guard fromThe manygrand-
treatment, and was brought back to Rescue and Coordination Center. prize winner will be drawn
ferent squadrons participated. This at random
base with many thanks for playing the Volunteers also perform homeland March
year was1. He or shetowill
special receive
Maine Wing, a CAP
part. Volunteers of the Machias Valley security, disaster relief and counter- $1,500 cash allowance for
because we lead the parade, which personal
Composite Squadron provided break- drug missions at the request of fed- expenses
has not been suchdone
as a for
many rental or Ita
fast and lunch for all, with baked eral, state and local agencies. The new
the glamour
organizers makeover,
of the event cor- can
goods and supplies thankfully donated members take a leading role in aero- sage
countoron boutonniere,
CAP personnel or other
to be ex-
on time
by Parlin Flowers in Machias, and Ma- space education and serve as men- penses.
and to be very professional. Lessride
The prizewinner will also
chias Hannaford. tors to the almost 27,000 young peo- toproblems
the promfor in them
a Hummer limousine.
and believe me
ple currently participating in CAP Ca- His
they have many problemsreceive
or her high school will to deal
det Programs. $20,000 to cover
with, before, prom
during andexpenses
after thesuch
The Machias Valley Composite asevent. Thank you to all ofcatering,
banquet facility rental, the partici-
Squadron meets every Thursday at decorating, photography, mementos
6:30 p.m. For more information look and a disc jockey. Ten first-place win-
on the web at ners will each receive a $500 allow-
capme075/. ance for personal prom expenses,
Karen Varian, Machias Squadron while 25 second-place winners will
Public Affairs Officer (Continued on page 5)

Air Force officials announced the TAPS

start of the fourth annual "Win the
Norman Ring, a former CAP member
Perfect Prom Sweepstakes" on
Dec 1. The sweepstakes, which runs who served during WWII, died Mon-
through Feb. 29, offers high-school day at age 94. Norman was a Yar-
students a chance to win prizes, in- mouth resident, and an avid amateur
cluding the grand prize, an all- radio operator. He volunteered with
expenses-paid prom and a live prom CAP as a radio technician in 1942,
concert by recording artists Wake- with the understanding that he would
field. serve at Patrol Base 19, Portland,
Air Force officials are holding the near his home in Yarmouth. Nonethe-
prom sweepstakes to reinforce and less, according to Norman, he was
Cadet Ian Riley of the Downeast
expand then promptly assigned to Patrol Base
Patrol Squadron mans the radio
a message for high-school students: 20 in Bar Harbor, away from his busi-
communication center during the
"Be safe. Be smart. Be sober. Make ness and family, which he accepted
CAP Search and Rescue Exercise
the right choice." "We're serious as his duty. Norman's personal CAP
about helping young people to make story is included in Louis Keefer's
Through the calm leadership of Maine good choices," said Master Sgt. Juan book "From Maine to Mexico." I would
W ing C om m a nd e r C o l . M it c h Demiranda, an Air Force Recruiting encourage you to read his historical
Sammons, CAP, the interesting sce- Service account executive. They vignette as you remember this fine
narios put together by Major Jim Ray- know gentleman.
mond, Machias CAP, made for a pro- that an otherwise perfect prom can Capt. Donald Godfrey
ductive and informative day for all be ruined in an instant by the unsafe Squadron Historian
agencies involved. Whether needed and Cumberland County Composite

