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Updated Sunday, September 6, 2009 6:25:14 AM


Federal Whistleblower (Federal False Claims Act Violation in 1987

re ISC)
Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
and Directed Energy Devices and Weapons

copyright 2009

Date Completed: July 28, 2009

Date Initiated: July 8, 2009
Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

In 1987 Stan J. Caterbone went public with allegations of fraud
within International Signal and Control, or ISC as they were
commonly referred. After discussions with ISC and United Chem
Con officials (an ISC/James Guerin straw company), and as a
Excelsior Place Proposal shareholder of record since 1983 of ISC, Stan J. Caterbone had a
meeting with an ISC executive on June 23, 1987, which resulted in
a 22 year legal odyssey. The discussions involved a joint venture
with his company, Financial Management Group, Ltd., or FMG, Ltd.,
but ended in disclosure of his recent public allegations of fraud.
Four years later, ISC founder and chairman James Guerin, and
other officials and companies pleaded guilty to a $1 Billion Dollar
Fraud and export violations including the selling of arms through
South Africa to Iraq and Sadaam Hussein. However, money, power,
influence and public corruption had been used to cover-up the
activities and Federal False Claims Act violations of Stan J.
Caterbone for the next eighteen years. There ensued a total
blockade of all United States Courts for all redress and remedy

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available in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. This

included recovery of his business interests; intellectual property;
real estate; personal and business real property; his unblemished
and impressive reputation; and his most valuable asset - the ability
to produce income. This might be legally referred to as the Right-
To-Work under federal statutes. Notwithstanding, Stan J. Caterbone
has never made a bad investment or developed a business that did
not make a profit over the next 22 years. This includes two real
estate properties that were illegally seized through foreclosure

Since 1987 Stan J. Caterbone has been a prisoner and enemy of

the state. ISC was a Department of Defense (DOD) Contractor and
a partner with United States Intelligence Agencies since it's
beginings in the early 1970's. One of it's first contracts was Project
X with the National Security Agency or NSA of Ft. Meade, Maryland.

In summary, the following are facts and part of the public record

Once the third (3rd) largest employer in the County of

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with over 5,000 employees.
James Guerin, founder and CEO was once the largest
philanthropist to charitable organizations in the County of
Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
The ISC/Ferranti Scandal was the third (3) largest white-
collar fraud within the United States as of 1992.
The following are some of the public officials and politicians
associated with ISC:
George H.W. Bush, former U.S. President, and Director of the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Robert Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and current Secretary of Defense.
Bobby Ray Inman, former Board of Directors if ISC, former
Director of the NSA, and currently associated and directly
involved with Mind Control Research organizations.
Alexander Haig, former U.S. Secretary of State, and ISC
lobbyist and Board of Directors?
Joseph McDade, former Pennsylvania House of Representative
and Chair of the Appropriations Committee who was later
investigated for the United Chem Con scandal.
Carlos Cardoen/Cardoen Industries, a joint venture partner
with ISC and arms merchant for the cluster bomb who
eventually sold to Iraq and other Middle Eastern Countries
under U.S. sanctions.
ISC was credited with the design of the cluster bomb, and has
patents filed in the U.S. Patent Office.
In 1987 ISC completed the merger with the 3rd largest
defense contractor of Great Britain, Ferranti International;
who paid $1 billion dollars for ISC and all of it's subsidiaries.
ABC News/Financial Times aired 3 episodes on ABC Nightline
with Ted Koppel regarding the ISC/CIA defense weapons;
technologies; and cluster bombs to Iraq story and lead into
the allegations that then nominee for the Director of CIA
Robert Gates was involved with ISC and the selling of arms to
ABC News 20/20 aired a story on the ISC/CIA efforts to sell
cluster bombs to Saadam Hussein and Iraq on February 1,
1991 days after the start of the Persian Gulf War I, with the
initial bombing raid destroying a cluster bomb factory built in
Iraq by Carlos Cardoen.

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On July 1st and 2nd of 1987 Stan J. Caterbone solicited the

legal counsel of Lancaster Attorney Joseph Roda for counsel
regarding, FMG, Ltd., International Signal & Control (ISC);
Commonwealth Bank, etc., and was billed for his services.
Joseph Roda did absolutely nothing but refute Stan J.
Caterbone's claims and would not believe him.
In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas), Lancaster Attorney Joseph Roda represented
William Clark, ISC's in-house legal counsel, and never
mentioned any conflict to Stan J. Caterbone in 1987.
In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas), James Guerin deposited $1.75 million dollars
into an escrow account at Fulton Bank, Lancaster, County.
In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas), Christopher Underhill of Harman, Underhill &
Brubaker, represented James Guerin. In 2005 Christopher
Underhill represented the Manheim Township Police
Department (05-cv-2288 U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania) CATERBONE v. Lancaster County
Prison, et. al.,
In Clark v. Guerin (CI-1990-0074 Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas), Philadelphia Attorney Joseph Tate
represented James Guerin and ISC, and in 2007 Joseph Tate
represented Scooter Libby during his federal prosecution by
U.S. Special Prosecutor Fitzpatrick.


Not only did the allegations of fraud within ISC have to be silenced
at a time when merger negotiations were ongoing with Ferranti, but
all of the fraud; extortion; public corruption; burglaries; civil rights
violations; anti-trust and intellectual property right violations;
lender liability torts; false arrests; false imprisonments; as well as
other civil and criminal activities had to be covered up and buried in
bureaucratic red tape. Information and findings are still being
uncovered and discovered to this day. Contrary to popular belief, up
until 1996 a grand jury investigation into ISC was still ongoing. It is
not known whether it has closed or not. All of these activates
constitute a RICO crime due to the pattern and organization of the
perpetrators. The pattern and source of the activities can be traced
back to 1987, with subgroups changing over time, but still engaging
in the same practices. The following plan of action was followed in
order to perpetrate the cover-up:

Totally discredit Stan(ley) J. Caterbone and any and all

allegations in every way possible.
Fabricate a history of mental illness.
Fabricate a criminal record.
Attach his character and honesty with rumors and
Extort and maintain his net worth to $ zero or load him with
Keep him out of any profession and or occupation when and
where possible.
Totally isolate him and disenfranchise him from his friends,
colleagues, and family into a life of solitaire.
Somehow persuade the community of Lancaster County to
buy into this plan of action through money, favors, etc.,
Always keep attorneys and anyone remotely involved with
the legal community away at times when efforts for justice
are pursued.
When attempts to enter the U.S. legal system arise, isolate,

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harass, and extort any monies and/or possessions of value.

Change the history of events and the truth.


For eighteen years, (from 1987 until 2005) it has always been
fairly easy to keep these issues from court dockets and judges.
During these years Stan J. Caterbone had solicited at least twenty
attorneys, some from large firms with national recognition in their
respective fields of specialties. Attorneys from New York City to
Santa Barbara and San Diego California were visited and consulted
as well as a group of ex FBI agents who specialized in white collar
crime that are now globally recognized. However, the money and
influence of persons and entities that wanted these issues silence
always prevailed. The issues were so complex and convoluted, and
involved such high profile politicians and U.S. agencies, it was far
easier to state that there was no case, or their were no claims that
would result in remedy or redress. Between the Republican Party
and the Department of Defense, the CIA and the NSA, there was
not an attorney that could not be influenced. The obstruction of
justice and due process in this case is most likely unprecedented in
nature and in malice.

However in 2005 that all changed when Stan J. Caterbone

appeared as a pro se litigant representing himself, without any
counsel, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. The Lancaster County Prison, et.
al., or case no. 05-cv-2288. This case is still not settled and has
been withdrawn by plaintiff Stan J. Caterbone in October of 2008
after a successful ruling in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals
(07-4474) in September of 2008. The case will be continued upon
the security of evidence and the cease and desist of obstruction of
justice and due process. On May 16, 2005 at the Federal
Courthouse in Philadelphia, Stan J. Caterbone filed the case under
seal. One week later in the United States Bankruptcy Court for
Eastern Pennsylvania in Reading, Pennsylvania, again appearing as
pro se, Stan J. Caterbone filed a petition for protection under the
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code, in case no. 05-23059.

These acts of entering the United States legal system with these
issues triggered yet another round of attempts to keep these cases
from the courts and judges - Organized Stalking with Directed
Energy Devices and Weapons, built on a foundation of mental
telepathy or total Mind Control.


Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the
public allegations of fraud within ISC. This organized stalking and
harassment was enough to drive an ordinary person to suicide. As
far back as the late 1980's Stan J. Caterbone knew that his mind
was being read, or "remotely viewed". This was verified and
confirmed when information only known to him, and never written,
spoken, or typed, was repeated by others. In 1998, while soliciting
the counsel of Philadelphia attorney Christina Rainville, (Rainville
represented Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie Show murder
case), someone introduced the term remote viewing through an
email. That was the last time it was an issue until 2005. The term
was researched, but that was the extent of the topic. Remote
Viewers may have attempted to connect in a more direct and
continuous way without success.

In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an all-out

assault of mental telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and

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torture through the use of directed energy devices and weapons

that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the
targeted victim. This assault was no coincidence in that it began
simultaneously with the filing of the federal action in U.S. District
Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., or
05-cv-2288. This assault began after the handlers remotely trained
Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The main difference
opposed to most other victims of this technology is that Stan J.
Caterbone is connected 24/7 with a person who declares that she is
Interscope recording artist Sheryl Crow of Kennett Missouri. Stan J.
Caterbone has spent 3 years trying to validate and confirm this
person without success. Most U.S. intelligence agencies refuse to
cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S.
Attorney's Office refuse to comment. See attached documents for
more information.

In 2006 or the beginning of 2007 Stan J. Caterbone began his

extensive research into mental telepathy; mind control
technologies; remote viewing; and the CIA mind control program
labeled MK ULTRA and it's subprograms.

If you listen to the propaganda machine and the community of
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, including professionals, the family
history of Stan J. Caterbone goes something like the following:
Father, Samuel Caterbone, Jr., Schizophrenic who ran out on his
family because of nervous breakdowns while trying to run a small
dry cleaning business. He traveled the world looking for the Blessed
Mother Mary and Space Aliens. He ended up living in government
subsidized housing broke and with a severe mental illness.
Brother, Samuel A. Caterbone, suffered from the very same
illness has his father, Schizophrenia, who finally killed himself
trying to live in California.
Brother, Thomas W. Caterbone, suffered from the very same
mental illness as his brother, Stan J., Bipolar Mood Disorder, who
ran a lawn business and finally committed suicide at an early age.
Stan J. Caterbone, suffered from Bipolar Mood Disorder, or Manic
Depression and had a nervous breakdown in 1987 trying to
compete in the financial services industry. When he has his nervous
breakdowns, he always threatens to sue everyone in court and is
deeply paranoid in thinking the whole world is against him. He
always spends all of his money during his fits of mania and has
delusions about his success as a businessman.

The Family History was formulated back in the 1960's when Samuel
Caterbone, Jr., father of Stan J. Caterbone, became engaged in a
black budget mind control program that began during his service in
the United States Navy as a radioman and air gunner. Samuel
Caterbone, Jr., was most likely a direct product of MK ULTRA or one
of it's subprograms. His brother, Samuel A. Caterbone, was most
likely part of the LSD experiments of MK ULTRA. Stan J. Caterbone
is most likely part of a program sponsored by the Department of
Defense Agencies, such as DARPA or the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA). The facts of Stan J. Caterbone's intimate discussions
with both his father and brother over the years before they died,
the totality of documents that were preserved in thier estate,
including service records; letters; official court papers; high school
documents; and the like - all will prove that they were in fact part
of MK ULTRA or one of it's subprograms.
The following are the facts and the real record of the family history:

Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., (Father) served in the Navy from 1943 to

1946 and graduated with honors from Air Gunners School in

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Jacksonville, Florida. He was an exceptional student/athlete while

attending Lancaster Catholic High School, participating in the band
as well as sports. He was also his senior class secretary/treasurer.
After the Navy, he went on to build a successful dry cleaning
business, which he is credited with inventing a filtration system for
the solvents. He also developed a very good investment in real
estate along the Manheim Pike, owning several properties. By his
own writings and from his personal accounts to me, he was
definitely a remote viewer for some U.S. Agency with telepathic
abilities. His viewing is documented to have begun back in the early
1970's. He also suffered from organized stalking, and was
considered an enemy and prisoner of the state. Back in the 1960's,
he was a world traveler, this is documented by his passports.
Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., may have been a covert carrier for
someone in intelligence. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr., had his mental
health history laced with electro shock therapy. Electro Shock
Therapy Experiments is another subprogram of MK ULTRA. In
addition, and especially disturbing is his criminal record with the
Lancaster City Police Department and the Lancaster County Court
of Common Pleas. In 1973 Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr. was convicted
of forging a 2 checks from the Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., checking
account. The one check to Joe the Motorists Store at the Manor
Shopping Center was never entered into evidence, it was for a total
of $70.00. The other check was made out to Lancaster Attorney
James Coho for $200.00 with "divorce proceedings" written in the
memo. This was his only criminal record. Samuel P. Caterbone, Jr.,
was sentenced to one year probation by President Judge William
Johnstone. However, on August 29, 1973 after nine months, Judge
Johnstone wrote an ORDER releasing him from probation and
ordering him to "leave the vicinity of the County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania". The President Judge of Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas literally threw my father out of Lancaster County for
forging 2 checks from his own corporation. In 1987 I was arrested
for stealing my own files from my own company, Financial
Management Group, Ltd., You can research the life of Candy Jones
and Kate O'Brien to learn more on this topic. Samuel Caterbone,
Jr., has left enough writings and documentation to know that his
life fits the model for targeted individuals, complete with economic
ruin, isolation, disenfranchised from family and friends, and of
course a fabricated mental illness history. You can view most of his
record online.

Samuel A. Caterbone, (Brother) served in the United States Air

Force in 1968 to 1970. In 1991, Stan J. Caterbone accused the
United States Government of using his brother, Samuel A.
Caterbone for part of the LSD experiments on mind control, or MK
ULTRA. A notarized letter of October 23, 1991 was sent certified
mail to the California Attorney General on the subject matter, with
a return letter from the California Attorney General on January 14,
1992. By his own admission before his death, Samuel A. Caterbone
disclosed to Stan J. Caterbone of the "bad LSD" trips while in the
Air Force. Since his death of December 25, 1984, Stan J. Caterbone
and others questioned the classification of suicide, and made
allegations of foul play that was ultimately responsible for his
death. Finally in a meeting in Santa Barbara, California with the
Santa Barbara Public Guardian's Office, an office admitted that the
death was more likely due to foul plan than suicide. Samuel A.
Caterbone was also an exceptional student and athlete while
attending Lancaster Catholic High School. After playing varsity
football as a sophomore, he had an unfortunate accident while deer
hunting the following November. While in the woods in Bellefonte,
Pennsylvania, his hunting pants caught fire trying to stay warm. It
left him in the Lancaster General Hospital for months, going

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through painful skin grafts and isolation. The hunting accident

interrupted his athletic career and scared his legs for life. The
Schizophrenia diagnosis was a combination of LSD flashbacks and
organized stalking and harassment.

Thomas P. Caterbone, (Brother) had an unfortunate transaction at

Fulton Bank that set a course of action that resulted in a suicide.
Although diagnosed with Bipolar Disease and Manic Depression --
embezzled and extorted monies were most likely the reason for his
suicide in 1996. Fulton Bank was involved in a fraud that took
$72,000 from a real estate settlement closing and lead to his total
financial ruin and collapse in June of 1995. The funds were never
recovered and Fulton Bank is a defendant for a wrongful death
claim in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania in CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,
05-cv-2288. FULTON BANK triggered a severe and lethal death
blow to Thomas P. Caterbone, and as of this day has refused to
acknowledge any wrongdoing or remorse. Thomas P. Caterbone was
also an exceptional athlete. Playing for Lancaster Catholic High
School, Franklin and Marshall College, the Harrisburg Patriots, and
even the Philadelphia Eagles. Tom also coached football at J.P.
McCaskey and Franklin and Marshall College. Thomas P. Caterbone
had a very successful lawn and landscaping business before joining
forces with John DePatto of United Financial Services and selling
residential mortgages. John DePatto was the former head of Parent
Bank, owned by James Guerin and ISC. Parent Bank, owned by ISC
also foreclosed on 2323 New Danville Pike, Conestoga,
Pennsylvania in 1988, which was owned by Stan J. Caterbone.
Thousands of dollars of equity was extorted in the process, despite
still being short sold for a profit to Mr. Keith Kirchner, an executive
of Lancaster Newspapers and former graduate of Lancaster Catholic
High School.

Stan J. Caterbone is a remote viewer, is telepathic, and a federal

whistleblower with an exceptional entrepreneurial record in spite of
all of his adversaries and their assaults. In spite of the U.S.
Sponsored mind control and torture, he has endured and will
prevail. Legally, Stan J. Caterbone has been able to preserve his
claims, and progress his legal challenges and claims through both
the federal and state court system appearing pro se, without the aid
or expense of additional legal counsel. Some of his claims and briefs
will most likely be landmark decisions in years to come. Stan J.
Caterbone was a 2-Sport MVP at Lancaster Catholic High School, in
both football and track. Stan J. Caterbone never received less than
a B grade in his four years of high school and had an 87+ average.
Stan J. Caterbone excelled in computer technologies, taking his first
full term course in 1975, while in high school and continuing into
college at Millersville University, graduating with a degree in
business administration in 1980. Stan J. Caterbone excelled
profoundly at building his companies, first beginning with Financial
Management Group, Ltd., then working with Tony Bongiovi of
Power Station Studios and the "Digital Movie"; then building
Advanced Media Group, Ltd.. Over the years, despite the illegal
seizures and foreclosures, Stan J. Caterbone has amassed a
portfolio of impressive real estate deals that have always paid off in
profits, no matter how or when they were sold. The same was true
of his businesses. Financial Management Group, Ltd., was a
$20,000 dollar investment in 1986 and was still sold for
approximately $100,000 two years later, despite the false arrests
and the extortion of most of it's real value and equity.

The mental health history and the criminal records were completely
fabricated, and a close review and investigation into the actual

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court records and hospital records can prove that in very short
fashion. There are TWO (2) ways to quickly dispute the Mental
Health History and Record:

One - Review the word "Delusional; delusions; etc.,; every instance

of the word used by mental health professionals, and the false
reports by friends and family were associated with facts, and
matters of the official record, the complete opposite of the meaning
of the word "delusional". And they still exist to this very day.

Two - Review the 3 Fabricated Suicide Allegations of the following

dates: August 10(?), 1987 at Burdette Tomlin Hospital (Cape May
County New Jersey); February 18th(?), 2005 by Kerry Egan and
the Southern Regional Police Department; and July 19, 2009 for
the 302 Commitment by the Lancaster City Police Department at
Lancaster General Hospital.

The Criminal Record is very similar, since 1987 Stanley J.

Caterbone has had 31 false arrests; formal charges and convictions
dismissed prior to court proceedings or won on summary appeals in
the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania; most of which Stan J.
Caterbone appearing as pro se (representing himself). These have
resulted in civil complaints filed in 2008 in CATERBONE v. The
County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.


The Public Record is comprised of court filings and exhibits in U.S.
Federal Courts; Pennsylvania State Courts; and the Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas. In all some 40,000 pages of
documents are now filed and electronically scanned or microfilmed
in prothonotary offices. In addition in both the U.S. Federal Courts
and the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas there are more
than 11 hours of audio recordings; some 3,000 scanned images;
and several video broadcasts of the ISC News broadcasts all stored
on a CD-ROM and filed as an exhibit to some of the law suits filed
by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, as plaintiffs. Stan
J. Caterbone has over 100 court docket sheet numbers in federal,
state, and local courts.

There are also Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation records;

Department of Welfare and Lancaster County Assistance Office
records; Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County Tax
Assessment records; Social Security Administration Benefits
records; Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts; Millersville
University transcripts; all for Stan J. Caterbone, in addition to his
court filings.

For Samuel A. Caterbone, my brother, there are United States Air

Force service records; Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts;
Millersville University transcripts; Social Security Administration
records; Santa Barbara County Guardian and Public Defender
records; and papers and documents persevered from his estate.

For Samuel P. Caterbone, my father, there are United States Naval

records, Lancaster Catholic High School transcripts; Social Security
Administration records; Lancaster County Assistance Office records;
Local Real Estate Tax records; Lancaster County Tax Assessment
records; Samuel Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., corporate records; Real
Estate Deeds and Mortgages; Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas civil and criminal records; and of course papers and
documents persevered from his estate

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Printed Version)
** It is important to note that as of this writing, Remote Viewing
has recently been commercialized by corporate America, and
certain Fortune 500 companies are using Remote Viewers as
consultants for trend analysis and market forecasts. This is often
the evolution of most technologies born out of the U.S. Department
of Defense. Top Secret experiments and the resulting technological
advancements can stay secretive for so long. This has recently been
used in a NBC story of the Television drama "Medium" this last
season. On July 9, 2008 I had recorded an AM radio live broadcast
on WHAN Coast to Coast with a guest that was one of the leading
Physicist turned Remote Viewer and expert that testified to this
same notion.

Updated Sunday, September 6, 2009 3:26:09 PM


September 6, 2009

Advanced Media Group AND Stan J. Caterbone

1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
717-669-2163 (No Voice Mail)

September 6, 2009
There are several new incidents since September 2, 2009 to report.

On Friday, September 4, 2009 I spent about an hour with a

technician/salesman from Select Security, a company owned
and operated by Lancaster Township resident Patrick Egan,
for a proposal and estimate on a security and monitoring
system for my home/office at 125 3:26:09 PM0 Fremont
Street. We agreed on a price and payment schedule and he
gave me an installation date of Wednesday, September 9,
2009. He left the meeting to meet with Patrick Egan and was
supposed to email me an electronic version of the hardware;
and payment schedule. He later emailed me and said Hey
Stan, Select Security is unable to assist you with your
security needs. Thanks, Matt Self, Sales and Marketing
Coordinator, Select Security, 241 N. Plum Street, Lancaster,
PA 17602, Direct: (717) 481-6307 * Fax: (717) 481-7574
September 4, 2009 during First Friday in Downtown
Lancaster I (1991 Dodge Dakota 4WD Pickup Truck) was rear
ended with malice by two Spanish persons driving a 1991
Chevrolet Blazer, Burgundy SW. Damage to my rear bumper.
I was smart enough to stay in the exact position and made
certain the assailants did the same. I took crime scene photos
that proved the car was not legally registered at the time of
the incident and the tires were aligned toward my truck,

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proving that they came across from the inner lane on King
Street as I was backing into a parking spot. Also, it is my
testimony that the female was driving and first got out of her
car yelling at me and accusing me of being drunk and a crack
head. I had just come from Sheetz on Manheim Pike;
Lancaster Bicycle Shop on Manheim Pike; Weis Markets;
Home Depot; and the Office Max, all of Red Rose Commons,
after leaving my home/office. I have time stamped receipts. I
was at no other place during the entire day. The incident
occurred at approximately 8:15pm with Lancaster City Police
Officer Mendez, Badge No. 92. The assailants names are
George Maldonado of 1202 Clay Road, #1, Lititz,
Pennsylvania, 17543 and Kristin Wilson, 220 Kinseyville
Road, Nottingham, PA 19362. They have Allstate Insurance,
Policy No. 928473088. I have 10 crime scene photos. The
Assign. No. is 004463. Two James Street Investment District
Bike Patrol Persons also harassed me, both males that I did
not recognized. As soon as the Lancaster City Police
responded I made sure he called the Lancaster City Safety
Coalition to see if a video was available.
My Zenith SM274481195 36 Television/Stereo was
vandalized yesterday, September 5, 2009 and no longer
works at all. The power no longer comes on.
After sealing my patio with a brown tarp, the corner closest to
Dawn Sutton of 1248 Fremont Street was totally undone by
vandals, yesterday or last night, September 5, 2009.
I was harassed by Dawn Sutton and chased off of my patio
roof while painting yesterday, September 5, 2009 then she
followed and stalked me at the CVS Store, Manor Shopping
Center about an hour later.
Considering that about a month ago they vandalized and
broke my Sharp RV-DV550U Digital VHS/DVD Recorder and
my Panasonic RF-PV275 27.5 Flat Screen DVD/VHS
Television Set, just about every piece of electronics has now
been vandalized in my home, including 2 laptop computers, 1
desktop computer, and 2 ink jet printers.

September 4, 2009
On September 4, 2009 we applied for security through Select Security of Plum
Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania and are awaiting a response. Choice Security
and Yarnell Security have already been excluded from any type of inquiry due
to fraud and or harassment in the past regarding the installation and monitoring
of a home security system at 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania.
No one better cause a problem in our negotiations for a home security system
for our home/office at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

This report does not cover all incidents, but was compiled mainly due to the
surge in vandalism over the past week or so.

Since the end of June, 2009 we have been dictating memos on a micro
cassette recorder and securing them offsite. This new techniques was
administered mainly as the result of the Pain Assault initiated on July 8, 2009
and executed in part by the Lancaster General Hospital, the Lancaster
Regional Medical Center, the Lancaster City Police, and Mastropietro and
Associates Family Practice.

The memos are of daily incidents of vandalism; harassment; stalking; and

torture by directed energy devices and weapons and or electromagnetic
microwave technology. (See Executive Summary - Federal Whistleblower and
Targeted Individual of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control dated July 28, 2009)

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September 3, 2009

Update on Current and Recent Vandalism/Theft Reports:

September 2, 2009 broke gear cable on bike in order to

cause accident by having cable wrap around chain while
riding. Vandalism happened in front of Fulton Bank, Manor
Shopping Center, where bike was parked. Also bent front
September 1, 2009 broke outside light under patio and left
the metal in the socket so that you have to remove without
being able to unscrew the actual light bulb.
Stole bird feed from backyard bird feeder, twice in last week
and a half.
Drain hot tub of water on a continuous basis.
On August 27th or 28th soaked passenger floor of 1991
Dodge Pick-up Truck. This used to be done every time it
rained, however, it stopped on or about June 15, 2009 when
William Lefty Richard Plank was committed to Lancaster
County Prison
Hacked new Compaq Presario Laptop.
On August 28, 2009 hacked the edit page of Advanced Media
Group website, .
Just about every home improvement done over the last
several days has been sabotaged after completion, or they
have done everything to prevent me from making purchases
required for the projects.

September 1, 2009
Other Incidents And Surges Of Harassment; Vandalism; And
Electromagnetic and Telepathic Torture of last few days
(August 25, 2009 to August 29, 2009) :

Today, August 29, 2009 Six (6) of Water drained from hot
Today, August 29, 2009 Passenger Side Floor Flooded with
Brand New Compaq Presario CQ60-421NR Does Not Operate
Without Major Problems.
Office Max Sold Computer and Software on Misinformation
regarding Microsoft Office, Which Had to be Returned.
Today, August 29, 2009 Went to the Manheim Township
Police Station to Report Thefts by Deception and got Harassed
by Officer Taking Report; He Tried To Provoke Me.
Lancaster Solid Waste Management Would Not Provide
Correct Information for Recycling Yard Waste.
Constantly Harassed By Neighbors, Especially the Bloods
and Crypts or CrackHeads.

Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:50:00 AM

(4) Four Manheim Township Merchants Commit Theft By
Deception on August 26th, August 27th, and August 28th of

August 26, 2009 - Lens Crafters, Park City Mall, Manheim

Township, Pennsylvania refused to provide Eye Examination
for Prescription Glasses and/or Prescription Glasses.
August 27, 2009 - Kohls Department Store, Park City Mall,

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Manheim Township, Pennsylvania switched a pair of Asics

Sneakers Size 9 to Avia Size 11 at the checkout counter.
August 27, 2009 - Dr. Harry Breitman, Optometrist, Park City
Mall, Manheim Township, Pennsylvania Examined Eyes for
$49.00 and the Prescription was wrong.
August 28, 2009 - Eyemart Express Store No. 71, Park City
Mall, Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, Charged $288.86 for
(2) Pair of eyeglasses that were not right and could not be
used, $288.86 was voided that day, however no credit was
issued on bank statement as of yet.
August 28, 2009 - Cartridge World, of 1937-B Fruitville Pike,
Manheim Township, Pennsylvania, charged $35.76 for (2)
Lexmark Ink Cartridges that were empty. The black printed 3
pages before running out of ink and the color cartridge
registered as "Low Ink" upon installation.

Friday, August 28, 2009 9:00:00 AM

Stan J. Caterbone Awarded Social Security Benefits for Mind
Control Symptoms

Lancaster, PA - Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group are

awarded benefits for claiming disability due to Mind Control and
Telepathic Harassment from the Social Security Administration and
the Health and Human Services Secretary on August 20, 2009.
Stan J. Caterbone applied for benefits on April 8, 2009 claiming
harassment; torture; covert surveillance; electromagnetic
weapons; and intellectual property and privacy invasions.

In July of 2009 Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group

sent a detailed letter and documentation (55 page pdf file)
regarding Mind Control Research and victim accounts for himself,
his father (Samuel [Sam] P. Caterbone, Jr.) and brother
(Samuel[Sammy] A. Caterbone) to Kathy Sebelius, Secretary of
U.S. Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C.. Secretary
Sebelius' office in turn sent the documents to the Office of Public
Query of the Social Security Administration. The benefits were
awarded twenty (20) days later.

Benefits have been awarded for the time period of April 8, 2009 to
the present with monthly benefits to be received until the
symptoms are eliminated or gainful employment/business income
The following are excerpts from some of the application documents:

Social Security Administration: Please describe your present work

activities and any changes since your disability...."

Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Respons: "Same work

acitivities - Interference; harassment; theft; vandalism of files;
computers hacked; libel; slander; industrial espionage; intellectual
property stolen."

Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:45:00 AM

Four (4) Visits to Lancaster General Hospital
Emergency Room/Lancaster Regional, July 11th; July
13th; July 16th and July 19th, 2009 for PAIN in my Mouth and
ended with the LANCASTER CITY POLICE Filing a 302 Psychiatric
Petition ON the EVENING OF JULY 19, 2009.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009 10 ;45 ;00 AM

Lancaster City Police Prove Me Right Again - Refuse To Take

Complaint of Vandalism - And Harass Me During The Process!

On Saturday morning I went to my truck to drive to a Community

Breakfast (Free Meals) and my battery was dead. Nothing was left
on. I called 911 and an Officer by the name of CARPENTER arrived
all cocky and belligerent. He refused to take an Organized
Stalking/Directed Energy Devices Brochure and ripped of 3
laminated postings on the PP&L telephone pole in front of my house
(they were there for over a year, viewed by other Lancaster City
Police Officers). He said that my complaint was "UNFOUNDED" and
Officer Carpenter was only interested in provoking me so he could
charge me with a disorderly conduct and try another 302
Psychiatric Evaluation Petition.


I need to remind the Lancaster City Police Department Albert
Einstein's definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting a different result".

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:00:00 PM

Today I filed complaints in person with the Pennsylvania Attorney
General's Office in Harrisburg (Stamped and Recorded in Executive
Office); the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Harrisburg
(Discussed Complaint with Duty Agent); and hand delivered the
Executive Summary and Victim's Account of U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control with Supporting Documents (86 Pages)and my Lippiat and
NSA Amicus ; Executive Summary U.S. Senator Arlen Specters
Office in Harrisburg (met with Harrisburg staffer and discussed
case); and with the Deputy Prothonotary of the Pennsylvania
Superior Court (delivered to receptionist; Deputy Prothonotary in
Court Proceeding) Deputy Prothonotary McCullough who I filed
complaint against left the Superior Court in April of 2009).

The complaints included allegations of the following:

Obstruction of Justice
Mail Fraud
Public Corruption
U.S. Sponsored Mind Control
U.S. Federal Torts Claim Act Violations
Abuse of Process
Identity Theft
Anti-Trust/Intellectual Property Violations

Sunday, August 16, 2009 12:00:00 PM


I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea
and all the gods, and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I
will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this

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To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my

parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he
is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to
regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage
and to teach them this artif they desire to learn itwithout
fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral
instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the
sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have
signed the covenant and have taken the oath according to
medical law, but to no one else.
I will apply dietic measures for the benefit of the sick
according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from
harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor
will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give
to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will
guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but
will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the
sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief
and in particular of sexual relations with both female and
male persons, be they free or slaves.
What I may see or hear in the course of treatment or even
outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which
on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep myself
holding such things shameful to be spoken about.
If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to
me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all
men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely,
may the opposite of all this be my lot.

Friday, August 14, 10:44:25 AM


Since the Pain Assault in my mouth is now over, they started

going back to the old Directed Energy Device Weapons with
Back, Neck, and Headaches.
August 11, 2009 1:15:38PM
I had someone at my window last night, sounded like they
were trying to open screen window. Called 911 and made
complaints about 2 other incidents for yesterday, August 10,
2009 ( dead battery at UPS Store, Stone Mill Plaza and 8
inches of water taken out of hottub).
Lancaster County Wide and Lancaster City Police forget that I
have a Police Band Radio. I taped Lancaster County Wide
Communications lie to the Lancaster Police and said that I
hung up, then the Lancaster City Police said "that is the
response I thought, or something like that.
Then, a sometime later, Lancaster City Police scare the hell
out of me shining a flashlight in my back kitchen door and
Why didn't the Lancaster City Police ring the door bell and
come to the front door?????
Thankfully for my microcassette tape recorder, gotcha again!

August 7, 2009 10:21:59

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Lancaster General Hospital (LGH)Tried to Get a Court Order

under the 302 Commitment to have Advanced Media Group's
website taken down:

Dr. Daniel McIntyre stated on the medical file the following as part
of his notes: "... Patient has a long history of delusional thoughts
secondary to his Bipolar disorder. He apparently has a website that
provides him an avenue to express his grandiose thoughts and
delusions. This patient is clearly in need of psychiatric help. He also
needs medical attention to the dental abscess he currently is
suffering with. I do not feel the patient is safe for outpatient follow
up. I have arranged for Conestoga Oral surgery to admit the patient
with a 302 petition in place. Psychiatry to see patient in
Transcribed on Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:57 AM

Monday, August 3, 2009 12:49:05 PM

Dr. Denise Cope of Family Practice Associates of Lancaster on

Abbeville Road, Lancaster, better not refuse me as a new
patient as my primary care physician. Today, August 3, 2009,
I submitted my forms to transfer to that practice and the
receptionist tried to tell me that she needs to review my
medical file from Mastropietro Associates first. This is not
what I was told on July 29, 2009 when I first picked up the
paperwork to switch primary care physicians.
Today, August 3, 2009 in my appointment with Dr.
Henrichsen of Conestoga Oral Surgeons, he said it will be a
month or more until my mouth opens wider. I am still
restricted to an opening of only 1/2 inch.
The following was broken and vandalized in the past week
(July 25, 2009 to August 3, 2009): one gas powered week
whacker; one 27" Panasonic TV (VCR will no longer work);
one Sharp DVD VCR Recorder (VCR will no longer work); my
saddle bag for my briefcase.
I also in recent weeks added the following to CATERBONE v.
Duke Street Business Center CI-08-13373 President Obama;
Attorney General Eric Holder; and Chief of Lancaster City
Police Keith Sadler; among others. I will be claiming racial
and ethnic discrimination in that complaint.
The Project Hope Tommy Caterbone Memorial Golf
Tournament that was held at Crossgates Golf Course
yesterday, Saturday, August 1, 2009 ended in disaster. I
attended two times, once in the afternoon and once in the
evening. Did not see anyone I recognized on the Golf Course,
and there was no dinner at 6:00 pm, as in the past 13 years.
Jimmy Karpathios; his wife; Tina Albright; Lizzy Pflumm;
Pami Pflumm; Dave Pflumm; Bill Pflumm; Tina Dougherty;
Dakota Royer; Tina Royer; James Doran; all were there
around the pavilion, lying to me about the golf tournament.
Lizzy Pflumm is now a confirmed Professional Stalker and
Harasser. What the hell, did the Pflumm's take over Project
Hope. I did see a prize table with tee shirts and golf shirts,
which of course I was able to walk away with, with permission
from someone.
First a worker from Crossgates told me in the afternoon that
dinner was at 5:30, then in the evening, 2 workers said it
was served at 3:00 pm.

You people just don't quite.

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Staples of Golden Triangle Shopping Center refused on 2

occasions to print 2 brochures from Freedom From Covert
Harassment and Surveillance Organization
( One on Organized Stalking and
Harassment and One on Directed Energy Devices. On
Wednesday July 29, 2009 it was Brett ... and on Friday July
31, 2009 it was a white female. They are already a named
party as a defendant on CI-08-13373 in the Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas.
Wednesday afternoon, July 28, 2009, Steve Midciff, CEO of
Lancaster Regional Medical Center agreed to a meeting to
discuss their conduct. The meeting was scheduled for
Thursday, July 29, 2009 at 10:00am.
Steve Midciff, the CEO of Lancaster Regional Medical Center
and Dr. Anthony Mastropietro, my former Primary Care
Physician, ambushed me and assaulted me in another attempt
to 302 me. I had to leave after about one minute in his office.
Could not believe it. Just like Lori Austin of Millersville
University and the former head of LETA had done to me the
past few months.
Then today, July 30, 2009 I had a medical appointment with
Dr. Rodriquez of Mastropietro Associates for a 2nd opinion of
my jaw, which still only opens 1/2" after emergency surgery.
Again, Dr. Mastropietro (via telephone) and his office
manager assaulted me on the telephone, he said "do you
remember meeting with me yesterday?". The would not let
me meet with Dr. Rodriquez. Did they harm me three times,
one by making me visit the Emergency Room 4 times before
they would treat me; then did they do something wrong at
surgery?; and now they are trying to cover up all the
mistakes with yet another 302 petition. These people need
some serious help.
I immediately went to a Family Practice on Abbeville Road
and started the process of switching my primary care
Saturday, July 25, 2009 I am recuperating from surgery, they
did put me under general anesthesia. I still am not able to
open my jaw very wide, and must crumble my food.

On Thursday evening, July 23, 2009 another tooth began

hurting me, and they again began hitting me with Directed
Energy Devices with Harassment.

For the record, on Sunday evening at no time did the

Lancaster City Police or Lancaster General Hospital ever
present me with a 302 Warrant at my home or in the
Lancaster General Hospital.
Sunday evening, July 19, 2009; LANCASTER CITY POLICE
Some of incident I have recorded of Lancaster City Police in
my home.
Admitted to Behavioral Medicine in Emergency Room at
Lancaster General Hospital about 9:45pm Sunday Evening,
July 19, 2009.
Three hours later taken to Intermediate Intensive Care Unit
Room Number 6003.
Monday, July 20, 2009 emergency surgery done on mouth,
including infection that reached into my blood stream and
Operation a success, thanks to Dr. Henrichsen, MD of

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Conestoga Oral Surgeons and the LGH Intensive Care

Unit/Operating Room Team. Interviewed by Two (2) LGH
Psychiatrists who refused to sign into 302 Petition Efforts by
JULY 22, 2009.
See Symptoms of the United Nations Petition in the FFCHS,
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Harassment by Lancaster General Hospital Doctors and
Nurses. Dr. Vito DiCarmillo and Company.
Possibly Given Wrong Medication.
Left with Little Mobility in Jaw. Cannot Eat Most Foods.
Cavity; Electromagnetic Weapons; Poison; or a combination
of the three!
Dr. Black, the Dentist from Willow Street, refused me as a
patient yesterday, July 15, 2009. Was a patient since 1994.
Since January I have been refused treatment by a dentist
from Southeast Clinic, Lancaster City, New Holland Dental
and Dr. West, and now Dr. Black and Associates of Willow
Pharmacist (Mr. Jacobs) at CVS, Manor Shopping Center
advised me to see an Endocrinologist, yesterday, while
harassing me.
Pharmacist at Weis Markets, Amy Brent, was harassing,
yesterday, July 15, 2009.
My mobility in my jaw went from 1" to 1/2", as of today, July
16, 2009.
Pain is not subsiding, although, with the aid of Momentum
Back Relievers, I have been able to reduce swelling in face.
I must go back to another Emergency Room again today, the
8th day of this PAIN ASSAULT.
Do Not Have Access to Computers/Internet or Time To
Provide More Detail.

Saturday, July 4, 2009 11:23:00 AM

Who Are My Captors? (Go to "New Document Library" of this

Website and Document No. 4. "U.S. Attorney Complaint..."
For The Entire Documents Referenced Below)

Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders Pushing Nucluear Armageddon
by Jeffrey Steinberg

"The "Mind War" paper was provoked by an article by Lt. Col. John
Alexander, which appeared in the December 1980 edition of
Military Review, advocating the introduction of ESP (extra-sensory
perception), "telepathic behavior modification", Para-psychology,
psycho kinesis ("mind over matter"), remote viewing, out of body
experiences, and other New Age and occult practices into U.S.
Military intelligence. Alexander's paper wat titled "The New Mental
Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock".

"In preparation for this article, EIR has interviewed a number of

senior retired military and intelligence officers, who have identified,
form their own personal experiences, a number of other leading

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military officers, who have promoted these efforts and funneled

massive amounts of Pentagon money into "black programs" (black
budget), testing the military applications of a whole range of
bizarre "non-lethal" techniques and technologies. some of the
top-secret programs funded by taxpayer dollars over the past 25
years betray a significant degree of outright "spoon-bending"
lunacy. Others lead directly to the doorsteps of Guantanamo Bay
and Abu Ghraib military detention centers, where prisoners have
been turned into human guinea pigs for experimental torture
techniques, drawn from the same New Age bag of tricks."

"Gen. Albert Stubblebine III was the head of U.S. Army

Intelligence, INSCOM (Intelligence and Security Command), from
1981 to 1984, during which time he launched a series of secret
projects at Fort Meade, Md. involving remote viewing and other
occult practices. General Stubblebine was perhaps, the U.S. Army's
most senior and loudest advocate of the full gamut of the New Age

"Channon's First Earth Battalion slide show was brought to General

Stubblebine, the head of INSCOM, by Colonel Alexander, the author
of the Military Review article on "the New Mental Battlefield", and,
by 1981, Stubblebine established a secret "psychic spies unit" at
Fort Meade, to test out such dubious techniques as remote

War Crimes
by marsboy683

"In 1993 the National Institute of Justice, (part of the Department

of Justice DOJ) began the "NIJ initiative on Less-Than-Lethal
Weapons", recommending that state and local police department in
American utilize psychotropic, and electromagnetic weapons against
American citizens involved in "domestic disturbances". the report
said, "Short term research will be completed to adopt military
technology to use by domestic law enforcement... including laser,
microwave, and electromagnetic weapons". The Washington Post
reported, "The Pentagon and the DOJ have agreed to share state-
of-the-art military weapons with civilian law enforcement agencies,
including exotic "non-lethal weapons".

Thursday, July 2, 2009 8:45:29 PM

To My Captors and Mind Control Handlers:

1.The constitution guarantees the right of the people to be secure

in their person. The Declaration of Independence asserts as
self-evident that all men have certain inalienable rights and that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
2. As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1928, "the
framers of the Constitution sought "to protect Americans in their
beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations." It is
for this reason they established, as against the government, the
right to be let alone as "the most comprehensive of rights and the
right most valued by men".
3. The first principle of the Nurembert Code state that with respect
to human research, the valuntary consent of the human subject is
absolutely essential. The Nuremberg Code further asserts that such
consent must be competent, informed, and comprehensive.
4. There are current regulations implementing the obligations of

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the United States to adhere to Article 3 fo the United Nations

Convention Against Torture and other Formes of Cruel, Inhumane
or Degrading Treatment including all terms that are subject to any
reservations, understandings, declarations, and provisions
contained in the United States Senate resolution of ratification of
the Convention.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:40:07 PM -


Notice and Disclaimer:

Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been
slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to
going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and
fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa.
(ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1
Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our
reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and
the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further
libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our
business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and
some communications are a means of protecting our rights to
continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:22:37 PM

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Advanced Media Group and Stan J.

House of Representative Mike Sturla (Lancaster,
Pennsylvania) and City of Lancaster Mayor Richard Gray.

The draft legislation is the work of Missouri House of Representative

Jim Guest, who has been working on helping victims of these
horrendous crimes for years. The bill will provide protections to
individuals who are being harassed, stalked, harmed by
surveillance, and assaulted; as well as protections to keep
individuals from becoming human research subjects, tortured, and
killed by electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices,
implants, and directed energy weapons.

Stan J. Caterbone has been a victim of organized stalking since

1987 and a victim of electronic and direct energy weapons since
2005. Stan J. Caterbone will help introduce measures that also
pertain to remote viewing; mental telepathy and synthetic
telepathy in more detail. Personal accounts of his pain and torture
are also filed in various United States federal and state courts.

Click Here to Download Draft of Organized Stalking and Directed

Energy Devices and Weapons Bill and list of Pennsylvania

We are urging you to contact your local representatives and

support our efforts to pass this legislation. Below you will find the

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listings of Pennslvania Stae Representatives. For More Information

Please Contact Us At: The following is a draft
of the legislation: Organized Stalking and Directed Energy Devices
and Weapons Bill

Section 1. Short Title

This bill may be cited as the Organized Stalking and Directed

Energy Devices and Weapons Bill"
A) Findings

1) The constitution guarantees the right of the people to be secure

in their person. The Declaration of Independence asserts as
self-evident that all men have certain inalienable rights and that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
2) As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1928, the
framers of the Constitution sought "to protect Americans in their
beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations." It is
for this reason that they established, as against the government,
the right to be let alone as "the most comprehensive of rights and
the right most valued by civilized men.
3) The first principle of the Nuremberg Code states that with
respect to human research, the voluntary consent of the human
subject is absolutely essential. The Nuremberg Code further asserts
that such consent must be competent, informed, and
4) There are current regulations implementing the obligations of
the United States to adhere to Article 3 of the United Nations
Convention Against Torture and other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane or
Degrading Treatment including all terms that are Subject to any
reservations, understandings, declarations, and provisions
contained in the United

States Senate resolution of ratification of the Convention.

B) Purpose

To establish regulations and penalties for those who use any type of
electronic frequency devices, directed energy devices, implants,
surveillance technology, and directed energy weapon to
purposefully cause any of the following: stalking, harassing, mental
or physical harm, injury, harmful surveillance, torture, diseases,
and death to any United States citizen.

Section 3. Organized Stalking

If two or more persons willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follow

or willfully and maliciously harass another person and who make a
credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable
fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate
family, they are guilty of the crime of organized stalking,
punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one
year, or by not more than one thousand dollars ($ 1,000), or by
both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in a federal

If two or more persons violate subdivision (a) when there is a

temporary restraining order, injunction, or any other court order in
effect prohibiting the behavior described in subdivision (a) against
the same party, they shall be punished by imprisonment in the
state prison for two, three, or four years.

For the purposes of this section, "harass" means engages in a

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knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person

that seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person,
or damages his personal property or possessions and that serves no
legitimate purpose. * * *

For the purposes of this section, "course of conduct" means two or

more acts occurring over a period of time, however short,
evidencing a continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected
activity is not included within the meaning of "course of conduct."

For the purposes of this section, "credible threat" means a verbal or

written threat, including that performed through the use of an
electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of
conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically
communicated statements and conduct, made with the intent to
place the person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear
for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family, or personal
property or possessions and made with the apparent ability to carry
out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the
threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or
her family or personal property or possessions. It is not necessary
to prove that the defendant had the intent to actually carry out the
threat. The present incarceration of a person making the threat
shall not be a bar to prosecution under this section. Constitutionally
protected activity is not included within the meaning of "credible

For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication

device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones,
computers, video recorders, fax machines, pagers or synthetic
telepathy devices.

The sentencing court also shall consider issuing an order restraining

the defendant from any contact with the victim, that may be valid
for up to 10 years, as determined by the court. It is the intent of
the Legislature that the length of any restraining order be based
upon the seriousness of the facts before the court, the probability of
future violations, and the safety of the victim and his or her
immediate family.

For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means any spouse,

parent, child, any person related by consanguinity or affinity within
the second degree, or any other person who regularly resides in the
household, or who, within the prior six months, regularly resided in
the household.

Section 4. Punishment for threats

Any person or persons who willfully threatens to commit a crime

which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person,
with the specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in
writing, or by means of an electronic communication device, is to be
taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it
out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is
made, is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as
to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an
immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes
that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own
safety or for his or her immediate family's safety, shall be punished
by imprisonment in a federal prison not to exceed one year..

For the purposes of this section, "immediate family" means any

spouse, whether by marriage or not, parent, child, any person

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related by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree, or

any other person who regularly resides in the household, or who,
within the prior six months, regularly resided in the household.

"Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to,

telephones, cellular telephones, computers, video recorders, fax
machines, pagers or synthetic telepathy devices.

Obscene, threatening or annoying communication

(a) Every person or persons who, with intent to annoy, telephones

or makes constant contact by means of an electronic
communication device with another and addresses to or about the
other person any obscene language or addresses to the other
person any threat to inflict injury to the person or any member of
his or her family, or any property or personal possessions is guilty
of a misdemeanor. Nothing in this subdivision shall apply to
telephone calls or electronic contacts made in good faith.

(b) Every person or persons who makes repeated telephone calls or

makes repeated contact by means of an electronic communication
device with intent to annoy another person at his or her residence,
is, whether or not conversation ensues from making the telephone
call or electronic contact, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Nothing in
this subdivision shall apply to telephone calls or electronic contacts
made in good faith.

(c) Every person or persons who makes repeated telephone calls or

makes repeated contact by means of an electronic communication
device with the intent to annoy another person at his or her place
of work is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more
than one thousand dollars ($ 1,000), or by imprisonment in a
federal prison for not more than one year, or by both that fine and
imprisonment. Nothing in this subdivision shall apply to telephone
calls or electronic contacts made in good faith. This subdivision
applies only if one or both of the following circumstances exist:

(1) There is a temporary restraining order, an injunction, or any

other court order, or any combination of these court orders, in
effect prohibiting the behavior described in this section.

(2) The person or persons makes repeated telephone calls or makes

repeated contact by means of an electronic communication device
with the intent to annoy another person at his or her place of work,
totaling more than 10 times in a 24-hour period, whether or not
conversation ensues from making the telephone call or electronic
contact, and the repeated telephone calls or electronic contacts are
made to the workplace of an adult or fully emancipated minor who
is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or
person with whom the person has a child or has had a dating or
engagement relationship or is having a dating or engagement

(d) Any offense committed by use of a telephone may be deemed to

have been committed where the telephone call or calls were made
or received. Any offense committed by use of an electronic
communication device or medium, including the Internet, may be
deemed to have been committed when the electronic
communication or communications were originally sent or first
viewed by the recipient.

(e) Subdivision (a), (b), or (c) is violated when the person acting
with intent to annoy makes a telephone call requesting a return call

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and performs the acts prohibited under subdivision (a), (b), or (c)
upon receiving the return call.

(f) If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of

sentence is suspended, for any person or persons convicted under
this section, the court may order as a condition of probation that
the person participate in counseling.

(g) For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication

device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones,
computers, video recorders, fax machines, pagers or synthetic
telepathy devices.

Section 5. Assault and battery with an electronic or directed energy


Any person or persons who in the course of organized stalking and

harassment, commits an assault upon the person of another with
an unauthorized directed energy weapon shall be punished by
imprisonment in a federal prison for two, three, or four years or by
a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

For the purposes of this section the term directed energy weapon is
defined as any device that directs a source of energy (including
molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams,
electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency
(ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation) against a
person or any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means
of inflicting death or injury; or damaging or destroying, a person
(or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and
economic well-being of a person via land-based, sea-based, or
space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic,
psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual
persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war,
mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations;
or by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a

Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:34:39 PM

My father, Samuel Caterbone (U.S. Navy; deceased 2001), Jr.,
by brother Samuel A. Caterbone (U.S. Air Force; deceased
1984) and myself, Stanley J. Caterbone (Federal
Whistleblower 1987 on ISC ; DOD Contractor & ISC
Shareholder 1983 to 1987) are all victims of MK-Ultra (Mind
Control) or one of its 149 subprograms.

My father was telepathic (Remote Viewing & Shock Therapy) and ;

my brother was administered LSD while in the Air Force in the
1960's; and of course I am telepathic (Remote Viewing) and been
subjected to torture.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 11:11:24 AM

"S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Para psychological
Association meeting arrangements, via their 'Cognitive Sciences
Laboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is a big
time defense contractor, has held the largest number of research
contracts of any defense contractor. Bobby Ray Inman (ISC Board
of Directors) is on its board of directors, among others."
by John Porter, CIA Program on Mind Control copyright 1996

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***"In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn

from consideration as Bill Clinton's first Defense Secretary, his
critics speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to
conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a member of the so-called
"shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either
negligent or approved the exports."
by Wikipedia on International Signal and Control, (ISC).

February 9, 2009
U.S. Department of Justice United States Attorney General
Eastern District of Philadelphia
615 Chestnut Street Suite 1250
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-4476

Re: Public Corruption; Violations of Civil Rights; RICO; Civil

and Criminal Conspiracy; Extortion; Etc.,

Defendants: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; President Judge

William Johnstone, Jr.,; Lancaster City Police Department;
Pennsylvania State Police; Lancaster County District Attorney
Office; Lancaster County Probation Office

Dear United States Attorney:

Enclosed is a complaint form and complaint for the above-

mentioned violations. I am the son of Samuel Caterbone Jr., and
have already filed a complaint regarding persons and officials of the
County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, which involved Fulton Bank that
you received via certified mail on or about December 9, 2008. I am
also claiming a Federal False Claims Act Violation regarding
International Signal and Control, from 1987 that you may find
referenced in the District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania. I have
recently withdrawn all of my federal suits due to a long and
protracted battle with obstruction of justice and interference with
my litigation. I have recently won a decision in the Third Circuit
Court of Appeals for case no. 07-4474, and withdrew the cases
upon being returned to the District Court for further litigation. You
may research the cases in the Eastern District Court and the Third
Circuit for a background and history. I have been a pro se litigant
since 2005.

On February 4, 2009 I came upon an order that was imposed

against my father on August 29, 1973 by President Judge William
Johnstone, Jr. of the Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas(Cases No. 301 306-1973 and 1258-1972); that causes great
dismay and disbelief. At the same time this ORDER verifies my own
belief that dates back to 1987: the history of corruption and fraud
concerning my own trials and tribulations with the County of
Lancaster regarding my civil and criminal cases for the last 22
years were modeled after my fathers same perpetrators and
corruption that plagued his life.

The ORDER reads: On this date, the Honorable William G.

Johnstone, Jr., President Judge directs that Samuel Caterbone, Jr.,
be released from probation and that he leave the area around
Lancaster County (Penna.) as of August 29, 1973.

Please remember, my father and mother, Yolanda Roda Caterbone

had six children; and all this time we all believed that my father
had ran out on us all. That was the story. Enclosed you will find my
fathers criminal case, with the exception of the trial transcript,

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which I had requested on Friday from the Lancaster County Court

Reporters Office.

There are several criminal allegations that I am making. First, the

only charge my father was guilty of was forging his own companies
check, Samuel Caterbone Cleaners (ironically only one in evidence
- for divorce proceedings to an attorney). Secondly, I dont believe
there is any law that can support this order, especially considering
he at the time was the father of six children and not legally
divorced or separated. Thirdly, in the documents you will find a
letter from the law firms of May, Grove, Stork, & Blakinger that is
dissolution of my fathers company Samuel Caterbone Cleaners,
Inc., dated September 30, 1974.

You will notice that current President Judge Louis J. Farina of the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas is a member. It is quite
suspicious that during our 48th year, we both were illegally
incarcerated and falsely imprisoned in the Lancaster County Prison
during the months of October; November; and December. My father
did at least 5 months, while I only had to do 2.
I am also alleging public corruption by President Judge Farina in my
own cases. The last and most notable is the Superior Court Appeal
No. 113 MDA 2008; whereby President Judge Farina refused
several motions to dismiss court appointed counsel William
Campbell prior to the November 19, 2008 ORDER to dismiss my
appeal due to Court Appointed Attorney William Campbell for failing
to file a brief.

Jack Storks wife was Mayor of the City of Lancaster during the
1990s. She was in a position to cover-up my accusations, which
she did back then. I have a letter to her dating back to 1991-1992.

If you follow the history of Samuel Caterbone Cleaners., Inc., you

will find that during the last year of operation the plant went
through a tumultuous time of machinery breakdown, similar to my
own experience the last few years. Furthermore, the business and
property that my father had built and owned was sold for far less
than it was worth at that time. I have the deeds and related
documents to prove this out.

Now, if you follow my case history, you will find the same pattern of
crimes, with the absolute same outcome, loss of reputation, loss of
income; loss of property; loss of business interests; loss of social
and personal friendships and relationships; and most importantly a
fabricated mental illness history.

Unfortunately, there is but another complication, I am also alleging

that my father, Samuel Caterbone Jr., my brother Samuel
Caterbone, and myself Stanley J. Caterbone are all victims of the
program MK-Ultra and or one of its subprograms. I have conclusive
evidence to support my allegation; however do not want to
entangle this subject at this time.

I wish you to only entertain the above referenced allegations at this

time. I will await your further instructions on how to proceed.

Thank you for you time and considerations. I look forward to

working with you, as there is more to come.

Stan J. Caterbone

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Advanced Media Group
February 4, 2009

Lancaster, PA On August 29, 1973 Samuel Caterbone, Jr. (Father of

Stan J. Caterbone) was ORDERED by Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Judge William G. Johnstone to "leave the area
around Lancaster County Pennsylvania as of August 29, 1973 in
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Caterbone, Samuel (Docket No.
301 and 306 of 1973). A copy of the ORDER was found today,
February 4, 2009 in the Clerk of Courts at the Lancaster County
Courthouse. It was also found the Samuel Caterbone, Jr. was
imprisoned from August of 1972 to February of 1973 for the
charges that were brought about by the Lancaster City Police

The ORDER of August 29, 1973 reads: "On this date, the Honorable
William G. Johnstone, Jr., President Judge directs that Samuel
Caterbone, Jr., be released from probation and that he leave the
area around Lancaster County (Penna.) as of August 29, 1973"

Samuel Caterbone, Jr. was found guilty by jury of signing two

checks from his business, Samuel Caterbone Cleaners, Inc., without
the consent of his wife, Yolanda M. Roda Caterbone. One check was
made out for $200.00 to attorney James Coho for divorce
proceedings and the other check for $78.18 to Joe the Motorist
Friend at the Manor Shopping Center for a hunting rifle. He was
sentenced to one year probation and ordered to pay court costs (No
fine: No Restitution).

Samuel Caterbone, Jr. was found not guilty of stealing $2,200 from
his nephew, Joseph Ricupero III, former owner/developer of
Strawberry Hill Restuarant, in the City of Lancaster. Samuel
Caterbone, Jr., appeared pro se and represented himself at trial.
Samuel Caterbone, Jr. testified in the arraignment that it was his
money from the beginning before President Judge Hensel Brown.

Click Here to see video of meeting with U.S.

Senator Arlen Specter on October
8, 2008 - Forward to end of interview.
For this article click here

From NameBase NewsLine, No. 12, January-March 1996:

Mind Control and the Secret State

Last September the CIA confirmed the existence of a 20-year, $20

million research program in "remote viewing," a sub variety of
extrasensory perception. On October 29, a Jack Anderson column
added more details, and Ted Koppel of ABC's Nightline weighed in
with a program on November 28, by which time many newspapers
and wire services had picked up the story. By December, a number
of pundits began lamenting this additional evidence of the CIA's
protean power to waste taxpayers' money.

Curiously, "remote viewing" was an old story, first reported by

Anderson himself on 23 April 1984. Other Anderson columns of

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U.S. and Soviet interest in psychic research date back to 1981.

Anderson's October 29 update reported that this project, which for
a time was contracted out to the Stanford Research Institute (SRI),
had been scaled back and put under Pentagon sponsorship, but
nevertheless continued. Although the results of these experiments
were reportedly mixed, the project retains its defenders in
Congress: Sen. Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and Rep. Charlie Rose (D-NC).
By 1995, Anderson didn't have an opinion on the merits of this
research, but his 1984 column was supportive. On Nightline, former
CIA director Robert Gates implied that pressure from members of
Congress drove the CIA's original involvement.
Another of Ted Koppel's CIA guests, identified only as "Norm," was
a technical advisor for CIA deputy director John McMahon and, until
1984, a coordinator for the SRI tests. "Norm" did mention the
"eight-martini" results from some experiments; this was an
in-house term for remote-viewing results so uncannily successful
that observers needed eight martinis to recover. Still, the general
impression from Koppel's show was dismissive. Only about "fifteen
percent" of the experiments, panelists repeated, produced accurate
results. Gates argued that such research, if undertaken at all,
belongs in the academy.

Not for the first time, however, there's more to this story than Ted
Koppel acknowledges.

Ingo Swann, who was involved in the SRI project from 1972-1988,
is upset with the media's droll treatment of this revived story.
Swann points out that the original motivation behind the "remote
viewing" project was the fear that the Soviets were investing
significant resources in applied psychic research, and might be
making advances. At the time, at least, such a rationale would have
been considered a plausible one to justify such a small expenditure
of intelligence money. Nevertheless, almost all mention of this
element of the story, which had figured prominently in the first
wave of stories on "remote viewing," was dropped in 1995.

Furthermore, Swann claims, the "fifteen percent" figure,

established early in the SRI project, represented the baseline
accuracy for non-gifted and untrained persons. U.S. intelligence
wanted sixty-five percent accuracy, and in the later stages of the
project, Swann claims, "this accuracy level was achieved and often
consistently exceeded." According to Swann, the key players in the
project, and the documentation supporting the real story, remain
under the strictest security constraints.

However this may be, Anderson's October 29 story reminds us that

ESP is very much alive as an object of intelligence-community
interest. In addition to "remote viewing" (seeing people, places, and
events at a distance in space and time), another area of interest is
the supposed power of "micro psycho- kinesis" or "Micro-PK" -- the
ability to affect small objects, such as electrical systems, by using
the mind. Micro-PK is one step away from outright telekinesis, and
its supposed power has obvious attractions for the CIA. Imagine
being able to erase a computer tape from a block away, or interfere
with the avionics of a jet fighter, or detonate a warhead.
Based on the evidence that's on the public record, the dream of
harnessing such power, or even of establishing its existence, may
be somewhat optimistic.

But this fact hasn't stopped a strange band of specialists, many of

whom have government connections, from staking out careers at
the intersection of, so to speak, ESP, the Pentagon, and the CIA:
where people interested in parapsychology work with those

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interested in weapons research and mind control. These would-be

psi-spooks turn up occasionally on talk shows and at conferences on
"non-lethal defense." Their ranks include companies like PSI- TECH
in Albuquerque, founded by Maj. Edward A. Dames, and figures
such as Col. John B. Alexander of the Los Alamos National
Laboratory, who was featured in the February 1995 issue of Wired
magazine. Dames and Alexander and a dozen more blend in with
spookier types who shun publicity but who show up at UFO and New
Age gatherings. One is ex-Naval Intelligence officer C.B. Scott
Jones, a former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell.

Once again, it's likely that Ted Koppel doesn't have the whole story.
It's also likely that he wouldn't be cleared to report it if he did. Still,
the piddling pool of dollars so far devoted to this research strongly
implies that, if the figure is accurate, intelligence-funded
parapsychological research has been a bust.

The uncounted millions the CIA has spent on mind control suggest
just the opposite. As with "remote viewing," the attraction of a
successful mind control program to the CIA is obvious, and has long
been explicitly acknow- ledged as such. The "Manchurian
Candidate" scenario -- in which a programmed zombie-assassin
responds to a post-hypnotic trigger, performs the act, and does not
remember it later -- is one ideal type of successful mind control. A
reliable truth serum, long the object of a CIA quest, would be
another. Both of these are operational uses of mind control, its
so-called "second front."

This term comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles. In 1953,
Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni,
distinguished two fronts in the then-current "battle for men's
minds": a "first front" of mass indoctrination through censorship
and propaganda, and a "second front" of individual "brainwashing"
and "brain changing." Before an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers,
Dulles skipped the usual pieties about democracy. The same year,
Dulles approved the CIA's notorious MKULTRA project, and
exempted it from normal CIA financial controls.

The distinction between Dulles's "two fronts" eventually becomes

diffi-cult to sustain, like the distinction between, say, sociology and
psychology. Still, this distinction can be useful in roughing out a
spectrum of known mind- control techniques.

For example, one powerful tool for inducing ideological and

behavioral change is social pressure in a controlled environment.
The "brainwashing" employed during the Korean War did not
involve the use drugs or hypnosis. The Chinese merely used the
same techniques that they employed on the population at large, but
with more intensity, greater control, and additional rewards and
punishments such as food and sleep deprivation. Yet this
frighteningly simple program was enough to crank up the
brainwashing scare in the U.S. Some researchers now suspect that
this hysterical episode had its origins in CIA- generated
propaganda, designed to give the CIA the political space needed to
research more sophisticated mind-control techniques.

Many undergraduates learn about the experiments conducted by

Solomon Asch in the 1950s, which demonstrated that expressed
opinions can be easily manipulated by social pressure, even in
obvious cases, such as whether Line A is longer than Line B on a
particular card. And Stanley Milgram showed that many unwitting
research subjects would administer a series of escalating electric
shocks to another, even to the point of an apparent heart attack,

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simply because a white-coated lab assistant asked them to

continue. Milgram's research suggests that a "Manchurian
Candidate" already exists in many of us, and that all that's required
to bring him out may be a bit of propaganda. The historical
evidence for blind human obedience that could be cited here is very
familiar, and very depressing.

Still, there's evidence that Pentagon planners are uneasy about

potential unruliness among the mass populations Dulles identified
as mind control's "first front." Princeton alumni may perhaps follow
and accept arguments that U.S. interests are at stake in Bosnia, but
their sons are unlikely to be on the scene defending those supposed
interests. The urban or Appalachian infantryman, and the family he
comes from, may have other ideas.

Elite unease on this point may lie behind Pentagon enthusiasm for
the new wrinkle in military force that goes by the name
"non-lethal" or "less-than- lethal." Its very claim to embody a
"humanitarian" form of warfare is a weapon in Dulles's "battle for
men's minds."

Non-lethal technology becomes important in a discussion of mind

control, as it involves something very close to it, in a form which
might be used to control large populations. The propaganda aspect
of "humanitarian warfare" is merely a sideshow; it's the technology
itself that enlists the enthusiasm of Pentagon planners and law
enforcement officials. Much of this "friendly force" technology
involves electromagnetic fields and directed-energy radiation, and
ultrasound or infrasound weapons -- the same tech-nology that's
currently of interest in brain-stimulation and mind-control research.

A partial list of aggressive promoters of this new technology

includes Oak Ridge National Lab, Sandia National Laboratories,
Science Applications International Corporation, MITRE Corporation,
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Los Alamos National
Laboratory. In the 1996 defense authorization bill, Congress
earmarked $37.2 million to investigate non-lethal technologies.
And this money looks like a mere ante in the game.

U.S. interest in this "less-than-lethal" technology dates back to the

early 1960s, when the State Department became aware of
low-energy microwave radiation directed at the U.S. embassy in
Moscow. Under the name "Project Pandora," secret research into
the Moscow radiation continued for ten years -- before embassy
employees were informed that they were on the receiving end.
Researchers initially assumed that the microwaves were designed
to activate bugging devices. But when a large number of illnesses
were reported at the embassy, a review of Soviet scientific journals
revealed that the Soviets believed microwaves affected cell
membranes and increased the excitability of nerve cells. Officially,
the incidence of illness at the embassy was ultimately blamed on
the U.S. short-wave transmitting antenna on the embassy roof,
which leaked energy and contributed to the unhealthy
environment. Still, the secrecy surrounding Project Pandora
encouraged further speculation within the U.S. intelligence
community and elsewhere. For instance, researchers knew that a
low-energy microwave beam could be modulated with an
"audiogram," and actually convey a recognizable message into an
irradiated brain. This led some U.S. spooks to suspect that the
Soviets had been attempting to practice mind control on the
embassy staff.

Such history brings us back to the situation of the restless public in

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our own jittery, pre-millennial U.S. Today, there seems to be a

dramatic increase in the number of "wavies," those who feel they
are being harassed by non-ionizing radiation such as radio or sound
waves. Nevertheless, there is little evidence to support their belief
that the secret state, despite its obvious interest in non-lethal
technology, is supporting applied research on unsuspecting average
citizens. Several alternative explanations suggest themselves.

First of all, the treatment of mental illness over the past few
decades has changed dramatically -- from an institutional approach,
to an out-patient, community-based system that relies on
prescription drugs to control symptoms and behavior. Greater
numbers of sufferers of paranoia, freed from institutions, are also
free to exercise their First Amendment rights. Furthermore, the
power to express oneself has been enhanced by technology --
everything from personal photocopying machines and desktop
publishing, to fax machines and now the Internet. And on the
Internet, almost everyone can find soul mates.

And "wavies" can make the case that they deserve the benefit of a
doubt. Revelations about the Cold War secret state, from the CIA
documents released in the 1970s to last year's Advisory Committee
on Human Radiation Experiments (which investigated ionizing
radiation only), have produced a social environment in which it can
seem diffi-cult to rule out anyone's claim, no matter how paranoid-
sounding. Finally, there is the modern problem of "pollution" in the
broadest sense: from electromagnetic and chemical, and including
simple noise. Human reactions to this pollution, which is a new
phenomenon in the history of our species, apparently vary by
orders of magnitude. Those who are ultra-sensitive may feel
harassed, even if no one is intentionally targeting them.

To a disinterested observer, the claims of the "wavies" are perhaps

no more bizarre than the claims of those who have experienced
profound religious conversions. The point is not to be-little anyone's
beliefs, but rather to establish that social factors often determine
what we consider to be credible. For thousands of years societies
have found it useful to allow sufficient space for religion. Only
recently has social space opened up for the claims of "wavies." The
increase in their numbers is thus predictable, irrespective of
whether the secret state is behind their problems or not. (It isn't, in
my opinion.)

This brings us to the "second front" mentioned by Allen Dulles in

1953: the technology of mind control applied on an individual level.
Whereas non- ionizing radiation can be "broad-cast" to large
populations, techniques such as psychosurgery, implants, and
electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) are administered on a
case-by-case basis. More exotic techniques, whose scientific status
and potential effectiveness remain uncertain, include radio hypnotic
intra-cerebral control and hypnotic dissolution of memory (RHIC-
EDOM), and the use of induced "screen memory" and multiple
personality disorder (MPD) for cover purposes.

The closest parallel to the "wavies" within this second front include
those who feel that implants were forced on them, sometimes
during childhood. Such beliefs obviously tap deep fears in the
popular psyche. The season premier of "The X Files" showed FBI
agent Scully discovering that someone had planted a microchip
near the base of her skull. And accused Oklahoma City bomber
Timothy McVeigh apparently claims that an implant was inserted
under his skin, for tracking purposes, during the Gulf War.

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Identification implants, which are passive devices that respond to

an energy source and return an identification number, are similar
to the bar codes at the checkout counter in a grocery store. Today's
pet owners can have these devices implanted in their pets. But
anyone who confuses this simple technology with a chip that tells
them what to do is already in trouble. Such a person should
consider turning off the television, logging off the Internet, and
checking out a few books from the local library. ID technology is
ominous for those concerned with surveillance and privacy, but it
has little to do with mind control.

Granted, there are experimental "stimoceiver" implants that can

stimulate the brain through electrodes. Mind-control enthusiast
Jose Delgado became briefly famous when he stopped a charging
bull in its tracks with such a device in 1964. Even allowing for
electronic miniaturization since then, or for the fact that
finely-tuned microwaves can achieve the same results as implanted
electrodes, ESB would still seem to impractical as a mind-control
device. At best it appears to stimulate various emotions, and might
be used for behavioral conditioning in a controlled environment.
This is still quite crude as a control device. It would be simpler and
more reliable to arrange a fatal accident.

The combination of surveillance technology and implanted aversion

therapy conjures up the vision of a society of victim-robots, with
monitors on every utility pole and computers administering the
conditioning. But the necessary infrastructure would be frightfully
And no doubt unnecessary. Suffi-cient control over the flow of
information in society can yield results very similar to those that
could be achieved by mind-control implants installed in every
individual. Thus the flaw in the reasoning of many researchers: the
mind-control techniques that have them so worried are usually the
most difficult techniques one can possibly imagine. For those who
would seek total control, plain, old-fashioned information control --
leavened with a few fascist techniques -- will do nicely, thank you.

In 1973, former MKULTRA researcher Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West,

from the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA, convinced California
and federal officials to sponsor a Violence Center. Governor Ronald
Reagan mentioned the proposed Center in glowing terms in a
speech on January 11, and the federal Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration (LEAA) approved a $750,000 grant. By this time the
federal government, through LEAA, the National Institute of Mental
Health (NIMH), the Bureau of Prisons, and the CIA, was operating
or funding numerous behavior modification programs in prisons,
schools, and hospitals. In response to protests from UCLA students
and faculty, the LEAA announced that it would ban the use of its
funds for "psychosurgery, medical research, behavior modification
-- including aversion therapy -- and chemotherapy."

A year later Louis West was still hoping to obtain funds from NIMH,
but by then it was too late for his proposal. Until the 1970s it was
not unusual for mental health professionals to propose programs
that would screen children for the purpose of early diagnosis and
treatment of the potentially violent. But by the 1970s the trend
was in the other direction, as some states enacted laws that made it
more difficult to confine someone involuntarily as a mental patient.
By the 1990s the shoe is securely on the other foot.

Twenty years ago it was fashionable for clinicians to blame urban

unrest and similar phenomena on the behavior of individuals. Now,
however, the individual can disclaim responsibility for his actions by

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blaming external agencies. Numerous persons have gone public

with accusations of strange events during their childhood,
suggesting that they were used as guinea pigs for mysterious men
in white coats. Some of their evidence seems sufficiently solid to
require further investigation, and more cases are emerging all the

On 15 March 1995, two patients of New Orleans therapist Valerie

Wolf testified before the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation
Experiments. Although this was outside the purview of the
Committee, they were permitted to testify because some of the
names of CIA-connected researchers they mentioned were already
familiar to the Committee. These two women remembered sessions
when they were around eight years old that involved electric
shocks, hypnosis, shots with needles, x-rays, sexual abuse, and
even training in intelligence tradecraft. One case occurred from
1972-1976 and the other in 1958. This testimony was not covered
by the media.

Although the recollections of the two women were spontaneous and

did not involve regression therapy, there is also a cottage industry
developing around memories of child abuse in general. For the most
part these are not connected with government research, and
perhaps many are the result of question- able techniques used by
social workers, therapists, police and prosecutors to elicit testimony
from children. Juries are becoming more skeptical of many of these
cases. This issue has even assumed the dimensions of a religious
crusade -- Christian fundamentalists worry about evil in the New
Age movement, and are on the lookout for cases of "satanic ritual
abuse" of children. Others believe the CIA has turned children into
split-personality sex slaves for operational use.

In 1992 the False Memory Syndrome Foundation began in

Philadelphia. This organization criticizes the practice of regression
therapy when it's used to bring out memories of traumatic
childhood experiences. FMSF considers these repressed memories
of incest and sexual abuse to be objectively false, and devastating
to family life in general. There's a growing split over this issue
among psychology professionals. To confuse the situation further,
FMSF has some on their Board of Advisors who may want to cover
up their own work. One is Louis West, another is Martin Orne, one
of the key MKULTRA researchers in hypnosis, and a third is Michael
Persinger, who did research on the effects of electromagnetic
radiation on the brain for a Pentagon weapons project.

Regression therapy could be a threat to the techniques the CIA may

have secretly developed involving the use of hypnosis. Shortly after
Pearl Harbor, George Estabrooks, chairman of the Department of
Psychology at Colgate University, was called to Washington by the
War Department. As one of the leading authorities on hypnosis,
Estabrooks was asked to evaluate how it might be used by the
enemy. In 1943 he wrote a book, expanded in a second edition
fourteen years later, that included a discussion of the use of
hypnotism in warfare. In his opinion, one in five adult humans are
capable of being placed in a trance so deep that they will have no
memory of it. They could be hypnotized secretly by using a
disguised technique, and given a post-hypnotic suggestion.
Estabrooks suggested that a dual personality could be constructed
with hypnosis, thereby creating the perfect double agent with an
unshakable cover.
Estabrooks' theories regarding hypnosis are disputed by many
experts today. Frequently the entire topic is dismissed with the
notion, promoted by Martin Orne and others, that a hypnotist

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cannot induce a person to perform an act that this person would

otherwise find objectionable. But this in itself appears to be a cover
story; if the trance is deep enough, an imaginary social
environment can be constructed through which an otherwise
objectionable act becomes necessary and heroic. Murdering Hitler
during wartime would not be considered criminal, for example. It
may even be easier than this: in 1951 in Denmark, Palle Hardrup
robbed a bank and killed a guard, and then claimed that hypnotist
Bjorn Nielsen told him to do it. Nielsen eventually confessed that
Hardrup was a test of his hypnotic techniques, which included
telling Hardrup that the money from the robbery was a means to a
noble end. Hardrup had become Nielsen's robot, and Nielsen was

In 1976 a book by Donald Bain titled "The Control of Candy

Jones" was published by Playboy Press. This one-of-a-kind book
is the story Candy Jones, who was America's leading cover girl
during the forties and fifties. In 1960 Jones fell on hard times and
agreed to act as a courier for the CIA. An excellent subject for
hypnosis, Jones became the plaything of a CIA psychiatrist who
used her to exhibit his mastery of mind-control techniques. This
psychiatrist used hypnosis and drugs to develop a second
personality within Jones over a period of 12 years. This second
personality took the form of a courier who could be triggered by
telephone with particular sounds, and after the mission was
completed and the normal personality resumed, did not remember

These missions were elaborate, and frequently involved world

travel to deliver messages. According to the book, Jones and other
victims were once even subjected to torture at a seminar at CIA
headquarters, as a means of demonstrating this psychiatrist's
control over his subjects.

Jones married New York radio talk-show host Long John Nebel in
1972. An amateur hypnotist, Nebel stumbled onto her secret
personality, and began unraveling the story over many subsequent
sessions. Author Donald Bain, a family friend, was invited to
reconstruct the story from more than 200 hours of taped sessions
between Jones and Nebel. Various researchers have confirmed
some pieces of the story, but Bain did not name the major CIA
psychiatrist involved, nor did he name a second psychiatrist who
Martin Cannon recently identified this second psychiatrist as the
late William Kroger, who was an associate of Louis West, Martin
Orne, and another MKULTRA veteran, H.J. Eysenck. Whatever the
truth is behind Candy Jones -- and it's difficult to see the book as
an elaborate hoax -- there's no question that hypnotist George
Estabrooks raised issues that the CIA took seriously in secret
research for at least 25 years.
The MKULTRA implementing documents specified that "additional
avenues to the control of human behavior" were to include
"radiation, electroshock, various fields of psychology, sociology, and
anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary
devices and materials." The word "radiation" gave the Advisory
Committee on Human Radiation Experiments a reason to request a
search of records on human experimentation from the CIA. Their
final report, released last October, expressed dissatisfaction with
the CIA's response, and recommended that the CIA get their act
together so that legitimate requests can be accommodated better in
the future.

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One problem is the compartmentation of the CIA's record-keeping

systems. Another is that the CIA immediately decided that the
Committee's purview was restricted only to ionizing radiation -- the
type of radiation of interest in nuclear testing, as opposed to the
electromagnetic and sound waves that might be used for mind
control. Finally, those documents that the CIA did release were
heavily redacted. The Committee noted that they had "received
numerous queries about MKULTRA and the other related programs
from scholars, journalists, and citizens who have

(The CIA's Program of MK-ULTRA or Mind Control and

Manipulation) (Click Here)




AUGUST 3, 1977
Printed for the use of the Select Committee
on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 052-070-04357-1

Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas President Judge Louis J.

Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge James P. Cullen
Lancaster County Detective Michael Landis
MIND CONTROL and the Black Budget Program MKultra.


SECTION: NEWS, Pg. A-1 LENGTH: 938 words
HEADLINE: Convicted killer says he's conspiracy
victim; Judge hears testimony on Zook's mental
BYLINE: Thomas L. Flannery

Convicted killer Robert P. Zook Jr. took the stand Tuesday during
the second day of a hearing to determine if he is mentally capable
of helping his attorney's efforts to get him off death row Zook was
convicted of two counts of first-degree murder in 1986 and
sentenced to death for killing 55-year-old typewriter repairman
Paul Conard and the repairman's 19-year-old girlfriend, Sandra
Wiker, during a botched robbery at Conard's North Queen Street

On Tuesday, under questioning by his attorney, James Moreno of

the Defender Association of Philadelphia, Zook told Farina he is an
innocent man.

Zook said his attorneys are trying to have him executed as part of a
conspiracy concocted by former District Attorney Joseph
Madenspacher, now a county judge, and retired Lancaster Bureau
of Police Chief Michael Landis, now a county detective. Zook claims

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the two men plotted with the "radio community" and had
transmitters implanted in his head and abdomen.
The transmitters, Zook said, have been used to monitor his every
move and record his thoughts and his speech. He said the
recordings are listened to by a bevy of "outlaw radio stars" that
populate the county.

Zook, a hulking man who weighs about 300 pounds and is fully
tattooed, told Moreno he has no idea who killed Conard and Wiker,
his distant cousin.

"Did the "radio community' set you up?" Moreno asked.

"Yes sir," Zook said. Zook was polite, calm and deliberate as he
talked about a conspiracy that extended to his entire family and
included Moreno. Zook told Farina he knows about the implants
because of the images he sees from behind his eyelids, and voices
that speak to him from the implants. On Tuesday, Philadelphia
psychiatrist Dr. Robert Sodoff testified that Zook's mental status
has deteriorated to a point where Zook is so delusional and
distrustful of Moreno that he cannot assist in his own defense.
Sodoff told Farina that Zook believes he has a computer chip
implanted in his head and a two-way transmitter in his abdomen so
authorities can monitor his every move and communicate with him,
all part of an elaborate plot Moreno helped concoct in 1979. In
1979, Moreno was a college freshman. Sodoff also said it is highly
unlikely Zook has been faking his delusions for more than five
years, when they first surfaced.

A psychiatrist called by the defense Tuesday agreed with Sodoff's

assessment. However, Dr. Timothy Michaels, a forensic psychiatrist
called by Deputy Attorney General Jonelle Eshbach, who is
prosecuting Zook at the appellate level, said Zook, despite the
alleged delusions, can cooperate and help his attorneys -- if he so
chooses. Michaels said Zook does not "want to be crazy." He said
Zook "can effectively think, reason, understand and cooperate with
his attorneys." Under questioning by Moreno, Michaels said he was
the only physician to ever examine Zook who did not conclude Zook
was psychotic. "His delusional progression is not consistent with
mental illness," Michaels said. If Zook is psychotic, Michaels said,
the psychosis he allegedly suffers related to the implanted chip and
transmitter does not impair his ability to aid in his own defense.
This week's hearing was ordered by the state Supreme Court, which
is considering an appeal filed by Zook of a November 1999 ruling
by county Judge Louis Farina. At that time, Farina dismissed an
appeal Zook had filed seeking relief under the state's Post
Conviction Relief Act. Zook asked Farina to overturn the death
sentence and resentence him to life in prison. Zook claimed he was
not properly represented during his two separate murder trials held
here in the 1980s. In 1989, the state Supreme Court ruled Zook's
first trial was flawed and overturned the conviction, ordering a
second trial. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the county's appeal of
the state Supreme Court's ruling. On Jan. 12, 1990, Zook was
convicted a second time of two counts of first-degree murder and
again was sentenced to death. Zook's defense team took an
automatic appeal to the state Supreme Court, but the state's top
court upheld the verdict and sentence.

On March 24, 1995, Moreno filed Zook's filed first PCRA appeal in
state court. The hearing on the 1995 PCRA filing hearing was set to
begin in May 1998, but was delayed until January 1999. During the
1999 hearing before Farina, Moreno argued that Zook was not
adequately represented by attorney James P. Cullen during his first

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trial, nor by attorney Vincent Quinn during his second trial. Cullen
currently is a Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas judge.
Quinn, now in private practice, was the chief counsel for the state's
Judicial Conduct Board.

According to the motion for a new trial Farina denied in 1999, Zook
claimed both Cullen and Quinn failed to introduce medical evidence
about his alleged mental illness during the penalty phase of the
1986 and 1990 trials that may have led the jury to impose a life
sentence instead of the death penalty.

The malady, Moreno said in 1999, was caused by brain damage

Zook allegedly suffered during a prison scuffle prior to the murders,
the abuse he suffered at the hands of his parents and Zook's
history of heavy methamphetamine, marijuana, alcohol and crack
cocaine use.
After the testimony concluded Tuesday afternoon, Farina did not
rule on the matter. The Supreme Court requires a written opinion.

Zook also is serving a separate 25-to-50-year sentence for beating

an elderly man during a robbery at a Manheim Township bowling

GRAPHIC: PHOTO, Robert Zook;

1985 photo


and Lancaster County Sheriff, et. al.,

*Complaint was recieved by U.S. Certified Mail on December 9,


Average Fees and Costs to Homeowners During A Foreclosure by

U.S. Congress

** "A report by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress

estimates that the average cost of a foreclosure, to the homeowner,
lender, local government, and neighbors (whose homes decline in
value), is $78,000. By contrast, preventing the foreclosure would
cost $3,300 per home on average. Here's how the report breaks out
that figure among various "stakeholders":

** Average Cost for Foreclosure to Homeowner: $7,200 "

Stanley J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, was assessed and

charged over $48,000.00 constituting fraud; theft by deception;
embezzlement; extortion; and other federal crimes.

Realty Transfer Fees $ 3,698.00

Interest Expense $ 9,363.13
Lancaster County Sheriff Costs $ 5,012.57
Barley Snyder Legal Costs $27,610.44
Barley Snyder Attorney Fee $ 3,000.00
TOTAL $48,693.14

November 12, 2008

United States Department of Justice

Attorney General Office

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Eastern District Pennsylvania

Suite 1250
615 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-4476

Re: Citizen Report Form from STANLEY J.



FULTON BANK et. al.,

Fulton Bank of Lancaster Pennsylvania
Craig Roda, President Fulton Bank
R. Scott Smith, Jr., Chief Financial Officer, Fulton Financial
Shawn M. Long, Esq., Barley Snyder, LLC
Law Firm of Barley Snyder, LLC
Lancaster County Sheriff Department of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Bergman
Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman
Lancaster County Bail Supervision Office
Magisterial District Judge Leo Eckert, Jr.
Magisterial District Judge Dennis Commins, Esq.,
Fulton Financial Corporation of Lancaster County
Chief of Police John Fiorill of the Southern Regional Police
Adam Cramer of the Southern Regional Police Department,
Conestoga, PA
D. Patrick Zimmerman, Solicitor of the Lancaster County Sheriff
James D. McCullough, Deputy Prothonotary, Pennsylvania
Superior Court
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge James P. Cullen
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael Georgelis
Central Penn Property Services, Inc.,
Parula Properties
Noble Real Estate

FEDERAL CRIMINAL JURISDICTION: criminal fraud, theft by

deception, diversion of funds and embezzlement; RICO; mail fraud;
civil conspiracy to commit fraud; mortgage fraud; obstruction of
due process re Superior Court Appeal of Fulton Bank Judgment;
abuse of process; unjust enrichment; discrimination; anti-trust


1.Stanley J. Caterbone appeared pro se for all of these proceedings.

2.A formal letter and complaint was filed in the Lancaster County
District Attorney Office to Mr. Craig Stedman on June 18, 2008; the
complaint acknowledged but was never responded to by Mr. Craig
Stedman or anyone in the Office of the Lancaster County District

3.A formal complaint was filed with the Lancaster County

Commissioners to President Commissioner Mr. Dennis Stuckey on
September 18, 2008; again Mr. Dennis Stuckey acknowledged the
complaint and promised a report and or an explanation, but never
fufilled his promise.

4.Fulton Bank is a fiduciary for the Lancaster County Sheriffs

Department and the Lancaster County Clerk of Courts and holds
checking accounts for both Lancaster County Departments.

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5.The JUDGMENT of June 29, 2006; the SHERIFF SALE of

December 20, 2006 and the DEED of February 1, 2007 all have
been executed without proper jurisdiction and/or improper
authority for Case No. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

6.There are missing funds that were not accounted for and should
have been paid out from the Sheriff Sale of 220 Stone Hill Road,
Conestoga, PA; Case No. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

7.Fulton Bank was the original Mortgage of $103,000 taken out in


8.The Lancaster County Sheriffs Solicitor D. Patrick Zimmerman

held the sale proceeds in escrow until disbursement; Case No.
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

9.The outstanding balance of the Fulton Bank Mortgage of 220

Stone Hill Road was $88,568.00 at the time of foreclosure in March
of 2006; Case No. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

10.The Judgment of $97,425.00 of July 31, 2006 included $3,000

for legal fees; Case No. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

11.There were no liens on the deed or real estate. 12.On June 29,
2006 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael
Georgelis abused is power and did not have proper jurisdiction to
rule in the case no. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone); due to the fact
that the Petition to Set Aside the Mortgage filed by Fulton Bank in
the Stanley J. Caterbone Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case No.
05-23059 was under appeal in the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania under Judge Anita Brody; Case No.

12.The appeal was not ruled upon until July 17, 2006. Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael Georgelis new this
from the Answer to Complaint filed on May 6, 2006 by Stanley J.
Caterbone. Instead Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge
Michael Georgelis committed collusion, obstruction of due process
and obstruction of justice in the following ruling: The motion is
deemed unopposed for the Defendants failure to file a responsive
brief, L.C.R.C.P. No. 1034(a)D. Stanley J. Caterbone refused to file
a response due to these facts and was awaiting a ruling in the
appeal for the Petition to Set Aside the Mortgage, case no.
1538-2006 in the U.S. District for the Eastern District of

13.On July 31, 2006 Attorney Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley

Snyder, LLC committed perjury and a count of unsworn falsification
to authorities filed an AFFADAVIT PURSUANT TO RULE 3129.1 with
the Lancaster County Prothonotary; Case No. Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone). Item No. 7. states Name and address of every other
person of whom the plaintiff has knowledge who as any interest in
the property which may be affected by the sale: Lancaster County
Tax Claim Bureau; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of
Revenue; Internal Revenue Service.

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The above named entities had no interest in the property, nor was
Stanley J. Caterbone delinquent with any income or sales taxes at
or near the time of the affidavit; nor did he have any
communications with such entities prior to the statement. The
following statement was signed by Shawn M. Long, Esq., I verify
that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct to
the best of my personal knowledge or information and belief. I
understand that false statements herein are made subject to
penalties of 17 Pa. C.S. Section 4904 relating to unsworn
falsification to authorities.

14.Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael

Georgelis filed an OPINION on September 5, 2006; Case No.
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone), stating that The Defendant
appealed my June 29, 2006 Order granting the Plaintiffs Motion for
Judgment on the pleadings, and he was directed to file a Pa.R.A.P.
1925(b) statement by August 25, 2006. He as not done so, and
accordingly, I believe he has waived any appeal issues. The fact of
the matter is that Stanley J. Caterbone had never received the
ORDER from the Lancaster County Prothonotary. This has happened
on several occasions and is well documented of Stanley J.
Caterbones mail being diverted; withheld; or not serviced at all. All
other court orders and filing requirements were met up until this
time, which is highly suspect.

15.On or about December 12, 2006 Southern Regional Police Chief

John Fiorill confronted Stanley J. Caterbone during a summary
appeal in the Lancaster County Courthouse and tried to persuade
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael Perezous
to ORDER Stanley J. Caterbone to change his address from 220
Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania to the Lancaster County
Prison because the U.S.P.S Post Office in Conestoga was tired of
holding his mial while illegally imprisoned at the Lancaster County
Prison. This was only one week prior to the Sheriff Sale of
December 20, 2006 and was maliciously attempted so that the
defendants could say Stanley J. Caterbone abandoned his property.
Stanley J. Caterbone refused to change his address, and Judge
Perezous would not here any further discussion of the matter.

16.The Sheriff illegally sold the property to Central Penn Property

Services of Akron, PA for $156,000 on December 20, 2006 without
a certified judgment from the courts due to Pennsylvania Superior
Court Appeal of the Judgment Case No. 1463 MDA 2006; Case No.
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone) and due to the fact that the original
JUDGMENT Ordered by Lancaster County Common Pleas Judge
Michael Georgelis was not valid because he did not have proper
jurisdiction; see Item No. 11 of this document.

17.On January 8, 2006 Stanley J. Caterbone filed an insurance

claim for theft of the real estate and theft of the contents of 220
Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania with Harleysville
Insurance Company, Claim No. MO-702274-ZS.

18.On January 30, 2006 Shawn Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC,
as counsel for Fulton Bank filed a NOTICE OF APPEARANCE BEFORE
BUSINESS JUDGE (Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case
No. CI-07-00019 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone and
CI-06-02271 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v.
Fulton Bank, et. al.,) for a hearing scheduled on February 1, 2007
before Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge James

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Cullen at 10:00. The NOTICE contained FULTON BANKS RESPONSE

ESTATE. The NOTICE was served via U.S.P.S. regular mail to
Stanley J. Caterbone and received on January 31, 2007 at
approximately 3:30pm.


County Court of Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Fulton Bank
v. Stanley J. Caterbone and CI-06-02271 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et. al.,); contains
a perjured statement and fraud which states: Such protections
included, among other things, his opportunity to answer Fulton
Banks Complaint and to respond to the Banks Motion for Judgment
on the Pleadings and his unsuccessful appeal to the Pennsylvania
Superior Court with respect to the Judgment entered in the
Foreclosure Case.

The fact of the matter is that the last docket entry up until
December 20, 2006 and including January 30, 2007 is the
MEMORANDUM dated October 30, 2006 which sites Pa. R.A.P. 124
& 2171 Method of Reproduction and states OTHER We need 7
copies of this brief, also all copies need to be bound on the left like
a book and if you use staples they must be covered with tape.
Copied to Mr. Shawn Long, Esq., Stanley J. Caterbone never
received the MEMORANDUM which was held in the Conestoga Post
Office until January 4, 2007.

20. Item No. 19 and 20 of the FULTON BANKS RESPONSE TO

(Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019
(Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone and CI-06-02271 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et. al.,); also
contains perjured statements and fraud which states: While
proper cause is not defined for purposes of Pa. R.C.P. 3132, the
terms of the rule, however, contemplate a broad discretion in the
court and the courts determination on whether to set aside the
execution sale will be governed by the particular facts of the case at
hand. Goodrich Amram 2d 3125:5. As a general rule, the power to
set aside will be exercised whenever necessary to avoid injustice to
an aggrieved party, such as where failure to comply with the
provisions of the execution Rules results in prejudice to any party
in interest. And then Item 20 states: The realty of this matter is
that Caterbone has fully enjoyed all of the due process protections
provided by the United States Constitution and Pennsylvania law
throughout the Foreclosure Case, as is shown by the record. See
this documents No.s

21.Furthermore all of the court cases that have claimed causes of

actions dealing with any of these issues have been adjudicated with
abuse of discretion, abuse of power; abuse of process; fraud;
perjury; prosecutorial misconduct; judicial misconduct; and federal
criminal statutes under RICO (Racketeering In Corruption Act).

22.On January 4, 2007 Stanley J. Caterbone visited the U.S.P.S.

Conestoga Post Office and retrieved all the mails including the
MEMORANDUM from the Pennsylvania Superior Court Case No.
1463 MDA 2006 (Appeal of the June 29th 2006 JUDGMENT
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019
(Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et al.,
and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).; and
submitted the requested copies on January 9, 2007.

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23.On January 4, 2007 Mr. James D. McCullough, Deputy

Prothonotary committed collusion and conspiracy to commit fraud
by filing a certified ORDER of Pennsylvania Superior Court Case No.
1463 MDA 2006 Per Curiam stating AND NOW, the fourth day of
January, 2007 this matter is dismissed for failure to file a brief; in
Pennsylvania Superior Court Case No. 1463 MDA 2006 (Appeal of
the June 29th 2006 JUDGMENT Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media
Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v.
Stanley J. Caterbone).

24.On January 4, 2007 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas

Judge James P. Cullen committed collusion and conspiracy to
commit fraud when Stanley J. Caterbone entered an oral motion for
continuance of the criminal court proceedings for criminal case no.
3179-2006 in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas; in
order to deal with the theft of his legal and business property, and
the contents of 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, which were at the
very moment being stolen and loaded into 2 Penske trucks. Judge
James P. Cullen denied the motion and would not lend any
credibility to the account for the record of the preceding.

25.Stanley J. Caterbone received a forwarded postmark of January

11, 2007 containing the January 4, 2007 ORDER to dismiss
Pennsylvania Superior Court case no. 1463 MDA the Appeal of the
Fulton Bank Judgment for the Foreclosure; (Fulton Bank v. Stanley
J. Caterbone and CI-06-02271).

26.The preceding proves that at the time of the Sheriff Sale on

December 20, 2006 the Judgment was not certified due to the
Appeal of the Judgment in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, and
furthermore was still under Appeal, thus making the Sheriff Sale of
December 20, 2006 illegal; Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas Case No. CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

27.Lancaster County Court Common Pleas Judge Michael Georgelis

committed collusion; conspiracy to commit fraud; obstruction of due
process; and abuse of power by signing the ORDER dated February
1, 2007 which DENIED the Petition to Set Aside the Sale WITH
PREJUDICE without granting Stanley J. Caterbone the opportunity
to state his case and submit a formal written REPLY to the Fulton
Bank RESPONSE recorded on January 31, 2007; Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et al.,

28.Magisterial District Justice Leo Eckert, Jr., Officer Cramer of the

Southern Regional Police Department, the Lancaster County Bail
Supervision Office, and Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
Judge Paul K. Allison all colluded and committed conspiracy to
commit fraud with the illegal detention of Stanley J. Caterbone
from October 30, 2006 until after the Sheriff Sale of December 20,
2006 until the release due to his successful Appeal on December
29, 2006. Stanley J. Caterbone should have been released on
November 1, 2006 under unsecured bail, as stated and recorded in
court filings.

29.On February 1, 2007 D. Patrick Zimmerman committed collusion

and conspiracy to commit fraud by distributing the proceeds of the
Sheriff Sale to Fulton Bank. D. Patrick Zimmerman also committed
fraud with respect to the escrow account.

30.Stanley J. Caterbone received a check for $17,306.80 on

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February 2, 2007 from the proceeds of the December 20, 2006

Sheriff Sale; Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No.
CI-07-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v.
Fulton Bank, et al., and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.

31.The 1099 from Fulton Bank to the IRS listed the fair market
value at $250,000 and the property transferred for $195,000 on
March 13, 2007. 32. The deed recorded in the Lancaster County
Deeds Office listed Parula Properties as the owner, when Central
Penn Property Services was the rightful winning bidder on
December 20, 2006; Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case
No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v.
Fulton Bank, et al., and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.

33.The Lancaster County Sheriff took some $5,021.57 in fees for

the execution of the Sheriff Sale, yet the Prothonotary states the
actual fees were only $2,676.25; Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and
CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

34.Fulton Bank was paid approximately $98,000 in monthly

mortgages payments during the time period of 1995 thru default in
July of 2005 and received approximately $122,000.00 from the
proceeds of the Sheriff Sale resulting in approximately $220,000
over 10 years on a $103,000 mortgage; Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and
CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

35.During the Sheriff Sale of December 20, 2006 the Fulton Bank
Foreclosure was under appeal in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania
as Case No. 1463 MDA 2006; Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media
Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v.
Stanley J. Caterbone).

36.There was never any eviction notice served upon Stanley J.

Caterbone, whom had every conceivable legal right to keep
possession of the property through the period of February 1, 2007
and as the Fulton Bank Mortgage Agreement outlines, an Eviction
Notice would have had to have been properly served to remove
Stanley J. Caterbone after February 1, 2007; Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and
CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

37.All legal files of all Lancaster County Commonwealth Court; the

Superior Court of Pennsylvania; the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania; the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for
Eastern Pennsylvania; the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals; local
District Magistrates; all business files for the Advanced Media
Group; and all personal files were also stolen from December 4,
2008 until April 13, 2007.

38.Parula Properties committed criminal trespass and burglary by

illegally entering the property prior to the settlement of February 1,
2007 and removing all of the contents, including a 1991 Dodge
Pick-up truck and trailer; Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
Case No. CI-07-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media
Group v. Fulton Bank, et al., and CI-06-02271 Fulton Bank v.

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Stanley J. Caterbone and Criminal Division Case No. MD 879-2007

Petition for Review).

39.All possessions were stolen and not recovered until April 13,
2007 when Harleysville Insurance demanded the return of the
items and contents of 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA 17516;
Claim No. MO-702274-ZS of Harleysville Insurance Company of
Moorestown, New Jersey.

40.Harleysville Insurance Company of Moorestown, New Jersey was

settled under Claim No. MO-702274-ZS for stolen property that
was not retrieved or returned and did so using undo influence and
extortion for not including all items that were stolen or vandalized.

41.Parula Properties and or Harleysville Insurance could not

account for 4 or 5 boxes of daily Time Management Calendars and
large Desktop Calendars; as well as other business and legal files;
and personal and business possessions.

42.Related Court Cases with Fulton Bank and Lancaster County

Sheriffs Department:

Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas

o Case No. CI-06-00019
o Case No. CI-06-00150
o Case No. CI-06-00366
o Case No. CI-06-02271
o Criminal Division Case No. MD 879-2007 Petition for Review

Superior Court of Pennsylvania

o Case No. 1463 MDA 2006
o Case No. 951 MDA 2007
o Case No. 950 MDA 2007

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

o Case No. 248 MDA 2007
o Case No. 432 MT 2007
o Case No. 433 MT 2007

U.S. Bankruptcy Court

o Case No. 05-23059

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

o Case No. 05-2288
o Case No. 06-4650
o Case No. CA-06-1538

U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals

o Case No. 07-4474
o Case No. 07-4475


Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group



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July 20, 2006 JUDGMENT COURT ORDER $97,425.07

Plus continuing interest after March 2, 2006 @ $14.56 per diem; as

Plus continuing late charges and costs pursuant to June 29, 2006
ORDER; as stated


Principal $88, 568.53; as stated

Interest to 03/02/2006 @ $14.53 = $4,442.96; as stated
Negative Escrow Balance = $1,096.38; as stated
Late Charges = $317.20; as stated
Attorney Fee = $3,000.00; as stated

January 2, 2007 WRIT RETURNED

To Prothonotary, Sheriff fees in the amount of $3,340.62 paid and

a refund check in the amount of 2,676.25, ck 66219 dated
February 1, 2007 was mailed to Barley Snyder same date.; as



o Proceeds of Sale = $156,000.00; as stated

o Deduct Cost = $ 5,021.57; as stated
o Balance = $150,000.00; as stated
o Delinquent Taxes = None; as stated
o 2006 County Municipal & School Taxes = Paid; as stated
o Water/Sewer on site, not public N/A; as stated
o Realty Transfer Taxes Recorder of Deeds $3,699.00
o Mtg. Payoff to Barley Snyder of Fulton $129,972.59; as stated
o Balance of Proceeds Stanley J. Caterbone $17,306.80; as stated


o State Transfer Real Estate Tax = $1,849.00; as stated
o Local Transfer Real Estate Tax = $1,849.00; as stated
o Principal = $88,568.53; as stated
o Interest = $9,363.13; as stated
o Negative Escrow = $3,827.81; as stated
o Late Fees = $ 602.68; as stated
o Legal Fees and Costs = $27,610.44; as stated


220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA transfers from Parula

Properties to Stoltzfus for $195,000.00


o Fair Market Value of Real Estate - $250,000; as stated

Financial Elements under investigation:

1. Realty Transfer Taxes - $ 3,698.00

2. Interest Expense - $ 9,363.13
3. Sheriff Costs - $ 5,021.57
4. Legal Fees - $ 27,610.44
5. Attorney Fees - $ 3,000.00

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6. Negative Escrow Balance - $ 3,827.81

7. Judgment - $ 97,425.07
8. Distribution Proceeds $ 17,306.80

EXHIBITS FOR COMPLAINT re Fulton Bank et. al.,

1. 04/11/2006 PRAECIPE to reinstate the Complaint originally

filed on March 8, 2006 filed by Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley
Snyder LLC re Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage

2. 05/06/2006 ANSWER TO COMPLAINT filed by Stanley J.

Caterbone, appearing pro se for Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage


PLEADINGS filed by Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC re
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).

4. 06/29/2006 - ORDER by Lancaster County Court of Common

Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis ORDERED AND DECREED Motion is
granted for JUDGMENT re Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage
Foreclose) for not responding to complaint, which was a false

5. 06/31/2006 NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE re Lancaster County

Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).


DECREE by Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael
A. Georgelis ORDERED AND DECREED Motion is granted for
JUDGMENT re Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas
CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage
Foreclose) for $97,425.07.

7. 07/31/2006 PRAECIPE FOR WRIT OF EXECUTION filed by

Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC re Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).

8. 07/31/2006 NOTICE PURSUANT TO RULE 3129 filed by Shawn

M. Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC re Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone
Mortgage Foreclose).

9. 07/31/2006 AFFADAVIT PURSUANT TO RULE 3129.1 filed by

Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC re Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).

10. 07/28/2006 ORDER by Lancaster County Court of Common

Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis for a hearing on the In Forma
Pauperis Petition of Stanley J. Caterbone re Lancaster County Court
of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose). This hearing was protested by
Stanley J. Caterbone for not being within the Pa.R.C.P.

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11. 08/11/2006 In Form Pauperis APPROVED by Lancaster

County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis.

12. 08/11/2006 - Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) ORDER by Lancaster County

Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis re directed to
file concise statement of matters for Superior Court of Pennsylvania
case no. 1463 MDA 2006 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone lower
trial court Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271
(Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).

13. 09/05/2006 Pa.R.A.P. 1925(a) OPINION by Lancaster County

Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael A. Georgelis.

14. 09/06/2006 Letter from the Lancaster County Office of the

Prothonotary, Court of Common Pleas, Civil re submission of lower
trial court record re Superior Court of Pennsylvania case no. 1463
MDA 2006 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone lower trial court
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose).


COURT filed by Stanley J. Caterbone re Superior Court of
Pennsylvania case no. 1463 MDA 2006 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone lower trial court Lancaster County Court of Common
Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage

16. 10/30/2006 MEMORANDUM to Stanley J. Caterbone

requesting additional copies of brief stamped and recorded on
October 26, 2006 for Superior Court of Pennsylvania case no. 1463
MDA 2006 Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone lower trial court
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose). Attached
envelope with U.S.P.S. postmark of October 30, 2006.

17. 01/04/2007 Superior Court of Pennsylvania ORDER Dismissal

of Superior Court of Pennsylvania case no. 1463 MDA 2006 Fulton
Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone lower trial court Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J.
Caterbone Mortgage Foreclose) and 01/13/2007 U.S.P.S.
forwarding postmark of January 11, 2007 to Stanley J. Caterbone
of 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA 17603.

18. 01/09/2007 Letter to James D. McCullough, Deputy

Prothonotary, Superior Court of Pennsylvania; exhibits; and (7)
seven copies of brief re case no. 1463 MDA 2006 Fulton Bank v.
Stanley J. Caterbone lower trial court Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone
Mortgage Foreclose).

19. 01/11/2008 - Letter from Lancaster County Sheriff Solicitor D.

Patrick Zimmerman to Stanley J. Caterbone re schedule and
intention to make distribution from sale and delivery of Sheriffs
Deed and request for signed and dated copy of Petition to Set Aside
Sale Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-00019
(Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et.
al.,). (Already properly served).

20. 01/18/2007 Hearing with MDJ Stoltzfus re 4 charges and 3

guilty verdicts. Required $965.00 cash or to jail. All convictions
overturned during summary appeals in April by Stanley J.
Caterbone appearing pro se. Joseph Caterbone loans Stanley J.

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Caterbone entire amount of fines and costs to avoid prison.

21. 01/18/2007 - Letter from Lancaster County Sheriff Solicitor D.

Patrick Zimmerman to Stanley J. Caterbone re schedule and
intention to make distribution from sale and delivery of Sheriffs



23. 01/25/2007 Letter from Lancaster County Sheriff Solicitor D.

Patrick Zimmerman to Shawn M. Long, Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC
and Central Penn Property Services, Inc., of Akron, Pennsylvania re
halting of distribution of funds and Sheriffs Deed due to Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et. al.,).

24. 02/01/2007 Lancaster County Sheriff Schedule of Distribution

and Fulton Bank check no. 66215 re proceeds from Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v.
Stanley J. Caterbone).

25. 02/01/2007 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas ORDER

by Judge Michael Georgelis Denying Petition to Set Aside Sale
(Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et. al.,).

26. 02/01/2007 Sheriff Deed re: 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga,
PA 17516 to Stanley J. Caterbone.

27. 02/05/2007 Letter from Robert St. Clair, Loan Workout

Officer of Fulton Bank, re breakdown of distribution of proceeds
from sheriff sale of 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA.

28. 02/05/2007 Reply to Fulton Bank Response to Petition to Set

Aside Sale (Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas CI-06-00019
(Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et.

29. 02/05/2007 - U.S.P.S. Certificate of Mailing for Reply to Fulton

Bank Response to Petition to Set Aside Sale (Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas CI-06-00019 (Stanley J.
Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v. Fulton Bank, et. al.,).

30. 02/08/2007 Fulton Bank IRS Form 1099 re 220 Stone Hill
Road, Conestoga, PA 17516 to Stanley J. Caterbone.

31. 05/19/1990 Lancaster New Era newspaper article containing

Fulton Bank relationship with James Guerin and ISC: To give up
in lieu of fines the $2 million deposited by Gurein and Parent
(Parent Bank/Industries) in a Fulton Bank escrow account to settle
a severance pay dispute with former ISC attorney William A. Clark.

32. 09/07/2006 CERTIFIED LETTER from Shawn M. Long, Esq., of

Barley Snyder LLC to Stanley J. Caterbone re Trespass Notice under
Section 3503 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code barring litigant
Stanley J. Caterbone from the premises of Barley Snyder LLC at
126 East King Streets, Lancaster, Pennsylvania in order to harass;
intimidate; and obstruct due process and justice. No reason was

33. 09/15/2006 - CERTIFIED LETTER from Ronald H. Pollack, Jr.,

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Esq., of Barley Snyder LLC to Stanley J. Caterbone re Trespass

Notice under Section 3503 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code barring
litigant Stanley J. Caterbone from the premises of Lancaster
Newspapers, Inc., , Lancaster, Pennsylvania in order to harass;
intimidate; and obstruct due process and justice. All incidents were
fabricated, of course.

34. 11/02/2007 Letter from Michael L. Landis, Chief County

Detective, Office of the District Attorney of Lancaster County, re
Private Criminal Complaints filed against Parula Properties, Noble
Real Estate, and Central Penn Properties for the stolen contents of
220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania. Attached is the
Private Criminal Complaint of September 18, 2007, which was
formerly filed and assigned case no. MD 879-2007 Petition for
Review in the Criminal Division of the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas.

35. 01/08/2008 - Letter from Stephanie Carfley, Esq., of Barley

Snyder LLC re December 13, 2007 and December 21, 2007 letters
to R. Scott Smith, Jr., Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Fulton Financial Corporation; and Ethics Point Report
complaints re Fulton Bank.

36. 11/08/2008 - Docket Sheet Lancaster County Court of Common

Pleas CI-06-00019 (Stanley J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group v.
Fulton Bank, et. al.,

37. 11/08/2008 - Docket Sheet Lancaster County Court of Common

Pleas CI-06-02271 (Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone).

38. 01/11/2008 Letter from Stephanie Carfley, Esq., of Barley

Snyder LLC re former employment with Roda & Nast, P.C. and
Joseph Roda, Esq., to Stanley J. Caterbone concerning International
Signal & Control, PLC (ISC) and the representation of ISC attorney
William Clark and the re the severance pay dispute with ISC and
James Guerin.

39. 11/14/2007 Letter from R. Scott Smith, Jr., Chairman,

President and Chief Executive Officer of Fulton Financial
Corporation re meeting and litigation. 40. 07/02/2008 - U.S.
Department of Justice Citizen Report Form.



Circuit Judges Sloviter, Barry and Nygaard) OF SEPTEMBER
30, 2008:

Defendants: Fulton Bank (Barley Snyder, LLC); Southern Regional

Police Department; Lancaster County Prison (Apel & Yost);
Lancaster County Sheriff Department; Commonwealth (Mellon)
(Cozen O'Conner) Bank; Manhiem Township Police Department
(Hartman, Underhill & Brubaker); Avalon Police Department (Segal
McCambridge Singer & Mahoney Ltd.,); Stone Harbor Police
Department; Etc.,

In The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in CATERBONE v.

Lancaster County Prison/Fulton Bank , et. al., (U.S. District Court
Case No. 05-2288 and Third Circuit Case No. 07-4474) and also in

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et. al., (U.S. District Court Case No. 06-4650 and Third Circuit Case
No. 04-4475);

The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals VACATED the lower courts
DISMISSAL of both cases for not filing an Amended Complaint on
Time ; and both cases are now remanded back to the U.S. District
Court for further proceedings under Judge Mary A. McLaughlin.

April 22, 2008 - U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judges


(1) By the Clerk for possible dismissal due to a jurisdictional defect;

(2) By the Clerk for possible dismissal under 28 U.S.C.

1915(e)(2)* or for possible summary action under I.O.P. 10.6;
*Note that the magistrate applied 28 U.S.C. 1915(e)(2)(B)(i) to
dismiss the plainly frivolous case sua sponte without requiring the
victimized defendants to expend legal fees in responding.

(3) Appellants jurisdictional response; (4) Jurisdictional response of

Appellee, Fulton Bank; (5) Motion by Appellee, Manheim Township
Police Department, to dismiss appeal; and (6) Appellants motion
for appointment of counsel in the above-captioned case.

The question of jurisdiction, and the motion to dismiss for lack of

jurisdiction, are referred to the merits panel. See I.O.P. 10.3.5. We
do not dismiss the appeal under 28 U.S.C. 1915(e) or take
summary action under I.O.P. 10.6. The Clerk is directed to issue a
briefing schedule. We note, however, that this order does not
represent a finding of appellate jurisdiction in this matter. As in all
cases, the panel of this Court that reviews the appeal on its merits
will make a final determination of appellate jurisdiction. In addition
to any other issues the parties wish to raise in their briefs, the
parties shall address whether the District Court erred in dismissing
the case without addressing the factors set forth in Poulis v. State
Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d Cir. 1984).

The motion for appointment of counsel is denied.

September 30, 2008 - U.S. Third Circuit Court Judges SLOVITAR,


QUESTIONS ORDER of October 22, 2007 by U.S. District Judge

Mary A. McLaughlin to DISSMISS both cases WITH PREJUDICE for
not filing completed amended complaint.

ORDERED and ADJUDGED by this Court that the judgments of the

District Court entered on October 23, 2007, be and the same are
hereby VACATED and the cases are REMANDED for further
proceedings. Costs will not be taxed. All of the above in accordance
with the opinion of this Court.


October 2, 2008

I urge you to go out and rent or buy this DVD , unless you already
This is the MO that I needed. He was here in Lancaster two (2)
years ago campaigning for Rick Santorum ( I have to check the

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dates), who lost to Robert Casey, Jr. for The U.S. Senate Seat.
o He made sure he drove by me so that I would see him!
o He started bugging offices in the 1970's.
o He started counterfeiting documents in the 1970's.
o He started breaking into opposition offices in the 1970's.
o He was first noticed by George H. W. Bush in the 1970's.
o He used the "networking" MO in his college days.
o I personally saw him in Lancaster over the past few years.
o He has been teaching his "techniques" for years to others.
o He had a personal relationship with the FBI and used it to have
persons prosecuted and jailed and thinks nothing of ruining
someone's life for the Republican Party!
o On Tuesday, September 30, 2008 there was a Special Prosecutor
named in the Alerbero Gonzales (Former U.S. Attorney General)
case regarding the firings of the attorney generals.
o The U.S. Department of Justice thinks Karl Rove and Alberto
Gonzales should face criminal charges. (click here)

I will update this new information at a later time.

About the Book

Step inside Bush's Brain with this enlightening

by James C. Moore and Wayne Slater

Many Washington insiders believe that the strength of the Bush

machine lies not in its leader but in Karl Rove, the man who picked
Bush to run for Governor of Texas, tutored him on the workings of
government, and ran brilliant yet brutal campaigns that would
eventually sweep Bush into the Presidency.

In Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential,

readers will enter the powerful world of White House Senior Advisor
Karl Rove and learn how this man created George W. Bush and
continues to keep him on top. Political journalists James Moore and
Wayne Slater offer a rare glimpse into the man who has become
the single most important advisor to George W. Bush and the
person who many think is calling the shots at the White House.
They also discuss how Rove's strategic decisions seem to be
determining U.S. policy for the Bush administration, including the
controversial tactic of running on a war with Iraq.

This intriguing book also features previously unreported

information on the Bush campaign from the primaries and the
conventions to the fall general election and the complex
relationship Rove and Bush currently share. Karl Rove is both
feared and admired by Republicans and Democrats alike. His take
no prisoners approach to politics has received mixed reviews and
left everyone wondering who's really running this country? In
Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential
readers will learn who the real Karl Rove is and just how much
power he really has.



Fulton Bank and Wachovia Bank tried to confiscate and abscond my

Fulton Bank $17,306.80 Cashier's Check made payable to myself,
Stan J. Caterbone and guaranteed, on Thursday and Friday

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September 11th and 12th, 2008; through a conspiracy of theft by

deception and fraud.

On Thursday, Fulton Bank at the Penn Square Headquarters

refused to open a checking account to accept the $17,306.80
Cashier's Check guaranteed by Fulton Bank themselves, dated
September 22, 2007 (See the letter below). By refusing to open the
checking account, I had to go to Wachovia Bank, where I had a
checking account in good standing for the past year, to deposit the
Cashier's Check.

The next day, Friday, I recorded my meeting with the Wachovia

Branch Manager regarding the transaction. Wachovia Bank was
setting up a discretionary policy of both banks to not honor the
guaranteed Fulton Bank Cashier's Check.

The end result would have been that they would have confiscated
the actual Fulton Bank Cashier's Check, never credited my account,
and charged me overdraft fees for any transactions that I placed on
my Wachovia Check Card from the date of deposit.

I would have lost possession of the actual Fulton Bank Cashier's

check or $17,306.80; I would have been charged overdraft fees;
and they would have closed my checking account due to
non-sufficient funds. Ultimately I would have not been able to pay
for my monthly hosting fee for this website (can only pay with a
credit card or debit card) and this website would have been taken

I would have gone back to Wachovia Bank and Fulton Bank and
argued about who stole my $17,306.80 and one or both of them
would have called 911; then since they are both in the City of
Lancaster, the Lancaster City Police would have responded with a
Crisis Intervention Mental Health Officer and attempted to cite me
with disorderly conduct and get a Section 302 Commitment Order
signed by the Lancaster County Administrator. Trust me, this was
already in the works.

Transcript with Wachovia Bank Branch Manager's

Corner of Hershey Avenue and Manor Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

September 12, 2008

Approximately 10:40 am

Recording approximately 12 minutes in length

[Stan J. Caterbone] I have a Cashie'rs Check here ($17,306.80),

now if I deposit this now how does this work with this cashiers

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager - Black Male] We have ah

next-day availability which means by Saturday morning.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Even though it is Fulton Bank, I cant have

immediate availability?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Depends on how much you need


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[Stan J. Caterbone] Till tomorrow? I think like $10.00 dollars.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] .. Let me look at your account

for a minute.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I am eventually going to get another Cashier's


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] We can put it on a next day

ticket for availability if you want to cash this check, but it is going
to take a little bit of time. You have a few overdrafts.

[Stan J. Caterbone] That last overdraft was a bit confusing.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Are you talking about for this
check, were talking about ... youre looking at mayber 2 to 3
business days.

[Stan J. Caterbone] For What?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Figuring in the overdrafts.

[Stan J. Caterbone] What do you mean, I dont understand.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Any check for the day of deposit
takes usually 2 to 3 business days.

[Stan J. Caterbone] A Cashier's Check? Its a Cashier's Check!

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is going to have to pass

through Fulton to make sure Fulton is O.K. with it. That is the
reason why.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Its a Cashiers Check! Well Its a Cashiers


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Well it is still Fulton,

everybody has their own Cashier's Check. But all Fulton Bank is ...
they have this money in there and their holding it out of your
account until they ...

[Stan J. Caterbone] I dont have an account there, I never had an

account there. (Regarding Cashier's Check)

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You never had an account there?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Its the proceeds from a real estate sale.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] O.K. so were talking about 2 to 3

business days.

[Stan J. Caterbone] What is a Cashier's Check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] A Cashier's Check is just a it

used to mean it was like cash. no more its like that.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Well its still like cash because there is no

account. I have no account. It is not drawn on an account.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is drawn on an account. Its

drawn on the house account. You got a house sale right? So it is
drawn on that account. It is drawn on that house.

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[Stan J. Caterbone] No, it is not. No because I traded, I swapped

Cashier's Checks.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] So you swapped Cashier's


[Stan J. Caterbone] Yea.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is still going to take 2 to 3


[Stan J. Caterbone] But there is no account. I never had an account


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] So what was the Cashier's Check


[Stan J. Caterbone] Fulton Bank. Does it matter? Does it matter?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Hum.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Does it matter?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Oh it doesnt matter cause.

[Stan J. Caterbone] O.K. what is a Cashier's Check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is still going to take 2 to 3


[Stan J. Caterbone] I know but Im trying to determine Im trying to

ask you what a Cashier's Check is.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] A Cashier's Check is Basically a

check, basically a check.

[Stan J. Caterbone] It is a guaranteed check.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is only guaranteed if you are

going to get it, so we have to hold it for 2 or 3 days. That is if
Wachovia does get it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] What do you mean if Wachovia gets it.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Thats if we are going to get it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] What would make you not get it? The only
thing that could make you not get it is if ...

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They (Fulton Bank) may not

honor it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] They (Fulton Bank) have to honor it. Its a

Cashier's Check.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They (Fulton Bank) dont have to

honor it. They (Fulton Bank) dont have to honor that check. I have
seen that happen before.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Why, how can they (Fulton Bank) steal a

Cashiers Check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It is not really stealing a

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Cashiers Check. Lets say something was wrong or you know they
didnt want to honor the check or then it has to come back down to
us, and then we cant take it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] They (Fulton Bank) cant do that on a Cashier's


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They (Fulton Bank) can do it.

3:35 [Stan J. Caterbone] How can they (Fulton Bank) do it? How
can they (Fulton Bank) do that?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Its up to the banks rules.

Certain banks have certain policies.

[Stan J. Caterbone] For what?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] If I were to make up the policies.

[Stan J. Caterbone] How do you buy a Cashiers Check? You have to

have guaranteed funds to buy a Cashiers Check. The funds are
already guaranteed. You cant revert it back to an un guaranteed
to an unsecured document.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Its like when someone comes in

here with a Cashiers Check from Ohio, they dont have to
guarantee it. They could not honor it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Well sure the bank could be closed (shut


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] So, thats why we have to have a

2-3 day hold.

[Stan J. Caterbone] You mean I cant buy another Cashiers Check

from you?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Now you could once the money is
available. Once the funds are available you could buy a Cashiers
Check. Thats what you could do.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Where did you get this definition of a Cashiers


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] A Cashiers Check isnt always


[Stan J. Caterbone] That wouldnt be a Cashiers Check then.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Some Cashiers Checks are

fraudulent and they need to

[Stan J. Caterbone] Of course, if it is a fraud (laugh).

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It would still be a Cashiers

Check. Right, you still have to go through Fulton Bank, you still
have to file the check and wait 2-3 days.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I did not like your explanation for a Cashiers

Check that they can hold that check, and they cant.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Well they can. Wachovia can.

They can hold the check.

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[Stan J. Caterbone] How can they hold my check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You see whenever they deposit a


[Stan J. Caterbone] No. You said Fulton could not pay it.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Ya, Fulton could not pay it.
Fulton could say we are not going to pay that check.

[Stan J. Caterbone] How can they not pay that check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They can do that. Its a Cashiers


[Stan J. Caterbone] No they cant.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Yes they can. That is up to them.

Wachovia rules are like this. Once we deposit that check, it takes
2-3 business days.

[Stan J. Caterbone] You were citing Fulton Bank rules.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Yea, Fulton does not have to

honor that check.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Sure they do, its a Cashiers Check.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They dont. That is something

you are going to have to ask Fulton.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Why are you saying they dont have to honor

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Because they dont. Its like

walking in with a regular check.

[Stan J. Caterbone] On its not. A Cashiers Check is already

guaranteed. Thats how you get a Cashiers Check. You have to
have guaranteed funds. You have to confirm the guaranteed funds
or else it would not be a Cashiers Check.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] It, still sometimes it is denied.

[Stan J. Caterbone] How?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They dont have to honor it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] How?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] I dont know how Fulton does it,
but sometimes they just dont honor it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] How can they not honor a Cashiers Check?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They dont have to honor it. It is

up to that bank not to honor it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] No its not. That would be breaking the law.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] No, not necessarily.

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[Stan J. Caterbone] Unless it was fraudulent.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You are going to have to put the
check in and wait 2-3 business days. So if you go 2-3 business days
starting today, you go Monday, cause Monday would be 2 business

[Stan J. Caterbone] I though you said next day.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] We could put it in next day

ticket. We could do that for you.

[Stan J. Caterbone] So how does a next-day ticket work?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] The next-day ticket gives you

funds availability the next business day. The next business day.

[Stan J. Caterbone] So, I would have $17,000 available the next


[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You got it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] And how much can I use today?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Um, I have to take it up to the

teller and see what they can give you back.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I just want it in my account.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You want to put all of it in your


[Stan J. Caterbone] Yea.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] O.K. we can do that. Just take it

up to the teller.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I have a couple of questions before we do this.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] O.K.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Whats my account balance?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Your account balance is $1.50.

[Stan J. Caterbone] O.K. what if I use $ .85 cents of that today?

How is that going to work?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You would withdraw $ .85 cents?

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, if I use my bank card for $ .85 cents?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Its going to come out $ .85


[Stan J. Caterbone] What is my balance going to be?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] $ .65 cents.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Then what happens?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You would have $.65 cents


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[Stan J. Caterbone] Then what happens?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You mean with the Check?

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, I would have $ .65 cents in there, then you
would overdraft me.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] No.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Then why did you overdraft me last month

(August) when I a had $20 cents balance? I had a $ .20 cent
balance and you overdraft me. Go look at my statement. There was
a charge of $5.95 in my account, that left $ .20 cents and you
overdraft me $35.00.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] There was $5.15 in your

account. You bought something from Marion Courtroom for $3.95.
Then you also purchased something from Lancaster Newspapers for
$4.95 cents.

[Stan J. Caterbone] No. No. Look the statement. Your Wrong. My

statement says otherwise.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] This is your account (on

computer screen). $4.95. Then on the 13th (August)

[Stan J. Caterbone] No thats wrong Go look at my statement.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Your wrong. This is the

statement. You made a deposit on the 18th (August).

[Stan J. Caterbone] I got the statement. Theres a .20 cent balance

left after the $5.15. That was Friday night after the deposit left $
.20 cents. Marion Court was on the 15th (August). I made a deposit
on Friday.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Your wrong. This is the

statement (computer screen), you made a deposit on the 18th.

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, I made a deposit on the 15th at 4:00pm.

She cashed the check.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Im telling you it did not come

through that way.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Well theres a $ .20 balance on my statement.

After the $5.15, after the Lancaster Newspaper. That left $ .20 cent
balance in my account. That Marion Court was on Friday night. That
did not hit until the 18 th (August). Im telling you that is wrong.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] $4.95, Now that is wrong. Sir,

Im going off what this says.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Well, Im telling you that is wrong.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] This is why you got the


[Stan J. Caterbone] How?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager]The way Im looking at it you had


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[Stan J. Caterbone] After the $5.15 I had $ .20 cents.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] This is the $4.95

[Stan J. Caterbone] I had $ .15 cents ($ .20) in my account. I

wwent to yiour teller and I said I need these funds available for the
weekend. Here is a check for $50.00 from a District Magistrate
(Refund for Driving Under Suspension Charge by Pennsylvania
State Police that was dismissed). Why werent they available?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] The funds werent available until

the 18th.

[Stan J. Caterbone] She (Wachovia Bank Teller) told me they would

be available for the weekend. (I would have just cashed the check
and used the cash for the weekend if Wachovia would not have

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] If you deposited cash they would

not be available till Monday (August 18th). Your talking about

[Stan J. Caterbone] So what happened?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] They would not be available till

the 18th.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I showed her (Wachovia Bank Teller). I said I

want to use these funds for the weekend. I .. Here is what
happened. First I deposited the check. I said now wait. I dont want
to do that. I need these funds for the weekend. There was another
woman in line. (I waited until she was done with her transaction). I
went back, she did it over. She deposited the cash so I could use
the card (Debit Check Card) for the weekend. Plus, it had a $.20
balance in it.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] You overdrafted.

[Stan J. Caterbone] She said that I could use the card for the

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] The was its on the system here,
it says $5.15 on the 12th, so if you

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, that was automatic (Lancaster Newspaper).

There was $ .20 cents after that.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] So. But the $5 on the 15th came

[Stan J. Caterbone] What came through?

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Marion Court.

[Stan J. Caterbone] That was not until Friday night, after I made
the deposit.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] That too was on the 18th.

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, that was on the 15th.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] That came through on the 18th.

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[Stan J. Caterbone] No it didnt. Your wrong. Why did the send me

a different transaction sheet (Monthly Wachovia Bank Statement)?
Did you look at the online statement and the paper statement?
There was a $ .20 cent balance.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Im looking at it here (computer


[Stan J. Caterbone] Well, somebody is lying.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Give me a second. (long pause)

[Stan J. Caterbone] Listen Sir.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] Look here.

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, I have my statements. She (Wachovia

Bank Teller) me I could use the card. Somebody lied to me.

[Wachovia Bank Branch Manager] I dont know how it came in, but
you have an overdraft.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Somebody lied to me. Somebodys lying.

|Welcome| |New Document Library| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis|
|Telepathic Telecommunications| |Mind Control Research| |Sammy Caterbone (Brother)|
|Samuel Caterbone, Jr., (father)| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)| |Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD|
|Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Third Circuit Opinion 09/28/08| |Amended Complaint 2007|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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BiPolar Mood Diagnosis Page 1 of 3

Friday, February 13, 2009 11:17:23 AM - The entire "Bipolar Mood

Disorder" Diagnosis was perpetrated and facilitated when the
Manhiem Township Police Department filed 7 fraudulent
charges on September 3, 1987 and ALL participants lied and
fabricated the story that the release for bail of the 7 and
fraudulent charges was that I enter the St. Joseph Hospital
Psychiatric Unit under the care of Dr. A. J. Schulz, M.D.; thus
producing the controlling document below.

I walked out of the St. Joseph Hospital Psychiatric Unit as soon

as someone let it leaked that was not committed involuntarily.
Of course there was never any formal proceedings for any of
the 7 fraudulent charges and they were all dismissed
conveniently well after the ISC-Ferranti merger and acquisition.

The incident of April 5, 2006 at the Lancaster General Hospital

relied upon the document below having merit. There are no
other psychiatric documents that can overcome the faracity of
the fruad perpetrated upon me for the last 22 years of my life.




Lancaster, Pa.



Attending Physician: J. A. Schulz, M.D.

Patient: Stanley J. Caterbone
Date: September 11, 1987
Admission Date: September 9, 1987

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Bipolar mood disorder.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient was admitted

after family had arranged for bail and the patient agreed to
come into the hospital voluntarily for inpatient psychiatric
treatment. [This is an outright lie. I was told it was
required in order to be released from prison. See
Amended Complaint in U.S. District Court 05-cv-2288.]

He had been placed in jail for breaking into an office. The

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BiPolar Mood Diagnosis Page 2 of 3

office involved was the patients place of employment.

[Financial Management Group, Ltd. (FMG), Executive
Vice President; Secretary; Board of Directors;
Founder/FMG Advisory Group, Ltd., President;

The patient maintains, he is still currently employed. The other

party [Robert Kauffman and Michael Hartlett; partners in
FMG] is maintaining that the patient is no longer employed and
is guilty of illegal breaking and entering. [All 7 criminal
charges brought about by the Manhiem Township Police
Department were all dismissed several months later
without any court proceedings (nolle pros/withdrawn)
See Amended Complaint in U.S. District Court 05-cv-
2288 for False Arrests .]

His current problem is several months in duration. I had

received calls on several occasions from concerned friends and
family. [Jere Sullivan; James Warner; Mary Lynn Dipaolo;
Immediate Family].

They had stated that the patient was not himself; he had
become involved in what appeared to be very grandiose
business schemes, talking about producing a movie [See
SONY Joint Venture on] , having
bought a home at the New Jersey shore [a lease purchase
agreement was made for the office for the SONY Joint
Venture and the Lease was paid in full in the previous
May The option to purchase was never executed.],
having bought an airplane [The airplane was purchased and
the charter business was profitable in the first month].

The patient had become embroiled in legal disputes with the

company which he had had a major role in setting up last
year. Apparently ha had somewhat disengaged from
involvement with the company [Legally and technically
locked out; See Amended Complaint in U.S. District Court
05-cv-2288], to be involved in his other business ventures.

He presently maintains that he is the victim of a plot to illegally

extrude him from the company and steal his rightful return
from this business venture [Legally and technically locked
out; See Amended Complaint in U.S. District Court 05-cv-

In addition, he is apparently planning litigation with the bank

(Commonwealth/Mellon) [See Amended Complaint in U.S.
District Court 05-cv-2288] , who withdrew credit from his
having bought an airplane before he had defaulted on payment
of the loan [Plane was repossessed prior to any
payments being due or any defaults; See Amended
Complaint in U.S. District Court 05-cv-2288].

The patient apparently lost considerable money when he could

not maintain payments on the house that he had bought at the
New Jersey shore [a lease purchase agreement was made
for the office for the SONY Joint Venture and the Lease
was paid in full in the previous May The option to
purchase was never executed.] .

The family called several times, expressing concern that he was

making judgments that were not in his best interests, that he
was angry and irascible in a way that was not at all himself. It

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BiPolar Mood Diagnosis Page 3 of 3

appeared that the patient was suffering a manic episode.


that Stanley J. Caterbone had never formally been under the
care of any psychiatrists or psychologists prior to the incidents
of August 13, 1987 at Burdette Tomlin Medical Facility
Emergency Room for the fraudulent suicide allegation and the
above. Any meetings with Dr. A. J. Schulz prior to the above
date were just that there was never any billings or charges
from Dr. A. J. Schulz for his advise on treating the harassment
by partners Kauffman and Hartlett. Dr. A.J. Schulz was a client
of Stan J. Caterbone for years and a personal friend of the
familys; brother Tom had been dating daughter Meg for years.



|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Stan J. Caterbone Bio Page 1 of 6

Present - Advanced Media Group, President, Owner, and


In 2006 Stan J. Caterbone began his role as an Activist

Shareholder for Fulton Financial, which is listed as "FULT" on
the NASDAQ stock exchange. As a founder of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., a full service financial firm, Stan J.
Caterbone has drawn upon the success in developing the
strategic vision for his company and the experience gained in
directing the legal affairs and public offering efforts in dealing
with Fulton Financial. Stan J. Caterbone has been in recent
discussions with the Fulton Financial Board of Directors with
regards to various complaints dealing with such issues as the
Resource Bank acquisition and the subprime failures. Stan J.
Caterbone believes that Fulton Financial needs management to
become more aggressive in it's strategic planning and the
performance it expects from it's management team in order to
increase shareholder value. Expanding the footprint of the
regional bank has not yielded an increase to the bottom line
that is consistent with the expectations of shareholders.
Lancaster County has seen several local banking institutions
acquired by larger regional banks, thus increasing the
competition Fulton Financial will see in it's local marketplace as
well as in it's regional footprint.

In 2005 Stan J. Caterbone, as a Pro Se Litigant filed several

civil actions as Plaintiffs that are in current litigation in the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, the United States Third District Court of Appeals,
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, The Pennsylvania Superior
Court, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, The Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. These
litigations include violations of intellectual property rights, anti-
trust violations, and interference of contracts relating to
several business interests. Central to this litigation is the
Digital Movie, Digital Technologies, Financial Management
Group, Ltd,/FMG Advisory, Ltd., and its affiliated businesses
along with a Federal False Claims Act or Federal
Whistleblowers Act regarding the firm of International Signal
and Control, Plc., (ISC) the $1Billion Dollar Fraud and the
Export violations of selling arms to South Africa and Iraq. This
litigation dates back to 1987. Stan J. Caterbone was a
shareholder of ISC, and was solicited by ISC executives for
professional services. The Federal False Claims Act is currently
part of RICO Civil Complaint in the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the Third Circuit
Court of Appeals, as docket no. 05-2288.

In 2005 Advanced Media Group/Project Hope filed a Civil

Action in the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County
against Drew Anthon and the Eden Resort Inn for their
attempts to withhold the Tourism Tax and Hotel Tax that
supports the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center &
Marriot. We also proposed an alternative plan to move the

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Stan J. Caterbone Bio Page 2 of 6

Convention Center to the Hotel Brunswick and Lancaster

Square to all of the major stakeholders. The Lancaster County
Convention Center is finally under construction with a March
2009 Opening date.

In 2005 I began our philanthropic endeavors by spending our

energies and working with such organizations as;,,, The Clinton Global
Initiative, Lancaster Convention Center Authority, Lancaster
Chamber of Commerce, Toms Project Hope, People to People
International,, Contact Lancaster/24 Hour
Suicide Hotline, Schreiber Pediatric Center, and numerous

In 2004 I embarked on our past endeavors in the music and

entertainment industries with an emphasis on assisting for the
fair and equitable distribution of artists rights and royalties in
the fight against electronic piracy. We have attempted to assist
in developing new business models to address the convergence
of physical and electronic mediums; as it displaces royalties
and revenues for those creating, promoting, and delivering a
range of entertainment content via wireless networks.

In 2000 to 2002 I developed an array of marketing and

communication tools for wholesalers of the AIM Investment
Group and managed several communication programs for
several of the company wholesalers throughout the United
States and Costa Rica. We also began a Day Trading project
that lasted until 2004 with success.

In 1999 I developed a comprehensive business plan to

develop the former Sprecher Brewery, known as the Excelsior
Building on E. King Street, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This
plan was developed in conjunction with the Comprehensive
Economic Development Plan for the Revitalization of Downtown
Lancaster and the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center for
the former Watt & Shand building.

In 1999 I contributed to the debate, research, and

implementation of strategies to counter the effects of the
global Y2K threat to the worlds computer technologies. I
attended the U.S. Sponsored Y2K symposium and Conference
in Washington, D.C. hosted by the Senate Y2K Subcommittee
and Senator William Bennett.

In 1998 I had began to administer the charity giving of Toms

Project Hope, a non-profit organization promoting education
and awareness for mental illness and suicide prevention. We
had provided funding for the Mental Health Alliance of
Lancaster County, Contact Lancaster (The 24/7 Suicide
Prevention Hotline), The Schreiber Pediatric Center, and other
charitable organizations and faith based charities. The video
"Numbers Don't Lie" have been distributed to schools, non
profit organizations, faith based initiatives, and municipalities
to provide educational support for the prevention of suicide
and to bring awareness to mental illness problems.

In 1996 I had done consulting for companies under KAL, Inc.,

during the time that I was controller of Pflumm Contractors,
Inc., I was retained by Gallo Rosso Restaurant and Bar to
computerized their accounting and records management from
top to bottom. I had also provided consulting for the
computerization of accounting and payroll for Lancaster
Container, Inc., of Washington Boro. I was retained to
evaluate and develop an action plan to migrate the

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Informations Technologies of the Jay Group, formally of Ronks,

PA, now relocated to a new $26 Million Dollar headquarters
located in West Hempfield Township of Lancaster County. The
Jay Group had been using IBM mainframe technologies hosted
by the AS 400 computer and server. I was consulting on the
merits of migrating to a PC based real time networking system
throughout the entire organization. Currently the Jay Group
employees some 500 employees with revenues in excess of
$50 Million Dollars per year.

In 1993 I was retained by Pflumm Contractors, Inc., as

controller, and was responsible for saving the company from a
potential bankruptcy. At that time, due to several unpaid
contracts, the company was facing extreme pressure from
lenders and the bonding insurance company. We were
responsible for implementing computerized accounting,
accounting and contract policies and procedures, human
resource policies and procedures, marketing strategies,
performance measurement reporting, and negotiate for the
payment of unpaid contracts. The bonding company was
especially problematic, since it was the lifeline to continue
work and bidding for public contracts. The Bank of Lancaster
County demanded a complete accounting of the operations in
order to stave off a default on the notes and loans it was
holding. We essentially revamped the entire operation. Within
3 years, the company realized an increase in profits of 3 to 4
times its previous years, and record revenues.

In 1991 I was elected to People to People International and

the Citizen Ambassador Program, which was founded by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. The program was
founded to To give specialists from throughout the world
greater opportunities to work together and effectively
communicate with peers, The Citizen Ambassador program
administers face-to-face scientific, technical, and professional
exchanges throughout the world. In 1961, under President
John F. Kennedy, the State Department established a non-
profit private foundation to administer the program. We were
scheduled to tour the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to
discuss printing and publishing technologies with scientists and
technicians around the world.

In 1990 I had worked on developing voice recognition

systems for the governments technology think tank - NIST
(National Institute for Standards & Technology). I co-authored
the article Escaping the Unix Tar Pit with a scientist from
NIST that was published in the magazine DISC, then one of
the leading publications for the CD-ROM industry. Today, most
all call centers deploy that technology whenever you call an
800 number, and voice recognition is prevalent in all types of
applications involving telecommunications.

In 1989 I had founded Advanced Media Group, Ltd., and was

one of only 5 or 6 U.S. domestic companies that had the
capability to manufacture CD-ROM's. We did business with
commercial companies, government agencies, educational
institutions, and foreign companies. I performed services and
contracts for the Department of Defense, NASA, National
Institution of Standards & Technology (NIST), Department of
Defense, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA), and the Defense Mapping Agency, Central
Intelligence Agency, (CIA), IBM, Microsoft, AMP, Commodore
Computers, American Bankers Bond Buyers, and a host of
others. I also was working with R.R, Donnelly's Geo Systems,
which was developing various interactive mapping

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technologies, which is now a major asset of Map Quest. Map

Quest is the premier provider of mapping software and
applications for the internet and is often used in delivering
maps and directions for Fortune 500 companies. We had
arranged for High Industries to sell American Helix, the
manufacturer of compact discs, to R.R. Donnelly. We had
brokered a deal and the executives from Donnellys Chicago
headquarters flew to Lancaster to discuss the deal and perform
due diligence of the manufacturing facility located in the
Greenfield Industrial Park.

In 1987 Power Station Studios of New York retained me as

executive producer of a motion picture project. The theatrical
and video release was to be delivered in a digital format; the
first of its kind. We had originated the marketing for the
technology, and created the concept for the Power Station
Digital Movie System (PSDMS), which would follow the
copyright and marketing formula of the DOLBY technology
trademark. We had also created and developed marketing and
patent research for the development and commercialization of
equipment that we intended to manufacture and market to the
recording industry featuring the digital technology. Sidel,
Gonda, Goldhammer, and Abbot, P.C. of Philadelphia was the
lead patent law firm that We had retained for the project.
Power Station Studios was the brainchild of Tony Bongiovi, a
leading engineering genius discovered by Motown when he was
15. Tony and Power Station Studios was one of the leading
recording studios in the country, and were responsible for
developing Bon Jovi, a cousin. Power Station Studios clients
included; Bruce Springsteen, Diana Ross, Cyndi Lauper,
Talking Heads, Madonna, The Ramones, Steve Winwood, and
many others. Tony and Power Station Studios had produced
the original Sound Track for the original Star Wars motion
picture. It was released for distribution and was the number
one Sound Track recording of its time. Tony Bongiovi was also
active in working and researching different aerospace
technologies. * We had developed and authored a Joint
Venture Proposal for SONY to partner with us in delivering the
Digital Movie and its related technologies to the marketplace.
The venture was to include the commercialization of
technologies, which Tony Bongiovi had developed for the
recording industry simultaneously with the release of the
Digital Movie. I also created the concept for the PSDMS
trademark, which was to be the Trademark logo for the
technology, similar to the DOLBY sound systems trademark.
The acronyms stand for the Power Station Digital Movie
System. Today, DVD is the mainstay for delivering digital
movies on a portable medium, a compact disc.

In 1987 I had a created and developed FMG Mortgage

Banking, a company that was funded by a major banking firm
in Houston Texas. We had the capability to finance projects
from $3 to $100 million dollars. Our terms and rates were so
attractive that we had quickly received solicitations from
developers across the country. We were also very attractive to
companies that wanted to raise capital that include both debt
and equity. Through my company, FMG, we could raise equity
funding through private placements, and debt funding through
FMG Mortgage Banking. We were retained by Gamillion Studios
of Hollywood, California to secure financing of their
postproduction Film Studio that was looking to relocate to
North Carolina. We had secured refinancing packages for
Norris Boyd of and the Olde Hickory and were in the midst of
replacing the current loan that was with Commonwealth
National Bank. We had meetings and discussions with Drew

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Stan J. Caterbone Bio Page 5 of 6

Anton of the Eden Resort, for refinancing a portion of his debt

portfolio. We were quickly seeking commitments for real estate
deals from New York to California. We also had a number of
other prominent local developers seeking our competitive
funding, including Owen Kugal, High Industries, and the Marty
Sponougle a partner of The Fisher Group (owner of the Rt. 30
Outlets). We were constantly told that our financing packages
were more completive than local institutions.

In 1986 I had founded Financial Management Group, Ltd

(FMG); a large financial services organization comprised of a
variety of professionals operating in one location. We had
developed a stock purchase program for where everyone had
the opportunity for equity ownership in the new firm. FMG had
financial planners, investment managers, accountants,
attorneys, realtors, liability insurance services, tax preparers,
and estate planners operating out of our corporate
headquarters in Lancaster. In one year, we had 24 people on
staff, had approximately 12 offices in Pennsylvania, and
several satellite offices in other states. We had in excess of
$50 million under management, and our advisors were
generating almost $4 million of commissions, which did not
include the fees from the other professionals. We had acquired
our own Broker Dealer firm and were valued at about $3 to $4

In 1985 I developed the Easter Regional Free Agent Camp,

the first Free Agent Camp for the Professional Football
industry; which was videotaped for distribution to the teams
scouting departments. (See Washington Post page article of
March 24, 1985) Current camps were dependant on the team
scouts to travel from state to state looking for recruits. We had
developed a strategy of video taping the camp and the
distributing a copy, free of charge to the teams, to all of the
scouting departments for teams in all three leagues FL, CFL
and WFL. My brother was signed at that camp by the Ottawa
Roughriders of the CFL, and went on to be a leading receiver
while J.C. Watts was one of the leagues most prominent
quarterbacks. My brother also played 2 years with the Miami
Dolphins while Dan Marino was starting quarterback. We were
a Certified Agent for the National Football League Players
Association. Gene Upshaw, the President of the NFLPA had
given me some helpful hints for my camp, while we were at a
Conference for agents of the NFL. The Washington Post wrote
a full-page article about our camp and associated it with other
camps that were questionable about their practices. Actually,
that was the very reason for our camp. We had attended many
other camps around the country that were not very well
organized and attracted few if any scouts. We had about 60
participants, with one player coming from as far away as
Hawaii. We held the camp at Lancaster Catholic, with a
professional production company filming the entire camp, while
I did the editing and produced the video. The well respected
and widely acclaimed professional football scout, Gil Brandt, of
the Dallas Cowboys, had given me support for my camp during
some conversations We had with him and said he looked
forward to reviewing the tapes for any hopeful recruits.

In 1985 I was elected Vice President of the Central

Pennsylvania Chapter of the International Association of
Financial Planners, and helped build that chapter by increasing
membership 3to 4 times. We had personally retained the
nationally acclaimed and nationally syndicated Financial
Planner, Ms. Alexandria Armstrong of Washington D.C.; to host
a major fundraiser. More than 150 professionals attended the

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dinner event that was held at the Eden Resort & Conference
Center. Ms. Armstrong discussed financial planning and how all
of the professions needed to work together in order to be most
effective for their clients. We attracted a wide variety of
professionals including; brokers, lawyers, accountants,
realtors, tax specialists, estate planners, bankers, and
investment advisors. Today, it has become evident that
financial planning was the way of the future. In 1986
executives approached us from Blue Ball National Bank to help
them develop a Financial Planning department within their

In 1984 I had helped to develop strategic planning for Sandy

Weill, former President of Citi Group (the largest banking
entity in the U.S). We were one of several associates asked to
help advise on the future of Financial Planning and how it
would impact the brokerage and the investment industry at
large. Mr. Weil was performing due diligence for the merger of
American Express and IDS (Investors Diversified Services). We
were at that time a national leader in the company in
delivering Fee Based Financial Planning Services, which was a
new concept in the investment community and mainstream
investors. That concept is now widely held by most investment

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 68 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Letter to Dr. Phil Page 1 of 3

The Dr. Phil show (Currently on NBC TV at 3:00pm EST Monday thru
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036

What is going on in your town that has everyone divided? Is there a dispute or
an ongoing debate? Does everyone in the town have a different opinion of what
the fate of a certain child should be? Different opinion on what is right or wrong
in human nature? Does your town need a Dr. Phil intervention? Is there
something going on that is making headlines and is the talk of the town? Does
everyone have an opinion? Tell us what your town is struggling to make a
decision with!

**We cannot help with sewage problems or whether a statue should be erected
or not. Please keep that in mind when responding.

***Dr. Phil cannot read all emails and cannot respond to every email
personally. Dr. Phil producers may call to discuss your story to be on the show.
Please only respond if you are willing to appear on the show

September 19, 2008

The Dr. Phil Show (Currently on NBC TV at 3:00pm EST Monday thru Friday)
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Dear Dr. Phil:

Lancaster County desperately needs a Dr. Phil Intervention - A.S.A.P.

Let me summarize the situation as best I can in a quick letter. You may visit my
website and blogs for additional information or your producers may provide me
with an email address (secure) to forward substantiating documentation.

In 1987 I filed complaints (Federal Whistleblower) of a large firm, International

Signal & Control (ISC of Lancaster, PA) of fraud. I was a shareholder and
executives met with me regarding involving myself and the financial firm that I
have founded (Financial Management Group, Ltd.,). I was libeled, slandered,
falsely imprisoned (5 times with 30 false arrests where all charges were
dismissed), falsely hospitalized (3 times never committed) (fraudulent suicide
allegations and the like) all in an effort to discredit me.

Four years later in 1991 the company and many executives were indicted and
plead guilty to selling arms to Iraq through South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud.
In essence I was covered up. I have had one attempt on my life. In those years
I went public with my allegations to local, state, and federal officials, with some
of the meetings being recorded, which I still posses. In 1987 I also had over
9,000 pages of documents microfilmed to preserve the truth.

The twist is that the operations were covert and part of a rogue CIA program.
Some of the same architects of the Iran-Contra saga were also involved. This is
all very well documented through congressional hearings and news reports. Ted
Kopple and ABC News/Nightline did three (3) stories on ISC/Lancaster and the
CIA and the illegal sales of arms (mostly cluster bombs) to Iraq. ABC News
20/20 did the first episode on the story in February of 1991 during the Persian
Gulf War. The Nightline stories ran up until the U.S. Senate confirmation
hearings for Robert Gates (Current U.S. Secretary of Defense) for the Director of
the CIA (September 1991). Questions were asked during the hearings of his

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Letter to Dr. Phil Page 2 of 3

involvement in the ISC-CIA operations and subsequent sales of arms to Iraq.

The cover-up continued, and all of my attempts for the courts were, of course,
subverted, until 2005. I finally was able to file in the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania as a pro se litigant. I entered on my own behalf
and have been litigating ever since.

Ok, now it is 2005 and I am in federal courts and now everyone in Lancaster
County again tries to subvert and obstruct my litigation, however, there is a
new twist - I am now telepathic (since 2006).

Over the years I know that some of the black budget programs (usually part of
some intelligence agency which operations were either classified or not
sanctioned) were delving into my mind.

I have had meetings with at least two government agencies, the NSA (National
Security Agency) and the Defense Intelligence Agency. One of my problems is
that I have extensive research materials, all declassified, on mind control
programs, but of course the source remains covert. Anyway, I can deal with
this issue.

For whatever reason that I am telepathic, I am constantly communicating with

another person of interest. I have communicated with several persons in the
past two (2) years.

I am literally driving this quaint little corrupt town of Lancaster Pennsylvania

CRAZY. The envy and jealousy is beyond your wildest imagination, and it is
causing a high degree of stress that is just not normal for anyone, let alone a

What is the most challenging to deal with is all of the hostile and adversarial
attitudes of Lancaster County, all because I was right and they are wrong!

People will do anything for money, and there are many violations that will cost
my defendants millions of dollars, both for damages and for the violations to
my intellectual property as well as the extortion of my businesses and assets.

They cannot handle my intelligence or my history. This community needs an

expert in conflict resolution before more people get hurt.

We need your help.


Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07| |Lippiatt Amicus|
|Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983| |v. City of Lancaster 08-02982|
|v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints| |UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group|
|Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder| |International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan|
|Excelsior Place Proposal| |FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application|
|1987 SONY Joint Venture| |1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Letter to Dr. Phil Page 3 of 3

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 71 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Letter to Chief Sadler Page 1 of 10

September 10, 2008

Lancaster City Bureau of Police

and Sector 9
and Chief Keith Sadler
39 West Chestnut Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

Re: Terroristic Threats and Verbal Assault

By William Lefty Plank (PLANK)
of 1252 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

On September 9, 2008 at approximately 6:40pm


1. Turned corner at Charles Road and Fremont Street on

bicycle toward 1250 Fremont Street.
2. Observed PLANK on Fremont Street leaning in black car
talking to driver. Car parked in front of 1251-1253
Fremont Street on opposite side of 1250 Fremont Street.
3. As approached 1250 Fremont Street PLANK started
yelling and shouting at me calling me a Nigger and
yelling about the kids being there. Was visibly drunk
and holding a baby in his arm.
4. PLANK starting shouting about me calling Youth in Child
Services last week.
5. I ignored him and rode up my lawn and parked bike in
front of my front porch to unlock door.
6. PLANK went and stood in his doorway and kept shouting
and yelling at me saying I should beat you up for calling
Youth and Child Services for his friend, and kept calling
me a nigger.
7. I went and unlocked my door and put my backpack in
my kitchen. As I walked out to put my bicycle in house
PLANK pushed my bicycle over and his daughter in the
black car stuck her cell phone out the window and took
pictures or a video while he pushed my bicycle over.
8. I continued to ignore him and picked up my bicycle and
carried into my house.
9. I never said a word to him, and locked all of my doors.
10. He kept walking on the lawn between the two houses
and kept yelling and shouting at me.
11. On Saturday evening, September 6, 2008 at
approximately 7:30pm someone in 1250 Fremont Street
cut down my antenna wire that ran from my television to
my antenna. I reported the incident to the Lancaster
City Police at the precinct at about 9:00 am on Monday,
September 8, 2008. The desk sergeant refused to take
the complaint and was nothing but a smart-ass. I asked
him if he has a code of conduct in his union contract.
12. September 12, 2008 William Lefty Plank pulled two (2)
pepper plants from my garden and verbally assaulted me

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Letter to Chief Sadler Page 2 of 10

remarks of yelling at me to take my medicine and calling

me nuts. He kept at it in a fit of rage.
13. September 13, 2008 William Lefty Plank and a female
started again to verbally assault me and threatened me
with saying the "Boods and Crypts" were after me and
he was not going to defend me anymore. He reiterated
the he would "kick my ass" and wanted to me to fight
him. Both began to call me nuts and the like for filing a
complaint with Youth in Childhood Services on another
female that visits that house. William Lefty Plank said
her boyfrined was a member of the "Crypts" of New


1. Father (Richard Plank) convicted of murder in 1979 Case

No. 622-1979 and 623-1979 with a gun.
2. PLANK convicted of vehicular homicide and assault.
3. alleged PLANK involved with a murder
involving Kauffman and body at 1252 Fremont Street.
4. In past saw him walk into house with other males
carrying chains and baseball bats and they said the had
to take care of business.
5. Lancaster City Bureau of Police involved with Abuse of
Process, Complacency, and possibly criminal conspiracy
to have PLANK and other residents hurt or murder me?
6. Lancaster City Police, Lancaster County Sheriffs
Department, Mayor Rick Gray, and other law
enforcement have ignored all complaints regarding 1252
Fremont Street for past 2 years.



Bureau of Police, et. al., Case No. 08-2982 Amended
Complaint due on or before September 25, 2008.
2. Continue ISC Cover-Up and current litigation before
Third Circuit Court (07-4474 and 07-4475) and U.S.
District Courts (05-2288; 06-4650; 08-2981; 08-2981;
08-2983) and litigation in Superior and Commonwealth



Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group


cc: Mayor Rick Gray

U.S. District Judge Mary McLaughlin Case No. 08-2982

Notary Public:

MURDER IN PARADISE re: William Lefty Plank

(Click Here)

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 73 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Letter to Chief Sadler Page 3 of 10

Drugs, DEA & Possible Murder in Lancaster PA

by Ben Vonderheide

Go to Website Link At:

A dead body found in Paradise? Youd be forgiven if you didnt

see the 168 word story in the Intelligencer Journal on April 2,
2007. While the death of Jeffrey Wallace hasnt caught the
attention of the local media, has spent days
and weeks interviewing and investigating the possible murder
and possible cover-up by the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA).

According to Wallaces parents, Pennsylvania State Police told

them that Wallace took a walk to nowhere in the middle of the
night, fell in the creek, smashing his face on the ground/rocks
in the creek and then drowned. Lancaster County coroners
office confirmed that the cause of death is drowning.

But what really happened? has decided to

publish what is known for sure, as well as the conflicting
witnesses who all tell a horrific story. We publish it in the
publics interest but also to let you be the judge of the
government agencies created to protect and serve us! Its
also our hope that this story prompts law enforcement to
pursue justice for the victim.

The "rumor" is that Wallace was found on his back, no shirt

and in in a "prayer-like" position with his arms folded across
his chest. Additionally Wallace had marks on his face. Hardly a
sign that he fell into a shallow creek - one foot deep at the
most - and drowned. According to one official who was at the
scene, "The hill is unimpressive" i.e it does not support the
police contention.

What is known about the victim? In speaking to his mother I

see that he was a good man who had recently taken a
downward turn. The 38-year-old Army veteran was married at
one time and has twin sons and two daughters who survive
him. Times weren't always good, however. There was a
divorce and at one point he declared bankruptcy and moved to
Louisiana. He moved back to Lancaster County in 2004. At the
time of his death Wallace was living at 853 Millwood Road, in a
four unit townhouse.

Little is known about him since he came back to Lancaster

County. His aged parents still live in Narvon. They don't talk
much about what happened. Wallace worked for a furniture
manufacturer in the Philadelphia area. He reportedly had just
cashed a $600 check prior to his death. There is street talk
that he may have been buying cocaine for his personal use.

The incident came to Daddy Justice's attention in October

when sources began telling us a different story, that Wallace
was murdered and dumped in the stream. Then other
information began surfacing about a possible police cover-up
because a suspect in the murder may be providing information
to the DEA in ongoing drug cases in Lancaster County. A
number of events related to the possible suspect have been
uncovered that seem to fit. They appear to be more than

Here's what Daddy Justice's investigation has learned so far:

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 74 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Letter to Chief Sadler Page 4 of 10

 The names of Kenneth Hoffman Jr. and William Plank are

mentioned by numerous sources.
 Wallace may have been killed following a visit at the
home of Plank, 1252 Freemont St., Lancaster City [writer
notes we have received conflicting information as to the
location of the crime and are continuing to investigate to
discern the truth from the misinformation campaign].
According to street talk this is a known drug house.
Allegedly Wallace was there to get drugs or had a
"dispute" over drugs he had bought. Sources claim that
he was beaten here and then taken and dumped in the
 Wallace's car was found hidden from view behind a
house on a property that Hoffman had owned and had
recently sold to a church group. It was vacant at the
 Plank has a history of violence according to court
records. He had been convicted and served five and a
half years in state prison for beating a man near death
concurrently with vehicular homicide. A woman was
killed on his motorcycle and he lost his right arm thus
his nickname lefty.
 Until recently Plank had been in Lancaster County Prison
but as of today he no longer appears in the listing of
 Hoffman was arrested in January 2006 following a major
drug raid at his residence. More than $25,000 in cash
and drugs were confiscated. Hoffman could be facing a
possible life sentence as a result. (See related stories.)
 Hoffman has yet to come to trial for the 2006 arrest,
often a sign that enforcement agencies may be using
him as a criminal informant in other drug cases and
 Randy Parke, another Lancaster County man involved in
the drug scene, is a friend of Hoffman. He and Hoffman
reportedly brought methamphetamine to Parke's garage
in June. When Parke left with the two kilos of meth he
was pulled over and arrested. Parke is currently in a
Philadelphia Holding Cell and could face significant time
for this arrest because of a prior conviction. Hoffman was
not arrested.
 Wallace's parents have twice told Daddy Justice that the
police informed them their son died of accidental
drowning. The state police told DJ "there must be some
misunderstanding" if they think that. Although his
parents aren't aware of it, Pennsylvania State Police say
there is an ongoing investigation into Wallace's death
(this apparently only since DJ has begun beating the
 In an interview, Hoffman told Daddy Justice he had an
alibi for the Wallace death. He said he was "cleared" by
the Pennsylvania State Police shortly after the body was
found when they did a 45-minute interview with him.
Hoffman admitted freely that the word on the street is
that he is an informant for the DEA but absolutely denied
any involvement, offering to take a lie detector test to
prove it.

Then a couple days ago Hoffman threatened to have Daddy

Justice publisher Ben Vonderheide arrested. Hoffman stated he
will NOT support his position by coming forward. Vonderheide
advised Hoffman he will be publishing what he has learned in
the Wallace case. Hoffman was told he should respond if he

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 75 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Letter to Chief Sadler Page 5 of 10

wants. Hoffman is using the police again to protect him from

being exposed as a possible killer.
Now as we get deeper into this story, Daddy Justice has been
warned to back off by a number of people, implying there is a
shady network out there of deals between law enforcement
agencies and individuals who have been arrested that are far
more significant to their drug cases than a dead man.

A couple of sources who had been talking are now no longer

calling. They have gotten word from the DEA through Parke's
federal public defender.
Stay tuned, has spoken to Lancaster City
Police Homicide Detective Pennsylvania State Police and the
DEA agent in charge - we will keep you up to date as the story

Copyright 2006-2007 by All Rights




1 S 75 1301 A Dr Unregist Veh 09/24/1991 C2198910

2 S 75 3733 A Fleeing Or Attempting To Elude 09/24/1991


3 S 75 3112 A Traffic Control Signals 09/24/1991


4 S 75 3323 B Duties At Stop Sign 09/24/1991 C2198910

5 S 75 3323 B Duties At Stop Sign 09/24/1991 C2198910

6 S 75 1543 A Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked

09/24/1991 C2198910

7 S 75 3361 Driving At Safe Speed 09/24/1991 C2198910

8 S 75 3323 B Duties At Stop Sign 09/24/1991 C2198910

9 S 75 1786 F Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp

09/24/1991 C2198910

10 S 75 3323 B Duties At Stop Sign 09/24/1991


11 Recklessly Endangering Another Person M2 18 2705

09/24/1991 C2198910

12 S 75 1372 1 Allow Illegal Use Of Plate/Card

09/24/1991 C2198910

1 / Dr Unregist Veh Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer Sustained

751301A Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

2 / Fleeing Or Attempting To Elude Guilty Plea 753733A

Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991 Probation Max of 3.00 Months

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3 / Traffic Control Signals Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753112A Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

4 / Duties At Stop Sign Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753323B Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

5 / Duties At Stop Sign Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753323B Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

6 / Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked Guilty Plea

751543AFarina, Louis J. 11/20/1991 Probation Max of 3.00

7 / Driving At Safe Speed Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753361 Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

8 / Duties At Stop Sign Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753323B Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

9 / Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp Guilty Plea 751786F

Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991 Probation Max of 3.00 Months

10 / Duties At Stop Sign Quashed, Dismissed, Demurrer

Sustained 753323B Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

11 / Recklessly Endangering Another Person Guilty Plea

182705 Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991 Probation Max of 2.00
Years 11/04/1992

12 / Allow Illegal Use Of Plate/Card Quashed, Dismissed,

Demurrer Sustained 7513721 Farina, Louis J. 11/20/1991

1 18 2701 A Simple Assault 02/14/1993 E2153023

2 18 3502 A Burglary 02/14/1993 E2153023

3 18 2706 Terroristic Threats 02/14/1993 E2153023

4 F3 18 3503 A1I Crim Tres-Enter Structure 02/14/1993


1 / Simple Assault Guilty Plea 182701A Georgelis, Michael

A. 03/26/1993 Min of 4.00 Months 29.00 Days Max of 1.00
Years 11.00 Months Confinement

2 / Burglary Nolle Prossed 183502A Georgelis, Michael A.


3 / Terroristic Threats Nolle Prossed 182706 Georgelis,

Michael A. 03/26/1993

4 / Crim Tres-Enter Structure Guilty Plea 183503A1I

Georgelis, Michael A. 03/26/1993 Min of 4.00 Months 29.00

Max of 1.00 Years 11.00 Months

1 M 35 780-113 A31 Poss Of Marijuana 09/23/1995


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2 S Migration Migration Viol Local Ordinance 09/23/1995


3 M 35 780-113 A32 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph

09/23/1995 E0177306

1 / Poss Of Marijuana Guilty Plea 35780-113A31 Allison,

Paul K. 12/11/1995 Confinement Max of 1.00 Months

2 / Viol Local Ordinance Guilty Plea MigrationMigration

Allison, Paul K. 12/11/1995

3 / Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Nolle Prossed 35780-113A32

Allison, Paul K. 12/11/1995

1 F2 75 3735 A Homicide By Veh While Dr

Under The Infl 08/10/1997 F1848405

2 M2 75 3731 A1* Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol

08/10/1997 F1848405

3 M2 75 3731 A4* Dr W/Bl Alc Lev .10% Or Greater

08/10/1997 F1848405

4 S 75 1501 A Driving W/O A License 08/10/1997


5 S 75 3309 1 Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) 08/10/1997


6 S 75 3361 Driving At Safe Speed 08/10/1997 F1848405

7 S 75 1372 3 Display Plate Card In Improp Veh

08/10/1997 F1848405

8 S 75 3301 A Fail To Keep Right 08/10/1997 F1848405

9 S 75 1786 F Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp

08/10/1997 F1848405

10 F3 75 3732 Homicide By Vehicle 08/10/1997 F1848405

11 S 75 3714 Careless Driving 08/10/1997 F1848405

12 S 75 1543 A Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked

08/10/1997 F1848405

13 S 75 1301 A Dr Unregist Veh 08/10/1997 F1848405

1 / Homi By Veh While Dr Under The Infl Guilty Plea

753735A Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997 Min of 3.00
Years Max of 6.00 Years Confinement 05/08/1998

2 / Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Guilty Plea

753731A1* Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997 Confinement

3 / Dr W/Bl Alc Lev .10% Or Greater Dismissed - Other

753731A4* Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

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4 / Driving W/O A License Dismissed - Other 751501A

Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

5 / Disregard Traffic Lane (Single) Dismissed - Other

7533091 Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997 6 / Driving At Safe
Speed Dismissed - Other 753361 Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

7 / Display Plate Card In Improp Veh Dismissed - Other

7513723 Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

8 / Fail To Keep Right Dismissed - Other 753301A Allison,

Paul K. 11/18/1997

9 / Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp Dismissed - Other

751786F Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

10 / Homicide By Vehicle Guilty Plea 753732 Allison, Paul K.

11/18/1997 Confinement

11 / Careless Driving Dismissed - Other 753714 Allison, Paul

K. 11/18/1997

12 / Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked Dismissed - Other

751543A Allison, Paul K. 11/18/1997

13 / Dr Unregist Veh Dismissed - Other 751301A Allison,

Paul K. 11/18/1997

1 18 2701 A Simple Assault 05/18/1997 E1518694

2 18 2701 A1 Simple Assault 05/18/1997 E1518694

3 S 18 2709 A1 Harassment/Strike, Shove, Kick, Etc.

05/18/1997 E1518694

Migrated Dispositional Event 09/26/1997 Final Disposition

1 / Simple Assault Guilty Plea 182701A Allison, Paul K.

