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How to Disable and Uninstall Protexis Licensing First Sport LiveBetting BTC
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Service (PSIService.exe) Make money lending Bitcoins!

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If you have installed trial or paid licensed version SUBSCRIBE

of Corel software products, you probably may
notice a third-party unannounced software
application makes its way into your computer Get latest updates in email
too. The program is PSIService.exe by Protexis, for free:
which installs a Protexis Licensing service or Go
Protexis Licensing V2 service in Windows
operating system.
My Digital Life
PSIService is part of Protexis copy protection Like
DRM (digital rights management) and license
management software, which intends to protect a 14,566 people like My Digital Life.
software or application from piracy and illegal
copying. Thus PSI service is normally installed
by another program, such as Corel Paint Shop
Pro Photo X2, Corel Paint Shop Pro XI (X1), Corel
Paint Shop Pro X, that uses its service to gather licensing information to send home much like spyware,
ensure copy protection and authenticate user that uses genuine version of the program.

To make matter worse, the ProtexisLicensing service may make PC boots up slower, and when
F acebook social plugin
disabled, will cause Corel Paint Shop Pro to stop working, in addition to warn you of running illegal copy
of non-genuine software. Besides, PSIService.exe does not uninstall together with the application that Follow @m dlinfo 1,821 follow ers
installed it, when the application is uninstalled and removed.

In any case, whether you want to get rid of Protexis while keeping the application that dependent on it TRANSLATE THIS PAGE
still working properly and able to run (contrary to popular belief, Protexis Licensing service is not
required for program to run), or now need to clean the Protexis PSIService spyware manually due to Select Language

non-removal by original application that installs it, the procedures to complete uninstall and remove
Protexis is easy. In fact, the instructions to uninstall PSIservice is provided on Protexis website.

If you are certain that no applications using PSIService are still installed on your system, and this
service is still running, you can remove it manually by following these instructions:

1. Remove the following registry entry:


2. Reboot your computer.

3. Delete the following files:


Of course, in order to keep applications such as Corel Photo Shop Pro continue running without error,
the complete removal instructions cannot be followed. Use the following workaround instead:

1. Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrators Tools.

2. Locate ProtexisLicensing or Protexis Licensing service. If you are seeing Protexis Licensing V2
service, use the next guide. Stop the service and then set the Startup Type to Disabled.
3. Bowse to %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32 folder.
4. Copy original PSIKey.dll to program folder of application that relies on Protexis, e.g.
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI\.
5. Rename PsiClient.dll to PsiClient.bak, or simply delete it.
6. Rename PSIKey.dll to PsiClient.dll
7. Rename PSIService.exe to PSIService.bak, or simply delete it.

If the Protexis DRM softare installed on your system is of version 2, follow these steps instead:

1. Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrators Tools.

2. Locate Protexis Licensing V2 service. Stop the service and then set the Startup Type to Disabled.
3. Bowse to %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Protexis\License Service folder.
4. Copy original PSIKey_2.dll to program folder of application that relies on Protexis, e.g.
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2\.
5. Rename PsiClient.dll to PsiClient.bak, or simply delete it.
6. Rename PSIKey_2.dll to PsiClient.dll
7. Rename PSIService_2.exe to PSIService_2.bak, or simply delete it.

Now, Protexis Licensing Service is tamed and disabled properly so that PSIService no longer run in
background, without affecting functionality of installed application.

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Adama April 6, 2013 at 7:46 pm REPLY

For CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 users see comment below by VPort.

tom February 11, 2013 at 5:37 pm REPLY

This screwed up my Corel installation and does not work. Got to reinstall it

christopher February 9, 2013 at 8:32 am REPLY

I am unable to install Corel Draw Graphics x6 because it locks up midway and says BEX
problem. What do I do?

jose January 27, 2012 at 9:46 am REPLY

gracias, me anduvo perfecto, saludos

Del October 14, 2012 at 1:26 am REPLY

I agree with Jose..

Worked Perfectly..Thank you very much!.

Mazrim Taim January 22, 2012 at 11:05 pm REPLY

Unfortunately this how to doesnt work on VideoStudio Pro X4.

VS Pro X4 uses PSIKey-03000201.

