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March 2006


Arlington, 2005
It all started four years ago when Maj Brewer, Augusta and Cumberland members would lay the wreaths and
Wayne Merritt of the Machias Valley County Composite Squadrons partici- then stand and salute the veteran be-
Composite Squadron was asked by pating. SM Curtis Slininger (Bangor- fore moving on to the next one. Each
Mr. Morrill Brewer) and Capt Anita Cheney year this project gains new interest
Worcester, (Augusta-Gardiner) were volunteer and more and more members are
owner of drivers for the Augusta CAP Van that participating. Thanks to Worcester
Worcester carried the County Composite cadets. Wreath who donates the wreaths
Wreath Greg and Eric Madore (Cumberland each year and to the Maine State So-
Company County) drove their POV and followed ciety for the work they do to make this
to partici- the convoy. project possible.
pate in the
laying of After the project was completed, all
holiday members attended a wreath laying
wreaths at ceremony at the Tombs of the Un-
Cadets & Seniors the Arling- known Soldiers and watched the
worked from the start of ton Na- Changing of the Guard. Plans are
decorating the Holiday tional already underway to participate in this
Wreaths .. Cemetery. program next year and with the inter-
The first est still at a high level, we are going to
year, one CAP Van went to Arlington. try and rent a bus down and back so
This year, 3 CAP Vans and a POV the senior members can rest and not
made the trip to participate. The pro- take so long to recover next year.
ject started with the decorating of the To placing the wreaths on Majors Wayne Merritt & Dennis
wreaths at the Worcester Wreath in Veteran s Graves .. Murray
Harrington, Maine where 18 members
participated in boxing, decorating and Maine Wing members were guests of
loading wreaths on to a truck bound Col Kay Walling (Maryland Wing,
for Arlington. Machias Valley Commander) and 1Lt Eric Hughes
(Machias), St Croix (Calais) and (Easton, Maryland Composite Squad-
County (Presque Isle) Composite ron Commander). They provided
Squadrons, Civil Air Patrol left for Ar- lodging and food for all of the mem-
lington National Cemetery during the bers of Maine Wing who participated.
early morning hours on December 14, In addition, this year the Easton Com-
2005 to prepare to lay over 5,000 posite Squadron sent ten members to
Holiday Wreaths on veterans grave- Arlington with the Maine Wing to help
sites. Now in our fourth year of partici- lay the wreaths.
pation, we had three squadrons and
45 members participating. We also This was a very moving experience To admiring a Job Well Done for
had additional members from Bangor- for all of those in attendance. Many as far as the eye can see.

Maj Doug Grosso by several hurricanes so first re- CAP Members in the NEWS
sponders knew where to go first. Dur-
Receives Gill Robb Wilson
ing this last tour of service, he has
Maj Douglas W. directed a Corporate Learning Course
Grosso receives for senior members and taught at sev-
his Gill Robb Wil- eral Squadron Leadership Schools.
son award from His Gill Robb Wilson certificate is
Civil Air Patrol. numbered 2,368, which means he is
Major Grosso amongst a small group of people who
started out in the advance to this level. Douglas Grosso
Civil Air Patrol s has worked for Johnny s Selected
Cadet Program in Seeds for ten years and currently
1970 where he serves as the Chief Information Offi-
earned several cer. Through the encouragement and
promotions and awards as a cadet. generosity of his employer and his
This learning to become a leader family, Major Grosso has been very
has enhanced his desire to help other active in the missions of the Maine Capt Josh Broder, U.S. Army and
people to get ahead in life. With the Wing, Civil Air Patrol. Douglas Grosso Lt Mike Paquette, U.S. Navy in
encouragement of his employer, resides in Vassalboro, ME with his Afghanistan
Johnny s Selected Seeds, in Winslow, wife Maryann and daughters, Lauren,
ME, Major Grosso returned to the Kristen and Amanda. Here is a photo of a couple of Maine
Civil Air Patrol as a senior member Maj Dennis Murray, PA Wingers in exile at Bagram Air Base,
three and a half years ago. True to his Maine Wing, Civil Air Patrol Afghanistan. CPT Joshua Broder and
word, Major Grosso has attained the LT Mike Paquette. Capt Josh Broder
highest level in the Professional De- Cadet In the NEWS is in his last week of a year long de-
velopment Program for senior mem- ployment in Afghanistan running the
bers and has helped both cadets and Lt. Christopher D. Look (Machias tactical satellite communications net-
seniors to advance in CAP. He has Valley Composite Squadron) Re- work in Central Asia. Lt Mike
been very active in the Waterville ported for duty 01/05/06 at Fort Jack- Paquette is here working for the intel-
Composite Squadron, CAP and is son, So. Carolina. He is there to re- ligence guys. Our thoughts and
currently Commander. He has been ceive 9 weeks of basic training in the prayers are with you.