St Croix ron Commander for Downeast Pa- Composite Squadron has received
Composite Squadron trol. Major Whitmore received the notification from Senator Snowe and
Commander's Commendation Award Congressman Allen that he has been
and our sincere thanks for his hard nominated for attendance to the
The St Croix Composite Squadron, work and dedication. We look for- United States Air Force Academy.
CAP is pleased to announce the pro- ward to SM Urquhart's contributions Congratulations C/Captain Bellandi,
motions of three deserving cadets. and continuation of the sterling heri- you have worked hard for this nomi-
During a regular meeting of the St tage of this historic squadron. nation and they made the right choice
Croix Composite Squadron, CAP, Lt Thanks to all the squadron members to support you in this endeavor.
Col James who participated in last night's cere- You set a fine example for all Cadets
Greenlaw, Squad- monies. to emulate and we all wish you con-
ron Commander Mitch Sammons Col. CAP tinued success.
promoted Cadet Ty- Commander - Maine Wing Mitch Sammons Col. CAP
ler Croman to the Commander - Maine Wing
rank of Chief Master Machias Valley
Sergeant, Cadet
Steven Martorano Composite Squadron Cumberland County
t o Composite Squadron
the rank of Cadet
Airman 1st Class Effective immediately and until Day- It is with great pride that I am able to
and Cadet Nathan light Savings Time, the Machias Val- tell you all that Senator Susan Collins
Hammick to the ley Composite Squadron will meet at has issued a press release announc-
rank of Cadet Air- the Community of Christ Church on ing her nominations of Maine stu-
man. All cadets North Street. Indoor Plumbing, Heat dents to military service academies
have worked very and all those nice things. The phone and that two of the nominees are Ca-
hard to achieve these promotions number there is: 255-8676. dets from the Maine Wing.
with regular testing in Leadership, C/Major Charles Cramer and C/
Aerospace and Physical Fitness pro- TSGT John Kryzak have been nomi-
grams. Tyler Croman also serves as nated to attend the United States Na-
the Cadet Com- I am pleased to say that I just heard val Academy. These gentlemen are
mander of the from the justifiably proud father of both members of the Cumberland
Squadron. Cadet TSGT John Rothermel of the County Composite Squadron and de-
(1st picture) 1Lt Judy Machias Composite Squadron who serve our congratulations for receiv-
Murray (left) “pinning” has been nominated to the United ing such distinction. These Maine
Chief Master Sergeant States Air Force Academy by Sena- Wing Cadets have worked hard for
Tyler Croman. (Right) tor Snowe. Congratulations Cadet
(2nd picture) Martorano the opportunity that is now before
web: Steven Martorano Rothermel, we wish you all the suc- them and I am confident that they will
(left) receiving his pro- cess in your endeavor. To have re- succeed with honors. Congratulations
motion orders to Cadet Airman 1st Class ceived these nominations is some- to them and to their parents, who, I
from Commander, Lt Col James Greenlaw thing to be proud of for the rest of
know, are justifiably proud, as well.
(Third picture) Nathan Hammick (Left) re-
your life. A deserved reward for a lot Senator Snowe has not yet revealed
ceiving his promotion orders to Cadet Air- of hard work. Thank you for being a her nominations so let's keep our fin-
man from Commander, Lt Col James member of the Maine Wing. We are gers crossed for more Maine Wing
Greenlaw (right) all very proud of you. Cadet nominations.
1Lt Judy Murray, PAO Mitch Sammons, Col. CAP Mitch Sammons, Col. CAP
Commander - Maine Wing
Downeast Composite
I am pleased to announce that on Waterville Composite
11/11/2003 a ceremony to mark the When once you have tasted flight, you will
Changing of Command took place at forever walk the earth with eyes turned
the Downeast Composite Squadron. I knew we had more good news to
Major Henry Whitmore passed the
upward, for there you have been, and there
report, and I thank Col. Bender for
torch to SM Perley Urquhart after his sending me the information that C/ you will always long to return.
distinguished service as the Squad- Capt. Erik Bellandi of the Waterville -Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