If you use the procedure as described here, VS simply wont start, or youll get error 38
asking you to reinstall.

Ive tried everything I could think of, but in the end I had to reverse the steps and start the
licensing-service again in order to get VideoStudio to work.

If someone finds a way to solve this please let the rest of us know.

Chris January 17, 2012 at 3:49 am REPLY

Heres what I did to make this work.

removed all Corel products from my system and went elsewhere.

Tw eet

VPort January 12, 2012 at 10:34 pm REPLY

I have CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 and Protexis with file PSIKey-03000201.dll

I followed the instructions given here without success (see below).

I had copied the file PSIKey-03000201.dll to all the Corel sub-folders and renamed it to
PSIClient.dll as instructed (Corel didnt start!).
Ive then tried the following. In the folder CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Programs I
renamed the file PSIClient.dll back to PSIKey-03000201.dll and all the programs started
to work again!

Hope it works for you too!

1. Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrators Tools.

2. Locate Protexis Licensing V2 service. Stop the service and then set the Startup Type to
3. Bowse to %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Protexis\License Service folder.
4. copy PSIKey*.dll (in my case it was PSIKey-03000201.dll and not PSIKey_2.dll)
5. search for PSIClient.dll in your Corel folder
6. rename all of them (to PsiClient.dll.bak for example)
7. copy to all those folders PSIKey dll and rename it to PSIClient.dll EXCEPT IN THE

Adama April 6, 2013 at 7:45 pm REPLY

Great Job, VPort, that worked for me.

As below.

VPort January 12, 2012 at 10:34 pm

I have CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 and Protexis with file PSIKey-03000201.dll

I followed the instructions given here without success (see below).

I had copied the file PSIKey-03000201.dll to all the Corel sub-folders and renamed it to
PSIClient.dll as instructed (Corel didnt start!).
Ive then tried the following. In the folder CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Programs I
renamed the file PSIClient.dll back to PSIKey-03000201.dll and all the programs
to work again!

Hope it works for you too!

1. Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrators Tools.

2. Locate Protexis Licensing V2 service. Stop the service and then set the Startup Type
to Disabled.
3. Bowse to %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Protexis\License Service
4. copy PSIKey*.dll (in my case it was PSIKey-03000201.dll and not PSIKey_2.dll)
5. search for PSIClient.dll in your Corel folder
6. rename all of them (to PsiClient.dll.bak for example)
7. copy to all those folders PSIKey dll and rename it to PSIClient.dll EXCEPT IN THE

KevTech November 28, 2011 at 11:34 am REPLY

Batch files need to use dos names when you have spaces. The following will work on 64 bit
windows for PSPX4 as the location is the program files x86 folder:

@echo off
sc start PSI_SVC_2 > nul
start c:Progra~2CorelCORELP~1CORELP~2.EXE
timeout 10 /nobreak > nul
sc stop PSI_SVC_2 > nul

If 32 bit windows then change Progra~2 to Progra~1:

@echo off
sc start PSI_SVC_2 > nul
start c:Progra~1CorelCORELP~1CORELP~2.EXE
timeout 10 /nobreak > nul
sc stop PSI_SVC_2 > nul

Fabio November 2, 2011 at 11:31 pm REPLY

I tried to disable PSIService with PSP X4 fo,llowing the above instructions but with no sucess.
I found the following workaround that works for me:

1. Go to services and set the PSI Serive start as Manual

2. create a .bat file (i.e.: startpsp.bat) with the following (adjust the paths as required on your

sc start PSI_SVC_2
start cmd /c C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
sc stop PSI_SVC_2

3. copy the bat file under the psp folder

4. Right click on the PS shortcut and change the .exe file with your bat file (i.e.: C:Program
Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4startpsp.bat)
The icon changes, but this is not a problem!

5. To start psp, right click on the icon and select run as administrator

The batch file will start PSI Service, start PSP and stop the service after 10 seconds (you can
change the timeout by changing the /T parameter in the bat file).

If someone knows how to set the run as administrator permament (the flag is disabled for bat
files) it would simplfy the launch

User November 25, 2011 at 5:43 pm REPLY

I did the same thing, but I use the following batch:

@echo off
sc start PSI_SVC_2 > nul
start C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel PaintShop Pro X4Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
timeout 10 /nobreak > nul
sc stop PSI_SVC_2 > nul


Then I change the icon manually back to the icon found in the EXE.