to several disaster areas serving CAP U. S. Army (Maine National Guard). -Editor
as a communications and computer Upon completion of Basic he is to re-
expert, helping to map out areas hit port to Fort Hustus, Virginia for 16
weeks of further training in UH-60
maintenance and repair.
Maine Wing Over UH-60=Blackhawks. In June he will
return to Maine to report to the 112th
Wing Commander Medical company in Bangor to take
Col Mitch Sammons
his place with that unit as a mainte-
Vice Commander nance specialist. It is his intention to
Maj Chris Hayden return to U of M Orono to complete
Newsletter Editor his education and ROTC, while serv- A first for the St Croix Composite
Maj Dennis Murray ing concurrently with the 112th. If all Squadron. Stephen Lincoln, Jr. is
goes as planned not long after receiv- the first C/1st Lt to serve in the
Maine Wing, Civil Air Patrol ing his degree in engineering (or per- squadron since it was chartered in
PO Box 5006 haps before) he will apply for pilots 2000. C/1st Lt Lincoln has served
Augusta Maine, 04332-5006
school in order to fly the Blackhawks. as the Cadet Commander and is
Editorial Office: 207/427-3421 Not a bad ambition for a 19 year old currently the Cadet Executive Offi-
Headquarters: 207/626-7830 kid. Thanks CAP cer for the Squadron and CAC rep-
The Maine Wing Over is an unofficial newsletter Capt. Timothy C. Look resentative. Shown during the
published quarterly in the interest of members of the AEO MVCS pinning ceremony is Stephen
Maine Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. Any opinions
either expressed or inferred by the writers herein are
PS: his college education will be Lincoln, Sr. (proud father) and
their own and are not to be considered official expres- 100% paid by the US Military. plus a Ryan Lincoln (proud brother). Con-
sion by the Civil Air Patrol or the Department of the sizeable financial bonus just for sign- gradulations from all of us.
Air Force.
ing up.

CISM ute break for mission personnel to ple agencies across the state, the
collect their thoughts, chat with fel- CISM team will hold a
Teams now low members, have a snack and hot demobilization . Even though the
part of CAP or cold drink As inconvenient as this Maine Wing CISM has been trained to
under appears, it is the first step in elimi- conduct demobilizations, this is more
CAPR 60-5 nating stress and assuring a safe likely to be provided by a larger state
return home. The CISM team will agency or military CISM team. Demo-
Why we have a CISM Team. assure members that stress is nor- bilization is simply a large scale out-
As search and rescue volunteers we all mal after any mission; they will iden- briefing. National Headquarters real-
believe we are tough and can take what tify the normal symptoms of stress ized the needs for CISM teams follow-
ever stress the mission has to throw as members may experience within ing a major airline accident in Detroit
us. Our usual SAREX s can be stress- twenty-fours of returning home and a few years ago when CAP personnel
ful, but do not compare to a live mis- ask them to call one of the team if were activated by the NTSB to secure
sion; especially if the outcome results in any of the listed symptoms persist. the accident area. This exposed both
loss of life or when hundreds of person- The team members are trained to seniors and cadets to very gruesome
nel are involved over two or more days. recognize these situations and will and tragic scenes resulting in trau-
That is why Maine Wing has estab- either provide non-clinical advice or matic stress for a large portion of the
lished a Critical Incident Stress Man- refer the member to a licensed clini- unit. The National Commander at the
agement (CISM) team. Mission related cian. In the event of a major disaster time designated Lt Col Sherry Jones,
stress is insidious and if the initial signs or a mission that involves the loss of an EMS nurse with many years ex-
are left unchecked could lead to mental life of Wing personnel, the CISM perience in CISM and a participant in
and physical trauma affecting both work team is trained to provide a the Detroit accident cleanup. Lt Col
