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Final Narrative Report

Project code: 2011IE12

Promoting energy efficient pumps

in industry in India: Addressing the
energy and climate change
Prepared for

Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

India Energy Initiative, Climate Works Foundation
The Energy and Resources Institute 2012

Suggested format for citation

T E R I. 2012
Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India: Addressing
the energy and climate change problem
New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute. 25pp.
[Project Report No. 2011IE12]

For more information

Project Monitoring Cell
TERI Tel. 2468 2100 or 2468 2111
Darbari Seth Block E-mail
IHC Complex, Lodhi Road Fax 2468 2144 or 2468 2145
New Delhi 110 003 Web
India India +91 Delhi (0)11
The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the view of Shakti Sustainable Energy
Foundation. The organisation also does not guarantee the accuracy of any data included in this
publication nor does it accept any responsibility for the consequences of its use.

CHAPTER 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 2: TACTICS PURSUED AND OUTPUTS TO DATE .......................................................... 3
2.1 Background of pump industry in India ....................................................................... 3
2.2 Analysis of the existing policy environment and frameworks available ................ 6
2.3 Overview of pump industry in India ........................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Pump industry in Gujarat ..................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Pump industry in Coimbatore ........................................................................... 10
2.4 Consultative workshops with stakeholders .............................................................. 11
2.5 National level dissemination workshop ................................................................... 13
........................................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 4: PRINCIPAL OUTCOMES........................................................................................ 19
REFERENCES: ............................................................................................................................ 25


Annexure 2.1: Estimated energy saving potential by adoption of energy efficient pumps in
different end-use sector
Annexure 2.2: Agenda of the two consultative meets
Annexure 2.3: Summary of discussions at the consultative meets
Annexure 2.4: List of participants of consultative meets
Annexure 2.5: Agenda of the national level dissemination workshop
Annexure 2.6: List of participants at the workshop
Chapter 1: Project overview

Pumps are used to lift or convey water and other liquids in a variety of applications in
industries, agriculture (irrigation), municipalities (water supply and waste water),
automobiles and buildings (houses, commercial buildings and HVAC). About 10% of the
total electricity produced in the world goes into pumping. A substantial amount of the
energy consumed in pumping can be saved by adoption of energy efficient pump seta. TERI
had submitted a proposal undertaking a study on Promoting Energy Efficiency in Pump
Industry in India: Addressing the Energy and Climate Change Problem (submitted on 10
January 2011; revised 5 May 2011) to Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF) India
Energy Initiative of the Climate Works Foundation. The proposal was accepted by Climate
Works Foundation and a one year project was granted to TERI for undertaking the proposed

The overall goal of the study is to identify policy instruments to accelerate the penetration of
energy efficient pump sets in India. The study aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. Explore the possibilities and conditions for improving the efficiency of pumps used in
industries in India.
2. Elaborate appropriate measures and policy instruments for enhancing the efficiency of
pumps used in industries in India.
3. Stimulate cooperation and communication among energy specialists, pump
manufacturers and users, and government officials as a first step towards
strengthening the efficiency of pumps used in industries in the country.

This narrative report provides an overview of the pump industry in India and elaborates
action to promote energy efficient pump sets in India.

aThe term pumps set used in the report refers to the combined pump (hydraulic component) and electric motor
(drive component)

Chapter 2: Tactics pursued and outputs to date

TERI interacted with a cross-section of stakeholders including industry association

representatives, leading manufacturers of pumps, government representatives and industry
consultants in Ahmedabad, Rajkot and Coimbatore. The objective of the meetings was to
understand the market for energy efficient pumps in India and working of the BEE star
labelling scheme. Meetings were also conducted with leading pump manufacturers and
suppliers of castings to pump industry. Two regional consultative meets were also
organised under the project by TERI, one for the Western region at Ahmedabad in January
2012 and second for the Southern region at Coimbatore in April 2012. The findings from
these interactions are summarized in the following sections:

2.1 Background of pump industry in India

Pump sets are widely used to lift and transfer water in the agricultural, domestic, municipal
and industrial sectors. Pumps can be classified into different types such as submersible
(mixed and radial flow), open-well submersible (monoset), centrifugal monobloc, back pull
centrifugal, sewage pump and mud-pump. The major applications and types of pumps
manufactured in India are shown in figure 2.1a.

According to industry estimates, the Indian pump industry has more than 2,000
manufacturers, employs 120,000 people and produces about 4.5 million pumps per annum.
The United States, China, Germany, Japan and India are the major pump manufacturing
countries in the world. India also exports pumps to countries located in Africa, Middle East
and South Asia. The Indian pump industry is characterized by the coexistence of large
number of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs), alongside some large Indian as well
as multinational manufacturers. A number of these SMEs are in the unorganised sector. The
turnover of the organized pump manufacturing industry ranges between Rs.3, 500 to 4, 000
crores. However, the turnover of the Indian pump industry as a percentage of the global
pump business is still small (just 1.75%) compared to the population (17.3% of the world
population). This low base coupled with the brisk pace of investments in the infrastructure
and industrial sectors promises to accelerate the growth of the Indian pump industry in the

Studies and various pilot initiatives undertaken in the pump sector suggest that there is
considerable potential to save energy by stimulating the manufacture of energy efficient
pump sets and replacing the low inefficient pump sets operating in the field by more energy
efficient models. Apart from the design of the pump itself, other factors like pipes, cables,
panel boards and the quality of power impact the performance of pumps. Therefore, it is
critical to focus on the entire pumping system so as to achieve greater efficiency.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India


Food processing


Construction Mud


(self- priming)


Horizontal split
casing monoblock
Sewage pump



Back pull




Figure 2.1a Type of pumps used by various sectors

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

The electricity consumption by different sectors in India is shown in Figure 2.1b. The
agricultural sector in India is the third largest consumer of electricity in India after industry
and domestic sectors. The sector also accounts for the highest number of pumps (nearly
42%) used in India. A large number of pump manufacturers in India are in the unorganized

Figure 2.1b Electricity consumption by sector in India (2009-10)[1]

sector. The demand for pumps, and consequently the energy consumption in pumping has
been increasing rapidly in recent years. Depletion of groundwater level and scarcity of water
availability for different sectors has contributed to the growth in the energy consumption.
Different types of pumps are used depending on the water table ranging from small
centrifugal pumps in areas having shallow water levels to submersible pumps in areas
having a deep water table. The buying decision of pumps individual farmers is often
influenced by availability of cheap power and government subsidy schemes.

Use of submersible pumps is relatively a recent phenomenon. Since power to the some
sectors is either free or highly subsidised, the user is not concerned about energy efficiency
of the pump. Promoting energy efficient pump sets is beneficial in terms of lowering the
overall power demand and reducing the subsidy burden on the states without sacrificing the
service obligation to this sector. Promoting energy efficient pump is thus promising method
of targeting subsidy to the beneficiary farmers. A study commissioned by BEE, estimated
that the installed base of agricultural pumps in the year 2004 was 14.2 million and that it is
growing annually at the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6%. Assuming this
projected growth rate, this population would have grown to over 20 million in 2012. These
pump sets account for a significant percentage of the total electricity produced in India
(estimated at around 21% of total electricity production)[1].

At a national level, adoption of energy efficient pumps by different sectors could lead to a
huge saving in energy. A broad-brush estimate of the saving potential was made by TERI.
This estimate was based assuming that all the pumps used in relevant sectors of the
economy viz. agriculture, industry, domestic residences, public water works and
commercial buildings convert to energy efficient pumps. The estimate point to an electricity
saving potential of about 45,456 GWh per year which is equivalent to 8% of the total

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

electricity sold in India in 2009-10. Table 2.1 summarizes the total as well as sector-wise
energy saving potential by adoption of energy efficient pump sets. The energy saving
potential is equivalent carbon dioxide saving of nearly 37 million tons per annum.

Table 2.1 Energy saving potential by adopting energy efficient pumps in different end-use
Energy consumption ( 2009- Energy saving potential in
Sector 10) in GWh pump in GWh
Agriculture 119492 34141
Industry 209209 5230
Domestic 141845 2837
Public Water Works 12552 2069
Commercial 58971 1179
Total 363606 45456

The assumptions and basis of this estimated energy saving potential is provided in
Annexure 2.1.

The electricity consumption in pumping will be increasing briskly in the coming years.
Unfortunately, energy savings in pumps have largely been overlooked. Apart from some
attempts on pilot scale, there have hardly been any holistic plans to reduce energy
consumption and/or improve energy efficiency of pumps. One of the reason for lack of
initiatives in this area is that pumps are produced by a large number of small and medium
scale units and electricity for certain sectors is highly subsidised. Public procurement
schemes of state government can be designed to promote energy efficient pumps as
explained in Chapter 4.