09/26/1997 Min of 1.00 Months 15.00 Days Max of 3.00
Months Confinement

2 / Simple Assault Guilty Plea 182701A1 Allison, Paul K.

09/26/1997 Min of 3.00 Years Max of 6.00 Years Confinement

3 / Harassment/Strike, Shove, Kick, Etc. Guilty Plea

182709A1 Allison, Paul K. 09/26/1997 Min of 1.00 Months
15.00 Days Max of 3.00 Months

1 Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another M1 18 2706

A1 07/14/2005 K1332262

2 S 18 3503 B1II Def Tres Posted 07/14/2005 K1332262

3 M3 18 5503 A4* Disorder Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off

07/14/2005 K1332262

1 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Charge

Changed (Lower Court) 182706A1 Hartman, Cheryl N.

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2 / Def Tres Posted Guilty Plea (Lower Court) 183503B1II

Hartman, Cheryl N. 09/08/2005

3 / Disorder Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off Guilty Plea (Lower

Court) 185503A4* Hartman, Cheryl N. 09/08/2005

1 / Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Guilty Plea (Lower Court)

35780-113A32 Hartman, Cheryl N. 10/28/2005 Guilty
Probation/Parole Violation Hearing 06/12/2006 Not Final

1 / Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Guilty Plea (Lower Court)

35780-113A32 Allison, Paul K. 06/12/2006

M3 18 4914 A False Identification To Law Enf. Off.

04/01/2006 L2478125

2 S 75 1543 A Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked

04/01/2006 L2478125

3 S 75 1301 A Dr Unregist Veh 04/01/2006 L2478125

4 S 75 1371 A Veh Reg Suspended 04/01/2006 L2478125

5 S 75 1372 3 Display Plate Card In Improp Veh

04/01/2006 L2478125

Lower Court Disposition 05/24/2006 Not Final

1 / False Identification To Law Enf. Off. Guilty Plea (Lower

Court) 184914A Ballentine, Kelly S 06/09/2006

2 / Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked Guilty Plea (Lower

Court) 751543A Ballentine, Kelly S 06/09/2006

3 / Dr Unregist Veh Guilty Plea (Lower Court) 751301A

Ballentine, Kelly S 06/09/2006

/ Veh Reg Suspended Withdrawn 751371A Ballentine,

Kelly S 06/09/2006

5 / Display Plate Card In Improp Veh Withdrawn 7513723

Ballentine, Kelly S 06/09/2006 Guilty

Technical Probation/Parole Violation Hearings 11/16/2006 Not


1 / False Identification To Law Enf. Off. Guilty Plea (Lower

Court) 184914A Reinaker, Dennis E. 11/16/2006 Reinaker,
Dennis E. 08/02/2007

2 / Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked Guilty Plea (Lower

Court) 751543A Reinaker, Dennis E. 11/16/2006 Reinaker,
Dennis E. 08/02/2007

3 / Dr Unregist Veh Guilty Plea (Lower Court) 751301A

Reinaker, Dennis E. 11/16/2006 Reinaker, Dennis E.

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|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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CASE NO. 07-4474
(E.D. Pa. Civ. No. 05-cv-2288)



AND NOW, on this 1st day of July 2008, Stanley J. Caterbone

and Advanced Media Group, APPELLANTS, do hereby file this
Brief in Support of Appeal in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals
May 27, 2008. APPELLANTS respectfully avers as follows:
APPELLANT, Stanley J. Caterbone, resides at 1250 Fremont
Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603, is a United States Citizen and
Advanced Media Group is a fictitious name registered in
Pennsylvania with its principal place of business in

Date: July 1, 2008 Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603



7. ARGUMENTS Page 16
10. APPENDIX Page 22


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1. Amendment XIV to the Constitution of the United States

2. Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. Al., U.S. District
Case No. 05-2288
3. Donnelly v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 677 F.2d 339, 342
(3d Cir.1982)
4. Poulis v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d Cir.
5. Zucker v. Westinghouse, 374 F.3d 221, 227 (3d Cir. 2004)

This appeal was filed under FRAP 4. (a) (1) (A) and is of a final
order that disposes all parties of all claims. The notice of
appeal was filed on November 19, 2008 and was recorded on
November 23, 2008, one day after the 30th day. November
22, 2008, being a legal holiday, Thanksgiving, was not the last
day to record the appeal as a timely appeal according to the
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. This issue is cured in the
Response to the Letter of Jurisdiction filed by CATERBONE and
is a timely appeal. The district court had jurisdiction under 8
U.S.C.A. 43, Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States
Code, 18 U.S.C. 1961 through 18 U.S.C. 1968, and 15
U.S.C. Anti-Trust Act.

The "Federal Civil Rights Statute" (Rev Stat 1979, 8 U.S.C.A.

43, 2 FCA title 8, 43) provides: "Every person who, under
color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage,
of any State or Territory, subjects, or causes to be subjected,
any citizen of the United States or other person within the
jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges,
or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be
liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or
other proper proceeding for redress."


On May 23, 2005 (one week after this case, 05-2288)
CATERBONE filed a Petition for Chapter 11 Reorganization Case
No. 05-23059 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court. This case 06-cv-3955
in the Third Circuit on August 25, 2006. The following district
court cases: 06-cv-4650; and 06-cv-5138 (Habeas Corpus);
and 06-cv-4734. 06-cv-4734 was the beginning of a federal
false claims act filed under duress filed on October 20, 2006.
The case contained no complaint, was never served on
anyone, nor was never amended. CATERBONE was falsely
imprisoned weeks after both 06-cv-4650 and 06-cv-4734 were
filed. Habeas Corpus 06-cv-5138 was filed on November 11,
2006 by CATERBONE appearing pro se while falsely imprisoned
in the Lancaster County Prison on October 30, 2006 until
December 29, 2006. Three cases were received by the U.S.
District Court on June 10, 2008 and are awaiting forms to be
docketed: CATERBONE v. County of Lancaster, et. al.,;
CATERBONE v. Lancaster City Bureau of Police, et. al.,;


The district court had abused its discretion and erred in the
DISMISSAL of this case with prejudice. The merits analysis
was not applied and the district court completely ignored all
motions that contained factual information as to why
CATERBONE could not comply with the time specified ORDER
to amend the complaint, which was the reason CATERBONE
had continued to file motions for extension of time. At the
same time CATERBONE had made every attempt to notify and
complain to law enforcement and oversight authorities in order
to stop the activities, which made it impossible to amend the

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complaint by the district courts specified time period. The

motions included several incidents of abuse of process
(ignoring complaints and not investigating), violations of the
Federal Torts Claim Act regarding obstruction of due process
and obstruction of justice that contributed to CATERBONE not
being able to file an amended complaint in the time specified
by the district court.


1. Did the District Court Abuse Its Discretion in its DISMISSAL
on October 22, 2007 by not taking into consideration: that the
APPELLANT (CATERBONE) was appearing pro se with liberal
construction; all of the abuses and civil rights violations that
the APPELLANT has brought to the District Courts attention in
previous motions and pleadings; and that CATERBONE did not
have a clear record of delay or contumacious conduct?timely
and complete Amended Complaint? (Click Here)
2. Did the District Court err in dismissing the case without
addressing the factors set forth in the merits analysis in Poulis
v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d Cir. 1984)?


This is a complex civil rights and anti-trust case containing
elements of a civil conspiracy and RICO violations culminating
from a Federal False Claims Act complaint from 1987. Due to
the mass array of violations, CATERBONE was only able to
alert local, state, and federal authorities of the abuse and
fraud within International Signal & Control (ISC) back in 1987,
but never was afforded due process to file the actual Federal
False Claims Act complaint and the other civil complaints that
are contained in this case. ISC and its employees, including
founder and CEO James Guerin were indicted in 1991 for a
host of crimes including a $Billion Dollar fraud and export
violations including selling cluster bombs to South Africa,
which ultimately were sold to Iraq and used during the Persian
Gulf War. Guerin and others plead guilty in 1992 and were
sentenced accordingly. Guerin spent 14 years in a federal
prison for his crimes, as did others.

This case contains abuse of process (ignoring complaints and

not investigating), violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act,
and other violations such as false arrests, false imprisonment,
and a fabricated mental health record that has occurred from
1987 until today that have made the cover-up of these
violations and crimes possible. The defendants and other
interested parties and persons used these malicious civil
violations and civil torts to discredit all and any allegations of
misconduct and wrongdoing and to slander and libel
CATERBONE and his companies to the general public-at-large.
CATERBONES companies, namely Advanced Media Group, also
fell victim as the perpetrators attempted to rewrite history and
the record. In addition this case contains fraud, extortion, loss
of time, loss of opportunity, and loss of income that have
made the journey of justice and remedy for these actions
almost impossible to litigate.

There is also a criminal element and public corruption element

that has followed CATERBONE and this case, however the
abuse of process (ignoring complaints and not investigating),
and the violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act coupled with
the misconduct of public officials has kept the perpetrators and
defendants safe, for the time being. Judicial misconduct and
abuse of discretion runs rampant in all of CATERBONES cases.
The abuse of process (ignoring complaints and not
investigating), and violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act

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continues to provide motive and security to those that harm,

damage, and injure CATERBONE. There is a vast array of mail
fraud and misconduct in the offices of the clerks of the
respective courts that have helped to confuse the record and
interrupt this litigation. Court filings, notices, and ORDERS are
constantly kept from reaching CATERBONE causing a record of
missed hearings and late filings. Computer intrusion and
hacking is used to confuse and manipulate the filings that are
submitted. CATERBONE has been challenged with the task of
verifying or confirming the authenticity of research materials
and court related materials in the course of this litigation. This
case involves civil torts and abuse of process (ignoring
complaints and not investigating) that address these issues.
Violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act will be addressed in
future litigation or will be included in the Amended Complaint.

The theft of intellectual property and invasion of privacy is

constant to keep CATERBONE from performing and executing
his litigation strategy in full optimal performance, without the
security necessary to protect and preserve the record of these
crimes and violations. CATERBONEs expertise in computer
technology and information technology is often challenged
when preserving the record. This case also addresses those

On May 16, 2008 CATERBONE filed the complaints in this case

under duress, and merely submitted to the courts a document
that contained finding of facts in chronological order. The
Honorable Mary A. McLaughlin found numerous meritorious
claims in her ORDER and MEMORANDUM of June 13, 2006
contained in the complaint and used a merits analysis.
CATERBONE was then instructed to file an amended complaint,
which he requested to the district court in filings soon after the
original complaint was filed. The DEFENDANTS have filed
numerous motions for dismissal throughout this case. Most of
the causes of actions were time barred and exceeded the
statute of limitations. CATERBONE was never able to file an
amended complaint until September 15, 2007 and addressed
the issues of the statute of limitations in order to cure that
deficiency in this case, although admitting that the amended
complaint did not completely contain all of the causes of
actions and complaints in this case. The obstruction of due
process and other violations and actions have precluded
CATERBONE from submitting an amended complaint according
to the rules of procedure, which contained all of the causes of
actions, in the time specified period mandated by the district

There needs to be special consideration and discussion of the

special status rules and doctrines of pro se litigants and how it
applies to CATERBONE and this case. As a general rule, every
federal court in the United States affords pro se civil litigants
special status , although courts often differ on the way they
describe that status. This general rule is followed, to varying
degrees, by state courts.

There is a covert objective by the County of Lancaster, the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and other principals,
stakeholders, and defendants of this complaint to manipulate
CATERBONE into the revocation of his special status rights as a
pro se litigant in Federal Courts through the abuse standard of
the doctrine by forcing CATERBONE to litigate for every
constitutional right, the right of protection by law enforcement,
the payment for services, and other considerations that
CATERBONE is entitled to receive. Loosing special status would

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result in the dismissal of all of CATERBONEs federal

complaints. This would also allow no oversight and justice to
the multitude of abuses of discretion and errors that have
occurred at the state court level, and provide no due access for
all of the meritorious claims that have been illegally dismissed
in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, and the
Pennsylvania Appellate courts. It is the perfect strategy, and
the only strategy that is available to since keeping highly
qualified attorneys from representing CATERBONE failed when
CATERBONE filed pro se in 2005 in the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and in the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. For 18 years the
strategy of keeping attorneys from representing CATERBONE
has been successful in keeping these complaints from the
courts. However, when CATERBONE appeared pro se, that
strategy was mooted.

In reviewing at the abusiveness rationale used for the

revocation of the special status afforded to pro se litigants the
courts have deemed that any pro se litigant with 12 or more
complaints in any given year warrant sanction and the
revocation of the special status. The first and most important
loss to CATERBONE would be loosing the liberal construction of
complaints, pleadings, and briefs when litigating in the federal
courts. There are other benefits of the special status that
would be lost : (1) a right to have ones complaint treated as
amended by ones papers in opposition to a defendants
motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim; (2) a right to file
an amended complaint, including a second amended
complaint; (3) a right to be specifically notified of the
consequences of failing to respond to a summary judgment
motion before being subjected to those consequences; (4) a
right to be excused from complying with service deadlines,
discovery deadlines, motion-filing deadlines, and page limits;
and (5) a right to be presumed to have been acting in good
faith when sanctions are being contemplated. The rationale for
conferring this special status is that pro se litigants need help
since they are often inexperienced or unfamiliar with legal
procedures or terminology.

The special status needs to be preserved for CATERBONE, who

has never used a ghostwriter or any other person in the
formulation, preparation, writing, or filing of any court

This court should use the rule of law and administer justice to
right this 21-year odyssey of wrongs, damages, financial
losses, pain and suffering, loss of opportunities, and loss of
family and society that has been subjected to CATERBONE and
move this case forward with all of the authority and discretion
bestowed upon it.

On or about May 16, 2005, Plaintiff-Appellant, Stanley J.
Caterbone ("CATERBONE") filed a pro se Complaint against
Fulton Bank ("Fulton"); Mellon (Commonwealth) Bank;
Southern Regional Police Department; Avalon Police
Department; Stone Harbor Police Department; and the
Lancaster County Sheriffs Department in the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

On the same day CATERBONE filed a Motion to Seal the

Complaint for 2 reasons; National Security Concerns and the
attempt on CATERBONES life that happened in July of 1991;
after the ABC News Nightline broadcast of International Signal

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& Control (ISC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

selling cluster bombs and other weaponry to South Africa
through to Iraq .

On or about December 17, 2005, CATERBONE sent a letter to

the district court requesting leave to Amend the Complaint and
a hearing. No Defendants have been served to this point.

By ORDER dated January 5, 2006, the district court directed

CATERBONE to serve Defendants with the Summons and
Complaint by January 25, 2006 or face dismissal of the
Complaint without prejudice.

Fulton Bank filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint and a brief

in support of the Motion to Dismiss on February 9, 2006.
Motions to Dismiss were also filed on behalf of Manheim
Township Police Department, Commonwealth National Bank
(i.e. Mellon Bank) and the Lancaster County Prison.

On or about June 2, 2006, while the Motions to Dismiss were

still pending, CATERBONE filed a MOTION requesting an ex
parte meeting with the Honorable Mary A McLaughlin "to
discuss the problems of preceding this action without
obstruction of justice, retaliation, and intimidation; and to
amend the original complaint as discussed previously."

Fulton Bank filed a Response in opposition to the Motion for an

Ex Parte Meeting on June 5, 2006. CATERBONE hand-delivered
a Reply to counsel for Fulton on June 12, 2006. On the same
day, the district court issued an ORDER granting the Motions to
Dismiss. The district court's order dismissed the Complaint as
to all Defendants on the basis of improper service and the
expiration of the statute of limitations. The court's order also
denied the Motion for an Ex Parte Meeting with the Court as

On June 13, 2006 the Honorable Judge Mary McLaughlin

the merits analysis and found more than 15 meritorious claims
against the DEFENDANTS, and ORDERED the motions to
dismiss the complaints against Mellon Bank, Manheim
Township Police Department and Fulton Bank are GRANTED for
exceeding the statute of limitations. It is further ordered that
the plff's (CATERBONES) Complaint is also dismissed as to
defts (defendants) Southern Regional Police Department,
Stone Harbor Police Department, Avalon Police Dept, Lancaster
County Prison and Lancaster County Sheriff's Department For
the reasons stated in the memorandum of Today's date.
Further ordered that the plff's (CATERBONES) motion For an
ex parte meeting with the court is denied as Moot. Signed by
judge Mary A. Mclaughlin.

On June 14, 2006 CATERBONE filed a REPLY to FUTLON

Meeting and argued the following: PLAINTIFF (CATERBONE)
filed the original complaint on May 16, 2005 prematurely due
to the undo influence and intimidation of several DEFENDANTS
and other persons, entities, and or organizations; specifically
the threat of a fabricated criminal prosecution. PLAINTIFF
readily recognized the deficiencies in the filing and the lack of
a formal complaint (affidavit and finding of facts only), and had
repeatedly requested information and procedural guidance
from the Court during the course of time that had elapsed until
the ORDER of the Honor on January 7, 2006. This had seemed
especially difficult in light of the fact that the original filing was

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sealed. In 1998 PLAINTIFF stated to the courts the following:

I conclude that the courts must provide me with fair access to
the law, and most certainly, the process must void any
technical deficiencies found in this filing as being material to
the conclusions. Such arrogance by the Courts would only
challenge the judicial integrity of our Constitution. PLAINTIFF
(CATERBONE) acknowledges that the preceding statement
contains an emotional response to the situation, and readily
requests that the Court interprets the legal intention and
merits of the PLAINTIFFs request for a fair and reasonable
access to the Court to hear and adjudicate the PLAINTIFFs

PLAINTIFF has filed numerous formal complaints with the

Federal Bureau of Investigations Internet Crime Complaint
Center. Those complaints identified as; I05120608348825 ;
I05120804514805; and I06010506177009. Additionally
complaints were filed with the Southern Regional Police
Department of Conestoga, and the Lancaster County District
Attorneys Office with Chief Detective Michael J. Landis, during
the course of the last 2 years, where the PLAINTIFFS
computer and online broadband connections was hacked. At
times when PLAINTIFF attempted to search and find Rules of
Civil Procedure (Federal and Pennsylvania) and related subject
matters, including but not limited to the effective service for
DEFENDANTS, certain provisions were missing and or replaced
with erroneous and misinformation, thus resulting in an
improper Certificate of Service and violation of the Rules of
Civil Procedure relating to the Service of the complaint.

On June 19,2006, the district court issued another ORDER

regarding CATERBONE's Motion for an Ex Parte Meeting which
stated in pertinent part: [T]o the extent that the plaintiff is
requesting leave to file an amended complaint:
1) the request shall be deemed a motion to file an amended
complaint; and
2) the motion is GRANTED.
Although the Court DISMISSED many of the claims in the
original complaint as time-barred, and the plaintiff has not
attached a proposed amended complaint to demonstrate that
he will be able to cure the deficiencies in the original
complaint, the plaintiff is entitled to amend his pleadings once
as a matter of course before a responsive pleading is served.
Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a); Shane v. Fauver, 213 F.3d 113, 115 (3d
Cir. 2000). No responsive pleading has yet been filed in this

The district court did not, however, set forth a deadline, or did
not specify a period of time by which CATERBONE was to file
an Amended Complaint.
Accordingly, Fulton Bank filed a Motion to Establish a Deadline
for CATERBONE to File an Amended Complaint, which was
granted on July 20, 2006. In its order, the district court
directed CATERBONE to file an Amended Complaint by August
20, 2006 and warned that if he failed to do so, the lawsuit
would be dismissed with prejudice. FULTON BANK was
intimidating CATERBONE and using its influence in the City of
Lancaster and the County of Lancaster in deterring and
thwarting CATERBONES due access to the courts. See civil
actions CATERBONE v. City of Lancaster, et. al., and
CATERBONE v. The County of Lancaster, et., al., filed on June
10, 2008 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of

On or about August 21, 2006, CATERBONE filed a Response to

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Fulton Bank's Motion to Establish a Deadline for Plaintiff to File

an Amended Complaint. In his nine (9) page typewritten
Response to Fulton Bank's Motion, CATERBONE asked the
district court to grant him an "unspecified date" to comply with
the court's order and file his Amended Complaint. CATERBONE
cited several criminal citations recently issued against him
(most of which have been dismissed and are contained in
CATERBONE v. County of Lancaster District Attorney Office as
false arrest complaints, the remaining few still under appeal in
state courts); his on-going problems with his electrical
provider and the illegal termination of his electricity in his
home office; the time he had to spend in criminal courts
appearing pro se, or vexatious litigation; and other civil
lawsuits and complaints filed by him as the reason for the
requested unspecified time period to amend this complaint.

By ORDER dated August 23, 2006, the district court GRANTED

in part and DENIED in part CATERBONE's request for an
"unspecified date" by which to amend his Complaint. The
district court's order gave CATERBONE until September 6,
2006 to file an Amended Complaint or the case was to be
dismissed, with prejudice.

Instead of filing an amended complaint, on September 6, 2006

CATERBONE filed a Notice of Appeal of the district court's
ORDER directing him to file an Amended Complaint by
September 6, 2006. Accompanying the Notice of Appeal was a
twenty (20) page brief in support of his appeal. In the brief
accompanying his Notice of Appeal, CATERBONE reiterates his
request that he be granted an "unspecified date" by which to
comply with the district court's ORDER to amend his Complaint
"at least until Plaintiff can resume operations in his office at his
residence at 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA." without all
of the obstruction of justice violations that was making it
impossible to litigate this case. The matter of the specified
date was before the Third Circuit of Appeals.

By ORDER dated July 3, 2007, the Third Circuit Court of

Appeals dismissed CATERBONE's appeal for lack of jurisdiction.
In response to the Third Circuit's ORDER, on July 13, 2007, the
district court issued an ORDER directing CATERBONE to file an
Amended Complaint by August 15, 2007. The district court
again warned CATERBONE that failure to do so would result in
the dismissal of this case, with prejudice.

On July 24, 2007, CATERBONE filed a Motion for Continuance,

seeking an extension of time until October 15, 2007 to file an
Amended Complaint. CATERBONE's request for an extension
was opposed by at least one defendant, MANHEIM TOWNSHIP
POLICE DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding, by ORDER dated July
25, 2007, the district court again granted CATERBONE's
request for an extension of time to file an Amended Complaint.
The district court established a new deadline of October 15,
2007, and specifically provided that if CATERBONE did not
amend his complaint by that date, his case would be
dismissed, with prejudice. The district court stated that no
additional extensions of time would be granted.

On October 15, 2007 CATERBONE filed a 62 page Amended

Complaint with the following preface AND NOW on this 15th,
day of October, 2007, I, Stanley J. Caterbone, PLAINTIFF, Pro
Se Litigant, do hereby file before the Courts an AMENDMENT to
the above case. The PLAINTIFF requests the Court to grant an
additional 60 days to further amend this complaint and to
amend and/or dismiss case no. 06-4650 (Mainly Obstruction of

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Due Process Complaints from 2005 to 2007) on or before

December 15, 2007, at the time of the next amendment to this
complaint. The PLAINTIFF also seeks clarification from the
Court per the rules of original service; otherwise the PLAINTIFF
will service all defendants, both original and the additional
defendants per the 120-day rule after the filing of the next
amendment to this complaint. The PLAINTIFF will also meet
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on October 15, 2007
at the time of this filing to report activities, which have
prevented the PLAINTIFF from completing this amended
complaint per the ORDER of July 25, 2007.

CATERBONE researched how to file an amended complaint on

the Internet and followed the only rules he could find from
another U.S. Circuit Court. CATERBONE does not know if a
computer hacker corrupted the documents in ORDER to
sabotage his amended filing. CATERBONE followed the rules
per adding new counts and defendants, as well as the servicing
of original defendants versus new defendants added to the
amended complaint.

In the Amended Complaint filed on September 15, 2007

CATERBONE also addressed the statute of limitations of the
causes of actions in his complaint by the following:
1. Legal Arguments and issues of the Statute of Limitations
and Time Barred Causes of Actions that support that justice
has been denied and due process subverted thus granting
relief to the PLAINTIFFS:

a. (RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.; A claim may be barred

by the statute of limitations if you discovered or reasonably
should have discovered your injury four or more years ago.

b. Civil RICO claims are not subject to a statute of limitations.

Congress failed to include a statute of limitations when it
passed the RICO Act, but the United States Supreme Court has
remedied that oversight and imposed a four-year statute of
limitations on all civil RICO claims.

c. Civil Rico's statute of limitations begins to run when the

victim discovers or reasonably should have discovered its
injury. Once a victim is aware or should be aware of its injury,
the victim has four years to discover the remaining elements
of its claim and bring suit. A victim cannot sit on its rights and
refrain from filing suit in the face of known injuries.

d. There are several equitable doctrines that may toll or

suspend the running of the statute of limitations. If a
defendant fraudulently conceals facts that are essential to the
victim's ability to purse its rights, the running of the statute of
limitations may be tolled.

e. Acts of duress, such as "if you sue me, I'll kill you," may toll
the running of the statute of limitations.

f. All tolling doctrines are based upon whether it is fair, under

the circumstances, to bar the victim's claims on the basis of
the running of the statute of limitations.

g. If a defendant engages in a new pattern of racketing, that

causes new and independent injuries, a new limitations period
may apply to those new and independent injuries.

2. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

(commonly referred to as RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.;

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RICO is a United States federal law which provides for

extended penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an
ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by section
901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, Pub. L. No.
91-452, 84 Stat. 922 (Oct. 15, 1970). RICO is codified as
Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C.
1961 through 18 U.S.C. 1968. RICO addresses long-term,
not one-shot, criminal activity. Not only must a RICO claim be
based upon criminal activity, but the criminal acts must
constitute a "pattern" of criminal activity.

a. A single criminal act, short-term criminal conduct, or

criminal actions that bear no relationship to each other will not
give rise to a RICO claim. The United States Supreme Court
has ruled that criminal actions constitute a "pattern" only if
they are related and continuous.

b. In ORDER to be "related," the criminal acts must involve the

same victims, have the same methods of commission, involve
the same participants, or be related in some other fashion. A
pattern may be sufficiently continuous if the criminal actions
occurred over a substantial period of time or posed a threat of
indefinite duration.

c. The former patterns are referred to as closed-ended

patterns; the latter patterns are referred to as open-ended
d. Accordingly, even if you have been injured by a criminal act,
you will not have a RICO claim unless that criminal act is part
of a larger pattern of criminal activity.

By ORDER dated October 22, 2007 (only 7 days after the

amended complaint was filed), the district court dismissed the
case, with prejudice, for failure to file a valid amended
complaint. The Honorable Mary J. McLaughlin stated the
following: This new and, according to the plaintiff, incomplete
complaint in this action named eight defendants; the instant
Amendment to Complaint names several dozen defendants and
includes 38 counts. Because the plaintiff has failed to file a
valid amended complaint nearly 16 months after this Court
granted him leave to do so, this case is DISMISSED with

The district court's ORDER was entered the following day, on

October 23, 2007.

On Friday, November 23, 2007, one day after the Thanksgiving

Holiday (30th day) CATERBONEs Notice of Appeal was
recorded. On December 12, 2007 Judge Mary A. McLaughlin
granted CATERBONE In Forma Pauperis status for his notice of
appeal to the Third Circuit.

On December 12, 2007 CATERBONE (appeared personally at

the U.S. Courthouse) filed a Motion for an Extension of Time to
File a Response to the Question of Jurisdiction and on the
same day filed a Motion for the Appointment of Counsel.

On December 13, 2007 CATERBONE filed a letter to the Clerk

of Court of the Third Circuit Court with complaints of

On December 19, 2007 CATERBONE filed another letter to the

Clerk of the Third Circuit with more complaints of misconduct
regarding this case.

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On December 26, 2007 Fulton filed a Response to the question

of jurisdiction in support to dismiss this appeal for failure to file
an untimely appeal.

On January 15, 2008 the Court granted CATERBONE 21

additional days to file a Response to the question of

Fulton wrote the following in its Response: It is worth noting

that during the almost sixteen (16) month period of time he
was given to file an Amended Complaint, but failed to do so,
CATERBONE did manage to file numerous other lawsuits,
motions, briefs and appeals against countless defendants,
utilizing reams of paper in the process.

It is worth noting that since the filing of the original complaint

on May 16, 2005, CATERBONE, has made numerous legitimate
complaints of real allegations of misconduct and criminal
activity regarding retaliation and intimidation that has
prevented him from filing an amended complaint to law
enforcement officials on the local, state, and federal level. The
allegations included proven activities of computer and
electronic hacking, theft of legal and business files, judicial
misconduct, mail fraud, and provisions of the RICO anti-SLAPP
statute. There have also been as many as 21 criminal citations,
(vexatious litigation and false arrests) filed against
CATERBONE since May 16, 2005 that have been Nolle Prosed,
Dismissed, or Overturned on Appeal in the Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas; and prosecuted by the Lancaster
County District Attorney. On December 20, 2006 while
CATERBONE was falsely imprisoned in the Lancaster County
Prison, The Lancaster County Sheriffs Office and Fulton Bank
illegally executed a sheriff sale on the office and residence of
CATERBONE while the judgment and foreclosure were before
the Pennsylvania Superior Court. To make matters worth, all of
CATERBONEs material possessions and contents of his
residence at 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pa, including all
of his business and court filings, documents, and evidentiary
materials; were stolen by Parula (Central Penn Property
Services/Noble Real Estate) Properties. CATERBONE filed an
insurance claim and numerous stolen property claims with law
enforcement. The property and his vehicle were not found and
returned until four (4) months later, on April 13, 2007.

On or about February 4, 2008 CATERBONE filed a Response to

the Letter of Jurisdiction. CATERBONE argued that this Appeal
should not be ruled untimely and be dismissed and cited Rule
6 (a) of the Rules of Federal Procedure (Computation of Time)
and Rule 6 (d) (Additional Time After Certain Kinds of Service).
CATERBONE argued that the 30th day for filing of the Appeal
fell on November 22, 2007, Thanksgiving Day, which is a legal
Federal holiday. CATERBONEs Notice of Appeal was filed in the
Courts on November 23, 2007, the next legal business day,
which is considered timely according to the Rules of Federal

On March 27, 2008 the Court, Circuit Judges AMBRO, FUENTES

and JORDAN ruled on the following:
1. By the Clerk for possible dismissal due to jurisdictional
2. By the Clerk for possible dismissal under 28 U.S.C. 1915
(e)(2) or for possible summary action under I.O.P. 10.6;
3. Appellants jurisdictional response;
4. Jurisdictional Response by Fulton Bank;
5. Motion by Appellee, Manheim Township Police Department,

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to dismiss appeal; and

6. Appellants motion for appointment of counsel in the above
captioned case.

The Court ORDERED: The question of jurisdiction, and the

motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction, are referred to the
merits panel. See I.O.P. 10.3.5. We do not dismiss the appeal
under 28 U.S.C. 1915(e)(2) or take summary action under
I.O.P. 10.6. The Clerk is directed to issue a briefing schedule.
We note, however, that this ORDER does not represent a
finding of appellate jurisdiction in this matter. As in all cases,
the panel of this Court that reviews the appeal on its merits
will make a final determination of appellate jurisdiction. In
addition to any other issues the parties wish to raise in their
briefs, the parties shall address whether the District Court
erred in dismissing the case without addressing the factors set
forth in Poulis v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d
Cir. 1984). The motion for appointment of counsel is denied.

On April 22, 2008 the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued a


1. It is ORDERED that the brief for the Appellant(s) and the

joint appendix shall be filed and served on or before June 2,
2. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the brief(s) for the Appellee(s)
shall be filed and served within (30) days of service of
Appellants (Appellants) brief.
3. It is FURTHER ORDERED that a reply brief, if any, shall be
filed and served within (14) days of service of Appellants
(Appellants) brief.
4. It is FURTHER ORDERED that in the event of default by
Appellant in filing the brief and appendix as directed, the
appeal may be dismissed without further notice.
5. It is FURTHER ORDERED that if the Appellee fails to file a
brief within the time directed, the matter will be listed on
Appellants brief only and Appellee may be subject to such
sanctions as the Court deems appropriate.

On May 9, 2008 CATERBONE filed a 12 page 30 day Request

for Extension of Time of the Briefing Schedule extending the
due date until July 2, 2008. CATERBONE cited 24 acts of
harassment and intimidation within the City of Lancaster
Pennsylvania and the County of Lancaster Pennsylvania that
have prevented CATERBONE from filing and serving a brief as
so ORDERED by the Court.

On May 27, 2008 CATERBONE was GRANTED a 30-day

Extension of Time until July 2, 2008 to comply with the
Briefing Schedule, as ORDERED by the Court.

On June 7, 2008 CATERBONE sent via USPS Priority mail 3 civil

complaints in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, all of which were received and require additional
forms for recording. In CATERBONE v. The City of Lancaster,
et. al., CATERBONE outlines 2 or more years of abuse of
process (ignoring complaints and not investigating), violations
of the Federal Torts Claim Act, libel, slander, and other counts
against the Lancaster City Bureau of Police for not protecting
his property and effects while in the courts. In CATERBONE v.
The Lancaster County District Attorneys Office, CATERBONE
cites 15 false arrests since 2005; 60 days of false
imprisonment; and 3 years of vexatious litigation against
numerous defendants. In CATERBONE v. The Pennsylvania

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Department of Transportation, et., al., CATERBONE cites a

false arrest; 7 months of an illegal revocation of CATERBONEs
Pennsylvania drivers license; abuse of process (ignoring
complaints and not investigating), and other civil torts. All of
these complaints and civil torts have caused CATERBONE
irreparable harm with the courts and were used as a weapon in
vexatious litigation and resulted in a loss of time and
interrupted his litigation thus obstructing justice in this and
other cases.


The ORDER under appeal of October 23, 2007 that DISMISSED
this case by The Honorable Mary J. McLaughlin stated the
following: AND NOW, this 22nd day of October, 2007, upon
consideration of the plaintiffs Amendment to Complaint and
Motion for Continuance to further amend the complaint
(Docket No. 61), and of the Courts ORDER that the plaintiffs
amended complaint was due by October 15, 2007, and that
the Court would grant no further extensions of time (Docket
No. 58), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this case is DISMISSED.
This new and, according to the plaintiff, incomplete complaint
in this action named eight defendants; the instant Amendment
to Complaint names several dozen defendants and includes 38
counts. Because the plaintiff has failed to file a valid amended
complaint nearly 16 months after this Court granted him leave
to do so, this case is DISMISSED with prejudice.

The ORDER, which came only 7 days after the filing of

CATERBONEs amended complaint clearly did not consider that
CATERBONE was pro se, nor was it consistent with Rule 15,
and was an extreme sanction unwarranted by CATERBONE.
The District Court erred and abused its discretion in not
applying a merits analysis. In addressing the Distict Courts
assertion that CATERBONE should be sanctioned with dismissal
for failure to file a [completed] amended complaint within a
specified period, the Third Circuit clearly states in Donnelly v.
Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 677 F.2d 339, 342 (3d Cir.1982),
that "dismissal is a drastic sanction and should be reserved for
those cases where there is a clear record of delay or
contumacious conduct by the plaintiff."

The Third Circuit clearly recognizes cases that warrant

considerations and protection from abuse of discretion and
erroneous rulings in the dismissal of cases with meritereous
claims. The following excerpt from the opinion in Poulis v.
State Farm Fire & Cas. Co supports this notion: We recognize
that recent literature exhorting the district judges to move
litigation expeditiously by taking firm control and the 1983
amendments of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure with their
numerous references to sanctions may have contributed to
premature dismissals or defaults. Although sanctions are a
necessary part of any court system, we are concerned that the
recent preoccupation with sanctions and the use of dismissal
as a necessary "weapon" in the trial court's "arsenal" may be
contributing to or effecting an atmosphere in which the
meritorious claims or defenses of innocent parties are no
longer the central issue. It does not further the goal of a court
system, that of delivering evenhanded justice to litigants, to
suggest, as did the district court here, that the plaintiffs would
have a remedy by suing their counsel for malpractice, App. at
5, since this would only multiply rather than dispose of

a) Did the District Court Abuse Its Discretion in its

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DISMISSAL on October 22, 2007 by not taking into

consideration: that the APPELLANT (CATERBONE) was
appearing pro se with special status with the right to
liberal construction; all of the abuses and civil rights
violations that the APPELLANT has brought to the
District Courts attention in previous motions and
pleadings; and that CATERBONE did not have a clear
record of delay or contumacious conduct?

In addressing the district courts notion that the Amended

Complaint was not complete CATERBONE had submitted a 62
page Amended Complaint to the district court. The Amended
Complaint contained all of the necessary elements required to
construct a complaint. The history and introduction were
already part of the record in the district court. The Jurisdiction
contained most of the federal statutes by name, however there
were more that CATERBONE wanted to address but ran out of
time. In the first paragraph of the Amended Complaint
CATERBONE states: AND NOW on this 15th, day of October,
2007, I, Stanley J. Caterbone, PLAINTIFF, Pro Se Litigant, do
hereby file before the Courts an AMENDMENT to the above
case. The PLAINTIFF requests the Court to grant an additional
60 days to further amend this complaint and to amend and/or
dismiss case no. 06-4650 on or before December 15, 2007, at
the time of the next amendment to this complaint. The
PLAINTIFF also seeks clarification from the Court per the rules
of original service; otherwise the PLAINTIFF will service all
defendants, both original and the additional defendants per the
120-day rule after the filing of the next amendment to this
complaint. The PLAINTIFF will also meet with the Federal
Bureau of Investigation on October 15, 2007 at the time of this
filing to report activities, which have prevented the PLAINTIFF
from completing this amended complaint per the ORDER of
July 25, 2007.

On October 15, 2007 after filing the amended complaint in

person to the Clerk of Courts Office in U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Caterbone did meet with
the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the Philadelphia Field
Office, located in the same building, the U.S. Courthouse, and
did report follow-up complaints.

CATERBONE was attempting to consolidate case 06-4650

(amended complaint was also due on the same day) with this
case. some of the additional defendants and causes of actions
were from that case, which the district court also sanctioned

CATERBONE used rules of procedure regarding Amendments

to a complaint are governed by Rule 15(a) of the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure. Rule 15(a) and a document titled How To
Amend Your Complaint which he researched on the internet.
See Exhibit.

In addressing the Distict Courts assertion that CATERBONE

should be sanctioned with dismissal for failure to file an
amended complaint within a specified period, the Third Circuit
clearly states in Donnelly v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 677
F.2d 339, 342 (3d Cir.1982), that "dismissal is a drastic
sanction and should be reserved for those cases where there is
a clear record of delay or contumacious conduct by the
plaintiff." It is clear and on the record in CATERBONE v. City of
Lancaster, et. al., and CATERBONE v. Lancaster County District
Attorney Office, et. al., and in the numeorus complaints filed
with the FBI and other law enforcement; that CATERBONE was

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burdened with violations of civil rights and other civil torts that
have impeded his due process and resulted in obstruction of
justice in denying CATERBONE fair due process to complete
the amended complaint according to the courts mandated time
schedule .

On June 14, 2006 CATERBONE filed a reply to FUTLON BANKS

RESPONSE to CATERBONES Motion for an Ex Parte Meeting
and argued the following: PLAINTIFF (CATERBONE) filed the
original complaint on May 16, 2005 prematurely due to the
undo influence and intimidation of several DEFENDANTS and
other persons, entities, and or organizations; specifically the
threat of a fabricated criminal prosecution. CATERBONE was
cited with several false arrests (7) after that reply was written.
This accurately depicts the environment in which CATERBONE
was trying to litigate this case in, while clearly and accurately
illustrating the arrogance and maliciousness of those trying to
have this case and CATERBONE from anything close to justice
to right the 20 years of wrongs that he has endured.

CATERBONE has filed abuse of process complaints against local

and state law enforcement for not protecting CATERBONEs
rights and due process in this case, as well as others . It is
evident that those same said violations are still occurring
today. That being the case, there is no clear record of delay or
contumcious conduct by CATERBONE in failing to file the
amended complaint according to the District Courts deadline.
Federal Torts Claims Act violations will be filed in the future.

It was not CATERBONEs actions or willful neglect was

responsible for not adhering to the district courts ORDER of
amending the complaint according the the Federal Rules of
Procedure by the specified time period, September 15, 2007.
CATERBONE was the victim of a vast array of misconduct,
wrongdoing, and criminal acts that have obstructed his
constitutional right to due process, which in itself made it
impossible for CATERBONE to amend the complaint within the
specified time period mandated by the District Court.

b)Did District Court err in dismissing the case without

addressing the factors set forth in the merits analysis in
Poulis v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d
Cir. 1984)?
The Third Circuit clearly recognizes cases that warrant
considerations and protection from abuse of discretion and
erroneous rulings in the dismissal of cases with meritereous
claims. The following excerpt from the opinion in Poulis v.
State Farm Fire & Cas. Co supports this notion:

We recognize that recent literature exhorting the district

judges to move litigation expeditiously by taking firm control
and the 1983 amendments of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure with their numerous references to sanctions may
have contributed to premature dismissals or defaults. Although
sanctions are a necessary part of any court system, we are
concerned that the recent preoccupation with sanctions and
the use of dismissal as a necessary "weapon" in the trial
court's "arsenal" may be contributing to or effecting an
atmosphere in which the meritorious claims or defenses of
innocent parties are no longer the central issue. It does not
further the goal of a court system, that of delivering
evenhanded justice to litigants, to suggest, as did the district
court here, that the plaintiffs would have a remedy by suing
their counsel for malpractice, App. at 5, since this would only
multiply rather than dispose of litigation.

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The Third Circuit further states: We reiterate what we have

said on numerous occasions: that dismissals with prejudice or
defaults are drastic sanctions, termed "extreme" by the
Supreme Court, National Hockey League, 427 U.S. at 643, 96
S.Ct. at 2781, and are to be reserved for comparable cases.

The preceding opinion by the Third Circuit clearly and

unoquivically was written to protect this case and others from
an unjust and premature dismissal. The District Court should
have addressed the factors of the merits analysis set forth in
Poulis v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d Cir.
1984) in making a determination and the drastic sanction of an

Law enforcement and the authorities must be made to bear
the burden of their abuse of process (ignoring complaints and
not investigating) and violations of the Federal Torts Claim Act.
This corrupted environment denied CATERBONE his right to
due process to properly amend this complaint by the specified
time mandaed by the district court and according to the rules
of procedure. The right of due process is clearly stated in
Amendment XIV of the Untied States Constitution:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United
States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of
the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No
state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor
shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

CATERBONE should not be made to bare that burden and

compromise his right to due process with a consequence of the
drastic and sever sanction and dismissal of this case.

The court should also recognize that CATERBONE is pro se and

was denied his Motion For Counsel in the Third Circuit Court of
Appeals. CATERBONE included claims in his Amended
Complaint that address misconduct, wrongdoing, and malice
by as many as 5 highly qualified attorneys that selectively
refused to properly advise and represent CATERBONE in the
pursuit of the claims in this case from 1987 to 2005. By 2005,
CATERBONE was left with no alternative but to appear pro se.
The court would be excersising its right to administer justice
while protecting the doctrines of equality to all that come
before the courts with meritous claims for relief and redress by
ruling in favor of CATERBONE.

The District Court should apply the merits analysis as outlined

in Poulis v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 747 F.2d 863 (3d Cir.
1984) and allow CATERBONE leave for an unspecified time to
amend the complaint in this case and consider consolidating
the complex cases filed by CATERBONE. The complexity of
CATERBONEs cases should not be made to compromise his
right to due process of the law according the the XIV
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Sanctions and Alternative Sanctions may be appropriate to

grant CATERBONE relief for legal fees and costs, while
attempting to litigate this case. CATERBONE is considered
indegent by the district court to appear in forma pauperis, and
proper redress would be appropriate. The levy of fines would
be appropriate to consider against the guilty parties, namely

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Fulton Bank for filing the Motion to Establish a Deadline to

Amend the Complaint on June 19, 2006 and appearing at least
negligent as the lender in the illegal sheriff sale of his
residence and subsequent stolen property ; and the Manhiem
Township Police Department for filing motions which have
delayed expeditious litigation in this case.

In Zucker v. Westinghouse, 374 F.3d 221, 227 (3d Cir. 2004)

the Third Circuit Court recognized that, absent an expression
of congressional intent to the contrary, a plaintiffs entitlement
to attorneys fees is not eliminated merely because he/she was
pro se counsel.

Date: July 1, 2008 Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the Amended

Complaint will been served the 1st day of july of 2008, by first
class mail, Postage prepaid, or by electronic mail upon (With
Permission), or by hand deliver to:

Patricia Baxter, Esq.

Walter H. Swayze, III, Esq.
30 South 17th Street
Suite 1700, United Plaza
Philadelphia, PA 19103

George M. Gowen, 111, Esquire

Stuart A. Weiss, Esquire
Cozen O'Connor
1900 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 1 9103

Christopher S. Underhill, Esq.

Hartman, Underhill & Brubaker, LLC
221 East Chestnut Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

Stephanie Carfley, Esquire

Attorneys For Defendant Fulton Bank
126 East King Street
Lancaster, Pa 17602-2893

Robert W. Hallinger
Appel & Yost LLP
33 North Duke St
Lancaster, Pa 17602

Date: July 1, 2008 Stanley J.
Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont
Lancaster, PA

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1. Page 23: I) Amended Complaint of September 15, 2007

filed by CATERBONE (Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v.
Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,)
2. Page 23: II) Amended Complaint of September 15, 2007
filed by CATERBONE (Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v.
Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,)

3. Page 24: III) Argument contained in the Response to the

Jurisdictional Letter filed by CATERBONE on February 4, 2008
(Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison,
et. al.,)

4. Page 25: IV) Fulton Bank Response to CATERBONE Motion

for Ex Parte Meeting with Judge McLaughlin(Case No. 05-cv-
2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,)

5. Page 26: V) Letter of December 18, 2005 to the Honorable

Judge Mary A. McLaughlin requesting an ex parte meeting sent
by CATERBONE (Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al.,)


Honorable Mary J. McLaughlin filed on June 13, 2006(Case No.
05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,)

7. Page 33: VII) Letter from CATERBONE to the Honorable

Mary J. McLaughlin of January 9, 2007 (Case No. 05-cv-2288
Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,)

8. Page 35: EXHIBITS

a. Page 35: October 22, 2007 ORDER of DISMISSAL by Judge


b. Page 36: November 20, 2007 Notice of Appeal to Third



d. Page 39: 747 F.2d 863 40 Fed.R.Serv.2d 313 Lefteri POULIS

and Athena Poulis, his wife, Appellants, v. STATE FARM FIRE
AND CASUALTY COMPANY. No. 83-5600. United States Court
of Appeals, Third Circuit.

e. Page 47: July 12, 2007 Letter to U.S. Senator Arlen Specter,
Arlen Specter, United States Senate, Washington, DC 20510-

f. Page 49: July 16, 2007 Letter to Federal Bureau of

Investigations, J. Edger Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania
Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

g. Page 53: December 3, 2007 Letter to R. Scott Smith,

Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Fulton
Financial Corporation, One Penn Square, P.O. Box 4887,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

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h. Page 56: December 20, 2007 Letter to Supervisor, Federal

Bureau of Investigation, FBI Harrisburg Field Office,
Harrisburg, PA 17108

i. Page 56(a): Attachments (Calendars) to the December 20,

2007 Letter to Supervisor, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI
Harrisburg Field Office, Harrisburg, PA 17108

I) Amended Complaint of September 15, 2007 filed by

CATERBONE (Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al.,):
AND NOW on this 15th, day of October, 2007, I, Stanley J.
Caterbone, PLAINTIFF, Pro Se Litigant, do hereby file before
the Courts an AMENDMENT to the above case. The PLAINTIFF
requests the Court to grant an additional 60 days to further
amend this complaint and to amend and/or dismiss case no.
06-4650 (Mainly Obstruction of Due Process Complaints from
2005 to 2007) on or before December 15, 2007, at the time of
the next amendment to this complaint. The PLAINTIFF also
seeks clarification from the Court per the rules of original
service; otherwise the PLAINTIFF will service all defendants,
both original and the additional defendants per the 120-day
rule after the filing of the next amendment to this complaint.
The PLAINTIFF will also meet with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation on October 15, 2007 at the time of this filing to
report activities, which have prevented the PLAINTIFF from
completing this amended complaint per the ORDER of July 25,

II) Amended Complaint of September 15, 2007 filed by

CATERBONE(Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al.,):

3. Legal Arguments and issues of the Statute of Limitations

and Time Barred Causes of Actions that support that justice
has been denied and due process subverted thus granting
relief to the PLAINTIFFS:

a. (RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.; A claim may be barred

by the statute of limitations if you discovered or reasonably
should have discovered your injury four or more years ago.

b. Civil RICO claims are not subject to a statute of limitations.

Congress failed to include a statute of limitations when it
passed the RICO Act, but the United States Supreme Court has
remedied that oversight and imposed a four-year statute of
limitations on all civil RICO claims.

c. Civil Rico's statute of limitations begins to run when the

victim discovers or reasonably should have discovered its
injury. Once a victim is aware or should be aware of its injury,
the victim has four years to discover the remaining elements
of its claim and bring suit. A victim cannot sit on its rights and
refrain from filing suit in the face of known injuries.

d. There are several equitable doctrines that may toll or

suspend the running of the statute of limitations. If a
defendant fraudulently conceals facts that are essential to the
victim's ability to purse its rights, the running of the statute of
limitations may be tolled.

e. Acts of duress, such as "if you sue me, I'll kill you," may toll
the running of the statute of limitations.

f. All tolling doctrines are based upon whether it is fair, under

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the circumstances, to bar the victim's claims on the basis of

the running of the statute of limitations.

g. If a defendant engages in a new pattern of racketing, that

causes new and independent injuries, a new limitations period
may apply to those new and independent injuries.

4. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

(commonly referred to as RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.;
RICO is a United States federal law which provides for
extended penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an
ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by section
901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, Pub. L. No.
91-452, 84 Stat. 922 (Oct. 15, 1970). RICO is codified as
Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C.
1961 through 18 U.S.C. 1968. RICO addresses long-term,
not one-shot, criminal activity. Not only must a RICO claim be
based upon criminal activity, but the criminal acts must
constitute a "pattern" of criminal activity.

a. A single criminal act, short-term criminal conduct, or

criminal actions that bear no relationship to each other will not
give rise to a RICO claim. The United States Supreme Court
has ruled that criminal actions constitute a "pattern" only if
they are related and continuous.

b. In ORDER to be "related," the criminal acts must involve the

same victims, have the same methods of commission, involve
the same participants, or be related in some other fashion. A
pattern may be sufficiently continuous if the criminal actions
occurred over a substantial period of time or posed a threat of
indefinite duration.

c. The former patterns are referred to as closed-ended

patterns; the latter patterns are referred to as open-ended
Accordingly, even if you have been injured by a criminal act,
you will not have a RICO claim unless that criminal act is part
of a larger pattern of criminal activity.

III) Argument contained in the Response to the Jurisdictional

Letter filed by CATERBONE on February 4, 2008(Case No. 05-
cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,):



According to Federal Rules of Procedure. Rule 6.(a) The last

day of the period so computed shall be included, unless it is a
Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, or, when the act to be
done is the filing of a paper in court, a day on which weather
or other conditions have made the of6ee of the clerk of the
district court inaccessible, in the event the period runs until the
end of the next day which is not one of the aforementioned
days. The last day, or the 30th day was November 22, 2007;
which was Thanksgiving Day, a legal holiday according to the
Rules of Federal Procedure and the Rules of Federal Appellate

In addition, According to Federal Rules of Procedure Rule 6.(c)

Additional Time After Certain Kinds of Service. Whenever a
party must or may act within a prescribed period after service
and service is made under Rule 5(B)(2)(b), (C), or (D), 3 days

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are added after the prescribed period would otherwise expire

under subdivision (a). Service of the ORDER of October 23rd,
2007 by Judge McLaughlin was made by 1st class mail, which
is included in Rule 5(B)(2)(b); which adds 3 days to the
prescribed period.

The Notice of Appeal, filed on November 23, 2007 in the Clerk

of Courts of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania was timely. According to the Federal Rules of
Appellate Procedure Rule 26. COMPUTING AND EXTENDING
TIME (a) Computing Time. The following rules apply in
computing any period of time specified in these rules or in any
local rule, court order, or applicable statute:

(1) Exclude the day of the act, event, or default that begins
the period.

(2) Exeluding intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal

holidays when the period is less than 11 days, unless stated in
calendar days.

(3) Include the last day of the period unless it in a Saturday,

Sunday, legal holiday, or-if the act to be done is filing a paper
in court--a day on which the weather or other conditions make
the clerk's office inaccessible.

(4) As used in this rule, "legal holiday" means New Year's Day,
Martin Luther Kirrg, Jr.'s Birthday, Washingtons Birthday,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day,
Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any
other day declared a holiday by the President, Congress, or the
state in which is located either the district court that rendered
the challenged Judgment or order, or the circuit clerk's
principal office.

According to Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 26.

Computing and Extending Time. (c) Additional Time After
Service. When a party is required or permitted to act within a
prescribed period after a paper is served on that party, 3
calendar days are added to the prescribed period unless the
paper is delivered on the date of service stated in the proof of
service. Three days shall be added to the 21 days required for
this Response Regarding Jurisdiction to be filed.

IV) Fulton Bank Response to CATERBONE Motion for Ex Parte

Meeting with Judge McLaughlin(Case No. 05-cv-2288
Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,):


Defendant, Fulton Bank, by and through its attorneys, Barley
Snyder, LLC, hereby files the following Response in opposition
to Plaintiffs Motion for Ex Parte Meeting with the Honorable
Mary A. McLaughlin: On or about June 2, 2006, Plaintiff filed a
Motion requesting an ex parte meeting with the Honorable
Mary A. McLaughlin "to discuss the problems of preceding, this
action without obstruction of justice; and to amend the original
complaint as discussed previously." See Plaintiffs Motion.
However, Plaintiff provides no justification whatsoever for his
request for an ex parte meeting with the Court. Rather,
Plaintiff apparently labors under the false assumption that by
proceeding pro se he is absolved of all responsibility to comply
with the rules. Such is not the case. The fact that Plaintiff
decided to be his own lawyer does not excuse him from
following the rules of civil procedure or entitle him to any
particular advantage for lack of legal training. "The right of

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self-representation is not a license to abuse the dignity of the

courtroom. Neither is it a license not to comply with relevant
rules of procedural and substantive law." Faretta v. California,
422 U.S. 806,834 n. 46,95 S.Ct. 2525,2541 n. 46,45 L.Ed.2d
562 (1975).

V) Letter of December 18, 2005 to the Honorable Judge Mary

A. McLaughlin requesting an ex parte meeting sent by
CATERBONE (Case No. 05-cv-2288 Caterbone v. Lancaster
County Prison, et. al.,):

December 18, 2005

Stanley J. Caterbone (pro se)

220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516

United States District Court for the Eastern District of

Honorable Judge Mary A. McLaughlin
Room # 13614
601 Market Street, Room 2609
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1748
Phone: (215) 597-7704
Fax: (215) 597-6390 600

Re: Case No. 05-2288

Honorable Judge Mary A. McLaughlin,

On Thursday, December 15th, in the United States Bankruptcy

Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, I had my 341
Conference with Mr. Ward of the Trustees office of the
Department of Justice, under oath. This meeting was recorded
by Mr. Ward; the only persons present were a Security Officer
of the courts, myself, and Mr. Ward. No creditors elected to

During our meeting I was asked to determine the date of time

in which I will be able to submit my reorganization plan to the
courts as prescribed by law. My answer was that I have not
had access to the above aforementioned case, and until I do, it
would be difficult to develop such a plan. I had also given Mr.
Ward my direct testimony why this case was filed prematurely,
by myself, and the direct incidents which forced me to file this
case on May 16, 2005, in well before I was able to complete
my complaint for the courts.

Since the filing of the above sealed case, I have not had any
access to this complaint, which has been necessary to amend,
both the defendants list and the complaint itself.
I have attempted to correspond with the courts via facsimile
and registered letter on numerous occasions for that very
same purpose.

On October 28th, 2005, I had visited the Clerk of Courts to

ascertain information regarding the same. It was on this day
that the clerks instructed me to your chambers to inquire
directly with you. If you recall, you and several of your clerks
appeared before me in your chambers, at which time you cited
ex parte rules. It was on the instructions of the clerks in the
Clerk of Courts office that directed me to your chambers, since
they were under someones direction not to provide me with
any information concerning my case, or allow me access.

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Since the filing of this case, on May 16, there have been many
developments which directly support and prove my claims, all
of which need to be addressed in my complaint.

There has also been numerous legal, political, and

investigative issues in Washington, D.C., that have arisen
regarding the sensitive National Security concerns that I have
raised, and those must also be addressed in this case. As you
are aware, there are at least 2 Grand Juries currently in
progress concerning the same, both of which are under the
direction of Special Prosecutor Mr. Fitzgerald in the Chicago
Office of the Attorney General, and currently the proposed
legislation for the Patriot Act. There has also been at least one
Grand Jury appointed in the Lancaster County District
Attorneys office concerning many of my issues that I have
defined in my complaint.

Within the past few weeks, I have had to file complaints with
the IFCC of the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning the
hacking and intrusion of my computer and related business
activities (see attached).

In the past months, I have had numerous filings from the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, courts that
have been corrupted, intercepted, or never sent by the
originator, where certificates of service were required by law.
This is outlined in detail in my complaint with the Pennsylvania
Judicial Review Board, case number , and can also be
substantiated from the record of a preliminary hearing before
District Magistrate Boyd, District held on December 1, 2005.

Enclosed you will also find my Request for Appeal, filed with
the Pennsylvania Housing Agency, on December 14, 2005,
which addresses several issues that directly address several
issues in the above aforementioned case.

I am requesting a Hearing to determine the status and the

direction of this case, from you, or an officer of the courts with
whom you select. I will provide a formal request, if required,
as soon as possible.


Stanley J. Caterbone
cc: Honorable Judge Thomas M. Twardowski, United States
Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Mr. Hugh Ward, Department of Justice, Office of the United
States Trustee, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Mr. Donald Totaro, District Attorney, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, Lancaster County

VI) OPINION AND MEMORANDUM by the Honorable Mary J.

McLaughlin filed on June 13, 2006(Case No. 05-cv-2288
Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,):


The pro se plaintiff has made numerous allegations against
numerous defendants in his eighty-seven page complaint The
Court will dismiss the complaint as to moving defendants
Mellon Bank (named as "Commonwealth National Bank"),
Manheim Township Police Department, and Fulton Bank for
failure to state a claim.

The Court will also dismiss the complaint as to non-moving

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defendants Southern Regional Police Department, Stone

Harbor Police Department, Avalon Police Department,
Lancaster County Prison and Lancaster County Sheriff's
Department for failure to serve the complaint and summons.

I. Failure to State a Claim

Each of the moving defendants has moved to dismiss on the
ground that the plaintiff has failed to state a timely claim.' The
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit permits 1
The pro se plaintiff has not opposed any of the motions to
dismiss. By letter to the Court dated March 2, 2006, request
filed March 6, 2006, and letter to the Court dated April 4,
2006, Fulton Bank, Manheim Township, and Mellon Bank
respectively requested that their motions be granted as
uncontested, pursuant to Local Rule of Civil Procedure 7.l(c).
The United States Court o Appeals for the ~hird Circuit has
indicated, however, that courts should not grant motions to
dismiss against unrepresented parties without undertaking a
merits analysis: Stackhouse v. Mazurkiewicz, 951 F.2d 29, 30
(3d Cir. 1991). defendants to raise a statute of limitations
defense in a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b) (6) if the
time-bar is apparent on the face of the complaint. Robinson v.
Johnson, 313 F.3d 128, 135 (3d Cir. 2002).

The plaintiff's eighty-seven page complaint contains many

allegations regarding numerous persons and entities. The
plaintiff's sole allegation against Mellon Bank/Commonwealth
National Bank, however, is that it wrongfully repossessed the
plaintiff's airplane in July 1987.' According to the complaint,
the Bank loaned the plaintiff $97,000 towards the purchase of
an airplane in June 1987. The following month, before any
payments were due, the Bank allegedly repossessed the plane,
with all of the plaintiff's personal and business files on board.
The plaintiff claims that the Bank sought to harm the plaintiff's
business to reduce its competition in the mortgage banking
and financial services businesses, in violation of the 'lender
liability laws." (compl. 25, 31, 34, 37, 83, 3.)

I The plaintiff named "Commonwealth National Bank ((i.e.

Mellon Bank)" as the defendant, but apparently attempted to
effect service by sending a copy of the complaint to "Legal
Counsel, Mellon Bank, N.A." (Doc. No. 8). According to Mellon
Bank, Mellon formerly owned Commonwealth National. For the
purposes of its current motion, Mellon accepted the plaintiff's
attribution of Commonwealth National's actions to Mellon.
(Mellon's Mot. to Dismiss Mem. at 1 n.1.)

The Court assumes that the plaintiff intended to name Mellon

Bank as a defendant for the actions of Commonwealth National
Bank, and will consider and grant Mellon Bank's motion to
dismiss as described. If the plaintiff intended to sue only
Commonwealth National Bank, however, the complaint would
be dismissed as to Commonwealth National Bank for failure to
effect service.

The plaintiff has not explicitly asserted any causes of action

against the Bank. Construing the allegations in the complaint
in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, however, the
plaintiff has arguably asserted claims against the Bank for
conversion, replevin, trespass, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty,
and/or breach of contract arising out of the alleged

Plaintiffs bringing any of these claims must do so within two or

four years. See 42 Pa. C.S. 5 5524(3) and ( 7 ) (imposing two

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year statute of limitations on any "action for taking, detaining

or injuring personal property, including actions for specific
recovery thereof,'' and "[a]ny other action or proceeding to
recover damages for injury to person or property which is
founded on negligent, intentional, or otherwise tortuous
conduct or any other action or proceeding sounding in
trespass, including deceit or fraud"); Glaziers & Glassworkers
Union Local No. 252 Annuity Fund v. Newbridqe Sec., 93 F.3d
1171, 1186 (3d Cir. 1996) (a breach of fiduciary duty is
tortious conduct, subject to a two year statute of limitations) ;
42 Pa.C.S. 5525(a) (imposing four year statute of limitations
on actions based on written, express, or implied contracts).
The plaintiff initiated this lawsuit in May 2005, over seventeen
years after the alleged repossession. It is clear from the face
of the complaint that the plaintiff's claims against the Bank are

I When considering a motion to dismiss under Fed. R. Civ. P.

12(b) (61, a court accepts all facts and allegations listed in the
complaint as true and construes them in the light most
favorable to the plaintiff. H.J. Inc. v. Nw. Bell Tel. Co., 492
U.S. 229, 249 (1989); Rocks v. City of Philadelphia, 868 F.2d
644, 645 (3d Cir. 1989).

With respect to the Manheim Township Police Department, the

plaintiff has alleged that: (11 when the plaintiff asked for help
regarding the repossession of his airplane in July 1987, the
Department's response was to ask "what bank branch
repossessed your aircraft"; (2) on or around September 3,
1987, Detective Larry Sigler falsely charged the plaintiff with
making terroristic threats; (3) on the same day, after the
plaintiff was arrested for taking his own files from his own
office, Detective Larry Mathias refused to take his statement or
inform him of the charges against him, and unnamed officers
used excessive force against him; and (4) in January 1991, a
Lt. Madenspacher called the plaintiff regarding his letter to the
Department of Defense about alleged blackmail occurring in
1987, but failed to attend a scheduled meeting. (Compl. at 5-
6, 33, 39-40, 59.)

Again construing the allegations in the complaint in the light

most favorable to the plaintiff, he has arguably asserted:

(1) assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious

prosecution and/or malicious abuse of process claims arising
out of the charges and arrest in September 1987; and (2) civil
rights claims under 42 U.S.C. 5 1983, arising out of the
Department's actions or inactions in July and September 1987,
and January 1991.

(2) The plaintiff's claims against the Manheim Township Police

Department are also time-barred. Plaintiffs must bring any
claims for intentional torts such as assault, battery, false
imprisonment, false arrest, malicious prosecution and/or
malicious abuse of process within two years. 42 Pa. C.S.

Plaintiffs must also bring any 5 1983 civil rights claims within
two years. Garvin v. Citv of Philadel~hia, 354 F.3d 215, 220
(3d Cir. 2003) (1 1983 claims are subject to Pennsylvania's
two statute of limitations governing personal injury actions).
The plaintiff initiated this lawsuit more than fourteen years
after his last alleged interaction with the Manheim Township
Police Department.'

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Finally, the plaintiff has alleged that Fulton Bank: (1) was
involved in some sort of collusion in 1987; ( 2 ) embezzled
$5,000 from his checking account in 1990, did not credit the
account for more than 60 days, and never credited the lost
interest income; and ( 3 ) refused to allow the plaintiff's
brother, Thomas Caterbone, to deposit a check in 1996, on the
grounds that no funds were available, and was therefore
responsible for his suicide/wrongful death later that year. The
plaintiff has also alleged that, in February 2005: (a) he had
difficulty accessing certain account statements and was told
that he had to pay for copies of those statements; and (b) a
bank customer representative informed him that when a
customer wants to deposit a check for which no funds are
available, the bank must give the customer a choice between
depositing the check or waiting until there are funds.

Finally, the plaintiff has included in his complaint what appears

to be a May 6, 2005 article from the Intelligencer Journal that
names Fulton Bank as a limited partner in Penn Square
Partners, an alleged stakeholder in a proposed Lancaster
County Convention Center. (Compl. at 6 ( a ) , 55-56, 80-81,

4 The complaint states that the plaintiff "rescinded efforts for

due process immediately after loosing [sic] his home and
business," but it also states that the plaintiff "began to review
his case" again in October 1990. (Compl. at 5 6 . )

The plaintiff has arguably asserted claims against Fulton Bank

for: (1) breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, and/or unjust
enrichment, for its actions toward the plaintiff in 1990; and (2)
fraud or wrongful death, for its actions toward the plaintiff's
brother in 1996. These claims are time barred as well. As
explained above, there is a two-year statute of limitations on
actions for breach of fiduciary duty or fraud. 42 Pa. C.S.
$35524(3) and (7). There is a four-year statute of limitations
on unjust enrichment, which is a quasi-contractual claim. 42
Pa. C.S. 5525(4). Finally, there is a two-year statue of
limitations on actions for wrongful death. 42 Pa. C.S. S 5524

The plaintiff's reference to "collusion in 1987" on the part of

Fulton Bank is too vague to state a claim for anything, even
under the liberal notice pleading standards. Likewise, the
plaintiff's allegations regarding his ability to access certain
account statements in February 2005 does not state any
recognizable claim. The plaintiff does not allege that it was
illegal for Fulton Bank to charge to copies of account
statements, or fraudulent for Fulton Bank to say that it
charged. The plaintiff states only that he found the charge
"disheartening," in light of the non-profit status of the account
holder. (Compl. at 81.)

Similarly, the plaintiff's allegations regarding Fulton Bank's

policy on depositing checks with insufficient funds, and its
status as a limited partner in Penn Square Partners, do not
state any claim of wrongdoing against Fulton Bank.

11. Failure to Serve the Complaint The Court will also dismiss
the complaint as to the non moving defendants because the
plaintiff has failed to properly serve the complaint and
summons, and has therefore failed to compl) with the Court's
January 5 , 2006 Order. The plaintiff bears the burden of
showing that service was valid. Grand Entertainment Grouw,
Ltd. v. Star Media Sales, Inc., 988 F.2d 476, 488 (3d Cir.

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The plaintiff has not submitted any evidence that he attempted

to serve the Southern Regional Police Department. For each of
the other defendants, the plaintiff filed a "Certificate of
Service," certifying that the plaintiff mailed "the foregoing
pleading to certain a named or unnamed individual(s)
associated with the defendant, via certified mail. The plaintiff's
attempts at service were improper as to the Lancaster County
(Pennsylvania) Prison and Sheriff's Department, and the Stone
Harbor and Avalon (New Jersey) Police department. Each of
these defendants is an arm of a governmental organization.

Rule 4(j) (2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides

Service upon a state, municipal corporation or other
governmental organization subject to suit shall be effected by
delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint to its
chief executive officer or by serving the summons and
complaint in the manner prescribed bv 5 Mellon Bank,
Manheim Township Police Department, and Fulton Bank also
moved to dismiss for improper service. Because the Court is
dismissing the complaint as against them for failure to state a
claim, the Court need not decide the sufficiency of service as
to these defendants, the law of that state for the service of
summons or other like process upon any such defendant. Fed.
R. Civ. P. 4 (j) (2) (emphasis added). Rule 422(b) of the
Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure provides : Service of
original process upon a political subdivision shall be made by
handing a copv to (1) an agent duly authorized by the political
subdivision to receive service of process, or (2) the person in
charge at the office of the defendant, (3) the mayor, or the
president, chairman, secretary or clerk of the tax levying body
thereof . . . . Pa. R. Civ. 0. 422(b) (emphasis added) Here, the
plaintiff attempted to serve the Lancaster County Prison and
Sheriff's Department by mailing a copy of the complaint to
Howard L. Kelin at Kegel, Kelin, Almy & Grimm, LLP in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania.' The plaintiff's attempt at service was
improper under the federal and Pennsylvania rules of civil
procedure because a copy of the complaint and summons were
not personally served upon an appropriate person.

The New Jersey Court Rules also provide that the primary
method of obtaining in personal jurisdiction over a public
body defendant is to personally serve a copy of the summons
and complaint on the public body's presiding officer, clerk or
secretary, or on a person authorized by appointment or by law
to receive service of process on the public body's behalf. N.J.
Court 6 By letter dated February 2, 2006 (on which the
plaintiff was cc'd), Mr. Kelin informed the Court that he had
been appointed Interim Special Counsel to Lancaster County,
but was not an agent duly authorized to receive service of

R. 4 :4-4 (a) (1) and (8) . New Jersey permits plaintiffs to

make service by mail, but provides that service by mail is only
effective if the defendant answers the complaint or otherwise
appears in response thereto. If defendant does not answer or
appear within 60 days following mailed service, the plaintiff
must make personal service. N.J. Court R. 4:4-4(c).

The plaintiff attempted to serve the Stone Harbor Police

Department by mailing the complaint to Michael Donahue, an
attorney at law in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, on January 17,
2006. The plaintiff also attempted to serve the Avalon Police
Department by mailing the complaint to Stephen Basse, an

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attorney at law in Vineland, New Jersey, on that date. The

plaintiff's attempts to make service by mail were ineffective
under federal or New Jersey law because neither the Stone
Harbor or Avalon Police Departments have answered or
otherwise responded to the complaint in well over 60 days.
Moreover, the plaintiff has not shown that Mr. Donahue or Mr.
Basse are the appropriate persons to receive service for these
public bodies.

VII) Letter from CATERBONE to the Honorable Mary J.

McLaughlin of January 9, 2007 (Case No. 05-cv-2288
Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al.,):

January 9, 2007

Stan Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

The Honorable Judge Mary A. McLaughlin, J.

The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
601 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19101

Re: Case No. 05-2288; 06-4650; 06-5138; 06-4734; 06-CV-

4154; 06-5117; 06-2236; 05-23059BKY

Your Honor;

I am writing to notify the Courts that I have been released

from the Lancaster County Prison on December 29, 2006 at
3:30pm Eastern Standard Time. Unfortunately I have been
unable to contact you prior to this time because of my pressing
criminal Court schedule and the fact that I had no funds
available to purchase paper or postage. As you can see from
the attached, I was at least falsely imprisoned , and was
released upon the success of my Appeal in the Pennsylvania
Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County .

I allege that the imprisonment was meant as another means of

harassment and intimidation, and therefore used to obstruct
my Right to Due Process and Access to the Courts. The Civil
Conspiracy to undermine my efforts to file my Federal False
Claims Act violations and the above cases continues to this

Would you kindly copy this correspondence and circulate the

attached to the other Judges presiding over the above cases? I
also have lost all of the files and evidence that are material to
these matters as explained in the Addendum to the Petition to
Set Aside the Sale. I am requesting another Continuance until
further notice and again am requesting an Ex-Parte meeting
with Your Honor.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Stan J. Caterbone

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: Case No. 05-2288


AND NOW this 22nd day of October, upon consideration of the

Plaintiffs Amendment to Complaint and Motion for Continuance
to further amend the complaint (Docket No. 61) and of the
Courts Order that the Amended Complaint was due by October
15, 2007 and the Court would grant no further extensions of
time, (Docket No. 58) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this case is
This new and, according to the plaintiff, incomplete complaint
in this action named eight defendants; the instant Amendment
to Complaint names several dozen defendants and includes 38
counts. Because the plaintiff has failed to file a valid amended
complaint nearly 16 months after this Court granted him leave
to do so, this case is DISMISSED with prejudice.





Stanley J. Caterbone :
v. : CASE NO. 05-2288 : :
Lancaster County Prison, et al. :


Notice is hereby given that Stanley J. Caterbone, in the above

named case, hereby appeal to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit from an ORDER that failed to
consider the Amended Complaint, DENIED Motion for
Continuance to further amend the complaint, and DISMISSED
the above captioned case, entered in this action on the 22nd
day of October, 2007.

Date: November 20, 2007 Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603



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If you have forgotten to state an important matter in your

complaint, you discover something new after you filed your
complaint, you want to add a defendant, or you want to insert
the true name of a John Doe defendant, you may be able to
file an amended complaint. An amended complaint does not
just add to the first complaint. Once you file an amended
complaint it entirely replaces your original complaint.

Amendments to a complaint are governed by Rule 15(a) of the

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 15(a) provides that:

A party may amend the partys pleading once as a matter of

course at any time before a responsive pleading is served or, if
the pleading is one to which no responsive pleading is
permitted and the action has not been placed upon the trial
calendar, the party may so amend it at any time within 20
days after it is served. Otherwise a party may amend the
partys pleading only by leave of court or by written consent of
the adverse party; and leave shall be freely given when justice
so requires. A party shall plead in response to an amended
pleading within the time remaining for response to the original
pleading or within 10 days after service of the amended
pleading, whichever period may be the longer, unless the court
otherwise orders.

This means that if the defendant has not yet filed an answer to
your complaint, you can file one amended complaint without
permission of the Court. If the defendant has filed a motion to
dismiss but has not filed an answer, you are still entitled to file
one amended complaint without permission. (You are only
permitted to file one amended complaint before defendant files
an answer; if you wish to file a second amended complaint
before defendant files an answer, you must obtain defendants
consent or you must obtain permission from the Court).
However, if the defendant has already filed his answer to your
complaint, you must get written consent from the defendant or
permission of the Court before amending your complaint. If the
defendant agrees in writing that you can file an amended
complaint, you must ask the judge to write So Ordered on
the written consent, indicating that the judge has approved the
consent. If the defendant does not give you written consent,
you can ask permission from the Court by filing a motion to
amend the complaint and including a copy of the proposed
amended complaint with your motion papers. Instructions for
preparing a motion are attached and are available separately.

If you file an amended complaint. It must be captioned as an

Amended Complaint.

If you decide to amend your complaint before defendant has
been served with your original complaint and summons, you
should serve the amended complaint on defendant and file the
original amended complaint with the Pro Se Office as follows:
1. Make copies of your amended complaint.
2. Keep one copy for your own records.
3. File the original of your amended complaint with the Pro Se
4. If you have not added new defendants in your amended
complaint, use the summons that was originally issued by the
5. Have a copy of the summons and a copy of the amended

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complaint served on each defendant by someone who is over

eighteen and is not a party to the action. The original
summons with the seal of the court embossed on it must be
returned to the Court, so do not serve the original summons
on any defendant.
6. Have the person who serves the summons and amended
complaint on each defendant complete an affidavit or
affirmation of service of process form.
7. Make a copy of the affidavit or affirmation of service of
process and keep it for your own records.
8. Attach the original affidavit or affirmation of service to the
original summons.
9. File the original summons and the affidavit or affirmation of
service of process with
the Pro Se Office.


If you decide to amend your complaint after the defendant has
been properly served with your original complaint and
summons (and you have not added any new defendants in
your amended complaint), you should take the following steps:
1. Make copies of your amended complaint.
2. Keep one copy for your own records.
3. Send a copy of your amended complaint to the attorney for
each defendant by ordinary first-class mail.
4. Complete an affidavit or affirmation of service of process
form stating that the amended complaint was mailed to each
5. Make a copy of the affidavit or affirmation of service of
process and keep it for your own records.
6. File the original amended complaint and your original
affidavit or affirmation of service of process with the Pro Se



If you decide to amend your complaint after some defendants

have been served with your original complaint and summons
but before other defendants have been served (or you have
added new defendants in your amended complaint), you
should take the following steps:
1. Make copies of your amended complaint.
2. Keep one copy for your own records.
3. Send a copy of your amended complaint by ordinary first-
class mail to each defendant who has already been served.
4. Complete an affidavit or affirmation of service of process
form stating that the amended complaint and summons was
mailed to each defendant.
5. Make a copy of the affidavit or affirmation of service of
process and keep it for your own records.
6. File the original amended complaint and original affidavit or
affirmation of service of process with the Pro Se Office.
7. If you have not added new defendants in your amended
complaint, you must serve the amended complaint on the
defendant who has not yet been properly served. If you have
added new defendants, the Court will issue an amended
summons, which must be served with the amended complaint.
If you are adding defendants, you must bring this to the
attention of the Pro Se Writ Clerk.
8. Have a copy of the amended summons and a copy of the

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amended complaint served 4 pursuant to Rule 4 of the Federal

Rules on any defendant who was not previously served with
the original complaint.
9. Have the person who served the amended summons and
the amended complaint to each of the new defendants
complete an affidavit or affirmation of service of process form.
10. Make a copy of the affidavit or affirmation of service of
11. Attach the affidavit or affirmation of service of process to
the amended summons.
12. File the original amended summons and the original
affidavit or affirmation of service of process with the Pro Se

If you have questions regarding any of the procedures listed

above, please contact the Pro Se Office at 718-613-2665.


747 F.2d 863

40 Fed.R.Serv.2d 313
Lefteri POULIS and Athena Poulis, his wife, Appellants,
No. 83-5600.
United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.
Argued April 3, 1984.
Decided Nov. 5, 1984.
George Retos, Jr. (Argued), Retos, Held & Associates,
Washington, Pa., for appellants.
Paul K. Geer (Argued), Jones, Gregg, Creehan & Gerace,
Pittsburgh, Pa., for appellee.
Before GIBBONS, SLOVITER, Circuit Judges, and BISSELL,
District Judge*.
SLOVITER, Circuit Judge.
This appeal, as well as another decided today involving the
same attorney and district court judge, Scarborough v.
Eubanks, 747 F.2d 871, is brought from a final order
dismissing the complaint with prejudice due to counsel's failure
to meet court-imposed deadlines and other procedural
Lefteri and Athena Poulis filed suit against State Farm Fire and
Casualty Company (State Farm) in November 1981, in the
Court of Common Pleas of Washington County, Pennsylvania,
to recover under an insurance policy after fire damaged their
home. State Farm removed the case to the United States
District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania based on
diversity of citizenship. In its answer, it denied liability,
asserting that plaintiffs had intentionally caused the fire, had
concealed and misrepresented information, and had not filed
their action in time.
On March 12, 1982, the district court ordered that discovery
would close June 14, 1982; that plaintiffs' pre-trial statement
would be due July 5; and that defendant's statement would be
due July 26. A pre-trial conference was set for August 13. The
docket reveals no action by plaintiffs seeking discovery. On
April 15, State Farm filed notice of service of interrogatories on
plaintiffs. No answers to these interrogatories were or have
ever been filed, and plaintiffs did not file their pre-trial

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statement by July 5 as required. Therefore defendant filed its

pre-trial statement first, on July 28, together with a motion to
compel answers to interrogatories. A member of the district
judge's staff advised plaintiffs' counsel, George Retos, Jr., that
the statement was overdue and Retos promised to submit a
statement by the next day. He neither did so nor requested
any extension. On August 5 the district court, sua sponte,
dismissed the case with prejudice for plaintiffs' failure to
comply with the orders to file the pre-trial statement.
Retos filed a pre-trial statement on August 9, together with a
motion under Rule 60(b) to reconsider and set aside the
dismissal, alleging that an illness prevented him from working
between July 6 through July 17; that other attorneys could not
have taken over because only Retos spoke Greek and could
communicate with plaintiff Lefteri Poulis; that Retos' pregnant
wife went into false labor on July 29 and 30, and that he had
"inadvertently set aside the required work for the instant case
on July 29, 1982, due to his concern for his wife" and was
"render[ed] unable to prepare the necessary Pre-Trial
Statement;" that on his return to work other tasks had
backlogged; and that although he had dictated a statement on
August 4, it had been mailed on August 6 when it was typed
and ready.
The district court denied reconsideration. On appeal, this court
vacated the order of dismissal. Poulis v. State Farm Fire &
Casualty Co., 714 F.2d 124 (3d Cir.1983) (Poulis I ) (per
curiam). We noted there was "no allegation that plaintiffs, as
distinguished from their counsel, were in any way responsible
for the failure to comply with the court's order." We recognized
that in National Hockey League v. Metropolitan Hockey Club,
Inc., 427 U.S. 639, 96 S.Ct. 2278, 49 L.Ed.2d 747 (1976), a
dismissal was upheld where plaintiffs had acted in "flagrant
bad faith" and counsel "had behaved with 'callous disregard' of
[his] responsibilities," id. at 643, 96 S.Ct. at 2781, but
observed that "[t]he case at hand is not as extreme."
We pointed out that in an earlier opinion, Donnelly v. Johns-
Manville Sales Corp., 677 F.2d 339, 342 (3d Cir.1982), we had
stated that "dismissal is a drastic sanction and should be
reserved for those cases where there is a clear record of delay
or contumacious conduct by the plaintiff." However, because
Retos' excuses failed to account for many days on which a pre-
trial statement could have been filed, we observed that some
sanction was "amply justified." Accordingly, we vacated the
dismissal and remanded to permit the district court to consider
alternatives to dismissal, stating, "Alternatives are particularly
appropriate when the plaintiff has not personally contributed to
the delinquency."
On remand, the district court ordered the parties to file briefs
on appropriate alternative sanctions. Plaintiffs' brief, filed four
days late, stated that such sanctions would be costs,
attorneys' fees, and monetary penalties imposed on him, but
argued that "[s]ince the Third Circuit has specifically assessed
the costs of the appeal in this matter against plaintiffs' counsel
personally, it has ruled on the sanctions which are to be
applied in the instant matter [and] alternative sanctions are
now inappropriate." App. at 10-11.
In its brief State Farm took a more reasonable position. It
noted that "[i]n this case the defendant has been more
prejudiced by plaintiffs' failure to answer interrogatories then
[sic] by its counsel's failure to file the Pre-Trial Statement on

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time." App. at 16. State Farm urged the court to reopen

discovery so that it could "have the opportunity to examine
plaintiffs' Answers to Interrogatories, conduct further
investigation if necessary, and depose the plaintiffs or other
witnesses known to plaintiffs if such action is deemed
necessary and appropriate." App. at 15. State Farm suggested,
"If discovery is reopened, State Farm believes there would be
no need to utilize the somewhat harsh remedy of limiting or
restricting plaintiffs' witnesses at trial." App. at 16 (emphasis
added). In light of this court's order, State Farm requested an
award of $750.00 in attorneys' fees which it incurred because
of the dismissal and appeal, and sought a prospective
limitation on interest due should it ultimately be held liable on
plaintiffs' claim.
Significantly, in its brief State Farm further stated, "State Farm
strongly believes that the most expeditious manner of
disposing of this case can be provided by ruling on the
Defendant's Motion to Dismiss which was filed on July 7,
1982," approximately three weeks following the close of
discovery and which was denied by the district court because
of its policy not to consider motions to dismiss filed more than
two weeks after the close of discovery. App. at 16.
Notwithstanding the defendant's submission, the district court
reinstated its sua sponte sanction of dismissal, stating that
there was no appropriate alternative:
There are no costs which can be charged to plaintiffs' counsel
at this point. Further, this was not a situation in which defense
counsel was forced to make an unnecessary trip to court
because of plaintiffs' counsel's failure to appear. The defendant
has only been required to incur fees in an amount that would
have been incurred if the case normally proceeded to this
point. Thus, this is not an appropriate case for attorney's fees.
Finally, the court finds no authority for levying a fine against
plaintiffs' counsel as a penalty. Rather than imposing fines and
costs of [sic] other sanctions prior to dismissal, plaintiffs'
counsel was afforded many opportunities to cure the problems,
but he has failed to do so. Sanctions not being appropriate, the
court has no alternative but dismissal to motivate plaintiff's
counsel to comply with deadlines.
App. at 3-4 (footnotes and citation omitted). The district court
intimated its displeasure with the remand in Poulis I but it was
unequivocal in its disagreement with the remand in a similar
case from another district, Titus v. Mercedes Benz of North
America, 695 F.2d 746 (3d Cir.1982). The district court stated:
"Judge Garth's dissent in Titus, indicates that deliberate,
dilatory action is a basis for dismissal, even under Donnelly,
and further indicates that the Circuit Court should only reverse
such a decision for abuse of discretion.... [T]his Court finds
Judge Garth's dissent persuasive and adopts his dissent, and
the cases cited therein, as further support for this decision."
App. at 5 (emphasis added).
We treat this extraordinary statement at the outset. Whatever
may be the personal views of the district court as to the merits
vel non of a decision of this court, the district court is not free
to "adopt" the dissent. This court is strict in its adherence to
the precedent of its earlier opinions. Our own Internal
Operating Procedures are explicit and provide,
It is the tradition of this court that reported panel opinions are
binding on subsequent panels. Thus, no subsequent panel

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overrules a published opinion of a previous panel. Court in

banc consideration is required to overrule a published opinion
of this court.
Internal Operating Procedures of the Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit, Chapter 8.C. If the judges of this court are bound
by earlier panels, a fortiori district court judges are similarly
bound. Recognition of the hierarchical nature of the federal
judiciary requires no less.
Moreover the reported decisions of this court over the past two
years evidence the consistency of this court's rulings
emphasizing the extreme nature of a dismissal with prejudice
or default judgment. See Hritz v. Woma Corp., 732 F.2d 1178
(3d Cir.1984); In re MacMeekin, 722 F.2d 32 (3d Cir.1983);
Madesky v. Campbell, 705 F.2d 703 (3d Cir.1983); Gross v.
Stereo Component Systems, Inc., 700 F.2d 120 (3d Cir.1983);
Titus v. Mercedez Benz of North America, 695 F.2d 746 (3d
Cir.1982); Feliciano v. Reliant Tooling Co., 691 F.2d 653 (3d
Cir.1982); Farnese v. Bagnasco, 687 F.2d 761 (3d Cir.1982);
Donnelly v. Johns-Manville Sales Corp., 677 F.2d 339 (3d
We recognize that recent literature exhorting the district
judges to move litigation expeditiously by taking firm control
and the 1983 amendments of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure with their numerous references to sanctions may
have contributed to premature dismissals or defaults. Although
sanctions are a necessary part of any court system, we are
concerned that the recent preoccupation with sanctions and
the use of dismissal as a necessary "weapon" in the trial
court's "arsenal" may be contributing to or effecting an
atmosphere in which the meritorious claims or defenses of
innocent parties are no longer the central issue. It does not
further the goal of a court system, that of delivering
evenhanded justice to litigants, to suggest, as did the district
court here, that the plaintiffs would have a remedy by suing
their counsel for malpractice, App. at 5, since this would only
multiply rather than dispose of litigation.
We reiterate what we have said on numerous occasions: that
dismissals with prejudice or defaults are drastic sanctions,
termed "extreme" by the Supreme Court, National Hockey
League, 427 U.S. at 643, 96 S.Ct. at 2781, and are to be
reserved for comparable cases.
In exercising our appellate function to determine whether the
trial court has abused its discretion in dismissing, or refusing
to lift a default, we will be guided by the manner in which the
trial court balanced the following factors, which have been
enumerated in the earlier cases, and whether the record
supports its findings: (1) the extent of the party 's personal
responsibility; (2) the prejudice to the adversary caused by the
failure to meet scheduling orders and respond to discovery;
(3) a history of dilatoriness; (4) whether the conduct of the
party or the attorney was willful or in bad faith; (5) the
effectiveness of sanctions other than dismissal, which entails
an analysis of alternative sanctions; and (6) the
meritoriousness of the claim or defense.
We turn to apply these factors in the circumstances of this

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1. The extent of the party's personal responsibility.

There has been no suggestion by any party or by the district
court that the Poulis plaintiffs are personally responsible for
the late pretrial statement, which was the basis for the
dismissal. Indeed, Retos has acknowledged the delays were his
responsibility and assigned as the reason his illness from July 6
through 17 and the subsequent false labor of his wife on July
29 and 30.
This is therefore unlike the National Hockey League case where
the Supreme Court upheld the "extreme sanction of dismissal"
after noting that there had been "flagrant bad faith" on the
part of the plaintiffs as well as "callous disregard" by their
counsel of their responsibilities. 427 U.S. at 643, 96 S.Ct. at
2781. However, the Poulis' lack of responsibility for their
counsel's dilatory conduct is not dispositive, because a client
cannot always avoid the consequences of the acts or omissions
of its counsel. See Link v. Wabash Railroad, 370 U.S. 626,
633, 82 S.Ct. 1386, 1390, 8 L.Ed.2d 734 (1962).
2. Prejudice to the adversary.
As the district court stated, there has been prejudice to the
defendant by the plaintiffs' counsel's conduct. The
interrogatories were never answered nor were objections filed;
defense counsel was obliged to file a motion to compel
answers, and was obliged to file its pretrial statement without
the opportunity to review plaintiffs' pretrial statement which
was due to be filed first. App. at 4. The court's finding that
"defendant encountered lack of cooperation from the plaintiff
in areas where the plaintiff should cooperate under the spirit of
the federal procedural rules," id., is supported by the record.
3. A history of dilatoriness.
As noted above, this litigation has been characterized by a
consistent delay by plaintiffs' counsel. Unlike the Donnelly
case, for example, where there was only one failure to comply
in a timely manner, i.e. in obtaining local counsel, in this case
there has been a pattern of dilatoriness. Time limits imposed
by the rules and the court serve an important purpose for the
expeditious processing of litigation. If compliance is not
feasible, a timely request for an extension should be made to
the court. A history by counsel of ignoring these time limits is
4. Whether the attorney's conduct was willful or in bad faith.
Although the district court concluded that "plaintiffs' counsel's
conduct [was] of such a dilatory and contumacious nature to
require dismissal," App. at 5, there is nothing in the record to
support the "contumacious" finding. Nothing in the court's
discussion preceding this conclusion is directed toward the
willfulness issue but only toward dilatoriness. There has been
no suggestion or indication that counsel's illness during July
1982 and his wife's late pregnancy and false labor at the end
of that month did not occur as he represented.
In the appellants' brief, counsel characterizes his conduct as
"excusable neglect" and seeks to explain the district court's
characterization of his conduct as "deliberate" and
"contumacious" as the result of a "personality conflict"
between counsel and the district judge. Appellants' brief at 8.
He refers us to four recent appeals in which he allegedly

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"clashed" with the same district judge.2 However, even in

those cases in which we vacated the dismissal, the record
showed that counsel failed to comply with the rules and
deadlines imposed by the district court. Thus, while some
disaffinity has apparently been engendered between the
district judge and counsel we see no basis to hold the district
judge responsible. Nonetheless, as noted at the beginning of
this section, we also find no basis for terming counsel's
conduct in this case "contumacious".
5. Alternative sanctions.
The district court concluded that it had "no alternative but
dismissal" because no other sanctions were appropriate. The
district court stated that there was no authority for levying a
fine against plaintiffs' counsel as a penalty. See Gamble v.
Pope & Talbot, Inc., 307 F.2d 729 (3d Cir.) (in banc), cert.
denied, 371 U.S. 888, 83 S.Ct. 187, 9 L.Ed.2d 123 (1962).3
However, the court also stated that "there are no costs which
can be charged to plaintiffs' counsel at this point." This finding
was erroneous. Defendant's counsel had asked the court to
impose as a sanction the $750 attorney fee which it had
incurred in defending the appeal in Poulis I. The district court
apparently assumed that the costs of that appeal had already
been charged to plaintiffs' counsel. However, we had not
assessed any attorney's fee as part of our imposition of appeal
costs on plaintiffs' counsel personally.4 The district court also
could have imposed on plaintiffs' counsel the costs, including
attorney's fees, of preparing the motion to compel answers to
interrogatories and the brief on alternative sanctions, all of
which were incurred because of the dilatoriness of plaintiffs'
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the 1983
amendments, the district court is specifically authorized to
impose on an attorney those expenses, including attorneys'
fees, caused by unjustified failure to comply with discovery
orders or pretrial orders. See Fed.R.Civ.P. 16(f), 37(a)(4), 37
(b), 37(d) and 37(g). See also 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1927. The most
direct and therefore preferable sanction for the pattern of
attorney delay such as that which the district court
encountered in this case would be to impose the excess costs
caused by such conduct directly upon the attorney, with an
order that such costs are not to be passed on to the client,
directly or indirectly. This would avoid compelling an innocent
party to bear the brunt of its counsel's dereliction. Dismissal
must be a sanction of last, not first, resort.
6. Meritoriousness of the claim.
In considering whether a claim or defense appears to be
meritorious for this inquiry, we do not purport to use summary
judgment standards. A claim, or defense, will be deemed
meritorious when the allegations of the pleadings, if
established at trial, would support recovery by plaintiff or
would constitute a complete defense. See United States v.
$55,518.05 in U.S. Currency, 728 F.2d at 195; Feliciano v.
Reliant Tooling Co., 691 F.2d at 657; Farnese v. Bagnasco,
687 F.2d at 764.
In this case, the defendant suggested to the district court that
the most expeditious way to process this litigation was to rule
on its motion to dismiss plaintiffs' claim as untimely because it
was not brought within a year of the loss, as required by the
policy. The district court's denial of that motion because of its

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"policy ... not to consider motions to dismiss filed more than

two weeks after the close of discovery," Order of August 2,
1982, appears to conflict with Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(h)(2) which
permits a defense of failure to state a claim upon which relief
can be granted to be raised by motion as late as at the trial on
the merits. Since the motion was timely under Rule 12(h)
because it was pleaded in the answer, its consideration by the
district court might have avoided the entire controversy
regarding the pretrial proceedings and the two appeals to this
court, and could have given the parties a disposition on the
Certainly, the defense that the plaintiffs' claim must fail
because it has not been brought within the one year limitation
provision of the policy is, on its face, compelling. See Schreiber
v. Pennsylvania Lumberman's Mutual Ins. Co., 498 Pa. 21, 444
A.2d 647 (1982). In their complaint plaintiffs made no
allegation that would avoid this facial untimeliness by invoking
Pennsylvania's law of waiver of the time limit set forth in an
insurance policy. See Commonwealth v. Transamerica Ins. Co.,
462 Pa. 268, 341 A.2d 74 (1975). Moreover, plaintiffs filed no
answer to the motion to dismiss. For the purpose of evaluating
the facial validity of the claim or defense, we cannot rely on
the vague and nonspecific statements in plaintiffs' pretrial
memorandum that they would produce witnesses to show that
defendant led them to believe they would not be barred from
filing an action on the claim more than 12 months from the
date of the fire. While we express no opinion on whether
summary judgment or dismissal would have been warranted
on this ground, the existence of a prima facie defense is a
factor to be weighed along with the foregoing factors.
The above factors should be weighed by the district courts in
order to assure that the "extreme" sanction of dismissal or
default is reserved for the instances in which it is justly
merited. In this case, although there was no contumacious
behavior, the pattern of dilatory behavior is compounded by
the plaintiffs' failure to file any answers to interrogatories,
defendant was compelled to file its pretrial statement without
such answers and without seeing plaintiffs' pretrial statement,
and there is a prima facie defense to the claim. Under these
circumstances, although we might not have reached the same
result as did this district court judge, we cannot say that the
district court abused its discretion in ordering the dismissal.
Therefore, we will affirm the judgment of the district court.
Hon. John W. Bissell, United States District Court for the
District of New Jersey, sitting by designation
We believe it important to point out that we have not hesitated
to affirm the district court's imposition of sanctions, including
dismissals in appropriate cases, cf. United States v.
$55,518.05 in U.S. Currency, 728 F.2d 192 (3d Cir.1984)
(default judgment) (in which Judge Garth dissented on the
ground that the dispute was prematurely ended without being
reviewed on the merits), although under our procedures that is
often done by judgment order affirmance
In two of these cases, this one and Scarborough v. Eubanks,
also decided today, 747 F.2d 871 (3d Cir.1984), the district
court dismissed the complaint, and in the third, the court
entered a default judgment against Retos' client, Miller v.
Blower, No. 82-0757 (W.D.Pa. Feb. 2, 1983), vacated and

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remanded, 732 F.2d 146 (3d Cir.1984) (unreported). The

fourth case, United States v. Golna, No. 81-179 (W.D.Pa.)
aff'd, 714 F.2d 125 (3d Cir.1983) (unreported), was not
appealed on the basis of any sanctions imposed by the district
This issue is presently pending before this court in Eash v.
Riggins Trucking, Inc., No. 83-5664 (order for in banc
consideration filed Oct. 11, 1984)
It was a non sequitur for plaintiff to have argued in his brief on
alternative sanctions filed with the district court that since we
specifically assessed the costs of the appeal against him
personally, we already ruled on the sanctions to be applied. If
so, there would have been no basis for us to have remanded
for precisely this purpose
In this connection we note the commendable procedure
followed by Judge Grady of the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois, who has found that attention to
some of the legal issues during a discovery conference called
under Rule 26(f) has substantially reduced the need for
discovery. See Grady, Finding Our Way Through the Discovery
Jungle, 21 The Judges' Journal 4, 42-43 (1982).


July 12, 2007

Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-3802

Re: Letter of June 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Specter:

I appreciate your letter of June 15, 2007 and the future of the
Federal Courthouse in Lancaster County. I dont think that
there is anything more important than the integrity of our
judicial system. As you are aware, I am following the Attorney
General controversy and would hope that your committee is
successful in restoring the tradition of respect and integrity
into that institution. I dont see how our great country can
function with respect without that happening. I would hope
that Attorney General Gonzales takes the high road and
resigns in the very near future, for the greater good.

Unfortunately, I have some personal and business issues that I

consider important enough for me to seek your help, as being
one of my representatives to the United States Senate. First of
all, I received your letter yesterday, July 11, 2007. It was held
in the mail system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I
have had so many complaints regarding the same that I filed a
complaint with the United States Postal Inspector. They had
written me but I never did receive the follow-up to the
Investigation as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy of

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the letter with the hopes that you could follow-up and make
certain that my complaint is not being subverted.

If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and

Federal False Claims Act case that I need to file against the
United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor
International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC) formerly of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented
case of obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I
am evaluating the merits of waiting until your subcommittee
finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before
I file my action in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain that any filing
before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases
now before the United States District Courts and the various
Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to an
unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize
that you do not have the authority or the jurisdiction to
intervene, so I am told. There is a problem that I must bring to
your attention in the hopes that you would be able to at least
refer me to the appropriate committees or agency. For
approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to
communicate telepathically. I have spent much time
researching this ability through the various intelligence
agencies declassified documents.

My problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person that is

compromising my interests and my intellectual property at a
time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings. My
business interests are also greatly compromised. I do not know
how I became telepathic, or if I was trained without my
knowledge and or consent. I need to seek help in trying to
disconnect. The person that is connected to me subjects me to
a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse.

I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium for this
purpose. I have waited 20 years to resolve my issues in a
Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to
assert itself, and of course it is very suspect considering my
Federal False Claims Act allegations.

Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the

Department of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) that dates
back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute
of Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they
study and research paranormal activities and technologies,
including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and
my knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put
me in direct scrutiny of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their
relationships with ISC, and of course my very public
condemnation of the fraud.

In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified

document dump from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet
Union dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject.
It appears that they have more knowledge and expertise than
the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have
had two contacts and intimate conversation with an 80-year-
old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to
be knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several
disclosures, which may or not be true.

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 121 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Third Circuit Brief Page 41 of 46

She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree

and a former employee of the Pennsylvania State University
System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.

I will copy Senator Diane Feinstein of California with this letter.

The fact that she serves on the Judiciary Committee with you
and the fact that she is also on the Senate Select Intelligence
Committee might help me find a solution to this problem. I
would hope that you both might be able to help me find
someone that can help me disconnect from this other
telepathic person, while at the same time taking any making
certain there are no National Security issues.

In another matter, I also will enclose a copy of an email from

the Government Accounting Office (GAO) pertaining a
document that I am trying to locate that was sent to me in
1987 from the GAO. I would appreciate it if you could follow-
up on this and make sure I am afforded the FOIA for this

I look forward to your response.

Stan J. Caterbone

cc: USPS Certified Mail

Enclosures: Letter of June 15, 2007

May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


July 16, 2007

Stan Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Federal Bureau of Investigations

J. Edger Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Re: Important Matters

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, I received a personal letter from Senator Arlen

Specter on July 11, 2007. It was held in the mail system or
was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many
complaints regarding the same that I filed a complaint with the
United States Postal Inspector (See Attached). They had
written me but I never did receive the follow-up to the
investigation as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy of
the letter with the hopes that you could followup and make
certain that my complaint is not being subverted.

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Third Circuit Brief Page 42 of 46

If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and

Federal False Claims Act case that I need to file against the
United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case
involves the former Department of Defense contractor
International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC) formerly of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I also have an unprecedented
case of obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I
am evaluating the merits of waiting until your subcommittee
finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before
I file my action in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain that any filing
before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases
now before the United States District Courts and the various
Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to an
unprecedented array of judicial misconduct. However, I realize
that you do not have the authority or the jurisdiction to
intervene, so I am told.

For approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to

communicate telepathically. I have spent much time
researching this ability through the various intelligence
agencies declassified documents. My problem is that I am
connected 24/7 with a person (Sheryl Crow) that is
compromising my interests and my intellectual property at a
time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings. My
business interests are also greatly compromised.

I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was trained

without my knowledge and or consent. I need to seek help in
trying to disconnect. The person that is connected to me
subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological
abuse. I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium
for this purpose. I have waited 20 years to resolve my issues
in a Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to
assert itself, and of course it is very suspect considering my
Federal False Claims Act allegations.

Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the

Department of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) that dates
back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute
of Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they
study and research paranormal activities and technologies,
including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and
my knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put
me in direct scrutiny of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their
relationships with ISC, and of course my very public
condemnation of the fraud. I dont know if any of your agents
have any experience with this type of situation, but there are
definitely National Security issues that may need to be
addressed. There are persons that can actually eaves drop on
this type of communication, and I am constantly being
question on matters related to ISC, and other foreign affairs.
My knowledge of the Middle East is quite extensive, and there
is always the possibility for someone to glean information for
illegitimate reasons.

In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified

document dump from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet
Union dating as far back as the 1930s regarding this subject.
It appears that they have more knowledge and expertise than
the United States. This brings me to a disclosure that may or
may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 123 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Third Circuit Brief Page 43 of 46

had two contacts and intimate conversation with an 80-year-

old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to
be knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several
disclosures, which may or not be true.

She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree

and a former employee of the Pennsylvania State University
System. She also disclosed that her former husband was
imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.

I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone

cc: USPS Certified Mail

Enclosures: Letter of June 15, 2007

May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO


December 3, 2007
Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

R. Scott Smith
Chairman, President
And Chief Executive Officer
Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Re: Black Budget Identities of the United States Government

regarding Covert Activates & Mind Control
Rufus Fulton, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer &
Department of Defense
Caterbone v. Fulton Bank litigation
Federal False Claims Act Complaint re International Signal &
Control (ISC) of Lancaster, PA

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to bring to your attention a very dire matter that

severely implicates Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial
Corporation. I would like to bring to your attention the Rufus
Fulton interview of November 21, 2007 broadcast on WGAL TV
8 News at 6. This interview disclosed National Security
information for the first time regarding his work for the
Department of Defense and the Kennedy Administration.

I am suggesting that his classified work with the Department

of Defense and his present influence concerning National

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Security matters is a dire conflict of interest concerning my

litigation against Fulton Bank that needs to be investigated by
outside agencies and or authorities.

I have serious questions regarding the Defense Intelligence

Agency and the possible collusion with your institution. You
have to understand that in July of 2005 while I was visiting a
museum on a military base in Austin Texas, I was detained by
2 agents for the Defense Intelligence Agency and questioned
about my Federal case 02-5588 Caterbone v. Lancaster County
Prison, et al., which Fulton Bank is a defendant, and my
whereabouts as well as my destination.

They required me to verify where I was staying, and called my

brother Phil's Doctors office in Austin, whom I was staying
with, and caused his staff problems by getting them alarmed
about the situation. They were not very nice and I left them
with the question "We are all on the same team, aren't we?

They left me be on my way after reviewing my documents and

my Federal civil complaint, which included information about
ISC and my allegations and Federal False Claims Act; and
demanding that I do not visit any more military bases. To my
knowledge I have had no physical contact since.

The problem is the involvement of the Department of Defense,

Mr. Rufus Fultons past affiliation and possible influence, my
allegations and civil complaints against Fulton Bank, and my
telepathic abilities and remote viewing .

For some time I have been trying to identify groups and or

agencies that may have remotely trained me. I have written to
and personally visited the office of Senator Arlen Specter , the
Federal Bureau of Investigation , the Senate Select Committee
for Intelligence , and corresponded with the Defense Advanced
for Research Projects Agency , and the Central Intelligence
Agency with the hopes of finding some answers. However they
have proved fruitless.

See the attached research document dated Thursday,

November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: ITS
it is a report that identifies organizations, agencies, and
companies that are directly involved with mental telepathy and
remote viewing, most of which operate under the direction and
funding of the Department of Defense. I have just recently
discovered this document on Friday, November 30, 2007 and
found it most disturbing after having to watch the Rufus Fulton
interview the prior week. Pay particular attention to the items
in red highlight.

Your Board of Directors and the Securities and Exchange

Commission should be and will be alerted to this discovery. I
wish you would reconsider your letter of November 14, 2007
and your position no to meet with me personally to discuss
some of these issues. I believe it will be in your best interest
to stay ahead of this information. A civil and criminal
conspiracy allegation that involves this information will have
dire consequences to your major stakeholders and your

As a courtesy I will promise to give you until the end of this

week, December 7, 2007 to review this material and perform
any due diligence that you seem worthy; and communicate a
response. After that time, I will take it upon myself to disclose

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this information as it pertains to Fulton Bank and Fulton

Financial Corporation to the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and others that will help protect my interests and
the interests of the Advanced Media Group and my litigation v.
Fulton Bank.


Advanced Media Group

Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog
Visit Our Video Biography

Copy to file
Deliver to Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC


December 20, 2007

Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Harrisburg Field Office
Harrisburg, PA 17108

Re: Visit on December 14, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam:

Last Friday, December 14, 2007, I visited your office to review

and make additional complaints regarding my recent visits to
your office. Unfortunately, I could not remember the dates of
our meetings. I could only leave with you a DVD containing my
complaint and evidence thereof.
Fortunately for your office, and me I have reviewed my
records concerning my visits, calls, and online complaints to
your office, and the FBI at-large. You will find the records
attached. There may be more documented contacts and
For your review, I also attached information regarding the
Federal Tort Claims Act.
Please proceed accordingly.


Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group


cc: file
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter

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|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 127 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Amended Complaint Oct '07 Page 1 of 55






Case No. 05-cv-2288

U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 07-4474



MELLON BANK (Formerly Commonwealth National Bank)



AND NOW on this 15th, day of October, 2007, I, Stanley J.

Caterbone, PLAINTIFF, Pro Se Litigant, do hereby file before
the Courts an AMENDMENT to the above case. The PLAINTIFF
requests the Court to grant an additional 60 days to further
amend this complaint and to amend and/or dismiss case no.
06-4650 on or before December 15, 2007, at the time of the
next amendment to this complaint. The PLAINTIFF also seeks
clarification from the Court per the rules of original service;
otherwise the PLAINTIFF will service all defendants, both
original and the additional defendants per the 120-day rule
after the filing of the next amendment to this complaint. The
PLAINTIFF will also meet with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation on October 15, 2007 at the time of this filing to
report activities, which have prevented the PLAINTIFF from
completing this amended complaint per the order of July 25,

Date: October 15, 2007

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

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Amended Complaint Oct '07 Page 2 of 55










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Amended Complaint Oct '07 Page 3 of 55



Judge Mary McLaughlin ORDER of July 25, 1987:

AND NOW, this 25th day of July 2007, upon consideration

of the plaintiff's Motion for Continuance (Doc, No. 56) and
defendant Mannheim Township's opposition thereto (Doc. No.
57), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the said motion is GRANTED,
the plaintiff shall have until October 15, 2007, to amend his
complaint: If the plaintiff does not do so, this case will be
dismissed, with prejudice, The Court will not grant the plaintiff
any more time extensions for the filing of his amended



1. Count I - 18 U.S.C. 1961 through 18 U.S.C.

2. Count II - 1968, RICO; 31 USCS
3. Count III - 3729-33 Federal False Claims Act;
4. Count IV - extortion,
5. Count V - defamation of character,
6. Count VI - slander,
7. Count VII - wrongful interference with business relations,
8. Count VIII - wrongful interference with contracts,
9. Count VIIII - breach of contract
10. Count X - a plea for an accounting;
11. Count XI - deceptive and fraudulent practices
12. Count XII - breach of fiduciary duty
13. Count XIII - unfair competition
14. Count XIIII - tortuous interference with business
15. Count XV - unjust enrichment
16. Count XVI - a pattern of racketeering in violation of the
Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
(RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.
17. Count XVII - illegal retaliation
18. Count XVIII - unlawful discrimination
19. Count XVIIII - intentional infliction of emotional distress
20. Count XX - wrongful repossession
21. Count XXI trespass to person
22. Count XXII civil conspiracy
23. Count XXIII violation of due process
24. Count XXIIII conspiracy to commit fraud
25. Count XV loss of liberty
26. Count XVI false imprisonment
27. Count XVII false arrest
28. Count XVIII collusion
29. Count XVIIII false statements
30. Count XXX trespass to property
31. Count XXXI conversion
32. Count XXXII replevin
33. Count XXXIII - breach of contract arising out of the alleged
34. Count XXIV assault
35. Count XXXV battery
36. Count XXXVI - malicious prosecution
37. Count XXXVII - malicious abuse of process claims arising

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 130 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Amended Complaint Oct '07 Page 4 of 55

out of the charges and arrest

38. Count XXXVIII mail fraud



1. Legal Arguments and issues of the Statute of Limitations

and Time Barred Causes of Actions that support that justice
has been denied and due process subverted thus granting
relief to the PLAINTIFFS:

a. (RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.; A claim may be barred

by the statute of limitations if you discovered or reasonably
should have discovered your injury four or more years ago.

b. Civil RICO claims are not subject to a statute of limitations.

Congress failed to include a statute of limitations when it
passed the RICO Act, but the United States Supreme Court has
remedied that oversight and imposed a four-year statute of
limitations on all civil RICO claims.

c. Civil Rico's statute of limitations begins to run when the

victim discovers or reasonably should have discovered its
injury. Once a victim is aware or should be aware of its injury,
the victim has four years to discover the remaining elements
of its claim and bring suit. A victim cannot sit on its rights and
refrain from filing suit in the face of known injuries.

d. There are several equitable doctrines that may toll or

suspend the running of the statute of limitations. If a
defendant fraudulently conceals facts that are essential to the
victim's ability to purse its rights, the running of the statute of
limitations may be tolled.

e. Acts of duress, such as "if you sue me, I'll kill you," may toll
the running of the statute of limitations.

f. All tolling doctrines are based upon whether it is fair, under

the circumstances, to bar the victim's claims on the basis of
the running of the statute of limitations.

g. If a defendant engages in a new pattern of racketing, that

causes new and independent injuries, a new limitations period
may apply to those new and independent injuries.

2. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

(commonly referred to as RICO), 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.;:
RICO is a United States federal law which provides for
extended penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an
ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by section
901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, Pub. L. No.
91-452, 84 Stat. 922 (Oct. 15, 1970). RICO is codified as
Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C.
1961 through 18 U.S.C. 1968. RICO addresses long-term,
not one-shot, criminal activity. Not only must a RICO claim be
based upon criminal activity, but the criminal acts must
constitute a "pattern" of criminal activity.

a. A single criminal act, short-term criminal conduct, or

criminal actions that bear no relationship to each other will not
give rise to a RICO claim. The United States Supreme Court
has ruled that criminal actions constitute a "pattern" only if
they are related and continuous.

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 131 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Amended Complaint Oct '07 Page 5 of 55

b. In order to be "related," the criminal acts must involve the

same victims, have the same methods of commission, involve
the same participants, or be related in some other fashion. A
pattern may be sufficiently continuous if the criminal actions
occurred over a substantial period of time or posed a threat of
indefinite duration.

c. The former patterns are referred to as closed-ended

patterns; the latter patterns are referred to as open-ended

d. Accordingly, even if you have been injured by a criminal act,

you will not have a RICO claim unless that criminal act is part
of a larger pattern of criminal activity.

3. Lancaster Aviation arrange for the selected aircraft to be
flown in from the Midwest to be inspected by PLAINTIFF. Pete
Wolfson of Lancaster Aviation conducts the meeting, as an
official agent of Lancaster Aviation. Commonwealth Bank has
approved the financing of $97,000 for the purchase. The
additional $25,000 required is not yet available. Pete Wolfson
insists that the plane must be purchased before being flown
back to the Midwest. Pete Wolfson requests a post-dated check
from PLAINTIFF for the remaining balance. PLAINTIFF refuses,
citing that the remaining funds must be liquidated from the
Keystone Mutual Fund, and the exact receipt of the moneys is
not guaranteed, and could take up to 10 days. Pete Wolfson
agrees not to deposit the check until PLAINTIFF confirms that
the funds have been received and deposited in order to cover
the check for the remaining $25,000. PLAINTIFF makes sure
that Pete Wolfson has the authority to make the arrangement,
and Pete Wolfson agrees. The purchase of the airplane was
also subject to a pre-purchase inspection by Lancaster
Aviation. Lancaster Aviation also advises PLAINTIFF to have his
airplane included in their Fleet Insurance plan. PLAINTIFF also
advises Lancaster Aviation that he would like to offer the
airplane to his business associates for use in order to subsidize
the costs and maintenance.

4. Chuck Smith, president of Lancaster Aviation, later discloses

to PLAINTIFF that he had deposited PLAINTIFFs pre dated
check for $25.000, without the confirmation by PLAINTIFF that
the funds had been transferred from accounts. PLAINTIFF had
argued with Pete Wolfson, the salesman for Lancaster Aviation,
that he did not want to give them a post dated check, however
Chuck Wolfson insisted. Now, Chuck Smith had told PLAINTIFF
that Pete Wolfson did not have the authority to complete the
transaction. However PLAINTIFF reminded Chuck Smith that
he was acting as an agent for Lancaster Aviation, and that was
not material to this dispute.

5. Lancaster Aviation and Commonwealth Bank engaged in

Count IV - extortion, defamation of character, slander,
wrongful interference with business relations, wrongful
interference with contracts, obstruction of justice, trespass to
person, unfair competition, fraud, conspiracy, embezzlement,
breech of contract and several violations in lender liability; in
later repossessing the aircraft on July 1, 1987 with no
advanced notice and no reason or cause. Commonwealth Bank
was the mortgagor on the property of Olde Hickory, which the
PLAINTIFF had a loan commitment of $5 million to refinance
that property. Lancaster Aviation will deny the PLAINTIFFs
airplane to provide service to a scheduled charter by Jim Bly of
Source Management of Virginia on June 27, 1987. The

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PLAINTIFF had an agreement for $300.00 per hour and an

estimated 6-hour charter planned.

6. On June 23, 1987 Larry Resch, an executive of both

International Signal & Control, Plc,.(ISC) And United Chem Con
visits PLAINTIFF at Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
headquarters in Lancaster, as scheduled to discuss business
opportunities. Larry Resch explains "we had to fly Carl
Jacobson out of the country early this morning" as the reason
for his not being able to attend the meeting as planned. Larry
Resch discusses possible strategies to rescue Chem Cons
Minority 8A Set-aside contracts, and solicits financing for new
facility. PLAINTIFF becomes annoyed the context of the
conversation, especially the lack Of disclosure, and discusses
allegations of wrongdoing by Guerin and International Signal &
Control, Plc, and the relationship to United Chem Con. After
evaluating the financial statements, PLAINTIFF also suggests
there is approximately $15 to $18 million in missing funds.

7. Mr. Larry Resch failed to inform the PLAINTIFF of his

association and position with International Signal & Control,
Plc., while the PLAINTIFF formally began his whistle blowing
activities on International Signal & Control, Plc..
8. On June 23, 1987, at 2:00 pm immediately following the
meeting with International Signal & Control Executive, Mr.
Larry Resch, the PLAINTIFF has his locks changed to his office
by Russell Locksmith of Lititz, in order to secure confidential
personal and business files in light of the current internal
power struggle between himself, Michael Hartlett and Robert
Kauffman, and given the conversation with Mr. Larry Resch of
International Signal & Control, Plc., a few hours earlier.

9. The Plaintiff was a personal guarantor of a 5 year lease

agreement with the Developer, Fishcer Spounagle, Ltd., for the
offices of Financial Management Group, Ltd., at 1755 Oregon
Pike, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that began in 1986 and did
renew until 1991.

10. Robert Kaufman, President of FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Ltd., executives burglarize PLAINTIFF's office removing
confidential personal and business tiles. Some of the mortgage
banking and other business files have yet to be found.
Kauffman and Robert Long illegally issue FINANCIAL
MANAGEMENT GROUP, Ltd., stock certificates to Peter Peneros
and Scott Robertson. Robert Long signs the stock certificates
as Secretary of FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP, Ltd., when
PLAINTIFF was acting Secretary, and was the only person duly
authorized to issue FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP, Ltd.,
stock certificates. PLAINTIFF learned of the burglary by Robert
Kauffman, President, in a telephone conversation while at
Stone Harbor, NJ; Kauffman inadvertently mentioned that the
stock certificates were issued, however, with all documents at
risk of being stolen, PLAINTIFF did not mention the incident, in
hopes to first recover any potentially stolen business and
personal files.

11. Financial Management Group, Ltd., executives engaged in

obstruction of justice, in unfair competition, wrongful
interference with contracts, trespass to person, criminal
trespass, forgery, undo influence, conspiracy, embezzlement,
Count IV - extortion, mental duress, slander, defamation of
character, wrongful interference with business relations, and
violated several bylaws of Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

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12. On May 20, 1987, the PLAINTIFF and Attorney Ric Fox, of
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, draft the legal Letter of Intent for
investors of Power Productions I, which the PLAINTIFF was
general partner. The PLAINTIFF had several interested parties
some which have made verbal commitments, including Norris
Boyd and Dave Cook, an executive of Turkey Hill Minit

13. On June 29, 1987, the PLAINTIFF received patent research

materials from patent attorney Joel S. Goldhammer, of the
prominent Philadelphia law firm Siedel, Gonda, Goldhammer &
Abbot regarding the "Digital" Movie, and the national
franchising of Financial Management Group, Ltd.,. PLAINTIFF
had retained the services of Siedel, Gonda, Goldhammer, and
Abbot in order to investigate all relevant matters concerning
the technology, merchandising, and marketing of the "Mutant
Mania" project, and the use of the "Power Station" label.
Research was required for the merchandising of consumer
electronics, professional audio/visual digital mixing consoles,
and the "Power Station Digital Movie System (PSDMS), as
created by PLAINTIFF in the proposal for SONY Corporation of

14. On May 11, 1987, the PLAINTIFF invested and paid Scott
Robertson, executive vice president of Financial Management
Group, Ltd., $2,000 dollars from a personal account for an
advance for work on mortgage banking projects and the
Digital Movie. On the same day the PLAINTIFF paid film
producer Marcia Silen, of Flatbush Films, Hollywood, California,
an advance of $750.00 for a cash advanced for work with the
Digital Movie project.

15. The PLAINTIFF was executor producer of the project,

general partner of Power Productions I, the investment group,
and named in the Mutant Mania budget to receive a salary of
$100,000. In addition the PLAINTIFF had agreements to
receive royalties on all revenues associated with both the
distribution of the film and video release and all branding of
the merchandise from the project.

16. Financial Management Group, Ltd., its officers and

employees, along with other Defendants including but not
limited to Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank)
(Mellon), Fulton Bank, the Manheim Township Police
Department engaged in unfair competition, wrongful
interference with contracts, trespass to person, criminal
trespass, forgery, undo influence, conspiracy, embezzlement,
Count IV - extortion, mental duress, slander, defamation of
character, obstruction of justice, wrongful interference with
business relations, and other anti trust violations pertaining to
the Digital Movie project.

17. The PLAINTIFF, on behalf of Financial Management Group,

Ltd., began research and discussions with corporate attorney,
Jeff Jamanou of the law firm McNesse, Wallace and Nurick
regarding franchising the concept of Financial Management
Group, Ltd, on a national scale and considerations for a stock
split. The PLAINTIFF handled all legal endeavors of Financial
Management Group, Ltd.,

18. Beginning in April of 1987, Financial Management Group,

Ltd, officers and executives engaged in a pattern of unfair
competition, wrongful interference with contracts, trespass to
person, obstruction of justice, criminal trespass, forgery, undo
influence, conspiracy, embezzlement, Count IV - extortion,

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mental duress, slander, defamation of character, wrongful

interference with business relations, and other anti trust

19. On June 18, 1987, the PLAINTIFF and Randy Grespin,

corporate attorney for The Life Underwriters Group, fly to
Atlanta, Georgia, to visit with executives of Planners Securities
Group, a nationally known Broker Dealer, and joint venture
partner that was in the midst of a deal in which Financial
Management Group, Ltd., had negotiated an equity interest.
The PLAINTIFF had initially consulted with both Kauffman and
Hartlett concerning the trip, however when both disagreed,
The PLAINTIFF questioned why the PLAINTIFF was the only
principal to personally visit the operations of Hibbard Brown &
Company, which lead the PLAINTIFF his decision to terminate
the ill fated merger.

20. Planners Securities Group, was regarded as the most

successful Broker Dealers in the financial planning community,
and included several former presidents of the national board of
the International Association of Financial Planners. The
company had previously been recruiting Financial Management
Group, Ltd.,., and offering an attractive equity interest. Randy
Grespin agreed to reimburse $600 to The PLAINTIFF for the
expense and use of his aircraft.

21. The PLAINTIFF had the following agenda for the trip and
a. Visit and discuss the joint venture and merger with Financial
Management Group, Ltd., and evaluate the various
departments necessary to administer Financial Management
Group, Ltd.,'s., stock transactions and private real estate
b. Discuss and evaluate the opportunities of utilizing insurance
products from Randy Grespin's firm, and all matters related to
the structuring of business.
c. Familiarize Greg Burie, a personal friend and recruitment of
The PLAINTIFFs who was also visiting from Florida to consider
opening a Florida office for Financial Management Group, Ltd..
d. Conduct an extensive and thorough due diligence
investigation of the stability, efficiency, and security of the
operations, in order to prevent a similar situation that
facilitated the previous termination of the recent Hibbard
Brown & Company deal. The PLAINTIFF left the meetings with
very optimistic and impressive findings, that only left more
questions as to the decision of Kauffman and Bartlett to
affiliate with Hibbard Brown & Company, knowing that the
Atlanta group had been aggressively pursuing talks of a
merger since the inception of Financial Management Group,
Ltd.,., On the return flight home, The PLAINTIFF confided to
Randy Grespin, requesting legal advise, regarding the recent
problems and his allegations of misconduct by Financial
Management Group, Ltd.,., President Robert Kauffman. Randy
Grespin advised The PLAINTIFF to take some time and seek
legal counsel.

22. On June 18, 2007, after arriving at the corporate offices of

Upon entering the offices of Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
Robert Kauffman pulls The PLAINTIFF into his office and
abruptly shouts "Who is running this corporation, me or you?".
The PLAINTIFF quickly answers "I don't give a damn who runs
this company. as long as it's run right, and for the right
reasons!" The PLAINTIFF immediately left the office.

23. On June 18, 1987, later in the evening, Robert Kauffman,

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President visits the home of the PLAINTIFF and engaged in a

contractual dispute when the PLAINTIFF refused to agree to
approve the new contract and salary increase of Robert
Kauffman, President,. Robert Kauffman, President, engaged in
retaliatory and activities, including fraud, Count IV - extortion,
libel, defamation of character, obstruction of justice, and

24. June 22, 1987, The PLAINTIFF hires Todd Dellinqer, a

planner in Financial Management Group, Ltd.,., to help
administrate the daily activities of his personal clientele and to
perform administrative duties necessary due to the amount of
time The PLAINTIFF is conducting business out at the office,
allowing The PLAINTIFF to focus attention on the Strategic
Planning, and allowing him to better manage his time. The
PLAINTIFF sends a memo to client and shareholder Dr. William
Umiker that introduces his new assistant, in addition to
information regarding his pension accounts.

25. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP, Ltd, Board of Directors

meet to vote on PLAINTIFF's request and demand to ratify the
recent joint venture agreement/contract with Hibbard Brown &
Company, after PLAINTIFF learned of dire inefficiencies within
Hibbard Brown & company, and the "Born Again" relationships
of Kauffman, that placed an unprecedented amount of risk to
telephone from the Chicago Airport, in the midst of his travel
to Palm Springs and Hollywood California. The Board also
voted to negotiate and approve a deal with the Planners
Securities Group, of Atlanta, GA. PLAINTIFF had won the votes
of Alan Loss and Robert Long, overturning the decision of
Robert Kauffman, President, and Michael Bartlett and officially
terminating the agreement. This vote, in and above itself, took
control of the Board of Directors from Kauffman and Bartlett,
and put the power of the Board in the direction of PLAINTIFF.
This will eventually lead to the Coup conspired by Kauffman
and Hartlett to find a way to get PLAINTIFF out of the

26. On January 20, 1987, the PLAINTIFF and Al Dannatt, a

principal and managing partner with the commercial mortgage
banking company Institutional Investors of Houston, Texas,
consummate a joint venture agreement where the PLAINTIFF
will market and solicit clients on the eastern part of the
regional for commercial mortgages with a lending authority of
$3 to $100 million dollars. The agreement also calls for the
PLAINTIFF to develop other joint venture proposals and
business transactions with a bank the Institutional Investors
was in the process of purchasing. The PLAINTIFF in turn would
began to offer the joint venture to members of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., to offer finder fees to both Financial
Management Group, Ltd., and any members of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., which referred clients and projects.

27. The PLAINTIFF alleges that the following revenue sources:

a. Financial Planning Fees and Commissions
b. Financial Management Group, Ltd., Management Salary
c. Mortgage Banking Business
d. Real Estate Limited Partnerships (Dave Schaad, Jim Bly,
Dave Cook)
e. Pension Fund Portfolio Management (Harsco, Inc., of
f. Life Insurance Joint Venture Agreements
g. Personal Real Estate Investments
h. Air Charter Services

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i. Reorganize Gamillion Film Studios

j. Equity Interests in Financial Management Group, Ltd., have
the following violations Count IV - extortion, defamation of
character, slander, wrongful interference with business
relations, wrongful interference with contracts, trespass to
person, unfair competition, fraud, conspiracy, embezzlement,
breech of contract.

28. On June 25, 1987, Financial Group Executives burglarized

the PLAINTIFFs office and began to extort the PLAINTIFF
business interests in the Institutional Investors joint
partnership. Up to that point in time, the PLAINTIFF had
developed a pipeline in excess of $100 million in projects, a
firm commitment for a satellite office in Hollywood, California,
and a commitment for a $5 million second mortgage on the
Olde Hickory Properties, of Lancaster, County. The PLAINTIFF
was able to offer more attractive financing arrangements than
that of the local commercial lending institutions, including
Fulton Bank and Commonwealth Bank. Both banks would
eventually engage in anti-trust violations.

29. On June 29, 1987, The PLAINTIFF visits with Dave Schaad,
President of the York based real estate firm of Bennett
Williams, Inc., The PLAINTIFF was finalizing plans to secure
financing of a $2.5 million office complex for the new
headquarters of Bennett Williams, as well as 3 or 4 additional
anchor tenants. The PLAINTIFF had been working with Dave
Schaad for the past 3 months, along with Scott Robertson. The
PLAINTIFF had previously discussed the deal with Dave Cook,
and executive and former owner of the Turkey Hill
Convenience Stores. Dave Cook indicated a serious interest in
providing the entire $2.5 million investment. The above deal
would have provided over $150,000 of fees upon settlement to
The PLAINTIFF upon settlement. Prior to the meeting, Dave
Schaad had indicated by telephone, that Robert Kauffman had
invited himself to the meeting, without prior consent or notice
to The PLAINTIFF, During the meeting, The PLAINTIFF
disclosed the current criminal activities within the principals of
Financial Management Group, Ltd., being facilitated by Robert
Kauffman himself.

30. In June of 1987, Jill Carson, a Fulton Bank Branch Manager

libeled and slandered the PLAINTIFF in notifying Mr. Chuck
Smith, owner operator of Lancaster Aviation, the Plaintiff was
bankrupt and had no liquid funds, which was totally fabricated.
At the time of this infringement and at least until August 8,
1987, the PLAINTIFFs credit rating as reported by the
Lancaster Credit Bureau was perfect, with all creditors paid in
full within 30 days, as agreed. The credit report included 22
creditors. Being that the PLAINTIFF was a customer, borrower,
and a client in good standing with Fulton Bank, this amounts to
defamation of character, slander, wrongful interference with
business relations, wrongful interference with contracts,
trespass to person, unfair competition, fraud, conspiracy,
embezzlement, breech of contract.

31. On July 1, 1987, the PLAINTIFF retained the counsel of Mr.

Joseph F. Roda, Esq., of Lancaster, to arrange for a meeting to
discuss the recent events and Coup attempt by Kauffman and
Hartlett that included several criminal and security violations.
The PLAINTIFF visits with Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq. and
describes the incidents in detail, including the "Digital Movie",
ISC, and all related activities. Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq.
instructs The PLAINTIFF to have all of the files copied and
arranges for the return of all Financial Management Group,

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Ltd., corporate files. The PLAINTIFF had questioned Mr. Joseph

F. Roda, Esq. for a legal opinion as to his right of any moneys
in Financial Management Group, Ltd., checking accounts that
he was authorized to sign for. Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq. advised
that The PLAINTIFF had no right to any funds. All checks were
returned to Financial Management Group, Ltd., along with all
other documents.

32. The PLAINTIFF advises Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq. that he is

in fear that someone is deliberately orchestrating all of the
recent incidents, which were quite extraordinary and extremely
criminal and have been coming from all directions. The
PLAINTIFF advised Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq. that he would like
to take all of his files to Stone Harbor, New Jersey for
safekeeping while he pursued his legal recourse. The
PLAINTIFF also explained that he would feel safer leaving
Lancaster until these circumstances were brought under

33. Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq., failed to provide any advocacy

representation; colluded with Financial Management Group,
Ltd.,; failed to inform the PLAINTIFF of any conflicts of
interests with current clients (Mr. William Clark, in house legal
counsel for International Signal & Control, Plc.,); was negligent
in not reviewing the hundreds of documents the PLAINTIFF
delivered and for not identifying causes of actions, which
United States District Judge Mary McLaughlin identified from
similar documents in June of 2006; was negligent in not
believing the PLAINTIFF detailed account of the
Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank) wrongful
repossession, may have conspired to cover-up the PLAINTIFFs
Federal False Claims Act against International Signal & Control,

34. Mr. Joseph F. Roda committed fraud in invoicing the

PLAINTIFF for services rendered, without any actual benefit
afforded to the PLAINTIFF.
35. The Defendants conspired to discredit the PLAINTIFF with a
massive campaign of libel, slander and deceit when
immediately following the meeting with International Signal &
Control, Plc., meeting of June 23, 1987 the following contracts
were terminated without cause:
a. Planners Securities Group, Ltd., NASD Series 22 Securities
b. Planners Securities Registered Representative Agreements
c. William O. Umiker Executor of Estate
d. Michael T. Caterbone Power of Attorney

36. On July 3, 1987, at approximately 12:00 am, Victor

Miasnikowcs, owner operator of Romar Aviation (Currently
Venture Jets, Inc.) calls The PLAINTIFF to notify him that his
aircraft was reposed some hour earlier, and locked in the
hanger of Lancaster Aviation, with all of his personal and
business files on board. Victor only would say that
Commonwealth Bank had taken part in the repossession, with
no reasons given. The first payment of the loan agreement
with Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank) was not due
until July 25, 1987 and the $25,000 cash deposit for the
airplane was now officially extorted from the PLAINTIFF. There
was no money due to Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon
Bank). The PLAINTIFF also becomes quite suspicious, after
learning a few weeks earlier that his efforts to provide a
refinance of some $6 million to Boyd Wilson Properties, was
more favorable than the existing or proposed financing
arrangements now place with Commonwealth National Bank

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(Mellon Bank), which not only has a lender relationship with

The PLAINTIFF, but is also a competitor for his mortgage
banking activities. It was also known that The PLAINTIFF's
lending authority was larger and more competitive than most
of the local banking community. The PLAINTIFF now becomes
in fear for his life due to this incident, and all other
unexplained incidents in the preceding days and weeks.

37. Commonwealth Bank engaged in an illegal repossession,

conversion, replevin, trespass, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty,
and/or breach of contract arising out of the alleged
repossession, Count IV - extortion, lender liability, interference
with business contracts and relations, civil conspiracy, fraud,
and violated anti-trust and lender liability laws.

38. On July 4, 1987 at approximately 9:00 am in the morning,

The PLAINTIFF calls his attorney Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq.,
under emotional duress from the previous conversation with
Victor and the repossession of his aircraft with all documents
on board; Mr. Joseph F. Roda, Esq. responds "Stan, you have
to quit fabricating these allegations, it is July 4th, what do you
want me to do. This conversation reaffirms a conspiracy theory
within Lancaster to ruin him, and supports his efforts to leave
Lancaster with his files to solicit aid and support from legal and
law enforcement authorities to suppress the conspiracy. The
PLAINTIFF realizes that the documents were authentic proof
and evidence of all of his allegations, and most importantly all
of his business activities for the past 5 or more years. The loss
of the files would have devastating consequences for his life.

39. Mr. Joseph F. Roda committed fraud in invoicing the

PLAINTIFF for services rendered, without any actual benefit
afforded to the PLAINTIFF.

40. On July 4, 1987, at approximately 9:30 am, after the

disturbing phone, The PLAINTIFF drives to the Cape May
County Airport to solicit the services of a pilot to fly to
Lancaster to retrieve his files. Brad Donahue accepts the job,
and agrees to a $200 tee, and an additional $200 it there are
any difficulties in obtaining the files. The PLAINTIFF provides
Brad Donahue with all documentation showing legal title to the
aircraft in the event authorities are notified. The PLAINTIFF
gives explicit instructions to notify the police in the event
personnel will not return all of the files. Brad Donahue arrives
a few hours later, with boxes of files. Brad Donahue briefly
describes an encounter at Lancaster Aviation, and demands
payment of $400 as agreed. An invoice is signed by all parties
as proof of payment and the activity, and $400 in cash is paid
to Brad Donahue. Pilot Dave Austin, of the Cape May County
Airport witnesses the transactions and the event.

41. In the following weeks, Dave Austin, would later disclose

to The PLAINTIFF that Brad Donahue was killed in a mysterious
"Air-Accident", while over water, with an unexplained and
questionable flight chart.

42. The PLAINTIFF solicits the legal services of Ric Fox, a

Harrisburg attorney that has prepared legal documents for the
"Digital" Movie. Rio Fox flies his aircraft to the Cape May
County Airport, and arrives at The PLAINTIFF's house
accompanied with another attorney Robert Chercicoff. All of
the recent activities were detailed and described concerning
Financial Management Group, Ltd.,; the "Digital Movie"; and
the illegal repossession of the aircraft. The PLAINTIFF
questioned Mr. Fox and his associate of any relationship with

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Commonwealth Bank, which headquarters were also in

Harrisburg, and both gave a very ambiguous answer. The
meeting ended with both attorneys failing to recognize or
admit to any wrongdoing by any and all related parties, and
further demanding a $2,000 retainer fee to look further into
the matters. The PLAINTIFF suspects the conspiracy theory
again, especially in light of the acknowledged relationship with
Commonwealth Bank, and an indirect relationship with Robert
Kauffman, through Life Underwriters of Harrisburg, a joint
venture arranged by The PLAINTIFF some months earlier. By
July 5, The PLAINTIFF had already made two legitimate
attempts to solicit legal aid for the unexplained events and
circumstances, both of which were maliciously sabotaged.

43. Ric Fox and Robert Chercicoff engaged in conspiracy,

collusion, interference with business contracts, interference
with business relations, and had attempted to thwart and
cover-up the PLAINTIFFS Federal False Claims Act complaint.

44. On July 6, 1987, In an effort to document the conspiracy

theory, PLAINTIFF requests Tom Caterbone to call Robert
Kauffman, President, to inquire about the status of his affairs,
and to tape the conversation. Tom Caterbone identifies himself
as John Green, a client of PLAINTIFF's and Robert Kauffman,
President, states the following: "PLAINTIFF has moved his
office to Stone Harbor, NJ.. he is not taking care of business,
and I need to see to it that his clients are taken care of for the
time being.. he has been spending a lot of money, an airplane,
a place at the shore, and he seems to think that he is too
important for his traditional clientele.. There is some history of
mental disorders in his family history.. I can't come right out
and say that that is what's going on,.... I wish Stan would get
some professional help.. However for the time being, Stan is
not taking care of business, and I need to be concerned for his

45. On July 6, 1987, PLAINTIFF telephones Dr. Al Schulz,

psychiatrist at St. Joseph Hospital, and client of PLAINTIFF's in
order to thwart the allegations of insanity. Dr. Al Shulz had
disclosed that several persons, including Mary Lynn Dipaolo
and Jere Sullivan had called him concerning PLAINTIFF's
behavior and activities.

46. From the allegations, Dr. Shulz advised that PLAINTIFF

was suffering from illusions of grandeur, and prescribed
Lithium treatment, and to return to Lancaster for consultation.
PLAINTIFF insisted that the allegations were purely fabricated,
and that no one had any legal right to interfere with his
business and or legal affairs, let alone his confidential medical

47. On July 6, 1987, PLAINTIFF contacts David Drubner, of

Boston, Ma, a friend of PLAINTIFF's brothers Mike, and an
attorney. During the conversation, David Drubner questions
PLAINTIFF about "taking some medication", and supports the
allegations of insanity.

48. On July 17, 1987 PLAINTIFF travels to Hollywood,

California to meet and visit with Ted Gamillion and Gamillion
Studios (Film Studio), and Marcia Silen of Flatbush Films. Ted
Gamillion had previously solicited the consulting of PLAINTIFF
in order to help reorganize the financing of the film studio,
after earlier arrangements in North Carolina had gone sour.
PLAINTIFF had spent several days visiting and touring the
studio. Ted Gamillion agreed to allow PLAINTIFF to represent

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the studio in order to secure the required financing. Ted

Gamillion provided PLAINTIFF with substantial amounts of
confidential financial, legal, and tax documents for the project.

49. During the visit, Marcia Silen had disclosed to PLAINTIFF

that Scott Robertson had made allegations of insanity about
him (PLAINTIFF) to persons at Power Station Studios and and
Flatbush Films.

50. In the following days, PLAINTIFF had made numerous

telephone calls to local, state, and federal authorities, for
intervention and help regarding all of the preceding events and
circumstances. The following is a brief description of each:
Manheim Township Police Department, responded "what bank
branch repossessed your aircraft"; Pennsylvania State Senator
Gib Armstrong, responded, "I will call the Pa Attorney
General's Office and have them call you; the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), the Philadelphia-based field office; U.S.
Representative Robert Walker (R-Pa), a detailed and explicit
conversation with Mrs. Robert Walker, who would only advise
PLAINTIFF to put his situation in writing and submit it to the
Congressman in his Washington, D. C. office. In addition:
David Wouls (Executive Vice President of the Lancaster
chamber of Commerce & Industry), PLAINTIFF talked at
length, and in detail, making allegations of misconduct with
members of the same; National Association of securities
Dealers (NASD), in Washington, D.C., PLAINTIFF discussed the
securities related violations. And also: the Securities &
Exchange Commission (SEC), also in Washington, D.C., and
discussed securities laws violations; the Pennsylvania
Securities Commission, of Harrisburg, Pa, discussed the
implications of PLAINTIFF's illegal lock-out, and his legal and
formal positions, including incorporating officer of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., PLAINTIFF received no support or
follow-up communications concerning all of the above
requests, despite his apparent emotional duress, and extreme

51. On July 2, 1987, The PLAINTIFF negotiates with Romar

Aviation to provide pilot; storage; and insurance with his
aircraft after many very questionable occurrences at Lancaster
Aviation, just a few hundred feet away. The PLAINTIFF secures
insurance and pays $1,000 to Romar Aviation for the flight to
Stone Harbor and insurance, which was conducted by Victor M.
of Romar Aviation. In addition, at the referral of Victor, The
PLAINTIFF calls Sam Goode, of Sam Goode Assoc., to bind
insurance for the aircraft. Sam Goode Binds the insurance and
instruct The PLAINTIFF to mail a payment of $750. The
conversation took place in Romar Aviation, at the time the
$1,000 was paid to Victor. The PLAINTIFF loads his aircraft
with all of his personal and business files to be transported to
the Cape May County Airport, just a few miles outside of Stone
Harbor, in the morning of July 4.

52. In July and August of 1987 Mr. Robert Kauffman,

President, had several meetings with Millard Johnson, client of
PLAINTIFF since 1982, in efforts to coerce Millard Johnson to
provide false statements to a bonding company that a
legitimate loan from Millard Johnson to the PLAINTIFF was
instead an act of embezzlement of $25,000 of funds that were
transferred to the PLAINTIFF for an investment. Mr. Millard
Johnson testified in person on September 29, 1987 before Mr.
Howard Eisler of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission in a
recorded interview and attested to the preceding. Mr. Millard
Johnson refused and notified Mr. Robert Kauffman that his

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attempt was a serious crime.

53. Mr. Kauffman and Mr. Michael Hartlett, a principal and

partner of Financial Management Group, Ltd., contracted with
an insurance company on June 29, 1987 an errors and
omissions insurance policy for corporate officers of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., in an effort to collude, conspire, and
defraud that insurance company of a claim, while at the same
time committing slander, libel, and conspiracy to extort the
PLAINTIFFs stock holdings, and all other business interests.

54. On July 24, 1987, Michael M. Hartlett sends a letter to all

creditors of Financial Management Group, Ltd., informing them
that stated the following: The PLAINTIFF is no longer an
officer of the corporation; he was removed from office on July
1, 1987; he had been purchasing items under Financial
Management Group, Ltd., and obtaining corporate discount
and rates; and formally notifying them that The PLAINTIFF had
never had the right to purchase items through Financial
Management Group, Ltd., or make corporate commitments on
behalf of Financial Management Group, Ltd., or contract or in
any way obligate Financial Management Group, Ltd.,.

55. Mr. Michael M. Hartlett engaged in slander, libel,

defamation of character, conspiracy to commit fraud,
conspiracy to commit Count IV - extortion, interference with
business relations, and interference with business contracts.

56. On July 7th, 1987, the PLAINTIFF contacts the law firm of
Capello & Foley, of Santa Barbara, California. The PLAINTIFF
had conducted research (American Bar Association Journal) in
"Lender Liability", which had became a very popular legal
issue, where banks participate in illegal activities resulting in
the financial ruin of it's borrowers. The PLAINTIFF intended to
file suit against Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank)
for the illegal and unjustified repossession of his aircraft. The
PLAINTIFF discussed the case briefly with Diane Campell that
day, and The PLAINTIFF made arrangements to deliver
supporting documents to the office in Santa Barbara the
following week, while visiting with Gamillion Studios, in

57. On July 8, 1987, A formal notification of the termination of

The PLAINTIFF's Registered Representative Securities license
with the Planners Securities Group Inc., of Atlanta, GA is
received, with a "cc: Robert Kauffman".

58. Planners Securities Group, Inc., engaged in conspiracy to

commit Count IV - extortion, conspiracy, fraud, libel,
defamation of character, slander, Count IV - extortion,
interference with business relations, interference with business
contracts, and had violated several anti-trust violations.

59. No explanation was provided, or any reasons for the

termination. The PLAINTIFFs reprisal for disclosing criminal
activities to the proper authorities is that he will illegally loose
his privilege to sell securities without any merit.

60. On July 8, 1987, The PLAINTIFF's brothers, Steve, Phil,

Mike, and Tom, arrive unexpectedly and uninvited at the
residence of The PLAINTIFF's in Stone Harbor, NJ, and refuse
to leave until The PLAINTIFF agrees to take Lithium and return
to Lancaster to undergo treatment by Dr. Al Schulz, for mental

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61. Steve Caterbone, Phil Caterbone, Mike Caterbone, and

Tom Caterbone had engaged in conspiracy, libel, slander,
defamation of character, conspiracy to commit Count IV -
extortion, interference with business relations, interference
with business contracts, invasion of privacy, and civil trespass.

62. On July 9th, 1987, The PLAINTIFF receives a notice by

regular 1st class mail from Commonwealth National Bank
(Mellon Bank) regarding the repossession of 9 days prior. The
following reasons are given for the repossession: Failure to
provide adequate insurance; Removal of aircraft from
Lancaster Aviation; Intended plan to fly aircraft to Florida
without prior written notice.

63. Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank) engaged in

violations of lender liability by not providing advanced notice of
the repossession with any opportunity for the PLAINTIFF to
cure any legitimate deficiencies in the lending agreements.

64. On July 10, 1987, the PLAINTIFF receives a formal

notarized notification from Dr. and Mrs. William Umiker of
Financial Management Group, Ltd., removing The PLAINTIFF as
the former Trustee for their Estates.

65. On July 10, 1987, Mr. Robert Kauffman also sends a

personal letter to all of The PLAINTIFFs clients informing each
and every one that he has moved to Stone Harbor, NJ; that
he may not handle investments at all; and that people close to
The PLAINTIFF had requested that he, Robert Kauffman,
personally service his clientele.

66. Robert Kauffman engaged in Count IV - extortion, fraud,

libel, slander, defamation of character, conspiracy to commit
Count IV - extortion, interference with business relations,
interference with business contracts, invasion of privacy, and
civil trespass, and violated several anti-trust statutes.

67. On July 15, 1987 the PLAINTIFF travels to Boston,

Massachusetts to research lender liability and other legal
matters in a law library of Suffolk Community College.

68. On July 16, 1987, the PLAINTIFF travels to New York, from
Boston, MA, to visit with Bob Walters of Power Station Studios,
to discuss the allegations of Blackmail, and to find out who is
involved, including Scott Robertson and Power Station Studios.

69. On July 17, 1987, the PLAINTIFF travels to Hollywood,

California to meet and visit with Ted Gamillion and Gamillion
Studios (Film Studio), and Marcia Silen of Flatbush Films. Ted
Gamillion had previously solicited the consulting of The
PLAINTIFF in order to help reorganize the financing of the film
studio, after earlier arrangements in North Carolina had gone
sour. The PLAINTIFF had spent several days visiting and
touring the studio. Ted Gamillion agreed to allow The
PLAINTIFF to represent the studio in order to secure the
required financing. Ted Gamillion provided The PLAINTIFF with
substantial amounts of confidential financial, legal, and tax
for the project. During the visit, Marcia Silen had disclosed to
The PLAINTIFF that Scott Robertson had made allegations of
insanity about him (The PLAINTIFF) to persons at Power
Station Studios and at Flatbush Films.

70. The PLAINTIFF discusses the illegal repossession and other

related matters, however during the conversation, becomes

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suspicious when Bob Walters and Tony Bongiovi disclose that

the "Digital" Movie project is suddenly suspended until a later

71. On July 21, 1987, At 2:30 pm The PLAINTIFF visits the law
firm of Capello & Foley, in Santa Barbara, California, and
delivers 3 large blue binders for Diane Cambell and attorney
Barry Capello to review, concerning his allegations of dire
violations of lender liability with specific regards to the illegal
repossession of his aircraft by Commonwealth National Bank
(Mellon Bank). The PLAINTIFF research the law firm of Capello
& Foley at the Suffolk law library and learned that it was the
leading law firm in the nation leading the way in violations of
lender liability litigation.

72. The law firm of Capello & Foley and the PLAINTIFF had
numerous communications, although there was never any
commitment for representation by Capello & Foley, it is alleged
that the law firm engaged in conspiracy, collusion, interference
with business contracts, interference with business relations,
and had attempted to thwart and cover-up the PLAINTIFFS
Federal False Claims Act complaint by not acting in good faith
with the solicitation of the PLAINTIFF.

73. On July 24, 1987 The PLAINTIFF conducts a three (3) hour
meeting at his residence in Stone Harbor, NJ, with attorney
Lew Schweller regarding legal action concerning all events and
activities of the prior days and months. The PLAINTIFF also
gives Lew Schweller a $500.00 retainers fee, for his

74. Lew Schweller engaged in conspiracy, collusion,

interference with business contracts, interference with
business relations, and had attempted to thwart and cover-up
the PLAINTIFFS Federal False Claims Act complaint.

75. On July 24, 1987, Attorney Joseph Roda invoices The

PLAINTIFF $527.00 for the time and services of July 1 & 2,

76. On July 30, 1987, The PLAINTIFF had paid $600 to Dr.
Levine, a Psychiatrist from North field, New Jersey, for an
objective evaluation of his mental state of mind, in order to
prove the fabricated allegations of 'insanity". Dr. Levine had
conducted a 2-hour meeting in his residence in Stone Harbor,
NJ, and required The PLAINTIFF to complete the Minneapolis
Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI). The PLAINTIFF
completed the test, and immediately returned it to Dr. Levine.
After several weeks without any communications from Dr.
Levine, The PLAINTIFF had called for the results. Dr. Levine
had explained that he had conducted telephone interviews with
members of The PLAINTIFF's family, without notice or consent,
in addition to the original request of The PLAINTIFF to conduct
an objective and confidential examination. In addition, Dr.
Levine prescribed Lithium drug therapy, and disclosed a
diagnosis of Bi-Polar Mood Disorder.

77. Dr. Levine engaged in Count IV - extortion, conspiracy to

commit fraud, defamation of character, slander, libel, and
obstruction of justice.

78. On August 6, 1987, the law firm of Appel, Yost &

Sorentino, of Lancaster, Pa., sends a formal notice to The
PLAINTIFF, demanding the return of a facsimile machine
leased from the ACM Company of Lancaster, Pa. Attorney

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Appel advises The PLAINTIFF that it is the property of Financial

Management Group, Ltd., and should be returned at once or
legal action will follow.

79. Appel Yost & Sorentino and Attorney Appel engaged in

fraud, collusion, libel, slander, defamation of character,
conspiracy to commit Count IV - extortion, interference with
business relations, interference with business contracts.

80. On August 7, 2007 the PLAINTIFF receives a Credit Report

from the Credit Bureau of Lancaster County as requested. The
credit report up to the date of August 1, 1987 verifies and
confirms that his credit report was excellent, without any
blemishes. The history of all accounts was "paid within 30
days, or as agreed".

81. On August 8, 1987, John M. Wolf, Executive Vice President

of Commonwealth National Bank (Mellon Bank) sends The
PLAINTIFF a formal letter advising that the repossession of July
2, 1987 was both lawful and appropriate, and declines to
accept a settlement of $5 million for lender liability violations.

82. On August 10, 1987, the PLAINTIFF receives a facsimile

from the Board of Directors of Financial Management Group,
Ltd., signed by Robert Long as The FMG Board of Directors
threatening to file criminal charges for "embezzlement (we
have checks to prove it), burglary, employee theft, corporate
opportunity and slander against our firm".

83. Financial Management Group, Ltd., engaged in obstruction

of justice, in unfair competition, wrongful interference with
contracts, trespass to person, criminal trespass, forgery, undo
influence, conspiracy, embezzlement, Count IV - extortion,
mental duress, slander, defamation of character, wrongful
interference with business relations, and violated several
bylaws of Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

84. On August 12, 1987, Yolanda Caterbone, mother of The

PLAINTIFF, Steve, Phil, Mike, and Tom Caterbone, all brothers,
arrive unexpectedly and uninvited to the residence of The
PLAINTIFF in Stone Harbor. After several requests for the
visitors to leave the premises are denied, several brothers
refuse to let The PLAINTIFF leave the premises. The PLAINTIFF
flees, and the brothers chase after him. The PLAINTIFF runs
into a neighbors house to ask to use the telephone to phone
the police. However, after realizing that he is scaring the
occupants, he flees to the Stone Harbor Police Department, a
few blocks away, in an effort to obtain a restraining order and
to lawfully have the unwanted persons vacate his residence
and personal property. Officer Steve Conners and Officer
Henry Stanford refuse the request, and hold The PLAINTIFF in
custody. After some 30 minutes, the officers, accompanied by
Steve and Tom Caterbone, place The PLAINTIFF into a Police
Cruiser and proceed to the Burdette Tomlin Hospital, in Stone
Harbor. Upon arriving, The PLAINTIFF is interrogated and
questioned extensively about a "gun". A hospital staffer then
accuses The PLAINTIFF of an attempted suicide and keep him
in custody for 4 or more hours. An extensive mental health
evaluation is performed by another hospital staffer. The
PLAINTIFF is given an ultimatum of signing a contract in order
to be released form the hospital, the contract stated: "I
Stanley J. Caterbone will not take my life tonight or at

85. Yolanda Caterbone, Steve Caterbone, Phil Caterbone, Mike

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Caterbone, Tom Caterbone engaged in invasion of privacy, civil

trespass, obstruction of justice, wrongful interference with
contracts, trespass to person, criminal trespass, forgery, undo
influence, conspiracy, embezzlement, Count IV - extortion,
mental duress, slander, defamation of character, wrongful
interference with business relations; and engaged in
psychiatric abuse.

86. The Stone Harbor Police, James Warner (Current Executive

Director of the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management
Authority) and Burdette Tomlin Hospital engaged in obstruction
of justice, wrongful interference with contracts, trespass to
person, criminal trespass, forgery, undo influence, conspiracy,
embezzlement, Count IV - extortion, mental duress, slander,
defamation of character, wrongful interference with business
relations and engaged in psychiatric abuse.

87. On August 13, 1987, the PLAINTIFF At approximately 9:30

am, The PLAINTIFF returns to the Burdette Tomlin Hospital to
obtain a formal copy of the incident the preceding night. After
some arguments1 hospital officials provide explicit records of
the event, including the following summary: "Stan was brought
to the ER (emergency room) by two brothers and police. Police
received a phone call from Jim Warner, (872-9081, friend
staying at the Conestoga residence of the PLAINTIFF), who
told them he believed Stan planned to take a gun, go to the
beach & kill himself. Client denied any such statement,
thoughts or plans. He has legal and difficult times, financial
deals which have fallen through; license to do financial
planning (his business) revoked; repossessed material goods
(airplane); being blackmailed; and several major financial
deals (in which he had invested personal funds) fall through-
but NO PROBLEMS! Denied any Depression.

88. On August 14, 1987, the same family members again

arrive unwanted at the residence of The PLAINTIFF in Stone
Harbor, NJ. After another confrontation, similar to the incident
of two evenings before, The PLAINTIFF fleas to the Avalon
Police Department for another attempt to get a restraining
order. However, en route, just a few blocks from the Avalon
Police Station, an Avalon Police cruiser pulls The PLAINTIFF
over and arrests him for the following violations:
a. Driving Beyond the speed limit.
b. Driving an unregistered vehicle (all required registration
materials were in Lancaster, PA)
c. Containing an empty beer can in his vehicle (which was at .1
east three days old)

89. In addition, the Avalon Police Department repossessed his

car and locked it in the Avalon Police Department compound,
which was his only means of transportation and
communication by car phone.

90. Again, Yolanda Caterbone, Steve Caterbone, Phil

Caterbone, Mike Caterbone, Tom Caterbone engaged in
invasion of privacy, civil trespass, obstruction of justice,
wrongful interference with contracts, trespass to person,
criminal trespass, forgery, undo influence, conspiracy,
embezzlement, Count IV - extortion, mental duress, slander,
defamation of character, wrongful interference with business
relations; and engaged in psychiatric abuse.

91. The Avalon Police Department engaged in false arrest,

false imprisonment, false statements, civil conspiracy,
malicious prosecution and/or malicious abuse of process claims

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arising out of the charges and arrest; and (2) civil rights claims
under 42 U.S.C. 1983, arising out of the Department's
actions or inactions during court scheduled hearings in 1987.

92. On August 24, 1987, Robert Kauffman sends a letter to

Millard Johnson, The PLAINTIFF's client, regarding his previous
intentions of paying the $25,000 demand note of The
PLAINTIFF to Millard Johnson. Robert Kauffman had previously
promised to pay the debt to Millard Johnson during a meeting.
Robert Kauffman, told Millard Johnson to contact the Financial
Management Group, Ltd., attorney, Craig Russell in order to
file legal claim, and formally disclosed that he would: no
longer handle any discussions concerning Stanley J.
Caterbone. In the last paragraph, Robert Kauffman discloses
"attorney Mr. Patterson, no longer represents the Caterbone
family regarding his pending bankruptcy or guardianship". The
PLAINTIFF never gave any legal jurisdiction or rights to any
family member, has never filed for bankruptcy, was not
bankrupt, or even knew of an attorney named Mr. Patterson.

93. Robert Kauffman and Craig Russell engage in conspiracy to

commit fraud, libel, slander, defamation of character,
conspiracy to commit Count IV - extortion, and false

94. On September 1, 1987, in an attempt to resolve issues,

The PLAINTIFF calls Financial Management Group, Ltd., board
member P. Alan Loss and requests a meeting with Robert. long
and Scott Robertson to explain allegations of misconduct of
Robert Kauffman and Michael Hartlett and the illegal lockout of
The PLAINTIFF. P. Alan Loss agrees and a meeting is set for
September 4, 1987 at 10:00 am in the aide Hickory Inn, a mile
away from Financial Management Group, Ltd., The PLAINTIFF
requests that the meeting be in the strictest of confidence.

95. On September 3, 1987, Attorney Joseph Roda sends The

PLAINTIFF a letter requesting payment of $525.48 in
outstanding legal tees for the meetings of July 1 & 2 and
copying charges.

96. The PLAINTIFF calls Victor of Romar Aviation (no charge)

to schedule a charter flight from Cape May County Airport to
the Lancaster Airport for September 3rd at approximately 2:00
pm, the day before the meeting with Financial Management
Group, Ltd., executives.

97. On September 3, 1987, Robert Kauffman calls detective

Larry Sigler of the Manheim Township Police Department to
report an alleged Terroristic threat made two days prior, on
September 1, 1987, by The PLAINTIFF between the hours of
9:00 and 1 pm noontime. Detective Larry Sigler issues a
warrant for the arrest of The PLAINTIFF with District Justice
Murray Horton that was issued at about the same time as the
arrival of The PLAINTIFF at Romar Aviation.

98. On September 3, 1987, Larry Sigler and the Manheim

Township Police Department engage in false imprisonment,
false arrest, malicious prosecution and/or malicious abuse of
process claims arising out of the charges and arrest in
September 1987; and (2) civil rights claims under 42 U.S.C.
1983, arising out of the Department's actions or inactions in
July and September 1987, and January 1991.

99. On September 3, 1987, At approximately 3:00 pm Mary

Lynn Dipaolo picks The PLAINTIFF up at Romar Aviation for a

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scheduled visit and dinner. After The PLAINTIFF becomes

annoyed at Mary Lynn Dipaolo's unjustified allegations, The
PLAINTIFF borrows her car to go home to his residence in
Conestoga and to go play basketball.

100. On September 3, 1987, at approximately 7:00 pm, upon

leaving the playground, he is approached by Nancy Arment,
Financial Management Group, Ltd., secretary, who is
elaborated and crying, asking "why are you doing this?".

101. Nancy Arment of Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

engaged in harassment and conspiracy to commit Count IV -

102. On September 3, 1987, At approximately 9:00 pm, in an

attempt to recover additional stolen personal and business
tiles, The PLAINTIFF proceeds to the offices of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., where he is greeted by employee
Stacy Waters and allowed to enter the building. The PLAINTIFF
insists that Stacy Walters accompany him throughout the
building as he recovers files in the offices of Robert Kauffman,
Michael Bartlett, and Robert Long. In addition retrieving a
Back-Up (Financial Management Group, Ltd., records and
communications) copy of the computer system which he
integrated. Upon leaving, The PLAINTIFF temporarily
disconnect the systems which he had integrated and developed
for Financial Management Group, Ltd., which fall under
intellectual property rights. Stacy Walters assists The
PLAINTIFF in loading the tiles in his automobile, and The
PLAINTIFF kisses Stacy Walters goodbye, and awaits for her
safe return to the building until leaving.

103. Stacy Walters engaged in criminal trespass, conspiracy to

commit Count IV - extortion, undo influence, mental duress,
slander, defamation of character, and wrongful interference
with business relations.

104. On September 4, 1987, after midnight, upon entering his

residence, the PLAINTIFF is taken into custody by the
Conestoga Police, and requests that the files that he had taken
out of the offices of Financial Management Group, Ltd., be
taken along to prove his rights to the property, and his
position within the company. The PLAINTIFF was then taken to
the jurisdiction of Manheim Township Police, at Where the New
Danville Pike meets South Prince Street, where he is arrested
and taken into custody.

105. On September 4, 1987, at approximately 2:00 am, The

PLAINTIFF is arraigned before District Justice Richard R.
Reeser for the following charges: Terroristic threats; burglary;
unlawful restraint; unlawful use of computers; theft by
unlawful taking; robbery; and criminal mischief.

106. Bail is set at $20,000 and The PLAINTIFF is placed in the

Lancaster County Prison. He was not permitted to post real
estate for bail.

107. The Manheim Township Police Department, Detective

Larry Mathias and the Lancaster County Prison engage in (1)
assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious
prosecution and/or malicious abuse of process claims arising
out of the charges and arrest in September 1987; and (2) civil
rights claims under 42 U.S.C. 1983, arising out of the
Department's actions or inactions in July and September 1987,
and January 1991.

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108. September 5, 1987 - The Lancaster New Era and the

Lancaster Intelligencer Journal report the alleged crimes,
reporting that The PLAINTIFF is an ax-employee; that Financial
Management Group, Ltd., sustained $60,000 because of his
actions; and that he threatened 2 female employees.

109. The Lancaster Newspapers, Inc., engaged in libel,

slander, defamation of character, conspiracy to commit fraud,
conspiracy to commit Count IV - extortion, conspiracy to
commit obstruction of justice.

110. The entire arrests and reports fail to acknowledge that

The PLAINTIFF is an individual lessee of the property, and in
accordance with law, still holds all of his offices of PING, Ltd.,
and is the founder of the company. The above incident further
facilitates the ongoing conspiracy, and publicly discredits The
PLAINTIFF in every way, financially, professionally, and most
importantly conveniently supports the continued allegations of

111. On September 6, 1987, all attempts to post bail are

denied. Robert Beyer appears for visitation at the Lancaster
county prison, completely unexpectedly and unsolicited. Robert
Beyer offers his services and representation with regards to
only defending the criminal charges.

112. On September 9, 1987, The PLAINTIFF is given an

ultimatum by the Lancaster county prison authorities, Robert
Bayer, Yolanda Caterbone, and Mary Lynn Dipaolo of posting
the required bail only if The PLAINTIFF voluntarily admits
himself into the Psychiatric Unit of St. Joseph Hospital, or
remains in the Lancaster County prison.

113. The PLAINTIFF is released from Lancaster County prison,

and immediately escorted to St. Joseph Hospital and admitted
into the Psychiatric Unit.

114. On September 9, 1987, Yolanda Caterbone, Robert Beyer,

and Mary Lynn Dipaolo engage in conspiracy to commit fraud,
false statements, and conspiracy to commit Count IV -
extortion, obstruction of justice, and false imprisonment.

115. On September 15, 1987, The PLAINTIFF questions the

legality of the ultimatum for posting bail, and upon learning
that it is unlawful, arranges for his discharge - Upon his
discharge, the St. Joseph Hospital administrators learn that
Financial Management Group, Ltd., had terminated his health
insurance, and demand payment of $3, 064.60 for the six days
of hospitalization. The PLAINTIFF is not able to pay, and leaves
the hospital and returns to his residence of Conestoga, PA.

116. St. Joseph Hospital engaged in collusion to commit fraud,

Count IV - extortion, libel, slander, and defamation of
character, false imprisonment, obstruction of justice, and false

117. On September 15, 1987, The PLAINTIFF receives an

invoice from St. Joseph Hospital for $3,064.00.

118. On September 16, 1987, The PLAINTIFF receives a call

from Howard Eisler, an Investigator for the Pennsylvania
Securities Commission who requests a meeting with The
PLAINTIFF. A meeting is scheduled for September 29, and The
PLAINTIFF arranges for Robert Beyer and Millard Johnson to

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119. On September 21, 1987, ISC and the British Ferranti firm
agree in principal to merge, creating what appeared to be a
$1.5 billion defense/electronics conglomerate, after six months
of negotiations.

120. On September 22, 1987,The PLAINTIFF and James

Warner settle on the real estate deal, of 433 w. Marion Street,
which The PLAINTIFF had sold to James Warner, at a
distressed price, which still yielded a profit. The profits of the
transaction were paid directly to Millard Johnson, with The
PLAINTIFF getting none of the proceeds. Millard Johnsons
funds were extorted by Commonwealth National Bank and
Lancaster Aviation.

121. The parties engaged in Count IV - extortion of funds,

collusion to commit fraud, and civil conspiracy.

122. On September 25, 1987, Art Kerst visits The PLAINTIFF at

his residence and accuses him and his cousin of being
connected with the Mafia, and conspiring together, in order to
provide the financing of the $50 million shopping center in
Florida, that was originally owned by the Fisher/Sponougle
Group, and diverting the profits of the deal away from him (Art
Kerst) and the Fisher Sponougle Group.

123. The PLAINTIFF becomes infuriated, not only at the absurd

allegation, but the timing, when in fact The PLAINTIFF had
bean fighting for his life for the past 4 months, and to even
consider such activities would be insane.

124. On September 29, 1987, Howard Eisler conducts a

meeting at the Residence of The PLAINTIFF, with all parties
consenting to have the meeting recorded by The PLAINTIFF.

125. Howard Eisler was not able to provide a believable

explanation of what he was investigating or why he had
contacted The PLAINTIFF. The PLAINTIFF explains all of the
circumstances regarding his prior meeting with ISC/Chem Con
executive Larry Resch, and details his allegations of
wrongdoing of James Guerin/ISC/Chem Con6 and the
discussions of that meeting on June 23, 1987, with ISC
executive Larry Resch. The PLAINTIFF also discloses his ISC
stock holdings, and his relationships with ISC and Chem Con

126. Howard Eisler, the Pennsylvania Securities Commission,

and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania engaged in a cover-
up, obstruction of justice, public corruption, collusion and
conspiracy to commit Count IV - extortion.

127. Millard Johnson testifies to Howard Eisler during the

meeting regarding a previous meeting in August with Robert
Kauffman, where Robert Kauffman tried to persuade Millard
Johnson to fabricate a story that a legitimate personal loan of
$25,000 to The PLAINTIFF in June of 1987, was instead
intended for investment and embezzled by The PLAINTIFF.
Robert Kauffman wanted Millard Johnson to support this story
to authorities. The PLAINTIFF spent more than 4 hours
explaining and detailing all of his allegations and business
activities including how he founded and built Financial
Management Group, Ltd.,; his mortgage banking activities; the
illegal repossession of his aircraft; all of the fabricated arrests;
and the chronology of events after the June 23 meeting with

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ISC executive Larry Resch. Howard Eisler ended the meeting

and requested copies of documents from The PLAINTIFF.

128. On September 1987, Scott Robertson, begins work with

American Helix founder, David Dering, to secure financing for
the venture and manufacturing facility to manufacture CD
Audio & CD-ROM Compact Discs, an extension of the "Digital"
technologies activities of The PLAINTIFF.

129. David Dering solicited Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

to provide help in securing the necessary $5 million of capital
required .for the venture. David Dering was referred to
Financial Management Group, Ltd., by Norris Boyd (Financial
Management Group, Ltd., shareholder) and Bob Fogarty, who
had previously been working with The PLAINTIFF on various
financing arrangements. It was The PLAINTIFF that elected to
allow both Scott Robertson and Rob Long to participate in the
venture capital markets. Scott Robertson would later conduct
negotiations with High Industries, Inc., to provide the entire $5
million financial package. Scott Robertson also was named
executive Vice President of American Helix Technology
Corporation, and would resign from Financial Management
Group, Ltd., in order pursue the venture on a full time basis.

