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Intuitively, the real numbers may be viewed as the set of points on a continuous unbroken line extending infinitely in

both directions. We denote the set of real numbers with the symbol R.

The definition we give for the real numbers is what is known as an axiomatic definition. Axioms are defining
properties of an object. They are propositions that are true of the object by definition of the object. We give an ax-
iomatic definition of the real numbers by listing several axioms of the real numbers and defining the real numbers as
any system satisfying these axioms.

Definition 1. The system of real numbers (denoted R) is defined to be a set, containing constants 0 and 1 with 0 , 1,
with binary operations given by (x, y) 7 x + y and (x, y) 7 xy, unary operations given by x 7 x and for x , 0,
x 7 x1 , and a relation <, satisfying the following axioms:
A1 For all x, y R, x + y = y + x. (Addition is commutative)
A2 For all x, y, z R, (x + y) + z = x + (y + z). (Addition is associative)

A3 For every x R, x + 0 = x and 0 + x = x. (0 is an additive identity)

A4 For every x R, x + (x) = 0 and (x) + x = 0. (x is an additive inverse of x)
M1 For all x, y R, xy = yx. (Multiplication is commutative)
M2 For all x, y R, (xy)z = x(yz). (Multiplication is associative)

M3 For every x R, x1 = x and 1x = x. (1 is a multiplicative identity)

M4 For all x R with x , 0, xx1 = 1 and x1 x = 1. (x1 is a multiplicative inverse of non-zero x)
DL For all x, y, z R, x(y + z) = (xy) + (xz) and (y + z)x = (yx) + (zx). (Multiplication distributes over addition)

O1 For all x, y R, exactly one of x < y, x = y, or y < x holds. (Trichotomy)

O2 For all x, y, z R, if x < y and y < z then x < z. (Transitivity)
O3 For all x, y, z R, if x < y then x + z < y + z. (Addition preserves order)
O4 For all x, y, z R, if x < y and 0 < z, then xz < yz. (Multiplication by a positive preserves order)

C If A and B are non-empty subsets of R such that for all a A and all b B, a < b, then there is an element
x R such that for all a A, a x, and for all b B, x b. (Completeness)

To say that the operation given by (x, y) 7 x + y is a binary operation means that + combines a pair of real numbers
(x, y) into a single real number x + y. This means that for all x, y R, x + y R and that for x, y, a, b R, if x = a
and y = b then x + y = a + b. Similarly, to say that there is a binary operation given by (x, y) 7 xy means that for all
x, y R, xy R and that for x, y, a, b R, if x = a and y = b then xy = ab.

That there is a unary operation given by x 7 x means for every x R, x R, and for all x, a R, if x = a
then x = a. Similarly, for x R with x , 0 we have x1 R, and for all x, a R with x , 0 and a , 0, if x = a
then x1 = a1 .

The relation < is intended to convey the usual intuitive meaning of relative size. However, formally, we require
only that it is a relation, meaning for x, y R, x < y is a statement that is either true or false, and this relation obeys
properties O1 through O4. We will also add to this the following commonly used notation:

For x, y R, the notation x y means x < y or x = y. Similarly, x y means x > y or x = y.

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