2.2 Analysis of the existing policy environment and

frameworks available
In order to create awareness about energy efficient pumps among consumers, BEE has
launched a voluntary star labeling of pump sets in India. The BEE star labeling scheme is
the major policy framework for promoting energy efficient pump sets in India.

The focus of the BEE Star Labelling Program is to create awareness on the economic benefits
of energy efficient appliances, which provide quick payback on relatively higher capital
costs; to provide information on the energy performance of appliances so that
users/consumers can make informed choices at the time of purchase; and thereby, to spur
both demand for and manufacture of energy efficient appliances. At present star labelling is
mandatory for air conditioners, refrigerators, tubular fluorescent lamps and distribution
transformers and voluntary for products like pumps, TVs, fans, etc.

BEE drives star labelling scheme by activities at various levels by:

Setting standards for energy efficiency for different appliances
Motivating appliance manufacturers to obtain star labels for their products
Creating market demand for energy efficient (star labelled) products
Ensuring that star label parameters are met during the manufacturing process and in
finished products (through monitoring and inspection/testing)

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

The BEE energy labelling scheme for pump sets covers electric mono set pumps,
submersible pump sets and open well submersible pump sets. The star labelling is only
applicable for 3 phase pump sets from 1.1 kW (1.5 HP) to 15 kW (or 20 HP). The label is
linked to the energy efficiency of the specific pump model above Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS) norm. The referred BIS are IS 9079:2002 for electric mono set pumps for clear, cold
water and water supply purposes, IS 8034:2002 for submersible pump sets, IS 14220:1994 for
open well submersible pump sets and IS 11346:2002 for testing purposes of the above
mentioned pump sets.

The link between star labeling and BIS norm is given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 BEE Star Rating Plan for pump set

No. of Stars Overall energy efficiency above BIS norm*
1 Upto 5% higher
2 5 10 % higher
3 10 15 % higher
4 15 20 % higher
5 20 25 % higher
*Overall efficiency of the pump set is including the efficiency factor for induction motors. The overall efficiency is
calculated as per IS 14220:1998, IS 8034:2002 and IS 9079:2002 for pump sets and IS 12615:2004, IS: 4029 1967, IS
325: 1996 for induction motors.

The additional qualifications for BEE star labeling are as follows:

a. BIS License mark certification for the product is mandatory.
b. Quality Certification such as ISO 9000 shall be preferred.
c. Only BIS/BIS approved lab/NABL approved lab test report is acceptable.

A sample of the BEE label to be affixed on the name plate of the pump is shown in figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 Sample of BEE star label for submersible pump sets

A labeling fee is charged by BEE. The labeling fee includes a one-time registration fee, a fee
for each star labeled pump set produced.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

There is a system to monitor and verify the performance of the pump sets by picking
samples from the field. BEE or its designated agency can pick-up samples for testing from
either manufacturing facility or warehouse or the dealer for testing on a random basis.
Parameters for verification and testing are guaranteed performance of nominal volume rate
of flow, nominal head and overall efficiency of the pump set at the duty point. However, the
sampling and testing from field samples is not happening regularly.

2.3 Overview of pump industry in India

The main pump manufacturing hubs in India are Ahmedabad and Rajkot in the state of
Gujarat and Coimbatore in the state of Tamil Nadu (see figure 2.3). Apart from these two
pump manufacturing hubs, pump sets are also produced by large-scale manufactures like
Kirloskar, Crompton, KSB, Grundfos, Matter & Platt, Jyoti, Shakti, Worthington, etc.

Meetings were conducted with pump manufacturers in Rajkot and Ahmedabad in Gujarat and
Coimbatore in South India to understand the barriers to promotion of energy efficient pumps.
An overview of the pump industry in these two regions is provided here.




Figure 2.3 Main pump manufacturing hubs in India

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

2.3.1 Pump industry in Gujarat

In Gujarat, farmers have been facing severe water crisis in many area. A few enterprising
among them accepted the challenge to find a solution to the problem and started
manufacturing pump sets. It had begun with trial and error method with small scale
manufacturing and since 1994 it has geared up to a successful industry itself.

There are about 400 pump manufacturing units in Ahmedabad and about 200 pump
manufacturing units in Rajkot. However, majority of these units are in the unorganized
sector and are involved in assembling of pump-sets from bought-out parts. The unorganised
sector manufacturers are very small in size and cater to the local market requirements. These
units produce submersible pump sets mainly and centrifugal pumps.

Four main categories of submersible pump sets: V3 (i.e. for 3-inch bore well) V4 (for 4-inch
bore well), V6 (for 6-inch bore well) and V8 (for 8-inch bore well) are produced in these
clusters. For arid regions, large diameters like V8 and even V10 (for 10-inch bore well) are
also produced. The power rating of the electrical motor in commonly produced pumps
varies between a few horse power (HP) to 10 HP. However, power rating can go as high as
100 HP to 200 HP especially for the pumps used in arid areas where the water table in very

While Ahmedabad manufactures cast iron (CI) pumps, Rajkot is the hub for production of
stainless steel (SS) pumps. There are just a handful of manufacturers of branded pump
manufacturers in these two clusters. The non-branded manufacturers concentrate on selling
pump sets as a commodity and at prices which are about 30% lower than branded
manufacturers. The non-branded manufacturers are not concerned about maintaining the
quality. While the branded pump manufacturers have their own hydraulic design and use
their own pattern for casted sub-components, the non-branded manufacturers use common
pattern produced in bulk by local foundries. The non-branded pumps are usually based on
the design of popular local branded pumps like Lubi or KSB.

Some of the leading manufacturers of branded pumps in Ahmedabad are the following:

Some of the major branded pump manufacturers in Rajkot are the following:
Gujarat Forging

Apart from submersible pumps, the pump manufacturing clusters in Gujarat also produce
centrifugal pumps, sewage pumps and mud pumps for different end-use sectors. Most of

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

the pumps manufactured in Gujarat are sold through distributors to end-users. The
government also procures pumps for distribution among farmers in backward areas. A
couple of years back, the Government of Gujarat through Gujarat Energy Development
Agency (GEDA) introduced a scheme to procure energy efficient pump-sets. The scheme
was aimed to promote energy efficient pump sets. Under the scheme, farmers were offered
replacement of old pump set with new energy efficient ones at a subsidised rate. Some of the
technical requirements for qualification under GEDA scheme were the following:
BIS certificate for pump set
The testing facility at manufacturers site to be as per the BIS requirement.
The efficiency of the pump set should be a certain percentage above BIS

The scheme was good and contributed to energy savings. However the scheme was
withdrawn since it suffered from some drawbacks. The drawbacks of GEDA scheme are
highlighted in Chapter 3.

2.3.2 Pump industry in Coimbatore

Coimbatore was a hub of textile industry, mainly cotton, in early twentieth century.
Although, man has been using pumps of some type or the other for 4000 years, electricity
driven pump was first manufactured in India in Coimbatore in 1930. By 1959, all the major
pump designs were introduced into commercial products. The industry has grown rapidly
in the region.

At present there are about 450 manufactures of pump sets in Coimbatore and the cluster
accounts for nearly 48% of the pump sets manufactured in India. Submersible pump sets
account for the major share of the pumps (about 65%) produced in the cluster followed by
pump sets for domestic applications. Most of the pumps manufacturers in the cluster
concentrate on high volume centrifugal and submersible segments. Hence there are
relatively few manufacturers in the cluster producing specialised pumps like concrete volute
pumps (for hydro power applications), drainage pumps, sewage pumps, split casing
centrifugal pumps and vertical turbine pumps. Most of the submersible pump sets
manufactured in Coimbatore use gun metal or SS impeller since they have better corrosion
resistance properties. Plastic impellers are also used especially for smaller clear water pump

The leading pump set manufactures in the cluster are the following:
Best Engineers
Perfect Engineers
Deccan pumps
Rievera pump

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

Some of the above mentioned manufacturers are OEM suppliers to reputed brands like
Crompton, KSB, Grundfos etc. Almost all the manufacturers are producing centrifugal
pumps for high head and low discharge. Axial flow pump typically have efficiencies upto
92%. Production of industrial axial flow pumps for low head and high discharge is not
common in Coimbatore. Other positive displacement pumps, particularly rotary types, used
for niche applications, peristaltic, progressing cavity and rotary lobe pumps are also not
produced in the cluster. The high development cost of specialised pumps for industrial use
and dominance of large pump manufacturers like Mather & Platt, Kirlosker, Jyoti,
Worthington and KSB in this segment have been the major deterrence to their production in
the cluster. The pump industry in Coimbatore needs to move beyond small sized
centrifugal pumps to higher value added production of industrial pump sets.