130. David Deering, Scott Robertson, and Financial

Management Group, Ltd., engaged in collusion and conspiracy
to commit Count IV - extortion, and violated several anti-trust

131. James Boyer, formerly the lead recording engineer for

Billy Joel, was also recruited to form the principals of American
Helix, consisting of Dave Dering, Scott Robertson, and James
Boyer In mid December of 1990, David Dering will confirm the
above formation of American Helix to The PLAINTIFF, after The
PLAINTIFF alleges violations at the 1934 Sherman Antitrust
Act, concerning his activities in the digital technologies
industries, and the undo influence by Scott Robertson, Robert
Long, and High Industries, as well as criminal conspiracy, of all
parties concerned in the destruction of his business affairs that
began in June at 1987.

132. On October 2, 1987, District Justice Murray Horton

conducts a preliminary hearing for all criminal charges against
The PLAINTIFF. Attorney Robert Beyer refuses to discuss any
issues regarding his individual lease of the Financial
Management Group, Ltd., offices, or any issues resulting in the
illegal activities of anyone other than The PLAINTIFF District
Justice Murray Horton orders The PLAINTIFF to defend all of
the criminal charges in the next term of criminal court in
Lancaster County. The PLAINTIFF ordered to be bound over for
the next term of criminal court of Lancaster County and remain
free on bail.

133. District Justice Murray Horton engaged in obstruction of

justice, collusion and conspiracy to commit Count IV -
extortion, public corruption, and violated several anti-trust

134. On October 4, 1987, The PLAINTIFF meets with high

school classmate and attorney Mike McDonald at The
PLAINTIFF's residence, to discuss legal action and recourse
against all involved. Mike McDonald accepts the case, and The
PLAINTIFF provides all of the relevant information and

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135. Mike McDonald will engage in negligence, and collusion to

commit Count IV - extortion.

136. On October 12, 1987, The PLAINTIFF travels to New York

city to the offices of Intercon Special Services (white collar
crime detective agency) in order to attempt to obtain
assistance in all of the circumstances. Intercon Special
Services, which is staffed with ax FBI agents, estimates that
the services would cost at least $25,000.

137. On October 16, 1987, The PLAINTIFF survives a near

death collision on the New Danville Pike, when a driver ran
through a stop sign at the intersection of Long Lane, while
traveling at a speed of 45 mph. The driver hit The PLAINTIFF's
Jeep Cherokee directly in the passengers door, sending The
PLAINTIFF in a free tall, spinning a full 180 degrees and
landing upside down in a field, facing the opposite direction.
The PLAINTIFF was trapped in the car, while a passerby
attempted to brake the windshield to get him out. The
PLAINTIFF's car was completely demolished, and he sustained
a whiplash. The PLAINTIFF was now without any means of
transportation, in addition to all of his other mitigating

138. On October 18, 1987, The Unemployment Compensation

Review Board formally and officially decides against a claim for
benefits by The PLAINTIFF and cites misconduct and
wrongdoing as the reasons; states that the PLAINTIFF
managed the day to day operations, and used the false arrests
as the reason to deny benefits.

139. The Pennsylvania Unemployment Office of the

Department of Public Welfare committed fraud, and were
negligence in providing benefits.

140. On October 27, 1987, Lancaster Aviation files a civil suit

with District Justice Murray Horton for alleged unpaid bills of
some $5,000.

141. In late October or early November, The PLAINTIFF was

driving in the Southern end of the County, in Conestoga, when
he noticed a vehicle following closely. It was about 9:00 pm in
the evening, and the roads were deserted in this rural area.
The PLAINTIFF began turning, not going in any particular
direction. The ensuing vehicle kept following, and The
PLAINTIFF quickly found himself in a high-speed car chase,
that lasted at least 30 minutes. Finally, The PLAINTIFF arrived
near Millersville, and was able to loose the vehicle.

142. On November 9, 1987, The PLAINTIFF visits with Parent

Federal Savings and Loan's president, John Depatto, to discuss
him problems in meeting his current mortgage payments. John
Depatto immediately disclosed to The PLAINTIFF that
foreclosure proceedings have officially begun, and that the full
loan of approximately $110,000 is immediately due. The
PLAINTIFF stands up from the conference table and declares,
"You tell Mr. James Guerin he is in trouble", and abruptly walks
out of the offices.

143. John Depatto engaged in collusion to commit Count IV -

extortion, and conspiracy to commit fraud.

144. On November 11, 1987, The PLAINTIFF meets with

representatives of Tabor Community Services, of Lancaster,

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Pa, in order to formally apply for assistance to the

Pennsylvania Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Fund, in order
to subsidize his monthly mortgage payments, in an effort to
avoid becoming homeless. The PLAINTIFF supplies Tabor
community services with financial data and supportive
documents relating to his circumstances, which must be found
to be out of the applicants control in order for financial

145. On November 18, 1987, ISC-Ferranti settlement takes

place with Guerin becoming the deputy chairman of Ferranti
and exchanges his is million shares of ISC stock for over 32.2
million shares of Ferranti stock.

146. On November 19, 1987, The PLAINTIFF contacts attorney

Jeff Jamounou of McNeese, Wallice, and Nurick, who The
PLAINTIFF retained as legal counsel for the security law, and
demanded a legal opinion as to the offices that The PLAINTIFF
formerly held, including his Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
Board of Directors seat. Jeff Jamounou disclosed that he no
longer represented Financial Management Group, Ltd., in that
capacity, and that Craig Russell was the attorney now handling
issues such as that.

147. On November 23, 1987, A Referees Decision by the

unemployment Compensation Review Board upholds a recent
decision to deny The PLAINTIFF from collecting any benefits,
again citing misconduct and wrongdoing. The PLAINTIFF calls
Howard Eisler, of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission and
demands an explanation for not returning to obtain any
documents as promised in the meeting of September 29th. The
phone call was recorded.

148. On November 25, 1987, The PLAINTIFF receives a letter

from the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, Howard Eisler,
citing a misunderstanding and lack of communication, and now
requests that The PLAINTIFF submit a written complaint of all
allegations discussed in the meeting of September 29, 1987.

149. On November 30, 1987, The PLAINTIFF fears that the

conspiracy now involves local and state authorities, and
delivers 9,079 documents to the Good Sheppard Industrial
Services, of Allentown, PA to be transferred to microfiche in
order to preserve the authenticity of the documents.

150. The PLAINTIFF feared that an attempt would be made to

destroy all incriminating evidence, and given the number of
documents, and the lack of money, their safekeeping was
becoming at great risk.

151. For security reasons, and to remain anonymous, The

PLAINTIFF uses the Global Entertainment Group, Ltd.,
company for the transaction with the Good Sheppard Industrial
Services company.

152. On November 26, 1987 , The PLAINTIFF visits the

Pennsylvania State Police barracks in Lancaster, to file a formal
complaint to the White Collar Crime Division. The PLAINTIFF
was treated as if he was making the entire story up, and
received no help.

153. On December 1, 1987, In continuing the efforts of the

intervention of authorities, The PLAINTIFF visits the PA State
Capitol building and personally delivers documents to the
offices of: Pennsylvania Governor Casey; the Pennsylvania

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Securities Commission; and Financial Management Group,

Ltd., attorney Jeffrey Jamounou of McNeese, Wallice, & Nurick,
all of Harrisburg, PA. During the same day, at a press
conference being held by Mark Singleton, The PLAINTIFF
approaches State Senator Sib Armstrong and Sen. Armstrong
refused to talk and literally ran away in the middle of the State

154. On December 4, 1987, Financial Management Group,

Ltd., holds its first annual shareholders meeting, for the year
ended June 30, 1987, at the Treadway Resort Inn (Eden
Resort Inn owned by Drew Anthon). In an effort to promote
propaganda against The PLAINTIFF, and to support the
fabricated allegations of insanity, Financial Management
Group, Ltd., president hired armed security personnel to guard
the doorways of the meeting, insinuating that the meeting was
under a threat of violence, and to collaborate his recent
allegations of Terroristic threats, which The PLAINTIFF was
previously arrested and awaiting trial.

155. Financial Management Group, Ltd., engaged in libel,

slander, and defamation of character.

156. On December 17, 1987, The United States Postal

Inspector acknowledges receipt of formal complaint from The
PLAINTIFF regarding executives from Financial Management
Group, Ltd., illegally changing or address; opening of
confidential personal and business mail; and withholding and
possibly destroying confidential personal and business mail at
The PLAINTIFF's leased property of 1755 Oregon Pike,
Lancaster, PA, also the headquarters of Financial Management
Group, Ltd.,.

157. On January 15, 1988, the PLAINTIFF drives to San Diego,

California, and meets with attorney Sandra Gray, and
International Signal & Control, Plc., uses his dire illegalities
and to find access to due process of the law. In an effort to
avoid the political consequences of obtaining legal counsel, The
PLAINTIFF thought that it would be easier to find adequate and
effective counsel from out of state. In addition, The PLAINTIFF
needed some time away from his persecutors.

158. On January 26, 1988, the Pennsylvania Homeowners

Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program formally and officially
denies The PLAINTIFF of benefits citing the following: "
Applicant was terminated from job Financial Management
Group, Ltd.,), therefore was not suffering from circumstances
beyond his control".

159. On March 14, 1988, The PLAINTIFF is served notice by

Lancaster Constables regarding Parent Federal .Guerin' Bank)
v. The PLAINTIFF Mortgage Foreclosure of his residence at
2323 New Danville Pike, Conestoga, PA.

160. On May 1988, The PLAINTIFF is forced to sell his

residence, and subdues to the undo influence that he was
responsible for all circumstances, and moves to Florida with his

161. On October 23, 1988 the PLAINTIFF, destitute, without a

personal residence, automobile, or any income, and with
accumulated debts of more than $65,000 from all related
incidents in the 1987 "Blackmail", sells his Financial
Management Group, Ltd., holdings to Robert Kauffman and is

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given $72,000 in proceeds at settlement. This by and of itself

will be proven to be Count IV - extortion. Robert Kauffman was
in fear of The PLAINTIFF exercising his large voting rights in
the upcoming Financial Management Group, Ltd., annual
shareholders meeting, which included the election off Financial
Management Group, Ltd., Board of Directors. The PLAINTIFF
had approximately 19% of the outstanding shares of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., and had the potential to vote
someone of his selection to a Board seat. Scott Robertson had
solicited the deal for both parties, and acted as negotiator for

162. On November 23, 1988 the PLAINTIFF completes a

management-consulting proposal for Scott Robertson, Tony
Bongiovi, and American Helix for Power Station Studios of New
York. Scott Robertson had solicited the PLAINTIFF to New York
to review the current management and to author a proposal to
help Tony Bongiovi manage the recording studio and all special
projects. The PLAINTIFF spent time in New York and
interviewed the Power Station management team and
personnel. The Digital Movie, Mutant Mania project had
already been terminated in 1987.

163. On March 13, 1989, Scott Robertson, cofounder and

executive vice president of American Helix Technology
Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of High Industries,
Inc., of Lancaster, Pa, recruits The PLAINTIFF for marketing
help. The PLAINTIFF accepts a weekly consulting contract, with
no long-term commitment, in light of his efforts with Radio
Science Laboratories, Inc., Scott Robertson wanted The
PLAINTIFF to help develop the new and emerging CD-ROM
business, which was essentially "Digital" technologies.
American Helix was one of 10 domestic manufacturing facilities
located in the continental U.S., for the production of CD-Audio
International Signal & Control, Plc., (CD's or Compact
International Signal & Control, Plc.,), and one of only a few
CD-ROM manufacturers.

164. On April 17, 1989, the PLAINTIFF incorporates Radio

Science Laboratories, Inc., to further his interest in microwave
technologies, and the telecommunications industry. The
company is a venture with James & Lynn Cross, both capable
design engineers with over 30 years experience. The company
was trying to secure financing for the development of a
manufacturing enterprise for Low Noise Amplifiers, or LNA's as
they are commonly referred.

165. On July 8, 1989, William A. Clark, Guerin's former top

Guerin for $2 million, the balance Clark claims is owed him in a
$2.75 million settlement (over an employment dispute)
accepted by Guerin in March. Joe Roda is legal counsel for
William Clark. Joe Roda was the first attorney that The
PLAINTIFF had gone to for help, who told The PLAINTIFF to
quit fabricating things.
166. On July 19, 1989, The PLAINTIFF, Scott Robertson, and
American Helix agree on a one year employment contract,
which American Helix will never fulfill in its entirety, and will be
terminated in the following April.

167. On October 10, 1989, British Labor unions urge Ferranti

companies, claiming job loss in Scotland alone could exceed
8,000 workers.

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168. On October 16, 1989 , A 1987 report commissioned by

Sebastian de Ferranti surfaces showing that the company
bearing his family's name was cautioned not to merge with
Brothers. Ferranti chairman, Sir Derek,Alun Jones comes under
tire by stockholders who demand his resignation during the
company's annual meeting in London.

169. On October 24, 1989 , Scotland Yard joins the U.S. in the
Guerin probe. Federal agents will travel to London in January
to coordinate the investigation.
170. On November 1989, Ferranti begins firing
within the company.
171. On December 1, 1989, Ferranti sues Guerin and three
including Larry Resch, for $198 million each, claiming all of
built on bogus contracts.
172. On April 1990, The American Helix Board of Directors,
lead by S. Dale High/High Industries, vote to terminate Scott
Robertson of American Helix, continue the financing of the CD-
ROM business which The PLAINTIFF was directly managing.
The joint venture agreement with Network Technologies, or
Washington, D.C., had lost an estimated $450,000 in the past
9 months, and the technologies, which were to be delivered,
had proven to be worthless. Scott Robertson had solicited,
negotiated, and administer the deal, The PLAINTIFF had raised
serious concerns at to the capabilities of the technologies, the
business, and Network Technologies, early in the project. High
Industries then conducted several meetings with The
PLAINTIFF to purchase the business, however, The PLAINTIFF
had told the executive in a meeting on Good Friday, that he
was solely responsible for any business that was left, and any
there was no real value. High Industries agreed to pay The
PLAINTIFF his weekly consulting tee only until June 30, in
hopes of negotiating an agreement to keep American Helix in
the CD-ROM business, which was only feasible with The
PLAINTIFF, because of his knowledge and expertise in "Digital"

173. On May 5, 1990, the PLAINTIFF is awarded his first

government contract for CD-ROM technologies with the
National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST), of
Gaithersburg, Maryland. NIST is the technology arm of the
federal government, similar to the National Institute of Health
(NIH), of Bethesda, Maryland. Because of the technological
complexities of the project surrounding the UNIX system
environment, Phillips DuPont (PSO) was the only other
competitor in the U.S.. Computer Scientist, John Garofolo, will
coordinate the project, which is responsible for the research
and development of speech recognition systems for the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Information
Science and Technology Office (DARPA-ISTO) The Automated
Speech Recognition Group, will supervise the project for MIST.
The group will develop CD-ROM'S containing speech corpora
for the scientific I community, including: Massachusetts
institute of Technology (MIT); Texas instruments (TI); SRI
International; and other academic institutions.

174. On May 21, 1990 the PLAINTIFF and American Helix

Technology Corporation, represented by David D. Dering, sign
an agreement authorizing the PLAINTIFF and Advanced Media
Group to continue all CD-ROM activities and to market the
services to the markets-at-large.

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175. On October 1, 1990 the PLAINTIFF and American Helix

Technology Corporation, represented by David D. Dering, sign
another agreement authorizing the PLAINTIFF and Advanced
Media Group to continue all CD-ROM activities with an
agreement for payments from all activities. The PLAINTIFF was
afforded office space, secretarial, office supplies, marketing
materials, and the continuation of all support personnel of
American Helix without expense to the PLAINTIFF. The
PLAINTIFF was entitled to represent all CD-ROM services to the
markets-at-large. The PLAINTIFF was to be paid on all
replication, premastering, and mastering charges to the
clients. All other services were billed directly by the PLAINTIFF.
The contract and agreement will continue until the negotiation
of another agreement is reached and agreed upon. Both David
D. Dering and the PLAINTIFF have signed and executed the
agreement. The agreement was dated and signed on
November 2, 1990. All previous invoices and work by the
PLAINTIFF was grandfathered into this agreement.

176. On October 11, 1990, Department of Justice claims

proceeds from the sale of his Naples home after paying the
$600,000 outlined in his guilty plea agreement to the Justice
Department. Ferranti has asked the court to assist in collecting
over $189 million from Guerin, an amount awarded the firm by
a British court when it said Guerin failed to convince the court
he had nothing to do with the 31 billion fraud. The PLAINTIFF
begins to organize. all relevant documents, stored in some 30
boxes, regarding all circumstances involving the "1987"
blackmail and criminal conspiracy, in hopes of finally resolving
all outstanding issues, by taking action tar legal recourse. In
response from the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome,
The PLAINTIFF had rescinded efforts for due process
immediately after loosing his home and businesses. In similar
matter of being brainwashed, The PLAINTIFF was fearful of
pursuing due process of the law in fear of continuing reprisals,
intimidation, and retaliation. However, upon the public
disclosure of the Federal courts indictments into illegal ISC
activities, the PLAINTIFF began to review his case, and find
distinct and substantiated activities associated directly to his
disclosure of fraud within ISC.

177. On January 9, 1991 Lt. Madenspacher of the Manhiem

Township Police Department call The PLAINTIFF at his
lab/office in him home at approximately 2:00 pm. Lt.
Madenspacher explains that he had received a copy of the
letter to the Department of Defense, that Detective Larry
Mathias had forwarded to him. Lt. Madenspacher questioned
his motives of the letter and stated: "What are you going to
do.. We (Manhiem Township Police Department) just don't
want to see a multi-million do00000000023llar law suit come
down our way.." The PLAINTIFF responded, "You know that I
was an individual leassee of that property, and in addition I
had never resigned any offices or my Board of Director's seat
of Financial Management Group, Ltd., .. You also know that I
had met with Larry Resch of ISC on June 2S, 1987, and that I
made allegations of misconduct.." Lt. Madenspacher
responded, "We were forced into that (the arrests of The
PLAINTIFF on Sept. , 1987), we were caught between a rock
and a hard place, we were forced into that". Lt. Madenspacher
then changed the subject to "Digital" technologies, and
described the activities of the police department of using the
same in the telephone surveillance of criminal suspects. Lt.
Madenspacher then requested to meet with The PLAINTIFF.
The PLAINTIFF agreed, however due to his current busy
schedule, confirmed he would contact him later to schedule a

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178. On January 10, 1991 The PLAINTIFF sends a letter to Lt.

Madenspacher of the Manheim Township Police Department, to
schedule a meeting for Thursday, Jan. 17th at 3:00 pm, at his
office at American Helix Technology Corporation, at the Green
field Corporate Park. The PLAINTIFF requested a response only
if the time was in conflict of his schedule.

179. ON January 17, 1991 Lt. Madenspacher fails to show up

for the scheduled meeting with The PLAINTIFF at Amen can
Helix, and never contacted him before that date to change the
meeting, or called to apologize for not being able to keep the
prior commitment.

180. On January 18, 1991 The PLAINTIFF sends documents

concerning the Blackmail" of 1987 to several reporters of the
Lancaster Newspapers,: Tim MeKeele; Earnest Schriber; and
Thomas Planner. Tim MeKeele also received a tape with some
excerpts of the September 29, 1987 meeting with the PA
Securities Commission, where The PLAINTIFF discusses
allegations of misconduct against J. Guerin and ISC.

181. On January 19, 1991 the PLAINTIFF, Al Thornburg, with

Dave Dering. On Saturday morning, THE PLAINTIFF went to
the American Helix facility to pick up some computer
hardware. Upon attempting to unlock the side door entrance
with his 24-hour access security card, the door would not
unlock. Assuming something may have been wrong with the
security system, THE PLAINTIFF drove to the residence of Al
Thornburg (former SONY DADC engineer from Terre Huette,
Indiana), the engineer for American Helix. THE PLAINTIFF
asked Al to drive over to see if his access card was operable.
The PLAINTIFF and Al Thornburg entered the building with Al
Thornburg's access card and found that his access card was
inoperable throughout the building. Al then said, "Stan, your
locked out". THE PLAINTIFF said, "I was in here until 5: 00pm
last evening and my access card worked fine. THE PLAINTIFF
proceeded to pick up the tape back-up and said "Let's go. I
don't want to be arrested for burglary, like I was 3 years ago. I
don't know what the Hell is going on".

182. As the PLAINTIFF and Al Thornburg left the computer

room, Dave Dering appeared. This was quite unusual, since Al
Thornburg and the PLAINTIFF often work on Saturdays, and
Dave Dering had not been in the plant on a Saturday for the
past few months. THE PLAINTIFF said to Dave "Dave, why am
I locked out?" He said "talk to Jim Boyer". The PLAINTIFF,
quite emphatically said, "why am I locked out?". "Stan, you'll
have to talk to Jim". THE PLAINTIFF said, "Dave, you are the
president, my contract is with you, not Jim Boyer". Dave said
"Now, Stan, just calm down. This isn't a conspiracy against
The PLAINTIFF." THE PLAINTIFF told Al I'm getting out of
here. The PLAINTIFF and Al Thornburg left the building, and Al
was especially suspicious of the events and especially why
suddenly Dave Dering showed up at the building on that
particular Saturday, only moments after we arrived at the

183. On January 21, 1991 The PLAINTIFF Faxed a letter to

David D. Dering, afraid of the "LOCKOUT" and the lack of any
events or activities that would explain such a drastic and
damaging action of American Helix citing Dave Dering in
breach of the PLAINTIFFS business agreement and in
conspiracy to eliminate or sabotage the PLAINTIFFS business

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and reputation. The fax also contained a cc: to High

executives, that was never sent.
184. On January 22, 1991 the PLAINTIFF and Dave Dering
Dave Dering had a telephone conversation; "Stan, how did you
get in here last night?". Stan "Dave, what are you talking
about?, I won't go near that building, the last time I went back
into my own building after being illegally locked out, I ended
up in jail". Dave Dering " How did you get in here and steal
your fax?". The PLAINTIFF replied, Dave, why would I want to
steal the fax that I wrote?" Dave Dering "You have caused a
big problem. You put me in a difficult position I don't know if
I can rectify things with the 'High's' and especially Allon
Lefevre. I always went to bat for you how do I trust you?" A
meeting was set up for 6:00 pm later that day.

185. January 22, 1991 the PLAINTIFF met with Dave Dering
and he gave three (3) reasons for the "LOCKOUT", although
never willing to engage in any real conversations relating to
those issues:
a. The computer system went down, causing a problem in the
security system.
b. Jim Boyer did not reinstall the PLAINTIFFS access
identification number for the security system.
c. Jim Boyer was to talk to the PLAINTIFF on Friday, the day
before the Lockout, concerning eliminating your access to the

186. Dave Dering said "Jim Boyer said that he can take over
the CD-ROM business no problem". Dave Dering talked
about trust and who to trust. Dave Dering reluctantly agreed
to continue the business relationship and adhere to the
agreements, however' only on an arms length basis. THE
PLAINTIFF was no longer allowed in the building except during
normal business hours. THE PLAINTIFF was no longer to have
a private office.

187. Dave Dering never addressed the issues or the

circumstances that preceded the "LOCKOUT", and never
addressed the reasons as to why there was any reason to
modify the agreement concerning my business American Helix
that was established back in June of 1990. There were no
disputes, activities, or conversations that gave any indication
that American Helix, Dave Dering, or Jim Boyer intended to
change or modify our relationship.

188. On January 24, 1991: The PLAINTIFF met with Allon

Lefevre (Executive Vice President of High Industries
responsible for overseeing all subsidiaries). The PLAINTIFF
called a meeting Allon Lefevre to discuss the following:
a. The R.R. Donnelly merger and acquisition of American Helix.
b. The "LOCKOUT".

189. Allon Lefevre asked questions regarding the PLAINTIFFS

contact with R.R. Donnelly and Barry Click (President of R.R.
Donnelly GeoSystems, former MAPQUEST). THE PLAINTIFF
quickly made it clear that Barry Click contacted the PLAINTIFF
in December after seeing the PLAINTIFFS advertisement in the
CD-ROM Enduser magazine, published by Linda Helgerson.
Barry Glick was elated to see someone in the local area that
was involved with CD-ROM technologies and asked to visit with
the PLAINTIFF. Allon asked many questions about Donnelly
and Barry Click. THE PLAINTIFF made it clear that during the
visit, and from the discussions regarding the strategic plan of
Donnelly, THE PLAINTIFF suggested that there might be an
opportunity for a merger or acquisition with American Helix.

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THE PLAINTIFF also discussed the capabilities for the facility to

be a dedicated CD-ROM manufacturing facility. THE PLAINTIFF
notified Allon Lefevre that Barry Glick was awaiting a call from
the PLAINTIFF the next day concerning the appropriate contact
to discuss the subject of an acquisition. Allon assured the
PLAINTIFF that the High's would not contact Donnelly directly
and would await a call from Barry Click.

190. Regarding the "LOCKOUT" THE PLAINTIFF gave the three

reasons that Dave Dering had provided during our meeting a
few days before to Allon Lefevre. THE PLAINTIFF told Allon that
after "THE PLAINTIFF had built a strong foundation for the CD-
ROM business everybody suddenly wants it back, six
months ago, nobody wanted anything to do with it, not to
mention the capital that THE PLAINTIFF had invested in it".

191. Allon Lefevre was only concerned with why THE

PLAINTIFF had sent the Fax. "Why did you send the Fax? I just
don't understand why you sent the Fax". Allon was not
concerned with or wanted to discuss the issue of why THE
PLAINTIFF was "LOCKED OUT". Allon asked the PLAINTIFF the
problems surrounding American Helix and what solutions THE
PLAINTIFF thought could help restore the company to stability.
THE PLAINTIFF discussed the lack of systems, the lack of a
strong business foundation, and most Importantly the lack of
management. He asked the PLAINTIFF about Dave Dering and
THE PLAINTIFF responded, "Dave Dering is an engineer, not a
manager, he has no real management skills". Allon then asked
me how to approach the meeting with Donnelly. THE
PLAINTIFF suggested that they just sit and listen to their ideas.
THE PLAINTIFF asked Allon to assure me that this meeting
would be kept confidential between the two of us. He said
"THE PLAINTIFF will have to tell Dave sooner or later, and that
he was not gong to get in the middle of the two of us".

192. February 15, 1991 the PLAINTIFF met with Jim Tritch &
Allon Lefevre. Allon Lefevre had requested a meeting to be
certain that THE PLAINTIFF was not representing the High's or
American Helix. THE PLAINTIFF had told Allon that THE
PLAINTIFF was not concerned with the merger issue, that the
Advanced Media Group was continuing discussions with Barry
Click on various information technologies, which were strictly
my business. THE PLAINTIFF also informed him that Barry
Click had told me "Stan, we are quite honestly more interested
in you rather than the facility or American Helix". THE
PLAINTIFF also informed Allon that Barry asked if THE
PLAINTIFF would make a trip the Chicago, the corporate
headquarters to discuss the technologies and specifically the
manufacturing technologies of CD-ROM.

193. THE PLAINTIFF made it perfectly clear that the two (2)
contacts for a merger or acquisition that THE PLAINTIFF had
provided to the High's were contacts that approached the
PLAINTIFF. THE PLAINTIFF also notified Lefevre and Tritch that
Dave Dering had requested the PLAINTIFF to look for a joint
venture partner as far back as November. THE PLAINTIFF also
made it perfectly clear that THE PLAINTIFF would not solicit
any leads: unless THE PLAINTIFF was to be compensated.
Alien Lefevre suggested that it may help the PLAINTIFF to look
for contacts, and THE PLAINTIFF quite emphatically restated
my contentions that THE PLAINTIFF would not do any work
without compensation.

194. Jim Tritch acknowledged that THE PLAINTIFF was the only
person responsible for the development of the CD-ROM

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business, and the only person with any real technical expertise
in information technologies and CD-ROM, and that neither
American Helix nor High Industries had the capabilities to
manufacture CD-ROMs without the PLAINTIFF. Jim Tritch also
admitted that the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., would have to
be a purchased separately in the case of any merger or
acquisition of American Helix. Jim Tritch also stated that in his
initial meeting with Donnelly that they like me and wanted to
continue to work toward a business relationship. Both Allon
and Jim stated that they would like to continue to work with
me in the CD-ROM business.

195. On February 15, 1991 American Helix conducted a Staff

Meeting. Through an employee that was present during the
meeting, THE PLAINTIFF had learned that Dave Dering "spent
20 minutes "slimming", or slandering and defaming the
character of the PLAINTIFF, and called the PLAINTIFF a
Dave Dering also told the group that THE PLAINTIFF had
almost ruined the company, and THE PLAINTIFF should not be
trusted. THE PLAINTIFF was also informed the previous day
that David Dering was telling persons that the reason that THE
PLAINTIFF was out of town in December was because "THE
PLAINTIFF was on the run from authorities".

196. The PLAINTIFF was in Captiva, Florida, scanning

documents and indexing the CD-ROM AMG Legal Prototype
Disc concerning the ISC Cover-UP.

197. On January 19, 1991 High Industries American Helix

illegally and without notice locks The PLAINTIFF out of his
office and the facility of American Helix, who was currently
under a joint venture agreement with The PLAINTIFF and his
Advanced Media Group, Ltd., for his digital technologies
business. This "Lock-Out" was similar to that of Financial
Management Group, Ltd., on July 1, 1987. Again conveniently
when The PLAINTIFF had raised issues and allegations
involving Guerin and ISC.

198. On January 21, 1991 In fear and confused about his

involvement, and in respect to the massive fraud of the
ISC/Ferranti merger, The PLAINTIFF sends a package to
Ferrantis legal counsel in England by way of United Postal
Service' Overnight International Delivery Service (Tracking
Number 1773 0619 670).The PLAINTIFF was in fear that a
potential "Cover-Up" by U.S. authorities, and specifically the
Lancaster community, would place his life in danger, and
wanted to insure that the information concerning his
knowledge of ISC misconduct before the lSC/Ferranti merger,
and his disclosure to local, state, and federal authorities in the
summer of 1987, at least would be received by Ferranti,
reducing the possibility of someone terminating his life in order
so that these circumstances would not be used as an asset in
the present Ferranti Legal efforts.

199. On Jan 22, 1991In an effort to support his allegations of

misconduct and the allegedly threatening activities of The
PLAINTIFF, American Helix president Dave Dering has all of the
locks in the building changed by a professional locksmith,
which is nothing more than an act of propaganda. Later that
day, The PLAINTIFF and David Dering meet. David Dering
resolves to only allow The PLAINTIFF in the building during
normal business hours, and does not allow him to occupy his
own office. The PLAINTIFF has never been given any reason
why he was locked out in the first place.

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200. On February 1, 1991 ABC News 20/20 features the story

"Weapons Sales to Iraq" about the ISC/Cardoen cluster bomb
technology and how it got to Saddam Husain.

201. On Feb 17, 1991 The PLAINTIFF receives a letter from

Sandra K. Paul, of the Citizens Ambassador Program, a division
of People to People International, notifying him that he has
been selected to participate in the upcoming Printing and
Publishing Delegation to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
in the coming August. People to People International is a
nonprofit organization started by the late Dwight D.
Eisenhower to facilitate the communications of experts from
various professions throughout the world. The objective of the
delegation was to exchange ideas, information, and
technologies of the printing and publishing industries with
American counterparts in the Soviet Union, and various
Eastern European countries.

202. On February 22, 1991 Federal prosecutors seize

$800,000 from Clark, claiming he was privy to information
about ongoing criminal acts within ISC that generated the
tainted cash.

203. On February 1991 In an American Helix staff meeting,

with all employees present, but The PLAINTIFF, president
David Dering had spent approximately 20 minutes alleging that
The PLAINTIFF almost ruined his company, and that he "is a
runaway ex-convict, that will end up in jail very soon".
Engineer Al Thornburg, immediately following the meeting,
disclosed the above discussion.

204. On May 23, 1991 At approximately 2:00 pm, Jay Curtis,

(appearing as a Department of Defense contractor, who had
recently solicited the services of The PLAINTIFF and his
Advanced Media Group, Ltd., to provide engineering in the
development of "Digital" simulation and training applications
for various U.S. Military Logistics bases) had called The
PLAINTIFF. The following is synopsis of the conversation:
"Because of your recent discussions concerning your
knowledge and information about the ISC Scandal, and an
alleged "Cover-Up", I had to do a background check on you, to
insure against any problems when including you in by proposal
to the U.S. Department of Defense... Everyone backs up your
story, and is looking over your documents now, including the
CIA, IRS, SEC, FBI, Scotland Yard, Attorney General, the
British M-4, and others. They are all verifying and confirming
your "cover-up" allegations.. They don't know what to tell the
Press and Media "I also know that you submitted documents to
Mr. Thomas Flannery of the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal".
"How did you know about the CIA and its involvement with
ISC, how did you know that, and what do you know?" Jay
Curtis kept pushing The PLAINTIFF on the CIA issue, and what
he had known and how he knew, The PLAINTIFF kept telling
him that the whole situation was to emotional, and that he was
afraid for his life. The PLAINTIFF had to eventually tell Mr.
Curtis that he could not discuss this anymore. He abruptly
changed the subject and hung up on Mr. Curtis. The PLAINTIFF
immediately went to a friends house, and disclosed that fact
that he was in fear for his life. He quietly sat on the steps with
his friend, Abby (2 years old). Later that night, his friend Dave
Pflumm would take him to the corner bar for a few drinks,
while unknowing to The PLAINTIFF, Ted Koppel was disclosing
the story of the CIAs involvement with ISC. Several hours
later, Ted Koppel broke the story about the CIA and ISC's

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covert operations to sell arms to Iraq.

205. Immediately following the conversation with Mr. Jay

Curtis regarding the CIA and ISC, The PLAINTIFF packed a
suitcase and confidential information assets, in preparation to
leave Lancaster, in total and legitimate fear for his life.

206. On May 23, 1991 ABC News/Nightline and Ted Koppel

feature the first in a series of stories, relating to CIA
knowledge of a covert operation to supply munitions to south
Africa implemented by ISC and Carlos Cardoen. The story
featured Lancaster and ISC. The report ties Guerin to the
National Security Agency project in the 1970s. ABC News, the
Financial Times of London, and the Lancaster Intelligencer
News investigated the report. Tom Flannery of the Lancaster
Intelligencer Journal appeared on the program and was given
credits on the show.

207. On May 24, 1991 The Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

reports on the above story. At approximately 1:30 pm, The
PLAINTIFF drives out of Lancaster, en route to a safe haven,
and stops at a convenience store and reads the early edition of
the Lancaster New Era, learning for the first time of ABC
News/Nightline story about ISC and the CIA the evening
before, just hours after his conversation regarding the same to
Jay Curtis.

208. On June 7, 1991 The PLAINTIFF is again arrested by the

Stone Harbor Police. After passing several sobriety tests, and
two Breathalyzer tests, The PLAINTIFF is placed in a jail cell,
and refused to be released. Several hours later, The PLAINTIFF
is cited for outstanding arrests warrants of Avalon, NJ, dated
back to August 14, 1987, by an officer of the Avalon Police
department who suddenly appeared. Both arresting officers
demanded $340.00 for the posting of bail. The PLAINTIFF
requested that the required cash be retrieved from his car,
located just a few blocks away. The Avalon police officer
responded by saying, "we can't let you go to your car, you
may have a gun in there". The PLAINTIFF was immediately
escorted to the cape May county Prison, fingerprinted and

209. On June 8, 1987 The PLAINTIFF calls Mike Orstein, Lt. of

the Stone Harbor police patrol, and requests that he retrieve
the required cash from his car, and post the required bail. At
approximately 2:30 pm, The PLAINTIFF is released on bail. On
June 11, 1991 The PLAINTIFF left the Stone Harbor Marina at
approximately 12:30 am en route to Lancaster, Pa, to retrieve
some files concerning the ISC cover-up. Upon driving north on
Route 47 (the normal route to Lancaster), approximately 10
miles outside the Cape May county Courthouse, The PLAINTIFF
noticed a car following him closely. Suspicious, The PLAINTIFF
decreased his speed from 55 mph to 35 mph, in order for the
car to pass him. However, the car remained directly behind,
adjusting the speed accordingly. In an effort to elude the car,
without raising suspicion, The PLAINTIFF gradually increased
his speed, while also increasing the distance between the cars,
resulting in the loss of his taillights to the ensuing vehicle -
Because of the winding road, The PLAINTIFF looked for an
abrupt turn-off, in hopes of dashing the eluding vehicle, by
loosing sight of his taillights. There was little or no traffic on
the route during the early morning hours, and The PLAINTIFF
stopped at an intersection, and noticed that the headlights of
the ensuing vehicle were not visible in his rear view mirror,
meaning that his taillights were also not visible to the ensuing

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vehicle. Immediately upon pulling from the intersection, The

PLAINTIFF noticed a narrow dirt road that lead into a field of
small trees, the perfect place to sit for the ensuing auto to
pass him, unnoticed. The ensuing vehicle pulled to the
intersection, and continued north on route 47, in the direction
of Lancaster. The PLAINTIFF sat in his vehicle a few minutes,
until continuing on his travel, north on Route 47.
Approximately five (5) minutes later, a car traveling in excess
of SS mph, approached The PLAINTIFF, traveling south on the
same road (2 lanes).As the two cars approached each other,
and approximately 30 yards from reaching each other, the
approaching vehicle drove directly into the lane of The
PLAINTIFF, with its high beams on, and continued straight for
his vehicle, or what appeared to be a head-on-collision. The
PLAINTIFF drove off of the berm of the road, missing a line of
trees by less than 12 inches (eluding a life threatening
disaster), and passed the vehicle that was still in the north
bound lane, heading south. The PLAINTIFF, shaking and
sweating furiously, noticed the cars brake lights go on, and the
car apparently turned around, and began pursuing The
PLAINTIFF again. The PLAINTIFF drove as fast as he could to
Route 55, hoping to find traffic in order to hide and loose the
pursuing car. The PLAINTIFF arrived in Lancaster, at
approximately 3:00 am, and again noticed a car sitting in the
parking lot of the vacant "Sportsman's Den", at the
intersection of the New Danville Pike and Prince Streets. Upon
driving west on Hershey Avenue, The PLAINTIFF noticed the
car following him. In an effort to identify the license plate, The
PLAINTIFF made a few turns in the area of Hamilton Watch,
and followed the car heading north on S. West End Avenue.
The car was a late model, gold or tan, Cougar or possibly a
Buick Park Avenue. The PLAINTIFF watched the car increase
his speed, and finally changed directions and proceeded to his
residence, and parked a few blocks away, and walked through
the woods, to his apartment in the Hershey Heritage complex.
The PLAINTIFF then used a flashlight, in order not to reveal his
presence, and returned to his vehicle, sometime in the early
morning, during daylight.

210. On June 10, 1991 two independent U.S. courts uphold a

$189 million award by Britian's High Court against ISC
executives Shireman and Larry Reach for their role in the
fraud. Ferranti makes its first open statement against Guerin
saying a similar decision is expected to uphold the High Court's
decision against him.

211. On June 19, 1991 - The PLAINTIFF leaves Stone Harbor,

in constant fear for his life, and remains in seclusion, in various
parts of the Eastern Seacoast, spanning from Captiva Island,
Florida, to Boston, MA, in order to prepare an official request
for a Congressional Investigation of all related matters.

212. On Jul 11, 1991 The PLAINTIFF files an official request

C300 pages) for a Congressional Investigation into all of the
ISC and preceding issues with U. S. Representative Robert
Walker CR-Pennsylvania), and Speaker of the House, U. S.
Representative Thomas Foley. Overnight Mail Service of the
United States Post Office, outside of Baltimore, Maryland, sent
both requests.

213. On July 12, 1991 The PLAINTIFF returns to his home, in

Lancaster, PA, at approximately 1200 pm, after remaining in
seclusion immediately following the phone conversation of May
23, 1991 with Jay Curtis, regarding the CIA and ISC. ABC
News/NightLine features it's second story about Lancaster's

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ISC and Arms to South Africa and Iraq.

214. On July 18, 1991 U.S. Representative Robert Walker

sends a letter to The PLAINTIFF relating to his request for a
Congressional Investigation into all of his allegations of
misconduct and criminal wrongdoing regarding his alleged
ISC/Fraud "cover-up". The letter said : "Thank you for your
recent letter and information on International Signal & Control
corporation. I appreciate your thinking of me; however, since
this case is before the courts, it is unethical for me to interfere
with the judicial process. If you think I may be of assistance
with other matters, please feel free to contact me".

215. On July 25, 1991 Christian is released from prison after

serving two years and a day for his role in the Chem Con fraud
and toxic waste dumping.

216. On August 1, 1991 The PLAINTIFF receives a notice of a

warrant for his arrest by the Stone Harbor (NJ) Municipal
Court, regarding summons #081370. The PLAINTIFF called the
Court Clerk, Pam Davidson, to explain the circumstances. The
Court Clerk refused to identify herself, and did not have time
to listen to his explanation. She then questioned why he (The
PLAINTIFF) wanted to write to the Judge to explain. The
PLAINTIFF writes a formal letter to Judge Peter M. Tourison, of
the Stone Harbor Municipal Court explaining his allegations of
misconduct, and the issues surrounding his recent arrest of
June 7th, and all of the arrests dating back to August of 1987.
The PLAINTIFF had described in detail his assertions and
evidence that the arrests were conveniently orchestrated while
he was seeking legal recourse for the alleged ISC "Cover-Up'.
The PLAINTIFF also explained his fear for not returning to the
Stone Harbor Municipality, in light of the fabricated arrests,
and other questionable incidents. The PLAINTIFF requested
another means of settling all outstanding frivolous traffic
violations, other than appearing in Stone Harbor Municipal

217. On August 8, 1991 Stone Harbor Municipal Court Judge,

Peter M. Tourison, sends The PLAINTIFF an official letter
acknowledging receipt of his previous letter and explanations.
Judge Tourison concluded his notice by demanding that The
PLAINTIFF appear in Court, as scheduled, "to have this matter
taken care of in the proper manner

218. On August 13, 1991 Ferranti announces it has recovered

$650,000 hidden by Guerin in a number of Swiss Hank
accounts. Ferranti also announces a fiscal 1991 loss of $282
million. The PLAINTIFF responds to Judge Tourison letter of
August 8, and discloses the recent attempt on his life, the past
June, just outside or Stone Harbor, and states that because of
the apparent criminal conspiracy within the same municipality,
The PLAINTIFF formally notifies the Judge that he refuses to
return to Court, as requested.

219. On August 15, 1991 Guerin and Cardoen are shown to

have been deeply involved in a failed $100 million arms
procurement plot linked to the infamous Iran-Contra scandal.

220. On August 16, 1991 The PLAINTIFF receives a formal

notice and demand from American Helix President David D.
Dering, for the return or equipment, currently in the
possession of The PLAINTIFF, and notice of the termination of
the business agreement, dated October 1, 1990 between Stan
J. Caterbone and American Helix Technology Corporation. The

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PLAINTIFF receives a facsimile from Mike Hess (former ISC

engineer who frequented S. Africa and who solicited The
PLAINTIFF in late 1989 for work), and refuses to sign a non-
disclosure agreement with The PLAINTIFF and the Advanced
Media Group, Ltd., as requested to continue a further
relationship considering the recent activities from the May 23rd
phone call and the national media publicity regarding the ISC

221. On August 19, 1991 The PLAINTIFF sends a letter to

attorney Timothy Lanza via the Lancaster Bar Association, and
asks for an explanation as to his misrepresenting to The
PLAINTIFF for the past month that his order for Advanced
Media Group, Ltd., stock certificates were ordered, when in
fact The PLAINTIFF verified with authorized personnel of the H.
Burr Kein company that the order was never placed. Timothy
Lanza had personally disclosed to The PLAINTIFF on several
occasions that he was awaiting the delivery of the certificate
kit via UPS. The PLAINTIFF responds to the previous letter of
David D. Dering, and his request for the return of American
Helix equipment, currently in the possession of The PLAINTIFF.
The PLAINTIFF formally notifies David Dering that the
equipment will be held as collateral, according to statutes of
the Pa. Uniform Commercial Credit code, that the equipment
will not he returned until the past due invoice {# 1018), of the
Advanced Media Group, Ltd., of July 12, 1991 for $4,914.00,
which was due upon receipt according to their business
agreement, was paid in full.
222. On August 29, 1991 A federal judge dismisses Christian's
$93 million suit against Guerin, but Christian vows to re file
the suit.
223. On September 13, 1991 ABC News/Nightline features
another story about ISC, the CIA, and Arms Deals, in
preparation for the beginning of the-Confirmation Hearings of
George Bush's nomination or the Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency, Robert Gates, which begins just three
days away, by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

224. On September 16, 1991 The first day of the Robert Gates'
Confirmation Hearings brings questioning by Senator
Murkowski, of the Senate Intelligence Committee, about
knowledge of the ISC operations by Robert Gates. Gates,
whose candor about Iran-Contra resulted in his 1987 withdraw
when nominated for the same slot by then President Reagan.
In a less-than sincere line of questioning, Robert Gates denies
any knowledge of ISC, Guerin, or Carlos Cardoen, including
any operations to sell munitions to Iraq or south Africa. In
addition, he denies any knowledge of any CIA involvement in
the same.

225. On September 19, 1991 The PLAINTIFF visits the office of

Senator Bill Bradley (D-New Jersey), in the Hart Office
Building, Washington, D.C., and delivers documents, tapes,
and a video, all relating to his allegations of an alleged "Cover-
Up" regarding the ISC Scandal. The materials were taken by
assistant Jackie Widrow, who signed a receipt.

226. On September 21, 1991 The PLAINTIFF delivers a

contract for the consulting services he has agreed to provide to
J. Oman Landis, in order to
insure against any wrongdoing, and especially in light of Mr.
Landis' assertion the previous Friday that "you (The
PLAINTIFF) are taking a break (from business) to rest your
mind". This assertion conveniently supports the alibi of mental
insanity, that has been made by numerous persons, including

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Mr. Landis' friends, the High's, who wholly own American Helix
Technology corporation. Several hours after delivering the
contract to Mr. Landis, and after beginning to work, as outlined
in the contract, Mr. Landis called The PLAINTIFF into his office
and said "there were some developments over the weekend,
why don't you continue on your normal duties of driving
(limousines), this has nothing to do with the contract that you
asked me to sign".
227. On September 25, 1991 The PLAINTIFF mails a cover
letter and accompanying materials to attorney Howard Corny,
of New York city, as previously discussed, via UPS regular way

228. On October 1, 1991 The PLAINTIFF receives a facsimile

from David Dering, President of American Helix, formally
charging The PLAINTIFF with charges of 16,730.00. David
Dering also demands that the equipment be returned, and
upon receipt, American Helix would forgive $11,816.00
($16,730 - $4914)(Caterbone's invoice) of unpaid charges to
The PLAINTIFF and or the Advanced Media Group, Ltd.,
229. On October 1, 1991 The PLAINTIFF sends by certified
mail, a copy of a recent complaint (filed Sep. 6, 1991) to the
New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles, and a demand for
the title to his boat, and again allegations of criminal
wrongdoing by the Stone Harbor Marina, for not delivering
title, given the bill of sale was satisfied on June 10, 1991, and
a fee for the title was paid as well.

230. On October 1, 1990 The PLAINTIFF personally meets with

Ted Koppel, of ABC News/Nightline, at the Washington
National Airport, at approximately 5:30 pm. The PLAINTIFF
questioned Ted Koppel if he knew a Mr. Jay Curtis, and why he
was questioned about the CIA's involvement with the ISC
affairs, just hours before the broadcast. Ted Koppel denied any
knowledge of Mr. Jay Curtis, and stated that Thomas Flannery
was involved in the broadcast by the Financial Times of
London. The letter of August 28, 1987 to Diane sawyer was
also mentioned. Ted Koppel requested the phone number of
The PLAINTIFF, and said that he would contact him later, due
to his present time constraints, and asked, "what do you want,
and what is the story line?" The PLAINTIFF responded, "Justice
and protection, someone is trying to cover me up, and
someone already made attempts on my life... someone keeps
getting information from me, while I'm left sitting in Lancaster
like a sitting duck".

231. On October 2, 1991 The PLAINTIFF responds by facsimile,

to the Oct. 1, correspondence, to David D. Dering. The
PLAINTIFF requested supportive documentation regarding the
suspicious charges of $16,730.00 as declared, in order to
consider the request for the return of the equipment. David C.
Dering responds by facsimile, demanding for The PLAINTIFF to
meet him at the Holiday Inn, in Lancaster on Friday, Oct 4th,
with the equipment in his possession, and states that he will
deliver the required supportive documentation of the charges
as requested.
232. On October 2, 1991 The PLAINTIFF responds by facsimile
to Ted Koppel, as to his question concerning the "story line".

233. On October 27, 1991 The PLAINTIFF writes a letter to

Sandra Woods, Associate Managing Editor, of the Philadelphia
Inquirer, regarding the recent feature story, "What went wrong
in America" The PLAINTIFF describes his experience and
present situation regarding the ISC scandal, and cites
corruption as the cause of the present dire and destitute

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circumstances controlling his life.

234. On October 31, 1991 Guerin and 19 others, including
Larry Reach, are indicted on 75 criminal counts by the
Philadelphia based grand jury.
235. On October 31, 1991 Laura McQueen, administrator for
the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles, called The
PLAINTIFF at approximately 3:30 pm, to notify him that she
was trying to sort out the problem with his complaint regarding
title to his boat. Ms. McQueen acknowledged that the Stone
Harbor Marina had submitted an application for a title,
apparently dated on or about June 10, however the identity of
the boat did not match that of The PLAINTIFFs. Ms. McQueen
also admitted that there seemed to be evidence of
wrongdoing, but denied to state whether the matter was
presently being investigated. Ms. McQueen also stated that the
title in question was being microfiche, and that within a few
days, they should be able to trace the title, and resolve the

236. On October 31, 1991 Robert Clyde Ivy, Terrance Faulds,

Wayne Radcliffe, Gerald Schuler, and Thomas Jaslin enter a
not guilty pleas to all charges handed down by the Philadelphia
grand jury.

237. On November 24, 1987 Robert Shireman, ISC financial

executive pleads his guilt in the ISC $billion fraud and scandal.
Anthony Stagq, ISC executive in charge of Singapore
operations, pleads guilty in the Arms Export violations.
238. On November 27, 1987 ISC Executive Larry Resch pleads
guilty to his role in the massive contract fraud in the
Ferranti/ISC merger of November, 1987.

239. On December 3, 1991 Philadelphia grand jury hands

down a "superseding indictment", clarifying the money-
laundering portion of the charges. The indictment states that
between November of 1986 and June of 1989, Guerin looped
$450 million through phony bank, vendor, -and customer
accounts to give the appearance several of the bogus ISC
contracts were real. The preceding information also allows for
the possibility of an indictment of William Clark, and possibly
his attorney Joseph Roda. The largest of the fake contracts
was the Pakistan Missile deal, in which Larry Resch was
charged and indicted by the grand jury for managing.
240. On December 3, 1991 Mike Hess, a former ISC engineer
that also has done work for The PLAINTIFF, visits The
PLAINTIFF to deliver all materials in his possession which is the
property of the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., The PLAINTIFF
and Mike Hess engage in an argument when Mike Hess
becomes annoyed at The PLAINTIFFs continued caution and
suspicion of Mike Hess's real motives and agenda for the
relationship. The PLAINTIFF had witnessed several incidents of
inconsistencies with the attitude of Mike Hess, with specific
respect regarding The PLAINTIFF's efforts for justice and legal
recourse concerning the affairs of 1987. The PLAINTIFF
admitted in several occasions that he will never trust anyone,
especially given his former association with ISC, and most
importantly his activities and travel to South Africa.

241. On December 4, 1991 The PLAINTIFF calls the Citizens

Commission of Human Rights, after seeing the organization
featured on the Murray Povich Show, and talks to Roy Griffen.
The organization's mission is to investigate abuses within the
mental illness profession. Roy Griffen requests information,
and agrees to investigate his allegations. The PLAINTIFF states
that he will Federal Express a copy of this chronology.

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242. On December 5, 1991 At approximately 10:00 am, The

PLAINTIFF sent a package of information via Federal Express
(tracking number 9734766S93) to: Roy Griffen, Citizens
Commission for Human Rights, 6362 Hollywood Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90028, (800) 869-2247. The package was
received at 9:56 am (PST) by L. Mezkerlsl, at the front desk.

243. On December 5, 1991 At approximately 4:52 pm, James

Guerin pleads guilty to eight (B) grand jury indictments of
October 31. The indictments are as follows: Criminal
Conspiracy, Violation, Arms Export Control Act Violation,
Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid act. Money Laundering,
Securities Fraud, Filing False Income Tax Return, Aiding and
Abetting the Commission of crime. Sentencing is scheduled for
February 25, 1992, with a minimum of 14 years, and a
maximum of Life in prison.

244. On December 4, 1991The PLAINTIFF receives uninvited

visitors at his residence, cousin Sam Miller family, who in
September left him stranded in Florida. They conveniently
need a place to stay, while visiting in Lancaster, and purposely
cause distractions to his efforts for legal recourse.

245. On December 11, 1991 The PLAINTIFF finally requests

that Michelle and Jason Miller vacate his residence.

246. On December 20, 1991 The PLAINTIFF receivers a notice

from the Internal Revenue Service regarding a discrepancy in
income reported on his 1989 Federal Income Tax Return. The
items in question were his "disability income" from Monarch
life insurance and American Helix "non-employee income".

247. On December 23, 1991 The PLAINTIFF responds to the

IRS letter and submits a copy of the chronology of this
conspiracy, along with the entire audio transcript (2 - 90
minute cassettes) of his meeting of September 29, 198? with
the Pennsylvania Securities Commission and requests
assistance in his ordeal. The correspondence was sent via
'Return Receipt Requested" in order to insure proof of delivery.
The PLAINTIFF sends an updated chronology to Roy Griffen of
the Citizen's Commission for Human Rights.

248. On December 28, 1991 The PLAINTIFF sends a formal

notice to attorney Howard Cerny, 245 Park Avenue, New York,
informing him to return the previously submitted information
and tapes regarding this case, and also informing him that he
no longer wishes to discuss these issues with him or any
member of his firm.

249. On December 30, 1991 The PLAINTIFF travels to the U.S.

9:50 am courthouse in Philadelphia, PA, and personally
delivers the chronology and a copy of the "1987" Pennsylvania
Securities Commission meeting to Chief Judge Bechtle, who is
presiding over the ISC court preceding. At 10:00 am The
PLAINTIFF visits the U.S. Attorney Generals office in the same
building and files a formal complaint, "Criminal Conspiracy to
"cover-up" the International Signal a Control scandal. The
proper form is filed with the clerk. Assistant U. S. Attorney
General Gray asks The PLAINTIFF to briefly describe his
complaint. The PLAINTIFF gives Gray the chronology along
with the tapes. The PLAINTIFF briefly describes the meeting of
June 23, 1987 with Larry Resch, the nay 23, 1991 phone call
from Jay Curtis, the arrests by Manheim Township, and the
attempts on his life. Agent Gray took notes, and said he is not

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familiar with the case, but would personally see that the
information is passed to the proper authorities involved in the
case. During the conversation, Mr. Gray asked the exact same
question that was asked by both Joe Roda and Investigator
Eisler of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission) "But you did
not work for them (ISC), you were not involved with them?"
The PLAINTIFF gave this response to all questions by Mr. Gray:
It's all in there (the chronology), all of the information and

250. On January 6, 1992 The PLAINTIFF sends a copy of the

criminal conspiracy chronology and a complete audio transcript
of the PA SEC meeting of 1987 to the legal counsel of the
Pennsylvania Securities Commission via Certified Mail Return
Receipt Requested: P825 695 935.

251. On January 8, 1992 At a "Town Meeting" in Columbia,

Pennsylvania held by U. S. Senator Arlen Specter, The
PLAINTIFF personally delivers a copy of the criminal conspiracy
chronology to Anon Specter after the meeting and asks Arlen
Specter to read the letter, Mr. Specter replied, " I will do that".

252. On January 9, 1992 The PLAINTIFF receives the Return

Receipt from the Pennsylvania SEC, signed by Sharon F.
Heinspach on January 8, 1992.
253. On November 8, 1997 the PLAINTIFF solicits Attorney
Matt Samley, of the law firm of Xelkallis, Reese and Pugh
(Pflumm Contractors Corporate Attorney and David Pflumms
Attorney), to provide a legal opinion as to the circumstances
involved in the cover up. Mr. Samley quickly asks if anyone
had called Stan Caterbone about the issues. Mr. Samley agrees
to review the documents and will provide a legal opinion of any
criminal and prosecutorial misconduct.

254. On November 23, 1997 - the PLAINTIFF delivers

materials to Mr. Samley and also sends via Federal Express the
same materials to Christina Rainville, of Shnader, Harris,
Lewis, and . With a letter requesting a legal opinion from
Ms. Rainville. Stan Caterbone had read the biography of Ms.
Christina Rainville parts of which were published as part of a
story for the Lisa Michelle Lambert murder trial and was
impressed with her experience in the litigation of securities
violations, software and computer cases, entertainment, and of
course the wide array of allegations of prosecutorial
misconduct in the Lancaster County District Attorneys Office
and the East Lampeter Police Department. The PLAINTIFF
knew he needed someone that was not afraid to challenge and
take on the Lancaster Establishment.

255. On December, 8, 1997 - Ms. Pam Pflumm call Dr. Albert

Shultz regarding the behavior of the PLAINTIFF.

256. On December 15, 1997 - the PLAINTIFF telephones Jim

Christian to again confirm that he did not have knowledge of
his meeting with Mr. Larry Resch. Jim Christian began
threatening the PLAINTIFF from public disclosure of these
issues, he said you have to forget about it. Your life will be
worse off than it is now, you better just forget it

257. In December of 1997 The PLAINTIFF had made a journal

of all of the mental and psychological duress that the
employees of the firm of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., had
engaged. The PLAINTIFF started to log incidents of mental
duress in December of 1997 after the incidents became
consistent and demonstrated not be random acts of mere

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occurrences. This behavior and malicious treatment was an

extreme divergence from the previous 45 months of my tenure
and a polarization of the PLAINTIFFS relationships with all
employees involved, including Mr. David Pflumm. Prior to these
incidents the PLAINTIFF was credited with saving the company
from near bankruptcy (1993) and leading the company to the
highest level of profitability, marketability, financial stability,
and respect in the 20 year history of the company. Pflumm
Contractors, Inc. was generating over $4 million dollars per
year in revenues.

258. On January 14, 1998 The PLAINTIFF visits with Fr.

Edward Lavelle for advice and guidance concerning his
situation. the PLAINTIFF only asked that Fr. Lavelle call Mr.
David Pflumm, and ask he and is key employees refrain from
inflicting any additional mental duress upon his person Fr.
Lavelle refuses unless he is told to do so by Dr. Al Shulz. He
offers no further assistance. 1:00 pm A few hour later, the
PLAINTIFF visits Dr. Al Shulz for his quarterly appointment.
Immediately upon entering the appointment, and before the
plaintiff will speak any words, Dr. Al Shulz will
contemporaneously accuse the plaintiff and declare: Stan, you
are very sick. You are not well! You need to take additional
medications. The recorded transcript will prove the horrid
implications of these conversations.

259. On February 20, 1998 the PLAINTIFF is forced to vacate

his position of Controller of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., due to
the purposeful and intentional infliction of mental duress,
perpetrated as a direct reprisal against the PLAINTIFFS
rightful pursuit of due process of the law concerning all issues
contained herein.

260. On April 21, 1998 The Pennsylvania Department of Labor

and Industry will again illegally deny the Plaintiff of his
legitimate claim for Unemployment Compensation Benefits,
which again is an act of reprisal against his rightful pursuit of
fair access to the law, and his disclosures of the incidents
contained herein. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and
Industrys 1987 rulings against the Plaintiff have been also
proven to be in err, which conveniently and intentionally
subjects the Plaintiff to financial hardship and mental duress,
all purposefully hindering the Plaintiffs right to access the law.
The record of the plaintiffs claim for Unemployment
Compensation Benefits is corrupted.
261. On November 25, 2004, Thanksgiving day, the PLAINTIFF
was inside his residence with the doors locked. At
approximately 11:30 am Dave Pflumm, Lizzy Pflumm, and
Keagan Pflumm began knocking on the back patio door. The
PLAINTIFF did not want to accept the visitors and would not
answer the door. The visitors had not been at the residence for
at least 4 or 5 months and the PLAINTIFF had not been to the
residence of the Pflumms since July of 2002. After the
unwanted visitors would not leave, the PLAINTIFF went
downstairs to the back bedroom hoping they would leave.
Lizzy Pflumm and Keagan Pflumm then began banging on the
lower daylight door and the front door. The PLAINTIFF then
began lifting weights. After approximately 20 minutes Keagan
and Lizzy Pflumm appeared inside the back bedroom. The
PLAINTIFF quickly questioned them how they got into the
residence of the PLAINTIFF. Keagan Pflumm said he used a
credit card to open the back patio door. They both said that
their father, Dave Pflumm was upstairs sitting at the
PLAINTIFFS kitchen bar. They walked upstairs and the
PLAINTIFF immediately questioned Dave Pflumm as to how

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they broke into the PLAINTIFFs residence. Dave Pflumm

responded that I have keys, everyone has keys to your
house. The visitors stayed for about an hour before leaving.
This incident has been reported to the Southern Regional
Police Department and the PLAINTIFF had questioned the
Southern Regional Police Department if the incident was ever
investigated. The PLAINTIFF never received a response.

262. On December 15, 2004 Plaintiff sends a complaint to

Agent Sarsfield of the Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office
in Pittsburg regarding illicit telephone activities. The PLAINTIFF
made complaints and amended the formal Verizon Customer
Relations Complaint number C-006142-2004, which was made
pursuant to the Pennsylvania Do Not Call statute. The
complaint alleged that his telephone calls were often being
intercepted, misdirected, or impersonated. The PLAINTIFF also
made complaints of harassing calls from Out of the Area
caller identification that were occurring several times a day
with no response after answering. The PLAINTIFF has had
endured these activities for years.
263. On February 12th, 2005, Pamela Pflumm invited the
Plaintiff for dinner after the Plaintiffs return from a trip to
Florida on the same day. Pamela Pflumm was attending to the
Plaintiffs cats and mail during his trip to Florida at his
residence at 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania.

264. On February 12th, after dinner, Pamela Pflumms asked

the Plaintiff to drive her and a boyfriend of Abby Pflumm to
Kegels Restaurant to pick up Abby Pflumm from work. The
boyfriend of Abby Pflumm and Keagan Pflumm entered the
rear seats of the Plaintiffs car and the boyfriend held a green
tennis ball in his hand and aggressively put in the Plaintiffs
face and said I found a tennis ball in your back seat. The
Plaintiff drove down the driveway and Keagan Pflumm and
Abby Pflumms boyfriend made a comment about the Plaintiffs
car audio system that was previously vandalized. The Plaintiff
became upset, turned around and told Pamela Pflumm to drive
herself to pickup up Abby Pflumm from work. When the
Plaintiff arrived back home at his residence, the green tennis
ball that hangs from the Plaintiffs garage to align his parking,
was suspiciously missing and was reported stolen that night to
the Southern Regional Police Department.

265. On February 17th, 2006, as the Plaintiff drove down Main

Street, in Conestoga, while the Plaintiff noticed a four-wheeler
driving in the horse pasture of the Plfumm Property. The
Plaintiff stopped and questioned the unknown persons because
it was a school night and Pamela Pflumm was residing at the
residence alone without her husband. No member of Pflumm
family was on the scene at that time. The Plaintiff did
immediately vacate the property as soon as a member of the
Pflumm household walked out of the house indicated that the
persons on their property did have permission. A few months
previous to these incidents, Mr. David Pflumm separated from
his wife and was not living at the residence. The Plaintiff was
called upon by Pamela Pflumm on several occasions to help her
around the house and property.

266. On February 17, 2005, at approximately 2:20am Officer

Fedor of the Southern Regional Police Department abruptly
entered the Plaintiffs home, awakening the Plaintiff, and
falsely accused the Plaintiff of harassment for driving on the
residence of David and Pamela Pflumm. Pamela Pflumm calls
the Plaintiff during the altercation with Officer Fedor on the
Plaintiffs cell phone.

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267. Immateriality after the altercation with Officer Fedor, the

Plaintiff wrote a letter and sent it the Chief Fiorill (formerly of
the Lancaster City Police Bureau) of the Southern Regional
Police Department.

268. At 1:00 pm on February 17, 2005 the Plaintiff did visit the
Lancaster County District Attorneys Office and requested to
meet with District Attorney Donald Totaro. The Chief of
Detectives, Mr. Michael Landis (Former Chief of the Lancaster
City Police Bureau) conducted a meeting in a conference room
where the Plaintiff complained about the conduct of the
Southern Regional Police Department and the harassment of
the Officer and clearly stated that the Plaintiff was preparing a
Federal Civil Action (05-2288) and was concerned about
obstruction of justice, anit-slapp, and civil rights violations
concerning Federal Civil Action 05-2288 which was filed a few
months later on May 16, 2005 in the United States District
Court for the Eastern Court of Pennsylvania.

269. On February 18,2005 the Plaintiff did meet with the Chief
of the Southern Regional Police Department, Chief Fiorill, at
the precinct located at 3284 Main Street, in Conestoga. The
meeting was initiated by request of Chief Fiorill. Officer Robert
Busser (formerly of the Pennsylvania State Police) was outside
Chief Fiorills office listening to the meeting.
270. At the meeting of February 18th, 2005, Chief Fiorill did
libel and slander the Plaintiff by stating that I dont believe
anything that you say, regarding the incidents of the week of
February 17th and the allegations contained in Federal Civil
Action 05-2288.

271. At the meeting of February 18th, both Chief Fiorill and

Officer Robert Busser did libel and slander the Plaintiff by
stating that the Plaintiff was nuts and questioned the
Plaintiffs mental health. This assault on the Plaintiffs mental
health was done to discredit the Plaintiffs allegations in the
Federal Civil Action 05-2288.
272. At the meeting of February 18th, Officer Fiorill disclosed
that he had called the Plaintiffs brother, Mike in Plantation
Florida (who has been residing in Florida for the past 18
years), to discuss the incidents without permission, thus
violating the Plaintiffs civil rights and privacy rights.

273. At the meeting of February 19th Officer Robert Busser

threatened and assaulted the Plaintiff by taking his nightstick
and raising it up in a position to strike the Plaintiff on the head.
Chief Fiorill grabbed Officer Robert Bussers forearm just in
time to stop him from hitting the Plaintiff.

274. Both Officer Busser and Chief Fiorill demanded the

Plaintiff out of the office, thus violating his civil rights, and
placing the Plaintiff in harms way of future threats,
harassment, and numerous criminal activities.

275. On February 18th, 2005, the Plaintiff visited the

establishment of the Alley Kat Bar and Restaurant, located on
Lemon Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania from approximately
10:00pm until 11:30pm. The Plaintiff had a brief conversation
with Ms. Kerry Egan immediately before leaving to proceed
directly home.

276. On February 19th, 2005, at approximately 5:00am,

Officer Fedor pounded on the Plaintiffs front door to awaken
him. The Plaintiff refused to open the door and let the Officer

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in due to the preceding incidents and went into his bathroom

and called the Pennsylvania State Police. The Pennsylvania
State Police refused to answer the plea for help to intervene in
the altercations with the Southern Regional Police Department.
277. Approximately 20 minutes later, Officer Fedor and Pamela
Pflumm illegally entered into the residence of the Plaintiff by
breaking and entering.

278. Officer Fedor stated he was responding to a 911 call

about an attempted suicide. The Plaintiff tried to tell Officer
Fedor that he did not know what he was talking about. Officer
Fedor handcuffed the Plaintiff and was physically abusive by
pushing and shoving the Plaintiff directly in front of the
Plaintiffs loveseat and handcuffing the Plaintiff. Officer Fedor
asked him why he sent an email to Kerry Egan threatening to
commit suicide. Pamela Pflumm was standing in front of the
Plaintiffs back door. The Plaintiff kept trying to tell Officer
Fedor that he came home and was sleeping all night. The
Plaintiff and Officer Fedor kept arguing about an incident that
never occurred. Officer Fedor violated several civil rights of the

279. Officer Fedor stated the Kerry Egan made a call to 911 at
approximately 4:00 am and stated that she received an email
from the Plaintiff early that morning with a threat to commit
suicide. The Plaintiff called Comcast cable during the
altercation to try to get an activity list of the Plaintiffs online
activities to prove that the Plaintiff did not send any email to
Kerry Egan. Officer Fedor slandered and libeled the Plaintiff by
not believing his account. The Plaintiff kept asking why Pamela
Pflumm was summoned to the Plaintiffs home and received no
explanation. The Plaintiff did not see Pamela Pflumm before
that she entered the residence with Officer Fedor.

280. It was later determined that there never was an email,

and the Southern Regional Police Department never withdrew
their allegations of mental health issues.

281. On April 5, 2006 Officer Buzzer did knowingly and willing

falsely imprison Plaintiff and maliciously attack plaintiff and
accompanied several police officers in theft of a white envelope
containing approximately $743.00 in cash in a police chase
from the Conestoga Wagon Wheel Restaurant in Conestoga to
Duke Street in Millersville, Pennsylvania, via Kendig Road.

282. On April 5th, 2006, Officer Fedor did make false

statements to authorities in the 302 petitions to Lancaster
General Hospital and to Crisis Intervention of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania with regards to the incarceration of the Plaintiff
in the Psychiatric ward from the period of April 5th to April
10th, 2006.

283. On April 5th, 2006, Officer Busser did harass, threaten,

and physically abuse the Plaintiff in the apprehension that took
place on South Duke Street, Millersville, Pennsylvania and did
knowingly draw his weapon upon the Plaintiff without any
threat, merely to incite public attention to the Plaintiff that
defamed his character, and slandered his name.

284. All of the preceding acts of retaliation by the Southern

Regional Police Department were a direct result of undo
influence upon the Plaintiff and his attempts to remedy causes
of action that have been disclosed in the Federal Civil Action
05-2288, and the Federal False Claims Act filed in the United
States District Court for the Eastern Court of Pennsylvania.

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285. On April 5th, 2006, Defendants did falsely imprison

Defendant at Approximately 3:15 EST at the emergency intake
unit of the Lancaster General Hospital, Duke Street, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania.
286. On April 5th, 2006, upon request, staff of the Lancaster
General Hospital failed to produce any official documentation
to support the apprehension of the Plaintiff or the holding of
the Plaintiff in said facility.

287. The Defendants did open locking cell and plaintiff again
asked for documentation, plaintiff walked out of the holding
cell, and not documentation was produced, agent for
defendant picked plaintiff up and literally threw plaintiff back
into holding cell.

288. Between 3:30pm and 7:15pm Dr. Riley examined plaintiff

by asking the following questions:
a. Do you drink alcohol?
b. Do you take drugs?
c. May I listen to your heart and drugs?
The preceding examination took under 2 minutes and was not
near sufficient for the requirements as outlined in the 302
petition, whether legal or not.

289. Mental Duress: Agents, employees, and staff of the

Lancaster General Hospital did engage in planned and
occasional events to inflict, cause, and provoke extreme
mental duress.

290. Agents, employees, and staff did obstruct justice and

cause plaintiff to suspend, neglect, and or cease all activities
relating to CA 05-0288 and TMT 05-23059 in an overt attempt
to interfere with Plaintiffs constitutional right to due process.

291. Agents, employees, and or staff did subject Plaintiff to a

life threatening environment when patient William X was
intentionally given a ball point pen immediately after Angela X
administered a drug, and William X stood 1 foot away from
Plaintiff and held ball point pen as a knife. Plaintiff had to
immediately remove himself from the immediate area.

292. Agents, employees, and or staff subjected Plaintiff to

further harm by condoning and further provoking situation. As
of April l0th, 2006, Plaintiff is still falsely imprisoned.

293. Agents, employees, and or staff did take from Plaintiffs

possession a white bank envelope containing Seven Hundred
and Forty-Three dollars ($730.00), which was not included in
Plaintiffs Possession Form.

294. On July 23rd, 2006 PLAINTIFF speaks with Governor Ed

Rendell at a Campaign Speech at Binns Park, in Downtown
Lancaster, and requests his assistance in his Civil Rights
Obstruction of Justice Complaint filed a few weeks earlier in
the Office of Attorney General.

295. On October 14th, 2006 PLAINTIFF files a RICO complaint

in the United States District Court against Shawn Long,
attorney for Fulton Bank, MDJ Leo Eckert, Commins, Simms,
Case No. 4650.

296. On October 17th, 2006 PLAINTIFF attends a Bail

Supervision (of the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department)
Intake meeting at the Bail Administrators Office in the

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Lancaster County Courthouse. PLAINTIFF serves the Lancaster

County Sheriffs Department, the Lancaster County District
Attorneys Office, and the Lancaster County Public Defenders
Office Civil Actions. The Lancaster County Public Defenders
Office literally took the Certificate of Service signing sheet
from PLAINTIFF and PLAINTIFF immediately told Judge Joseph
Madenspacher about the incident while he walked to the Bus
Terminal to go the Office of MDJ Commins. The document was
never returned even after several emails to the contrary by the
Public Defender, Mr. Karl.

297. On October 20th, 2006 PLAINTIFF files a Federal False

Claims Act for Whistle-Blowing against ISC in the United States
District Court For The Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case
No. 06-4734.

298. On October 26th, 2006 The Pennsylvania Superior Court

received a Brief for the Appeal Challenging the Fulton Bank
Judgment of June 29, 2006.

299. October 30th, 2006 The Pennsylvania Superior Court

sends a letter to PLAINTIFF requesting (7) more copies of the
brief, which PLAINTIFF will not receive until January 4th, 2007.
An amended complaint to PLAINTIFFs Southern Regional
Police Department Civil Action, Case No. 06-3401, is due in the
Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County on exactly this
date. An Unsecured Bail Bond was revoked by Officer Adam
Cramer of the Southern Regional Police Department and (2)
Bench Warrants were issued for the Arrest of PLAINTIFF by
Adam Cramer of the Southern Regional Police Department and
MDJ Leo Eckert, Jr.. PLAINTIFF filed the Amended Complaint
and mailed it from the Bausman Post Office Substation, and
did not go to the Lancaster County Courthouse in fear it would
not get filed. At 2:20pm (2) PA Constable arrest and
apprehend the PLAINTIFF at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster,
PA, and take him to Magisterial District Justice Eckerts Office
on the (5) Bench warrants for summary citations and then
COMMITT The PLAINTIFF to the Lancaster County Prison,
stating that an Indigent Hearing will be held within 10 days,
and challenges the PLAINTIFFS Indigent status and his
Superior Court Cases. Magisterial District Justice Eckert
complains to the PLAINTIFF about being named a Defendant in
Federal Case No. 06-4650, and remarks that the PLAINTIFF
may have to be taken to Dauphin County Prison for suing all of
the District Justices in Lancaster County. He also said You are
not even close to getting to the Superior Court.

300. On November 1st, 2006 PLAINTIFF appears before Judge

Paul K. Allison who reinstates his Bail Bond as Secured, which
required PLAINTIFF to post $5,000 to get out of the Lancaster
County Prison instead of just signing an Unsecured Bail Bond,
which should have happened, and is not released from the
Lancaster County Prison, as expected.

301. On November 6th, 2006 PLAINTIFF files his first Appeal

for Reconsideration to the ORDER of Judge Paul K. Allison to
Reinstate the Bail Bond as Unsecured, and Release him from
Lancaster County Prison.
November 20th, 2006 The United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania records 28 U. S. C. 2241
Habeas Corpus Petition Case No. 06-5138 (Challenging the
Detainer and Imprisonment) filed from the Lancaster County
Prison on November 14th, 2006. This case is still

302. On November 30th, 2006 Judge Paul K. Allison Denies

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PLAINTIFFs Appeal to Reinstate Bail as Unsecured.

303. On November 8th, 2006 PLAINTIFF is transported to

Magisterial District Justice Leo H. Eckert, Jr., and signs a
document that was missed on October 30th, 2006, and is not
given an Indigent Hearing as promised.

304. On December 2nd, 2006 PLAINTIFF files an Appeal to

Judge Paul K. Allison ORDER of November 30th, 2006.

305. On December 4th, 2006 the Lancaster County Sheriffs

Department is ORDERED to transport PLAINTIFF to both
residences, 1250 Fremont Street, and 220 Stone Hill Road to
obtain files and evidence for a Trial, as a Pro Se Litigant and
representing himself on the East Lampeter Township summary
citations. There were no Sheriff Sale Posting on 220 Stone Hill
Road, and both residences look fine.

306. On December 5th, 2006 The Lancaster Intelligencer

Journal publishes the Story The Next Sound You Hear
regarding former business partner Tony Bongiovi, which is
central to all of the litigation in the United States District
Courts. The worlds of pro audio and consumer electronics were
bridged at New York City's Avatar Studios in December, where
Bongiovi Acoustics unveiled the Digital Power Station car radio.
Demonstrated by audio icon Tony Bongiovi (pictured) in
Avatars Studio A (former Power Station Studios), the patent-
pending technology being manufactured by JVC made a very
impressive debut.

307. On December 6th, 2006 Honda Financial repossess a

Honda Odyssey stored at the St. Dennis Towing Companys
facility from August 31, 2006; the Honda was take because of
the illegal repossession of the drivers license and there were
no funds available for the tow that was just a few blocks away.
The Honda was protected under the pending Chapter 11
Bankruptcy Petition and was conveniently taken while
incarcerated. The PLAINTIFF had talked to Honda Financial in
August and there was no problem with the lease, even though
the PLAINTIFF had not made a payment since May of 2005.
The St. Dennis Towing Company was charging $25.00 per day,
and has never filed or sent the PLAINTIFF an invoice for the
storage, which is very suspect.

308. On December 8th, 2006 PLAINTIFF files a Writ of

Mandamus against Magisterial District Justice Leo H. Eckert, Jr,
and Mary Commins for the fraudulent activities leading to the
false imprisonment of October 30th, 2006, and Bench

309. On December 12th, 2006 PLAINTIFF files for

Continuances in all of the following Civil Complaints in the
Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania: CI-06-07330; CI-06-08742; CI-06-08490; CI-
06-07376; CI-06-07188; CI-06-06658; CI-06-04939; CI-06-
03403; CI-06-03401; CI-06-03349.

310. On December 13th, 2006 The Lancaster County Sheriffs

Department (Maluskus) and Chief John Fiorill tried to get
PLAINTIFF to change his address to the Lancaster County
Prison and Judge Perezous refused to get ORDER PLAINTIFF to
comply with the demand and Judge Perezous CONTINUED the
Appeal Hearing because PLAINTIFF did not have any files to
conduct a Trial.

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311. On December 20th, 2006 The Lancaster County Sheriffs

Department (Hiem & N/A-names given by Sheriff Simone)
refused PLAINTIFF to wear his suit into the courtroom, or take
his files into the Pre-Trial Conference before Judge Farina,
which caused PLAINTIFF to forget to discuss material motions
for the Trial, and caused the PLAINTIFF to be defamed by
appearing in a Lancaster County Prison uniform before the
Court and in front of 20 or so other people in the Courtroom.

312. On December 20th, 2006, while in the Lancaster County

Prison, the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department and Fulton
Bank conduct a Sheriff Sale for 220 Stone Hill Road,
Foreclosure CI-06-02271, with NO notification before or after
the SALE to PLAINTIFF; and sold the property to Central Penn
Settlement Company of Akron, Pennsylvania.

313. On December 28th, 2006 Judge Paul K. Allison

overturned his previous ORDER and Granted PLAINTIFF his
Appeal ORDER and signed the Unsecured Bail ORDER and the
RELEASE from Lancaster County Prison.

314. On December 29th, 2006 PLAINTIFF is RELEASED from

Lancaster County Prison, and walks to the Lancaster County
Courthouse to report to Court Administration and the
Prothonotary Office to get a print out of all of the Civil Dockets
for all cases in Civil Court, including the Fulton Bank
Foreclosure and finds out for the first time that the Sheriff Sale
on December 20th took place. PLAINTIFF retrieves a check for
$19.34 from Attillio Grossi, which is all the funds has available
for food, and all other necessities.

315. On January 2, 2007 PLAINTIFF files and records (4:09pm)

a Petition To Set Aside Sale for 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga
in the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster
County and personally serves Fulton Bank and the Lancaster
County Sheriffs Department.

316. January 4th, 2007 At 1:15pm PLAINTIFF visits 220 Stone

Hill Road and finds 2 unidentified individuals on his property
loading the entire contents of 220 Stone Hill Road onto 2
Penske moving trucks, to an unidentified location, and is
ordered off the Property for Trespassing. The 2 individuals said
they were from Noble Real Estate Company. Mr. Joseph
Caterbone accompanied him as a witness and driver.
PLAINTIFF takes several pictures of the individuals and the
Penske Trucks. At 1:35pm PLAINTIFF retrieves his mail from
the Conestoga Post Office from dating back to October 25th,
2006 up to the present and temporarily forwards mail to 1250
Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA. PLAINTIFF visits the Lancaster
County Sheriffs Office and speaks to Lt. Lancaster and Mr.
Bergman about the incident at 220 Stone Hill Road and is told
that Southern Regional Police have already responded, and
would not give any information about the incident. At 3:00pm
PLAINTIFF attends the Trial for Criminal Case No. CP-36-CR-
0003179-2006 (Fleeing & Eluding filed by Sgt. Busser of
Southern Regional Police Department on April 5th, 2006) in
Courtroom 1 of the Lancaster County Courthouse and moves
for a Motion for a Continuance due to the incident at the
property at 220 Stone Hill Road an hour before. The Honorable
Judge James P. Cullen Denies his Motion.

317. On January 5th, 2007 At 8:30am PLAINTIFF files and

records an Addendum to the Petition To Set Aside Sale for 220
Stone Hill Road, Conestoga in the Pennsylvania Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County and personally serves

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Fulton Bank and the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department

regarding the theft of all of his personal possessions, including
business files of Advanced Media Group, and all Legal files and
evidentiary assets for all pending litigation. At 9:00 am the
Lancaster County District Attorney Deborah Muzereus moves
for A Continuance in the Trial for Criminal Case No. CP-36-CR-
0003179-2006 and the Honorable James P. Cullen Grants a
Continuance until the February Trial Schedule.

318. On January 7th , 2007 PLAINTIFF files a claim with

Harleysville Insurance Homeowners Policy HOAI 93468 for the
theft of his personal possessions and the property at Stone Hill
Road. PLAINTIFF files for a Change of Venue for the Hearing
scheduled for January 18th, 2007 in Intercourse before
Magisterial District Justice Leo H. Eckert, Jr.. PLAINTIFF does
not have all of his evidentiary files and no transportation
because of the illegal revocation of his Red Rose Transit
Authority Monthly Bus Pass.

319. On January 8th, 2007 PLAINTIFF files an Emergency

Petition for Food Stamps and other in the Pennsylvania Court
of Common Pleas of Lancaster after his Food Stamps and Red
Rose Transit Authority Monthly Pass was illegally terminated,
thus leaving him without food and transportation for all court
preceding. PLAINTIFF files for a Continuance for Summary
charges by District Justice Leo H. Eckert Jr., a Defendant in
U.S. District Civil Action 06-4650, scheduled for January 18th,
2007., again for not having access to all of his evidentiary files
and without transportation. PLAINTIFF files and sends his Brief
to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania Case No. 1463 MDA
2006 for the challenge to Fulton Banks 220 Stone Hill Road
Foreclosure, via U.S. Postal Priority Mail Return Receipt No.
0306 2400 003 1072 4451; the request stated: Other - We
need 7 copies of this brief, also all copies need to be bound on
the left like a book and if you use staples they must be
covered with tape. PLAINTIFF borrows $50.00 from Joseph
Caterbone for food, paper, and postage for the Superior Court

320. On January 9th, 2007 PLAINTIFF files for Continuance in

all of his pending Civil Actions before the United States District
Courts for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; 05-2288; 06-
4650; 06-5138; 06-4734; 06-CV-4154; 06-5117; 06-2236;
05-23059BKY. PLAINTIFF files for a Change of Venue and
Continuance for Summary Citations (TR-0008735-2006; TR-
0008578-2006; TR-0008721-2006; TR-0008503-2006; TR-
0007528-2006) Scheduled for a Hearing on January 23, 2007
before District Magistrate Richard H. Simms, a Defendant in
U.S. District Civil Action 06-4650. PLAINTIFF receives a Notice
to Change the Hearing Scheduled for January 18th, 2007 from
Magisterial District Justice Leo H. Eckert, Jr. to Isaac Stoltzfus
of Intercourse. PLAINTIFF Petitions the Pennsylvania Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County to vacate the Bail
Supervision Ordered by Magisterial District Justice Mary
Commins on October 10th, 2006. The Bail Supervision was
without merit or cause.

321. January 10th, 2007 PLAINTIFF reports a theft of the

Digital Recorder used containing an authentic and original
audio recording of the incident for the Case No. CP-36-CR-
0003179-2006 (Fleeing & Eluding filed by Sgt. Busser of
Southern Regional Police Department on April 5th, 2006) to
Officer Cole of the Lancaster City Police Department who
responded at approximately 10:25pm to 1250 Fremont Street
and filed the incident as Case No. 0701-014878.

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322. January 11th, 2007 The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen

Orders PLAINTIFFs Petition to vacate the Bail Supervision as
Denied Case No. 4771-2006. PLAINTIFF writes the following in
an email to the Red Rose Transit Authority: I am having a
problem with my monthly passes. I have not received my
January Monthly Pass, and my forwarded mail has not been
received from 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga. Today, your
driver Dave on the 3 8th Ward/Park City 8:35 bus made me
pay him for the fare. Some drivers let me on with my
December Pass and my Letter of Acceptance from September
of 2006. I never received a termination letter, and on January
5th, filed an Emergency Petition against the Lancaster County
Assistance Office to have all benefits that have been
terminated, reinstated. What is the status of my Monthly Pass?
Below is an excerpt from the Civil Action, Case No. CI-07-
00150 in the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania. The Petitioner has not received his January Red
Rose Transit Authority January Monthly Bus Pass, sponsored
by the RRTA and the Lancaster County Assistance Office. The
Petitioner did receive his December Monthly Bus Pass, and
complained to the Red Rose Transit Authority Terminal Station
on Queen Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on January
5th,2007. The staff worker told the Petitioner that his Monthly
Pass was deleted because he was incarcerated. The
Petitioner explained that the Red Rose Transit Authority
Monthly Bus Pass was issued for a (2) year period. The
incarceration was not valid and I was released upon the
Success of my Appeal, which was signed by the Honorable
Judge Paul K. Allison on December 28th, 2007. The
PLAINTIFF, in the Pre-Trial Conference moves for a
Continuance for 0004771-2006 before Judge Ashworth and it

323. January 12th, 2007 PLAINTIFF receives the following

email from Ms. Gail Parenteau, of Bongiovi Acoustics: What is
Advanced Media Group? It is our policy not to open unsolicited
attachments. What's your tel. no. I've been with Tony since
1986 and neither of us remembers what this is. I've
highlighted your type-os in red below. PLAINTIFF responds
with the following email to Ms. Gail Parenteau: I (Financial
Management Group, Ltd.,) was at Power Station from February
until July in 1987 working extensively with Tony, Ellen, and all
of the Producers from Flatbush Films in Hollywood. Tony
named me Executive Producer of the project, and that is in the
budgets. Now, are you really associated with Tony, or are you
covering for someone? I have still photos, audio recorded
meetings with Bob Walters (Co-Owner of Power Station
Studios), business plans for "Mutant Mania", Tony's Digital
Movie, with budgets, screenplays, joint venture agreements,
Patent and Copyright materials for Power Station Studios and
Tony. I also have documents for the Pier in Wildwood, which
Tony owned. I personally authored many of these materials
with Tony, at his request. I spent many days and nights
working at Power Station on this project. I had a Navajo
Chieftain twin turbo prop that I flew to Power Station for some
of my meetings, the other times me and Scott Robertson
drove. I even have another management consulting proposal
that I developed for Tony in 1989, when he wanted me to
restructure Power Station from top to bottom. If, you were not
privy to these projects, then maybe you should at least talk to
Tony. I was just providing a professional courtesy to Tony,
especially, since I have admitted many documents pertaining
to my claims in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania. Tony is not a Defendant in my claims.

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I have authored a Joint Venture Proposal for Sony, which

details the Power Station Digital Music System, and I have
noticed what Tony is doing. I will not call, for security reasons,
I cannot tell who is on the other end. You can have a legal
representative or Tony forward correspondence to: PLAINTIFF,
1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA 17603.

324. January 13th, 2007 PLAINTIFF visits the Red Rose Transit
Authority Terminal at Queen Street again attempting to get his
January Monthly Bus Pass, which he thinks is missing in the
mail. PLAINTIFF borrows $20.00 from Richard Hobday, for
food, postage, and paper; and ride home from the Lancaster
County Courthouse. PLAINTIFF receives a letter and a
Distribution Schedule from the Lancaster County Sheriffs
Office that states: On December 20,2007 your property
located at 220 Stone Hill Rd. was sold at Sheriff Sale to a third
party buyer, Central Penn Property Services, Inc. for
$156,000.00. Attached, you will find a Schedule of
Distribution, which we are required to do. On this schedule you
will see that there is a balance of proceeds to be paid to you,
Stanley J. Caterbone. You, the defendant, will receive this
balance of $17,306.80, however, you have served Sheriff
Bergman with a petition to set aside the sale (PARCP 3132).
Please note that we, the Sheriffs Office, do not have a dated
and signed copy by the court of your petition. At the advice of
our solicitor, the distribution of any payouts regarding this
property will not be made until the matter is resolved. Fulton
Bank and the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department embezzle
over $50,000 in Fees, Costs, and the Distribution of Sale
associated with the Sale Proceeds of 220 Stone Hill Road,
Conestoga, PA. The Praecipe-Writ of Execution filed on July
31sth, 2006 by Fulton Bank for Foreclosure Case No. CI-06-
03/02/2006 AT A RATE OF $14.56 PER DIEM: $4,442.96;
$317.20; ATTORNEYS' FEES: $3,000.00; TOTAL: $97,425.07.
from the Superior Court of Pennsylvania regarding the Fulton
Bank Foreclosure Challenge, notifying him that AND NOW,
this fourth day of January, 2007 the appeal in this matter is
DISMISSED for failure to file a brief. This DISMISSAL is highly
suspect considering that the Superior Court placed no time
conditions on receiving the additional (7) Copies and it was
received several days AFTER PLAINTIFF had already mailed the
required (7) Copies and fulfilled the obligations to the Superior
Court, thus furthering the fact that Fulton Bank and the
Sheriffs Office of Lancaster County held an illegal sale on
December 20th, 2006. PLAINTIFF receives DENIED on an
ORDER from Change of Venue and Continuance for the
Hearings for January 18th, 2007, signed by Judge Dennis
Reinaker of the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas of
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

325. Fulton Bank Tommy, 1991 Check Error

2005 Fulton Bank Project Hope Freeze Account, Gift

Certificate, false arrests, Scouts Trail Count IV - extortion,
Slander, Libel

2006 False Arrests, Comcast Cable, 4650, False

Imprisonment, Civil Rights Complaint,

2007 Computer Hacking, Lancaster City Police, Human

Relations Complaint, Judge Cullen

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|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Stan J Caterbone
Project Hope Foundation
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

IN RE: : Docket No. CI-08-04741




AND NOW comes before the said court Stanley J. Caterbone,
appearing Pro Se, Project Hope Foundation, and Advanced
Media Group, as Movant, to file an Amicus in the above
captioned case.

The Movant has an interest in this case as Project Hope being

an advocate and a 501 (3) ( c ) non-profit foundation focusing
in mental health issues and mental health awareness; Stanley
J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group having similar mental
health issues before the courts with a history and experience
of how misaligned community attitudes towards persons
labeled with mental health problems can carry an unnecessary
and costly burden and stigma.

This amicus provides a voice for the movants as well as

providing another perspective and opinion that should benefit
the courts; the parties; and the public-at-large. The matters
presented in this amicus have a direct relevancy in the
disposition of this case as it does in the opinion and ORDER of
James P. Cullen of July 11, 2008 which ruled against a closed

Stanley J. Caterbone appeared pro se before a 7303

Section 303 Of The Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act
P.S. 7303 hearing in the Lancaster General Hospital on April 7,
2006 and had a successful conclusion in arguing against
commitment and treatment. Stanley J. Caterbone was released
after a 5-day evaluation, which is also being challenged in the

July 21, 2008

Respectfully Submitted:

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Project Hope Foundation
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

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a. Stanley J. Caterbone
b. Project Hope
c. Advanced Media Group



a. I) Should The Hearing On The Commonwealths Amended

Petition Under Section 304 Of The Pennsylvania Mental
Health Procedures Act P.S. 7304 Is Open To The Public?

b. II) Did The Court Give Due Consideration To The Claims By

Meghan Lippiatt Regarding Retaliation By The Public During
And After A Public Hearing On The Issues?



6. EXHIBITS Page 13
a. Jonathon Turley Post of December 13, 2007 Page 13

b. Biography of Jonathan Turley Page 16

c. Conditional Release and Mandated Outpatient Treatment

By George F. Parker, M.D. Page 29

d. Griffin PA, Steadman HJ, Heilbrun K Page 22

e. A Look Behind the Scenes of HIPAA and the

Privacy Rule Page 24

f. Federal Oversight of Psychiatric Records:

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Page

g. More protections for patients and psychologists

under HIPAA Page 33


Stanley J. Caterbone (CATERBONE)

CATERBONE has been following very closely the case of
Meghan Lippiatt and was a witness to the trial on one of the
few last days before the Honorable Judge James P. Cullen in
the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas to hear the
testimony of Psychiatrist Dr. Gotlieb of the Lancaster General
Hospital. CATERBONE had also written a response on the blog
of nationally known law expert and constitutional scholar
Jonathan Turnley on December 19, 2007 days after the
conclusion of the trial. Jonathan Turley, like other national
experts, had posted an opinion on the Lippiatt case after the
verdict and conclusion of the trial. The response is EXHIBIT A.

CATERBONE has been involved with Project Hope Foundation

for more than 10 years and has conducted extensive research
in the field of mental illness and has been an advocate for
mental illness for almost 3 decades. Mental illness has been an
issue in his family since the 1960s and has been an extremely

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challenging dilemma resulting in the untimely and suspicious

deaths of two brothers in their 30s. His oldest brother died in
Santa Barbara, California on Christmas day of 1984 with the
death being ruled a suicide, but now known to have been a
murder. In 1996 his youngest brother, Tom had committed
suicide and the circumstances are currently being litigated in
the federal courts as a wrongful death complaint. CATERBONE
has researched and investigated the causes of both deaths as
it relates to the issue of mental illness and has conducted
research and investigations into his own malicious diagnosis of
his own mental health record. His father, Samuel, has a history
of mental health records however; he too has a history of
psychic phenomena and a history of suspicious activities with
the United States Government and the Lancaster community.
His mental health record is also in dispute. He was a very
successful businessman and had served in the U.S. Navy as a
radioman and graduated from gunner school with honors. He
also developed new technologies for the Dry Cleaning industry.
He has also conducted extensive research into areas
concerning U.S. Government activities.

CATERBONE has developed relationships with mental health

professionals for his work with Project Hope and has been the
main person responsible for coordinating and administrating
the mission of creating awareness and education to the
community-at-large with the distribution of Project Hopes
video Numbers Dont Lie; including to the Mental Health and
Retardation Department of the County of Lancaster this past
year. CATERBONE has worked extensively with Contact
Lancaster, the Mental Health Alliance of Lancaster County, and
other mental health organizations as well faith based
organizations. CATERBONE had dealings with national
professionals and organizations in the field; especially since C.
EvreTt Koop, the former U.S. Surgeon General and Tipor Gore
made mental health awareness a top priority in 1998. Tipor
Gore also received the Project Hope video for distribution as a
resource for other non-profit organizations. CATERBONES
research includes national and local trends of suicides;
symptomatic behavior in bi-polar and manic depression; and
the issues and stigma confronting those affected with mental

CATERBONE brings a unique perspective to the courts that

may help to shed light into how people with mental illnesses
are treated unfairly by family, friends, and the community-at-
large. It should be noted that CATERBONE is also telepathic
with a history of psychic traits in his family dating back 2
generations. CATERBONE is currently engaged in extensive
litigation challenging his own mental health record, treatment,
and diagnosis in federal and state courts. His own mental
health record includes 2 fabricated suicide stories that are part
of the record in hospitals and with police departments; this is
in addition to the 30 false arrests. Mental health and criminal
records can be very damaging in destroying a persons
credibility and reputation and ultimately his professional and
personal life if not respected by all.

CATERBONE is presently the founder of Advanced Media Group

and conducts his business from Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania. For the past several years, in addition to
appearing before the courts as a pro se litigator, Advanced
Media Group has been developing several business interests in
the revitalization of downtown Lancaster, Those projects
include a downtown UPS Copy and Shipping Store; the Theater
at Hotel Brunswick; and the Excelsior Place Business Plan,

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In 2006 CATERBONE began his role as an Activist Shareholder

for Fulton Financial, which is listed as "FULT" on the NASDAQ
stock exchange. As a founder of Financial Management Group,
Ltd., a full service financial firm, CATERBONE has drawn upon
the success in developing the strategic vision for his company
and the experience gained in directing the legal affairs and
public offering efforts in dealing with Fulton Financial.

In 2005 CATERBONE, as a Pro Se Litigant filed several civil

actions as Plaintiffs that are in current litigation in the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
the United States Third District Court of Appeals, the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, The Pennsylvania Superior
Court, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, The Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. These
litigations include violations of intellectual property rights, anti-
trust violations, and interference of contracts relating to
several business interests. Central to this litigation is the
Digital Movie, Digital Technologies, Financial Management
Group, Ltd,/FMG Advisory, Ltd., and its affiliated businesses
along with a Federal False Claims Act or Federal
Whistleblowers Act regarding the firm of International Signal
and Control, Plc., (ISC) the $1Billion Dollar Fraud and the
Export violations of selling arms to South Africa and Iraq. This
litigation dates back to 1987. CATERBONE was a shareholder
of ISC, and was solicited by ISC executives for professional
services. The Federal False Claims Act is currently part of RICO
Civil Complaint in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the Third Circuit Court of
Appeals, as docket no. 05-2288.

A complete biography and history is located on the website of

Advanced Media Group at:

Project Hope Foundation was founded in 1996 after the
untimely suicide of Thomas P. Caterbone, brother of Stanley J.
Caterbone. Project Hope was initially formed by another
brother, Dr. Phillip W. Caterbone of Austin Texas, and other
friends and relatives that wanted to continue the legacy of
Tom Caterbone and make a contribution to the community-at-
large in dealing with mental health issues and mental health

In 1996 Project Hope Foundation produced the extremely

successful instructional video Numbers Dont Lie for helping
teenagers deal with suicide and help them to identify kids
which may be at risk. The video was produced and directed by
Dr. Phil Caterbone & Psychologist Craig Crabtree, both of
Austin, Texas. The video is a approximately 20 minutes and is
accompanied by an instructional workbook for the monitors
and a workbook for the students. "Numbers Don't Lie" has
been sold to the Texas School Board of Education to pay for
its development and production. The video has been provided
to other Faith Based non-profit organizations, school districts,
church groups, and municipalities by CATERBONE and
Advanced Media Group over the past 10 years. The video can
be viewed online at: and clicking on
the Numbers Dont Lie video.

Project Hope provided funding for the Mental Health Alliance of

Lancaster County, Contact/Lifeline of Lancaster (The 24/7

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Suicide Hotline), The Schreiber Pediatric Center, and other

charitable organizations and faith based charities. In 1999
Project Hope donated and constructed a soccer field on the
new Headquarters of the Schreiber Pediatric Center on Goods
Road, in Lancaster.

Tom's Project Hope is funded by an annual golf tournament on

the 1st Saturday in August, called the Tommy Caterbone
Memorial Golf Tournament.

The Lancaster County Mental Health/Mental Retardation

department is currently using the video as a resource Mental
Health/Mental Retardation Department.


In 1989 CATERBONE founded Advanced Media Group, Ltd.,
which was one of only 4 or 65 U.S. domestic companies that
had the capability to manufacture CD-ROM's. Advanced Media
Group also developed tools, applications, and provided
consulting to information technologies. Advanced Media did
business with commercial companies, government agencies,
educational institutions, and foreign companies including the
Department of Defense; NASA, National Institution of
Standards & Technology (NIST); Department of Defense, The
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); and the
Defense Mapping Agency, Central Intelligence Agency; (CIA),
IBM; Microsoft, AMP; Commodore Computers, American
Bankers Bond Buyers; and a host of others. I also was working
with R.R, Donnelly's Geo Systems; which was developing
various interactive mapping technologies, which is now a
major asset of Map Quest. Map Quest is the premier provider
of mapping software and applications for the Internet and is
often used in delivering maps and directions for Fortune 500

Advanced Media Group now has interests in various business

and fields including the film and entertainment industries;
information technologies; revitalizations of downtown
Lancaster; Research and Study in Mind Control and ESP; and
the fulfillment and distribution of past intellectual property


Upon the verdict of the lower court trial of not guilty by reason
of insanity, CATERBONE posed the question of why a condition
for release of a psychiatric evaluation was not issued by
presiding Judge James P. Cullen. This is evident in the
Jonathan Turley Post of December 19, 2007 which states the

Here is a brief synopsis; In the VERDICT ORDER there did not

seam to be any condition for Ms. Liappatt to be held in custody
until a further psychiatric evaluation could be performed. This
set in motion a number of court filings by the District Attorney,
the Defense Counsel, and others trying to recommit her to a
treatment facility.

There has been much research done on the subject of

conditional releases in not guilty by reason of insanity cases
throughout this country and most all have concluded that
conditional releases are a very acceptable and successful legal
alternative to quell the public fear and animosity of persons
getting away with murder. In most cases the person is subject
to a variety of post verdict mental health treatment plans that
may include community participation until it can be proven by

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a certified psychiatrist that the person no longer poses any

threat to society before being released into the community.






Section 304 of the Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act

P.S. 7304

7304. Court-Ordered Involuntary Treatment Not To Exceed

Ninety Days.
(a) Persons for Whom Application May be Made.--

1. A person who is severely mentally disabled and in need of

treatment, as defined in section 301(a), may be made subject
to court-ordered involuntary treatment upon a determination
of clear and present danger under section 301(b)(1) (serious
bodily harm to others), or section 301(b)(2)(i) (inability to
care for himself, creating a danger of death or serious harm to
himself), or 301(b)(2)(ii) (attempted suicide), or 301(b)(2)(iii)

2. Where a petition is filed for a person already subject to

involuntary treatment, it shall be sufficient to represent, and
upon hearing to reestablish, that the conduct originally
required by section 301 in fact occurred, and that his condition
continues to evidence a clear and present danger to himself or
others. In such event, it shall not be necessary to show the
reoccurrence of dangerous conduct, either harmful or
debilitating within the past 30 days.

(c) Procedures for Initiating Court-ordered Involuntary

Treatment for Persons Not in Involuntary Treatment.--
1. Any responsible party may file a petition in the court of
common pleas requesting court-ordered involuntary treatment
for any person not already in involuntary treatment for whom
application could be made under subsection (a).

2. The petition shall be in writing upon a form adopted by the

department and shall set forth facts constituting reasonable
grounds to believe that the person is within the criteria for
court-ordered treatment set forth in subsection (a). The
petition shall state the name of any examining physician and
the substance of his opinion regarding the mental condition of
the person.

3. Upon a determination that the petition sets forth such

reasonable cause, the court shall appoint an attorney to
represent the person and set a date for the hearing as soon as
practicable. The attorney shall represent the person unless it
shall appear that he can afford, and desires to have, private

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4. The court, by summons, shall direct the person to appear

for a hearing. The court may issue a warrant directing a person
authorized by the county administrator or a peace officer to
bring such person before the court at the time of the hearing if
there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person will
not appear voluntarily. A copy of the petition shall be served
on such person at least three days before the hearing together
with a notice advising him that an attorney has been appointed
who shall represent him unless he obtains an attorney himself,
that he has a right to be assisted in the proceedings by an
expert in the field of mental health, and that he may request
or be made subject to psychiatric examination under
subsection (c)(5).

5. Upon motion of either the petitioner or the person, or upon

its own motion, the court may order the person to be
examined by a psychiatrist appointed by the court. Such
examination shall be conducted on an outpatient basis, and the
person shall have the right to have counsel present. A report
of the examination shall be given to the court and counsel at
least 48 hours prior to the hearing.

6. Involuntary treatment shall not be authorized during the

pendency of a petition except in accordance with section 302
or section 303.
(e) Hearings of Petition for Court-order Involuntary
Treatment.--A hearing on a petition for court-ordered
involuntary treatment shall be conducted according to the

1. The person shall have the right to counsel and to the

assistance of an expert in mental health.
2. The person shall not be called as a witness without his
3. The person shall have the right to confront and cross-
examine all witnesses and to present evidence in his own
4. The hearing shall be public unless it is requested to be
private by the person or his counsel.
5. A stenographic or other sufficient record shall be made,
which shall be impounded by the court and may be obtained or
examined only upon the request of the person or his counsel
or by order of the court on good cause shown.

6. The hearing shall be conducted by a judge or by a mental

health review officer and may be held at a location other than
a courthouse when doing so appears to be in the best interest
of the person.

A decision shall be rendered within 48 hours after the close of


Under Section (e) 4. of the Section 304 of the Pennsylvania

Mental Health Procedures Act P.S. 7304 it clearly states the
The hearing shall be public unless it is requested to be private
by the person or his counsel.

In Judge James P. Cullen ORDER and OPINION of July 11,

2008 Judge Cullen appears to be abusing his discretion by
mandating a higher burden and threshold for showing good
cause why Ms. Lippiatt is entitled to her request of a closed
hearing. It also appears that Judge Cullen is trying to pacify

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the public interest and outcry when Meghan Liappitts was

released at the conclusion of her trial, which should have been
addressed with a condition for release, which Judge James P.
Cullen failed to address in his VERDICT ORDER of December
13, 2008.

The privacy laws of health records addressed with the passage
if the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) in 1996 may have some controlling interest in these
matters. A summary of HIPAA is as follows:

A major upshot of the Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a series of federal rules
that have a considerable impact on providers and patients
their interactions, their rights, and their responsibilities. In
sorting through the details and compliance requirements of the
privacy rule in particular, it helps for practitioners to know
something of the historical and political context in which HIPAA
and the rules that resulted from this law took shape.

Under HIPAA, Congress tasked the Department of Health

Human Services (HHS) with developing federal rules that
govern how patient records are handled, shared, and protected
in the health care system. The transactions rule, the first rule
promulgated by HHS, provides for standard formatting of
electronic patient records for health care claims and other
purposes. This rule benefits health professionals by making it
easier for them to work with uniform rather than multiple
claims forms. While more rules will follow, the 800-pound
gorilla of the series, the privacy rule, was finalized last April.
The privacy rule provides some important protections for
psychology records, with provisions that will impact the
confidentiality of the psychologist-patient relationship.

An Open Hearing would be placing mental health records in the

public domain and may be a violation of the rights of Ms.
Lippiatt as defined in the HIPAA code.

The general public really has no interest in the process or the

Section 304 of the Pennsylvania Mental Health Procedures Act
P.S. 7304 hearing, but rather has an interest in the conclusion
of the hearing in protecting itself from someone whom may
pose a danger or threat to others. That danger and or threat to
the community-at-large is not compromised nor is it supported
by an open hearing. That danger and or threat is only of
importance and relevant if Ms. Lippiatt is found to have a
mental health illness and is not committed for treatment. The
question of an open or closed hearing is not relevant, only the
conclusion of the matters that will be presented to the courts.



Stanley J. Caterbone has been subject to an unprecedented

history of retaliation and intimidation that has been the result
of a stigma due to his mental health record. Although this
mental health records validity and authenticity is being
challenged in several courts, the stigma and treatment by the
community-at-large is real and can be used to substantiate Ms.
Lippiatts claim of retaliation in her opposition to an open
hearing. Subjecting Ms. Lippiatt to unnecessary intimidation
and retaliation for information that would be made public

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during an open hearing is of concern to all who may face

similar circumstances.

Stanley J. Caterbone has a criminal record of some 30 false

arrests in Lancaster County that would have never been
possible without his mental health record. Law enforcement
relied upon the fact that Stanley J. Caterbone had a history
and mental health record to discredit him before the courts, in
his arrests, although he was successful in having those arrests
and convictions dismissed and overturned.

Stanley J. Caterbone also must endure a systematic and

problematic attack of harassment in public that is also due to
the same mental health record and his fabricated and
diminished reputation caused by the same.

The fact that Ms. Lippiatt was found not guilty by reason of
insanity of murdering her small children should compel the
court to consider her claims of retaliation more seriously. If the
courts do no recognize the risks involved to Ms. Lippiatt and
others that may come before the courts in similar
circumstances, the courts should be compelled to provide the
burden of proof that would be considered in closing the hearing
for the same said reasons.


The Lippiatt case is apparently precedent in the County of

Lancaster of a person being found not guilty by reason of
insanity. That being the case, the court should take extra
precaution in protecting all parties in all related matters and
should be careful when reaching opinions and conclusion that
will be precedent to future and similar parties that will come
before the courts.

Judge Cullens ORDER and OPINION of July 11, 2008 fails to

protect the rights of Ms. Lippiatt and others that may come
before the courts, but does so unnecessarily. Closing the
hearing to the general public would not diminish the public
interest, nor would it make the general public safer. Only a
conclusion of an involuntary commitment of Ms. Lippiatt IF she
does now possess a mental health illness that does pose a
threat or danger to others.

July 21, 2008

Respectfully Submitted:

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Project Hope Foundation
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


Service was made on this 21st day of July 2008 upon the
following by way of electronic mails; first class U.S. mails; or
personal delivery at the addresses set forth below:

Kelley M. Sekula, Esq, ADA

Lancaster County District Attorney Office
Lancaster County Courthouse
50 N. Duke Street

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Lancaster, PA 17602

Julie M. Cooper, Esq., For Meghan Liappitt

Street: 222 South Market Street
Elizabethtown, pa 17022-2439
Phone: (717) 367-1370

George C. Werner, Esq., For Lancaster Newspapers

Barley Snyder, LLC
126 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602

Alspach & Ryder (Ryder, Bruce P)

232 N Duke St
Lancaster, PA 17602-5205
Phone: (717) 393-3939

July 21, 2008 Respectfully Submitted:

Stanley J Caterbone, Pro Se

Project Hope Foundation
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


The following can be viewed online at:
And search on LIPPIATT

Pa. Woman Who Killed Her Two Children Found Not Guilty by
Reason of Insanity
Published 1, December 11, 2007 Criminal law , Justice by
Jonathan Turley

Meghan Lippiatt has been found not guilty by reason of

insanity in a Lancaster court. Lippiatt admitted suffocating her
infant son and drowning her 2-year-old son in 2004.

The killing two-year-old Silas and his four-month-old brother

Miles occurred weeks after a break-up with her husband.

Lippiatt called 911 and told the operator: I did something

really bad, I just killed my kids. She later tried to kill herself
and left a note which read: I am sorry, I didnt want to hurt
anyone. I am sorry, goodbye, please help me from the grave.

There is growing interest in allowing greater use of the insanity

defense after it was heavily curtailed after the shooting of
President Ronald Reagan.

For a prior column on the insanity defense, click here

For the full story, click here

Response to Pa. Woman Who Killed Her Two Children Found

Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

CATERBONE of Advanced Media Group wrote:

December 19, 2007

Dear Mr. Turley,

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First of all I always look for your opinion when issues are
looking for expert constitutional scholars. I have been an avid
learner of your opinion for many, many years.

Regarding this case, I dont know if you are aware, but there
was a problem and fiasco after the trial and wondered what
your opinion was. She was freed immediately after her bench
trial upon a Habeas corpus filed by her defense counsel. See
the following news account:

Here is a brief synopsis; In the VERDICT ORDER there did not

seam to be any condition for Ms. Liappatt to be held in custody
until a further psychiatric evaluation could be performed. This
set in motion a number of court filings by the District Attorney,
the Defense Counsel, and others trying to recommit her to a
treatment facility.

The following was my email to someone regarding my

suspicion, I have later found that temporary insanity, if in his
verdict would free her immediately after trial:

December 18, 2007

To Ron Harper of

Are you following this case at all? This is truly a first class
Lancaster County smoke and mirrors game?

This is my analysis. And for the record, I did attend the trial
and sat to hear Gottlieb, the psychiatrist testify and be cross-
examined. I have also studied mental health issues for Project
Hope, for my own case, and for my familys different cases,
especially my father and brothers Sam and Tom; for over 20
years. So I am not uneducated with the issues.

Being that this is the first such verdict of not guilty by reason
of insanity in Lancaster County, as reported, I think this whole
case was purposely mismanaged so that the next time such a
verdict is before a Lancaster County jury, they can say see, if
you find the defendant not guilty by insanity, that person may
be released and freed without any treatment or conditions.

I think Judge Cullen should have to explain why he did not

issue a condition in his verdict to have Ms. Lippiatt held in
Lancaster County Prison or transferred to a mental health
facility until the outcome of a psychiatric evaluation. I dont
understand why he did not do this, unless the law prevented
him from doing that. I will have to research this.

I would love to hear your opinion, if you find the time. Hope to
meet you in the future.

Advanced Media Group



Professor Jonathan Turley is a nationally recognized legal

scholar who has written extensively in areas ranging from
constitutional law to legal theory to tort law. He has written

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over three dozen academic articles that have appeared in a

variety of leading law journals at Cornell, Duke, Georgetown,
Harvard, Northwestern, and other schools.

After a stint at Tulane Law School, Professor Turley joined the

George Washington faculty in 1990 and, in 1998, was given
the prestigious Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law, the
youngest chaired professor in the schools history. In addition
to his extensive publications, Professor Turley has served as
counsel in some of the most notable cases in the last two
decades ranging, representing whistleblowers, military
personnel, and a wide range of other clients. These include his
representation of the Area 51 workers at a secret air base in
Nevada; the nuclear couriers at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; the
Rocky Flats grand jury in Colorado; Dr. Eric Foretich, the
husband in the famous Elizabeth Morgan custody controversy;
and four former United States Attorneys General during the
Clinton impeachment litigation. In the Foretich case, Turley
succeeded recently in reversing a trial court and striking down
a federal statute through a rare bill of attainder challenge.
Professor Turley has also served as counsel in a variety of
national security cases, including espionage cases like that of
Jim Nicholson, the highest ranking CIA officer ever accused of
espionage. Turley also served as lead defense counsel in the
successful defense of Petty Officer Daniel King, who faced the
death penalty for alleged spying for Russia. Turley also served
as defense counsel in the case of Dr. Tom Butler, who is facing
criminal charges dealing with the importation and handling of
thirty vials of plague in Texas. He also served as counsel to
Larry Hanauer, the House Intelligence Committee staffer
accused of leaking a classified Presidential National Intelligence
Estimate to the New York Times. (Hanauer was cleared of all

Among his current cases, Professor Turley represents Dr. Ali

Al-Timimi, who was convicted in Virginia in 2005 of violent
speech against the United States. He also represents Dr. Sami
Al-Arian, accused of being the American leader of a terrorist
organization while he was a university professor in Florida. He
also currently represents pilots approaching or over the age of
60 in their challenge to the mandatory retirement age of the
FAA. Turley has
served as a consultant on homeland security and constitutional
issues, including the Florida House of Representatives.

Professor Turley is a frequent witness before the House and

Senate on constitutional and statutory issues as well as tort
reform legislation. Professor Turley is also a nationally
recognized legal commentator. Professor Turley was ranked as
38th in the top 100 most cited public intellectuals in the
recent study by Judge Richard Posner. Turley was also found
to be the second most cited law professor in the country. In
2008, he was ranked in a study of the
nations top 500 lawyers - one of only a handful of academics.
In prior years, he was ranked as one of the nations top ten
lawyers in military law cases as well as one of the top 40
lawyers under 40.

Professor Turleys articles on legal and policy issues appear

regularly in national publications with over 500 articles in such
newspapers as the New York Times, Washington Post, USA
Today, Los Angeles Times and Wall Street Journal. He is on the
Board of Contributors of USA Today. In 2005, Turley was given
the Columnist of the Year award for Single-Issue Advocacy for
his columns on civil liberties by the Aspen Institute and the

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Week Magazine.

Professor Turley also appears regularly as a legal expert on all

of the major television networks. Since the 1990s, he has
worked under contract as the on-air Legal Analyst for NBC
News and CBS News to cover stories that ranged from the
Clinton impeachment to the presidential elections. Professor
Turley is often a guest on Sunday talk shows with over two-
dozen appearances on Meet the Press, ABC This Week, Face
the Nation, and Fox Sunday.Professor Turley teaches courses
on constitutional law, constitutional criminal law,
environmental law, litigation, and torts. He is the founder and
exectuve director of the Project for Older Prisoners (POPS).

Professor Turley received his B.A. at the University of Chicago

and his J.D. at Northwestern. (In 2008, he was given an
honorary Doctorate of Law from John Marshall Law School for
his contributions to civil liberties and the public interest).

For further information: Ms. Kristen Hilderbrand 202-994-




Conditional Release and Mandated Outpatient Treatment

George F. Parker, M.D.

To the Editor: In the thoughtful and stimulating article on

mandated outpatient treatment by Monahan and colleagues in
the September 2001 issue (1), little mention was made of the
fairly substantial literature on mandated treatment of forensic
populations in the community. Conditional release has been
used for decades as a technique for managing the risks
inherent in returning a person found not guilty by reason of
insanity to the community.

Under conditional release, such acquittees are released into

the community with various conditions imposed; for example,
they are often required to live in specified housing and not to
use illegal drugs. They remain under the jurisdiction of a
criminal judge or a central monitoring agency, such as a
psychiatric security review board. Adherence to mental health
treatment in the community is almost always a condition of
release. As leverage, this type of mandated community
treatment uses both avoidance of jail and avoidance of
hospitalizationboth a brief jail stay and rehospitalization are
possible consequences of violation of the conditions of release,
depending on the state.

I recently conducted a thorough literature search, using

PubMed and manual strategies, on the topic of conditional
release for persons found not guilty by reason of insanity. I
found more than 60 articles, including more than 30 published
in the past ten years. Many of the earlier studies on conditional
release focused on the demographic characteristics of persons
found not guilty by reason of insanity. However, most of the
articles on this subject for the past 30 years have reported
arrest rates and hospitalization rates of persons on conditional
release. A recent meta-analysis on this issue, based on
statewide results from New York, California, and Oregon, found
estimated annual arrest rates to range from 3.4 to 7.9
percent, while the estimated annual hospitalization rates
ranged from 14.5 to 25.8 percent (2,3). I recently presented a

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poster at the annual meeting of the American Academy of

Psychiatry and the Law showing that among persons receiving
assertive community treatment the annual arrest rate was 1.2
percent and the annual hospitalization rate was 14.5 percent
(4). In addition, some of the published reports have included
statistical models for factors that are predictive of the granting
or revocation of conditional release (5).

The literature on conditional release of persons found not

guilty by reason of insanity thus may hold some of the answers
to the many questions about mandated community treatment
posed by Monahan and colleagues. In particular, the issues of
the process of mandating treatment, the outcomes of
programsboth for the individual and for the systemthat do
mandate treatment, and the legal, ethical, and political
questions that result from mandating treatment in the
community have all been discussed, to greater or lesser
degrees, in the conditional release literature over the past 30

Dr. Parker is associate professor of clinical psychiatry at
Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis.
1. Monahan J, Bonnie RJ, Appelbaum PS, et al: Mandated
community treatment: beyond outpatient commitment.
Psychiatric Services 52:1198-1205, 2001[Abstract/Free Full
2. Wiederanders MR, Bromley DL, Choate PA: Forensic
conditional release programs and outcomes in three states.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 20:249-257, 1997
3. Harris VL: Insanity acquittees and rearrest: the past 24
years. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the
Law 28:225-231, 2000[Medline]
4. Parker GF: Low reoffense rate in a conditional release
program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Boston, Oct 25-
28, 2001
5. Callahan LA, Silver E: Factors associated with the
conditional release of persons acquitted by reason of insanity:
a decision tree approach. Law and Human Behavior 22:147-
163, 1998[CrossRef][Medline]


Griffin PA, Steadman HJ, Heilbrun K.

Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and
Substance Abuse Services, Richmond 23214.

Monitored treatment in the community, also known as

conditional release, has been described as the most important
advance in the treatment of insanity acquittees in the last
decade. Despite the importance of the development of
conditional release, however, there has been relatively little
written about relevant issues and planning principles important
in designing and implementing conditional release systems.
The present paper discusses important considerations relevant
to conditional release that are associated with key decision
points within systems for persons found not guilty by reason of
insanity (NGRI). Four planning principles, generalizable to all
NGRI systems, are then presented in a way that integrates the
previous discussion. It is concluded that conditional release
plays a crucial role in the treatment of insanity acquittees and
that mental health administrators may either proactively

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modify their systems, in a way that balances public safety with

individual rights and treatment needs, or wait for the
modification mandate to be forced upon them in the wake of a
highly publicized, heinous offense.


A Look Behind the Scenes of HIPAA and the Privacy Ruleby

Doug Walter, J.D.A major upshot of the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 is a series of
federal rules that have a considerable impact on providers and
patients their interactions, their rights, and their
responsibilities. In sorting through the details and compliance
requirements of the privacy rule in particular, it helps for
practitioners to know something of the historical and political
context in which HIPAA and the rules that resulted from this
law took shape.Under HIPAA, Congress tasked the Department
of Health Human Services (HHS) with developing federal rules
that govern how patient records are handled, shared, and
protected in the health care system. The transactions rule,
the first rule promulgated by HHS, provides for standard
formatting of electronic patient records for health care claims
and other purposes. This rule benefits health professionals by
making it easier for them to work with uniform rather than
multiple claims forms. While more rules will follow, the 800-
pound gorilla of the series, the privacy rule, was finalized
last April. The privacy rule provides some important
protections for psychology records, with provisions that will
impact the confidentiality of the psychologist-patient
relationship. The privacy rule may be divided into three parts.
The provisions of the first part address when and how patient
records may be used and disclosed among treating providers
and to third parties. The second part provides patients with
certain rights regarding their records, such as the right to
access and amend records. The third part outlines
administrative requirements that psychologists and other
health care professionals and entities must follow in using and
disclosing patient records.In essence, the privacy rule affords
psychologists new protections regarding the records of their
patients, but it also requires psychologists to proactively
ensure the protection of records through certain administrative
requirements. These include, for example, providing patients
with information about their privacy rights, implementing
procedures to ensure records privacy, and securing records in
offices.While the privacy rule includes some requirements
already contained in various state laws, some of the federal
rules mandates are new. The rule may be understood,
however, as providing a national floor of patient records
protections upon which states may build further protections,
since Congress has specifically provided that state laws
providing for greater records protection will not be preempted
by the federal rule.Some may question why a federal privacy
rule was promulgated in the first place, since many state laws
already protect the privacy of patient records. The short
answer is that state laws vary in the extent to which they
protect patient records privacy, particularly mental health
records. A federal floor of protection provides a baseline
uniformity of records protection. The long answer is rooted in
the history leading to promulgation of the privacy rule.The
Stage for Conflict Is SetHIPAA legislation and rulemaking,
including development of the privacy rule, have much to do
with the emergence of managed care organizations (MCOs) in
the early 1990s as the primary payers for health care. Unlike
insurers in the fee-for-service system, MCOs began demanding
broad access to patient records for payment and

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administrative purposes. Patients and providers balked and

fought to keep sensitive personal information outside of the
claims-management process.By the mid 1990s, the insurance
and business lobbies began pitching to Congress that a
uniform, electronic patient records system to standardize
health insurance claims processing, dubbed administrative
simplification, would save the health care system billions of
dollars and relieve the inefficiency and fragmentation in health
care claims management. Insurers were also looking for a
federal law that legitimized their demands for broad access to
patient records. While organized psychology supported
administrative simplification, it could not come at a cost to
records privacy.

APA was at the forefront of groups concerned that the onerous

MCO demands for patient records disclosures often for
administrative purposes not directly related to patient care
had eroded confidentiality. Provider and patient organizations
advocated for privacy and security safeguards that would be
needed if Congress were to mandate uniform electronic claims
processing. The stage for political conflict therefore was set by
the time President Clinton included both patient records
privacy and administrative simplification provisions in his
Health Security Act of 1993, which failed to win passage. The
inclusion of these provisions shed light on the bitter fight
brewing between patients/providers and MCOs over control of
records and foreshadowed the rancorous congressional debate
to come. The underlying conflict, which continues to this day,
was the force that shaped HIPAA law in general and the
privacy rule specifically.Battle Pits Provider Groups Against
InsurersThe advocacy battle began in earnest when Senator
Robert Bennett (R-Utah) introduced the Medical Records
Confidentiality Act in late October 1995.

The Practice Directorate was concerned by the Bennett bills

bipartisan co-sponsorship by powerful members of Congress
and by the strong support of insurers and other influential
organizations. The concern arose from APAs taking a careful
look at the bills details. The directorates analysis revealed
substantial weaknesses in protecting the rights of patients and
providers with respect to the privacy of records. APA and allied
groups mobilized to prevent the Bennett bill from being
included in broader health care legislation that Congress also
was seriously considering that fall. That broader legislation
eventually was enacted as HIPAA.A "Final" Rule Is Subject to
ChangeThe political battle between insurance and patient and
provider organizations continues to this day. President George
W. Bushs Administration put the HIPAA privacy rule into effect
last April, though the rule itself gives HHS broad authority to
make changes until April 2002. Early in 2001, there were
indications that the Bush administration was considering
gutting the rule, but officials backed down after intense
pressure from patient and provider advocacy groups. Despite
the delay in revising the rule, HHS has indicated that it will
make changes sometime this spring. The Administration can
make even further refinements, though very limited, in the
final year before the compliance date for the privacy rule
April 14, 2003.The insurance and hospital lobby, faced with the
compliance burden on large health care facility providers, has
requested changes to the privacy rule on several occasions.
The suggested revisions have focused mainly on patient
consent requirements and the assertion that the federal
privacy rule should take precedence over, or preempt, related
state laws.From the APA Practice Organizations perspective,
such changes would weaken the patient protections afforded

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by the federal privacy rule. Psychology and other mental

health advocates, independently and as part of the coalition
known as the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG), have
countered the insurance lobby efforts by repeated calls for
preserving the rules privacy protections, and even expanding
them. For example, the MHLG continues to urge that the
special privacy protection given to psychotherapy notes as
defined in the rule (see article on page 5) should be broadened
to apply to other sensitive information such as psychological
testing data.

For several months, the directorates government relations

staff worked to educate Congress and the public about the
need for a strong federal privacy bill, or at least a bill that
would not undermine existing state privacy laws that protected
patients rights. APAs lobbying push successfully countered
the insurance industrys efforts to win inclusion of the Bennett
bill in HIPAA. In place of the Bennett bill, Congress
incorporated a few sentences into HIPAA to provide a timeline
for action. Legislators gave themselves three years, until
August 1999, to enact a federal law governing records privacy
and further directed that HHS would establish a privacy rule
within six months of Congress failure to meet its
deadline.Shortly after HIPAAs passage, it became increasingly
clear that the patient and provider lobbies and the insurance
lobby were entrenched in polar positions. APA assessed that
Congress would not likely pass legislation. While the
association continued to advocate for appropriate privacy
legislation in Congress, APA began focusing efforts on the
Administration in anticipation of a rule from HHS. Organized
psychology sought a rule that would recognize the particular
privacy requirements of records associated with mental health
treatment, including the need for heightened protection for
psychotherapy notes and other mental health records.Too Hot
for Congress to HandleIndeed, the privacy issue ultimately
became too controversial for members of Congress to handle,
and HHS ended up proposing a federal privacy rule in
November 1999.

It looked like a compromise for both sides of the debate.

Insurers saw their broad access to records recognized in the
proposed rule. At the same time, consumers and providers had
won strong protections for records each time they were
disclosed to insurers. Throughout 2000, APA worked to ensure
that the proposed rules strong patient protections were
preserved in a final rule. Meanwhile, the insurance lobby
pushed to void the rule or at least substantially weaken its
protections. HHS released the final privacy rule in the last days
of the Clinton Administration in much the same form as the
proposed rule. The Practice Directorate considered the final
rule a success, with qualification. For example, APA reiterated
in written comments to HHS that the privacy rule allowed
insurers too much access to records for administrative
purposes not directly related to treatment. It appeared the
conflict and compromise characteristic of the legislative and
rulemaking processes was reflected in the final rule once it
ultimately took effect last April.The following chronology
illustrates from 1993 through 2001 the major events and
players related to the HIPAA law and the final privacy rule from


Federal Oversight of Psychiatric Records: The Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act

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by Karen Welch

More than two years ago, I published an article on psychiatric

records in Mental Health World. This same article was included
on one of the Internet editions of MHW found on our website at Since publishing that article, each
month, I receive at least one email asking questions about
confidentiality and access to psychiatric records. The previous
MHW article on psychiatric records specifically addressed
access to records and confidentiality under New York State
law. Since that article was written, the federal government has
created regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) which deal explicitly with access
and confidentiality of all health care records. The present
article will summarize some of the main provisions of these
regulations as they relate to the confidentiality and access of
psychiatric records. It will also note how the HIPAA regulations
differ from New York Law.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was

passed by Congress in 1996. Final regulations regarding the
privacy provisions of this law were issued by the Bush
administration in August 2002 and will become effective in
April 14, 2003. These regulations provide a comprehensive set
of rules for the confidentiality and access to all health records.
Since this is a federal law, it affects everyone in the United
States. The HIPAA privacy regulations supersede any state
law, to the extent that they provide greater protections than
state law. However if a states law provides greater privacy
protections than HIPAA, then the states rules apply.

General Provisions of HIPAA

HIPAA greatly expands the entities which must keep
psychiatric records confidential. Entities which are covered by
the requirements of HIPAA include health care providers,
health plans and health care clearinghouses that transmit or
maintain any health information via electronic media. The
definition of health plans includes group health plans, health
insurance issuers, HMOs, Medicaid programs, Medicare
programs and long-term care policies. Additionally, the law
requires that business associates of covered entities which
perform services involving the use or disclosure of protected
health information must enter into an agreement to safeguard
the privacy of the protected health information.
HIPAA also greatly expands the types of information that are
protected. With a few narrow exceptions, HIPAA applies to all
individually identifiable health information in any form held or
transmitted by a covered entity. Individually identifiable means
that it is information from which a person can identify the
person to whom it relates. The information is covered whether
it is oral or recorded. It also does not matter if it was created
by a health care provider, health plan, public health authority,
employer, life insurer, school or university or health care
clearinghouse. The information may relate to past, present or
future physical or mental health or condition of an individual,
the provision of health care to an individual or the past,
present or future payment of health care to an individual.

In contrast, under the New York Mental Hygiene Law, a clinical

record means any information covering or relating to the
examination or treatment of a patient or client maintained by
the facility which has treated or is treating such patient or
client. Under the New York Mental Hygiene Law, privacy
protections apply to facilities that are operated or licenced by
the New York State Office of Mental Health. Additionally, the

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law requires that disclosure of these records to third parties

places the third party under an obligation to maintain

For consumers of mental health services, the expansion of

privacy protections found in HIPAA is welcome. Often,
individuals would successfully seal their clinical records under
New York law only to be thwarted by the fact that insurers or
health information clearinghouses had created their own
records which were not subject to the confidentiality provisions
of New York law. Under HIPAA, the likelihood of this problem is
substantially decreased since these entities must now maintain
strict confidentiality or face the penalties under the law.
Access By Individuals to Their Own Records
HIPAA creates a general right for an individual to access his or
her own health records subject to a number of exceptions.
Additionally, the comments to the regulations state that
individuals have a right of access to information used to make
health care decisions or determine whether an insurance claim
will be paid. The four exceptions to the general right of access
to records are:

1) psychotherapy notes;
2) information compiled in reasonable anticipation of, or use
in, a civil, criminal or administrative action and proceeding;
3) where access is prohibited by the Clincial Laboratory
Improvements Amendments of 1988: or
4) records that are exempt under the regulations of the Clinical
Laboratory Improvements Amendment. The Clinical Laboratory
Improvements Amendments of 1988 is an act which forbids
laboratories doing tests on human specimens to disclose the
results to anyone except the individual or entity who requested
the test.

The definition of psychotherapy notes is notes recorded in

any medium by a health care provider who is a mental health
professional documenting or analyzing the contents of a
conversation during a private counseling session or a group,
joint, or family counseling session. Psychotherapy notes are
intended to refer to a mental health professionals own
personal notes of a therapy session. Notes do not count as
psychotherapy notes unless they are kept separately from the
patients medical chart.

Reviewable Denial of Access to Records

Under HIPAA, other than the unreviewable reasons discussed
below, the right of a patient to see his own chart can be
restricted in only three circumstances. Each of these
circumstances is reviewable by an appeal process.

First, a licensed health care professional may deny access if in

the exercise of his professional judgement it is determined that
such access is reasonably likely to endanger the life or
physical safety of the individual or other person. Under this
reason for denial, covered entities may not deny the access on
the basis of the sensitivity of the health information or the
potential for causing psychological or emotional harm. A health
care professional must find that the individual has exhibited
suicidal or homicidal tendencies and that access to the records
would reasonably result in murder, suicide or other physical

Second, there is a reviewable exception when the requested

information relates to another person (other than the health
care provider) and in the professional judgement of the

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licensed health care professional, the access would likely cause

substantial harm to such person.

Third, if the personal representative of an individual makes the

request rather than the individual himself, the request may be
denied if the provision of access to records to the personal
representative is reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to
the individual or other person.

This scheme is somewhat different from that found in the New

York Mental Hygiene Law. Under New York law, the treating
practitioner may review the information requested. If after
consideration of all factors, the practitioner determines that
the requested review could reasonably be expected to cause
substantial and identifiable harm to the patient, client or
others, the facility may deny access to all or a part of the
record and may grant access to a prepared summary of the
Unreviewable Denial of Access to Records.
Under HIPAA, there are five areas where an entity may deny
access to records without an opportunity for review of this
denial. The areas are:
1) the exceptions to the right of access described above

2) the request of a prison inmate to see his records if obtaining

such copy would jeopardize the health, safety, security,
custody or rehabilitation of the prisoner or other inmates or
the safety of the correctional staff. 3) if the protected health
information is contained in records subject to the Privacy Act;

4) the information was obtained from someone other than a

health care provider under a promise of confidentiality and the
access would be reasonably likely to reveal the source of the

5) a research subjects request to see his records during

research, if the consent form for the research advised that
access to records would be suspended during research and the
patient signed the consent form.

Process of Review of Denial of Access

The review of a denial of the access is to be conducted by a
health care professional designated by the covered entity. This
professional may not have been directly involved in the original
denial of the request for access. The review must be conducted
in a reasonable time period but the regulations do not impose
deadlines on any entity. There is no provision for judicial
review of this denial.

New Yorks review procedure for a denial of access appears to

be more helpful to consumers. Under the New York Mental
Hygiene Law, if access to a psychiatric record is denied, a
patient has the right to appeal for review by the Clinical
Records Access Review Committee. A client must be notified
by the facility of his right to a review of the denial by the
appropriate clinical record access review committee. If the
client requests this review, the facility must within ten days of
the request, transmit the record to the chairman of the
appropriate committee with a statement setting forth the
specific reasons access was denied. If access is denied by the
records access review committee, a patient has a right to seek
judicial review of this denial. Court review must be commenced
within 30 days of receiving notification of the committee

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Procedure for Correcting Records

Under HIPAA, an individual has the right to have a covered
entity amend protected health information or records about
the individual in a designated record set. An individuals
request for amendment may be denied if the health
information or record:
1) was not created by the covered entity;
2) is not part of the designated record set;
3) would not otherwise be available for inspection by the
4) is accurate and complete.

An individual should make a request for the amendment in

writing. The entity may require [that omit DN] the individual to
provide reasons to support a requested amendment to a
record. An entity must act on the request within 60 days of the
request for an amendment although this time may be
extended once for 30 days if it notifies the individual in writing
of the reasons for the delay.

If the entity agrees to make the amendment to the consumers

record it must do so and make a reasonable effort to inform
others about the amendment including persons identified by
the consumer as having the information and any persons that
are known by the entity to have the records. If the entity
denies the consumers request to amend the record, the entity
must provide a timely written denial. The consumer can then
submit a written statement disagreeing with the denial. This
information must be appended to the record and included in
any future disclosure.
Under the New York Mental Hygiene Law, an individual may
challenge the accuracy of the information maintained in his
clinical record and may require that a brief written statement
prepared by him concerning the challenged information be
inserted into the clinical record. This statement shall become
part of the permanent part of the record and shall be released
whenever the clinical record at issue is released. The
information to be challenged shall be only factual statements
and shall not include a providers observations, inferences or

For information concerning access to records, confidentiality or

sealing of records, or for other questions concerning the
mental health laws, please contact the PAIMI (Protection and
Advocacy for the Mentally Ill) program at Neighborhood Legal
Services, 716/847-0650.

Stefan, Susan, Q&A, What effect do the recently promulgated
HIPAA regulations on privacy of records have for the rights of
my clients to access their own records?, Center for Public
Representation, August 2002
Clemens, Jane F., New Federal Regulations Expand Protections
For Privacy of Health Records,
New York State Bar Journal, June 2002.
Flannery, John, Paley, Eric, and Roland, M.K. Gaedecke, With
HIPPA deadlines on horizon, whats required?, Buffalo Law
Journal, September 26, 2002


More protections for patients and psychologists under

HIPAA's psychotherapy notes provision safeguards
sensitive patient information.

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Monitor staff

Though the mention of the Health Information Portability and

Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule compliance date--April
14--can make some psychologists anxious, most applaud the
new law for increasing privacy protections.

Especially interesting to practitioners is the psychotherapy

notes provision, says Russ Newman, PhD, JD, APA's executive
director for practice. The provision recognizes that certain
kinds of mental health information need to be protected more
than other types of information. Under HIPAA, psychotherapy
notes are defined as "notes recorded in any medium by a
mental health professional documenting or analyzing the
contents of conversation during a private counseling session."
These notes, which capture the psychologist's impressions
about the patient and can contain information that is
inappropriate for a medical record, are similar to what
psychologists have historically referred to as "process notes."

HIPAA affords psychotherapy notes more protection--most

notably from third-party payers--than they'd been given in the
past. Under HIPAA, disclosure of psychotherapy notes requires
more than just generalized consent; it requires patient
authorization--or specific permission--to release this sensitive
information. And, whereas in the past insurance companies
have requested entire patient records--including
psychotherapy notes--in making coverage decisions, now
health plans cannot refuse to provide reimbursement if a
patient does not agree to release information covered under
the psychotherapy notes provision.

"In the past, patients could refuse to have this type of

information released, but then the company might refuse to
cover services," notes Newman. "The HIPAA privacy rule
protection stops that kind of practice from taking place."

Psychologists take note

The privacy rule gives rights to health professionals, as well as
to their patients. Under the new law, psychologists can decide
whether to release their psychotherapy notes to patients,
unless patients would have access to their psychotherapy
notes under state law (see the article about HIPAA and state
laws in last month's Monitor). Though the privacy rule does
afford patients the right to access and inspect their health
records, psychotherapy notes are treated differently: Patients
do not have the right to obtain a copy of these under HIPAA.
And when a psychologist denies a patient access to these
notes, the denial isn't subject to a review process, as it is with
other records.

There is a catch in the psychotherapy notes provision. HIPAA's

definition of psychotherapy notes explicitly states that these
notes are kept separate from the rest of an individual's record.
So, if a psychologist keeps this type of information in a
patient's general chart, or if it's not distinguishable as separate
from the rest of the record, access to the information doesn't
require specific patient authorization. According to the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it makes
good sense to keep the notes separate since this type of
information should not be available automatically.

This may, says Newman, be a practical difference from the

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way some psychologists have previously stored patient

information. But, "if psychologists want higher protections for
psychotherapy notes, then they should keep the information
separate," he urges.

Daniel Abrahamson, PhD, professional affairs coordinator for

the Connecticut Psychological Association, adds that
psychologists "shouldn't jump the gun." Keeping records
separate is an option and "each practitioner will need to
determine whether the benefits of maintaining extra protection
outweigh keeping the records distinctly separate from medical
records," he says. In other words, some psychologists may
decide that, for some patients, the information doesn't
particularly need the extra level of protection. If a particular
treatment evolves and the psychologist wants to keep the
psychotherapy notes separate, he or she can choose to do
that. "It's part of good clinical judgment," says Abrahamson.
"In the past, clinicians didn't include some information in a
record and therefore wouldn't be able to later document that
information. Now they have the option to include detailed
content in separate notes."

In addition to keeping these notes separate from other patient

information, psychologists should be aware, says Newman,
that there are certain parts of a record that are expressly not
considered psychotherapy notes--and that don't require
patient authorization for disclosure--under the HIPAA privacy
rule. This information includes medication prescription and
monitoring, counseling session start and stop times, modalities
and frequencies of treatment, results of clinical tests, and any
summary of diagnosis, functional status, treatment plans,
symptoms, prognosis or progress.

This portion of the rule is likely to leave some "potential for

interpretation," says Newman. "What if a managed-care
company says it needs a summary of the themes from
psychotherapy sessions? They may say that's outside the
psychotherapy notes provision. We'd argue that divulging
themes of the conversations in psychotherapy is tantamount to
giving away the whole conversation," he says.

In the same vein, testing information, like summary

information, isn't included under psychotherapy notes. APA
submitted comments to HHS on both the proposed and final
rules asking that psychological test data be included in the
provision. Disclosing this type of information, says Newman,
could divulge intimate details about a patient much like the
information from psychotherapy sessions. Unfortunately, he
says, HHS declined to expand the definition.

Despite the exclusion of certain information, however, the

psychotherapy notes provision should be heralded "as a
significant victory for privacy advocates," says Nanci Klein,
PhD, professional affairs coordinator for the Utah Psychological
Association. "Practitioners have long found it onerous to have
to release psychotherapy notes for additional treatment
authorization by managed-care companies." Now, she says,
managed-care companies are only entitled to certain types of
information, not including psychotherapy notes.

"I think this defines the psychologist as the treating expert

whose professional analysis and opinion represent the core
information necessary for making judgments about the
necessity for continued treatment," she adds.

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This article is the second in a three-part series on HIPAA

topics. The next piece, on HIPAA's minimum necessary
requirement, will appear in March.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Amicus Curiae Brief NSA Page 1 of 17



American Civil Liberties Union, American

Civil Liberties Union Foundation;
American Civil Liberties Union of
Michigan; Council on American-Islamic
Relations; Counsel on American-Islamic
Relations Michigan; Greenpeace, Inc.;
National Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers; James Bamford; Larry Diamond;
Christopher Hitchens; Tara McKelvey; and
Barnett R. Rubin,


National Security Agency/

Central Security Service, and Lieutenant
General Keith B. Alexander, in his
official capacity as Director of the National
Security Agency and Chief of the Central
Security Service,
: Case No. 2006-cv-2095
: Case No. 2006-cv-2140
: Honorable Anna Diggs Taylor

Date: February 20, 2007

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 174516
717-427-1821 facsimile



Stanley J. Caterbone is a private citizen and the majority

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shareholder of the United States incorporated business

Advanced Media Group. Stanley J. Caterbone was a
whistleblower and shareholder in 1987 involving the United
States Defense Contractor International Signal & Control, Plc.,
known as ISC. In 1992, International Signal & Control was
indicted and found guilty of among other things a Billion Dollar
Fraud and export violations concerning illegally shipping cluster
bomb technologies, missile defense systems, and other
defense systems to foreign interests including South Africa,
Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Cluster bombs and related
technologies are known to have been exported to Iraq by the
Chilean Arms Dealer Carlos Cardoen, a joint venture partner of
International Signal & Control. The Central Intelligence Agency
is confirmed to have been involved in a covert program to arm
Iraq during the 1980s with close ties to International Signal &
Control, which allegedly included the help of the National
Security Agency, a former end user of International Signal &
Control technologies under the early 1980s program Project X.
A Presidential Finding in 1984 by the Bush Administration was
executed to implement the program of arming Saddam
Hussein and Iraq with the cluster bomb technologies. Serious
allegations of these programs were the focus of investigations
that included the knowledge and supervision of then appointed
nominee for the Director of Central Intelligence Agency, Robert
M. Gates.

Since 1987, Stanley J. Caterbone has been the victim of vast

civil conspiracy that started in 1987 to cover-up allegations of
fraud within International Signal & Control during the
negotiations and merger of International Signal & Control and
Ferranti International of England. Stanley J. Caterbone alleges
that warrantless surveillance was used to obstruct justice and
moot his constitutional rights in an effort to divert attention
away from his allegations of fraud within International Signal &
Control back in 1987, and afterwards to the present as a
means to deny his access to the courts for remedy and relief,
and Federal False Claims Act violations. The business of
Advanced Media Group has been greatly compromised and
intellectual property stolen during the late 1980s and early
1990s that included information technology contracts with the
United States Government.

In January of 2006, Stanley J. Caterbone was detained at

every airport security check point, which was during a policy of
random checks, and taken out of line during travel from
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Houston, Texas, and on to
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. At the Houston Airport, Stanley J.
Caterbone was falsely accused of carrying plastics explosives
and taken to an interview room by Homeland Security officials.
Stanley J. Caterbone was also detained for three days in
Mexico, and was not provided with an opportunity to gain
access to a flight out of the country by Mexican Officials.

The interest of amicus in this case is ensuring that

constitutional rights of private citizens are not compromised
and justice subverted through information obtained from
warrantless surveillance upon which there is no just cause for
any allegations or association with terrorism. Whistle-Blowers
are inherently supportive of a system of checks and balances
within our government that go beyond our constitutional
doctrines regarding the same.

Whistle-Blowers ensure that the rule of law is universally

applied to all government officials in all branches of
government. The Federal False Claims Act and its provisions

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protect individuals from abuse of power, while providing relief

and remedies for those that were wronged and those that had
the courage to cite a wrong.

It is too easy for present and future administrations to abuse

their power and utilize warrantless surveillance as a means of
subverting and obstructing justice for those that are engaged
in Whistle-Blowing cases that concern National Security.
Without the proper oversight and judicial review, a Whistle
Blower can be place on terrorist lists for malicious reasons
without the knowledge or just cause. This is in direct conflict
with keeping our democracy free of corruption while adhering
to the spirit of the constitution in the manner our founding
fathers envisioned.


Background Information:
The following transcripts from National Broadcast Television,
ABC News Nightline and ABC News 20/20; provide material
information as to the activities of International Signal &
Control and the importance of these matters with regard to
National Security.

ABC NEWS 20/20 FEBRUARY 1, 1991

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] This is the
story of how this deadly weapon, designed for the U.S. military
made its way form this country to Iraq. And how American
Soldiers may face the devastation of a cluster bomb if a
ground war breaks out in the Persian Gulf. Federal Officials
believe Saddam Hussein got his arsenal thru a lethal
combination bureaucratic foul ups in the U.S. Government
and simple greed.

Here is how the cluster bomb works. An artillery shell, an

airplane, or a rocket launcher sends to bombs toward their
targets. Each bomb carries hundreds of smaller bomlets,
something like hand grenades. Cluster bombs can be used
against ground troops or tanks, and can even scatter mines to
lie dormant for days. The bombs can spray thousands of
pounds of sharp objects pins or even razor blades. The
shrapnel can rip through anyone or anything in its way,
causing massive casualty among civilians or ground troops.
You can see the destruction in these buildings in Lebanon after
a cluster bomb attack.

How did Iraq obtain the cluster bombs and the ability to make
their own? It was incredibly simple. Investigators believe it
started with International Signal & Control, A government
contractor with 5,000 employees based in Pennsylvania, which
build key components of cluster bombs in a subsidiary in
California. 20/20 has learned Federal Investigators believe ISC
provided the technology, that is the plans, to this man, Carlos
Cardoen, Chilean arms dealer. Authorities believe he used the
plans to build the cluster bombs in Chile, then he shipped them
to Iraq.

Whats wrong with all this? If the cluster bomb technology

actually left the county, that is illegal without U.S. Government
permission, investigators say ISC never got. It is also illegal
for a foreigner, like Cardoen, to take the plans out of the
United States without a license, which sources tell us, he never
obtained. The man who opened the door to Iraq for Cardoen,
was this man Nasser Bedouin. He is a Lebanese born
middleman for Cardoen who is based in the United States.
Bedouin traveled often to Bagdad, and arranged for sale

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cluster bombs and other military hardware to Saddam

Husseins army. In his first television interview, he told us
about the business of dealing in deadly weapons.

[Nasser Bedouin, Arms Dealer] I can sell you a knife to peel

an apple, if you cut someones throat, thats your business.
Weapons do not kill, who behind them kill.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] With slick

promotional videos, Cardoen marketed his arms throughout
the world. Arab countries were favorite customers.

[Cardoen Marketing Video] Each one of the bomblets of the

cluster bomb is multi purpose and contains an incendiary, anti
personnel and anti armor detection.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] This letter

from Cardoen authorizes Bedouin to sell cluster bombs to
Saddam Hussein during his war with Iran. This letter says
Cardoens company is willing to take its share in helping Iraq
in its time of need. We can provide you with our cluster bombs
at the lowest possible price. According to these contracts the
sale of cluster bombs to Iraq was an extremely lucrative
business. February 24, 2984 3,000 cluster bombs sent to
Saddam Husseins army worth $21 million dollars. A few
months later, another 3,000 cluster bombs, another $21
million dollars. The supply of cluster bombs eventually totaled
more than $400 million dollars. In fact, Bedouin is suing his
former boss for commission payments.

According to Bedouin, Cardoen not only sold the bombs

produce in Chile to Saddam Hussein, he actually set up a
factory near Bagdad. So the Iraq President could mass-
produce his own cluster bombs. That was one of the first
attacks by the military when the attack began. Its unknown
whether that plant is totally out of commission.

[Nasser Bedouin, Arms Dealer] He set up a factory to

manufacture the cluster bomb. Um, ah later stage for the
fuses. And this is a complete project. I mean its completer
from raw material to finished product. Because the purpose in
Iraq is to have control over the weaponry they have put in
their strategy.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Federal

Investigators are now trying to bring Carlos Cardoen to justice.
But why didnt they find out about him sooner? He has been
selling cluster bombs to Iraq for nearly a decade. The U.S.
Patent Office knew about Cardoen back in 1986. But they
didnt tell anyone else in the Federal Government about them.
In a move that went apparently unchecked in the highest
levels of the government, Cardoen applied for his own patent
for cluster bombs in 1986. Based on some changes on
previous designs, he received the patent two years later.
Getting the Patent is not illegal.

But at a time when U.S. shipments of arms to Chile were

banned, as to all sales to Iraq, Why didnt the Patent Office
raise any questions why was this foreigner dealing in U.S.

Experts say bureaucratic infighting regularly causes such

lapses. The Departments of Commerce, State, and Defenne,
are supposed to control arms sales, and communicate with one

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[Anthony Cordazman, Correspondent] - Even today, the same

squabbling goes on, every day within the Commerce, State,
and Defense. The Administration can never agree on what
kinds of laws can be passed to correct this.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Carlos Cardoen

denied our requests to speak on camera. In an interview last
year, he denied he did anything wrong.

And as long as a human being is an animal that needs to

defend himself, weapons are going to exist. I think that is
wrong. As a human being I believe that weapons are wrong.
But they are a fact. And we have to live with facts.

The former head of ISC, James Guerin, who dealt with Chilean,
said he did not provide anything to Cardoen to build weapons.
But Nasser Bedouin tells a different story.

[Nasser Bedouin, Arms Dealer] I believe that Dr. Carlos

Cardoen got the plans to build the cluster bombs from the
United States.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Questions

about the cluster bombs come at a time when questions are
being focused on how so many American designed weapons
got into the hands of Saddam Hussein. Senator John McCain.

[Senator John McCain] Theres not just one Saddam Hussein

on this globe. Theres lots and lots of them who at this time as
we speak are acquiring technologies to give them the
capabilities of weapons of mass destruction because its a way
of gaining victory on the cheap.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] McCain has

introduced legislation that would severely penalize and
company or countries that would sell weapons illegally or
harbor arms dealers.

[Senator John McCain] To provide many of the kinds of

weapons that we have today to many nations, which are
clearly offensive in nature, and are clearly far exceed their
requirements to defend themselves, is frankly unconscionable
and must be brought to a stop.

[Lynn Sherr, ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Basically what

you are saying is hit them in the pocketbook.

[Senator John McCain] Hit them in the pocketbook and public

exposure. No corporation or nation likes to be branded as a
nation that is involved in this illicit trafficking.

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] But public

exposure and pressure will not shield American Soldiers. If
Saddam Hussein uses the cluster bombs he already has.

[Senator John McCain] And if there is one good thing that

has come out of this Persian Gulf war its to dramatically
heighten the awareness of the people of the world to the
American people of how dangerous this proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction can be.

[Hugh Downs, ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] God those

things are vicious. Have there been any indictments yet Lynn?

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[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Ah, no Hugh,

no indictments yet. Carlos Cardoen has not been indicted,
even though Federal Agents raided his headquarters office in
Miami. And U.S. Customs people took a number of documents,
but no indictments yet, but there are investigations going on.

[Hugh Downs, ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] If these

things are dropped from airplanes, and we have air
supremacy, as it now has been said by our leaders, is there
that much to worry about for our troops?

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Were told yes,

because you dont need to an airplane to a cluster bomb, they
can also be used on rocket launchers and on unguided
missiles, both of which Iraq has. And incidentally, we talked
about that bomb factory, even if it was badly damaged, the
cluster bomb factory he already has, were told in three to six
months it can be operational again, and anyway he likely has a
big stockpile.

[Hugh Downs, ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] We of

course, have these weapons also, and I understand they are
called something different?

[Lynn Sherr ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Yes, if youre

listening to a Pentagon Briefing, dont listen for the term
cluster bomb, there calling them Aerial Denial Weapons.

[Hugh Downs, ABC News 20/20 Correspondent] Thank you


ABC News Nightline - September 12, 1991

[Ted Koppel] incidentally the function of the senior review
panel is to advise one man, the director of central intelligence.
And at least part of the period in question there was an acting
director of the CIA Robert Gates. Well attempt to pull some
of these threads together when we come back.

Commercial Break
[Ted Koppel] When all is said and done, why should your or
your representatives in Congress care, eventually after all
President Bush spoke and acted against Sadaam Hussein more
forcefully than anyone could have expected.

[Former President George H. Bush Speech] Were dealing

with Hitler revisited, a totalitarianism, a brutality, that is
neglect and unprecedented in modern times.

[Vidoe-Gary Milhollin, Director, The Wisconsin Project] The

more we gave Sadaam, the more dangerous he got. And
ultimately we had to go to war to destroy what we sold him.

[Ted Koppel] But its not a question of holding the Bush or

Reagan Administrations to account for having made mistakes
with regards to their policies toward Iraq The issue is how
those policies were implemented.

As we reported over the past few months, The Atlanta Branch

of an Italian Bank, BNL, was able to funnel $Billions, some of it
in U.S. Credits to Iraqs Military Procurement Network. The
U.S. Government knew, and turned a blind eye. Sophisticated
Military Technology was illegally transferred from a major U.S.
company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (International Signal &
Control), to South Africa, and Chile, and from there onto Iraq.

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The Iraqi borne designer of a chemicals weapons plant in

Lybia, set up shop in Florida, producing and shipping to Iraq
chemical weapon components. The CIA, FBI, and other U.S.
agencies were made aware of the operation and did nothing to
prevent it.

During the 1980s and into the 90s senior officials of both the
Bush and Reagan Administration encouraged the privatization
of foreign policy, certainly towards Iran and Iraq.

The policy may have had merit - but there werent willing or in
some instances werent successful in fighting it out in Capital
Hill so they found other ways. They made a mockery of the
Export Control System, and they found ways of encouraging
foreign governments to do what our laws prohibited. They
even knew or if not were guilty of the grossest incompetence
that U. S. companies were collaborating with foreign Arms
merchants in the illegal transfer of American Technology that
helped Sadaam Hussein build is formidable arsenal.

This week, the CIA again told ABC News Nightline that our
allegations over the past few months regarding covert
operations to supply Iraq with U.S. Arms and weapons
technologies simply were not true.

The CIAs Inspector General said a statement from the Agency

[On Screen] - Has found to factual support whatsoever for
such an operation or for the involvement of Mr. Gates.

[Ted Koppel] At least one member of the Senate Intelligence

Committee, Bill Bradley of New Jersey, feels that there may be
reason to doubt both those claims, and hell raise the issues
next week during the Gates Confirmation Hearings, next week.

The CIA also told us that its Inspector General has found no
evidence of any off-the-books illegal activity. But the CIA
concedes, off-the-books activities, are not documented.
Precisely so that deniability can be preserved. One thing is
undeniable, this gun sight video of a stealth fighter bomber
from the 32nd Tactical Fighter Wing, last February attacking a
bomb factory, on the outskirts of Bagdad U.S. Technology in
the air, destroying U.S. Technology on the Ground. The factory
was built by Carlos Cardoen.

For all of us here at ABC News, Good night. END

ABC News Nightline - July 1991

[Ted Koppel] Carlos Cardoens role in shipping arms to Iraq
has been known for ears. His connection with Robert Gates has
not. By the mid 1980s Cardoen was the largest private
supplier of weapons to Iraq. In all he has believed to ship a
half billion dollars worth of arms and advanced technologies to
Bagdad. At a factory 500 miles north of Santiago, Cardoen
produced tens of thousands of bombs and other equipment,
absolutely essentially to Iraq during its eight year war with

The material would be loaded aboard regular Iraqi airway

flights flown from Santiago to Bagdad. Cardoen did not simply
ship weapons, he set up entire factories capable of producing
bombs and other explosives the components would be shipped
from all over the world and then assembled in Iraq. One of
those factories turned out Cluster Bombs.

As we first reported on the 24th of May, much of the

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sophisticated military technology that Cardoen was shipping to

Iraq came from the United States. This company in sleepy
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is believed to be the source for some
of the Cluster Bomb technology. But there was more. Nasser
Bedouin is also an arms dealer. He acted as a middleman
between Carlos Cardoen and Iraq.

[Nasser Bedouin on Video] I am aware of Carlos Cardoen

getting some type of technology from the air fuel bomb from
the United States. I believe Iraq has a viable fuel air explosive.

[Ted Koppel] These explosives are designed to explode just

above ground level like miniature atomic bombs, literally
sucking all available oxygen out of the air. It is clear that
Carlos Cardoens special relationship with the United States
was not known by all Departments. When the Commerce
Department inquired about that relationship in early 1987, it
received a cable from the U.S. Ambassador to Chile saying
although Cardoen is involved with the sale of armaments, and
he has made his fortune from it, he is considered to be a
responsible recipient of U.S. products. In fact by 1987, the
covert relationship between the CIA and Cardoen was already
well established.

In 1983 the Reagan Administration had become alarmed at

how poorly the Iraqi military was doing against Iran. A decision
was made at the highest level of Government to begin helping

Indeed ABC News has learned only today, that around that
time, in 1983 Ronald Reagan issued a highly classified
Presidential Finding stating that it was important to the
National Interests that arms and technical assistance be
covertly funneled to Iraq and with the help of the CIA. More on
the significance of that Presidential Finding in a moment.

What it unleashed was a flood of US help to Iraq. A former CIA

operative who was involved in the program has told us of a
series of covert operations, in which loads of 727s were flown
into Iraq. On one such mission in 1987 our source tells us he
accompanied a planeload of Soviet built one hundred twenty-
two missiles. The Soviet equipment was shipped because it
would be compatible with what the Iraqis already had. By
1987, there was at least one such flight a week into Bagdad.

Our former CIA source recalls bringing in $100 dollar bills in a

bowling bag, they would also carry whiskey, cartons of
cigarettes and copies of Penthouse magazines to speed up the
unloading process, which usually took place at night. Once the
White House has authorized the Covert Assistance Program to
Iraq, the CIA took over. In effect the former CIA operative told
us the covert operation amounted to here is what we want you
to do, and we really dont want to know too much about how
you do it.

Our source tells us that he has at least one meeting in 1986 in

Florida between Robert Gates and Carlos Cardoen, the Chilean
Arms Dealer. Other sources have told us of other such
meetings. Here in the United States and in Europe. Which
brings us to an unsolicited statement that was telephoned in to
Nightline from the Central Intelligence Agency almost a month
ago on June 17th. Allegations, the statement read that Robert
Gates facilitated illegal shipments to Iraq during the 1980s are
totally without basis. Since we had never requested a
statement of Mr. Gates, we didnt know quite what to make of

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it at the time. But then today we learned of that Presidential

Finding, authorizing the Covert shipment of arms to Iraq.

It would be true then that Robert Gates did not facilitate illegal
shipments to Iraq, under the Presidential Finding, the
shipments would have been quite legal. But during this last set
of confirmation hearings, back in 1987, Robert Gates assured
the Senate Confirmation Committee that he would always keep
the Committee current on ongoing covert operations.

Indeed the CIA is supposed to provide the Intelligence

Committee with quarterly reports. According to well-informed
sources on the Committee it has had no briefings on the
Covert arms pipeline to Iraq. That, said one Senator on the
Committee would be a total breach of trust. What would it do
to the Gates Nomination? I asked. It would probably be
enough said the Senator, to derail the Nomination.

Again, an excerpt from Mr. Gates Testimony before the Senate

Intelligence Committee in 1987:

[Robert Gates 1987 on video] If you cannot have a system in

which you can have some confidence between A the branches
of government, and confidence between the senior officials of
the Government, A that they abide by the rules, and B that
they will deal with one another honestly, then I think the
system begins to collapse.

[Ted Koppel] Late this evening, the Whitehouse

communicated its response to the charges contained in this
report, the Whole story is unfounded. There were never any
sales; covert or overt to Iraq or Iran through a third country.
And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos Cardoen.

Well be back with more, in a moment.

[Ted Koppel] For the viewers, this is Alan Freidman, New

York Correspondent for the Financial Times of London, and a
member of the team investigating Robert Gates. Alan Id like
to begin by repeating a statement, and let me put my specs on
for a moment, the White House. This story is unfounded and
there were never any sales covert or overt to Iraq or Iran
through a third country. And Mr. Gates never met with Carlos

Ah, ah a fairly carefully drafted statement one would think.

[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial

Times of London] Yes Ted, I think that is right, I would agree
with the statement that there were never any sales Iraq
through a third party. Indeed what we found was that some of
the cluster bomb technology and fuel air technology was given
smuggled down to Chile, for use that were used and made and
shipped on through to Iraq. In terms of the um statement by
the White House that there were never any meetings between
Mr. Gates and Mr. Cardoen, we have a number of sources,
some of them personally involved in these operations, one of
them who was personally and physically an eye witness
present at a meeting, in Florida, with Mr. Gates and Mr.
Cardoen in 1986. And who was told my Mr. Gates, about other
meetings that he had with Mr. Cardoen.

[Ted Koppel] Now Congressman Gejdenson, I realized that

we sort of unleashed an awful lot of material on you today, but
to what degree does this fit in with those thousands o

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documents that you subpoenaed with the information that you


[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign

Affairs Committee] Well we just got the documents after a
several month battle with the Administration to pry them loose
and it took the vote of a subpoena by the subcommittee to
start the flow of those documents, but its certainly consistent
with the information that we got with Committee staffs with
some of those people that said they were at those meetings,
ah as well. I think that the important thing to remember here
is that the United States in 1982 under the Reagan
Administration took Iraq off the terrorist list at a time when
some of the worst terrorist of the world were being harbored
by Saddam Hussein, and we suddenly changed our policy and
continued to keep Iraq off the terrorist list, enabling the export
of dual use, ah items that can be used for dual use from the
United States to Iraq, as well as these sales that went
indirectly to Iraq.

So, all through a time when they were harboring terrorists,

and they killed 5,000 Kurds in 1988, and as recent as six days
before the invasion of Kuwait, when I and several members of
Congress, tried to stop the subsidy of grain sales to Iraq, the
Bush Administration continued to impose any sanctions against

[Ted Koppel] Well of course theres a huge difference

between grain sales and the shipment of entire plants for the
building of a cluster bomb factory.

[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign

Affairs Committee] Except for what I think you find is that a
pattern by both the Bush and Reagan Administrations to trying
to assist Saddam Hussein. What we found at one Hearing was
a document from the State Department, ah that said that the
United States was ready to sell weapons to Iraq as long as
they were for the personal protection of Saddam Hussein. A
policy that ignored all the outrages, a policy that ignored I
think the intent of the Congress and the American People. And
that the allegations that weve gotten from a number of
sources seem to be consistent with that. The United States did
everything it could under the Reagan and Bush Administrations
to assist Saddam Hussein.

[Ted Koppel] Alan, I know that one of the things that we

discovered in our investigations was and Id like you to
elaborate on it a little bit was that frequently there was Federal
Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies that was trying to
uncover what was going on we found that they were stymied
at every turn. Can you talk about a that a little bit?.

[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial

Times of London] Yes I think that if we look back at other
discoveries that we made, you can say that when we found
ISC, the company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that was, that
had cluster bomb technology, shipped down to Chile that was
part of this covert operation for Iraq, we found that the CIA
had detailed knowledge over a period of 4 years of all sorts
of shipments from ISC to South Africa, some of which were
later trans shipped to Iraq, we found that Federal Law
Enforcement Officers and Agencies were unable to do anything
about it because they just werent told. Likewise, we were just
told of the case that the man that built the Rapta Chemical
Weapons plant in Libya, who ah, even though the CIA were

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tracking him very carefully here in the United States, was

allowed to build a chemical weapons plant here in Florida, and
shipped dangerous cyanide with the help of CIA Contract
Shippers to Iraq. All of these things were going on and the
investigators seem unable to do anything about any of these
things. We seem to have part of the Government trying to
investigate, and part of the Government trying to ship.

[Ted Koppel] Congressman Gejdenson Id like to get your

reaction to that and see if your experiences have been similar
in some of the findings that ah or some of the conclusions that
you have reached, but well take a break first and be back in
just a moment.

[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign

Affairs Committee] Well we saw it ah from across all of the
agencies. We had Dennis Kloskey who was then in charge of
export licensing at Commerce testify before our committee in
April that he suggested to Mr. Gates and others that ah
meetings at White House to stop the export of dangerous
technologies to Iraq. The following day ah Mr. Kloskey
resigned from the Government. We were told by Mr. Kloskey
that the White House, the people in that room representing the
President argued for a policy that assisted Saddam Hussein in
getting dual use technologies. We had Congressman Rose who
I know has been on your show testifying about the grain sales
being tied up with funding weapons to Iraq as well. So across
the government, this thing went on. Its hard to believe that
somebody like Mr. Gates in his position didnt know about it.

[Ted Koppel] We are suggesting a lot more that he knew

about it. Were suggesting that he was actively involved in it
let me just pass on a little information that we have gathered
today, having to do with the Confirmation Hearings and was
told earlier this afternoon. Alan Fryers, Senior Officer with the
CIA and Clair George are not likely to be testifying voluntarily,
indeed Alan Fryers said he will not be testifying before the
Senate Intelligence Committee. The White House, as we have
all heard throughout the day is putting on some pressure to
get those Hearings underway before the August recess, August
2nd, of course, the Senate goes into recess. Ah, and there are
indications now that a week from Monday, indeed the Hearings
will begin, Mr. Gates will be asked to testify at that time, but
Ive been also told that there is no way that the Hearing will no
way be completed before the August recess.

And that Mr. Gates will be told that he will be recalled again
after other witnesses have testified, after the August recess.
So these Hearing now, are destined to go into September.