Everything works smoothly as if there were no changes !!!

fuggi November 27, 2012 at 9:43 pm REPLY

This is the only way working with Corel WinDVD 11.

IAM#6 October 9, 2011 at 5:41 am REPLY

I havent gotten any of these methods to work with PSP X4. However, I lowered the priority of
the Protexis service to a minimum state and PSP seems to load a bit faster. Im impressed
with the new PSPs speed and smooth operation. It appears to be a nearly complete rebuild of
X3. Time will tell how stable it is, but ya know thar b bugs ndat proggy, aaaarrrrrg.

Chris October 4, 2011 at 5:51 pm REPLY

I dont think I have Corel but I followed your advice. Like others here I was informed that the
Protexis feature needed updating/repairing or whatever and given a link to their website so I
thought I would find out a bit more about them. Computer also became very slow, if that had
anything to do with it. Obviously not needed so I have disabled it as you suggested. Many

thanks September 29, 2011 at 7:16 am REPLY


bb September 12, 2011 at 9:44 am REPLY

PaintShop Pro X4 is of the form PSIKey-03000201.dll however when you use the current
techniques of the switcheroo and rename it PSP X4 just crashes.

Tricksy September 22, 2011 at 7:15 am REPLY

Yep, same here, thats a pain.

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e0f4a24
Fault Module Name: StackHash_2264
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 001f976f
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 2264
Additional Information 2: 2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9
Additional Information 3: 875f
Additional Information 4: 875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e

DarkLord June 7, 2011 at 12:28 pm REPLY

V2 solution works Great on PaintIt! Touch and Painter 12 Thnx!

Modify June 20, 2011 at 6:34 pm REPLY

Doesn't seem to work with Corel X5

I don't have a PsiClient in my Corel folders or anywhere on my system for that matter.
Now every time I try to run CorelDraw I get "CorelDraw has stopped working check
online for a solution and close program."

Doc June 5, 2011 at 12:21 am REPLY

I have Quad Core and 8 GB of RAM, but still hate all those unnecessary processes in
background. That's how it worked for me (I have Corel X5 and Protexis Licensing V2):

1-3 the same first 3 steps

4 copy PSIKey *.dll (in my case it was PSIKey-03000201.dll and not PSIKey_2.dll)

5 search for PSIClient.dll in your Corel folder

6 rename all of them (to PsiClient.dll.bak for example)

7 copy to all those folders PSIKey dll and rename it to PSIClient.dll

There's no need to delete Protexis files, disabling it in "Services" is enough.

Hamburgler May 23, 2011 at 5:30 am REPLY

The instructions are unclear but a slightly modified protocol works:

Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrators Tools.

Locate Protexis Licensing V2 service. Stop the service and then set the Startup Type to

In the Corel panter 11 application folder rename PsiClient.dll to PsiClient.bak

Browse to %SystemDrive%Program Files (x86)Common FilesProtexisLicense Service folder.

Copy original PSIKey_2.dll to the Corel Painter application folder, e.g.

%SystemDrive%Program FilesCorelCorel Painter 11.*****Then rename this copy of
PSIKey_2.dll to PsiClient.dll*****

In the License Service Folder rename PSIService_2.exe to PSIService_2.bak, or simply delete


In the License Service Folder I then renamed PSIKey_2.dll to PsiClient.dll (although this step
may not be necessary)

Corel Painter 11 can now run without protexis spyware

JM May 22, 2011 at 7:26 am REPLY

haqy May 11, 2011 at 10:29 pm .

Is there a solution for Corel VideoStudio Pro X4? I tried this, but does not work?

Me too..I want to use it on a pc that is not connected to the internet. Anyone can help?

haqy May 12, 2011 at 6:29 am REPLY

Is there a solution for Corel VideoStudio Pro X4? I tried this, but does not work

Hw March 11, 2011 at 3:54 am REPLY

In PSP Photo X3 I needed to copy and rename the PSIKey_2.dll to this two locations:

%SystemDrive%Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2

%SystemDrive%Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2PSPClassic

It worked for me!