2.4 Consultative workshops with stakeholders

In order to obtain the views of stakeholders, TERI and SSEF organized two interactive
meets, in Ahmedabad on January 25, 2012 and in Coimbatore on April 17, 2012. Pump
manufacturers and industry associations representing the Ahmedabad and Rajkot clusters in
Gujarat and Coimbatore cluster in Tamil Nadu were invited to the meeting. The agenda of
the two consultative meets are given in Annexure 2.2.

Both the workshops were well attended. Mr S P Garnaik, Energy Economist and in-charge
of the Standards and Labelling program, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) chaired the
panel discussion in the Coimbatore meet. The presentations and discussions focused on
issues related to BIS standards and BEE Star Labels for promoting energy efficient pump-
sets. The major discussion points with industry are summarized below.
Providing incentives for adoption of energy efficient pump-sets
Need for incorporation of return on investment criteria rather than lowest capital cost
in government procurement schemes
Expansion of star labeling to cover all categories of pump sets and pump sets which
are more efficient than five star
Need to introduce traceability of BIS and BEE labeled pump sets
Policy advocacy to modify BIS standards with respect to testing, material of
construction and installation with the aim of improving efficiency of pumping systems
Need to strengthen NABL certified laboratories and reduce testing time period
Need to support innovation (R&D) of energy efficient pump models
Capacity building of pump-set users on energy efficient pump-sets
Conducting a study to monitor performance of pumps operating in the field jointly
with BEE, BIS and industry

Detailed summaries of discussions at the two workshops are presented in Annexure 2.3. The
list of participants of the two workshops is provided in Annexure 2.4.

Some photographs of the Ahmedabad meet are provided in Figure 2.4a and Coimbatore
meet are provided in Figure 2.4b.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

Figure 2.4a Photographs of the consultative workshop at Ahmedabad

Figure 2.4b Photographs of the consultative workshop at Coimbatore

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

2.5 National level dissemination workshop

In order to disseminate the findings of the study, TERI, in partnership with BEE and SSEF,
organised a national level dissemination workshop on 30th July 2012. In order to attract
participation of all relevant stakeholders including leading pump manufacturers from
different parts of the country, BEE called an extraordinary meeting of their technical
committee for pumps under their standards and labeling programme on the day of the
national level workshop. The agenda of the workshop and list of participants are provided
in Annexure 2.5 and Annexure 2.6 respectively.

TERI made a detailed presentation of the findings of the study in the workshop. Mr S P
Garnaik, BEE moderated the discussions which followed. All the major recommendations
emanating from the study were deliberated in detail and accepted by the participants. BEE
complimented TERI and SSEF for taking up this study and coming out with good
recommendations which can be implemented. BEE also mentioned that it would be willing
to consider positively proposals developed by TERI, SSEF and industry taking forward
some of the recommendations of the study. Specifically, three of the activities which can be
taken-up for future investigation which were discussed at the workshop and found to be
acceptable to stakeholders are mentioned below.
1. Study on quantification of energy losses in pumps as a result of poor quality of grid
supply power.
2. A pilot study to test and compare the actual and design efficiency of pumps and
motors of BEE labelled pump-sets.
3. An action research project development and demonstration of super-efficient pumps.
BEE indicated that it would be willing to consider funding such a proposal of
submitted jointly by a research/academic institute and industry association under
their R&D budget for supper-efficient appliances in the next five year plan.

The recommendations have been further elaborated in Chapters 4 and 5 of this report.

A few pictures of the event are provided in Figure 2.5.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

Figure 2.5 Photographs of the National Level Dissemination Workshop

Chapter 3: Barriers to promotion of energy
efficient pump sets and lessons learnt

The major barriers to promote energy efficient pumps and some of the possible remedial
measures are highlighted here.
1. Often the pumps perform poorly in the field because the right pump for the required
head and water quantity is not selected. There is also no standardisation of piping,
panel and cabling to be used with the pump. There is a need to focus on training and
capacity building of all stakeholders (pump users, distributors, dealers and so on) on
proper selection and installation of pump sets.
2. Use of impellers fabricated from SS is not common. Fabricated SS pumps are light in
weight and have higher energy efficiency. Most of the manufacturers still use cast
impellers. Cast iron impellers lead to a sharp deterioration in pump efficiency over
time as highlighted in Box 3.0 [5].

Box 3.0
Deterioration of performance with time with CI impellers
Time: 2 years
Pump Type: 0.5Hp Self Priming Regenerative
Application: Pumping well water to overhead tank
Location: Goa

Field data
Static Static Time for Power consumed Yearly
suction delivery 2000 liters input in filling consumption %
Date head (m) head (m) (hrs) watts kW on kWh increase
15/06/06 4 10 1.2 470 0.56 168 0.00
15/09/06 3.5 10 1.3 450 0.60 180 7.2
15/03/07 5.2 10 1.4 430 0.62 187 4.1
15/10/07 3.7 10 1.7 420 0.70 210 13.7
15/06/08 3.8 10 2.0 420 0.82 247 22.1

The energy consumption of the cast iron centrifugal pump lifting water increased by 22% within a
short time of two years. The result of field studies show that there is a sharp deterioration in the
performance of a pump using cast components over time.

The reason for the increase in energy consumption was the increase in clearances within the pump
due to corrosion of cast iron components. Use of thermoplastics like PEEK (Poly-Ether-Ether-Ketone)
with carbon fibres in place of cast iron leads to excellent wear and corrosion resistance and better
channel design leading to energy efficiency improvement by about 50%.

3. A major barrier to adoption of energy efficient pump sets in the agriculture sector is
the fact that power is either free or highly subsidised for farmers in India. Hence, there
is little incentive for the farmers to pay more to install energy efficient pump sets.
Under this scenario, government bodies and state utilities must assume the major role
of developing innovative schemes which promote the manufacture and use of energy
efficient pump sets.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

4. Drawbacks in present public procurement schemes. Interactions with the industry

revealed that some of the present public procurement schemes like that of GEDA
(Gujarat Energy Development Agency) suffered from many drawbacks which resulted
in the withdrawal of the scheme. Some of drawbacks of the scheme included improper
selection of manufacturers of energy efficient pumps, unrealistic monitoring and
verification procedures and unattractive payment terms for the manufacturers. Also,
the operating cost of energy over the lifetime of a pump if often not considered during
the selection of pumps. Good branded manufacturers are reluctant to participate in
government tenders.
5. Issues regarding BIS certification.
The industry felt that there are many lacunas in the present BIS certification scheme.
Since the BEE star labelling of pump sets is closely linked to BIS certification, these
issues also effect the growth of energy efficient pump manufacturing in India. These
issues are summarized below.
a. The supply voltage at site often can dip to as low as 250V, as compared to
standard voltage conditions of 420V. Motors are not designed to withstand low
voltages, which also contributes to high rate of failures. The BIS certification
needs to incorporate testing as well as safety aspects of large fluctuations in
operating voltage.
b. The durability of the pumps is not considered in BIS certification. Overloading
of motors is common leading to failures of the electric motor during operation.
Overloading happens due to less active materials like copper and poor quality of
stamping used in the electric motor. Field data was collected on the causes of
pump motor failures in the field in Rajkot cluster under a TERI-SIBDI project
(Providing project development support for enhancement of energy efficiency at
Pune, Kolhapur and Ankleshwar clusters). The common reasons of motor
failures reported in Rajkot cluster is shown in Figure 3.0.