[House Representative Sam Gejdenson of the House Foreign

Affairs Committee] I think that is terribly important, because
we have to what we have to remember here, unlike other
appointees of the President, what the head of the CIA does is
not transparent. If youre the Secretary of Housing, like Jack
Kemp is, and I disagree with one of his programs, not only do
I know about it, but the average citizen knows about what Jack
Kemps doing. Sometimes you agree with it and sometimes
you disagree with him. In the case of the Director of the CIA,
as is clear from repeated experiences, often times even the
people in Congress were suppose to know about these
activities are not informed. This has to do with National
Security the standard ought not be somebody that can get by
the Hearing process with White House pressure. The White
House ought to be with us on this one, we ought to make sure

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that we have someone fully discloses what is going on to the

appropriate committees and to Congress. Not someone
involved in Iran Contra and not someone who hasnt told the
entire truth. And not someone who is in question about these
activities. This has to be a definitive decision by the Congress,
that this individual will come clean with the Congress and fulfill
not just the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law.

[Ted Koppel] Alright, let me just interrupt here for a

moment, because were down to our last minute and a half or
so, Alan, it is inevitable in this kind of investigation that you
run into a lot of sleazy characters and I just want to get from
you for our audience some sense of how much of the
information that we have compiled here comes from the sleazy
characters and how much comes from the few that we can
really rely upon?

[Alan Friedman, New York Correspondent for the Financial

Times of London] I think, ah Ted the important thing to
remember here is that we have had all kinds of allegations for
the last three months when our team has interviewed dozens
of people, weve been acidulously cross checking and weve
waited to go ahead with this story until weve had very credible
witnesses. Those who were documented CIA operatives and
those who were physically with Mr. Gates during those
meetings, and we asked some of them why would Mr. Gates
take the risk and go out and meet with Mr. Cardoen and get
directly involved and get his hands dirty in these operations,
especially as he was deputy director of the CIA at the time
himself. We were told that he went out because he wanted to
give his improvtoire in order to make sure the job got done.
Weve talked to a number of top people and cross checked.

[Ted Koppel] Alright, Alan Friedman thank you very much,

Congressman Gejdenson, thank you very much, Ill be back in
a moment.


Whistle-Blowing Activities
Starting in June of 1987, local, state, and federal authorities
were called by Stanley J. Caterbone, including the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Securities and Exchange
Commission, Congressman Robert Walker, the Pennsylvania
Attorney General, the Lancaster District Attorney, Manheim
Township Police, and a host of others.

The following is a memo of a meeting with ISC executive Mr.

Lawrence Resch and Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone at his office at
Financial Management Group, Ltd., which took place on June
23, 1987. Mr. Lawrence Resch, of San Clamente, California,
was a long time associate of Mr. James Guerin who worked as
a marketing consultant, and was an ISC executive prior to the
company going public in 1982. He served as Director of
Marketing and head of Lancaster operations for then defunct
United Chem Con, an affiliate of ISC. He was sued by Ferranti
International in 1990 for $189 million dollars and indicted and
found guilty by prosecutors for his role with ISC and served a
jail term.

Upon the arrival of Mr. Larry Resch, Stan Caterbone met him
in the lobby of Financial Management Group, Ltd, at which
time Larry Resch said "Carl Jacobson could not attend, we had
to suddenly fly him out of the country early this morning (flew
to Chile) The meeting was started with the subject of the

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financial difficulties of United Chem Con and possible

alternatives. Larry Resch specifically addressed the possibility
of moving the operations of United Chem Con to another
facility, with specific regards to the Renovo Plant. Larry Resch
specifically addressed the financing capabilities of Stan
Caterbone, along with possible management opportunities.
Larry Resch also gave financial statements and documents to
Stan Caterbone for the latest fiscal year for United Chem Con.
Stan Caterbone went on to allege that United Chem Con had
embezzled some $15,000,000 from the United States
Government for contracts that contained improprieties. Stan
Caterbone also alleged improprieties of International Signal &
Control and James Guerin, with specific regards to its role in
the United Chem Con, and its business activities as related to
government contracts.

Stan Caterbone noted that he, as a legal shareholder of

International Signal & Control was concerned about improper
business activities. Larry Resch was taken by surprise by all of
the above. Stan Caterbone became quite upset by the
evasiveness and the lack of specifics with regards to Larry
Resch's conversation. In efforts to thwart any further
communication from James Guerin, United Chem Con, or
International Signal & Control, Stan Caterbone demanded a
retainer fee of $10,000 before anyone contacted him again.
The following is a transcript of a meeting with Agent Howard
Eisler, of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission on
September 29, 1987. The meeting was solicited at the bequest
of Agent Howard Eisler supposedly for an investigation into
securities violations at Financial Management Group, Ltd.,
However, that also turned out to be untrue, or Agent Eisler
also ignored all of the violations that occurred at the company
headquarters. The meeting lasted approximately 4 hours at
the residence of Stanley J. Caterbone. Also present were
attorney Mr. Robert Byers, and client of Stanley J. Caterbone,
Mr. Millard Johnson. Agent Howard Eisler, in November of
1987, requested that Stanley J. Caterbone put any complaints
or grievances in writing and never did anything with
information or testimony from the meeting.

[Stanley J. Caterbone, ISC Shareholder; Founder Executive

Vice President of Financial Management Group, Ltd., and
President of FMG Advisory, Ltd.,] - Chem Con is the big local
minority-held corporation that was doing a lot of Defense
contracts-it was associated with ISC. They went under last
spring, beginning of the summer, and there was a lot of
criminal allegations made, none of them substantiated. And I
was connected with that.

They sent a board member in to see me a week before this

happened. Why. I don't know.

Jim Christian owned it - now I hear rumors that I was tied to

ISC and I am close to several people in that organization. Why
they sent someone in to California to see me, I don't know.

They wouldnt answer me. They wanted me to talk to a guy

from D.C., New York, a guy from the Caribbean. I don't know
what the hell is going on.

[Mr. Robert Byer, Criminal Attorney for Stanley J. Caterbone]

the supposition was I don't know how true it was a front for

[Stanley J. Caterbone, ISC Shareholder; Founder Executive

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Vice President of Financial Management Group, Ltd., and

President of FMG Advisory, Ltd.,] - It was, I'll tell you why.
Because when Chem Con was started, back to their inception,
you look at ISC's books. They didn't have any money. Well,
the fist thing Chem Con did was they went and got all that free
money from the government and you look where that money
went. I bet I know where it went. This guy named Guerin,
James Guerin. And I know that they were selling contracts
back. He runs ISC and he also has his fingers pretty deeply
into Chem Con. He's the one who started Chem Con, Guerin is
the one who started it.

[Mr. Millard (Bill) Johnson, Client of Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone] -

Wasn't there some allegations about a tie to Wedtech?
(Defense Contractor of New York)

[Stanley J. Caterbone, ISC Shareholder; Founder Executive

Vice President of
Financial Management Group, Ltd., and President of FMG
Advisory, Ltd.,] - You bet.

They were tied, you'd better believe they were tied with
Wedtech. The same guys in Wedtech were invoked with ISC
and Chem Con. ISC is sold over the London Exchange. (I
bought my shares from Pennsylvania State Senator Gibson
Armstrong) I owned a thousand shares. I sold it when things
started to hit the fan- they just did a multimillion dollar merger
with a company in London. They probably think this is going to
cover their tracks. What they did was, they fronted all that
money and started the contracts, went bankrupt, and now the
government is stuck for $18,000,000. I know right now in this
town's viewpoint, I stole money, I am insane, and I am a
lunatic I tell you I will not condemn Jim Christian until he tells
to my face what happened. "I was framed and set up. I dont
know maybe Jim Christian doesn't have the money. Maybe
Guerin has it or somebody else has it.

Keith, 407 U.S. at 313-14. There, the Court explained that [n]
ational security cases . . . often reflect a convergence of First
and Fourth Amendment values . . . . Fourth Amendment
protections become the more necessary when the targets of
official surveillance may be those suspected of unorthodoxy in
their political beliefs. The danger to political dissent is acute
where the Government attempts to act under so vague a
concept as the power to protect domestic security. Id.

The Court thus concluded that Fourth Amendment freedoms

cannot properly be guaranteed if domestic security
surveillances may be conducted solely within the discretion of
the Executive Branch. The Fourth Amendment does not
contemplate the executive officers of Government as neutral
and disinterested magistrates. . . .

The historical judgment, which the Fourth Amendment

accepts, is that unreviewed executive discretion may yield too
readily to pressures to obtain incriminating evidence and
overlook potential invasions of privacy and protected speech. .

[T]his Court has never sustained a search upon the sole

ground that officers reasonably expected to find evidence . . .
and voluntarily confined their activities to the least intrusive
means . . . .

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The Fourth Amendment contemplates a prior judicial

judgment, not the risk that executive discretion may be
reasonably exercised.

I hereby certify that on February 21, 2007, I have mailed by
U.S. Postal Service, by electronic means, or by facsimile the
foregoing paper to the following (funds permitted) :

Attorney of Record
MELISSA GOODMAN (admission pending)
CATHERINE CRUMP (admission pending)
National Legal Department
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400
(212) 549-2500
American Civil Liberties Union Fund of Michigan
60 West Hancock Street
Detroit, MI 48201-1343
(313) 578-6814
Kate Martin
60 1 Thirteenth Street, N. W.
1120 19th Street, N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 72 1-5650
Joseph Onek Erin N. Linder
Sharon Bradford Franklin
1025 Vermont Avenue,
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 580-6920
Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.
S. 800 Suite 1200 South
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 639-6095
330 N. Wabash Avenue
N. W. Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 222-9350
Randy Gainer
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
1501 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2600
Seattle, WA 98101 - 1688
Douglas N. Letter
Thomas N. Bondy
Anthony A. Yang
Attorneys, Appellate Staff
Washington, DC 20530
Civil Division, Room 7513
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Lucy A. Dalglish, Esq.
Counsel of Record
Gregg P. Leslie, Esq.
Elizabeth J. Soja, Esq.
1101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209-2211

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(703) 807-2100
Attorneys for Amicus Curiae The Reporters
Committee for Freedom of the Press
Kathleen M. Sullivan
Derek L. Shaffer
Constitutional Law Center
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305-8610
Attorney of Record
MELISSA GOODMAN (admission pending)
SCOTT MICHELMAN (admission pending)
CATHERINE CRUMP (admission pending)
National Legal Department
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400
(212) 549-2500
David W. DeBruin
Theresa A. Chmara
Julie M. Carpenter
Michael B. DeSanctis
Wade B. Gentz
601 Thirteenth St., N.W., 12th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
tel. (202) 639-6000
fax (202) 639-6066
Margaret A. Costello
400 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48243
tel. (313) 568-5306
fax (313) 568-6893

Date: February 20, 2007
Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
717-427-1821 facsimile

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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v. County of Lancaster 08-02983 Page 1 of 16




COUNTY OF LANCASTER, et. al.,(Defendants)

Case No. 08-cv-02983

ORDER of October 10, 2008 by U.S. District Court Judge Mary A. McLaughlin - (Case
will be re-filed upon resolving problems of obstruction of justice and due process
(computer hacking, thefts, harassments, etc.,)

"AND NOW, this 10th day of October, 2008, upon consideration of plaintiffs
Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice (Doc. No. 6) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:
(1) Plaintiffs Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice is GRANTED; and
(2) This case shall remain CLOSED statistically."


AND NOW comes Plaintiff, Stanley J. Caterbone, as pro se, and respectfully avers as follows:
Petitioner, Stanley J. Caterbone, resides at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603, is a
United States Citizen and Advanced Media Group is a fictitious name registered in Pennsylvania
with its principal place of business in Pennsylvania. Petitioner files a CIVIL COMPLAINT against
the DEFENDANTS named in the above caption on this 6th day of June 2008 in the Untied States
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This complaint is filed under duress.

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


1. This civil complaint involves 28 false arrests and 28 malicious prosecutions that occurred in
the County of Lancaster, and the Commonwealth Pennsylvania, between January of 2005 and
May of 2008. The PLAINTIFF, Stanley J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, (CATERBONE)
alleges and will prove that the false arrests and false detentions and false imprisonments were
used as a means of intimidation and retaliation for previous Federal Civil Complaints filed in the
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on May 16, 2005, Case No. 05-2288,
Petition for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection case number 05-23059 filed on May 23, 2005, and
CATERBONES pending Federal False Claims Act complaint involving Lancaster based
International Signal & Control, Plc., (ISC), and other civil complaints filed in the Lancaster
County Court of Common Pleas.

2. The affiants, the Lancaster County District Attorneys Office, and the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania have forced CATERBONE into vexatious litigation in order to defend himself before
the courts causing irreparable loss of time, countless hours of litigation as pro se, and loss of
income during the past 3 years with excessive legal fees as pro se.

3. CATERBONE has also notified the respective Clerks of Courts of the Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas; the Pennsylvania Superior Court; the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania; and the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals of the
mismanagement of court records, trial transcripts, and filings that upon close inspection show a
pattern of malice and corruption at all levels in order to support the original false arrests and
malicious prosecutions.

4. The false arrests and malicious prosecutions have also been used to support a fabricated,
malicious, and calculated misdiagnosis of mental illness, all in an effort to discredit his legal and
legitimate claims and allegations in the courts and to public officials.

5. CATERBONE has also filed numerous complaints with the Pennsylvania Judicial Review Board
in Harrisburg during the last 2 years. All complaints have fallen on deaf ears and the
Pennsylvania Judicial Review Board was negligent in not warning certain judges of their conduct,
especially the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judges that selectively denied In Forma
Pauperis applications on baseless grounds without ever writing the cause or reason of the denial
on the ORDER, which is in violation of the Pennsylvania Rules of Procedure. Complaints were
also filed against Magisterial District Justices for filing false arrests and malicious prosecutions.
This abuse of process allowed the courts to deny CATERBONE due process of the law and deny

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certain civil complaints to be filed.

6. CATERBONE and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP have suffered irreparable harm to its reputation
and to its efforts to continue its business operations while as a petitioner in a Chapter 11
Reorganization Plan filed on May 23, 2005 in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern
District as case no. 05-23059.

7. CATERBONE and ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP were also continuing a decade long investment in
projects located in the Downtown Lancaster Investment District that have been maliciously
sabotaged with ease due to the gross abuse; negligence; and abuse of process of the Lancaster
City Bureau of Police coupled with the false arrests and the malicious prosecutions. Three main
projects include a UPS Shipping and Copy Store (CATERBONE retains an exclusivity agreement
with UPS); Excelsior Place Business Plan; and the Downtown Theater at Hotel Brunswick .
CATERBONE and the ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP have been an active advocate and supporter of
the Downtown Lancaster Convention Center and the revitalization of Downtown Lancaster and
have demonstrated a record of support and advocacy through its meeting and communications
with major stakeholders, public officials, and attendance at public meetings. In November of
2007, CATERBONE and the Advanced Media Group went public with their Downtown Lancaster
investments and business plans that were culminated over the past 9 years. The Advanced
Media Group also formerly and publicly introduced their Downtown Lancaster Action Plan via
handouts, websites, and blogs; and began meetings and negotiations with major stakeholders,
City of Lancaster Public Officials, Developers, and investors.

8. CATERBONE has formerly applied to be on the Lancaster Convention Center Authority Board
of Directors in 2007 and has petitioned for a seat on the Lancaster County Government Study
Group in 2006.

9. In March of 1988 the following charges by Detective Larry Mathias and the Manheim Township
Police Department and Lancaster County Assistant District Attorney Donald Totaro were
dismissed in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas for the arrests of September 3, 1987
and are named in U.S. District Court Case No. 05-2288, now pending before the courts:
cc3304a2 Criminal Mischief - F3 Nolle Prossed / Withdrawn; Cc3502 Burglary - F1 Quashed /
Dismis / Demur Sus; cc3701al Robbery - F1 Quashed /Dismis /Demur Sus; cc3921a Theft By
Unlwf Taking Or Dispo F3 Nolle Pros / Withdrawn; cc3933a1 Unlawful Use Of Computer - F3
Nolle Pros /Withdrawn; Cc3933a2 Unlawful Use Of Computer - F3 Quashed / Disnis / Demur
Sus; cc2706 Terroristic Threats - M1 Quashed / Dismis / Demur Sus; cc2902-1 Unlawful
Restraint - M1 Quashed / Dismis / Demur Sus.

10. In 1997 CATERBONE had solicited Attorney Christina Rainville of Philadelphia and pro bono
attorney for Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie Show murder case. The murder trials and
appeals of the Lambert case demonized Ms. Christina Rainville and U.S. District Court Judge
Stewart Dalzell. After CATERBONE submitted documents and audio recordings, Ms. Christina
Rainville had communicated with CATERBONE that she was not able to take his case due to the
fact that her Philadelphia law firm had banned her from taking on any more Lancaster County
residents, despite the fact that many more sought her legal counsel. On December 31, 1997,
CATERBONE had also personally delivered a CD-ROM to the chambers of U.S. District Court
Judge Stewart Dalzell in an effort to bring attention to his case. In May of 1998 CATERBONE
submitted an AFFADAVIT to the law firm of Schneider and Harrison outlining the prosecutorial
misconduct or Finding of Facts of the 1987 cover-up for Ms. Christina Rainville. CATERBONE
alleges that these facts were part of the attitude and the motives for the law enforcement-at-
large of Lancaster County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ignore the rule of law and
procedure in order to bring these false arrests and malicious prosecutions. The Lancaster County
community-at-large had the same attitude toward CATERBONE. The Lambert case received
national notoriety when U.S. District Judge Stuart Dalzell freed Lambert on a Habeus Corpus
appeal hearing citing she was actually innocent beyond a reasonable doubt. Judge Dalzell was
quoted in chambers as saying, "I can tell you, Mr. Madenspacher, that I've thought about
nothing else but this case for over three weeks, and in my experience, sir, and I invite you to
disabuse me of this at oral argument, I want you and I want the Schnader firm to look for any
case in any jurisdiction in the English-speaking world where there has been as much
prosecutorial misconduct, because I haven't found it. The case was covered by a 3 part series
in the Los Angeles Times by writer Barry Seigel on November 10, 1997 and a television episode
on the A&E Network American Justice Series. The Lancaster community gathered over 37,000
signatures on a petition to impeach U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell for his rulings. In the end,
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania took control of the case and appealed the ruling that freed
Lambert sending her back to prison. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in
2005, after being denied any review. The case accentuated the rights of Federal Law vs. State
Law and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania solicited a team of attorney generals from across
the nation to help their cause. CATERBONE attended a hearing before Judge Larry Stengel in the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas and to this day, due to his knowledge and experience
with the Lancaster County Judicial System and Law Enforcement believes the case should have
never been conducted without a jury trial, and that the over zealous prosecution proves that
prosecutorial misconduct was never thoroughly investigated or prosecuted in the Lambert case.
CATERBONE will not let that happen in his cases.

11. On December 5, 2006 the charge of 18 3926 A4 Theft Of Services-Acquisition Of
Services and 18 2709 A7 Harassment - Comm. Repeat In Another Manner (LC); Docket No.
CP-36-CR-0002843-2006, were both Withdrawn (Lower Court) during trial court. Officer Bezzerd
of the East Lampeter Police Department, the affiant, arrested CATERBONE at the Brasserie
Restaurant and Bar on Lincoln Highway East in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and falsely detained
CATERBONE at the East Lampeter Police Station for several hours. The Lancaster County District
Attorney and the East Lampeter Police Department had made a commitment in writing during a
preliminary hearing before MDJ Reuter of Mount Joy Township to file the charge by December of

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2005, but breached their commitment and resurrected the charges of October 6, 2005 on May
18, 2006 after the Southern Regional Police failed to obtain any treatment or commitment for
CATERBONE during a 5-day evaluation from a 302 commitment to Lancaster General Hospital on
April 5, 2006. The two other charges of disorderly conduct and harassment were improperly
adjudicated and upon review of the record and trail court transcripts it is clear there was abuse
of process, perjury, and other criminal and ethical violations. CATERBONE also alleges that the
East Lampeter Police Department charges were retaliation for the AFFIDAVIT CATERBONE
submitted to Attorney Christina Rainville in 1998 of Prosecutorial Misconduct in the case of Lisa
Michelle Lambert. East Lampeter Township Police were the original Affiants in the Lambert case.

12. On January 23 2007 before MDJ Simms the following charges were dismissed: 285-21d No
Parking Or Stopping Permitted Withdrawn (Lower Court); 285-30a Meter Violation Withdrawn
(Lower Court); 18 6501 A1 Scatter Rubbish Upon Land/Stream Etc Dismissed (Lower
Court) Docket No. NT-0000598-06. On April 16, 2006 Officer David K. Hershiser of the Lancaster
City Bureau of Police responded to the Marion Court Bar and Restaurant in Lancaster City on a
911 call by CATERBONE. CATERBONE had called 911 after a security person of the establishment
was harassing CATERBONE. Rather than investigate CATERBONES allegations, Officer Hershiser
began to harass CATERBONE while detaining him at the scene. CATERBONE attempted to give
Officer HERSHISER his business card of Advanced Media Group by holding out his hand. Officer
Hershiser let the business card drop to the ground and charged CATERBONE with 18 6501
A1 Scatter Rubbish Upon Land/Stream Etc.

13. On January 18, 2007 the following charges were dismissed at trial by MDJ Isaac J. Stoltzfus
at Intercourse, Pennsylvania: Docket No. TR-0002184-06 75 1543 A Driv While Oper Priv
Susp Or Revoked Not Guilty and Docket No. TR-0002183-06 Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp
Not Guilty. On August 30, 2006 Officer Michael K. Schaeffer and another officer of the Millersville
Boro Police Department pulled CATERBONE over on Wabank Road in Lancaster Township,
Pennsylvania without probable cause, as determined by MDJ Stoltzfus. Officer Schaeffer
detained CATERBONE for approximately 1 and a half hours, revoked his Pennsylvania Drivers
License, and impounded his 2005 Honda Odyssey to the St. Denis Towing Company. The 2005
Honda Odyssey contained legal documents and evidence of his litigation. St. Denis Towing
Company loaded the Honda Odyseey on the tow truck and drove CATERBONE in the tow truck to
1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1 mile away. CATERBONE emptied out the Honda
Odyssey while it was still loaded on the tow truck. CATERBONE had a AC/DC converter in the
Honda Odyssey and was using a laptop and a printer to file court filings due to the fact that
Pennsylvania Power and Light had illegally turned off his electricity to 220 Stone Hill Road,
Conestoga, Pennsylvania on July 26, 2006 . CATERBONE was left without his Pennsylvania
Driving Privileges for the next seven months without reason or cause. The St. Denise Towing
Company demanded a cash payment to tow the car back to 1250 Fremont Street, approximately
1 mile from the location of the arrest, which CATERBONE did not have. The towing charge was
$25.00 for the tow from the location of the illegal stop and false arrest to 1250 Fremont Street,
CATERBONEs temporary residence, owned by his mother Yolanda Caterbone (who had moved to
Florida in December of 2004). CATERBONE tried to negotiate payment at a later date, and St.
Denis refused. The 2005 Honda Odyssey was towed to the St. Denis Towing Companys yard and
held at a rate of $25.00 per day. CATERBONE asked if there was a weekly discount rate, and
there was not discounted rate. On October 30, 2006, CATERBONE was falsely imprisoned at the
Lancaster County Prison until December 28, 2006 . MDJ Stoltzfus had instructed CATERBONE on
January 18, 2007 at trial to communicate with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to
get his drivers license back. After several unsuccessful communications, both by certified mail
and by telephone, CATERBONE solicited the help of the Lancaster office of Pennsylvania State
Representative Michael Sturla, who had successfully negotiated the return of CATERBONEs
Pennsylvania Drivers License in March of 2007. CATERBONE also was not able to attend a
Hearing in Federal Bankruptcy Court in Reading Pennsylvania on August 31, 2007, the day
immediately following the illegal arrest and impound of his vehicle. CATERBONE had missed at
least one other Hearing in Federal Bankruptcy Court in Reading, Pennsylvania. There was no
public transportation available. The false arrest and illegal revocation of his Pennsylvania drivers
license and the illegal impound of his vehicle made it impossible for CATERBONE to litigate in
Federal courts in Reading, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Pennsylvania without incurring
substantial costs for transportation. CATERBONE had no cash available for transportation. For
the next seven months CATERBONE was left with walking, riding a bicycle, or taking a Red Rose
Transit bus to and from the Lancaster County Courthouse for all of the vexation litigation that
would follow during the next eighteen months. Even as important, it left CATERBONE without
receiving his mail on a daily basis. The Conestoga Post Office and Postal Office Manager refused
to forward CATERBONES mail to the Millersville Post Office, which was only 3 or 4 miles from
CATERBONES 1250 Fremont Street temporary residence. The Conestoga Post Office would only
forward certified letters and parcels to the Millersville Post Office . The Millersville Post Office
also had public transportation available from 1250 Fremont Street via Red Rose Transit
Authority. Instead, once a week, CATERBONE had to ride his bicycle from 1250 Fremont Street
to 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pa in order to retrieve his mail. The 7 mile ride was
treacherous with long hills and steep inclines, hard for even professionals to master.
CATERBONE was unable to legal change his address because of his litigation and challenge to
the foreclosure by Fulton Bank .

14. On April 30, 2007, CATERBONE, as pro se, appeared and litigated at Summary Appeal Trials
at the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Docket No. CP-36-CR 0000028-2007, and was
successful in overturning the previous convictions of the following charges: 18 5503 A4/
Disorder Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off Not Guilty Docket No. filed by Officer Michener of the
Southern Regional Police Department on ; 18 5507 A / Obstruction Highways Not Guilty
filed by Officer Michener of the Southern Regional Police Department on ; 18 2709 A3
Harassment - Course Of Conduct W/No Legiti Purpose Nollle Pros filed by Officer Michener of the
Southern Regional Police Department on ; 75 3111 A / Disregard Traffic Control Device Not
Guilty Nolle Pros filed by Officer Burger of the Southern Regional Police Department on. All of
these charges, with exception to the 75 3111 A / Disregard Traffic Control Device stemmed
from the incidents at the Conestoga Post Office in Conestoga Township .

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15. On May 10, 2007 during Criminal Trial before the case was continued the following offenses
were nolle prossed M2 18 5104 Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce 08/04/2006 K4775120 and
M1 18 908 A Make Rep/Sell/Etc Off Weap 08/04/2006 K4775120 Nolle Pros Docket No. CP-

16. On November 1, 2007 at approximately 8:40am before Call of the trial List in the Courtroom
of President Judge Louis J. Farina, CATERBONE filed a Motion for Acquittal of the DUI charges as
pro se. At approximately 10:00 am the Assistant Lancaster County District Attorney Deborah
Muzereus moved to nolle prossed S 75 3714 A Careless Driving 08/04/2006 Nolle Pros and
75 3802 A1 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely Nolle Pros Docket No. CP-36-CR-0004771-
2006 were both nolle prossed.

17. On May 2, 2008 the following charge was dismissed 285-89 Street Cleaning Citation/

18. From October 30, 2006 until December 29, 2008 CATERBONE was falsely imprisoned at the
Lancaster County Prison. CATERBONE, in a hand written document while incarcerated, appealed
a decision to reinstate a revoked bail bond to secured rather than unsecured that was ORDERED
by Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Allison on November 1, 2006.

19. CATERBONE appealed the ORDER and Judge Allison denied his appeal.

20. On December 2, 2006 CATERBONE filed an Appeal for Reconsideration and was GRANTED
his freedom on December 28, 2006 in an ORDER by Judge Allison that released CATERBONE on
the following day, December 29, 2008. The following are the circumstances and are actual
causes from that appeal.

21. On October 30, 2006 at approximately 2:00 pm at the residence of Yolanda Caterbone at
1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, CATERBONE was apprehended by (2) PA
22. The apprehension began when (1) PA Constable who did not identify himself and was in old
street clothes began pounding on the door and ringing the door bell while also turning the door
knob trying to break into the residence. The PA Constable was a black male.

23. CATERBONE stood about 15 feet from the door and watched the PA Constable on his color
video surveillance monitor and began to fear the unknown intruder. CATERBONE did not have a

24. After about 10 minutes the PA Constable stopped and retreated away from the door to the
door to the side of 1252 Fremont Street to confer with another PA Constable while CATERBONE
watched. He noticed another PA Constable at the rear of 1250 Fremont Street.

25. For the first time CATERBONE determined that the (2) PA Constables were (2) constables or
Police Detectives. Lancaster City Police Officer James McVey promised CATERBONE during a
meeting at the Lancaster City Police Station that Detectives would be contacting him to
investigate computer hacking and the theft of confidential legal papers at 1250 Fremont Street.
CATERBONE reported multiple times to law enforcement that computer hackers were destroying
and or downloading files and removing dates of court hearings on CATERBONEs electronic
calendars on the computer and portable Ipod.

26. CATERBONE went out the front door to confront the (2) men and was immediately placed
under handcuffs and escorted to a vehicle. The (2) PA Constables had no identification visible
that was visible and there were several neighbors outside their houses watching.

27. The (2) PA Constables, identified as Weinholdt and Williams (black male), transported
CATERBONE to MDJ Leo Eckert Jr.s office and was very hostile and prejudiced towards
CATERBONEs innocence.

28. CATERBONE arrived at MDJ Eckerts office at 841 Stehman Road, Millersville, Pennsylvania,
17551, (717) 872-4367. Weinholdt made a remark about that a Southern Regional Police cruiser
was already in MDJ Eckerts parking lot. Upon Weinholdt parking CATERBONE refused to get out
of the vehicle until the Constables would verify that Southern Regional Police Sgt. Busser was
not inside MDJ Eckerts office. CATERBONE explained the prior incidents of abuse against Busser
and his fear of being in his presence. Williams went into the office and confirmed that the
Southern Regional Policemen was not Sgt. Busser.

29. CATERBONE was placed into a holding cell for approximately 20-30 minutes. CATERBONE
was then escorted to the office of MDJ Eckert, Jr. with Williams, Weinhodt, and an unidentified
Southern Regional Policeman present. The Southern Regional Police Department Officer was not
Adam Cramer or Officer Fedor.

30. CATERBONE signed not guilty pleas to the following citations:

A) Docket No. NT-000561-06 Filed on 08/07/2006 For 5503 A4 Disorderly Conduct
B) Docket No. NT-000569-06 Filed on 08/11/2006 for S18 2709 A3 Harassment
C) Docket No. NT-000562-06 Filed on 08/07/2006 for S18 A Obstructing Highway and or
Public Passages
D) Docket No. 0002184-06 Filed on 09/05/2006 for 75 1786 A Driving under suspension.
E) Docket No. TR-0002183-06 Filed on 09/05/2006 S 75 1786 Driving without required
financial responsibility.

31. MDJ Eckert, Jr. assigned fines and costs of ($1,610.00) One Thousand Six Hundred & Ten
Dollars as collateral (100%) for bail.

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32. CATERBONE explained to MDJ Eckert, Jr. that he was confused by his paperwork from his
office and was waiting on hearing dates for the offenses. CATERBONE also demanded copies of
his entire cases from his office a month or so earlier without success.

33. CATERBONE declared his indigent status and his In Forma Pauperis status in the Court of
Common Pleas, The Superior Court of Pennsylvania, and the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CATERBONE also cited his food stamps and his Chapter 11
Bankruptcy as proof. . MDJ Eckert, Jr., questioned his financial disclosure and insisted
CATERBONE had more cash holdings than CATERBONEs Nineteen Dollars and Thirty-Four Cents
($19.34) in his pocket. MDJ Eckert, Jr., informed CATERBONE that he was going to jail until and
Indigent Hearing could be held in Ten (10) days. CATERBONE was taken back to the holding cell,
in handcuffs.

34. While being placed in the holding cell, MDJ Eckert, Jr., made disparaging and incriminating
remarks about the U.S. District case no. 06-cv-4650 and CATERBONEs suit against him and
other Lancaster County District Magistrates Judges. He said Well since you filed a suit against
every District Magistrate in Lancaster County, well have to send you to Dauphin County.

35. At approximately 5:00 pm on October 30, 2006, CATERBONE was transported to Lancaster
County Prison.

36. CATERBONE was issued a Detainer on October 31, 2006 for the $1,610.00 and was
committed for Bail Not Posted.

37. The Detainer listed CATERBONEs address as 1230 Fremont Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
rather than 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania. It also listed the wrong social
security number as 200-46-1959 and the wrong middle name as Jay instead of Joseph.

38. On October 30, 2006, a second Detainer and Bench Warrant was issued by Officer Adam
Cramer of the Southern Regional Police Department Warrant No. 36-BW-0002823-2006 and
Docket No. CP-36-CR-00004771-2006.

39. The Detainer listed the reason for the Detainer as The Bail Administration revoked the bail
and issued a Bench Warrant: (Revoked Bail was issued at $5,000.00 unsecured with non-
monetary conditions).

40. On November 1st, 2006, CATERBONE had a Hearing before the Honorable Judge Paul K.
Allison, as stated in a mandatory 72 hour hearing clause

41. The Assistant Attorney disclosed that the disclosed to the Honorable Judge Allison that
CATERBONE failed to attend a meeting with the Bail Administrator. CATERBONE objected, as a
pro se litigant, that on October 20th , 2006, CATERBONE attended a meeting with the Bail
Administrator and that CATERBONE was given an appointment by the receptionist for another
meeting for November 6th, 2006 at 10:00 am on a pink slip of paper.

42. The Assistant District Attorney stated that CATERBONE failed to appear another time on
October 17th, 2006. CATERBONE responded that he did in fact attend that meeting and even
signed the Agreement of Conditions and let it on the desk of Ms. Morales before leaving.
Another staff member of the Bail Administration Office was agitating CATERBONE.

43. The Honorable Judge Allison reinstated the bail at $5,000.00 secured rather then unsecured
as previously executed with the Honorable MDJ Commins on Giest Road, Leola, Pennsylvania.

44. CATERBONE was removed from the Courtroom unaware of the difference in a hastily fashion
without an opportunity for an explanation or an objection as to why CATERBONE was now
required to post monetary conditions when it was proven the meeting (Bail Administrator) was
attended as prescribed in the Bail Bond Agreement.
45. On November 4th, 2006, CATERBONE filed an appeal for reconsideration before the
Honorable Judge Paul K. Allison to reinstate and reset bail as unsecured.

46. CATERBONE is also alleging prosecutorial misconduct and other retaliatory tactics by the
Southern Regional Police Department and Officer Adam Cramer when the 2nd Detainer was
issued on October 30, 2006.

47. By October 30th, 2006, CATERBONE was ordered to amend the Civil Action of Caterbone v.
Southern Regional Police Department et al, in the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County.
By 2:00 pm on October 30th, 2006, CATERBONE had completed the amended complaint and
prepared the filing for the Lancaster County Prothonotary and the Attorney of Record for the
Southern Regional Police Department.

48. CATERBONE did not want to take the chance of having any problems with traveling to the
Lancaster County Courthouse to file the complaint and was totally unaware of any outstanding
Bench Warrants. CATERBONE decided to ride his bike instead to the United States Postal
Substation in Bausman, Pennsylvania to mail the amended complaint via 1st class mail.

49. CATERBONE chose the right option to file the amended compliant via mail. Had the
Pennsylvania Constable apprehended CATERBONE prior to reaching the Bausman Postal
Substation, the amended complaint would have been sitting in the Lancaster County Prison.

50. The financial implications that the amended complaint has to Conestoga Township has the
potential of costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars as prescribed by law.

51. CATERBONE alleges that the Southern Regional Police Department wanted to obstruct
CATERBONE by revoking the unsecured bail bond without a proper reason and prevent the filing

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of the amended complaint in the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

52. The Southern Regional Police Department has used a similar criminal tactic on April 5th,
2006, when CATERBONE was enroute to the Lancaster County Courthouse to file the original
civil action against the Southern Regional Police Debarment, et al. Officers Fedor and Sgt.
Busser filed a fraudulent 302 Commitment document and apprehended CATERBONE prior to
reaching the Lancaster County Courthouse and transporting CATERBONE to the Lancaster
General Hospital.

53. CATERBONE filed the civil action (Southern Regional Police Department) on April 10th, 2006,
and against the Lancaster General Hospital. Barley and Snyder, LLC filed an appearance for the
Lancaster General Hospital, et al, but defaulted.

54. CATERBONE also alleges retaliatory action by Officer Adam Cramer of the Southern Regional
Police Department for the October 20th, 2006 Federal Civil Action (06-cv-4650), which he is a

55. The Prosecution, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Lancaster District Attorneys
Office are also the subject of a Federal False Claims Act regarding International Signal and
Control, PLC., (ISC) and CATERBONEs whistle blowing activities of 1987. The civil action was
filed recently filed on October 20th, 2006, in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania. Both are also named in the Federal Action of Caterbone v. Lancaster
County Prison, et al, with case no. 05-dv-2288 filed on May 16th, 2005.

56. CATERBONEs incarceration is suspect to retaliatory prosecution and obstruction of justice

and intimidation regarding several Lancaster County Departments that are Defendants of a civil
action filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (05-cv-
2288; 06-cv-4650; and the Federal False Claims Act of October 20th 2006), There was no
reason cited by the Lancaster County District Attorney on November 1st, 2006, that warrants
the downgrading of the unsecured bail bond to a secured bail bond with monetary conditions.3

57. The Lancaster County Sheriffs Department, which administrates a portion of the Bail
Administration policy and rules, are also a named defendant in Caterbone v. Lancaster County
Prison, et al, (05-cv-2288) filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. The Bail Administration employee had committed perjury on November 1st, 2006,
before the Honorable Judge Paul K. Allison

58. CATERBONE has been at odds with the Lancaster County Commissioners position and efforts
to halt the efforts of the development of the Lancaster County Convention Center. In 2005,
CATERBONE filed a civil action in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas in Project
Hope/Advanced Media Group v. Drew Anthon and the Eden Resorts Inn for the Hoteliers refusal
to pay the Lancaster County Convention Center excise taxes. CATERBONE was a former business
partner with S. Dale High and had a meeting with the Law firm of Nettleton and Finefrock
(referred by former Mayor Charlie Smithgall), and they were of the opinion that CATERBONE had
legal standing and they also disclosed that County Commissioner Richard Shellenberger had
taken a bribe of $200,000.00 to halt the efforts of the Lancaster County Convention Center.
CATERBONE filed a document with the Lancaster County District Attorneys Office in 2006
alleging bribery. CATERBONE alleges that the criminal citations and Bench Warrants have been
retaliatory and have not allowed CATERBONE to be in litigation free from conspiracy as a
violation of statute 263 42 1985 (2) C, a RICO civil rights violation.

59. The Bench Warrants and fraudulent incarceration was obstructing CATERBONE from litigating
an appeal in the Pennsylvania Superior Court of Fulton Bank v. Stanley J. Caterbone, which
involved a mortgage foreclosure and a scheduled sheriff sale on December 20th, 2006. Fulton
Bank is also a named from 1987 and has been named by the Honorable Judge Mary McLaughlin
of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania of several causes of
actions in case 05-dv-2288 including being unjustly enriched and a participant in a wrongful
death action.

60. The Detainer issued by Officer Adam Cramer of the Southern Regional Police Department,
which was issued because the Bail Administrator revoked the unsecured bail bond contained the
following false statements to authorities:

A) DUI Defendant had a Breathalyzer result of .073 (.08 legal limit) after consuming
mouthwash and had a total of three (3) drinks in three (3) or more hours.

B) Resisting Arrest CATERBONE immediately got out of his vehicle and raised his arms above
his head and stood still. Officer Cramer ordered CATERBONE into the vehicle and refused to exit
until the Pennsylvania Police were summoned.

C) Offensive Weapons CATERBONE had a wood hatchet for cutting vines behind the
passengers seat of his Honda Odyssey van. CATERBONE used the tool extensively to reduce the
vines that smother trees in CATERBONEs 2.5 acre wooded property.

D) Careless Driving An unidentified vehicle was tailing CATERBONE, so he put on his turn
signal to turn into the Pine View Dairy so the vehicle would pass him. Officer Cramer followed
and put on his flashing lights in the driveway.

61. On November 20, 2006 CATERBONE filed 28 U. S. C. 2241 Habeas Corpus Petition Case
No. 06-5138 (Challenging the Detainer and Imprisonment) filed from the Lancaster County
Prison on November 14th, 2006. This case is still pending in The United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania records.

62. On December 5, 2005 while CATERBONE was falsely imprisoned and detained in the

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Lancaster County Prison The Lancaster Intelligencer Journal publishes the Story The Next
Sound You Hear regarding former business partner Tony Bongiovi, which is central to all of
the litigation in the United States District Courts. The worlds of pro audio and consumer
electronics were bridged at New York City's Avatar Studios in December, where Bongiovi
Acoustics unveiled the Digital Power Station car radio. Demonstrated by audio icon Tony
Bongiovi (pictured) in Avatars Studio A (former Power Station Studios), the patent-pending
technology being manufactured by JVC made a very impressive debut.

63. On December 8th, 2006 CATERBONE files a Writ of Mandamus against Magisterial District
Justice Leo H. Eckert, Jr, and Mary Commins for the fraudulent activities leading to the false
imprisonment of October 30th, 2006, and Bench Warrants.

64. On December 12th, 2006 CATERBONE files for Continuances in all of the following Civil
Complaints in the Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania:
CI-06-07330; CI-06-08742; CI-06-08490; CI-06-07376; CI-06-07188; CI-06-06658; CI-06-
04939; CI-06-03403; CI-06-03401; CI-06-03349. O

65. On December 13th, 2006 the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department and Chief John Fiorill
tried to get CATERBONE to change his address to the Lancaster County Prison and Judge
Perezous refused to get ORDER CATERBONE to comply with the demand and Judge Perezous
CONTINUED the Appeal Hearing because Stan Caterbone did not have any files to conduct a

66.December 20th, 2006 the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department refused CATERBONE to
wear his suit into the courtroom, or take his files into the Pre-Trial Conference before Judge

67. On December 20th the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department and Fulton Bank conduct the
illegal Sheriff Sale for 220 Stone Hill Road with NO notification before or after the SALE to
CATERBONE and sold the property to Central Penn Settlement Company of Akron, Pennsylvania.
The Fulton Bank Mortgage Foreclosure was still before the Superior Court of Pennsylvania.

68. On December 29th, 2006 CATERBONE is RELEASED from Lancaster County Prison, and walks
to the Lancaster County Courthouse to report to Court Administration and the Prothonotary
Office to get a print out of all of the Civil Dockets for all cases in Civil Court, including the Fulton
Bank Foreclosure and finds out for the first time that the Sheriff Sale on December 20th took

69. On January 2, 2007 CATERBONE files and records (4:09pm) a Petition To Set Aside Sale for
220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga in the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County
and personally serves Fulton Bank and the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department.

70. On January 4th, 2007 CATERBONE visits 220 Stone Hill Road and finds 2 unidentified
individuals on his property loading the entire contents of 220 Stone Hill Road onto 2 moving
trucks, to an unidentified location, and is ordered off the Property for Trespassing. The 2
individuals said they were from Noble Real Estate Company. Mr. Joseph Caterbone accompanied
him as a witness and driver. CATERBONE retrieves his mail from the Conestoga Post Office from
dating back to October 25th, 2006 up to the present and temporarily forwards mail to 1250
Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA. CATERBONE visits the Lancaster County Sheriff Lt. Lancaster
about the incident at 220 Stone Hill Road and is told that Southern Regional Police have already
responded, and would not give any information about the incident. CATERBONE files and records
an Addendum to the Petition To Set Aside Sale for 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga in the
Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County and personally serves Fulton Bank and
the Lancaster County Sheriffs Department regarding the theft of all of his personal possessions,
including business files of Advanced Media Group, and all Legal files and evidentiary assets for
all pending litigation.

71. On January 7th, 2007 CATERBONE files a claim with Harleysville Insurance Homeowners
Policy HOAI 93468 for the theft of his personal possessions and the property at Stone Hill Road.
From the day CATERBONE walked out of the Lancaster County Prison on December 29, 2006
until April 13, 2007 all of CATERBONEs possessions were stolen, including every item in his
personal residence and office at 220 Stone Hill Road, and his pickup truck, and every item
stored outside his property, and it was never known who had taken possession or where it was

72. The amount of pain, suffering, and duress that CATERBONE had endured from the County of
Lancaster at this point is not measurable.

73. On April , 2006 CATERBONE was illegally charged with 75 3733 A, Fleeing and Eluding
a Police Officer, docket number CR-0000085-2006 and CP-36-CR-0003179-2006 by Officer
Robert Buser of the Southern Regional Police Department while Buser was pretending to serve
CATERBONE with a fraudulent 302 Commitment Order to Lancaster General Hospital.

74. CATERBONE at first was going to defend the charge as pro se. During the first day in Court
on January 3, 2007 CATERBONE did not like the demeanor or the manner of Lancaster County
Court of Common Pleas Judge James P. Cullen. CATERBONE then requested to have co-counsel
in order to keep Judge Cullen honest and keep Judge Cullen from misconduct in the case. Due to
a conflict, the Public Defenders Office referred CATERBONE to Lancaster County Bail
Administration and within 30 minutes Janice Longer, Esq., was summoned to the Lancaster
County Courthouse as a Court Appointed Co-Counsel. Still in court on January 3, 2007 and
before Judge Cullen, CATERBONE did not like the attitude of Janice Longer, Esq., so CATERBONE
moved to have Janice Longer, Esq., take lead counsel and CATERBONE a defendant only .

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CATERBONE, Longer, Judge James P. Cullen, and the Lancaster County District Attorney Office
all agreed that the audio recording that CATERBONE had submitted as evidence would be played
at trial for the jury.

75. In March of 2007 CATERBONE filed a complaint against counsel Janice Longer, Esq., before
any trial for the case with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Disciplinary Board.

76. In April of 2007 CATERBONE went to trial before a jury before Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas Judge Dennis Reinaker. Assistant District Attorney Deborah Muzereus prosecuted
the case. After 3 days and approximately 5 hours of deliberations, the trial was ended in a hung

77. The case went to trial during the next criminal court date in May of 2007. In this trial Judge
James P. Cullen was the Judge, not Dennis Reinaker as before. During this trial Judge James P.
Cullen would not allow the entire audio recording to be played, nor would he allow the
entrapment defense. Unlike the first jury trial, the jury took only 20 minutes and found
CATERBONE GUILTY of the charge of Fleeing and Eluding a Police Officer.

78. Judge James P. Cullen ORDERED a Pre Sentence Investigation and a Psychiatric Evaluation.

79. Janice Longer, esq., filed a Post Trial Motion for Acquittal of the conviction.

80. After a meeting with a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist both refused to give CATERBONE a
psychiatric evaluation for the County of Lancaster for fear of being sued in civil courts.

81. On October 24, 2007, CATERBONE was sentenced to 6 months probation, fined $500.00,
and a mandatory 2 years Drivers License Suspension by PENNDOT. CATERBONE performed the 6
months probation, the other sentencing items were not imposed due to the pending appeal. A
Post Sentence Motion was filed.

82. After Judge Cullen and President Judge Farina ORDERED Court Appointed Attorney Paul B.
Campbell, Esq., take over the Appeal of the case for Janice Longer, Esq.
83. Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge failed to file an Opinion and Memorandum
for the Post Sentence Motion and let the 120 days lapse.

84. Court Appointed Attorney filed statement of matters for the wrong Motion and failed to
include any issues for the appeal of the lower trial court conviction on the Statement of Matters
for the Pennsylvania Superior Court appeal filed in January of 2008.

85. On March 31, 2008 Court Appointed Attorney Paul B. Campbell, Esq., communicated via
email to CATERBONE that Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge James P. Cullen
removed him from the case, without any further explanation.
86. The Fleeing and Eluding Appeal before the Pennsylvania Superior Court is now without any
counsel and is completely sabotaged by all parties in an effort to avoid a reversal of the lower
court conviction.

87. On May 20, 2008 CATERBONE was illegally pulled over and detained by Pennsylvania State
Trooper Andrew Manning of Troop J at a Turkey Hill Market on Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster,
PA. Trooper Manning and another Unidentified Pennsylvania State Trooper confiscated
CATERBONEs Pennsylvania Drivers License and a draft copy of civil complaint case no. CI-08-
08635. CATERBONE personally showed Trooper Manning that the correspondence clearly states
the following: The Court has informed PennDOT that you (CATERBONE) have been accepted
into the Accelerative Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program for violating A3802A2 of the
Vehicle Code on August 24, 2008. Since this the only driving under the influence offense on your
Pennsylvania driver record during the past ten years, no suspension is being imposed at this
time(There is NO Criminal Charge for DUI for Caterbone)

88. Trooper Andrew Manning and the other Pennsylvania State Trooper returned the
Pennsylvania Drivers License to CATERBONE and told him he was free to go.

89. On May 27, 2008 CATERBONE received Citation No. Q0256446-1 in the mails from MDJ
Commins, of 15, Geist Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, East Lampeter Township, with a charge of
75 1543 B1 Driving with a Revoked Drivers License pursuant to Sec 3731/1574 B1 DUI

90. Trooper Andrew Manning failed to revoke CATERBONEs Drivers License at the time of the
detention, or notify CATERBONE that his Pennsylvania Drivers License was legally suspended.

91. On May 28, 2008 CATERBONE paid $50.00 in cash to the office of MDJ Commins for
collateral and pleaded not guilty.

92. On May 28, 2008 while at the Office of MDJ Commins an East Lampeter Township Police
Officer again tried to cite CATERBONE with 75 1543 B1 Driving with a Revoked Drivers
License pursuant to Sec 3731/1574 B1 DUI Related. CATERBONE showed the East Lampeter
Police Officer the correspondence from PENNDOT that states the following: The Court has
informed PennDOT that you (CATERBONE) have been accepted into the Accelerative
Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program for violating A3802A2 of the Vehicle Code on August
24, 2008. Since this the only driving under the influence offense on your Pennsylvania driver
record during the past ten years, no suspension is being imposed at this time.

93. The East Lampeter Police Officer did not cite CATERBONE for any violations and concurred
that he could not do so, and if he did, he would have to physically revoke the Pennsylvania
Drivers License, unlike Trooper Andrew Manning of the Pennsylvania State Police.

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94. On May 28, 2008 CATERBONE went and applied to the Lancaster County Bail Administration
Office for a Public Defender and was granted eligibility for a public defender because if found
guilty the sentence carries a mandatory 90 days in prison and a fine of $500.00.

95. On or about May 10, 2008 CATERBONE received a NOTICE from PENNDOT (only) regarding a
DUI charge on August 24, 2008 in Clearfield County. The NOTICE is the only paperwork for that
case. There are no criminal charges filed in Clearfield County, so there is no mistaken identity
issues. CATERBONE addressed the problem as that of either PENNDOT maliciously creating a
fraudulent document or that of a computer hacker creating a fraudulent document using
PENNDOTS system or NOTICE templates. CATERBONE has filed a criminal complaint against
PENNDOT for not correcting the record and the PENNDOT computer system. The civil complaint
is being filed along with this civil complaint.


County of Lancaster
Lancaster County District Attorney Office
Deborah Muzereus, Assistant District Attorney
Lancaster County Prison
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Bail Supervision of Lancaster County and
Janice Longer, Court Appointed Attorney
Paul B. Campbell, Court Appointed Attorney
Judicial Review Board and
Joseph A. Massa, Jr., Esquire, Chief Counsel
Southern Regional Police Department and
John R. Michener
Robert M. Fedor
Robert C. Buser
John A. Fiorill, Chief of Police
Adam Cramer
Robert Paul Burger
East Lampeter Police Department and
Ronald S. Bezzerd
Millersville Boro Police Department and
Michael K. Schaeffer
Lancaster City Bureau Of Police and
Robert Whiteford
David K. Hershiser
Mark D. Heiser
Pennsylvania State Police and
Andrew J. Manning
Magisterial District Judge Eckert
Magisterial District Judge Commins

Fraud; Abuse of Process; Libel; Civil Conspiracy; Barratry; Malicious Prosecution; False Arrests;
False Imprisonment; Vexatious litigation; Gross Negligence; Gross Abuse of Power and
Discretion; Harasment; Obstruction of Justice; Civil Rights Violations; RICO Violations; Anit-
Trust Violations; Theft of Property; Unjust Enrichment

Loss of reputation and credit; humiliation; and mental suffering. discomfort; injury to health;
loss of time; deprivation of society with family, and loss of liberty. Also: economic loss due to
business and litigation interruption; legal fees and punitive damages.
Plaintiffs seeks jury trial and damages in excess of $100,000.

Barratry, in criminal and civil law, is the act or practice of bringing repeated legal actions solely
to harass. Usually, the actions brought lack merit. This action has been declared a crime in some
jurisdictions. For example, in the U.S. states of California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, barratry is
a misdemeanor. [1] In England and Wales the offence was abolished in 1967.

Malicious prosecution is a common law intentional tort. While similar to the tort of abuse of
process, its elements include (1) intentionally (and maliciously) instituting or pursuing (or
causing to be instituted or pursued) a legal action (civil or criminal) that is (2) brought without
probable cause and (3) dismissed in favor of the victim of the malicious prosecution. In some
jurisdictions, "malicious prosecution" is reserved for the wrongful initiation of criminal
proceedings, while "malicious use of process" refers to the wrongful initiation of civil
Criminal prosecuting attorneys, as well as judges, are normally protected, by doctrines of
prosecutorial immunity and judicial immunity, from tort liability for malicious prosecution.

The mere filing of a complaint cannot constitute an abuse of process. The parties who have
abused or misused the process, have gone beyond the mere filing of a lawsuit. The taking of an
appeal, even a frivolous one, is not enough to constitute an abuse of process. The mere filing or
maintenance of a lawsuit, even for an improper purpose, is not a proper basis for an abuse of
process action.
Abuse of process is a common law intentional tort. It is to be distinguished from malicious
prosecution, another type of tort that involves misuse of the public right of access to the courts.

The elements of a valid cause of action for abuse of process in most common law jurisdictions
are as follows: it is the malicious and deliberate misuse or perversion of regularly issued court
process (civil or criminal) not justified by the underlying legal action. "Process" in this context is
used in the same sense as in "service of process," where "process" refers to an official summons

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or other notice issued from a court. The person who abuses process is interested only in
accomplishing some improper purpose that is collateral to the proper object of the process and
that offends justice, such as an unjustified arrest or an unfounded criminal prosecution.
Subpoenas to testify, attachments of property, executions on property, garnishments, and other
provisional remedies are among the types of "process" considered to be capable of abuse.

Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to harass or
subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the
repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is
otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the
judicial process and may bring down sanctions on the offender.
A single action, even a frivolous one, is not enough to raise a litigant to the level of being
declared vexatious. Roy L. Pearson, Jr., an Administrative Law Judge in the District of Columbia,
who sued a dry-cleaner for $54 million for allegedly losing a pair of his trousers, is sometimes
claimed to be a vexatious litigant; however, he does not have a history of frivolous action like
the parties normally considered vexatious.[citation needed In criminal law, fraud is the crime or
offense of deliberately deceiving another in order to damage them usually, to obtain property
or services unjustly.

[1] Fraud can be accomplished through the aid of forged objects. In the criminal law of common
law jurisdictions it may be called "theft by deception," "larceny by trick," "larceny by fraud and
deception" or something similar.
Fraud can be committed through many methods, including mail, wire, phone, and the internet
(computer crime and internet fraud).
Fraud, in addition to being a criminal act, is also a type of civil law violation known as a tort. A
tort is a civil wrong for which the law provides a remedy. A civil fraud typically involves the act
of intentionally making a false representation of a material fact, with the intent to deceive, which
is reasonably relied upon by another person to that person's detriment. A "false representation"
can take many forms, such as:
A false statement of fact, known to be false at the time it was made;
A statement of fact with no reasonable basis to make that statement;
A promise of future performance made with an intent, at the time the promise was made, not
to perform as promised;
A statement of opinion based on a false statement of fact;
A statement of opinion that the maker knows to be false; or
An expression of opinion that is false, made by one claiming or implying to have special
knowledge of the subject matter of the opinion. "Special knowledge" in this case means
knowledge or information superior to that possessed by the other party, and to which the other
party did not have equal access.

In law, defamation (also called vilification, slander, and libel) is the communication of a
statement that makes a false claim, expressively stated or implied to be factual, that may harm
the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation. Slander refers
to spoken comments, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written
words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various
kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public
disclosure of private facts arises where one person reveals information which is not of public
concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander,
truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[2]
False light laws are "intended primarily to protect the plaintiff's mental or emotional well-
being."[3] If a publication of information is false, then a tort of defamation might have occurred.
If that communication is not technically false but is still misleading then a tort of false light
might have occurred.[3]

Slander and libel

The common law origins of defamation lie in the torts of slander (harmful statement in a
transitory form, especially speech) and libel[4][5] (harmful statement in a fixed medium,
especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a
common law right of action.
"Defamation" is the general term used internationally, and is used in this article where it is not
necessary to distinguish between "slander" and "libel". Libel and slander both require
publication.[6] The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in
which the defamatory matter is published. If the offending material is published in some fleeting
form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander.
If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, film, compact disc (CD),
DVD, blogging and the like, then it is considered libel.

Criminal defamation
Many nations have criminal penalties for defamation in some situations, and different conditions
for determining whether an offense has occurred. ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free
Expression, has published global maps [2] charting the existence of criminal defamation law
across the globe. The law is used predominantly to defend political leaders or functionaries of
the state. In Britain, the Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta was convicted of criminal libel for
denouncing the Italian state agent Ennio Belelli in 1912. While, in Canada, though the law has
been applied on only six occasions in the past century, all of those cases involve libellants
attached to the state (police officers, judges, prison guards). In the most recent case, Bradley
Waugh and Ravin Gill were charged with criminal libel for publicly accusing six prison guards of
the racially motivated murder of a black inmate ( In
Zimbabwe, "insulting the President" is, by statute, (Public Order and Security Act 2001) a
criminal offense.

Even if a statement is derogatory, there are circumstances in which such statements are
permissible in law.

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In many legal systems, adverse public statements about legal citizens presented as fact must be
proven false to be defamatory or slanderous/libel. Proving adverse, public character statements
to be true is often the best defense against a prosecution for libel and/or defamation.
Statements of opinion that cannot be proven true or false will likely need to apply some other
kind of defense. The use of the defense of justification has dangers, however; if the Defendant
libels the plaintiff and then runs the defense of truth and fails, he may be said to have
aggravated the harm.
Another important aspect of defamation is the difference between fact and opinion. Statements
made as "facts" are frequently actionable defamation. Statements of opinion or pure opinion are
not actionable. In order to win damages in a libel case, the plaintiff must first show that the
statements were "statements of fact or mixed statements of opinion and fact" and second that
these statements were false. Conversely, a typical defense to defamation is that the statements
are opinion. One of the major tests to distinguish whether a statement is fact or opinion is
whether the statement can be proved true or false in a court of law. If the statement can be
proved true or false, then, on that basis, the case will be heard by a jury to determine whether it
is true or false. If the statement cannot be proved true or false, the court may dismiss the libel
case without it ever going to a jury to find facts in the case.

In some systems, however, notably the Philippines, truth alone is not a defense.[7] Some U.S.
statutes preserve historical common law exceptions to the defense of truth to libel actions.
These exceptions were for statements "tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead" or
"expose the natural defects of one who is alive." [8]

It is also necessary in these cases to show that there is a well-founded public interest in the
specific information being widely known, and this may be the case even for public figures. Public
interest is generally not "that which the public is interested in," but rather that which is in the
interest of the public.[9] [10]

See also: Substantial truth

Privilege and malice

Privilege provides a complete bar and answer to a defamation suit, though conditions may have
to be met before this protection is granted.
There are two types of privilege in the common law tradition:

"Absolute privilege" has the effect that a statement cannot be sued on as defamatory, even if it
were made maliciously; a typical example is evidence given in court (although this may give rise
to different claims, such as an action for malicious prosecution or perjury) or statements made
in a session of the legislature (known as 'Parliamentary privilege' in Commonwealth countries).

"Qualified privilege" may be available to the journalist as a defense in circumstances where it is

considered important that the facts be known in the public interest; an example would be public
meetings, local government documents, and information relating to public bodies such as the
police and fire departments. Qualified privilege has the same effect as absolute privilege, but
does not protect statements that can be proven to have been made with malicious intent.
Other defenses

Defenses to claims of defamation include:

Truth is an absolute defense in the United States as well as in the common law jurisdictions of
Canada. In some other countries it is also necessary to show a benefit to the public good in
having the information brought to light.

Statements made in a good faith and reasonable belief that they were true are generally
treated the same as true statements; however, the court may inquire into the reasonableness of
the belief. The degree of care expected will vary with the nature of Defense: an ordinary person
might safely rely on a single newspaper report, while the newspaper would be expected to
carefully check multiple sources.

Privilege is a defense when witness testimony, attorneys' arguments, and judges' decisions,
rulings, and statements made in court, or statements by legislators on the floor of the
legislature, or statements made by a person to their spouse, are the cause for the claim. These
statements are said to be privileged and cannot be cause for a defamation claim.

Opinion is a defense recognized in nearly every jurisdiction. If the allegedly defamatory

assertion is an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact, defamation claims usually
cannot be brought because opinions are inherently not falsifiable. However, some jurisdictions
decline to recognize any legal distinction between fact and opinion. The United States Supreme
Court, in particular, has ruled that the First Amendment does not require recognition of an
opinion privilege.

Fair comment on a matter of public interest, statements made with an honest belief in their
truth on a matter of public interest (official acts) are defenses to a defamation claim, even if
such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an
opinion, the statement is protected.

Consent is an uncommon defense and makes the claim that the claimant consented to the
dissemination of the statement.

Innocent dissemination is a defense available when a defendant had no actual knowledge of

the defamatory statement or no reason to believe the statement was defamatory. The defense
can be defeated if the lack of knowledge was due to negligence. Thus, a delivery service cannot
be held liable for delivering a sealed defamatory letter.

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Claimant is incapable of further defamatione.g., the claimant's position in the community is so

poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said
to be "libel-proof," since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel
In addition to the above, the Defendant may claim that the allegedly defamatory statement is
not actually capable of being defamatoryan insulting statement that does not actually harm
someone's reputation is prima facie not libelous.

Special rules apply in the case of statements made in the press concerning public figures. A
series of court rulings led by New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) established
that for a public official (or other legitimate public figure) to win a libel case, the statement must
have been published knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard to its truth, (also known as
actual malice).

Under United States law, libel generally requires five key elements. The plaintiff must prove that
the information was published, the plaintiff was directly or indirectly identified, the remarks were
defamatory towards the plaintiff's reputation, the published information is false, and that
Defendant is at fault.

The Associated Press estimates that 95% of libel cases involving news stories do not arise from
high-profile news stories, but "run of the mill" local stories like news coverage of local criminal
investigations or trials, or business profiles. Media liability insurance is available to newspapers
to cover potential damage awards from libel lawsuits.

Defamation and freedom of speech

Defamation laws may come into tension with freedom of speech, leading to censorship or chilling
effects where publishers fear lawsuits, or loss of reputation where individuals have no effective
protection against reckless or unfounded allegations. Article 10 of the European Convention on
Human Rights permits restrictions on freedom of speech which are necessary for the protection
of the reputation or the rights of others[11].

Jurisdictions resolve this tension in different ways, in particular in determining where the burden
of proof lies when unfounded allegations are made. The power of the internet to disseminate
comment, which may include malicious comment, has brought a new focus to the issue. [12]

There is a broader consensus against laws which criminalize defamation. Human rights
organizations, and other organizations such as the Council of Europe and Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe, have campaigned against strict defamation laws which
criminalize defamation.[13][14] The European Court of Human Rights has placed restrictions on
criminal libel laws because of the freedom of expression provisions of the European Convention
on Human Rights. One notable case was Lingens v. Austria (1986).

United States
Main article: United States defamation law

The origins of US defamation law pre-date the American Revolution; one famous 1734 case
involving John Peter Zenger established some precedent that the truth should be an absolute
defense against libel charges. (Previous English defamation law had not provided this
guarantee.) Though the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect
freedom of the press, for most of the history of the United States, the Supreme Court neglected
to use it to rule on libel cases. This left libel laws, based upon the traditional common law of
defamation inherited from the English legal system, mixed across the states. The 1964 case New
York Times Co. v. Sullivan, however, dramatically changed the nature of libel law in the United
States by establishing that public officials could win a suit for libel only if they could demonstrate
publishers' "knowledge that the information was false" or that it was published "with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not". Later Supreme Court cases dismissed the claim for
libel and forbade libel claims for statements that are so ridiculous to be clearly not true, or are
involving opinionated subjects such as one's physical state of being. Recent cases have
addressed defamation law and the internet.

Defamation law in the United States is much less plaintiff-friendly than its counterparts in
European and the Commonwealth countries, due to the enforcement of the First Amendment. In
the United States, a comprehensive discussion of what is and is not libel or slander is difficult,
because the definition differs between different states, and under federal law. Some states
codify what constitutes slander and libel together into the same set of laws. Criminal libel is rare
or nonexistent, depending on the state. Defenses to libel that can result in dismissal before trial
include the statement being one of opinion rather than fact or being "fair comment and
criticism". Truth is always a defense.
Most states recognize that some categories of statements are considered to be defamatory per
se, such that people making a defamation claim for these statements do not need to prove that
the statement was defamatory.

An action for damages brought by one against whom a civil suit or criminal proceeding has been
unsuccessfully commenced without probable cause and for a purpose other than that of bringing
the alleged offender to justice.
Malicious Prosecution and Vexatious Litigation

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not
limited to criminal prosecutions, but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious
litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a
baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an
active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. the Defendant in the initial case
becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the

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original case becomes CATERBONE. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after
the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is atort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover
money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to
win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to
defend against the baseless and vexatious case.

The public policy that supports the action for malicious prosecution is the discouragement of
vexatious litigation. This policy must compete against one that favors the freedom of law
enforcement officers, judicial officers, and private citizens to participate and assist in the
administration of justice.

In most jurisdictions an action for malicious prosecution is governed by the common law. This
means that the authority to bring the action lies in case law from the courts, not statutes from
the legislature. Most legislatures maintain some statutes that give certain persons immunity
from malicious prosecution for certain acts. In Colorado, for example, a merchant, a merchant's
employee, or a police officer, who reasonably suspects that a theft has occurred, may detain and
question the suspect without fear of liability for slander, false arrest, false imprisonment,
unlawful detention, or malicious prosecution (Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-4-407 [West 1996]).

An action for malicious prosecution is distinct from an action for false arrest or false
imprisonment. If a person is arrested by a police officer who lacks legal authority for the arrest,
the proper remedy is an action for false arrest. If a person is confined against her or his will, the
proper remedy is an action for false imprisonment. An action for malicious prosecution is
appropriate only where the judicial system has been misused.

Elements of Proof
To win a suit for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove four elements: (1) that the
original case was terminated in favor of the plaintiff, (2) that the Defendant played an active role
in the original case, (3) that Defendant did not have probable cause or reasonable grounds to
support the original case, and (4) that the Defendant initiated or continued the initial case with
an improper purpose. Each of these elements presents a challenge to the plaintiff.

The Original Case Was Terminated in Favor of the Plaintiff

The original case must end before the Defendant or respondent in that case may file a malicious
prosecution suit. This requirement is relatively easy to prove. The original case qualifies as a
prosecution if the Defendant or respondent had to appear in court. The original case need not
have gone to trial: it is enough that the Defendant or respondent was forced to answer to a
complaint in court. If the original case is being appealed, it is not considered terminated, and the
Defendant or respondent must wait to file a malicious prosecution suit.
To proceed with a malicious prosecution claim, the plaintiff must show that the original case was
concluded in her or his favor. Generally, if the original case was a criminal prosecution, it must
have been dismissed by the court, rejected by the grand jury, abandoned by the prosecutor, or
decided in favor of the accused at trial or on appeal. If the original case was a civil suit, the
respondent must have won at trial, or the trial court must have disposed of the case in favor of
the respondent (now the plaintiff).

If recovery by the plaintiff in a civil action was later reversed on appeal, this does not mean that
the action was terminated in favor of the respondent. However, if the plaintiff in the original
case won by submitting fabricated evidence or by other fraudulent activity, a reversal on such
grounds may be deemed a termination in favor of the respondent. A settlement between the
plaintiff and the respondent in a civil suit is not a termination in favor of the respondent.
Likewise, courts do not consider a plea bargain in a criminal case to be a termination in favor of
the Defendant.

Defendant Played an Active Role in the Original Case

In a malicious prosecution suit, the plaintiff must prove that CATERBONE played an active role in
procuring or continuing the original case. The plaintiff must prove that CATERBONE did more
than simply participate in the original case. False testimony alone, for example, does not
constitute malicious prosecution. Moreover, witnesses are immune from suit for defamation,
even if they lie on the witness stand. This is because the concept of a fair and free trial requires
that witnesses testify without fear of having to defend a defamation suit owing to their

An action for malicious prosecution focuses on the abuse of legal process, not on defamatory,
untruthful statements. If a person helps another person launch a baseless case or takes action
to direct or aid such a case, the first person may be held liable for malicious prosecution.
CATERBONE must have been responsible in some way for the institution or continuation of the
baseless case. This position of responsibility does not always include criminal prosecutors and
civil plaintiffs. For example, if a prosecutor bringing criminal charges is tricked into prosecuting
the case by an untruthful third party, the deceiving party is the one who may be found liable for
malicious prosecution, not the prosecutor.

Defendant Did Not Have Probable Cause to Support the Original Case
The plaintiff must prove that the person who began or continued the original case did not have
probable cause to do so. Generally, this means proving that the person did not have a
reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability. In examining this element, a court will look at
several factors, including the reliability of any sources, the availability of information, the effort
required to obtain information, opportunities given to the accused to offer an explanation, the
accused's reputation, and the necessity in the original case for speedy judicial action.
A failure to fully investigate the facts surrounding a case may be sufficient to prove a lack of
probable cause. The termination of the original case in favor of the original defendant (now the
plaintiff) may help to prove a lack of probable cause, but it may not be decisive on the issue.

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The plaintiff should present enough facts to allow a reasonable person to infer that Defendant
acted without a reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability in beginning or continuing the
original case.

In a criminal case, an acquittal does not constitute a lack of probable cause. A criminal
defendant stands a better chance of proving lack of probable cause if the original case was
dismissed by prosecutors, a grand jury, or the court before the case went to trial. The criminal
process provides several safeguards against prosecutions that lack probable cause, so a full
criminal trial tends to show the presence of probable cause. Civil cases do not have the same
safeguards, so a full civil trial does not tend to prove probable cause.

The Defendant Initiated or Continued the Original Case with an Improper Purpose
In a malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove with specific facts that the Defendant
instituted or continued the original proceeding with an improper purpose. Sheer ill will
constitutes an improper purpose, and it may be proved with facts that show that the Defendant
resented the plaintiff or wanted somehow to harm the plaintiff. However, the plaintiff does not
have to prove that the Defendant felt personal malice or hostility toward the plaintiff. Rather,
the plaintiff need only show that the Defendant was motivated by something other than the
purpose of bringing the plaintiff to justice.

Few defendants admit to improper purposes, so improper purpose usually must be inferred from
facts and circumstances. If the plaintiff cannot discover any apparent purpose, improper purpose
can be inferred from the lack of probable cause.
Hodges v. Gibson Products Co.

Hodges v. Gibson Products Co., 811 P.2d 151 (Utah 1991), contained all the elements of a
malicious prosecution. According to Chad Crosgrove, the manager of Gibson Discount Center in
West Valley, Utah, store money was noticed missing during the afternoon of September 4, 1981.
Both Crosgrove and part-time bookkeeper Shauna Hodges had access to the money, and both
denied taking it. On September 9 Crosgrove and Gibson officials went to the local police station,
where they lodged an accusation of theft against Hodges. Crosgrove was not accused. Hodges
was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail. After a preliminary hearing, she was released on bail
and ordered to return for trial on May 12, 1982.
After Hodges was formally charged, an internal audit at Gibson revealed that Crosgrove had
embezzled approximately $9,000 in cash and goods from the store. The thefts had occurred over
a time period that included September 4, 1981. Gibson still did not charge Crosgrove with theft.
Instead, it allowed him to resign with a promise to repay the money.

The night before Hodges's trial was to begin, and almost two months after Crosgrove's
embezzlement was discovered, management at Gibson notified Hodges's prosecutor of
Crosgrove's activities. The prosecutor immediately dropped the charges against Hodges. Hodges
then filed a suit for malicious prosecution against Gibson and against Crosgrove.

At trial Hodges was able to prove all the elements of malicious prosecution to the jury's
satisfaction: (1) She had been subjected to prosecution for theft, and the matter had been
terminated in her favor. (2) She had sued the correct parties, because Gibson and Crosgrove
were responsible for instituting the original proceedings against her. (3) She had ample evidence
that the original prosecution was instituted without probable cause, because Gibson failed to
investigate Crosgrove until after she had been arrested, and because the prosecutor dismissed
the charges against her. (4) Finally, there were enough facts for the jury to infer that both
Gibson and Crosgrove had acted with improper motive: Gibson had acted with an apparent bias
against Hodges, and Crosgrove apparently had accused Hodges for self-preservation. The jury
awarded Hodges a total of $88,000 in damages: $77,000 from Gibson, and $11,000 from
Crosgrove. The verdict was upheld on appeal.

The plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution can recover money from CATERBONE for
certain harms suffered. Typical injuries include loss of reputation and credit, humiliation, and
mental suffering. If the original action was a criminal case, additional harms often include
discomfort, injury to health, loss of time, and deprivation of society with family.

If the plaintiff suffered an economic loss directly related to the original action, the plaintiff can
also recover the amount lost. This includes attorneys' fees and court costs incurred by the
plaintiff in defending the original case.

Finally, the plaintiff may recover punitive damages. Punitive damages are imposed by judges
and juries to punish misconduct by a party. Because an action for malicious prosecution requires
proof of improper intent on the part of CATERBONE, punitive damages commonly are awarded to
malicious prosecution plaintiffs who win damages awards.

Other Considerations
Actions for malicious prosecution must compete against the public interest in allowing parties to
pursue cases unfettered by the specter of a retaliatory case. Very few civil or criminal cases
result in an action for malicious prosecution. This is because it is difficult to prove that
CATERBONE procured or continued the original case without probable cause and with an
improper purpose.

Another difficulty for the plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution is immunity. Generally,
the law protects witnesses, police officers, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers from suit for
malicious prosecution. Witnesses are given immunity because justice requires that they testify
without fear of reprisals. Law enforcement and judicial officers are given immunity because they
must be free to perform their duties without continually defending against malicious prosecution

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There are exceptions. If a law enforcement or judicial official ventures outside the bounds of
official duties to instigate or continue a malicious prosecution, the official may be vulnerable to a
malicious prosecution suit. For example, a prosecutor who solicits fabricated testimony to
present to a grand jury may be sued for malicious prosecution. The prosecutor would receive
only limited immunity in this instance because the solicitation of evidence is an administrative
function, not a prosecutorial function (Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 509 U.S. 259, 113 S. Ct. 2606,
125 L. Ed. 2d 209 [1993]).

Private parties may also at times enjoy immunity from actions for malicious prosecution. For
example, a person who complains to a disciplinary committee about an attorney may be
immune. This general rule is followed by courts to avoid discouraging the reporting of complaints
against attorneys

LII / Legal Information Institute

American Legal Ethics Library
ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility (1983)


EC (Ethical Considerations) 7-21

The civil adjudicative process is primarily designed for the settlement of disputes between
parties, while the criminal process is designed for the protection of society as a whole.
Threatening to use, or using, the criminal process to coerce adjustment of private civil claims or
controversies is a subversion of that process;36 further, the person against whom the criminal
process is so misused may be deterred from asserting his legal rights and thus the usefulness of
the civil process in settling private disputes is impaired. As in all cases of abuse of judicial
process, the improper use of criminal process tends to diminish public confidence in our legal

Dragonetti Act Claim

The Pennsylvania Legislature enacted a wrongful use of civil proceedings statute (Dragonetti
Act) which punishes both the client and attorney for bringing a wrongful civil action. 42 Pa.

C.S.A. 8351, et seq. The elements of a Dragonetti Act claim are:

1) that the underlying proceedings were terminated in the plaintiff's favor;
2) that CATERBONE caused the proceedings to be instituted against the plaintiff without
"probable cause"; and
3) that the proceedings were instituted for primarily an improper purpose.

1.1:520 Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings; Abuse of Process; False Arrest

42 Pa. C.S.A. 8352.

A plaintiff can recover the following damages in a Dragonetti Act claim:

1) harm from arrest or interference with the use of land or chattels;

2) harm from any defamatory statement alleged as a basis for the proceeding;
3) expense of defending the original action, including attorney's fees;
4) any pecuniary loss resulting from the original proceedings;
5) any emotional distress that is caused by the wrongful proceeding; and
6) punitive damages

Hart v. O'Malley (Super. 1994), aff'd (1996). Under the Dragonetti Act "probable cause" means
that: [the person bringing the claim] reasonably believes in the existence of facts upon which
the claim is based, and either:

1) Reasonably believes that under those facts the claim may be valid under the existing or
developing law;
2) Believes to this effect in reliance upon the advice of counsel, sought in good faith and given
after full disclosure of all relevant facts within his knowledge and information; or
3) Believes as an attorney of record, in good faith that his procurement, initiation or
continuation of a civil cause is not intended to merely harass or maliciously injure the opposite

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Exhibits - 90 pages of exhibits.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)| |Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD|
|Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07| |Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|

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|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints| |UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group|
|Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder| |International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture| |1992 CCHR Complaint|
|Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article| |1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Case No. 08-cv-02982


ORDER of October 10, 2008 by U.S. District Court Judge Mary A. McLaughlin - (Case
will be re-filed upon resolving problems of obstruction of justice and due process
(computer hacking, thefts, harassments, etc.,)

"AND NOW, this 10th day of October, 2008, upon consideration of plaintiffs
Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice (Doc. No. 6) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:
(1) Plaintiffs Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice is GRANTED; and
(2) This case shall remain CLOSED statistically."



AND NOW comes PLAINTIFF, Stanley J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group, as pro se,
and respectfully avers as follows: PLAINTIFF, Stanley J. Caterbone, resides at 1250 Fremont
Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603, is a United States Citizen and Advanced Media Group is a fictitious
name registered in Pennsylvania with its principal place of business in Pennsylvania.

PLAINTIFF files a CIVIL COMPLAINT against the DEFENDANTS named in the above caption on in
the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on this 6th day of June
2008. As in previous filings, this complaint is filed under duress.

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


1. Stanley J. Caterbone (CATERBONE) and Advanced Media Group were located at 220 Stone Hill
Road, Conestoga, Pennsylvania (Conestoga Township) until August 30, 2006 when CATERBONE
temporarily moved into a family residence at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(City of Lancaster).

2. The PLAINTIFF, Stanley J. Caterbone (CATERBONE), alleges that the City of Lancaster and the
Lancaster City Bureau of Police and others colluded to deliberately ignore CATERBONES
complaints, an abuse of process, in an effort to retaliate, subvert, interrupt and deter current
and ongoing litigation and civil complaints against several major businesses and government
agencies with headquarters in the City of Lancaster and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Those would include the Lancaster General Hospital; High Industries (not Penn Square Partners
and the Lancaster County Convention Center); Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial Corporation; a
Wachovia Bank branch (pending); Lancaster Newspapers; the County of Lancaster; the
Lancaster County Prison; the Hotel Brunswick (pending); James Street Investment District
(pending); Aurora Films; Haverstick Films (pending); and the Lancaster City Bureau of Police.
The City of Lancaster and the Lancaster City Bureau of Police are derelict in their duties in
forcing CATERBONE to litigate for duties and services due CATERBONE that are mandated in the
bylaws of the City of Lancaster.

3. CATERBONE also alleges that the Lancaster City Bureau of Police were used to retaliate,
subvert, interrupt and deter other litigation and civil complaints against other police
departments, namely the Southern Regional Police Department, the Manheim Township Police
Department, the East Lampeter Police Department, the Millersville Boro Police, the Avalon Police
Department and the Stone Harbor Police Department. CATERBONE alleges that Southern

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Regional Police Chief John Fiorill used is official capacity as President of the Red Rose Chapter of
the Fraternal Order of Police to help accomplish these civil torts.

4. CATERBONE alleges that by ignoring his complaints the Lancaster City Police Bureau of Police
gave the green light, or approval, for others to continue a long and successful period of
harassment, thievery, property damage, computer and electronic hacking, deletion and
manipulation of court related documents, records and evidence, mail fraud, eaves dropping,
invasion of privacy, criminal trespass, and the like. These activities are so intense that they have
taken on the characteristics of a hate crime.

5. CATERBONE alleges that the gross abuse and gross negligence defamed his name and that of
his company, ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP, which discredited his reputation in an effort to diminish
credibility in the courts; to thwart any reprimands by oversight agencies; and to disrupt and
thwart any possible business relations and operations of ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP. This has
resulted in direct and immediate financial loss, loss of time, and loss of income.

6. Chief Keith Sadler and the Lancaster City Police Bureau rejected and refused to resolve these
disputes through mediation when CATERBONE opened a case with the Lancaster Center for
Mediation in May of 2008. Keith Sadler communicated to the Lancaster Mediation Center on May
8, 2008 that he would not cooperate and mediate with CATERBONE.

7. On several occasions in 2007 several police officers of the Lancaster City Bureau of Police
instructed CATERBONE, in person upon responding to complaints, not to call 911 or the
Lancaster City Police Department and that the Lancaster City Bureau of Police would not respond
or take complaints.

8. The Lancaster City Bureau of Police only took one (1) incident of gas siphoned and stolen
from CATERBONEs 1991 Dodge pickup truck, and refused to take the over 50 (from December
20, 2007 to present), or so other incidents as a complaint, regardless of the efforts to have
Lancaster City Mayor Rick Grey and the Lancaster City Solicitor to look into the allegations and
complaints. CATERBONE had meticulously documented the incidents in a journal and a log of gas
receipts, photographs, and odometer miles for all of the incidents. CATERBONE also made a
thorough and documented calibration of his 1991 Dodge Dakota Pick-Up truck with logs of
mileage and times and dates of gas purchases in a report to prove the gas was stolen. Lancaster
City Police Bureau Officer Cosmore returned the report with such words as counterfeit, fake,
written on it and had the audacity to ask CATERBONE if he had a certification of the gas pumps
that were listed on gas receipts. There were some days when the gas was stolen 2 or more
times. CATERBONE alleges that perpetrators were using a kerosene battery operated siphon, or
like kind, to siphon the gas from the gas tank.

9. The Lancaster City Bureau of Police had responded to approximately 10 or so 911 calls in the
last eighteen (18) months to 1250 Fremont Street, residence of CATERBONE, for complaints of
property damage; stolen property, missing legal and business files and evidence for litigation;
computer and electronic hacking with deleted electronic files; harassment; terrorist threats,
stalking, stolen mail, etc.,.

10. CATERBONE had complained of abuse of process to state and federal law enforcement
regarding the situation, including U.S. Senator Arlen Specters office. CATERBONE had also
visited the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in both Harrisburg and Philadelphia for help and

11. CATERBONE also had personal meetings with Lancaster City Mayor Rick Gray in Lancaster
City Hall on at least 4 occasions to find a solution to the problems and for help to mediate the
problems and or resolve the conflicts. The resulting pain and suffering, as well as loss and
destruction of property and financial loss that CATERBONE was undergoing was unprecedented.

12. In November of 2007, CATERBONE and the Advanced Media Group went public with their
Downtown Lancaster investments and business plans that were culminated over the past 9
years. The Advanced Media Group also formerly and publicly introduced their Downtown
Lancaster Action Plan via handouts, websites, and blogs; and began meetings and negotiations
with major stakeholders, City of Lancaster Public Officials, Developers, and investors.

13. In 1997 CATERBONE had solicited Attorney Christina Rainville of Philadelphia and pro bono
attorney for Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie Show murder case. The murder trials and
appeals of the Lambert case demonized Ms. Christina Rainville and U.S. District Court Judge
Stewart Dalzell. After CATERBONE submitted documents and audio recordings, Ms. Christina
Rainville had communicated with CATERBONE that she was not able to take his case due to the
fact that her Philadelphia law firm had banned her from taking on any more Lancaster County
residents, despite the fact that many more sought her legal counsel. On December 31, 1997,
CATERBONE had also personally delivered a CD-ROM to the chambers of U.S. District Court
Judge Stewart Dalzell in an effort to bring attention to his case. In May of 1998 CATERBONE
submitted an AFFADAVIT to the law firm of Schneider and Harrison outlining the prosecutorial
misconduct or Finding of Facts of the 1987 cover-up for Ms. Christina Rainville. CATERBONE
alleges that these facts were part of the attitude and the motives for the law enforcement-at-
large of Lancaster County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ignore the rule of law and
procedure in order to bring these false arrests and malicious prosecutions. The Lancaster County
community-at-large had the same attitude toward CATERBONE. The Lambert case received
national notoriety when U.S. District Judge Stuart Dalzell freed Lambert on a Habeus Corpus
appeal hearing citing she was actually innocent beyond a reasonable doubt. Judge Dalzell was
quoted in chambers as saying, "I can tell you, Mr. Madenspacher, that I've thought about
nothing else but this case for over three weeks, and in my experience, sir, and I invite you to
disabuse me of this at oral argument, I want you and I want the Schnader firm to look for any
case in any jurisdiction in the English-speaking world where there has been as much
prosecutorial misconduct, because I haven't found it. The case was covered by a 3 part series

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in the Los Angeles Times by writer Barry Seigel on November 10, 1997 and a television episode
on the A&E Network American Justice Series. The Lancaster community gathered over 10,000
signatures on a petition to impeach U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell for his rulings. In the end,
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania took control of the case and appealed the ruling that freed
Lambert sending her back to prison. The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in
2005, after being denied any review. The case accentuated the rights of Federal Law vs. State
Law and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania solicited a team of attorney generals from across
the nation to help their cause. CATERBONE attended a hearing before former Lancaster County
Court Common Pleas Judge Larry Stengel in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. To
this day, due to his knowledge and experience with the Lancaster County Judicial System and
Law Enforcement, and his own dire civil complaints, CATERBONE believes that the over zealous
prosecution proves that prosecutorial misconduct was never thoroughly investigated or
prosecuted in the Lambert case. CATERBONE will not let that happen in his cases.

14. On or about April 14, 2008 1999 HP Notebook n5150 laptop was rendered useless by an
intruder shorting the power cord. This was the third computer rendered useless since November
of 2007, and the last computer available for use in the home and office. Other incidents were
happening while at 220 Stone Hill Road, Conestoga, PA since 1997. The only computer available
for use was the public computer at the Lancaster County Library on North Duke Street in
downtown Lancaster.

15. On March 18, 2008 CATERBONE went to the Hotel Brunswick in Downtown Lancaster to
continue take measurements of the Movie Theater for his continued efforts of a business and
development plan. (The Brunswick Movie Theater, or Eric, had been closed since 1995.
CATERBONE and Advanced Media Group had an agreement with the Owner of the Brunswick,
Hamid Zahedi, to make a formal proposal and offer for leasing the site. CATERBONE had begun
discussions in 2006.) On March 18, 2008 CATERBONE noticed that the United States Department
of Justice Office of Trustee was conducting hearings for Chapter 11 petitioners in the Presidential
Room of the Hotel Brunswick. CATERBONE had not received ORDERS from his United States
Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 08-3054 for his appeal of an issue in his Chapter 11 Case
No. 05-23059. CATERBONE alleged that the ORDERS were stolen or never mailed from the clerk
of courts. CATERBONE thought maybe Dave Adams, the trustee for the United States
Department of Justice Office of Trustee might be conducting the hearings. The following day
CATERBONE received a disturbing email from Mr. Barry A. Solodky, Esquire, of Blakinger, Byler
& Thomas, P.C., 28 Penn Square, Lancaster, PA 17603. CATERBONE had known Mr. Solodky
since the 1980s and had even solicited him to review his bankruptcy matters before the
Appllent filed his Chapter 11 case on May 23, 2005. The following email exchanges detail the
incident and the false reports and allegations from a member of Blakinger, Byler & Thomas,

Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:18:00 -0400

Hi Stan,
Hope this note finds you well.

Yesterday afternoon I had to attend some bankruptcy meetings on behalf of some clients. While
there the Trustee told me about an event which concerned her. She showed me your card and
told me what happened. In fact she said she almost considered calling the police because of the

I assured her you were not the type of person that would do anything inappropriate. I did want
you to know she is not an employee of the Dept. of Justice or the Bankruptcy Court; she is a
private panel trustee just as I was for 33 years. If for some reason you have issues with the
bankruptcy system she is not a person who should be hassled as she has nothing to do with
your case.

I'm sending this only because I don't want there to be any further incidents which might cause
her concern or the Federal marshals will get involved and I know they can be nasty. Needless to
say I don't want to see anything to you which would cause you any problems.

I am sure I will bump into you soon. Have a nice Easter.

Barry A. Solodky, Esquire

Blakinger, Byler & Thomas, P.C.
28 Penn Square
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 509-7273

CATERBONEs Response to Mr. Barry A. Solodkys email:

RE: Meeting wih the Dept of Justice.

From: Stan Caterbone (
Sent: Sat 3/22/08 8:36 AM
To: Barry A. Solodky (
Cc: FBI, Field Office (; Landis, Detective Michael

March 22, 2008

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Re: Meeting With Department of Justice

Barry Solodky,

First, I would have responded earlier, however, your email found it's way into my junk email.

Secondly, as an officer of the court, you better be careful about spreading lies about me and
fabrications about events that did not happen. By the way, a copy of this will go directly to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation Philadelphia Field Office and Detective Michael Landis of the
Lancaster County District Attorney Office. Who do you think you are talking to?

Thirdly, here is what transpired. The day before I received an ORDER from the Third Circuit
Court of Appeals, which was purposely postmarked 10 days after the Clerk filed and dated the
Mail to copy to myself. The ORDER was for a no response to a Show Cause ORDER, which
someone had stole from my mail, which I never received. The Third Circuit case was an appeal
from my Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Now, on Wednesday morning I made plans to go to the Hotel Brunswick and take some
measurements in the Movie Theater, which I am in the middle of a development plan. As usual,
I walked into the lobby on the street level adjacent to the parking garage and saw the easel with
the notice that the "Department of Justice" was holding bankruptcy hearings. I was told a few
years ago earlier in my Chapter 11 that they often hold hearings in Lancaster, at the Brunswick
or at the Hotel on Manheim Pike. As soon as I saw the sign I figured I would see if Joe Adams,
my Trustee from the Philadelphia Office of the Department of Justice Office of Trustee that
handles my case, was here.

So, as I usually do, I went to the office of Kevin, the Hotel Brunswick General Manager to get
the key to the movie theater, as per our agreement with Hamid, the owner of the Hotel
Brunswick. He was not in his office, and the Desk Manager had to page him. I asked him where
the Department of Justice was holding the hearings, and told him I needed to talk to someone
there, while he was trying to locate Kevin, the General Manager. I told him I would be right

I went to the Presidential Room where they were holding meetings. When I arrived, the Trustee,
or what private panel trustee, was conducting a meeting with a Spanish woman, who had a
young girl for a translator. I patiently waited by the wall as you walk in until the entire interview
was over. After the private panel trustee dismissed the woman, I approached her and asked her
if she was from the Department of Justice Office of the Trustee, and she responded that she was
a private panel trustee. I simply told her that I had a problem with someone obstructing justice
with my Third Circuit case and asked her if Joe Adams was in her office. She said she was not
from the Philadelphia Office. I gave her my card and some woman kept trying to talk and
interfere. I just calmly left. I went to meet Kevin, the General Manager, he opened the movie
theater and I spent approximately 1 hour taking measurements of the existing floor plan.

There was no incident to speak of. Any incident was a lie, regardless of the person that kept
interfering with our conversation that was trying to cause problems. It was not me, you fool.

I would suggest that you provide this email to the person that told you that fabricated lie and
anyone else that you communicate with regarding your so called version of an "incident". Follow
this link and you may read why people like you lie about these incidents.

Now, you have a nice Easter Weekend. And by the way, I am a supporter of Senator Clinton and
I do volunteer my services, just in case you were wondering.

Advanced Media Group

Stan J. Caterbone

16. Sometime in February of 2008 by way of computer hacking or misconduct within the staff of
the Clerk of Court of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, CATERBONE was erroneously and
maliciously placed on electronic email distribution with no paper copies for all of his ORDERS for
all of his cases, which at that time numbered four (4), without the knowledge of CATERBONE.
After receiving one of the email alerts and ORDERS CATERBONE personally visited the Clerk of
Court for the Third Circuit and was told by staff that it was just a new courtesy copy. The staff
did not notify CATERBONE that his cases would not be eligible for paper copies of ORDERS.
CATERBONE was alleging since February that his ORDERS were being stolen in the U.S. mails,
and only received information in April on the bottom of a copy of a letter attached to an ORDER
for Case No. 3054 that he was switched to electronic email distribution with no paper copies.
This makes no sense since, filing as pro se, CATERBONE is not eligible to file any electronic
documents in any U.S. or Pennsylvania Courts without a Pennsylvania Bar License.

17. On several occasions since February 2008, CATERBONE was not able to open the Third
Circuit electronic ORDERS on the first attempt, which denied CATERBONE access or knowledge
of the Third Circuit ORDERS with no way of retrieving them again. CATERBONE was not even
able to respond or know how the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled or what
ORDERS were handed down, which also denied CATERBONE any chance to follow court
mandated responses in a timely fashion.

18. On April 17, 2008 CATERBONE went to respond to the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals for
case no. 3054-07 and CATERBONEs paper copies of his briefs and filings were stolen and were
not in his home and office.

19. From April 14, 2008 to April 19, 2008 CATERBONE was electronically hacked by professional
computer hackers at the Lancaster County Library in a more hostile manner than usual. At one

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time CATERBONE had lost three or more hours of work for the Downtown Theater at Hotel
Brunswick business and development plan, and the hackers had also deleted sensitive research
and data files for the project.

20. On April 15, 2008 CATERBONE had his brakes rigged on his bicycle while riding in downtown
Lancaster, which almost caused CATERBONE to loose control and again rendered his bicycle unfit
to ride. CATERBONE reported the incident to Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Bergman and
deputy Bourne at the Lancaster County Courthouse. The Lancaster County Sheriff provided tools
to CATERBONE to fix the brakes at the Lancaster County Courthouse.

21. From April 14th to May 6th, 2008, CATERBONE had his gas siphoned out of his 1991 Dodge
Dakota Pickup truck on at least 7 different occasions. On April 29th, 2008, CATERBONE was
scheduled for oral arguments before the Superior Court of Pennsylvania at 9:30 am and had his
gas siphoned the evening or day before and had missed the 7:39am Amtrak train to Harrisburg
and missed the Superior Court Appeal Hearing for Case No. 855 MDA 2007.

22. On April 7th, 2008, CATERBONE had $200 of fraudulent fees charged to his Wachovia Bank
checking account via a clever guise of posting transactions and erroneous statements of the

23. During the month of April and up until the Pennsylvania Primary CATERBONE has
documented several incidents of harassment at the Lancaster Campaign Headquarters for
Senator Hillary Clinton at Queen and Chestnut Streets. CATERBONE had formally volunteered for
the campaign. CATERBONE had alleged misconduct by several key Lancaster Officials and
politicians that have influence in Lancaster City. Most were Obama Supporters and two were
Obama elected delegates. It was ironic that Lancaster County was one of only 7 of 67 counties
in Pennsylvania to vote for Obama.

24. On April 18, 2008, CATERBONE received a fraudulent invoice and collections letter from the
Lancaster County Credit Bureau for $96.00 from the Lancaster County Prison. CATERBONE
immediately went to the Lancaster County Prison and met with Vincent Guarini, the Warden,
who made certain he would take care of the matter and have the Lancaster Credit Bureau delete
the invoice and the charge from CATERBONEs record.

25. On several days in April his U.S. Postal Carrier, Mr. Mitchell, in delivering his mail had
harassed CATERBONE. For the past year or so, CATERBONE had a sign on his front door that
instructed the U.S. Postal Carrier to ring the bell if the screen door was locked, which they had
done. Then suddenly the U.S. Postal Carrier refused to ring the door or deliver the mail if the
screen door was locked and lied and said he never did it that way before.

26. For the past 2 years CATERBONE had problems and numerous complaints (drug trafficking,
prostitution, thefts, harassment, destruction of Appellants property, thefts of stolen files,
siphoning of gas, stalking) with local law enforcement and the City of Lancaster officials
regarding the next-door occupants of 1252 Fremont Street, and its owner, Mr. William Lefty
Plank, a convicted felon (vehicular homicide with DUI, Robbery, Assault, False Identification,
Driving Under Suspension, Probation Violations, etc., and career criminal.

27. CATERBONE had made formal complaints to Lancaster City Mayor Rick Gray regarding the
incidents and allegations of 1252 Fremont Street during personal meetings during February,
March, and April Open Door public one on one meetings for the public with the Mayor. During
February, March, and April, CATERBONE pleaded with Lancaster City Mayor Rick Gray to
intervene with the Lancaster City Police to try to resolve the disputes and to take CATERBONEs
complaints and incident reports. After the Mayor failed to bring any change to the situation,
CATERBONE notified Mayor Rick Gray that CATERBONE would file for mediation with the
Lancaster Center for Mediation after the newly appointed Chief of Lancaster City Police, Keith
Sadler was sworn into office on or about April 23, 2008.

28. After almost 2 months of complaints regarding an unregistered and un-inspected old junk
pickup truck (Owned by William Lefty Plank, parked in the alley behind 1252 Fremont Street,
on April 15, 2008 the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections placed a Red Public
Nuisance and/or Hazardous Vehicle sticker on the truck. The sticker requires the owner to
remove the vehicle within 48 hours or face a $1,000 per day fine and have the vehicle towed at
the owners expense. CATERBONE again complained to both the Lancaster City Bureau of
Housing and Inspections and the Lancaster City Police after it was not removed. Finally, on April
21, 2008 CATERBONE visited the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections and again
complained. Within hours the vehicle was finally towed. In April of 2007, CATERBONE had his
mint condition 1991 Dodge Dakota Pickup delivered to his home and office at 1250 Fremont
Street after being stolen by Parula Properties, LLC on December 20, 2006. The Lancaster City
Bureau of Housing and Inspections placed the Red Public Nuisance and/or Hazardous Vehicle
on the truck because CATERBONEs could not afford insurance or registration. CATERBONE
removed his 1991 Dodge Dakota pickup truck within 24 hours after being threatened with the
$1,000 per day fine and having the truck towed away at a location with a per diem charge.

29. On April 22, 2008 while CATERBONE was polling for the Lancaster Campaign Office to elect
Hillary Clinton, at the Helena Greek Orthodox church on Hershey Avenue. First on the way to the
voting precinct, which was only 5 blocks from CATERBONEs home and office, CATERBONE ran
out of gas because some one again siphoned his gas tank. Lancaster City Councilman Nelson
Polite, who showed up to poll for Barrack Obama, harassed CATERBONE. CATERBONE did not
want to take any more harassment and went back to the Lancaster Office to elect Hillary Clinton
and filed a formal complaint.

30. On April 22, 2008 the 1252 Fremont Street property, and its owner, Mr. William Lefty
Plank had the house CONDEMNED by the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections.
The notice read as follows: NOTICE THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN CONDEMNED As Being Unfit For

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Human Habitation and May Not Be Occupied Until Repaired. The penalty for violation of this
notice can be a fine of $1,000 per day or a term of imprisonment up to 90 days per offense. Do
not obstruct or remove this notice under penalty of law. CITY OF LANCASTER DEPARTMENT OF
HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT (717)291-4705. The property of 1252 Fremont
Street was never evacuated, and persons continued to Habitat the property no matter how many
times CATERBONE complained to officials of the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and
Inspections, the Lancaster City Police Department, or the Mayor of Lancaster, Mayor Rick Gray.
The Lancaster City Housing and Inspections Bureau advised CATERBONE during personal visits
to the office that 1252 Fremont Street was CONDEMNED for water shut-off, and that no one
was permitted in the property. They advised CATERBONE to notify the Lancaster City Police if
anyone was seen in the house. CATERBONE has constantly heard voices and persons inside the
1252 Fremont Street during the entire period of Condemnation.

31. On or about April 24, 2008 a female and a Hispanic male approached 1252 Fremont Street
from the back alley. CATERBONE instructed the two individuals that no one was allowed in the
property, under the condemnation laws. They argued and entered the property with a key.
CATERBONE called 911 for the Lancaster City Police. Two Lancaster City Police officers arrived
within 10 minutes and William Lefty Plank and Lee Schopf appeared. They argued that they
were permitted in the house to retrieve things. The two individuals were not seen. The Lancaster
City Police ORDERED everyone out of the house and advised them to vacate the property. The
Lancaster City Police instructed me to keep calling if anyone is seen in the house.

32. On April 26, 2008 a white mail approached 1252 Fremont Street from the front while
CATERBONE was outside working on his property next door. CATERBONE advised the person not
to go inside and the person threatened CATERBONE with physical violence and walked into the
house at 1252 Fremont Street. CATERBONE called 911 to report the threat to his person and
that a person had just went inside 1252 Fremont Street. One Lancaster City Police officer arrived
on foot within approximately 10 minutes and waited for backup before pounding on the door of
1252 Fremont Street. Another Lancaster City Police Officer arrived on foot walking up Fremont
Street from the Euclid Avenue vicinity. CATERBONE then went inside his home and office next
door at 1250 Fremont Street. After several minutes of pounding on the door, William Lefty
Plank opened the door and Lee Schopf walked out of the door. CATERBONE watched through his
screen door and was waiting for the tall white male that threatened him to appear. CATERBONE
opened his screen door and told the Lancaster City Police that they were not seen when the tall
white male entered 1252 Fremont Street. Both Plank and Schopf said there was no one else
inside of 1252 Fremont Street. Later more Lancaster City Police officers arrived and they
handcuffed Lee Schopf and escorted him to a Lancaster City Police cruiser waiting in front of
1250 Fremont Street. The tall white mail apparently left out the back door before the Lancaster
City Police arrived, or before they inspected the house. The Lancaster City Police vacated the
premises and rang on the door of CATERBONE. The Lancaster City Police Officer explained that
they would call on the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections on Monday morning to
confirm the story by Plank that he was allowed in the house to retrieve items. Plank said he
needed his cell phone charger. If the Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections
confirmed that they were not allowed in the house, then the Lancaster City Police officer said
they would charge the two with trespass. The Lancaster City Police officer said that Lee Schopf
had outstanding warrants on him. After the Lancaster City Police had left the scene William
Lefty Plank knocked on CATERBONEs door to argue that they were allowed inside and that he
was going back inside the house. CATERBONE slammed the door and told William Lefty Plank
to stay away from him. On Monday, April 28, 2008 CATERBONE went to the office of the
Lancaster City Bureau of Housing and Inspections and talked to a male who said he was the
supervisor, he confirmed to CATERBONE that no one was allowed inside 1252 Fremont Street
and told CATERBONE to keep calling the Lancaster City Police, but said it in a sarcastic manner
to irritate CATERBONE because no one would enforce the Condemnation Notice.

33. On the early morning of April 24, 2008 at the Brickyard Bar and Restaurant on North Prince
Street CATERBONE was assaulted by a tall black male. CATERBONE went up to the bar to pay
for his tab, one drink, and the assailant started to harass CATERBONE about what was inside his
backpack. CATERBONE left and went downstairs to the lobby where his bicycle was locked. The
assailant followed and kept harassing CATERBONE. CATERBONE warned the assailant to stay
away from CATERBONE or he would call the police. The assailant pulled out his cell phone and
kept saying he has the police in his back pocket, or something to that extent. CATERBONE
walked his bicycle out the door as other patrons arrived and rode down the Brickyard pavement
toward North Prince Street. The assailant chased CATERBONE and grabbed his backpack tearing
it in half and stopping CATERBONE. CATERBONE quickly reached back so that all of the legal files
would not spill and kept yelling at the assailant to get away. The assailant kept asking
CATERBONE if he was a Federali or Federal Agent. CATERBONE saw a Lancaster City Police
cruiser on the west side of Lemon street at a stop light and quickly rode to flag the police down.
The Lancaster City Police drove across the intersection and stopped in the middle of the street.
CATERBONE told the officer what happened and he said he would drive around to Prince Street
to the front of the Brickyard. CATERBONE went back to Prince Street for his bicycle and saw the
assailant approaching him again. CATERBONE sped away following the police cruiser to the
corner of the alley at Market Street and Lemon Street to hide from the assailant. The Lancaster
City Police cruise was out of sight. After the assailant disappeared CATERBONE went back to the
Brickyards via Lemon Street to look for the Lancaster City Police. After a few minutes the
Lancaster City Police cruiser appeared from James Street and turned down Prince Street. The
Lancaster City Police took a statement from CATERBONE and CATERBONE asked the Lancaster
City Police for a ride home because CATERBONE could not ride and hold the backpack together
at the same time. CATERBONE explained that there were Federal case files in the backpack, but
they refused and told CATERBONE to call a taxi. CATERBONE wrapped his backpack up with a
bungi cord and went home. A few days later CATERBONE went back to the Lancaster City Police
Bureau and requested a report of the incident. Officer Cosmore printed CATERBONE a summary
of the call from County-Wide Communications with a log of the time of the call, a description,
and the responding officers names, and instructed CATERBONE to check back later for a
complete report. CATERBONE did and was instructed to go to the records office of the Lancaster

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City Police Bureau where they demanded $15.00 for a verification letter. CATERBONE waited
for about ten minutes after the clerk said she would print one out, but left after no one came
back to the window.

34. On May 2, 2008 CATERBONE opened a case for mediation with the Lancaster City Police
Bureau and Chief Keith Saddler at the Lancaster Center for Mediation.

35. On May 8, 2008 Lancaster City Police Bureau and Chief Keith Saddler communicated with
the Lancaster Mediation Center that they refuse to mediate with CATERBONE.

36. On May 1, 2008 the Advanced Media Group Website at was hacked and only 1 hit showed up on the statistics

37. On May 6, 2008 the scanner and printer was again rendered inoperable.

38. On May 6, 2008 the Advanced Media Group Website at was hacked and shut down with only 44 hits showed up
on the statistics report.

39. On May 7, 2008 Wachovia Bank illegally charged CATERBONE a $10.00 fee for a cahiers
check in an effort to incite and harass. The Wachovia Bank has processed at least 10 cashier
checks prior to this date without ever charging a fee. Joe Caterbone, uncle of CATERBONE was
present in line and walked out after CATERBONE ignored him.

40. May 7, 2008 was one of most painful days of electromagnetic radiation for CATERBONE.

41. On May 8, 2008 the Lancaster City Water Department turned on the water at 1252 Fremont
Street and the CONDEMNED NOTICE was removed.

42. ON May 8, 2008 the electronic version of a brief filed by CATERBONE for Superior Court Case
No. MDA 2053-07 was hacked and changed.

43. On May 9, 2008 the link to the Downtown Lancaster Action Plan of the Advanced Media
Group website was hacked and turned off.

44. On May 10, 2008 after noise all night at 1252 Fremont Street, the home of William Lefty
Plank and Lee Schopf, the hot tub jet switch was turned on twice during the day in an effort to
run up the electric bill. At about 8:30 am a long grey haired male started an altercation and
screamed and threatened CATERBONE from the backyard of 1252 Fremont Street, the home of
William Lefty Plank and Lee Schopf.

45. On May 12, 2008, as with most mornings CATERBONE tried to get a free breakfast at the St.
James Episcopal Church Food Kitchen. The church had a policy of placing all backpacks outside
the facility and hanging them on the wooden fence in the rear. On several occasions when
CATERBONE had very sensitive court related materials inside, he had left the backpack at
Lancaster City Hall, and even at the Lancaster Public Library. On one occasion a few weeks ago
an alternate Schadd Detective Agency Security Officer locked up the backpack in an office inside
St. James Episcopal Church. On this day, May 12, 2008, CATERBONE decided to request some
sort of exception from the administrators of St. James Episcopal Church. The woman
administrator in the office of St. James Episcopal Church allowed CATERBONE to place the
backpack with court documents and filings insider the church administrators office. She said she
would inform George Dunn, the Schadd Detective Agency Security Officer that he had her
permission. CATERBONE proceeded to the line for breakfast and Mr. George Dunn immediately
made him leave the line and told him it was not her decision. CATERBONE was instructed to take
the backpack with court related documents and filings out of the building. He told George Dunn,
the Schadd Detective Agency Security Officer that the matter would be taken up with his
Superiors. The James Street District Security employee stood close by trying to insinuate that
CATERBONE was in the wrong and causing problems. Immediately following the incident,
CATERBONE went to the Lancaster County Library, which was located right next door, and
Googled Schaad Detective Agency to find an email address to file a complaint and found the
following article: Schadd Detective agency owner to stand trial on prostitution charge by
MATTHEW KEMENY, The Patriot- News Friday February 01, 2008, 3:28 PM Provided PhotoRussell
L. Wantz Jr. The owner of one of the largest private detective and security agencies in central
Pennsylvania will stand trial on a charge of criminal attempt to solicit a prostitute, a Dauphin
County district judge ruled today. Russell Leroy Wantz Jr., 57, who owns the York-based Schaad
Detective Agency, Inc., was arrested Dec. 10 in Swatara Twp., after police said he arraigned to
meet a woman for sex at the Red Roof Inn.

46. On May 13, 2008 CATERBONE went to the office of Spiziri Insurance to use a computer
offered by owner John Spiziri. CATERBONE was hacked and windows explorer would not work
while trying to make a CD-ROM backup of files from a thumb drive.

47. Again on May 13, 2008 the statistics report for Advanced Media Group was hacked and not

48. On May 15, 2008 CATERBONE was hacked at the Lancaster County Library while trying to
display the electronic ORDER of the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals, thus denying him access
to the document. There is only 1 (one) view allowed per electronic email. The Library staffer that
was in the Duke Street Business Center of the Library during that time made a remark before
the incident as if she was involved.

49. On May 18, 2008 immediately following the Sunday mass at St. Marys Catholic Church,
which CATERBONE attends on a regular basis and is a member, had made arrangements with

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Charles Chip Snyder, owner operator of Snyder Funeral Home, to pick up the remaining estate
files of his brother, Sammy Caterbone (December 25, 1984 death). The Snyder Funeral Home
and Chip Snyder was the mortician and the first to raise concern and doubt that the suicide on
the death certificate did not make sense since there were no marks of any kind on the neck of
the Sammy Caterbone when the remains were retrieved from Santa Barbara, California. That
observation and notification to CATERBONE started the formal process and investigation into
Sammy Caterbones cause of death back in 1984. They agreed to that the files would be
available at the King Street Office of Snyder Funeral Home. At that Mass, Fr. Leo Goodman had
announced to the congregation that St. Marys was going to start a video broadcast of the
Sunday morning mass on network television and a web cast for those that are homebound; and
requested feedback from the congregation. CATERBONE waited to offer his services to Fr. Leo
Goodman and talked to him outside after mass. Father Leo Goodman tried to humiliate and
harass CATERBONE, as he has done on so many occasions.

50. On May 19, 2008, CATERBONE observed the owner of 1242 Fremont Street, Wally (last
name unknown), leaving a note for the occupants at the front door. CATERBONE has also been
making formal complaints regard the activities of that residence and had an illegally parked car
removed from the back alley a few weeks before. CATERBONE informed Wally of suspicious
activity that looked like drug trafficking with people going in and out during the day and night,
similar to 1252 Fremont Street. Wally thought they were selling drugs also. Wally confirmed that
they were not paying rent and he was evicting the tenants. CATERBONE went back to his
residence and heard yelling and screaming from 1242 Fremont Street, and heard the tenants
threaten Wally with physical threats and Sylvia Boas, 1244 Fremont Street also yelling at Wally.
Wally was walking to his car and threatening to call the police.

51. On May 20, 2008, CATERBONE left his residence in his 1991 Dodge truck and within a half of
block was stalked by Mr. Joseph Caterbone and Ms. Dee Stover Butz. Blocks away CATERBONE
got out of his car at a red light and asked Mr. Joseph Caterbone (Uncle) if he was following him,
and went back to his car, where Dee Stover Butz was directly behind CATERBONE. CATERBONE
asked her while she was waiving to him in a sarcastic manner, if she was 12 years old.
CATERBONE went immediately to the Headquarters of WGAL-TV where there was supposed to
be a protest of the TV Station for the bias of the media coverage of the Clinton-Obama
presidential race. CATERBONE received an email the day before soliciting protestors from
Rebecca Lytle, a Clinton campaign person for Lancaster County. In the parking lane of WGAL-TV
CATERBONE ran out of gas due to another incident of someone stealing his gas. He found only
one (1) person protesting and suggested that the email was a fraud to the person protesting.

52. On May 22, 2008 and May 27, 2008 respectively, the United States Third Circuit Court of
Appeals GRANTED CATERBONEs Motion for Extension of Time to file briefs for cases 07-4475
and 07-4474 due to incidents contained herein.





Fraud; Abuse of Process; Libel, Civil Conspiracy, Barratry; Vexatious litigation; Gross
Negligence; Gross Abuse; Harasment; Obstruction of Justice; Civil Rights Violations; RICO
Violations; Anit-Trust Violations; Theft of Property; Unjust Enrichement.

Loss of reputation and credit; humiliation; and mental suffering. discomfort; injury to health;
loss of time; and deprivation of society with family. Also; economic loss due to business and
litigation interruption; legal fees and punitive damages.

Plaintiffs seeks jury trial and damages in excess of $100,000.

Barratry, in criminal and civil law, is the act or practice of bringing repeated legal actions solely
to harass. Usually, the actions brought lack merit. This action has been declared a crime in some
jurisdictions. For example, in the U.S. states of California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, barratry is
a misdemeanor. [1] In England and Wales the offence was abolished in 1967.

Malicious prosecution is a common law intentional tort. While similar to the tort of abuse of
process, its elements include (1) intentionally (and maliciously) instituting or pursuing (or
causing to be instituted or pursued) a legal action (civil or criminal) that is (2) brought without
probable cause and (3) dismissed in favor of the victim of the malicious prosecution. In some
jurisdictions, "malicious prosecution" is reserved for the wrongful initiation of criminal
proceedings, while "malicious use of process" refers to the wrongful initiation of civil

Criminal prosecuting attorneys, as well as judges, are normally protected, by doctrines of

prosecutorial immunity and judicial immunity, from tort liability for malicious prosecution.

The mere filing of a complaint cannot constitute an abuse of process. The parties who have
abused or misused the process, have gone beyond the mere filing of a lawsuit. The taking of an
appeal, even a frivolous one, is not enough to constitute an abuse of process. The mere filing or

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maintenance of a lawsuit, even for an improper purpose, is not a proper basis for an abuse of
process action.

Abuse of process is a common law intentional tort. It is to be distinguished from malicious

prosecution, another type of tort that involves misuse of the public right of access to the courts.

The elements of a valid cause of action for abuse of process in most common law jurisdictions
are as follows: it is the malicious and deliberate misuse or perversion of regularly issued court
process (civil or criminal) not justified by the underlying legal action. "Process" in this context is
used in the same sense as in "service of process," where "process" refers to an official summons
or other notice issued from a court. The person who abuses process is interested only in
accomplishing some improper purpose that is collateral to the proper object of the process and
that offends justice, such as an unjustified arrest or an unfounded criminal prosecution.
Subpoenas to testify, attachments of property, executions on property, garnishments, and other
provisional remedies are among the types of "process" considered to be capable of abuse.

Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to harass or
subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the
repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is
otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the
judicial process and may bring down sanctions on the offender.
A single action, even a frivolous one, is not enough to raise a litigant to the level of being
declared vexatious. Roy L. Pearson, Jr., an Administrative Law Judge in the District of Columbia,
who sued a dry-cleaner for $54 million for allegedly losing a pair of his trousers, is sometimes
claimed to be a vexatious litigant; however, he does not have a history of frivolous action like
the parties normally considered vexatious.[citation needed ]

In criminal law, fraud is the crime or offense of deliberately deceiving another in order to
damage them usually, to obtain property or services unjustly. [1] Fraud can be accomplished
through the aid of forged objects. In the criminal law of common law jurisdictions it may be
called "theft by deception," "larceny by trick," "larceny by fraud and deception" or something
Fraud can be committed through many methods, including mail, wire, phone, and the internet
(computer crime and internet fraud).
Fraud, in addition to being a criminal act, is also a type of civil law violation known as a tort. A
tort is a civil wrong for which the law provides a remedy. A civil fraud typically involves the act
of intentionally making a false representation of a material fact, with the intent to deceive, which
is reasonably relied upon by another person to that person's detriment. A "false representation"
can take many forms, such as:
A false statement of fact, known to be false at the time it was made;

A statement of fact with no reasonable basis to make that statement;

A promise of future performance made with an intent, at the time the promise was made, not
to perform as promised;
A statement of opinion based on a false statement of fact;
A statement of opinion that the maker knows to be false; or
An expression of opinion that is false, made by one claiming or implying to have special
knowledge of the subject matter of the opinion. "Special knowledge" in this case means
knowledge or information superior to that possessed by the other party, and to which the other
party did not have equal access.

In law, defamation (also called vilification, slander, and libel) is the communication of a
statement that makes a false claim, expressively stated or implied to be factual, that may harm
the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation. Slander refers
to spoken comments, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written
words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various
kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public
disclosure of private facts arises where one person reveals information which is not of public
concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander,
truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[2]

False light laws are "intended primarily to protect the plaintiff's mental or emotional well-
being."[3] If a publication of information is false, then a tort of defamation might have occurred.
If that communication is not technically false but is still misleading then a tort of false light
might have occurred.[3]

Slander and libel

The common law origins of defamation lie in the torts of slander (harmful statement in a
transitory form, especially speech) and libel[4][5] (harmful statement in a fixed medium,
especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a
common law right of action.
"Defamation" is the general term used internationally, and is used in this article where it is not
necessary to distinguish between "slander" and "libel". Libel and slander both require
publication.[6] The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in
which the defamatory matter is published. If the offending material is published in some fleeting
form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander.
If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, film, compact disc (CD),
DVD, blogging and the like, then it is considered libel.

Criminal defamation
Many nations have criminal penalties for defamation in some situations, and different conditions
for determining whether an offense has occurred. ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free

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Expression, has published global maps [2] charting the existence of criminal defamation law
across the globe. The law is used predominantly to defend political leaders or functionaries of
the state. In Britain, the Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta was convicted of criminal libel for
denouncing the Italian state agent Ennio Belelli in 1912. While, in Canada, though the law has
been applied on only six occasions in the past century, all of those cases involve libellants
attached to the state (police officers, judges, prison guards). In the most recent case, Bradley
Waugh and Ravin Gill were charged with criminal libel for publicly accusing six prison guards of
the racially motivated murder of a black inmate ( In
Zimbabwe, "insulting the President" is, by statute, (Public Order and Security Act 2001) a
criminal offense.

Even if a statement is derogatory, there are circumstances in which such statements are
permissible in law.

In many legal systems, adverse public statements about legal citizens presented as fact must be
proven false to be defamatory or slanderous/libel. Proving adverse, public character statements
to be true is often the best defense against a prosecution for libel and/or defamation.
Statements of opinion that cannot be proven true or false will likely need to apply some other
kind of defense. The use of the defense of justification has dangers, however; if the defendant
libels the plaintiff and then runs the defense of truth and fails, he may be said to have
aggravated the harm.
Another important aspect of defamation is the difference between fact and opinion. Statements
made as "facts" are frequently actionable defamation. Statements of opinion or pure opinion are
not actionable. In order to win damages in a libel case, the plaintiff must first show that the
statements were "statements of fact or mixed statements of opinion and fact" and second that
these statements were false. Conversely, a typical defense to defamation is that the statements
are opinion. One of the major tests to distinguish whether a statement is fact or opinion is
whether the statement can be proved true or false in a court of law. If the statement can be
proved true or false, then, on that basis, the case will be heard by a jury to determine whether it
is true or false. If the statement cannot be proved true or false, the court may dismiss the libel
case without it ever going to a jury to find facts in the case.

In some systems, however, notably the Philippines, truth alone is not a defense.[7] Some U.S.
statutes preserve historical common law exceptions to the defense of truth to libel actions.
These exceptions were for statements "tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead" or
"expose the natural defects of one who is alive." [8]

It is also necessary in these cases to show that there is a well-founded public interest in the
specific information being widely known, and this may be the case even for public figures. Public
interest is generally not "that which the public is interested in," but rather that which is in the
interest of the public.[9] [10]

See also: Substantial truth

Privilege and malice

Privilege provides a complete bar and answer to a defamation suit, though conditions may have
to be met before this protection is granted.
There are two types of privilege in the common law tradition:
"Absolute privilege" has the effect that a statement cannot be sued on as defamatory, even if it
were made maliciously; a typical example is evidence given in court (although this may give rise
to different claims, such as an action for malicious prosecution or perjury) or statements made
in a session of the legislature (known as 'Parliamentary privilege' in Commonwealth countries).

"Qualified privilege" may be available to the journalist as a defense in circumstances where it is

considered important that the facts be known in the public interest; an example would be public
meetings, local government documents, and information relating to public bodies such as the
police and fire departments. Qualified privilege has the same effect as absolute privilege, but
does not protect statements that can be proven to have been made with malicious intent.

Other defenses
Defenses to claims of defamation include:
Truth is an absolute defense in the United States as well as in the common law jurisdictions of
Canada. In some other countries it is also necessary to show a benefit to the public good in
having the information brought to light.

Statements made in a good faith and reasonable belief that they were true are generally
treated the same as true statements; however, the court may inquire into the reasonableness of
the belief. The degree of care expected will vary with the nature of the defendant: an ordinary
person might safely rely on a single newspaper report, while the newspaper would be expected
to carefully check multiple sources.

Privilege is a defense when witness testimony, attorneys' arguments, and judges' decisions,
rulings, and statements made in court, or statements by legislators on the floor of the
legislature, or statements made by a person to their spouse, are the cause for the claim. These
statements are said to be privileged and cannot be cause for a defamation claim.

Opinion is a defense recognized in nearly every jurisdiction. If the allegedly defamatory

assertion is an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact, defamation claims usually
cannot be brought because opinions are inherently not falsifiable. However, some jurisdictions
decline to recognize any legal distinction between fact and opinion. The United States Supreme
Court, in particular, has ruled that the First Amendment does not require recognition of an
opinion privilege.

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Fair comment on a matter of public interest, statements made with an honest belief in their
truth on a matter of public interest (official acts) are defenses to a defamation claim, even if
such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an
opinion, the statement is protected.

Consent is an uncommon defense and makes the claim that the claimant consented to the
dissemination of the statement.
Innocent dissemination is a defense available when a defendant had no actual knowledge of
the defamatory statement or no reason to believe the statement was defamatory. The defense
can be defeated if the lack of knowledge was due to negligence. Thus, a delivery service cannot
be held liable for delivering a sealed defamatory letter.

Claimant is incapable of further defamatione.g., the claimant's position in the community is so

poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said
to be "libel-proof," since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel
In addition to the above, the defendant may claim that the allegedly defamatory statement is
not actually capable of being defamatoryan insulting statement that does not actually harm
someone's reputation is prima facie not libelous.

Special rules apply in the case of statements made in the press concerning public figures. A
series of court rulings led by New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) established
that for a public official (or other legitimate public figure) to win a libel case, the statement must
have been published knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard to its truth, (also known as
actual malice).

Under United States law, libel generally requires five key elements. The plaintiff must prove that
the information was published, the plaintiff was directly or indirectly identified, the remarks were
defamatory towards the plaintiff's reputation, the published information is false, and that the
defendant is at fault.

The Associated Press estimates that 95% of libel cases involving news stories do not arise from
high-profile news stories, but "run of the mill" local stories like news coverage of local criminal
investigations or trials, or business profiles. Media liability insurance is available to newspapers
to cover potential damage awards from libel lawsuits.

Defamation and freedom of speech

Defamation laws may come into tension with freedom of speech, leading to censorship or chilling
effects where publishers fear lawsuits, or loss of reputation where individuals have no effective
protection against reckless or unfounded allegations. Article 10 of the European Convention on
Human Rights permits restrictions on freedom of speech which are necessary for the protection
of the reputation or the rights of others[11].
Jurisdictions resolve this tension in different ways, in particular in determining where the burden
of proof lies when unfounded allegations are made. The power of the internet to disseminate
comment, which may include malicious comment, has brought a new focus to the issue. [12]
There is a broader consensus against laws which criminalize defamation. Human rights
organizations, and other organizations such as the Council of Europe and Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe, have campaigned against strict defamation laws which
criminalize defamation.[13][14] The European Court of Human Rights has placed restrictions on
criminal libel laws because of the freedom of expression provisions of the European Convention
on Human Rights. One notable case was Lingens v. Austria (1986).

United States
Main article: United States defamation law
The origins of US defamation law pre-date the American Revolution; one famous 1734 case
involving John Peter Zenger established some precedent that the truth should be an absolute
defense against libel charges. (Previous English defamation law had not provided this
guarantee.) Though the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect
freedom of the press, for most of the history of the United States, the Supreme Court neglected
to use it to rule on libel cases. This left libel laws, based upon the traditional common law of
defamation inherited from the English legal system, mixed across the states. The 1964 case New
York Times Co. v. Sullivan, however, dramatically changed the nature of libel law in the United
States by establishing that public officials could win a suit for libel only if they could demonstrate
publishers' "knowledge that the information was false" or that it was published "with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not". Later Supreme Court cases dismissed the claim for
libel and forbade libel claims for statements that are so ridiculous to be clearly not true, or are
involving opinionated subjects such as one's physical state of being. Recent cases have
addressed defamation law and the internet.

Defamation law in the United States is much less plaintiff-friendly than its counterparts in
European and the Commonwealth countries, due to the enforcement of the First Amendment. In
the United States, a comprehensive discussion of what is and is not libel or slander is difficult,
because the definition differs between different states, and under federal law. Some states
codify what constitutes slander and libel together into the same set of laws. Criminal libel is rare
or nonexistent, depending on the state. Defenses to libel that can result in dismissal before trial
include the statement being one of opinion rather than fact or being "fair comment and
criticism". Truth is always a defense.

Most states recognize that some categories of statements are considered to be defamatory per
se, such that people making a defamation claim for these statements do not need to prove that
the statement was defamatory.

An action for damages brought by one against whom a civil suit or criminal proceeding has been

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unsuccessfully commenced without probable cause and for a purpose other than that of bringing
the alleged offender to justice.

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not
limited to criminal prosecutions, but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious
litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a
baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an
active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. The defendant in the initial case
becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the
original case becomes the defendant. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after
the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is atort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover
money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to
win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to
defend against the baseless and vexatious case.

The public policy that supports the action for malicious prosecution is the discouragement of
vexatious litigation. This policy must compete against one that favors the freedom of law
enforcement officers, judicial officers, and private citizens to participate and assist in the
administration of justice.

In most jurisdictions an action for malicious prosecution is governed by the common law. This
means that the authority to bring the action lies in case law from the courts, not statutes from
the legislature. Most legislatures maintain some statutes that give certain persons immunity
from malicious prosecution for certain acts. In Colorado, for example, a merchant, a merchant's
employee, or a police officer, who reasonably suspects that a theft has occurred, may detain and
question the suspect without fear of liability for slander, false arrest, false imprisonment,
unlawful detention, or malicious prosecution (Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-4-407 [West 1996]).

An action for malicious prosecution is distinct from an action for false arrest or false
imprisonment. If a person is arrested by a police officer who lacks legal authority for the arrest,
the proper remedy is an action for false arrest. If a person is confined against her or his will, the
proper remedy is an action for false imprisonment. An action for malicious prosecution is
appropriate only where the judicial system has been misused.

Elements of Proof
To win a suit for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove four elements: (1) that the
original case was terminated in favor of the plaintiff, (2) that the defendant played an active role
in the original case, (3) that the defendant did not have probable cause or reasonable grounds
to support the original case, and (4) that the defendant initiated or continued the initial case
with an improper purpose. Each of these elements presents a challenge to the plaintiff.

The Original Case Was Terminated in Favor of the Plaintiff

The original case must end before the defendant or respondent in that case may file a malicious
prosecution suit. This requirement is relatively easy to prove. The original case qualifies as a
prosecution if the defendant or respondent had to appear in court. The original case need not
have gone to trial: it is enough that the defendant or respondent was forced to answer to a
complaint in court. If the original case is being appealed, it is not considered terminated, and the
defendant or respondent must wait to file a malicious prosecution suit.

To proceed with a malicious prosecution claim, the plaintiff must show that the original case was
concluded in her or his favor. Generally, if the original case was a criminal prosecution, it must
have been dismissed by the court, rejected by the grand jury, abandoned by the prosecutor, or
decided in favor of the accused at trial or on appeal. If the original case was a civil suit, the
respondent must have won at trial, or the trial court must have disposed of the case in favor of
the respondent (now the plaintiff).
If recovery by the plaintiff in a civil action was later reversed on appeal, this does not mean that
the action was terminated in favor of the respondent. However, if the plaintiff in the original
case won by submitting fabricated evidence or by other fraudulent activity, a reversal on such
grounds may be deemed a termination in favor of the respondent. A settlement between the
plaintiff and the respondent in a civil suit is not a termination in favor of the respondent.
Likewise, courts do not consider a plea bargain in a criminal case to be a termination in favor of
the defendant.

The Defendant Played an Active Role in the Original Case

In a malicious prosecution suit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant played an active role
in procuring or continuing the original case. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant did more
than simply participate in the original case. False testimony alone, for example, does not
constitute malicious prosecution. Moreover, witnesses are immune from suit for defamation,
even if they lie on the witness stand. This is because the concept of a fair and free trial requires
that witnesses testify without fear of having to defend a defamation suit owing to their

An action for malicious prosecution focuses on the abuse of legal process, not on defamatory,
untruthful statements. If a person helps another person launch a baseless case or takes action
to direct or aid such a case, the first person may be held liable for malicious prosecution. The
defendant must have been responsible in some way for the institution or continuation of the
baseless case. This position of responsibility does not always include criminal prosecutors and
civil plaintiffs. For example, if a prosecutor bringing criminal charges is tricked into prosecuting
the case by an untruthful third party, the deceiving party is the one who may be found liable for
malicious prosecution, not the prosecutor.

The Defendant Did Not Have Probable Cause to Support the Original Case

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The plaintiff must prove that the person who began or continued the original case did not have
probable cause to do so. Generally, this means proving that the person did not have a
reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability. In examining this element, a court will look at
several factors, including the reliability of any sources, the availability of information, the effort
required to obtain information, opportunities given to the accused to offer an explanation, the
accused's reputation, and the necessity in the original case for speedy judicial action.

A failure to fully investigate the facts surrounding a case may be sufficient to prove a lack of
probable cause. The termination of the original case in favor of the original defendant (now the
plaintiff) may help to prove a lack of probable cause, but it may not be decisive on the issue.
The plaintiff should present enough facts to allow a reasonable person to infer that the
defendant acted without a reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability in beginning or
continuing the original case.

In a criminal case, an acquittal does not constitute a lack of probable cause. A criminal
defendant stands a better chance of proving lack of probable cause if the original case was
dismissed by prosecutors, a grand jury, or the court before the case went to trial. The criminal
process provides several safeguards against prosecutions that lack probable cause, so a full
criminal trial tends to show the presence of probable cause. Civil cases do not have the same
safeguards, so a full civil trial does not tend to prove probable cause.

The Defendant Initiated or Continued the Original Case with an Improper Purpose
In a malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove with specific facts that the defendant
instituted or continued the original proceeding with an improper purpose. Sheer ill will
constitutes an improper purpose, and it may be proved with facts that show that the defendant
resented the plaintiff or wanted somehow to harm the plaintiff. However, the plaintiff does not
have to prove that the defendant felt personal malice or hostility toward the plaintiff. Rather, the
plaintiff need only show that the defendant was motivated by something other than the purpose
of bringing the plaintiff to justice.

Few defendants admit to improper purposes, so improper purpose usually must be inferred from
facts and circumstances. If the plaintiff cannot discover any apparent purpose, improper purpose
can be inferred from the lack of probable cause.
Hodges v. Gibson Products Co.

Hodges v. Gibson Products Co., 811 P.2d 151 (Utah 1991), contained all the elements of a
malicious prosecution. According to Chad Crosgrove, the manager of Gibson Discount Center in
West Valley, Utah, store money was noticed missing during the afternoon of September 4, 1981.
Both Crosgrove and part-time bookkeeper Shauna Hodges had access to the money, and both
denied taking it. On September 9 Crosgrove and Gibson officials went to the local police station,
where they lodged an accusation of theft against Hodges. Crosgrove was not accused. Hodges
was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail. After a preliminary hearing, she was released on bail
and ordered to return for trial on May 12, 1982.
After Hodges was formally charged, an internal audit at Gibson revealed that Crosgrove had
embezzled approximately $9,000 in cash and goods from the store. The thefts had occurred over
a time period that included September 4, 1981. Gibson still did not charge Crosgrove with theft.
Instead, it allowed him to resign with a promise to repay the money.

The night before Hodges's trial was to begin, and almost two months after Crosgrove's
embezzlement was discovered, management at Gibson notified Hodges's prosecutor of
Crosgrove's activities. The prosecutor immediately dropped the charges against Hodges. Hodges
then filed a suit for malicious prosecution against Gibson and against Crosgrove.

At trial Hodges was able to prove all the elements of malicious prosecution to the jury's
satisfaction: (1) She had been subjected to prosecution for theft, and the matter had been
terminated in her favor. (2) She had sued the correct parties, because Gibson and Crosgrove
were responsible for instituting the original proceedings against her. (3) She had ample evidence
that the original prosecution was instituted without probable cause, because Gibson failed to
investigate Crosgrove until after she had been arrested, and because the prosecutor dismissed
the charges against her. (4) Finally, there were enough facts for the jury to infer that both
Gibson and Crosgrove had acted with improper motive: Gibson had acted with an apparent bias
against Hodges, and Crosgrove apparently had accused Hodges for self-preservation. The jury
awarded Hodges a total of $88,000 in damages: $77,000 from Gibson, and $11,000 from
Crosgrove. The verdict was upheld on appeal.

The plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution can recover money from the defendant for
certain harms suffered. Typical injuries include loss of reputation and credit, humiliation, and
mental suffering. If the original action was a criminal case, additional harms often include
discomfort, injury to health, loss of time, and deprivation of society with family.

If the plaintiff suffered an economic loss directly related to the original action, the plaintiff can
also recover the amount lost. This includes attorneys' fees and court costs incurred by the
plaintiff in defending the original case.

Finally, the plaintiff may recover punitive damages. Punitive damages are imposed by judges
and juries to punish misconduct by a party. Because an action for malicious prosecution requires
proof of improper intent on the part of the defendant, punitive damages commonly are awarded
to malicious prosecution plaintiffs who win damages awards.

Other Considerations
Actions for malicious prosecution must compete against the public interest in allowing parties to
pursue cases unfettered by the specter of a retaliatory case. Very few civil or criminal cases
result in an action for malicious prosecution. This is because it is difficult to prove that the

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defendant procured or continued the original case without probable cause and with an improper
Another difficulty for the plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution is immunity. Generally,
the law protects witnesses, police officers, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers from suit for
malicious prosecution. Witnesses are given immunity because justice requires that they testify
without fear of reprisals. Law enforcement and judicial officers are given immunity because they
must be free to perform their duties without continually defending against malicious prosecution

There are exceptions. If a law enforcement or judicial official ventures outside the bounds of
official duties to instigate or continue a malicious prosecution, the official may be vulnerable to a
malicious prosecution suit. For example, a prosecutor who solicits fabricated testimony to
present to a grand jury may be sued for malicious prosecution. The prosecutor would receive
only limited immunity in this instance because the solicitation of evidence is an administrative
function, not a prosecutorial function (Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 509 U.S. 259, 113 S. Ct. 2606,
125 L. Ed. 2d 209 [1993]).
Private parties may also at times enjoy immunity from actions for malicious prosecution. For
example, a person who complains to a disciplinary committee about an attorney may be
immune. This general rule is followed by courts to avoid discouraging the reporting of complaints
against attorneys

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603




39 West Chestnut Street

Lancaster, PA 17603



City of Lancaster
120 N. Duke Street
P.O. Box 1599
Lancaster, PA 17608-1599

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)| |Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD|
|Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07| |Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints| |UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group|
|Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder| |International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture| |1992 CCHR Complaint|
|Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article| |1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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v. PENNDOT 08-02981 Page 1 of 10



Case No. 08-cv-02981




ORDER of October 10, 2008 by U.S. District Court Judge Mary A. McLaughlin - (Case
will be re-filed upon resolving problems of obstruction of justice and due process
(computer hacking, thefts, harassments, etc.,)

"AND NOW, this 10th day of October, 2008, upon consideration of plaintiffs
Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice (Doc. No. 6) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:
(1) Plaintiffs Motion for Withdraw Without Prejudice is GRANTED; and
(2) This case shall remain CLOSED statistically."



AND NOW comes Plaintiff, Stanley J. Caterbone, as pro se, and respectfully avers as follows:
Petitioner, Stanley J. Caterbone, resides at 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA, 17603, is a
United States Citizen and Advanced Media Group is a fictitious name registered in Pennsylvania
with its principal place of business in Pennsylvania.. Petitioners Pennsylvania Operator's Number
is 18195782. Petitioner files a CIVIL COMPLAINT against the DEFENDANTS named in the above
caption on this 6th day of June 2008 in the Untied States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. This complaint is filed under duress.

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


Plaintiff, Stanley J. Caterbone (CATERBONE) files this complaint after countless hours and
communications to the parties to resolve the issue of his Pennsylvania Drivers License status
and privileges and to restore his correct record. Stanley J. Caterbone was detained by two law
enforcement agencies since April 10, 2008 and cited once by the Pennsylvania State Police for
Driving while under Suspension for a DUI related offense. The other detention was on May 28th,
2008 by the East Lampeter Police Department.

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1. On April 10th, 2008 the PLAINTIFF (CATERBONE) received two (2) Notices from the
Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation Bureau Of Driver Licensing
(PENNDOT) via 1st class U.S.P.S. mail. The fist Notice was an ACCEPTANCE into the Accelerative
Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program in CLEARFLIED CTY, Pennsylvania. PENNDOT stated
that CATERBONE violated A3802A2 of the Vehicle Code or Driving Under the Influence with a
BAC count of greater than .08 but less than 1.0 on August 24, 2007. The Notice also stated that
CATERBONEs Pennsylvania Drivers Privilege was suspended for a period of five (5) years as
mandated by law; because of the violation being CATERBONEs third major offense within one
(1) year. The NOTICE also demanded that CATERBONE was required to return his Pennsylvania
Drivers License no later than April 14, 2008. See Exhibit A.

2. On the same day, CATERBONE received another NOTICE from PENNDOT stating that The
Court has informed PennDOT that you (CATERBONE) have been accepted into the Accelerative
Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program for violating A3802A2 of the Vehicle Code on August
24, 2008. Since this the only driving under the influence offense on your Pennsylvania driver
record during the past ten years, no suspension is being imposed at this time. See Exhibit B.

3. CATERBONE was never driving in CLEARFIELD COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA on August 24, 2007 or
on any other day, and in fact was not driving under his Pennsylvania Drivers License at all
during that time period, and was never in CLEARFIELD COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA.

4. CATERBONE, on the same day, April 10th, 2008 then went and delivered a copy to Mr. Craig
Steadman, Lancaster County District Attorney at his office at the Lancaster County Courthouse.
The copy is attached as EXHIBIT A and B.

5. CATERBONE, on the same day, April 10th, 2008 then went to see Ms. Erica C. Weitzel
(WEITZEL) (then Probation Officer of Record for Case No. 3179-06) of the Adult Probation
Officer, Office Of Standard Probation Adult Probation & Parole Service Court Of Common Pleas Of
Lancaster County. WEITZEL tried to first convince CATERBONE that his last Probation Meeting
was scheduled for the day before, April 9, 2008 and that he had missed it, which she was not
able to do, then refused to listen to CATERBONEs problem and tried to refuse to take a copy of
the PENNDOT letters. As Exhibit A&B.

6. CATERBONE on the same day of April 10, 2008, then searched the CLEARFIELD COUNTY
Criminal Records and found no criminal violations for a Stanley J. Caterbone on any Court
Records. There were no DUI charges or Court cases in the Commonwealth Court of Common
Pleas pertaining to a Defendant with the name of CATERBONE. See Exhibit C.

7. CATERBONE then, on the same day of April 10, 2008, emailed Ms. Beverly J. Points (POINTS),
Administrative Counsel-In-Charge of the Vehicle And Traffic Law Division of the Pennsylvania
Department Of Transportation Office Of Chief Counsel alerting her with the problem and
requesting that she correct the record. CATERBONE and POINTS are litigating Case No. CI-
11822 in the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, and have had a previous meeting in
her office in Harrisburg regarding other misstatements of violations on CATERBONEs
Pennsylvania Drivers License. The agenda of the meeting, as detailed in communications, was to
review CATERBONEs entire drivers license. See Exhibit D.

8. On April 11th 2008, CATERBONE had a discussion with Bruce Campbell of the Office Of
Standard Probation Adult Probation & Parole Service, Court Of Common Pleas Of Lancaster
County and Program Director of the ARD Program of the Impaired Driving Program for the
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Campbell told CATERBONE that there was nothing
that he could do, that he had a problem and would have to appeal the suspension. See Exhibit

9. On April 11th 2008, CATERBONE received an email from POINTS that stated: Mr. Caterbone
your driving record reflects the information you indicated regarding the DUI/ARD and
revocation. If you wish to challenge the revocation, you will need to file an appeal with the court
as directed in the notice. Alternatively, you may wish to follow up with the clerk of courts in
Clearfield County to see if the matter can be resolved with that office if you are not the proper
individual. As Exhibit E.

10. On April 16, 2008 WEITZEL tried to persuade CATERBONE to sign a Terms and Conditions
document for 3 months of UNSUPERVISED PROBATION for Case No. 159-2006, which
CATERBONE had already completed the sentence on March 5, 2007. See Exhibit F.

11. On August 31, 2006 the Millersville Police Borough illegally revoked CATERBONES
Pennsylvania Drivers License due to a Fraudulent Notice and Malicious Computer Database by
PENNDOT that had CATERBONES Drivers License listed as SUSPENDED.

12. PENNDOT illegally and fraudulently kept CATERBONES drivers license until March of 2007 (7
Months), without a valid or authorized SUSPENSION.

13. During that time CATERBONE had two (2) Driving Under Suspension charges DISMISSED at
the District Magistrate Level by MDJ Stoltzfus and MDJ Spounagle because the charges that were
listed under the SUSPENSION were legally under appeal.

14. Pennsylvania House Representative Mike Sturlas Office had to intervene in March to regain
the Pennsylvania Drivers License and Privileges for CATERBONE.

15. On May 20, 2008 CATERBONE was illegally pulled over and detained by Pennsylvania State
Trooper Andrew Manning of Troop J at a Turkey Hill Market on Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster,
PA. Trooper Manning and another Unidentified Pennsylvania State Trooper confiscated
CATERBONEs Pennsylvania Drivers License and a draft copy of civil complaint case no. CI-08-
08635. CATERBONE personally showed Trooper Manning that the correspondence clearly states

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the following: The Court has informed PennDOT that you (CATERBONE) have been accepted
into the Accelerative Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program for violating A3802A2 of the
Vehicle Code on August 24, 2008. Since this the only driving under the influence offense on your
Pennsylvania driver record during the past ten years, no suspension is being imposed at this

16. Trooper Andrew Manning and the other Pennsylvania State Trooper returned the
Pennsylvania Drivers License to CATERBONE and told him he was free to go.

17. On May 27, 2008 CATERBONE received Citation No. Q0256446-1 in the mails from MDJ
Commins, of 15, Geist Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, East Lampeter Township, with a charge of
75 1543 B1 Driving with a Revoked Drivers License pursuant to Sec 3731/1574 B1 DUI

18. Trooper Andrew Manning failed to revoke CATERBONEs Drivers License at the time of the
detention, or notify CATERBONE that his Pennsylvania Drivers License was legally suspended.

19. On May 28, 2008 CATERBONE paid $50.00 in cash to the office of MDJ Commins for
collateral and pleaded not guilty.

20. On May 28, 2008 while at the Office of MDJ Commins an East Lampeter Township Police
Officer again tried to cite CATERBONE with 75 1543 B1 Driving with a Revoked Drivers
License pursuant to Sec 3731/1574 B1 DUI Related. CATERBONE showed the East Lampeter
Police Officer the correspondence from PENNDOT that states the following: The Court has
informed PennDOT that you (CATERBONE) have been accepted into the Accelerative
Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program for violating A3802A2 of the Vehicle Code on August
24, 2008. Since this the only driving under the influence offense on your Pennsylvania driver
record during the past ten years, no suspension is being imposed at this time.

21. The East Lampeter Police Officer did not cite CATERBONE for any violations and concurred
that he could not do so, and if he did, he would have to physically revoke the Pennsylvania
Drivers License, unlike Trooper Andrew Manning of the Pennsylvania State Police.

22. On May 28, 2008 CATERBONE went and applied to the Lancaster County Bail Administration
Office for a Public Defender and was granted eligibility for a public defender because if found
guilty the sentence carries a mandatory 90 days in prison and a fine of $500.00.


Fraud; Abuse of Process, Libel, Civil Conspiracy, Barratry, Malicious Prosecution, Vexatious

Fraud, Abuse of Process, Libel, Harassment, Civil Conspiracy, Vexatious litigation

Fraud, Abuse of Process, Libel, Slander, Harassment, Violation of Civil Rights, Civil Conspiracy

Loss of reputation and credit, humiliation, and mental suffering. discomfort, injury to health, loss
of time, and deprivation of society with family. Also, economic loss due to business and litigation
interruption, legal fees and punitive damages.
Plaintiff seeks jury trial and damages in excess of $100,000.

Barratry, in criminal and civil law, is the act or practice of bringing repeated legal actions solely
to harass. Usually, the actions brought lack merit. This action has been declared a crime in some
jurisdictions. For example, in the U.S. states of California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, barratry is
a misdemeanor. [1] In England and Wales the offence was abolished in 1967.

Malicious prosecution is a common law intentional tort. While similar to the tort of abuse of
process, its elements include (1) intentionally (and maliciously) instituting or pursuing (or
causing to be instituted or pursued) a legal action (civil or criminal) that is (2) brought without
probable cause and (3) dismissed in favor of the victim of the malicious prosecution. In some
jurisdictions, "malicious prosecution" is reserved for the wrongful initiation of criminal
proceedings, while "malicious use of process" refers to the wrongful initiation of civil

Criminal prosecuting attorneys, as well as judges, are normally protected, by doctrines of

prosecutorial immunity and judicial immunity, from tort liability for malicious prosecution.

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The mere filing of a complaint cannot constitute an abuse of process. The parties who have
abused or misused the process, have gone beyond the mere filing of a lawsuit. The taking of an
appeal, even a frivolous one, is not enough to constitute an abuse of process. The mere filing or
maintenance of a lawsuit, even for an improper purpose, is not a proper basis for an abuse of
process action.
Abuse of process is a common law intentional tort. It is to be distinguished from malicious
prosecution, another type of tort that involves misuse of the public right of access to the courts.

The elements of a valid cause of action for abuse of process in most common law jurisdictions
are as follows: it is the malicious and deliberate misuse or perversion of regularly issued court
process (civil or criminal) not justified by the underlying legal action. "Process" in this context is
used in the same sense as in "service of process," where "process" refers to an official summons
or other notice issued from a court. The person who abuses process is interested only in
accomplishing some improper purpose that is collateral to the proper object of the process and
that offends justice, such as an unjustified arrest or an unfounded criminal prosecution.
Subpoenas to testify, attachments of property, executions on property, garnishments, and other
provisional remedies are among the types of "process" considered to be capable of abuse.

Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought, regardless of its merits, solely to harass
or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit or may be the
repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is
otherwise a meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the
judicial process and may bring down sanctions on the offender.
A single action, even a frivolous one, is not enough to raise a litigant to the level of being
declared vexatious. Roy L. Pearson, Jr., an Administrative Law Judge in the District of Columbia,
who sued a dry-cleaner for $54 million for allegedly losing a pair of his trousers, is sometimes
claimed to be a vexatious litigant; however, he does not have a history of frivolous action like
the parties normally considered vexatious.[citation needed

In criminal law, fraud is the crime or offense of deliberately deceiving another in order to
damage them usually, to obtain property or services unjustly. [1] Fraud can be accomplished
through the aid of forged objects. In the criminal law of common law jurisdictions it may be
called "theft by deception," "larceny by trick," "larceny by fraud and deception" or something

Fraud can be committed through many methods, including mail, wire, phone, and the internet
(computer crime and internet fraud).

Fraud, in addition to being a criminal act, is also a type of civil law violation known as a tort. A
tort is a civil wrong for which the law provides a remedy. A civil fraud typically involves the act
of intentionally making a false representation of a material fact, with the intent to deceive, which
is reasonably relied upon by another person to that person's detriment. A "false representation"
can take many forms, such as:

A false statement of fact, known to be false at the time it was made;

A statement of fact with no reasonable basis to make that statement;
A promise of future performance made with an intent, at the time the promise was made, not
to perform as promised;
A statement of opinion based on a false statement of fact;
A statement of opinion that the maker knows to be false; or

An expression of opinion that is false, made by one claiming or implying to have special
knowledge of the subject matter of the opinion. "Special knowledge" in this case means
knowledge or information superior to that possessed by the other party, and to which the other
party did not have equal access.

In law, defamation (also called vilification, slander, and libel) is the communication of a
statement that makes a false claim, expressively stated or implied to be factual, that may harm
the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation. Slander refers
to spoken comments, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written
words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various
kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public
disclosure of private facts arises where one person reveals information which is not of public
concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander,
truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[2]

False light laws are "intended primarily to protect the plaintiff's mental or emotional well-
being."[3] If a publication of information is false, then a tort of defamation might have occurred.
If that communication is not technically false but is still misleading then a tort of false light
might have occurred.[3]

Slander and libel

The common law origins of defamation lie in the torts of slander (harmful statement in a
transitory form, especially speech) and libel[4][5] (harmful statement in a fixed medium,
especially writing but also a picture, sign, or electronic broadcast), each of which gives a
common law right of action.
"Defamation" is the general term used internationally, and is used in this article where it is not
necessary to distinguish between "slander" and "libel". Libel and slander both require
publication.[6] The fundamental distinction between libel and slander lies solely in the form in
which the defamatory matter is published. If the offending material is published in some fleeting
form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander.
If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, film, compact disc (CD),
DVD, blogging and the like, then it is considered libel.

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Criminal defamation
Many nations have criminal penalties for defamation in some situations, and different conditions
for determining whether an offense has occurred. ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free
Expression, has published global maps [2] charting the existence of criminal defamation law
across the globe. The law is used predominantly to defend political leaders or functionaries of
the state. In Britain, the Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta was convicted of criminal libel for
denouncing the Italian state agent Ennio Belelli in 1912. While, in Canada, though the law has
been applied on only six occasions in the past century, all of those cases involve libellants
attached to the state (police officers, judges, prison guards). In the most recent case, Bradley
Waugh and Ravin Gill were charged with criminal libel for publicly accusing six prison guards of
the racially motivated murder of a black inmate ( In
Zimbabwe, "insulting the President" is, by statute, (Public Order and Security Act 2001) a
criminal offense.

Even if a statement is derogatory, there are circumstances in which such statements are
permissible in law.

In many legal systems, adverse public statements about legal citizens presented as fact must be
proven false to be defamatory or slanderous/libel. Proving adverse, public character statements
to be true is often the best defense against a prosecution for libel and/or defamation.
Statements of opinion that cannot be proven true or false will likely need to apply some other
kind of defense. The use of the defense of justification has dangers, however; if the defendant
libels the plaintiff and then runs the defense of truth and fails, he may be said to have
aggravated the harm.
Another important aspect of defamation is the difference between fact and opinion. Statements
made as "facts" are frequently actionable defamation. Statements of opinion or pure opinion are
not actionable. In order to win damages in a libel case, the plaintiff must first show that the
statements were "statements of fact or mixed statements of opinion and fact" and second that
these statements were false. Conversely, a typical defense to defamation is that the statements
are opinion. One of the major tests to distinguish whether a statement is fact or opinion is
whether the statement can be proved true or false in a court of law. If the statement can be
proved true or false, then, on that basis, the case will be heard by a jury to determine whether it
is true or false. If the statement cannot be proved true or false, the court may dismiss the libel
case without it ever going to a jury to find facts in the case.
In some systems, however, notably the Philippines, truth alone is not a defense.[7] Some U.S.
statutes preserve historical common law exceptions to the defense of truth to libel actions.
These exceptions were for statements "tending to blacken the memory of one who is dead" or
"expose the natural defects of one who is alive." [8]
It is also necessary in these cases to show that there is a well-founded public interest in the
specific information being widely known, and this may be the case even for public figures. Public
interest is generally not "that which the public is interested in," but rather that which is in the
interest of the public.[9] [10]

Privilege and malice

Privilege provides a complete bar and answer to a defamation suit, though conditions may have
to be met before this protection is granted.
There are two types of privilege in the common law tradition:

"Absolute privilege" has the effect that a statement cannot be sued on as defamatory, even if it
were made maliciously; a typical example is evidence given in court (although this may give rise
to different claims, such as an action for malicious prosecution or perjury) or statements made
in a session of the legislature (known as 'Parliamentary privilege' in Commonwealth countries).

"Qualified privilege" may be available to the journalist as a defense in circumstances where it is

considered important that the facts be known in the public interest; an example would be public
meetings, local government documents, and information relating to public bodies such as the
police and fire departments. Qualified privilege has the same effect as absolute privilege, but
does not protect statements that can be proven to have been made with malicious intent.

Other defenses
Defenses to claims of defamation include:

Truth is an absolute defense in the United States as well as in the common law jurisdictions of
Canada. In some other countries it is also necessary to show a benefit to the public good in
having the information brought to light.

Statements made in a good faith and reasonable belief that they were true are generally
treated the same as true statements; however, the court may inquire into the reasonableness of
the belief. The degree of care expected will vary with the nature of the defendant: an ordinary
person might safely rely on a single newspaper report, while the newspaper would be expected
to carefully check multiple sources.
Privilege is a defense when witness testimony, attorneys' arguments, and judges' decisions,
rulings, and statements made in court, or statements by legislators on the floor of the
legislature, or statements made by a person to their spouse, are the cause for the claim. These
statements are said to be privileged and cannot be cause for a defamation claim.

Opinion is a defense recognized in nearly every jurisdiction. If the allegedly defamatory

assertion is an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact, defamation claims usually
cannot be brought because opinions are inherently not falsifiable. However, some jurisdictions
decline to recognize any legal distinction between fact and opinion. The United States Supreme
Court, in particular, has ruled that the First Amendment does not require recognition of an
opinion privilege.

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Fair comment on a matter of public interest, statements made with an honest belief in their
truth on a matter of public interest (official acts) are defenses to a defamation claim, even if
such arguments are logically unsound; if a reasonable person could honestly entertain such an
opinion, the statement is protected.

Consent is an uncommon defense and makes the claim that the claimant consented to the
dissemination of the statement.

Innocent dissemination is a defense available when a defendant had no actual knowledge of

the defamatory statement or no reason to believe the statement was defamatory. The defense
can be defeated if the lack of knowledge was due to negligence. Thus, a delivery service cannot
be held liable for delivering a sealed defamatory letter.

Claimant is incapable of further defamatione.g., the claimant's position in the community is so

poor that defamation could not do further damage to the plaintiff. Such a claimant could be said
to be "libel-proof," since in most jurisdictions, actual damage is an essential element for a libel
In addition to the above, the defendant may claim that the allegedly defamatory statement is
not actually capable of being defamatoryan insulting statement that does not actually harm
someone's reputation is prima facie not libelous.

Special rules apply in the case of statements made in the press concerning public figures. A
series of court rulings led by New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) established
that for a public official (or other legitimate public figure) to win a libel case, the statement must
have been published knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard to its truth, (also known as
actual malice).

Under United States law, libel generally requires five key elements. The plaintiff must prove that
the information was published, the plaintiff was directly or indirectly identified, the remarks were
defamatory towards the plaintiff's reputation, the published information is false, and that the
defendant is at fault.

The Associated Press estimates that 95% of libel cases involving news stories do not arise from
high-profile news stories, but "run of the mill" local stories like news coverage of local criminal
investigations or trials, or business profiles. Media liability insurance is available to newspapers
to cover potential damage awards from libel lawsuits.

Defamation and freedom of speech

Defamation laws may come into tension with freedom of speech, leading to censorship or chilling
effects where publishers fear lawsuits, or loss of reputation where individuals have no effective
protection against reckless or unfounded allegations. Article 10 of the European Convention on
Human Rights permits restrictions on freedom of speech which are necessary for the protection
of the reputation or the rights of others[11].

Jurisdictions resolve this tension in different ways, in particular in determining where the burden
of proof lies when unfounded allegations are made. The power of the internet to disseminate
comment, which may include malicious comment, has brought a new focus to the issue. [12]

There is a broader consensus against laws which criminalize defamation. Human rights
organizations, and other organizations such as the Council of Europe and Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe, have campaigned against strict defamation laws which
criminalize defamation.[13][14] The European Court of Human Rights has placed restrictions on
criminal libel laws because of the freedom of expression provisions of the European Convention
on Human Rights. One notable case was Lingens v. Austria (1986).

United States
The origins of US defamation law pre-date the American Revolution; one famous 1734 case
involving John Peter Zenger established some precedent that the truth should be an absolute
defense against libel charges. (Previous English defamation law had not provided this
guarantee.) Though the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect
freedom of the press, for most of the history of the United States, the Supreme Court neglected
to use it to rule on libel cases. This left libel laws, based upon the traditional common law of
defamation inherited from the English legal system, mixed across the states. The 1964 case New
York Times Co. v. Sullivan, however, dramatically changed the nature of libel law in the United
States by establishing that public officials could win a suit for libel only if they could demonstrate
publishers' "knowledge that the information was false" or that it was published "with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not". Later Supreme Court cases dismissed the claim for
libel and forbade libel claims for statements that are so ridiculous to be clearly not true, or are
involving opinionated subjects such as one's physical state of being. Recent cases have
addressed defamation law and the internet.

Defamation law in the United States is much less plaintiff-friendly than its counterparts in
European and the Commonwealth countries, due to the enforcement of the First Amendment. In
the United States, a comprehensive discussion of what is and is not libel or slander is difficult,
because the definition differs between different states, and under federal law. Some states
codify what constitutes slander and libel together into the same set of laws. Criminal libel is rare
or nonexistent, depending on the state. Defenses to libel that can result in dismissal before trial
include the statement being one of opinion rather than fact or being "fair comment and
criticism". Truth is always a defense.

Most states recognize that some categories of statements are considered to be defamatory per
se, such that people making a defamation claim for these statements do not need to prove that
the statement was defamatory.

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An action for damages brought by one against whom a civil suit or criminal proceeding has been
unsuccessfully commenced without probable cause and for a purpose other than that of bringing
the alleged offender to justice.

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not
limited to criminal prosecutions, but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious
litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a
baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an
active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. The defendant in the initial case
becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the
original case becomes the defendant. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after
the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is atort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover
money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to
win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to
defend against the baseless and vexatious case.

The public policy that supports the action for malicious prosecution is the discouragement of
vexatious litigation. This policy must compete against one that favors the freedom of law
enforcement officers, judicial officers, and private citizens to participate and assist in the
administration of justice.

In most jurisdictions an action for malicious prosecution is governed by the common law. This
means that the authority to bring the action lies in case law from the courts, not statutes from
the legislature. Most legislatures maintain some statutes that give certain persons immunity
from malicious prosecution for certain acts. In Colorado, for example, a merchant, a merchant's
employee, or a police officer, who reasonably suspects that a theft has occurred, may detain and
question the suspect without fear of liability for slander, false arrest, false imprisonment,
unlawful detention, or malicious prosecution (Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. 18-4-407 [West 1996]).

An action for malicious prosecution is distinct from an action for false arrest or false
imprisonment. If a person is arrested by a police officer who lacks legal authority for the arrest,
the proper remedy is an action for false arrest. If a person is confined against her or his will, the
proper remedy is an action for false imprisonment. An action for malicious prosecution is
appropriate only where the judicial system has been misused.

Elements of Proof
To win a suit for malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove four elements: (1) that the
original case was terminated in favor of the plaintiff, (2) that the defendant played an active role
in the original case, (3) that the defendant did not have probable cause or reasonable grounds
to support the original case, and (4) that the defendant initiated or continued the initial case
with an improper purpose. Each of these elements presents a challenge to the plaintiff.

The Original Case Was Terminated in Favor of the Plaintiff

The original case must end before the defendant or respondent in that case may file a malicious
prosecution suit. This requirement is relatively easy to prove. The original case qualifies as a
prosecution if the defendant or respondent had to appear in court. The original case need not
have gone to trial: it is enough that the defendant or respondent was forced to answer to a
complaint in court. If the original case is being appealed, it is not considered terminated, and the
defendant or respondent must wait to file a malicious prosecution suit.

To proceed with a malicious prosecution claim, the plaintiff must show that the original case was
concluded in her or his favor. Generally, if the original case was a criminal prosecution, it must
have been dismissed by the court, rejected by the grand jury, abandoned by the prosecutor, or
decided in favor of the accused at trial or on appeal. If the original case was a civil suit, the
respondent must have won at trial, or the trial court must have disposed of the case in favor of
the respondent (now the plaintiff).

If recovery by the plaintiff in a civil action was later reversed on appeal, this does not mean that
the action was terminated in favor of the respondent. However, if the plaintiff in the original
case won by submitting fabricated evidence or by other fraudulent activity, a reversal on such
grounds may be deemed a termination in favor of the respondent. A settlement between the
plaintiff and the respondent in a civil suit is not a termination in favor of the respondent.
Likewise, courts do not consider a plea bargain in a criminal case to be a termination in favor of
the defendant.

The Defendant Played an Active Role in the Original Case

In a malicious prosecution suit, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant played an active role
in procuring or continuing the original case. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant did more
than simply participate in the original case. False testimony alone, for example, does not
constitute malicious prosecution. Moreover, witnesses are immune from suit for defamation,
even if they lie on the witness stand. This is because the concept of a fair and free trial requires
that witnesses testify without fear of having to defend a defamation suit owing to their
An action for malicious prosecution focuses on the abuse of legal process, not on defamatory,
untruthful statements. If a person helps another person launch a baseless case or takes action
to direct or aid such a case, the first person may be held liable for malicious prosecution. The
defendant must have been responsible in some way for the institution or continuation of the
baseless case. This position of responsibility does not always include criminal prosecutors and
civil plaintiffs. For example, if a prosecutor bringing criminal charges is tricked into prosecuting
the case by an untruthful third party, the deceiving party is the one who may be found liable for
malicious prosecution, not the prosecutor.

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The Defendant Did Not Have Probable Cause to Support the Original Case
The plaintiff must prove that the person who began or continued the original case did not have
probable cause to do so. Generally, this means proving that the person did not have a
reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability. In examining this element, a court will look at
several factors, including the reliability of any sources, the availability of information, the effort
required to obtain information, opportunities given to the accused to offer an explanation, the
accused's reputation, and the necessity in the original case for speedy judicial action.

A failure to fully investigate the facts surrounding a case may be sufficient to prove a lack of
probable cause. The termination of the original case in favor of the original defendant (now the
plaintiff) may help to prove a lack of probable cause, but it may not be decisive on the issue.
The plaintiff should present enough facts to allow a reasonable person to infer that the
defendant acted without a reasonable belief in the plaintiff's guilt or liability in beginning or
continuing the original case.

In a criminal case, an acquittal does not constitute a lack of probable cause. A criminal
defendant stands a better chance of proving lack of probable cause if the original case was
dismissed by prosecutors, a grand jury, or the court before the case went to trial. The criminal
process provides several safeguards against prosecutions that lack probable cause, so a full
criminal trial tends to show the presence of probable cause. Civil cases do not have the same
safeguards, so a full civil trial does not tend to prove probable cause.

The Defendant Initiated or Continued the Original Case with an Improper Purpose
In a malicious prosecution, the plaintiff must prove with specific facts that the defendant
instituted or continued the original proceeding with an improper purpose. Sheer ill will
constitutes an improper purpose, and it may be proved with facts that show that the defendant
resented the plaintiff or wanted somehow to harm the plaintiff. However, the plaintiff does not
have to prove that the defendant felt personal malice or hostility toward the plaintiff. Rather, the
plaintiff need only show that the defendant was motivated by something other than the purpose
of bringing the plaintiff to justice.

Few defendants admit to improper purposes, so improper purpose usually must be inferred from
facts and circumstances. If the plaintiff cannot discover any apparent purpose, improper purpose
can be inferred from the lack of probable cause.
Hodges v. Gibson Products Co.

Hodges v. Gibson Products Co., 811 P.2d 151 (Utah 1991), contained all the elements of a
malicious prosecution. According to Chad Crosgrove, the manager of Gibson Discount Center in
West Valley, Utah, store money was noticed missing during the afternoon of September 4, 1981.
Both Crosgrove and part-time bookkeeper Shauna Hodges had access to the money, and both
denied taking it. On September 9 Crosgrove and Gibson officials went to the local police station,
where they lodged an accusation of theft against Hodges. Crosgrove was not accused. Hodges
was arrested, handcuffed, and taken to jail. After a preliminary hearing, she was released on bail
and ordered to return for trial on May 12, 1982.
After Hodges was formally charged, an internal audit at Gibson revealed that Crosgrove had
embezzled approximately $9,000 in cash and goods from the store. The thefts had occurred over
a time period that included September 4, 1981. Gibson still did not charge Crosgrove with theft.
Instead, it allowed him to resign with a promise to repay the money.

The night before Hodges's trial was to begin, and almost two months after Crosgrove's
embezzlement was discovered, management at Gibson notified Hodges's prosecutor of
Crosgrove's activities. The prosecutor immediately dropped the charges against Hodges. Hodges
then filed a suit for malicious prosecution against Gibson and against Crosgrove.

At trial Hodges was able to prove all the elements of malicious prosecution to the jury's
satisfaction: (1) She had been subjected to prosecution for theft, and the matter had been
terminated in her favor. (2) She had sued the correct parties, because Gibson and Crosgrove
were responsible for instituting the original proceedings against her. (3) She had ample evidence
that the original prosecution was instituted without probable cause, because Gibson failed to
investigate Crosgrove until after she had been arrested, and because the prosecutor dismissed
the charges against her. (4) Finally, there were enough facts for the jury to infer that both
Gibson and Crosgrove had acted with improper motive: Gibson had acted with an apparent bias
against Hodges, and Crosgrove apparently had accused Hodges for self-preservation. The jury
awarded Hodges a total of $88,000 in damages: $77,000 from Gibson, and $11,000 from
Crosgrove. The verdict was upheld on appeal.

The plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution can recover money from the defendant for
certain harms suffered. Typical injuries include loss of reputation and credit, humiliation, and
mental suffering. If the original action was a criminal case, additional harms often include
discomfort, injury to health, loss of time, and deprivation of society with family.

If the plaintiff suffered an economic loss directly related to the original action, the plaintiff can
also recover the amount lost. This includes attorneys' fees and court costs incurred by the
plaintiff in defending the original case.

Finally, the plaintiff may recover punitive damages. Punitive damages are imposed by judges
and juries to punish misconduct by a party. Because an action for malicious prosecution requires
proof of improper intent on the part of the defendant, punitive damages commonly are awarded
to malicious prosecution plaintiffs who win damages awards.

Other Considerations
Actions for malicious prosecution must compete against the public interest in allowing parties to

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pursue cases unfettered by the specter of a retaliatory case. Very few civil or criminal cases
result in an action for malicious prosecution. This is because it is difficult to prove that the
defendant procured or continued the original case without probable cause and with an improper
Another difficulty for the plaintiff in an action for malicious prosecution is immunity. Generally,
the law protects witnesses, police officers, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers from suit for
malicious prosecution. Witnesses are given immunity because justice requires that they testify
without fear of reprisals. Law enforcement and judicial officers are given immunity because they
must be free to perform their duties without continually defending against malicious prosecution

There are exceptions. If a law enforcement or judicial official ventures outside the bounds of
official duties to instigate or continue a malicious prosecution, the official may be vulnerable to a
malicious prosecution suit. For example, a prosecutor who solicits fabricated testimony to
present to a grand jury may be sued for malicious prosecution. The prosecutor would receive
only limited immunity in this instance because the solicitation of evidence is an administrative
function, not a prosecutorial function (Buckley v. Fitzsimmons, 509 U.S. 259, 113 S. Ct. 2606,
125 L. Ed. 2d 209 [1993]).