Downeast Planning section: The County crew came bouncing
Composite Squadron and growling up the mountain road
Friday morning in Captain Goetz's
The SAREX in Bar Harbor hosted by 4X4 pickup. LtCol. John Trask
the Downeast Patrol Squadron proved added his morale support to the
to be another successful endeavor for crew and met us back down in Mars
Maine Wing. Our thanks to Squadron Hill's Al's Diner for lunch on Friday
Commander Henry Whitmore and the afternoon. We then descended the
members of Downeast Patrol for their mountain, finished all the work,
fine hospitality and excellent set up for packed and cleaned everything up
the mission. Sincere thanks to Maj. and descended the mountain just
John Bartosenski and Maj. Barbara after dark late Friday afternoon. On
Bartosenski for jumping right off a the way home the central Maine
plane from a trip to the west coast and crew in the Blazer tested the NMR
helping to set things up. A lot of work frequently and were able to hit in
to do after a trip, thank you very much. clearly all the way down south of
And Lt. Col. Ken Goldstein put in a Houlton to I 95 mile marker 265 near
lot of thought and effort to set up the LtCol Lance Lobo and Capt Merrie the town of Sherman Mills. That is a
mission and scenarios. Very good Knightly methodically planning remarkable improvement and should
work, thank you, Sir. Successes of the probability of detection and tactics provide Maine Wing with fine re-
training included demonstration to the peater service for a long time to
Hancock County EMA Official how come. As of this weekends severe
Northern Maine winter storm the Mars Hill Mountain
valuable our digital aerial photography
can be for his use in coordinated ef- Repeater NEWS road will no longer be passable to
forts with the Coast Guard and Na- It is with pleasure that I report to the cars and trucks until spring. Snow-
tional Guard for waterway security ef- membership of Maine Wing that the cats, snowmobiles, and large skid-
forts; the intrepid Mission Communica- Northern Maine Repeater, high atop ders are about the only vehicles that
tions personnel demonstrated the Mars Hill Mountain in non other than will now be able to make the trip.
value of the Slow Scan system as well Mars Hill, Maine, is up and operating Talk about tight timing. Thank You
as how they could master the equip- better than I can ever remember it Very Much to the valiant team of
ment set-up, great work...All mission operating before. On Friday, 5 De- LtCol. Bill Ricker, Capt. Tom Goetz,
directors were performing very well cember a brave and valiant crew in- Lt. Mike Brown, Lt. Doug Grosso,
together proving how the Wing training cluding LtCol. Bill Ricker, Capt. SM Larry French, and the morale
effort has paid off by developing mis- Tom Goetz, Lt. Mike Brown, Lt. support of LtCol. John Trask. With-
sion management teams with strong Doug Grosso, a new senior member out you all it would not happen.
organizational depth. Thanks to all Larry French Jr., and myself, went Major Mike Pellerin, Maine Wing
who contributed on the Ground Teams to work on the repeater and accom-
and Air Crews. Each SAREX adds to plished many improvements to it.
your skills and helps others learn. The antenna was lowered to the
In addition, a very good meeting at- ground, taken indoors and repaired. (Continued from page 3) Win A Prom
tended by Lt. Col. Rich Grover, 1Lt. The antenna hard line coaxial feeder each get a $150 allowance. Weekly
Paul Connors, 1Lt. Shawn Gibson, to the antenna was completely re- prizes of Wakefield's compact discs
Lt. Col. Lance Lobo, Capt. Merrie placed, the transmitter all checked also will be given away. Officials said
Knightly, and Lt. Col. Ken Goldstein out, and all was reinstalled and finely the best advice for high-school stu-
was held to address training issues tuned and tested. The work is done, dents is to graduate, keep out of trou-
and develop plans to provide a sound the junk materials hauled down off ble, stay away from drugs and re-
method to disseminate Ground Team the mountain, and we now have a member to exercise both mind and
training to our Wing. We are on to a very viable repeater in the County body.
good approach on this matter and you area. LtCol. Ricker, Lt. Grosso, and (Courtesy of AFRS News Service)
will be seeing the benefits of this plan- myself had ascended the mountain Lt Paul Connors, CAP
ning in the near future. Great work by Wing Blazer over a snow covered Drug Demand Reduction Officer -
everyone and once again, thank you road on Thursday night at about ME001
f o r a l l y o u d o . 2230 hours. We stayed in the nice
M. Sammons Col. CAP warm Maine Public Broadcasting
Commander - Maine Wing Corp. building atop the mountain.