Figure 3.0 Common causes of motor failures

c. The material of construction (MOC) of different pump parts (like impeller, shaft,
bearing bush, quality of thrust bearings and motor components stampings,
cooling medium) are not specified in the BIS standards. Failures in pump
components like bushes, bearings, etc. is high. For example, 15% failure of thrust

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

bearing was reported in submersible pumps where axial thrust is high. Bushes
are used in submersible pumps to act as sleeve between two impellers. There is
scope to improve the quality of the bushes. Possibility of incorporation of MOC
needs to be considered.
d. There are a limited number of BIS/NABL accredited laboratories to test pump-
sets in some regions like Gujarat. In addition, the testing capacities of the present
laboratories are limited. This leads to long waiting period in getting pumps
tested for BIS certification.
e. BIS is also not adequately staffed in all regions. For example, there is one office at
Rajkot for certification of all ISI products for Saurashtra and Kutch Region. This
result in delays in the process of getting ISI certificate and BEE label. This can
considerably delay the launch of the product.
6. Issues regards BEE star labelling scheme
a. The BEE star rating is only limited to 3 phase pump-sets of up to 15 kW (or 20
HP) only. Hence a large number of single phase pumps and pumps higher than
20 HP are excluded from the ambit of star labelling scheme of BEE.
b. There are no incentives for manufacturers to improve their efficiency beyond 5
star at present.
c. The BIS standard for mixed flow submersible pump sets is very stringent as
opposed to a relaxed efficiency standard for radial flow submersible pumps.
Hence, most of the mixed flow submersible pumps, even of reputed
manufacturers, are having 2 or 3 star rating, while almost all the models of radial
flow submersible pumps are 5 star rated. This aspects needs to be looked into
while revising the standards.
d. The manufacturers have to fill and upload the application forms for BEE
labelling online. The manufacturers are not well versed with the use of e-filing
and hence they are dependent on local service provider/consultants for this
e. The overall cost of the pump set goes up for BEE labelling due to higher product
cost. This can be a barrier to marketing of these pump sets.
f. At present there is no traceability of BEE/BIS labeling of pumps which leads to
misuse of the labels.
7. Barriers to get BIS/BEE label for tiny and small manufacturers of pump sets
a. The manufacturers have to maintain testing facility at site and calibrate
instruments and gauges as per the specifications on the standard. Hence, the
manufacturing cost of the labels is increased as compared to non BIS products.
b. BIS certified units are exempted from excise duty till a turnover of Rs 1.5 crore but
non BIS-certified units are liable to pay 8 per cent excise duty on every pump set
produced. Hence small units, that have not availed BIS label, are forced to market
their products through formal channels. BIS licencing should be modified to make it
more attractive for tiny and small manufacturers. A cluster based approach can be
adopted for these units to bring them under the BIS fold.
c. The application fee of BEE label can be a barrier for tiny and small
d. The manufacturers require technical support to upgrade their pump models.
e. Sourcing of quality sub-components like stampings is a barrier for small scale
manufactures. The purity of copper may vary when procured from local
suppliers in small quantities.

Chapter 4: Principal outcomes

The demand for pump sets is rising rapidly in India. India is likely to emerge as the fourth
largest manufacturer of centrifugal pump sets. However, the growing usage of pumps in
India demands optimal energy efficient design for saving energy. Indian pump set industry
faces many challenges both with regard to improving the quality of pumps as well as
manufacturing of energy efficient pumps.

Some challenges in improving the energy efficiency of pump sets produced in India and
recommendations to improve the situation are highlighted in this chapter. The overall
observations and recommendations are summarised in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Observations and recommendations to promote manufacture and use of energy
efficient improve the quality of pumps and for manufacturing of energy efficient pumps
S.No. Observations Recommendations
1. Operating cost of energy over a. Public procurement programs of state governments
the lifetime of a pump is far should be modified to encourage pump selection
greater than the cost of the based on lowest life cycle cost rather than lowest
pump itself. Greater awareness capital cost.
of the concept of life cycle b. State electricity boards/distribution companies
energy cost and pump should introduce programs to replace existing
efficiency needs to be created submersible agricultural pumps with energy efficient
among policy makers, state stainless steel pumps. The energy saved by the new
electricity boards and pump will pay back its cost within a few months as
consumers. shown below:

Average size of submersible pump 7.5

Rating of equivalent EE stainless steel 5.5
pump (kW)
Saving by replacing conventional 2 kW
pump with EE pump (kW/hr)
Average operating time for pump 3,000
Energy saving per pump (kWh/year) 6,000
Unsubsidized energy cost (Rs/kWh) 5
Monetary saving (Rs/year) Rs 30,000
Cost of new energy efficient pump Rs 20,000
Payback 8 months
2. Vast energy and cost savings a. India needs to emulate some of the successful policy
can be realised by raising the measures undertaken in other countries. For example,
efficiency and improving the BIS standard for radial flow (high head and low
quality of pumps produced in discharge) pump set is quite lenient. Almost all the
India through appropriate major manufacturers are able to achieve five star
legislations. These legislations rating for their radial flow models. Consequently
should be aimed at raising the there is no incentive for a pump manufacturer to
pump efficiencies over time improve their pump models further and achieve a

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

S.No. Observations Recommendations

and to eliminate manufacture higher efficiency than that required to get a five star.
of sub-standard quality pump The BIS standards for pump sets needs to be revised
sets. Legislation for raising from the point of raising the efficiency bar for radial
pump efficiencies now exists in flow pump-sets.
Korea and China. The
European Commission, as part b. While revisiting the BIS standard, the reasons for
of its Energy Using Products why manufacturers are not able to achieve more than
Directive, has targeted the three star for mixed flow (low head and high
raising of efficiencies of water discharge) pump sets needs to be understood.
pumps. Europump, which has Technical support needs to be provided to
been instrumental in assisting manufacturers of mixed flow pumps, if needed.
the EC in this task has
proposed a method for c. The BIS licencing method should be modified to
eliminating bad performers. adopt a cluster based approach for SME sector.

3. Development of new energy a. Innovation centres should be established at cluster

efficient stainless steel pump level to strengthen R&D and provide technical
sets requires R&D. In addition, assistance to local industry. These innovation centres
manufacture of such pumps should be established in partnership between
requires considerable government, industry, and academic/research
investment in development of institutes. International and national level expertise
tooling and manufacturing should be pooled during conceptualisation,
processes. development and implementation of these centres.
R&D focus areas should include assistance in design
and manufacture of (i) energy efficient stainless steel
submersible pump sets (ii) multi-stage centrifugal
pumps (iii) axial flow pumps (iv) submersible pumps
with vaneless diffusers (v) high specific speed pumps
(vi) variable speed drives (VSD) (vii) materials for
efficient pumps and (viii) training in advanced pump
design using simulation software like CFD.
b. State level energy benchmarking competitions should
be organised to promote interest in energy efficient
pump sets.

4. Material of construction a. Presently the BIS standard for pump sets does not
directly influences the specify the grade/quality of the material of
efficiency of the pump set. Use construction to be used for different components.
of poor quality material result This needs to be corrected in consultation with
in poor energy efficiency and technical experts.
performance of the pump sets. b. Education of consumers is needed on selection and
For example, motor efficiency is installation of pump sets.
a function of the quality of
stamping, grade of the copper
rod and winding wires used in
the electric motor. Use of less
active material like copper in
motor by reducing core length

Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India

S.No. Observations Recommendations

and thickness of winding wires
is common. This results in high
current density leading to faster
rise in temperature of the motor
with consequent reduction in
its operating life. Similarly, use
of cast iron impellers and poor
quality of bush results in faster
deterioration in pump
5. Overloading of the motor is Instead of specifying overall efficiency of a pump, the star
common to achieve a higher rating criteria should specify that an energy efficient pump
star rating. In other words, should be coupled with an energy efficient motor. The
fitting a smaller sized motor efficiency of both system (motor and pump) should be
than what is needed to a pump, notified on the nameplate separately.
results in higher overall
efficiency and this star rating.
Overloading of a motor not
only leads to high failure rates
resulting in financial loss for
the consumer it is a national
loss as well since an overloaded
motor results in reduction of
operational efficiency and life
of the motor.
6. Most of the manufacturers of BIS standards should incorporate reliability/durability
pump sets, especially those in (deterioration of pump efficiency with time) criteria. To
the small and medium scale, ensure implementation, third party inspection and energy
compromise on quality auditing can be done on a sample basis for operating
assurance and in-house testing. pump sets.
Important tests like torque,
surge, high voltage and
humidity tests on motors and
dynamic balancing of bearing
for pumps are often not
followed. Hence, percentage of
motor failures due to winding,
torque and insulation are high.
Mechanical failures due to
failure of thrust bearing and
bush are also common.
7. The pump efficiency is defined Hence performance testing of pump sets should be made
at a particular head for a mandatory over a range of head and voltage conditions.
specified voltage. However This was included in the BIS standard in the past. It was
these parameters are seldom mandatory for all pumps to be tested over at least five
achieved in the field. discrete points over a range of head and voltage (+/- 25%
Moreover, the water head for of the duty point) for a specific speed. The variation in
submersible pumps varies efficiency over this range should be within 5-10%.

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

S.No. Observations Recommendations

between the summer and
monsoon season.
8 Low supply voltage leads to At present, no reliable data is available on the energy loss
higher current and hence occurring due to low voltage. A detailed study needs to be
higher I2R losses in the pump undertaken to analyze in a holistic manner the economic
thus reducing the overall loss at the national level resulting from low voltages in
energy efficiency of the agricultural feeders. A study to analyse the impact of low
pumping system. This energy voltage on energy loss and also reduction life of the motor
loss can be minimised by needs to be initiated.
maintaining the quality of
power supply.