Private parties may also at times enjoy immunity from actions for malicious prosecution. For
example, a person who complains to a disciplinary committee about an attorney may be
immune. This general rule is followed by courts to avoid discouraging the reporting of complaints
against attorneys.

Malicious prosecution is a common law intentional tort. While similar to the tort of abuse of
process, its elements include (1) intentionally (and maliciously) instituting or pursuing (or
causing to be instituted or pursued) a legal action (civil or criminal) that is (2) brought without
probable cause and (3) dismissed in favor of the victim of the malicious prosecution. In some
jurisdictions, "malicious prosecution" is reserved for the wrongful initiation of criminal
proceedings, while "malicious use of process" refers to the wrongful initiation of civil
Criminal prosecuting attorneys, as well as judges, are normally protected, by doctrines of
prosecutorial immunity and judicial immunity, from tort liability for malicious prosecution.

The mere filing of a complaint cannot constitute an abuse of process. The parties who have
abused or misused the process, have gone beyond the mere filing of a lawsuit. The taking of an
appeal, even a frivolous one, is not enough to constitute an abuse of process. The mere filing or
maintenance of a lawsuit, even for an improper purpose, is not a proper basis for an abuse of
process action.
Declining to expand the tort of malicious prosecution, a unanimous Supreme Court in Sheldon
Appel, supra, 47 Cal.3d at page 873, observed: "While the filing of frivolous lawsuits is certainly
improper and cannot in any way be condoned, in our view the better means of addressing the
problem of unjustified litigation is through the adoption of measures facilitating the speedy
resolution of the initial lawsuit and authorizing the imposition of sanctions for frivolous or
delaying conduct within that first action itself, rather than through an expansion of the
opportunities for initiating one or more additional rounds of malicious prosecution litigation after
the first action has been concluded." (Accord Lossing v. Superior Court (1989) 207 Cal.App.3d
635, 638-640[255 Cal.Rptr. 18]; see also Tellefsen v. Key System Transit Lines, supra, 198
Cal.App.2d at p. 615 [Court of Appeal has remedies for frivolous appeals]; Green v. Uccelli
(1989) 207 Cal.App.3d 1112, 1122-1123 [255 Cal.Rptr. 315]

English Rule
Sixteen states require another element of malicious prosecution. This element, commonly called
the English Rule, states that, in addition to fulfilling all other malicious prosecution elements,
one must also prove injury other than the normal downside of being sued. This rule is limited to
equitable damages, such as loss of profit, and excludes damages that cannot be measured by
the law (e.g., damage to reputation).

Date: June 6, 2008

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se

1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


Office of Chief Counsel
1101 South Front Street - 3rd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17104-2516
telephone: 717-787-2830
fax: 717-705-1122

Administrative Counsel-in-Charge
Vehicle and Traffic Law Division
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Office of Chief Counsel

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1101 South Front Street - 3rd Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17104-2516
telephone: 717-787-2830
fax: 717-705-1122

Adult Probation Officer
Office Of Standard Probation
Adult Probation & Parole Service
Court Of Common Pleas Of Lancaster County
40 E. King Street, 3rd floor
Lancaster, PA 17608
Phone: 717-299-8016
Fax: 717-390-7729

Office Of Standard Probation

Adult Probation & Parole Service
Court Of Common Pleas Of Lancaster County
40 E. King Street, 3rd floor
Lancaster, PA 17608
Phone: 717-299-8016
Fax: 717-390-7729

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)| |Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD|
|Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07| |Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints| |UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group|
|Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder| |International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture| |1992 CCHR Complaint|
|Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article| |1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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U.S. Federal Civil Rights Law Under Section

1983 provides:

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance,

regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the
District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any
citizen of the United States or other person within the
jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges,
or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be
liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or
other proper proceeding for redress.

The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, has

generated more lawsuits than any other provision of the U.S.
Constitution. Section 1 of the amendment has been the
centerpiece of most of this litigation. It makes "All persons
born or naturalized in the United States"citizens of the United
States and citizens of the state in which they reside. This
section also prohibits state governments from denying persons
within their jurisdiction the PRIVILEGES OR IMMUNITIES of
U.S. citizenship, and guarantees to every such person DUE
Supreme Court has ruled that any state law that abridges
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, freedom of religion, the right to trial
by jury, the RIGHT TO COUNSEL, the right against SELF-
INCRIMINATION, the right against unreasonable SEARCHES
AND SEIZURES, or the right against CRUEL AND UNUSUAL
PUNISHMENTS will be invalidated under section 1 of the
Fourteenth Amendment. This holding is called the

Meeting of October 14, 2008

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Location: Lancaster County Human Relations Office, 225

West King Street, Lancaster, PA 17602

Present: Stan J. Caterbone, Complaintaint

Leslie Hyson, Executive Director
Adrian Garcia, Intake Officer

Complaint: Employment Discrimination v. H&R Block for

denying Enrollment Form for Tax Preparation Classes to
Prepare Taxes

Incident: October 6, 2008 at H&R Block Office at Manor

Shopping Center, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Recorded Transcript of Meeting With Lancaster Human

Relations Commission
(meeting was recorded with consent of all parties

[Stan J. Caterbone] Alright, so you are telling me that I did
not submit a written complaint to this office before (2007)?

[Adrian Garcia] No, actually what I was telling you was that
you are now visiting me to talk about the H&R Block denial of
your application to teach tax preparation classes (to prepare
taxes). Is that why you are here?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Correct, but you said that I did not

submit a written complaint before.

[Adrian Garcia] I you that it was not in our jurisdiction.

[Stan J. Caterbone] And you never submitted that in writing?

[Adrian Garcia] I believe that we tried to contact you on a

couple of occasions.

[Stan J. Caterbone] By how?

[Leslie Hyson] I know we tried to contact you by phone and

by email.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I did not have a phone.

[Leslie Hyson] You set up a meeting with me and you did not

[Stan J. Caterbone] I know and I told you why. But the

complaint was submitted before that. Mam, I submitted
everything to him (Adrian Garcia) before that.

[Leslie Hyson] Correct. A formal complaint was not filed.

Did you come back in and file a formal complaint?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Did you give me a complaint (form)

when I was here? Then why didnt he give me a complaint
form when I was here?

[Leslie Hyson] Because Adrian told you we did not have


[Stan J. Caterbone] Then why would I file a complaint?

[Leslie Hyson] That is what we are telling you, sir. Number

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one, Federal Law permits only ..

[Stan J. Caterbone] Dont you have to provide that in


[Leslie Hyson] No, I dont.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Listen, Mam, lets not continue this

discussion, lets get back to H&R Block. You seem to be
talking in circles.

[Leslie Hyson] No, youre talking in circles. Every time

things dont go your way you want to end the conversation.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Mam, you have nothing in writing to

support what you are telling me.

[Leslie Hyson] We do. It tells you what is covered under our

jurisdiction that is why Mr. Garcia gave you it tells you who is
covered under our jurisdiction. You gave us a CD-ROM with
information but none of that is within ..

[Adrian Garcia] None of that is within our jurisdiction.

[Stan J. Caterbone] If I submit something in writing dont

you feel it is ethical for you to submit something back saying
why it is not within your jurisdiction to support your

[Adrian Garcia] We would not be treating everyone the same

if we did that because we dont do that for everyone else.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Okay, Ill take this up with another

party. Lets talk about H&R Block.

[Adrian Garcia] H&R Block. You are filing a complaint fo

discrimination and I asked you base upon what? Your first
answer to me was to me was because you were a federal
whistle-blower. Okay, thats one.

[Stan J. Caterbone] One is I have a federal law suit against

the City (Lancaster), the County (Lancaster), and the
(Lancaster) Police; and I believe that I am being retaliated
against. It could be because Im Italian decent. It could be
because of all of the lies and slanderous rumors about me in
this (Lancaster) county. I have three (3) false
imprisonments. Do you know what 30 false arrests are? I was
arrested 30 times and the charges were dismissed. I was in
prison 60 days for nothing 60 days for nothing.

[Adrian Garcia] Okay. So you think

[Stan J. Caterbone] Let me finish. I was in prison 60 days

because someone lid in the county (Lancaster County Bail
Supervision Office) and said I did not attend a bail supervision
meeting an intake meeting. I went to court the second day
they took me into prison. They proved I DID attend but they
changed the bail bond (from unsecured to secured, and I was
released some 60 days later after winning my own appeal of
the bail bond decision by Judge Paul K. Allison)

[Adrian Garcia] So one of your allegations is because of the

record of the contacts you have with police during the
occasions, that is what you believe is denying you an

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[Stan J. Caterbone] I said whistle-blowing.

[Adrian Garcia] Mr. Caterbone follow what I am saying. This

is a give and take conversation; we wont both talk at the
same time. Let me regurgitate what you are telling me. What
you are telling me number one is the whistle blowers act. If
you read our brochure that one is not covered. So well put
that on aside. Your second one is again the county (Lancaster)
and several other agencies and you said it was retaliatory. If
you look here (pointing to brochure) this agency does have a
provision for retaliation it is a complaint against this office,
not a complaint you may have with other agencies. Thats
your second allegation. Your third allegation you begin by
saying that it may be because you are of Italian decent. But
you went in and asked for an application, correct?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Yes.

[Adrian Garcia] Did other people go in and ask for an

application with you?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Was I accompanied by someone?

[Adrian Garcia] Were other people in there for the same


[Stan J. Caterbone] No.

[Adrian Garcia] So, another words we have no one to

compare and contrast.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Yes you do. You have the brochure

(H&R Block Tax Preparation Brochure) that says they have to
(provide enrollment form). That is their policy, sir.

[Adrian Garcia] I understand that. That is not my question.

[Stan J. Caterbone] That is their policy, sir. Do I have any -

are you asking me for a witness?

[Adrian Garcia] Well, everyone that come into this office

because what you are hinting at here is public accommodation,
but the problem with public accommodation is that when you
are going into an area you already..

[Stan J. Caterbone] Im not filling out an application, Im

trying to ge an application for enrollment into the tax
preparation class which the policy state they provide for
everyone. They even have a discrimination clause in here
(H&R Block Tax Preparation Brochure). If you would read it,
you would see that. Apparently, they are treating me

[Adrian Garcia] And I am trying to get to why.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I just gave you five (5) reasons.

[Adrian Garcia] I already eliminated one and Im about to

eliminate the second one.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Well, what would be covered?

[Adrian Garcia] Someone has to live in Lancaster County,

National Origin. Why do you think it is National Origin?

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[Leslie Hyson] Sir, Im asking you because you were there.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Because Italians have a history. Do you

know how many Italians

[Leslie Hyson] Im not arguing with you.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I know, Im giving you the answer. Do

you know how many Italians work in this county (Lancaster)?
Do you know back in the well, 20s we were the minority to the
Irish and to the Germans. We went through this. Thats why.
Name the first Italian President (of the United States).

[Leslie Hyson] I dont know.

[Stan J. Caterbone] There were none. Never!

[Adrian Garcia] So, youre saying it could be because your

Italian. Has she said to you in the denial of the application
anything as

[Stan J. Caterbone] Yes. First of all she failed to give me an

800 number, which they have. She gave me a ticket, a yellow
memo pad that said Sheryl and a 569 number.

[Adrian Garcia] Okay.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I think that is deception. I mean..

[Adrian Garcia] Did you call the number?

[Stan J. Caterbone] No.

[Adrian Garcia] Why didnt you call the number?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Because they were obligated to give me

an application (enrollment form) there. I did not go in there to
apply, I went to get an enrollment form. It says here (H&R
Block Tax Preparation Brochure) To enroll simply contact your
local H&R Block Office by telephone, mail, or in person. I
went in person. They refused to enroll me.

[Adrian Garcia] Any you believe it is because you are Italian?

[Stan J. Caterbone] Part of it, yes. Yea, Ive been in this

county (Lancaster) for 2 or 3 years submitting applications
not one person would give me an interview. Im talking about
from Turkey Hill to brokerage (financial services) firms. Did
you ever read my resume?

[Adrian Garcia] Yes.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Do you know what my qualifications


[Stan J. Caterbone] Well, maybe you should refresh your

memory and go back to my website. Do you know Im pro
se? I represent myself in the courts.

[Adrian Garcia] I remember seeing it.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Do you know I just won (an appeal

overturning lower U.S. District Court ORDER to dismiss two (2)
civil actions) in the Third Circuit (U.S. Third Circuit Court of

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Appeals)? Do you know I beat Fulton Bank, Lancaster County


[Adrian Garcia] I know you have a pretty extensive list.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Do you know who I blew the whistle on?

[Adrian Garcia] I cant remember. I cant remember the


[Stan J. Caterbone] Listen. I blew the whistle on ISC. I was

the one that blew the whistle. ISC, the Lancaster County
Corporation. They were selling arms to Iraq. Do you
understand that?

[Adrian Garcia] Okay, lets stick to the matter at hand.

[Stan J. Caterbone] They were indicted four (4) years after I

blew the whistle on them.

[Adrian Garcia] I gave you.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I dont know why youre sitting there

laughing at me!

[Adrian Garcia] I gave you Thats deceiving. Im not

laughing at you.

[Stan J. Caterbone] You were!

[Adrian Garcia] What I want to know is what did she say that
makes you believe that it is because you are of Italian heritage
that she is denying you the application?

[Stan J. Caterbone] The fact that she denied (giving) it.

[Adrian Garcia] Did you see anyone else go in and ask for an
application that was Italian?

[Stan J. Caterbone] No, I did not see anyone go in there.

[Adrian Garcia] So, in other words there is no one that I can

compare and contrast to? If you came in here and said I went
in and asked for an application and a person came in as I was
leaving and asked for an application and they got it

[Stan J. Caterbone] They have to provide the application,


[Adrian Garcia] That is not what it says here. My job is to

enforce what it says here. My job is to .

[Stan J. Caterbone] Your job is to abide by the statute

regarding discrimination and take my complaint.

[Adrian Garcia] Order 64. That is the only thing this office
can deal with. But so far your not meeting the burden for us
to even open up a case.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I dont understand why I am not

meeting the burden.

[Adrian Garcia] Well, youre not giving me anything that falls

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[Stan J. Caterbone] Is that your personal opinion? It is


[Adrian Garcia] No, I think you are here

[Stan J. Caterbone] Isnt it?

[Adrian Garcia] No.

[Stan J. Caterbone] I think it is your discretionary opinion.

So if I find a case that contradicts you, then what are you
going to do?

[Adrian Garcia] Say Congratulations.

[Stan J. Caterbone] Ill go do that. I wont waste your time

anymore. Thank you very much.

[Adrian Garcia] Your welcome. (Turn Digital Recorder Off and

Leave Office)

August 27, 2007

Adrian Garcia
Intake Officer
Lancaster County Human Rights Commission
225 West King Street
P.O. Box 83480
Lancaster, PA 17602

Re: Discrimination Complaint

Dear Mr. Garcia:

Enclosed is the documentation to support a discrimination

complaint according to Ordinance #64, and its mandate which
states WHEREAS, the County of Lancaster has fostered the
cause of those civil rights protected by state and federal law by
providing for a Lancaster City-County Human Relations
Commission, as set forth in Resolution No. 45 of 1964.

I am alleging discrimination according to:

1. Section 7: Racial or Ethnic Problems

2. Section 8: Employment Problems
3. Section 11: Unlawful Public Accommodation Practices
4. Unpopular Political Views
5. Retaliation for Whistleblowers due to Federal False Claims
Act regarding International Signal & Control, Plc.,

Most of these activities cover a period of 20 years, and are

continuing today. Please note that a Civil Rights Complaint was
filed in Pennsylvania Civil Rights Section on July 21, 2006, and
an amended Employment Discrimination complaint was filed on
February 8, 2007. More information is available on the website
of Advanced Media Group,

I remain,

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

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February 8, 2007

Nelson Brewster
Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office
Civil Rights Enforcement Section
14th Floor Strawberry Square
Harrisburg. PA 17120

RE: Complaint received in the Civil Rights Enforcement Section

(CRES) on July 21,2006

Dear Mr. Brewster:

In addition to the Complaint that you had received on July 21,

2006, I would like to add the following Employment related
complaints regarding discrimination, and other causes of
actions regarding my Civil Rights

1. Attached are several applications for employment, my

resume, and several communications via email soliciting
employment with potential opportunities for employment. As
you can see, I have applied for employment at a wide variety
of companies, including the City of Lancaster and the County
of Lancaster. All of these applications occurred from
approximately October of 2006 and this date. I am alleging
that due to the fact that I would have accepted any position,
even that of a clerk at both Turkey Hill and McDonalds, I have
been subject to a vast array of discrimination towards a
Whistle Blower2, and discrimination3 for my political views and

1 1983 Civil Rights Acts and 18 U.S.C.A. Acts state the

following: The underlying purpose of the scheme of protecting
constitutional rights are to permit victims of constitutional
violations to obtain redress, to provide for federal prosecution
of serious constitutional violations when state criminal
proceedings are ineffective for purpose of deterring violations
and to strike a balance between protection of individual rights
from state infringement and protection from state and local
government from federal interference, 18 U.S.C.A. 241,
242; U.S.C.A. Const. Art. 2, 53; Amend. 13, 14, 5, 15, 2:
42 U.S.C.A. 1981-1982, 1985, 1988, Fed. Rules Civil Proc.
Rule 28, U.S.C.A.

2 In the case of United States v. Holck, 389 F. Supp. 2d. 338,

criminal responsibility defines single or multiple conspiracies by
the following: Governments, without committing variance
between single conspiracy charges in an indictment and its
proof at trial may establish existence at continuing core
conspiracy which attracts different members at different times
and which involves different subgroups committing acts in
furtherance of an overall plan. This illustrates the legal
analysis of the 1987 conspiracy to cover-up my International
Signal & Control, Plc., whistle blowing activities.

3 1983 Civil Rights Acts and 18 U.S.C.A. Acts state the

following: The underlying purpose of the scheme of protecting
constitutional rights are to permit victims of constitutional
violations to obtain redress, to provide for federal prosecution
of serious constitutional violations when state criminal
proceedings are ineffective for purpose of deterring violations
and to strike a balance between protection of individual rights
from state infringement and protection from state and local
government from federal interference, 18 U.S.C.A. 241,

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242; U.S.C.A. Const. Art. 2, 53; Amend. 13, 14, 5, 15, 2:

42 U.S.C.A. 1981-1982, 1985, 1988, Fed. Rules Civil Proc.
Rule 28, U.S.C.A.

I was denied an application at McDonalds on the Millersville

Pike on more than 4 occasions, and was only allowed to submit
an Employment Interest Form. This all occurred over the last
45 days. I was also denied interviews at all places of
employment. I had submitted resumes to several of the more
professional employers.

There is no excuse for this behavior given the fact that I have
never failed at any business endeavor in my life. My
professional accomplishments are truthful and honest and I
challenge you or anyone to find otherwise.

I hope to hear from you in the very near future. I appreciate

your help regarding these serious allegations.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

Cc: file

Filed in July of 2006


Tom Corbett, Attorney General

Civil Rights Enforcement

15th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 787-0822
Fax: 787-1180












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b. APRIL OF 1998









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Conestoga Police Department and Southern Regional Police
Department; Chief Fiorill, Sgt. Robert Busser, Officer M. Fedor,
Officer Rob Berger
Pflumm Contractors, Inc., and employees, Millersville, PA
Thomas Grassell, Conestoga, PA
Wagon Wheel Restaurant, Conestoga, PA
Residents of Conestoga, PA (Mr. and Mrs. Tim Decker,
residents Stone Hill Road)
Lancaster County District Attorney, Lancaster, PA
Lancaster County Public Defender Office, Lancaster, PA
Mannheim Township Police Department
The Alley Kat Restaurant, Lancaster, PA
Yolanda M. Caterbone, Lancaster, PA
Steven P. Caterbone, Miami, Florida
Michael T. Caterbone, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Phillip W. Caterbone, Austin, Texas
Commonwealth National Bank (Melon Bank), Pittsburg, PA
Fulton Bank, Lancaster, PA
Farmers First Bank, Pete Richter, Lancaster, PA
Bank of Lancaster County, Lancaster, PA
Sovereign Bank, Millersville, PA
Citizens Bank, Lancaster, PA
St. Joseph Hospital, Regional Medical Center, Lancaster, PA
Lancaster General Hospital, Dr. Emily Pressly, Dr. Bill,
Employees and staff, Lancaster, PA
Financial Management Group, Ltd., et al, Lancaster, PA
Attilio M. Grossi, Lancaster, PA

February 20, 2005 Letter to the Editor After finding my cat

killed and left by my pond:
While I was away for a family emergency, I had someone let
my two cats out after being inside for a few days, which I have
always done in the past. I returned after being in South Florida
for one week. Upon driving toward my driveway, my one cat
was anxiously awaiting my arriveal. However, my second cat
was not there. This was immediate cause for concern, since
being mother and son, they had always stuck together. After a
few days I knew that my cat was either abducted or was
harmed. No way would he be around and not come home.

The other evening I went over to my suspect neighbors home,

whom I know often has been mischevious toward my property
in the past, and asked him if he saw my cat. He went on to tell
me how big my cat is and how he is the "king of the
neighborhood". I found this conversation to be typical bull....
He said "don't worry it will show up soon!"

Last evening I found my dead cat lying by my pond with a

possom chewing on its ear. I examined the body and found
that it's neck had been broken with no other signs of any other

I called the Humane Shelter and talked to a Cruelty Officer

who said" There is nothing we can do if you did not see anyone
phycically harm the animal"

Is this the way it is? You have to prove a crime before they will
investigate? Sounds alittle backwards to me, but then again I
ofter forget where I am at.

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March 7, 2005 Email to Dan Berger, formerly of Fiancial

Management Group, Ltd., and brother-in-law of Honorable
Lawrence Stengel, United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvanai;
Advanced Media Group
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 3:53 PM
Subject: Conversation

OK, Danny, attached is the document that I had promised. As

far at the other issues concerning the Middle East, here it
goes. The following is a communication that was specifically for
the "intelligence community". As you probably are aware,
there are some 15 or more agencies that comprise that part of
our government. The following paragraph was never saved as
a file, the only way to authenticate the document would be to
perform a forensic autopsy on the hard drive to which it was
written. The document was displayed on my screen for several
days. I had written the communication sometime on or around
January 1, 2005. I apologize for not knowing the exact date,
but I never really had any reason to resurrect it before now.
By memory, the following is the communication: "We finally
have an opportunity for real peace in the Middle East, and you
continue to play your childish games with me. Stop collecting a
paycheck and go and support our president and troops. Your
efforts would be far better served. THE PEOPLE OF THIS
timeline of events. The Presidential Inauguration was on
January 20, and the Iraq elections on January 21. I went on to
expand upon that communication and told Chris Mathews
during a debate (no evidence thereof) that "It is about people,
not governments" hence the Inaugural speech!
There, it is what it is???????

Commins Hearing

Phillips Office
February 2, 2005 Phillips Office Supply, Lancaster, PA email;

Advanced Media Group

Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:11 PM

Subject: RE: Repair Service Center

Just wondering why it takes you 8-10 days to receive whatever

it is that you are waiting for when I can receive anything I
want within 2-3 day! Just curious. I'll take any necessary
action that is within my power and rights to provide a fair and
reasonable conclusion to your attempts to humiliate and
degrade me. Do you Understand!

----Original Message Follows----

From: "comments"
To: "Stan Caterbone"
Subject: RE: Repair Service Center
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 16:37:14 0500

Mr. Caterbone - I have researched your issue and spoke with Mr.
Leonard Brown who is the Director of our Technology Service. He
indicated that he talked with you last week and indicated that your issue
would be resolved within 8-10 days. He explained the circumstances
and informed me that you were satisfied with the resolution. Please e-
mail if this is incorrect and require me to

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look into this further.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Caterbone []
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 7:53 AM
To: comments

Subject: Repair Service Center

And where is my facsimile machine guys? Serial Number 372122034,

Sharp ux-b700. Let me see if I got this right. I dropped it off with an
authorization from Sharp, the manufacturer, case no. 2214140, and you
still have not repaired that machine? You had the machine how long
now??? I would say about 3 weeks or longer. You know the emotional
stress and duress that this causes me is about enough to constitute a
very fruitful legal engagement. And especially considering that you are
conducting your activities with malice.

Weis Markets July 4 2006

SRPD Lawsuit
Senator Specter
Lancaster County In Forma Pauperis Denials
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Fabricated Statement
Los Cabos
Hamilton Hearing Frisking, etc
Lancaster City Police Littering; fabricated stop sign arrest;
Citizens Bank Extortion

July 2, 1987 - In an effort to continue all efforts and business activities,

Stan Caterbone visits the Office Works, owned and operated by High
Industries, to purchase a printer while staying in Stone Harbor. FMG,
Ltd., had an open account, which Stan Caterbone authorized, as an
officer of FMG, Ltd.,. The Office Works demands cash payment and
refuses to put the purchase on credit.

July 6, 1987 - In an effort to document the conspiracy theory, Stan

Caterbone requests Tom Caterbone to call Robert Kauffman to inquire
about the status of his affairs, and to tape the conversation. Tom
Caterbone identifies himself as John Green, a client of Stan Caterbone's
and Robert Kauffman states the following: "Stan Caterbone has moved
his office to Stone Harbor, NJ.. he is not taking care of business, and I
need to see to it that his clients are taken care of for the time being.. he
has been spending a lot of money, an airplane, a place at the shore,
and he seems to think that he is too important for his traditional
clientele.. There is some history of mental disorders in his family
history.. I can't come right out and say that that is what's going on, .. I
wish Stan would get some professional help.. However for the time
being, Stan is not taking care of business, and I need to be concerned
for his clients.

July 6, 1987 - Stan Caterbone telephones Dr. Al Schulz, psychiatrist at

St. Joseph Hospital, and client of Stan Caterbone's in order to thwart the
allegations of insanity. Dr. Al Shulz had disclosed that several persons,
including Mary Lynn Dipaolo and Jere Sullivan had called him
concerning Stan Caterbone's behavior and activities. From the
allegations, Dr. Shulz advised that Stan Caterbone was suffering from
illusions of grandeur, and prescribed Lithium treatment, and to return to
Lancaster for consultation. Stan Caterbone insisted that the allegations
were purely fabricated, and that no one had any legal right to interfere
with his business and or legal affairs, let alone his confidential medical

July 6, 1987 - Stan Caterbone contacts David Drubner, of Boston, Ma, a

friend of Stan Caterbone's brothers Mike, and an attorney. During the
conversation, David Drubner questions Stan Caterbone about "taking
some medication", and supports the allegations of insanity.

July 6, 1987 - In the following days, Stan Caterbone had made

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numerous telephone calls to local, state, and federal authorities, for

intervention and help regarding all of the preceding events and
circumstances. The following is a brief description of each: Manheim
Township Police Department, responded "what bank branch
repossessed your aircraft"; Pennsylvania State Senator Gib Armstrong,
responded, "I will call the Pa Attorney General's Office and have them
call you; the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Philadelphia-
based field office; U.S. Representative Robert Walker (RPa), a detailed
and explicit conversation with Mrs. Robert Walker, who would only
advise Stan Caterbone to put his situation in writing and submit it to the
Congressman in his Washington, D. C. office. In addition: David Wouls
(Executive Vice President of the Lancaster chamber of Commerce &
Industry), Stan Caterbone talked at length, and in detail, making
allegations of misconduct with members of the same; National
Association of securities Dealers (NASD), in Washington, D.C., Stan
Caterbone discussed the securities related violations. And also: the
Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), also in Washington, D.C.,
and discussed securities laws violations; the Pennsylvania Securities
Commission, of Harrisburg, Pa, discussed the implications of Stan
Caterbone's illegal lockout, and his legal and formal positions, including
incorporating officer of FMG, Ltd., Stan Caterbone received no support
or follow-up communications concerning all of the above requests,
despite his apparent emotional duress, and extreme situation.

July 8, 1987 - A formal notification of the termination of Stan

Caterbone's Registered Representative Securities license with the
Planners Securities Group Inc., of Atlanta, GA is received, with a "cc:
Robert Kauffman".

July 8, 1987 - Stan Caterbone's brothers, Steve, Phil, Mike, and Tom,
arrive unexpectedly and uninvited at the residence of Stan Caterbone's
in Stone Harbor, NJ, and refuse to leave until Stan Caterbone agrees to
take Lithium and return to Lancaster to undergo treatment by Dr. Al
Schulz, for mental illness.

July 16, 1987 - Stan Caterbone travels to New York, from Boston, MA,
to visit with Bob Walters of Power Station Studios, to discuss the
allegations of Blackmail, and to find out who is involved, including Scott
Robertson and Power Station Studios. Stan Caterbone discusses the
illegal repossession and other related matters, however during the
conversation, becomes suspicious when Bob Walters and Tony
Bongiovi disclose that the "Digital" Movie project is suddenly suspended
until a later time.

July 17, 1987 - Stan Caterbone travels to Hollywood, California to meet

and visit with Ted Gamillion and Gamillion Studios (Film Studio), and
Marcia Silen of Flatbush Films. Ted Gamillion had previously solicited
the consulting of Stan Caterbone in order to help reorganize the
financing of the film studio, after earlier arrangements in North Carolina
had gone sour. Stan Caterbone had spent several days visiting and
touring the studio. Ted Gamillion agreed to allow Stan Caterbone to
represent the studio in order to secure the required financing. Ted
Gamillion provided Stan Caterbone with substantial amounts of
confidential financial, legal, and tax documents for the project. During
the visit, Marcia Silen had disclosed to Stan Caterbone that Scott
Robertson had made allegations of insanity about him (Stan Caterbone)
to persons at Power Station Studios and at Flatbush Films.

July 24, 1987 - Michael M. Hartlett sends a letter to all creditors of FMG,
Ltd., informing them that stated the following: Stan Caterbone is no
longer an officer of the corporation; he was removed from office on July
1, 1987; he had been purchasing items under FMG, Ltd., and obtaining
corporate discount and rates; and formally notifying them that Stan
Caterbone had never had the right to purchase items through FMG,
Ltd., or make corporate commitments on behalf of FMG, Ltd., or
contract or in any way obligate FMG, Ltd.,.

July 30, 1987 - Stan Caterbone had paid $600 to Dr. Levine, a
Psychiatrist from North field, New Jersey, for an objective evaluation of
his mental state of mind, in order to prove the fabricated allegations of

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'insanity". Dr. Levine had conducted a 2 hour meeting in his residence in

Stone Harbor, NJ, and required Stan Caterbone complete the
Minneapolis Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI). Stan Caterbone
completed the test, immediately returned it to Dr. Levine. After several
weeks without any communications from Dr. Levine, Stan Caterbone
had called for the results. Dr. Levine had explained that he had
conducted telephone interviews with members of Stan Caterbone's
without notice or consent to the original request of Stan Caterbone to
conduct an objective and confidential examination. In addition, Dr.
Levine prescribed Lithium drug therapy, and disclosed a diagnosis of Bi-
Polar Mood Disorder without providing any reports concerning a study
or evaluation of his behavior or present state of mind. He only used the
explanation of others contacted by telephone.

August 6, 1987 - The legal firm of Appel, Yost & Sorentino, of Lancaster,
Pa., send a formal notice to Stan Caterbone, demanding the return of a
facsimile machine leased from the ACM company of Lancaster, Pa.
Attorney Appel advises Stan Caterbone that it is the property of FMG,
Ltd., and should be returned at once or legal action will follow.

August 8, 1987 - John M. Wolf, Executive Vice President of

Commonwealth National Bank sends Stan Caterbone a formal letter
advising that the repossession of July 2, 1987 was both lawful and
appropriate, and declines to accept a settlement of $5 million for lender
liability violations.

August 10, 1987 - Stan Caterbone receives a facsimile from the Board
of Directors of FMG, Ltd., signed by Robert Long threatening to file
criminal charges for "embezzlement (we have checks to prove it),
burglary, employee theft, corporate opportunity and slander against our

August 12, 1987 - Yolanda Caterbone, mother of Stan Caterbone,

Steve, Phil, Mike, and Tom Caterbone, all brothers, arrive unexpectedly
and uninvited to the residence of Stan Caterbone in Stone Harbor. After
several requests for the visitors to leave the premises are denied,
several brothers refuse to let Stan Caterbone leave the premises. Stan
Caterbone flees, and the brothers chase after him. Stan Caterbone runs
into a neighbors house to ask to use the telephone to phone the police.
However, after realizing that he is scaring the occupants, he flees to the
Stone Harbor Police Department, a few blocks away, in an effort to
obtain a restraining order and to lawfully have the unwanted persons
vacate his residence and personal property. Officer Steve Conners and
Officer Henry Stanford refuse the request, and hold Stan Caterbone in
custody. After some 30 minutes, the officers, accompanied by Steve
and Tom Caterbone, place Stan Caterbone into a Police Cruiser and
proceed to the Burdette Tomlin Hospital, in Stone Harbor. Upon arriving,
Stan Caterbone is interrogated and questioned extensively about a
"gun". A hospital staffer then accuses Stan Caterbone of an attempted
suicide (fabricated allegation from a phone call from James Warner of
Lancaster, PA; which is later found in the hospital report) and keeps him
in custody for 4 or more hours. Another hospital staffer performs an
extensive mental health evaluation. Stan Caterbone is given an
ultimatum of signing a contract in order to be released form the hospital,
the contract stated: "I Stanley J. Caterbone will not take my life tonight
or at anytime".

August 14, 1987 - The same family members again arrive unwanted at
the residence of Stan Caterbone in Stone Harbor, NJ. After another
confrontation, similar to the incident of two evenings before, Stan
Caterbone fleas to the Avalon Police Department for another attempt to
get a restraining order. However, en route, just a few blocks from the
Avalon Police Station, an Avalon Police cruiser pulls Stan Caterbone
over and arrests him for the following violations:
1. Driving Beyond the speed limit.
2. Driving an unregistered vehicle (all required registration materials
were in Lancaster, PA)
3. Containing an empty beer can in his vehicle (which was at .1 east
three days old)
In addition, the Avalon Police Department repossessed his car and

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locked it in the Avalon Police Department Compound, which was his

only means of transportation and communication by car phone. They
also accused him of having controlled substances, which were over the
counter muscle relaxers for his back pain.

August 24, 1987 - Robert Kauffman sends a letter to Millard Johnson,

Stan Caterbone's client, regarding his previous intentions of paying the
$25,000 demand note of Stan Caterbone to Millard Johnson. Robert
Kauffman had previously promised to pay the debt to Millard Johnson
during a meeting. Robert Kauffman, told Millard Johnson to contact the
FMG, LTD., attorney, Craig Russell in order to file legal claim, and
formally disclosed that he would: no longer handle any discussions
concerning Stanley J. Caterbone. In the last paragraph, Robert
Kauffman discloses that "attorney Mr. Patterson, no longer represents
the Caterbone family regarding his pending bankruptcy or
guardianship". Notes: Stan Caterbone never gave any legal jurisdiction
or rights to any family member, has never filed for bankruptcy, was not
bankrupt, or even knew of an attorney named Mr. Patterson.

September 3, 1987 - Robert Kauffman calls detective Larry Sigler or the

Manheim Township Police Department to report an alleged Terroristic
threat made two days prior, on September 1, 1987, by Stan Caterbone
between the hours of 9:00 and 1 pm noontime. Detective Larry Sigler
issues a warrant for the arrest of Stan Caterbone with District Justice
Murray Horton that was issued at about the same time as the arrival of
Stan Caterbone at Romar Aviation. At approximately 3:00 pm Mary
Lynn Dipaolo picks Stan Caterbone up at Romar Aviation for a
scheduled visit and dinner. After Stan Caterbone becomes annoyed at
Mary Lynn Dipaolo's unjustified allegations, Stan Caterbone borrows her
car to go home to his residence in Conestoga and to go play basketball.
At approximately 7:00 pm, upon leaving the playground, he is
approached by Nancy Arment, FMG, Ltd., secretary, who is elaborated
and crying, asking "why are you doing this?". At approximately 9:00 pm,
in an attempt to recover additional stolen personal and business tiles,
Stan Caterbone proceeds to the offices of FMG, Ltd., where he is
greeted by employee Stacy Waters and allowed to enter the building.
Stan Caterbone insists that Stacy Walters accompany him throughout
the building as he recovers files in the offices of Robert Kauffman,
Michael Bartlett, and Robert Long. In addition retrieving a Back-Up
(FMG, Ltd, records and communications) copy of the computer system
which he integrated. Upon leaving, Stan Caterbone temporarily
disconnect the systems which he had integrated and developed for
FMG, Ltd., which fall under intellectual property rights. Stacy Walters
assists Stan Caterbone in loading the tiles in his automobile, and Stan
Caterbone kisses Stacy Walters goodbye, and awaits for her safe return
to the building until leaving. Upon entering his residence later that night,
Stan Caterbone is taken into custody by the Conestoga Police, and
requests that the files that he had taken out of the offices of FMG, Ltd.,
be taken along to prove his rights to the property, and his position within
the company. Stan Caterbone was then taken to the jurisdiction of
Manheim Township Police, where he is arrested and taken into custody.

September 4, 1987 - At approximately 2:00 am, Stan Caterbone is

arraigned before District Justice Richard R. Reeser for the following
charges: Terroristic threats; burglary; unlawful restraint; unlawful use of
computers; theft by unlawful taking; robbery; and criminal mischief. Bail
is set at $20,000 and Stan Caterbone is placed in The Lancaster county
prison. He was not permitted to post real estate for bail.

September 5, 1987 - The Lancaster New Era and the Lancaster

Intelligencer Journal report the alleged crimes, reporting that Stan
Caterbone is an ax-employee; that FMG, Ltd., sustained $60,000
because of his actions; and that he threatened 2 female employees. The
entire arrests and reports fail to acknowledge that Stan Caterbone is an
individual lessee of the property, and in accordance with law, still holds
all of his offices of PING, Ltd., and is the founder of the company. The
above incident further facilitates the ongoing conspiracy, and publicly
discredits Stan Caterbone in every way, financially, professionally, and
most importantly conveniently supports the continued allegations of

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September 9, 1987 - Stan Caterbone is given an ultimatum by the

Lancaster county prison authorities, Robert Bayer, Yolanda Caterbone,
and Mary Lynn Dipaolo of posting the required bail only if Stan
Caterbone voluntarily admits himself into the Psychiatric Unit of St.
Joseph Hospital, or remain in the Lancaster County prison. Stan
Caterbone is released from Lancaster County prison, and immediately
escorted to St. Joseph Hospital and admitted into the Psychiatric Unit.

September 15, 1987 - Stan Caterbone questions the legality of the

ultimatum for posting tail, and upon learning that it is unlawful, arranges
for his discharge - Upon his discharge, the St. Joseph Hospital
administrators learn that FMG, Ltd., had terminated his health
insurance, and demand payment of $3, 064.60 for the six days of
hospitalization. Stan Caterbone is not able to pay, and leaves the
hospital and returns to his residence of Conestoga, PA.

September 15, 1987 - Stan Caterbone receives an invoice from St.

Joseph Hospital for $3,064.00.

September 16, 1987 - Stan Caterbone receives a call from Howard

Eisler, an Investigator for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission who
requests a meeting with Stan Caterbone. A meeting is scheduled for
September 29, and Stan Caterbone arranges for Robert Beyer and
Millard Johnson to attend. September 21, 1987 -ISC and the British
Ferranti firm agree in principal to merge, creating what appeared to be a
$1.5 billion defense/electronics conglomerate, after six months of

September 29, 1987 - Howard Eisler conducts a meeting at the

Residence of Stan Caterbone, with all parties consenting to have the
meeting recorded by Stan Caterbone. Howard Eisler was not able to
provide a believable explanation of what he was investigating or why he
had contacted Stan Caterbone. Stan Caterbone explains all of the
circumstances regarding his prior meeting with ISC/Chem Con
executive Larry Resch, and details his allegations of wrongdoing of
James Guerin/ISC/Chem Con6 and the discussions of that meeting on
June 23, 1987, with ISC executive Larry Resch. Stan Caterbone also
discloses his ISC stock holdings, and his relationships with ISC and
Chem Con associates. Millard Johnson testifies to Howard Eisler during
the meeting regarding a previous meeting in August with Robert
Kauffman, where Robert Kauffman tried to persuade Millard Johnson to
fabricate a story that a legitimate personal loan of $25,000 to Stan
Caterbone in June of 1987, was instead intended for investment and
embezzled by Stan Caterbone. Robert Kauffman wanted Millard
Johnson to support this story to authorities. Stan Caterbone spent more
than 4 hours explaining and detailing all of his allegations and business
activities including how he founded and built Financial Management
Group, Ltd.,; his mortgage banking activities; the illegal repossession of
his aircraft; all of the fabricated arrests; and the chronology of events
after the June 23 meeting with ISC executive Larry Resch. Howard
Eisler ended the meeting and requested copies of documents from Stan

October 2, 1987 - District Justice Murray Horton conducts a preliminary

hearing for all criminal charges against Stan Caterbone. Attorney Robert
Beyer refuses to discuss any issues regarding his individual lease of the
FMG, Ltd., offices, or any issues resulting in the illegal activities of
anyone other than Stan Caterbone District Justice Murray Horton orders
Stan Caterbone to defend all of the criminal charges in the next term of
criminal court in Lancaster County. Stan Caterbone ordered to be bound
over for the next term of criminal court of Lancaster County.

October 18, 1987 - The Unemployment Compensation Review Board

formally and officially decides against a claim for benefits by Stan
Caterbone and cites misconduct and wrongdoing as the reasons.

October 27, 1987 - Lancaster Aviation files a civil suit with District
Justice Murray Horton for alleged unpaid bills of some $5,000.

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November 9, 1987 - Stan Caterbone visits with Parent Federal Savings

and Loan's president, John Depatto, to discuss him problems in meeting
his current mortgage payments. John Depatto immediately disclosed to
Stan Caterbone that foreclosure proceedings have officially begun, and
that the full loan of approximately $110,000 is immediately due. Stan
Caterbone stands up from the conference table and declares, "You tell
Mr. James Guerin he is in trouble", and abruptly walks out of the offices.

November 23, 1987- A Referees Decision by the unemployment

Compensation Review Board upholds a recent decision to deny Stan
Caterbone from collecting any benefits, again citing misconduct and
wrongdoing. Stan Caterbone calls Howard Fisler, of the Pennsylvania
Securities Commission and demands an explanation for not returning to
obtain any documents as promised in the meeting of September 29th.
The phone call was recorded.

November 25, 1987 - Stan Caterbone receives a letter from the

Pennsylvania Securities Commission, Howard Zisler, citing a
misunderstanding and lack of communication, and now requests that
Stan Caterbone submit a written complaint of all allegations discussed
in the meeting of September 29, 1987.

November 26, 1987 - Stan Caterbone visits the Pennsylvania State

Police barracks in Lancaster, to file a formal complaint to the White
Collar Crime Division. Stan Caterbone was treated as if he was making
the entire story up, and received no help.

December 4, 1987 - Financial Management Group, Ltd., holds its first

annual shareholders meeting, for the year ended June 30, 1987, at the
Treadway Resort Inn. In an effort to promote propaganda against Stan
Caterbone, and to support the fabricated allegations of insanity, FMG,
Ltd., president hired armed security personnel to guard the doorways of
the meeting, insinuating that the meeting was under a threat of violence,
and to collaborate his recent allegations of Terroristic threats, which
Stan Caterbone was previously arrested and awaiting trial.

December 17, 1987 - The United States Postal Inspector acknowledges

receipt of formal complaint from Stan Caterbone regarding executives
from FMG, Ltd., illegally changing or address; opening of confidential
personal and business mail; and withholding and possibly destroying
confidential personal and business mail at Stan Caterbone's leased
property of 1755 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA, also the headquarters of
FMG, Ltd.,.

January 26, 1988 - The Pennsylvania Homeowners Emergency

Mortgage Assistance Program formally and officially denies Stan
Caterbone of benefits citing the following: " Applicant was terminated
from job FMG, Ltd.,), therefore was not suffering from circumstances
beyond his control".

March 12, 1988 - All CRIMINAL charges of September 3, 1987 by the

Manhiem Township Police Department and the Lancaster County
District Attorney Office are dismissed. There was not one guilty plea or
conviction in the County of Lancaster.

March 14, 1988 - Stan Caterbone is served notice by Lancaster

Constables regarding Parent Federal .Guerin' Bank) v. Stan Caterbone
Mortgage Foreclosure of his residence at 2323 New Danville Pike,
Conestoga, PA.

May 1988 - Stan Caterbone is forced to sell his residence, and subdues
to the undo influence that he was responsible for all circumstances, and
moves to Florida with his brother Mike for a few months and returns
home for the wedding of Pam and Dave Pflumm on September 10,
1988. Stan Caterbone was a member of the wedding party.

Sep 15, 1988 - Seven Chem-Con executives, including Christian, are

criminally indicted for the firms $15 million defense contracting fraud.

October 23, 1988 -Stan Caterbone, destitute, without a personal

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residence, automobile, or any income, and with accumulated debts of

more than $65,000 from all related incidents in the 1987 "Blackmail",
sells his FMG, Ltd., holdings to Robert Kauffman and is given $72,000
in proceeds at settlement. This by and of itself will be proven to be
extortion. Robert Kauffman was in fear of Stan Caterbone exercising his
large voting rights in the upcoming FMG, Ltd., annual shareholders
meeting, which included the election off FMG, Ltd., Board of Directors.
Stan Caterbone had approximately 19% of the outstanding shares of
FMG, Ltd., and had the potential to vote someone of his selection to a
Board seat. Scott Robertson had solicited the deal for both parties, and
acted as negotiator for both.

July 19, 1989 - Stan Caterbone, Scott Robertson, and American Helix
agree on a one year consulting agreement for $1,000 per week.
American Helix will never fulfill in its entirety, and will be terminated in
the following April.

April 1990 - The American Helix Board of Directors, lead by S. Dale

High/High Industries, vote to terminate Scott Robertson of American
Helix, and to discontinue the financing of the CD-ROM business which
Stan Caterbone was directly involved. The joint venture agreement with
Network Technologies, or Washington, D.C., had lost an estimated
$450,000 in the past 9 months, and the technologies, which were to be
delivering revenues, had proven to be worthless. Scott Robertson had
solicited, negotiated, and administer the deal, Stan Caterbone had
raised serious concerns at to the capabilities of both the technologies,
the business, and Network Technologies, early in the project. High
Industries then conducted several meetings with Stan Caterbone to
purchase the business, however, Stan Caterbone had told the executive
in a meeting on Good Friday, that he was solely responsible for any
business that was left, and any there was no real value. High Industries
agreed to pay Stan Caterbone his weekly consulting tee only until June
30, in hopes of negotiating an agreement to keep American Helix in the
CD-RON business, which was only feasible with Stan Caterbone,
because of his knowledge and expertise in "Digital" technologies.

August 2, 1990 - Stan Caterbone discovers that in July, Fulton Bank

embezzled $5,000 from the checking account of Stan Caterbone due to
an error by Fulton Bank's accounting department Fulton Bank refused to
credit the account for more than 60 days, without crediting the lost
interest income.

Dec 12, 1990 - Ferranti reports a near $40 million loss for the first half
year, but says it hopes to begin showing a profit before year-end in
March 1991a Stan Caterbone receives a call from James Christian while
in custody in the Loretto State prison. Stan Caterbone asked Jim
Christian if he had authorized or had knowledge about the June 23,
1987 meeting between himself and ISC executive Larry Reach. James
Christian answered the question as follows:

"I never knew of such a meeting, authorized a meeting with Larry and
yourself. Larry (Reseb) was the courier for Jim Guerin, that is how I and
Chem Con got set up and used as the scapegoat to divert attention
away from You should talk to Earnest Schriber of Lancaster
Newspapers, you can trust him.. Guerin's attorney (Tate) called to offer
me $1.00 to settle my $93 million law suit against Guerin".

Dec 14, 1990 - At a Christmas party of Bradley DeForge's, Mike

Dipaolo, during a conversation with Stan Caterbone, had stated that
"You (Stan Caterbone) had Guns and Knives in 1987" as the reason for
the mental illness fabrications. NOTES: Stan Caterbone quickly left the
party. In addition, during the same time, other such statements from
friends, regarding his present "mental condition", began to mysteriously
resurface only after knowledge of his activities to take legal recourse for
the 1987 incidents, and to pursue his due access to the law. Stan
Caterbone, in order to get work accomplished on the project, traveled to
Captiva Island, and continued his project, the "AMG Legal Systems
Prototype" disc. The "AMO Legal Systems Prototype" project was a CD-
ROM system, designed by Stan Caterbone, that would include all of his
relevant information concerning his alleged ISC Cover-Up, including

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audio conversations, and authentic documents, all stored on one optical

disc, or a CD-ROM.
The disc and system was finally completed on May 16, 1991.

December 20, 1990 -Stan Caterbone telephones his cousin Ron Roda,
from Captiva Island, Florida, to inform him that he will arrive home in a
few days. During the conversation, Ron Roda, disclosed to Stan
Caterbone that both Jim Warner and Jere Sullivan had made telephone
call to his brothers, Phil and Tom, and made allegations of insanity
about Stan Caterbone, and advised the need for medication.

December 23, 1990 -Stan Caterbone forwards a letter to the

Department of Defense Mapping Agency regarding his bid for the $2.5
million CDROM contract (DMA 700-90-0011), then in negotiations. Stan
Caterbone alleges misconduct in the procurement and for the first time
publicly discloses his allegations of Blackmail immediately following his
meeting with ISC executive Larry Resch on June 23, 1987.

January 9, 1991 - Lt. Madenspacher of the Manheim Township Police

Department call Stan Caterbone at his lab/office in him home at
approximately 2:00 pm. Lt. Madenspacher explains that he had received
a copy of the letter to the Department of Defense, that Detective Larry
Mathias had forwarded to him. Lt. Madenspacher questioned his
motives of the letter and stated: "What are you going to do.. We
(Manheim Township Police Department) just don't want to see a multi-
million dollar law suit come down our way.." Stan Caterbone responded,
"You know that I was an individual lessee of that property, and in
addition I had never resigned any offices or my Board of Director's seat
of FMG, Ltd., .. You also know that I had met with Larry Resch of ISC on
June 2S, 1987, and that I made allegations of misconduct.." Lt.
Madenspacher responded, "We were forced into that (the arrests of
Stan Caterbone on Sept. 3, 1987), we were caught between a rock and
a hard place, we were forced into that". Lt. Madenspacher then
changed the subject to "Digital" technologies, and described the
activities of the police department of using the same in the telephone
surveillance of criminal suspects. Lt. Madenspacher then requested to
meet with Stan Caterbone. Stan Caterbone agreed, however due to his
current busy schedule, confirmed he would contact him later to schedule
a meeting.

January 10, 1991 - Stan Caterbone sends a letter to Lt. Madenspacher

of the Manheim Township Police Department, to schedule a meeting for
Thursday, Jan. 17th at 3:00 pm, at his office at American Helix
Technology Corporation, at the Green field Corporate Park. Stan
Caterbone requested a response only if the time was in conflict of his

January 17, 1991 - Lt. Madenspacher fails to show up for the scheduled
meeting with Stan Caterbone at Amen can Helix, and never contacted
him before that date to change the meeting, or called to apologize for
not being able to keep the prior commitment.

January 18, 1991 - Stan Caterbone sends documents concerning the

Blackmail" of 1987 to several reporters of the Lancaster Newspapers,:
Tim MeKeele; Earnest Schreiber; and Thomas Planner. Tim MeKeele
also received a tape with some excerpts of the September 29, 1987
meeting with the PA Securities Commission, where Stan Caterbone
discusses allegations of misconduct against J. Guerin and ISC.

January 19, 1991 - High Industries American Helix illegally and without
notice locks Stan Caterbone out of his office and the facility of American
Helix, who was currently under a joint venture agreement with Stan
Caterbone and his Advanced Media Group, Ltd., for his digital
technologies business. NOTES:: This "Lock-Out" was similar to that of
FMG, Ltd., on July 1, 1987. Again conveniently when Stan Caterbone
had raised issues and allegations involving Guerin and ISC.

January 21, 1991 - In fear and confused about his involvement, and in
respect to the massive fraud of the ISC/Ferranti merger, Stan Caterbone
sends a package to Ferrantis legal counsel in England by way of United

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Postal Service' Overnight International Delivery Service (Tracking

Number 1773 0619 670). NOTES: Stan Caterbone was in fear that a
potential "Cover-Up" by U.S. authorities, and specifically the Lancaster
community, would place his life in danger, and wanted to insure that the
information concerning his knowledge of ISC misconduct before the
lSC/Ferranti merger, and his disclosure to local, state, and federal
authorities in the summer of 1987, at least would be received by
Ferranti, reducing the possibility of someone terminating his life in order
so that these circumstances would not be used as an asset in the
present Ferranti Legal efforts.

Jan 22, 1991 - In an effort to support his allegations of misconduct and

the allegedly threatening activities of Stan Caterbone, American Helix
president Dave Dering has all of the locks in the building changed by a
professional locksmith, which is nothing more than an act of

February 1, 1991 - ABC News 20/20 features the story "Weapons Sales
to Iraq" about the ISC/Cardoen cluster bomb technology and how it got
to Saddam Husain. Feb 17, 1991 - Stan Caterbone receives a letter
from Sandra K. Paul, of the Citizens Ambassador Program, a division of
People to People International, notifying him that he has been selected
to participate in the upcoming Printing and Publishing Delegation to the
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the coming August. People to
People International are a nonprofit organization started by the late
Dwight D. Eisenhower to facilitate the communications of experts from
various professions throughout the world. The objective of the
delegation was to exchange ideas, information, and technologies of the
printing and publishing industries with American counterparts in the
Soviet Union, and various Eastern European countries.

February 22, 1991 - Federal prosecutors seize $800,000 from Clark,

claiming he was privy to information about ongoing criminal acts within
ISC that generated the tainted cash.

February 1991 -In an American Helix staff meeting, with all employees
present, but Stan Caterbone, president David Dering had spent
approximately 20 minutes alleging that Stan Caterbone almost ruined
his company, and that he "is a runaway ex-convict, that will end up in jail
very soon". The above discussion was disclosed by engineer Al
Thornburg, immediately following the meeting.

May 23, 1991 - At approximately 2:00 pm, Jay Curtis, (appearing as a

Department of Defense contractor, who had recently solicited the
services of Stan Caterbone and his Advanced Media Group, Ltd., to
provide engineering in the development of "Digital" simulation and
training applications for various U.S. Military Logistics bases) had called
Stan Caterbone. The following is synopsis of the conversation:
"Because of your recent discussions concerning your knowledge and
information about the ISC Scandal, and an alleged "Cover-Up", I had to
do a background check on you, to insure against any problems when
including you in by proposal to the U.S. Department of Defense...
Everyone backs up your story, and is looking over your documents now,
including the CIA, IRS, SEC, FBI, Scotland Yard, Attorney General, the
British M-4, and others. They are all verifying and confirming your
"cover-up" allegations.. They don't know what to tell the Press and
Media "I also know that you submitted documents to Mr. Thomas
Flannery of the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal". "How did you know
about the CIA and its involvement with ISC, how did you know that, and
what do you know?" NOTES: Jay Curtis kept pushing Stan Caterbone
on the CIA issue, and what he had known and how he knew, Stan
Caterbone kept telling him that the whole situation was to emotional,
and that he was afraid for his life. Stan Caterbone had to eventually tell
Mr. Curtis that he could not discuss this anymore. He abruptly changed
the subject and hung up on Mr. Curtis. Stan Caterbone immediately
went to a friends house, and disclosed that fact that he was in fear for
his life. He quitly sat on the steps with his friend, Abby. Later that night,
his friend Dave Pflumm would take him to the corner bar for a few
drinks, while unknowing to Stan Caterbone, Ted Koppel was disclosing
the story of the CIAs involvement with ISC. Several hours later, Ted

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Koppel broke the story about the CIA and ISC's covert operations to sell
arms to Iraq. Immediately following the conversation with Mr. Jay Curtis
regarding the CIA and ISC, Stan Caterbone packed a suitcase and
confidential information assets, in preparation to leave Lancaster, in
total and legitimate fear for his life.

May 23, 1991 - ABC News/Nightline and Ted Koppel feature the first in
a series of stories, relating to CIA knowledge of a covert operation to
supply munitions to south Africa implemented by ISC and Carlos
Cardoen. The story featured Lancaster and ISC. The report ties Guerin
to the National Security Agency project in the 1970s. The report was
investigated by ABC News, the Financial Times of London, and the
Lancaster Intelligencer News. Tom Flannery of the Lancaster
Intelligencer Journal, appeared on the program and was given credits
on the show.

May 24, 1991 - The Lancaster Intelligencer Journal reports on the above
story. At approximately 1:30 pm, Stan Caterbone drives out of
Lancaster, en route to a safe haven, and stops at a convenience store
and reads the early edition of the Lancaster New Era, learning for the
first time of ABC News/Nightline story about ISC and the CIA the
evening before, just hours after his conversation regarding the same to
Jay Curtis.

June 7, 1991 - Stan Caterbone is again arrested by the Stone Harbor

Police. After passing several sobriety tests, and two Breathalyzer tests,
Stan Caterbone is placed in a jail cell, and refused to be released.
Several hours later, Stan Caterbone is cited for outstanding arrests
warrants of Avalon, NJ, dated back to August 14, 1987, by an officer of
the Avalon Police department who suddenly appeared. Both arresting
officers demanded $340.00 for the posting of bail. Stan Caterbone
requested that the required cash be retrieved from his car, located just a
few blocks away. The Avalon police officer responded by saying, "we
can't let you go to your car, you may have a gun in there". Stan
Caterbone was immediately escorted to the cape May county Prison,
fingerprinted and processed.

June 8, 1987 - Stan Caterbone calls Mike Orstein, Lt. of the Stone
Harbor police patrol, and requests that he retrieve the required cash
from his car, and post the required bail. At approximately 2:30 pm, Stan
Caterbone is released on bail.

June 11, 1991 - Stan Caterbone left the Stone Harbor Marina at
approximately 12:30 am en route to Lancaster, Pa, to retrieve some files
concerning the ISC cover-up. Upon driving north on Route 47 (the
normal route to Lancaster), approximately 10 miles outside the Cape
May county Courthouse, Stan Caterbone noticed a car following him
closely. Suspicious, Stan Caterbone decreased his speed from 55 mph
to 35 mph, in order for the car to pass him. However, the car remained
directly behind, adjusting the speed accordingly. In an effort to elude the
car, without raising suspicion, Stan Caterbone gradually increased his
speed, while also increasing the distance between the cars, resulting in
the loss of his taillights to the ensuing vehicle - Because of the winding
road, Stan Caterbone looked for an abrupt turn-off, in hopes of dashing
the eluding vehicle, by loosing sight of his taillights. There was little or
no traffic on the route during the early morning hours, and Stan
Caterbone stopped at an intersection, and noticed that the headlights of
the ensuing vehicle were not visible in his rear view mirror, meaning that
his taillights were also not visible to the ensuing vehicle. Immediately
upon pulling from the intersection, Stan Caterbone noticed a narrow dirt
road that lead into a field of small trees, the perfect place to sit for the
ensuing auto to pass him, unnoticed. The ensuing vehicle pulled to the
intersection, and continued north on route 47, in the direction of
Lancaster. Stan Caterbone sat in his vehicle a few minutes, until
continuing on his travel, north on Route 47. Approximately five (5)
minutes later, a car traveling in excess of SS mph, approached Stan
Caterbone, traveling south on the same road (2 lanes) As the two cars
approached each other, and approximately 30 yards from reaching each
other, the approaching vehicle drove directly into the lane of Stan
Caterbone, with its high beams on, and continued straight for his

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vehicle, or what appeared to be a head-on-collision. Stan Caterbone

drove off of the berm of the road, missing a line of trees by less than 12
inches (eluding a life threatening disaster), and passed the vehicle that
was still in the north bound lane, heading south. Stan Caterbone,
shaking and sweating furiously, noticed the cars brake lights go on, and
the car apparently turned around, and began pursuing Stan Caterbone
again. Stan Caterbone drove as fast as he could to Route 55, hoping to
find traffic in order to hide and loose the pursuing car. Stan Caterbone
arrived in Lancaster, at approximately 3:00 am, and again noticed a car
sitting in the parking lot of the vacant "Sportsman's Den", at the
intersection of the New Danville Pike and Prince Streets. Upon driving
west on Hershey Avenue, Stan Caterbone noticed the car following him.
In an effort to identify the license plate, Stan Caterbone made a few
turns in the area of Hamilton Watch, and followed the car heading north
on S. West End Avenue. The car was a late model, gold or tan, Cougar
or possibly a Buick Park Avenue. Stan Caterbone watched the car
increase his speed, and finally changed directions and proceeded to his
residence, and parked a few blocks away, and walked through the
woods, to his apartment in the Hershey Heritage complex. Stan
Caterbone then used a flashlight, in order not to reveal his presence,
and returned to his vehicle, sometime in the early morning, during

June 19, 1991 - Stan Caterbone leaves Stone Harbor, in constant fear
for his life, and remains in seclusion, in various parts of Eastern
Seacoast, spanning from Captiva Island, Florida, to Boston, MA, in
order to prepare an official request Congressional Investigation of all
related matters.

Jul 11, 1991 - Stan Caterbone files an official request C300 pages) for a
Congressional Investigation into all of the ISC and preceding issues with
U. S. Representative Robert Walker CR-Pennsylvania), and Speaker of
the House, U. S. Representative Thomas Foley. Overnight Mail Service
of the United States Post Office, outside of Baltimore, Maryland, sent
both requests.

July 12, 1991 - Stan Caterbone returns to his home, in Lancaster, PA, at
approximately 12:00 pm, after remaining in seclusion immediately
following the phone conversation of May 23, 1991 with Jay Curtis,
regarding the CIA and ISC. ABC News/Nightline features it's second
story about Lancaster's ISC and Arms to South Africa and Iraq.

July 18, 1991 - U.S. Representative Robert Walker sends a letter to

Stan Caterbone relating to his request for a Congressional Investigation
into all of his allegations of misconduct and criminal wrongdoing
regarding his alleged ISC/Fraud "cover-up". The letter said : "Thank you
for your recent letter and information on International Signal & Control
corporation. I appreciate your thinking of me; however, since this case is
before the courts, it is unethical for me to interfere with judicial process.
If you think I may be of assistance with other matters, please feel free to
contact me".

August 1, 1991 - Stan Caterbone receives a notice of a warrant for his

arrest by the Stone Harbor (NJ) Municipal Court, regarding summons
#081370. Stan Caterbone called the Court Clerk, Pam Davidson, to
explain the circumstances. The Court Clerk refused to identify herself,
and did not have time to listen to his explanation. She then questioned
why he (Stan Caterbone) wanted to write to the Judge to explain. Stan
Caterbone writes a formal letter to Judge Peter M. Tourison, of the
Stone Harbor Municipal Court explaining his allegations of misconduct,
and the issues surrounding his recent arrest of June 7th, and all of the
arrests dating back to August of 1987. Stan Caterbone had described in
detail his assertions and evidence that the arrests were conveniently
orchestrated while he was seeking legal recourse for the alleged ISC
"Cover-Up'. Stan Caterbone also explained his fear for not returning to
the Stone Harbor Municipality, in light of the fabricated arrests, and
other questionable incidents. Stan Caterbone requested another means
of settling all outstanding frivolous traffic violations, other than appearing
in Stone Harbor Municipal Court. Stone Harbor Municipal Court Judge,
Peter M. Tourison, sends Stan Caterbone an official letter

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acknowledging receipt of his previous letter and explanations. Judge

Tourison concluded his notice by demanding that Stan Caterbone
appear in Court, as scheduled, "to have this matter taken care of in the
proper manner.

August 13, 1991 - Ferranti announces it has recovered $650,000 hidden

by Guerin in a number of Swiss Hank accounts. Ferranti also
announces a fiscal 1991 loss of $282 million. Stan Caterbone responds
to Judge Tourison letter of August 8, and discloses the recent attempt
on his life, the past June, just outside or Stone Harbor, and states that
because of the apparent criminal conspiracy within the same
municipality, Stan Caterbone formally notifies the Judge that he refuses
to return to Court, as requested.

August 15, 1991 - Guerin and Cardoen are shown to have been deeply
involved in a failed $100 million arms procurement plot linked to the
infamous Iran-Contra scandal.

August 16, 1991 - Stan Caterbone receives a formal notice and demand
from American Helix President David D. Dering, for the return or
equipment, currently in the possession of Stan Caterbone, and notice of
the termination of the business agreement, dated October 1, 1990
between Stan J. Caterbone and American Helix Technology
Corporation. Stan Caterbone receives a facsimile from Mike Hess
(former ISC engineer who frequented S. Africa and who solicited Stan
Caterbone in late 1989 for work), and refuses to sign a non-disclosure
agreement with Stan Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group, Ltd.,
as requested to continue a further relationship considering the recent
activities from the May 23rd phone call and the national media publicity
regarding the ISC Scandal.

August 19, 1991 - Stan Caterbone sends a letter to attorney Timothy

Lanza via the Lancaster Bar Association, and asks for an explanation as
to his misrepresenting to Stan Caterbone for the past month that his
order for Advanced Media Group, Ltd., stock certificates were ordered,
when in fact Stan Caterbone verified with authorized personnel of the H.
Burr Kein company that the order was never placed. Timothy Lanza had
personally disclosed to Stan Caterbone on several occasions that he
was awaiting the delivery of the certificate kit via UPS. Stan Caterbone
responds to the previous letter of David D. Dering, and his request for
the return of American Helix equipment, currently in the possession of
Stan Caterbone. Stan Caterbone formally notifies David Dering that the
equipment will be held as collateral, according to statutes of the Pa.
Uniform Commercial Credit code, that the equipment will not he
returned until the past due invoice {# 1018), of the Advanced Media
Group, Ltd., of July 12, 1991 for $4,914.00, which was due upon receipt
according to their business agreement, was paid in full.

August 29, 1991 - A federal judge dismisses Christian's $93 million suit
against Guerin, but Christian vows to re file the suit.

September 13, 1991 - ABC News/Nightline features another story about

ISC, the CIA, and Arms Deals, in preparation for the beginning of the-
Confirmation Hearings of George Bush's nomination or the Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency, Robert Gates, which begins just three
days away, by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

September 14, 1991 - Ferranti and Clark reach an agreement to settle

their legal battle, although either party does not disclose details.
September 16, 1991 - The first day of the Robert Gates' Confirmation
Hearings brings questioning by Senator Murkowski, of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, about knowledge of the ISC operations by
Robert Gates. Gates, whose candor about Iran-Contra resulted in his
1987 withdraw when nominated for the same slot by then President
Reagan. In a less-than sincere line of questioning, Robert Gates denies
any knowledge of ISC, Guerin, or Carlos Cardoen, including any
operations to sell munitions to Iraq or South Africa. In addition, he
denies any knowledge of any CIA involvement in the same.

September 19, 1991- Stan Caterbone visits the office of Senator Bill

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Bradley (D-New Jersey), in the Hart Office Building, Washington, D.C.,

and delivers documents, tapes, and a video, all relating to his
allegations of an alleged "Cover-Up" regarding the ISC Scandal.
Assistant Jackie Widrow, who signed a receipt, took the materials.

September 21, 1991- Stan Caterbone delivers a contract for the

consulting services he has agreed to provide to J. Oman Landis, in
order to insure against any wrongdoing, and especially in light of Mr.
Landis' assertion the previous Friday that "you (Stan Caterbone) are
taking a break (from business) to rest your mind". This assertion
conveniently supports the alibi of mental insanity, that has been made
by numerous persons, including Mr. Landis' friends, the High's, who
wholly own American Helix Technology Corporation. Several hours after
delivering the contract to Mr. Landis, and after beginning to work, as
outlined in the contract, Mr. Landis called Stan Caterbone into his office
and said "there were some developments over the weekend, why don't
you continue on your normal duties of driving (limousines), this has
nothing to do with the contract that you asked me to sign".

October 1, 1991 - Stan Caterbone receives a facsimile from David

Dering, President of American Helix, formally charging Stan Caterbone
with charges of 16,730.00. David Dering also demands that the
equipment be returned, and upon receipt, American Helix would forgive
$11,816.00 ($16,730 - $4914)(Caterbone's invoice) of unpaid charges to
Stan Caterbone and or the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Stan
Caterbone sends by certified mail, a copy of a recent complaint (filed
Sep. 6, 1991) to the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles, and a
demand for the title to his boat, and again allegations of criminal
wrongdoing by the Stone Harbor Marina, for not delivering title, given
the bill of sale was satisfied on June 10, 1991, and a fee for the title was
paid as well. Stan Caterbone personally meets with Ted Koppel, of ABC
News/Nightline, at the Washington National Airport, at approximately
5:30 pm. Stan Caterbone questioned Ted Koppel if he knew a Mr. Jay
Curtis, and why he was questioned about the CIA's involvement with the
ISC affairs, just hours before the broadcast. Ted Koppel denied any
knowledge of Mr. Jay Curtis, and stated that Thomas Flannery was
involved in the broadcast requested the phone number of Stan
Caterbone, and said that he would contact him later, due to his present
time constraints, and asked "what do you want, and what is the story
line?" Stan Caterbone responded, "Justice and protection, someone is
trying to cover me up, and someone already made attempts on my life...
someone keeps getting information from me, while I'm left sitting in
Lancaster like a sitting duck".

October 2, 1991 - Stan Caterbone responds by facsimile, to the Oct. 1,

correspondence, to David D. Dering. NOTES: Stan Caterbone
requested supportive documentation regarding the suspicious charges
of $16,730.00 as declared, in order to consider the request for the return
of the equipment. David C. Dering responds by facsimile, demanding for
Stan Caterbone to meet him at the Holiday Inn, in Lancaster on Friday,
Oct 4th, with the equipment in his possession, and states that he will
deliver the required supportive documentation of the charges as

October 2, 1991 - Stan Caterbone responds by facsimile to Ted Koppel,

as to his question concerning the "story line" October 31, 1991 - Guerin
and 19 others, including Larry Reach, are indicted on 75 criminal counts
by the Philadelphia based grand jury. Laura McQueen, administrator for
the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles, called Stan Caterbone at
approximately 3:30 pm, to notify him that she was trying to sort out the
problem with his complaint regarding title to his boat. Ms. McQueen
acknowledged that the Stone Harbor Marina had submitted an
application for a title, apparently dated on or about June 10, however
the identity of the boat did not match that of for Stan Caterbones. Ms.
McQueen also admitted that there seemed to be evidence of
wrongdoing, but denied to state whether the matter was presently being
investigated. Ms. McQueen also stated that the title in question was
being microfiche, and that within a few days, they should be able to
trace the title, and resolve the problem. Robert Clyde Ivy, Terrance
Faulds, Wayne Radcliffe, Gerald Schuler, and Thomas Jaslin enter not

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guilty pleas to all charges handed down by the Philadelphia grand jury.

November 24, 1987 - Robert Shireman, ISC financial executive pleads

his guilt in the ISC $billion fraud and scandal.

November 25, 1987 - Anthony Stagq, ISC executive in charge of

Singapore operations, pleads guilty in the Arms Export violations.

November 27, 1987- ISC Executive Larry Resch pleads guilty to his role
in the massive contract fraud in the Ferranti/ISC merger of November,

December 3, 1991 - Philadelphia grand jury hands down a "superseding

indictment", clarifying the money laundering portion of the charges. The
indictment states that between November of 1986 and June of 1989,
Guerin looped $450 million through phony bank, vendor, -and customer
accounts to give the appearance several of the bogus ISC contracts
were real. The preceding information also allows for the possibility of an
indictment of William Clark, and possibly his attorney Joseph Roda. The
largest of the fake contracts was the Pakistan Missile deal, in which
Larry Resch was charged and indicted by the grand jury for managing.
Stan Caterbone's best friend in the whole world, little "Abbey Pflumm",
shouts his name, "Taan", for the first time.

December 3, 1991 -Mike Hess, a former ISC engineer that also has
done work for Stan Caterbone, visits Stan Caterbone to deliver all
materials in his possession which is the property of the Advanced Media
Group, Ltd., Stan Caterbone and Mike Hess engage in an argument
when Mike Hess becomes annoyed at Stan Caterbones continued
caution and suspicion of Mike Hess's real motives and agenda for the
relationship. Stan Caterbone had witnessed several incidents of
inconsistencies with the attitude of Mike Hess, with specific respect
regarding Stan Caterbone's efforts for justice and legal recourse
concerning the affairs of 1987. Stan Caterbone admitted in several
occasions that he will never trust anyone, especially given his former
association with ISC, and most importantly his activities and travel to
South Africa.

December 4, 1991 - Stan Caterbone calls the Citizens Commission of

Human Rights, after seeing the organization featured on the Murray
Povich Show, and talks to Roy Griffen. The organization's mission is to
investigate abuses within the mental illness profession. Roy Griffen
requests information, and agrees to investigate his allegations. Stan
Caterbone states that he will Federal Express a copy of this chronology.

December 5, 1991 - At approximately 10:00 am, Stan Caterbone sent a

package of information via Federal Express (tracking number
9734766S93) to:

Roy Griffen
Citizens Commission for Human Rights
6362 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(800) 869-2247
The package was received at 9:56 am (PST) by L. Mezkerlsl, at the
front desk.

December 5, 1991 - At approximately 4:52 pm, James Guerin pleads

guilty to eight (B) grand jury indictments of October 31. The indictments
are as follows:

Criminal Conspiracy
Violation, Arms Export Control Act
Violation, Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid act.
Money Laundering
Securities Fraud
Filing False Income Tax Return
Aiding and Abetting the Commission of crime.

Sentencing is scheduled for February 25, 1992, with a minimum of 14

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years, and a maximum of Life in prison.

December 4, 1991 - Stan Caterbone receives uninvited visitors at his

residence, cousin Sam Miller family, who in September left him stranded
in Florida. They conveniently need a place to stay, while visiting in
Lancaster, and purposely cause distractions to his efforts for legal

December 11, 1991- Stan Caterbone finally requests that Michelle and
Jason Miller vacate his residence.

December 20, 1991- Stan Caterbone receivers a notice from the

Internal Revenue Service regarding a discrepancy in income reported
on his 1989 Federal Income Tax Return. The items in question were his
"disability income" from Monarch life insurance and American Helix
"non-employee income".

December 23, 1991- Stan Caterbone responds to the IRS letter and
submits a copy of the chronology of this conspiracy, along with the
entire audio transcript (2 - 90 minute cassettes) of his meeting of
September 29, 198? with the Pennsylvania Securities Finding of Facts
Resulting in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Page 41 Commission and requests
assistance in his ordeal. The correspondence was sent via 'Return
Receipt Requested" in order to insure proof of delivery. Stan Caterbone
sends an updated chronology to Roy Griffen of the Citizen's
Commission for Human Rights.

December 28, 1991- Stan Caterbone sends a formal notice to attorney

Howard Cerny, 245 Park Avenue, New York, informing him to return the
previously submitted information and tapes regarding this case, and
also informing him that he no longer wishes to discuss these issues with
him or any member of his firm.

December 30, 1991- Stan Caterbone travels to the U.S. 9:50 am

courthouse in Philadelphia, PA, and personally delivers the chronology
and a copy of the "1987" Pennsylvania Securities Commission meeting
to Chief Judge Bechtel, who is presiding over the ISC court preceding.
10:00 am Stan Caterbone visits the U.S. Attorney Generals office in the
same building and files a formal complaint, "Criminal Conspiracy to
"cover-up" the International Signal a Control scandal. The proper form is
filed with the clerk. Assistant U. S. Attorney General Gray asks Stan
Caterbone to briefly describe his complaint. Stan Caterbone gives Gray
the chronology along with the tapes. Stan Caterbone briefly describes
the meeting of June 23, 1987 with Larry Resch, the nay 23, 1991 phone
call from Jay Curtis, the arrests by Manheim Township, and the
attempts on his life. Agent Gray took notes, and said he is not familiar
with the case, but would personally see that the information is passed to
the proper authorities involved in the case. During the conversation, Mr.
Gray asked the exact same question that was asked by both Joe Roda
and Investigator Eisler of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission) "But
you did not work for them (ISC), you were not involved with them?" Stan
Caterbone gave this response to all questions by Mr. Gray: It's all in
there (the chronology), all of the information and events".

January 6, 1992 - Stan Caterbone sends a copy of the criminal

conspiracy chronology and a complete audio transcript of the PA SEC
meeting of 1987 to the legal counsel of the Pennsylvania Securities
Commission via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested: P825 695

January 8, 1992 - At a "Town Meeting" in Columbia, Pennsylvania held

by U. S. Senator Arlen Spector, Stan Caterbone personally delivers a
copy of the criminal conspiracy chronology to Anon Spector after the
meeting and asks Arlen Spector to read the letter, Mr. Spector replied, "
I will do that".

January 9, 1992 - Stan Caterbone receives the Return Receipt from the
Pennsylvania SEC, signed by Sharon F. Heinspach on January 8, 1992.

November 8, 1997 Stan Caterbone solicits Attorney Matt Samley, of the

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law firm of Xelkallis, Reese and Pugh, to provide a legal opinion as to

the circumstances involved in the cover up. Mr. Samley quickly asks if
anyone had called Stan Caterbone about the issues. Mr. Samley agrees
to review the documents and will provide a legal opinion of any criminal
and prosecutorial misconduct.

November 23, 1997 - Stan Caterbone delivers materials to Mr. Samley

and also sends via Federal Express the same materials to Christina
Rainville, of Shnader, Harris, Lewis, and . With a letter requesting a
legal opinion from Ms. Rainville.

December, 8, 1997 - Ms. Pam Pflumm call Dr. Albert Shultz regarding
the behavior of Stan Caterbone.

December 15, 1997 - Stan Caterbone telephones Jim Christian to again

confirm that he did not have knowledge of his meeting with Mr. Larry
Resch. Jim Christian began threatening Stan Caterbone from public
disclosure of these issues; he said, You have to forget about it. Your
life will be worse off than it is now, you better just forget it

January 14, 1998 - Stan Caterbone visits with Fr. Edward Lavelle for
advice and guidance concerning his situation. Stan Caterbone only
asked that Fr. Lavelle call Mr. David Pflumm, and ask he and is key
employees refrain from inflicting any additional mental duress upon his
person Fr. Lavelle refuses unless he is told to do so by Dr. Al Shulz. He
offers no further assistance. 1:00 pm A few hour later, Stan Caterbone
visits Dr. Al Shulz for his quarterly appointment. Immediately upon
entering the appointment, and before the plaintiff will speak any words,
Dr. Al Shulz will contemporaneously accuse the plaintiff and declare:
Stan, you are very sick. You are not well! You need to take additional
medications. The recorded transcript will prove the horrid implications
of these conversations.

February 20, 1998 The plaintiff is forced to vacate his position of

Controller of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., due to the purposeful and
intentional infliction of mental duress, perpetrated as a direct reprisal
against the Plaintiffs rightful pursuit of due process of the law
concerning all issues contained herein.

April 21, 1998 The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry will
again illegally deny the Plaintiff of his legitimate claim for Unemployment
Compensation Benefits, which again is an act of reprisal against his
rightful pursuit of fair access to the law, and his disclosures of the
incidents contained herein.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industrys 1987 rulings

against the Plaintiff have been also proven to be in err, which
conveniently and intentionally subjects the Plaintiff to financial hardship
and mental duress, all purposefully hindering the Plaintiffs right to
access the law. The record of the plaintiffs claim for Unemployment
Compensation Benefits is corrupted.

Diary of Mental Duress Pflumm Contractors, Inc.,

I started to log incidents of mental duress in December of 1997 after the
incidents became consistent and demonstrated not be random acts of
mere occurrences. This behavior and malicious treatment was an
extreme divergence from the previous 45 months of my tenure and a
polarization of my relationships with all employees involved, including
Mr. David Pflumm.

Ms. Susan Bare (Office Manager, Reporting Directly To Me)

In December, her attitude became especially hostile toward me, upon

many occasions challenging my computer knowledge when in fact she
has limited experience. She had continued to persist in wanting to
change procedures, which I had repeatedly told her that systems are
reviewed at the end of the fiscal year, and any necessary changes
would only be made during the off-season, as in previous years. She
had continued to challenge my authority, which was out-of -character,
and not consistent with her job description. She had often become upset

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and snippy when I would not go out and get her lunch, which was not in
my job description.

Mr. James Leonards, (Asphalt Paving Supervisor)

In the week preceding Christmas vacation, Mr. Leonards had requested

that I submit a form to Wholsen Contractors, which was incidental to any
contracts. The form requested banking accounts, which I had refused to
answer. I would not release the corporate confidential banking
information to a General Contractor of whom we were at credit risk for
collecting payments for services rendered, not the other way around.
Mr. Leonards continued to harass me about the document, and kept
waiving the document in front of my face. He continued, and I told him to
have Wholsen call me. I had counted five incidents regarding this
document, which I never submitted. This information was immaterial to
any negotiations with Wholsen, and was intended only as a means of
mental duress.

Mr. Leonards had shown interest in learning estimating software on the

computer. He persistently requested the opportunity, and I had
suggested that he evaluate competing software before any final
decisions were made. He had on his own, obtained a demonstration of
software, which he evaluated. It was not what we required, and before
Christmas, I had procured another demonstration disc for his evaluation.
He promised to evaluate that software over the Christmas vacation. Mr.
Leonards kept giving me excuses, and was never evaluated., merely to
inflict mental duress.

On many occasions Mr. Leonards insisted on challenging my computer

knowledge with incidental technical questions, knowing that I was
becoming annoyed. Mr. Leonards only began working on a computer at
home, within the past several months.

On January 15th, I went out to start my car, and Mr. Leonards and Mr.
Ralph Carruthers from the lobby door, made gestures at me thinking
that I was leaving, when in fact I was merely warming up my car. When I
returned to the lobby, Mr. Leonards and Mr. Carruthers had

On or about February 24th, upon logging into my AOL account, a

Buddy List message from Mr. James Leonards appeared on my
computer screen that said Stan is that you?. The only way that I am
able to receive Buddy List messages is to sign up for the service, of
which I had never done, which means that Mr. Leonards must have
illegally accessed my account and signed my account up for the service.
The evening before, a neighbor saw me looking for my cats with a spot
light, and yelled Stan is that you?. This is certainly a clear example of
mental duress, among other electronic privacy violations.

Mr. John Brown, (Truck Driver)

On January 9th, Mr. John Brown was receiving his pay check and made
the following remark Stan, why didnt you go to Cancun with Dave, you
look like one of those Mexicans.

LN Dockey (Office Assistant, part-time)

Consistently called my car phone upon leaving the office to ask where I
was going, and when I was coming back, which was none of her
business. She reported to me, I did not report to her. She knew that this
annoyed me, and was out-of-character and inconsistent with prior

Mr. Brian Langsett (Subcontractor)

Mr. Brian Langsett continued to make calls to my home, and during the
week of February 20th, screamed and yelled into my voice mail, which
resulted in my changing my line to a private phone line. Mr. Langsett
consistently left messages on my voice mail, knowing that I was not
going to answer them back.

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Mr. Ralph Carruthers (General Manager)

On January 22nd, Mr. Ralph Carruthers entered my office and

requested that I redo a pay application for the Lancaster Township Park
Avenue project that I had done. I informed him that I had nothing to do
with that pay application because I was on vacation. He stormed out of
my office, mad that I wouldnt redo the pay application and telling me
that I had done it. Immediately following his departure, Mr. David
Pflumm stormed into my office and got inches away from my face and
said Do you and Ralph have a problem, what is your problem? I
nervously and quite upset said, Dave, I didnt prepare that pay
application, I was on vacation. Mr. Pflumm replied, Yes you did. I
immediately said, Dave, mental duress is a serious matter, you dont
mess with someones mind, like that you just dont play with someones
mind like this., I was on vacation Mr. Pflumm went on to say that I did
do the pay application. I asked him Do you have a problem with me?
He replied no.

I later went to the file and retrieved the original pay application for
Lancaster Townships Park Avenue. Mr. David Pflumm with his
handwriting prepared it. I later showed it to him and he said nothing.

Mr. David Pflumm

In August of 1997, I was responsible for the formulation, presentation,

and collection of a Change Order for the removal of rock at the Cecil
County Community College, which we subcontracted the work from e.e.
Murray Construction Company. We had negotiated a unit price per cubic
yard of rock removed, and we were required to document the
measurements, which accounted for a billing of some $275,000 to e.e.

I had spent several hundred hours on the project, most of which I had
done at my office at home. Through November, it became apparent that
the e.e. Murray was trying to pass on their own problems and mistakes
with their contract with the College to us, in an effort to relieve
themselves of the $275,000 contractual liability they had with Pflumm
Contractors, Inc., This process was an enormous burden, given the
impact the loss would have to our financial, and especially considering
that e.e. Murray had no legal loophole to avoid payment to us,
regardless of any dispute they had with the college. I had proven this
through thorough documentation and the specifics of our contractual

My policy and the policy of Pflumm Contractors, Inc., up to this point had
always been to take legal action after all other efforts for collections and
contract disputes have failed. I had demonstrated an outstanding
performance in reducing the amount of bad receivables, which had
almost caused the company into bankruptcy prior to my affiliation. More
Mr. David Pflumm had always demonstrated a hard line stance in all
collection matters, even to the extreme of causing the dismissal of his
own employee for failing to reimburse the company for a $700 repair bill.
Mr. David Pflumm was not known for his fairness or good faith
negotiating. His tendency was to inflate production figures, and was lack
in leniency to anyone that owed him money. This was clearly
demonstrated in past contractual disputes with the Hershey Library,
Dutch Family Inn, Consolidated Construction, and various other small
accounts. His policy was consistent no matter what the amount of the
payable. Mr. Pflumm was quick to take legal action in all disputes as
soon as negotiations proved fruitless.

As early as late October I had advised Mr. Pflumm that we were

exhausting our efforts for collection of the $275,000 and that e.e. Murray
was not negotiating in good faith and was in my opinion engaging in
fraudulent tactics. This transaction was of even greater importance than
any other bad receivable due to the fact that a majority of the funds at
risk were pure profits. As early as November, it was the advise of our
corporate attorney, Mr. Matt Samley of Xakellis, Reese and Pugh, that a

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civil law suit should be immediately filed. I had Mr. Matt Samley detail all
of the legal parameters of his legal opinion supporting his contentions.

In November, I had informed Mr. David Pflumm that I personally

removed myself form the dispute on the grounds that e.e. Murray
Construction Company was not acting in good faith, I had exhausted all
available resources and means of collecting the monies without a civil
law suit being filed, and Mr. David Pflumm refused to take legal action.

By my departure on February 20th, all efforts for collecting the $275,000

proved fruitless, and Mr. David Pflumm continued his procrastination of
filing a civil lawsuit. I am of the firm belief that the many of the
negotiations and situations surrounding the collection of payments from
e.e. Murray was strategically used as ploy to inflict mental duress for the
following reasons:

1. I had exhausted most of my time during September, October, and

November while also managing my regular duties, and had requested a
fee for the collection of funds that was well beyond the scope of my

2. e.e. Murray Construction Company had no legal foundation for not

paying Pflumm Contractors, Inc., regardless of whether e.e. Murray
collected the funds from the Cecil County Community College.

3. e.e Murray had collected enough funds from Cecil County Community
College in January, and still refused any payment to Pflumm
Contractors, Inc.,

4. Mr. David Pflumm had exhibited and demonstrated an extreme sense

of leniency toward filing a civil lawsuit that was unprecedented during
my tenure and in the history of the company.

5. Over half of the $275,000 was cash for the company.

6. I allege that during the month of February, communications were

used to deceive the true nature of the situation.

7. Mr. Pflumm had always taken my advice on such matters during my


8. Lastly, the only reasonable explanation for not filing a civil complaint
is that the situation was not being truly disclosed by Mr. David Pflumm
and e.e. Murray and that a lawsuit would become public record and has
adverse and irrevocable damages to e.e. Murray Construction

In late January Mr. David Pflumm laid a large envelope addressed to his
home on my desk. Inside was a letter addressed to me from Airways
Charter Service, including a brochure depicting a plane, identical to that
which was illegally repossessed from me in 1987. This was clearly a
demonstrated tactic for mental duress. In the history of my tenure, we
have never discussed or had any remote need for such a service, and
more importantly, the package was addressed to Mr. David Pflumms

On week of February 20th, Mr. David Pflumm had provided me with

documentation that required my signature from Town & Country Leasing
for my automobile that that had I signed would have given the leasing
company the right to repossess the automobile at any given time while
providing me with no legal recourse to prevent such repossession. Mr.
Pflumm had agreed to personally guarantee the payments for the
automobile for the duration of the lease, under any and all
circumstances. He has breached his agreement.

During the weeks preceding my departure, in the course of my

travels, I had passed many employees on many different
occasions during the course of the day. On every occasion, not
one employee would acknowledge me with a gesture or waive.

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During my tenure at Pflumm Contractors, Inc., not only did I

resurrect the company from near bankruptcy, and restore the
company to the best financial condition it has ever
experienced, even as important was the management policies
that I had implemented that had for the first time given the
employees fair and equitable place of employment. And their
gratitude was often displayed and demonstrated toward me.
The behavior of the company, as a whole, was drastically out
of character and malicious, which had resulted in a hostile
environment directly threatening my mental welfare. There is
not a reason in the world where I should have been so
maliciously treated. The pain and suffering was so great, that I
specifically sought the advice and help of Fr. Edward Lavelle on
January 14th, in the Office of the Bishop.

Any further detail to this document would greatly compromise my rights

for any future litigation, which may or may not transpire.

I Attest,
Stanley J. Caterbone

August 2001 AIM Management Company begins to systematically

sabotage my business with al l of the Wholesale Representatives and
Advanced Media Group, which resulted in the loss of approximately
$50,000 per year of revenues. This was is the beginning of the loss of
my earning capacity to present.

2002 to 2004 Day trading business was again sabotaged by malicious

mirror trading of my stock portfolio resulting in the loss of profitability on
my trading transactions. Persons and or organizations would
systematically trade against me while also employing techniques of
psychological tactics to distract me from concentrating on my own
instinctive nature and financial analysis required for profitability.

Dec 16, 2004 Plaintiff sends a complaint to Agent Sarsfield of the

Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office in Pittsburg regarding illicit
telephone activities:

December 15, 2004

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Attorney of General
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Pittsburgh Regional Office
6th Floor, Manor Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15129

Attn: Ms. Shannon J. Sarsfield

Ref: Verizon Customer Relations, C-006142-2004

Dear Ms. Sarsfield:

I appreciate your review of the aforementioned file. I was also in receipt
of the November 19, 2004 response of the complaint from Verizon. For
the record, I have made several previous attempts prior to the July 28th
request to be place on their Do Not Call list. I had made several calls in
the previous months, and the calls did not stop. My telephone has been
used as a means of harassment and intimidation, with my calls often
being intercepted, misdirected, or impersonated. And often calls from
Out of Area made several times a day, with no answer. If you were to
do an audit of my calls (in/out) over the last several years, you would
reveal the nature of these activities.

Dec 16, 2004 Plaintiff sends a complaint to Agent Sarsfield of the

Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office in Pittsburg regarding illicit
telephone activities:

December 15, 2004

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Attorney of General
Bureau of Consumer Protection

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Pittsburgh Regional Office

6th Floor, Manor Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15129

Attn: Ms. Shannon J. Sarsfield

Ref: Verizon Customer Relations, C-006142-2004

Dear Ms. Sarsfield:

I appreciate your review of the aforementioned file. I was also in receipt
of the November 19, 2004 response of the complaint from Verizon. For
the record, I have made several previous attempts prior to the July 28th
request to be place on their Do Not Call list. I had made several calls in
the previous months, and the calls did not stop. My telephone has been
used as a means of harassment and intimidation, with my calls often
being intercepted, misdirected, or impersonated. And often calls from
Out of Area made several times a day, with no answer. If you were to
do an audit of my calls (in/out) over the last several years, you would
reveal the nature of these activities.

Dec 16, 2004 Approx 1:00 pm Plaintiff meets with Michael Landis,
County Detective for Lancaster County, in his office at the Lancaster
Courthouse to discuss J. Karpathious and death threats and the
Southern Regional Police Department. Plaintiff sends email to Michael
Landis and a copy of the 1998 Affidavit in the email. Supreme Court
announces plans to review Lambert Appeal the next day.

Dear Mr. Landis,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. I appreciate
your time. I understand your frustration in trying to understand the
circumstances regarding my situation. I have enclosed a document,
which I authored in 1998 to help you. Also, if you could, maybe you
could help to facilitate my application for food stamps with the County
Assistance Office. I would appreciate it.

Feb 18, 2005 - Plaintiff sends the following letter to the Chief of Police of
the Southern Regional Police Department:

February 18, 2005

Chief John A. Fiorill
Southern Regional Police Department
3284 Main Street
P.O. Box 254
Conestoga, PA 17516

Dear Chief Fiorill:

I am very disappointed in the way that our meeting had ended. I will be
filing complaints With the appropriate authorities concerning the threats
and abuse by Officer Busser. Remember you had requested that
meeting. And as you stated, I do not believe anything that you say,
well Sir, that is certainly your choice, however I have never provided
anything but the truth to you or any member of your department. The
burden of proof to my allegations falls within your jurisdiction. If you are
telling me that I have to prove every allegation when I report a crime, I
just dont know how that is possible. But you are the Chief of the
department, so I guess I will have to protect my person and property in
any manner that deems appropriate. I apologize for becoming loud and
frustrated, however when you tell me that I am lying and I am most
certainly telling the truth; and then you and Mr. Busser yell that I am
nuts and to get out of here; and that no one will respond to any of my
calls to your office, well we have a very serious problem. You both have
challenged my integrity, my truthfulness, credibility, and my sanity. And
Mr Busser pulling out his night stick and holding it up to hit me, that is
more than enough for me. I get the picture loud and clear. I hope that
you do as well.

Cc: Donald Totaro, Lancaster County District Attorney

Feb 19, 2005 Plaintiff files the following complaint with the The Internet
Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) after the incident of Kerry Egan calling
911 to file a false report of plaintiff sending an email stating to kill

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Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) is a partnership between
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar
Crime Center (NW3C).

February 19, 2005 7:26 am

At approximately 5:00 am this morning the Conestoga Police entered
my home and accused me of sending an email to Kerry Egan
threatening to kill myself. The officer verbally and physically abused me
because I did not know what he was talking about and he kept
interrogating me and handcuffed me because I said that I was not on
the internet after 10:00 pm on February 18, the evening before. The
officer told me that I sent an email to Kerry Egan and she called 911 at
approximately 5:00 am this morning. I told the officer that I did I fell
asleep at approximately 1:00 am and did not awake until the officer
arrived at my house. The officer was quite abusive and tried to accuse
me of lunging at him, when in fact he was throwing me around. Pam
Pflumm, who previously filed trespass charges against me, and whom I
was to have no contact with, illegally entered my home with the officer,
via a key which I had kept on the deck. Before they entered my home, I
called 911 and requested that the Pennsylvania State Police come to
my aid because of the verbal and physical threats that I received earlier
in the day from Officer Busser and Chief of Police Fiorill of the Southern
Regional Police Department. After they had left, I took a shower and
almost collapsed from exhaustion and trauma. I got dressed and went to
the emergency room of Regional Hospital, former Saint Joseph
Hospital. Dr. Laird attended to my concerns.

Feb 20, 2005 Plaintiff calls Southern Regional Police Department and
Humane League to file formal complaint of Cruelty to Animals. Both
refused to investigate or file any reports. Complaint phoned in to the
Humane League on Feb 20, 2005 As described to a Letter To The
Editor, Gil Smart While I was away for a family emergency, I had
someone let my two cats out after being inside for a few days, which I
have always done in the past. I returned after being in South Florida for
one week. Upon driving toward my driveway, my one cat was anxiously
awaiting my arrival. However, my second cat was not there. This was an
immediate cause for concern, since being mother and son; they had
always stuck together. After a few days I knew that my cat was either
abducted or was harmed. No way would he be around and not come
home. The other evening I went over to my suspect neighbors home,
which I know often has been mischievous toward my property in the
past, and asked him if he saw my cat. He went on to tell me how big my
cat is and how he is the "king of the neighborhood". I found this
conversation to be typical bull.... He said "don't worry it will show up
soon!" Last evening I found my dead cat lying by my pond with a
possum chewing on its ear. I examined the body and found that its neck
had been broken with no other signs of any other wounds. I called the
Humane Shelter and talked to a Cruelty Officer who said" There is
nothing we can do if you did not see anyone physically harm the animal
Is this the way it is? You have to prove a crime before they will
investigate? Sounds a little backwards to me, but then again I often
forget where I am at.

Feb 21, 2005 Plaintiff sends letter to Fulton Bank regarding the death of
Thomas Caterbone and the alleged indiscretions and illegalities of the
activities of Fulton Bank.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Project Hope

Mr. Scott Smith

Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, PA 17604

Dear Mr. Smith:

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The reason I had called you on Friday morning was to discuss an

outstanding issue with you. I am not threatening you or coming to you
as an adversary, but rather just trying to understand how your institution
can be so cold and rude to my family. On Thursday I visited the Manor
Branch to discuss the account for Tom's Project Hope, our nonprofit
foundation that advocates awareness for suicide prevention, with a
focus for teenagers. Of course this foundation was founded after the
suicide of my youngest brother, Tom, in 1996. Well, I never had so
much trouble trying to gain access to our account's statements than I
did on that day. All that I heard was how much I would have to pay to
get copies of the statements. Which in itself is a little disheartening,
considering we are a non-profit giving something back to the
community. We are a major donor for CONTACT Lancaster. And it is
this attitude that inspired me to address the very reason Tom's Project
Hope was unfortunately founded. I had asked the Customer Service
person what would happen if I made an attempt to deposit a check in an
account that did not have funds available at that time. She said "we
have to give you the choice to deposit the check or wait until there are
funds". I said are you sure, she said "oh yes, you have the choice to
make the deposit or not". I said that is what I thought was the policy or
rule. In 1996 my brother, Tom, had his accounts with your bank. He was
given a check in the amount of approximately $60,000 by an account
from Ms. John Depatto.

Forgive me but I do not have the energy to retrieve all of the details at
this time. My brother went to the Manor Branch to deposit that check,
and was refused on at least 3 occasions from making that deposit. I
know this because he was calling me asking for advise and help. I
remember telling him to seek legal counsel because this was not right.
Your tellers refused to take the check for deposit because there were no
funds available. I kept telling him that this was wrong and that he should
make the deposit incase funds became available the check would be
honored. But your tellers kept refusing to make that deposit. I then went
on to learn that funds did become available and were paid to other
entities that had NSF checks waiting for funds, which would have been
behind my brothers check had your tellers accepted that deposit. If you
carefully review the financial problems my brother encountered prior to
his death, you would see that this was the one transaction that started a
spiral of events that caused him a great amount of stress and duress.
And I know this because I was trying to help him. I eventually took him
to the emergency room of St. Joseph Hospital just 4 days prior to his

Now, Sir, you tell me how you would feel if you were in my position, and
what would you want to happen. I have kept this to myself for far too
long, and since I have had my own problems with your institution in a
similar way back in 1987. I would like to understand why we are treated
like this, and ask that these matters be addressed. Put yourself in my
position, would you want anything less?

Feb 22, 2005 Plaintiff sends email to Lancaster District Attorney Donald
Totaro after Supreme Court announces the Supreme Court of the
United States is reviewing Lambert Case, one day after Plaintiff reviews
affidavit for the first time in 7 years.

Dear Don:
Just so there are no misunderstandings, I have never had, nor do I have
now, any information regarding the Lambert proceedings. I have never
spoken to anyone concerning the same. I am very suspect as to the
timing of this announcement and find it very disturbing given the
document that I had innocently resurrected after 8 years. My only intent
in writing that document was to find resolve for my own tragic situation. I
believe a jury trial would have been the only fair way for an equitable
resolution to this case. Had that occurred in the beginning, I don't
believe we would be confronting this issue today. I meant no disrespect
toward your office or that of the state. As far as the police, it is the same,
except that I was very angered at the few that have treated me with
such malice, which is in no way a condemnation for the men in blue. I
was literally fighting for my life, and still continue to this day.

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Feb 26, 2005 Plaintiff sends letter to President Bush and White House
staff addressing concerns regarding National Security Issues and this
case and receives positive signal to proceed to court. Iraq
National Security

To: President George W. Bush

From: Mr. Stan Caterbone
Subject: Write a Supporting Comment on National Security (Iraq)

Dear President Bush:

I need to know if any information contained herein compromises the
security of the United States of America. I have been getting mixed
signals as to this question, and my life has been constantly Threatened
because of this document. I would submit to a polygraph to verify the
credibility of any of the facts contained in this document. I was the sole
author of this writing back in 1998. If you believe that this document
does threaten our National Security, I would like to personally deliver the
accompanying information assets to yourself or the National Security
Agency upon request. If you believe that this document does not
compromise the National Security in any manner, then I would ask that
you uphold my civil liberties in continuing my efforts to adjucate these
matters and find an opportunity for remedy in the appropriate court of

Mar 14, 2005 Plaintiff files complaint to the American Civil Liberties
Union of Philadelphia, PA after the Intake Director directed plaintiff in
filing protocols.

March 14, 2005

American Civil Liberties Union Of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Re: Complaint

I have had many persons levy attacks and harassment upon me with
explicit statements defaming my character and slandering me with such
statements as calling me "insane, crazy and nuts". I have been abused,
both emotionally and physically, which are a matter of record, by the
Southern Regional Police Department, formally the Conestoga Police
Department. I have had several fabrications and false reports
concerning alleged suicide attempts, all of which have been proved to
be total lies. There has been total disregard for my civil liberties and
numerous violations of my civil rights. All of these incidents are intended
to provoke and illicit the very same behavior they accuse me of; that of
being mentally unstable.
The reason for this is simple, to discredit my allegations and to prevent
me from taking legal action and to block access of due process against
the private and public entities of the County of Lancaster, and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These attacks, harassment, and
intimidation began in June of 1987 and continue today. In the last
several weeks, in the matter of 4 days, I was detained and abused by
Police in the middle of the night on 2 different occasions. At 4:00 am
one morning a person called 911 and reported that I had emailed a
message threatening to commit suicide, proven to be a lie. I had a
Police Officer raised his nightstick and threaten to hit me while he was in
a violent rage, only to have another officer take step in and disarm him. I
have had the Police literally break into my home, because I would not
open the door, for fear of my safety after being abused the previous day.
The officer handcuffed me and shoved me around because I would not
admit to wanting to kill myself. In the last several weeks I have had no
less than 6 persons attack my mental stability and in an effort to break
me emotionally. In 1987 I had made public allegations of fraud against a
Defense Contractor, International Signal& Control (I was a shareholder),
after a meeting in which they wanted me to finance some questionable
activities. From that meeting forward, these illicit and malicious acts
have been occurring quite frequently. It cost me money, financial
opportunity, friends, time; and everything imaginable except my life. And
there was at least one attempt on that. In 1987 ISC was in the midst of a
multi-million dollar merger with the British Defense Contractor, Ferranti
International. My allegations caused grave consequences to that deal.

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Four years later executives of ISC were indicted for the "largest fraud in
U.S. History"; ($1 Billion dollars), and for exporting arms to Iraq by way
of South Africa. In 1987, when I made these allegations, I was making
the first digital movie; ironically, I received the original patent research
materials days after that meeting with ISC, from a prominent patent law
firm in Philadelphia. I have been Arrested at least on 6 occasions, and
the most outlandish, for stealing my own files from my own office. I have
spent 6 days in prison. I have been taken to the Hospital on 2
occasions, and have been detained by police on several other
occasions for persons making false claims that I threatened to commit
suicide. I have never been convicted of any crime, and all charges are
conveniently discharged before any court proceedings. All charges of
suicide have been proven to be false allegations and fraudulent false
reports. In the last week, I had obtained my medical records from the
Regional Medical Center, while I was maliciously and fraudulently
admitted there after my arrest in 1987, and there are 3 reports from 3
different psychiatrists which all reveal that there was never any attempt
by anyone in the Hospital administration or medical staff to validate any
of my statements; which in and of themselves were used to indict me
and support the diagnosis of manic depression. Of, course, all of my
statements were true, which all are methodically proven in the following
supporting documents. I have had my airplane, loaded with all of my
files, repossessed in the middle of the night by the Common National
Bank of Lancaster (Mellon), before any payments were due. This
happened immediately after my meeting with International Signal &
Control, in 1987. I was trying to find safe haven in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey, where we were making a movie. Tony Bongiovi, of Power
Station Studio in New York, had solicited me to help him produce the 1st
Digital Movie, again in 1987.I have been precluded from any seeking
any kind of remedy in the courts due to the sensitive nature and
involvement of National Security issues. It has been reported that the
CIA and National Security Agency were all involved in covert and
possibly rogue activities with ISC and the export of arms to Iraq (Cluster
Bombs). This was one of the questions that Robert Gates had to answer
in his Confirmation Hearings for Director of the CIA in 1990 by the
Chairman of the Committee (I have the CNN video). There was also a
"Presidential Finding" that was said to be filed by then President George
H. Bush regarding the same. The following are supporting documents
and complaints that I filed and are forwarding to you:

March 23, 2005 Letter to Phi Wenger, President of Fulton Bank;

Email to Phillip Wenger
President of Fulton Bank
Lancaster, PA

For the Record-

1. The Project Hope Account; Project Hope was founded in 1996 with
it's mission stated in its non-profit organization charter to raise funds for
the intention of contributing to the education and awareness of mental
illness and suicide prevention. Since it's inception, I was the sole
administrator of all monies that were dispersed and donated to various
local organizations to further that cause. These relationships included;
The Lancaster County Mental Health Alliance, The Schreiber Pediatric
Center, Contact Lancaster. I also was responsible for the local
production of the video "Numbers Don't Lie" (educational video for
teenage suicide prevention) and distributing that video to a host of local
schools, churches, and faith based organizations. Since about 2001,
Project Hope has not made any contributions from it's account, while at
the same time continuing to raise funds from the annual golf
tournament. In excess of $9,000 was accumulated. Every year I
questioned Phil and Mike about the contributions and what organization
they were going to give the money to. In December of 2004, Lois
Gascho, Executive Director of Contact Lancaster, personally called me
asking if we could help her with some money. At that time, her affiliation
with the League of Churches had been terminated and Contact
Lancaster was without funding, and the 24/7 Suicide Hotline for
Lancaster was at risk of being shut down. I told her I would contact my
brothers and get her some help. There was an article in the Lancaster

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Newspapers about the funding problems and I emailed Mike, Phil, and
Jimmy Karpathious the article and message that Lois called me asking
for help. Nothing was done. I kept trying to tell them that they were not
operating the Project within IRS guidelines, and their non-profit tax-
exempt status was in jeopardy for not distributing the monies
accumulated, as required in the IRS regulations concerning the same.
When I was down at Mike's last month, I found the account statements
for Project Hope and being that I am a Signatory on the account, took
the entire file with me and started to disperse the monies. I made one
check out to Lancaster Contact for $2500. When I met with Lois Gascho
of Contact Lancaster to give her the check, she wanted to give me a
tour of the facility where the suicide hotline operates. While visiting, she
was saying how difficult it is to find volunteers to staff the hotline. I
suggested that I could design systems, with technology, that could allow
volunteers to staff the hotline while working from home. This would help
Contact Lancaster a great deal in attracting more volunteers to help staff
the hotline. Remember, the hotline is located downtown, and volunteers
must come and go during all hours of the night to staff the hotline. I
designed a conceptual system and called D&E Communications to
provide a proposal to provide the required software and
telecommunications technology to build the system. I expect to receive
that proposal on Friday. I will be making a legal challenge to gain control
of that account with the Internal Revenue Service and the Tax-Exempt
status of the Project.

2. Fulton Account When my Mom got sick while in Florida, it was

determined, by her, that she could not live alone anymore. Our house at
1250 Fremont Street was in dire need of painting and other
maintenance for sometime. I told my mother that I was going to do these
tasks now, incase we have to sell the house. They house is 2 stories,
which is more difficult for my mother to live in. In January I decided that I
would make sure the house is ready to put on the market by springtime,
and if we decide not to have to sell the house, it would be already done
and could be sold at anytime without any repairs needed. At the same
time, I setup the Fulton Account with online banking so that I could
manage my mothers bills, and pay them from Lancaster without having
her try to take care of this herself. My mother memory has been a
deteriorating problem since the fall of last year. To give you an example,
while in Florida last month, I was taking my mother out for breakfast, we
were driving around looking for a restaurant, and she looked at me in
the car and asked if we had eaten yet! She agreed that it would be best
that I manage her bills, hence the Power of Attorney for the Fulton
Account and online banking. The $2,000 transfer was for the
renovations at 1250 Fremont that I am currently doing. I will now fund
that project myself, because I do not want to be bothered with this at a
later time. So, there you have the truth about the accounts. So be it.

May 2, 2005 Plaintiff files a complaint with Capital Blue Cross

May 2, 2005

Capitol Blue Cross

Adult Basic Program
P.O. Box 777014
Harrisburg, PA 17177-7014

Re: Policy H200460959 & Policy Laps

As per my meeting in with your customer service representative on

Friday, April 29th, at your home office in Harrisburg, this is a letter of
appeal for the lapsed policy and also a letter containing the complaints
concerning the charges from the Lancaster Regional Medical Center
and Dr. Laird, the attending emergency room physician, on February
19th, 2005, as per the request of the customer service representative.

1) As per the lapse in policy, I was told by Kay Richmond, of Cash

Processing Services (717-541-7262) on several phone calls that there
was a 30-day grace period. She had told me that although it is not
stated, there is a 30 day grace period for your policy. I had called
because my mail has been tampered with, and I questioned the rule of
no grace period, and the policy being dependant on Blue Cross

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receiving my payments via the mail. If this person who misrepresented

herself to me as a representative of your company was not who she
said she was, this would certainly not be the first time. Enclosed you will
find a complaint that I filed with the Agent Shannon J. Sarsfield, of the
Pittsburg Regional Office of the PA Attorney General. In that complaint I
stated, My telephone has been used as a means of harassment and
intimidation, with my calls often being intercepted, misdirected, or
impersonated. See the enclosed copy of the complaint.

2) As per my reason to visit your home office on April 29th, to discuss

the charges from the emergency room visit on February 19th, I have
enclosed all relevant documents for your use in determining the validity
of the charges from both Regional Medical Hospital and the emergency
room physician, Dr. Laird. Please direct any and all communications to
me at the above address or, or phone 717-380-

June 2, 2005
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Judicial Conduct Board

RE: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Stanley J. Caterbone

District Court 02-2-06
Docket Number NT: 0000132-05
Commonwealth Court of Common Please
Appeal Docket No. CP-36-SA-00000141-2005

Explanation of Complaint
1. Previous to hearing, I entered the offices of the District Magistrate
and requested a meeting with him to review the rules for procedure for
his courtroom. He belligerently yelled at me and told me that I will
determine who is guilty in this case and threw me out of his office. 2. I
immediately contracted the Lancaster County Court Reporters (LCCR)
service to record the hearing.

2. I requested and paid a service fee to have 4 witnesses subpoenaed

for my defense. Prior to the start of the hearing, the District Magistrate
never gave me an opportunity to explain the reason for calling my
witnesses, and collectively dismissed all of my witness without an
opportunity for me to explain how they were involved with this case.
During the brief discussion that was on the record, the District
Magistrate intimidated and threatened me with court sanctions when I
tried to explain how the witnesses did have personal knowledge
regarding the case. Two of the witnesses were officers of Lancaster
County and were called by me to investigate a crime, in which both

3. At the conclusion of the hearing the District Magistrate threatened me

with offensive language again with court sanctions for merely trying to
understand why he was violating the rules of conduct and the rules of
procedure for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

4. A few days after the conclusion of the hearing, I entered the offices of
the District Magistrate to pay for the fines and penalties sanctioned by
the court. I first, asked whether I would have to pay before I entered my
appeal to the verdict. They refused to provide any explanation, other
than you will have to get an attorney, we cannot answer that question. I
immediately paid the fines knowing that I would appeal the case.

5. After receiving the transcript for the LCCR, I found a blatant lie in the
transcript. When asked whether a witness had personal knowledge
about the case, the transcript reads NO. Now before I subpoenaed my
witnesses, I reviewed the rules of procedure and was knowledgeable of
the rules for personal knowledge of a witness, and would not have
answered no to that question because they did have personal

6. The District Magistrate was intimidating me and obstructing justice by

trying to deter me from filing CIVIL ACTION NO. 05-2288 IN THE

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PENNSYLVANIA, which I filed on May 16, 2005. The case was filed
with a Motion to Seal on the same day.

Docket Number:

The acts committed by the accused were: (Set forth a summary of the
facts sufficient to advise the defendant of the nature of the offense
charged. Activation to the statute allegedly violated, without more, is not
sufficient. In a summary case, you must cite the specific section and
subsection of the statute ordinance allegedly violated.

Defendant did knowingly and willingly block plaintiffs access to the door
to exit store in an attempt to intimidate and harass, and after plaintiff
tried to avoid the defendant and exit the doorway, defendant did engage
in an illegal sexual act by grabbing and squeezing the defendants
buttocks with an inappropriate gesture with the defendants finger while
squeezing. This lude act was in the strictest violation of Pennsylvania
statutes concerning sexual harassment. Witnesses were present both
behind the checkout counter and waiting in line at the checkout counter.
Plaintiff requests the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to prosecute the
defendant to the fullest extent of the law. All of which were against the
peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and contrary
to the Act of Assembly, or in violation of and (Subsection) (Section) of
the (PA Statute). I ask that process be issued and that the defendant be
required to answer the charges I have made.

I verify that the facts set forth in this complaint are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge or information and belief. This verification is
made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18
Pa.C.S. 4904) relating to unsworn falsification to authorities.

June 11, 2005

Defendant did knowingly and willingly block plaintiffs access to the door
to exit store in an attempt to intimidate and harass, and after plaintiff
tried to avoid the defendant and exit the doorway, defendant did engage
in an illegal sexual act by grabbing and squeezing the defendants
buttocks with an inappropriate gesture with the defendants finger while
squeezing. This lude act was in the strictest violation of Pennsylvania
statutes concerning sexual harassment. Witnesses were present both
behind the check*out counter and waiting in line at the checkout
counter. Plaintiff requests the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
prosecute the defendant to the fullest extent of the law. Verify that the
facts set forth in this complaint are true and correct to the Recent Police
Reports & Status of Ongoing Investigations

1. Break-In reported on June 12, 2005: As reported to the officer,

Adams? who came to take my report, I left my home at approximately
2:30pm, with all doors locked. At approximately 9:15pm, I entered
through my garage door and found my back door wide open. I also
reported a Honda file missing, which I have since located.

2. I am requesting the status of the complaint that I reported to Officer

Berger on June 10 concerning the sexual harassment by Mr. Thomas
Grassel on the same date.

3. During my visit by the officer on June 12, I again asked if

anyone in the department had questioned Mr. David Pflumm
regarding access to my home. As I have stated in just about
every complaint about a break-in over the past six months, On
Thanksgiving day, 2004, Mr. David Pflumm, his son Keagan,
and daughter Lizzy, approached my home. I wanted NO
personal contact with them, and made sure my doors were
closed and locked. After several minutes of knocking on my
back door, I went down to the basement hoping they would
leave. They instead went to my front door and basement door
and kept knocking. I was located in the rear of my basement,
waiting for them to leave. Suddenly, Lizzy and Keagan

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appeared in my basement asking why I did not answer the

door. I quickly asked them how they got into my house. First
they said the door was opened, and then they said Keagan
used a credit card to open my back door. They said Dave was
upstairs in my kitchen. We walked upstairs and I quickly asked
Dave how they got into my house, he responded, We have
lots of keys. Now with all of the reports of people breaking
into my house, and the fact that I first reported the above
event to Officer Berger in December with the report of my
missing remote control, I will again ask you why your
department refused to question the Pflumms regarding keys
to my house?

4. During my interview last evening I showed the officer the letter from
Mr. David Pflumm dated June 2, 2005, which was served to me by a
Pennsylvania Constable from District Justice Leo Eckerts office at
approximately 9:30 am on June 10th on Stone Hill road in front of my
mailbox. The officer said, We have a copy of that letter, and are aware
of that. I requested the officer to take the letter and my response, sent
via facsimile to Pflumm Contractors on June 10th, to you. The officer
refused to take the letter. I asked him to take my statement regarding
the same, and he refused. I asked him why he would not take my
statement, if you have a copy of the complaint from Mr. David Pflumm?
He said, I am going home. I called him corrupt and said that the whole
department was corrupt. I attest to the above statements as the truth
and request a copy of all of my complaints, reports, and calls to your
department, as defined and authorized under the Freedom Of
Information Act, and according to the laws governing the same by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal rules governing the

Friday, July 1, 2005 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Stan Caterbone files for
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection in the U.S. Eastern District
Bankruptcy Court in Reading, PA at the Clerk of Courts, pays fee

July 5, 2005 - Advanced Media Group issues a stock certificate to

Sheryl Crow for a donation to the Scouts Trail charity fund; which was
to be build in Kennett, MO beside the Sheryl Crow Aquatic Center. The
stock certificate is being held my the Kennett MO Chamber of

July 17, 2005 Posted message on the Sheryl Crow Fan Forum
Advanced Media Group
registered: 4/19/2005 00:00
posts: 5

A new business model? This is a digital revolution. The music industry

and consumers are experiencing a conversion from physical mediums
(cd's, videos, dvd's) to electronic files stored in cyberspace and on mp3
players. Musicians and Artists are facing a legal dilemma in light of the
preceding -How to protect ownership, intellectual property rights, and
most importantly royalties from their music. Look at the statistics. CD
sales and revenues are going down. Who needs to own a CD collection
when you can pay Rhapsody $10.00 a month fora 1 million song
catalogue with digital quality, accessible 24/7? In addition, you have the
capability to port any song or albumto your mp3 player at half the cost of
a CD. Convergence of mediums is what is driving the partnership
between Dell and Sheryl Crow. They are leading the curve with this new
technology for home entertainment. And it is not just about music.
Sheryl and Dell are pioneering a new approach at formulating a new
business model that helps her contemporaries meet the challenges
facing the music industry at large. The musicians continue to enjoy
making more music, in light of the fact that they have been short
changed during this process. When was the last time you saw an artist
go on strike? And what perfect timing to introduce a new album and

I suspect it was all by design by professionals that understand thier

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markets, thier consumers, and thier respective products. Give it a

chance to play out before passing judgement.
posted: 7/17/2005 10:09

September 30, 2005 Yarnell - Security system malfunction garage door

not on line

October 01, 2005 Yarnell Calls 2 times Woke and found 2 calls from
Yarnell Security

October 02, 2005 Yarnell Security Dispatcher said someone entered

house, aborted alarm at 9:21am and changed the Master Code. Said
she would reset. Code changed from 4115 to 2115. I told her she had a
security breach. Mr. Yarnell called me back and told me to stop calling
his office.

October 04, 2005 Judge Mary McLaughlin Resubmit original complaint

of 1998 affidavit via fax


CASE SHOULD NOT BE REINSTATED On September 21, 2005, this
Court entered an Order to Show Cause why, in light of and Brief, his ...

October 05, 2005 - Comcast Cable

October 06, 2005 - Superior Court of California Filing Filed petitions for
estate, and cause of death.

October 06, 2005- East Lampeter Police Arrest

Filed with California Superior Court for Sammy's Petitions via Willow
Street Post Office. Then headed to Cingular on Lincoln Hwy East,
stopped for lunch at Brasserie. Girl jumped in front of me going in,
Sheryl Crow look alike. 2 girls, noticed SU, with convers...

October 07, 2005 Paid Conestoga Police Speeding Fine From Sunday

October 07, 2005 District Justice Savage see 1987

October 10, 2005 Patio Table Smashed

October 10, 2005 Southern Regional Police Visit Chief Fiorill responds
and takes report - said he would send assignment number for

October 11, 2005 AB Order

A. Mazzuchi CIVIL ACTION NO. 05-3689 BKY. NO.

October 13, 2005 Cingular 4 Customer Service Reps will provide an

audit within 7 days.

October 14, 2005 Superior Court of CA call Ann, wanted to know what
to do with docs about Sammy. Never called back. Left 2 messages.

October 17, 2005 Harleysville Insurance Letter Still under investigation,

reason for case not closed when due.

October 18, 2005 Sovereign Bank would not open DIP Account. Kept
giving me a hard time.

October 19, 2005 Hugh Ward, Dept of Justice Do not need DIP account,
and do not have to submit anymore docs for first meeting. Instructions
will follow.

October 20, 2005 forum post would not give me a private meeting. told 3

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people in lobby.

October 22, 2005 East Lampeter Citations Docket No. CR-408-05 OTN-
L260045-2 Hearing Nov 17, 3:00pm

October 28, 2005 Meeting with Judge Mary McLaughlin met with her,
and at least 4 staffers

November 01, 2005 - District Justice Savage Meeting

Requested a change of venue. DJ Williams? told me to go to County
Court House to the Court Administrator and get Change of Venue

November 01, 2005 Lancaster County Court Administrator Will change

to another District Justice. Cited the Affidavit and 1987 abuse in Giest
Road during arrest by MT Police, Horton and Reese.

November 04, 2005 called Hugh Ward about appointment Submittals

before meeting. Resend original submittals. 48 hour notice to
reschedule. was not in, left message to call if we needed to meet, told
him by back was bad and not able to drive, reschedule for mon or tue.

November 05, 2005 Called Mastropietro and Dr Pool called for appt -
both said to go to emergency room

November 06, 2005 Lancaster Regional Hospital Emergency Room too

much pain. Went for pain pills. Did not help

November 14, 2005 Lancaster County Criminal Prothonotary Office 2

documents were not served including the notice for hearing and the
notice regarding appeal decision. Clerks were not very helpful, and kept
giving excuses as to why I never received any notices. Always quick to
take my mone for the 2 copies.

November 17, 2005 656-2191District Judge Ron Savage Court Hearing

November 21, 2005 Creditors Meeting Courtroom 1

November 22, 2005 Joss Package per Feb 05

November 29, 2005 Chapter 11 fees Paid fee schedule. Clerk provide
details for Dec 15 creditors meeting, along with mandatory
requirements. Addendums and supplemental to schedules for creditors.

November 30, 2005 Charlie Smithgall visited with Dee, she explained
the proposal for the Lancaster Press Building and we discussed the
skyline debate and project.

December 01, 2005 Reading Court Hearing

December 02, 2005 East Lampeter Addendum for Hearing East

Lampeter Citation Addendum to notes:

1. After walking outside I tried to give my credit card to the officer to pay
for my bar tab, officer refused to take the credit card so I threw the credit
card on the ground. I told the officer that the

Charges withdrawn - May or may not be reissued by Judge Ruetter.

What a crazy discussion and hearing. Judge gave me the finger in the
end while pointing to PA on a piece of paper. I'll save the specifics and
details for myself on this one.

December 06, 2005 eBay account hacked 23 Ipods listed from my store
from Beijing China

December 06, 2005 IFCC FBI I05120608348825 IFCC internet fraud

account 05120608348825

December 07, 2005 - Dr. Black request for records

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December 08, 2005 - IFCC FBI I05120804514805 I05120804514805

You are about to submit a complaint with the IFCC. Please review your
information prior to submission.

December 12, 2005 - CD/DVD Writer Hacking tried to restore system

configuration - did not work tried to install new cd/dvd writer - did not
work said to reinstall operating system and reinstall all software was
able to write to 3 cd on Iomega drive before it was hacked early am;
Comcast Cable again disconnected service and internet service.

December 14, 2005 Letter of Denial from the Pennsylvania Housing

Finance Agency:
Pennsylvania Homeowners' Emergency
Housing Finance Agency Mortgage Assistance Loan Program

Pavements: 211 North Front Sheet, P.O. Box 15206

Harrisburg, PA 17105-5206
Correspondence: 211 North Front Street, P.O. Box 15530
Harrisburg, PA 171 05-5530
(717) 780-3940 1-800-342-2397 fax(717) 780-3995
ITY (717) 780-1869

S.S. #: 200-46-6095


ASSISTANCE LOAN has been DENIED pursuant to Act 91 of 1983,35
P.S. Section 1680,401-C et seq. and/o-r Agency Guidelines 12 PA Code
Sect~on3 1.201 et seq. for the following reasons:

1. No reasonable prospect of applicant resuming full mortgage

payments within twenty-four (24) months and paying mortgage(s) by
maturity based on: Applicant's income has been insufficient to maintain
mortgage for the past two (2) years. Total monthly expenses: $3268.
2002 net monthly income: loss, 2003: 0,2004: extension.

2. No reasonable prospect of applicant resuming full mortgage

payments within twenty-four (24) months and paying mortgage@) by
maturity based on: Applicant is financially overextended based upon
income history.

3. Property securing mortgage is not a one-or-two family owner

occupied residence based on: The secured property is used primarily for
commercial or business purposes. Per applicant, ~ ~ 65% of secured
property is used for business.

4. Applicant is not suffering financial hardship due to circumstances

beyond applicant's control based on: Applicant has asset(s) which could
have been liquidated to cure delinquency Per applicant, has stocks
and/lor bonds in business valued at $4 million.

You may be entitled to an appeal hearing if you disagree with our

decision. Requests for a hearing must be made in writing and must be
submitted to the Agency within 15 days after the postmark date of this
letter. Verbal requests are not acceptable. The hearing may be
conducted by telephone conference call therefore you must include your
telephone number. You also have a right to an in-person hearing at the
Agency's office in Harrisburg if you so desire. Requests for hearings
must state the reason(s) that a hearing is requested and must be sent
first class, registered or certified mail to: Chief Counsel - HEMAP
Hearing Request, PHFAIHEMAP, 21 1 North Front Street, P.O. Box
15628, Harrisburg, PA, 17105-5628.
The hearing request may also be faxed to the attention of Chief Counsel
- Hearing Request at 717-780-4031. The Agency will attempt to
schedule the hearing within thirty (30) days after the request is received.
When sending your appeal, please be sure to print or type your name

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legibly and include your social security number and phone number
where you may be reached during the day. You have a right to be
represented by an attorney in connection with your appeal. If you cannot
afford an attorney you may be eligible for Legal Services representation.
You can contact a Legal Services representative toll free at 1-800-322-
7572 for a referral to the office for your county. Please be aware that
scheduling an appeal hearing does not necessarily stay foreclosure


1. Disclosure inapplicable. The Federal Equal Credit opportunity Act
prohibits creditors from discriminating against credit applicants on the
basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age
(provided that the applicant has the capacity to enter into a binding
contract); because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any
public assistance program; or because the applicant has in good faith
exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The
Federal Agency that administers compliance with this law concerning
this creditor is the Federal Trade Commission, Equal Credit Opportunity,
Washington, D.C.

Rev. September 2003

December 15, 2005 - Meeting of Creditors Reading Courtroom 1 3rd

Floor610-320-5255 341 Meeting with Mr. Ward of Department of
Justice, No Creditors attended. Routine meeting to clarify under oath
schedules submitted. Said to submit all filings to Reading Courts and
would only hear from DOJ if anything additional is needed. Asked

December 17, 2005 - Judge McLaughlin Hearing Request

Stanley J. Caterbone (pro se)
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516
Honorable Judge Mary A. McLaughlin

December 28, 2005 - Cyber warehouse Restore System $50 to restore

to factory settings $45 wireless pci card for old HP Laptop

December 31, 2005 - Depart for Los Cabos SouthWest Fl to Houston

7:20am charged me an extra $25 for luggage that they ended up loosing
later in the day in Houston.

January 01, 2006 - Continental Airlines Could not talk to anyone about
problem finally at about 8:30 talked to Continental at ticket counter, no
flights, all booked until Wednesday. Put me on standby for other flights
that day, but said probably would not get on a flight. Kept arguing about
problem with several ticket agents, very

January 03, 2006 Finally got a flight out to Houston again, abuse and
intimidation by Continental employees, not happy about me getting a
flight. Had to pay additional charge of $100 for ticket.

January 05, 2006 - Letter to Editor Drew Anthon Civility, professional

etiquette, and the public discourse for the Lancaster Convention Center
debate. Tonight at the meeting at Farm and Home, I had approached
Mr. Drew Anthon and politely asked him to discuss and settle my civil
complaint. This was th...

January 05, 2006 - Complaint number: I06010506177009Password:

luggage On January 30 I had planned to visit Los Cabos, Mexico, for a
business trip. I had used the Internet to locate the airport (PTO) for that
destination to locate and book the necessary travel accommodations.
PVR (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) appeared on sev...

January 05, 2006 - Judge Mary McLaughlin, J Order to Serve Notice is

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January 05, 2006 Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Unit

Complaint number: I06010506177009 FBI IFCC Complaint via letter

January 06, 2006 Complaint number: I06010506177009 USPS

January 06, 2006 Complaint number: I06010506177009 via USPS

January 09, 2006 Judge Twardowski Order of Creditors 610-320-5255

phone Ext 248 Kathy, Twardowski Clerk Ext 243 Twardowski
January 12, 2006 Honda Inspection

January 12, 2006 Received Judge Mary McLaughlin Serve Order of Jan
5 2005

January 13, 2006 Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority Meeting

with Randy Patterson - Discussed Concerts, said Joe probably does not
have any, was not interested in getting involved, said not his
responsibility, Barnstormers manage facility and their option. Said we
keep going around in circles.

January 13, 2006 - Stanley J. Caterbone (pro se) 220 Stone Hill Road
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (010... 610-320-5255 phone Ext
248 Kathy, Twardowski Clerk Ext 243 Twardowski UNITED STATES
In Re: Stanley J. Caterbone Debtor Case No: 05-23059-tmtChapter: 11

January 17, 2006 FBI Field Office in Harrisburg; Called about computer
hacking and intruders

January 18, 2006 PA Housing Finance Hearing 780-3937 780-4031fax

January 18, 2006 Notice of Service To Fed Civil Actions Mailed all
complaints and Judge Mclaughlin's Notice of Service Package, with the
exception of Southern Regional Police Department

January 19, 2006 Joe Pinto Village Clair Bros Email Stan- Thanks for
your help on this!! Joe
Delivery Confirmation Label Number: 0103 8555 7495 2644 2732
Judge Thomas M. Twardowski, Unite...

Filed Drew Anthon Default Notice and it was stamped in the

Prothonotary office at 3:00pm by Audrey

January 20, 2006 Served Drew Anthon Default Notice Served Default
Notice to Diane McMahon, the Secretary in the Marketing Office of the
Eden Resort Inn. She said Drew was out of the office, so she gave the
notice to Drew's Secretary while I was there. I went to have 1 drink at
the Lounge Bar at the Eden...

January 20, 2006 Meeting with Joe Pinto & Slide at Snow Magic

January 21, 2006 Yarnell Security Sys Letter YARNELL SECURITY

SYSTEMS 131 ELMWOOD RD . LANCASTER PA 17602.717-399-3900
January 20,2006 PA 175 18Dear Mr. Caterbone, We Turns to a bitchy
nagging wife.

January 23, 2006 US Dept of Justice Hugh Ward letter U.S. Department
of Justice Office of the United States Trustee Eastern District of
Pennsylvania 833 Chestnut Street(215) 597-4411 Suite 500 fax (215)
597-5795 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 IN THE COURT OF
Stone Hill Road

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Richard S. Solove, Esquire McNEES WALLACE & NURICK LLC
180 Good Drive
Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-1177 Attorney I.D. #I7717 Attorney for

Barley Snyder, LLC, Attorneys at Law

126 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602-2893

28th Jan Auditorium Theater Chicago - On Sale Dec 10

Sale Dec 10

610-320-5255 phone Ext 248 Kathy, Twardowski Clerk Ext 243



RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY Local Bankruptcy Form 9014-3

February 02, 2006 Judge Twardowski Feb 2 Order UNITED STATES

In Re: Stanley J. Caterbone

February 03, 2006 Reminder to Artists or AMG/Interscope Send artists

of label welcome letter

February 03, 2006 Rcvd LC KEGEL KELIN ALMY & GRlMM response
to Fed Civil Action
Advanced Media Group
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516
24 North Lime Street Lancaster, PA...

Woke up and found Ipod and Ring Missing. Ipod was crashed and
charging in van.

February 05, 2006 Conestoga Police Speeding Ticket

February 06, 2006 Ipod Found.

February 06, 2006 Donegal Policy Due $159

PAE 3015468 faxed to 426-7031

February 06, 2006 Manheim Township Police Order to Dismiss Federal

cv05-0288 to Judge McLaughlin
2005 to the Court requesting permission to amend his "comp
This Court by Order dated January 5,2006, directed Plaintiff to serve his
summons and


220 Stone Hill Road
Motion Due Case No. CI-05-03644DREW ANTHON If you do not want
the court to grant the relief sought in the motion or if you want the court
to consider your views on the motion, then on or before February 8,
2006 you or your attorney must do & of the following:

McLaughlin Order for Extension of Time



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United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania

February 10, 2006 Drew Anthon Motion Due

Richard S. Solove, Esquire McNEES WALLACE & NURICK LLC
180 Good Drive Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-1177 Attorney I.D.
#I7717 Attorney for Defendants PLEAS OF LANCASTER COUNTY,

Took back digital box for replacement, gave colored woman bankruptcy
papers for her superior, was
again going to turn off cable.

February 10, 2006 Drew Anthon Notice of Items Feb. 10 2006 IN THE
220 Stone Hill Road

February 12, 2006 Joe Roda & Diane Nast email Feb. 12 2006 Dear
Joe and Diane: These are the documents I currently have filed in
Federal courts. I just saw you were back to work, so I thought I should
share these with you. Please understand that the quotation of my

Re: Do you know my cousin, Diane Nast?

To: Date:...

Again went to Comcast after digital service was again shutt off. Again,
another useless phone call to customer service. Told them that Mable of
the Legal dept processed bankruptcy order. After about 20 minutes, said
service was restored.

February 15, 2006 Letter to the PA Housing Finance Agency;

Advanced Media Group
220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516

S.S. #: 200-46-6095

Chief Counsel - HEMAP Hearing Request,

21 1 North Front Street,
P.O. Box 15628,
Harrisburg, PA, 17105-5628
Facsimile: 717-780-4031

February 16, 2006


For the record, I did not provide the statements in the report as you
have determined. I protest the accuracy of the statements that were
reported in the Decision, and formally request a copy of the tape
recording. I also have determined there are several inaccuracies
concerning the facts that were established. Given that you a Federally
funded program, what courts would have jurisdiction in any appeals that
may follow?

February 21, 2006 Fulton Hearing in Reading 1. If you do not want the
court to grant the relief sought in the motion or if you want the court to
consider your views on the motion, then on or before February 8, 2006
you or your attorney must do & of the following:Judge Twardowski Feb 2

February 22, 2006 Visit Comcast to confirm appt.

February 22, 2006 - Lancaster County Commissioners Meeting Art

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Morris, and Planning Commission. Walked out after hearing they

awarded the consultants bid 1 week before RFP was due.

February 22, 2006 Suburban Cable Appt Cable modem turned on

before Comcast tech even entered my office, how could that happen?
Blue light on Vonage modem was lit for first time since Friday, the week

February 23, 2006 Letter from Lynn Stoy of the PA Housing Agency
denying my request for a transcript of the Hearing in January.

February 24, 2006 Received Leo Eckert summons from Conestoga


March 01, 2006 Lancaster County Commissioners Meeting

March 01, 2006 Lancaster County District Attorney Office Drop off letter
to Donald Attorney

March 01, 2006 Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Request 2006 fee

schedule for Project Hope and Advanced Media Group. See Sharon
Roda, who works for the Economic Development and David Nikollof. Did
not know she worked there and asked
to visit with her.

March 01, 2006 Visit Joe Pinto at Clipper Stadium Stopped by to see
Joe about the concert schedule for the summer. Joe was busy.

March 02, 2006 Phone call from Attorney JoLynn Stoy of PHFA Another
argument about getting the recording of my Appeal Hearing on Jan 18th
in Harrisburg. She again tried to lie her way out of the fact that they
fabricated my statement in their finding. Hung up
on her.

March 02, 2006 Mail Certified letter to JoLynn Stoy

March 04, 2006 Interrogation

March 05, 2006 NSA

March 07, 2006 Hypnosis Seminar Talk to someone and they said
smoking would be over at 8pm and the diet would start at 8pm and end
at 10. $59. fee to attend. The went to Dispensing com and had 2 beers,
then to Alley Kat had 3 drinks and 3 cokes until 1:15am, then went
home. Went back ...March 08, 2006

Desk Sergeant and tall shorthaired officer carrying black gym bag were
at front desk. Laid my business card on desk and asked if "they knew
what chlorphorme was, and that I heard rumors around town that
someone was using that stuff, and they should clean...

March 21, 2006 Someone just shot at me At approx 6:30 am this

morning I was out by the side of my house in the woods tying up a tree
and someone from the adjacent valley shot one shot which sounded like
it was it could have been at me. There were no hunters in the area that I
could see. Their...

March 21, 2006 EXCELSIOR PLACE INVESTOR Excelsior to get new

investor Partner to be revealed today for E. King project BY PAULA
HOLZMAN, Intelligencer Journal Staff Today's city Redevelopment
Authority meeting could break the deadlock on plans to renovate several

March 22, 2006 Facsimile to Lin Patch, Appeals Officer of the

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
Fax Cover Sheet
To: Lin Patch, Appeals Officer
Hemap Appeals Unit

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Company: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency

Fax Number:
From: Stan Caterbone
Date: March 22, 2006 2:58pm
Re: Appeal to Commonwealth Courts

I have received the tape recording of my appeal hearing on March 15,

2006, and upon further review, the following statement was not found on
the recording of my hearing: The applicant provided the following
statement with respect to the cause of the mortgage delinquency:
"These circumstances came about when I met with officials from
International Signal & Control, plc., in 1987 and became involved with
agencies providing the United States of America associated with the
highest level of Intelligence and National Security. I was called upon by
ISC to help to provide financial assistance for portions of their [sic]
operations. I immediately became suspect of these circumstances
following my meeting of June 23, 1987; and alerted various officials of
local, state, and federal authorities. It was these allegations that resulted
in a 'Billion Dollar Fraud' that was successfully prosecuted by the United
State Attorney General and the Federal Bureau [sic] of Investigation in
1990. Thiese circumstances have been before now, a dire problem
within the scope and bounds of our National Security. These
circumstances are now able to be adjucated within the Court of Law
under the provisions and doctrines of the Constitution of the United
States of America. During these activities, certain agencies of the
intelligence community began extracting information on present and
future issues concerning the current state of affairs of the United States
of America." I also have learned that Mr. Cooper in the hearing stated
that an appeal to the Commonwealth Courts time expired after 30 days,
or 6 days after you provided me with the recorded transcript, which I
initially requested on or about February 10, 2006. Was it your intention
to delay the delivery of the tape recording so that the time for filing my
appeal would have expired?

March 25, 2006 Key to Honda Stolen Mom's House and Billy Plank
Found beer can in back yard, and newspapers in kitchen. Noticed
people may have been inside house. While there, white small car pulled
up in back beside Billy Planks truck, got out and crawled under truck.
Was a clue about the key under my van that was...

March 25, 2006 Went home to get key for Safety Deposit Box March 25,
2006 Hypnotized (Key) Fulton Bank Safety Deposit Box Hypnotized with
the Key Trick, Alarm went off on car, don't know how, younger woman
beside my car, lipstick. Lost key to ignition, got out of car, stood beside
car, went back into car and key was gone. Went to get key under car,
and it was gone. Wanted...

March 25, 2006 Hypnotized (Key) Fulton Bank Safety Deposit Box
Hypnotized with the Key Trick, Alarm went off on car, don't know how,
younger woman beside my car, lipstick. Lost key to ignition, got out of
car, stood beside car, went back into car and key was gone. Went to get
key under car, and it was gone. Wanted...

March 25, 2006 Gib Armstrong Office

Pick up Right to Know and Freedom of Information Act documents.

March 28, 2006 Received Judge Fehling Order for Hearing UNITED

April 02, 2006 Someone Enters 220 Stone Hill Road Ran out of house
after someone hiding in basement

April 02, 2006 Registration Stolen from Dodge Pickup

April 03, 2006 Person breaks into 220 Stone Hill Road Leave driveway
and with pickup go to Wagon Wheel for coffee and newspaper, group of
Men laughing at me. I ask them if anyone of them was in my house, stay
out of house until 1:30pm.

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April 03, 2006 Chorophormed released in Car

April 04, 2006 Southern Regional Police Keep Pounding At Door Said
they just wanted to talk, Fedor and Chief Fiorell Security took picture.
Said I was sick and wanted to help me.

April 04, 2006 Phil Called From Austin Texas Said Lance was out of
town this week.

April 04, 2006 Fax Southern Regional Police Suit to Don Totaro,
Lancaster County District Attorney COMMONWEALTH OF
COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION Stanley J. Caterbone County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania :

April 05, 2006 Officer Buser/Lancaster General Hospital/Millersville

Police/East Lampeter

April 07, 2006 Conestoga Speeding Tickets & Inspection Hearing This
court has received your plea of NOT GUILTY to the above summary
violation(s). The sum of $ 112.50 has been accepted as collateral for
your appearance at trial. Your trial has been scheduled as follows:

April 08, 2006 - . Hospital Missing Mail Civil Action Complaint given to
Staff to mail at 1:00am missing, rest of mail shown to me and was never

April 10, 2006 Dr. Pressley 2nd Opinion Dr. Bill Met with Dr. Bill, would
not answer question regarding verifying 302 Order.

April 11, 2006 Judge Anita Brody Appeal to Fulton Bank Stay Entered

April 11, 2006 Judge McLaughlin Order for Continuance to May 11 IN


April 12, 2006 Sent Transcript to Judicial Conduct Review Board


April 13, 2006 17101 717-234- 7911March 27,2006Stanley

Caterbone220 ...

April 14, 2006 34 Foot Admiral Holiday Rambler Test Drove 30 foot

April 14, 2006 The Sharks Live Walked in and wanted to pay for ticket,
said wanted to see Gus and walked into Village. Dave and Heather, Ken
Ray & Carol, Den Lilly, Kratzert, Suzanne Porter, Brett, Fred, Billy T.
Joe Klaus,

April 16, 2006 George at Village Would not let me back in. Said about
ticket, and he would not let me pay him for the ticket.

April 17, 2006 Cable Disconnected Paid Comcast at Office All Cable
disconnected at telephone pole. Sov Bank Project Hope Check #129
Susan Gibson would not turn cable and internet on. Said I had to pay

April 18, 2006 Comcast Suit Fax to Anita Brody Re: Civil Action 05-2288
The 5 page fax you sent through to 12155802356 was
successfully transmitted at 2006-04-19 00:28:29 (GMT). receiving
machine's fax ID: .____________...

April 18, 2006 Millersville Boro Police Report 872-4657 Patrolman

Michael K. Schaeffer, who took report on gave me incident no. 2006-
MU-00509 Phone 717-872-4657 Fax 717-872-4705 10 Colonial Avenue

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Applied for Food Stamps

April 18, 2006 Pham Computers

Said could not order Avaratec Power cord, said it might be internal
power supply.

April 18, 2006 Priority Mail Wcrow & Daile High Priority mail transaction
No. 72 USPS 414408-9550 Advanced Media Group 220 Stone Hill
Road Email April 17, 2006Mr. Dale High High IndustriesFrom :
Advanced Media Group
Sent : Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:58 AM To :
See Federal Civil Action No. 05-2288... Walked in to get a copy of
Littering Citation, (Rick) Desk Officer began yelling at me and told me
that I was driving while drinking, even though my car was parked.
Officer asked for my key after he followed me out to my car, gave me a
parking ticket fo...

April 22, 2006 Drove to get a paper. Took a shower at Mom's house to
go back to Lancaster City Police Station for my Key and license.

April 22, 2006 Lancaster City Police Station Went in to get license and
key and Desk Officer (woman) kept yelling at me and gave my key back
and said I would have to come back tonight to get my license back. Told
me to get out of station and never to come back again!

April 22, 2006 Lancaster County Library Update calendar and email.
Tried to lock me out of system.

April 24, 2006 LiHeap Application No More walking, told to come back
tomorrow Lois Gascho on vacation out all week.

April 25, 2006 LiHeap Application $600 from LiHeap, Bankruptcy papers
faxed to PP&L; Docket Judge Anita Brody Order of Oct 5 PP&L to turn
on Electric on Wed am

April 25, 2006 Reading Court Hearing Parking Meter

April 25, 2006 Reading Court Hearing Parking Meter

April 25, 2006 Lancaster County Library Got MSN Alert for Reading
Parking Ticket Hearing, called District Justice in Reading

April 25, 2006 FBI Internet Crime Unit Reported calendar hacked and
alert for Reading Parking Ticket and Alert changed.

April 26, 2006 Judge Anita Brody Appeal Due

April 26, 2006 Judge Anita Brody Appeal Due

April 26, 2006 Freemont Street Went home

April 26, 2006 Lancaster County Assistance Food Stamps Said denied
last year because of resources (5,000 in bank, credit card liability) Said
denied last year because failed to show to interview. Would not tell me
how long to get food stamps

April 27, 2006 District Justice Ballentine Caterbone v. Comcast

April 28, 2006 Amended LGH & Southern Regional Police Department
J. Caterbone to Lancaster General Hospital CIVIL COMPLAINT CI-06-
03349 Emily at information desk, called to corporate, would not give me
directions to department, served 2 copies to LGH and Dr. Pressley

April 28, 2006 Service to William Campbell of Southern Regional Police

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Left copy inside door. See pictures.

April 28, 2006 Barnstormers Opening Game

April 29, 2006 Tommy's Anniversary Planted our garden.

May 01, 2006 Totaro's Office, Lancaster County DA Office Requested

meeting, told to write letter. Obstruction of Justice Southern Regional
Police Shellenberger

May 01, 2006 Lancaster County Commissioners Office Copy of Letter to

Henderson, tried to make appointment, staff said will not see me for

May 02, 2006 Millersville Boro Police Incident Report Now, said cannot
have incident report.

April 21, 2006

Advanced Media Group Stanley J. Caterbone
220 Stone Hill Road Conestoga, PA 17516Millersville Borough Police
Department Michael K...

May 02, 2006 Lance Look alike peddling on near Penn Manor Middle

May 02, 2006 Danny Hershey Talked to Danny for awhile; Gun
Shop; told me about DA Detective M. Landis being a "problem
and a lunatic", kept telling me about him, said he lived near
Dave on Slackwater Road, asked if I was having a problem
with Dave, and said he was a problem, aske...

May 03, 2006 Talked to Chief Rochet via phone of Millersville

Boro Police requested incident Re... Told me to call Sue Moyer
of the Lancaster County DA office, would not give incident
DATE RE COVER MESSAGE +1-7172953693 Stan Caterbone
Ma5y/ 0033/,0 260 90:628 DATE RE COVER MESSAGE +1-
7172934470 Stan I think it is the judicial branch of
government, not the executive; but thanks for the information
anyway. I will handle the problem we discussed today in
another manner. As I stated, I will not put myself in harms
way by going near Officer Buser of So... May 04, 2006 Civil
Complaint Pam Pflumm AOPC 308A-05 COMMONWEALTH OF
Magisterial District Number: Ma0y2 0-24-,0 AOPC 411A-05 1-2
Magisterial District Number : FAX COVER SHEET TO COMPANY
5738889802 Stan Caterbone

5/04/06 4:03 AM could you please confirm the where...

2006 Business Law Seminar: Lancaster

May 08, 2006 Richard Plum phone call Harleysville Insurance Company
Said he would overnight new affidavit, argued about why no one alerted
about deficiencies

May 10, 2006 Fulton Bank Commercial Loan Application Branch

Manager refused to provide application or any documentation

May 10, 2006 Fulton Bank Commercial Loan Application Bill Dougherty,
Branch Manager on 1st floor; would not provide me with an application.
Process was to provide financial statements; kept requested
documentation as to application and process, refused. Said did not mail
it, would go out today, again lied.

May 11, 2006 Went to U.S. Postal Station on Harrisburg Pike,

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Lancaster, man came up to me Capt Palmer? Said he was Dick

Shellenberger brother-in-law, wanted to talk to me, kept backing me up
while trying to weigh envelopes, told him to get away, I was busy,
walked outside and waited, told him I was busy and walked away.

May 15, 2006 Availability Staffing Went to talk to Tony Spinello, would
not meet, met with Amber.

May 16, 2006 Judge Brody Brief Due

May 17, 2006 FBI Harrisburg Office Obstruction of Justice Complaint

Travel to Washington DC

May 17, 2006 Help Make LIVESTRONG DAY One to Remember "It's
time for our nation to address our issues. Together, we can help change
things for the better. As a team, we can make a difference for survivors."
-Lance Armstrong
Schedule appt.

May 17, 2006 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 2 photographers

take my picture outside Hearings Gave phone number to call. - Intel Panels Hear From NSA Director - Politics Visit
and request meeting with receptionist or another attorney

May 18, 2006 Availabity Staffing Follow up with Amber, said she had
someone else in office that could help find some part-time consulting.
Talked with . Did not even read resume, told him if he had a client that
wanted to increase profits to call me. Said only dealt with
March 29, 2006, 4:05 PM ET Jonathan Cohen, N.Y. Taylor for the 2006
Rainforest B... Joe Pinto Lied

As per the instructions of the receptionist in Senator Specter's office

yesterday, I would like to meet with the Senator regarding information
that I have previously sent.

Please forward a date at your earliest convenience.

Thank You for your considerations.

Advanced Media Group

Stan Caterbone
Fax: (717) 427-1621

May 19, 2006 Dave Pflumm and Brett Stabley Thought they stole my

May 21, 2006 Harleysville Claim Priority Mail

May 22, 2006 Payments for Advanced Media Group Vonage Phone
17.48 Rhapsody .99 Go to My PC 24.95 EBay 15.95 Andale 16.95 Efax
10.00 Nextel

May 22, 2006 Advance Media v. Mike, Stabley, Pflumm

Group Stanley J. Caterbone Ma2y2 202 County of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania: Agent is not processing above claim and keeps lying to
me. After I submitted claim forms and did not hear from him, I called him
and he said that a sworn and notarized affidavit required embossed seal
from notary, proved that was not the case. Then he s...

May 22, 2006 PA Insurance Complaint Agent is not processing above

claim and keeps lying to me. After I submitted claim forms and did not
hear from him, I called him and he said that a sworn and notarized

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affidavit required embossed seal from notary, proved that was not the
case. Then he s... Mike, I (Advanced Media Group) am suing you for
libel, slander and defamation of character. Just what is it you are trying
to accomplish by slandering me with this mental illness allegation?

Yave told me he knew that I went to a different bank to

deposit the funds, and shortly thereafter, you called me and said that
your regional sales manager received some complaints from some
wholesalers about the updates I was sending out to you and the other
clients that I had with AIM.

You need to come clean with how my business with AIM back
in 2001 was lost. I find it ironic that as soon as I received my
inheritance from Dad, Dou see Mike, since 1987, you all have been
interfering with my business and my finances. You take my money and
my income, and when I try to resolve that through the courts, which is
precisely where matters of this kind are resolved, you go back and
slander and libel me with this mental illness allegation.

You have not seen me since February of 2005, and I have only spoken
with you on a few occasions, very briefly, and you never mentioned
anything about me being mentally ill.

Now, you are going to have to answer in court what type of behavior you
have witnessed that leads you to the conclusion that I am having mental
illness problems.

I am in the midst of litigating these and other past issues in the United
States Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action 05-
2288 (which is sealed to the public), and you are obstructing justice
and interfering with my right to due process. Everyone that
has libeled me with these mental illness allegations will find
that they will find a similar civil action filed against them.

I only have a hundred dollars left, and Mom still owes me from the
judgment that was awarded to me in Lancaster County Court of
Common Pleas last July. Legally, I cannot leave Lancaster until all of my
legal issues are properly adjucated through the courts, or I will face
bench warrants for my arrest.

So, I am asking you once again to overnight mail me the final payment
of $800 and I will satisfy the judgment against 1250 Fremont Street. You
can ask Mom just how much she has paid me so far. A few months ago
she sent me a check for $200, and said she would send me the rest of
the payments. Last week she said she would send me a check, and I
still have not received it.

Attached is the civil action that I am filing.

And you also need to stop interfering with my relationship with Sheryl,
and you better stay away from her.

----Original Message Follows----

Subject: Re: The right thing?
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 08:45:06 -0400

Stan you need to get help. You need to see a doctor and get back on
your medication. I know you dont see this but your not well and we want
to help. If you see a doctor I will help financially. Money is not going to
solve your problems in your current condition. Your entire solution to
every this is through the courts and what happens when you exhausted
all your options and that what? Mom is getting very old and we dont
know how much time she has so please leave her alone and you can
deal with me. I wish you could see what youre doing to yourself but i
guess you cant. I know youre pissed off but we want to help. What is
happening with your house? How far behind are you in your mortgage
payments and dont give me your bankruptcy info. Because donor or

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later your going to have to settle.

Just trying to help.


From: Stan Caterbone

Sent: Fri, 19 May 2006 09:06:18 -0400
Subject: The right thing?

Just what did you mean, and this is your brother Stan.

Advanced Media Group

Stan Caterbone
Fax: (717) 427-1621

Advanced Media Group

220 Stone Hill Road
Conestoga, PA 17516
May 23, 2006 Email Convention Center Recommendations from March
2005 1 of 2 5/24/2006 4:32 AM Sent : Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:21
PM... Filed appeal and Forma Papaus to Appeal Reading Traffic Tickets

May 23, 2006 Convention Over Budget Lancaster New Era Lancaster
New Era: Center bids $25M over budget 1 of
3 5/23/2006 8:19 PM costs could be 30% higher than... CV-0000160-06
Comcast must send notice to defend, otherwise do not attend. Tried to
make me miss this hearing, original taken, I thought it was for June 26,
went today to get

May 26, 2006 Hearing Caterbone v. Comcast CV-0000160-06 Comcast

must send notice to defend, otherwise do not attend.

May 26, 2006 Barley Snyder, LLC - Lancaster General Hospital File
Stolen Gave formal notice to Attorneys Meagan Ford and Mattson
regarding LGH file stolen, said allegations that their client may have
been involved, Caroline (African American woman) at reception desk.
Called to executive secretary of both attorneys, were not a...

May 26, 2006 Judge Mary J. McLaughlin Letter faxed Advanced Media
Group 220 Stone Hill Road Conestoga, PA 17516

May 26, 2006 Judicial Conduct States District Court for the Eastern
District Please explain your complaint on the reverse of this from.
BOARD Pennsylvania Place 301 Chestnut Street, Suite 403 OFFICIAL

May 29, 2006 Judicial Conduct Review Board Complaint filed Please
explain your complaint on the reverse of this from. COMMONWEALTH
Place 301 Chestnut Street, Suite 403 Harrisburg, PA
May 29, 2006 Grassel Answer to Civil Complaint Due

May 30, 2006 Southern Regional Police Dept Answer Due

May 30, 2006 Kenny Chesney -- Opening for Chesney will be Sugarland
and Jake Owen

May 31, 2006 Artie email for Convention Center March 2005 Artie,
thanks for the intelligent reply and discussion. You should understand,
there is not too much that you have said that I disagree with. You are
right on point in your analysis. However, too understand my perception,
you must understand my experience...

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May 31, 2006 Robert Walker email Advanced Media Group From:
Advanced Media Group [] Sent: Wednesday,
May 31, 2006 3:48 AM Printed: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:49 AM

June 1, 2006

Mr Caterbones am responding to your inquiry concerning your edition.

The account has been stopped. When it was started, we were provided
with a credit/debit card to pay for the access on a monthly basis.
Starting 4/26, when we tried to process a monthly charge, it was
declined. It had been tried for with weeks of 5/3, 5/10, 5/17 & 5/24 with
no success. Access was suspended on 5/26 with an amount due of $
3.88. We received your payment of $ 3.88, which paid your account to
date. If you wish to have access to the edition again, we would need to
have a credit or debit card to use for the monthly access charge. If I can
assist you further, please contact me at 291-8627 or sign up on our
Circulation Customer Service
Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.
From : May 31, 2006 9:41 AM... John Wert Assistant to Judge Scheaffer
610-478-6675 610-478-, file again to reconsider?" shoul...
of Pennsylvania :

June 06, 2006 - Letter from the PA Department of Welfare

832 Manor Street
P.0. Box 4967 I
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604-4967
June 7,2006

Mr. Stan J. Caterbone,

Per Administrative Law Judge Scott Staller's stipulation, the
following information is due before 6120106 in the Lanmter
County Assistance Office:

Verification of your income or lack them35 to show how you

have been supporting yourself since 2003 without income. This
would include the bankruptcy verification, loans against your
credit cards, etc.

A copy of a photo identification.

Current bank statements or verification the accounts are


Utility bills

Mortgage payments in the form of a mortgage book or receipts

showing your monthly payment.

The PA 600 application form you took with you at your last

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs.

Rychalsky, Income Maintenance Casework Supervisor, at the
Lancaster County Assistance Office at (717:) 299-7487. Mrs.
Rychalsky will be banding any further issues regarding this

Thank you.

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Amy Montgomery
Income Maintenance Casework Supwvisor
Lancaster County Assistance Office

June 06, 2006


I had a problem at your Sunoco Gas Station on Orange and

Prince street at about 2:30 am today. I went to get some
gasoline and my tank was low when I left my house, but the
low fuel indicator light did not come on.

I paid the cashier with 14 silver half dollars and got a pack of
Eagle Lights and the rest $3.93 in gasoline, or about 1.37
gallons, and pumped the gas into my Honda.

Now, on the way home, at about half way my low fuel indicator
light came on. I know that I live about 7 miles from the
Sunoco, and my 2005 Honda Odyssey gets at least 20 mpg

So, apparently, your Sunoco Station took my $3.93 and never

gave me any gas, the meter on the pump moved and shut off
at $3.93, but I am alleging that I never put one drop of
gasoline in my Honda, yet the pump made it look like I was
pumping gas into my Honda.

I have the receipt.

June 09, 2006 - Hearing for Conestoga Speeding Ticket TR-

0000245-06 TR-0000244-06
As per your request, enclosed is a document that describes the
last time I had a traffic citation in Conestoga Township. As I
have stated for the record, every time I seek due process that
the constitution of the United States affords me, this is what
happens. I have 8 (fabrications and lies) or so similar hearing
in Lancaster County, I requested a continuance because of the
demands of my Federal litigation and the conspiratorial
approach to obstruct justice and subvert my Federal civil
actions has me without the proper time to prepare a sufficient
defense. I had wished to include the in court testimony, but
time was lacking to prepare. I was up since 2:00 am the
previous morning working on a brief that was due the
Honorable Anita Brody of the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on the same day as your
Court Hearing.

Every District Justice in Lancaster County denied me a motion

for continuance to grant me sufficient time to prepare for the
Hearings this month. You stated for the record that you could
not because of a Court Order to hear this case within a 90 day
time period. I was also denied an Informa Pauperis (I am
indigent due to circumstances beyond my control) from every
Business Judge on duty, which also conveniently denied me
my right to have a Court Stenographer transcribe your
Hearing, as mandated in the Rules of Civil Procedure of
Pennsylvania. May I subpoena your Surveillance Camera for a
transcription of my Hearing? You will not get away with your
small town politics, discriminatory and prejudicial antics used
to intimidate me and divert my attention, time and resources
from my Federal Civil Actions. I remind you that you are an
Officer of the Court and will be held accountable to the law.

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June 09, 2006 Hearing for PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT 717-

786-2072 fax
Thank you for your response Mr. Caterbone. I would again
explain to you that you should contact E-fax directly at the
phone number I gave you in my initial email to discuss what
you believe to be a double charge. It is YOUR responsibility to
discuss the charges with E-fax as you gave them the Visa gift
card number. The bank cannot be responsible for YOUR
decisions in regards to which you give YOUR card number.
Good luck with YOUR inquiry with E-fax. If E-fax decides you
were double billed, then E-fax will refund your card. Again, call
E-fax and use the reference number that I gave you in regards
to YOUR account. At this point, Fulton bank will not be
refunding any funds to you. Have a good day Sir.

-----Original Message-----
From: Advanced Media Group []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:55 PM
To: Mummert, Carl

Subject: RE: Fraud Inquiry by you on Visa Gift Card

Fulton Bank owes me $45.98.

Sir, you are blind, there are (2) $26.90 charges on my Gift
card Transaction details. And both were used to compute the
balance of $-.81.
I did not authorize the $10.00 Efax charge.

The $10.08 from Turkey Hill is erroneous; I did not purchase

10.08 of gasoline on June 5th or 4th.

Now Sir, I have a brief due in the chambers of U.S. District

Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania's Honorable Anita
Brody, Caterbone v. Fulton Bank, tomorrow.

You, Sir, are harassing me with your lies, and you are
obstructing justice and my due process by harassing me with
your phone call right when I began to formulate my brief.

Date Description Amount

6/3/2006 Pending - J2 *EFAX PLUS SERV 323-817-3205 CAUS



6/7/2006 TURKEY HILL #0251 Q69 TURKEY HILL #0251


6/7/2006 TURKEY HILL #0251 Q69 TURKEY HILL #0251


6/6/2006 THE UPS STORE #3413 THE UPS STORE #341




6/6/2006 ATM Balance Inquiry Fee -1



817-3205 CAUS -10

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EQUI 760-9171841 CAUS -16.18

6/5/2006 ATM Balance Inquiry Fee -1

6/5/2006 TURKEY HILL #0076 Q69 TURKEY HILL #0076



866-243-4357 NJUS -17.48


PAUS -3.64

6/4/2006 ATM Balance Inquiry Fee -1


817-3205 CAUS -25.9

6/4/2006 TURKEY HILL #0246 Q69 TURKEY HILL #0246


6/2/2006 ATM Withdrawal Fee -2



6/2/2006 Funds Transfer from Fulton Financial Corp 175

Balance of all Transactions -175.81

Balance of Fraudulent Transactions $45.98

From: Mummert, Carl []

Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:26 PM
Subject: Fraud Inquiry by you on Visa Gift Card

Mr. Caterbone,
I just tried to call you to talk to you in regards to your request
for information on possible fraud in relation to your Visa Gift
card you purchased last week. As you thought it best to hang
up on me as I tried to explain what I found out by calling E-fax
to research your gift card, I will now explain in brief detail
what the fees were you inquired about. The $10.00 fee on
June 6th is a pre-paid amount E-fax charges to allow you to
fax pages @ .10 per page. When you use the $10.00, E-fax
will then pre-pay/charge another $10.00. As for your inquiry of
being double billed the $25.90. I spoke with a gentleman
named Vincent @ E-Fax and he stated that there is not a
double charge and that you were only billed $25.90 one time
for 2 months service (May 2nd to June 1st and June 2 to July
3rd). The monthly charge is $12.95 and since the card # you
provided E-fax in May was denied, they billed you for 2 months
in the beginning of June. The Reference # for this information
is 001428472. If you have any further questions in regards to
YOUR E-fax account, I would ask you call E-fax yourself. The #
for E-fax is (323) 817-3206. At this time I do not have any
information for you in regards to your inquiry at the $10.08
charged on June 6th.

Mr. Caterbone, since you again feel the best way to handle this
situation is to hang up on me when I was trying to give you
this information, I would request that you discontinue
contacting myself. I do not have the time to continue to try

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and help you when you are unwilling to listen to the

information I have to pass onto you. This is the second time in
3 days that you disrespected me, with the 1st being on
Tuesday, June 6th when you called me ignorant and I would
respectfully request that you no longer ask for help from me. I
have tried to be polite and respect you and I would hope you
could do the same. When Fulton bank completes its research
as to what the $10.08 charge was that you are disputing, the
bank will contact you by email or letter.

Thank you for your attention to this email and I hope the
information I passed onto you so far is useful.

Carl E Mummert
Branch Manager
Penn Square Branch
Fulton Bank

June 11, 2006 Country Music Awards CMA Music Fest Sets
Initial Lineup
February 13, 2006, 4:30 PM ET
Katie Hasty, N.Y. Brooks & Dunn, Brad Paisley, Carrie
Underwood and Montgomery Gentry are Music Festival. Slated
for June 8-11 in down...MDT citation for leaving car
unattended to go look for Sheryl in Terminal. Left car and
talked to Security Officer and he said it was ok and ordered me
to move car, and I did. He did not write me a citation on that

June 15, 2006 Hearing DJ Ballentine Caterbone v. Comcast

From : Cheryl L. Kovaly Sent : Wednesday, June 21, 2006

1:13 PMTo : "Stan Caterbone" Subject : RE: Caterbone v.
Southern Regional Police Commission

Cheryl L. Kovaly, Esquire

Lavery, Faherty, Young & Patterson, P.C.
225 Market Street, Suite 304
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(717) 233-6633
June 19, 2006

H. Gus Dorn
Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania
Office Of Attorney General
Bureau Of Consumer Protection
Harrisburg Regional Office
301 Chestnut Street, Suite 105
Harrisburg, PA 17101
(7171 787-7109

May 31, 2006

Re: A-002594-2006

As per our conversation, I will address the issues contained in

Mr. Yarnells response to your office. Please not that I was not
given any of the exhibits that Mr. Yarnell submitted to your

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On August 26,2005 we entered into an agreement with Mr.

Caterbone for the installation and monitoring of an alarm
system at 220 Stone Hill Road Conestoga, PA 17518. Our
standard pricing for the system he ordered is $1,899.00 and
then he would pay $192.00 per year for the monitoring of the
system. Another option he was given was to pay $1,324.00 for
the installation and then pay $299.40 per year for 5 years. Mr.
Caterbone chose the 2nd option. (Attached marked items A
and B are the contracts and the service rider).
Above paragraph is not contested.

Mr. Caterbone gave us a check in the amount of $800.00 for

the system deposit so that we could start the job. (Item C)
The installation was scheduled for September 30, 2005. Our
technician arrived at the site and installed the system. Mr.
Caterbone agreed that the system was installed to his
satisfaction and also added 2 additional key fobs. (See
installers check list, Item D).
Please see Exhibit E: Email of October 1, 2005 of Installation

This check list goes on every job for the end user to sign.
Please note the highlighted item. Please find attached a copy
of Mr. Caterbones final invoice in the amount of $1,021.40.
This was to be paid to our installer. He told our technician that
he would send it in. (Item E) can see we performed all of our
duties as we agreed.

Please see Exhibit A: Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Petition, Yarnell

Securities is on the matrix of Creditors.
Please see Exhibit B: Bankruptcy Chapte11 Appeal Judge Anita
Brody Appeal Response.
Please see Exhibit C: Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Definition and

We clearly state on our contracts that the customer provides

the phone lines. (Item A paragraphs 7 and 8) We also offer
alternate methods of communication for all of our systems.
(Cellular Back Up) (Internet Monitoring). These were refused.
See Item B highlighted item.
Please refer to Exhibit D: Verizon Duplicate Bill for phone
number 717-872-6984 which was a dedicated land line for the
security system.

Attached is a printout showing that the system was tested

and working properly. Our contracts clearly state providing a
phone line is the responsibility of Mr. Caterbone. Mr.
Caterbones system was completed September 30, 2005 and
as of this date we still have not been paid the balance of his
monies due.

Above paragraph is not contested.

Mr. Caterbone has the system. We provided the complete

installation in a timely fashion. Mr. Caterbone has been called
numerous times to collect the balance due. We provided more
than 8 hours of labor at Mr. Caterbone residence, as well the
equipment with a normal selling price of over $1800.00 plus
the extra he received. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Please see Exhibit A: Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Petition, Yarnell

Securities is on the matrix of Creditors.
Please see Exhibit B: Bankruptcy Chapte11 Appeal Judge Anita
Brody Appeal Response.
Please see Exhibit C: Bankruptcy Chapter 11 Definition and

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In paragraph 8. of the Residential Sales/Service Agreement it

states: there will be no monitoring..if the telephone line is
interrupted unless the customer elects to pay for additional
technology that will report such an interruption.

Upon the execution and installation of agreement, I was told

that a dedicated telephone line was required so that any
interruption with phone service would be detected. Why would
you pay for a Security System with alarms and a monitoring
system that contained all of the technological advances if it
was vulnerable to someone snipping your phone line outside of
your house, and negating that Security System as moot?

I wonder if all of the customers for Yarnell Security Systems

are aware of this vulnerability.

In addition, I was billed for monitoring my security system up

to April 3, when in fact my dedicated phone line with Verizon
was terminated on or before December 24, 2005.

And you told me on the telephone in our conversation that this

is not fraud?