and family life. When we leave a mis- defusing . This is also peer driven, Jones immediately prepared and in-
sion of any kind we are on a high from but is provided in seven distinct and troduced CAP Regulation 60-5, which
all the activity and the involvement of structured phases as triage for the outlines the CISM system for CAP. In
searching to save a life. But three or mission personnel. It is conducted in October of 2004, Capt Merrie
four hours later or the next day, when small groups within hours of a crisis Knightly, Capt Andrea Hayden,
we are home and relaxed, the stress to quickly mitigate acute symptoms. Capt Peter Goss, SM Bruce Torrey
begins to catch up with us and mani- Each member of the CISM team is and Major Chris Hayden attended
fests itself in several ways: we lose our assigned to small groups of mission an intense two-day training session
appetite, cannot sleep and even be- personnel in a quiet and private provided by Lt Col Jones in Connecti-
come intolerant of family members. As area. Here the CISM team member cut. Since then the Maine Wing team
the days become weeks this can grow sets the tone of the meeting and has conducted out-briefings at several
in other more dramatic ways: we forget asks each group member to de- SAREX s including the EVAL in Cari-
names, misplace or lose items and scribe what happened from their bou last May. Nationally the number
even stumble over our speech. If still perceptive. They are then asked for of CISM teams has grown dramati-
left uncheck this stress can lead to seri- their first and most prominent cally in the past year with many
ous psychological or physiological thoughts and then they are asked to Wings and Regions establishing
harm, even breakdown. To prevent this describe the worst part of the inci- teams. Also the number of trainers
from happening to anyone in Maine dent from their perspective. This has increased with CISM instructors
Wing, we are making CISM an integral process gives everyone a chance to now located in NER, GLR, SWR and
part of our mission training. CISM is a vocalize their thoughts, concerns SER. The NHQ CISM office is in the
peer program, not a mental health pro- and worst fears while the others lis- process of including CISM as a CAPF
gram. In other words, the CISM team ten and discover they all feel much 101 qualification. Those interested in
consists of fellow CAP members rather the same way and thus they realize joining the team will need to complete
than outsiders. The principles of CISM what they are experiencing is very the two-day training and should con-
are simple: realize stress is normal, normal. This is followed by the famil- tact Major Joan Coughlin, NER CISM
recognize the signs of stress and use iar out-briefing that identifies the Clinical Director at
the advice of the CISM team to put the symptoms of stress, tells how to or Lt Col
symptoms in check. This stress man- correctly deal with the symptom and Van Don Williams, NER CISM Direc-
agement process begins at the end of finally re-entry through a questions tor to get the
each mission day or mission. Before and answers session to tie up any training schedule for NER members.
rushing home, all mission personnel will loose ends. In the event of a large- Maj Chris Hayden
attend a short out-briefing or informa- scale disaster involving a hundred Vice Commander
tional debriefing that provides a 30 min- or more participants including multi-

on February 2, 2006 during the regu-
Waterville Cumberland County lar meeting with the assistance of Col
Composite Squadron Composite Squadron Sammons our honored guest.
Cadet Ben Lariviere promoted to C/
Cadet Jon Labbe promoted to C/
Cadet Niell Belcher promoted to C/
Cadet Bruce Richards promoted to
Cadet Erick Ribeiro promoted to
C/2d Lt AND received the Mitchell
Congratulations !
1Lt Charles Browne (L) takes over Capt Marc Brunelle
Command of the Waterville Squad-
ron from Maj Doug Grosso (C) 2nd Lt. Jennifer Turgeon cuts the
while Col Mitch Sammons, Maine cake commemorating her success-
ful Private Pilot Certificate check
Wing Commander, expresses his
congratulations to both members. ride.