Ken L. June 12, 2011 at 6:57 am REPLY

I am able to confirm that this works, only the folders are

..CorelCorelPaintShopPhotoProX3 and

I am using x3 on win 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

Kiong Ping January 21, 2013 at 11:38 pm REPLY

May I know how does it works? I tried reinstall the software several time on my
windows 8. It work by the time I upgrade to windows 8. But, some how it doesnt
work suddenly. I used registry cleaner to clean my registry, I think thats the only

Frankenstein March 8, 2011 at 8:10 pm REPLY

for Corel DRAW x5 suite, copy the PsiClient.dll file you renamed from "ProtexisLicense

into all the sub folders of "CorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5" that contain it.

Entire suite should then work.

Scottster February 14, 2011 at 7:51 pm REPLY

In step 4 we are told to COPY (not move) PSIKey_2.dll, which leaves two copies of this file on
the system.

In step 6 we are told to rename that file, without being told WHICH copy. (Or does it mean to
rename BOTH?)
Ron B and RickW have both raised this, asking WHICH file should be renamed. No-one has
answered the question. Hank Snow now says "Rename the file you just copied". This is still

Hank Snow February 14, 2011 at 1:03 pm REPLY

More concise directions for removing the version 2 service:

To remove the Protexis Licensing V2 Service without affecting the functionality of the

1. Open Services (services.msc) in Control Panels Administrative Tools.

2. Locate the Protexis Licensing V2 service. Stop the service by right clicking on it and
selecting Stop. Right click on the service again and select Properties. On the properties
screen, select Disabled from the drop box under Startup Type.

3. Browse to %SystemDrive%Program FilesCommon FilesProtexisLicensing Service folder.

There you will find two files PSIKey_2.dll and PsiService_2.exe.

4. Copy (do not move) PSIKey_2.dll to the program folder of the application that relies on the
Protexis service. For Corel programs, this would typically be %SystemDrive%Program Files
CorelCorel Graphics Suite X4Programs.

5. In that same Programs folder, you will find another file associated with Protexis called
PsiClient.dll. Rename that to PsiClient.bak.

6. Rename the file you just copied, PSIKey_2.dll to PsiClient.dll.

7. Boot your computer, or hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE to bring up the task manger, and, on the
PROCESSES tab, stop the Protexis Service.

This works for Corel Draw X4 with both service packs installed. You can rename PSIKey_2.dll
back in the ProtexisLicensing Service folder to PsiClient.dll if the above procedure does not
work as Draw X4 worked both ways.

Previous instructions had mentioned renaming PSIService_2 in the ProtexisLicensing Service

folder to PSEService.bak; however this was not necessary.

EGG February 10, 2011 at 9:37 am REPLY

Still can't get this to work

Hs anyone noticed that there is also a PSIClient.dll file located in C:Program FilesCorelCorel
PaintShop Photo ProX3 and there are no instructions on whether this file also needs to be
renamed or deleted!

Has anyone managed to get PSP X3 working without Protexis and could type up a quick
tutorial on what to do please!

EGG February 10, 2011 at 8:58 am REPLY

I just read this and wanted to ask if anyone has tried it:

1. Disable the Protexis service

2. Add the line "" to the hosts file (located at


This line disables the communication from the local computer running PSIService towards
Corel, whilst also allowing PaintShopPro to run.

However, you will not be able to update the software.

Sounds like a workaround so I'm going to give it a go and test it now!!

EGG February 10, 2011 at 8:48 am REPLY

I think I've noticed a big misatke in these instructions.

Does the PSIKey_2.dll file need to be copied to this location as specified above:

%SystemDrive%Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2.

or to this location (which is the working folder):

%SystemDrive%Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2PSPClassic

These instructions realy do need to be more concise.

RickW February 9, 2011 at 6:03 am REPLY

Is "JMVS" the article's author? If so, could you please answer Ron B's question: WHICH copy
of PSIKey_2.dll should be renamed in Step 6?