You see, I have issues with Office of the Attorney General that
date back to 1987 that I am trying to resolve in Federal Court,
and must assume that you are retaliating against me for my
filing of certain Federal Civil Actions, which are now currently
being litigated in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

I do not appreciate your tone, nor do I appreciate your

accusations or demands. I agreed to provide the commitment
documents to you as a courtesy. As stated, the 302 document
was not in the paperwork received from the Chief. Although
additional documents are expected from my client, I have no
obligation at this stage of litigation to provide any documents
to you. Given your attitude, I am not inclined to extend you
any additional courtesies.

June 20, 2006 Hearing East Lampeter Prelim Hearing Docket

No. CF-0000169-06 02-3-02 MDJ Commins - On June 19,
found that someone hacked my computer and removed my
scheduled appointment for the Hearing with District Justice
Commins the following day on June 20th. The appointment
schedule was apparently removed soon after I entered it. I
always look forward to calendar schedule, and would have
naturally been preparing days before Hearing. Then went to
file and found that someone removed important documents
required for Hearing, from my office. I immediately called
Honorable Justice Commins at 2:25 pm. And asked for a
continuance due to the fact that I had no time to prepare. She
told me she could not and would address it at the Hearing at
10:30am. Arrived and requested to get a copy of my file from
District Justice Staff. All witnesses from the Prosecution were
present and called into courtroom about 30 minutes before me
with other people), which I was not aware of. Did not know
what type of hearing I was having. Kept asking for an
explanation. Approximately 11:15 am - Hearing started by
Honorable Commins with a woman Prosecutor (Said she was
from Lancaster District Attorney Office Ms. Mazzouri?) on
opposing desk. I immediately moved for a motion for a
continuance due to the above, and the District Justice declined,
and I asked what the proceeding was, and she said "we will

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begin this proceeding, Prosecutor call your first witness".

Thought it was like last arraignment on December 5 in
Magisterial District Justice Reuter, just Officer Bezzerd and me.
Had to cross witnesses with no time to prepare. Could not
raise concern that the Affidavit of Probable Cause was changed
on May 18, 2006 and quite different from original Affidavit of
October 2005. (See in Original Complaint File Attachments). 2
Witnesses lied extensively, and kept looking to prosecuter for
direction. One witness lied so maliciously and testified under
oath that I said "I wish George Bush and all the Marines would
Die Did not know what to do, interrupted the hearing and
asked the judge what was going on, almost walked out of
courtroom, because I was so upset. A subject matter that I am
very passionate and knowledgable about, the War in Iraq and
the Troops - always trying to educate so people would at least
support the troops. Ordered case moved to and signed Bail
Bond and received official notice for an Arraignment in
Lancaster County Courthouse on July 26, 2006..................

June 21, 2006 - SRP Officer said could not get a copy of files
after asking Office Manager - wanted me to cause disturbance
so could cite me with disorderly conduct or get another 302
She was abusive, kept trying to get me mad with back talk and
kept telling me it will cost me for citations, I would have to pay
whether in Bankruptcy or not.
Said will call when files are copied.

June 22, 2006 - Digital Cable went down at 3:00 am when

trying to complete Brief for Chapter 11 Motion to Convert
Order. Comcast later said it was a system glitch, returned
service on Friday, June 23 at 6:00pm.

June 23, 2006 - Lancaster City Bicycle Cop Said I went through
stop sign, he was baiting me as I drove by him in alley street,
would not ride near curb Did not run stop sign Would not give
me a document for subpoena, staffer kept giving me a hard
time as usual, would not give me instructions in writing, told
me to put it in writing, no instructions, with fee for service, I
said Informa Pauperis, she said give it to judge, I said what
am I suppose to write? Judge came out and said do you want
to speak with me, I'm sick of you insulting my staff, I said lets
go. Gave me a lecture on insulting her staff, bit my tongue,
asked for a doc or if I could use PA Rules, said "this is the way
we do things in my office" I said PA Rules governs her office,
she said no. I walked out.

June 27, 2006 Pennsylvania State Police; Trooper David

Huanis, Forensic Unit; 717-290-1976; Was referred by
Southern Regional Police Department during the response to
my call in the morning of June 24, 2006; said he could not
provide me the service; no one will come and fingerprint my
office or residence. Regardless of all of the complaints and
responses by law authorities, no one will process any
procedure that would result in prosecution. I contain video
surveillance of perpetrator in my residence, and evidence of
forced entry.





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1987 AND OCTOBER 2005


COMPLAINT NO. 2006-214;215 MAY 2006





United State District Court For The Eastern District of

05-2288 - May 16, 2005 CATERBONE v. LANCASTER COUNTY
06-1538 June 8, 2005 CATERBONE v. FULTON BANK

United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District;

05-23059 May 23, 2005 PETITION FOR CHAPTER 11

Pennsylvania Court of Commonwealth Pleas Lancaster County;



Pro Se Litigant


a. Restoration of Civil Rights
b. Restoration of Civil Liberties
c. Protection of Right to Due Process Without Undo Influence
d. Protection of Personal and Business Property
e. Financial Remedies Including The Value of Stolen Property;
Lost Opportunity; Lost Business Interests
f. Prosecution of Assailants and Perpetrators




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/SJC/ June 27, 2006




As a law enforcement agency, the primary function of the

Attorney General is to represent the public at large by
enforcing laws prohibiting acts of discrimination where there is
a pattern or practice of unlawful activity. Your complaint does
remain on file with our office and the Information contained in
it may be used to establish future violations of Pennsylvania
law or other issues of general public importance.


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|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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UGI & PPL Disputes Page 1 of 8





2005 HP Desktop Computer Currently Non-Operational

1. 2 USB Ports

2. Adobe Professional Software

3. 4-Camera Color Remote Sensor Security System

4. MSN Hotmail

5. Lexmark Printer and Scanner

6. Dell Printer and Scanner

7. All Video Converters and Editors

8. Windows 2000 Operating System via Boot-Up Sequence July

2, 2008

9. 250GB Internal Hard-Drive files stolen

2005 - Averatec Laptop Computer Currently Non-

1. Power Supply Will Not Turn On November of 2007

2. Software Programs Compromised

3. Microsoft Outlook hacked

4. 2 USB Ports

HP N5150 1999 Laptop Computer - Currently Non-

(Rendered Useless on or about July 16, 2008; Mouse &
Keyboard Will Not Work)
1. Floppy Disc Drive

2. CD-ROM Writer

3. USB Port for Flash or Thumb Drive

4. MSN Hotmail

5. Acrobat Professional for creating pdf files.

6. AC Adapter

7. Most if not all software hacked to perform less than normal

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 331 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
UGI & PPL Disputes Page 2 of 8

8. Microsoft Word always hacked

9. All computer files and work is technically isolated in the HP

N5150 Laptop with the exception of copying all files and
sending them to my own email account
( then going to the public access
computers at the Lancaster County Library on 50 N. Duke
Street and copying them from my email account to my thumb
drive. But of course I cannot copy any files from my thumb
drives to my HP N5150 Laptop.

10. At all times my internet connection is hacked and all of my

documents and accounts subject to intrusions, deletions, and

Sharp DVD-Video Player Recorder

1. Will not record on DVD Discs Must record TV Shows on
VHS Video

Apple Ipod and 60 GB Hard Drive Back-up Had to

secure in safety deposit box due to hackers

Cell Phone Camera Cannot download photos to

computer or printer

Kodak Digital Camera Cannot download photos to

computer or printer



why do you feel it is our responsibility to support you. I bust

my ass working and have a family to raise. I will help you if
you help yourself. Why dont you go out and get a job until the
people who you claim owe you money pay you. Why do you
think you are entitled to have us pay your bills and take care
of your financial responsibilities? I have a mortgage and pay
my utility bills as does Steve, and Phil. You are living rent free
and its time you pay your own bills.
Mike Caterbone
Email of March 30, 2008

Stan thats exactly what I tried to do but you wouldnt listen.

You thought I was trying to steal your house. Stan you need to
get help and get back on your medicine and I know you dont
want to hear that but thats what needs to happen. We are all
on your side but you seem to think everyone is against you
and thats not the case. If you would have listen to me back
when they wanted to foreclose on you house things would be
Mike Caterbone
Email of April 3, 2008

March 31, 2008

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

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Mike Caterbone
122 Swan Avenue
Plantation, FL 33324

Re: Email from Mike Caterbone of March 31, 2008

PP&L and UGI Utility Payments


I dont feel it is your responsibility to financially support me,

although I do feel it is your responsibility and your obligation
to support the truth and not to be my adversary. I will outline
why it is your responsibility and obligation to pay attention to
what I say, and not to listen to the intentional and malicious
rumors about my activities and what I have been doing for the
past 3 years. If you, Mom, Steve, and Phil had listened to me,
instead of taking an adversarial role and always fighting me on
everything, we all would have more money. Instead, you all
have money, while everyone continues to steal and extort
money and property from me.

1. Let me give you an example. If you would have worked with

me, rather than against me, you could have bought my house
for the mortgage owed ($89,000) plus interest and fees. This
could have been before the Sheriff Sale in December of 2006,
which would have been around $165,000 to $250,000. Then,
we could have sold it and I could have paid you somewhere
around $10,000. I would have been able to put in the bank
somewhere around $70,000. Remember, on March 13, 2007,
just 33 days after I settled for the $156,000 that was paid at
the Sheriff Sale, the house was transferred for $195,000. All
you and Steve did was write me while I was in prison asking
me to give you permission to move all of my belongings from
220 Stone Hill Road to 1250 Fremont Street.Instead, I only
received a check for $17,306.00, by the way which is still in
escrow until all the litigation is legally adjudicated in the
courts. When the Courts reverse the Sheriff Sale, I will most
likely have to repay that money, unless I am awarded
damages by that time.

2. Of course, I did not mention that the Sheriff Sale was

illegal, the Superior Court committed obstruction of justice,
and everyone that was on that property before February 1,
2007 were legally trespassing, and I was the only person with
the legal authority to be on that property. That is how they
stole all of my possessions and legal files.

3. Let me give you another example. In January I told both

you and Steve to apply for Energy Assistance or LIHEAP (Heat
Assistance) to pay for the PP&L and UGI bills. I also applied.
Mom and me both received LIHEAP benefits in the past. My
last year in Conestoga, I receive $600 toward my PP&L bills,
the year before I received $300 for part of the year. When I
applied in January, the caseworker at the Lancaster County
Assistance Office that accepted my application promised me
that I would receive benefits. Then 2 weeks ago they send me
a letter stating that I am not eligible because the utilities are
not in my name and I an not responsible to pay them. I
thought there might be a problem when I applied, that is why I
sent Steve an application and told him to apply.

4. Now, if you and Steve had listened to me, the PP&L and UGI
bills would have been paid by the Pennsylvania Heat
Assistance Fund, which is part of the Department of Public

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Welfare. I believe it is federally funded. In addition, both the

January PP&L bill and the UGI bills have been inflated. I
formally complained to both utility companies, but they said
Steve or Mom would have to file the complaint. Do you see the
trend here? This conduct is textbook extortion, plain and
simple. And it has been going on for twenty years.

5. Now, let's talk about what I have been doing for the past 3
years, since January of 2005.

6. If you will notice in the Document named "Appeal Exhibits

with Employment Applications" and turn to page 41 to 73 you
will find many JOB APPLICATIONS that I have submitted to
various companies to get some work to bring in some income.
I have applied to everyone from Turkey Hill and McDonalds to
the City of Lancaster, the County of Lancaster, Smith Barney,
Regal Cinema's, Red Rose Transit Authority and Kunzlers, to
name a few of the applications. Most all of them were
submitted in person in 2007. I also sent many resumes out to
try to get some consulting work. So don't tell me that I don't
try to help myself. I was never granted ONE SINGLE

7. I also tried to sell all of my unused furniture and appliances

on Craigs List in 2007. All I got were a bunch of people
coming to look at it to harass me, and one person sending me
a fraudulent cashiers check that caused a problem for my
Ameritrade Account.

8. Pro Se Billings. If you review the document titled "Pro Se

Sales Journal" you will find my billings for all of my COURT
cases up to August of 2007. I need to include everything from
then until now when I have time. You will find all of my hours
listed under "Qty" for each case. The total amount of billings
from 2005 up until August of 2007 is $284,327.50, and the
approximate number of hours that I have spent litigating my
cases is approximately 2,843 hours up until August of 2007.
Now that comes out to approximately 54 40-hour workweeks.
All of the entries for billable hours can be traced to the actual
entries listed on the court docket sheets for every case. That
does not include Advanced Media Group work, Project Hope, or
the Movie Theater at Hotel Brunswick, or all the work TRYING
FILES THEY DELETED. It also does not include my research
work into mental telepathy and trying to find out who remotely
trained me. I currently spend approximately 50 to 60 hours a
week working.

9. You must also take note that while acting as my own

attorney, pro se, I have had 20 criminal charges dismissed
against the Lancaster County District Attorney and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the last year or so. To date
I have had 27 criminal charges dismissed or overturned on
appeal. Everyone that I ask tells me that this has never
happened before. And they are all false arrests, which are now
eligible for monetary damages and redress in the court of law.
I still have some 4 or 5 appeals to conclude in the appellate
courts, then I should have all of my criminal charges
dismissed. The only remaining false charges to clear are a few
blatent lies about driving carelessly, the Fleeing, which should
have never been charged, and two disorderly conducts and
harassment charges, all of which are just blatant lies by
corrupt police. The record speaks for itself, the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and the Lancaster County District Attorneys
Office has no credibility in the court of law when it comes to

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any criminal proceedings v. Stanley J. Caterbone. I have even

documents many cases of the courts changing documents and
lying on the record. However, that is another matter.

10. My Pro Se Billings do not include hours and time for all of
the public meetings that I attend for the Lancaster Convention
Authority or the weekly Lancaster County Commissioners
meetings. It also does not include walking or riding my bike to
and from the Lancaster Courthouse or the Lancaster County
Library, or filing complaints against people stealing and or
damaging my property and gasoline or harassing me. Or all of
the time spent trying to document and file complaints for the
COURT CLERKS. All of this is well documented. Oh, it also does
not include the time spent because all of my computers are
hacked and now I have to use a 9 year old laptop, without a
mouse. I cannot even back up a file to thumb drive without
taking an old plastic 1.4 megabyte floppy drive to the
Lancaster County Library and copying the files to my thumb or
flash drive.


12. Do you know that in March of 2007 I had to walk 3/4 of

the way home from the office of Noble Real Estate in Akron (a
RRTA Bus Driver purposely drove by without picking me up),
after I had a meeting to try to find out where all of my
possessions and files that were stolen from my house at 220
Stone Hill Road were at? They would not tell me a thing, by
the way, about who had my possessions or where they were
stored. There was no sign or any indication that Parula existed
except on paper.

13. Now, Lets talk about my (Advanced Media Group)

Downtown Lancaster Action Plan. I have had real meetings
with so many public officials regarding these projects, which all
have supported. They include Mayor Charlie Smithgall; Mayor
Rick Gray; Randy Patterson, Executive Director of the
Lancaster City Economic Development Office; Mike Sturla,
Democratic Senior State Legislature; The James Street
Improvement District; Jim Burke, Chief Zoning Officer of the
City of Lancaster; and Mark Easterbrook, Administrator of the
County of Lancaster. I also have a signed and executed Non-
Disclosure agreement with Jeff Lefever and his group of
investors to consider my business plan for Excelsior Place.
They are currently the owners and are in the midst of
developing the property.

14. I am currently weeks away (depending on computer

hacking) from delivering my business and development plan
for the Downtown Theater at Hotel Brunswick. I have the
Executive Director of the Lancaster Film Commission, Jay
Ingram, considering a partnership with me on this project. My
early projections show that I should be cash flow positive from
day one. There is no one that does not think this is a viable
and needed project for Downtown Lancaster. I have amassed
research over the past year and a half or so for this project.
My interest and research for movie theaters goes back to 1987
when I became friends with an elderly man who was the
projectionist for the Stone Harbor Movie Theater and used to
let me visit with him in the projection booth for many
discussions regarding my Digital Movie with Tony Bongiovi and
Power Station Studios. I also spent time with Ron Gorganno,
who ran the old Manor Cinemas back when they first opened in
the late 1980s or early 1990s.

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15. You must also take note that the people that owe me
money fall into two categories. The one category are the
defendants that I have filed civil complaints against in the
court of law. When I speak of people owing me money, I am
not talking about that group of people. I am talking about
people that I have performed services for and was never paid;
and companies that are under contractual obligations such as
Harleysville Insurance Company. Remember, it took me
eighteen (18) months to collect all of the money that I was
owed for painting and renovating Moms house here at 1250
Fremont Street. And I still had to file a claim in court to get
that bill paid. The same thing is happening with Sam Lombardo
and Ralph Mazzacchi. I performed services and billed them
$2,000 and they only paid me $300 of it. I am now in court
trying to collect the rest. Harleysville Insurance Company owes
me a remaining balance on my last claim of about $6,000 and
they still owe me for a previous claim of about $7,000 that was
never paid at all. This is for property that was damaged or flat
out stolen that I no longer have. Dale High and High Industries
still owes me for a past due invoice that was never paid by
American Helix. That outstanding invoice for services
performed now amounts to some $15,000, including interest. I
met with Dale High in May of 2005 and discussed this with him
personally; he did not dispute the invoice. Drew Anthon and
the Eden Resort defaulted on my civil complaint, so the courts
have to provide me with a judgment. That claim is another
$26,000, and includes medical bills. The Fulton Bank invoice of
some $67,000 is an invoice for the equity that they have
extorted from the illegal sale of my property at 220 Stone Hill
Road, in Conestoga. After settlement in February of 2007,
Fulton Bank sent me my 1099 Form for the sale of the
property and they even listed the Fair Market Value to the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as $250,000. The $250 that
the Lancaster County Treasurer owes me is from the last
refund check for criminal charges that were dismissed that I
paid fines on. They sent me a refund check in November of
2007 for some $600, however, they still owe me another

16. This does not include the $750.00 that was stolen by the
Police during the apprehension and fraudulent 302
Commitment to Lancaster General Hospital on April 5, 2006.

17. This also does not include the gasoline that has been
stolen from my pickup truck over the last 3 or 4 months. This
has to be about $150.00. That does not seam like much, but
when you factor in all the time walking to gas stations to get
gas, documenting and copying receipts every time I get gas,
and all of the complaints and meeting trying to have the
Lancaster City Police take incident reports for the stolen gas. It
adds up to a lot of time, money, inconvenience, and an awful
lot of pain and suffering considering I can only put 2 gallons of
gasoline in my pickup truck at one time. Do you know how
many times that have stolen my gasoline? Probably in excess
of 30 times. And I believe that Billy (Lefty) Plank and his band
of crack heads have done it on occasion.

18. Now, let's talk about the State Farm Insurance Claim for
my laptop, DVD recorder and other items that were destroyed
here at 1250 Fremont Street. I believe that claim is for about
$1,200. Now, I filed the claim with the home office of State
Farm Insurance in New York. They sent the forms to fill out to
Steve and Mom in Miami. What did Steve do? Refuse to send
me the letter and the forms. He just flat out refused to mail

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me the forms. I called him in November or December of last

year (2007) and argued with him to send me the forms. I
believe it was the last time I had talked to him. Now that
makes no sense. Then in late December, right after Christmas,
he sends me this letter telling me that I will have to pay for
the PP&L electric bill and the UGI gas bill starting in January.

19. I had forgot to mention that I had already won a cash

settlement last September in my lawsuit against Copy Max,
one of the largest office supply retailers in the country, as a
pro se litigant in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas.
They used an attorney from Philadelphia. The law firm has
about 60 attorneys, so it was not won against some attorney
from Lancaster.

20. Now, let's talk about the house and expenses. When Mom
first went to Florida to recuperate from here Heart Stint in
December of 2004, everyone thought she was coming back.
Then when I visited Mom in Florida in January of 2005 we
discussed the need to paint and renovate the house incase we
had to sell it or rent it. She agreed whole-heartedly. After I
was finished I argued with everyone about getting someone to
rent out 1250 Fremont Street, including Ron Roda. Everyone
argued with me. No one wanted to hear it. My calculations find
that I have doubled the investment that Mom paid me to
renovate and paint the house. The realtor that wanted to sell
the house in 2005 only had an offer of $89,000. The house is
now worth at least $105,000. That is what the houses sold for
on this block in the past year. I have also continued to make
improvements since then. I put an oriental step runner on the
steps, finished most of the floors, painted the fence, repainted
the bathroom, and repainted some of the living room. In
addition, I will do some painting on the exterior this spring. I
also would like to paint the back patio awning, if you provide
the paint. I keep this house maintained and in excellent
condition. If I was not here, the only additional expenses you,
Mom, Phil and Steve have are the UGI Gas utility, the PP&L
electric utility and the water and sewer; considering you did
not want to rent the house out. Now if you take into
consideration the equity and the increased value in the house,
it is not costing anyone anything.

21. Now, lets talk about the money that I owe Mom. First of all
the $25,000 was extorted in 1987. I did not spend that money.
That will be paid back when the courts or my defendants
settle. The remaining $14,000 loan in 1998 was also not my
fault. I had a signed agreement with Dave Pflumm that the
1994 Ford Explorer lease was to be paid by Pflumm
Contractors. I made certain, and had Dave sign a document,
that in the event that my employment was terminated or I
resigned, the lease would still be paid, along with my health
insurance. The 1994 Ford Explorer deal was done within the
month that I was made to leave by harassment and emotional
assaults. I was no fool and protected myself from having that
lease be a financial burden, since things were so bad.
Remember, my Isuzu was paid for and I had no loans on it. He
reneged on both of those agreements. I had been paying Mom
a monthly payment for that loan until 2002. So again, that
money was technically and legally extorted. And, I should
remind you that in 1999 I tried to convince you to move Moms
money from equities to a fixed income account in her Sun Life
Annuity Contract. I had told Lucie Aument the same thing,
along with others that used to come over at Moms for
breakfast. The market went south, and Mom lost some
$50,000 of value in her account, which she never recovered. I

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have this well documented with my notes and print outs of her

22. Now Mike, in conclusion, you stated in your email I will

help you if you help yourself, I have absolutely proven that I
have and keep helping myself in every way possible.

23. I expect someone better pay the UGI bill before it is shut-
off on April 7th, that is next Monday, while I have a few
meetings to try to get LIHEAP to pay the PP&L bill.

24. I will also accept all of your other help in which you refer
to in you email.

God Bless.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Mission Statement

The Advanced Media Group Ltd., is an information technologies

company which was founded to facilitate the dissemination of
information through the use of sate-of-the-art technologies.

Using these technologies we can improve the quality of great

quantities of information by providing a medium in which
information is collected, organized, and delivered in a more
effective and more accurate manner. This will enable vast
amount of information to be readily accessible and easily
absorbed. This great improvement in the quality and
accessibility of information will contribute toward a higher
standard of living by allowing society to become more well-

The Advanced Media Group Ltd., intends to devote much of its

resources toward improving the information resources
available to the educational community. Interactive
technologies and applications developed by the Advanced
Media Group Ltd., will help contribute toward the improvement
of the quality of our educational system.

Although the Advanced Media Group Ltd., intends to pursue its

mission aggressively, it will conduct its business with the
utmost honesty and integrity.

CD-ROM Manufacturing
The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., was responsible for
developing the CD-ROM division of American Helix Technology
Corporation. The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., currently owns
and operates the division and lias developed a highly 'regarded
reputation for quality in the production of CD-ROM discs.

American Helix Technology Corporation provides high quality

CD-Audio and CD-ROM replication services in a state-of-the-art
manufacturing facility. The facility, which was completed in
1988, features a unique third-generation monoline processing
module which was designed and engineered by David D.
Dering, American Helix's founder and president. The facility
was designed and engineered with the objective of increasing
manufacturing yields by incorporating quality control
techniques and a high degree of automation into the
production process.

The Manufacturing Process:

The manufacturing facility features a 10,000-class cleanroom
for CD preparation and replication operations. Most
importantly, American Helix features an aggressive approach
to quality assurance.
Before manufacturing, the master stamper is passed through
three different quality control tests before it is installed into
the injection molding machine. During these tests, the stamper

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is visually inspected for surface flaws, and analyzed for strict

adherence to the physical media and data format specifications
defined in the Phillips/SONY Red Book and Yellow Book

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, American Helix designed

its own mono-line replication module. Computer automated
robotics provides above average production yields through
increased efficiency. Most importantly, the robotics technology
minimizes the amount of human contact during production,
which increases quality assurance statistics.

4 & 5 Color Disc Printing (Picture Discs):

American Helix is one of a few CD manufacturing facilities
capable of printing the required 4 & 5 Color process for popular
"picture" discs. Full color reporductions make the Compact Disc
another means of marketing and advertising for Audio and CD-
ROM publishers. American Helix has recieved awards for its
screen printing technologies.
Quality Assurance:
American Helix and the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., have
developed extensive quality assurance procedures and policies
to ensure that the CD-ROM manufacturing process delivers
quality assurance specifications of the highest caliber.

The CD-ROM stamper is analyzed by a computerized system

that inspects and evaluates the physical characteristics and the
integrity of the data. Specifications must exceed the
SONY/PHILLIPS Red and Yellow Book Standards.
During the replication process, randomly selected discs are
taken from the beginning, the middle and the end of the
process and analyzed on the CD-CATS system. This system is
used to inspect and evaluate the physical characteristics of the
actual CD-ROM discs.
After replication, all of the discs are analyzed by our "AID"
analyzer for more than ten different physical flaws. Driven by
computerized robotics, only those discs that pass the
prescribed quality assurance specifications are prepared for

Finally, all of the discs are visually inspected for printing flaws
before being packaged and prepared for shipment.

Application Development
The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., supports ongoing research
and development in the production of multimedia information
applications for a variety of optical platforms. These include
CD-ROM, Compact Disc Interactive (GDI), Intel's Digital Video
Interactive (DVI), Interactive Video Disc (IVD), Laserdisc, and
Commodore's Compact Disc Television (CDTV), Write-Once
Read-Many (WORM), Magneto-Optical, as well as conventional
rotating magnetic media. Applications are currently developed
for DOS, Macintosh, Unix, and the Amiga platforms. Windows
environments are also supported.

Advanced Media Group, Ltd., designs and builds custom user

interfaces and search and retrieval engines for projects which
require capabilities and functionality that are not currently
provided by off-the-shelf software systems.

Application Types:
* Multimedia Interactive Educational Products
* Image Management Systems
* Point-of-Purchase Interactive Kiosk Displays

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* Technical Documentation Applications

* Exhibit Technologies
* Parts and Service Reference Applications
* Multimedia Interactive Training Applications
Support Services:
* Application Design * Application Storyboarding
* Application Prototyping * Video Production
* Data Conversion * Media Conversion
* Production Prototyping * CD-ROM Simulation
* CDJV Premastering * CD-Rom Mastering
* CD-ROM Replication * Custom Programming
* Desktop Publishing * End-To-End Printing

Educational Applications
The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has always cited the
educational market as its primary area of interest. However,
the market's evolution is challenged by the faltering
educational infrastructure and a lack of financial resources.
Fortunately, there is a consortium of large corporations that
feel a real sense of social responsibility and contribute
generously toward improving our educational system. The
development of interactive multimedia technologies for
education has become a strong focal point among companies
such as IBM, Xerox, and Lucasfilm as well as others.

The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., brings to the interactive

educational multimedia market human resources with
extensive experience in engineering, instructional design,
graphics technologies, and courseware development. These
capabilities are coupled with a strong and successful
foundation in the optical publishing industry including the
development of multiplatform authoring systems, a graphics
librarian, CD-ROM search engines, and all phases of CD-ROM

The Advanced Media Group is currently producing its first

CDTV application, The Stars and You. The educational
application is being produced for children and will take the
users through a tour of the universe utilizing full color
photographs, audio, and animation techniques. The application
will allow the user to learn information about the various
planets and stars that form our universe, in an interactive
"game" type tutorial.

Educational courses designed include: "Composite Materials

Manufacturing", "Accounting Principles", "Teacher Induction
Training" and "Interactive Math 1 & 2" (K-12, 13 & 14)
operating on CD-ROM & IVD concurrently.

Commodore CDTV Strategic Alliance

The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has recently signed a
licensing agreement with Commodore International, Ltd., the
West Chester, PA. computer manufacturer. This strategic
alliance is aimed at combining the digital technologies
expertise of the Advanced Media Group,Ltd., with the
development of the Commodore CDTV multimedia machine.
The CDTV system was officially introduced at the Consumer
Electronics Show, in Las Vegas this past January. The first
shipments were recently recieved by major retailers on the
West coast, in April.

CDTV is one of the boldest attempts to date of a computer

manufacturer creating a new consumer electronics medium.
CDTV faces stiff competition from similar products produced by
computer manufacturing giants Apple Computer, Inc.,

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International Business Machines (IBM), and Tandy Electronics.

The CDTV systems will support "game", reference, and
educational applications created by film giants Lucasfilm and

Mr. Nolan Bushnell, who sold Atari in 1976, is faced with the
challenge of effectively integrating the best aspects of
television and computing technologies. The foundation of this
emerging amalgamated technology is built upon the proven,
stable CD-ROM and CD-Audio technologies. The vast storage
capacity of CD-ROM coupled with the power of interactive
multimedia applications will allow these systems to have
previously unheard of capabilities. Interactive multimedia
applications are available in several categories including:
education; entertainment; reference; arts; and music.

However, the most unique feature of CDTV is its compactness.

The complete CDTV system is no larger than a conventional
CD-Audio player. It can be connected to virtually an TV
monitor and is completely self-contained. Unlike CD-ROM, it
does not require a connection to a personal computer. The
system employs a simple yet elegant infrared remote control
interface and it can be integrated into an entertainment
system which can play both CDTV and CD-Audio discs. This will
make it the first system to bridge the personal computer and
consumer electronics markets. Surprisingly, the CDTV system
is to be reasonably priced at under $1,000.

The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., manufactured the first CD-

ROM disc for Commodore International Ltd., more than a year
ago and the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has continued
supporting Commodore during the early development of the
CDTV system.

This licensing agreement will establish the Advanced Media

Group, Ltd., as one of the CDTV premastering sites. Because
the CDTV operating system is proprietary, all applications
developed for the systems will require that the applications be
processed utilizing the Commodore ISO 9660 formatting
software. In addition to premastering services, the Advanced
Media Group, Ltd., will also provide end-to-end manufacturing
of CDTV discs, and will develop a library of CDTV applications
for the Educational and Scientific Community.

CD-Diagnostics Software
CD-DIAGNOSTICS is a unique software utility package
developed by the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., to aid in the
installation and maintenance of CD-ROM drives. The package is
used extensively by libraries and organizations which need to
administer and maintain multiple CD-ROM drives. The
Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has marketed the software
worldwide and it is currently in use in S. Africa, England, Italy,
Spain; Brazil, Canada, Australia, Austria, and Saudi Arabia, as
well as the United States.

The following is brief description of the functions

performed by CD-DIAGNOSTICS:
Live communication test - this utility checks all hardware and
software interfaces between the computer and the drive.

Drive compatibility test - analyzes special hardware and

software features supported by the system.
Access time test - measures track latency, access time and
data transfer rate.
Disc data verification - displays a graphical map of disc sectors

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and performs read-test disc verification.

Audio play utility - allows the user to select and play specified
audio tracks on CD-audio discs on audio-capable drives.



Donnelly Geo Systems (Mapquest) Joint Venture
Multimedia Applications for Distribution; American Helix
Technology Corporation Sale of Facility
Mansco, Inc. Replication Paper to CD ROM
National Assoc Of Watch & Clock - Multimedia Application
For Exhibit
Parsons & Brinkerhoff Engineers - Develop Technical
Ford New Holland - Replication Corporate Records to CD
Mobil Oil, Inc. - Multimedia Legal Documentation To CD-ROM
Indiana Bell - Multimedia Application For Distribution
Congressional Info Systems - CD-DIAGNOSTICS,
Manufacturing For Archiving
Microsoft, Inc - CD-DIAGNOSTICS Licensing Agreement
10,000 Plus Users
Bell Atlantic - Multimedia Application For Distribution
Tandy Electronics, Inc - Multimedia Application For
Catalogue and Distribution
Exxon Research And Production - Multimedia Application
For Engineering/Archiving; Valdez Oil Spill Convert 40 Million
Documents to CD-ROM
Compaq, Inc - CD-DIAGNOSTICS Licensing Agreement 3,000
to 6,000 Users
Ipsoa - CD-DIAGNOSTICS License 8,000 Users
Veda, Inc. - Air Force Tech Documents For Distribution
Cbis, Inc - Authoring Software
Library Of Congress - Manufacturing Paper to CD ROM
Commodore Business Machines, Inc - Joint Venture
Replication of CDTV, Multimedia Application Development
Amp, Inc (Tandy Corporation) - Replication Corporate
Records & Parts Catalogue to CD ROM
U. S. Postal Service - Manufacturing Corporate Records to
Arthur Anderson Replication & Application Development
At&T / Data Dev. - Replication of 200,000 Images
Bancroft And Whintney - Replication 965,000 Pages
California Legal Statutes
National Institute Of Standards And Technology Replication &
Technical Application for Speech Recognition Software
American Bankers Association Replication and Application
of Compliance Manuals
Pa Blue Shield - Develop KIOSK System of Multimedia Project
For Marketing
American Bond Buyers - Convert over 1 Million Financial
Documents with Search and Retrieval System Including
HEARST Publications - Catalogue To CD-ROM Bid Due Out
"Good Things" @ Us Product KIOSK Systems
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Replication of
Technical Specifications
Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) of Department of
Defense Convert Maps of Iraq for Dessert Storm & Middle
East to CD-ROM
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Replication and
Convert Administrative Manuals to CD-ROM
National Institute of Standards & Technology

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(NIST)/Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

(DARPA) - Replication & Project Development Speech
Recognition Software
Gallo Rosso Restuarant - Management/Technology
Mazzi Restuarant - Management/Technology Consulting
B2B Communications - Management/Technology Consulting
Pflumm Contractors - Management/Technology Consulting
The Jay Group - Management/Technology Consulting
Lancaster Container - Management/Technology Consulting
American Helix Technology Corporation/High Industries
- Management Consulting
Cross Microwave - Management/Technology Consulting
S.N.Lombardo Development - Management/Technology
AIM Mutual Funds (Wholesaler Division) -
Management/Technology Consulting
Sprecher Management (Excelsior Place) -
Management/Technology Consulting
Project Hope/Contact One - Technology Consulting
Power Station Studios - Management/Technology Consulting


(Advanced Media Group Authored & Consulted On This Plan)

To build a profitable company geared toward the design and

implementation of products and services for the high-end
delivery of information.

The following objectives must also be achieved: Attract outside

equity dollars for the capitalization of the company. Return to
American Helix, approximately 300K of the 600K used to
initially fund the Advanced Media Group. American Helix
maintains an equity interest in the new company. Eliminate
future financial liability to American Helix. Resolve the

OVERVIEW: It has become more and more apparent, that the

need for a Full Service Multimedia Publishing Company is
needed now more than ever, and that this need will continue
to grow as delivery systems become more widely distributed.
(More concrete evidence of this will be included in the business
plan.) The major reason this need exists is the extreme high
cost in technical personnel and equipment to carry such a
group within an organization. The only alternative has been to
network with other companies.

Networking can create other problems, especially for a

company that possesses very few of the necessary skills in
house. Problems like losing control of the client, higher costs
due to the combined profit margins of the different companies,
and the potential lose of those capabilities. An alternative to
this, is to establish a Consortium of talent to draw from for the
completion of projects, where the Consortium has an on going
interest in the evolution of the company. Many relationships
have already been established that can be strengthened
through a more formalized arrangement. Other relationships
need to be established that will give the group additional
capabilities in target areas.

MARKETING: We need to capitalize on American Helix

existing image of a creative forward thinking company by
focusing on project development work that requires a higher
level of creative design and implementation. At the same time

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grow that image through the efforts of the consortium to

establish an aura of unparalleled excellence in the industry.
One of my largest hurdles to overcome has been the
reluctance of potential clients to do business with a young
company, that has no track record in completing CDROM
projects. This hurdle is only starting to be minimized by the
relationships with companies and individuals that are
producing demos geared specifically towards our clients needs
or particular project, for no cash up front. By drawing these
companies in closer to us in a more structured relationship we
will be able to use their past successes to eliminate the fear a
potential client has in doing business with us. We need to put
together a portfolio of products that were produced by the
group. This portfolio should consist of a number of different
delivery mediums, ie. CD-ROM, Video, Laser video Disc, Print,
Exhibits, DVI, etc. Part of that portfolio should consist of a high
impact capabilities presentation on video by the existing
consortium of talent to introduce the concept. We need not
limit ourselves solely to the CDROM markets. The demo, by
focusing not only on the technology and the achievements of
the existing members of the consortium, will open up brand
new markets at a fraction of what it would cost to bring all of
the necessary expertise in house.

Projects that utilize Laser video Disc Technology, DVI,

Television, Radio, Videos, Exhibits, as well as Print advertising.
As CDROM moves more into the multimedia arena, all of
these areas of expertise will be necessary. By building a
consortium of talent to draw from for CDROM, we are also
able to produce product for people in any one of these specific
areas. We already have the portfolio started with the
Yellowman Video and some CDROM application demos as
well as some of the CDROM discs that we produced. As we
bring people into the group, the portfolio will grow rapidly by
including the groups past successes. A portfolio of this
magnitude should be unparalleled in any industry and should
eliminate any fears a potential client may have in dealing with
a young company. Armed with a portfolio like this, sales
people would be easy to attract that would work for a straight
commission or draw against commission. Sales people could be
recruited from each of the target markets to capitalize on their
knowledge of each of their respective industries. They would
now be entering a company to make a sale with more
capabilities than they could have ever imagined and at the
same time broaden their potential customer base. By having
the sales people work on commission, the cost of sales will be
much easier to control and would reduce the financial exposure
to the company.

Some specific target markets interested in the high end

delivery of information are:

Large and small corporations for interactive training

programs as well as manipulating large amounts of data
Museums for exhibits Advertising agencies to produce
product for their clients
Government agencies for contracts to manipulate large
amounts of data as well as interactive training programs
Retrieval Software companies that do not have multimedia
Companies that exhibit at trade shows need Exhibits.

Interactive Exhibits are more dynamic, especially in industries

not associated with CDROM or multimedia. Publishers of
Educational Materials are looking to publish products in a more

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interactive way. Studies are being done that show children

learn faster and retain more when they interact with the
delivery medium. This list does not focus on any one particular
industry. The delivery of information reaches across almost
every industry. Just about anything that involves a transfer of
information can be enhanced and become more effective by
using a multiple of mediums, and by having the target
audience participate in the process. This one sentence is the
primary reason for the incredible excitement surrounding this
industry. The cost effectiveness of CDROM is secondary. The
cost effectiveness of CDROM is responsible for most of the
growth rate, but the blending of mediums is what is
responsible for the excitement. This is important to understand
because it is not necessary to limit your markets. The process
to produce an interactive training program is virtually identical
to produce an interactive exhibit, educational program or an
advertising kiosk. They all involve the transfer of information.
The clients are out there. They are around every corner and
under every stone you turn over. The only way to close a sale
in this business is to demonstrate your capabilities.

The key word there is demonstrated. We are working in an

area that is very new and very expensive. When you are trying
to close a sale for a printing job, everyone assumes you know
how to print. The criteria for getting the job are different for
multimedia, interactive programs. When a company is
considering spending possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars
on a production, they need to feel comfortable with the
producers expertise. These fears are much easier to deal with
by demonstrating the skills of the Consortium.

We also need to gain exposure by presenting the technology,

(NOT THE CONCEPT) at industry and/or non-industry
functions, utilizing the technology in presentations that are
consistent with the goals of the group. Typically technology
presentations are either boring or they are dealing with a
technology that cannot be utilized at this time. We need to
focus on the technology that can be utilized, but demonstrate
the additional creativity brought by the group that does not
come simply by purchasing technology.

ORGANIZATION: THE COMPANY Chief Financial Officer would

be Jim Tritch. Jim's responsibilities would be to establish the
financial reporting procedures that the company would operate
under as well certain operational procedures. With Jim's
background and expertise, the investor will feel comfortable
that the financial aspects of the company are under prudent

President: The president of the company would be Scott

Robertson. Scott's responsibilities would be to follow the
reporting and operational procedures outlined by Jim as well as
to establish the consortium and the relationships of the
participating members. All arrangements with the members
would be subject to the approval of Jim Tritch. In addition to
myself, I would need one other salaried person (25K30K)
that would be responsible for the daily accounting functions of
the company. All sales people would be straight commission.
As the company grows there may be a need for a sales
manager but it would be my preference that this person would
work on a commission override structure. (A more detailed
definition of responsibilities would be included in the business

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors would have

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five seats, to be comprised of Jim Tritch as chairman, Scott

Robertson, two seats for the investor and one seat to
represent the consortium, which would be established through
a vote by the members of the consortium.

THE CONSORTIUM: Below are a few of the companies and/or

individuals, along with their respective areas of expertise that
could be brought to the group. Although most of these
people_ _A __are working with us in one capacity or another,
before a more formalized arrangement could be made, a much
more extensive background check would be necessary.

Esscomp: Skip Langley & Wayne Landis Esscomp is a

company that writes software and has a full text search engine
with retrieval time and size capabilities that are far above
industry standards. Esscomp's capabilities are geared towards
the indexing and retrieval of large amounts of data which is
important to large corporations and government organizations.

Dering Musser de Nooijer: Dering Musser de Nooijer is a

design company recently formed by Jeff Dering, Jerry Musser,
and de Nooijer that can show capabilities in creative design
and interactive exhibits. The people involved in this
organization are largely responsible for the image that
American Helix currently has in the market as a progressive,
forward thinking company. This image is probably one of the
more valuable assets the Advanced Media Group possess at
this time. Jeff Dering has just recently left National Geographic
where he was responsible for the creation and construction of
Explorers Hall, an interactive exhibit in Washington, DC.
Through his activities at National Geographic, Jeff has been
exposed to and worked with a number of different individuals
and companies that could be very valuable additions to the
Advanced Media Group. This company is also responsible for
the creation of the Yellowman Video which was produced for us
as well as the printed brochures and literature we distribute.
Many of the materials produced for us, by this organization,
have won national and international awards.

Sandra Morris: Sandra Morris, currently with Intel, has

indicated she will be leaving Intel in the near future. Sandra
has been approached by a number of companies to produce
DVI products for them. She has a background in education and
more recently has been the focal point for much of Intels effort
in recruiting DVI developers for what Intel and many other
people believe will become the standard in full motion video for
computers. Sandra has maintained a very high profile in the
industry. She regularly speaks at many of the industry shows,
and has a very good reputation.

An executive committee needs to be established which would

be made up of members of the respective groups as well as
from the company. This committee would be responsible for
reviewing and advising on potential jobs, establishing a project
manager for each job, reviewing the progress on each job as
well as monitoring costs for work performed by the members
to protect against overcharging for work performed.

This committee would also have a hand in the direction of

marketing and advertising dollars budgeted for the group.

until a full business plan is written and a pro forma

produced, I can't say exactly what the start up expense would
be. I would estimate that $1,500,000 would need to be raised.
This should accomplish the goal of returning $300,000 to

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American Helix and still leave adequate operating capital. The

structure of the company would be very lean and mean. Most
of the expenses would be controllable through a commission
structure. The goal on projects would be to achieve between a
5% to 20% margin depending on the size of the project. The
consortium should have an equity interest (to be determined)
in the company. Their equity could be established a number of
different ways. The simplest, would be for them to purchase
stock. This is also harder to achieve. Another alternative would
be to have a percentage of their earnings go towards the
purchase of stock. This is a more viable alternative that should
be explored in more detail. Another alternative could be that
the groups stock would vest over a period of time. Each of
these alternatives carry with them advantages and
disadvantages for both the members of the group and the
company. Probably the best alternative will be a hybrid of the
three options just mentioned.

Regardless of how we decide to achieve equity ownership for

the members, it is very important that this be a part of the
plan. Obviously we would want the members to place the
needs of the group over the needs of the individual. This, for
the most part goes against human nature. Having an equity
interest in the company will help promote the concept of "the
needs of the many out weighing the needs of the one". There
are a number of other factors that can help to promote this
concept. One of those would be to target companies or
individuals for the group that do not have a long history of
working for themselves and are interested in the sense of
security that working with a group provides. We are fortunate
that the existing target members meet that criteria. A possible
breakdown of equity could be as follows:

Raise 1.5 million paying 300K back to American Helix

Investor (1.5 Million 70% AH 300K 20% Consortium 10%. It
would probably be a good idea to structure some type of
option for the Consortium to increase equity ownership.

LASERTEX ISSUE: We have a relationship with Network

Technology. It is not a good relationship, but never the less it
exists. We need to figure out how to get the most out of it.
There are two possible primary paths this relationship could
go. Either Tom will work with us to complete LASERTEX or we
will figure out the most beneficial way to terminate the
relationship. Either way it is imperative that we deal with Tom
from a position of strength and that we exercise much more
control over the future path of the relationship. We are able to
do this now that we have officially put Tom on notice and are
exercising our rights under the contract. We have sufficient
documentation to substantiate our allegations and proof that
we held up our end of the contract. Even though I personally
feel betrayed by the confidence and trust I placed in Tom, I
doubt that he manipulated this situation simply to scam over
$275,000 from us. I believe this is more situation where Tom
got in over his head and his ego is making some very bad
decisions for him with very little regard how it affects other
people other businesses or even the long term effect on his
own business. We also can not assume that this entire
arrangement was not a scam. As we try to fix the situation, all
possibilities must be considered and carefully weighted. I think
a trip to Washington to meet with Tom, so a better assessment
of the situation can be made, would be the most prudent
action at this time. Without good lines of communication, the
problem can not be resolved, and could only get worse.

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TIME LINE Upon the approval to go ahead, it would take one

week to complete a full written business plan. To attract the
equity investment for the company it would be advantageous
to have a few or all of the members commitment to the group.
This would enable us to demonstrate the full capabilities to the
potential investor. I would estimate that this could be
completed in another two weeks (possibly less). The time
needed to complete the funding of the company is a little more
difficult to estimate. Utilizing the presentation skills that we
would possess as well as the past performance of the
members, coupled with the existing excitement surrounding
the industry, I believe I could have this company funded in
record time.

Date: June 18, 1990

From: Stan Caterbone
To: Dave Shirk, David Dering

Subject: Government Bids for CD-ROM Premastering,

Mastering, & Replication

Summary: In order to receive the considerations necessary to

win any of the many government projects utilizing CD-ROM, it
is necessary to prepare a very detailed, methodical, and
concise bid proposal. These proposals are intended to define all
processes, procedures, and most importantly quality assurance
controls. A "Statement of Work" from the NASA Solicitation
RFP5-76373/206 is attached for your reference.

There are 5 (five) primary processes that must be described in

a technical proposal that will demonstrate an overall
understanding of the requirements necessary to deliver a CD-
ROM. According to the "technical approach", and in accordance
with all technical specifications cited, the following processes
must be defined:

1. Premastering/DMI-Stan Caterbone
2. Mastering/DMI-Stan Caterbone
3. Replication/David Dering
4. Quality Assurance/Dave Shirk-Beth Eller-David Dering
5. File Validation/DMI-Stan Caterbone

Plan of Action: The importance of the lack of this information

has already cost us the opportunity to bid on a $60,000 plus
contract with NASA. There are other government bids that I
am preparing that must be delivered next week. We only have
to prepare this information one time, and then only the
pricing/cost proposals will need to be added for future
government contracts. This information will also help me to
market CD-ROM Replication services in the commercial market
as well.

In order to complete this task as efficiently as possible, and

with information that will insure our success in government
bids, I have prepared an "INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE" for
each individual according to the primary process.

Due Date: Each person is asked to complete the required

questionnaire and deliver it by Friday, June 22, 1990.

I will be available for consultation, and will review the

information on Thursday. I thank you for your cooperation
regarding this matter.


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1.Accepted Media
2.Hardware Configuration/Specifications
3.Software (Name, Version)
4. Validation Process (Files vs. CD-ROM Image)

1. Media Used
2. Equipment Used
3. Quality Control Procedures
4.Shipping Procedures

1.Injection Molding Process & Procedures
2.Metalizing Process


1. Process to Verify Stamper
2. CD-CATS Analysis, (Parameters that are analyzed)
3. CD-ANALYZER, (Parameters that are analyzed after injection
4. Manual Inspection process of Printing, and flaws.


1. Process to validate file transfer to CD-ROM image file

January 25, 1991

Barry J. Glick
Donnelley Geosystems
53 West James Street
Lancaster, PA 17604

Dear Barry:

As per our previous conversation, Allon Lefever, Chairman of

the Board, of American Helix, and Vice President of High
Industries, will be awaiting a call from a Donnelly
representative regarding our discussions.

In order to facilitate a fair and equitable discussion pertaining

to American Helix (Sale of American Helix to R.R. Donnelly),
please advise your personnel that High Industries are open to
any and all discussions regarding the business at hand. Also, it
would be in the best interest of all parties, if your personnel
refrained from disclosing any and all information that I may
have disclosed during our discussions. High Industries should
be given the opportunity to represent and disclose such

I, of course will be available to discuss my knowledge of the

CD-ROM business, and or the American Helix operations at

Allon Lefever can be contacted at 293-4444.

I would like to continue our discussions, and would ask to visit

with you next week, schedule permitting, to take a look at
your specific operations, systems, and technologies, as we

I can be reached at the numbers below, or my lab at 392-


I look forward to continuing or discussions.

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Stan J. Caterbone, Director



A. GENERAL INFORMATION. Vendor's name, nature of

business organization (eg. public corporation, etc.), date
business began, ownership status, location of headquarters
and other principal offices, domicile of parent company and
majority ownership, names of principal officers, number of
employees, description of business operations, and detailed
description of plant facilities and resident hardware used in
performance of services rendered.

American Helix Technology Corporation

1857 Colonial Village Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 392-7840 (717) 392-7897 (FAX)
(800) 525-6575

American Helix provides services for the CD technology

industries. The state-of-the-art CD manufacturing facility was
completed in December of 1988. The facility features a unique
3rd generation monoline processing module, designed and
engineered by David D. Dering, founder and president. This
extremely automated facility was designed and engineered
with the objective of increasing manufacturing yields through
increased performances and yields of all quality assurance
standards. The facility manufactures both CD-AUDIO AND CD-
ROM discs.

The Advanced Media Group, LTD., services the information

technologies industries. These activities include CD-ROM
premastering, mastering, and replication; CD-ROM project
development, Data preparations and conversions; exhibit
technologies, and system integrations, and customized
software development.

American Helix was funded by High Industries, Inc., of

Lancaster in 1987. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the High
companies, American Helix is joined by more than 40 other
companies managed and operated by the $250 million a year
conglomerate. High Industries, Inc., currently serves the steel,
precast/prestressed concrete, and commercial/industrial
construction industries; as well as operating in industrial,
commercial, and residential real estate, cable TV, food
services, management consulting and development, hospitality
services, communications and other related services.

High Industries, Inc., is a Pennsylvania corporation owned by

the family of Sanford High, whose father built the steel and
industrial conglomerate from a welding shop in 1931. In 1977
Sanford relinquished the reigns to his two sons, Calvin and
Dale. High Industries employees more than 1200 workers in
the Corporate Center alone.

American Helix is situated in the 500 acre Greenfield Corporate

Center. Graced with aesthetically pleasing architecture,
beautiful landscaping, broad walkways, fountains, and ponds,
American Helix contrasts the contemporary rural setting with
its illuminating high-tech interior design. The Advanced Media
Group, LTD., also operates a marketing office in downtown
Washington, D. C., close to the highly developed corporate and

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government markets.

American Helix employees over 40 workers in its headquarters

and manufacturing facility. In the first quarter of 1990, the
company completed its first expansion, which doubled the
output capacity if the plant. American Helix has the ability to
produce more than 3.6 million CD'S per year. Plans are now
being finalized for another expansion, which will again double
its output.

The main features of the manufacturing facility are the

exceptionally high yields, resulting from the performance of its
proprietary injection-molding module. Increased performance
results from high quality assurance techniques, employed by
the sophisticated automated production process. American
Helix also features the ability to produce 5 color disc printing,
only available in a few U.S. facilities.

The Advanced Media Group, LTD., (AMG) serves the

information technologies business. The services include end to
end production of optical publishing applications, including CD-
ROM applications. AMG features a compression technology that
is used in its retrieval system providing extended capacities
and speedier retrievals. AMG will provide CD-ROM storyboard
and prototype applications, used to help win budget approval
and support the key decision making process. Data preparation
and data conversion services are also provided for all projects
and applications.

The facility features the following equipment used in the

operation of the above-described businesses.





B. CLIENT LIST. A representative list of clients for whom CD-

ROM prepatory work similar to that requested herein has been
performed, including all publishers of information for the
electronics industry, if any, which may complete with Hearst.

Arthur Anderson & Company

Amp, Inc.
Commodore Business Machines
Bell Atlantic
Advanced Systems Development, Inc.

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Network Technologies, Inc.


with regard to "B".



STATEMENT, if not contained in "A".

DAVID D. DERING, PRESIDENT - Accumulated more than

15 years experience as an engineer in injection molding
technology. Previously was director of operations for MXL
Industries, a manufacturer of custom optical lenses. In the
past he developed, designed and produced products for the
Navy and Aerospace industry. Designed and developed the
injection molding module of the CD manufacturing processes,
and manufacturing facility at large. Mr. Dering has a Patent
Pending on the CD manufacturing process and is currently
finalizing agreements with Cincinnati Milacron to market the
modules for the industry at large.

JAMES BOYER, VICE PRESIDENT - Established himself as

one of the leading audio engineers over a career that spanned
20 years. Demonstrated an in depth knowledge and expertise
for audio and video engineering, production, and recording.
Produced the first commercially released CD-AUDIO, for Billy
Joel. Developed a list of Who's Who in contemporary music as
clients for his engineering and recording business. Jim provides
a diverse range of technical expertise in the.


Acquired 13 years of experience in the distribution and
production areas of the recording industry. Prior to American
Helix, managed the distribution and warehousing efforts of
ELECTROSOUND GROUP, INC., a national recording company.
Mike also served in similar capacities with ASR and POLYGRAM
recording companies.


SYSTEMS ANALYST - Previously employed by FERRANTI
DEFENSE SYSTEMS, INC., an International Defense Contractor,
as a systems engineer. Performed various engineering and
testing functions for hardware, software and integrated
systems for radar and tracking systems. Experienced technical
writer with working knowledge of military specifications.
Responsible for performing and analyzing post production
Acceptance Testing for final production approval for various


Attended McCure Audio and Visual Recording Institute.
Previously employed by several recording and production
companies in various engineering capacities. Also contains a
working experience of electronic engineering. Experienced in
analyzing and inspecting recorded media for specifications and
bench mark analysis for quality assurance standards.


the in the injection molding industry for the last 12 years.
Developed systems for the finishing, polishing, and coating
technologies in injection molding applications. Beth is
responsible for the state-of-the-art printing processes
employed for the CD disc manufacturing.

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Performed various engineering duties and responsibilities in
the injection molding industry during the last 10 years.
Contributed to the design of the primary process module and
was instrumental in building the manufacturing systems for
American Helix. Provides an in depth expertise to the
production and manufacturing equipment, systems, and
operations of the Primary Process.


Developed the CD-ROM business for American Helix/Advanced
Media Group, LTD., Previous background in computer
technologies. Former founder and principal of a Financial
Services organization, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP, LTD.,
raising over $80 million of capital per year. Designed and
developed state-of-the-art information technology systems for
the company. Combines a developed sense of entrepreneurial
spirit with past education, training, and experience of
computer and information technologies.


AMERICAN HELIX) - Developed over 50 CD-ROM projects
since 1987. Has been authoring commercial software over the
past 8 years, including projects with UNISYS and NATIONAL
ROM division. Authored CD-DIAGNOSTICS, a software program
for installing and maintaining CD-ROM drives.


Designed and developed a full text retrieval engine that is on
the leading edge of technology in relation to current
performance standards. This engine was developed to handle
CD ROM size databases (670 megabytes or larger). The
philosophy behind the technology is simple, the data is
compressed onto the CD ROM disk and then it is decompressed
in the PC's memory before displaying to the screen.

Mr. Langley has been actively involved with computers since

1974, starting with self assembled (6800, 8080 and Z80 CPU)
systems. He has also been involved with electronics since his
childhood, including 2 years with the Army Signal Corps doing
radio and teletype repair. As a hobbyist amateur radio, TV
repair, and calibration laboratory.

Programmed the software and maintained the systems to do

invoicing, accounts receivable, general ledger and historical
analysis for Association of Maryland Pilots using proprietary
Prodigy Systems software. The systems processed 4,000 to
8,000 ships annually and $8 to $14 million in revenue.


7 years experience with Naval supply and procurement
Automated Data Processing (ADP) systems design,
implementation, operations and supervision. This position was
in the information center providing support to 435 end users
with a 1.4 billion dollar budget and over 72,000 contracts per

Developed a database and then produced 95,000 barcoded

labels. Developed a plan to backfit the procurement folders
with the barcoded labels. Designed a tracking and barcode
wand update system, via 3270 input into the IBM 3090/600
mainframe computer. This system utilized mainframe FOCUS
for data capture and storage with nightly update of the Navy

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IDMS master database.


PROGRAM. Developed the BREAKOUT HIT LIST. This list
provides vendors with the parts the Navy has procured over
the last five years with quantity and the last price payed)
divided by sole source or full competitive items.

Developed the Competition advocate picture catalog. This book

provides a picture of items that the government has problems
finding vendors to produce. (Some reasons are the
specification are written in military jargon or the drawing is not
available.) The driving factor of the catalog is to find a vender
to reverse engineer the part.
Developed and implemented the BREAKOUT tracking system of
the 10,000 items reviewed yearly.

Worked with PARTMASTER (NSA) to develop CD ROM

application with 12,500,000 part number/military number
cross reference. Any item is crossed and displayed on the
screen of an 8088 type PC in less than 6 seconds.

Beta test site for IBM 3363 WORM drive. This involved 9
months of optical disk image storage and retrieval systems
testing with 50% increase in data transfer speed. Developed
the Navy color picture database of parts.

Worked for Advanced Technology Inc. as a Senior System

Analyst and ran the Camp Hill satellite office. Provided support
on the LM2500 Marine Gas Turbine Project.

Developed a database to track all serial numbered gas turbines

and which ship they were installed on. This database was then
used to schedule ECP and overhaul schedules.

Bid four major RFP's on the BREAKOUT program each proposal

had two teaming partners.

E. PROPOSED "FORM OF AGREEMENT" representative of

vendor's terms and conditions including:
1. Details as to Copyright and ownership of Software and
precise language as to warranty and indemnification in cases
of their party claims of patent, copyright or trade secret

Ownership and Copyright - ESSCOMP, Inc. (MALCOM

LANGLEY) 19841 Greystone Road
Whitehall, MD 21161

2. Details as to License provisions and requirements in

use of Software.

License to Hearst as Required.

3. Details as to Software functional and performance


Software will perform and function on IBM PC's to

requirements of HEARST Specifications. Given the limited
amount of information available at this time with regards to
the specifications, the software can be expected to display any
screen display upon the enter key depression for a period not
to exceed 30 seconds. Seldom will any display take more than
3 seconds, and more than 50% of the screens are expected to
display in 0.6 seconds.

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4. Details as to CD-ROM mastering and replication.

Hearst will be required to deliver 9 Track, 8MM, or Dat Media
of the CD-ROM physical image file to American Helix. Hearst
will also be required to deliver corresponding art proofs for disc
printing, inserts, and any other related materials.

American Helix will verify both the CD-ROM media and the
corresponding art proofs for acceptance.

Upon the premastering and mastering, American Helix will

validate the formatted CD-ROM image file containing the ISO
9660 format against the original files. The SP-2 is a
comprehensive computer test system that monitors
Sony/Phillips red book data parameters such as BLER, BRST,
UNCR errors on a per second basis as well as 10 sec., total
error count and average error count of the entire stamper
surface. I3 and I11 voltage measurements are taken (per sec.)
as well as drop out detection, Symmetry, Peak to Peak, Radial
Noise, and Crosstalk (on track). All measurements are
monitored to be well within spec of Sony/Phillips Red Book. A
printout of this test is made and stored in the customer file as
well as on the SP-2 hard drive for future reference.

Upon verification, American Helix will begin production of the

CD-ROM discs. 100% of all CD-ROM discs will be automatically
inspected on the AID Computerized Analyzer for data integrity,
physical characteristics, and performance.

The AID System will inspect the CD for any physical defects or
errors that may have occurred in the molding process. The
system also checks for Birefringence, The inner and outer
Eccentricity, Reflectivity level, and Warp level of the substrate.
The 4 main reject areas on this system are Surface Flaws,
Pinholes and Missing Data, Dense Flaws, and Track Flaws, each
having a separate and different threshold (size and level) for

5. Details as to maintenance provisions and capability to

provide customized changes to Software.
Maintenance to be provided in full for one year.

6. Details as to deliverabiltiy including documentation

and technical detail.
ESSCOMP has full capability to customize to your request.
Providing documentation and technical detail to CD-ROM is
suggested for considerations.

7. Details as to costs and basis for billing to Hearst for

use of Software.
Upon review of final specifications, a royalty fee of up to $4.00
per disc may be included in the bid of this contract. However
there is no stipulation that precludes American Helix and or
ESSCOMP from not charging any royalty.

8. Details as to Transferability and Assignability Rights

with Regard to Software.
In the event of the demise of ESSCOMP all rights, together
with the source code, revert to HEARST.



The premastering and mastering prices will be as follows:

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3 Day Turnaround - $2500

5 Day Turnaround - $1500
10 Day Turnaround - $1000


MASTERING CD-ROM version of the 1991 IC MASTER.

Included in prices for ""G".


HEARST for production of CD-ROM discs in lots of 100's
and 1,000s, and estimate re-run costs.

Replication prices including 2 color printing, insertion of

customer provided inserts, jewel box, and shrink wrap:

$1.90 per disc up to 5,000 replicas

$1.80 per disc up to 10,000 replicas
$1.70 per disc above 10,000 replicas
Rerun orders are same as above

I. THE TIMETABLE to complete each phase of proposal

from receipt of data to mastering of the CD-ROM. A
timetable of events as dictated by Hearst's requirements
is included in this RFP on page 16.

The timetable dictated by HEARST will be acceptable by



language pertaining to WARRANTIES AND INDEMNITIES
used in agreements in force for similar projects and
statements as to whether standard language has EVER
been modified for ANY client.



assuring Hearst that if Vendor's bid is accepted, Vendor will
pass on to Hearst any price reductions related to services
rendered that occur between bid and delivery for any service

April 16, 1990

Ken Clark
Bell Atlantic
6701 Democracy Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817

Dear Ken:

As per our previous meeting, the following is a cost estimate of

the CD-ROM prototype that we have proposed.

Storyboard Presentation Program ... $1,000

Prototype CD-ROM Disc including the following:

CD-ROM design, configuration, production, and simulation;

CD-ROM premastering, CD-ROM mastering, and replication (50
Discs); 2 color printing, jewel boxes, and shrink wrapped;
requirements include receiving camera ready label art for

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Cost estimate assumes 10 megabytes of electronic data

delivered to American Helix ... $7,500


Please note that the suggested functions and capabilities are

just that --- suggestions, we would of course design the final
prototype according to your specifications.

The following is a brief description of the functions and

capabilities that are illustrated in the storyboard demo


SYSTEM - This system is intended to deliver a value added
application of utilizing the original telephone directory data for
other functional applications. This is intended to support the
many businesses and organizations that have installed
computer networks, however it also has the same functions for
single user systems.

1.1 "DIRECTORY" - The directory is the conventional look up

function. Searches could include by name; number; and or
address. This will include an intelligent browse function. This
will allow the user to type the letters of the name while having
the search begin on the first letter and continue until it finds
the match. This will also let the user use a normal browse to
browse line by line without having to begin a new search

- "ROLODEX" with the push of a function key, the user can

build his/her own personal rolodex file. This will include a
function key to print rolodex cards or phone directories to

- "DIAL TELEPHONE" with the push of a function key, the

system will automatically dial the number retrieved, and could
include an automatic redial function.

1.2 "FOOD" - This is a menu of various food services and

restaurants. A later menu would search among different food
types and among different demographic regions, will a function
key for the locator map.

1.3"HOTELS" - This menu would function similar to the above

"FOOD" menu.

1.4 "STOCK INFORMATION" - This menu could allow the user

to dial into CompuServe or any other related bulletin board
with financial information.

1.5 "ENTERTAINMENT" - This menu could function as a

directory of recreational activities, arts and humanities,
nighttime entertainment, historical monuments. This
application may not apply to demographical areas.

1.6 "TRANSPORTATION" (not shown) This menu could provide

the listings of airlines, airports, bus services, car rentals, train
services, limousine services, and other related transportation

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Please note that this demonstration program is an illustrated

storyboard that suggests how the prototype system would
operate and function. All menus would have the functionality,
however the screens will vary.

Any prototype developed for Bell Atlantic would be for the sole
purpose of demonstrating the "BELL ATLANTIC ELECTRONIC
DIRECTORY " to internal personnel only, unless otherwise
agreed. There will be no royalties attached to the prototype
discs produced.

Best Regards,
Stan J. Caterbone
Director of Marketing, Advanced Media Group

June 8, 1990

Lucy H. Griffen
American Bankers Association
1120 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Dear Lucy:

As per our previous discussion, the following is a suggested

agenda for our meeting on June 15th at 11:00 am :

1.Review & Evaluate data and information for project

2.Discuss specifications of system and needs of end users

A)Note Pad capability

B)Printing capability
D)Other Capabilities

3.Discuss ABA internal business issues of system and project.

4.Discuss what is needed to sell project to key decision

A)Storyboard Application
B)Prototype Application

5.Discuss costing criteria and how to formulate project

6. Discuss plan of action and implementation schedule.

Lucy, it might be helpful if you could plan to have a PC (IBM

DOS/COLOR MONITOR) available for our meeting. Please
understand that this in not absolutely necessary for this

I look forward to seeing you on the 15th. Please call if you

have any questions regarding the above agenda.

Stan J. Caterbone
President, Advanced Media Group, LTD.,

March 6, 1991
Press Release


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The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has recently signed a

licensing agreement with Commodore International, Ltd., the
West Chester computer maker. The strategic alliance is aimed
at combining the digital technologies expertise of the Advanced
Media Group, Ltd., with the development of the Commodore
CDTV multimedia machine. The new system was officially
introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas
this past January. The first shipments are expected to follow
immediately after the MICROSOFT CD-ROM Show, which will
be held in San Jose, CA in a few weeks. The show is the
largest CD-ROM trade show for this new and emerging

The CDTV is one of the boldest attempts of a computer maker

to create a new category in the elusive field of consumer
electronics. The field of competition is intense, including, Apple
Computer, Inc., International Business Machines (IBM), and
Tandy Electronics. The systems will support "game", reference,
and also educational applications from the arms of film giants
Lucasfilm and Disney.

Mr. Bushnell, who sold Atari in 1976, is challenged with a

mission to effectively integrate the best aspects of television
with computing. The foundation of the technology is built
around CD-Audio and CD-ROM subsystems. The vast amounts
of storage capacity inherent in CD-ROM technology coupled
with the "interactivity" of multimedia presentations give the
systems unlimited potential.

However, what makes the CDTV unique is that the complete

system is only the size of a conventional CD player. Any TV
monitor can be used without the need for a computer. The
system is operated with an infrared remote control. The
system can also be adapted to an entertainment system and
can play both CD-Audio or CD-CDTV discs. This will make it the
first system to link the bridge between the conventional
computer markets and the consumer markets driven by CD-
ROM technology. The retail price is expected to be under

Stan Caterbone had manufactured the first CD-ROM disc for

Commodore International Ltd., more than a year ago. The
Advanced Media Group, Ltd., had been working with
Commodore during the early development for the system over
the past year.

The licensing agreement will establish the Advanced Media

Group, Ltd., as one of two domestic premastering sites for the
country. Because of the proprietary operating system, all
applications developed for the systems will require that the
applications be processed at one of the two sites. There is
currently one site in the United Kingdom for the international
markets. The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., will also provide
end to end manufacturing for the CDTV discs.

The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., will also develop its own
portfolio of educational applications for the new systems.
Several products are currently in the exploratory phase.
Negotiations are currently being held with DONNELLY
GEOSYSTEMS, a division of R.R. Donnelly, of Chicago Illinois.
This strategic alliance will allow the Advanced Media Group,
Ltd., to provide CD-ROM technologies and capabilities to the
incredible portfolio of information assets that R.R. Donnelly

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prints, publishes, and administers.

R.R. Donnelly is currently the largest printer in the world, and

currently manages a wealth of information. The migration from
publishing information on paper to that of optical discs will be
the primary mission of the strategic alliance.

Donnelly Geosystems has developed an extensive portfolio of

digitized raster and vector mapping systems that cover all
parts of the world. The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., is
currently designing educational applications for K through 12
grades that will produce multimedia interactive geography

Since its inception, the Advanced Media Group, Ltd., has cited
the educational market as its primary area of interest.
However, the markets' evolution is challenged by the faltering
educational infrastructure and the lack of financial resources.
Fortunately, there is a consortium of larger corporations that
feel a real sense of social responsibility to contribute to
improving the educational system at large. Interactive
multimedia technologies is expected to play an important part.
Some of the corporations chartering this movement includes
IBM, Xerox, and Lucasfilm, to name a few.

The Advanced Media Group, Ltd., capabilities and human

resources include extensive experience in Engineering,
Instructional Design, Graphics Technologies, and Courseware
Development for the interactive educational multimedia
markets. These capabilities are coupled with a strong and
successful foundation in the optical publishing industry. CD-
ROM, IVD, Videodisc, CDTV, DVI and Worm technologies are
all included in it's capabilities. Multiplatform authoring
systems, Graphics Librarian, and CD-ROM Search Engines have
been developed by the engineers of the Advanced Media
Group, Ltd.,

Educational courses that have been designed include:

Composite Materials Manufacturing; Accounting Principles;
Teacher Induction Training; and Interactive Math 1 & 2 (K-12,
13 & 14) operating on CD-ROM & IVD concurrently.

June 22, 1990

Henry Carls
Hampton Inn
Corporate Offices
Memphis, TN

Dear Henry:

As per our conversation, we are looking forward to the

opportunity to work with you. As I have mentioned, I would
like to first examine and evaluate your drawings. At the same
time, I would like to ask you a few general questions so that I
can determine the scope of work needed to produce a system
that will meet your specifications and requirements.

Would you please provide the following?

1. Number of Sets of Drawings

2. Average Number of Drawings/Set
3. Number of New Sets Per Year

Please provide a wish list of system capabilities that are

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required in order for this project to be of value to your

organization. Just a few words for each item will be sufficient.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call. I look

forward to reviewing your project.

Stan J. Caterbone
Director, Advanced Media Group, LTD.,

February 19, 1991

Allon Lefever
High Industries, Inc..
William Penn Way
Lancaster, PA 17603

Dear Allon:
As per your request, you will find some enclosed statistics that
will be more than adequate for your purposes. This is one of
the more descriptive statistical analysis of the CD-ROM
industry that I have reviewed. I hope you find it equally

On another matter, I have been selected as a delegate for the

State Committees for Publishing, composed of various
publishers from throughout the United States. This delegation
will visit the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe this summer.
The objective of this visit is "to stimulate the exchange of
expertise and knowledge of the methods and capabilities
between American, Soviet, and Eastern Europe publishers, so
as to: enhance the export of products between nations;
identify and expedite the translation of appropriate works in
each county; and provide both sides
with an insight into the editorial, design, and manufacturing
resources available within each county".

The delegation members will spend two weeks visiting major

publishing houses, bookstores, printer, research institutes,
universities, and libraries in several cities. Delegates will meet
with the Ministries of Culture, discuss topics of mutual interest
with our counterparts, and receive updates from Soviet and
European technology specialists, printers, authors, and editors.

"The project will enable the delegates to establish the basis for
joint ventures and long-term professional dialoque with
publishers, manufacturers, and members of the academic
community, as well as individuals from the Soviet and Eastern
European governments".

I will be soliciting sponsorships from corporations that have a

vested interest in developing business opportunities with the
respective nations. This might present opportunities not only in
regards to CD-ROM publishing, but more importantly with
respect to manufacturing facilities, of which would be in the
interests of High Industries and American Helix. In return for
funding the estimated expenses of $4,500, I will pursue
communications and dialogue that are of the interests of the
corporate sponsor, and will return will as much information as
possible for the respective sponsor, including contacts.

Because of the logistics and planning required to implement

this delegation, I am required to submit my commitment as
soon as possible. I will also approach R.R. Donnelly as a
corporate sponsor, who incidentally is a "Sustaining Member"

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of the State Committees for Publishing.


OVERVIEW - The purpose of our meeting (Wayne, Stan, Skip)

was to "establish an equitable, productive and profitable
relationship" between AMG (Advanced Media Group) and
Escomp (Search and Retrieval Software). The goals and
objectives of this relationship will be as follows:

1. To provide data and information retrieval software projects

that are contracted by AMG and technologies developed by
2. To provide data and information preparation for supporting
the information technology industries.
3. To provide other software products and utilities into an
authoring system for the CD-ROM industry .
4. To develop a library of utilities that can evolve that will
utilize the services of ESSCOMP for the AMG .
5. To market and contract CD-ROM development projects
production and retrieval of the information as specified for the
projects technologies and products that are developed by
Advanced Media Group.
6. To develop market and industry recognition for the
ESSCOMP products produced by ESSCOMP.
7. To create new markets for the technologies and "through
the use of the AMERICAN HELIX technologies,".
8. To provide additional credibility for ESSCOMP "facility,
corporate identity, and the association with" "High Industries,
Inc the information technology industry through the AMG &
9. To position ourselves as a technological leader in following:
superior products and services; dedication and commitment in
the delivery of products and "services; highest regards for
quality assurance, and "customer service; a realization that
performance is the only measure for success for the
information technology industry".
10. To develop new technologies, products and services"
"society through our products and serives, with specific".
11. To make a contribution toward the betterment of our
regards for educational institutions.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Advanced Media Group Page 26 of 26

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Project Hope Page 1 of 1

Tom's Project Hope Foundation

In 1996 Project Hope Foundation produced instructional video

"Numbers Don't Lie", produced and directed by Dr. Phil
Caterbone & Psychologist Craig Crabtree, both of Austin,
Texas. "Numbers Don't Lie" has been sold to the Texas School
Board of Education, and has been provided to Faith Based non-
profit organizations, school districts, church groups, and
municipalities by Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media

Project Hope provided funding for the Mental Health Alliance of

Lancaster County, Contact/Lifeline of Lancaster (The 24/7
Suicide Prevention Hotline), The Schreiber Pediatric Center,
and other charitable organizations and faith based charities.
In 1999 Project Hope donated and constructed a soccer field
on the new Headquarters of the Schreiber Pediatric Center on
Goods Road, in Lancaster.

Project Hope Foundation was founded after the untimely

suicide of Tommy Caterbone in 1996 (Highlighted text are
mostly misrepresentations and fabrications by Lancaster
Newspapers). The Lancaster County Mental Health/Mental
Retardation department is currently using the video as a
resource Mental Health/Mental Retardation Department.

Tom's Project Hope is funded by an annual golf tournament on

the 1st Saturday in August, called the Tommy Caterbone
Memorial Golf Tournament.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Activist Shareholder Page 1 of 1

Activist Shareholder of Fulton Financial

An activist shareholder uses an equity stake in a corporation to
put public pressure on its management. The goals of activist
shareholders range from financial (increase of shareholder
value through changes in corporate policy, financing structure,
cost cutting, etc.) to non-financial (disinvestment from
particular countries, adoption of environmentally friendly
policies, etc.). The attraction of shareholder activism lies in its
comparative cheapness; a fairly small stake (less than 10% of
outstanding shares) may be enough to launch a successful
campaign. In comparison, a full takeover bid is a much more
costly and difficult undertaking.

Shareholder activism has gained popularity as management

compensation at publicly traded companies and the rising cash
balances on corporate balance sheets have risen.

Shareholder activism can take any of several forms: proxy

battles, publicity campaigns, shareholder resolutions, litigation,
and negotiations with management. Daniel Loeb, head of Third
Point Management, is notable for his use of sharply written
letters directed towards the CEOs of his target companies.

Some of the recent activist investment funds include: Icahn

Management LP, Santa Monica Partners Opportunity Fund LP
and Relational Investors, LLC.

Due to the increasing popularity of the internet, smaller

shareholders have also gained an outlet to voice their opinions.
In 2005, small MCI Inc shareholders created an online petition
to protest the MCI Inc/Verizon merger.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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International Signal Control (ISC) Page 1 of 10

International Signal and Control

News Broadcast of ISC Indictments Part 1

News Broadcast of ISC Indictments Part 2

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Signal and Control (ISC) was a U.S. defense

contractor based in the outskirts of Lancaster, Pennsylvania / or
Lancaster County and was involved in the manufacture of
electronic missile subassemblies, navigation components, fuses,
power supplies for proximity fuses, and grenade technology.
The company had manufactured sub assemblies for the Shrike
and Sparrow missile in 1974, and just after the Vietnam war
which was part of a standard arms contract for the US defense

The company also had a commercial repair facility of two meter

portable HAM/ amateur radios from a company in New Jersey
called Clegg and, manufactured communication helmet radios
for firemen, and electromic outdoor bug zappers.

ISC was involved in two major indiscretions, for which

CEO James Guerin received a 15 year prison sentence:

 It defrauded and caused the collapse of the British

company Ferranti, which acquired it in 1987.
 It exported classified military technology to South Africa, which
was then forwarded to third countries, notably Iraq.

Exports to South Africa and Iraq

ISC technology, principally weapons fuses, and were exported
to Iraq via South Africa, allegedly1 with the knowledge of U.S.
intelligence agencies and in violation of United States and
United Nations sanctions. U.S. intelligence agencies were
involved in the setting up of electronic listening posts in South
Africa with ISC technology. In 1977 these operations were
officially cancelled due to sanctions but allegedly continued.2

Another link to Iraq was the supply of the specifiations for the
MK-20 Rockeye cluster bomb through Chilean defence company
Carlos Cardoen, which was able to build an almost identical

In 1992 CEO Guerin pleaded guilty to exporting classified

military technology. These weapons were to aid Iraq in its fight
with Iran but prosecutors at Guerin's trial alleged that some
were inevitably used against U.S. and allied troops in the Gulf

In 1994, after Bobby Ray Inman requested to be withdrawn

from consideration as Bill Clinton's first Defense Secretary, his
critics speculated that the decision was motivated by a desire to

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conceal his links to ISC. Inman was a member of the so-called

"shadow board" of the company which was allegedly either
negligent or approved the exports.

Ferranti defrauding and collapse

ISC was acquired by Ferranti in 1987, which collapsed in 1993
due to the debts of its new subsidiary. International Signal and
Control's CEO James Guerin was found guilty of defrauding
Ferranti by inflating the order the book of ISC, prior to and
during the acquisition, with fictitious contracts. Ferranti was
broken up and the majority of the defence businesses were
purchased by GEC.

1. e.g. [1] [2]
2. US link in South African missile
3. Historical Perspectives on the Persian
Gulf Crisis (PDF)
Retrieved from
Category: Defunct companies of the United States

US link in South African missile technology

26 June 1991
By Norm Dixon

The claim that Iraq was developing a nuclear weapons

capability and ballistic missile technology was one of the major
justifications for the US-led war in the Gulf. Yet it has been
revealed that the US government turned a blind eye as similar
technology was transferred to South Africa in contravention of
US export laws and the international arms embargo of South

According to a London Financial Times-US ABC team of

investigative reporters, the transfers occurred between 1984
and 1988 with the knowledge of the Central Intelligence
Agency. Ironically, some of this sensitive technology was then
redirected from South Africa to Iraq. An account of the
investigation was published in a recent edition of the
Johannesburg-based Southern Africa Report.

The shipments were first made by a Pennsylvania-based

electronics company, International Signal and Control (ISC),
and they continued after the company was bought by the
British defence contractor, Ferranti, in 1987.

The equipment included material which could be used to

develop a missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads, photo-
imaging equipment for determining the performance of missile
tests and gyroscopes used in inertial navigation or guidance

Advanced radar-controlled anti-aircraft systems were shipped

to South Africa. South Africa, together with ISC, also developed
a sophisticated ground-to-air missile for its own use and for

All this equipment was restricted US technology requiring

export licences, which were not obtained. James Guerin, the
owner of ISC, who became deputy chairperson of Ferranti,
claims the company's activities were sanctioned by the US

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International Signal Control (ISC) Page 3 of 10

The investigators reported that Guerin set up a front company

with the South African authorities for the US National Security
Agency, as part of a US covert operation in 1974. This involved
shipping advanced electronic sensors, optics and related
equipment to South Africa without licenses so as to set up
listening posts to track Soviet submarines off the Cape of Good

This company, Gamma Systems Associates, ordered restricted

equipment from ISC, then shipped it on to South Africa on
board airliners. The equipment was repackaged and the airline
companies given false descriptions of the equipment. The
operation ceased to have official sanction in 1977.

Despite this, between 1982 and 1988 Gamma continued to ship

electronics for ISC to South Africa when Pretoria, in partnership
with Israel, was developing a long-range ballistic missile.

In 1984, the investigators report, Guerin offered to work

directly for the CIA. Then almost weekly shipments of sensitive
equipment necessary for the construction of long-range ballistic
missiles began to flow to South Africa on a route identical to the
original channel. Customers included the South African state
arms company, Armscor, for whom Guerin acted as consultant
in 1977.

In July 1989, Armscor tested a ballistic missile with a range of

1400 kilometres. Ten years before, satellites recorded a double
flash in the Indian Ocean. This is suspected to have been a
joint South African-Israeli nuclear test.

From: International News, Green Left Weekly issue #18 26

June 1991.

Bobby Ray Inman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bobby Ray Inman

Bobby Ray Inman (born April 4, 1931 in Rhonesboro, Texas) is
a retired U.S. admiral who held several influential positions in
the U.S. Intelligence community.

He served as Director of Naval Intelligence from September

1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence
Agency where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next
became the Director of the National Security Agency. Inman
held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the
Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a post he
held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982.
He is known publicly as President Bill Clinton's first choice to
succeed Les Aspin as Secretary of Defense in 1993. He
withdrew from consideration in a televised conference in which
he complained about a "conspiracy" to attack his character.

He has also been influential in various advisory roles. Notably,

he chaired a commission on improving security at U.S. foreign
installations after the Marine barracks bombing and the April
1983 US Embassy bombing in Beirut, Lebanon. The
commission's report has been influential in setting security
design standards for U.S. Embassies.

Since 2001, Inman has been the LBJ Centennial Chair in

National Policy at The University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B.
Johnson School of Public Affairs, and in 2005 was the school's

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International Signal Control (ISC) Page 4 of 10

interim dean [1]. Inman graduated from Texas with a

bachelor's in history in 1950.

Inman has also served on the Board of Directors of the

prestigious Council on Foreign Relations and on the Board of
Directors of Dell [2]. In 2006, Inman criticized the Bush
administration's use of warrantless domestic wiretaps, making
him one of the highest-ranking former intelligence officials to
criticize the program in public [3][4].

External links
Biography of Bobby Ray Inman
sec=law =none Bob Inman on Terrorism
1. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. Biography of
Bobby R. Inman, retrieved October 16, 2007
2. Pletz, John. "Michael Dell's view from the top", Austin
American-Statesman, May 2, 2004
3. Shachtman, Noah. "Ex-NSA Chief Assails Bush Taps", Wired
News, May 9, 2006
4. "Ex-NSA Head Bobby Ray Inman on the National Security
Agencys Domestic Surveillance Program: This Activity Was Not
Authorized",, May 17, 2006


Ferranti or Ferranti International plc by the time of its collapse,

was a major UK electrical engineering and equipment firm,
known primarily for defence electronics and power grid

Ferranti is also famous in the computer industry for building the

second commercial computer, the Ferranti Mark I, which went
on sale in 1949 and started their computer business which
lasted into the 1970s. They had influential collaborations with
the University computing departments at Manchester and
Cambridge, which resulted in the development of the Mercury
and Atlas machines (Manchester); and the Atlas 2 or Titan


Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti went into this business in 1882

when he set up shop in London designing various electrical
devices. Ferranti bet on AC early on, and was one of the few
experts in this system in the UK. In 1887 the London Electric
Supply Corporation (LESCo) hired Ferranti for the design of
their power station at Deptford. He designed the building, the
generating plant and the distribution system. On its completion
in 1891 it was the first truly modern power station, supplying
high-voltage AC power that was then "stepped down" for
consumer use on each street. This basic system remains in use
today around the world.

Rapid Growth

Success followed and Ferranti started producing electrical

equipment for sale. Soon the company was looking for
considerably more room. Prices in the London area were too
high, so the company moved to Hollinwood in Oldham in 1896.
Ferranti Ltd. was established in 1905. By the end of the decade
Ferranti had amassed 176 patents for such things as the
alternator, high-tension cables, circuit breakers, transformers
and turbines.

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Through the early part of the century power was supplied by

small companies, typically as an offshoot of plant set up to
provide power to local industry. Each plant supplied a different
standard, which made the mass production of electrical
equipment for home users rather difficult. In 1910 Ferranti
started an effort to standardize the power supply, which
eventually culminated in the National Grid in 1926.

High voltage power transformers became an important product

for Ferranti, some of the largest types weighed over a hundred
tons. Ferranti built a new power transformer works at
Hollinwood in the late 1940s, however the orders the company
had hoped for did not materialize, and the transformer division
closed in 1979, severing the last link Ferranti had with heavy
electrical engineering.

Electricity meters were another key product for Ferranti, the

company became an important supplier to many electricity
supply companies. The meter business was eventually sold to
Siemens in the 1980s, following a joint venture with them
called FML.

New factories were set up in the north-west at Moston,

Wythenshawe, Cheadle Heath and Gorton which were happy for
the jobs. Eventually they set up branch-plants in Edinburgh,
Dalkeith, Aberdeen, Bracknell and Cwmbran as well as
Germany and the U.S and several British Commonwealth
countries including Canada, Australia and Singapore.

Ferranti Australia was based in Revesby, Sydney NSW. There

was also a branch office in South Australia. It was primarily
defence based. SCTT3, PVS etc

Ferranti manufactured many "white goods" such as Televisions,

Radios, and electric clocks at its Moston plant, in addition
Ferranti Instruments, again based at Moston developed various
items for scientific measurements, including one of the first
cone and plate viscometers.

Defence Electronics

During World War II, Ferranti became a major supplier of

electronics, fuzes, valves, and was heavily involved in the early
development of radar in the United Kingdom. In the post-war
era this became a large segment of their company, with various
branches supplying radar sets, avionics and other military
electronics, both in the UK and their various international

In 1943 Ferranti opened a factory at Crewe Toll in Edinburgh to

manufacture Gyro Gunsights for the Spitfire aircraft. After the
war this business (Ferranti Scotland) would grow to employ
8,000 staff in 8 locations, becoming the birth place of the
Scottish electronics industry, and a major contributor to
Company profitability.

Early post war work focused on the development of airborne

radar with the company subsequently supplying radars to most
of the UK's fast jet and helicopter fleets. Today the Crewe Toll
site (now SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems) leads the
consortium providing the Radar for the Eurofighter Typhoon.

Inertial Navigation became an important product line for the

company with systems designed for fast jet (Harrier, Tornado),
Space and Land applications. This product line later employed
solid state ring laser gyros manufactured at Crewe Toll.

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The company's activities expanded into cockpit displays

(moving map, head-down, head-up)video cameras and
recorders, pilots night vision goggles, integrated helmets, and
pilot's stick controls.

With the invention of the Laser in the 1960's the company

quickly established itself in the Electro-optics arena. From the
early 70's it was delivering the Laser Rangefinder and Marked
Target Seeker (LRMTS) for the Jaguar and Harrier fleets, and
later for Tornado. It supplied the world's first man-portable
laser rangefinder/designator (Laser Target Marker, LTM) to the
British Army in 1974, and had notable successes in the US
market, establishing Ferranti Electro-optics Inc in Huntington
Beach, California. It's TIALD Pod (Thermal Imager and Laser
Designator) has been in almost constant combat opeation on
Tornado since it was rushed into service during the first Gulf

By the time this business was sold to GEC in 1990 it had

reached a pre-eminent position in the UK Defence Electronics
market. On the Tornado aircraft, it was supplying the Radar
Transmitter, Inertial Navigation System, LRMTS, TIALD Pod,
Mission recording equipment, and Cockpit Displays.


In the late 1940s Ferranti joined with various university-based

research groups to develop computers. Their first effort was the
Ferranti Mark I, with about nine delivered from 19511957. The
Pegasus introduced in 1956 was their most popular valve
(vacuum tube) system, with 38 units sold.

Circa 1956, Ivan Idelson, at Ferranti, originates the Cluff-

Foster-Idelson coding of characters on 7 track paper tape for a
BSI committee. This eventually becomes ASCII.

In collaboration with the University of Manchester they built a

new version of the famous Manchester Mark I that replaced
valve diodes with solid state versions, which allowed the speed
to be increased dramatically as well as increasing reliability.
Ferranti offered the result commercially as the Mercury starting
in 1957, and eventually sold nineteen in total. Although a small
part of Ferranti's empire, the computer division was
nevertheless highly visible.

Work on a completely new design, the Atlas, started soon after

the delivery of the Mercury, aiming to dramatically improve
performance. The machine first ran in 1962, and Ferranti
eventually built three machines in total. A version of the Atlas
modified for the needs of the University of Cambridge
Mathematical Laboratory led to the Titan (or Atlas 2), which
was the mainstay of scientific computing in Cambridge for
nearly 8 years.

By the early 1960s their mid-size machines were no longer

competitive, but efforts to design a replacement were bogged
down. Into this void stepped the Canadian division, Ferranti-
Packard, who had used several of the ideas under development
in England to very quickly produce the Ferranti-Packard 6000.
By this time Ferranti's management had tired of the entire
market and were looking for someone to buy the entire
division. Eventually it was merged into International Computers
and Tabulators (ICT) in 1963. After studying several options,
ICT selected the FP 6000 as the basis for their ICT 1900 line
which sold into the 1970s.

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The deal setting up ICT excluded Ferranti from the commercial

sector of computing; but left the industrial field free. Some of
the technology of the FP 6000 was later used in its Ferranti
Argus range of industrial computers which were developed in its
Wythenshawe factory. The first of these, simple Argus, was
initially developed for military use.

Meanwhile in Bracknell Digital Systems division was developing

a range of mainframe computers for naval applications. Early
computers using discrete transistors were the Hermes and
Poseidon and these were followed by the F1600 in the mid
1960s. Some of these machines remained in active service on
naval vessels for many years. The FM1600B was the first of the
range to use integrated circuits and used in many naval and
commercial applications. The FM1600D was a single rack
version of the computer for smaller systems. An airborne
version of this was also made and used aboard the RAF Nimrod.
The last in the series was the FM1600E which was a redesigned
and updated version of the FM1600B.


Ferranti had been involved in production of electronic devices

including cathode ray tube devices and germanium
semiconductors for some time before it became the first
European company to produce a silicon diode, in 1955. Ferranti
Semiconductor Ltd. went on to produce a range of silicon
bipolar devices including, in 1977, the F100-L, an early 16-bit
single chip microprocessor with 16-bit addressing. An F100-L
was carried into space on the amateur radio satellite UoSAT-1
(Oscar 9).[1]. Ferranti's ZTX series bipolar transistors gave
their name to the inheritor of Ferranti Semiconductor's discrete
semiconductor business, Zetex plc[2].

In the early eighties, Ferranti produced some of the first large

uncommitted logic arrays (ULAs), used in home computers such
as the Sinclair ZX81, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Acorn Electron and
BBC Microcomputer. The microelectronics business was sold to
Plessey in 1988.


Ferranti concentrated on their defence sales from the late

1980s. The Bloodhound SAM, for which they developed radar
systems, was a key money earner.

Ferranti purchased International Signal and Control (ISC), a

Pennsylvania based defence contractor, in 1987 and was
renamed Ferranti International plc. Ferranti was reorganised,
divisions which were set up include:

 Ferranti Computer Systems

 Ferranti Defence Systems Limited
 Ferranti Dynamics
 Ferranti Satcomms
 Ferranti Technologies
 International Signal & Control

Unknown to Ferranti, ISC's business primarily consisted of

illegal arms sales started at the behest of various US
clandestine organizations. On paper the company looked to be
extremely profitable on sales of high-priced "above board"
items, but in fact these profits were essentially non-existent.

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With the sale to Ferranti all illegal sales ended immediately,

leaving the company with no obvious cash flow.

In 1989 the Serious Fraud Office started criminal investigation

regarding alleged massive fraud at ISC. In December 1991
James Guerin, founder of ISC and co-Chairman of the merged
company, pleaded guilty before the federal court in Philadelphia
to fraud committed both in the USA and UK. All offences which
would have formed part of any UK prosecution were
encompassed by the US trial and as such no UK trial proceeded.

The massive financial and legal difficulties that resulted forced

Ferranti into bankruptcy in December 1993.

The computer section was bought out of bankruptcy by a

Thomson-CSF subsidiary called SYSECA. It traded on as
Ferranti-SYSECA, until the Ferranti name was finally dropped
about 1996.

Break-up of Ferranti

 Ferranti Computer Systems acquired out of

administration by SYSECA [now Thales Information
Systems], and renamed Ferranti-SYSECA Ltd, later the
Ferranti was dropped. The department dealing with
airport systems was bought by Datel in around 1995 and
continued to trade under the name Ferranti Airport
Systems FASL until it was bought by Ultra Electronics.
Other parts of Ferranti Computer Systems were acquired
out of administration by GEC-Marconi, when GEC-Marconi
sold on its defence related businesses to BAE Systems
many of these former Ferranti entities became part of the
BAE/Finmeccanica joint venture called Alenia Marconi
Systems. The JV has now been dissolved and the former
Ferranti entities are now part of BAE Systems Integrated
System Technologies (Insyte).
 Ferranti Defence Systems Limited acquired by GEC-
Marconi out of administration and re-named GEC Ferranti,
later changing to GEC Marconi Avionics (GMAv). This
business was acquired in 2000 by BAE SYSTEMS (BAE
SYSTEMS Avionics). Part of this business, including the
heritage Ferranti operation, was acquired by
Finmeccanica in 2007 and re-named SELEX Sensors and
Airborne Systems.
 Ferranti Dynamics acquired by GEC-Marconi in 1992
 Ferranti Instrumentation dissolved. Some assets
acquired by GEC-Marconi and Ravenfield Designs
 Ferranti Satcomms acquired out of administration by
Matra Marconi Space in 1994
 Ferranti Technologies Independent company
 Ferranti Air Systems acquired by Datel then turned into
an independent company. Later bought by Ultra
 50% share of Ferranti Thomson Sonar Systems
acquired by GEC-Marconi
 Ferranti Helicopters acquired by British Caledonian
Airways in April 1979 to become British Caledonian
Helicopters which was in turn acquired by Bristow
Helicopters in 1987

Ferranti Defence Systems was acquired by GEC in January

1990. The selection of the radar had become a major stumbling
block in the EFA project (what would become the Eurofighter
Typhoon). Britain, Italy and Spain supported the Ferranti-led

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ECR-90, while Germany preferred the MSD2000 (a collaboration

between Hughes, AEG and GEC. An agreement was reached
after UK Defence Secretary Tom King assured his West German
counterpart Gerhard Stoltenberg that the British government
would underwrite the project and allow GEC to acquire Ferranti
Defence Systems from its troubled parent.[1] Hughes sued GEC
for $600 million for its role in the selection of the EFA and
alleged that it used Hughes technology in the ECR-90 when it
took over Ferranti. It later dropped this allegation and was
awarded $23 million, the court judged that the MSD-2000 "had
a real or substantial chance of succeeding had GEC not
tortuously intervened... and had the companies, which were
bound by the Collaboration Agreement, faithfully and diligently
performed their continuing obligations thereunder to press and
promote the case for MSD-2000."[2]

Remaining Uses of the Ferranti Name

A number of uses of the Ferranti name remain in use. In

Edinburgh, the Ferranti Edinburgh Recreation Club (FERC), the
Ferranti Mountaineering Club and the Ferranti Ten-pin Bowling
League are still in existence. While these organisations no
longer have any formal ties with the companies which
subsumed the Ferranti companies which operated in Edinburgh,
they still operate under the old names.

Denis Ferranti Meters Limited is still owned by a direct

descendant of Sebastian de Ferranti but is not directly related
to the major Ferranti corporation. The company has over 200
employees manufactures BT's public phones, oil pumps for
large industrial vehicles, electric motors for motorbility
solutions, electronics, and small MOD equipment.


* Tim Berners-Lee, acknowledged as the founder of the World

Wide Web, is the son of two designers of the Ferranti Mark I.


1. Miller, Charles. "Radar Deal Keeps Britain in Forefront of

Airborne Technology", The Press Association Ltd., 1990-05-08.
Retrieved on 2006-11-28.
2. "Court finds GEC 'intervened' on behalf of onetime EFA rival
Ferranti", Aerospace Daily, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1994-03-15, p.
398. Retrieved on 2006-11-28.
External links

* Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester - Timeline of

Ferranti's History

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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International Signal Control (ISC) Page 10 of 10

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 376 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Downtown Lancaster Investments Page 1 of 1

Click Here to View the Advanced Media Group's

Downtown Lancaster Investments.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 377 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Excelsior Place Page 1 of 4

The following is our business plan for 125 East King Street, the
Excelsior Place property. We (Advanced Media Group) had
proposed this plan in 1999, and currently have a business
agreement with current developers for to incorporate some or
all of the strategies identified in this business plan to fruition.
We also have exclusive rights to negotiate for a UPS Shipping
and Copy Center for a downtown location. This agreement was
executed in 2005. We plan to continue negotiations for both

To view the complete Excelsior Place Business Plan click here.

Stan J. Caterbone
September 26, 2007

Advanced Media Group

Cover And Disclaimers

This Business Plan and its contents are confidential and

considered the intellectual property of the Advanced
Media Group. Prior written consent is required prior to
any redistribution, copy, or alteration of this Business

This Business Plan is intended to convey information only and

shall not constitute or be construed as an offer to sell or the
solicitation of an offer to buy securities. The authors
acknowledge best efforts in the accuracy of information
contained herein.

This edition was submitted without final proof and edit.

Sprenger Management apologizes for any errors or omissions.

1.2 Executive Summary

Sprenger Management, Inc. plans to create and develop an
interconnected destination complex of dining and
entertainment at Excelsior Place, 125 East King Street, and
Downtown Lancaster.

Excelsior Place is a four story Victorian showcase, designated

on the Historic Registry and since 1873 has intermittently
served as a brewery, convention center, social hall and retail
The restoration and conversion of this remarkable property are
the embodiment of the vision of Sprenger Management in
coordination with The Ray Group and Meeder Development,
co-owners of the property. Sprenger Management's plans for
the Excelsior project entail a combination of the four entities
detailed below on the lower courtyard level and first floor.
Offices and professional service businesses are to occupy the
floors above. Joined at the rear with Grant Street
Condominiums, Excelsior shares a common pedestrian
walkway with Grant Street Condominiums from King to Grant

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Excelsior Place Page 2 of 4

Street, with parking provided nearby making travel by foot a

convenient option. Located within the Downtown Investment
District, Excelsior Place is a neighbor of the Lancaster
Courthouse, County of Lancaster, Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.,
Fulton Bank, Penn Square Conference Center (Proposed),
Engle, Hambright, & Davies, Demuth Foundation, Mellon Bank,
and other professional office buildings housing legal, real
estate and other professional business establishments.

Sprenger Management Inc. is a partnership of three local

businessmen. Committed personally, professionally and
financially to the success of the Excelsior Place project, these
gentlemen bring 50 years of combined experience in food,
beverage and nightclub arenas to the project. Together they
have conceived and formulated the plans that make up the
four entities detailed herein. With strong ties to Lancaster's
community, each partner has also experienced life outside of
Lancaster, giving each a fresh perspective and appreciation for
the needs found here. Please find resumes and biographies in
the Operations and Management section.

The envisioned entities of Sprenger Management are:

 MAZZIS GRILLE - An upscale yet casual lunch and

evening restaurant.
 VILLA CAVA An elegant and distinctive fine dinning
restaurant developed in the underground catacombs.
 THE EXCELSIOR COURTYARD The visual center of
Excelsior Place, a unique open air courtyard.
 THE BACK ROOM A multi-purpose room
accommodating nighttime entertainment, large private
parties and banquets.

They are to operate on an interconnected basis while still

maintaining autonomy as destination locations featuring varied
services and atmospheres.

The physical facility found at Excelsior Place offers a rare

opportunity to incorporate historic features of the past such as
the cultural aesthetics of the exterior, an existing grand
staircase, antique hanging light fixtures and a tin ceiling. The
improvements will include modern conveniences such as
central air conditioning and handicap accessible elevators.

Drawing on the combined experience of the principals,

designers, architects and business advisors, this historic
structure will be resurrected into a lively and functional food
and entertainment destination echoing the success of years
past for Lancaster's first convention center and brewery.

In closing, it is imperative to embrace revitalization efforts

made in Lancaster. At no other time in our long history has
there been such an opportunity for change and rebirth. As we
quickly approach the millennium it is imperative that we join
together in support of individuals and institutions committed to
the revival of the city in which we live. Such commitment can
be found in the proposal made here.

The Project
2.1 Downtown Lancaster Revitalization Efforts: In 1998 LDR
International, an urban design and planning consulting firm,
was retained by the Economic Development Action Group and
the Lancaster Campaign to develop and coordinate the

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 379 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Excelsior Place Page 3 of 4

revitalization efforts of both public and private sectors

contributing to Downtown Lancasters Revitalization. The
report, Lancasters Economic Development Action Agenda
was embraced by the leadership of the revitalization efforts
toward the renewal of Downtown Lancaster.

The report identified Excelsior Place, formerly the Tremellen

Building, as a critical component to these revitalization efforts.
The following items were named as implementation actions
necessary to facilitate those efforts:

 Acquisition of the Armstrong Lancaster Square Building

 Acquisition of the Watt and Shand Building (Purchased
by the partnership of High Associates, Lancaster
Newspapers, Inc., and the Fulton Bank for the proposed
Conference Center).
 Announced location of expanded Smith-Barney office at
Lancaster Square.
 Mayor Smithgalls commitment to streamlining the Citys
development review process.
 Acquisition and redevelopment of the Armstrong Liberty
Street Building (Currently being developed by the
Drogaris Companies and near completion).
 New awareness and participation in economic
development from South Duke and Prince Street
 Fulton Bank purchase of the Woolworth Building (Current
construction of a new $25 million 6 story corporate
headquarters to be completed in early 2000).
 Successful sale of Hotel Brunswick.
 Proposed development of the Tremellen Building
(Excelsior Place).
 Community awareness and support for making Prince
Street, Downtown, and South Duke Street all that they
can be.

The following vision statement was developed by the Economic

Development Action Group, the community-at-large and the



ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 380 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Excelsior Place Page 4 of 4

In the past eighteen months since this report was published,

numerous projects are currently are development and
additional projects are being proposed. The current state-of-
affairs in the Revitalization of Downtown Lancaster is in the
beginning of delivering tangible evidence of the leadership,
efforts, and energies of the Lancasters revitalization efforts.
The revitalization of Downtown Lancaster will showcase
Lancaster Countys proud urban heritage, cultural diversity,
and its historic significance. It will soon become a valuable
asset of the Lancaster Community, and a destination which
every visitor will enjoy.

The authors strongly encourage all interested parties in the

Excelsior Place project to obtain and review the , Lancasters
Economic Development Action Agenda report as a supporting
document to this business plan.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 381 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Financial Management Group Page 1 of 20

(717) 393-4001

August 22, 1986

Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

Financial Management Group, Ltd
1755 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

Dear Stan:

Enclosed herewith please find invoice pertaining to the

formation of Financial Management Group and its
subsidiaries together with an itemization of all costs and
expenditures made.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Very truly yours,


Timothy A. Lanza



JULY 1, 1986


Dunedin, Florida
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Shillington, Pennsylvania
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania
Edina, Minnesota
Columbia, Maryland
Skippack, Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Medford, New Jersey
Atlanta, Georgia

Mission Statement Page 2
Corporate Objectives Page 3
Business Strategies Page 4

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 382 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Financial Management Group Page 2 of 20

Distribution Strategies Page 6

Services Strategies Page 8
Market Penetration Strategies Page 10
Planner Support Services Page 11
Corporate Standards Page 13
Initial capitalization Page 14
Financial Highlights Page 15
Contingency Plans Page 16
The Management Group Page 17
Organizational Charts:
Exhibit A Page 20
Exhibit B Page 21

1. To serve the people of the county, state and nation in the
handling of their finances through the support of our financial
planners and other advisors, and their personal relationships
with their clients.

2. To meet the expectations of our various constituencies:

planners, employees, stockholders, and the people residing in
the area we serve.

1. To position the company-as the major provider and servicer
of financial products and advice in the closely related fields of
investments, financial consultation, mortgage banking, life
insurance, property and casualty insurance, taxes, law, and
real estate.

2. To transform the fragmented market of independent

financial planners into a quality group of outstanding
professionals marketing under one name, thus bringing order
to the financial marketplace.

3. To place client interest first at all times by delivering a

diversified product through multiple sponsors so as to always
deliver high-quality and fairly priced products representing the
top 25% percentile of the marketplace.

4. To develop and maintain quality service on previously

delivered products by managing assets at a reasonable fee,
thus freeing planners from the constant pressure of making
new sales.

5. To insure the growth of the business by hiring professional

planners in sufficient number so as to become the pre-eminent
financial services company in the area served.

6. To use invested capital rather than loans and long-term

leases to minimize monthly expenses and maximize profits,
hereby assuring our business growth and development.

7. To encourage our planners to become stockholders in the

firm, thus satisfying their desire fox ownership in a company of
real value. Also to assure a more stable development of our
business through stranger ties with our top planners.

8. To react to changes in the marketplace ahead of our

competition in creative and thoroughly considered ways.

9. To maintain a strong professional/client relationship through

frequent personal contact while using high-technology
equipment to enhance the quality of our work.

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 383 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Financial Management Group Page 3 of 20


Dozens of small independent planners servicing dissimilar
markets through product Bales.

Recruit the small, independent financial planner into our group
using a variety of motivating factors;
1. Economics (reduce their expenses, expand their resource
material and backup)
2. Marketplace recognition and dominance
3. Company identity
4. Equity ownership
5. Product diversity
6. Higher commissions on each sale

Life insurance and brokerage businesses are suffering from
poor performance of products, bad press, and low-quality
recruiting cutting commissions; while productive veterans in
these industries are uneasy with these changes.

Recruit the most senior, productive brokers and agents who
desire to do more personal planning by providing the
advantages' cited in paragraph 1 above.

The 1986 Tax Act threatens to reduce the need for tax
planning, and tax qualified plans. Rather than seek shelters
and other relief, investors will be likely to pay tax, and invest
savings, thereby increasing the need for asset management
and the creation of wealth through equity investment.

Market products that are structured with lower up-front costs
and stable ongoing management renewals in order to build
revenue from service over a period of time. This will gradually
replace the heavy enjphasis on new sales and give rise to a
truly responsive

Mass marketing through corporate benefit plans and the media
continues to grow as a segment of the financial services

Develop corporate sales through the concept of cafeteria plans
which will change the employee benefit market by allowing
employees to target a percentage of benefit dollars to the
areas of their choice. Also, continue to emphasize seminars
targeting unique organizations which have a strong
relationship with the public for specific financial products: EX.
Charitable organization - charitable giving seminars. estate
planning seminars Counseling center - life planning seminars,
etc. Additionally, we will develop public awareness by
constantly advertising the corporate name via newspaper and

We currently have 14 financial planners and 5 other
professionals committed to an August occupancy in our new
space on the Oregon Pike in Lancaster. Additionally, from
among the 16 people involved, we have selected managers for

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our offices in Chambersburg, Lewisburg, Beading and

Lansdale. Based on last year's business by those already
involved, we expect to generate 2.7 million dollars in revenue,
and invest 54 million dollars in 1987.

We plan to increase our Lancaster staff to 18 financial planners
and 6 other profesionals. While we plan to locate and develop
in new areas, we will concentrate during our first year on our
Lancaster operations.

At least 8 of our staff is comprised of professionals established
in business for at least four years.

We will continue to seek predominately self-sufficient,
professional "veterans" of the industry. Our desire is to appeal
to their need for the freedom to plan and communicate more
effectively with their clients. We'll also offer a higher payout,
more varied products, and a more professional environment.
We will duplicate only the most critical brokerage house

Planners have been stable in their relationship with past

We expect a very stable core of top planners in Lancaster, Pa.
, due to strong management, stable planners, strong local
support systems, and equity ownership. We will concentrate on
local development ahead of satellite development. We expect
our satellite retention to be outstanding where equity
ownership is strong and mediocre where equity ownership is

Planners are independent and thus use various planning
techniques, offer a limited product and differ in their areas of

The expertise and techniques of our planners and other
professionals will be pooled to provide clients with higher
quality service and a broader line of products.


Investment products are predominately delivered through
captive sales organizations who manufacture their own
products and manage all monies. This leads to limited product
offerings, which frequently do not entirely satisfy specific
consumer needs. It also leads to a mediocre product because
there is no free market pressure to insure top quality products
that are competitively priced.

Planners will be free to deliver the highest quality products
from among thousands of sponsors so as to work exclusively
for the benefit of the client. The planner may choose top
industry performers, solid and sizeable companies and a
variety of "niche" products to fill every client need.

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Fee-paid financial plans vary widely in price and quality and
depend most heavily on the individual developing the plan or
interpreting it. With regard to consumer expectations, the
marketplace is in disarray.

Fee-based plans in advance of product sales should become
simpler due to tax reform. The majority of such plans were
originally purchased for tax planning which may no longer be
needed. Our emphasis will be on a business being revived by
tax reform Asset Management or Investment Monitoring.
With clients paying their taxes and investing for appreciation
rather than seeking shelters, this business is expected to boon.
We plan to have an in-house portfolio manager and market-
timer. We plan to charge clients an average of .75% for the
service. As planners gain assets under management, their
annual income from this source should alleviate pressure for
new clients.

Associated professionals such as attorneys, accountants,
bankers, and insurance and real estate agents seldom
cooperate to help clients attain their goals. Ihe ultimate control
of the client's future business tends to become divided, making
people defensive and producing fear of e>q3osure in the event
of error. This often leads to professionals discrediting one
another or taking undue credit for advice leading clients to

In-house legal and real estate professionals will enable a
planner to get such services for his client without fear of losing
the client to outside interests. It will also help conserve
revenue normally spent for such services.

Ongoing client service is a desire for most companies in cur
marketplace. However, the constant pressure is applied to
planners to produce new clients and new sales as 90% of
earnings is still commission generated. The time required to
prospect and dose new sales severely limits the necessary
servicing time.

Ongoing client service will be supplied through a semiannual
newsletter and semiannual client investment update delivered
alternately every three months. The costs of these services win
be borne by client-paid asset management fees, insurance
renewals and mutual fund trailing commissions. Although this
is an ambitious, high-tech undertaking, our basic inclination
remains toward personal client review sessions held en a
regular basis.

We also expect better crossover relationships and broadened

information base for both planners and specialists due to
common location.


1. Existing Clients - - Planners and other professional joining
our group will have developed deep personal client
relationships, which should allow new investment dollars to be
handled by our people. As follow-up systems are implemented
we expect 65% of all business to come from this source.

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2. Seminar Presence - - We plan to present four seminars on a

joint basis with institutions such as colleges, charities, business
organizations and corporations. Our seminars include
"Successful Money Management" a soup-tonuts on
investment products/ ''Half-time" a life planning seminar,
"Charitable Giving" and Retirement Planning Seminars.
Currently our planners regularly appear at Millersville State
College, RCA, ALCOA, St. Joseph's Hospital and elsewhere. We
also plan regular seminars for the general public.

3. Business and Retirement Markets - - These two markets will

be singled out for specific emphasis because of the vast
potential and strong need for planning among these groups.
Business benefit plans and specifically "cafeteria plans" will be
marketed. Retirement markets will be expanded primarily
through increased seminar marketing.


It is our plan to provide necessary office and clerical support
services to help each planner or affiliate conduct his or her
business. We intend to limit our office to support services and
not to provide specific marketing services for individuals. Our
marketing efforts vill be for the group at large, that is to say
that individual prospecting will be a personal expense borne by
the planner or advisor. Inherent in our support services will be
the following:

1) Phone Handling - including the facility to forward other

business lines to our central system should a planner leave the

2) Repetitive Standard Correspondence - a sample of thank

you, referral appointment setting, data requests, and
commonly used review letters may be selected and generated.
Personal correspondence will not be handled by our staff, free
of charge.

3) Business Processing - completed applications will be

checked, logged, copied and mailed by our cashiers. Follow-up
with broker/dealer or product sponsors will be offered to
premier producers only.

4) Computer Services - financial plans and investment

monitoring services will be provided through data base entry.
Mass distribution and hard-copy plan generation will be done
on a piece-by-piece and percentage fee basis respectively.

5) Professional Networking - our in-house affiliates in law,

accounting, tax, estate, real estate, mortgage brokerage,
portfolio management, life insurance and property/casualty
insurance stand ready to serve clients related financial needs.

6) Simply Stocking - prospectus, applications, trust

agreements and other forms needed to conduct business with
our major' product suppliers will be maintained.

7) Reference and Periodicals - professional journals and data

services meeting the cannon need of our advisors will be
purchased and will be maintained by our office staff. Material
unique to specialized areas will be provided by those planners
who work in those areas.

8) Corporate Marketing - we will pro mote the name of our

firm along with all planner affiliates to gain public awareness in

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excess of what any individual alone could achieve. We will

become the best known firm in Central Pennsylvania.

9) Training and Education - Pooling our production will give us

additional lout with sponsors, industry trainers and those
wishing to address our membership. Cost should be lower and
quality higher. It is our plan to provide a constant flows of
information, new product profiles, and specialized planning

10) Gross Payout Negotiation - Size and strength of our group

should allow us to increase concessions made by sponsors over
amounts normally negotiable by individuals.


Having well established business principles is critical to the

success if any few business. Only persistence, hard work and
sufficient capital can rival its importance. We feel the need to
state the basic values of this firm so that the basis for the
decision-making is well established and understood.

.... A Great Company

1. Serves its customers well.
2. Treats people properly.
3. Operates on high principles.
4. Makes money regularly.
5. Guards the interests of stockholders and employees.
6. Knows its mission.
7. Knows its position in the marketplace.
8. Desires solid community and corporate citizenship.
9. Hires superior people and pays them well.
10. Will change course amidst changing times.
11. Has the vision to see opportunity.
12. Retains entrepreneurial spirit.
13. Has a bias for action (do it, try it,fix it).
14. Is value driven.
15. Regards people as its greatest asset.
16. Uses a lean staff, a simple form management
17. Pushes decision-making to the lowest level.
18. Promotes deserving people, regardless
of race, sex, or religion.
.... We hereby resolve to build such a company.

The above pages have been omitted due to the legality of
preceding the Offering Memorandum in conjunction with
Federal and State Securities Regulations. An offering
Memorandum will be issued to all interested parties upon
registration with the appropriate authorities. This should
happen on or before August 1, 1986.

The beginning phase of most businesses is characterized by
erratic sales trends, fluctuating market share, increasing
dependence on improving technological systems, and possible
cash flow losses. We do not expect to face any of these
problems because of the established nature of the planners we
are hiring. However, we would be foolish to believe that we
somehow were immune from such potential problems and
therefore need not to plan for these eventualities.

Our very first need would be to raise capital through stock

purchases beyond our initial capitalization requirements to the
extent of at least $100,000 to cover any initial shortfall in

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revenue or budget projections. This would protect us from

going the way of most undercapitalized businesses bankruptcy.
Secondly, we expect to invest heavily in state-of-the-art
technological systems so that we do not face new
hardware/software changes early in our business development.
Stan Caterbone will devote much of his management time to
this area.

Priority will be given to reviewing performance against

objectives on a monthly basis. All objectives will be
quantifiable and measurable, and as necessary adjustments
will be made and monitored accordingly. Such scrutiny of
performance will allow us to constantly assess and respond to
any possible shortcomings and to market needs.

Our management is committed to deriving a large portion of its

personal income from serving clients as opposed to relying on
management income. This should preserve our cash flow and
insure its growth.


Stanley J. Caterbone is currently proprietor of S. J. Caterbone
Associates, a Financial Planning Firm specializing in but not
limited to upper income individuals. He is also president and
founder of Fro Financial Group, Ltd., a firm providing financial
services and contractual negotiations to Professional Athletes
and Agents.

Stan began his career with a financial subsidiary of American

Express, IDS Financial Services. He was hired by and worked
with Bob Kauffman for six months before Bob was promoted to
the Florida area. Stan developed a practice centered around
fee-based planning that focused on the tax aspects and
concerns of individuals while they pertained to the clients
investments and overall financial situation. While at IDS, Stan
was one of the leading planners in the nation to utilize fee
based planning at its inception. He was one of the top
producers in central Pennsylvania, and ranked number 5 in the
nation in his class. He also had closed one of the biggest estate
planning cases in the division.
In January 1985, Stan left IDS and became independent to
provide a better product line for his clients and to escape the
proprietary environment. He is very creative and has
developed a strong practice among physicians.

Stan has developed a variety of professional networks

throughout the country with regard to the various Sports
Professionals that he works with. He is currently working on a
joint venture with former Chief Financial Officer and Vice
President of Doubledav Publishing Company. Richard E.
Madigan. He is looking to Stan to help him manage an annual
income of $7 million from the 20 Professional Athletes that he
currently nonages.

Stan has helped to develop the Central Pennsylvania Chapter

of the International Association of Financial Planning, and had
organized and Attracted more than 100 persons to attend a
dinner meeting with Alexandria Armstrong, one of the more
prominent Financial Planners in the nation, who is currently the
National President of the IAFP. He is also a member of the
Estate Planning Council of the Institute of Certified Financial
Planners. Stan is currently a Certified Contract Advisor of the
National Football league Flayers Association and the NBA. Stan
will be an Executive Vice President responsible for professional
networking and marketing and sane of the fiscal and

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negotiating functions.


Bob Kauffman is currently the National Sales Manager, at
large, for FSC Securities Corporation. FSC is a broker-dealer
with a 1200 planner sales force. It raised over 600 million
dollars of investment capital in 1986. Bob's responsibilities
include developing a company-owned distribution system
whereby FSC products and services are delivered to the public-
at-large through FSC Financial Service Centers. Bob is also
responsible for recruiting proven financial planners throughout
the nation for Financial Service Corporation. He also
contributes to the strategic planning of sales for FSC Securities

Bob began his career with a financial subsidiary of the

American Express Corporation in 1976 upon his graduation
from Millersville State College in Millersville, Pennsylvania. In
his four years of direct selling to the public, he became the
youngest person in the company to achieve multi-million dollar
production status at the age of 25. Bob then began to take on
additional associates as he began to build his practice in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In just two years, his practice had
grown to 12 representatives handling over $12 million dollars a
year in annual investments and managing in excess of $60
million dollars of client monies. While building this operation,
Bob continued to be the leading producer in his office and the

Bob was then promoted to division manager of the West Coast.

In that position, he tripled the size of the sales force and
increased volume over 500% in a period of 2 years. His
division of American Express handled over $100 million dollars
of investor monies.

Bob was then asked to take over the largest operation in the
southeast, located in Atlanta in 1984. With over 60 financial
planners, handling an excess of $200 million dollars of
investor's monies, Bob again evolved his territory into the top
echelon of the company.

With FSC since 1985, Bob has opened the first three company-
owned offices and now supervises an excess of 75 employees.
His operations now rank 4th in all FSC related planning
operations. Bob brings to Financial Management Group, Inc. 10
years of experience in the financial planning industry in both
sales and sales management. He is a member of the
International Association of Financial Planners and is in the
process of completing the course work for Certified Financial
Planners designation. Bob is a frequent speaker at both
corporation and business financial planning functions and has
been quoted frequently in local and national media
publications. He continues to handle investments for select

Bob will serve as president, chairman of the board and will be

the largest stockholder. His experience in managing and
developing large financial service organizations will provide the
leadership and expertise necessary to insure the growth we


Mike Hartlett is currently an independent financial planner and
heads his own local firmFinancial Planning Consultants. Mike is
a licensed securities principal and folly a licensed securities

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broker. He has completed the Certified Financial Planning

program with the College for Financial Planning and currently
holds an Associate Financial Planner designation. He will
receive the Certified Financial Planner designation in February

Hike began his Financial Planning carper five years ago with
IDS a subsidiary of American Express. During his career with
IDS he was among the firm's top planners. He was on the
Presidents Advisory Council for IDS in 1985 and from a field of
over 5,200 IDS planners, finished among the top 66 financial
planners in the country. In 1983 and 1984 he was among the
top three in IRA/Qualified Plan Production. In September, 1985
he left IDS to form his own financial planning firm.

Mike has an extensive knowledge of corporate retirement plans

and pension programs and has excelled in retirement planning
for individuals. He conducts financial planning seminars in
several large Lancaster County corporations and is active in
promoting financial planning in Lancaster County.

Mike currently manages in excess of $14 million in client

assets. Mike is committed to delivering the highest quality
planning services to his clients. He believes that personal
attention and service are the key to a strong client/planner
relationship. Mike will serve as Executive vice President of
Financial Management Group, Ltd. He will be in charge of
operations and serve as chief financial officer.


(Exhibit A)
Financial Securities, Inc; The Broker Dealer
FMG Advisory, Inc., The Registered Investment Advisor
Financial Services Insurance Agency; The Insurance
FMG Accounting Services, Inc.; The Accounting Firm
Financial Mortgages Services, Inc.; The Mortgage
Brokerage Firm
Wealth Management Services, Inc.; The Portfolio Manager
& Market Timer
Financial Planning Consultants, Inc.; The Financial
Planning Firm
Berger Real Estate; Real Estate Services
O'Day & Smith; Legal Counsel for Business & Real Estate
Shirk, Reist, Wagenseller & Shirk; Legal Counsel for Estate
Lovell Associates, Inc; Property & Casualty Services
Fro Financial Group, Ltd., (Stan Caterbone); Services for
Professional Athletes


100 Pine Street
P. O. BOX 1166
Harrisburg, PA. I71O8 - 1166
TELEPHONE (717) 332-8OOO

July 31, 1986

In re: Financial Management Group, Ltd. Draft Offering


Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

255 Butler Avenue

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Lancaster, PA 17601

Dear Stan:

I have now reviewed the draft Offering Memorandum for

Financial Management Group, Ltd., which I received several
days ago, and my comments follow.

The cover page indicates that stock will be sold at two different
prices, but it should include reference to the fact that the
lesser-priced shares will be offered to persons who will affiliate
with one or more of the subsidiaries. This can be done by a
brief notation on the cover, together with a cross-reference to
the section in the Memorandum where is subject will be
discussed more fully. There should be a rather-full discussion
somewhere in the document indicating the qualifications and
requirements pertaining to persons who desire to become
affiliated, and as we discussed, this also should be
incorporated into a form of agreement or agreements, which
should be attached as an exhibit. In this connection, should
people who affiliate and later terminate be required to sell
their stock back to the corporation?

On the cover you refer to the sale of *units*rather than shares

of common stock, and the document reflects the possibility of
offering warrants. If you intend to offer units consisting of
stock and warrants, the cover page should clearly indicate, and
the document should also be clear on that point, and contain a
description of the warrants The Memorandum should be much
more descriptive in outlining the proposed activities of each of
the subsidiaries. In that connection, I suggest with respect to
each subsidiary the following information:

1. Reference to the fact that the subsidiary has not yet begun
business, as well as the date by which it is reasonably
anticipated that some business activities will begin.

2. More detailed information on Just what each subsidiary will


3. Likewise, where applicable, ore specific information. as to

licenses and regulatory requirements (if any) which must be
met and continually observed by the subsidiary.

4. A discussion identifying the directors and officers and also

who will manage its business operations. If formal
arrangements have been made with specific persons, so
indicate; if the business will be operated by an employee or
independent contractor yet to be designated, give details,
including the terms of employment that are expected for any
such person.

In this connection, I would think you would indicate the

possible difficulty of retaining such persons as one of the risk
factors. Also, if such persons will continue to operate or be
connected with the businesses from which they come, you will
have to point out the possibility of a conflict of interest on their
part. Further, it is my impression that these businesses are
highly competitive. All in all, you should discuss among
yourselves what type of information about the proposed
businesses a sophisticated potential investor would want to
know, and then state your response in writing. Obviously, I
would err in favor of more, rather than less, discussion.

With reference to the parent corporation, you should give

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detail similar to that you will give for the subsidiaries. Further,
you may want to discuss how the parent will "manage" the
subsidiaries; that is, whether each subsidiary will be largely
autonomous or whether parent 'company officers a personnel
will be directly involved with the subsidiaries' activities.

With further reference to "risk factors". I would think you

would add a section stating that all of the business activities
are in fields that are highly competitive. Also, I would think
you should state that, while the founders have had
considerable experience in certain of the activities, they have
not had such experience with respect to all of the other
subsidiaries' proposed businesses; further, I presume none has
had experience in managing a group of companies and
business activities such as is contemplated in this case.

With respect to the use of proceeds, you should consider a

further, breakdown of at least some of the components
"working capital" category for which $187,000 is allocated,
which is a relatively large amount. Among other thoughts, you
might refer to the lease obligation (and any other present or
contemplated contractual obligations), wages for secretaries
and the like, and professional expenses (e.g., legal and

As discussed, and in relation to the use of proceeds, you will

have to deal with the matter of the salaries to be paid to key
management personnel. I note your disclosure that each will
receive a salary not exceeding $60,000, but that raises the
possibility that virtually all of the working capital could be used
for that purpose. If I were a prospective investor, I would want
additional information, as I would be concerned about the
potential use of a large part of the proceeds to pay salaries. I
would also ask to what extent revenues generated by the
businesses would be able to pay part or all of the salaries.
Perhaps one approach, if agreeable, would be to disclose that
not more than half (for example) of the salaries paid during
the two years would be from proceeds of the offering.

Under the "Business discussion, you make reference to legal

services as one of the fields of activity for the corporation. You
will want to check with legal counsel who would be involved,
but I am doubtful that under professional standards your
corporation can offer legal services.

As I review the "Business* section, and as a potential investor,

I would want to know more about how solid the arrangements
are with "planner and affiliates", and also have some idea of
the timetable by which the corporation believes it can begin to
engage in business.

With reference to "Management", you need to identify the

Board of Directors. Also, you should indicate whether
management will provide full-time services, and If not, what
approximate percentage of their time is expected to be
devoted to the organization's business.

The biographical summaries, in my view, should be toned

down in order to be somewhat more "matter of fact" in tone.
In this section, as In the rest: of the document, you must be
able to support each fact that is stated, and some of the
disclosures are a bit vague. An example is the reference to j
Bob Kauffman "handling over $12,000,000 of investment
monies per year" and having "an asset base of up to
$60,000,000. Also, while you do indicate the functions each of

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the three of you will have, I think it would be useful to be a bit

more specific.

With respect to "Certain Transactions", you must be sure to

disclose fully any arrangement or situation pursuant to which
any director or officer will have dealings directly or indirectly
with the corporation. For example, if any of you will continue
to be retained by your present employer.



100 Pine Street
P. O. BOX 1166
Harrisburg, PA. I71O8 - 1166
Telephone (717) 332-8OOO

August 7, 1986

In Re: Financial Management Group, Ltd.

Our File No: 11489-001-5

Stanley J. Caterbone, Executive Vice President

Financial Management Group, Ltd.
1755 Oregon Pike
Lancaster. PA 17601

Dear Stan:

As we discussed, it will be necessary to file five copies of Form

D not later than 15 days after the first sale of securities in the
proposed limited offering. This requirement is summarized in
the first paragraph of Form D, a partially completed copy,
which is enclosed. We will discuss the actual mechanics of
filing, as veil as completion of the form, after you have
reviewed the enclosed.

Please also note from that paragraph that it is necessary to

make one or more additional filings as the offering progresses.
and is completed. This will be your responsibility, as only you
will know how long the offering will continue and when it is
completed. It is most important to make these filings in a
complete and timely manner, as failure to do so will make the
exemption under SEC Regulation D unavailable, and therefore
may result in a violation of the registration provisions of the
Securities Act of 1933 and, consequentially, potential liability
for the directors and officers.

You will note that in several places I did not have sufficient
information to complete the form, and I will rely on you to
supply this information. I have marked where these items
appear. In particular, you will have to complete Page 5, which
requires you to itemize the offering expenses/and then allocate
the use of proceeds. You will note that it is permitted to
estimate these amounts* although in the supplemental filings
the estimates should be revised to reflect actual figures.

Please review this document closely, as it is my strong

suggestion that the document should be complete and ready
for filing before 1 leave for vacation. You will then be in a
position to file the five copies directly with the SEC as soon as

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the first sale has occurred. Tour signature should go at the end
of the form where indicated, but please do not date the form.




100 Pine Street

P. O. BOX 1166
Harrisburg, PA. I71O8 - 1166
Telephone (717) 332-8OOO

August 7, 1986

In Re: Financial Management Group. Ltd.

Our File No: 11489-001-5

Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

Financial Management Group, Ltd.
1755 Oregon Pike L
ancaster, PA 17601

Dear Stan:

The purpose of this letter is to address generally the

requirements you must meet in connection with the actual
offer and sale of securities by the corporation pursuant to the
exemption under Section 203(d) of the Pennsylvania Securities
Act of 1972 with respect to which a filing has been, or is about
to be, made with the Pennsylvania Securities Commission.

As an initial matter, as you are aware no sales may occur until

the materials have been "cleared" by the Pennsylvania
Securities Commission. That will occur Initially via a telephone
call from the Commission staff to our office, at which point we
will advise you. Thereafter, the staff will send a letter of
confirmation. Alternatively, as we have discussed, it may be
necessary to deal with one or more staff comments before
clearance can be obtained.

At the point clearance has been obtained, you may distribute

copies of the Offering Memorandum subject to the numerical
limitations of Section 203(d) and regulations there under. As
we discussed, the Memoranda should be numbered
consecutively, and the number and name of the recipient of
each copy should be recorded in your records and written on
the upper-right hand corner of the Memorandum in the spaces

Under Pennsylvania Securities Commission regulations, you

are required to keep this type of record; specifically, you must
maintain a list shoving (i) the name and address of each
offeree, (ii) the name of the person making the offer, and (ill)
the date the offer is made. As he previously discussed, the
numerical restrictions are that a maximum of 90 offers and 35
sales may he made to Pennsylvania residents in any twelve
month period.

The foregoing relates only to offers and sales made in

Pennsylvania, and in the event you intend to make any offers

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or sales elsewhere, it will be necessary for a review to be made

of the applicable state "blue sky" securities law. Certain of
such state statutes permit a small number of offers and/or
sales to be made without requiring any filings, while other
states require filings to be made either before or after offers or
sales are made. In all events, you should be very alert to this
matter, and determine state securities law requirements before
approaching prospective investors in other jurisdictions.

As far as federal securities laws are concerned, as we have

discussed it will be necessary to file Form D with the Securities
and Exchange Commission not later than 15 days after the
initial sale is made in the offering. We must rely on you to alert
us when such initial sale has occurred; as of course we have
no independent means of knowing when that has occurred.
Accordingly, please call Mike Jarman or me as soon as the first
sale actually occurs.

Section 203(d) of the Pennsylvania Securities Act prohibits

"public media advertisement" and "mass mailing" in connection
with the solicitation of investors. Similarly, SEC Regulation D,
which in effect provides the exemption from federal
registration upon which reliance is being made, prohibits "any
form of general solicitation or general advertising", including
published or broadcast ads or notices and seminars whose
attendees have been invited by any general solicitation or

As the offering continues, the offering materials must be

updated by supplement or amendment to advise investors of
material changes affecting any of the disclosures.

I hope this general outline will be of use, and of course if you

have any questions or need any further information, please let
us know.




June 22, 1987

Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone

FMG Advisory, Inc.
Eden Park II
1755 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

RE:Service Mark Search for "FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Our File: 7351-G

Dear Stan:

As requested, I have completed a search in respect to the

above-referenced service mark. The results of that search are
annexed hereto.

It is my understanding that the mark "FINANCIAL

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MANAGEMENT GROUP" is used for services of providing a

complete package of legal, accounting, real estate, insurance,
stock brokerage, portfolio management, market timing,
financial planning, mortgage banking and investment banking
to business firms.

Based upon the results of the enclosed search, it is my opinion

that you can adopt and use the mark in this region of the
United States.' It is a close question as to whether the mark is
federally registrable. Moreover, you may anticipate difficulty in
using the mark in California, Arizona, Georgia and Illinois. The
possibility of opposition to your use of the mark also exists for
the states of Louisiana and Oregon. The reasons for my
opinion are explained below.
If the only consideration were federal registration, then I
would say that the mark is probably registrable. The closest
registered mark is "FINANCIAL MANAGERS SOCIETY". The
marks differ only by the last word, and "SOCIETY" and
"GROUP" arguably have a similar connotation. But your
services are fairly distinguishable from those of the registered
mark. Thus, on a federal level, the major objection to an
application to register may be an argument that your mark is
descriptive of the services being offered. Descriptive marks are
not registrable unless by virtue of their long use and heavy
promotion they have become distinctive. However, there is at
least a fair argument that "FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP"
is merely suggestive, not descriptive.

The more difficult problem arises in respect to the fact that

there are others using "FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GROUP" or
slight variants thereof. See for example California state
registration No. 14070 for "THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
GROUP". See also the listing 'of four companies under the
Louisiana and Oregon. Moreover, there are "FINANCIAL
MANAGEMENT GROUPs" listed in the telephone book for
Atlanta, Georgia and Chicago, Illinois. Whether or not these
other users remain in business, and whether or not they offer
services competitive with yours, is nearly impossible to
evaluate on the limited facts available from the report. Thus,
the risks exist that should you enter into one or more of these
companies geographical market areas, they may assert a claim
of prior rights.

If, on the other hand, you will not as a practical matter be

trading in these market areas for the foreseeable future, then I
recommend proceeding with an application to register the
mark. If we are successful in obtaining such registration, then
your right to use the mark can ultimately become
incontestable if not for the prior users market areas, then for
the rest of the United States.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions

concerning the foregoing.

With kindest personal regards, I am sincerely yours,






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As of June 1987 1 Month Prior To 1st Year Anniversary

SALES 1987 1989

Capitol Raised $54 Million $100 Million $80
Total Commissions $2.7 Million $5.0 Million $3.5
Affiliate Earnings $ .3 Million $1.0 Million $ .5
Total Gross Earnings $3.0 Million $6.0 Million $4.0
Revenues Less Comm. $ .76 Million $1.5 Million N/A

Manpower 37 Persons 50 Persons 48 Persons
Hires 10 Persons 14 Persons 14 Hires
Retention 90% 85% 95%
Average Sales/Person $81,085 $120,000 $85,000

FINANCIALS (All Numbers in Millions of Dollars)

Gross Revenue 3.0 6.0 4.0
Net Revenue .76 1.8 N/A
Retained Earnings .21 .501 N/A
Return on Equity 70% 66.6% N/A
Capital Base .300 .725 .300
Book Value Begin .300 .725 .300
Book Value/Share 1.60 3.05 4.00
Book Value/End .480 1.526 N/A
Shares Outstanding 300,000 450,000 245,000
Value Per Share $5.60 $10.67 $14.00
(at 3.5 X Book)
Value Per Share $10.00 $13.33 $17.00
(at Industry 1 X Gross Commission)

100 South Street, Post Office Box 186 Harrisburg, PA 17108
Telephone (717) 238-6715


Michael A. Bloom
Vice Chairman
James M. Houston
PBA Liaison
Ronald Fothgoes

September 19, 1986


Kenelm L. Shirk, Jr., Esquire

Shirk, Reist, Wagenseller and Shirk
P.O. Box 1552
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603-1552

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Re: Financial Management Group, Ltd.,

Dear Ken:

This letter is in reply to your inquiry of August 6, 1986 which

inquiry enclosed a copy of the "Charter Business Plan for The
Financial Management Group, Ltd. dated July 1, 1986. You
have requested advice concerning the ethical implications for a
lawyer associating with The Financial Management Group, Ltd.

Briefly, in review of the materials which you provided, The

Financial Management Group, Ltd. ("FMG') seeks to position
itself as a "major provider and servicer of financial products
and advice in the closely-related fields of investments, financial
consultation, mortgage banking, life insurance, property and
casualty insurance, taxes, law, and real estate". It is the
intention of FMG to retain in-house legal and real estate
professionals to assist financial planners -in rendering advice
to clients, in the words of the Plan, "without fear of losing the
client to outside interests." Identified as part of the "Support
Services* which FMG intends to provide to clients, is so-called
"professional networking" described by FMG as the use of "in-
house affiliates in law, accounting, tax", etc., to serve clients
and their related financial needs. The FMG proposals
specifically identify so-called "affiliate firms" which include a
real estate entity and two law firms, one of whom is identified
as "Legal Counsel for Business & Real Estate" and the other
firm is identified as 'Legal Counsel for Estate Planning". A true
and correct copy of the Charter Business Plan of PMG is
attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A".

At the outset of our evaluation, certain points should be made

clear. First, a lawyer is entitled to engage in businesses other
than the practice of law provided that the lawyer keeps such
enterprises entirely separate from the lawyer's independent
practice of law. One of the problems which an "affiliated"
lawyer may face in associating with any such financial services
provider is the importance under the Code of Professional
Responsibility of maintaining the lawyer's independent
professional judgment on behalf of a client where, for example,
it may be argued that the lawyer can be said to benefit
because the tendering of advice may give rise to the purchase
of financial service products from FMG. Dnder those
circumstances, the lawyer may be subject to charges of
conflicts of interest arising under DR 5-101 which provides, in
pertinent part, that: "a lawyer shall not accept employment if
the exercise of his professional judgment on behalf of his client
will be or reasonably may be affected by his own financial,
business, property, or personal interests."
Of equal concern is the ethical requirement prohibiting in-
person solicitation of a prospective client with whom the
attorney does not enjoy a present or former attorney-client
relationship. There appears to be a likelihood that FMG will
directly solicit, on an in-person basis, clients with whom your
law firm has no present or past attorney-client relationship
which may subject you to the charge that FMG has done for
you indirectly what you are prohibited from doing directly.
Certainly, we cannot opine that there is no risk of violation
based on the foregoing assumed facts.

Additionally, one must take care to avoid any ownership

interest in FMG mindful of the prohibition contained in DR 5-
107 that a lawyer shall not engage in the practice of law for
profit if a non-lawyer owns any interest therein. Accordingly,

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compensation for legal services rendered should be made on a

fee for service basis or other objective format, avoiding any
possible charge of joint ownership of the venture.

It is also important that the confidentiality of information

developed during the course of the client representation fay
your law firm be held secret and confidential in accordance
with DR 4-101. Accordingly, disclosure of the estate planning
needs of clients should be done with the express written
consent of the client, particularly where a charge may later be
made by a disgruntled client that such information was
misutilized in order to induce the client to purchase financial
services products sold by FMG (on which FMG may be entitled
to commissions or fees). Moreover, to the extent FMG earns
such fees or commissions, full disclosure of FMG's interest in
the sale of such financial services products should be made by
the attorney pursuant to the attorney's independent obligation
to provide the client with competent advice and a duty of loyal
As you may sense, this brief reply to your inquiry identifies
only some of the ethical problems which may exist in
connection with the proposed structure.

It is not intended, by this letter, however, to discourage such

enterprises. To the contrary, it is believed that, carefully
structured, lawyers are free to participate in such ventures.
Should you require a more detailed opinion, we request that
you provide us with specific questions about proposed courses
of conduct so that we may be responsive to them.

Should you have any questions concerning this preliminary

reply, please contact me.

I remain Sincerely,

Michael A. Bloom
pdh Enclosure




(A Pennsylvania Genera! Partnership)


(A Pennsylvania Business Corporation)



With Five (5) Year Personal Guaranty


The submission by Lesser to Tenant of a proposed lease shall

have no binding force or effect, shall not constitute an option

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for the leasing of the premises, nor confer any rights or

Impose arty obligations upon either party until the execution
of a lease agreement by Lessor and die delivery of an executed
original copy thereof to Tenant or Its representative.
Furthermore, the parties shall not be bound by any written or
oral representations between them, directly or through any
representation, except as specifically incorporated in the lease
agreement referred to above.

Personal Guaranty
The undersigned hereby unconditionally guaranty for a period
of five (5) years from the date of commencement of the
prompt performance of the obligations of the Tenant when the
prompt performance of the obligations of the Tenant when any
alterations or modifications thereof, which alterations may be
made without notice to or the consent of the Lease and said
alterations and modifications are hereafter named Lease. The
liability for the Undersigned hereunder is conditional and shall
not be affected in any way by prior reason to retain or
preserve, or the lack of prior enforcement of, to retain or
preserve, or the lack of prior enforcement of, any person or
persons, (including the Tenant and any of the any property,
(b) the invalidity of any such rights which may be obtained, (c)
any delay in enforcing or failure to enforce only if such rights
are thereby lost, or (d) any delay in the Undersigned for
payment for the Undersigned obligations.


I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this before me, the undersigned, a

Notary Public for the aforesaid State and County, personally
appeared Raymond E. Ix, who acknowledged himself to be the
Managing General Partner of Eden Park Associates II, a
Pennsylvania general partnership, and that he as such
Managing General Partner, being authorized to do so, executed
the foregoing Guaranty for the purposes therein contained on
behalf of the partnership.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and
seal the day and year first above written.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 401 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Government Study Commission Page 1 of 2

Candidate Questionnaire for the

County of Lancaster Pennsylvania
Government Study Commission
(July 24, 2006)


website at, under the Candidates Information tab).


I am very interested in being part of a solution to restore
credibility, honesty and integrity to local government; which
would result in a better Lancaster County for all. For the past
19 years I have been studying and evaluating the merits of
local government and how it effects the community-at-large;
due in large part to an experience that required me to do the
same. I have a unique perspective on how the ill effects of
disingenuous decisions escalate to the point where our current
Commissioners become marred in controversy and legal
problems muting their credibility, trust and performance.
Whether a restructure of our current system is the answer
remains to be seen. My belief is that corruption and cronyism
plays a vital role to the problems that confront us.

A restructuring must incorporate a system of checks and

balances to improve the sense of governance that now is at an
all time low for this county. There must be cooperation
between city and county government that places the priority of
greater good to all leaders and politicians in making decisions
that affect all Lancastrians. The Lancaster Convention Center
project is a prime example of what can happen when this is
not the case. There is no excuse why the revitalization of
downtown Lancaster is stalled. Although you can take a survey
of individual projects that have surpassed initial expectations;
the Clipper Stadium, Liberty Street Commons, James Street
District, etc,. There lacks a clear and decisive synergy that
leads one to question when we will see the thriving Downtown
of yesterday. Most of the pieces seem to be in place, but a lack
of vision and leadership is stalling a real revitalization that is
deserving of all Lancastrians. Cooperation and synergy is the
missing ingredient in my opinion. I am hopeful that a
restructuring or the evaluation of the merits of a restructuring
will provide some insights to that problem.


Legal; Financial; Community Advocate; Social Service;
Business; Real Estate; Construction



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Government Study Commission Page 2 of 2

I posses a diverse background that demonstrates a unique
experience to evaluate and develop strategic and tactical
planning to a wide variety of problems. I am an expert in
technologies and have used that expertise to provide
consulting to a wide variety of clients throughout the United
States and beyond. I have been involved with analyzing and
developing solutions to a host of problems that are similar to
this initiative. I have founded organizations and served on
boards that demonstrate leadership skills.

I was one of the founders of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter

of Financial Planners and served ccordingly; as well as
Financial Management Group, Ltd., Advanced Media Group (a
former affiliate of the High Group of Companies), and Global
Entertainment Group. I am also very active with Toms Project
Hope. All can be seen at the website .


I readily acknowledge that a spirit of cooperation is vital to an
initiative with the scope of mission that you are initiating. I
have always had the firm belief that disagreements are
necessary to reach a consensus that will ultimately lead to a
viable solution. You do not learn anything by listening or
conversing with only people that are in agreement on the
issues at hand; and compromise is vital to ensuring that long-
term solutions are embedded for a foundation of future
growth. I am an expert in analysis and forecasting a wide
array of matters with demonstrated success. My tainted
reputation must not prejudice my application for this initiative.
I have filed a Civil Rights Complaint with the Office of the
Attorney General that precedes this. Please visit Further questions
and or specific request to substantiate any of my claims may
be forwarded.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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1987 SONY Joint Venture Page 1 of 18


June 25, 1987

Mr. Stanley Caterbone, President

FMG Advisory, Inc.
Eden Park II
1755 Oregon Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601

RE: Power Station

Our File: 7351-G

Dear Stan:

I have now received the results of a search pertaining to the

above subject. I have also reviewed the file forwarded with your
letter of May 29. The following is my analysis and evaluation of
the right to use Power Station as defined below.

As I understand the situation, your business client, Power Station

Studio, has, since 1977, operated a recording studio with a
widely regarded reputation for providing high quality recording
services using state of the art equipment. The enclosed report
reveals that Power Station studio has registered the trademark
"Power Station" for sound recording studios. (See Reg. No.
1,433,328 registered March 17, 1987.) You have asked me to
investigate the possibility of Power Station expanding the use of
its mark into men's and women's clothing including beachwear;
and for audio and video electronics for consumers and
professionals. I have assumed that this latter category includes
radios, television receivers, video cassette recorders, audio
recorders, compact disc players, turn tables, amplifiers,
receivers, tuners, control panels, mixing boards and consoles,
among other things.

Based upon the results of the enclosed search, it is my opinion

that it would be inadvisable for Power Station, Inc. to use its
mark for clothing as aforesaid. The basis for my opinion is
Registration No. 1,431,242 registered March 3, 1987 for "Power
Station". The registrant claims a first date of use of April 3, 1986
for women's clothing including swimwear and other goods as

Although your client has a strong reputation, and although it has

priority of use for the mark, this registrant has a strong position
for arguing that it has superior rights for women's clothing. One
would not ordinarily associate clothing in any way with recording,
studio services. Thus, your client's rights in its mark do not
appear to dominate those of the registrant's. Accordingly, use of
the Power Station mark for women's (or men's) clothing would
involve a significant risk of being accused of trademark

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Use of the Power Station mark for consumer and professional

audio and visual electronic equipment raises some issues, but on
the whole I am of the opinion that it is permissible. Again, I
assume, as I have been informed, that the Power Station studio
is well known and does have a good reputation for its existing
services. Given that, its movement into electronic equipment
should be permissible. Here the good will associated with its
current services can be more readily extended to audio visual
electronic equipment.

The search reveals that Manville Corporation's Ken Caryl Ranch is

the owner of the mark "Power Station" for battery operated
emergency electrical power supply units. See Reg. No. 1,040,308
registered May 25, 1976 and claiming a first date of use of
November 23, 1970. In my opinion/ audiovisual electronic
equipment can be considered to be sufficiently unrelated to
emergency electrical power supply units to avoid a likelihood of
confusion even though the marks are identical.

I reach the same conclusion regarding the pending application by

Electrical Conductors, Inc. for a multiple outlet power strip. A
closer question is raised by Gould's Supplemental Register
registration for Power Station for mini and microcomputers.
Gould's mark is registered on the Supplemental Register
undoubtedly because "Power Station" as applied to computer
equipment is considered to be descriptive. A Supplemental
Register registration has none of the procedural benefits of a
Principle Register registration. Moreover, if Gould's use of the
mark is limited to a particular market which Is distinct from your
clients/ there does not appear to be a likelihood of confusion.
Thus, Gould may be selling its computers into a specialized
commercial market if it is presently selling computers at all.

Next I call your attention to the fact that several radio stations
have adopted and are using the trademark "The Power Station" in
various cities throughout the United States. Conceivably, these
radio stations could object to the introduction of consumer
electronics into their market area on the ground that the use 'of
the same mark implies sponsorship by them. I note that all of
these marks were recently registered, and I suspect that all of
these radio stations are related or commonly owned. I also
suspect that the adoption of this mark may be of recent vintage.
Thus, your client in any negotiation with these people would have
the advantage of being a prior user, and the relationship between
recording services and electronic equipment on the one hand and
radio station services and electronic equipment on the other hand
is at least co-equal. Thus, your client should have the dominant

In view of the foregoing, it is my opinion that The Power Station

should not adopt or use "Power Station" for men's and women's
clothing, but it may adopt and use the mark for professional and
consumer electronics as described above with the understanding
that the matter is not entirely without doubt and issues could
arise. It is, however, my opinion, based upon the facts presently
available to me, that The Power Station, Inc. should prevail if
those issues arise.

If you have any questions concerning the foregoing, please feel

free to call me.
With kindest personal regards,

Sincerely yours,


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1987 SONY Joint Venture Page 3 of 18


July 1987
I, Scope of Project
II. Marketing and Distribution
III. Financial Proposal
IV. Contracts

Tony Bongiovi and Power Station Studio is about to undertake

one of the most interesting projects in the entertainment industry
that the Business World has ever seen. His fascinating elements
of this project are as follows:

A). Musical Overtones

B), Technology
C). Marketing and Distribution
D). Limited Downside Bisk Potential

When you put all of the above elements together in any business
venture you have a very strong and powerful entity. Now, put the
above elements in one of the largest and most visible industries
available in the Entertainment Industry.


We want to position Sony as the printer manufacturer of

Professional Recording Equipment in both the Record Industry
and also the Theatrical and Video Industry as well as Television
and Pay TV. In addition and even mare important we would like
to credit Sony with contributing in the development of the
Sony/PSDMS Digital Recording System that will recognized
throughout the World by way of several different medium
exposures. This will have tremendous effects in the way of
increased sales in both the Consumer/Retail level as well as the
Professional Environment.

In the following paragraphs I will address the above elements
and prove to support the potential for this project. The Movie was
developed to help Tony Bongiovi take his creative and genius
talents in the music industry to capture other industry's that are
complimentary - theatrical, television and cable, video,
international film and now electronics manufacturing. Because of
Tonys -track record and accomplishments in both technology and
musical production Bon Jovi! The film already will have appeal
through the feature of his latest band French Lick. Tony has used
the same musical format for their first album as he used for Ben
Jovi, which has sold nine ail lion albums thus far no album has
ever sold sore albums in its first six months in the history of the
recording industry. Because of the timing of the album which
will dominate the musical score the two should and will
compliment one another very profitably! To further the
marketability of the picture he wrapped this into a horror script
widest marketability due to international distribution and an
element that will prevent the "critics" from influencing the

To add further to the project, Tory will produce the first movie
ever with a digital sound track from set to theatre and video. This
technology alone would cost anyone else 190% of the total
budget just for the sound production. This is when the project
gets interesting as far as marketing and distribution is concerned.
Because of the exclusivity of the technical elements and the
"band", the marketing and distribution should be powerful alone
in even the most conventional deals.

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Now lets take this project and look at it with regards to two

a). Video Industry

b). Digital recording and playing

The video industry is a 56 billion dollar industry that is in need of

product, when you look at the potential for a product that will be
the first actual product that will compliment the fast paced
VCR/Stereo Entertainment components with a Musical score that
nay have enough merits of its ownyou have an amazing
potential for distribution!

The Digital and Disc Industry has proven to be the future

standard for recording and playing in due time. Because of its
newness, there are more people who have yet to hear the digital
sound. Because of the visibility and exposure that will come from
this projectthis could be the first time ever people hear digital
by way of theatre and video! As to how many people? 1-10 - 50 -
100 million?

Well, what win be their first reaction? I NEED TO BUY A DISC


Their second reaction will be I WANT TO HEAR THAT SOUND IN


We would like Sony to commit fifteen million fear three to four

future products that will follow the same format as the Mutant
Mania Project so that Tony and Sony will position themselves as
the pioneer and leaders in the industry. This will not allow
composition to gain assets to the marketplace until we are all
firmly situated and profitable.

We will also assist in any way possible in the distribution of the

theatrical and video distribution.

In a 60 second spot in the beginning of the video, we will do
commentary on Sony and its contributions to the Digital Industry
and the difference between conventional and digital recording.

I) The spot will be a commentary with music from French Lick in

the background. The commentary will discuss the Sony/PSDMS
SOUND SYSTEM and the process by which the PURE SOUND Is
developed. To send home our point the "Difference Test" will be
used. The movie Mutant Mania will be promoted as the FIRST
Feature Film to use this system.

II) Through a merchandizing campaign using the video, (similar

to Top Gun"), We will market a full line of Sony will offer a low
budget but profitable disc player to all purchasers of the video.
The offer will be at wholesale prices. The reason for the low
budget product is that we hope when people actually get to the
store they will upgrade and buy at full retail!

For Sony it will automatically insinuate that Sony is responsible

for Tonys technical accomplishments from the view of the
audience which Tory will not be concerned with. It will also
promote all of Sony's entertainment products.

We will also develop a "60" second spot to be used on television

to promote the (entire project for both Sony and Tony Bongiovi).

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III) We will also include Sony Equipment in the PSDMS System

that will be needed to convert the Theaters to the New Sound
System. We will convert the Theatres Free if the Theatre commits
to showing the next THREE BONGIOVI PRODUCTIONS. This will
give us a guaranteed continued exposure and will give us
guaranteed distribution for both Sony Software and
Bongiovi/Productions. We will recover the true costs of equipment
from distribution profits from the films.

IV. We will produce a 60 second stand alone commercial for

television, cable and theatre that will be used to promote the
project before the release of Mutant Mania.

Eg: A 6O second spot utilizing the following elements:

a. French Lick
b. Rawer Station recording facility
c. Sony's contributions to the manufacturer of the equipment to
produce the sound. This may show "'the difference".

A spot showing French Lick recording in Bower Station for the

Mutant Mania movie.

We would like to introduce to you the Sony/PSDMS give

input on what it is. "New sit back and let us know if you hear the

What would you rather listed to when listening to feature films;

video, cable or television.

Sony will private label a "Stony Bongiovi" or Power Station line of
a). Television
b), Stereo Component
c). Disc Player
d). Video Player

The above package will include a free video of Mutant Mania of

which Sony will rebate full price back to distribution.

Tony and Stan will receive credits for complete line:

Total will be negotiated after we have an idea of Sony margins.

We want to make money only if Sony makes money!

We will also provide a marketing package for all retail outlets that
is now being developed.


Tony will include in Copyright Agreement that SONY EQUIPMENT
must be used to be PSDMS. SONY will receive "Credits on all
video, theatrical, television, and cable "PSDMS/SONY System"

Tony and Stan will also receive credits en all systems using Sony
equipment sold to other film studios Also to be negotiated
after margins are figured. We will arrange a deal where, we along
with Sony, will cover exists to install the necessary equipment in
all studios. We will provide a one-day seminar to all thirty
operators of the largest theatre chains.

I. Sony will only pay for expenses to produce 60-second spots.
SONY and Power Station will utilize any and all services to help
produce the spot and will allow reimbursement for only true costs
with no mark-up excluding all of Tonys time, which will be free.

II. Power Station and Power Productions I will receive a

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negotiated percentage of profits from all profits generated from

the merchandizing campaign of the Sony products and the sale
that may result to other film studios utilizing Sony equipment in
the DNS System.

III. We will receive three sets of a full entertainment system -

Television, VCR, Stereo, Etc, that is top of the line to help during
the production of the film to be utilized by Marcia, Stan and

IV. Sony will have first right and first refusal of all and any
distribution contracts for theatrical, video, cable, and television
syndications. We will promise not to even talk to anyone else
until we feel that Sony is not going to offer a fair and reasonable
deal. We will give Sony a 5% margin to gain a competitive edge.

The purpose of the above and all aspects of this Deal is to let the
separate entities involved maximize their profits for their
respective talents; Tory in film and music production and Sony in
manufacturing and eventually distribution of both equipment and
merchandise and later video and film distribution.

World wide marketing available after this picture through

cinaworld and Marcia. Sony will be on credits of the film world
wide PSDMS? Power Station Digital to be shared with PSDMS?


(May of 1987 by Stan J. Caterbone/Global Entertainment Group)
(PSDMS - Power Station Digital Movie System by Stan J.



Tony Bongiovi and Power Station Studio are undertaking a

project that has the potential of revolutionizing the entertainment
industry. In the next few pages of this proposal, I will outline the
elements involved and how Sony can participate in this landmark

The technology of the recording industry has been advancing by

leaps and bounds. We have seen the advances from monaural
long playing record to stereo record to compact disc. Now we are
seeing tape systems that use digital rather than analog signals
appear, matching the quality of compact discs. What has
happened to the theatres? The audio portion of a film, is as
responsible for the sensations one experiences at a motion
picture as the visual, yet many theatre's are still equipped only
for mono sound. Why is this? We feel there are two basic

1) The relative high cost of upgrading a theatre to be able to

incorporate the advanced technologies of the audio industry.

2) The lack of proper equipment for the film industry to produce

high quality digital audio tracks.

These two problems should not be addressed separately. There is

little motivation for upgrading until the product is available and
even less motivation to produce a product that cannot be heard.

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Tony Bongiovi and Ed Evans at Power Station in New York, have

now made it possible to address these problems simultaneously.
Their creation of the new "Power Station Digital Movie
Sound" (PSDMS), will not only enable the film industry to produce
the highest quality audio tracks for film, but will also allow
theatre's to upgrade their existing sound system at a minimal

To introduce this revolutionary new sound, Bongiovi is in the

process of producing a film entitled "Mutant Mania", which is a
science fiction action horror film, shot in a small ocean resort
town in New Jersey. This film has many elements that make it
perfect for the introduction of PSDMS. The most prevalent of
these being the heavy music score by Bongiovi's latest band
"French Lick". Producing bands is definitely one of Bongiovi's
fortes. Bongiovi was instrumental in creating "Bon Jovi" who is
probably the strongest force in the rock and roll circuit today.
"Bon Jovi's" third album "Slippery When Wet", has sold more
copies in a short period of time than any other band in history.

Another is the fact that this is a horror film. The use of audio in
horror films is important to create tension, fear, excitement etc.
Using a horror film also lessens the influence the critics have on
the audience.

By and large this film will stand on it's own merits. Now add
PSDMS, and you have a potential block buster event. How does
Sony fit into all of this?


What we are seeking to do is establish a distribution route in
which the message of Sony's new technology and its benefits can
be more easily and directly passed on to the consumer.

Picture a one or two minute commentary at the beginning of the
movie and home video, demonstrating the difference between the
quality of theatrical sound now and the new SONY/PSDMS sound.
This does two things. First, by demonstrating the difference in
quality of the new sound, you reinforce in the audiences mind
that it is much better, which as you will hear, there is little doubt.
Secondly it reinforces in the audience that Sony truly is a pioneer
of advanced innovative technologies.

In addition to the commentary, Sony will receive credits on the

film, ie. SONY/PSDMS. We will include in the copyright
agreement that Sony Equipment must be used to be

Sony's name will also be strategically placed throughout the film.

This may be done in the form of billboards, advertisements, or
Sony equipment being utilized.

A commercial may be developed for TV promoting both the film

and Sony's contributions to advanced audio techniques in the film
industry. This could be done as a joint venture between Sony and
the distribution company for the theatrical and video exhibition.

Inside every video tape that is sold, a coupon may be placed to

promote Sony products.

A full line of quality equipment may be SONY/POWER STATION

labeled for consumer use to enhance marketability of Sony
entertainment products.

Sony Video Software Corporation will receive right of first refusal

on all contracts for video and theatrical distribution. We will allow

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Sony a preferred 5% margin under any other distributor for a

competitive edge.

Timing is crucial in a project that touch so many different areas.


Most of the industry by their own admission is at least two years
away from an effort to upgrade the sound in movie theatres. With
the SONY/PSDMS system, other companies may adapt easily and
economically to produce products with digital movie sound. With
companies adapting to this process, the future should see the
prominence of the SONY/PSDMS insignia much the same as you
see the Dolby insignia today. This will act as a constant reminder
to the public that Sony truly is a pioneer of advanced audio visual

Sony will receive exposure in the professional market place by

having the SONY/POWER STATION equipment used in theatres
and studios to produce the SONY/PSDMS sound.

The video industry is a 56 billion dollar industry that is in need of

product. When you look at the potential for a product that will be
one of the first feature films to compliment the fast paced
VCR/Stereo Entertainment components, with a musical score that
may have enough merits of its own, you have an amazing
potential for distribution.

The Digital and Disc Industry has proven to be the future

standard for recording and playing. Because of the relative
newness of the digital format, there are more people who have
yet to experience the digital sound. With the high exposure that
will come from this project, this could be the first time ever
people hear digital. How many people? 1 - 10 - 50 - 100 million?

What will be their first reaction? I need to buy a Disc Player!

Who's name will they think of first? SONY/PSDMS


Bongiovi and Evans at Power Station have developed a
revolutionary hybrid mixing console to penetrate the video post
production market. This console was developed to enable
engineers to produce high quality audio tracks for the film
industry as well as the recording industry. This new console
utilizes an automation system that can be used by both
industries. This new console is especially attractive to the film
industry, as it will greatly reduce production costs since mixing
costs in a recording studio are much less. At present the console
that is being used is a bastardized system that utilizes
components from many different pieces of equipment, from a
number of different companies, of which Sony is one. Because we
already have a working model of this console, it would take very
little time for a finished product to be manufactured that could
carry the SONY name.

The other piece of equipment that is essential to the PSDMS

process, is the box that enables the laser disc to automatically
read the synchronization track encoded on the film. This piece of
equipment can be produced at an extremely low cost. It is this
low cost and the fact that the theatres will not have to replace
their present projectors that make digital movie sound a reality in

We feel that with consumers demanding the same quality audio

at theatres, as they have become accustomed to with their home

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entertainment systems, theatre owners will have little problem

investing the nominal amount of dollars involved, to upgrade
their theatres for digital audio. This investment could be as low
as $1000.

With the cost being so low, the distribution company may want to
consider bearing the burden of this cost, if the theatre owners
agree to show Bongiovi's next three films.

SONY will commit four million dollars for the production of
Bongiovi's film to be released in 1988. We would like SONY to
commit fifteen million for three to four future products that will
follow the same format as the first, so that Bongiovi and SONY
will position themselves as the pioneer and leaders in the
industry. This will not allow competition to gain access to the
marketplace until we are all firmly situated
and profitable.

Sony will only pay for expenses to produce 60 second spots. Tony
and Power Station will utilize any and all services to help produce
the spot and will allow reimbursement for only true costs with no
mark up including all of Tony's time which will be Power Station
and Power Productions I (Stan Caterbone - Power Productions I)
will receive a negotiated percentage from all revenues generated
from the merchandizing campaign of the SONY/POWER STATION
products and the sale that may result to other film studios
utilizing Sony/POWER STATION equipment in the PSDMS

We will receive four deluxe entertainment systems - Television,

VCR, Stereo, Etc. that is top of the line to help during the
production of the film.

The purpose of the above and all aspects of this Proposal is to let
the separate entities involved maximize their profits for their
respective talents; Bongiovi in film and music production and
Sony in manufacturing and distribution of equipment and
merchandise and later video and film distribution. END

Power Station was formed in 1977, in partnership with Tony
Bongiovi and Bob Walters. Power Station, within a short period of
time established itself as the premiere recording facility in the
world. The studios success to a large degree is due to Bongiovi's
tremendous creative talents in the fields of studio design,
production and entertainment. The ability to anticipate what the
public at large wants to hear and to create a format that will
produce a highly marketable product.

Bongiovi's creative genius became most evident with his recent

success producing the band "Bon Jovi". After years of work
developing their talent and structuring the format for their music,
"Bon Jovi" rapidly became one of top bands in the world.
Bongiovi's most recent project is a band called "French Lick",
which he brought into the studio approximately two years ago.
You may have heard French Lick's music in Ron Howard's
production of Gung-Ho. French Lick's music and talent have been
developed along the same format as "Bon Jovi" and have recently
been showcased to the major recording labels. Contracts should
be finalized with Quantum Medium in a few weeks. Quantum
Medium is a division of MCA, owned by the same people that own
MTV. French Lick is wholly owned by Power Station, along with
their first album, which gives Bongiovi the ability to use any and
all the songs from the album in the movie.

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By placing the band in the movie and having the music score
written by the band, we are able to take advantage of marketing
potential normally not available to other productions. The music
video for the band will be shot at the "same time as the movie
and will primarily be scenes from the movie. The release of the
video will be timed to promote the opening of the movie. The
release of the songs off the first album will also be -coordinated
to promote the movie. To fully understand the marketing
potential the band brings to the project, picture what, gross
receipts at the box office would look like if "Bon Jovi" were
appearing in a movie this year (Any movie). If French Lick does
one tenth as well as Bon Jovi, this movie is a guaranteed hit.

During Bongiovi's work on "Star Wars", "Apocalypse Now" and

"Gung-ho", he was able to make many of the contacts necessary
to form the extremely talented group of artists that are essential
for a production to be successful.

Barbara Peters: Director/Writer/Producer

Barbara has directed many programs such as "Matt Houston",
"Falcon Crest", "Cagney and Laoey", "Misfits", "Berrengers", and
"Remington Steele" to name a few. The film Barbara directed that
convinced Tony to hire her for this production was "Humanoids
From The Deep". Humanoids was made in 1978 for $ 980,000 ($
20,000 under budget and four days ahead of schedule) and
grossed over $28 million in domestic and foreign theatrical Sales.
This was during a period in time when the video market was in its
early stages of development. A film released today that would
gross $ 28 million in 1978 dollars has even greater potential for a
much higher gross with the strong video market that is available
now. What impressed Tony the most with Barbara's direction of
Humanoids was her ability to bring a high degree of quality to a
film on such a limited budget.

Peter Hock: Stunt Ooordiiator/Actor/Stuntman

Peter's credits include films such as, "Trading Places", "Stepford
Wives", "To Kill A Cop", "Ghost Busters", "FX", and a host of
other Films, Broadway, Musicals and Television Shows.

There are many factors, which contribute to a projects success. If

you were to take a cross section of the movie industry to find
which types of projects were most likely to succeed, you would
find that movies in the two to four million dollar range have much
greater chances of success than movies in the ten to fifteen
million dollar range. The reasons for this are quite simple. A
movie in the two to four million-dollar ranges is a high enough
budget to produce a quality film but limiting the risk to the
investor since it needs less of the market share to produce a

Horror movies, from the investors point of view are the safest
type of movie to finance. Horror movies have an almost cultist
following. The type of audience that attend horror movies rarely
wait to see what the critics have to say about the movie. There is
a fascination with gore that this audience would rather see than
have described to them. The overseas market for movies of this
genre is tremendous. In almost all cases the gross revenues from
the theatre, will be greater overseas than in the domestic (US
and Canada) market. This especially holds true for horror movies.

Over the last few years, we have been seeing a trend for movies
to have a much heavier music score than in the past. The feelings
that can be invoked in an audience from audio are sometimes as
great or greater than the visual aspects of a film. With Bongiovi's
experience and past track record, we are assured of having one
of the best quality sound tracks to a movie ever made. This

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production could very well revolutionize the movie industry in

that this will be the first time that the sound track will be totally
digitized from the set to the theatre or home video. What this
means is that the quality of the sound, which is typically
extremely poor in a movie theatre or home video cassette, will
now be tremendously crisp. This new movie sound will be similar
to the quality you would expect from a laser disc. Normally the
costs involved to produce a movie with this type of sound track
would greatly increase the budget to a point where the project
would nave an increased element of risk. With Power Station,
which already has in place state of the art equipment, some of
which can be found in only one or two other studios in the world,
this sound track can be produced for a fraction of the costs that
another production company would have to pay. This greatly
reduces the risk to the investor to be able to produce state of the
art audio at a fraction of the costs.

It is a very natural progression for a recording studio such as

Power Station to evolve into an entertainment complex, which
includes the production of films. Power Station currently has
financing in place for a $ 3.5 million video mix studio to be built
next to the recording studio. Distribution companies are
constantly looking for new sources of product to market. With
Bongiovi's track record in the entertainment industry, any
product that carries the Bongiovi label should create a bidding
situation with the distributors.