Cumberland County Composite
In a recent ceremony, the Waterville Squadron Honors Newest Pilot
Composite Squadron, CAP passed Second Lieutenant Jennifer Turgeon
the Command Position to 1Lt. of Cumberland County Composite
Charles Browne. Lt. Browne has a Squadron earned her Private Pilot
long history with CAP and Maine Certificate on the 10th of December,
Wing as a Cadet in the Waterville C/2Lt Erick Ribeiro receives the
2005. Her achievement was marked
Squadron and is now in command of by her squadron members with the Billy Mitchell Award from Col
the unit in which he started. He knows presentation of a cake (in the form of Mitch Sammons, Maine Wing Com-
the history of the unit and how well it runway 25/7 at Sanford) and a set of mander.
can perform. Lt. Browne has been an CAP wings. As soon as she is able,
integral part of the squadron for some Second Lieutenant Turgeon will take Augusta-Gardiner
time now and we look forward to see- the CAP Form 5 check ride so that
ing his continuing excellent work. Out- she may wear the new wings. After Composite Squadron
going Commander, Major Doug working on her Private Pilot Certifi-
Grosso, has provided outstanding cate for nearly three years, Second Augusta/Gardiner Squadron wel-
duty performance since his joining the Lieutenant Turgeon took her check comes our new Commander Maj.
Maine Wing. Major Grosso has con- ride with FAA Pilot Examiner Don Douglas Grosso, and look forward to
tributed greatly to many of the suc- Martel at the Sanford Airport. She working with him. While we say good
cesses that Maine Wing has enjoyed, flew a Piper Warrior for the test that bye to Capt. Dale J. Fellows as our
from squadron events to Wing mis- began in the late afternoon and lasted Commander, we are very happy that
sions, both actual and training, as well until after sunset. As with many of us, he is staying with us in many other
as at the Region and National levels her road to completion was filled with capacities. We would like to welcome
where he has excelled in the Staff weather, aircraft, paperwork and time the following new cadets: C/AB Mi-
Colleges. Major Grosso has become problems. A steady resolve and the chael Johnston, C/AB Alexis Scott
a key member to Maine Wing. We encouragement of friends saw her and C/AB Alex Stonier. We would
thank him very much for all that he through. Once again: Congratulations like to congratulate the following ca-
has done to promote Maine Wing and Jennifer! dets on their promotions: C/SrA Seth
to preserve its fine history. Maj 1st Lieutenant Robert S. Baker Hansen, C/SSgt Michael Simmons
Grosso was presented a Command- and C/A1C Keenan Vann. All our
ers Commendation Award by Col The Cumberland County Composite cadets and Senior Members continue
Mitch Sammons, Maine Wing Com- Squadron is pleased to announce the to work hard in all their endeavors
mander. following promotions and Mitchell and were proud of you all.
Maj Dennis Murray, PAO Award. These promotions were made SM Laura Minoty PAO

moted to Cadet Airman, Cadet Air-
Bangor Brewer man First Class Matthew Williams
Composite Squadron was promoted to Cadet Senior Air-
man, Cadet Staff Sergeant Stefen
Blanchard (Cadet Executive Officer)
was promoted to Cadet Technical
Sergeant, and Cadet Senior Master
Sergeant Elise Pusey (Cadet Com-
mander) was promoted to Cadet
Chief Master Sergeant. Thanks to
Pilots 1Lt Ken Varian and Maj John
Riley, four cadets have recently had C/2nd Lt Joseph Martorano re-
O-flights. For C/Amn Alex Deprenger ceived the Billy Mitchell award at a
and C/Amn Hannah Pusey this was regular squadron meeting the end of
their first flight. On one flight, to December, 2005. Commander, Maj
sharpen their skills, C/MSgt. Tina Dennis Murray presented the award
C/Larby, Flight Commander; C/TSgt Davis and C/Amn Hannah Pusey and promoted Cadet Martorano at this
Griffin, Executive Officer; C/SMSgt used a map to find the coordinates of meeting. A Pinning ceremony took
Alex Parks, Cadet Commander. Not their homes and then, using those place immediately after the promotion
shown: C/SMSgt Chris Slininger, coordinates, found them - quite accu- where Steve Martorano (father) did
1st Sergeant. rately, too. And speaking of airplanes, the honors of pinning his son. Con-
The Cadets have been enjoying excit- gradulations to C/2nd Lt Joseph Mar-
On December 14th, 2005 C/SMSgt ing Aerospace presentations from torano on your promotion and award.