JMVS February 7, 2011 at 6:28 am REPLY

One more thing I forgot to say. To work with PSP X3 you should also keep PsiService_2.exe
(it doesn't need to be the original executable, could be any text file renamed to

JMVS February 7, 2011 at 5:18 am REPLY


It's important to COPY PSIKey_2.dll (NOT MOVE). If you move/delete this file the program

Working for Corel PhotoShop Photo Pro X3

Ron B January 29, 2011 at 10:25 pm REPLY

Found this site while searching "Protexis". I was impressed by the clear, authoritative article.
I'm grateful, but have some comments and a question

1) A DATE on articles such as this would be nice.

2) Slight disappointment that the article has received some 60 comments to date, but none
appear to be responses from the (anonymous?) author.

3) Observations from a new Win7 system that came with Corel's "WinDVD" the cause of the
Protexis (version 2) stuff. I performed these steps

I first launched WinDVD for the first time, before disabling the Protexis service. This seemed to
be a requirement for WinDVD to run subsequently, after disabling the service, though this was
tried before following the other instructions in the article. I then followed the third set of
instructions (for when keeping the affected application, and when having version 2 of Protexis).

Result so far: full success. However, my question relates to the three "Rename" steps given in
the article (steps 5, 6 and 7).

By the time you reach step 5, you are dealing with (at least) TWO different folders: the
Protexis folder in "Common Files", and the program folder for the user application. But the
three "Rename" steps do not tell you to WHICH of these folders the renames apply.

In my case, for steps 5 and 7 there was only one choice as the file to be renamed resided only
in the program folder (step 5) or the Protexis common folder (step 7). But for step 6, there are
now TWO copies of PSIKey_2.dll. To which do the instructions refer? Both? (I have so far only
renamed the dependant application's copy.)

Yve January 18, 2011 at 8:02 pm REPLY

This worked great for me BUT I need to totally reinstall which is no biggie but to spare others,
you might NOT want to let psp try to add any automatic software updates once you ditch that
retarded licensing crap. psp is saying it's busted now, again no biggie as my computer
performance is aces without that horrid protex is crap.

Usraider January 2, 2011 at 7:12 pm REPLY

Thanks but it didn't seem to work for me. Followed the instructions. Rebooted and confirmed
the service was stopped and disabled. Started PSP X and it went through some fresh
installation configuration. Went back to check the service. It was back on and set to run at
startup again. In the System32 folder there was a fresh copy of PsiService.exe. The only
change that was not reset was the PsiClient.dll in the Corel PSP X dir is still the copied
PsiKey.dll file.

Spikie December 31, 2010 at 9:45 am REPLY

thanks a lot for this man, my computer's already slow as hell and this running in the
background would have SUCKED.

Phil December 30, 2010 at 8:35 pm REPLY

All this fooling around with the Registry and renaming files is unnecessary.

Just go to "Services" in Admin tools, and Disable PsiKey in startup, then go to the directory
and rename Psikey_2.exe to Psikey_2exp or something. Then rename the .dll as well, and
you are good to go.

Culip December 22, 2010 at 2:53 am REPLY

It seems technique doesn't work on X3.

<q>Didnt work with PSP X3</q>

It doesn't work for my X3 either. Fortunately I didn't delete any file so I can revert these.

fex December 18, 2010 at 9:02 pm REPLY

I'm disgusted I paid 60 for a not very good photo prog only to find it SPIES on me & was the
cause of very slow boots & other stuff

HOW DARE THEY!!! this is as bad as the spyware that was around a few years ago until it
was found out

) on finding this page, long may people fight the monster of control!!! O

Pawl November 9, 2010 at 12:29 pm REPLY

Didn't work with PSP X3

Gav October 11, 2010 at 11:28 am REPLY

Thank you sincerely. However, it may be useful to amend the final instruction thus:

"In the folder '%SystemDrive%Program FilesCommon FilesProtexisLicense Service', rename

PSIService_2.exe to PSIService_2.bak, or simply delete it."

GlenG October 1, 2010 at 6:40 am REPLY

Thank you, very clear instructions and they worked perfectly.

Martin September 24, 2010 at 6:46 pm REPLY


You are my Hero! Computer starts much faster without the PSIService bullshit.

And thanks to your guide, the PSP 11.2 is still working.

I love you for this guide.

I hate PSP 11.2 anyway, but sometimes I need it

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