Advanced public relations work is currently being done to set the

stage for negotiations with the distribution companies.
"Billboard11, "Variety", and "Box Office" have already agreed to
do articles on Bongiovi and the movie. On April 30, ABC will be
airing a radio talk show with Bongiovi that will air on 2300
stations to a total listening audience of over six million people.
"Pame, Fortune, and Romance" have also agreed to give network
TV coverage.

The home video market has rapidly been changing the potential
movie profits for the industry. A Nightmare On Elm Street was
made for well under two million dollars and has earned New Line
Cinema more than $24 million at the domestic box office. In
addition, after a short video release, this production has sold over
3 million cassettes. In the past videos were sold only to video
rental stores for approximately $70 apiece. Recently the price has
been lowered to expand the market to the general public. The
video rental stores won't disappear, but they may become more
like record stores that also rent their albums. All of this translates
into more profit potential for producer and investor.

It is an extremely rare opportunity to be able to get in on the

ground floor in an offshoot of an already well established
entertainment company. Any investor willing to back this project
will have first right of refusal on any future projects. The
percentages will remain the same for at least the first two



Independently produced motion pictures are a better investment

today than ever before.
1) Increased Markets: There is much wider distribution of
motion pictures today than ever before (i.e. Pay TV,
Cable TV, videocassettes, satellite transmissions, etc.
2) Presale1 contracts which bind the buyers (i.e. networks,

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pay TV, foreign distributors, etc.) to specific payments

at a future date, this insuring return of capital and, in
some cases, a profit before the film is released.

Investment Structure:
The producer and investor form a limited partnership for the
purposes of producing one or more motion pictures. The investor
receives 100% of the net profits until recoupment, after which
the split is 50-50. Profit participation of others (actors, director,
writer, etc.) comes out of the producer's end.

The producer secures the services of a director, principal actors,
and a writer.

Presale Deals:
The producer can negotiate presale (preproduction)
arrangements with distributors, networks, pay TV,
merchandisers, etc. Whereas such arrangements can minimize
the downside risk, they can also inhibit the eventual profitability
of the film.

Risk Factors:
It is very difficult to determine exactly how much of a risk one
runs in financing a theatrical film. Adequate statistics are
impossible to find. Sharmat Services of Los Angeles a four-year-
old study which revealed that 60% of all films released make
money. This study, however, did not include long range TV
syndication (foreign and domestic) revenues, and was made
before Pay TV and video cassettes became significant additional
markets, chemical Bank of New York reports that they have never
lost money on film financing.

Another risk is the possibility that no distributor will want to

release the picture. That is why some independent producers
include, a provision for distribution financing in their investment
agreements. If worse comes to worst, producers can distribute
the film themselves. (Notable examples are "Billy Jack" and

There may be production catastrophes that will delay or cancel

production once it is under way. Producers will carry various
forms of insurance (including completion bonds) to at least repay
whatever funds have already been spent.

If a distribution arrangement has not already been made, the
producer now secures such an arrangement. If the picture is
good, it is possible to negotiate a much better deal than could
have been done earlier. On the other hand, the producer could
have trouble securing the kind of distribution commitment
wanted. The main factors here are how much money the
distributor is willing to commit to selling the picture, how much
influence the producer can have on the marketing campaign, and
the distribution fee. Sometimes small distributors are able to give
more time and attention to independent pictures and offer better
terms, but the producer may have to provide some distribution

Out of gross domestic box office receipts, the exhibitor (retailer)

usually subtracts his fixed costs and then receives 10%. Out of
the remaining 90% gross film rentals received by the distributor
(wholesaler), he usually recoups all or part of his costs plus a
distribution fee of 20-35%, then passes the rest on to the
producer/investor. Terms of distribution deals vary considerably.

Box office receipts, however, only account for a part of the

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producer/investor's revenues. As the enclosed figures show, the

ancillary markets are at least as significant as the domestic
theatre box office. TV syndication, for instance, can continue to
bring in revenues for the next twenty years.

Demand for Product:

Today's supply comes nowhere near to matching real demand. At
the present time, there are over 18,000 theatres in the United
States, it can readily be seen that roughly 400 films produced
and rated last year did not begin to meet; their needs. Theatres
are compelled to show any type of film they can obtain to keep
their doors open.

To date, independent producers are responsible for 72% of all

films made world-wide. The domestic figure is 62%. The
independent producer has three primary options regarding
distribution. These include the sale of the film outright to a major
national distributor, their merchandising of the film by the
production company itself, or the use of smaller regional sub-
distributors who may promote the film in their respective
geographical areas. Distribution of films often relies on all' three
methods to one degree or another.

Another market, television, can consume nearly every film that

has been, or is presently being produced. If each of the three
networks would show only one film per night, they would need
over 1,000 films per year. In Los Angeles area alone, there are
nearly 10,000 films aired each year in a combination of local and
network viewing time. Many films are shown time and time again
because there are no new films to replace them.

Today, virtually every film of quality has residual value in

television, either by outright sale or by term licensing. The latter
is preferable since it allows the production company to retain
ownership of the negative. The time lag between theatre release
and TV sale has diminished from seven years to an average of 18
months. However, some major features such as "The Wiz" have
been sold to TV before completing a full year in theatrical release.
The trend seems to be toward purchase of 'fresh1 films, and the
outlets appear willing to pay the higher costs involved.

Because of the great demand and the outrageously competitive

attitude that pervades the networks, handsome deals are being
consummated before the production has been completed and
then, by prearrangement ' with the producers, hold the film until
it has completed its theatrical run.

Forecast A
Breakeven for Limited Partners:
Based on gross revenues of $ 11,200,000 collected from 1st and
2nd theatrical runs
1st run ticket costs of $ 6.00 2nd run ticket costs of $ 5.00

1st Run
50 people per show x $ 6.00
$ 300.00 per show X 1000 houses
$ 300,000 X 14 days
2nd Run
50 people per show X $ 5.00
$ 250.00 per show X 2000 houses
$ 500,000 X 14 days
Total 1st Run Total 2nd Run Total

$ 300.00 Gross per show $ 300,000 Gross $ 4,200,000 Gross

$ 250.00 Gross per show $ 500,000 Gross $ 7,000,000 Gross
$ 4,200,000 $ 7,000,000 $11,200,000

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Forecast A
Total Box Office Gross $ 11,200,000
Less 15% For Theatres ' ; $ 1.680.000
Motion Picture Profits $ 9,520,000
Less 30% Distribution Fee $ 2,856,000
$ 6,664,000
Less : Investors Capital $ 4,000,000
Net Profit $ 2,664,000
Producers Split @ 50% $ 1.332.000
Investment Company Return $ 1,332,000
less : General Partners Split @ 15% $ 199.800
Investors Return $ 1,132,200

These are only projections and are for informational purposes

only. Any investment made, based solely on these projections
would be unadvisable as actual performance could vary greatly.

Forecast B

Forecast B is based on a total box office gross of $ 28 million

A film that produces a theatrical gross of $ 28 million can be
expected to gross at least that much from TV, Cable and video
markets. Depending on how distribution agreements are
negotiated we can expect 50% to be net profits

Forecast B
Total Box Office Gross $ 28,000,000
Less 15% For Theatres ' $ 4,200,000
Motion Picture Profits $ 23,800,000
less 30% Distribution Fee $ 7,140,000
$ 16.660,000
T.V., Cable and Video Net $ 14,000,000
Ttotal Net $ 25.340,000
Less : Investors Capital $ 4,000,000
Net Profit $ 21.340.000
Producers Split @ 50% $ 10,,670,000
Investment Companies' Return $ 10,670,000
Lsss :..General Partners Split @ 15% $ 1,600,500
Investors Return $ 9,069,500

These are only projections and are for informational purposes

only. An investment made, based solely on these prxyiections
would be unadvisable as actual performance could vary greatly.


(May 20, 1987)

The undersigned, intending to be legally bound , in consideration

of his admission as a participant in the j o i n t venture to be
known a s "POWER PRODUCTIONS I" and receipt of a profit/loss
distribution share of % of ___________ such joint venture,
hereby declares and acknowledges his intent to participate in
such joint venture and hereby covenants and agrees to contribute
the sum of $_______________________ to the capital of such
joint venture, which sum shall constitute his initial capital account
in such joint venture.

This Letter of Intent is entered into by the undersigned upon the

following general understanding:

Power Productions I will be a joint venture to be formed under

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the laws of Pennsylvania, having the specific purpose to invest

(loan) its funds to MUTANIA PRODUCTIONS, INC. t o finance such
corporation's production of a motion picture. The joint venture
shall receive full repayment of its investment from MUTANIA
PRODUCTIONS, INC. before the distribution of any profits to any
party. Thereafter, the joint venture shall receive 50% of the
profits from such motion picture of which 85% shall be
distributed to the non-managing joint ventures (including the
undersigned) and 15% shall be distributed to Stanley J.
Caterbone as the Managing Joint Venturer of Power Productions I.
The joint venture shall have a right of first refusal to finance the
next movie production of MUTANIA PRODUCTIONS, INC. and/or

The undersigned agrees that he will execute and deliver a

counter-counterpart of the joint venture agreement (which shall
be consistent with the above general understanding) and that he
will execute and deliver all documents required for the joint
venture to elect not to be taxed as s a partnership.

Contemporaneous with the execution of this letter of intent, the

undersigned is contributing 10% of his total agreed contribution,
or $__________________, within fifteen (15) days from the date
hereof, time being of the essence, the undersigned shall
contribute the 90% balance, or $_____________________ .
Such contribution shall be held by Stanley J. Caterbone at
interest pending completion of all negotiations and execution and
delivery of all documents with MUTANIA PRODUCTIONS INC..

If such negotiations, delivery and execution are not completed

within thirty (30) days after the full contribution is made, the
entire contribution, with all interest earned thereon, shall be
returned to the undersigned without demand. Stanley J.
Caterbone shall be responsible for collection, receipt, interim
investment and management, and ultimate investment or return
of all funds contributed, and shall be the Managing Joint Venturer
of the joint venture.

The undersigned hereby authorizes and empowers Stanley J.

Caterbone to negotiate, execute, and deliver all documents
necessary or required to implement the joint venture purpose
and to take all other actions and negotiate, execute and deliver
all other documents necessary or desirable to implement of
effectuate the joint venture purpose.

NAME:_________________________(L.S.) Date: May



CITY:____________________ STATE:_________


May 20, 1987

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Mr. Stanley J, Caterbone, President

FMG Advisory, Inc.
Eden Park II, 1755 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

For Professional Services rendered in connection with Power

Productions Including conference, preparation of Letter of Intent,
and express mailing, and follow-up telephone check.

Professional Fee 250.00

U.P.S. 8 .95


May 23, 1987

Mr. Stan Caterbone

Financial Management Group
1755 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, Pa. 17601

Dear Stan:

At your request Ive investigated the requirements of the

Completion Bond. Bert Schneiderman of Worldwide Completion
Services in New York has given me a figure of 5*5%, excluding
contingencies, with a 50% No Claims Bonus, Since Bert also owns
Bon Bon Payroll Service he has agreed to waive the payroll fee if
we xise their bonding service.

Requirements: They need copies of the budget and/or production

board revenues for the director and producers as well as copies
of their contracts and any other production agreements which
have been completed.

Further they need to know when we will commence principal

photography, editing location and if we intend to have a
distribution deal up front.I spoke to Jerry Vandersonde and Bill
Hudson of DeWitt Stern Insurance in Los Angeles, who were
recommended by Worldwide. Since I couldn't show him a budget
or a script we did some educated guessing and came up with a
figure of approximately $75,000. The Production Package policy
should include: General liability, cast insurance* negative film,
faulty stock and camera processing, props, sets, wardrobe,
rented equipment, extra expenses, third party property damage,
non-owned auto, Errors and Omissions including a one year bond
and a minimum workmen's comp policy for anything that is not
covered by workmen's comp.

I understand you're going to Wildwood this weekend. We need to

house a crew of about 60-80, production offices, catering service,
We'd like to get as many free extras as possible and need high
quality promo type giveaways. For screen credit, of course. If you
have any such contact we'll need mutant dolls (500?) and if you
can help bring down location costs that would be great. I'm
talking about beaches, amusements, the pier parking facilities.
Probably well handle that better next week when we can talk in

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Arlene Davidson



May 23, 1987

Ms. Ellen Libman

Power Station, Inc.
441 West 53rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10019

Dear Ellen:

Barbara and I have mapped out a skeleton schedule for our trip
to New York and I thought I'd send it off and see if it works for
everyone else. By the way, we've decided to stay in New York
until Tuesday instead of Monday as originally planned.

Arrive about 3:00PM. You have the exact time since you've
booked our flights. Please let us know if someone will pick us up
or if we should take a taxi, We'll come to Power Station and give
you and Tony copies of the script and budget, which we'd like you
to read Thursday night, Barbara and I have a dinner meeting with
a Director of Photography.

Leave for .New Jersey in the morning. Discuss script and budget,
Meet Mayor of Wildwood and bring him a synopsis of script which
he has requested. , Meet with Steve Garelick, the Production
Coordinator of the New Jersey Film Commission. Look at

Stan Caterbone arrives in New Jersey. Meet the rep from Maury's
Pier to discuss location costs. Check out hotels for crew and cast.
Last minute details in New Jersey, Leave for New York around
noon. Meetings at Power Station for final discussions About
script, budget, contracts, etc.

Tuesday Afternoon - Leave New York approximately 4PM to arrive

Los Angeles about 5 pm.

Cc: Stan Caterbone

Barbara Peters

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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1987 SONY Joint Venture Page 18 of 18

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1992 CCHR Complaint Page 1 of 7

To Visit The Citizens Commission on Human Rights Go To

CCHR Abuse Case Interview Form (ver. 1.0), Jan, 1, 1992

No Proof or Edit

Citizens Commission on Human Rights

6362 Hollywood Boulevard,
Suite B Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: (213) 467-4242 Fax: (213) 467-3720

NAME: Stan J. Caterbone AGE: 33

ADDRESS: 615 Wyncroft Lane, Apt. 2
CITY: Lancaster STATE: PA ZIP: 17603
WORK PHONE: (717) 392-3682 ' HOME PHONE: Same
FAX: (717) 392-0532

DATE: January 1, 1991

FORM FILLED OUT BY: Stan J. Caterbone

Brief summary of abuse (Drugs, Electric Shock Treatment,

Psychiatric Rape, Confinement):
Fabricated allegations of suicide, "going to the beach with a
gun to kill himself", made by James Warner on August 12,
1987 to the Stone Harbor Police Department. Incarcerated and
taken to the Burdette Tomlin Hospital in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey, on August 12, 1987 by Officer Steve O'Conner and
Henry Stanford of the Stone Harbor Police Department, and
accompanied by Steve and Tom Caterbone (brothers). Hospital
officials refused to release me, and after several hours, I was
forced into signing a contract with the hospital that said "I,
Stanley J. Caterbone will not take my life tonight or anytime"
as a requirement for my release. [SEE PAGES 40 TO 41 OF
20, 1991]

On September 9th, 1987, I was denied bail for again fabricated

criminal charges of September 3, 1987, (all charges dropped in
March of 1988) unless I admitted myself into the Psychiatric
Unit of St. Joseph Hospital in Lancaster, PA. Officials of the
Lancaster County Prison, attorney Robert Byers, Mary Lynn
DiPaolo, Dr. Al Shulz, Yolanda Caterbone (Mother), and
Michael Caterbone (brother) all collaborated that the only way
bail would be allowed to be posted is by admitting myself,
voluntarily, into the Hospital. After learning that the
requirment (hospitalization), for posting bail was not required,
I released myself from the hospital. During the five days of
hospitalization, I was made to take lithium several times per
day. I was also denied any opportunity to communicate with
any attorneys or representatives regarding any of my legal

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On June 7, 1991, I was again incarcerated and arrested on

fabricated charges, again by the Stone Harbor Police, again by
Officer Henry Stanford, for driving while under the influence.
During a sobriety test on the sidewalk, I again asked Officer
Stanford what the charges were and he replied "It doesn't
matter, it is my word against yours, -and we know who they
will believe, remember '87. When I passed two breathalizer
tests (.08), Officer Stanford refused to release me and I was
placed in a holding cell. After several hours, an Officer
McLaughlin arrived from the Avalon Police Department, with a
warrent for my arrest, for outstanding warrents (fabricated
traffic violations of August 14, 1987), which attorney Byers
had since said were dropped, and again placed under arrest.
The two officers, McClaughlin (Avalon, NJ) and Stanford (Stone
Harbor, NJ) requested $340.00 for bail. I requested to go to
my car for the cash, which was one block away, and Officer
McGlaughlin refused stating "you may have a gun in the car". I
was taken to the Cape May County Prison, fingerprinted and
improsoned until the next day. I posted bail the following day.

On September 3, 1987, I was arrested for burglarizing my own

leased property, charged with stealing my own property,
charged with destroying my own property, charged with
terrorizing my own employee, who I kissed goodbye, and
awaited for her safe return into my building, and charged with
making an alleged bomb threat to my own place of business,
by the Manhiem Township Police Department, the Lancaster
District Attorney, District Justice Murray Horton, and District
Justice Richard Reeser. [SEE PAGES 44 TO 45 OF ROY

On December 4, 1987 at the annual shareholders meeting of

Financial Management Group, Ltd., the company that I had
founded, Mr. Robert Kauffman conveniently arranged and hired
armed security guards stand _at the entrance of the meeting.
This strategy was used for the sole purpose of purporting and
supporting his fabricated allegations of criminal misconduct
and mental illness of myself, by suggesting that I was going to
attend the meeting, which was perfectly within my rights, as a
20% shareholder of Financial Management Group, Ltd., the
Executive Vice President, and Secretary, and President of FMG
Advisory. Mr. Kauffman attempted to insinuate that I was
contemplating attending the meeting in order to cause
violence. I did not attend the meeting, nor had any plans to do

In March of 1991, David D. Dering, the president of American

Helix Technology Corporation, told all employees during a
special staff meeting, that I "was a runaway ex-convict that
would end up in jail soon, and that I was "bad news". Mr.
Dering also spent approximately 20 minutes slandering my
character, my reputation, and my business activities. Mr.
Dering was threatened by my disclosure of filing a civil Anti-
Trust suit against American Helix and High Industries, its
parent company, for allegations of conspiracy to sabotage my
business activities in 1987 with "Digital Technologies", which
resulted in the formation of American Helix, by persons which
were involved in my business affairs in 1987, and which was

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my business. (Scott Robertson, Robert Long, Norris Boyd, High


On July 6, 1987 in the first conversation with Dr. Al Shulz since

'November of 1986, Stan Caterbone learned that numerous
persons, including Mary Lynn DiPaolo and Jere Sullivan had
personally called Dr. Shulz and fabricated allegations of mental
illness in the previous' days. Dr. Al Shulz also accused Stan
Caterbone of suffering from "illusions of grandure", and did not
believe any of his extensive business dealings, specifically the
"Digital" movie and its related activities. [SEE PAGES 34 TO

On or about July 30, 1987 Stan Caterbone retained the

services of Dr. Marshall Levine, a psychiatrist from Northfield,
NJ, to conduct an objective review of his mental state of mind,
soley to discredit the fabricated allegations of mental illness.
Dr. Levine conducted a 2 hour interview at his home in Stone
Harbor, NJ and requird Stan Caterbone to complete the MMPI
test. Stan Caterbone also paid Dr. Marshall Levine a $600 fee
for the services. After submitting the MMPI test, and not
hearing from Dr. Levine, Stan Caterbone finally called Dr.
Levine for the results. Dr. Levine had disclosed that he had
conducted telephone interviews with family members, without
the consent or knowledge of Stan Caterbone, and specifically
not adhering to the original agreement of a complete objective
and impartial review. Dr. Levine prescribed Lithium drugs, and
would not send any written communications regarding his
findings or conclusions. Stan Caterbone requested for a refund
of all monies paid, however Dr. Marshall Levine refused. [SEE

It should be noted that I have never been convicted of any

crime, before or after the above occurences. In fact, I have
never had any altercation with the law before the above
incidents, except for a few speeding violations that dated back
to 1982.

Many other incidents described in detail in Roy Griffen's

chronology of events of December 20, 1991.

When did the abuse occur?

See above.

List the names of the psychiatrists involved:

Name Office/Hospital Phone
Dr. Al Schulz St. Joseph Hospital (717) 291-8083
Dr. Marshall Levine Northfield, NJ forthcoming

List the names of any other people involved:

Name, Phone (All parties below have supported and or
fabricated allegations of insanity, and or psychiatric treatment)
Michael Hartlett, (717) 898-560-4499
Mary Lynn DiPaolo, (717) 569-0022
Michael DiPaolo, (717) 569-0022
Jere Sullivan, (703) 579-6143
James Warner, (717) 397-9968
Detective Sigler, (717) 569-6401
Robert Kauffman, (717) 569-560-8300
Detective Mathias, (717) 569-6401
Howard Eisler, (717) forthcoming
David Drubner, (203) 753-9292

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Yolanda Caterbone, (717) 394-7710

Steven Caterbone, (305) 751-0352
Phillip Caterbone(717) forthcoming
Thomas Caterbone, (717) 299-5194
Robert Beyers, (717) 394-7204
David D. Dering, (717) 392-7840
Allon Lefever, (717) 293-4444
Scott Robertson, (717) 393-8082
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Roda, (717) 394-1160
Linda Murphy Berger, forthcoming
Karen Hickman, (717) forhtcoming
Michelle Hodge Miller, (213) 546-5124
Ronald Roda, (717) 299-5469
Wayne Landis, (717) 843-9227
Art Kerst (717) 392-4797
Evelyn Sullivan, (717) 392-3221
Benjamin Roda, (717) 392-9999
Joseph Roda (717) 397-3791
Amy Hinterlighter, (215) 640-4852
Dan Moyer (717) 295-1200
Jack Mahn (609) 368-1551
Bob Walters forthcoming
Victor Makarowicz (717) 569-8296
Herb Fisher (717) 394-6463
Fred Martin (FBI) (717) 232-8686
Jeff Jamounou (717) 232-8000
Sen. Gib Armstrong forthcoming
Steven Hobday (717) 393-8637
Cristine Housner (717) 293-9293
District Justice Murray Horton forthcoming
District Justice Richard Reeser forthcoming
James Christian forthcoming
Lt. Madenspacher (717) 569-6401
Richard Hobday (717) 393-8637
Tim Hogentogler (717) 569-8057
John Baumgardner forthcoming
Daniel Berger (717) 872-1313
Alan Loss (717) 560-4499
Nancy Arment (717) 872-9355
Omar Landis (717) 859-5466
Peter Peneros (717)295-1200
John M. Wolf II 393-5601
Chuck Smith (717) 569-5341
Peter Wolfson (717) 299-6615, (717) 569-5341
Craig Russell (717) 293-9293
Rich Braverman (717) 295-1200
Dr. William Umiker (717) 394-9936
William Kogler (404) 951-0600
Claude Pea (404) 951-0600
Thomas Flannery forthcoming
Jay Curtis forthcoming
Mike Kawahara forthcoming
Benjamin Phister forthcoming
Mike Hess (717) 299-7382
Bruce Kline forhtcoming
John DePatto forhtcoming
Michael McDonald forthcoming
Lewis Schweller (609) 645-1111
Michael Orstein forthcoming
Mr. Tottaro, Asst. District Attorney (Lancaster) forthcoming
Marc Finegold (717) 392-7840
Pete Richter (717) 394-0547
Farmers First Bank (717) 394-0547
Jill Carson (Fulton Bank) forthcoming
Norris Boyd (717) 569-0484 Cliff Weaver forthcoming

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Ric Fox (717) 774-5244 Detective Bodan,

PA Attorney Generals Office forthcoming

Give the sequence of the abuse in detail from the beginning to

end, providing the dates for all occurrences and the names of
the people involved in each occurrence.
See Roy Griffen's Chronology of December 20, 1991, pages 1
to 88.

Date Occurrence
See Roy Griffen's Chronology of December 20, 1991, pages 1
to 88

List out the specific harms resulting from the psychiatric

treatment which you are aware of:
Loss of professional and personal ruputation. Loss of income.
Extreme sense of cuation when engaging in interpersonal
relationships. Extreme loss of respect among personal and
professional peers. Complete and thourough mistrust for
psychiatric profession. Sense for the inadequate and abuse of
psychiatric diagnosis, and familiarity and personal experience
of psychiatric abuse in order to support political, financial, and
or personal agendas and gains. Extreme loss of dignity.
Extreme loss of respect. Permanent psychological scares from
experience. Extreme mental duress, stress, and other related
anxieties. Complete loss of faith of Psychiatric profession and
related supporting systems, including law enforcement,
judicial, and legislative, considering the pleas for help to
resolve the criminal conspiracy in the early stages of July,

Loss of Patent and intellectual property rights of Financial

Management Group, Ltd., and Digital technologies, including
the PSDMS (Power Station Digital Movie Sound).
Loss of Accumulated Business assets worth at least

Do you have government connections personally or through

family members? If so, what?
-Federal contracts with the National Institute of Standards and
Technology for CD-ROM manufacturing. Procurement for same
with the Defense Mapping Agency of the Department of
Defense. Phillip Caterbone (brother), fellowship with the
National Institute of Health of Bethesda, Maryland (1990-
1991). Samuel A. Caterbone (brother), military service, USAF
(1969-1971). Samuel Caterbone, Jr., (father), alleged
association with the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA,
(disclosed by Dominic Roda, uncle & Godfather, on November
17, 1991, and by Midge Caterbone, aunt, on November 22,
1991. Both persons acknowledged the time period of 1974 to
1981 where the whereabouts of Sameul Caterbone Jr. were
unknown to all persons, including all family members.

Do you have family or friends who think you should undergo

further psychiatric treatment?
See list. All persons have advocated the use of medication.
Reasons were never disclosed. The persons would especially
disclose the belief for psychiatric treatment when I persued
legal recourse for activities of 1987.

In all of the events, activities, and incidents described herein,

No one, has ever stated any particular event or incident to
support the many allegations of mental illness. Any allegations,
the suicide, financial bankruptcy, and others, have always
been proven to be fabricated, and I have always had sufficient

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evidence that they were fabricated. However, to this day, I,

have never had any opportunity to discuss all related affairs,
contained herein, with the exception of the 4 hour meeting on
September 29, 1987, with the Pennsylvania Securities
Commission. However, after that meeting, I have not heard
from the investigator, Mr. Howard Eisler, or any representative
of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, until 2 months
later, when I recieved a notice to put my complaint into

In addition, during the preliminary hearing of the criminal

charges of September 3, 1987, my alleged attorney, Robert
Byers, refused to discuss any of my defenses, including that I
was legally never terminated from the FMG, Ltd., Board of
directors, that I was an indiviual leaseholder of the building I
allegedly burglarized, that all of the files taken were my
property, as well as others.

How do you feel about what psychiatry did to you?

Ruined my life, my businesses, my opportunity for income, and
virtually all relationships encountered prior to 1987. Loss of all
personal assets, including homes, monies, and business
accomplishments. It is the single most reason for the lack of
any type of quality of life, which I presently am deprived,
which will soon result in becoming homeless.

Have you contemplated taking any action against the

psychiatrist or do -you want to take action? If so, what?
Yes, civil suits to recover financial damages, personal and
professional reputation, and punative damages for extreme
emotional and mental duress.

Any other comments or information you would like to provide?

This case is directly involved with a "Cover-Up" (criminal
conspiracy) to supress my knowledge and allegations of
misconduct of International Signal & Control (ISC), which I
made public in May of 1987, and to ISC executive Larry Resch
on June 23, 1987, during a meeting at my office. I was a
shareholder of ISC stock during that time. In addition, Jere
Sullivan and James Warner, both of whom personally
fabricated allegations of isanity, were directly involved with
ISC. Jere Sullivan worked for United Chem Con, (Guerin
company), and has been a business partner of Mr. Larry Resch
since 1987. James Warner (Lancaster Solid Waste
Management Authority) was working with attorny Steve
Spinello, of the law firm of Hartman, Underhill, & Brubaker, on
the $50 million incinerator. Steven Spinello was also
negotiating the ISC merger with Ferranti International, of
London, during the time inwhcih I made allegations of
misconduct regarding Mr. James Guerin, ISC, and United Chem
Con. During this same time, Mr. James Warner made repeated
allegations of insanity, and also officially reported a fabricated
allegation of suicide to authorities of the Stone Harbor Police
Department, of New Jeresy. Ferranti and ISC finally merged
the following November, of 1987. In September of 1987, I
made allegations of fruad within ISC to Howard Eisler, an
investigator with the Pennsyvania Securities Commission,
during a 4 hour meeting in my home, 'that was solicited by the
Pennsylvania Securities Commission.

All allegations of insanity (surfacing in July of 1987 and

continuing to present), conveniently discredited all of my
allegaitons of misconduct within ISC, its executives, and its
operations, as well as my allegations of criminal conspiracy
and fruad by Robert Kauffman, Michael Hartlett, FMG, Ltd.,

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1992 CCHR Complaint Page 7 of 7

executives, Commonwealth National Bank, as well as all other

related parties.
In 1989, Ferranti disclosed allegaitons of the "Billion Dollar
Fraud" by James Guerin and ISC, by inflating the value of ISC
related contracts.

On October 31, 1991, ISC founder James Guerin, Larry Resch,

and 17 others were indicted by a Philadelphia Federal Grand
Jury on charges of a "$ 1.14 Billion Fraud (Ferranti/ISC Merger
of November, 1987)" and the illegal sales of Arms to South
Africa and Iraq. Mr. Guerin and Mr. Resch have since pleaded
guilty to all charges.

Thank you for filling out this survey. Please send it to us in the
enclosed self addressed envelope.

As per my conversation with your representative on December

16, 1991, I would expect to receive a copy of your findings,
reports, and or conclusion of your investigation, for myself, as
well as my legal representatives, and or their agents.

Audio tapes of authentic recorded conversations of above

incidents, forthcoming. In addition, I possess the following
information assets, which, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
collaborate, support, and prove all of the preceding:

Paper Documents
Audio Transcripts
VHS Video
CD Audio
9-Track Tape
CD-ROM/CDTV Demo Discs
Full Color Photographs
News Articles
Appr. 18 Hours
9,079 Images
50 Hours
150 Megabytes (1 disc)
60 Minutes (1 disc)
2 Reels- Appr. 5 0 400 Appr. 200

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Had Lancaster Lost It's ... Page 1 of 12


Authored in May of 1998
Advanced Media Group

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to

improve the lot of others, or strikes out against
injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And
crossing each other from a million different centers
of energy and daring, those ripples build a current
which can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression.. by Robert F. Kennedy

In 1987 This Plaintiff Had Unjustly Lost His Freedoms, His

Rights, And His Pursuit Of Life, Liberty And Justice.

The following report (most identities purposely omitted from

this version) is an amazingly true and factual account of an
extraordinarily bizarre tragedy that has turned one mans life
into an eleven (11) (Now 20) year free fall into Dantes Hell.

On the surface, this is a story of a victim struggling to seek the

truth, but in reality, the evidence will conclude that this is a
victim, literally, held hostage by virtue of his truth. Later, the
preponderance of evidence that the victim has amassed and
his obsession for meticulously documenting his ordeal might
seem eccentric, yet his demonstrated ability to react to events
before they unfold appears mystical. And this was his manner
in which he tactfully defended and protected his life. It is these
actions that have painted the landscape with a dire vengeance
for his ruin. His actions will ultimately serve to protect,
preserve, and foster the truth of his story, incriminating the
culpability of his many perpetrators, while at the same time
being twisted and tainted in a relentless manner to attack his

This is a story of a human being endearing for his rights, living

in fear of his life, and the remedial actions required for the
truth to set him free. A victim forever believing in his
accomplishments and his visions, yet forced to adhere to a life
of their diversions. Fatefully, ten years after being taken as a
political hostage, with the aid of numerous arrests and false
imprisonments conveniently falling short convictions , a
Federal Judge, Judge Stuart Dalzall, of the Eastern District
Court of Pennsylvania, opened a Pandoras Box into the true
colors of the inner workings and politics of ultra conservative
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. A supposedly Gods country.
His findings reeled a dramatic and emotional response from
the Lancaster County community that was akin to the
assassination of JFK . A community where obstructions of
justice strikes a startling and stark contrast to the image it so
desperately embraces. A community proud of its tough on

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Had Lancaster Lost It's ... Page 2 of 12

crime judges, a community of plain folks and Amish, and a

community settled in a beautiful landscape abundant in an
agricultural bounty. This is not a community of compromising
integrity. Or so it has been perceived.

Judge Dalzalls extremely controversial findings were

responsible for Pennsylvanias own crafting of the Laurie Bill,
the retaliation by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania intended
to curb the Federal Courts interference within the respective
states own jurisdictions and proceedings. Or was it a political
maneuver to close the lid on Pandoras Box? The
Pennsylvania Attorney General and the Lancaster County
District Attorney have both thrown all their might and all their
muscle at turning the tides of Judge Dalzalls findings. This
story and this victims rights have been violated and abused by
some of the very same principals that were responsible for
Judge Dalzalls unsettling revelations. Lancaster County
prosecutors were found to have engaged in one of the grossest
acts of prosecutorial misconduct found in the English speaking
language, which allegedly occurred in this now famous Lisa
Michelle Lambert case, a murder trial which began in the
summer of 1992. Subsequently, it is now in the midst of a
treacherous appeal process convened by Judge Dalzall. And if
so by fate, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of the
Freedom Fighters.

It is this public disclosure, that casts a new light and sudden

hope for freedom into this victims unbelievable and horrid
story, that begun just four years prior to the murder of Laurie
Show. It is the decisive similarities of how both victims were
subjected to a very calculated and politically motivated
attempts to frame and fabricate circumstances to obtain
the results that justified the means for illicit self-serving
interests. This very same conduct, committed by public
servants, elected and enlisted to enforce the law, to which
Judge Dalzell found so appalling. Conduct, which violated the
very same rights their respective offices are commissioned to
protect. Conduct which strikes the meaning of We The People
from our nations very own Constitution.

Fortunately, this victims story is laced with a thread of faith, a

faith in God. And because of his faith, this victim will forever
regard Lisa Michelle Lambert and Laurie Show as his little
Angels of Justice, a Godsend. An answer to his many
prayers, that for the first time in ten years provided a small
glimmer of hope, and a few moments of solitude that have
materially justified his own tragic experience. The realization
that the truth is that much more believable because of the
trials and tribulations of Lisa Michelle Lambert. Unfortunately,
this revelation came at the unfortunate and untimely death of
Laurie. However, it just may be Gods intentions of a Higher

This story was perpetuated through a gross miscarriage of

justice: a tenure of malicious wrongdoing by both the law
enforcement community of Lancaster County and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as community leaders.
A process that continues obstruct this victims rights for
justice. Its mannerisms reach into the inner soul of political
and judicial corruption. All in the name of greed, and all in the
honor of continuing the status quo of the Good Ole Boys club
of Lancaster County. A process obsessed with keeping its
disclosure from escaping beyond the confines of Pandoras
Box. Its a tenure of power that evolved from the days of this
countrys earliest settlers, but an evolution that has

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Had Lancaster Lost It's ... Page 3 of 12

somewhere strayed away from the intent of our constitution;

with total disregard for the law, in total disrespect for the
Constitution, and void of many of our civil liberties. This
atrocity, like the Lambert case, would have made our founding
forefathers revel in disgust and bellow in despair. In fact, their
spirits and energies probably are!

The central issue in this story, is a cover up, a cover up of
mass proportions, and of perplexing design, with national
consequences. The fact of the matter is that this cover up has
had ramifications throughout this world, specifically the Middle
East The cover up would be emphatically unbelievable without
the wealth of evidence, especially the recorded conversations
with Pennsylvania officials. A cover up that permeates from
what will later emerge as the 4th largest financial fraud (Billion
Dollars) in the history of the United States coupled with the
covert sales of arms to Iraq. And five years after this cover up
began, these same munitions were used against our own
troops in the Persian Gulf War. And of course, there are
admitted ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the
National Security Agency (NSA).. And this cover up and story,
which began in June of 1987, in Lancaster County, preceded
criminal indictments by the United States Attorney General,
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Justice and
Commerce, and more. A vast array of criminal activities
conspired from the ultra conservative Lancaster County, where
God is supposedly supreme, and its hard line approach to
crime is said to be preeminent. In June of 1987, Lancaster
County was immersed in a dynamic twist of fate, with a host of
players which may never be fully identified.

The irony of this story is how Lancaster County manages the

disclosure of the very same criminal activities that this story
proves that it condoned, prior to the intervention of federal
authorities. It most dramatically will prove the nature of its
integrity, or lack thereof. International Signal & Control, (ISC)
is the controversial player in this web of conspiracy. In 1987,
the third largest employer in Lancaster County, a non-discrete
defense contractor. In all due respect to our beloved country,
this report is in no way challenging the policies or the activities
of the Department of Defense, or the vast agencies of the
Intelligence Community, especially the CIA or the NSA
(National Security Advisory). with regards to ISCs foreign
dealings. Trying to protect the world of malicious and evil
empires is a process which never ends, and whos players are
constantly changing. And our respective intelligence agencies
are continually challenged with the task of trying to make a
difference, in accordance with protecting our national security.
Unfortunately, given the nature of their discrete activities, and
given the CIAs history of avoiding congressional approval in
certain situations, our current laws are void of effectively
dealing with the peripheral catastrophes of such activities that
inherently transpire. The CIA remains immune, while everyone
outside suffers the consequences.

The fact that the CIA, or anyone of the other intelligence

community, may have been involved, does not grant a blanket
of immunity over activities which were not material to
protecting our national security. If a company provides a
service to anyone in the intelligence community, our
constitution, our laws, and its respective commercial
regulatory authorities, must still have the full sense of their
jurisdiction. The intelligence community may not have the

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right of intervention into the commercial enterprise, or

organization, circumventing the rights of its employees,
shareholders, creditors, and customers. No United States law
or statute suggests that there is any involuntary mandate that
requires any of the preceding to compromise their interests in
the respective enterprise for the sake of national security, or
the respective intelligence agency. There must be
considerations paid to all involved for those rights and
interests that compromise such a relationship. Otherwise, the
CIA could effectively gain control of any domestic corporation
it so desires, without ever owning one share of its outstanding
stock, simply by enlisting its product or services for the sake of
national security. The CIA requires a formal vehicle to enlist
the aid of our domestic commercial enterprises. ISC is a
proven and unfortunate example of that.

This victim was a shareholder of record of International Signal

& Control (ISC) for the previous four years prior to when this
tragic ordeal began. The victim was to purchase the stock from
now Republican Pennsylvania Senator Gib Armstrong, who was
in the brokerage business at the time and selling ISC stock.
The stock was sold over the London Securities Exchange,
supposedly for reasons to suppress information. The victim
was interested in the stock because of his appetite for
technology, and was more curious about the business of ISC,
than anything. In fact, the victim had never made any
inference to any of the illicit dealings with Iraq. However, the
perpetrators of this story, attempt to hide behind a vale of
national security," in an effort to find legal immunity from all
wrongdoing. In accordance, the record will prove that this is
merely a smoke screen used to intimidate and obstruct the
victims access for due process of the law.

The trials and tribulations of this victim are unprecedented in

terms of emotional and psychological duress, fortunately his
indestructible faith in God, and his enduring belief in himself
and the truth, endures his life. There was one attempt on the
his life, days within the public disclosure of the CIAs
involvement with the local Lancaster County defense
contractor (ISC), which Ted Kopel reported on ABC News
Nightline, on May 23, 1991, 4 years after the initial cover up
began. This story will depict a series of systematic and
strategic offensive attacks upon this victim and his businesses
that will result failed business enterprises, and a Hollywood
motion picture, deserted. An impeccable professional
reputation and a flawless credit rating purposely sabotaged.
Financial opportunities, that in 1987, were almost impossible
to extrapolate, Vast financial opportunities and aspirations
forever a part of history. This horrendous
crime was perpetrated for the interest of a cover up, further
protecting the corrupt enterprises of Lancaster County's
International Signal & Control (ISC). A quest for justice that
polarized every relationship the victim maintained, in
Lancaster County and beyond, including friends and family.
This story demonstrates a methodology of his perpetrators for
keeping this victim quarantined from justice and public
disclosure, through a malicious means of credibility
proponents, and horrendously deceptive tactics. Financial
motives prominently displayed in the hands of all of the
perpetrators, which absolves the burden for a traditional

The emotional response to the truth of this story is compelling,

to say the least. Subsequently, the startling keen sense of
perception that the victim had demonstrated, is even more

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intriguing. It is this extraordinary quality that is responsible for

saving his life, while yet at the same time providing his
perpetrators with an alibi and a vehicle for discrediting his
startling allegations and his story. This story embellishes a
dichotomy of perception that had Hollywood producers from
his film project call his work genius, while his perpetrators
from the Lancaster County Community conveniently and
maliciously labeling him as insane and emotionally

The perplexing question of the victims intelligence, or lack
thereof, is best analyzed as a question of perception. However
it terms of the legal consequences of the activities contained
herein, they are of little if any relevancy. The fact of the
matter is that the mental deficiencies have very little
relevancy to this story, other than serving as a means to
discredit the victim, a vehicle to facilitate the cover up, and a
blanket of immunity for all of the perpetrators.

The heart of this victims legal dogma is best described as

follows: If a person, is perceived to have a mental
deficiency; yet whose actions and decisions are always proven
to be instinctually and amazingly prudent, always abiding
within the law, and in the best interest of his affairs, what
rights and protection do the laws afford him from persons
abusing that perception, in order to yield political and financial
rewards, as a direct consequence of his demise? Furthermore,
how does the law protect his rights, if any and all malicious
acts against this victim, are constantly and immediately
disregarded because he is perceived to not to be credible? As
this story unfolds, these questions will become even more
troubling and appalling. Although the victim could never
describe the pain of his trauma, he would often say that the
closest situation that may compare is that of a woman being
continuously raped, night after night, helplessly praying for
relief, struggling to free herself from her captor, all with no
avail. He would call it as being brain f------.

The victim, coming from the lower middle class of Lancaster

City, was only 29 years old when this tragedy began. Coming
from a broken home, he was the third of six boys. While at a
very young age, he would help his mother run a dry cleaning
business, in an amazing similarity like Lisa Michelle Lambert,
he had also nursed his mother during bouts of depression.
While in high school, he was nursing his mothers depression,
while at same time tending to his older brothers bouts of
schizophrenia. The victim had learned to listen to the
obscenities of mental illness since he was a child. He learned
to fill the shoes of his absent father in helping his mother raise
his three younger brothers.. The victim was often called the
little old man because of his extraordinary maturity as a
child. The victim was determined to break the barrier of the
Good Ole Boys club or the power elite, and had always felt a
sense of compassion for those less fortunate, and those
neglected by those of material means, the oppressed and
impoverished. He had an undivided aspiration to someday
make a difference to those that could not help themselves,
especially his older brother. Through his ingenious,
resourceful, and honest business approach, he was relentlessly
growing his business and their respective missions, in constant
reminder of his oppression. His in depth understanding of
computer technology and his vision were his most powerful
allies. Always pushing the envelope for advanced technologies
and seeking solutions for the most efficient means of his

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operations.. He knew that every break was going to be few

and far between, he dedication himself to his work, and
married his business affairs, always embracing his projects
with a passion.

In 1986, after serving on the Board of Directors for the Central

Pennsylvania Chapter of International Association of Financial
Planners (IAFP), the victim had made a large contribution to
increasing its membership and its awareness among local
professionals, as its vice president. In an effort to promote the
organization, the victim solicited a nationally recognized and
prominent financial planner from Washington, D.C., to be a
headline speaker at a dinner meeting. Ms. Alexandra
Armstrong, one of the most nationally recognized financial
planners, often headlined in Money Magazine, attracted 100
industry professionals to the Treadway Resort Inn. The
attendance was unprecedented for the local IAFP chapter. The
IAFP is the authoring organization for certification as a
financial planner. It was through the direct conversations with
Ms. Armstrong regarding his ideas and her experience, that
inspired the victim to pursue his ambitions of growing his own
financial firm, which he began in the following months.

Disgruntled with the conflicts of interest and the lack of

incentive for various professionals to work together in
managing ones wealth, a process which lacked efficiency, this
entrepreneur founded the firm Financial Management Group,
Ltd., or FMG as it was often called. The firm was to incorporate
a one-stop-shopping strategy and incorporate financial
services, legal, accounting, tax preparation, real estate,
insurance, mortgage banking, and estate services all in one
firm, all residing in one location, all taking advantage of the
synergistic approach toward managing wealth. And to provide
the professionals long term security and equity participation,
all participants were encouraged to purchase stock in the
company. This was a new and innovative approach that
attracted a lot of attention from investors and clients, but also
came a lot of nervous twitches from competitors, especially in
conservative Lancaster County.

The victim began recruiting professionals from all of the other

firms, with great success. He had enlisted two partners whom
he had worked with at IDS/American Express, to carry out his
mission, which he began after extensive market studies and
his early version of the company, Pro Financial Group, Ltd., His
two partners had followed the victim to an independent broker
dealer in Atlanta, named Financial Services Corporation, where
Ms. Alexandra Armstrong was associated, and encouraged the
victim to visit, during their discussion after dinner. Within one
year, by June of 1987, the firm had invested over $40 million
for respective clients.

The company had developed satellite offices throughout

Pennsylvania and in several other states, through his unique
design. This firm was causing the other financial services
companies and the local banks in Lancaster County a run for
their money. The firm had built a new 20,000 square foot
office building just a few miles north of the city. The firm was
attracting clients, associates, and nervous attention from, well
just about everybody. Considering the capabilities, legal, real
estate, insurance, financial services, accounting, FMG was
making as many enemies as it was making friends. And the
victim always believed in the premise that its always better to
have people talking about you, regardless of the matter, than
to have no one notice you. And they were talking. The victim

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was only in his late twenties when he started this

organization,. He held several positions, he was Executive Vice
President and Secretary of Financial Management Group Ltd,
and President of FMG, Advisory, Inc., which was one of the
many subsidiaries parent company owned. The victim acted as
the architect and legal administrator of the organization, in
addition to building his own financial planning clients. He filed
all of the articles of incorporation in the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania and submitted all of the tedious and rigorous
filings necessary for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission,
which were very demanding considering the victim was selling
stock of his company to his associates and investors. The
victim and his associates had also attracted some very
prominent Lancastrianss to invest in his venture, coming from
various professional circles, all infatuated with this
extraordinary and intriguing concept of this young victim. All
had seen its potential for success and financial reward.

Many of his friends were involved, and in Lancaster, everyone

knows everybody, so it seams.. And everyone talks, gossip is
as common as jogging. This exaggerated trait of Lancaster
County, will later to come back to haunt this victim, in a way
that is most sickening. In a way that will parallel the attitudes
and sentiments in the Lisa Michelle Lambert story.

In 1987, his business affairs were reaching a point of

incredible success. In fact, most of his family and friends, have
always questioned the merits of their legitimacy. He always
conducted his affairs with the presumption that time could not
afford the opportunity to complete his agenda, while at the
same time disclosing his business affairs to persons that were
not directly involved.. Accomplishing his mission was first and
foremost. But in Lancaster County, that was difficult.
Lancastrianss have a notion to fear what they dont know, and
will always believe what they think they know, regardless of
its merits. In Lancaster County new ideas are shunned unless
coming from their own, and their own ideas are often kept
close at bay, inhibiting progress and stymieing learning. By
June of 1987, a majority of his business affairs were conducted
out of the grasp of Lancaster County, his unknown activities
made others curious, especially in Lancaster County, where the
blessing of the power elite was essential for success. But, deep
down inside, he knew he could never be accepted, because he
did not descend from a family of social grace. This fueled his
aspirations for success even further, committed to prove that
intelligence was innate and learned, not a direct correlation to
material wealth or social grace.

One of his most cherished testimonials to his concept, his

reputation, and his mission, was provided by an elder
attorney, Mr. Kenellm Shirk, a very respected and prominent
older Lancaster attorney, who was part of the status quo. Mr.
Shirk had petitioned the Pennsylvania Bar Association, after
meeting with the victim, to obtain their blessing and their
knowledge of any laws which would forbid his firm to provide a
satellite office in the headquarters of Financial Management
Group, Ltd., (FMG) Mr. Shirks firm was to provide a partner,
and estate services to the clients of FMG. The Pennsylvania Bar
provided a lengthy recommendation that did not prohibit a
relationship, although cautioned it to proceed with careful
review. The fact that the very young and unknown victim could
attract an elder, conservative Lancaster County attorney to
associate with his firm was an encouraging sign of respect.
Ironically, Mr. Shirk is the father of Roy Shirk Jr., Lisa Michelle
Lamberts first attorney who represented her during trial of

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1992, the proceeding which was the center of Judge Dalzalls

controversial and appalling findings. The victim prided himself
on his entrepreneurship , and after building the foundation for
FMG, he set out to take advantage of its resources and its

By June of 1987, the victim had developed a fairly substantial

mortgage banking relationship with a Houston, Texas banker.
That operation was capable of providing lending to potential
developers and businesses in the range of $ 3 million to $100
million. And the lending packages were as competitive if not
more competitive than the local lending institutions of
Lancaster County, capable with even higher lending limits. In a
matter of months of securing this relationship, the victim and
his partner were evaluating deals from Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, New York, Florida, and as far away as California.

There was a uniqueness to his capabilities that was very

appealing to potential borrowers. Because of the vast array of
services of FMG, potential developers had the opportunity to
obtain both debt and equity financing through his companies.
In plain terms, most shopping centers raised capital by raising
funds through investors coupled with a mortgage. This gave
potential developers one place to take down the deal rather
than dealing with many other professionals at the same time.
It was a much more efficient process for all. The victim was
capable of providing a mortgage, while at the same time
selling shares in a shopping center through its vast client base
of investors at FMG. This also gave the victim a formidable
presence into the venture capital markets, by way of his strong
ability to raise capital through his vast portfolio of clients of
FMG. And this was a rarity that developers and investors
loved. Investors were attracted because they could invest in
equity type real estate projects with real sense of knowing the
developer, or kicking the bricks of the project. This was far
different than investing in a nationally syndicated project, with
properties scattered all over the country, and with developers
that they did not know. The synergistic approach to his
organization began paying dividends by developing other
peripheral markets and businesses.

Given the complex nature of the victims design of FMG,

internal struggles within the organization readily became the
challenge. Orchestrating the relationships among all of the
different professionals, and trying to adhere to the interests of
the clients, the professionals and of the firm, FMG, managing
the daily activities required immense thought and prudence on
the part of the principals. Of, course, the victim assumed
honesty and integrity to be a given. And for most it was.
However there were times when the senior partner engaged in
tactical rights of power.

In the later part of 1986, after the victim had developed FMG
to the point where its future was on stable grounds, his two
partners conveniently attempted to circumvent his position and
regain control of his stock and the firm. In fact, after the
victim refused to collaborate on a scheme to set up his other
partner, the remaining two partners began to attempt to
regain the victims control. Through intimidating techniques,
the partners began to attack his presence. The victim became
agitated, especially because he played the lead role and was
responsible for the formation of the company, methodically
designing and developing its foundation, with great success.
And now after the company was beyond its point of greatest
risk, due to in large part the victims efforts, the other two

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partners wanted to take advantage of his work, and take the

cream of the pie for their own financial gain. It was a difficult
task to carry out because the victim was the most respected of
all three partners, consistently keeping their respective policies
in the best interest of the firm and of the other associates and
stockholders. In fact, most feared that the loss of control of
the victim would ultimately lead to adverse consequences.
However the two partners trued unsuccessfully to weaken his
position, and when that didnt work, they focused on
weakening the victim, via intimidation and humiliation The
coup and hostile environment caused a state of depression for
the victim, although he kept to his daily duties and
responsibilities, accordingly, he called a client and friend who
was a psychiatrist, whom he trusted and respected. It was
easy access to a professional, yet on a very informal basis.
Because the victim had a family history of mental
deficiencies, he wanted to seek the proper help.

The psychiatrist had diagnosed the victim as having Bi Polar

Mood disorder. The psychiatrist had quickly discounted any
correlation between the current state of affairs, and his
partners abuse. The psychiatrist rationale was that because
the startup of the company was so successful in such a short
period of time , and his demonstrated intelligence and
creativity, the victim must have been in a state of mania, and
of course now, was subsiding in a state of depression, the
typical cycle for manic depressants. The victim complied with
the psychiatrist. And after refusing to sell out to his partners,
vowed to regain his business and rescind any efforts to give up
his claim to his accomplishments. The depression soon faded.
The victim never disclosed the fact that he had sought help to
anyone other than family members. This coup lead to the
victims aggressive approach to grow the business, and to
posture himself in projects that would ultimately remain in his
control, out of the influence of his partners. Particularly the
mortgage banking activities and the digital movie, which he did
successfully, but apparently too successfully.


Through an act of fate, in February of 1987, the victim found
himself in a meeting with Tony Bongiovi at Power Station
studios. Through one of his partners, he reluctantly traveled to
New York to consider financing a motion picture. The victims
own lack tolerance for the risk associated with film
investments was overshadowed by the opportunity to visit a
recording studio. Although his associate was a friend of Tonys,
he was not familiar with his accomplishments, or his work, so
he thought. If nothing else, it was a weekend away from
Lancaster, and a chance to visit the Big Apple. Intriguingly, he
found more than he had ever imagined on that weekend
excursion. Tony Bongiovi, a musical genius, whos credits
include one of the most recognized recording studios in the
country, Power Station Studios. Tony Bongiov produced the
sound track for Star Wars, and is responsible for the format
of one of the most successful recording artist of the 80s, Jon
Bon Jovi, his cousin. Power Station has recorded the albums
for some of the most influential artists of all time, including
Diana Ross, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Steve Winwood,
Bruce Springsteen, etc., Tony, an eccentric genius, of Italian
decent, had many talents, from music to aerospace
engineering. The victims associates sister met Tony while he
flew his plane into Lancasters airport for repairs. They dated
for some time and the victims associate and Tony became
friends, which led the victim to Tonys Power Station Studios.

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Tony was looking to finance his new project, which was to be

the first digital movie. And, given the victims extreme appetite
for technologies, coupled with his amazing sense of perception,
he dramatically recognized the future evolution for the
technical merits of delivering digital video and digital audio
entertainment to the mass markets. By June of 1987, the
victim was positioned as the Executive Producer, collaborating
with Flatbush Films of Hollywood California, the movie
producers, entrusted with the mission of finding investors to
provide funding for the first digital movie, and to manage the
ensuing business elements it required.

The movie was to be shot on-location at the Jersey shore

points, mostly in Wildwood. Tony strategically envisioned
making a movie in the horror genre. There were several
specific reasons that supported this strategy. First, he
determined that it was the least expensive format to produce,
we all estimated a budget of $4 million for the production and
post production. Secondly, the horror genre would compliment
a very intense sound track. The sound track was important to
enhance the new digital format, and also provide the means to
introduce a new band that he had been grooming in his studio
for the past several years, French Lick, his predecessor to
Bon Jovi. There had been bad blood between Tony and his
cousin Bon Jovi, which resulted in legal disputes pertaining to
Tonys financial interests in Jons success. It was an
unfortunate situation considering Tonys father and Jons father
were brothers living in the same area. It was a subject that
Tony never wanted to discuss, except for his contributions
toward Jons career.

If by another act of fate, the victim had the privilege of

meeting one of the many superstars while working at Power
Station studios. While growing up, at an early age, the victim
would sneak up into the bedroom of his oldest brother, and
start up his old General Electric stereo phonograph and listen
to his favorite album - Diana Ross and the Supremes. It was a
passion and a ritual that provided an early infatuation to
music, and to Diana Ross. The victim was only 10 or 11 years
old. And at this early age, he noticed and listened to the
annoying hiss, that conventional hiss that always seemed to
overshadow the music, whether played on an album, on the
radio, 8-track tape, or cassette.

And in a mystical twist of fate, while engrossed in a project

dedicated to delivering music without that hiss (digital) - the
victim opened the door to the recording suite to pack his bags
for the journey back to Lancaster; - and there she sat, with a
glowing array of beauty, more beautiful than any picture could
ever tell, Ms. Diana Ross. She was pregnant and in the middle
of a recording session, for a new album. Her assistant quickly
demanded, in a stern and protective voice, that we leave, and
the victim and his associate replied this is our makeshift
bedroom, we are just gathering our belongings. The victim
walked toward Diana Ross, who was seated near his bag, and
she asked and who are you?, the victim calmly replied his
name and absorbed as much of her beauty as his eyes could
behold before walking out the door. The room that was his
bedroom the nigh before, and suddenly transfixed into the
recording suite of Diana Ross, thinking back some twenty
years earlier, one of the many gifts that God would bestow
upon him. A living memorial and reminder to his older brother,
who died on Christmas day of 1985, his best friend who taught
him two of his greater pleasures in life, Diana Ross, and
listening to music. He prayed that his brother was watching

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from above.

And so, the digital movie project that the victim had embraced
in 1987 had personal significance, and he never ever doubted
his instincts regarding the technical merits of the project. The
victims perception that the entertainment industry would
deliver full length motion pictures in a truly digital medium will
later become a truly remarkable vision.

The technical merits of this project and at this particular time

with respect to the victims extreme sense of perception
require analysis. To truly understand this time perception,
some of the attributes of digital technologies need to be fully
understood. In 1987, Compact DISC (CD) technology was only
now being introduced to the commercial markets. The victims
own crafting of his joint venture proposals, dominated by the
term digital movie, is in itself some 4 or 5 years away. In
1987, there was very little use of the term digital, with the
exception of research and development engineers. The victim
will, throughout the documentation of this story, will have
preceded a terminology that has literally become the root of
most technological advancements in the computer and
telecommunications industries of our present day, 10 years
after the victims vision. Today, digital is found to be part of
or referred to in just about every product available in the
commercial markets.

During May of 1987, the victim had created a joint venture

proposal for SONY Entertainment, Inc., for the digital movie.
After weeks of researching the current state-of-affairs within
SONY, and after his proposal was completed, SONY publicly
announced their desire to open the markets for new and
emerging technologies on the cover of TIME magazine, another
demonstrated sense of perception. It was this proposal, when
delivered to one of the Hollywood producers in Santa Monica,
California, after reading a draft of the proposal she said you
are a genius. The proposal was introduced to Tony Bongiovi at
the Wildwood Boardwalk, where many of scenes were to be
shot, and he approved of the proposal and thought that it had
great merits. Tony, who wanted very to do with the business
elements of his project, gave the victim complete authority to
secure the financing of the project, with a salary as Executive
Producer, and a percentage of the profits on the back end.

After review of the victims research and proposals, his vision

and his passion, unfortunately without his efforts, has come to
be known as Direct Satellite System, or DSS, which is Sonys
satellite entertainment system (TV), delivering digital audio
and digital video entertainment. That technology is fast
eroding at the cable industry. The victim had his patent
research center around the PSDMS system, the Power Station
Digital Movie System. And that was in 1987, some seven years
before SONY delivered his dreams. Later the victim would also
accurately predict that the 90s would become the Information
Age because of the direct contributions and advancements of
digital technologies, which is directly responsible for the
development of the INTERNET.

The victims obsession with his digital movie has proven to

be one of his most remarkable demonstrations of his keen
sense of perception.

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|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Unix Tarpit Article Page 1 of 8

Escaping the UNIX1 Tar Pit

Producing CD-ROMs in the UNIX Environment
Authored & Published in January of 1991

Stan J. Caterbone
Director of CD-ROM Technologies for American Helix
Director of Advanced Media Group, Ltd.
1857 Colonial Village Lane
Lancaster, PA 17601.
Phone: (800) 525-6575
Fax: (717) 392-7897

John S. Garofolo
Computer Scientist
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Building,
Room A-216
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Phone: (301) 975-3193

UNIX is a trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc. (AT&T).

2Disclaimer: Certain trade names and company products are mentioned in the text
in order to adequately specify procedures and equipment used. In no case does
such identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the products are necessarily
the best available for the purpose.

Just when things are going smoothly, and we begin to feel a

little too comfortable and too confident with CD-ROM
technology, someone or something puts us in our place -- and
thankfully so. It's these challenges that facilitate our progress
toward broadening the horizons of CD-ROM technologies.

This article is intended to inform publishers and manufacturers

of the problems that can be encountered in using UNIX tar-
formatted files as a medium of data submission for CD-ROM
production and some of the issues confronting the next
generation of CD-ROM publishers. Databases developed on
non-DOS-based3 systems which have performance
requirements that exceed MS-DOS capabilities are becoming
more commonplace. Ironically, the existing CD-ROM
production infrastructure has been created and supported
primarily by DOS-based systems. Although we are making
progress in publishing data on other platforms, a large
majority of the CD-ROMs published today are still designed on
DOS machines for use on DOS machines. The current tendency
to link CD-ROM with DOS is making difficult the
implementation of CD-ROM technology on non-DOS systems
and, therefore, slowing its widespread acceptance. 3DOS is a
trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation
(IBM) and MS-DOS is a trademark of the Microsoft

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The ensuing paragraphs illustrate the need for the CD-ROM

industry become more in tune with the trends which are
shaping information technologies. CD-ROM, which is one such
information technology, is beginning to recruit a new breed of
both users and publishers, which are hoping that CD-ROM will
adapt to them, as opposed to them having to adapt to it. The
Automated Speech Recognition Group of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) is one such CD-ROM

The NIST Automated Speech Recognition Group

Sponsored in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency Information Science and Technology Office (DARPA-
ISTO), the group designs and implements methods of
performance evaluation for spoken language systems. These
systems consist of natural language understanding as well as
speech recognition components. Additionally, it distributes
databases, or corpora, of speech recordings as standard
reference material for the development and evaluation of these

Traditionally, these speech corpora have been recorded and

stored in a digital form rather than in an analog audio format.
This allows the data to be easily loaded, stored, and
manipulated in computers and prevents signal degradation in
copies. The speech is digitized at a sampling rate of between
10 and 20 kHz., as opposed to the 44.1 kHz. sampling rate
used in CD-audio. Digitizing speech at these sampling
frequencies keeps intact the properties of the speech signal
that are important for automatic speech recognition while
minimizing storage requirements. These corpora typically
consist of thousands of spoken phrases or sentences which are
stored in separate files for ease of computer manipulation.

In the mid 1980's, the NIST began an archival/lending library

for public domain speech corpora. The corpora were originally
maintained and distributed on half-inch reel-to-reel digital
magnetic computer tapes. Initially, these corpora were small,
but as recognition systems became more sophisticated, their
appetite for "training" data grew tremendously. By the end of
the decade these corpora were each occupying 50 or more
6250 bpi. half-inch magnetic tapes and even larger databases
were on the horizon. Managing these colossal databases of
speech had become a real problem. Simply storing, copying,
and distributing the corpora had become unwieldy.
Furthermore, maintaining the integrity of the corpora was even
more difficult as tapes were frequently damaged in shipment
or by rogue tape drives.


By early 1988, the NIST Automated Speech Recognition Group
had begun investigating optical disk storage technologies as a
means of replacing its tape archives. Initially, Write-Once
Read- Many (WORM) technology was considered for use as a
universal distribution medium but was found to lack adequate
standardization. Fortunately, in the Spring of 1988, the ISO-
9660 file format standard for CD-ROM was adopted and CD-
ROM was chosen by NIST as a new "experimental" medium for
distributing speech corpora.

NIST decided that the first corpus to be produced on CD-ROM

would be the DARPA "TIMIT" Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous
Speech Corpus. Under DARPA sponsorship, TIMIT was jointly
designed, recorded, transcribed, and archived by Texas

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Instruments (TI) , the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

(MIT), SRI International, and the National Bureau of Standards
(now NIST). The TIMIT corpus was designed to provide speech
data for the acquisition of acousticphonetic knowledge and for
the development and evaluation of automatic speech
recognition systems. The corpus contains recordings of 630
speakers from 8 major dialect divisions of American English
each speaking 10 phonetically-rich sentences. In addition to
standard orthographic (text) transcriptions, TIMIT contains
unique time-aligned phonetic transcriptions.

NIST felt that TIMIT's unique structure would be of great

interest to speech researchers and, therefore, would probably
be ideal for widespread publication on CD-ROM. NIST decided
to publish two-thirds of the corpus on a "prototype" CD-ROM.
Because of the ISO-9660 restrictions on filename length and
format, the chosen two-thirds of the corpus to be placed on
CD-ROM was restructured from a flat directory structure with
lengthy unique UNIX filenames into a dense 5-level directory
hierarchy, which reflected the design of the corpus and
conformed to ISO-9660. The resulting directory structure
contained 4200 bottom-level subdirectories -- one for each
sentence-utterance, and 3 files per utterance for a total of
12,600 data files! This new organization required the use of
the entire path and filename to uniquely identify a file but was
"visually navigable."

To date, more than 200 "TIMIT Prototype" discs have been

distributed to universities and speech research laboratories
worldwide. The discs were well received by the speech
research community and have been read on PC's,
Macintoshes4, various UNIX systems, NeXT5 machines and
MicroVAXes6. The "experiment" had proved to be successful.

As of this writing, NIST has produced four releases of speech

corpora on eight discs. Recently, NIST completed production of
its most ambitious speech disc so far. The new disc is a
complete revision of the TIMIT Prototype disc and contains the
speech for the complete 630-speaker corpus as well as all-new
time aligned word-boundary transcriptions. The new TIMIT CD-
ROM contains 25,200 data files (4 files per utterance) as well
as more extensive documentation and software utilities.

After the production of the TIMIT prototype disc, NIST

recognized the need to distribute speech 4Macintosh is a
trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. 5NeXT is a trademark of
NeXT, Inc. corpora in a consistent format. Unfortunately, no
standard file format existed for storing and exchanging speech
signals. Compounding this problem, almost every speech
research laboratory around the world used different hardware
and software configurations for speech signal processing and

A UNIX-Based CD-ROM Preparation Workstation

In order to implement a full scale CD-ROM production effort,
the Automated Speech Recognition Group built a UNIX-based
CD-ROM publishing workstation, which also doubles as a
general-purpose speech research system. CD-ROM images are
prepared on a Sun Microsystems server system with 32
megabytes of main memory, 3 gigabytes of high-speed
magnetic disc storage, a 9- track tape drive, an 8mm tape
drive, and of course a CD-ROM drive. The workstation contains
two 1.2 gigabyte magnetic disc drives on which entire CD-ROM
images can be assembled and simulated.

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Each CD-ROM is now organized entirely in the UNIX

environment. Many of the standard UNIX utilities and
capabilities have proven ideal tools for CD-ROM preparation.
Tar files are now submitted for CD-ROM replication on one
8mm tape, instead of 5 or 6 half-inch reel-to-reel tapes.

UNIX-based CD-ROM premastering software is planned to be

added in the near future to help alleviate some of the
complications NIST has experienced in submitting data for
replication. By performing ISO-9660 formatting in house, an
ISO-9660 image can be submitted to the replication facility.
The ISO-9660 image can then be directly loaded into a
mastering system thus circumventing the problems which
can occur downloading tar-formatted files.

NIST has developed strategies to maximize the portability of

its CD-ROMs by organizing speech data into a consistent
format and providing utilities which can be linked into each
laboratory's unique hardware and software systems. To
accomplish this, a flexible, object-oriented header structure
was developed for the exchange of speech files, especially on
CD-ROM. The header is an ASCII-based structure prepended to
each speech file and allows an utterance to be uniquely
identified (even if the file is copied from CD-ROM and
inadvertently renamed) and describes basic attributes of the
speech signal to aid in digital to analog operations. A set of
software utilities have been written, "Speech Header
Resources" (SPHERE), to provide a low-level interface for
importing and manipulating these files. NIST now publishes all
speech data in this more consistent format.

A Data Submission Problem

All of the key components for efficient CD-ROM production
were in place at NIST, except for a vehicle for data submission.
When NIST initially delved into the world of CD-ROM
production, it was dismayed to learn that most CD-ROM
replication facilities accepted only standard ANSI labeled or
ISO-9660 imaged tapes as transfer media. The small
Automated Speech Recognition Group could not justify the
expense of purchasing a special-purpose premastering
workstation dedicated to creating ISO-9660 tapes. Neither
could NIST provide standard ANSI-labeled tapes because the
simple structure of ANSI-formatted files would not preserve
the extensive directory structure required by the many files
typically contained in speech corpora.

The UNIX tar Answer?

The tar-formatted tape is the standard medium of data
exchange in the UNIX world and NIST had been successfully
distributing speech corpora on "tar tapes" for several years.
The UNIX tar (Tape Archive) utility was designed to create a
portable archive format for UNIX files. The tar program
generates a single file (usually on magnetic tape) which
contains all of the information necessary for reconstituting
directories, files, and UNIX-specific file parameters. What
distinguishes the tar utility from most other archive programs
is that the archive format it creates is portable across
machines and operating systems. The key to the tar format's
portability is in its simplicity. Tar does not employ any
elaborate compression algorithms when generating an archive.
It simply creates a byte-for-byte copy of each file to be
archived with a prepended header block. The header block
contains the path and name of the file (or directory), the file
size, the time of last modification, and UNIX ownership and
permission flags. Because the information in the each header

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block as well as the file itself is byte-encoded, the tar file can
be read by any system which can recognize a stream of bytes.
Of course, binary executable files are system-specific and
cannot usually be implemented on differing systems. But text,
source code, and binary data files can be easily exchanged.

To date, the tar program has been ported to many operating

systems, including MS-DOS and VMS8 as well as the many
variants of UNIX. Because the tar format is portable and
preserves directory hierarchy, and because a tar file can be
written to a standard ANSI-labeled tape or any other storage
medium, NIST concluded that tar formatted ANSI tapes would
be the ideal vehicle for providing a CD-ROM-ready file image to
a replication plant. Unfortunately, NIST has found that most
replication plants either refuse to accept tar-formatted files or
they charge considerable "data conversion" fees to download
the files into their premastering systems. To say the least, the
acceptance of tar as an input medium for CD-ROM production
has been less than universal by the CD-ROM replication
industry. The replication facilities that have ventured into the
"tar pit" with NIST have frequently encountered technical
delays and cost overruns. In theory, the tar-tape to CD-ROM
process should be simple.

But in reality, it has rarely been straightforward to implement.

Pitfalls in Extracting a CD-ROM Image from a UNIX tar File The
challenges encountered in producing a CD-ROM from a 630-
megabyte tar tape, which contains over 25,000 files, can at
first seem insurmountable. Several problems have occurred
during production, some of which are still not completely
resolved. Downloading and extracting a CD-ROM image from a
tar file can be excruciatingly slow, taking 15 or more machine
hours of time for a single disc image. If a tar file is packed with
thousands of files, unforeseen complications can arise in the
extraction process, and diagnosing and troubleshooting all of
the subsystems involved can become painful for even the most
experienced of engineers and technicians.

Extracting the file structure from a tar file for a CD-ROM such
as the new TIMIT disc requires a great deal of time and
attention because of the extraordinary number of directories
and files. The subsystems involved in the tar extraction
process require seamless integration. These include the PC
hardware platform and MS-DOS operating system, the
premastering system, the device drivers, controller cards, tape
back-up systems, and the tar utility. Limitations inherent in the
MS-DOS operating system, device drivers, and file structures
can result in breakdowns in any one of these subsystems
resulting in the loss of hours of man and machine time in the
production process.

Eight-mm tape subsystems can be especially vulnerable when

extracting exceedingly large numbers of files. This is because
8mm tape drives are mechanically suited for streaming
operations. They are not as accommodating as 9-track tape
drives in the quick stopping and starting movements, which
become necessary when extracting many thousands of small
files. Additional loss of efficiency occurs when 8mm drives
must interface with a system, which has become bogged-down
with overloaded magnetic disk sub-systems. The only way to
optimize their operation is to load and buffer large blocks of
raw data before it is tar-extracted. Subtle problems may also
arise when the controller cards of some 8mm tape systems are
not entirely compatible with the publishing system being used.
These and other unforeseen problems can cause a tape drive

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to abort operations well before completion of the extraction

process. Worse yet, because the tar format does not guarantee
that directories and files are stored in any particular order, an
entire tar file must be scanned to extract any subset of files
contained in it. If the tar-extraction process aborts before the
end of the tar file is reached, the entire process must be
restarted from the beginning to insure that all files are loaded.
These constraints require that special efforts be taken to
prepare backup tapes and even second backup tapes during
production. This is one area of risk where the insurance is well
worth the effort, and is within one's control. Many of the other
pitfalls are not as easy to anticipate or avoid.

One of the more frustrating problems encountered while

downloading the TIMIT tar file was that of the overhead
created while extracting the 18,900 small transcription files. To
illustrate this point, during the downloading of the 632-
megabyte tar file, containing the 25,241 TIMIT files, the
process aborted on 650-, 850-, and 1200-megabyte partitions
due to insufficient disc space!

On UNIX systems, the size of file blocks (similar to the ISO-

9660 and DOS sector structures) can be modified. Although
the ISO-9660 standard supports different sector sizes, the
individual operating systems used in the premastering process
may present problems. For example, MS-DOS 3.31 does not
allow any modifications to sector size. Fortunately, MS-DOS
4.0 is more forgiving.

The TIMIT tar file contained 18,900 transcription files of under

2Kb each. A premastering system running DOS 3.31 with a
16Kb sector size would require over 300 megabytes of disk
storage for these files, which actually amount to less than 32
megabytes of data. This results in disk overhead of 1 order of
magnitude! However, by switching to DOS 4.0, the sector size
can be reduced to as little as 512 bytes. This significantly
reduces the overhead being used by the DOS partition. It is
therefore important to adjust the sector size to accommodate
the size of the database files to be downloaded. To maximize
disk usage, the sector size should be set high when
premastering a database with a few large textual files. But
when a database (such as TIMIT) contains many small files,
the sector size should be greatly reduced. Likewise, it is also
important to allow for this kind of overhead on the CD-ROM
itself. Although CD-ROMs are generally created with a 2Kb
sector size, the sector size can be reduced on the ISO-9660
image in the premastering phase to as little as 512 bytes. By
decreasing the sector size on the TIMIT ISO-9660 image to
512 bytes, potential disc overhead was reduced by about 32

Finally, a hidden source of potential problems lies within the

implementation of the utility used to extract the tar file. There
are currently a number of tar utilities that have been written
and are in use today. Many of these utilities are suboptimal in
speed and efficiency. The time required for downloading a tar
file can become critical when extracting large numbers of files.
Therefore, using the right tar implementation is a must.

The Real "Tar Pit" -- Universal Operability

The real problem facing the CD-ROM industry concerning the
production of non-DOS-based discs lies not in which utilities or
platforms to use, but within the deeper abyss of universal
operability. Universal operability encompasses the common
methodology of transferring, publishing, and retrieving many

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different types of data across different platforms, while using

different hardware and software systems. Attempting to
extract a tar file into a DOS-based premastering system is a
perfect example of why universal operability is the next
technical challenge for the CD-ROM industry at large. If this
issue is continued to be ignored, entire market segments will
be left paralyzed because of the inability to publish information
from beginning to end without experiencing compatibility
problems. This bleak scenario could result in the CD-ROM
industry losing the acceptance and respect it has worked hard
to gain.

The Challenge Ahead

This article has illustrated some of the potential problems,
which can result when using the UNIX tar format as a data
submission medium for CD-ROM replication. More importantly,
it has shown that a much greater variety of CD-ROM
applications could blossom if the CD-ROM industry embraces a
diversification of CD-ROM platforms. The ISO-9660 standard
has provided a good basis for the exchange of CD-ROMs across
different hardware and software platforms. It is now time for
the CD-ROM industry to address and overcome the many
obstacles faced by the challenge of universal operability. The
increasing need for a standard media- and platform-
independent format for data submission is just one such
obstacle. In the short term, manufacturers of CD-ROM
premastering workstations should publish specifications
indicating the limitations of their systems. This would allow
publishers and replicators of "atypical" CD-ROMs to avoid
many of unforeseen pitfalls they must now face. In the long
term, these premastering systems must be made more robust.

The next generation of CD-ROM publishers and users will help

CD-ROM technology reach new heights, but they will become
far less forgiving as CD-ROM becomes more commonplace. For
NIST, the UNIX road to CD-ROM has certainly been "the road
less traveled." Currently, the development, production, and
use of CD-ROM technology in UNIX and other environments is
still in its infancy. However, by increasing support for
development and production in these environments, CD-ROMs
may someday be produced and used on a variety of platforms
as easily as they are on MS-DOS-based systems today. It is
only in this way that the CD-ROM will become the truly
universal medium of data exchange that it was intended to be.

The authors wish to thank the following people which have
helped them in their quest for solutions to the problems this
article has outlined: Joe Bradley and Clayton Summers at
Philips and Dupont 10Helgerson, L. W., "Universal Operability:
The Technical Solution", Disc Magazine, pp. 36-39, October
1990. Optical Co., Dennis Clark, formerly of Meridian Data,
Inc., Leon Whidbee and Gisele Venczel at Disc Manufacturing,
Inc., Lance Buder and Sylvester Pefek at Optical Media
International, and Tom Brown at Reflective Software.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 447 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Unix Tarpit Article Page 8 of 8

|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 448 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
1987 FMG Mortgage Banking Page 1 of 4

Financial Management Group, Ltd. (FMG)

Institutional Investors of America, Inc.
Financing, Investments & Advisors
Allan D. Dannatt
Managing General Partner
(713) 497-8010

January 20, 1987

George S. Moore

Mr. Stan Caterbone

Financial Management Group
1775 Oregon Pike
Lancaster, Pa 17601

Re: Mortgage Loans

Commercial and Residential

Dear Stan:

In reference to the above captioned subject, enclosed please find a

synopsis of our lending programs. We are very interested in business in
your part of the Country. I will also be in a position to do some other
business with you through the bank we just purchased in 60-90 days.

Very truly yours,

Allan D. Dannatt President

777 North Eldridge Parkway, Suite 730 Houston, Texas 77079


Term Rate Pey Rate Fee Amortization

Variable 10 yrs. 225 bp over Starting 1-2 pts. 30 Years
OOF or 300 bp @ 9%
over 1 yr T-Bill
Fixed 5 yrs. 9.5% 1-2 pts. 30 Years
Fixed 7 yrs. 9.65% 1 3/4 pts. 30 Years
Fixed Rates also available at 325 basis points over corresponding T-Bill
Retail. Office, Industrial


Variable 10 yrs. 300-350 bp over 1-2 pts. 30 Years
1 yr. T-Bill or
250 bp over OOF
Fixed 5-7 yrs. 8.75% Par-1 pt. 30 Years
Fixed 10 yrs. 9% Par-1 pt. 30 Years

Similar terms available for mini warehouses, hotels, mobile hone parks,
nursing homes and ACLF facilities. Forward, standbys, open-ended and
covered construction- loans are also available. Maximum loan to value

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 449 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
1987 FMG Mortgage Banking Page 2 of 4

of 80%.

Sale Leasebacks - We are currently seeking to purchase $500 million

in properties nationwide leased to nationally listed public corporations
with good credit ratings. Leases must be NNN with a minimum of a 10
year term. Minimum cash investment $5-$500m.

REMICS - Beginning in the 2nd Quarter of 1987, HA will be placing

$100 million a month into real estate investment mortgage conduits.
Immediate funding loans will be made on all types of Institutional quality

Rates quoted are best available and may vary depending on location
and quality of product.

Institutional Investors of America - Houston,

Financing, Investments & Advisors


Brooks A. Boyd Vice President


(713) 497-8010


The undersigned ("Applicant") hereby appoints Institutional Investors of

America ("Institutional Investors") as the exclusive agent of Applicant for
purposes of obtaining mortgage/equity funds for the subject property
commonly known as Village of Olde Hickory, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(the "Property") from one or more lending institutions of Applicants
selection. This exclusive agency to obtain mortgage/equity funds in the
amount and for the purposes described below shall commence from the
date hereof and shall continue for a period of 60 days from the date that
Institutional Investors receives all required information requested of
Applicant for proper Loan submission, including but not limited to the
loan submittal document checklist attached hereto.

a) Loan Amount: $5,000,000 Second

b) Description and Type of Property: Mixed use including townhouses,

apartments, retail, golf course, racquetball club, community center, pool
and several small office buildings.

c) Size of Building and Land: Land: 100 acres

d) Age of Property: Approximately 17 years (project built in different


e) Amount of unit(s) and unit mix: 400 units

f) Description of Ownership and Status of Title: Boyd/Wilson Company

g) Rate of Interest: 30 day CD rate (6.85% as of 6/16/87) + 275 basis

points or Prime Rate + 1 1/2%

h) Term of Loan and Amortization: Term: 5 years Amortization: Interest


i) Prepayment Provisions: 4-6 months Interest

j) Institutional Investors Commitment Fee: $75,000

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 450 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
1987 FMG Mortgage Banking Page 3 of 4

k) Lender's Loan Fee: 2%

3. The fee of Institutional Investors set forth herein shall be deemed

earned upon issuance of a commitment by a lending institution
substantially in accordance with the terms set forth herein whether such
commitment is accepted by Applicant or not.

4. It is agreed that all prior understandings and agreements are fully

expressed herein and are merged into this application, and Applicant
agrees that Institutional Investors has not made any representations
that Institutional Investors guarantees or has guaranteed that a
commitment by a lender will be obtained, or that Applicants acceptance
of any commitment obligates Institutional Investors to perform any
provisions of the commitment to be performed by a lender.

5. Applicant acknowledges that (a) Applicant is in all respects

authorized and qualified to execute this application and to accept the
requested financing or any modification thereof: (b) Institutional
Investors is not responsible for the qualification s of Applicant, or other
matters affecting the closing of the intended financing; (c) if an action is
instituted in any court relative to the collection or refund of any fee due
Institutional Investors, provided Institutional Investors shall prevail in
such action, Applicant agrees to pay all Institutional Investors' costs,
expenses and fees in said action or appeal, including, without limitation,
reasonable attorney's fees; (d) the facts and circumstances of this
application took place within the State of Texas; (e) this facts and
circumstances of this application took place within the State of Texas;
(e) this application was negotiated, executed in and shall be governed
by and subject to the laws of the State of Texas; and (f) this application
represents the entire agreement between the parties and this
application may be modified only by the written agreement of the parties

6. Upon acceptance of financing commitment, Applicant hereby

authorizes Institutional Investors to advertise through media, trade
journals or other sources whatsoever that Institutional Investors has
been engaged by Applicant to obtain the financing provided herein and
that Applicant has obtained financing through the direct efforts of
Institutional Investors.

7. Applicant hereby agrees to execute all loan documents presented in

accordance with the terms hereof.

8. Institutional Investors may rely on all information submitted to it by

Applicant and Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify and old Institutional
Investors harmless from all losses, costs or expenses incurred by
Institutional Investors by virtue of any action brought by a proposed
lender in reliance of the information submitted by Applicant.

9. The undersigned hereby tenders a Good Faith Deposit in the amount

of $5,000. In the event a loan is committed in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this application or on other terms acceptable to the
undersigned, 'the Good Faith Deposit shall be applied toward
Institutional Investors' fee. If the loan is not so committed, the Good
Faith Deposit shall be refunded in full by Institutional Investors less any
specific traveling expenses incurred by Institutional Investors.

Very truly
Brooks A.
Vice President


By: Date:

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 451 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
1987 FMG Mortgage Banking Page 4 of 4

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 452 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Management Consulting Case Page 1 of 2


PROJECT: Rescue Pflumm Contractors From Near Bankruptcy
PARAMETERS: 4 Year Tenure 1994 to 1998


Highest Annual Sales: $2,954,184 $4,289,667

Sales Volume: $10,785,000 $13,931,288

Sales Volume Increase: + $3,186,288

Highest Annual Profit: $ 106,115 $ 206,735

Net Profits: $ 24,998 $ 451,706

Gross Profit Margin: 23% 30%

Corporate Equity Position: $ 11,308 $692,125

Dun & Bradstreet Rating: CB3 - BB3 BB1 - BA3

Poor Strong Assessment
Surety Bonding Capacity: $1,500,000 $3,000,00+

PennDot Prequalification: $1,000,000 $2,875,000

Banking Status: WatchDog List Credit Worthy

Employee Benefits: Section 125

Disability Income Insurance
Dental Benefits
401K Plan
Uniforms for all employees

Goodwill: Company Logo

Computer & MIS Systems
Professional Image

Strategic Planning: New Identity

Public Markets & Contracts
Restore Good Credit
Restore Bond Rating

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 453 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Management Consulting Case Page 2 of 2

|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 454 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/13/2009
Radio Sciece Laboratories Page 1 of 16


Business Plan
Stan J. Caterbone
March 1989

I) Introduction And Overview

 Business Summary- Qualifications of Principals

 Summary of Management Team
 Summary of Financial Projections
 Financing Alternatives
 Selection of Financial Proposal
 Benefits to the Investor and/or Lender

II) The Microwave Industry

 Description- Industry Statistics (National, State, &

 Industry Forecasts
 The LNA Market
 Competitors Analysis

III) The Low Noise Amplifier (The Product)

 Product Description and Specifications

 Product Uses
 Product Patents, Trademarks & Copyright Data
 Future Products & Descriptions

IV) Marketing

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 Marketing Objectives
 Marketing Strategies
 Price Strategies
 Distribution Strategies

V) Operations


Production Quality Control
Shipping & Packaging

VI) The Organization

 Organizational Chart
 Mission Statement
 Key Personnel
 Outside Consultants
 Labor force

VI) Financial Projections

 Profit Loss
 Cash Flow Pro Forma
 Break Even Analysis

VIII) Appendix

 Trade Literature
 Market Research Data & Statistics
 Trademarks, Copyrights and Name Registrations
 Competitors' Brochures and Media Advertising
 Radio Science Laboratories Publicity Material
 Principals' Financial Statements


Business Summary: Radio Science Laboratories, Inc. proposes
to enter the Design and Manufacturing sector to the
RF/Microwave and Telecommunications Industry. Utilizing the
talents of Design Engineer and President, James A. Cross,
Radio Science Laboratories, Inc. (RSL,Inc.) will initially
introduce a line of Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers. These amplifiers
will be marketed to the RF and Microwave Industry for a
variety of applications including the following:

 Satellite Communications
 Telemetry System
 Radio Astronomy
 Tracking and Direction Finding Systems
 Optical Communications
 Medical Instrumentation
 Many Other Transmit/Receive Environments

Business Summary
RSL, Inc. will provide superior products through it's advanced

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Research and Design process. However, constant monitoring

on budgets and cash flows will serve as a check and balance
against an unprofitable Research and Development
program.The first model, a Wide Band Ultra Low Noise
Amplifier, with a frequency range of 2MGz to 20GHz, will out
perform the existing market in its ability to reduce the noise
level as much as 50%. This will in essence give the receiving
device a much higher signal, thus reducing the amount of
transmit power required to drive the system. This is directly
correlated to the price that the amplifier is worth. So you not
only increase the performance, you also increase the value of
the device on the marketplace.Other Ultra Low Noise
Amplifiers are designed for specific narrow band applications.
One of the most popular is the 17.2GHz to 17.7GHz narrow
band which is the transmitting frequency for the Direct
Broadcast Satellite (DBS) system. This particular application is
especially popular in Europe.

By instituting a comprehensive, and aggressive Marketing

program, Radio Science Laboratories, Inc. will network several
major sectors to develop a distribution system that will
compliment its product line as well as its Research and
Development Programs. Utilizing a Private Label program
developed for smaller companies, a consortium of established
sales reps, and procurement representatives for the
government and military, along with in house marketing
programs. RSL,Inc. will depend on its ability to market its
products in a low cost but effective manner, which can be
achieved by producing a superior product.

Fiscal Management will not take a back seat to either Research

and Development or Marketing. RSL,Inc. will consider its tough
and rigid Fiscal Programs to be as much of an Asset as
anything else on its Balance Sheet. With high regard for
Economic and Industry forecasts, RSL,Inc. will attempt to
minimize and limit its downside risks during all markets and all
Business Cycles.
By utilizing a highly sophisticated Advanced Technology
Network System, utilizing the Hewlett Packard 9000 as the
system driver, the organization will be fully automated and
integrated producing efficiency and organization throughout.
The following systems will be included:

 Inventory Control
 Quality Control
 Accounting & Reporting
 Information Management
 Shipping & Handling
 Computer Assisted Design (CAD)
 Automated Assembly Processing
 Test and Design System

Complimenting the previous Netwprk, will be the highly

innovative Test and Research Equipment that will allow
engineers to be fully automated from design conception to the
construction of a working model, inclusive of all layout and
artwork. To provide an efficient assembly process, all laborers
will be trained and educated to perform all tasks in the entire
process. This will accomplish two things; it will allow
production to be fluid, and even more important it will create a
more motivated atmosphere allowing workers to have more
More importantly, an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership

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Program), will be instituted, thus giving all workers a sense of

pride and security from Management that will support all
employees creating a complimentary and supportive

James A. Cross
1981 <!--[if !supportLists]-->To Present CROSS MICROWAVE


Since 1981 cross microwave consultants has provided to the

industry, rf and miowave component and systems design.
Some projects include:

 low noise Amplifiers 5 mhz to 27 ghz, Noise source

design 2 to 18, ghz vco 10 mhz to 18 ghz, smt filters 5
mhz to 2.5 =hz,
 stripline, Microstrip and suspended substrate filters 4 ghz
to 20 ghz, qpsk
 spread Spectrum radio direct Sequence in compliance
with fcc part 15.247, in frequency range of 800 mhz to
2.4 ghz.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->

Developed Frequency tracking profile receiving system for

identifying 2-18 ghz jamming Sources, 318 mhz Fsk digital radio
for cardiac telemetry system , 1.4 ghz doppler radar
receiver , frequency synthesizer designs, 10 mhz to 1.2 ghz,
qpsk digital telcom radio 10 Channel, at 700 mhz, 704 kb/ps
data rate, 2-20 mmic slope amplifier for driving 50 to 100 ft of
teflon cable.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

2000 - Moseley, Santa Barbara Ca

Senior RF Design Engineer

Design Linear Power Amplifiers For Multi Level Modulated

Microwave Radios 650 Mhz 8 Ghz

1999 - Itt Gaastek, Roanoke Va

Advanced Design Engineer

Design Radar Transmitter And Reciever 8-12 Ghz Eight Layer

Board With Vertical Transitions Coplanar To Strip Line,
Stripline To Microstrip

1999 - Ail Labs, Commack Long Island Ny

Design Engineer

Designed LNA Amplifiers And Diplexers For Gen-Sat


1998-1999 - Anaren Microwave, Syracuse Ny

Advanced Design Engineer

Designed Feed-Forward Circuits, Hi-Power Switches For Pcs

And Cellular Applications


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1996 1998 - Philips Broadband Networks, Manlius Ny:

Staff Design Engineer Consultant

Designed Elliptical Diplexer Filters 42-54, 55,70, 65-85

550,600 Mhz For Return Amplifier Systems Designed 5 Mhz
To 1 Ghz Broadband Amplifier Systems For Cable Tv

1995-1996 - Amplidyne Bellemead, NV

Senior Desig n Engineer

Design Of 10 -100 Watt Class A, Ab Feed Forward 800 Mhz To

2 Ghz Power Amplifiers For Pcs And Cellular Applications.

1995 - At&T Middletown, NJ

Consultant Summer

Instructor For Advanced Rf And Microwave Theory And


1981-Present - Cross Microwave Consultants Laguna Beach,


<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[if !
supportEmptyParas]-->List Of Experience Above.
Trac Tel Corporation Consultant
1986-1987 Laguna, Beach, Ca

Developed Video Receivers And Transmitters 100 Mhz To 18

Ghz Range.

Developed 418 Mhz Doppler Tracking System

1985-1990 Motorola, Advanced Semiconductor Div. Phoenix,


Tested New Semiconductor Lines And Established Dc, Noise
And S-Parameter Data.

1985-1990 - Microwave Software, San Juan Capistrano, Ca

Eastern Region Distributor Tested Rf Microwave Design
Software For Data format And Operation.

1985-1986 - Raydx Satellite Systems, Ocala, Fl

Senior Design Engineer
Designed Dbs Low Noise Down Converter For C-Ku Band, Low
Noise Amplifiers 2-18 Ghz, Designed C Band Frequency
Synthesizer, Used Saw Resonators For Various Oscillator
Designs, 2-18 Ghz Vcos.


Us Navy Honorable Discharge

Marquette University Bsee Gpa 3.8

Microwave Integrated Amplifier And Oscillator Design Course

By: Dr Allen Sweet And George Vendelin. Subjects: S-
Parameter Design, Yig Filters And Oscillators, Temperature
Stability Theory, Mic Processing Techniques, Thick Film Design.
Motorola 68000 Series Microprocessor School Tempe, Az

Software Experience

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15 Years Experience In Linear And Non Linear Active And

Passive Modeling. Silvacos Smart-Spice, Pspice,Intusoft Spice,
Libra, Touchstone, Optoteks Mmicad Linear Analysis, Hp-
Eesof Products, Cnl Linear And Nonlinear Microwave Analysis,
Tesla Systems Design. Super Compact, Hp Appcad, Protel,
Orcad, Circuit Board Design. Misc.

Listed in Who's Who in Electronic Manufacturing and RF

Microwave Wireless Design

Stanley J. Caterbone
Stanley J. Caterbone: Mr. Caterbone is the Chief Executive
Officer and will be responsible for the management and the
success of Radio Science Laboratories, Inc.. Mr. Caterbone was
the founder of Financial Management Group, Ltd., a diverse
financial service organization, providing financial services and
products to its clients.

Mr. Caterbone was able to take an idea discussed over

breakfast in November of 1986, and by July of 1987 the
organization began operations in a new 20,000 square foot
building in Eden Park with 17 Professionals representing the
following professions:

 Financial Planning
 Legal & Estate Planning
 Real Estate
 Portfolio & Security Brokerage
 Pension Plan Administration
 Employee Benefits
 Mortgage Banking

In the following months, FMG, Ltd., grew to include satellite

offices in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Reading, Camp Hill,
Lewisburg, Minneapolis MN, and Medford NJ. At the end of its
first year, the organization included as many as 60
professionals in various location.

Mr. Caterbone was responsible for raising the initial capital of

nearly $400,000 for equipment and operation capital. The
equity was secured under Regulation D, Rule 144 of the
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pennsylvania. As
Executive Vice President of FMG, Ltd., Mr. Caterbone Was
responsible for the design and installation of an advanced
computer networking system, integrating a host of software
allowing the development of in-house Financial Plans, which
was regarded as one of the most comprehensive on the
market. Mr. Caterbone served as President of FMG Advisory,
the Registered Investment Advisor. This wholly owned
subsidiary of FMG, Ltd., was responsible for the marketing of
Fee-based Financial Plans and Investment Advisory and
Consulting services.

Mr. Caterbone was instrumental in the conceptual and

strategic planning that he utilized in developing the Business
Plan for the Organization. This also included the acquisition of
a minority interest in Planners Security Group, Inc. of Atlanta,
Georgia, which is a national Broker Dealer.
The initial budgets and pro forma that he developed, were
found to be very instrumental in managing the financial affairs
of the organization through the critical and most difficult first
12 months. Additional responsibilities included negotiating
contracts with recruitment, Insurance Contracts, and New

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During Mr. Caterbone's tenure, the organization was raising

over $80 million dollars of new investment capital annually,
which surpassed the original projections of the business plan
by 3 years. His original stock holdings were sold for a 500%
gain in 2 years.
Prior to starting Financial Management Group, Ltd, Mr.
Caterbone spent 5 years in the Financial Services Industry
primarily operating a Financial Planning practice.

Mr. Caterbone will utilize his experience in strategic planning,

fiscal management, marketing, and most importantly the
success of a start up venture.


Stanley J. Caterbone: Stanley J. Caterbone will act as Chief
Executive Officer and will be responsible for the management
of Radio Science Laboratories, Inc.. Mr. Caterbone will utilize
his past management experience to place an extreme amount
of importance upon developing a comprehensive Strategic Plan
capable of directing a successful and profitable organization.
This Business Plan will chart a course of action for RLS, Inc.,
that will not only be used to secure financing, but more
importantly as a Plan of Action to be closely monitored and
constantly adjusted in order to pursue the Goals and
Objectives of the entire Organization. Far too many start up
companies only rely upon the Business Plan as a means of
raising money, and after they have accomplished that, the
Business Plan is never to be seen again, until they need
additional capital. Unfortunately by that time it is too late
because now their business is in mass confusion, and raising
new capitol is the only answer. In order to minimize the
downside risk of this business venture, it becomes imperative
to know precisely where your organization is and where your
organization is going.

In order to initiate and pursue its goals, Mr. Caterbone will

demand a High emphasis on corporate Communicationsfrom
Top to Bottom. This will be implemented and supported by
utilizing a highly efficient and automated Management
Information System. Installing a Local Area Network and
developing an advanced system of network technology to
support the following systems:

 Communications Systems
 Management Information Systems
 Accounting & Inventory Control
 Research and Design
 Marketing Research
 Fiscal Management
 Distribution Systems

Employee Ownership: Mr. Caterbone will again use his strategy

of creating a dedicated and responsible organization by
providing ownership of Radio Science Laboratories, Inc. to all
employees. Firmly believing that productivity is ones vested
interest in the overall success of the organization. An
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) will be administered.
This will accomplish the following:

 Higher Employee Retention

 Higher Productivity

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 Better Working Environment

 More Dedication & Responsibility
 Increase in Motivation

Mr. Caterbone attributes the fast and successful development

of Financial Management Group, Ltd., to the above strategy.
This strategy often provides the means of attracting highly
Qualified Key Personnel to the organization and directly links
personal performance to the success of the organization.

Mr. Caterbone will also rely upon the expertise of various

outside consultants in order to create a lean but effective
management team. This will help to reduce overhead without
loosing the resources to build the successful organization.
A strong Fiscal Policy will be utilized as an asset to provide the
impeius necessary to reduce the risk associated with start up
companies. RSL, Inc., will implement specific strategies and
techniques to utilize all available resources and reduce capitol
spending unless absolutely necessary in respective situations.
This will become extremely important regarding capitol
expenditure or plant & Equipment, and inventory control
Lynn C. Cross will serve as Executive Vice President and will be
responsible for Administration and Management ,of the labor
force, Lab and Production. Ms. Cross' experience in managing
an LNA production facility will provide the ingredients for an
efficient and profitable Assembly and Production team.

By using a strategy, Cross Assembly Stations, all employees

will become trained & educated on all jobs involving the
production of an LNA. This helps to create the following:

 Reduction in Downtime
 Higher Productivity
 Increased employee moral
 Flexibility During Production Cycle
 Increased Performance & Quality

An extreme emphasis upon training and education will help to

increase the longevity of the organization and the quality of


Product Description and Specifications: A low noise amplifier
(LNA) is a high gain solid state amplifier that is used to boost,
the very weak signal that is received from the transmit source.
There are several transmit/receive environments in which the
Low Noise Amplifier is vital to the performance of the system:

 Satellite Communications
 Telemetry Systems
 Radio Astronomy
 Tracking and Direction Finding
 Optical Communications
 Medical Instrumentation
 Other Transmit/Receive Environments

The Low Noise Amplifier is vital to the performance of the

transmit/receive system because of its ability to boost the very
weak signal (usually about 100,000 times or 50 DB) by

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reducing the noise at the front end of the radio or Microwave

Frequency, which greatly reduces the overall cost of the
system. The RF or radio frequency is the range of less than
1,000 Megahertz(MGh) in which signals are received, and the
Microwave Frequency is greater than 1000 MGh. We will design
and develop LNA's used for various applications within the
frequency range of DC to 100 GHz. RSL, Inc. will desiga LNA's
with both narrow and wide band applications.

The LNA is vital to the performance of the respective

transmit/receive system because of its effectiveness to
substantially increase the signal strength of the transmit
medium. By using a Low Cost method of reducing the noise
that the signal creates when it is amplified by the LNA, a
stronger signal is produced and carried through the receiver.
The noise is created because constant motion of electrons that
is present in all molecules.

Why the Low Noise Amplifier for noise reduction? There are
primarily three methods of reducing the Noise Level of the
signal in transmit/receive environments:

 Increase Transmit Power

 Increase Gain of Receiver Antenna
 Reduce the Noise in the Receiver

In the first method we would increase the transmit power to

the receiver antenna. If we would double the transmission
power, the result would be less transmission path loss and the
gain will increase over the noise within the transmission path.
This method will produce a much higher cost as apposed to
using an LNA at the receiver front end. The second method
would be to increase the gain of the receiver antenna. This
method would also add a substantial increase in cost to the
overall system.

By utilizing an LNA at the receiver front end, we reduce the

noise and substantially increase the signal gain over the
transmission path. This allows us to use less transmission
power, creating a better noise Performance and lower cost of
the overall system. This becomes the best alternative when
comparing noise performance, cost effectiveness of the overall

Performance and Rating LNA's: The performance and the

quality of the Low Noise Amplifier - its ability to produce a
higher signal by lowering its noise level, substantially increases
its value, and market price. RSL, Inc. will enthusiastically and
aggressively utilize its research and design experience of
James A. Cross to concentrate in a niche market of developing
a product line of wide and narrow band LNA's performing at or
better than the existing products currently on the market. This
will provide higher margins and less competition.


Description: The microwave industry was born bach in 1886
because of the historical experiment of a scientist named
Henrick Hertz. Using what are now called microwave Circuits
and techniques, Hertz experimentally validated James
Maxwell's theory of Electromagnetism. Hertz went on to build a
radio frequency transmitter and receiver, a small Detector
used to measure fields inside a coaxial line, and a parabolic-
reflector transmitter and receiver with which Hertz
demonstrated that electric waves at centimeter wavelengths

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have properties similar to those of light waves.

This began the development of the revolutionary, high
technological Microwave Industry. The advent of the
Microwave Industry expands into many dimensions and
applications of our present and future society, most common is
the Telecommunications industry. The use of Microwaves has
given us a new understanding of the universe in which we live.
(Microwave Journal May '88 Pg. 44-47 Mario A. Maury, Jr.
Maury Microwave Corp., Cucamonga CA).


The following chart gives us a good foundation of where
Microwaves are used today, along with the applications:

 Communications (Cable, point-to-point, troposcatter,

 Sensors (radar, radiometry)
 Military (weapon control, electronic warfare, Strategic
DefenseInitiative (SDI Program)
 Navigation (satellite-based, ground, sea, and air)
 Instrumentation (microwave, medical)
 Energy (heating and cooking, power transmission fusion)

As you can see by the previous chart, Microwave technology

supports many aspects of our lives, at home, at work, and
even when sick. (MICROWAVE JOURNAL September '88,
Anniversary Issue).

Satellite Communications Industry: This is one of the largest

industries that will grow worldwide into a $20 Billion Dollar a
year business, and is expected to reach $35 Billion Dollars by
the 21st century. The industry is expected to rebound from its
sluggish form of the mid 1980's, which was the direct result of
the development of lightwave technology and more specifically
fiber optics. However, this industry will continue to be a main
source of Low Noise Amplifiers.

There are several trends in the satellite telecommunications

market that will breath new opportunities to the industry. One
is the growth of full-time international video channels. The
number of channels has grown from one to thirty-five, since
1984. High-definition television (HDTV) is also expected to
take off in the mid 1990's. This can especially be seen with the
recent publicity regarding Federal Grant Programs for research
and development in the HDTV. In addition, the
videoconferencing market will show extreme signs of
penetration and growth in the 1990's.

Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) is another example of

technology that is finally starting to develop in the foreign
marketplace. This specific market will be especially attractive
for our Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers. We will aggressively pursue
a share of this commercial market in order to establish a
steady stream of revenues. ( For more details, see Market
Plan) There are several indications of the growth in this
market. France is thought to be leading the way with the
development of ASTRA, TVSAT, AND TDE. Also are BSB, and
Erinsat, and at least one Japanese project. However, one must
approach this market with caution because of the risk
associated with projects not subsidized by the respective

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Satellite Telecommunications (Continued)The mobil satellite

market is also extremely hot right now. Supported by such
a solid market will need to be established in order to give this
market some stability.

The most demand will not pursue the glamorous new services
as described above, but rather seek the proven technology of
the Fixed Satellite Services. Internationally this market is
expected to grow 10% per year, along with the domestic
market to be equally strong. To date 35 countries have
purchased or leased domestic services from INTELSAT, a
satellite that we have launched into orbit. In the future, 24
more countries have obtained or plan to launch their own
separate domestic satellite systems. However, the satellite
industry must respect the development of fiber optic cables.
This will create a market thrust in the areas of Business
networks, and private users. The Public users will switch
heavily toward the fiber optic networks. Over 50,000 miles of
cable has already been laid underground so far.

The biggest improvements in the telecommunications industry

are in the area of digital communications compression
techniques. Both telecommunications and fiber optics are
thought to be lagging in their development. Ground antenna
technology, particularly VSAT's and phased array antennas are
also continuing to improve performance while reducing costs.
On-board processing and regeneration, and cellular satellite
antenna designs, if developed to potential, would have
tremendous impact on the dramatic satellite gains made
possible by the mid 1990's,or later.
The Japanese are becoming aggressive in satellite
communications, as seen in their pursuit of higher frequencies,
on-board processors, and the use of microterminals in their
various satellite projects. The dominance of the United States,
held for nearly two decades, will begin to give way to the
Japanese and the Europeans. NEC of Japan will fight the
American strongholds of Hughes Network Systems, Scientific-
Atlanta, and Contel.
Satellite communications of the 1990' swill be marked by the
rapidly developing technology of advanced digital compression
techniques, on-board switching and processing, phase
array/flat antennas, and satellite cellular antennas systems.
Opportunities will be seen in the following areas:

 New mobile and radio determination satellite services

 Expanding worldwide domestic satellite market
 New satellite technology
 Hot new business networks market
 Fast growing VSAT/flat antenna market
 Deregulation/by pass/private satellite systems
 Solid international satellite growth
 New Video opportunities (digital video and HDTV)
 Thin route service at takeoff
 New tele-health and tele-education applications

There remains to be many old and new opportunities in the

satellite telecommunications industry. The space applications is
enormous for microwave components, however, it will remain
a speculative environment. It is because of this, we will remain
cautious and conservative in penetrating any specific segments
of this industry. (MICROWAVE JOURNAL Feb 1989, Dr. Joseph
N. Pelton)

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10 Channel Radio System Design Specifications

1. As discussed, we are enclosing the datails of 10 channel and
30 channel (704 KBS and 2048 kb Digital Radio Systems)
required by us.
2. As discussed with you these specifications are only a
guideline and the actual product should have much better
performance than this.
3. In terms of environmental conditions, it should work for -10
to +50'C 95% RH.
4. We will prefer to have components of Motorola, Fujitsu,
Mitsubishi to be used by you and we do not want any
proprietary components.
5. You can give us the details for Duplexers used for single
antenna as we have the same Duplexers in production with us.
6. This equipment is required by us in both bands, i.e. 350 to
500 Mhz and 600 to 700 Mhz.
7. We do not know if you will be using SAW filter for the IF at
70 Mhz. If you are going to use, kindly let us know the
specifications as we will be in the position to help you in this
8. Regarding the baseband processing, i.e. Trans base band
processor (TBP) or receiver (RBP). If you can use DSP, it could
reduce the cost and that will be better or otherwise you
can plan ASIC at a rate for control purpose.


1.3.5 The components shall be marked with their schematic
references so that they are identifiable from the component
layout diagram in the
1.3.6 The equipment shall use min. number of proprietary
components and a list of such components shall be clearly
indicated. Equipment using
components which are available from multiple sources will
be preferable.
1.3.7 All controls, switches, indicators etc., shall be clearly
marked to show their circuit designations and functions.
1.3.8 Each terminal block and terminal shall be marked with
an identifying code.
1.3.9 Maintenance philosophy is to replace faulty units after
quick analysis of monitoring and alarm indications and built-in
test equipment. The actual repair will be undertaken at
suitable centralized repair centers. The installation at site shall
involve simple plug-in connections only.
1.3.10 The supervisory indications, built-in test equipment
(BITE) and other control switches, should be provided at
convenient height.

The equipment shall have easy access for servicing and


The repeater stations and in many cases terminal stations,

may be kept unattended. Hence, remote supervisory facility is
to be provided.
All important switches/controls on the front panel shall be
provided with suitable safeguards such as interlock system to
avoid accidental operation by the maintenance personnel.

The healthy condition of the units shall be displayed by green

LED's, unhealthy condition by red LED's and change of status
by amber indication.
1.3.11 1.3.12
1.3.13 1.3.14

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2.0 2.1 2.2

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11
2.12 2.13

System Specifications Type of circuitry: Frequency Range:

10 channel -
Number of voice channels: Voice coding:
Data rate from and to MUX: Interface towards MUX:
Baseband interconnect facility:
Level/jitter tolerance: Bit Rate tolerance: Line Data Rate: Type
of Modulation:
Modulation method: Type of modulation:

Solid State
a) 367.0 - 399.9 Mhz.
b) 420.0 - 436.5 Mhz.
445.0 - 461.5 Mhz.
c) 658.0 - 667.0 Mhz.
703.0 - 712.0 Mhz.
30 (Thirty)
64 kbps PCM
2.048 Mbps. - 704 Kbps.
HDB-3. AS per CCITT G-703. Both 75 ohms unbalanced and
120 ohms balanced options settable through strappings to be
Regenerative Repeater.
As per CCITT G-823
+/- 50 PPm.
To be specified by supplier.
QPSK, OQPSK or any other
modulation with specific advantages,
Modulation at RF or IF. Co-herent.

2.14 2.15

Adjacent channel spacing: TX-RX separation

2 Mhz. or less.
a) 16.5 Mhz. in 367.0 band.
b) 25.0 Mhz. in 420.0 band.
c) 45.0 Mhz. in 658.0 band.
399.9 Mhz, 461.5 Mhz, 662.0 Mhz,

Adjacent Channel D/U (for threshold degradation of 2
dB): 0 dB.


Co Channel D/U (for threshold degradation of 2 dB):

Receiver IF
Supervisory Channels:
20 dB.
70 Mhz. any other IF used may be indicated.
Supervisory Channels for Omnibus orderwire and Remote
supervision shall be provided. Express order-wire and
Telecomand channels are optional.

2.20 Orderwire
2.20.1 Type:
2.20.2 Band:

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2.20.3 4W Trans/Receive Level:

Type of operation: (This type required only for 10 channel that
is 704 KB. 30 channel at 2048 KBS 1+1 not standby)
Monitoring with BITE:
Inservice Monitoring:

Digital PCM/ADM
0.3 to 3.4 kHz. with omnibus calling facility on buzzer and
loudspeaker and speech on loudspeaker and handset. Handset
to be provided. -3 dBm preferable.
Single RF channel in (1 + 0) configuration with redundancy in
the form of duplicated power amplifier and power supply.
Built-in test equipment (BITE) for monitoring parameters such
as TX Power, Rec. RF level, Health of TLO/RLO, Primary
voltages, PSU voltages etc. should be provided. The details of
parameters monitored may be indicated.

Monitoring sockets for measurements with regular instruments

shall be provided for parameters such as TX

3.0 3.1
3.2 3.3

Inservice Monitoring Continued :

TX power, TLO/RLO frequency, PSU voltages Receive RF
level etc. Actual parameters for which sockets are provided
may be indicated.
Visual Alarm:
Visual indication for parameters such as system failure,
power supply output failure, TX power low, TLO/RLO unhealthy
condition, quality deterioration (high BER/sinc.
failure), no data output etc. to be provided. The explanation of
the alarms provided shall be given.
Audible alarm:
Potential free contacts shall be provided for extension of
audible alarm. Reset facility for audible alarm shall be
Remote Supervision:
The terminal station (controlling station) shall monitor the
status of the unattended repeater station and also the far end
terminal station ( controlled station). The following
parameters are to be monitored locally and conveyed to the
controlling station from each repeater and far end terminal
1) RF path failure
2) Any sub-system failure
3) Two other parameters related to the station.
The details of alarms provided may be indicated with
diagnostic procedure. If grouping of alarms is done for remote
supervision, clear explanation should be given. Number of
HOPS - 4 nos. with drop insert ? of channels.
Transmitter Specifications
Trans Power at antenna port: + 30 dBm (min.) 50 ohms, +
35 dBm (max.).

3.4 Spurii and harmonic emission at antenna port: 25

microwatt maximum.
3.5 Protection: Transmitter shall be protected against infinate

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4.0 Receiver Specifications
4.1 Noise figure at antenna port: 4 dB or less.
4.2 RLO stability: +/~ 10
4.3 IF frequency: 70 Mhz . Any other IF used may be specified.
4.4 3 dB IF bandwidth: The supplier shall indicate actual
4.5 IF impedance: 75 ohms. Return loss may be specified,
4.6 Reference RF level at antenna port: -63 dBm/50 ohms.
4.7 AGC range: From overload point to threshold Linearised
AGC voltage shall be available for recording.
4.8 Image Frequency Rejection: 80 dB or better.
4.9 Receiver overload point for no deterioration of quality: -40
dBm or better.
4.10 Receiver threshold in absence of interfering signal for BER
of 1x10' -6: -89 dBm at antenna port.
4.11 Operating range: From overload point to threshold.
4.12 Squelch: To be operated for quality deterioration (Sync,
fail or BER of 1x10" -3) . Under squelch condition AIC shall be
transmitted towards MUX. 5.0 Specification for Branching
5.1 TX - RX frequency spacing: As specified at si. No. 2.15
5.2 Insertion loss in transmit direction (TX port to Ant. port) :
2 dB max.
5.3 Insertion loss in receive direction (antenna port to RX
port) : 2 dB max.
5.4 TX-RX isolation: 80 dB or better.
5.5 Return loss at antenna port over 3 dB bandwidth of TX and
RX frequencies: 20 dB or better.
5.6 Nominal impedance at Antenna port: 50 ohms.
5.7 Type of connector at ant. port: N-female
6.0 Power Supply Specifications
6.1 Input D.C. voltage: -48V (-40v - -65v)
6.2 Input DC voltage variation (limits) for operation of the
system without degradation in performance: -40v to -60v.
6.3 ? ? to be provided: Over voltage, short circuit, overload,
under voltage and reverse polarity.
6.4 Derived D.C. voltage: The number of voltages used shall
be minumum. Voltage distribution scheme to be furnished.
6.5 Total Power Consumption: 45 watts (typical). Actual power
consumption may be indicated by the supplier.
7.0 Environmental Specifications 0 - +50 'C. As per IPT-1001A
catagory B including vibration, bump, salinity and dust test.
8.0 Transportation and Storage: -20 deg.C to 60 deg.C for
storage. -40 deg.C to 60 deg.C for transport.
9.0 Simulated Single Hop Specification
9.1 BER Performance: Better than 1x10"-10 at threshold,
1x10"-10 from overload to 5 dB above threshold level.
9.2 OrderWire

The parameters shall be tested for input D.C. voltage variation

as specified in performance specifications. BER performance
over simulated hop is to be established for no errors as
specified in para.
9.1. Co-channel and adjacent channel D/U measurements are
to be carried out at threshold with modulated undesired signal.
Bit rate tolerance and jitter specs, of the system are to be
established at threshold receive level.
9.2.1 Response:
9.2.3 Distortion:
9.2.3 Noise performance:
10.0 Maintainability:
11.0 Reliability:

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Other requirements
a) CCITT G.712 for Digital PCM
b) +/- 2dB or better with respect to 1 Khz. tone at -20 dBm
for ADM.
c) +/-2 dB or better with respect to 1 Khz. tone at -3dBm
for analoq.
d)2 dB or better for PCM ???
e) -53 dbmop or better for digital
f) -45 dbmop or better for analog

Type of construction practice may be indicated with details of

accessability for maintenance etc.
The reliability prediction shall be worked out on the basis of
guidelines issued by Quality Assurance Wing of DOT video
document No. QM 115.
Better than 1,000,000 hours per Transreceiver expected.

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07|
|Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA| |v. County of Lancaster 08-02983|
|v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints|
|UGI & PPL Disputes| |Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder|
|International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture|
|1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...| |NIST Unix CD-ROM Article|
|1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories|

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Email of February 17, 2009 to Mr. Wendall Crow Re: Sheryl Crow

Subject: Meeting with Wendall Crow

From:Stan J. Caterbone (

Sent: Tue February 17, 2009 12:12 PM
To: Wendall Crow (
Field Office FBI (; Detective Michael Landis (; City of
Lancaster Bureau of Police (;; Steve Caterbne
(; (; Don Totaro
4 attachments
Letter to...pdf (569.7 KB), Letter to...pdf (70.3 KB), Letter to...PDF (13.2 KB), Letter to...pdf (378.6 KB)

February 17, 2009

Dear Sandie:

I left a message at Wendell's Office on Sunday, February 15, 2009 and I assume you are his executive assistant.
I wanted to speak with Wendell again regarding Cheryl. I will give you an outline of my request for information
and you can pass this along to Wendell. I have had previous conversations with Wendell back in 2006. Please
email me or have Wendall send a letter to: 1250 Fremont Street, Lancaster, PA 17603

Please remind Wendell that it has been 3 going on 4 years that I have been telepathically connected to "Sheryl
Crow" and have been unable to disconnect. Now it is unfortunate that the burden of trying to identifya and
confirm the actual identity of this person rests soley on my shoulder, however, I will assume that it does. The
pain and torture of Mind Control is described in the research at the bottom of this email. Here are my items for

 The suicide of Mr. O'brien, the friend of Sheryl's in 1994 leads me to suspect that mind control is involved
and suicide is a probable outcome for the perpetrators that I have been suing in the courts. You can find
my whistleblowing activities on my website.
 I am at least the second person to allege being telepathic with Sheryl. Mr. Kappos, who was acquited of
stalking in 2003 did the same. This article is also listed below.
 Bobby Ray Inman, former board of directors if International Signal and Control, (ISC), the company which
I was a shareholder and whistleblower, is also linked to Mind Control Activities. You can find this on the
Welcome page of my website.
 If you look on the third paragraph of the July 16, 2007 letter to the Federal Bureua of Investigation you will
find that I allege that I am telepathic with Sheryl and continue on regarding the same.
 If you look on the fourth paragraph of the first page of the July 12, 2007 letter to Senator Arlen Specter
you will find my request for help regarding this matter.

Sheryl Crow's "Suitor" and Other Celebrity Stalkers: When Do They Legally Infringe Privacy?

Last Tuesday, December 14, Ambrose Kappos - the alleged stalker of singer Sheryl Crow - was acquitted by a
New York State jury.

Kappos was charged with having stalked Crow when, in 2003, he confronted her backstage at a New York
performance venue, the Hammerstein Ballroom, where she was about to sing at a benefit. She was spirited into
her limousine, but Kappos then ran up to it and cried, "I am Ambrose!" (He had also paid a visit to Crow's father,
and made calls to younger sister, in 2002, asking to meet Crow.)

Kappos claims he was "courting" Crow and meant her no harm. But she testified she found his visit "eerie" and it
made her "alarmed" and "nervous." There is evidence Kappos may be somewhat unbalanced: He claims to
have been in telepathic communication with Crow, because he is her "spiritual twin," and apparently told
her father and sister he bore messages from God.

Excerpts from Sheryl Crow's Biography

The album was shelved, and fearing that she'd let her best opportunity slip through her fingers, Crow sank into
another near-crippling depression that lingered for nearly a year and a half. However, thanks to boyfriend Kevin
Gilbert, an engineer who'd attempted to remix her ill-fated album, Crow fell in with a loose group of industry pros
that included Gilbert, Bill Bottrell, David Baerwald, David Ricketts, Brian MacLeod, and Dan Schwartz. Dubbed the
Tuesday Night Music Club, this collective met once a week at Bottrell's Pasadena recording studio to drink, jam,
and work out material. In this informal, collaborative setting, Crow was able to get her creative juices flowing
again, and the group agreed to make its newest member -- the only one with a recording contract -- the focal

Crow and the collective worked out enough material for an album, and with Bottrell serving as producer, she
recorded her new official debut, titled Tuesday Night Music Club in tribute. The record was released in August
1993 and proved slow to take off. Lead single "Run Baby Run" made little impact, and while "Leaving Las Vegas"
attracted some attention through its inclusion in the acclaimed film of the same name, it reached only the lower
half of the charts. A&M took one last shot by releasing "All I Wanna Do," a song partly written by poet Wyn
Cooper, as a single. With its breezy, carefree outlook, "All I Wanna Do" became one of the biggest summer

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singles of 1994, falling just one position short of number one. Suddenly, Tuesday Night Music Club started flying
out of stores, and spawned a Top Five follow-up hit in "Strong Enough" (plus another minor single in "Can't Cry
Anymore"). Crow was a big winner at the Grammys in early 1995, taking home honors for Best New Artist, Best
Female Rock Vocal, and Record of the Year (the latter two for "All I Wanna Do"). Her surprising sweep pushed
Tuesday Night Music Club into the realm of genuine blockbuster, as its sales swept past the seven million mark.
After close to a decade of dues-paying, Crow was a star.

Unfortunately, success came at a price. In 1994, Crow had been invited to perform "Leaving Las Vegas" on Late
Night With David Letterman. In a brief interview segment, Letterman asked if the song was autobiographical, and
Crow offhandedly agreed that it was. In actuality, the song was mostly written by David Baerwald, based on the
book by his good friend John O'Brien (which had also inspired the film). Having been burned by the industry
already, some of the Tuesday Night Music Club took Crow's comment as a refusal to give proper credit for their
contributions. Baerwald in particular felt betrayed, and things only got worse when O'Brien committed suicide not
long after Crow's Letterman appearance. Although O'Brien's family stepped forward to affirm that Crow had
nothing to do with the tragedy, the rift with Baerwald was already irreparable. Some Club members bitterly
charged that Crow's role in the collaborative process was rather small, and that the talent on display actually had
little to do with her. Tragedy struck again in 1996 when Crow's ex-boyfriend, Kevin Gilbert, was found dead of
autoerotic asphyxiation.

Mind Control and Psychotronics Torture Techniques

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central
Security Service ], D.I.A. [ DefenceIntelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I.
[ Federal Bureau of Investigation ] Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremely top secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains
electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e.
television, radio, the internet, and the telephone.

The pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal
about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very
secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the
branches of the U.S. military.

The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty years or maybe even more ahead of
the technology which is available to the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public
what the level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A.
[ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ]. The headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at
Fort George Meade in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which can be inserted into a person by
means of an injection, capsule, or tooth filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves. These microscopic computer chips
can also be made invisible to detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic
Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ] scans, by some means of electromagnetic
degaussing. With the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military
intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against
targeted persons is obsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote
control is used today against targeted individuals suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic
Telepathy is used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation against people as red herring good
cop/bad cop or tough love acting, diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted dissidents, and as a means of espionage.
Once it was believed that claims about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S.
cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S.
federal government in the 1990's publicly admitted that the allegation was true. FBI and NSA agents who are
part of a secret US society are genetically inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers,
sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved in murders and torture of hundreds of
thousands of innocent US citizens for years and years. At the last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who are
businessmen, priests, community leaders and in all walks of life who are SPYING and keeping tabs on pretty
much all americans.

The synthetic telepathy espionage trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic torturers, slanderers, experimenters,
and spies, in order to avoid developing any sympathy for their targeted victims, deliberately avoid actually feeling
the emotions of their victims by following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer monitor
screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims which also appear on the computer monitor screens.

Then again, who can feel all of the emotions and thoughts which any given person has undergone every second
of their entire lifetime. The emotions and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy operators can be
broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or censor any emotions and
words of their victims which they do not want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their
own criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of subliminal, subconscious,
remote control microwave brainwashing technology, and they can change the voice behind their words so as to
make it appear that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by means of synthetic

They can also store emotions and silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they can
rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are
predisposed towards sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic defects, and
that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their lives is by engaging in an addictive pattern of
sadomasochistic activities and fantasies. If you do not believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should
look at these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic psychological warfare and mind control
which today is declassified: I urge the readers to print/save this column as well as the following link
thousands of innocent american citizens (guinea pigs and victims) is explained in detail with diagrams and
technology. Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency at

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Mind control means influencing the behaviour of an individual. And to creating or remolding victims ersonality
towards desired state. The desired model human for the elite of the world, or, the Illuminati is: Easily teerable
mass-human without personal characteristics. A stupefied, dumbed down person. This secures the interests of
the elite of the world. So they can lead our lives through changing times the way they want. Apparently growing
out of earlier government mind control research programs such as MKULTRA, and government suppression-of-
dissent programs such as COINTELPRO, today's mind control is covert, finely crafted, around the clock =
harassment perpetrated against citizens living in their homes and communities. It is to be noted, that MK-ULTRA
and other government programs worked as a front for the alien mind control techniques, which are superior.
The intradimensional way of mind control using the alien technologies ensures, hat the result is always the
desired one. And undesired for all free-loving people. Destruction of family and other relationships by way of lies,
bribes, and threats is a goal of the phase of today's mind control.

The current day mind control program has been carefully engineered so that if the target complains, their own
words will instantly cause them to be labeled as mentally ill.

The mind/body symptoms of current day mind control include: Excruciating PAIN(!) Exceptionally frequent
blanking of recent memories, and truncation of new ideas - Very unnatural inability to sleep, as if large amounts
of caffeine have been consumed. - Sudden forced awakening at precisely the same time in the middle of the
night, continuing for at least months, and right on a clock time such as 4 am, zero minutes, zero seconds -
Sudden clumsiness, which can result in spills, spoilage of precise work, or injury - Attacks of extreme fatigue,
sometimes almost to the point of paralysis, when there is no reason for such attacks - Frequent powerful itching
without rash, and which may start as a small electric shock - Artificial bee stings, especially while trying to get
to sleep - Wildly racing heart without any cause - Sudden overheating, without any cause - Frequent flailing of
arms and legs as you try to sleep - Fake sounds such as alarm clock going off when it shouldn't, telephone
ringing when there is no incoming call, knocking on the door but no one is there - Voices, either very insulting, or
telling you things that indicate you are under surveillance - Vibration of body parts when trying to sleep - High
pitched tone in ears, which may change when switching electronic equipment on or off In some cases, statements
by strangers indicating they know what you had for supper In some cases, statements by strangers indicating
they can read your thoughts - Artificial and powerful sexual stimulation - Artificial and powerful PREVENTION of
sexual stimulation .

This is THE EXTERIOR of mind control. The non-noticeable mind control is more dangerous one. That is the
manipulation of our thoughts and emotions WITHOUT our notice of things. We think we lead our lives. But we do
not. We have to wake up to take notice on the situation. And try to change the course of history. FBI and NSA
SECRET SOCIETY imposes us the New world order using mind control.And we can`t shield ourselves from it.
Which makes us as puppets on strings.Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control: from CNN's Special
Assignment, about 1985, at ,

by Chuck De Caro, CNN Special Assignments, and List of mind control symptoms, in 2005 update: The
convergence of the cold war history of mind control and electromagnetic weapons with new post cold war
government neuroscience reserch programs, by Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mind Justice, 2005, at


Also, there is an interesting article called Brain wave technology could change lives: Imagine controlling a
computer using only your thoughts. This technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of playing
video games, for example. See this link:

The article was written by Robert Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December
6, 2004. Another web site concerned with gaining information on the electrical activity of brainwaves, and by
means of wireless technology, can be found in the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World
Edition article called Remote control brain sensor, at


4 Elite Airborne commandos Return from a Special Operation in Afghanistan and suddenly torture and murder
their wives Friday, July 26, 2002 1:33 p.m. EDT FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers stationed at
Fort Bragg, including three special operations servicemen who returned home this year after tours of duty in
Afghanistan, allegedly killed their wives recently, military officials said on Friday. In two of the cases, the oldiers
killed themselves after shooting their spouses, officials said. In the other two, the servicemen have been arrested
and are facing charges.There has been a recent series of instances where soldiers have either committed murder
or murder-suicide against their wives, said Maj. Gary Kolb, a spokesman for the Army Special Operations

STARGATE is one of the many names given to the Army's classified clan of remote viewers. This project was
hidden deeply within the government for close to two decades. The work of Harold Puthoff Ph.D., at SRI
international joined with the work of others at the Cognitive Science Laboratory
( ) helped to supply the CIA with the framework of what was then known as Project
GRILLFRAME. By 1978 America's first remote viewers were at work. It is rumored the cold war was responsible
for the government's interest in remote viewing because Russia had spies not dissimilar to our remote viewers.

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

Alex Constantine

(1995) Another bombshell from the fecund furnace of Feral House Press. Constantine, a political researcher in the
mold of Mae Brussell, has gathered together a well-documented survey. Bombing minds rather than bodies is
the warfare of the new millennium Funded under the euphemism of Non-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has
developed the ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death, with the push of a button. Hard to

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believe? Believe it! Official sources have publicly admitted to the existence of such technology.

Topics covered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory hoax, E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads,
The GOP's Pink Triangle & the CIA, Johnny Carson and the SL crisis, and let's not forget the chapter on
NutraSweet as crowd control. 221 pages, PB PDU $12.95

The term mind control comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles.In 1953, Dulles, speaking before a national
meeting of Princeton alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current battle for men's minds: a first front
of mass indoctrination through censorship and propaganda, and a second front of individual brainwashing and
brain changing. Before an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles skipped the usual pieties about democracy.
The same year, Dulles approved the CIA's notorious MKULTRA project, and exempted it from normal CIA financial
controls. A partial list of aggressive promoters of this new technology includes Oak Ridge National Lab, Sandia
National Laboratories, Science Applications International orporation, MITRE Corporation, Lawrence Livermore
National Lab, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume study of future developments in
weapons called New World Vistas. Tucked away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some hair-raising
insights into the future 'coupling' of man and machine in a section dealing with 'Biological Process Control'. The
author refers to an 'explosion' of knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously: One can envision the
development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that
can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements,
control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and
long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.

Translating the words 'experience set' from military jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that they
envisage the ability to erase your life's memories and substitute a new, fictitious set. By projecting such
developments into the future, the authors of New Vistas are camouflaging present day capabilities. A similar
futuristic scenario with many references to mind manipulation is described in The Revolution in Military Affairs
and Conflict Short of War (US Army War College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit declare:
Behaviour modification is a key component of peace enforcement and The advantage of [using] directed
energy systems is deniability. The authors ask: Against whom is such deniability aimed? The direct answer is
the merican people.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated 13 December, 1996: All
schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact
details. we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with
the permission of the US State Department, of course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm
(Iraq) quite successfully.

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude emotion
signature clusters, synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle
characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have
been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. These clusters are then placed
on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in
another human being! Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body's blood-brain barrier,14 which can
synergistically increase the effects of drugs, as the military is well aware. Using relatively low-level RFR, it may
be possible to sensitise large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to
which the unirradiated population would be immune.15 Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of
implants - cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the fluid of the inner ear, or implants that
transmit sound vibrations via bone conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up audible radio

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires running from strategic points in the brain to a
radio receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin. Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw
emotions such as arousal, anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob. Of course, secret research by the US
Government into microwaves and synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the Cold War
secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting victims: Headache, fatigue, perspiring,
dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety,
forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration. Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies
May Produce Army of 'Zombies.' Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as
rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells. The research, called
Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips. This technology that alters neurons
could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies, Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution, said. See also National Security Agency in

Central Security Service in


Defense Intelligence Agency in , and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in

The following links explain secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of FBI, CIA and NSA agencies.

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Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

July 4, 2008

Mr. Wendell Crow

Crow, Reynolds, Shetley & McVey, LLP
308 First Street
P.O. Box 189
Kennett, MO 63857-0189
Re: U.S. Third Cir. No. 07-4474 Brief and Sheryl Crow
For Your Professional Courtesy

Dear Mr. Crow:

On July 2, 2008 I had personally filed the attached brief in the Clerks Office of the United States Third Circuit
Court of Appeals in CATERBONE v. Lancaster County Prison, et. al., (U.S. District Court Case No. 05-cv-2288.
Attached is an electronic copy of the brief that I filed, for your convenience. You may view the document online

You will find reference to your daughter, Sheryl, on pages 52; 61; 63; 66; 67; and 70. Attached you will also find
a document of my phone records with calls to your office and or home on September 5, 2005; March 31, 2006. I
also have phone records with calls to Kennett, MO on the following dates: April 26, 2006; March 28, 2006; March
30, 2006; April 26, 2006; March 31, 2006; May 1, 2006; and May 4, 2006. These may or not be all of the calls to
Kennett, MO. I did not find others in my records search that I currently have in my possession.

Attached you will find an electronic mail communication from Jan McElwrath, Director of the Kennett Chamber of
Commerce regarding the issuance and donation of 1,000 shares of stock of Advanced Media Group for the
construction of Scouts Trail on or about July 5, 2005.

As you may or not be aware, I visited Kennett, MO on the dates of July 22, 2005 to July 25, 2005 to visit the
Sheryl Crow Aquatic Center and the site of Scouts Trail; of which I was very impressed. I had also filed a brief for
my chapter 11-bankruptcy reorganization from the Kennett, MO Post Office on July 25, 2005. Sheryl and Lance
were completing the final ceremonies for the 2005 Tour De France and at no time had I visited or attempted to
visit or locate any addresses of you and or your family. I was merely on my way to Santa Barbara, California and
wanted to visit the new Sheryl Crow Aquatic Center. This is a matter of record.


Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se

Advanced Media Group

July 12, 2007

Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-3802
Re: Letter of June 15, 2007

Dear Mr. Specter:

I appreciate your letter of June 15, 2007 and the future of the Federal Courthouse in Lancaster County. I dont
think that there is anything more important than the integrity of our judicial system. As you are aware, I am
following the Attorney General controversy and would hope that your committee is successful in restoring the
tradition of respect and integrity into that institution. I dont see how our great country can function with respect
without that happening. I would hope that Attorney General Gonzales takes the high road and resigns in the very
near future, for the greater good.

Unfortunately, I have some personal and business issues that I consider important enough for me to seek your
help, as being one of my representatives to the United States Senate. First of all, I received your letter
yesterday, July 11, 2007. It was held in the mail system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so
many complaints regarding the same that I filed a complaint with the United States Postal Inspector. They had
written me but I never did receive the follow-up to the investigation as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy
of the letter with the hopes that you could follow-up and make certain that my complaint is not being subverted.

If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case that I need to file
against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case involves the former Department of
Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC) formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I
also have an unprecedented case of obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the
merits of waiting until your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain that any filing
before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the United States District Courts and
the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct.
However, I realize that you do not have the authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.

There is a problem that I must bring to your attention in the hopes that you would be able to at least refer me to
the appropriate committees or agency. For approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to
communicate telepathically. I have spent much time researching this ability through the various intelligence

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agencies declassified documents. My problem is that I am connected 24/7 with a person that is compromising my
interests and my intellectual property at a time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings. My business
interests are also greatly compromised. I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was trained without my
knowledge and or consent. I need to seek help in trying to disconnect. The person that is connected to me
subjects me to a brutal array of mental and psychological abuse.

I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20 years to resolve my
issues in a Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself, and of course it is very suspect
considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations. Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the
Department of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) that dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the
National Institute of Standards and Technology and DARPA. I know that they study and research paranormal
activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My Whistle-Blowing activities and my knowledge of the
fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the
National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with ISC, and of course my very public condemnation
of the fraud.

In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union dating as far back as the 1930s regarding
this subject. It appears that they have more knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a
disclosure that may or may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and
intimate conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.

She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the Pennsylvania State
University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.

I will copy Senator Diane Feinstein of California with this letter. The fact that she serves on the Judiciary
Committee with you and the fact that she is also on the Senate Select Intelligence Committee might help me find
a solution to this problem. I would hope that you both might be able to help me find someone that can help me
disconnect from this other telepathic person, while at the same time taking any making certain there are no
National Security issues.

In another matter, I also will enclose a copy of an email from the Government Accounting Office (GAO) pertaining
a document that I am trying to locate that was sent to me in 1987 from the GAO. I would appreciate it if you
could follow-up on this and make sure I am afforded the FOIA for this document.

I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone
cc: USPS Certified Mail
Enclosures Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO

July 16, 2007

Federal Bureau of Investigations

J. Edger Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Philadelphia, PA

Re: Important Matters

Dear Sir or Madam:

First of all, I received a personal letter from Senator Arlen Specter on July 11, 2007. It was held in the mail
system or was stolen for almost a full 30 days. I have had so many complaints regarding the same that I filed a
complaint with the United States Postal Inspector (See Attached). They had written me but I never did receive
the follow-up to the investigation as the letter promise. I am attaching a copy of the letter with the hopes that
you could followup and make certain that my complaint is not being subverted.

If you are not aware, I have a Federal Whistle-Blowing and Federal False Claims Act case that I need to file
against the United States Attorney General, as required by law. This case involves the former Department of
Defense contractor International Signal & Control, Plc, (ISC) formerly of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I
also have an unprecedented case of obstruction of justice that surrounds that case, and I am evaluating the
merits of waiting until your subcommittee finds a resolution to U.S. Attorney General controversy before I file my
action in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I am certain that any filing
before would only be subject to further misconduct. My cases now before the United States District Courts and
the various Courts of the Commonwealth have been subject to an unprecedented array of judicial misconduct.
However, I realize that you do not have the authority or the jurisdiction to intervene, so I am told.

For approximately the past 19 months I have had the ability to communicate telepathically. I have spent much
time researching this ability through the various intelligence agencies declassified documents. My problem is that
I am connected 24/7 with a person (Sheryl Crow) that is compromising my interests and my intellectual property
at a time when I am litigating civil and criminal proceedings. My business interests are also greatly compromised.

I do not know how I became telepathic, or if I was trained without my knowledge and or consent. I need to seek
help in trying to disconnect. The person that is connected to me subjects me to a brutal array of mental and
psychological abuse. I firmly believe that they are being used as a medium for this purpose. I have waited 20
years to resolve my issues in a Court of Law, and this is not a good time for this ability to assert itself, and of
course it is very suspect considering my Federal False Claims Act allegations.

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Unfortunately, I have had personal dealings with the Department of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) that
dates back to 1990 when I had contracts with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and DARPA. I
know that they study and research paranormal activities and technologies, including remote channeling. My
Whistle-Blowing activities and my knowledge of the fraud within ISC back in 1987, has put me in direct scrutiny
of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) due to their relationships with
ISC, and of course my very public condemnation of the fraud. I dont know if any of your agents have any
experience with this type of situation, but there are definitely National Security issues that may need to be
addressed. There are persons that can actually eaves drop on this type of communication, and I am constantly
being question on matters related to ISC, and other foreign affairs. My knowledge of the Middle East is quite
extensive, and there is always the possibility for someone to glean information for illegitimate reasons.

In the past few weeks I have downloaded a declassified document dump from the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) that contained hundreds of bibliographies from the Soviet Union dating as far back as the 1930s regarding
this subject. It appears that they have more knowledge and expertise than the United States. This brings me to a
disclosure that may or may not be concerning. Over the past several months I have had two contacts and
intimate conversation with an 80-year-old Russian immigrant regarding my problem. She seemed to be
knowledgeable of the subject matter and made several disclosures, which may or not be true.

She said that she was a Psychologist with a Doctorate degree and a former employee of the Pennsylvania State
University System. She also disclosed that her former husband was imprisoned and tortured by the KGB.

I look forward to your response.


Stan J. Caterbone
cc: USPS Certified Mail
Enclosures Letter of June 15, 2007
May 24, 2007 Letter from United States Postal Inspection Service
February 26, 2007 - Email to DARPA
April 12, 2007 Email Confirmation from CIA
2002 CIA Declassified Document
July 10, 2007 Email from The GAO

December 3, 2007

R. Scott Smith
Chairman, President
And Chief Executive Officer
Fulton Financial Corporation
One Penn Square
P.O. Box 4887
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604

Re: Black Budget Identities of the United States Government regarding Covert Activates & Mind Control
Rufus Fulton, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer & Department of Defense
Caterbone v. Fulton Bank litigation Federal False Claims Act Complaint re International Signal & Control (ISC) of
Lancaster, PA

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to bring to your attention a very dire matter that severely implicates Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial
Corporation. I would like to bring to your attention the Rufus Fulton interview of November 21, 2007 broadcast
on WGAL TV 8 News at 6. This interview disclosed National Security information for the first time regarding his
work for the Department of Defense and the Kennedy Administration.

I am suggesting that his classified work with the Department of Defense and his present influence concerning
National Security matters is a dire conflict of interest concerning my litigation against Fulton Bank that needs to
be investigated by outside agencies and or authorities. I have serious questions regarding the Defense
Intelligence Agency and the possible collusion with your institution. You have to understand that in July of 2005
while I was visiting a museum on a military base in Austin Texas, I was detained by 2 agents for the Defense
Intelligence Agency and questioned about my Federal case 02-5588 Caterbone v. Lancaster County Prison, et al.,
which Fulton Bank is a defendant, and my whereabouts as well as my destination. They required me to verify
where I was staying, and called my brother Phil's Doctors office in Austin, whom I was staying with, and caused
his staff problems by getting them alarmed about the situation. They were not very nice and I left them with the
question "We are all on the same team, aren't we?

They left me be on my way after reviewing my documents and my Federal civil complaint, which included
information about ISC and my allegations and Federal False Claims Act; and demanding that I do not visit any
more military bases. To my knowledge I have had no physical contact since.

The problem is the involvement of the Department of Defense, Mr. Rufus Fultons past affiliation and possible
influence, my allegations and civil complaints against Fulton Bank, and my telepathic abilities and remote
viewing1. For some time I have been trying to identify groups and or agencies that may have remotely trained
me. I have written to and personally visited the office of Senator Arlen Specter2, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation3, the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence4, and corresponded with the Defense Advanced for
Research Projects Agency5, and the Central Intelligence Agency6 with the hopes of finding some answers.

However they have proved fruitless.

See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT:
ITS IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D7; it is a report that identifies organizations,
agencies, and companies that are directly involved with mental telepathy and remote viewing, most of which
operate under the direction and funding of the Department of Defense. I have just recently discovered this
document on Friday, November 30, 2007 and found it most disturbing after having to watch the Rufus Fulton
interview the prior week. Pay particular attention to the items in red highlight.

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Your Board of Directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission should be and will be alerted to this
discovery. I wish you would reconsider your letter of November 14, 2007 and your position no to meet with me
personally to discuss some of these issues. I believe it will be in your best interest to stay ahead of this
information. A civil and criminal conspiracy allegation that involves this information will have dire consequences
to your major stakeholders and your shareholders.

As a courtesy I will promise to give you until the end of this week, December 7, 2007 to review this material and
perform any due diligence that you seem worthy; and communicate a response. After that time, I will take it
upon myself to disclose this information as it pertains to Fulton Bank and Fulton Financial Corporation to the
Securities and Exchange Commission, and others that will help protect my interests and the interests of the
Advanced Media Group and my litigation v. Fulton Bank.


Advanced Media Group

Stan J. Caterbone
Visit Our Blog
Visit Our Video Biography
Copy to file
Deliver to Stephanie Carfley, Barley Snyder, LLC


1 See attached research document titled On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology By Carole
Smith Global Research, October 18, 2007; Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.

2 See attached letter dated July 12, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to Senator Arlen Specter of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Senator Arlen Specter was visited on May 17, 2006.

3 See the attached letter dated July 16, 2007 from Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The
meeting at the FBI Philadelphia Field Office took place on October 24, 2007, and the FBI Harrisburg Field Office was visited on May 17, 2006.

4 The Senate Select Intelligence Committee office was visited on May 17, 2006

5 See attached email dated February 26, 2007 regarding mental telepathy and mind control to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

6 See the attached email confirmation from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

7 See the attached research document dated Thursday, November 29, 2007, titled THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: ITS IDENTIFICATION AND
ANALYSIS, by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D..

|Welcome| |Stan J. Caterbone Bio| |BiPolar Mood Diagnosis| |Telepathic Telecommunications| |Mind Control Research| |Letter to Dr. Phil (NBC TV)|
|Letter to Chief Sadler LCPD| |Third Circuit Brief 07/2/08| |Amended Complaint Oct '07| |Lippiatt Amicus| |Amicus Curiae Brief NSA|
|v. County of Lancaster 08-02983| |v. City of Lancaster 08-02982| |v. PENNDOT 08-02981| |Civil Rights Complaints| |UGI & PPL Disputes|
|Advanced Media Group| |Tom's Project Hope| |Activist Shareholder| |International Signal Control (ISC)| |Downtown Lancaster Plan| |Excelsior Place Proposal|
|FinancialManagementGroup| |Lancaster Home Rule Application| |1987 SONY Joint Venture| |1992 CCHR Complaint| |Had Lancaster Lost It's ...|
|NIST Unix CD-ROM Article| |1987 Mortgage Banking| |Management Consulting| |Radio Science Laboratories| |Other|

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Mind Control Research Page 1 of 76

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:50:31 AM




INNOCENT US CITIZENS by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA
of thousands of innocent american citizens.

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A.
[ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [Central Security Service], D.I.A.
[DefenceIntelligence Agency], D.A.R.P.A. [Defense Advanced Reserch
Projects Agency], C.I.A. [Central Intelligence Agency], the D.H.S.
[ Department of Homeland Security], and the F.B.I. [Federal Bureau of
Investigation] Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has
extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts
given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical
impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of
microwave tranceivers, infrasound and ultrasound tranceivers, satellites,
and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e.
television, radio, the internet, and the telephone. The pentagon calls this
mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing
paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part
of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The
N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one
of the branches of the U.S. military.

The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to
the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public
what the level of technological development is within the secret
laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch
Projects Agency ]. The headquarters of the National Security Agency is
located at Fort George Meade in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology

which can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or
tooth filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist,
and these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or
microwaves. These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible
to detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I.
[ Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission
Tomography ] scans, by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With
the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available to the
U.S. military intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer
implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted persons is
obsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious, wireless
microwave remote control is used today against targeted individuals
suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic Telepathy is
used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation against people
as red herring good cop/bad cop or tough love acting,
diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted
dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed that claims
about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of
U.S. cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply

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mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990's
publicly admitted that the allegation was true. FBI and NSA agents who are
part of a secret US society are genetically inclined sociopaths and
psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers, sexual abusers, stalkers,
slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved in murders and torture of
hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens for years and years. At the
last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who are businessmen, priests,
community leaders and in all walks of life who are SPYING and keeping
tabs on pretty much all americans. The synthetic telepathy espionage
trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic torturers, slanderers, experimenters,
and spies, in order to avoid developing any sympathy for their targeted
victims, deliberately avoid actually feeling the emotions of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims which
also appear on the computer monitor screens.

Then again, who can feel all of the emotions and thoughts which any given
person has undergone every second of their entire lifetime. The emotions
and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy operators can be
broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power
to block or censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do
not want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their
own criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims
by means of subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave
brainwashing technology, and they can change the voice behind their
words so as to make it appear that it is the targeted victim and not
themselves who are communicating by means of synthetic telepathy. They
can also store emotions and silently thought words onto a supercomputer
memory bank which they can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the
synthetic telepathy operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are predisposed
towards sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination
of genetic defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in
their lives is by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadomasochistic
activities and fantasies. If you do not believe that synthetic telepathy
exists, then you should look at these following web sites which reveal that
part of electromagnetic psychological warfare and mind control which today
is declassified: I urge the readers to print/save this column as well as the
following link
SADISTIC TORTURE of hundreds of thousands of innocent american citizens
(guinea pigs and victims) is explained in detail with diagrams and
technology. Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency at

Mind control means influencing the behaviour of an individual. And to

creating or remolding victims ersonality towards desired state. The desired
model human for the elite of the world, or, the Illuminati is: Easily
teerable mass-human without personal characteristics. A stupefied,
dumbed down person. This secures the interests of the elite of the world.
So they can lead our lives through changing times the way they want.
Apparently growing out of earlier government mind control research
programs such as MKULTRA, and government suppression-of-dissent
programs such as COINTELPRO, today's mind control is covert, finely
crafted, around the clock = harassment perpetrated against citizens living
in their homes and communities. It is to be noted, that MK-ULTRA and
other government programs worked as a front for the alien mind control
techniques, which are superior. The intradimensional way of mind control
using the alien technologies ensures, hat the result is always the desired
one. And undesired for all free-loving people. Destruction of family and
other relationships by way of lies, bribes, and threats is a goal of the phase
of today's mind control. The current day mind control program has been
carefully engineered so that if the target complains, their own words will
instantly cause them to be labeled as mentally ill.

The mind/body symptoms of current day mind control include: Excruciating

PAIN(!) Exceptionally frequent blanking of recent memories, and truncation
of new ideas - Very unnatural inability to sleep, as if large amounts of
caffeine have been consumed. - Sudden forced awakening at precisely the
same time in the middle of the night, continuing for at least months, and

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right on a clock time such as 4 am, zero minutes, zero seconds - Sudden
clumsiness, which can result in spills, spoilage of precise work, or injury -
Attacks of extreme fatigue, sometimes almost to the point of paralysis,
when there is no reason for such attacks - Frequent powerful itching
without rash, and which may start as a small electric shock - Artificial bee
stings, especially while trying to get to sleep - Wildly racing heart without
any cause - Sudden overheating, without any cause - Frequent flailing of
arms and legs as you try to sleep - Fake sounds such as alarm clock going
off when it shouldn't, telephone ringing when there is no incoming call,
knocking on the door but no one is there - Voices, either very insulting, or
telling you things that indicate you are under surveillance - Vibration of
body parts when trying to sleep - High pitched tone in ears, which may
change when switching electronic equipment on or off In some cases,
statements by strangers indicating they know what you had for supper In
some cases, statements by strangers indicating they can read your
thoughts - Artificial and powerful sexual stimulation - Artificial and powerful
PREVENTION of sexual stimulation .

This is THE EXTERIOR of mind control. The non-noticeable mind control is

more dangerous one. That is the manipulation of our thoughts and
emotions WITHOUT our notice of things. We think we lead our lives. But we
do not. We have to wake up to take notice on the situation. And try to
change the course of history. FBI and NSA SECRET SOCIETY imposes us
the New world order using mind control.And we can`t shield ourselves from
it. Which makes us as puppets on strings.Electromagnetic Weapons and
Mind Control: from CNN's Special Assignment, about 1985, at , by Chuck De Caro, CNN
Special Assignments, and List of mind control symptoms, in 2005 update:
The convergence of the cold war history of mind control and
electromagnetic weapons with new post cold war government neuroscience
reserch programs, by Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mind Justice, 2005, at


Also, there is an interesting article called Brain wave technology could

change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts.
This technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of
playing video games, for example. See this link:
The article was written by Robert Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and
was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6, 2004. Another web site concerned
with gaining information on the electrical activity of brainwaves, and by
means of wireless technology, can be found in the Sunday, 17 November,
2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article called Remote control
brain sensor, at


4 Elite Airborne commandos Return from a Special Operation in

Afghanistan and suddenly torture and murder their wives Friday, July 26,
2002 1:33 p.m. EDT FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers
stationed at Fort Bragg, including three special operations servicemen who
returned home this year after tours of duty in Afghanistan, allegedly killed
their wives recently, military officials said on Friday. In two of the cases,
the oldiers killed themselves after shooting their spouses, officials said. In
the other two, the servicemen have been arrested and are facing
charges.There has been a recent series of instances where soldiers have
either committed murder or murder-suicide against their wives, said Maj.
Gary Kolb, a spokesman for the Army Special Operations Command.

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STARGATE is one of the many names given to the Army's classified clan of
remote viewers. This project was hidden deeply within the government for
close to two decades. The work of Harold Puthoff Ph.D., at SRI
international joined with the work of others
at the Cognitive Science Laboratory ( ) helped to
supply the CIA with the framework of what was then known as Project
GRILLFRAME. By 1978 America's first remote viewers were at work. It is
rumored the cold war was responsible for the government's interest in
remote viewing because Russia had spies not dissimilar to our remote

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

Alex Constantine

(1995) Another bombshell from the fecund furnace of Feral House Press.
Constantine, a political researcher in the mold of Mae Brussell, has
gathered together a well-documented survey. Bombing minds rather than
bodies is the warfare of the new millennium Funded under the
euphemism of Non-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has developed the
ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death, with the
push of a button. Hard to believe? Believe it! Official sources have publicly
admitted to the existence of such technology.

Topics covered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory

hoax, E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads, The GOP's Pink Triangle & the CIA,
Johnny Carson and the SL crisis, and let's not forget the chapter on
NutraSweet as crowd control. 221 pages, PB PDU $12.95

The term mind control comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles.In
1953, Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni,
distinguished two fronts in the then-current battle for men's minds: a
first front of mass indoctrination through censorship and propaganda, and
a second front of individual brainwashing and brain changing. Before
an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles skipped the usual pieties about
democracy. The same year, Dulles approved the CIA's notorious MKULTRA
project, and exempted it from normal CIA financial controls. A partial list of
aggressive promoters of this new technology includes Oak Ridge National
Lab, Sandia National Laboratories, Science Applications International
orporation, MITRE Corporation, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Los
Alamos National Laboratory.

In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume

study of future developments in weapons called New World Vistas. Tucked
away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some hair-raising insights
into the future 'coupling' of man and machine in a section dealing with
'Biological Process Control'. The author refers to an 'explosion' of
knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously: One can
envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of
which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human
body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular
movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit
suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory,
produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.

Translating the words 'experience set' from military jargon into plain
English, this means, simply, that they envisage the ability to erase your
life's memories and substitute a new, fictitious set. By projecting such
developments into the future, the authors of New Vistas are camouflaging
present day capabilities. A similar futuristic scenario with many references
to mind manipulation is described in The Revolution in Military Affairs and
Conflict Short of War (US Army War College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz
and James Kievit declare: Behaviour modification is a key component of
peace enforcement and The advantage of [using] directed energy
systems is deniability. The authors ask: Against whom is such deniability
aimed? The direct answer is the merican people.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a
letter dated 13 December, 1996: All schematics, however, have been
classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the
exact details. we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even

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the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State
Department, of course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert
Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate

the brain's low-amplitude emotion signature clusters, synthesise them
and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the
subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject
experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the
concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. These clusters
are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently
trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!
Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body's blood-brain
barrier,14 which can synergistically increase the effects of drugs, as the
military is well aware. Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to
sensitise large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological
or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be
immune.15 Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of
implants - cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the
fluid of the inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via bone
conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up audible radio

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires running

from strategic points in the brain to a radio receiver/transmitter located
entirely under the skin. Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate
raw emotions such as arousal, anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a
knob. Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves
and synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the
Cold War secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in
unsuspecting victims: Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual
disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness,
depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration. Naval
Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May Produce
Army of 'Zombies.' Future battles could be waged with genetically
engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by
computer chips engineered with living brain cells. The research, called
Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.
This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to
create zombie armies, Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution, said. See also National Security Agency in , Central Security

Service in , ECHELON in , Defense Intelligence Agency in , and Defense

Advanced Research

Projects Agency in

The following links explain secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of

FBI, CIA and NSA agencies.

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fernando arakaki miranda Says: June 8, 2007 at 12:13 pm

OPINION PUBLISHES Sir I have the honor to direct me to his distinguished

person by the following reason: I Fernando Arakaki Miranda born in the
Republic of Brazil, for reasons that I do not know have been brought by my
gentleman father is Bolivia where I have been nationalized Bolivian. I had
the opportunity to travel to Japan so that I have Japanese ancestry, I was
in Japan exactly from 1de June of 1992 to August 1998. In this time
interval which I was living in Japan I was used like experiment with
scientific aims with the technology outpost, through implants of cerebral
microChips, this was made against my will, without my consent. This it
implants has the capacity to gather, to keep, to transmit the thoughts,
sensations, feelings during the life of a person, this means that I do not
have freedom to think, to feel and inclusively they have placed a device to
speak to me directly as if they were a negative conscience, controlling until
my dreams, also do electromagnetic radiation to me, tortures cerebral.
Also they can see through my eyes this implants is called soul to catcher
2025, the MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL that is the
technology cybort but outpost that this in experimental process that is
which I have been a laboratory rabbit. Crimes against my person are trying
to conceal this crime committing, organizing groups of people so that they
harass to me, bothering day and night to me treating to silence and that
this upsetting is unpunished. These cruel acts do not have excuses. They
are without God, nor law. They use the lie deceiving people with calumnies
in my against. Some of the crimes that I am being victim are: Threats,
criminal association, blackmails, insults, psychological attempt of homicide,
damages to the health, damages, discrimination, levelling, robbery, etc.
These are some of the twenty-six crimes that are using to conceal this
subjugation in the city of Santa Cruz of the Mountain range. That is which I
have been and I am being used like rabbit of Indians, so that I am studied
by universities of the country by the newness of this implants of the
technology outpost, that much people ignore and do not know the
magnitude of this upsetting to I generate human in this country. Sir as you
can see deals with vejamen, lesa humanity, these classes of injustices are
sanctioned by the Organization of United Nations (O.N.U), the Human
rights throughout the world, the human being has the right to the life, the
freedom, the right to look for his happiness, exists the code nuremberg.
This does not mean that this against the science if that to the human being
is due to respect in its physical integrity, mental it does not seem that they
are forgetting God and its principles. This denunciation that I do publishes
is also thinking about all victimas that has been used and later silenced
cruelly and these upsettings have been unpunished. Sir I wait for you you
include/understand my situation; I request its collaboration to him to
arrive at justice with a previous international judgment, requesting
compensation of damages with a right indemnification through the legal
routes, for but information my I number of telephone is the 776-74690 my
post-office box electronic is - - takes leave sincerely
thanked for Fernando Arakaki Miranda Note ALSO VIOLATE MY POST-
PASSAGE AIRPLANE. In order to look for paginas in google MIND

Mind Guard non profit Says:

September 3, 2007 at 4:42 am

I thnk the big question is are people ready to do what is needed. There are
people ready to jail the people hertzing people but ARE the people ready?

Mind Guard nonprofit U.S.A. have alll the is neede to deal with the problem
from tracking equipment to the full plans to to the device of desolation but
people have to be willing to act!

I have not seen people ready to do the things that must be done to this

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Mind Control Research Page 7 of 76

day. We are still waiting for people to help with funding and work the

joi Says:

September 6, 2007 at 2:33 am

I have been searching for others experiencing mind attack.. These people
seem to be connected with my family,and all my neighbors. They have
even contacted me through the mail and phone. this all started for me
when i met a wholistic health practitioner, since he,his family and countless
others(you say the government too)have been stalking and abusing me for
five years or more how can i get more info

Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 18:48:31 -0700

Dear Stan: Thanks for keeping me updated. Sincerely, Lorita O'Leary

----- Original Message -----

From: Stan Caterbone

Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 12:59 AM

May 18, 2008

To: Lorita O'Leary, Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Re: Mind Control Problems

Dear Lorita,

Just wanted to check in and give you an update. My time is now occupied
with my major case tied up in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The
CCHR Complaint form is still on my To-Do List.

Hopefully soon.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

Subject: How They Do This To Me





Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 03:19:47 -0400

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On May 16, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Stan Caterbone wrote:

May 16, 2008


I know that I am the victim of this technology that both Neurobotics claims
and that Carole Smith has researched regarding invasive mind control. I
have some of my research posted on my research blog .

The peering into one's thoughts and ideas I can live with, however the pain
and torture of some of this technology is very hurtful and painful. I am
trying desperately to find the source and the means of how they deploy
this on me. I try to change my location when they use it, but that does not
stop it. I was told that the perps can isolate a person with radar and
satellite, so it is hard or impossible for me to avoid.

I know sometime tonight or tomorrow they will hit me again. They usually
need to alternate the pain and pleasure so that it reaches its full impact.
You know, kind of like making sure there is always a spectrum of highs and
lows. I believe they use a technique of using the telepathy (Sheryl Crow
with Brett Stabley and Dave Pflumm?) to engage me in hostile and
harassing conversation along with some sort or electromagnetic energy
isolated on me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the main problems I
have with writing briefs and filing court documents. They will use this to
interfere with my focus and to confuse me while the hackers change my
documents and briefs. It is very challenging, but at least I am litigating,
which is the important thing.


Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

Mind Control Summary

The Secrets of Mind Control
Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers

This revealing ten-page mind control summary contains excerpts from

three landmark books: Bluebird by Colin A. Ross, MD, a leading Canadian
psychiatrist; Mind Controllers by Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation
Betrayed by mind control survivor Carol Rutz. All three authors provide
hundreds of footnotes for their research. Of those footnotes, 80 are
included in this summary, many with links to original sources. Much of this
research is based on 18,000 pages of declassified CIA documents on mind
control. To order these declassified documents in CD format directly from
the government, click here. For a two-page summary of this mind control
material, click here.

A Secret Agenda Leads to First Mind Control Programs

Please note: the letters and numbers after each paragraph denote the book
and page from which the information given was taken. BB stands for
Bluebird ; MC for Mind Controllers; NB for A Nation Betrayed. To order
these books, see our Resource List:

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A declassified CIA document dated 7 January 1953 [1] with a section

heading Outline of Special H Cases describes the experimental creation
of multiple personality in two 19-year old girls by the CIA. H is used as
shorthand for hypnotic, hypnotized, or hypnotism in these documents:
These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully
awake state to a deep H controlled state by telephone, by receiving
written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words, and that control of
those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without
great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls
that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes. BB 32

After the end of World War II, German scientists were being held in a
variety of detainment camps by the allies and Russians. In 1946, President
Truman authorized Project Paperclip [2][3][4] to exploit German scientists
for American research, and to deny these intellectual resources to the
Soviet Union. Some reports bluntly pointed out that they were ardent
Nazis. They were considered so vital to the Cold War effort, that they
would be brought into the US and Canada. Some of these experts were
accused of participating in murderous medical experiments on human
subjects at concentration camps. A 1999 report to the Senate and the
House said that between 1945 and 1955, 765 scientists, engineers, and
technicians were brought to the US under Paperclip and similar
programs. [5] BB 3, NB xi, xii

According to the Central Intelligence Agencys Fact Book, [6] the NSC
(National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the
provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. In December 1947, the
NSC held its first meeting. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense,
pushed for the CIA to begin a secret war against the Soviets. Forrestals
initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops)
in Europe. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors
who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. In
some cases military bases were used to hide these covert activities. It was
decided that the communist threat was an issue that took priority over
constitutional rights. MC 1, 3, 7, 8, NB xvii

The concept of running a secret black project was no longer novel. In

1941, Roosevelt had decided, without consulting Congress, that the US
should proceed with the utmost secrecy to develop an atomic bomb.
Secrecy shrouded the Manhattan Project (the atomic bomb program) to the
extent that Vice President Harry Truman knew nothing about it. [7] The
project meant that by 1947, the US Government had already gained vast
experience in the initiation of secret operations. The existence of black
projects funded by black budgets was withheld not only from the public,
but also from Congress for reasons of national security. MC 8-10

A declassified CIA document [8] Hypnotic Experimentation and Research,

10 February 1954 describes a simulation of relevance to the creation of
unsuspecting assassins: Miss [whited out] was instructed (having
previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that she would use
every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [whited out] (now in a deep
hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at
Miss [whited out]. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that
she would not hesitate to kill [whited out] for failing to awaken. Miss
[whited out] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the
(unloaded) gun at [whited out] and then proceeded to fall into a deep
sleep. Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire
sequence. Miss [whited out] was again handed the gun, which she refused
(in an awakened state) to pick up or accept from the operator. She
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened. BB
36, 37

One of the areas to be investigated by the CIA was mind control. The CIAs
human behavior control program was chiefly motivated by perceived
Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. Under
the protection of national security, many other branches of the
government also took part in the study of this area. The CIA originated its
first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after

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Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE.

MKULTRA officially began in 1953. Technically it was closed in 1964, but
some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the
1970s. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA Director
Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. [9] MC
10, 17

Diligent use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) helps to cast light on
the advances that have been made in controlling the way people think and
act. In 1977, through an FOIA request, 16,000 pages of documents were
found, held as part of the Agencys financial history. The FOIA allows the
most humble citizen to demand the disclosure of documents, although
inevitably some will be heavily censored or not released at all. That is how
much of this information has been pieced together. MC 5 NB, xvi, xvii

Inevitably, however, it is an incomplete picture. Most of the important

details were conveniently destroyed under orders of CIA Director Helms to
conceal wrongdoing. [10] What the mind controllers were and are doing
may be only hinted at in a memo footnote or in the memoirs of a retired
researcher. Nevertheless, there is more than enough here to show that
secret new techniques are being exploited that are no longer in the realm
of science fiction. We must all be aware of this threat, so that those who
wish to take liberties with democracy, and with our freedom to think, are
deterred. MC 6, NB xvii For more, click here.

The CIA Mind Control Projects

Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the director of the CIA on April 20,
1950. In a 1951 memo,

[11] Bluebird states that practical research was to be conducted to include

these specific problems:

Can we create by post-H [hypnotic] control an action contrary to an

individuals basic moral principles?

Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H

condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an
act for our benefit?

Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H

control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.?

Can we by H and SI techniques force a subject to travel long distances,

commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials?

Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?

Can we alter a persons personality?

Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents
and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by
use of codes or identifying signs?

How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best

concealed in a normal or commonplace item, such as candy, cigarettes,
coffee, tea, beer, medicines? [12] NB 13, 14, BB 23

Officially, MKULTRA was established on 13 April 1953, at Richard Helms

suggestion as ultra sensitive work. [13] The operational wing of
MKULTRA, known as MKDELTA, had as its mission to find out how to use
chemical and biological weapon ingredients to alter the human mind.
Originally established as a supplementary funding mechanism to the
ARTICHOKE project, MKULTRA quickly grew into a mammoth undertaking
that outflanked earlier mind control initiatives. MC 69, NB 28

A memorandum from Richard Helms, [14] Acting Deputy Director to CIA

Director Allen Dulles dated 3 April 1953 and entitled Two Extremely
Sensitive Research Programs (MKULTRA and MKDELTA) includes the

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statement, Even internally in CIA, as few individuals as possible should be

aware of our interest in these fields and of the identity of those who are
working for us. At present this results in ridiculous contracts which do not
spell out the scope or intent of the work. BB 125

The memorandum below was written 10 years later to Helms, who by then
had become CIA Director.

26 July 1963, MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence [15]

SUBJECT: Report of Inspection, MKULTRA

It was deemed advisable to prepare the report of the MKULTRA program in

one copy only, in view of its unusual sensitivity. Normal procedures for
project approval, funding, and accounting were waived. The program
requires the services of highly specialized authorities in many fields of
natural science. The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior
are found by many people both within and outside the Agency to be
distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major
accomplishments both in research and operational employment.

Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the
control of human behavior have been designated under the MKULTRA
charter, including radiation, electro-shock, harassment substances, and
paramilitary devices. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality
implicit in the original charter. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA
products places the rights and interests of US citizens in jeopardy. Public
disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious
adverse reaction in US public opinion.

TSD [Technical Services Division of CIA] initiated a program for covert

testing of materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a
philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity
of some of the projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There
are just two individuals in TSD who have full substantive knowledge of the
program and most of that knowledge is unrecorded. In protecting the
sensitive nature of the American intelligence capability to manipulate
human behavior, they apply need to know doctrine to their professional
associates to a maximum degree.

J.S. Earman, Inspector General NB 108-113

The Senate Intelligence Committee did find some records during its
investigation in 1976. [16] However it noted that the practice of MKULTRA
was to maintain no records of the planning and approval of test
programs. Miles Copeland, a former CIA officer, said, The congressional
sub-committee which went into this got only the barest glimpse. [17]
Senator Frank Church, who led the congressional investigations of the
CIAs unlawful actions, said that the agency was a rogue elephant
operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on
thousands of Americans, and even drugged our own citizens in its effort to
develop new weapons for its covert arsenal. MC 13, 18, NB 38

The focal point of MKULTRA was the use of humans as unwitting subjects
[without their knowledge or consent]. The CIA sponsored numerous
experiments of this kind. Regardless of a report by the CIAs Inspector
General in 1963 recommending the termination of testing on unwitting
subjects, future CIA Director Richard Helms continued to advocate covert
testing on the grounds that we are less capable of staying up with the
Soviet advances in this field. On the subject of moral issues, Helms
commented, we have no answer to the moral issue. [18] MC 18 For
more, click here.

The Experience of CIA Mind Control Victim Carol Rutz [19]

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The CIA bought my services from my grandfather in 1952 starting at the

tender age of four. [20] Over the next 12 years, I was tested, trained, and
used in various ways. Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation,
and other types of trauma were used to make me compliant and split my
personality [create multiple personalities for specific tasks]. Each alter or
personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then
perform an act and not remember it later. This Manchurian Candidate
program was just one of the operational uses of the mind control scenario
by the CIA. Your hard-earned tax dollars supported this.