Chapter 5: Possibilities of future collaboration and
knowledge sharing

The study has revealed several interesting and insightful facts related to production, testing
and operation of pump sets in India. These insights have been used to develop some
practical recommendations to improve the policies which govern the performance of pump
sets. A substantial amount of energy savings will result if the recommendations are
implemented. For this, there is a need to engage into a dialogue with the concerned
stakeholders (government officials, industry associations, progressive manufacturers and
technical experts). This project was able to initiate the dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
However, the dialogue needs to be continued. This will help ensure that some of the
recommendations get incorporated in the policy framework governing pump set
manufacture in India.

Some of the other possible areas of future collaboration are mentioned below.
a. Low supply voltage leads to higher current and thus higher I2R losses in pump sets
thereby reducing the energy efficiency of the motor. This is energy loss at a national
level. The energy loss due to low voltage can be minimised by maintaining the quality
of grid power supply. There is a need for conducting a study at a national level to
quantify the economic loss resulting from low voltages in agricultural feeders. The
study can be initiated by BEE and Shakti in collaboration with an industry association
(SIEMA) and a leading technical institute (TERI). The study should be based on field
work and aim at measurement and analysis of the impact of low supply voltage on
energy loss and life of the pump motor.
b. Another observation during the study was the high rate of pump failures in the field
mainly on account of mismatching of the pump and the electric motors. Ideally, the
kW rating of the motor should be 10 % higher than what is required by the pump.
Overloading of electric motors leads to energy wastages as the current is restricted but
not the power drawn by the motor. This finding needs to be validated with actual
performance monitoring of pump sets. A pilot study aimed at testing of motors and
pumps separately should be undertaken in collaboration with BEE and BIS. Under the
study, a sample of leading 25-50 pumps of various brands can be collected from four
different regions. The efficiency and energy consumption of the individual pumps and
motors can be tested separately by an independent laboratory. The study will help to
establish clearly the performance of pump and motor separately and to validate the
premise that pump manufacturers are fitting undersized motors to pumps causing
overloading of the motor leading to higher current drawn and overheating of the
pumps and pump failures.
c. Several issues related to modification in BIS standards have emerged from the TERI-
Shakti study. For example, there are no clear guidelines on specification of material of
construction for pump sets. There is also scope for improving the performance
specifications of pump sets. Efficiency levels at different loads are specified for some
equipment like transformers. Similar standards can be introduced for pump sets too.
There is scope for incorporating standard installation procedures for pumps within
BIS. There is clearly a need for further consultation on these with industry and
policymakers. It is important that an independent agency continue to dialogue with
the relevant technical committees on pump sets of BEE and BIS in order to ensure that

Promoting energy efficient pumps in industry in India

some of these issues get deliberated and acted upon. This will catalyse manufacture of
quality and energy efficient pump sets in India in the future.

Sharing the knowledge with the concerned stakeholders has been an important component
of the project. To share the outcomes of the project, two consultative meets were organized
by TERI under the project in Ahmedabad in January 2012 and in Coimbatore in April 2012.
Both the consultative meets were well attended by all regional level stakeholders. In order to
interact with a wider range of stakeholders, TERI participated and made a presentation at
the National Conference on Motors and Pumps held in Coimbatore in November 2011. TERI
has also presented some of the project learnings at the 4th India-Japan Energy Forum held in
January 2012. In the future too, TERI proposes to continue sharing the learnings of the
project through participation and presentation at national and regional level knowledge
sharing platforms such as seminars and workshops related to pump industry and energy
efficiency. Efforts will also be made by TERI to sensitize policymakers on the need for
promoting energy efficiency in the pumping sector and to build upon some of the issues
identified under the study.


1. All India Electricity Statistics General Review 2011, CEA, Ministry of Power,
Government of India
2. Rotodynamic pumps (Centrifugal and Axial), K.M. Srinivasan, New Age International
Publishers, 2008, 520 pp
3. A brief history of pumps, World, 23 March 2009
4. TERI-SIDBI study on Providing project development support for enhancement of
energy efficiency at Pune, Kolhapur and Ankleshwar clusters
5. Keny Abhay, Centrifugal Pump Efficiency Improvement; Alternate Methods and
Design Methodology, 2009. Presentation at Conference on Motors & Pumps,
Coimbatore, 2009.

Annexure 2.1:

Estimated energy saving potential by adoption of

energy efficient pumps in different end-use sector
Electricity consumed in pumping and saving potential by adoption of
energy efficient pumps by different end-use sectors

Average efficiency of existing
pump sets 35% (assumed)
Efficiency improvement
potential 40% (assumed)
Average efficiency of improved
pump sets 49%
Electricity consumption in agriculture 2009-10 119492 GWh
Electricity consumption in agriculture after
adoption of improved pump set 85351 GWh
Estimated energy saving potential 34141 GWh
of the total electricity consumption in
or 29% the agriculture sector
Public water works
Average efficiency of existing
pump sets 35% (assumed)
Efficiency improvement
potential 30% (assumed)
Average efficiency of improved
pump sets 46%
Electricity consumption in municipalities 2009-
10 12552 GWh
(Assumed - 70% of expense is energy;
Share of pumping energy in municipalities 71% 50% pumping; 20% lighting)
Electricity consumption in water pumping
2009-10 8966 GWh
Electricity consumed in water pumping after
adoption of improved pump set 6897 GWh
Estimated energy saving potential 2069 GWh
of the total electricity consumption in
or 16% the municipal sector
Average efficiency of existing
pump sets 20% (assumed)
Efficiency improvement
potential 25% (assumed)
Average efficiency of improved
pump sets 25%
Electricity consumption in
domestic sector 2009-10 141845 GWh
Share of pumping energy in industry 10% (assumed)
Electricity consumption in water pumping 2009-
10 14185 GWh
Electricity consumed in domestic sector after
adoption of improved pump set 11348 GWh
Estimated energy saving potential 2837 GWh
of the total electricity consumption in
or 2% the domestic sector
Average efficiency of existing
pump sets 45% (assumed)
Efficiency improvement
potential 20% (assumed)
Average efficiency of improved
pump sets 54%
Electricity consumption in industry 2009-10 209209 GWh
Share of pumping energy in industry 15% (assumed)
Electricity consumption in pumping in industry
2009-10 31381 GWh
Electricity consumed in industry after adoption
of improved pump set 26151 GWh
Estimated energy saving potential 5230 GWh
of the total electricity consumption in
or 3% the industry sector
Average efficiency of existing
pump sets 30% (assumed)
Efficiency improvement
potential 25% (assumed)
Average efficiency of improved
pump set 38%
Electricity consumed in commercial sector 2009-
10 58971 GWh
Share of pumping energy in commercial sector 10% (assumed)
Electricity consumption in pumping in
commercial sector 2009-10 5897 GWh
Electricity consumed in commercial sector after
adoption of improved pump set 4718 GWh
Estimated energy saving potential 1179 GWh
of the total electricity consumption in
or 2% the commercial sector
Total energy saving potential in pumps 45456 GWh
or 8.0% of total electricity sold in India
Annexure 2.2:

Agenda of the Consultative Meets

Interactive meet on
Promoting energy efficient pumpsets in India
January 25, 2012
Fortune Landmark

Discuss the technology and policy level barriers to promoting energy efficient pumpsets
Sharing of experiences between different stakeholders
Discussion on strategies on removal of barriers


Wednesday , 25th January 2012

13:00 14:00 Registration and Lunch
14:00 14:10 Welcome and meeting objectives
- Mr Girish Sethi, TERI
- Mr Shashank Jain, Shakti Foundation
14:10 14:40 Background Presentation:
Barriers and strategies for improving energy efficiency of pumpsets
- Mr Prosanto Pal, TERI
14:40 16:30 Panel Discussion:
Mr Sivasubramanian Narayanaswamy

Experts and representatives from the pump manufacturers (4or 5)

16:30 17.30 Tea/Coffee

Interactive meet on
Promoting Energy Efficient Pumpsets


VENUE: Legend, Residency Hotel, Coimbatore DATE: April 17, 2012

5:30 pm Registration
6:00 pm 6:10 pm Welcome
6.10 pm 6.20 pm Overview of issues related to energy efficiency improvement of pump sets
- Mr V Krishnakumar, Aquasub Group
6:20 pm 8:00 pm Background Presentation
- Mr Prosanto Pal, TERI

Mr S P Garnaik, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)

Panel Discussion

8:00 pm Dinner
Annexure 2.3:

Summary of discussions at the

Consultative Meets
Summary of the Interactive Meet on Promoting energy efficient
pumpsets in India held on January 25, 2012 at Ahmedabad

Pumps are energy-intensive equipment. About 10% of the total electricity produced in the
world goes into pumping. In India, the share of energy consumed in pumping is even larger.
A substantial amount of the energy consumed in pumping can be saved by adoption of
energy efficient pump-set. TERI is undertaking a study on Promoting Energy Efficiency in
Pump Industry in India: Addressing the Energy and Climate Change Problem on behalf of
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation India Energy Initiative of the Climate Works
Foundation. The study aims to understand the pump market in India and existing policy
environment and frameworks to promote energy-efficient pump-sets. In order to validate
the initial finding of the study and take views of stakeholders on ways to promote energy
efficient pump-sets interactive meet was organised in Ahmedabad on January 15, 2012. A
number of pump manufacturers from Rajkot and Ahmedabad clusters in Gujarat
participated in the workshop. A summary of the deliberations at the workshop is provided

Summary of the workshop

In the welcome address, Mr Shashank Jain, Shakti Foundation mentioned that the objective
of Climate Works Foundation is to contain the global temperature rise to within 2 oC. Since
pumping accounts for substantial share of the total energy consumption, a high percentage,
it is important to find ways and means to reduce energy consumption in the sector by
adoption of energy efficient pumpsets. Improving energy efficiency of pumpsets will also
help local pump manufacturers to compete in the international market.