Alex Parks was appointed Cadet their new Aerospace Instructor, Sen- Capt Judy Murray, PAO
Commander. C/Parks has been an ior Member Chris Conner. Senior
active member of the Bangor/Brewer Member Conner has further en-
Squadron since May of 2002. Cadet hanced our Squadron's Aerospace Take the time to visit the Maine
Commander Parks has selected the program by starting a cadet lending Wing Web site under Public Affairs/
following cadets to serve on his staff: library." Squadron Newsletters. You can get
C/TSgt Anthony Griffin, Executive C/CMSgt. Elise Pusey and C/MSgt. additional information from several
Officer; C/Keith Larby, Flight Com- Tina Davis, Cadet Commander and Squadrons on this site.-Editor
mander; C/SMSgt Chris Slininger, Deputy Cadet Commander
1st Sergeant. He has also imple- PANCO's for the Downeast Patrol
mented several element leader posi- Squadron Sundown Composite
tions to allow more cadets the oppor-
tunity to experience a leadership role. Squadron
Good luck to all in your new positions.
St Croix
LTC Jim Jordan and Maj. Dick Composite Squadron
Hunter will be directing and co- Machias Valley
directing the Squadron Leadership
School to be held at the Bangor Promotions for the last quarter include Composite Squadron
Squadron on March 11th and 12th. Jerry Palmer, Maurice Boisvert and
They have also been busy planning Jolene Clark to 1Lt. Cadets Anthony NO REPORT
the Maine Wing Conference to be Dileo to C/Amn, Kira Lane to C/Amn,
held at the Four Points Sheraton in Kimberly Lane to C/Amn, Bobby
Composite Squadron
Bangor on April 22nd. Be looking for Oliver to C/A1C, Todd Clark to C/ See Newsletter
further details soon. CMSgt, Curtis Brown to C/MSgt,
Cathie Spaulding, 2Lt., PAO Shelby Cilley to C/SSgt, Chris Bar- NO REPORT
buto to C/TSgt. In the Cadet officer
rank we had Stephen Lincoln, Jr Lewiston-Auburn Composite
Downeast Patrol promoted to C/1st Lt and Joseph Mar- See LA Times
torano promoted to C/2nd Lt. All pro- NO REPORT
"On the second Tuesday evening of motions were followed by a Pinning
February four cadets were promoted ceremony where cadets had family Pinetree
and/or friends pin on the cadets new Senior Squadron
at the Downeast Patrol Squadron.
Cadet Basic Hannah Pusey was pro- rank. NO REPORT

Friday night will feature a Cadet Pizza
Party as well as a CAC, Movie and
Commanders Call Meeting. Check Services Missions
your emails and snail mail for the reg-
istration brochure. All events and 12/08/05 The ELT ordeal that began
times are listed in the brochure. on Tuesday has hopefully come to an
Pick your desired meal for the ban- end. I have many members to thank
quet. Choose between NY Sirloin, for their efforts in this very challenging
Baked Haddock, Cranberry- mission. SM Nate Fellows consis-
Cornbread Stuffed Chicken or Vege- tently worked this mission all three
tarian Lasagna. Something for just days! Capt Dale Fellows and Maj Pel-
about everyone s taste. lerin assisted on Tuesday evening.
