Admin Task 12

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Student Name: Jessica Luongo Date: Thursday March 23, 2017

Placement: Early Intervention Services

Purpose: My EI has asked me to create a social story for one of her little
Reason for completing the kiddies about traveling. More specifically, a social story about
task. This could be based on airline travels.
an observation you made, a
conversation between you and
your site supervisor, etc
Task: I am going to create a social story about airline travels for one
What are you planning in of the EI kiddies who will be travelling for the first time via
response to your purpose? airplane to New Jersey. The social story will describe the
- Label your task (e.g. various social interactions and situations that she will
Bulletin board focused on encounter while travelling via airplane.
the importance of play-
based learning). Objectives:
- What are your 3 objectives 1. The social story will help the child identify important cues
for this experience? (i.e. to help her understand the exceptions when traveling and
Why are creating a bulletin taking an airplane.
board on the importance of 2. The social story will help the child understand the routines
play-based learning? What involved with traveling and taking an airplane.
message are you sending?) 3. The social story will help the child better cope with
unfamiliar situations she will face when traveling.
Describe the experience:
- List the materials and Description:
resources you will use 1 I will look up what a social story is and how they are
- Describe the completion of played out.
the task, with a step by step 4. I will find pictures that are related to travelling via airline
description 5. I will create a social story for the child.
6. I will show my EI mentor what I have created.
7. Once approved I will print social story off and give to EI
mentor to give to the family.
Reflection: What went well I was able to clearly understand what the
- What went well? Provide concept of a what a social story is. Also, my EI mentor gave
examples for how you clear instructions on what she expected the social story to look
know it went well. like, which made it easy to find pictures to relate to the social
- What didnt go well? story.
Provide examples for how
you know it didnt go well. What I might do differently next time, is maybe use less
- What did you learn? pictures for the social story making if shorter that way it
- What might you do wouldn't require a long attention span from the child. It would
differently next time you also be more simple for the child if there was less pictures to
implement this same task focus on.
and why?
- Did you have to make any No adaptions/modifications were made.
adaptations or
modifications? If so, what
were they?
- What type of experience
might you plan to extend
on this one?
Field Supervisor Feedback:

Signature:______________________________________Date: Thursday March 23, 2017

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