A background presentation was made by Mr Prosanto Pal of TERI. The following issues
were flagged off in the presentation on which the views of the industry were invited.
1. Long time for testing due to limited BIS accredited laboratories
2. Should BIS standard specify quality/grade of material
3. Should BIS standard incorporate durability (deterioration of efficiency with time)
4. Need to review the BIS standards/BEE standard for mixed flow pumps
5. Is there a need to revisit the BIS/BEE standard with regard to specify pump and motor
efficiencies separately
6. Public procurement policies to promote energy efficient pumpsets
7. Need for public funded R&D on energy efficient pump sets
The presentation was followed by an interaction session with the participants. The
discussions were moderated by Mr Sivasubramanian Narayanaswamy, a pump consultant
from Coimbatore cluster.

Mr Dhirajlal Suvagiya, promoter of Falcon Pumps, a leading pump manufacturer from

Rajkot cluster highlighted some of the challenges to promote energy efficient pump-sets in
India. Mr Mushtaq M Kadri of Sabar Enterprises, a leading pump manufacturer from
Ahmedabad also presented the views of accelerating energy efficiency in pump-sets in

The major challenges which emerged from the discussion which followed for promoting
energy efficient pump-sets can be divided into three broad categories- market related,
supply power quality related and technology related.

The following market related challenges and solutions were mentioned by the industry.
Pump market in India is highly price sensitive. Adoption of BEE labeling add to the cost
of manufacturing due to the additional testing and raw material costs. Hence to promote
energy efficient pump-sets the government must subsidize BEE star rated pumps. The
amount of subsidy can vary between 2-5% depending on the pump rating (say 5% for
five star rating, 4% for four star rating and so on)
The industry felt that the application fee for BEE label (Rs 25,000 lumpsum plus Rs 1,000
per model) should be reduced.
Many agricultural DSM programs launched by states governments/utilities in Gujarat,
Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab have not been concluded due to price factors. Most of
the government tenders have targeted turnkey replacement, including erection and
commissioning of existing agricultural pumpsets. However, these schemes do not take
into account the cost of pipes and cables. Manufacturers are also reluctant to enter into
the five year maintenance contact with farmers due to operational problems like
bypassing of control systems like earth leakage etc. provided with the pump-sets.
There are very few BIS approved testing laboratories. For example in Ahmedabad there
is only one laboratory and there is a queue of 8-9 months to get the pump tested there.

The following power supply related challenges to promoting energy efficiency in pump-set
were highlighted by the industry.
The low supply voltage commonly found in agricultural feeders leads in India lead to
huge wastage of electricity. A lower voltage reduces the operating efficiencies of pump-
sets (sometime to as low as 20-25%) and increases line losses (due to high I2R losses). The
minimum supply voltage should be 350 V. The quality of power supply in Gujarat is
better than other states since Gujarat has a separate 11 kVA agricultural line.
The following technology related challenges were highlighted by the industry.
The site conditions should be carefully considered while selecting the appropriate model
of pumpset.
Right selection of cable size also contributes to energy savings. The cable should
preferably be of EC grade.
The pipe casing for agricultural pump-sets should preferably be smooth HDPE pipe of
the bigger size to reduce frictional losses. Proper installation guideline provided by
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) for agricultural
pumpsets should be followed.
Of the 6200 pump models which have obtained BEE label, majority are radial flow type
(having flow rate of in the range of 400-500 lit) while a relatively smaller percentage (20-
25%) are of mixed flow type (high flowrate 1200-1300 lit)
There is scope for R&D especially on energy efficiency improvement of mixed flow
pumps models. The design capacities of local manufacturers are limited since the design
optimization of vane angle etc. needs to be done using design softwares.
Writing of overall efficiency of the pumpset on the name plate must be compulsory
Material of construction needs standardization. Only SS should be used for impellers
and bowl. Use of cast iron impellers leads to fast deterioration in performance of the
pump. The deterioration is especially more in radial flow pumps.
BIS testing of pumps is presently for only a discrete point. The performance testing of
pumpsets should be done over a range of head and voltage (+/- 25% of the duty point)
for a specific speed.
There is scope to strengthen the test procedures followed by existing BIS laboratory and
introduce computerized and online testing methods.

The following are some conclusion of the deliberations:
1) BIS licensing method should be modified to make it more attractive for micro-scale units.
A cluster based approach can be adopted for these units to bring them under BIS fold
2) State level energy efficiency bench mark competition can be organized to promote
interest in energy efficient pumpsets
3) Material of specification should be specified in BIS standard. CI components should not
be used
4) Education of major users (farmers and industry) is required on selection and installation
of pumpsets
5) The pump must be tested over a range testing for award of BIS and BEE star rating
6) Government procurement scheme must be based on return on investment (ROI) criteria
rather than lowest capital cost.
7) Mentioning of the overall efficiency of the pumpsets must be made mandatory in the
name plate.
Summary of the Interactive meet on Promoting energy efficient
pumpsets in India held on 17 April 2012 held at Residency Hotel,

Welcoming the participants, Mr Girish Sethi, TERI and Mr Shashank Jain, Shakti Foundation
provided an overview of the project objectives and the importance of saving energy in the
pumping sector.

Mr V Krishna Kumar, Aquasub Group provided an overview of the issues related to

promotion of energy efficient pump-sets in India. He mentioned that SIEMA also providing
inputs to BEE during formulation of energy efficiency norms for pump sets under the star
labeling program. He mentioned that there are no incentives provided by government to
five stat rated pump sets. Since agricultural power is highly subsidized and/or free, the
farmers are reluctant to pay a higher prove for energy efficient pump sets. He also
emphasized the importance of entire pumping system in improving the overall efficiency of
the pumping system.

Mr Prosanto Pal, TERI made a background presentation on the results of the TERI-Shakti
study. The present star labeling scheme is restricted to smaller pumpsets while in arid and
semi-arid regions large size of pumpsets (up to 100-200 HP) is also used. Also, there is little
incentive for the manufacturer to make a pumpset which is more than 20 percent more
efficient than BIS standard because of there is no star labeling scheme for such pump sets.
The background presentation was followed by a panel discussion consisting of senior
representatives from government organizations and industry. Mr S P Garnaik, BEE chaired
the panel discussion. In his opening remarks, Mr Garnaik emphasized that promoting the
use of energy efficient appliances is extremely important for India. He mentioned that the
Standards and Labelling (S&L) programme of BEE covers 14 products out of which labeling
in 4 products is mandatory and 10 product is voluntary. Presently out of 7,300 MW saving
through the S&L program, about 77% is on account of air conditioners and refrigerators
alone. There is a lot of scope of the pumping sector contributing to the energy saving under
the S&L programme. In this regard the low demand of 5 star rated pumps is a major

Mr Garnaik mentioned that public procurement policies of different state governments will
charge by December 2012 and they will adopt a LCA (life cycle analysis) of savings rather
than least procurement cost as is followed at present. The change will be initiated through
DG S&D. Hence one of the recommendations of the TERI-Shakti study has already been
accepted. Maintaining the quality of power supply as emphasized by the study is an
important aspect since low supply voltage leads to higher current and hence higher I2R
losses and lower pumping efficiencies. Having more HT lines rather than LT lines would
lead to improvement in power supply quality. Other factors like trimming of impeller, use
of corrocoating and VFD which lead to higher efficiency of the pumpset needs to be
promoted. He accepted the study recommendation that there is a need to consider the pump
efficiency over a range beyond the duty point only. However changing the standards for
testing of pumpsets is not the role of BEE. Regards the recommendations related to
specifying the material of construction, Mr Garnaik felt that BEE cannot define standards
like material selection. Regards the studys recommendation to provide support to R&D
through Centres of Excellence and award scheme for promotion of energy efficient
pumpsets, he suggested that these should be further elaborated. Mr Garnaik suggested that
SDAs should be given more role and responsibility.