Major Scott Higgins and Lt Charles
Prices for the conference full registra- Browne worked UDF with Nate on
tion is $45.00 senior members and Wednesday. Aircrews from Tuesday
$30.00 for cadet members. Room were Captains Barker and Ledoux.
rates for the Sheraton are $60.00 per Aircrew from Wednesday was Capt
night plus taxes. You can reserve a Saucier and Lt Coyne. Today, Cadet
room at the hotel by calling 800-228- Joe Burns with Nate Fellows located
4609 at this special CAP rate. See and silenced a Mini EPIRB in the
brochure for additional details. Kennebec river with the assistance of
an inflatable boat provided by the Au-
Come and join us for a fun filled gusta Fire Dept. The Ground Team
weekend where we honor the reported that another audible signal
Volunteers Serving America. exists in the same general area, how-
ever, the sun had set and the boat
Wing Conference Committee, 2006 was now out of service due to dam-
Bangor-Brewer Composite Sq. age to its jet drive from ice. AFRCC
LTC Jim Jordan, Commander does not have any SARSAT merges
from this device and there is no sign
of distress, therefore, the search has
If for no other reason, you should been closed at this time. Good night
attend the Wing Conference to ex- and thank you again to everyone who
perience Maj Chris Hayden s Year supported this mission.
In Review This is something eve- Capt Marc Brunelle
ryone looks forward to each year. CAP
Volunteers Serving America Who knows, you might become a MEWG ESO
star at the show.
01/13/06 Maine Wing CAP was re-
That is the theme of this year s Maine
quest Thursday afternoon by SSO
Wing Conference to be held at the
Southwest Harbor (Coast Guard) for
Four Points Sheraton in Bangor,
assistance in locating an EPIRB that
Maine April 21-23, 2006. The Bangor-
they had been trying to locate for a
Brewer Composite Squadron has
couple of days. The flight crew of Lt.
been working for months on this
Schertenleib and Maj Riley estab-
year s conference to make sure it is
lished that the beacon was at the
one of the best yet. Early registrations
Hinckley Boat Yard in Southwest Har-
are encouraged and if received by
bor. After landing the aircraft they
March 22, 2006, you could be one of
went from aircrew to ground team and
the lucky members chosen at random
made contact with employees at
to participate in a KC 135 refueling
Hinckley who told them they knew it
mission. This year s conference with
was going off but could not find it.
feature a hands-on experience with a
The ground team narrowed the
static display of the glass cockpit as
search down to one particular building
well as many other workshops and
holding 16 multi million dollar yachts
hands-on cadet and senior activities.
(Continued on page 7)

(Continued from page 6) ES Missions 1Lt Charles Brown of Waterville New Horizons is a robot. The trip will
but could not find the offending Squadron formed the ground team take 9 years. A sixth-grader now will
EPIRB before retiring for the evening. and were enroute to the area to be in college when New Horizons
The EPIRB was one of the new 406 prosecute to mission. Due to the high reaches Pluto in the year 2015. On
models with a data burst contained winds no aircraft were launched. By TV, spaceships always go into orbit
with the SARSAT signal. This data midnight the GT members had nar- around planets they visit. But New
burst contained the make, model, se- rowed the search area to the junction Horizons will not orbit Pluto. The ship
rial number and various other infor- of Route 97 and Route 1 in Thomas- will fly by Pluto, like a car driving by
mation (except the name of the owner ton. Due to the late hour and the dark- your house but not stopping, taking
and the gps location). Upon returning ness the mission members retired for pictures like crazy. Many of the pic-
to his residence Lt Schertenleib used the night. Saturday morning the same tures will show Pluto's three moons.
this information received from the GT returned to the scene and quickly When New Horizon beams the pic-
AFRCC and using the internet found identified a lobster boat in a driveway tures back to Earth, we'll finally know
the manufactures web site (they are on Summer Road, but could not lo- what they look like. Why not stop and
in Britain). He e-mailed them about cate the owner. With the assistance of stay? About 15 years ago, astrono-
who he was and what information he a neighbor in the area, the GT were mers began to find other tiny worlds
had and requested any information able to locate the grandmother of the like Pluto orbiting the sun beyond
the company might have on this par- owner who gave the team permission Neptune. New Horizons is going to try
ticular EPIRB. When the Lt woke up to enter the boat and shut off the to visit a few of them. Is the outer so-
the company had replied to his e-mail EPIRB. The mission was closed at lar system filled with tiny planets?
