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Order the following sentences

1. us./ you /come /want/ with /I /to

2. He/ /to/ like/ Betty/ would/ phone/ him.

3. to/ Jim/ angry/ be /want/ don't/ I

4. her/ like/ to/ to/ She/ someone/ listen/ would

5. o'clock./ am/ call/ two/ Wendy/ me/ at/ I/ expecting/ to

1. Smith/ to/ to/ We/ expect/ invite/ us/ Mrs /dinner.

7. me/ to/ lend/ book/. He/ wants/ a/ you

8. to/ play/ wanted /he /football. /The/ said /He /boys

9. She/ to /someone /needs /her./ help

10 .to /be/ people/ hate/ rude./ I

11.expected / come / is / tomorrow. / He / to

12. taught / by / She / drive / was / her / to / father.

13. for / rain / to / I'm / stop. / waiting / the

14. possible / exist / for / Is it / to / Mars? / on / life

Reading Comprehension: A POLLUTED WORLD

The environment has been polluted in many different ways. The three major
ways are water, land and air pollution.
Water pollution is the contamination of lakes, caused by human
activities. It can be harmful to organisms and plants which live in the water.
Water pollution occurs when wastes are discharged from waste water
treatment plants. Other known causes are factory wastes or leaking
underground tanks. These can be chemical substances that are toxic. The
polluted water can cause cholera and typhoid fever. Water pollution has led to
the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily.
Land pollution is the destruction of the earths land surfaces. It is
often caused by human activities such as careless disposal of wastes, over-
mining of minerals and wrong use of land for planting. All these will affect our
health in the long run. They will lead to all kinds of diseases such as cancer,
heart disease and breathing problems. Land pollution also brings about
natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides.
Air pollution is also the result of human activity where chemicals
and other dangerous materials are released into the air. This happens through
the release of carbon monoxide gas from exhaust pipes of motor vehicles.
Other gases such as sulphur oxides are released from the burning of coal and
oil. High air pollution levels can cause damage to the environment. It also
brings discomfort to humans and other living organisms. In the long term, air
pollution can cause serious breathing problems, lung cancer and heart
A. Based on the passage, answer the following questions.
1. How many ways is the environment being polluted?
A. Two C. Four
B. Three D. Five
1. What type of diseases caused by polluted water?
A. Cholera and typhoid fever
B. Breathing problems and cancer
C. Heart disease and typhoid fever
D. Cholera and breathing problems
1. The word It in the passage refers to the
A. diseases C. air pollution
B. land pollution D. water pollution
1. Which of the following causes land pollution?
A. Toxic factory wastes
B. Over-mining of minerals
C. Burning of coal and oil
D. Leaking underground tanks
1. From the passage, we know that air pollution
A. bring about typhoid fever
B. happens when lands are being destroyed
C. takes place when lakes are contaminated
D. happens when exhaust pipes release carbon monoxide

Part B
Answer the following questions using infinitive clauses

1. what are some solutions you propose in order to solve water

2. what are some solutions you propose in order to solve land
3. what are some solutions you propose in order to solve air
First English Exam
Students name;

Part 1
For each structure you have to create a sentence
Past participle as nouns


Past participle as adjective




Need +

Need +passive
Present continuous
Present perfect
Part B
Write the correct verb in each space then write
the meaning in Spanish

Present Past Past participle Spanish


Part C Describe a situation where you use all the structures for each one you have to use at
least two. Past participle as nouns, past participle as adjective, need + gerund,keep+
gerund, need +passive infinite, present continuous passive, present perfect passive.

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