Mr Lakshminarayanswamy, SIEMA felt that there is very little incentive for industry to
invest in development of energy efficient models. He suggested that Ministry of Power
should support industry associations in their R&D efforts. He agreed that testing time for
pumpsets should be reduced to eight days and hence there need for more NABL accredited
laboratories in the pump manufacturing clusters. He disagreed with the study findings that
failure of pumps is a major problem and said that India is not much behind USA in this
regard. Savings from pumps depends on installation e.g. undersized pipes wastes more
energy. Hence the energy savings estimated in laboratories cannot be translated to energy
saved in the field. He recommended that TERI , BEE and BIS should work more on
systems approach and not on pumpsets alone.

R Kalyanasundaram from Tamil Nadu Pump Manufacturing Association representing the

micro/tiny pump manufactures recommended the need for educating consumers (farmers)
as well as policy makers. With the sharp drop in ground water levels, farmers are forced to
use pumps of 10HP and above. He suggested that construction of check dams should be
undertaken by the government to ensure recharging of the ground water depletion. This
approach had been quite successful in Gujarat. The Government of Tamil Nadu had
launched a scheme to replace existing pumps with EE pump sets. However the scheme
suffered from many drawbacks since tenders were awarded to few favoured manufactures
and state electricity board did not have the capacity to evaluate and select EE pumpsets. The
scheme was withdrawn after smaller manufacturers made a petition before the High Court.
The BIS mark also has its drawback since there is no traceability of the BIS label. This can
potentially lead to misuse. TNEB has made it mandatory that new pumpsets installed under
government programs should be at least four star labelled. However lack of traceability of
BEE label can lead to manufacturers passing off their in-efficient models as star labeled. He
recommended that BEE should introduce traceability of their labels in the future. He also
recommended indirect fiscal incentives like duty waivers for energy efficient pumpsets
Mr Murgesan a freelance pump expert highlighted the challenges related to design of mixed
flow impellers, acceptance of EE pumps by farmers, and voltage and frequency variations.
He recommended TERI and Shakti to take up a study to analyze in a holistic manner the economic
loss at the national level as a result of low voltages in agricultural feeders. The study should be based
on ground level work and analyze the impact of low voltage on energy losses and the overall life of the

Mr P K Mukherjee, ex-BIS, highlighted the issues in the pump and motor separately. Voltage
supply in India is 230 V for single phase and 400V in three phases. This is the practice
internationally too. He agreed that there are no clear guidelines on specification of material
of construction for pumpsets. The reason for this is due to the lack of coordination between
metallurgical and electo-technical committees within BIS. There is scope for improving the
performance specifications of pumpsets. Installation standard for pumps should
incorporated and the instruction manual it should be part of both BIS and BEE schedules.
Different efficiency levels exists for transformers and can be introduced in the case of pump
sets too. To address deterioration of efficiency over the lifetime BIS standard has
specifications to measure the dimensions after dismantling a diesel engine after certain
number of operation. Something similar can be thought of for pump sets too. The issues
which are emerging from the TERI-Shakti study can be taken-up for discussion at the technical
committee on pump sets of BIS.

In his concluding remarks, Mr Garnaik said that the issues related to modification in
standard can be take-up by BEE and technical committee of BIS. He highlighted that there is
scope to increase the awareness among consumers. BEE and industry associations like
SIEMA can cooperate in this regard. There is need for better enforcement measures to stop
spurious labeling. He felt that the state government can also help in this regard. Mr Garnaik
suggested TERI, Shakti and BEE to take-up a follow-up study to evaluate the variations in efficiency
in the field based on real time data.
Annexure 2.4:
List of participants of consultative meets
Interactive meet on
Promoting energy efficient pumpsets in India

January 25, 2012


Sr. Contact Person Phone/Fax/Mobile

No. Email
1. Mr Dhirajlal L Suvagiya Phone: 91-281-2370 801/ 2/3/4/5
CMD Fax: 91-281-2374422
Falcon Submersible Pumps Pvt Ltd Mobile: 98250 84787/
39/4, Vavdi Ind Area 9727700566/7
B/h Hotel Krishna Park
Gondal Road, NH-8B
Vavdi, Rajkot-360004
2. Mr M B Bhesania Phone; 91-281-2922522
Rameshwar Pipe Industries Fax: 91-281-2331184
Vardhaman Industrial Area Mobile: 98252 07562
Plot No 13, Survey No. 259/2
B/h Kothariya Solvent, Kothariya
3. Mr. Vinod K Asodariya Phone: +91 (2827) 252509,
LTD. Fax: +91 (2827) 253222
Opp. Kaneria Oil Mill Mobile: +91 9979888435
Shapar Main Road,
At Shapar (Veraval),
Dist: Rajkot
4. Mr Shailesh Goswami Mobile: 99258 17928 labhconsultancy@gm
Labh Consultancy
108, Guruprasad Complex
Guruprasad Chowk
Near H J Doshi Hospital
5. Mr Mushtaq M Kadri Phone: 91-79-2658 4621-22-23, technical@sabarentris
Marketing Manager (Tech.) 30020540-41, 32920540
Sabar Enterprises Fax: 91-79-26585491
603-605, 6th Floor Mobile: 9374077717
'B' Block "Atma House"
Near Times of India
Ashram Road

Sr. Contact Person Phone/Fax/Mobile
No. Email
6. Mr Himanshu S Shah Phone: 91-79-5623545, 5621510,
Q A Incharge 5624154, 5625646
India Electrical And Engineering Fax: 91-79-5624047
Co.10, Kothari Estate Mobile: 98246 95158
Opp Rustom Mill Dudheswar Road
7. Mr Mahendra Dhaduk Patel Phone: 91-281-2363464, 6599024 info@madhavenginee
Madhav Engineering Co. Mobile: 98250 72797
B/h Perfect Auto
Opp Ayu Lab
Gondal Road, Vavdi
8. Mr Subhashbhai Patel Phone: 91-281-2925152
Megha Pump Industries Mobile: 97261 86656, 97123
Maruti Indutrial Area 43784
Near Octroi Naka
B/h Ashish Eng., Gondal Road
9. Mr Rasiklona Mobile: 98798 57889
Opp Adarsh Estate
10. Mr Deepak L Patel Phone: 91-79-22748882/ lagajjarpumps@yaho
La-Gajjar Machineries Pvt Ltd 22748883/ 22782490
4, Shrinath Estate Fax: 91-79-22782491
B/h Amba Estate Mobile: 9898861932
Navneet Prakashan Road, Rakhial
11. Mr Vishal Modusarigu Phone: 91-79-22748882/ lagajjarpumps@yaho
La-Gajjar Machineries Pvt Ltd 22748883/ 22782490
4, Shrinath Estate Fax: 91-79-22782491
B/h Amba Estate Mobile: 92277 72824
Navneet Prakashan Road, Rakhial
12. Mr Rojnish R Joshi Phone: 91-281-2370 801/ 2/3/4/5
Falcon Submersible Pumps Pvt Ltd Fax: 91-281-2374422
39/4, Vavdi Ind Area Mobile: 9727700579
B/h Hotel Krishna Park
Gondal Road, NH-8B
Vavdi, Rajkot-360004
13. Mr Ketan H Kakkad Phone: 91-79-26569617-4618,
Consultant 2656 5333 n
Gujarat Industrial and Technical Fax: 91-79-26565279
Consultancy Organisation Ltd Mobile: 9898184581
GITCO House, Opp. Sardar Patel