with the name of the owner and the 16:10z (11:10 local). AFRCC were Maybe Pluto isn't so lonely, after
vessel that the EPIRB was assigned quick the thank our GT for another all.
to. The ground team of Lt. Col. Gold- successful mission. Find out what else we know already
stein and Lt Schertenleib returned to Maj Chris Hayden, V-Commander about Pluto at:
the Hinckley Boats bright and early
this morning and requested to see the This article was written by Dr. Tony
sailboat Misconduct. After checking Phillips. It was provided by the Jet
the onboard EPIRB it was determined Propulsion Laboratory, California In-
that was not the offending EPIRB so stitute of Technology, under a con-
Lt. Col. Goldstein set about doing hisLonely Pluto tract with the National Aeronautics
excellent DF work and found the sec- How would you like to be 6 billion and Space Administration.
ond EPIRB on board the Misconduct miles from Earth, surrounded by dark-
wrapped in the life raft. Once un- ness and freezing cold, and no one
wrapped the beacon could be seen. It ever comes to visit you? Think about
appears that the EPIRB was defective it. That's what it's like to be Pluto.
as the manual switch was in the off When astronomers discovered Pluto
position and the battery expiration in 1930, they were amazed to find
date was 2008. Thank you to all who such a tiny planet so far from the sun.
took time out of their busy lives to Other planets out there are giants;
make this happen. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Capt. Merrie Knightly, IC could swallow Earth whole. Yet Pluto
is smaller than Earth's moon. It's an
01/14/06 Thanks to Captains Libbey oddball, so tiny that even the Hubble
and LeClair from our newest Squad- Space Telescope can't see it clearly.
This artwork shows how
ron in Lewiston/Auburn an ELT was Pluto is a world of mystery. Does Pluto and two of its possible
found and silenced at the Knox Pluto have weather? Does it even three moons might look from
County Airport this morning. Great have air? What about mountains and the surface of the third moon.
Job! craters? Scientists would love to Credit: NASA/ESA and G. Ba-
Capt Marc Brunelle know. Yet, while NASA has sent
con (STSci)
spaceships to all of the other planets,
02/18/06 At 2023 local on Friday Pluto has not been visited even once.
night, AFRCC activated MEWG to As I would not be a slave, so I
Pluto, get ready for company!
search for an ELT signal in Rockland/ January 19, NASA launched a space- Would not be a master. This ex-
Thomaston area. By 2130 local Capt ship called New Horizons, and it is presses my idea of democracy
Dale Fellow of Augusta Squadron and going to Pluto. No one is onboard; - Abraham Lincoln

Headquarters NONPROFIT ORG.
Civil Air Patrol, Maine Wing U.S. POSTAGE
PO Box 5006 PAID
Augusta, ME 04332-5006

Commander s Corner From what I could see, all who from the experience.
attended listened closely to the
instructors and all stayed in the For myself, it wasn t the most
Members of Maine field throughout the very cold comfortable night of sleep that I
Wing and windy winter night. have ever had, but knowing that it
I would like to echo can be done, when done right,
the comments of Some looked a bit frazzled and helps to prepare me to have the
Capt. Brunelle re- worse for the wear the next right attitude should events find
garding the winter morning, but I am sure that they me in such a situation.
survival training this have learned critical lessons
February 24-25. This kind of I would also urge our flight
training does indeed open a per- crews to take the course if
son s eyes as to what it would take they have not already. The
to come out of the wild alive next time you fly north and
should you become lost or have west of Bangor, look down at
crashed in unfriendly terrain. the rugged terrain below
Thanks to the experienced guid- and then think of how you
ance of Lt. Col. Higgins, Major would get out of there alive
Day, and Major Schwab, I think should you find yourself in
that all who attended the training the middle of all those
are better prepared to survive woods. This kind of training
such an event. is the key.
As was pointed out during the Yes, we will find you eventually. Ques-
training, a survivor needs the right tion is can you survive until we get Mitch Sammons Col. CAP
attitude the will to survive to there? Winter Survival Training is for Commander Maine Wing
make it through the experience. everyone. Editor

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