Civil Air Patrol first to use hyper- hyperspectral sensor systems have it’s partially hidden from view by trees
spectral imaging in missions the potential of providing revolution- or bushes. With this new capability,
MAXWELL AFB, Ala. — Civil Air Pa- ary enhancements to our information CAP is rapidly positioning itself to be-
trol is slated to become the first na- systems and will facilitate the trans- come a leader in lost-cost, on-demand
tional organization to use airborne formation of our intelligence, surveil- aerial imaging technology for home-
hyperspectral imaging for search and lance and reconnaissance program.” land security and emergency manage-
rescue, counterdrug and homeland CAP has long been known for its ment.” Civil Air Patrol is a nonprofit
security missions, according to Dr. successful search and rescue, disas- organization with some 64,000 mem-
John Kershenstein of the Naval Re- ter relief and counterdrug operations. bers nationwide. It performs 95% of
search Laboratory and one of the na- Since Sept. 11, CAP also has moved continental U.S. inland search and
tion’s top spectral scientists. more prominently into the homeland rescue missions as tasked by the Air
Kershenstein advised CAP through- security arena. According to Col. Force Rescue Coordination Center
out the process of researching and Drew Alexa, coordinator of CAP’s and was credited last year by the
testing hyperspectral imaging tech- Advanced Technologies Group, hy- AFRCC with saving more than 140
nology. On Oct. 29, Kershenstein perspectral imaging will dramatically lives. CAP volunteers also perform
was present when CAP signed a $4.2 improve CAP’s ability to locate spe- homeland security, disaster relief and
million contract with Innovative Tech- cific objects from the air. NovaSol, counterdrug missions at the request of
nical Solutions (Trade name: No- which manufactures the new equip- federal, state and local agencies. The
vaSol) for 15 hyperspectral imaging ment, is a small company based in members take a leading role in aero-
(HSI) systems. The units will be in- Honolulu, Hawaii. According to the space education and serve as men-
stalled on CAP aircraft at strategic CAP contract, NovaSol will deliver tors to the almost 27,000 young peo-
locations throughout the United the first Model 1100-2 HSI unit by ple currently participating in CAP ca-
States. Dubbed the “ARCHER” pro- February 2004 for final evaluation. det programs. CAP has been perform-
gram, NovaSol’s acronym for Air- Upon approval of that unit, NovaSol ing missions for America for more than
borne Real-Time Cueing Hyperspec- will deliver the remaining 14 units 60 years.
tral Enhanced Reconnaissance, it will over a period of nine months. Each Melanie LeMay
greatly enhance CAP’s capabilities. unit will include a dual-sensor optical Public Relations Specialist
Funding for the program was pro- system with real-time processing, Civil Air Patrol National Headquar-
vided to CAP by Congress under the more than seven hours of recording
2002 Defense Appropriations Act. and storage time for each use, and
Hyperspectral imaging allows opera- possible integration with CAP’s digi-
tors to program the spectral tal imaging satellite transmission sys- Who is this CAP
“signature” for an object into a sensor tem. NovaSol also will provide air-
and then search for that object from transportable ground processing Member?
the air. The imaging system can pin- units, training for each of CAP’s eight As a Maine Wing Cap member, I
point the object even through trees regions, and an online training Web travel to many functions through out
and foliage. It will work only in day- site. “This technology demonstrates the great state of Maine. In doing so I
light and will not be able to pinpoint CAP’s commitment to the homeland meet many other members from all
objects under the ground, underwater security arena,” said CAP National over and get to know their functions
or buried in snow. The purchase has Commander Maj. Gen. Richard and duties through Civil Air Patrol. It
drawn interest from all branches of Bowling. “To support ARCHER, dawned on me that many of us only
government. Representatives from we’re purchasing Gippsland GA-8 know people and their names as it re-
the Air Force Research Laboratory, Airvans for our aircraft fleet. With the lates to their CAP membership.
the U.S. Coast Guard, the Naval Re- increased capacity in these aircraft, Unless you are in their Squadron, you
search Laboratory and the U.S. Army we can carry more equipment and don’t really know much else about
assisted CAP throughout the con- personnel.” According to CAP Ex- them. We have members from all
tracting process and are scheduled to ecutive Director Al Allenback, “These walks of life and many different back-
help CAP evaluate its first delivered technologies will increase CAP’s ef- grounds who have come together in
unit in early 2004 before the remain- fectiveness in search and rescue, CAP to serve. I put out a memo on
der of the order is supplied. Accord- disaster relief, counterdrug, and Listserve asking for information about
ing to Gen. John P. Jumper, chief of homeland security missions. Hyper- our members that might be of interest
staff of the U.S. Air Force, “All break- spectral imaging will allow CAP air- to other members. On page seven be-
through technologies are critical to craft to identify an object on the low the Wing Conference advertise-
the Air Force in maintaining informa- ground as small as three inches in ment is some clues and maybe you
tion superiority. I am convinced that size from half a mile in the air, even if can guess who it is. -Editor

By Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all
about you. Are losing theirs and blam-
ing it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men
doubt you, But make allowance for
their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by wait-
ing, Or, being lied about, don’t deal in
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hat-
ing, And yet don’t look too good, nor
talk too wise;
If you can dream – and not make
dreams your master; If you can think –
and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disas-
ter And treat those two imposters just
the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve
spoken Twisted by knaves to make a
trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your
Editor: Who is This? back then too. I did some rodeo in the life to broken, And stoop and
You mentioned that you wanted inter- states as well but don't have any good build’em up with worn out tools;
esting items about our Maine Wing pictures of those times. I do have If you can make one heap of all your
some pic- winnings And risk it on one turn of
tures of pitch-and-toss,
the horse I And lose, and start again at your be-
owned ginnings And never breathe a word
while I about your loss;
was sta- If you can force your heart and nerve
tioned at and sinew To serve your turn long
Rota and after they are gone,
will send And so hold on when there is nothing
some additional pictures of him (and I) in you Except the Will which says to
in another e-mail.( I Received them them: “Hold on”;
CAP members. Attached are some and they are If you can talk with crowds and keep
photos that were taken about 1972 of included your virtue, Or walk with kings – nor
yours truly. As the sports activity is not here –Editor) lose the common touch;
exactly common in this part of the You said you If neither foes nor loving friends can
country I thought it might be interest- wanted inter- hurt you; If all men count with you,
ing. ( I then asked for more informa- esting items but none too much;
tion –Editor) about Maine If you can fill the unforgiving minute
Just that while I Wing people With sixty seconds’ worth of distance
was stationed at and I thought run – Yours is the Earth and every-
Rota, Spain I be- you'd think thing that’s in it,
came very involved these pictures And – which is more – you’ll be a
with the Rota Ro- were pretty interesting too. Man my son!
deo Association (Editor’s Note) I thought these pic-
and rode both bare- tures were very interesting as I had no
If this is a copyrighted poem, we
back bronco's and idea this member ever did anything
apologize as every effort was made
bulls. I also did like this during his Pre-CAP life. For
to contact the owners for permission
some breaking and training of horses the answer to his name see page 8.
to use –Editor

Headquarters NONPROFIT ORG.
Civil Air Patrol, Maine Wing U.S. POSTAGE
PO Box 5006 PAID
Augusta, ME 04332-5006

have known? My point is that we all think that we need to be reminded of

Commanders Corner need to keep an open mind and the moral issues we face every day.
should not rush to judgment because We need to do more than just talk
Members of Maine Wing – we have been told something by about respect and integrity. We need
As I write this, Thanksgiving has just someone. We should first give the to practice those virtues among our
passed and we are all anticipating benefit of doubt to the person who is fellow members as well as with those
the Christmas and Hanukkah holi- being criticized until we have the un- outside of CAP. We need to remem-
days. I hope you had an enjoyable disputed facts with which to make an ber that when we give in to motives
Thanksgiving Day and your plans for opinion. Sometimes the reporter that are selfish, we not only affect the
the upcoming holidays come true for does not have altruistic motives. morale of the unit, we also diminish
you. Once again, I think it is impor- There was a very good writer back in ourselves.
tant for us all to reflect on how fortu- the early twentieth century named
nate we are to live in this great nation Rudyard Kipling who wrote poetry, So please read “If” and see how you
and to continue to express our sup- prose, short stories and fiction that I have done to measure up to the
port for the many fine people who are would recommend people to read a sound advice Mr. Kipling has so elo-
overseas or on station protecting our bit of. One of his more famous po- quently put into print.
ability to be a free nation. There are ems was simply titled “If”, and I be- Mitch Sammons, Col, CAP
many squabbles bubbling up to the lieve the lessons he relates are ones (See page Seven For the poem)
surface that question why we are in that we should take to heart as we
certain hotspots and how things are strive to meet the high moral ethics
being managed and that is a natural we espouse in CAP. The poem fol-
thing, I suppose. We all have the lows. Please read it and consider his
right to be vocal in our criticisms and advice. I do not think you could go The answer is: LtCol. Ken Goldstein
to question the reasons why people wrong if you do absorb the attitudes, Downeast Patrol Squadron.
in leadership positions have made he writes of. I have decided to submit
certain decisions. Perhaps we would- this writing to the Wing Over be-
n’t have done it the way they did it, or cause of some events that have
would we, knowing what they may taken place that have caused me to

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