Sr. Contact Person Phone/Fax/Mobile
No. Email
14. Mr M C Varadarajan Phone: 91-79-27546710, amrutpumps@gmail.
Commercial Manager 27546932, 27546058 com
Amrit Engineering Pvt Ltd Fax: 91-79-27546282
Post Box No. 4141, 2nd Floor Mobile: 9898296700
Motilal Centre, Near Dinesh Hall
Ashram Road,
15. Mr Bharat Davda Phone 91-281-2455 776
Foundry Technologist Mobile 9978224704
FBC 24x7- Foundry Business Center
3, Haridham Sarkari Karmachari
Before Shivaji Park, Raiya Road
Rajkot 360007, Gujarat
16. Mr N Sivasubramanian Mobile: 09443181737
No. 7, Alagu Nagar m
Civil Aerodrome Post
Coimbatore-641 014
17. Mr Gaurav Panchal Phone: 91-79-26569617-4618,
Project Officer 2656 5333 n
Gujarat Industrial and Technical Fax: 91-79-26565279
Consultancy Organisation Ltd Mobile: 9898002958
GITCO House, Opp. Sardar Patel
18. Mr R S Panchal Phone: 91-79-26569617-4618,
Gujarat Industrial and Technical 2656 5333
Consultancy Organisation Ltd Fax: 91-79-26565279
GITCO House, Opp. Sardar Patel Mobile: 9925064199
19. Mr Vipul H Patel Phone: 91-79-22777485/ vipul.patel@lgmindia
Manager (QC) 22777487 .com
La-Gajjar Machineries Pvt Ltd Fax: 91-79-22730872
Acidwala Estate Mobile 9227772918
Nagarwel Hanuman Road,
20. Mr Shashank Jain Phone 91-11-47474007 shashank@shaktifou
Sr Programme Officer Fax 91-11-47474043,
Shakti Sustainable Energy Mobile 9868214441
Capital Court, 104B/2
Munirka Phase-III
New Delhi 110067

Sr. Contact Person Phone/Fax/Mobile
No. Email
21. Mr Prosanto Pal Phone: 011-24682100
Senior Fellow
TERI, New Delhi
22. Mr Gaurav Sharma Phone: 011-24682100 Gaurav.sharma@teri.
Research Associate
TERI, New Delhi

Interactive meet on
Promoting Energy Efficient Pumpsets

April 17, 2012


Name Organization
1. Sri R R Ranghanthen President
2. Sri T C Thiagarajan Vice President
3. Sri V Lakshminarayanasamy Vice President
4. Sri K K Rajan Vice President
5. Sri Jayakumar Ramdass Immt. Past President
6. Sri G Rajendran Past President
7. Sri S Murugesan Technical Co-ordinator, SIEMA
8. Dr Subramanian Technical Co-ordinator, SIEMA
9. Sri M Mohan Perfects Engineers
10. Sri A Santhosh Raja Perfects Engineers
11. Sri C Jayakumar Kirloskar Brothers Ltd
12. Sri A Narayanasami C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
13. Sri A Mohan Raj C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
14. Sri M Chennanaicker C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
15. Sri K Kumar Viking Industries
16. Sri Ravichandran Sharp Industries
17. Sri P Manoharan Pioneer Products
18. Sri G Senthil Kumar Pioneer Products
19. Sri V Senthi Kumar V Guard Industries
20. Sri A V Vijaya Kumar V Guard Industries
21. Sri P Sakthivel Mehala Machines India Ltd
22. Sri R Loganathan Mehala Machines India Ltd
23. Smt Sripriya C G Best Engineers Pumps P Ltd
24. Sri T Parthiban Best Engineers Pumps P Ltd
25. Sri P Prabhu Sri Dhanalakshmi Foundry
26. Sri P R Periyasamy Sri Dhanalakshmi Foundry
27. Sri R Bharath KMP Industries
28. Sri K Gunabal SiTarc
29. Sri A M Selvaraj SiTarc
30. Sri Kamlesh B Patel Vardaan Engineers
31. Sri Vijayakumar Challenger Pumps India Pvt Ltd
32. Sri L Narayanasamy PSG Industrial Institute
33. Sri K Ravichandran PSG Industrial Institute
34. Sri P Ravikumar PSG Industrial Institute
35. Sri G Sampath Kumar V R Industries
36. Sri R Surendran Aquasub Engineering
37. Sri C Murugesan Aquasub Engineering
38. Sri P Ramesh Aquasub Engineering
39. Sri G Ranganathan Consultant

Name Organization
40. Sri Pichumani C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
41. Sri P Murugan C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
42. Sri S Arun Kumar C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
43. Sri M Natarajan C R I Pumps Pvt Ltd
44. Sri C Palanisamy Omparasakthi Industries
45. Sri P Santhosh Omparasakthi Industries
46. Sri B Udayakumar Laxmi Forgings P Ltd
47. Sri Ganesh Perfect Engineers
48. Sri Doraisamy Shree Natthji Engg Co
49. C Soundararaj CEC Pump Sets
50. Ramakrishnan Best Engineers
51. V Krishna Kumar Aquasub Engineering
52. R Bharath Arun K M P Industries
53. S Wilter Kay Jay Sharp Trendys
54. Mudiarasan B Kay Jay Sharp Trendys
55. D Devaraj Bindhu Engg Industries
56. C Kanagaraj Coimbatore Pump Products
57. Sri Hari Yath Pumps
58. Sanjeev Deshak Orbits
59. N Sivakumar Texmo Industries
60. D Jaya Prakash Texmo Industries
61. N Shajadan Texmo Industries
62. N Ravi Kumar Texmo Industries
63. S Ramakrishnan Mahendra Sub. Pumps Pvt Ltd
64. S Rajendran Mahendra Pumps Pvt Ltd
65. Jaaintha Joseph Mahee Engg P Ltd, Unit
66. N Subramanian Norton Industries
67. M Sathish Anchor Engg Co
68. I E Tamdlarasan Anchor Engg Co
69. R Kalyanasundaram Tapmaa
70. J Vicks Sharp Pumps
71. S S Raman Sharp Pumps
72. R Ramesh Harson Pumps
73. K P Shanmukgarajan Prabhu Industry
74. N Sivasubramanian TERI Consultant
75. K Jayachandra Sri Amman Industries
76. S P Garnaik BEE
77. Shashank Jain Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation
78. Girish Sethi TERI
79. Prosanto Pal TERI

Annexure 2.5:
Agenda of the
National Level Dissemination Workshop

National Level Dissemination Workshop
Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India
July 30, 2012

Board Room, The Oberoi Hotel, Zakir Hussain Marg, New Delhi
10.00 a.m. 12.00 noon


10.00 11.00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

[Mr S. P. Garnaik, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)]

Moderated Discussion by BEE on

Problems being faced by pumps manufacturers in S&L program of BEE
Proposal for shifting voluntary programme of pumps to mandatory phase
11.00 12.00 Background of TERI-Shakti study to promote energy efficiency in pump industry in
[Mr Shashank Jain, Sr Programme Officer-Industry, Shakti Sustainable Energy

Background presentation on TERI-Shakti study on Promoting energy efficiency in

pump industry in India
[Mr Prosanto Pal, Senior Fellow, TERI]

Question Answer
Vote of Thanks
12.30 14.00 Lunch

N.B. The workshop is being held in conjunction with the Technical Committee Meeting for Pumps
under the Standards and Labeling Programme of BEE

Annexure 2.6:
List of participants of the National Level
Dissemination Workshop

National Level Dissemination Workshop
Promoting energy efficiency in pump industry in India
July 30, 2012

List of participants

Name Organisation Contact details
1. Mr Anil Akole, Crompton Greaves Limited Mobile. 9765550303
Pumps Division Email.
2. Mr Ashok Choudhary, KSB Pumps Ltd Mobile. 9871159488
3. Mr V Krishnakumar, Aquasub Engineering/ Email.
4. Ms Shashirekha Goramane Crompton Greaves Limited Mobile. 9823886003
Pumps Division Email.

5. Mr Hemanth Kumar ICPCI Mobile. 9582236644

6. Mr S P Garnaik Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE)
7. Mr Shashank Jain Shakti Sustainable Energy Mobile 9868214441
Foundation Email.
8. Mr Gaurav Kumar Gupta Duke Plasto Technique Pvt Mobile. 9414055912
Ltd Email.

9. Mr Deepanshu Ahuja Bureau of Energy Email.

10. Ms Vineeta Kanwal Bureau of Energy Mobile. 9871729299
Efficiency (BEE) Email.
11. Mr Surinder Singh Kalsi Kalsi Metal Works (P) Ltd. Mobile. 9872900602
12. Mr Hardik Vyas Falcon Pumps Pvt Ltd Mobile. 9727700583/
13. Mr Milind Raje ICPCI Mobile. 9820611816

Name Organisation Contact details
14. Mr Ashish Sharma EESL Mobile. 9560810808
15. Mr Gaurang Meher Diljun TERI Email.
16. Mr Chetan Yadav TERI Email.
17. Ms Alpana Jain Shakti Foundation Email.
18. Mr Prabhash Kumar Data Analyst Email.
19. Mr Jaykumar Bureau of Energy Mobile. 7428299639
Efficiency (BEE) Email.
20. Mr J Ramdass Mahindra Pumps
21. Mr S L Abhyankar IPMA Mobile. 9757215527
22. Mr Jignesh Patel Rajkot Engineering Mobile. 9824221874
23. Mr Prosanto Pal TERI Mobile. 9811799933
24. Mr Girish Sethi TERI Email.


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