As a survivor of CIA programs Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA, I began

my intense search to document some of the mind control experiments that
I was made part of. Through a series of FOIA requests to various
departments of the government, 48 years after I was first experimented
on, I found solid proof of my memoriesproof that was in the government
vaults of the nearly 18,000 pages of declassified documents from the
Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA programs.

One of the declassified documents [21] states, Learning studies will be

instituted in which the subject will be rewarded or punished for overall
performance and reinforced in various wayswith electric shock, etc. In
other cases, drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify
attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in dissociative
states [multiple personality]. An attempt will be made to induce a number
of states of this kind, using hypnosis. The government had finally handed
me the validation I had been searching for. NB xvii, xviii

The basic premise of the book The Manchurian Candidate [22] is that a
group of American POWs in the Korean War is brainwashed while crossing
through Manchuria to freedom. They arrive back in the US amnesic for the
period of brainwashing. One of them is programmed to be an assassin. His
target is a candidate for president of the US. His handlers control him with
a hypnotically implanted trigger. BB 23

In an experiment described in a document entitled SI and H

experimentation [23] (25 September 1951), two female subjects took
part in an exercise involving the planting of a bomb. Both subjects
performed perfectly and were fully amnesic for the exercise: [Whited out]
was instructed that upon awakening, she would proceed to [whited out]
room where she would wait at the desk for a telephone call. Upon
receiving the call, a person known as Jim would engage her in normal
conversation. During the course of the conversation, this individual would
mention a code word. When she heard this code word, she would pass into
a SI trance state, but would not close her eyes and remain perfectly
normal and continue the telephone conversation.

She was told that upon conclusion of the telephone conversation, she
would carry out instructions: [Whited out] was shown an electric timing
device. She was informed that this device was a bomb, and was then
instructed how to attach and set the device. After [whited out] learned
how to set and attach the device, she was told to take the timing device
which was in a briefcase, and proceed to the ladies room. In the ladies
room, she would be met by a girl whom she had never seen who would
identify herself by the code word New York. [whited out] was then to
show this individual how to attach and set the timing device and further
instructions would be given that the timing device was to be carried in the
briefcase to [whited out] room, placed in the nearest empty electric-light
plug and concealed in the bottom, left-hand drawer of [whited out] desk,
with the device set for 82 seconds and turned on. BB 37, 38

The Mind Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in
extensive political abuse of psychiatry in North America. Many thousands of
prisoners and mental patients were subjected to unethical mind control
experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Organized

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academic psychiatry has never acknowledged this history. The network of

mind control doctors involved has done a great deal of harm to the field of
psychiatry and to psychiatric patients. BB, pg. K

The work of the mind control doctors did not occur in a vacuum. The
importation of Nazi doctors to the US through secret programs like
PAPERCLIP is part of the context. Mind control experimentation was not
only tolerated by medical professionals, but published in psychiatric and
medical journals. [24] The climate was permissive, supportive, and
approving of mind control experimentation. BB 1

Dr. William Sweet [25] participated in both brain electrode implant

experiments and the injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard
University. The 925-page Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments [26] tells the story of radiation experiments, and
their linkage to mind control. BB 1

Martin Orne is one of the leading experts on hypnosis of the 20th century.
[27][28][29] For about 30 years, he was the editor of The International
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Dr. Orne is one of two
psychiatrists professionally still active into the late 1990s who is a
documented CIA mind control contractor (along with Dr. Louis Jolyon
West). BB 121, 124

P. Janet asked a deeply hypnotized female to commit several murders

before a distinguished group of judges, stabbing some victims with rubber
daggers and poisoning others with sugar tablets. The hypnotized subject
did all these things without hesitation. [30] MC 160

Army doctors were actively involved in LSD testing at least until the late
1970s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five
years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11
years of age. Four of the CIAs MKULTRA Subprojects were on children. The
mind control doctors included presidents of the American Psychiatric
Association and psychiatrists who received full-page obituaries in the
American Journal of Psychiatry. Responsibility for the unethical
experimentation lies first with the individual doctors, but also collectively
with the medical profession, and with academia as a whole. BB 21

The MKULTRA contractor about whom the most has been written is Dr.
Ewen Cameron. [31][32][33][34][35] At various times, Dr. Cameron was
President of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations.
He was one of four co-founders of the World Psychiatric Association. Dr.
Cameron began conducting unethical, unscientific, and inhumane
brainwashing experiments in the 1930s. Schizophrenic patients were
forced to lie naked in red light for eight hours a day for periods as long as
eight months. Another experiment involved overheating patients in an
electric cage until their body temperatures reached 102 degrees. BB 125-

From January 1957 until September 1960, Dr. Camerons project received
$64,242.44 in CIA funds. [36] When the CIA stopped funding him,
Cameron received $57,750 from the Canadian government to continue his
research from 1961 to 1964. [37] The actual number of patients on whom
Cameron tried varieties of his experimental techniques is reported as 332.
[38] NB 52, 53

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Camerons unethical, destructive

mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron used a treatment which
involved intensive application of three brainwashing techniques; drug
disinhibition, prolonged sleep, and prolonged psychological isolation. These
were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. [39][40]
[41] The amount of electricity introduced into Lindas brain exceeded by
76.5 times the maximum amount recommended in the ECT Guidelines of
the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Camerons depatterning
technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. Dr. Cameron
proved that doctors skilled in the right procedures can erase a subjects
memory. To this day, Linda MacDonald is unable to remember anything
from her birth to 1963. As recorded by nurses in her chart, Linda was
completely disoriented. She didnt know her name, age or where she was.

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She didnt recognize her children. She couldnt read, drive, cook, or use a
toilet. Not only did she not know her husband, she didnt even know what a
husband was. BB 181-183

Life changed for Linda when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

program, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron on January 17,
1984. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggie, a
Vancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie
was a plaintiff in the class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Camerons
MKULTRA experiments, which was settled out of court for $750,000,
divided among the eight plaintiffs in 1988. [42] Eventually Linda got
$100,000 plus legal fees from the Canadian government. BB 187, 188

J.G. Watkins induced a soldier to strike an officer by suggesting that the

officer was a Japanese soldier. [43] In another experiment, two subjects
who were told to throw sulphuric acid at a laboratory assistant (protected
by glass) complied with the hypnotists commands. [44] MC 158

G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind control doctor who has publicly
acknowledged the building of Manchurian Candidates. In his book Spiritism,
[45] Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to create multiple
personality. [46][47] In his book Hypnotism, [48] Dr. Estabrooks states
that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in
military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of
the demands of war. BB 159, 162

In a 1971 article in Science Digest, [49] Dr. Estabrooks claimed to have

created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational
use. By the 1920s not only had [clinical hypnotists] learned to apply
posthypnotic suggestion, but also to split certain complex individuals into
multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked this
technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant Ill call Jones. I split his
personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a normal working
Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant
it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was
deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps and became a
card-carrying party member. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all
the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American and was imprinted to say
nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole
man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline
straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully. BB 167-169

Dr. Estabrooks did experiments on children. He corresponded with FBI

Director J. Edgar Hoover about using hypnosis to interrogate juvenile
delinquents. His experimentation raises the possibility that he or other
investigators might have attempted to create Manchurian Candidates in
children. Such a possibility might seem far-fetched until one considers the
LSD, biological and radiation experiments conducted on children, [50][51]
[52] and the fact that four MKULTRA Subprojects were on children. The
deliberate creation of multiple personality in children is an explicitly stated
plan in the MKULTRA Subproject Proposal submitted for funding on May 30,
1961. BB 61, 176, 177 For more, click here and here.

LSD Tests

From 1950 until the 1970s, the CIA collaborated closely with the US Army
while conducting LSD and other chemical tests on humans. Experiments
were conducted where none of the volunteers gave their informed consent
prior to receiving LSD. There was a deliberate attempt to deny the
volunteers any information that would have permitted them to evaluate the
dangers involved. Most of the related records have been destroyed. [53]
MC 20, 21, 29, 32

A field test plan called for use of LSD on foreign nationals overseas. The
Surgeon General offered no medical objections to the field experimental
plan. [54] Subjects for the proposed field test were to be non-volunteer,
foreign nationals. It is clear that from the start to finish the project violated
Department of Defense policies, as well as specific procedures set for
chemical or medical research. MC 33-36

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Frank Olson was a biological warfare expert. He committed suicide after

being given LSD hidden in liqueur by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Director of
MKULTRA. Olsons family determined that he committed suicide subsequent
to a bad LSD trip only after reading Nelson Rockefellers 1975 report on the
CIA, finally published 22 years after Olsens death. They were given
$750,000 in compensation by Congress. [55] BB 49

Electronic Implants

Jose Delgados development of the Stimoceiver in the 1950s brought

intelligence agencies ultimate dream of controlling human behavior one
step closer to reality. The Stimoceivera miniature electrode capable of
receiving and transmitting electronic signals by FM radiocould be placed
within an individuals cranium. And once in place, an outside operator could
manipulate the subjects responses. Delgado demonstrated the potential of
his Stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place,
Delgado stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards
the experimenter and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him.
The powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a
button on a small box held in Delgados hand. [56] MC 147

Dr. Delgado, a neurosurgeon and professor at Yale, [57][58][59][60][61]

[62] received funding for brain electrode research on children and adults.
He did research in monkeys and cats, and in one paper describes the cats
as mechanical toys. He was able to control the movements of his animal
and human subjects by pushing buttons on a remote transmitter box. In
1966, Delgado asserted that his experiments support the distasteful
conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical
forces, and that humans can be controlled like robots by push
buttons. [63] BB 88, 89, MC 147

An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote

stimulation of his brain electrode: Electrical stimulation of the superior
temporal convolution induced confusion about his sexual identity. These
effects were specific, reliable, and statistically significant. For example, the
patient said, 'I was thinking whether I was a boy or a girl,' and 'Id like to
be a girl.'" After one of the stimulations the patient suddenly began to
discuss his desire to marry the male interviewer. Temporal-lobe stimulation
produced in another patient open manifestations and declarations of
pleasure, accompanied by giggles and joking with the therapist. In two
adult female patients stimulation of the same region was followed by
discussion of marriage and expression of a wish to marry the therapist.
[64] BB 88, 89

Brain electrode research was also conducted independently at Harvard by

Dr. Delgados coauthors, Drs. Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin, and William
Sweet. Mark and Ervin describe implanting brain electrodes in a large
number of patients at Harvard hospitals. A patient named Jennie was 14
years old when they put electrodes in her brain. In their book Violence and
the Brain, [65] photographs show 18-year old Julia smiling, angry, or
pounding the wall depending on which button is being pushed on the
transmitter box sending signals to her brain electrodes. The mind control
doctors saw their patients as biological machines, a view which made them
sub-human, and therefore easier to abuse in mind control experiments. BB

Dr. Robert G. Heath, [66][67][68] Chairman of the Department of

Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, placed brain electrodes in a
young homosexual man and fitted him with a box. A button on the box
could be used to electrically stimulate an electrode implanted in a pleasure
center. During one three-our period, the patient, referred to as B-19,
stimulated himself 1,500 times. During these sessions, B-19 stimulated
himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming
euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous
protests." [69] BB 94

Dr. John Lilly describes the technique of electrode implantation. Electrodes

could be implanted in the brain without using anesthesia. Short lengths of
hypodermic needle tubing equal in length to the thickness of the skull were
quickly pounded through the scalp into the skull. These stainless steel
guides furnished passageways for the insertion of electrodes into the brain

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to any desired distance and at any desired location. Because of the small
size of the sleeve guides, the scalp quickly recovered from the small hole
made in it, and the sleeve guide remained imbedded in the bone for
months to years. At any time he desired, the investigator could palpate
[rub] the scalp and find the location of each of the sleeve guides. Once one
was found, he inserted a needle down through the bone. After withdrawing
the needle, the investigator placed a small sharp electrode in the track
made by the needle and pressed the electrode through the skull and down
into the substance of the brain to any desired depth. [70] NB 62 For
more, click here and here.

Non-Lethal Weapons

Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming

various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily
incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal
weapons research has been conducted at universities on contract to the
CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain
electrode implants. BB 103

In 1991, Janet Morris, one of the main proponents of non-lethal weapons,

issued a number of papers. [71] According one paper, US Special
Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. US
Special Forces can cook internal organs. [72] Another concept was
Infrasound using acoustic beams. Laboratories were developing a high
power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecting non-
penetrating acoustic bullets. Already, some governments have used
infrasound as a means of crowd control. Very low frequency (VLF) sound,
or low frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and
abdominal pains. Some very low frequency sound generators can cause
the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble
masonry. [73] MC 176-179

Funding of these experiments began in MKULTRA. Subproject 62

documents certain kinds of radio frequency energy have been found to
effect reversible neurological changes in chimpanzees. [74] Subproject 54
was studying how to produce concussions from a distance using mechanical
blast waves propagated through the air. Such a concussion is always
followed by amnesia for the actual moment of the accident. It also states:
The blast duration would be in the order of a tenth of a second. Masking of
a noise of this duration should not be difficult. It would be advantageous to
establish the effectiveness of both of the above methods as a tool in brain-
wash therapy. BB 103-105

A confidential report prepared by the US Army as early as 1969 detailed

the effect an infra-sonic system would have on humans. These effects
range from disruption of nervous systems to death. [75] MC 199, 200

That such weapons have been used can be in little doubt. When the
deployment of Cruise missiles at American bases in the UK was at its
height, women peace campaigners staged a series of highly publicized
peaceful protests outside the perimeter wires. In late 1985, the women in
the peace camps at Greenham Common began to experience unusual
patterns of illness, ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual
bleeding at abnormal times or after the onset of menopause, to bouts of
temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. Electronics Today [76]
magazine carried out a number of measurements, and in December 1985
published their report which concluded: Readings taken with a wide range
of signal strength meters showed marked increases in the background
signal level near one of the womens camps at a time when they claimed to
be experiencing ill effects. They noted that if the women created noise or
a disturbance near the fence, the signals rose sharply. MC 201

The evidence in hand suggests that the technology to produce voices in

the head does exist. The Department of Defense has already acquired the
technology to alter consciousness through various projects and programs.
A patent discusses methods and system for altering consciousness. The
abstract from once such program states: Researchers have devised a
variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave
rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual

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subject. [77] Silent subliminal messages [were] used throughout

Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully. [78] MC 203, 204

A US State Department report suggested it was possible to induce a heart

attack in a person from a distance with radar. [79] MC 172

By 1974, Stanford Research Institute had developed a computer system

capable of reading a persons mind by correlating the brain waves of
subjects on an electroencephalograph with specific commands. [80] The
concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction. Neither is
their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames of Psi-Tech
said in April 1995 on NBCs The Other Side program: The US government
has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people. Dames
would not comment any further. MC 172

The latest development in the technology of induced fear and mind control
is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves of any targeted victim, or
indeed groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human
emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment,
jealousy, resentment, shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated
within the EEG signals as emotion signature clusters. Their relevant
frequencies and amplitudes have been measured. Then the very
frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and stored on another
computer. Each one of these negative emotions is separately tagged. They
are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently
trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.
MC 205

The entire non-lethal weapon concept is literally a Pandoras Box of

unknown consequences. MC 179 For more, click here and here.

How to Order Government Mind Control Records of MKULTRA &

Bluebird/Artichoke [81]

To order individual documents, go to There is no charge for
the first 100 pages. To order the three CD set containing 20,000 pages of
declassified CIA mind control documents, send a check for $30 made
payable to the United States Treasurer. Send the check and a copy of the
form below to the address given:

Central Intelligence Agency

FOIA and Privacy Act Coordinator
Washington, DC 20505

Re: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request

This letter constitutes my formal request for information pursuant to the

provisions of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, 5 USC552. I am
requesting the three-volume CD set that includes the more than 18,000
pages of MKULTRA and Bluebird/Artichoke records, and a copy of the
shareware viewer. Enclosed is a check for $30 made payable to the United
States Treasurer.


[Name, address, telephone number, and date required]

Note: For free access to these documents on an excellent Internet website,

see the Black Vault Government Archive at

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To order the three books quoted in this summary, see the mind control
section of our Resource List. For other reliable resources on mind control,
visit our Mind Control Information Center. We share this information as an
invitation to work together for a better world. Please join us in spreading
the word, so that we can build a critical mass of people who demand that
these activities be brought back under Congressional control.

[1] CIA MORI ID 190684, pp. 1, 4. This is a declassified CIA document

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 1, click here. For page 4, click here.

[2] BBC News, November 21, 2005, Project Paperclip: Dark side of the
Moon, provides details of this disturbing project, available at

[3] New York Times, January 30, 2005, C.I.A. Said to Rebuff Congress on
Nazi Files, shows that the CIA continues to refuse a Congressional directive
to release documents related to this secret program of Nazi collaboration,
article available here.

[4] Hunt, L. Secret Agenda. The United States Government, Nazi Scientists,
and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St. Martins Press, 1991.
To order this book, click here. See also Simpson, C. Blowback. The First
Full Account of Americas Recruitment of Nazis, and the Disastrous Effect
on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy. New York: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1988. To order this book, click here.

[5] Interagency Working Group appointed to inform the appropriate

committees of the US Senate and House of the activities of the Nazi War
Criminal Records. For information on this posted on the National Archives
website under the National War Crimes Disclosure Act, click here.

[6] Formerly available free, now available for purchase on by

clicking here.

[7] Vannevar Bushs memorandum to James Conant, Bush-Conant files,

Office of Scientific Research and Development, S-1, Record Group 227,
National Archives. You can request this document from the government
through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). For instructions on how to
order this document from the National Archives, click here. For more on
this subject, click here.

[8] CIA MORI ID 190691, p. 1. This is a declassified CIA document dealing

with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at

You should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of
your request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed.
For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page with
the CIA document quoted, click here.

[9]New York Times, Aug. 2, 1977, Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial
of Mindszenty. This engaging article includes a concise history of mind
control projects. To view article, click here. The U.S. Department of Energy

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 496 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
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Website also has a highly revealing, detailed report of these mind control
projects and more at
See also a CIA document available here, which mentions in the lower tabs
MKULTRA and its formation in 1953.

[10] To see verification of this destruction of records on U.S. Department

of Energy's website, click here.

[11] CIA MORI ID 140401, p. 6, 7. This is a declassified CIA document. To

order this document go to, and follow the
instructions. This document is not included in the mind control CDs.

[12] CIA MORI ID 144700, 4/26/52, p. 3: DrugsSodium Pentathol,

sodium amytal, and barbiturates in general. Evaluation: These techniques
have been proven to be effective and they involve little risk to the subject
if administered under competent medical direction. CIA MORI ID 140394,
pp. 2, 3, dated 2/25/52: Q: Have you ever had any experience with
drugs? A: Yes, many times. I worked with doctors using sodium amytal and
pentathol and have obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In
fact, many times the drugs were used for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic
control. These are a declassified CIA documents dealing with mind control.
To verify the statements in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information
Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page 3 of
CIA document 144700, click here. Document 140394 is not available on
this website, though it is included now in the mind control CD set you can
order at the above link.

[13] Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, dated 3 April 1953,
Tab A, pp. 1-2 (p. 30 on CDs), CIA MORI ID 17748. This is a declassified
CIA document dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the
text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described on
our ten-page mind control summary at You should

receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free access
to these documents, see Black Vault Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted (p.30), click here.

[14] CIA MORI ID 17748, p. 30. Quote on p. 33. This is a declassified CIA
document dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text,
use the FOIA request as described on our ten-page mind control summary
at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 30, click here. For page 33, click here.

[15] CIA MORI ID 17748, pp. 2, 4, 6-9. This is a declassified CIA document
dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should

receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 497 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 20 of 76

unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government

Archive available here. To go directly to the CIA Inspector General's

For page 2, click here.

For page 4, click here.
For page 6, click here.
For page 7, click here.
For page 8, click here.
For page 9, click here.

In addition the above CIA document, to verify this quote and other key
mind control information in a highly revealing 1977 New York Times article
available in their archives, click here.

[16] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). See Book 1, p.
406. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here. For a related article on George Washington
University's National Security Archive website, see For an excellent
Wikipedia article, click here.

[17] Eringer, Robert. Secret Agent Man. Rolling Stone, 1985

[18] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). For instructions
on how to order this document from the National Archives, click here. For
an excellent discussion of this topic on George Washington University's
National Security Archive website, see A part of Book 1 of the
Church Committee Report is available at the first link in the section title "A

[19] For a 10-page summary of Ms. Rutz riveting story which includes
revealing testimony from other mind control victims, see She backs up her experience
with declassified CIA documents proving the existence of the programs she

[20] Project Bluebird/Artichokes primary purpose was the study of special

interrogation techniquesprimarily hypnosis, truth serums and
brainwashing. See CIA-1978-S421-1 Project MKULTRA, The CIAs Program
of Research in Behavioral Modification, Appendix A, pg 66, Joint Hearing
before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on
Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources,
United States Senate Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session, August 3, 1977.
For instructions on how to order this document from the National Archives,
click here.

[21] CIA MORI ID 17395, p. 18. ESP Research, 1961 and 1962. This is a
declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. To verify the
statement in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request
as described on our ten-page mind control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free access
to these documents, see the Black Vault Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the above
document, click here.

[22] Condon, R. The Manchurian Candidate. New York: Jove Books,

1959/1988. To order book, click here.

[23] CIA MORI ID 190527, pp. 1, 2. This is a declassified CIA document

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 498 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 21 of 76

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at

You should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of
your request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed.

For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault

Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the above
document, for page 1, click here. For page 2, click here.

[24] You can find a dozen examples of this in these footnotes. See
footnotes 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 59, 64, 66, 67, 69.

[25] Mark, V.H., & Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[26] Faden, R.R. Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation

Experiments. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1995. The
full report is available on the Department of Energy Website at:
For the two pages detailing Dr. Sweet's experiments: Chapter five page 4,
and page 5.

[27] Marks, J. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. New York: W.W.
Norton, 1988. To order this book, click here.

[28] Orne, M.T. The potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation. In A.D.

Biderman (Ed.), The Manipulation of Human Behavior (pp. 169-215). New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. To order this book, click here.

[29] West, L.J. Dissociative reactions. In A.M. Freedman & H.I. Kaplan
(Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, pp. 885-889. Baltimore:
Williams and Wilkins, 1967.

[30] Janet, P. Psychological Healing; A Historical and Clinical Study,

London: George Allen and Unwin, 1925. To order this book, click here.

[31] Gillmor, D. I Swear By Apollo. Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-
Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden press, 1987. To order this book,
click here.

[32] Scheflin, A.W., & Opton, E.M. The Mind manipulators. New York:
Paddington Press, 1978. To order this book, click here.

[33] Thomas, G. Journey into Madness. The Secret Story of Secret CIA
Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989 (paperback
1990). To order this book, click here.

[34] Weinstein, H. Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. To order this book,
click here.

[35] Collins, A. In the Sleep Room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing

Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998. To order
this book, click here.

[36] CIA MORI ID 17468. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with
mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of
Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control
summary at You
should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your
request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For
free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 499 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 22 of 76


[37] Other Mental Health Project Grants awarded to Dr. Cameron by the
Department of National

Health and Welfare were:

Project #604-5-11, The Effect of Senescence on Resistance to Stress,
$195,388, 50-57,
Project #604-5-13, Research Studies on EEG and Electrophysiology,
$60,353, 50-57,
Project #604-5-14, Support for a Behavioral Laboratory, $17,875, 50-54,
Project #604-5-76, Study of Effect of Nucleic Acid on Memory Impairment
in the Aged, $18,000, 59-63,
Project #604-5-432, A Study of Factors Which Promote or Retard
Personality Change in Individuals Exposed to Prolonged Repetition of Verbal
Signals, $57,750, 61-64, see Collins, Anne. In the Sleep room. The Story of
CIA Brainwashing in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998, p.
189. To order this book, click here.

[38] Collins, Anne. In the Sleep room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing in
Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998, p. 258. To order this
book, click here.

[39] Cameron, D.E. Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the

treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1, 26-34, 1960.

[40] Cameron, D.E., Levy, L. Rubenstein, L., & Malmo, R.B. Repetition of
verbal signals: Behavioral and physiological changes. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 115, 985-991, 1959.

[41] Cameron, D.E., Lohrenz, J.G., & Handcock, K.A. The depatterning
treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 3, 65-76, 1962.

[42] Tyner, Arlene. Mind-Control Part 1: Canadian and US Survivors Seek

Justice, PROBE Magazine, March-April 2000. A copy of this article is
available at

[43] Fisher, S. An Investigation of Alleged Conditioning Phenomena Under

Hypnosis. Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis, 3, 71-103, 1955.

[44] Rowland, L.W., Will Hypnotized Persons Try to Harm Themselves or

Others? Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 34, 114-117, 1939.

[45] Estabrooks, G.H. Spiritism. New York: E.M Dutton, 1947. To order this
book, click here.

[46] Harriman, P.L. The experimental induction of a multiple personality.

Psychiatry, 5, 179-186, 1942.

[47] Harriman, P.L. The experimental production of some phenomena

related to multiple personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
37, 244-255, 1942.

[48] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnotism. New York: E.M Dutton, 1943. To order
this book, click here.

[49] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnosis comes of age. Science Digest, 44-50, April
1971. A copy of this article is available at

[50] Okita, G.T., Plotz, E.J., & Davis, M.E. Placental Transfer of Radioactive
Digitoxin in Pregnant Women and its Fetal Distribution. Semiannual Reports
to the US Atomic Energy Commission, Vol. 1, Parts 1 6, 1954 to 1956. For
more on the Department of Energy website, scroll down slightly over 2/3 of
the webpage at to
the section titled: "UC-10. Carbon-14-Labeled Digitoxin Administered to
Pregnant Women to Determine Fetal Distribution"

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[51] New York Times, Feb. 10, 1995, Officials Cite More U.S. Tests With
Radiation, reports that about 9,000 Americans including children and
newborns were used in 154 human radiation tests sponsored by the
Atomic Energy Commission. Instructions to access this article in the New
York Times archives and a free copy of the article are available here.

[52] Welsome, Eileen. The Plutonium Files, Americas Secret Medical

Experiments in the Cold War. New York: Dial Press, 220-221, 1999. To
order this book, click here.

[53] Church Committee Report, book 1 p. 395, states that one of the three
principal functions of the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the US Army
Biological Center at Fort Detrick was to conduct biological research for the
CIA. In early 1952, SOD agreed to assist CIA in developing, testing, and
maintaining biological agents delivery systems. By this agreement, CIA
acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop
biological weapons suited for the CIAs use. Church Committee Report,
Book 1, p. 389. Many of the early CIA LSD tests were conducted at Fort
Detrick. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here.

[54] USAINTC Letter to ACSI, DA. Subject: Staff Study: Material Testing
Program EA1279, dated 15 October 1959. (Includes a reference to ACSI-
SC letter, 27 July 1959, requesting study).

[55] Dowling, Kevin. The Olsen File: A Secret that Could Destroy the CIA.
Mail On Sunday. 23 August 1998. See this article at The entire
Frank Olson website at is filled with
excellent information on CIA mind control programs.

[56] New York Times, May 17, 1965, front page, Matador With a Radio
Stops Wired Bull; Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study.
Instructions to access this article in the Times archives and a free copy of
the article are available at

[57] Delgado, J.M.R. Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes

within the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7,
637-644, 1955.

[58] Delgado, J.M.R. Prolonged stimulation of brain in awake monkeys.

Journal of Neurophysiology, 22, 458-475, 1959.

[59] Delgado, J.M.R. Emotional behavior in animals and humans.

Psychiatric Research Reports, 12, 259-266, 1960.

[60] Delgado, J.M.R. Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in

monkeys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144, 383-390, 1967.

[61] Delgado, J.M.R. Physical Control of the Mind. New York: Harper &
Row, 1971 (paperback 1977). To order this book, click here.

[62] Rosvold, H.E., & Delgado, J.M.R. The effect of delayed-alternation test
performance of stimulating or destroying electrical structures within the
frontal lobes of the monkeys brain. Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, 49, 365-372, 1956.

[63] Kreech, David. Controlling the Mind Controllers. THINK 32,

July/August 1966.

[64] Delgado, J.M., Mark, V., Sweet, W., Ervin, F., Weiss, G., Bach-Y-Rita,
G., & Hagiwara, R. Intracerebral radio stimulation and recording in
completely free patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 147, 329-
340, 1968.

[65] Mark, V.H., Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[66] Heath, R.G. Electrical self-stimulation of the brain in man. American

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Journal of Psychiatry, 120, 571-577, 1963.

[67] Heath, R.G. Pleasure and brain activity in man. Deep and surface
electroencephalograms during orgasm. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, 151, 3-18, 1972.

[68] Heath, R.G., John, S.B. & Fontana, C.J. Stereotaxic implantation of
electrodes in the human brain: A method for long-term study and
treatment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 23, 296-304,

[69] Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of
heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy
and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.

[70] Lilly, John. The Scientist, A Metaphysical Autobiography. Berkeley:

Ronin Publishing, Revised 1988/1996. To order this book, click here. Dr.
Lilly was not the only one experimenting with this technique. In 1955, he
and Dr. J. Roe, B. Mountcastle, and L. Kurger, Johns Hopkins Medical
School; Drs. C. Woolsey and J. Hind, University of Wisconsin; Dr. Karl
Pribram, Institute of Living, Hartford Conn.; Dr. Leonard Malis, Mt. Sinai
Hospital, New York City experimented on dolphins at Marineland.

[71] The USGSC (US Global Strategy Council) has issued a wide variety of
papers on the nonlethal weapons concept. For example: In Search of
Nonlethal Strategy, Janet Morris; Nonlethality: A Global Strategy White
paper; Nonlethality Briefing Supplement No. 1; and Nonlethality in
Operational Continuum. For more on this from a US army website:

[72] Wall Street Journal, Jan. 4, 1993.

[73] Morris, Janet. In Search of a Non-lethal Strategy. USGSC (US Global

Strategy Council), p. 14.

[74] Baldwin, M., Bach, S.A., & Lewis, S.Z. Effects of radio-frequency
energy on primate cerebral activity. Neurology, 10, 178-187, 1960. This
publication was a result of MKULTRA Subproject 62.

[75] An Infrasonic System, US Army Mobility Equipment Research and

Development Center, Fort Bellever, VA, 1969. See section on Effects-
Human. In a his book, The Future War, John Alexander, one of the
supporters, forerunners and founding fathers of the non-lethal weapons
concept, tries to legitimize the acquisition and deployment of these
destructive weapons.

[76] Electronics Today, Dec. 1985.

[77] Method and System for Altering Consciousness, Patent 5,123,899, US

Patent Office, June 23 1992. To view this patent on the website of the US
Patent and Trademark Office, click here.

[78] Letter from Edward Tilton of Silent Sounds, Inc. to author Dr. Armen
Victorian, Dec. 13, 1996. For more on this, click here and here.

[79] Microwave US-USSR, Vol VI, July-Dec. 1976 p. 4, Office of Security,

US Dept. of State.

[80] Mind Reading Computer. Time, July 1, 1974, p. 67. You can read the
entire article in the archives of Time at,9171,942916,00.html. See
also Rorvik, David M. As Man Becomes Machine. London: Sphere Books,
1979. To order this book, click here.

[81] Ordering instructions for the declassified mind control documents are
at the end of the summary, or simply click here. We received the CDs less
than three weeks after we ordered them.

Updated June 10, 2007

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Mind Control Cover-up

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group
have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to
going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded
guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in
1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the truth
without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally
prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to
thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property,
and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts,
and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to continue
our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the
media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. Number 7.

Subject: This subject, for some reason, is not presently being addressed by
ANY of our political leaders; why do you think?
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:14:11 -0400

Mind Control Cover-up

The Secrets of Mind Control

This concise mind control summary is based on astonishing excerpts from

three landmark books: Bluebird by Colin A. Ross, MD; Mind Controllers by
Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation Betrayed by Carol Rutz. All three
authors provide hundreds of footnotes to support their groundbreaking
research. Much of this information is based on 18,000 pages of declassified
CIA mind control documents. To order these revealing documents in CD
format directly from the U.S. government, click here. Join in powerfully
building a better world for all by spreading the word.

The Secret Agenda of Mind Control

Please note: the letters and numbers after each paragraph denote the book
and page number from which the information was taken. BBBluebird
MCMind Controllers NBA Nation Betrayed..

The CIA Mind Control Projects

A CIA document dated 10 Feb 1954 [4] describes an experiment on the

creation of unsuspecting assassins: Miss [whited out] was instructed
(having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at
her disposal to awaken Miss [whited out] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep).
Failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [whited out]. She
was instructed that she would not hesitate to kill [whited out]. Miss
[whited out] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded)
gun at [whited out] and then proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. After
proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [whited out]
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened. BB
36, 37

MKULTRA grew into a mammoth undertaking. The nature of the research

included these specific problems: [5]

* Can we create by post-H (hypnotic) control an action contrary to an

individuals basic moral principles?

* Can we alter a persons personality? Can we guarantee total amnesia

under any and all conditions?

* Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour by post-H control

have him crash an airplane, etc?

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* Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing

agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the
field by use of codes or identifying signs? NB 13, 14, 28

In a 1971 Science Digest article [6], Dr. G.H. Estabrooks states, By the
1920s clinical hypnotists learned to split certain individuals into multiple
personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During WWII, I worked this technique with
a Marine lieutenant Ill call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and
Jones B. Jones A, once a normal Marine, became entirely different. He
talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically
by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge.
Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, and
was imprinted to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was
hypnotize him, get in touch with Jones B, and I had a pipeline straight into
the Communist camp. BB 167-169 For more on CIA mind control
projects, click here.

Dr. Jose Delgado, a neurosurgeon and Yale professor, [7][8][9] received

funding for brain electrode research on children and adults. In the 1950s,
he developed the Stimoceiver; a miniature electrode placed within an
individuals cranium capable of receiving and transmitting electronic
signals. Delgado was able to control the movements of his subjects by
pushing buttons on a remote transmitter. He demonstrated his
Stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado
stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the
experimenter and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. The
powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a
button on a small box held in Delgados hand. [10] MC 147, BB 88 For
more on electronic implants, click here.

The Mind Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in
extensive political abuse of psychiatry. Many thousands were subjected to
unethical mind control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical
schools. Mind control experimentation was not only tolerated by medical
professionals, but published in psychiatric and medical journals. Dr. William
Sweet participated in both brain electrode implant experiments and the
injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard University. [11][12]
Army doctors were actively involved in LSD testing at least until the late
1970s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five
years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11
years of age. BB, pg. K, 1, 21

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Camerons [13][14][15][16]

destructive mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron was at various
times president of the American and World Psychiatric Associations. He
used a treatment which involved intensive application of these
brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged isolation, and ECT
[Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. [17][18][19] The amount of
electricity introduced into Lindas brain exceeded by 76.5 times the
maximum amount recommended. Dr. Camerons technique resulted in
permanent and complete amnesia. A class action suit against the CIA for
Dr. Camerons MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for
$750,000, divided among eight plaintiffs in 1988. BB 126, 181-187 For
more on the mind control doctors, click here.

26 July 1963, MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence

[20] FROM: CIA Inspector General

The concepts involved in manipulating behavior are found by many people

both within and outside the Agency [CIA] to be distasteful and unethical.
Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research
and operational employment. Over the ten-year life of the program many
additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated
under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, and
harassment substances. Some activities raise questions of legality implicit
in the original charter. A final phase of the testing places the rights and
interests of US citizens in jeopardy.

Technical Services Division initiated a program for covert testing of

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materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy

of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of the
projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There are just two
individuals in TSD who have full knowledge of the MKULTRA program, and
most of that knowledge is unrecorded. NB 108-113

For 10 riveting pages of reliable, verifiable mind control information, click


For other reliable resources on mind control, visit our Mind Control
Information Center

[1] CIA MORI ID 190684, pp. 1, 4. This is a declassified CIA document

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 1, click here. For page 4, click here.

[2] New York Times, Aug. 2, 1977, Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in
Trial of Mindszenty. This engaging article includes a concise history of mind
control projects. To view the entire article, click here. The U.S. Department
of Energy Website also provides a highly revealing, detailed report of these
mind control projects and the destruction of their records at
See also a CIA document available here.

[3] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). See Book 1, p.
406. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here. For a related article on George Washington
University's National Security Archive website, see For an excellent
Wikipedia article, click here.

[4] CIA MORI ID 190691, p. 1. This is a declassified CIA document dealing

with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page with
the CIA document quoted, click here.

[5] CIA MORI ID 140401, pp. 6, 7. This is actually a declassified CIA

document dealing with mind control from Project BLUEBIRD, the immediate
precursor to MKULTRA. Its official estimated publication date is 1/1/52. The
nature of the BLUEBIRD research was very similar that of the MKULTRA
project. To order this highly revealing document go to, and follow the
instructions. For reasons unknown, this document is not included in the
mind control CDs.

[6] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnosis comes of age. Science Digest, 44-50, April

[7] Delgado, J.M.R. Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes

within the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7,
637-644, 1955.

[8] Delgado, J.M.R. Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in

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monkeys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144, 383-390, 1967.

[9] Delgado, J.M.R. Physical Control of the Mind. New York: Harper & Row,
1971 (paperback 1977). To order, click here.

[10] New York Times, May 17, 1965, front page, Matador With a Radio
Stops Wired Bull; Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study.
Instructions to purchase this article from the New York Times archives and
our free copy of the article are available at

[11] Faden, R.R. Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation

Experiments. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1995. The
full, highly revealing report is available on the U.S. Department of Energy
Website at:
For the two pages detailing Dr. Sweet's experiments: Chapter five page 4,
and page 5.

[12] Mark, V.H., & Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[13] Gillmor, D. I Swear By Apollo. Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-
Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden press, 1987. To order this book,
click here.

[14] Scheflin, A.W., & Opton, E.M. The Mind manipulators. New York:
Paddington Press, 1978. To order book, click here.

[15] Thomas, G. Journey into Madness. The Secret Story of Secret CIA
Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989 (paperback
1990). To order this book, click here.

[16] Weinstein, H. Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. To order this book,
click here.

[17] Collins, A. In the Sleep Room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing

Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998. To order
this book, click here.

[18] Cameron, D.E. Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the

treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1, 26-34, 1960.

[19] Cameron, D.E., Levy, L. Rubenstein, L., & Malmo, R.B. Repetition of
verbal signals: Behavioral and physiological changes. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 115, 985-991, 1959.

[20] CIA MORI ID 17748, pp. 2, 4, 6-9. This is a declassified CIA document
dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the mind control CDs within a month of your request. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
documents quoted:

For page 2, click here.

For page 4, click here.

For page 6, click here.

For page 7, click here.

For page 8, click here.

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 506 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 29 of 76

For page 9, click here.

In addition the above CIA document, to verify this quote and other key
mind control information in a highly revealing July 21, 1977 New York
Times article available in their archives, click here.

Mind Control

On May 16, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Stan Caterbone wrote:

May 16, 2008


I know that I am the victim of this technology that both Neurobotics claims
and that Carole Smith has researched regarding invasive mind control. I
have some of my research posted on my research blog .

The peering into one's thoughts and ideas I can live with, however the pain
and torture of some of this technology is very hurtful and painful. I am
trying desperately to find the source and the means of how they deploy
this on me. I try to change my location when they use it, but that does not
stop it. I was told that the perps can isolate a person with radar and
satellite, so it is hard or impossible for me to avoid.

I know sometime tonight or tomorrow they will hit me again. They usually
need to alternate the pain and pleasure so that it reaches its full impact.
You know, kind of like making sure there is always a spectrum of highs and
lows. I believe they use a technique of using the telepathy to engage me
in hostile and harassing conversation along with some sort or
electromagnetic energy isolated on me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the main problems I
have with writing briefs and filing court documents. They will use this to
interfere with my focus and to confuse me while the hackers change my
documents and briefs. It is very challenging, but at least I am litigating,
which is the important thing.


Stan J. Caterbone

Advanced Media Group

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered,
defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations
of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded
guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are
forced to defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media,
which would normally prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to
thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our business. We
continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of
protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of
the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. Number 7.


Subject: A few things that have been occupying me. Have you heard of
Delgado- the Nazi scientist that is now at Yale (I believe) working on mind

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:12:46 -0400

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I hope I am wrong, Stan, but I have had the feeling for a long time that we
will not have the election, that Bush will pull another "terrorist attack" on
an American city, an attack that he will use to declare martial law, etc.
and "delay" elections. Anyway, there is not a lot we can do if this is in
the cards. However, I try to contribute to the positive energy rather than
to the negative energy so I do not let fear get the upper hand. I think they
win when we become afraid and depressed. It is hard, at times, not to let
it all get to you, but I try and mostly, at last, am succeeding.

Along with you, Stan, Professor Boyle is a hero. You both boldly speak out
against "wrong" and "evil." Boyle wrote an aritlce and I edited it (below)
and posted on my blog.


In his demanding role as an educator, attorney, consultant, and respected

expert witness on International Law, Professor Francis A. Boyle, Professor
of Law at Northwestern University Law School, has been in the

CIVIL RESISTANCE has been the primary tool utilized by the activists in
their legal-based, court room battles. As a result, THE CIVIL



The Bush-Cheney Gang is one of his prime examples. He said that it is hell
bent on stealing the hydrocarbon empire from the Muslim states and
people living in Central Asia and the Persian Gulf.

Essentially, the government sells its foreign policy wrongdoings, like the
war in Iraq, by posing a Hobessian choice to the people: It suggests that
there are only two alternatives:

1. either THREATEN OR USE U.S. MILITARY FORCE in a particular

situation; or,


Professor Boyle insisted that THEY IGNORE A THIRD WAY:



Professor Boyle labeled the CONFLICT IN IRAQ as CRIMINAL, and the


How does civil resistance work within the framework of the American
judicial system?

Well, Professor Boyle cited the People v. Jarka case, among

other LANDMARK LITIGATION, to illustrate some of his key points. In
1984, activists protested in front of the Great Lakes Naval Station base,
which is located in Illinois, on Lake Michigan.

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The focus of the demonstration centered on the issues of:

1. U.S.s violence-producing intervention in Central America; and,

2. our countrys buildup of offensive nuclear weapons.

Ronald Reagan president at the time. The defendants were arrested, when
they sat in front of the naval base, locked arms, and refused to be moved.

They were CHARGED by authorities WITH TWO CRIMES:

1. mob action; and,

2. resisting arrest.

The defendants, in Jarka, elected a trial by jury. The trial judge, the Hon.
Alphonse F. Witt, permitted testimony on their behalf from eight expert

The expert witnesses testified to the fact that:

The actions of the Reagan administration, in Central America, were in

violation of well settled legal principles established by:

1. the UN Charter;

2, the Geneva Convention;

3. the Hague Convention; and, other precedents.


1. kill potentially hundreds of thousands of people; and,

2. cause horrific harm to combatants and noncombatants alike; and,

3. violate the principles of NECESSITY AND PROPORTIONALITY under

International Law.

In Illinois, a defendant has a right, under certain circumstances, to

raise the Common Law defense of NECESSITY. In other words,
the defendants were permitted to argue to the jury that their supposed
criminal conduct, [the blocking the road into the base], was justified in
order to:

avoid a public or private injury greater than the injury that might
reasonably result from his or her own conduct.


LAW. Needless to say, all the DEFENDANTS WERE ACQUITTED.





Professor Boyle put it this way:

From their perspective, [its the] U.S. government officials [who are] on
trial...Civil resisters disobeyed nothing--to the contrary:


In Jarka, Professor Boyle served as counsel to the LAWYERS HANDLING

THE PRECEDENT-SETTING CASE, and also in a companion matter
of Chicago v. Streeter.

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He praised the work of all of the trial lawyers involved in the two cases,

Professor Boyle also discussed cases involving the crime of Trespass. Its A
SPECIFIC INTENT OFFENSE and is one of the charges usually leveled at
someone for participating in a civil resistance action. IN ORDER TO
CONVICT, however, the government must prove that the defendant acted
with an unlawful purpose.

Often, in order to make their point about government evildoing, a resister


The defendant did not do so for an unlawful purpose, but -was instead
acting for the express purpose of upholding the requirements of
international law...

-in order to prevent the commission of international crimes by U.S. officials

there and elsewhere.

Professor Boyle highlighted some of the antiwar groups in the country who
have utilized Civil Resistance over the years:

**The legendary

**Gulf War Resisters

**Anti-Apartheid Movement


**Sacred Earth

**Sanctuary Movement

**Pledge of Resistance, among others.



All of this caused Former Attorney General Ramsey to remark:

Our jails are filling up with saints.


Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the
federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law,
arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain
people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of "an
emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid
development of new programs."

Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid

contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to
build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States.
The government has also contracted with several companies to build
thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly
to transport detainees.

According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part
of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the
removal of "all removable aliens" and "potential terrorists."

Fraud-busters such as Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, have

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complained about these contracts, saying that more taxpayer dollars

should not go to taxpayer-gouging Halliburton. But the real question is:
What kind of "new programs" require the construction and refurbishment of
detention facilities in nearly every state of the union with the capacity to
house perhaps millions of people?

Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use of
the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," gives the executive the
power to invoke martial law. For the first time in more than a century, the
president is now authorized to use the military in response to "a natural
disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or any other condition in
which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to the
extent that state officials cannot maintain public order."

The Military Commissions Act of 2006, rammed through Congress just

before the 2006 midterm elections, allows for the indefinite imprisonment
of anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on a list of
"terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the government's
policies. The law calls for secret trials for citizens and noncitizens alike.

Also in 2007, the White House quietly issued National Security Presidential
Directive 51 (NSPD-51), to ensure "continuity of government" in the event
of what the document vaguely calls a "catastrophic emergency." Should the
president determine that such an emergency has occurred, he and he alone
is empowered to do whatever he deems necessary to ensure "continuity of
government." This could include everything from canceling elections to
suspending the Constitution to launching a nuclear attack. Congress has
yet to hold a single hearing on NSPD-51.

U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, D-Venice (Los Angeles County) has come up with
a new way to expand the domestic "war on terror." Her Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955),
which passed the House by the lopsided vote of 404-6, would set up a
commission to "examine and report upon the facts and causes" of so-called
violent radicalism and extremist ideology, then make legislative
recommendations on combatting it.

According to commentary in the Baltimore Sun, Rep. Harman and her

colleagues from both sides of the aisle believe the country faces a native
brand of terrorism, and needs a commission with sweeping investigative
power to combat it.

A clue as to where Harman's commission might be aiming is the Animal

Enterprise Terrorism Act, a law that labels those who "engage in sit-ins,
civil disobedience, trespass, or any other crime in the name of animal
rights" as terrorists. Other groups in the crosshairs could be anti-abortion
protesters, anti-tax agitators, immigration activists, environmentalists,
peace demonstrators, Second Amendment rights supporters ... the list
goes on and on. According to author Naomi Wolf, the National
Counterterrorism Center holds the names of roughly 775,000 "terror
suspects" with the number increasing by 20,000 per month.

The Guardian newspaper, that defender of truth in the United Kingdom,

published an article by the Science Correspondent, Ian Sample, on 9
February 2007 entitled:

The Brain Scan that can read peoples intentions, with the sub-heading:
Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in
interrogation". (Does this mean we can give up waterboarding dissidents?)

"Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and
read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly
tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a
wall", the scientists were reported as saying.

At the same time, Londons Science Museum was holding an exhibition

entitled Neurobotics: The Future of Thinking. This venue had been chosen
for the launch in October 2006 of the news that human thoughts could be
read using a scanner. Dr Geraint Rees smiling face could be seen in a
photograph at the Neurobotics website, under the heading "The Mind

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Dr Rees is one of the scientists who have apparently cracked the problem
which has preoccupied philosophers and scientists since before Plato: they
had made entry into the conscious mind. Such a reversal of human
historical evolution, announced in such a pedestrian fashion, makes one
wonder what factors have been in play, and what omissions made, in
getting together this show, at once banal and extraordinary.

The announcement arrives as if out of a vacuum. The neuroscientist -

modern-style hunter-gatherer of information and darling of the "Need to
Know" policies of modern government - does little to explain how he
achieved this goal of entering the conscious mind, nor does he put his work
into any historical context. Instead, we are asked in the Science Museums
programme notes:

How would you feel if someone could read your innermost thoughts?
Geraint Rees of UCL says he can. By using brain-imaging technology he's
beginning to decode thought and explore the difference between the
conscious and unconscious mind. But how far will it go? And shouldnt your
thoughts remain your personal business?

If Dr. Rees has decoded the mind sufficiently for such an announcement to
be made in an exhibition devoted to it, presumably somewhere is the mind
which has been, and is continuing to be, decoded. He is not merely
continuing his experiments using functional magnetic resolution scanning
(fMRI) in the way neuroscientists have been observing their subjects under
scanning devices for years, asking them to explain what they feel or think
while the scientists watch to see which area lights up, and what the
cerebral flow in the brain indicates for various brain areas.

Dr Rees is decoding the mind in terms of conscious and unconscious

processes. For that, one must have accessed consciousness itself. Whose
consciousness? Where is the owner of that consciousness and
unconsciousness? How did he/she feel? Why not ask them to tell us how it
feels, instead of asking us.

The Neurobotics Exhibition was clearly set up to make these exciting new
discoveries an occasion for family fun, and there were lots of games for
visitors to play. One gets the distinct impression that we are being softened
up for the introduction of radical new technology which will, perhaps, make
the mind a communal pool rather than an individual possession.

Information technology seeks to connect us all to each other in as many

ways as possible, but also, presumably, to those vast data banks which
allow government control not only to access all information about our lives,
but now also to our thoughts, even to our unconscious processing. Does
anyone care?

One of the most popular exhibits was the Mindball game, which required
two players to go literally head-to-head in a battle for brainpower, and
used brainpower alone. Strapped up with headbands which pick up brain
waves, the game uses neurofeedback, but the person who is calm and
relaxed wins the game. One received the impression that this calmness
was the spirit that the organisers wished to reinforce, to deflect any undue
public panic that might arise from the news that private thoughts could
now be read with a scanner. The ingress into the mind as a private place
was primarily an event to be enjoyed with the family on an afternoon out:

Imagine being able to control a computer with only the power of your
mind. Or read peoples thoughts and know if theyre lying. And what if a
magnetic shock to the brain could make you more creativebut should we
be able to engineer our minds?

Think your thoughts are private? Ever told a lie and been caught red-
handed? Using brain-scanning technology, scientists are beginning to probe
our minds and tell if were lying. Other scientists are decoding our desires
and exploring the difference between our conscious and unconscious mind.
But can you really trust the technology?

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Other searching questions are raised in the program notes, and more

Find out if youve got what it takes to be a modern-day spy in this new
interactive family exhibition. After being recruited as a trainee spy, explore
the skills and abilities required by real agents and use some of the latest
technologies that help spies gather and analyse information. Later go on
and discover what its like to be spied upon. Uncover a secret store of
prototype gadgets that give you a glimpse into the future of spy
technologies and finally use everything youve learnt to escape before
qualifying as a fully-fledged agent!

There were also demonstrations of grateful paraplegics and quadriplegics

showing how the gods of science have so unselfishly liberated them from
their prisons: this was the serious Nobel Prize side of the show. But there
was no-one representing Her Majestys government to demonstrate how
these very same devices can be used quite freely, and with relative ease,
in our wireless age, to conduct experiments on free-ranging civilians
tracked anywhere in the world, and using an infinitely extendable form of
electrode which doesnt require visible contact with the scalp at all.
Electrodes, like electricity, can also take an invisible form an electrode is
a terminal of an electric source through which electrical energy or current
may flow in or out. The brain itself is an electrical circuit. Every brain has
its own unique resonating frequency. The brain is an infinitely more
sensitive receiver and transmitter than the computer, and even in the
wireless age, the comprehension of how wireless networks operate appears
not to extend to the workings of the brain. The monotonous demonstration
of scalps with electrodes attached to them, in order to demonstrate the
contained conduction of electrical charges, is a scientific fatuity, in so far as
it is intended to demonstrate comprehensively the capability of conveying
charges to the brain, or for that matter, to any nerve in the body, as a
form of invisible torture.

As Neurobotics claims: Your brain is amazing, but the power and control
over brains and nervous systems achieved by targeting brain frequencies
with radiowaves must have been secretly amazing government scientists
for many years. The problem that now arises, at the point of readiness
when so much has been achieved, is how to put the technology into action
in such a way, as it will be acceptable in the public domain. This requires
getting it through wider government and legal bodies, and for that, it must
be seen to spring from the unbiased scientific investigations into the
workings of the brain, in the best tradition of the leading universities. It is
given over to Dr Rees and his colleague, Professor Haynes, endowed with
the disclosure for weightier Guardian readers, to carry the torch for the
government. Those involved may also have noted the need to show the
neuroscientist in a more responsible light, following US neuroengineer for
government sponsored Lockheed Martin, John Norseens, ingenuous
comment, in 2000, about his belief about the consequences of his work in

If this research pans out, said Norseen, you can begin to manipulate what
someone is thinking even before they know it. And added: "The ethics
dont concern me, but they should concern someone else."

While the neuroscientists report their discovery (without even so much as

the specific frequency of the light employed by this scanner/torch), issuing
ethical warnings while incongruously continuing with their mind-blowing
work, the government which sponsors them, remains absolutely mute. The
present probing of peoples intentions, minds, background thoughts, hopes
and emotions is being expanded into the more complex and subtle aspects
of thinking and feeling. We have, however, next to no technical information
about their methods. The description of shining a torch around the brain is
as absurd a report as one could read of a scientific endeavour, especially
one that carries such enormous implications for the future of mankind.
What is this announcement, with its technical obfuscation, preparing us

Writing in Wired contributing editor Steve Silberman points out that the lie-
detection capability of fMRI is poised to transform the security system, the
judicial system, and our fundamental notions of privacy. He quotes Cephos
founder, Steven Laken, whose company plans to market the new

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technology for lie detection. Laken cites detainees held without charge at
Guantanamo Bay as a potential example. If these detainees have
information we havent been able to extract that could prevent another
9/11, I think most Americans would agree that we should be doing
whatever it takes to extract it. Silberman also quotes Paul Root Wolpe, a
senior fellow at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania,
who describes the accelerated advances in fMRI as a textbook example of
how something can be pushed forward by the convergence of basic
science, the government directing research through funding, and special
interests who desire a particular technology. Are we to believe that with
the implied capability to scan jurors brains, the judiciary, the accused and
the defendant alike, influencing one at the expense of the other, that the
legal implications alone of mind-accessing scanners on university
campuses, would not rouse the Minister for Justice from his bench to say a
few words about these potential mind weapons?

So what of the ethical debate called for by the busy scientists and the
Guardians science reporter? Can this technology- more powerful in
subverting thought itself than anything in prior history really be confined
to deciding whether the ubiquitously invoked terrorist has had the serious
intention of blowing up the train, or whether it was perhaps a foolish prank
to make a bomb out of chapatti flour?

We can assume that the government would certainly not give the go-ahead
to the Science Museum Exhibition, linked to Imperial College, a major
government-sponsored institution in laser-physics, if it was detrimental to
surveillance programs. It is salutary to bear in mind that government
intelligence research is at least ten years ahead of any public disclosure.

It is implicit from history that whatever affords the undetectable entry by

the gatekeepers of society into the brain and mind, will not only be
sanctioned, but funded and employed by the State, more specifically by
trained operatives in the security forces, given powers over defenceless
citizens, and unaccountable to them.

The actual technology which is now said to be honing the technique to

distinguish between passing thoughts and genuine intentions is described
by Professor John-Dylan Haynes in the Guardian in the most disarmingly
untechnical language which must surely not have been intended to

The Guardian piece ran as follows:

A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful

technique that allows them to look deep inside a persons brain and read
their intentions before they act.

The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists ability to probe

peoples minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical
issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future.

Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and
read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly
tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a
wall, said John-Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany, who led the study with
colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.

We know therefore that they are using light, but fMRI has been used for
many years to attempt the unravelling of neuronal activity, and while there
have been many efforts to record conscious and unconscious processes,
with particular emphasis on the visual cortex, there has been no progress
into consciousness itself. We can be sure that we are not being told the
real story.

Just as rats and chimpanzees have been used to demonstrate findings from
remote experiments on humans, electrode implants used on cockroaches to
remotely control them, lasers used to steer fruit-flies , and worms
engineered so that their nerves and muscles can be controlled with
pinpricks of light, the information and techniques that have been ruthlessly

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forged using opportunistic onslaughts on defenceless humans as guinea

pigs - used for myriad purposes from creating 3D haptic gloves in computer
games to creating artificial intelligence to send visual processing into outer
space - require appropriate replication for peer group approval and to meet
ethical demands for scientific and public probity.

The use of light to peer into the brain is almost certainly that of terahertz,
which occurs in the wavelengths which lie between 30mm and 1mm of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz has the ability to penetrate deep into
organic materials, without (it is said) the damage associated with ionising
radiation such as x-rays. It can distinguish between materials with varying
water content for example fat versus lean meat.

These properties lend themselves to applications in process and quality

control as well as biomedical imaging. Terahertz can penetrate bricks, and
also human skulls. Other applications can be learnt from the major
developer of terahertz in the UK, Teraview, which is in Cambridge, and
partially owned by Toshiba.

Efforts to alert human rights groups about the loss of the mind as a place
to call your own, have met with little discernible reaction, in spite of reports
about over decades of the dangers of remote manipulation using
technology to access the mind, Dr Nick Begichs book, Controlling the
human mind, being an important recent contribution.

A different approach did in fact, elicit a response. When informed of the use
of terahertz at Heathrow and Luton airports in the UK to scan passengers,
the news that passengers would be revealed naked by a machine which
looked directly through their clothes produced a small, but highly
indignant, article in the spring 2007 edition of the leading human rights
organisation, Liberty.

If the reading of the mind met with no protest, seeing through ones
clothes certainly did. It seems humans assumption of the mind as a
private place has been so secured by evolution that it will take a sustained
battle to convince the public that, through events of which we are not yet
fully informed, such former innocence has been lost.

Trained light, targeted atomic spectroscopy, the use of powerful magnets

to absorb moisture from human tissues, the transfer of radiative energy
these have replaced the microwave harassment which was used to transmit
auditory messages directly into the hearing. With the discovery of light to
disentangle thousands of neurons and encode signals from the complex
circuitry of the brain, present programs will not even present the
symptoms which simulated schizoid states. Medically, even if terahertz
does not ionize, we do not yet know how the sustained application of
intense light will affect the delicate workings of the brain and how cells
might be damaged, dehydrated, stretched, obliterated.

This year, 2007, has also brought the news that terahertz lasers small
enough to incorporate into portable devices had been developed.

Sandia National Laboratories in the US in collaboration with MIT have

produced a transmitter-receiver (transceiver) that enables a number of
applications. In addition to scanning for explosives, we may also assume
their integration into hand-held communication systems. These
semiconductor devices have output powers which previously could only be
obtained by molecular gas lasers occupying cubic meters and weighing
more than 100kg, or free electron lasers weighing tons and occupying

As far back as 1996 the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board predicted
that the development of electromagnetic energy sources would open the
door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in
armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training and new
weapons that offer the opportunity of control of an adversary can be
developed around this concept.

The surveillance technology of today is the surveillance of the human mind

and, through access to the brain and nervous system, the control of

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behaviour and the bodys functions. The messaging of auditory

hallucinations has given way to silent techniques of influencing and
implanting thoughts.

The development of the terahertz technologies has illuminated the

workings of the brain, facilitated the capture of emitted photons which are
derived from the visual cortex which processes picture formation in the
brain, and enabled the microelectronic receiver which has, in turn, been
developed by growing unique semi-conductor crystals.

In this way, the technology is now in place for the detection and reading of
spectral signatures of gases. All humans emit gases. Humans, like
explosives, emit their own spectral signature in the form of a gas. With the
reading of the brains electrical frequency, and of the spectral gas
signature, the systems have been established for the control of populations
and with the necessary technology integrated into a cell-phone.

We are very optimistic about working in the terahertz electromagnetic

spectrum, says the principal investigator of the Terahertz Microelectronics
Transceiver at Sandia: This is an unexplored area, and a lot of science can
come out of it. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of what THz
can do ****************to improve national
security.'******************(You know, like we attacked Iraq because
of 9/11! We need a real ID Act because of terrorists masquerading as
Americans. The Military Commissions Act is needed so the president can
become a dictator to control the terrorists roaming our streets......Yeah,
Yeah, Yeah! Tome)

Carole Smith was born and educated in Australia, where she gained a
Bachelor of Arts degree at Sydney University. She trained as a
psychoanalyst in London where she has had a private practice. In recent
years she has been a researcher into the invasive methods of accessing
minds using technological means, and has published papers on the subject.

She has written the first draft of a book entitled: "The Controlled
Society".The ethical implications of building machines to read people's
minds, DISSENT, Issue 25,



Just ran across this interesting bit of crazyness this morning; thought I'd


INNOCENT US CITIZENS by a combined 100,000 FBI and NSA
of thousands of innocent american citizens.

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A.
[ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [Central Security Service], D.I.A.
[DefenceIntelligence Agency], D.A.R.P.A. [Defense Advanced Reserch
Projects Agency], C.I.A. [Central Intelligence Agency], the D.H.S.
[ Department of Homeland Security], and the F.B.I. [Federal Bureau of
Investigation] Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has
extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts
given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical
impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of
microwave tranceivers, infrasound and ultrasound tranceivers, satellites,
and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e.

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television, radio, the internet, and the telephone. The pentagon calls this
mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing
paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part
of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The
N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one
of the branches of the U.S. military.

The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty
years or maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to
the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public
what the level of technological development is within the secret
laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch
Projects Agency ]. The headquarters of the National Security Agency is
located at Fort George Meade in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology

which can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or
tooth filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist,
and these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or
microwaves. These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible
to detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I.
[ Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission
Tomography ] scans, by some means of electromagnetic degaussing. With
the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available to the
U.S. military intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer
implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted persons is
obsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious, wireless
microwave remote control is used today against targeted individuals
suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic Telepathy is
used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation against people
as red herring good cop/bad cop or tough love acting,
diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted
dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed that claims
about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of
U.S. cities during the 1950's as part of a research program were simply
mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990's
publicly admitted that the allegation was true. FBI and NSA agents who are
part of a secret US society are genetically inclined sociopaths and
psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers, sexual abusers, stalkers,
slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved in murders and torture of
hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens for years and years. At the
last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who are businessmen, priests,
community leaders and in all walks of life who are SPYING and keeping
tabs on pretty much all americans. The synthetic telepathy espionage
trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic torturers, slanderers, experimenters,
and spies, in order to avoid developing any sympathy for their targeted
victims, deliberately avoid actually feeling the emotions of their victims by
following the squiggly EEG or Electroencephalograph lines on computer
monitor screens, as well as the silent words thought by their victims which
also appear on the computer monitor screens.

Then again, who can feel all of the emotions and thoughts which any given
person has undergone every second of their entire lifetime. The emotions
and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy operators can be
broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power
to block or censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do
not want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their
own criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims
by means of subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave
brainwashing technology, and they can change the voice behind their
words so as to make it appear that it is the targeted victim and not
themselves who are communicating by means of synthetic telepathy. They
can also store emotions and silently thought words onto a supercomputer
memory bank which they can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the
synthetic telepathy operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are predisposed
towards sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination
of genetic defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in
their lives is by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadomasochistic
activities and fantasies. If you do not believe that synthetic telepathy

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exists, then you should look at these following web sites which reveal that
part of electromagnetic psychological warfare and mind control which today
is declassified: I urge the readers to print/save this column as well as the
following link
SADISTIC TORTURE of hundreds of thousands of innocent american citizens
(guinea pigs and victims) is explained in detail with diagrams and
technology. Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency at

Mind control means influencing the behaviour of an individual. And to

creating or remolding victims ersonality towards desired state. The desired
model human for the elite of the world, or, the Illuminati is: Easily
teerable mass-human without personal characteristics. A stupefied,
dumbed down person. This secures the interests of the elite of the world.
So they can lead our lives through changing times the way they want.
Apparently growing out of earlier government mind control research
programs such as MKULTRA, and government suppression-of-dissent
programs such as COINTELPRO, today's mind control is covert, finely
crafted, around the clock = harassment perpetrated against citizens living
in their homes and communities. It is to be noted, that MK-ULTRA and
other government programs worked as a front for the alien mind control
techniques, which are superior. The intradimensional way of mind control
using the alien technologies ensures, hat the result is always the desired
one. And undesired for all free-loving people. Destruction of family and
other relationships by way of lies, bribes, and threats is a goal of the phase
of today's mind control. The current day mind control program has been
carefully engineered so that if the target complains, their own words will
instantly cause them to be labeled as mentally ill.

The mind/body symptoms of current day mind control include: Excruciating

PAIN(!) Exceptionally frequent blanking of recent memories, and truncation
of new ideas - Very unnatural inability to sleep, as if large amounts of
caffeine have been consumed. - Sudden forced awakening at precisely the
same time in the middle of the night, continuing for at least months, and
right on a clock time such as 4 am, zero minutes, zero seconds - Sudden
clumsiness, which can result in spills, spoilage of precise work, or injury -
Attacks of extreme fatigue, sometimes almost to the point of paralysis,
when there is no reason for such attacks - Frequent powerful itching
without rash, and which may start as a small electric shock - Artificial bee
stings, especially while trying to get to sleep - Wildly racing heart without
any cause - Sudden overheating, without any cause - Frequent flailing of
arms and legs as you try to sleep - Fake sounds such as alarm clock going
off when it shouldn't, telephone ringing when there is no incoming call,
knocking on the door but no one is there - Voices, either very insulting, or
telling you things that indicate you are under surveillance - Vibration of
body parts when trying to sleep - High pitched tone in ears, which may
change when switching electronic equipment on or off In some cases,
statements by strangers indicating they know what you had for supper In
some cases, statements by strangers indicating they can read your
thoughts - Artificial and powerful sexual stimulation - Artificial and powerful
PREVENTION of sexual stimulation .

This is THE EXTERIOR of mind control. The non-noticeable mind control is

more dangerous one. That is the manipulation of our thoughts and
emotions WITHOUT our notice of things. We think we lead our lives. But we
do not. We have to wake up to take notice on the situation. And try to
change the course of history. FBI and NSA SECRET SOCIETY imposes us
the New world order using mind control.And we can`t shield ourselves from
it. Which makes us as puppets on strings.Electromagnetic Weapons and
Mind Control: from CNN's Special Assignment, about 1985, at , by Chuck De Caro, CNN
Special Assignments, and List of mind control symptoms, in 2005 update:
The convergence of the cold war history of mind control and
electromagnetic weapons with new post cold war government neuroscience
reserch programs, by Cheryl Welsh, Director, Mind Justice, 2005, at

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Also, there is an interesting article called Brain wave technology could

change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only your thoughts.
This technology already exists in the civilian economy as a means of
playing video games, for example. See this link:
The article was written by Robert Bazell, correspondent for NBC News, and
was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6, 2004. Another web site concerned
with gaining information on the electrical activity of brainwaves, and by
means of wireless technology, can be found in the Sunday, 17 November,
2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Edition article called Remote control
brain sensor, at


4 Elite Airborne commandos Return from a Special Operation in

Afghanistan and suddenly torture and murder their wives Friday, July 26,
2002 1:33 p.m. EDT FORT BRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers
stationed at Fort Bragg, including three special operations servicemen who
returned home this year after tours of duty in Afghanistan, allegedly killed
their wives recently, military officials said on Friday. In two of the cases,
the oldiers killed themselves after shooting their spouses, officials said. In
the other two, the servicemen have been arrested and are facing
charges.There has been a recent series of instances where soldiers have
either committed murder or murder-suicide against their wives, said Maj.
Gary Kolb, a spokesman for the Army Special Operations Command.

STARGATE is one of the many names given to the Army's classified clan of
remote viewers. This project was hidden deeply within the government for
close to two decades. The work of Harold Puthoff Ph.D., at SRI
international joined with the work of others
at the Cognitive Science Laboratory ( ) helped to
supply the CIA with the framework of what was then known as Project
GRILLFRAME. By 1978 America's first remote viewers were at work. It is
rumored the cold war was responsible for the government's interest in
remote viewing because Russia had spies not dissimilar to our remote

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

Alex Constantine

(1995) Another bombshell from the fecund furnace of Feral House Press.
Constantine, a political researcher in the mold of Mae Brussell, has
gathered together a well-documented survey. Bombing minds rather than
bodies is the warfare of the new millennium Funded under the
euphemism of Non-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has developed the
ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death, with the
push of a button. Hard to believe? Believe it! Official sources have publicly
admitted to the existence of such technology.

Topics covered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory

hoax, E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads, The GOP's Pink Triangle & the CIA,
Johnny Carson and the SL crisis, and let's not forget the chapter on
NutraSweet as crowd control. 221 pages, PB PDU $12.95

The term mind control comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles.In
1953, Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni,
distinguished two fronts in the then-current battle for men's minds: a
first front of mass indoctrination through censorship and propaganda, and
a second front of individual brainwashing and brain changing. Before
an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles skipped the usual pieties about

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democracy. The same year, Dulles approved the CIA's notorious MKULTRA
project, and exempted it from normal CIA financial controls. A partial list of
aggressive promoters of this new technology includes Oak Ridge National
Lab, Sandia National Laboratories, Science Applications International
orporation, MITRE Corporation, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Los
Alamos National Laboratory.

In 1996, the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume

study of future developments in weapons called New World Vistas. Tucked
away on page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some hair-raising insights
into the future 'coupling' of man and machine in a section dealing with
'Biological Process Control'. The author refers to an 'explosion' of
knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously: One can
envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of
which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human
body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular
movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit
suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory,
produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.

Translating the words 'experience set' from military jargon into plain
English, this means, simply, that they envisage the ability to erase your
life's memories and substitute a new, fictitious set. By projecting such
developments into the future, the authors of New Vistas are camouflaging
present day capabilities. A similar futuristic scenario with many references
to mind manipulation is described in The Revolution in Military Affairs and
Conflict Short of War (US Army War College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz
and James Kievit declare: Behaviour modification is a key component of
peace enforcement and The advantage of [using] directed energy
systems is deniability. The authors ask: Against whom is such deniability
aimed? The direct answer is the merican people.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a
letter dated 13 December, 1996: All schematics, however, have been
classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the
exact details. we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even
the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State
Department, of course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert
Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate

the brain's low-amplitude emotion signature clusters, synthesise them
and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the
subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject
experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the
concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. These clusters
are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently
trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!
Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body's blood-brain
barrier,14 which can synergistically increase the effects of drugs, as the
military is well aware. Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to
sensitise large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological
or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be
immune.15 Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of
implants - cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the
fluid of the inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via bone
conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up audible radio

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires running

from strategic points in the brain to a radio receiver/transmitter located
entirely under the skin. Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate
raw emotions such as arousal, anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a
knob. Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves
and synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the
Cold War secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in
unsuspecting victims: Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual
disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness,
depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration. Naval
Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May Produce
Army of 'Zombies.' Future battles could be waged with genetically

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engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by

computer chips engineered with living brain cells. The research, called
Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.
This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to
create zombie armies, Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution, said. See also National Security Agency in , Central Security

Service in , ECHELON in , Defense Intelligence Agency in , and Defense

Advanced Research

Projects Agency in

The following links explain secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of

FBI, CIA and NSA agencies.

This entry was posted on November 7, 2006 at 10:25 am and is filed under
humour, spam. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS
2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.



fernando arakaki miranda Says: June 8, 2007 at 12:13 pm

OPINION PUBLISHES Sir I have the honor to direct me to his distinguished

person by the following reason: I Fernando Arakaki Miranda born in the
Republic of Brazil, for reasons that I do not know have been brought by my
gentleman father is Bolivia where I have been nationalized Bolivian. I had
the opportunity to travel to Japan so that I have Japanese ancestry, I was
in Japan exactly from 1de June of 1992 to August 1998. In this time
interval which I was living in Japan I was used like experiment with
scientific aims with the technology outpost, through implants of cerebral
microChips, this was made against my will, without my consent. This it
implants has the capacity to gather, to keep, to transmit the thoughts,
sensations, feelings during the life of a person, this means that I do not
have freedom to think, to feel and inclusively they have placed a device to
speak to me directly as if they were a negative conscience, controlling until
my dreams, also do electromagnetic radiation to me, tortures cerebral.
Also they can see through my eyes this implants is called soul to catcher
2025, the MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL that is the
technology cybort but outpost that this in experimental process that is
which I have been a laboratory rabbit. Crimes against my person are trying
to conceal this crime committing, organizing groups of people so that they
harass to me, bothering day and night to me treating to silence and that
this upsetting is unpunished. These cruel acts do not have excuses. They
are without God, nor law. They use the lie deceiving people with calumnies
in my against. Some of the crimes that I am being victim are: Threats,
criminal association, blackmails, insults, psychological attempt of homicide,
damages to the health, damages, discrimination, levelling, robbery, etc.
These are some of the twenty-six crimes that are using to conceal this
subjugation in the city of Santa Cruz of the Mountain range. That is which I
have been and I am being used like rabbit of Indians, so that I am studied
by universities of the country by the newness of this implants of the
technology outpost, that much people ignore and do not know the
magnitude of this upsetting to I generate human in this country. Sir as you
can see deals with vejamen, lesa humanity, these classes of injustices are

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 521 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 44 of 76

sanctioned by the Organization of United Nations (O.N.U), the Human

rights throughout the world, the human being has the right to the life, the
freedom, the right to look for his happiness, exists the code nuremberg.
This does not mean that this against the science if that to the human being
is due to respect in its physical integrity, mental it does not seem that they
are forgetting God and its principles. This denunciation that I do publishes
is also thinking about all victimas that has been used and later silenced
cruelly and these upsettings have been unpunished. Sir I wait for you you
include/understand my situation; I request its collaboration to him to
arrive at justice with a previous international judgment, requesting
compensation of damages with a right indemnification through the legal
routes, for but information my I number of telephone is the 776-74690 my
post-office box electronic is - - takes leave sincerely
thanked for Fernando Arakaki Miranda Note ALSO VIOLATE MY POST-
PASSAGE AIRPLANE. In order to look for paginas in google MIND

Mind Guard non profit Says:

September 3, 2007 at 4:42 am

I thnk the big question is are people ready to do what is needed. There are
people ready to jail the people hertzing people but ARE the people ready?

Mind Guard nonprofit U.S.A. have alll the is neede to deal with the problem
from tracking equipment to the full plans to to the device of desolation but
people have to be willing to act!

I have not seen people ready to do the things that must be done to this
day. We are still waiting for people to help with funding and work the

joi Says:

September 6, 2007 at 2:33 am

I have been searching for others experiencing mind attack.. These people
seem to be connected with my family,and all my neighbors. They have
even contacted me through the mail and phone. this all started for me
when i met a wholistic health practitioner, since he,his family and countless
others(you say the government too)have been stalking and abusing me for
five years or more how can i get more info

Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 18:48:31 -0700

Dear Stan: Thanks for keeping me updated. Sincerely, Lorita O'Leary

----- Original Message -----

From: Stan Caterbone

Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 12:59 AM

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May 18, 2008

To: Lorita O'Leary, Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Re: Mind Control Problems

Dear Lorita,

Just wanted to check in and give you an update. My time is now occupied
with my major case tied up in the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The
CCHR Complaint form is still on my To-Do List.

Hopefully soon.

Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

Subject: How They Do This To Me





Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 03:19:47 -0400

On May 16, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Stan Caterbone wrote:

May 16, 2008


I know that I am the victim of this technology that both Neurobotics claims
and that Carole Smith has researched regarding invasive mind control. I
have some of my research posted on my research blog .

The peering into one's thoughts and ideas I can live with, however the pain
and torture of some of this technology is very hurtful and painful. I am
trying desperately to find the source and the means of how they deploy
this on me. I try to change my location when they use it, but that does not
stop it. I was told that the perps can isolate a person with radar and
satellite, so it is hard or impossible for me to avoid.

I know sometime tonight or tomorrow they will hit me again. They usually
need to alternate the pain and pleasure so that it reaches its full impact.
You know, kind of like making sure there is always a spectrum of highs and
lows. I believe they use a technique of using the telepathy (Sheryl Crow
with Brett Stabley and Dave Pflumm?) to engage me in hostile and
harassing conversation along with some sort or electromagnetic energy
isolated on me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the main problems I
have with writing briefs and filing court documents. They will use this to
interfere with my focus and to confuse me while the hackers change my
documents and briefs. It is very challenging, but at least I am litigating,
which is the important thing.

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Stan J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group

Mind Control Summary

The Secrets of Mind Control
Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers

This revealing ten-page mind control summary contains excerpts from

three landmark books: Bluebird by Colin A. Ross, MD, a leading Canadian
psychiatrist; Mind Controllers by Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation
Betrayed by mind control survivor Carol Rutz. All three authors provide
hundreds of footnotes for their research. Of those footnotes, 80 are
included in this summary, many with links to original sources. Much of this
research is based on 18,000 pages of declassified CIA documents on mind
control. To order these declassified documents in CD format directly from
the government, click here. For a two-page summary of this mind control
material, click here.

A Secret Agenda Leads to First Mind Control Programs

Please note: the letters and numbers after each paragraph denote the book
and page from which the information given was taken. BB stands for
Bluebird ; MC for Mind Controllers; NB for A Nation Betrayed. To order
these books, see our Resource List:

A declassified CIA document dated 7 January 1953 [1] with a section

heading Outline of Special H Cases describes the experimental creation
of multiple personality in two 19-year old girls by the CIA. H is used as
shorthand for hypnotic, hypnotized, or hypnotism in these documents:
These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully
awake state to a deep H controlled state by telephone, by receiving
written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words, and that control of
those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without
great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls
that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes. BB 32

After the end of World War II, German scientists were being held in a
variety of detainment camps by the allies and Russians. In 1946, President
Truman authorized Project Paperclip [2][3][4] to exploit German scientists
for American research, and to deny these intellectual resources to the
Soviet Union. Some reports bluntly pointed out that they were ardent
Nazis. They were considered so vital to the Cold War effort, that they
would be brought into the US and Canada. Some of these experts were
accused of participating in murderous medical experiments on human
subjects at concentration camps. A 1999 report to the Senate and the
House said that between 1945 and 1955, 765 scientists, engineers, and
technicians were brought to the US under Paperclip and similar
programs. [5] BB 3, NB xi, xii

According to the Central Intelligence Agencys Fact Book, [6] the NSC
(National Security Council) and the CIA were established under the
provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. In December 1947, the
NSC held its first meeting. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense,
pushed for the CIA to begin a secret war against the Soviets. Forrestals
initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops)
in Europe. CIA personnel were not opposed to working with Nazi doctors
who had proven to be proficient in breaking the mind and rebuilding it. In
some cases military bases were used to hide these covert activities. It was

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decided that the communist threat was an issue that took priority over
constitutional rights. MC 1, 3, 7, 8, NB xvii

The concept of running a secret black project was no longer novel. In

1941, Roosevelt had decided, without consulting Congress, that the US
should proceed with the utmost secrecy to develop an atomic bomb.
Secrecy shrouded the Manhattan Project (the atomic bomb program) to the
extent that Vice President Harry Truman knew nothing about it. [7] The
project meant that by 1947, the US Government had already gained vast
experience in the initiation of secret operations. The existence of black
projects funded by black budgets was withheld not only from the public,
but also from Congress for reasons of national security. MC 8-10

A declassified CIA document [8] Hypnotic Experimentation and Research,

10 February 1954 describes a simulation of relevance to the creation of
unsuspecting assassins: Miss [whited out] was instructed (having
previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that she would use
every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [whited out] (now in a deep
hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at
Miss [whited out]. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that
she would not hesitate to kill [whited out] for failing to awaken. Miss
[whited out] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the
(unloaded) gun at [whited out] and then proceeded to fall into a deep
sleep. Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire
sequence. Miss [whited out] was again handed the gun, which she refused
(in an awakened state) to pick up or accept from the operator. She
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened. BB
36, 37

One of the areas to be investigated by the CIA was mind control. The CIAs
human behavior control program was chiefly motivated by perceived
Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. Under
the protection of national security, many other branches of the
government also took part in the study of this area. The CIA originated its
first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after
Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE.
MKULTRA officially began in 1953. Technically it was closed in 1964, but
some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the
1970s. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, CIA Director
Richard Helms ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. [9] MC
10, 17

Diligent use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) helps to cast light on
the advances that have been made in controlling the way people think and
act. In 1977, through an FOIA request, 16,000 pages of documents were
found, held as part of the Agencys financial history. The FOIA allows the
most humble citizen to demand the disclosure of documents, although
inevitably some will be heavily censored or not released at all. That is how
much of this information has been pieced together. MC 5 NB, xvi, xvii

Inevitably, however, it is an incomplete picture. Most of the important

details were conveniently destroyed under orders of CIA Director Helms to
conceal wrongdoing. [10] What the mind controllers were and are doing
may be only hinted at in a memo footnote or in the memoirs of a retired
researcher. Nevertheless, there is more than enough here to show that
secret new techniques are being exploited that are no longer in the realm
of science fiction. We must all be aware of this threat, so that those who
wish to take liberties with democracy, and with our freedom to think, are
deterred. MC 6, NB xvii For more, click here.

The CIA Mind Control Projects

Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the director of the CIA on April 20,
1950. In a 1951 memo,

[11] Bluebird states that practical research was to be conducted to include

these specific problems:

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Can we create by post-H [hypnotic] control an action contrary to an

individuals basic moral principles?

Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H

condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an
act for our benefit?

Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H

control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.?

Can we by H and SI techniques force a subject to travel long distances,

commit specified acts and return to us or bring documents or materials?

Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?

Can we alter a persons personality?

Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing agents
and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the field by
use of codes or identifying signs?

How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best

concealed in a normal or commonplace item, such as candy, cigarettes,
coffee, tea, beer, medicines? [12] NB 13, 14, BB 23

Officially, MKULTRA was established on 13 April 1953, at Richard Helms

suggestion as ultra sensitive work. [13] The operational wing of
MKULTRA, known as MKDELTA, had as its mission to find out how to use
chemical and biological weapon ingredients to alter the human mind.
Originally established as a supplementary funding mechanism to the
ARTICHOKE project, MKULTRA quickly grew into a mammoth undertaking
that outflanked earlier mind control initiatives. MC 69, NB 28

A memorandum from Richard Helms, [14] Acting Deputy Director to CIA

Director Allen Dulles dated 3 April 1953 and entitled Two Extremely
Sensitive Research Programs (MKULTRA and MKDELTA) includes the
statement, Even internally in CIA, as few individuals as possible should be
aware of our interest in these fields and of the identity of those who are
working for us. At present this results in ridiculous contracts which do not
spell out the scope or intent of the work. BB 125

The memorandum below was written 10 years later to Helms, who by then
had become CIA Director.

26 July 1963, MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence [15]

SUBJECT: Report of Inspection, MKULTRA

It was deemed advisable to prepare the report of the MKULTRA program in

one copy only, in view of its unusual sensitivity. Normal procedures for
project approval, funding, and accounting were waived. The program
requires the services of highly specialized authorities in many fields of
natural science. The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior
are found by many people both within and outside the Agency to be
distasteful and unethical. Nevertheless, there have been major
accomplishments both in research and operational employment.

Over the ten-year life of the program many additional avenues to the
control of human behavior have been designated under the MKULTRA
charter, including radiation, electro-shock, harassment substances, and
paramilitary devices. Some MKULTRA activities raise questions of legality
implicit in the original charter. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA
products places the rights and interests of US citizens in jeopardy. Public
disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious
adverse reaction in US public opinion.

TSD [Technical Services Division of CIA] initiated a program for covert

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testing of materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a

philosophy of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity
of some of the projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There
are just two individuals in TSD who have full substantive knowledge of the
program and most of that knowledge is unrecorded. In protecting the
sensitive nature of the American intelligence capability to manipulate
human behavior, they apply need to know doctrine to their professional
associates to a maximum degree.

J.S. Earman, Inspector General NB 108-113

The Senate Intelligence Committee did find some records during its
investigation in 1976. [16] However it noted that the practice of MKULTRA
was to maintain no records of the planning and approval of test
programs. Miles Copeland, a former CIA officer, said, The congressional
sub-committee which went into this got only the barest glimpse. [17]
Senator Frank Church, who led the congressional investigations of the
CIAs unlawful actions, said that the agency was a rogue elephant
operating above the law as it plotted assassinations, illegally spied on
thousands of Americans, and even drugged our own citizens in its effort to
develop new weapons for its covert arsenal. MC 13, 18, NB 38

The focal point of MKULTRA was the use of humans as unwitting subjects
[without their knowledge or consent]. The CIA sponsored numerous
experiments of this kind. Regardless of a report by the CIAs Inspector
General in 1963 recommending the termination of testing on unwitting
subjects, future CIA Director Richard Helms continued to advocate covert
testing on the grounds that we are less capable of staying up with the
Soviet advances in this field. On the subject of moral issues, Helms
commented, we have no answer to the moral issue. [18] MC 18 For
more, click here.

The Experience of CIA Mind Control Victim Carol Rutz [19]

The CIA bought my services from my grandfather in 1952 starting at the

tender age of four. [20] Over the next 12 years, I was tested, trained, and
used in various ways. Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation,
and other types of trauma were used to make me compliant and split my
personality [create multiple personalities for specific tasks]. Each alter or
personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then
perform an act and not remember it later. This Manchurian Candidate
program was just one of the operational uses of the mind control scenario
by the CIA. Your hard-earned tax dollars supported this.

As a survivor of CIA programs Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA, I began

my intense search to document some of the mind control experiments that
I was made part of. Through a series of FOIA requests to various
departments of the government, 48 years after I was first experimented
on, I found solid proof of my memoriesproof that was in the government
vaults of the nearly 18,000 pages of declassified documents from the
Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA programs.

One of the declassified documents [21] states, Learning studies will be

instituted in which the subject will be rewarded or punished for overall
performance and reinforced in various wayswith electric shock, etc. In
other cases, drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify
attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in dissociative
states [multiple personality]. An attempt will be made to induce a number
of states of this kind, using hypnosis. The government had finally handed
me the validation I had been searching for. NB xvii, xviii

The basic premise of the book The Manchurian Candidate [22] is that a
group of American POWs in the Korean War is brainwashed while crossing
through Manchuria to freedom. They arrive back in the US amnesic for the
period of brainwashing. One of them is programmed to be an assassin. His
target is a candidate for president of the US. His handlers control him with
a hypnotically implanted trigger. BB 23

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In an experiment described in a document entitled SI and H

experimentation [23] (25 September 1951), two female subjects took
part in an exercise involving the planting of a bomb. Both subjects
performed perfectly and were fully amnesic for the exercise: [Whited out]
was instructed that upon awakening, she would proceed to [whited out]
room where she would wait at the desk for a telephone call. Upon
receiving the call, a person known as Jim would engage her in normal
conversation. During the course of the conversation, this individual would
mention a code word. When she heard this code word, she would pass into
a SI trance state, but would not close her eyes and remain perfectly
normal and continue the telephone conversation.

She was told that upon conclusion of the telephone conversation, she
would carry out instructions: [Whited out] was shown an electric timing
device. She was informed that this device was a bomb, and was then
instructed how to attach and set the device. After [whited out] learned
how to set and attach the device, she was told to take the timing device
which was in a briefcase, and proceed to the ladies room. In the ladies
room, she would be met by a girl whom she had never seen who would
identify herself by the code word New York. [whited out] was then to
show this individual how to attach and set the timing device and further
instructions would be given that the timing device was to be carried in the
briefcase to [whited out] room, placed in the nearest empty electric-light
plug and concealed in the bottom, left-hand drawer of [whited out] desk,
with the device set for 82 seconds and turned on. BB 37, 38

The Mind Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in
extensive political abuse of psychiatry in North America. Many thousands of
prisoners and mental patients were subjected to unethical mind control
experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Organized
academic psychiatry has never acknowledged this history. The network of
mind control doctors involved has done a great deal of harm to the field of
psychiatry and to psychiatric patients. BB, pg. K

The work of the mind control doctors did not occur in a vacuum. The
importation of Nazi doctors to the US through secret programs like
PAPERCLIP is part of the context. Mind control experimentation was not
only tolerated by medical professionals, but published in psychiatric and
medical journals. [24] The climate was permissive, supportive, and
approving of mind control experimentation. BB 1

Dr. William Sweet [25] participated in both brain electrode implant

experiments and the injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard
University. The 925-page Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments [26] tells the story of radiation experiments, and
their linkage to mind control. BB 1

Martin Orne is one of the leading experts on hypnosis of the 20th century.
[27][28][29] For about 30 years, he was the editor of The International
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Dr. Orne is one of two
psychiatrists professionally still active into the late 1990s who is a
documented CIA mind control contractor (along with Dr. Louis Jolyon
West). BB 121, 124

P. Janet asked a deeply hypnotized female to commit several murders

before a distinguished group of judges, stabbing some victims with rubber
daggers and poisoning others with sugar tablets. The hypnotized subject
did all these things without hesitation. [30] MC 160

Army doctors were actively involved in LSD testing at least until the late
1970s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five
years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11
years of age. Four of the CIAs MKULTRA Subprojects were on children. The
mind control doctors included presidents of the American Psychiatric

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Association and psychiatrists who received full-page obituaries in the

American Journal of Psychiatry. Responsibility for the unethical
experimentation lies first with the individual doctors, but also collectively
with the medical profession, and with academia as a whole. BB 21

The MKULTRA contractor about whom the most has been written is Dr.
Ewen Cameron. [31][32][33][34][35] At various times, Dr. Cameron was
President of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations.
He was one of four co-founders of the World Psychiatric Association. Dr.
Cameron began conducting unethical, unscientific, and inhumane
brainwashing experiments in the 1930s. Schizophrenic patients were
forced to lie naked in red light for eight hours a day for periods as long as
eight months. Another experiment involved overheating patients in an
electric cage until their body temperatures reached 102 degrees. BB 125-

From January 1957 until September 1960, Dr. Camerons project received
$64,242.44 in CIA funds. [36] When the CIA stopped funding him,
Cameron received $57,750 from the Canadian government to continue his
research from 1961 to 1964. [37] The actual number of patients on whom
Cameron tried varieties of his experimental techniques is reported as 332.
[38] NB 52, 53

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Camerons unethical, destructive

mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron used a treatment which
involved intensive application of three brainwashing techniques; drug
disinhibition, prolonged sleep, and prolonged psychological isolation. These
were combined with ECT [Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. [39][40]
[41] The amount of electricity introduced into Lindas brain exceeded by
76.5 times the maximum amount recommended in the ECT Guidelines of
the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Camerons depatterning
technique resulted in permanent and complete amnesia. Dr. Cameron
proved that doctors skilled in the right procedures can erase a subjects
memory. To this day, Linda MacDonald is unable to remember anything
from her birth to 1963. As recorded by nurses in her chart, Linda was
completely disoriented. She didnt know her name, age or where she was.
She didnt recognize her children. She couldnt read, drive, cook, or use a
toilet. Not only did she not know her husband, she didnt even know what a
husband was. BB 181-183

Life changed for Linda when the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

program, The Fifth Estate, aired a segment on Dr. Cameron on January 17,
1984. A Vancouver newspaper ran a full-page story on Robert Loggie, a
Vancouver man who had been experimented on by Dr. Cameron. Loggie
was a plaintiff in the class action suit against the CIA for Dr. Camerons
MKULTRA experiments, which was settled out of court for $750,000,
divided among the eight plaintiffs in 1988. [42] Eventually Linda got
$100,000 plus legal fees from the Canadian government. BB 187, 188

J.G. Watkins induced a soldier to strike an officer by suggesting that the

officer was a Japanese soldier. [43] In another experiment, two subjects
who were told to throw sulphuric acid at a laboratory assistant (protected
by glass) complied with the hypnotists commands. [44] MC 158

G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind control doctor who has publicly
acknowledged the building of Manchurian Candidates. In his book Spiritism,
[45] Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to create multiple
personality. [46][47] In his book Hypnotism, [48] Dr. Estabrooks states
that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in
military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of
the demands of war. BB 159, 162

In a 1971 article in Science Digest, [49] Dr. Estabrooks claimed to have

created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational
use. By the 1920s not only had [clinical hypnotists] learned to apply
posthypnotic suggestion, but also to split certain complex individuals into
multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked this
technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant Ill call Jones. I split his
personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a normal working
Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant

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it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was

deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps and became a
card-carrying party member. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all
the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American and was imprinted to say
nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole
man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline
straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully. BB 167-169

Dr. Estabrooks did experiments on children. He corresponded with FBI

Director J. Edgar Hoover about using hypnosis to interrogate juvenile
delinquents. His experimentation raises the possibility that he or other
investigators might have attempted to create Manchurian Candidates in
children. Such a possibility might seem far-fetched until one considers the
LSD, biological and radiation experiments conducted on children, [50][51]
[52] and the fact that four MKULTRA Subprojects were on children. The
deliberate creation of multiple personality in children is an explicitly stated
plan in the MKULTRA Subproject Proposal submitted for funding on May 30,
1961. BB 61, 176, 177 For more, click here and here.

LSD Tests

From 1950 until the 1970s, the CIA collaborated closely with the US Army
while conducting LSD and other chemical tests on humans. Experiments
were conducted where none of the volunteers gave their informed consent
prior to receiving LSD. There was a deliberate attempt to deny the
volunteers any information that would have permitted them to evaluate the
dangers involved. Most of the related records have been destroyed. [53]
MC 20, 21, 29, 32

A field test plan called for use of LSD on foreign nationals overseas. The
Surgeon General offered no medical objections to the field experimental
plan. [54] Subjects for the proposed field test were to be non-volunteer,
foreign nationals. It is clear that from the start to finish the project violated
Department of Defense policies, as well as specific procedures set for
chemical or medical research. MC 33-36

Frank Olson was a biological warfare expert. He committed suicide after

being given LSD hidden in liqueur by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Director of
MKULTRA. Olsons family determined that he committed suicide subsequent
to a bad LSD trip only after reading Nelson Rockefellers 1975 report on the
CIA, finally published 22 years after Olsens death. They were given
$750,000 in compensation by Congress. [55] BB 49

Electronic Implants

Jose Delgados development of the Stimoceiver in the 1950s brought

intelligence agencies ultimate dream of controlling human behavior one
step closer to reality. The Stimoceivera miniature electrode capable of
receiving and transmitting electronic signals by FM radiocould be placed
within an individuals cranium. And once in place, an outside operator could
manipulate the subjects responses. Delgado demonstrated the potential of
his Stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place,
Delgado stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards
the experimenter and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him.
The powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a
button on a small box held in Delgados hand. [56] MC 147

Dr. Delgado, a neurosurgeon and professor at Yale, [57][58][59][60][61]

[62] received funding for brain electrode research on children and adults.
He did research in monkeys and cats, and in one paper describes the cats
as mechanical toys. He was able to control the movements of his animal
and human subjects by pushing buttons on a remote transmitter box. In
1966, Delgado asserted that his experiments support the distasteful
conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical
forces, and that humans can be controlled like robots by push
buttons. [63] BB 88, 89, MC 147

An 11-year old boy underwent a partial change of identity upon remote

stimulation of his brain electrode: Electrical stimulation of the superior
temporal convolution induced confusion about his sexual identity. These

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effects were specific, reliable, and statistically significant. For example, the
patient said, 'I was thinking whether I was a boy or a girl,' and 'Id like to
be a girl.'" After one of the stimulations the patient suddenly began to
discuss his desire to marry the male interviewer. Temporal-lobe stimulation
produced in another patient open manifestations and declarations of
pleasure, accompanied by giggles and joking with the therapist. In two
adult female patients stimulation of the same region was followed by
discussion of marriage and expression of a wish to marry the therapist.
[64] BB 88, 89

Brain electrode research was also conducted independently at Harvard by

Dr. Delgados coauthors, Drs. Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin, and William
Sweet. Mark and Ervin describe implanting brain electrodes in a large
number of patients at Harvard hospitals. A patient named Jennie was 14
years old when they put electrodes in her brain. In their book Violence and
the Brain, [65] photographs show 18-year old Julia smiling, angry, or
pounding the wall depending on which button is being pushed on the
transmitter box sending signals to her brain electrodes. The mind control
doctors saw their patients as biological machines, a view which made them
sub-human, and therefore easier to abuse in mind control experiments. BB

Dr. Robert G. Heath, [66][67][68] Chairman of the Department of

Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University, placed brain electrodes in a
young homosexual man and fitted him with a box. A button on the box
could be used to electrically stimulate an electrode implanted in a pleasure
center. During one three-our period, the patient, referred to as B-19,
stimulated himself 1,500 times. During these sessions, B-19 stimulated
himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming
euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous
protests." [69] BB 94

Dr. John Lilly describes the technique of electrode implantation. Electrodes

could be implanted in the brain without using anesthesia. Short lengths of
hypodermic needle tubing equal in length to the thickness of the skull were
quickly pounded through the scalp into the skull. These stainless steel
guides furnished passageways for the insertion of electrodes into the brain
to any desired distance and at any desired location. Because of the small
size of the sleeve guides, the scalp quickly recovered from the small hole
made in it, and the sleeve guide remained imbedded in the bone for
months to years. At any time he desired, the investigator could palpate
[rub] the scalp and find the location of each of the sleeve guides. Once one
was found, he inserted a needle down through the bone. After withdrawing
the needle, the investigator placed a small sharp electrode in the track
made by the needle and pressed the electrode through the skull and down
into the substance of the brain to any desired depth. [70] NB 62 For
more, click here and here.

Non-Lethal Weapons

Non-lethal weapons is a broad category which includes devices for beaming

various kinds of energy at human targets in order to temporarily
incapacitate them, or to control or affect their behavior. Non-lethal
weapons research has been conducted at universities on contract to the
CIA, and has overlapped with research on hallucinogens and brain
electrode implants. BB 103

In 1991, Janet Morris, one of the main proponents of non-lethal weapons,

issued a number of papers. [71] According one paper, US Special
Operations Command already had a portable microwave weapon. US
Special Forces can cook internal organs. [72] Another concept was
Infrasound using acoustic beams. Laboratories were developing a high
power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapon projecting non-
penetrating acoustic bullets. Already, some governments have used
infrasound as a means of crowd control. Very low frequency (VLF) sound,
or low frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and
abdominal pains. Some very low frequency sound generators can cause
the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble
masonry. [73] MC 176-179

Funding of these experiments began in MKULTRA. Subproject 62

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documents certain kinds of radio frequency energy have been found to

effect reversible neurological changes in chimpanzees. [74] Subproject 54
was studying how to produce concussions from a distance using mechanical
blast waves propagated through the air. Such a concussion is always
followed by amnesia for the actual moment of the accident. It also states:
The blast duration would be in the order of a tenth of a second. Masking of
a noise of this duration should not be difficult. It would be advantageous to
establish the effectiveness of both of the above methods as a tool in brain-
wash therapy. BB 103-105

A confidential report prepared by the US Army as early as 1969 detailed

the effect an infra-sonic system would have on humans. These effects
range from disruption of nervous systems to death. [75] MC 199, 200

That such weapons have been used can be in little doubt. When the
deployment of Cruise missiles at American bases in the UK was at its
height, women peace campaigners staged a series of highly publicized
peaceful protests outside the perimeter wires. In late 1985, the women in
the peace camps at Greenham Common began to experience unusual
patterns of illness, ranging from severe headaches, drowsiness, menstrual
bleeding at abnormal times or after the onset of menopause, to bouts of
temporary paralysis and faulty speech coordination. Electronics Today [76]
magazine carried out a number of measurements, and in December 1985
published their report which concluded: Readings taken with a wide range
of signal strength meters showed marked increases in the background
signal level near one of the womens camps at a time when they claimed to
be experiencing ill effects. They noted that if the women created noise or
a disturbance near the fence, the signals rose sharply. MC 201

The evidence in hand suggests that the technology to produce voices in

the head does exist. The Department of Defense has already acquired the
technology to alter consciousness through various projects and programs.
A patent discusses methods and system for altering consciousness. The
abstract from once such program states: Researchers have devised a
variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave
rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual
subject. [77] Silent subliminal messages [were] used throughout
Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully. [78] MC 203, 204

A US State Department report suggested it was possible to induce a heart

attack in a person from a distance with radar. [79] MC 172

By 1974, Stanford Research Institute had developed a computer system

capable of reading a persons mind by correlating the brain waves of
subjects on an electroencephalograph with specific commands. [80] The
concept of mind-reading computers is no longer science fiction. Neither is
their use by Big Brotherly governments. Major Edward Dames of Psi-Tech
said in April 1995 on NBCs The Other Side program: The US government
has an electronic device which could implant thoughts in people. Dames
would not comment any further. MC 172

The latest development in the technology of induced fear and mind control
is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves of any targeted victim, or
indeed groups. With the use of powerful computers, segments of human
emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear, embarrassment,
jealousy, resentment, shame, and terror, have been identified and isolated
within the EEG signals as emotion signature clusters. Their relevant
frequencies and amplitudes have been measured. Then the very
frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and stored on another
computer. Each one of these negative emotions is separately tagged. They
are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently
trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.
MC 205

The entire non-lethal weapon concept is literally a Pandoras Box of

unknown consequences. MC 179 For more, click here and here.

How to Order Government Mind Control Records of MKULTRA &

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Bluebird/Artichoke [81]

To order individual documents, go to There is no charge for
the first 100 pages. To order the three CD set containing 20,000 pages of
declassified CIA mind control documents, send a check for $30 made
payable to the United States Treasurer. Send the check and a copy of the
form below to the address given:

Central Intelligence Agency

FOIA and Privacy Act Coordinator
Washington, DC 20505

Re: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request

This letter constitutes my formal request for information pursuant to the

provisions of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, 5 USC552. I am
requesting the three-volume CD set that includes the more than 18,000
pages of MKULTRA and Bluebird/Artichoke records, and a copy of the
shareware viewer. Enclosed is a check for $30 made payable to the United
States Treasurer.


[Name, address, telephone number, and date required]

Note: For free access to these documents on an excellent Internet website,

see the Black Vault Government Archive at

To order the three books quoted in this summary, see the mind control
section of our Resource List. For other reliable resources on mind control,
visit our Mind Control Information Center. We share this information as an
invitation to work together for a better world. Please join us in spreading
the word, so that we can build a critical mass of people who demand that
these activities be brought back under Congressional control.

[1] CIA MORI ID 190684, pp. 1, 4. This is a declassified CIA document

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 1, click here. For page 4, click here.

[2] BBC News, November 21, 2005, Project Paperclip: Dark side of the
Moon, provides details of this disturbing project, available at

[3] New York Times, January 30, 2005, C.I.A. Said to Rebuff Congress on
Nazi Files, shows that the CIA continues to refuse a Congressional directive
to release documents related to this secret program of Nazi collaboration,
article available here.

[4] Hunt, L. Secret Agenda. The United States Government, Nazi Scientists,
and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St. Martins Press, 1991.

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Mind Control Research Page 56 of 76

To order this book, click here. See also Simpson, C. Blowback. The First
Full Account of Americas Recruitment of Nazis, and the Disastrous Effect
on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy. New York: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
1988. To order this book, click here.

[5] Interagency Working Group appointed to inform the appropriate

committees of the US Senate and House of the activities of the Nazi War
Criminal Records. For information on this posted on the National Archives
website under the National War Crimes Disclosure Act, click here.

[6] Formerly available free, now available for purchase on by

clicking here.

[7] Vannevar Bushs memorandum to James Conant, Bush-Conant files,

Office of Scientific Research and Development, S-1, Record Group 227,
National Archives. You can request this document from the government
through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). For instructions on how to
order this document from the National Archives, click here. For more on
this subject, click here.

[8] CIA MORI ID 190691, p. 1. This is a declassified CIA document dealing

with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at

You should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of
your request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed.
For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page with
the CIA document quoted, click here.

[9]New York Times, Aug. 2, 1977, Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial
of Mindszenty. This engaging article includes a concise history of mind
control projects. To view article, click here. The U.S. Department of Energy
Website also has a highly revealing, detailed report of these mind control
projects and more at
See also a CIA document available here, which mentions in the lower tabs
MKULTRA and its formation in 1953.

[10] To see verification of this destruction of records on U.S. Department

of Energy's website, click here.

[11] CIA MORI ID 140401, p. 6, 7. This is a declassified CIA document. To

order this document go to, and follow the
instructions. This document is not included in the mind control CDs.

[12] CIA MORI ID 144700, 4/26/52, p. 3: DrugsSodium Pentathol,

sodium amytal, and barbiturates in general. Evaluation: These techniques
have been proven to be effective and they involve little risk to the subject
if administered under competent medical direction. CIA MORI ID 140394,
pp. 2, 3, dated 2/25/52: Q: Have you ever had any experience with
drugs? A: Yes, many times. I worked with doctors using sodium amytal and
pentathol and have obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In
fact, many times the drugs were used for the purpose of obtaining hypnotic
control. These are a declassified CIA documents dealing with mind control.
To verify the statements in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information
Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page 3 of
CIA document 144700, click here. Document 140394 is not available on
this website, though it is included now in the mind control CD set you can
order at the above link.

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[13] Memorandum from ADDP Helms to DCI Dulles, dated 3 April 1953,
Tab A, pp. 1-2 (p. 30 on CDs), CIA MORI ID 17748. This is a declassified
CIA document dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the
text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described on
our ten-page mind control summary at You should

receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free access
to these documents, see Black Vault Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted (p.30), click here.

[14] CIA MORI ID 17748, p. 30. Quote on p. 33. This is a declassified CIA
document dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text,
use the FOIA request as described on our ten-page mind control summary
at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 30, click here. For page 33, click here.

[15] CIA MORI ID 17748, pp. 2, 4, 6-9. This is a declassified CIA document
dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should

receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive available here. To go directly to the CIA Inspector General's

For page 2, click here.

For page 4, click here.
For page 6, click here.
For page 7, click here.
For page 8, click here.
For page 9, click here.

In addition the above CIA document, to verify this quote and other key
mind control information in a highly revealing 1977 New York Times article
available in their archives, click here.

[16] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). See Book 1, p.
406. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here. For a related article on George Washington
University's National Security Archive website, see For an excellent
Wikipedia article, click here.

[17] Eringer, Robert. Secret Agent Man. Rolling Stone, 1985

[18] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). For instructions
on how to order this document from the National Archives, click here. For
an excellent discussion of this topic on George Washington University's
National Security Archive website, see A part of Book 1 of the

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 535 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 58 of 76

Church Committee Report is available at the first link in the section title "A

[19] For a 10-page summary of Ms. Rutz riveting story which includes
revealing testimony from other mind control victims, see She backs up her experience
with declassified CIA documents proving the existence of the programs she

[20] Project Bluebird/Artichokes primary purpose was the study of special

interrogation techniquesprimarily hypnosis, truth serums and
brainwashing. See CIA-1978-S421-1 Project MKULTRA, The CIAs Program
of Research in Behavioral Modification, Appendix A, pg 66, Joint Hearing
before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on
Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources,
United States Senate Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session, August 3, 1977.
For instructions on how to order this document from the National Archives,
click here.

[21] CIA MORI ID 17395, p. 18. ESP Research, 1961 and 1962. This is a
declassified CIA document dealing with mind control. To verify the
statement in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request
as described on our ten-page mind control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free access
to these documents, see the Black Vault Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the above
document, click here.

[22] Condon, R. The Manchurian Candidate. New York: Jove Books,

1959/1988. To order book, click here.

[23] CIA MORI ID 190527, pp. 1, 2. This is a declassified CIA document

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at

You should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of
your request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed.

For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault

Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the above
document, for page 1, click here. For page 2, click here.

[24] You can find a dozen examples of this in these footnotes. See
footnotes 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 59, 64, 66, 67, 69.

[25] Mark, V.H., & Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[26] Faden, R.R. Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation

Experiments. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1995. The
full report is available on the Department of Energy Website at:
For the two pages detailing Dr. Sweet's experiments: Chapter five page 4,
and page 5.

[27] Marks, J. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. New York: W.W.
Norton, 1988. To order this book, click here.

[28] Orne, M.T. The potential uses of hypnosis in interrogation. In A.D.

Biderman (Ed.), The Manipulation of Human Behavior (pp. 169-215). New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. To order this book, click here.

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Mind Control Research Page 59 of 76

[29] West, L.J. Dissociative reactions. In A.M. Freedman & H.I. Kaplan
(Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, pp. 885-889. Baltimore:
Williams and Wilkins, 1967.

[30] Janet, P. Psychological Healing; A Historical and Clinical Study,

London: George Allen and Unwin, 1925. To order this book, click here.

[31] Gillmor, D. I Swear By Apollo. Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-
Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden press, 1987. To order this book,
click here.

[32] Scheflin, A.W., & Opton, E.M. The Mind manipulators. New York:
Paddington Press, 1978. To order this book, click here.

[33] Thomas, G. Journey into Madness. The Secret Story of Secret CIA
Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989 (paperback
1990). To order this book, click here.

[34] Weinstein, H. Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. To order this book,
click here.

[35] Collins, A. In the Sleep Room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing

Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998. To order
this book, click here.

[36] CIA MORI ID 17468. This is a declassified CIA document dealing with
mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA (Freedom of
Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind control
summary at You
should receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your
request. Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For
free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at

[37] Other Mental Health Project Grants awarded to Dr. Cameron by the
Department of National

Health and Welfare were:

Project #604-5-11, The Effect of Senescence on Resistance to Stress,
$195,388, 50-57,
Project #604-5-13, Research Studies on EEG and Electrophysiology,
$60,353, 50-57,
Project #604-5-14, Support for a Behavioral Laboratory, $17,875, 50-54,
Project #604-5-76, Study of Effect of Nucleic Acid on Memory Impairment
in the Aged, $18,000, 59-63,
Project #604-5-432, A Study of Factors Which Promote or Retard
Personality Change in Individuals Exposed to Prolonged Repetition of Verbal
Signals, $57,750, 61-64, see Collins, Anne. In the Sleep room. The Story of
CIA Brainwashing in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998, p.
189. To order this book, click here.

[38] Collins, Anne. In the Sleep room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing in
Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998, p. 258. To order this
book, click here.

[39] Cameron, D.E. Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the

treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1, 26-34, 1960.

[40] Cameron, D.E., Levy, L. Rubenstein, L., & Malmo, R.B. Repetition of
verbal signals: Behavioral and physiological changes. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 115, 985-991, 1959.

[41] Cameron, D.E., Lohrenz, J.G., & Handcock, K.A. The depatterning
treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 3, 65-76, 1962.

[42] Tyner, Arlene. Mind-Control Part 1: Canadian and US Survivors Seek

Justice, PROBE Magazine, March-April 2000. A copy of this article is
available at

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Mind Control Research Page 60 of 76

[43] Fisher, S. An Investigation of Alleged Conditioning Phenomena Under

Hypnosis. Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis, 3, 71-103, 1955.

[44] Rowland, L.W., Will Hypnotized Persons Try to Harm Themselves or

Others? Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 34, 114-117, 1939.

[45] Estabrooks, G.H. Spiritism. New York: E.M Dutton, 1947. To order this
book, click here.

[46] Harriman, P.L. The experimental induction of a multiple personality.

Psychiatry, 5, 179-186, 1942.

[47] Harriman, P.L. The experimental production of some phenomena

related to multiple personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
37, 244-255, 1942.

[48] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnotism. New York: E.M Dutton, 1943. To order
this book, click here.

[49] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnosis comes of age. Science Digest, 44-50, April
1971. A copy of this article is available at

[50] Okita, G.T., Plotz, E.J., & Davis, M.E. Placental Transfer of Radioactive
Digitoxin in Pregnant Women and its Fetal Distribution. Semiannual Reports
to the US Atomic Energy Commission, Vol. 1, Parts 1 6, 1954 to 1956. For
more on the Department of Energy website, scroll down slightly over 2/3 of
the webpage at to
the section titled: "UC-10. Carbon-14-Labeled Digitoxin Administered to
Pregnant Women to Determine Fetal Distribution"

[51] New York Times, Feb. 10, 1995, Officials Cite More U.S. Tests With
Radiation, reports that about 9,000 Americans including children and
newborns were used in 154 human radiation tests sponsored by the
Atomic Energy Commission. Instructions to access this article in the New
York Times archives and a free copy of the article are available here.

[52] Welsome, Eileen. The Plutonium Files, Americas Secret Medical

Experiments in the Cold War. New York: Dial Press, 220-221, 1999. To
order this book, click here.

[53] Church Committee Report, book 1 p. 395, states that one of the three
principal functions of the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the US Army
Biological Center at Fort Detrick was to conduct biological research for the
CIA. In early 1952, SOD agreed to assist CIA in developing, testing, and
maintaining biological agents delivery systems. By this agreement, CIA
acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop
biological weapons suited for the CIAs use. Church Committee Report,
Book 1, p. 389. Many of the early CIA LSD tests were conducted at Fort
Detrick. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here.

[54] USAINTC Letter to ACSI, DA. Subject: Staff Study: Material Testing
Program EA1279, dated 15 October 1959. (Includes a reference to ACSI-
SC letter, 27 July 1959, requesting study).

[55] Dowling, Kevin. The Olsen File: A Secret that Could Destroy the CIA.
Mail On Sunday. 23 August 1998. See this article at The entire
Frank Olson website at is filled with
excellent information on CIA mind control programs.

[56] New York Times, May 17, 1965, front page, Matador With a Radio
Stops Wired Bull; Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study.
Instructions to access this article in the Times archives and a free copy of
the article are available at

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Mind Control Research Page 61 of 76

[57] Delgado, J.M.R. Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes

within the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7,
637-644, 1955.

[58] Delgado, J.M.R. Prolonged stimulation of brain in awake monkeys.

Journal of Neurophysiology, 22, 458-475, 1959.

[59] Delgado, J.M.R. Emotional behavior in animals and humans.

Psychiatric Research Reports, 12, 259-266, 1960.

[60] Delgado, J.M.R. Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in

monkeys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144, 383-390, 1967.

[61] Delgado, J.M.R. Physical Control of the Mind. New York: Harper &
Row, 1971 (paperback 1977). To order this book, click here.

[62] Rosvold, H.E., & Delgado, J.M.R. The effect of delayed-alternation test
performance of stimulating or destroying electrical structures within the
frontal lobes of the monkeys brain. Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, 49, 365-372, 1956.

[63] Kreech, David. Controlling the Mind Controllers. THINK 32,

July/August 1966.

[64] Delgado, J.M., Mark, V., Sweet, W., Ervin, F., Weiss, G., Bach-Y-Rita,
G., & Hagiwara, R. Intracerebral radio stimulation and recording in
completely free patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 147, 329-
340, 1968.

[65] Mark, V.H., Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[66] Heath, R.G. Electrical self-stimulation of the brain in man. American

Journal of Psychiatry, 120, 571-577, 1963.

[67] Heath, R.G. Pleasure and brain activity in man. Deep and surface
electroencephalograms during orgasm. Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, 151, 3-18, 1972.

[68] Heath, R.G., John, S.B. & Fontana, C.J. Stereotaxic implantation of
electrodes in the human brain: A method for long-term study and
treatment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 23, 296-304,

[69] Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of
heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy
and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.

[70] Lilly, John. The Scientist, A Metaphysical Autobiography. Berkeley:

Ronin Publishing, Revised 1988/1996. To order this book, click here. Dr.
Lilly was not the only one experimenting with this technique. In 1955, he
and Dr. J. Roe, B. Mountcastle, and L. Kurger, Johns Hopkins Medical
School; Drs. C. Woolsey and J. Hind, University of Wisconsin; Dr. Karl
Pribram, Institute of Living, Hartford Conn.; Dr. Leonard Malis, Mt. Sinai
Hospital, New York City experimented on dolphins at Marineland.

[71] The USGSC (US Global Strategy Council) has issued a wide variety of
papers on the nonlethal weapons concept. For example: In Search of
Nonlethal Strategy, Janet Morris; Nonlethality: A Global Strategy White
paper; Nonlethality Briefing Supplement No. 1; and Nonlethality in
Operational Continuum. For more on this from a US army website:

[72] Wall Street Journal, Jan. 4, 1993.

[73] Morris, Janet. In Search of a Non-lethal Strategy. USGSC (US Global

Strategy Council), p. 14.

[74] Baldwin, M., Bach, S.A., & Lewis, S.Z. Effects of radio-frequency

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Mind Control Research Page 62 of 76

energy on primate cerebral activity. Neurology, 10, 178-187, 1960. This

publication was a result of MKULTRA Subproject 62.

[75] An Infrasonic System, US Army Mobility Equipment Research and

Development Center, Fort Bellever, VA, 1969. See section on Effects-
Human. In a his book, The Future War, John Alexander, one of the
supporters, forerunners and founding fathers of the non-lethal weapons
concept, tries to legitimize the acquisition and deployment of these
destructive weapons.

[76] Electronics Today, Dec. 1985.

[77] Method and System for Altering Consciousness, Patent 5,123,899, US

Patent Office, June 23 1992. To view this patent on the website of the US
Patent and Trademark Office, click here.

[78] Letter from Edward Tilton of Silent Sounds, Inc. to author Dr. Armen
Victorian, Dec. 13, 1996. For more on this, click here and here.

[79] Microwave US-USSR, Vol VI, July-Dec. 1976 p. 4, Office of Security,

US Dept. of State.

[80] Mind Reading Computer. Time, July 1, 1974, p. 67. You can read the
entire article in the archives of Time at,9171,942916,00.html. See
also Rorvik, David M. As Man Becomes Machine. London: Sphere Books,
1979. To order this book, click here.

[81] Ordering instructions for the declassified mind control documents are
at the end of the summary, or simply click here. We received the CDs less
than three weeks after we ordered them.

Updated June 10, 2007

Mind Control Cover-up

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group
have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to
going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded
guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in
1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the truth
without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally
prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to
thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property,
and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts,
and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to continue
our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the
media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. Number 7.

Subject: This subject, for some reason, is not presently being addressed by
ANY of our political leaders; why do you think?
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 17:14:11 -0400

Mind Control Cover-up

The Secrets of Mind Control

This concise mind control summary is based on astonishing excerpts from

three landmark books: Bluebird by Colin A. Ross, MD; Mind Controllers by
Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation Betrayed by Carol Rutz. All three
authors provide hundreds of footnotes to support their groundbreaking
research. Much of this information is based on 18,000 pages of declassified
CIA mind control documents. To order these revealing documents in CD
format directly from the U.S. government, click here. Join in powerfully
building a better world for all by spreading the word.

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The Secret Agenda of Mind Control

Please note: the letters and numbers after each paragraph denote the book
and page number from which the information was taken. BBBluebird
MCMind Controllers NBA Nation Betrayed..

The CIA Mind Control Projects

A CIA document dated 10 Feb 1954 [4] describes an experiment on the

creation of unsuspecting assassins: Miss [whited out] was instructed
(having expressed a fear of firearms) that she would use every method at
her disposal to awaken Miss [whited out] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep).
Failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it at Miss [whited out]. She
was instructed that she would not hesitate to kill [whited out]. Miss
[whited out] carried out these suggestions including firing the (unloaded)
gun at [whited out] and then proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. After
proper suggestions were made, both were awakened. Miss [whited out]
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened. BB
36, 37

MKULTRA grew into a mammoth undertaking. The nature of the research

included these specific problems: [5]

* Can we create by post-H (hypnotic) control an action contrary to an

individuals basic moral principles?

* Can we alter a persons personality? Can we guarantee total amnesia

under any and all conditions?

* Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour by post-H control

have him crash an airplane, etc?

* Can we devise a system for making unwilling subjects into willing

agents and then transfer that control to untrained agency agents in the
field by use of codes or identifying signs? NB 13, 14, 28

In a 1971 Science Digest article [6], Dr. G.H. Estabrooks states, By the
1920s clinical hypnotists learned to split certain individuals into multiple
personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During WWII, I worked this technique with
a Marine lieutenant Ill call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and
Jones B. Jones A, once a normal Marine, became entirely different. He
talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically
by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge.
Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, and
was imprinted to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was
hypnotize him, get in touch with Jones B, and I had a pipeline straight into
the Communist camp. BB 167-169 For more on CIA mind control
projects, click here.

Dr. Jose Delgado, a neurosurgeon and Yale professor, [7][8][9] received

funding for brain electrode research on children and adults. In the 1950s,
he developed the Stimoceiver; a miniature electrode placed within an
individuals cranium capable of receiving and transmitting electronic
signals. Delgado was able to control the movements of his subjects by
pushing buttons on a remote transmitter. He demonstrated his
Stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado
stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the
experimenter and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. The
powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a
button on a small box held in Delgados hand. [10] MC 147, BB 88 For
more on electronic implants, click here.

The Mind Control Doctors

In the second half of the 20th century, mind control projects resulted in
extensive political abuse of psychiatry. Many thousands were subjected to
unethical mind control experiments by leading psychiatrists and medical
schools. Mind control experimentation was not only tolerated by medical
professionals, but published in psychiatric and medical journals. Dr. William
Sweet participated in both brain electrode implant experiments and the

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injection of uranium into medical patients at Harvard University. [11][12]

Army doctors were actively involved in LSD testing at least until the late
1970s. Subjects of LSD experiments included children as young as five
years old, and brain electrodes were implanted in children as young as 11
years of age. BB, pg. K, 1, 21

Linda MacDonald was a victim of Dr. Ewen Camerons [13][14][15][16]

destructive mind control experiments in 1963. Dr. Cameron was at various
times president of the American and World Psychiatric Associations. He
used a treatment which involved intensive application of these
brainwashing techniques; drug disinhibition, prolonged isolation, and ECT
[Electro Convulsive Therapy] treatments. [17][18][19] The amount of
electricity introduced into Lindas brain exceeded by 76.5 times the
maximum amount recommended. Dr. Camerons technique resulted in
permanent and complete amnesia. A class action suit against the CIA for
Dr. Camerons MKULTRA experiments was settled out of court for
$750,000, divided among eight plaintiffs in 1988. BB 126, 181-187 For
more on the mind control doctors, click here.

26 July 1963, MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence

[20] FROM: CIA Inspector General

The concepts involved in manipulating behavior are found by many people

both within and outside the Agency [CIA] to be distasteful and unethical.
Nevertheless, there have been major accomplishments both in research
and operational employment. Over the ten-year life of the program many
additional avenues to the control of human behavior have been designated
under the MKULTRA charter, including radiation, electro-shock, and
harassment substances. Some activities raise questions of legality implicit
in the original charter. A final phase of the testing places the rights and
interests of US citizens in jeopardy.

Technical Services Division initiated a program for covert testing of

materials on unwitting US citizens in 1955. TSD has pursued a philosophy
of minimum documentation in keeping with the high sensitivity of the
projects. Some files contained little or no data at all. There are just two
individuals in TSD who have full knowledge of the MKULTRA program, and
most of that knowledge is unrecorded. NB 108-113

For 10 riveting pages of reliable, verifiable mind control information, click


For other reliable resources on mind control, visit our Mind Control
Information Center

[1] CIA MORI ID 190684, pp. 1, 4. This is a declassified CIA document

dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
For free, unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault
Government Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
document quoted, for page 1, click here. For page 4, click here.

[2] New York Times, Aug. 2, 1977, Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in
Trial of Mindszenty. This engaging article includes a concise history of mind
control projects. To view the entire article, click here. The U.S. Department
of Energy Website also provides a highly revealing, detailed report of these
mind control projects and the destruction of their records at
See also a CIA document available here.

[3] Final Report. Book 1, Foreign and Military Intelligence. Senate Select
Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, Special Report No.
94-755 (Better known as the Church Committee Report). See Book 1, p.
406. For instructions on how to order this document from the National
Archives, click here. For a related article on George Washington

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 542 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 65 of 76

University's National Security Archive website, see For an excellent
Wikipedia article, click here.

[4] CIA MORI ID 190691, p. 1. This is a declassified CIA document dealing

with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the government mind control CDs within a month of your request.
Once you receive them, look up the MORI ID number listed. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the page with
the CIA document quoted, click here.

[5] CIA MORI ID 140401, pp. 6, 7. This is actually a declassified CIA

document dealing with mind control from Project BLUEBIRD, the immediate
precursor to MKULTRA. Its official estimated publication date is 1/1/52. The
nature of the BLUEBIRD research was very similar that of the MKULTRA
project. To order this highly revealing document go to, and follow the
instructions. For reasons unknown, this document is not included in the
mind control CDs.

[6] Estabrooks, G.H. Hypnosis comes of age. Science Digest, 44-50, April

[7] Delgado, J.M.R. Evaluation of permanent implantation of electrodes

within the brain. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 7,
637-644, 1955.

[8] Delgado, J.M.R. Social rank and radio-stimulated aggressiveness in

monkeys. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 144, 383-390, 1967.

[9] Delgado, J.M.R. Physical Control of the Mind. New York: Harper & Row,
1971 (paperback 1977). To order, click here.

[10] New York Times, May 17, 1965, front page, Matador With a Radio
Stops Wired Bull; Modified Behavior in Animals Subject of Brain Study.
Instructions to purchase this article from the New York Times archives and
our free copy of the article are available at

[11] Faden, R.R. Final Report. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation

Experiments. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1995. The
full, highly revealing report is available on the U.S. Department of Energy
Website at:
For the two pages detailing Dr. Sweet's experiments: Chapter five page 4,
and page 5.

[12] Mark, V.H., & Ervin, F.R. Violence and the Brain. New York: Harper &
Row, 1970. To order this book, click here.

[13] Gillmor, D. I Swear By Apollo. Dr. Ewen Cameron and the CIA-
Brainwashing Experiments. Montreal: Eden press, 1987. To order this book,
click here.

[14] Scheflin, A.W., & Opton, E.M. The Mind manipulators. New York:
Paddington Press, 1978. To order book, click here.

[15] Thomas, G. Journey into Madness. The Secret Story of Secret CIA
Mind Control and Medical Abuse. New York: Bantam, 1989 (paperback
1990). To order this book, click here.

[16] Weinstein, H. Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. To order this book,
click here.

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSITE 2009 Page 543 of 554 Thursday March 16, 2017 2/18/2009
Mind Control Research Page 66 of 76

[17] Collins, A. In the Sleep Room. The Story of CIA Brainwashing

Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1988/1998. To order
this book, click here.

[18] Cameron, D.E. Production of differential amnesia as a factor in the

treatment of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1, 26-34, 1960.

[19] Cameron, D.E., Levy, L. Rubenstein, L., & Malmo, R.B. Repetition of
verbal signals: Behavioral and physiological changes. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 115, 985-991, 1959.

[20] CIA MORI ID 17748, pp. 2, 4, 6-9. This is a declassified CIA document
dealing with mind control. To verify the statement in the text, use the FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) request as described on our ten-page mind
control summary at You should
receive the mind control CDs within a month of your request. For free,
unlimited access to these documents, go to the Black Vault Government
Archive at
name=core&showPage=true&pageID=23. To go directly to the CIA
documents quoted:

For page 2, click here.

For page 4, click here.

For page 6, click here.

For page 7, click here.

For page 8, click here.

For page 9, click here.

In addition the above CIA document, to verify this quote and other key
mind control information in a highly revealing July 21, 1977 New York
Times article available in their archives, click here.

Mind Control

On May 16, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Stan Caterbone wrote:

May 16, 2008


I know that I am the victim of this technology that both Neurobotics claims
and that Carole Smith has researched regarding invasive mind control. I
have some of my research posted on my research blog .

The peering into one's thoughts and ideas I can live with, however the pain
and torture of some of this technology is very hurtful and painful. I am
trying desperately to find the source and the means of how they deploy
this on me. I try to change my location when they use it, but that does not
stop it. I was told that the perps can isolate a person with radar and
satellite, so it is hard or impossible for me to avoid.

I know sometime tonight or tomorrow they will hit me again. They usually
need to alternate the pain and pleasure so that it reaches its full impact.
You know, kind of like making sure there is always a spectrum of highs and
lows. I believe they use a technique of using the telepathy to engage me
in hostile and harassing conversation along with some sort or
electromagnetic energy isolated on me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the main problems I

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Mind Control Research Page 67 of 76

have with writing briefs and filing court documents. They will use this to
interfere with my focus and to confuse me while the hackers change my
documents and briefs. It is very challenging, but at least I am litigating,
which is the important thing.


Stan J. Caterbone

Advanced Media Group

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered,
defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations
of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded
guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are
forced to defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media,
which would normally prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to
thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our business. We
continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of
protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of
the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. Number 7.


Subject: A few things that have been occupying me. Have you heard of
Delgado- the Nazi scientist that is now at Yale (I believe) working on mind

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:12:46 -0400


I hope I am wrong, Stan, but I have had the feeling for a long time that we
will not have the election, that Bush will pull another "terrorist attack" on
an American city, an attack that he will use to declare martial law, etc.
and "delay" elections. Anyway, there is not a lot we can do if this is in
the cards. However, I try to contribute to the positive energy rather than
to the negative energy so I do not let fear get the upper hand. I think they
win when we become afraid and depressed. It is hard, at times, not to let
it all get to you, but I try and mostly, at last, am succeeding.

Along with you, Stan, Professor Boyle is a hero. You both boldly speak out
against "wrong" and "evil." Boyle wrote an aritlce and I edited it (below)
and posted on my blog.


In his demanding role as an educator, attorney, consultant, and respected

expert witness on International Law, Professor Francis A. Boyle, Professor
of Law at Northwestern University Law School, has been in the

CIVIL RESISTANCE has been the primary tool utilized by the activists in
their legal-based, court room battles. As a result, THE CIVIL



The Bush-Cheney Gang is one of his prime examples. He said that it is hell

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bent on stealing the hydrocarbon empire from the Muslim states and
people living in Central Asia and the Persian Gulf.

Essentially, the government sells its foreign policy wrongdoings, like the
war in Iraq, by posing a Hobessian choice to the people: It suggests that
there are only two alternatives:

1. either THREATEN OR USE U.S. MILITARY FORCE in a particular

situation; or,


Professor Boyle insisted that THEY IGNORE A THIRD WAY:



Professor Boyle labeled the CONFLICT IN IRAQ as CRIMINAL, and the


How does civil resistance work within the framework of the American
judicial system?

Well, Professor Boyle cited the People v. Jarka case, among

other LANDMARK LITIGATION, to illustrate some of his key points. In
1984, activists protested in front of the Great Lakes Naval Station base,
which is located in Illinois, on Lake Michigan.

The focus of the demonstration centered on the issues of:

1. U.S.s violence-producing intervention in Central America; and,

2. our countrys buildup of offensive nuclear weapons.

Ronald Reagan president at the time. The defendants were arrested, when
they sat in front of the naval base, locked arms, and refused to be moved.

They were CHARGED by authorities WITH TWO CRIMES:

1. mob action; and,

2. resisting arrest.

The defendants, in Jarka, elected a trial by jury. The trial judge, the Hon.
Alphonse F. Witt, permitted testimony on their behalf from eight expert

The expert witnesses testified to the fact that:

The actions of the Reagan administration, in Central America, were in

violation of well settled legal principles established by:

1. the UN Charter;

2, the Geneva Convention;

3. the Hague Convention; and, other precedents.


1. kill potentially hundreds of thousands of people; and,

2. cause horrific harm to combatants and noncombatants alike; and,

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3. violate the principles of NECESSITY AND PROPORTIONALITY under

International Law.

In Illinois, a defendant has a right, under certain circumstances, to

raise the Common Law defense of NECESSITY. In other words,
the defendants were permitted to argue to the jury that their supposed
criminal conduct, [the blocking the road into the base], was justified in
order to:

avoid a public or private injury greater than the injury that might
reasonably result from his or her own conduct.


LAW. Needless to say, all the DEFENDANTS WERE ACQUITTED.





Professor Boyle put it this way:

From their perspective, [its the] U.S. government officials [who are] on
trial...Civil resisters disobeyed nothing--to the contrary:


In Jarka, Professor Boyle served as counsel to the LAWYERS HANDLING

THE PRECEDENT-SETTING CASE, and also in a companion matter
of Chicago v. Streeter.

He praised the work of all of the trial lawyers involved in the two cases,

Professor Boyle also discussed cases involving the crime of Trespass. Its A
SPECIFIC INTENT OFFENSE and is one of the charges usually leveled at
someone for participating in a civil resistance action. IN ORDER TO
CONVICT, however, the government must prove that the defendant acted
with an unlawful purpose.

Often, in order to make their point about government evildoing, a resister


The defendant did not do so for an unlawful purpose, but -was instead
acting for the express purpose of upholding the requirements of
international law...

-in order to prevent the commission of international crimes by U.S. officials

there and elsewhere.

Professor Boyle highlighted some of the antiwar groups in the country who
have utilized Civil Resistance over the years:

**The legendary

**Gulf War Resisters

**Anti-Apartheid Movement


**Sacred Earth

**Sanctuary Movement

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**Pledge of Resistance, among others.



All of this caused Former Attorney General Ramsey to remark:

Our jails are filling up with saints.


Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the
federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law,
arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain
people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of "an
emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid
development of new programs."

Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid

contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to
build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States.
The government has also contracted with several companies to build
thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly
to transport detainees.

According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part
of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the
removal of "all removable aliens" and "potential terrorists."

Fraud-busters such as Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, have

complained about these contracts, saying that more taxpayer dollars
should not go to taxpayer-gouging Halliburton. But the real question is:
What kind of "new programs" require the construction and refurbishment of
detention facilities in nearly every state of the union with the capacity to
house perhaps millions of people?

Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use of
the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," gives the executive the
power to invoke martial law. For the first time in more than a century, the
president is now authorized to use the military in response to "a natural
disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or any other condition in
which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to the
extent that state officials cannot maintain public order."

The Military Commissions Act of 2006, rammed through Congress just

before the 2006 midterm elections, allows for the indefinite imprisonment
of anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on a list of
"terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the government's
policies. The law calls for secret trials for citizens and noncitizens alike.

Also in 2007, the White House quietly issued National Security Presidential
Directive 51 (NSPD-51), to ensure "continuity of government" in the event
of what the document vaguely calls a "catastrophic emergency." Should the
president determine that such an emergency has occurred, he and he alone
is empowered to do whatever he deems necessary to ensure "continuity of
government." This could include everything from canceling elections to
suspending the Constitution to launching a nuclear attack. Congress has
yet to hold a single hearing on NSPD-51.

U.S. Rep. Jane Harman, D-Venice (Los Angeles County) has come up with
a new way to expand the domestic "war on terror." Her Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955),
which passed the House by the lopsided vote of 404-6, would set up a
commission to "examine and report upon the facts and causes" of so-called
violent radicalism and extremist ideology, then make legislative
recommendations on combatting it.

According to commentary in the Baltimore Sun, Rep. Harman and her

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colleagues from both sides of the aisle believe the country faces a native
brand of terrorism, and needs a commission with sweeping investigative
power to combat it.

A clue as to where Harman's commission might be aiming is the Animal

Enterprise Terrorism Act, a law that labels those who "engage in sit-ins,
civil disobedience, trespass, or any other crime in the name of animal
rights" as terrorists. Other groups in the crosshairs could be anti-abortion
protesters, anti-tax agitators, immigration activists, environmentalists,
peace demonstrators, Second Amendment rights supporters ... the list
goes on and on. According to author Naomi Wolf, the National
Counterterrorism Center holds the names of roughly 775,000 "terror
suspects" with the number increasing by 20,000 per month.

The Guardian newspaper, that defender of truth in the United Kingdom,

published an article by the Science Correspondent, Ian Sample, on 9
February 2007 entitled:

The Brain Scan that can read peoples intentions, with the sub-heading:
Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in
interrogation". (Does this mean we can give up waterboarding dissidents?)

"Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and
read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly
tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a
wall", the scientists were reported as saying.

At the same time, Londons Science Museum was holding an exhibition

entitled Neurobotics: The Future of Thinking. This venue had been chosen
for the launch in October 2006 of the news that human thoughts could be
read using a scanner. Dr Geraint Rees smiling face could be seen in a
photograph at the Neurobotics website, under the heading "The Mind

Dr Rees is one of the scientists who have apparently cracked the problem
which has preoccupied philosophers and scientists since before Plato: they
had made entry into the conscious mind. Such a reversal of human
historical evolution, announced in such a pedestrian fashion, makes one
wonder what factors have been in play, and what omissions made, in
getting together this show, at once banal and extraordinary.

The announcement arrives as if out of a vacuum. The neuroscientist -

modern-style hunter-gatherer of information and darling of the "Need to
Know" policies of modern government - does little to explain how he
achieved this goal of entering the conscious mind, nor does he put his work
into any historical context. Instead, we are asked in the Science Museums
programme notes:

How would you feel if someone could read your innermost thoughts?
Geraint Rees of UCL says he can. By using brain-imaging technology he's
beginning to decode thought and explore the difference between the
conscious and unconscious mind. But how far will it go? And shouldnt your
thoughts remain your personal business?

If Dr. Rees has decoded the mind sufficiently for such an announcement to
be made in an exhibition devoted to it, presumably somewhere is the mind
which has been, and is continuing to be, decoded. He is not merely
continuing his experiments using functional magnetic resolution scanning
(fMRI) in the way neuroscientists have been observing their subjects under
scanning devices for years, asking them to explain what they feel or think
while the scientists watch to see which area lights up, and what the
cerebral flow in the brain indicates for various brain areas.

Dr Rees is decoding the mind in terms of conscious and unconscious

processes. For that, one must have accessed consciousness itself. Whose
consciousness? Where is the owner of that consciousness and
unconsciousness? How did he/she feel? Why not ask them to tell us how it
feels, instead of asking us.

The Neurobotics Exhibition was clearly set up to make these exciting new

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discoveries an occasion for family fun, and there were lots of games for
visitors to play. One gets the distinct impression that we are being softened
up for the introduction of radical new technology which will, perhaps, make
the mind a communal pool rather than an individual possession.

Information technology seeks to connect us all to each other in as many

ways as possible, but also, presumably, to those vast data banks which
allow government control not only to access all information about our lives,
but now also to our thoughts, even to our unconscious processing. Does
anyone care?

One of the most popular exhibits was the Mindball game, which required
two players to go literally head-to-head in a battle for brainpower, and
used brainpower alone. Strapped up with headbands which pick up brain
waves, the game uses neurofeedback, but the person who is calm and
relaxed wins the game. One received the impression that this calmness
was the spirit that the organisers wished to reinforce, to deflect any undue
public panic that might arise from the news that private thoughts could
now be read with a scanner. The ingress into the mind as a private place
was primarily an event to be enjoyed with the family on an afternoon out:

Imagine being able to control a computer with only the power of your
mind. Or read peoples thoughts and know if theyre lying. And what if a
magnetic shock to the brain could make you more creativebut should we
be able to engineer our minds?

Think your thoughts are private? Ever told a lie and been caught red-
handed? Using brain-scanning technology, scientists are beginning to probe
our minds and tell if were lying. Other scientists are decoding our desires
and exploring the difference between our conscious and unconscious mind.
But can you really trust the technology?

Other searching questions are raised in the program notes, and more

Find out if youve got what it takes to be a modern-day spy in this new
interactive family exhibition. After being recruited as a trainee spy, explore
the skills and abilities required by real agents and use some of the latest
technologies that help spies gather and analyse information. Later go on
and discover what its like to be spied upon. Uncover a secret store of
prototype gadgets that give you a glimpse into the future of spy
technologies and finally use everything youve learnt to escape before
qualifying as a fully-fledged agent!

There were also demonstrations of grateful paraplegics and quadriplegics

showing how the gods of science have so unselfishly liberated them from
their prisons: this was the serious Nobel Prize side of the show. But there
was no-one representing Her Majestys government to demonstrate how
these very same devices can be used quite freely, and with relative ease,
in our wireless age, to conduct experiments on free-ranging civilians
tracked anywhere in the world, and using an infinitely extendable form of
electrode which doesnt require visible contact with the scalp at all.
Electrodes, like electricity, can also take an invisible form an electrode is
a terminal of an electric source through which electrical energy or current
may flow in or out. The brain itself is an electrical circuit. Every brain has
its own unique resonating frequency. The brain is an infinitely more
sensitive receiver and transmitter than the computer, and even in the
wireless age, the comprehension of how wireless networks operate appears
not to extend to the workings of the brain. The monotonous demonstration
of scalps with electrodes attached to them, in order to demonstrate the
contained conduction of electrical charges, is a scientific fatuity, in so far as
it is intended to demonstrate comprehensively the capability of conveying
charges to the brain, or for that matter, to any nerve in the body, as a
form of invisible torture.

As Neurobotics claims: Your brain is amazing, but the power and control
over brains and nervous systems achieved by targeting brain frequencies
with radiowaves must have been secretly amazing government scientists
for many years. The problem that now arises, at the point of readiness
when so much has been achieved, is how to put the technology into action
in such a way, as it will be acceptable in the public domain. This requires

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getting it through wider government and legal bodies, and for that, it must
be seen to spring from the unbiased scientific investigations into the
workings of the brain, in the best tradition of the leading universities. It is
given over to Dr Rees and his colleague, Professor Haynes, endowed with
the disclosure for weightier Guardian readers, to carry the torch for the
government. Those involved may also have noted the need to show the
neuroscientist in a more responsible light, following US neuroengineer for
government sponsored Lockheed Martin, John Norseens, ingenuous
comment, in 2000, about his belief about the consequences of his work in

If this research pans out, said Norseen, you can begin to manipulate what
someone is thinking even before they know it. And added: "The ethics
dont concern me, but they should concern someone else."

While the neuroscientists report their discovery (without even so much as

the specific frequency of the light employed by this scanner/torch), issuing
ethical warnings while incongruously continuing with their mind-blowing
work, the government which sponsors them, remains absolutely mute. The
present probing of peoples intentions, minds, background thoughts, hopes
and emotions is being expanded into the more complex and subtle aspects
of thinking and feeling. We have, however, next to no technical information
about their methods. The description of shining a torch around the brain is
as absurd a report as one could read of a scientific endeavour, especially
one that carries such enormous implications for the future of mankind.
What is this announcement, with its technical obfuscation, preparing us

Writing in Wired contributing editor Steve Silberman points out that the lie-
detection capability of fMRI is poised to transform the security system, the
judicial system, and our fundamental notions of privacy. He quotes Cephos
founder, Steven Laken, whose company plans to market the new
technology for lie detection. Laken cites detainees held without charge at
Guantanamo Bay as a potential example. If these detainees have
information we havent been able to extract that could prevent another
9/11, I think most Americans would agree that we should be doing
whatever it takes to extract it. Silberman also quotes Paul Root Wolpe, a
senior fellow at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania,
who describes the accelerated advances in fMRI as a textbook example of
how something can be pushed forward by the convergence of basic
science, the government directing research through funding, and special
interests who desire a particular technology. Are we to believe that with
the implied capability to scan jurors brains, the judiciary, the accused and
the defendant alike, influencing one at the expense of the other, that the
legal implications alone of mind-accessing scanners on university
campuses, would not rouse the Minister for Justice from his bench to say a
few words about these potential mind weapons?

So what of the ethical debate called for by the busy scientists and the
Guardians science reporter? Can this technology- more powerful in
subverting thought itself than anything in prior history really be confined
to deciding whether the ubiquitously invoked terrorist has had the serious
intention of blowing up the train, or whether it was perhaps a foolish prank
to make a bomb out of chapatti flour?

We can assume that the government would certainly not give the go-ahead
to the Science Museum Exhibition, linked to Imperial College, a major
government-sponsored institution in laser-physics, if it was detrimental to
surveillance programs. It is salutary to bear in mind that government
intelligence research is at least ten years ahead of any public disclosure.

It is implicit from history that whatever affords the undetectable entry by

the gatekeepers of society into the brain and mind, will not only be
sanctioned, but funded and employed by the State, more specifically by
trained operatives in the security forces, given powers over defenceless
citizens, and unaccountable to them.

The actual technology which is now said to be honing the technique to

distinguish between passing thoughts and genuine intentions is described
by Professor John-Dylan Haynes in the Guardian in the most disarmingly
untechnical language which must surely not have been intended to

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The Guardian piece ran as follows:

A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful

technique that allows them to look deep inside a persons brain and read
their intentions before they act.

The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists ability to probe

peoples minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical
issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future.

Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and
read out something that from the outside there's no way you could possibly
tell is in there. It's like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a
wall, said John-Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany, who led the study with
colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.

We know therefore that they are using light, but fMRI has been used for
many years to attempt the unravelling of neuronal activity, and while there
have been many efforts to record conscious and unconscious processes,
with particular emphasis on the visual cortex, there has been no progress
into consciousness itself. We can be sure that we are not being told the
real story.

Just as rats and chimpanzees have been used to demonstrate findings from
remote experiments on humans, electrode implants used on cockroaches to
remotely control them, lasers used to steer fruit-flies , and worms
engineered so that their nerves and muscles can be controlled with
pinpricks of light, the information and techniques that have been ruthlessly
forged using opportunistic onslaughts on defenceless humans as guinea
pigs - used for myriad purposes from creating 3D haptic gloves in computer
games to creating artificial intelligence to send visual processing into outer
space - require appropriate replication for peer group approval and to meet
ethical demands for scientific and public probity.

The use of light to peer into the brain is almost certainly that of terahertz,
which occurs in the wavelengths which lie between 30mm and 1mm of the
electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz has the ability to penetrate deep into
organic materials, without (it is said) the damage associated with ionising
radiation such as x-rays. It can distinguish between materials with varying
water content for example fat versus lean meat.

These properties lend themselves to applications in process and quality

control as well as biomedical imaging. Terahertz can penetrate bricks, and
also human skulls. Other applications can be learnt from the major
developer of terahertz in the UK, Teraview, which is in Cambridge, and
partially owned by Toshiba.

Efforts to alert human rights groups about the loss of the mind as a place
to call your own, have met with little discernible reaction, in spite of reports
about over decades of the dangers of remote manipulation using
technology to access the mind, Dr Nick Begichs book, Controlling the
human mind, being an important recent contribution.

A different approach did in fact, elicit a response. When informed of the use
of terahertz at Heathrow and Luton airports in the UK to scan passengers,
the news that passengers would be revealed naked by a machine which
looked directly through their clothes produced a small, but highly
indignant, article in the spring 2007 edition of the leading human rights
organisation, Liberty.

If the reading of the mind met with no protest, seeing through ones
clothes certainly did. It seems humans assumption of the mind as a
private place has been so secured by evolution that it will take a sustained
battle to convince the public that, through events of which we are not yet
fully informed, such former innocence has been lost.

Trained light, targeted atomic spectroscopy, the use of powerful magnets

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to absorb moisture from human tissues, the transfer of radiative energy

these have replaced the microwave harassment which was used to transmit
auditory messages directly into the hearing. With the discovery of light to
disentangle thousands of neurons and encode signals from the complex
circuitry of the brain, present programs will not even present the
symptoms which simulated schizoid states. Medically, even if terahertz
does not ionize, we do not yet know how the sustained application of
intense light will affect the delicate workings of the brain and how cells
might be damaged, dehydrated, stretched, obliterated.

This year, 2007, has also brought the news that terahertz lasers small
enough to incorporate into portable devices had been developed.

Sandia National Laboratories in the US in collaboration with MIT have

produced a transmitter-receiver (transceiver) that enables a number of
applications. In addition to scanning for explosives, we may also assume
their integration into hand-held communication systems. These
semiconductor devices have output powers which previously could only be
obtained by molecular gas lasers occupying cubic meters and weighing
more than 100kg, or free electron lasers weighing tons and occupying

As far back as 1996 the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board predicted
that the development of electromagnetic energy sources would open the
door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in
armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training and new
weapons that offer the opportunity of control of an adversary can be
developed around this concept.

The surveillance technology of today is the surveillance of the human mind

and, through access to the brain and nervous system, the control of
behaviour and the bodys functions. The messaging of auditory
hallucinations has given way to silent techniques of influencing and
implanting thoughts.

The development of the terahertz technologies has illuminated the

workings of the brain, facilitated the capture of emitted photons which are
derived from the visual cortex which processes picture formation in the
brain, and enabled the microelectronic receiver which has, in turn, been
developed by growing unique semi-conductor crystals.

In this way, the technology is now in place for the detection and reading of
spectral signatures of gases. All humans emit gases. Humans, like
explosives, emit their own spectral signature in the form of a gas. With the
reading of the brains electrical frequency, and of the spectral gas
signature, the systems have been established for the control of populations
and with the necessary technology integrated into a cell-phone.

We are very optimistic about working in the terahertz electromagnetic

spectrum, says the principal investigator of the Terahertz Microelectronics
Transceiver at Sandia: This is an unexplored area, and a lot of science can
come out of it. We are just beginning to scratch the surface of what THz
can do ****************to improve national
security.'******************(You know, like we attacked Iraq because
of 9/11! We need a real ID Act because of terrorists masquerading as
Americans. The Military Commissions Act is needed so the president can
become a dictator to control the terrorists roaming our streets......Yeah,
Yeah, Yeah! Tome)

Carole Smith was born and educated in Australia, where she gained a
Bachelor of Arts degree at Sydney University. She trained as a
psychoanalyst in London where she has had a private practice. In recent
years she has been a researcher into the invasive methods of accessing
minds using technological means, and has published papers on the subject.

She has written the first draft of a book entitled: "The Controlled
Society".The ethical implications of building machines to read people's
minds, DISSENT, Issue 25,

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Freedom From Covert Harassment &

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Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County
and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture
from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control)?


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals -
COMPLAINT OF JUDICIALMISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY re 15-3400 and 16-1149; 03-16-900046 re ALL
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No. 16-1149
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-3284; Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle
Lambert;15-3400 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 17-867 CATERBONE v. NSA,, Preliminary
Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF; Case No. 16-4014 CATERBONE v. United States,; Case No. 16-
cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert; 05-2288; 06-4650, 08-02982;
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA FEDERAL PRIVATE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, March 8, 2017.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal from 17-10615
U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16- 2513 INJUNCTION; Case No. 16-cv-1751
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint against
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane
Superior Court of Pennsylvania 3575 EDA 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane; Summary Appeal Case No.
CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS for Kathleen Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015;
1519 MDA 2015; 16-1219 Preliminary Injunction Case of 2016
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 16-05815 Injunction; Case No. 16-08472 INJUNCTION re
Pain Meds; Case No. 15-10167 Film Commission; Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 17-10615; Case No. 16-10157

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9 1604 5.49% 1569 5.79% 190 9.52% 46 5.07% 37 7.54% 26472 8.05%

10 1826 6.25% 1635 6.04% 136 6.81% 54 5.95% 44 8.96% 20671 6.28%

11 2788 9.54% 2466 9.11% 233 11.67% 58 6.39% 47 9.57% 38466 11.69%

12 1857 6.35% 1620 5.98% 74 3.71% 46 5.07% 43 8.76% 12992 3.95%

13 1487 5.09% 1445 5.34% 96 4.81% 42 4.63% 41 8.35% 15859 4.82%

14 995 3.40% 978 3.61% 63 3.16% 49 5.40% 72 14.66% 9542 2.90%

15 1316 4.50% 1181 4.36% 89 4.46% 39 4.30% 35 7.13% 14885 4.52%

16 1784 6.10% 1630 6.02% 91 4.56% 58 6.39% 80 16.29% 17962 5.46%

17 1742 5.96% 1592 5.88% 76 3.81% 58 6.39% 41 8.35% 15071 4.58%

18 2419 8.27% 2374 8.77% 144 7.21% 63 6.95% 87 17.72% 23605 7.18%

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 4 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

19 409 1.40% 402 1.48% 35 1.75% 7 0.77% 8 1.63% 7236 2.20%

Hourly Statistics for November 2009

Hits Files Pages KBytes

Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 30 579 1.98% 29 560 2.07% 2 38 1.90% 409 7776 2.36%

1 36 688 2.35% 35 674 2.49% 3 59 2.96% 481 9139 2.78%

2 47 901 3.08% 43 819 3.02% 4 77 3.86% 729 13855 4.21%

3 22 426 1.46% 21 412 1.52% 1 30 1.50% 216 4110 1.25%

4 53 1017 3.48% 52 993 3.67% 6 116 5.81% 616 11697 3.56%

5 11 216 0.74% 11 209 0.77% 1 21 1.05% 178 3386 1.03%

6 39 747 2.56% 38 728 2.69% 6 126 6.31% 840 15957 4.85%

7 58 1111 3.80% 48 918 3.39% 4 82 4.11% 695 13204 4.01%

8 69 1321 4.52% 56 1075 3.97% 3 75 3.76% 624 11847 3.60%

9 46 887 3.03% 45 867 3.20% 2 51 2.56% 453 8600 2.61%

10 65 1243 4.25% 54 1027 3.79% 3 57 2.86% 489 9284 2.82%

11 98 1870 6.40% 96 1833 6.77% 5 96 4.81% 929 17651 5.37%

12 106 2019 6.91% 101 1924 7.10% 4 79 3.96% 848 16115 4.90%

13 106 2024 6.92% 97 1861 6.87% 3 69 3.46% 778 14788 4.50%

14 80 1531 5.24% 72 1382 5.10% 4 92 4.61% 816 15509 4.71%

15 64 1232 4.21% 57 1101 4.07% 3 71 3.56% 543 10319 3.14%

16 79 1514 5.18% 68 1304 4.82% 5 103 5.16% 981 18638 5.67%

17 90 1727 5.91% 88 1677 6.19% 8 159 7.97% 1480 28116 8.55%

18 82 1573 5.38% 78 1493 5.51% 5 96 4.81% 839 15939 4.84%

19 88 1680 5.75% 80 1524 5.63% 8 170 8.52% 1306 24819 7.54%

20 81 1556 5.32% 77 1475 5.45% 5 112 5.61% 986 18742 5.70%

21 78 1488 5.09% 72 1385 5.11% 5 104 5.21% 956 18162 5.52%

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 5 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

22 32 618 2.11% 31 605 2.23% 2 38 1.90% 385 7310 2.22%

23 66 1266 4.33% 65 1236 4.56% 3 75 3.76% 738 14020 4.26%

Top 30 of 256 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL

1 484 1.66% 263 0.08% /widgets/noieactivate.js

2 435 1.49% 125989 38.30% /
3 257 0.88% 91 0.03% /robots.txt
4 134 0.46% 7840 2.38% /gpage.html
5 86 0.29% 7713 2.34% /gpage35.html
6 75 0.26% 5440 1.65% /gpage38.html
7 72 0.25% 10585 3.22% /gpage41.html
8 63 0.22% 3336 1.01% /gpage34.html
9 62 0.21% 8244 2.51% /gpage33.html
10 61 0.21% 5923 1.80% /gpage9.html
11 58 0.20% 2684 0.82% /gpage39.html
12 54 0.18% 2250 0.68% /gpage13.html
13 48 0.16% 2989 0.91% /gpage37.html
14 44 0.15% 1882 0.57% /gpage36.html
15 37 0.13% 1677 0.51% /gpage25.html
16 37 0.13% 3936 1.20% /gpage27.html
17 35 0.12% 4159 1.26% /gpage28.html
18 33 0.11% 2233 0.68% /gpage1.html
19 33 0.11% 4316 1.31% /gpage10.html
20 33 0.11% 3400 1.03% /gpage5.html
21 28 0.10% 1778 0.54% /gpage23.html
22 28 0.10% 12596 3.83% /gpage30.html
23 27 0.09% 1456 0.44% /gpage29.html
24 26 0.09% 1255 0.38% /gpage32.html
25 25 0.09% 2312 0.70% /gpage26.html
26 25 0.09% 1054 0.32% /gpage4.html
27 21 0.07% 1260 0.38% /gpage3.html
28 20 0.07% 5147 1.56% /gpage17.html
29 20 0.07% 14362 4.37% /gpage22.html
30 20 0.07% 1107 0.34% /gpage31.html

Top 10 of 256 Total URLs By KBytes

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 6 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

# Hits KBytes URL

1 435 1.49% 125989 38.30% /

2 20 0.07% 14362 4.37% /gpage22.html
3 28 0.10% 12596 3.83% /gpage30.html
4 72 0.25% 10585 3.22% /gpage41.html
5 62 0.21% 8244 2.51% /gpage33.html
6 134 0.46% 7840 2.38% /gpage.html
7 86 0.29% 7713 2.34% /gpage35.html
8 61 0.21% 5923 1.80% /gpage9.html
9 75 0.26% 5440 1.65% /gpage38.html
10 20 0.07% 5147 1.56% /gpage17.html

Top 10 of 46 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL

1 435 1.49% 345 38.76% /

2 134 0.46% 86 9.66% /gpage.html
3 33 0.11% 25 2.81% /gpage5.html
4 33 0.11% 23 2.58% /gpage1.html
5 33 0.11% 22 2.47% /gpage10.html
6 75 0.26% 21 2.36% /gpage38.html
7 61 0.21% 20 2.25% /gpage9.html
8 26 0.09% 19 2.13% /gpage32.html
9 86 0.29% 19 2.13% /gpage35.html
10 58 0.20% 18 2.02% /gpage39.html

Top 10 of 47 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL

1 435 1.49% 273 30.81% /

2 134 0.46% 38 4.29% /gpage.html
3 86 0.29% 37 4.18% /gpage35.html
4 72 0.25% 33 3.72% /gpage41.html
5 75 0.26% 25 2.82% /gpage38.html
6 62 0.21% 24 2.71% /gpage33.html
7 33 0.11% 22 2.48% /gpage5.html
8 33 0.11% 21 2.37% /gpage1.html
9 33 0.11% 21 2.37% /gpage10.html

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 7 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

10 63 0.22% 21 2.37% /gpage34.html

Top 30 of 491 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname

1 2603 8.90% 2421 8.94% 31303 9.52% 33 3.64%

2 2078 7.11% 1724 6.37% 16247 4.94% 39 4.30%
3 1933 6.61% 1857 6.86% 14112 4.29% 29 3.20%
4 760 2.60% 559 2.06% 2616 0.80% 4 0.44%
5 645 2.21% 573 2.12% 4367 1.33% 7 0.77%
6 631 2.16% 624 2.30% 13489 4.10% 4 0.44%
7 583 1.99% 396 1.46% 3419 1.04% 6 0.66%
8 549 1.88% 545 2.01% 3535 1.07% 7 0.77%
9 443 1.52% 386 1.43% 3450 1.05% 10 1.10%
10 381 1.30% 373 1.38% 3564 1.08% 3 0.33%
11 359 1.23% 290 1.07% 4839 1.47% 4 0.44%
12 357 1.22% 136 0.50% 922 0.28% 1 0.11%
13 318 1.09% 279 1.03% 13561 4.12% 60 6.62%
14 229 0.78% 165 0.61% 1963 0.60% 1 0.11%
15 223 0.76% 113 0.42% 952 0.29% 2 0.22%
16 218 0.75% 217 0.80% 598 0.18% 2 0.22%
17 213 0.73% 207 0.76% 1591 0.48% 2 0.22%
18 192 0.66% 189 0.70% 1303 0.40% 3 0.33%
19 186 0.64% 184 0.68% 1682 0.51% 3 0.33%
20 182 0.62% 178 0.66% 2074 0.63% 3 0.33%
21 174 0.60% 170 0.63% 3057 0.93% 1 0.11%
22 157 0.54% 157 0.58% 839 0.26% 2 0.22%
23 156 0.53% 155 0.57% 1265 0.38% 2 0.22%
24 155 0.53% 155 0.57% 2167 0.66% 1 0.11%
25 149 0.51% 144 0.53% 1519 0.46% 3 0.33%
26 146 0.50% 140 0.52% 430 0.13% 2 0.22%
27 142 0.49% 139 0.51% 503 0.15% 3 0.33%
28 139 0.48% 137 0.51% 1044 0.32% 2 0.22%
29 136 0.47% 134 0.49% 869 0.26% 1 0.11%
30 135 0.46% 133 0.49% 1673 0.51% 2 0.22%

Top 10 of 491 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 8 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

1 2603 8.90% 2421 8.94% 31303 9.52% 33 3.64%

2 2078 7.11% 1724 6.37% 16247 4.94% 39 4.30%
3 1933 6.61% 1857 6.86% 14112 4.29% 29 3.20%
4 318 1.09% 279 1.03% 13561 4.12% 60 6.62%
5 631 2.16% 624 2.30% 13489 4.10% 4 0.44%
6 85 0.29% 85 0.31% 9303 2.83% 1 0.11%
7 359 1.23% 290 1.07% 4839 1.47% 4 0.44%
8 70 0.24% 55 0.20% 4375 1.33% 26 2.87%
9 645 2.21% 573 2.12% 4367 1.33% 7 0.77%
10 46 0.16% 46 0.17% 4006 1.22% 22 2.43%

Top 30 of 122 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer

1 281 %
2 271 %
3 179 %
4 151 %
5 107 %
6 106 %
7 53 %
8 52 %
9 34 %
10 21 %
11 16 %
12 12 %
13 8 %
14 6 %
15 5 %
16 5 %
17 4 %
18 4 %
19 4 %
20 4 %

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 9 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

21 3 %
22 3 %
23 3 %
24 2 %
25 2 %
26 2 %
27 2 %
28 2 %
29 2 %
30 2 %

Top 20 of 104 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String

1 47 26.55% stan caterbone

2 8 4.52% stanley caterbone
3 4 2.26% advanced media group scam
4 4 2.26% lefty plank
5 3 1.69% stan j. caterbone
6 2 1.13% amg global llc an
7 2 1.13% herb fisher lancaster pa
8 2 1.13% judge louis farina rulings appeal pa
9 2 1.13% pami pflumm conestogapa
10 2 1.13% pflumm contractors inc problems
11 2 1.13% refund mail being diverted
12 2 1.13% rico v. eyemart express
13 2 1.13% stan caterbone lancaster pa
14 2 1.13% the isc/ferranti scandal
15 2 1.13% united chem-con
16 2 1.13% unix tar into small file sizes
17 2 1.13% william plank drug bust in lancaster pa
18 1 0.56% 18 pa.c.s.a. 5503 a4
19 1 0.56% 1987 sony trinitron
20 1 0.56% 2-18 ghz diplexer

Top 15 of 287 Total User Agents

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 10 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

User Agent














Top 30 of 32 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 11 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

1 15870 54.29% 14966 55.26% 149057 45.31% Network

2 5045 17.26% 4493 16.59% 71154 21.63% Unresolved/Unknown
3 4961 16.97% 4508 16.65% 72399 22.01% US Commercial
4 865 2.96% 790 2.92% 5502 1.67% United States
5 417 1.43% 346 1.28% 5277 1.60% Canada
6 254 0.87% 249 0.92% 874 0.27% US Educational
7 235 0.80% 175 0.65% 689 0.21% Non-Profit Organization
8 213 0.73% 212 0.78% 2668 0.81% US Government
9 184 0.63% 184 0.68% 3494 1.06% Russian Federation
10 132 0.45% 130 0.48% 642 0.20% International (int)
11 118 0.40% 111 0.41% 739 0.22% United Kingdom
12 115 0.39% 112 0.41% 672 0.20% Switzerland
13 113 0.39% 111 0.41% 1060 0.32% Norway
14 109 0.37% 109 0.40% 362 0.11% US Military
15 85 0.29% 85 0.31% 9303 2.83% Sweden
16 75 0.26% 74 0.27% 620 0.19% Portugal
17 70 0.24% 70 0.26% 296 0.09% Poland
18 63 0.22% 61 0.23% 628 0.19% Turkey
19 61 0.21% 58 0.21% 474 0.14% China
20 60 0.21% 58 0.21% 438 0.13% Australia
21 58 0.20% 56 0.21% 437 0.13% Finland
22 56 0.19% 55 0.20% 268 0.08% Dominican Republic
23 54 0.18% 54 0.20% 435 0.13% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
24 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 9 0.00% Philippines
25 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 757 0.23% Seychelles
26 3 0.01% 3 0.01% 228 0.07% Belgium
27 3 0.01% 1 0.00% 68 0.02% Thailand
28 2 0.01% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% India
29 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 113 0.03% Taiwan
30 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 314 0.10% Israel

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01

ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP WEBSTATS Page 12 of 141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
March 12, 2017


1. 7,980 89.10% United States

2. 404 4.51% Germany
3. 248 2.77% China
4. 86 0.96% France
5. 83 0.93% Russian Federation
6. 74 0.83% Czech Republic
7. 11 0.12% Netherlands
8. 7 0.08% Canada
9. 7 0.08% Great Britain (UK)
10. 7 0.08% Ireland
11. 7 0.08% India
12. 7 0.08% Sweden
13. 6 0.07% Norway
14. 5 0.06% Israel
15. 3 0.03% Spain
16. 3 0.03% Korea, Republic of
17. 2 0.02% Bangladesh
18. 2 0.02% Egypt
19. 2 0.02% Italy
20. 2 0.02% Lithuania
21. 2 0.02% Poland
22. 2 0.02% Romania
23. 2 0.02% Turkey
24. 1 0.01% Brazil
25. 1 0.01% Thailand
26. 1 0.01% Ukraine
27. 1 0.01% Anonymous Proxy

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603


1 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County
and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture
from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control)?


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals -
COMPLAINT OF JUDICIALMISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY re 15-3400 and 16-1149; 03-16-900046 re ALL
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No. 16-1149
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-3284; Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle
Lambert;15-3400 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 17-867 CATERBONE v. NSA,, Preliminary
Injunction for EMERGENCY RELIEF; Case No. 16-4014 CATERBONE v. United States,; Case No. 16-
cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert; 05-2288; 06-4650, 08-02982;
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA FEDERAL PRIVATE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, March 8, 2017.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Appeal from 17-10615
U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16- 2513 INJUNCTION; Case No. 16-cv-1751
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint against
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane
Superior Court of Pennsylvania 3575 EDA 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane; Summary Appeal Case No.
CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS for Kathleen Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015;
1519 MDA 2015; 16-1219 Preliminary Injunction Case of 2016
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 16-05815 Injunction; Case No. 16-08472 INJUNCTION re
Pain Meds; Case No. 15-10167 Film Commission; Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 17-10615; Case No. 16-10157


2 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2017
Generated 01-Mar-2017 04:19 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2017

Total Hits 8956
Total Files 1551
Total Pages 1653
Total Visits 1029
Total KBytes 226373

Total Unique Sites 547

Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 80
Total Unique User Agents 128
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 31 866
Hits per Day 746 1811
Files per Day 129 237
Pages per Day 137 248
Sites per Day 45 101
Visits per Day 85 111
KBytes per Day 18864 34304

Hits by Response Code

Code 200 - OK 17.32% 1551
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.07% 6
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.49% 44
Code 404 - Not Found 82.11% 7354
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.01% 1

Daily Statistics for February 2017

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
17 656 7.32% 149 9.61% 151 9.13% 99 9.62% 73 13.35% 22152 9.79%

18 1308 14.60% 137 8.83% 153 9.26% 111 10.79% 101 18.46% 20769 9.17%

19 627 7.00% 184 11.86% 189 11.43% 84 8.16% 57 10.42% 24001 10.60%


3 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

1 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
20 641 7.16% 171 11.03% 191 11.55% 101 9.82% 66 12.07% 25793 11.39%

21 775 8.65% 113 7.29% 126 7.62% 85 8.26% 72 13.16% 18813 8.31%

22 818 9.13% 134 8.64% 141 8.53% 104 10.11% 66 12.07% 19246 8.50%

23 900 10.05% 132 8.51% 140 8.47% 87 8.45% 76 13.89% 18185 8.03%

24 499 5.57% 83 5.35% 86 5.20% 73 7.09% 77 14.08% 12746 5.63%

25 181 2.02% 86 5.54% 90 5.44% 58 5.64% 56 10.24% 10581 4.67%

26 219 2.45% 45 2.90% 49 2.96% 48 4.66% 53 9.69% 7590 3.35%

27 521 5.82% 80 5.16% 89 5.38% 80 7.77% 81 14.81% 12193 5.39%

28 1811 20.22% 237 15.28% 248 15.00% 101 9.82% 77 14.08% 34304 15.15%

Hourly Statistics for February 2017

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 24 295 3.29% 11 132 8.51% 11 135 8.17% 1354 16254 7.18%

1 21 260 2.90% 3 38 2.45% 3 40 2.42% 596 7151 3.16%

2 17 211 2.36% 4 56 3.61% 4 57 3.45% 576 6907 3.05%

3 19 230 2.57% 8 105 6.77% 9 110 6.65% 1171 14047 6.21%

4 16 197 2.20% 3 38 2.45% 4 53 3.21% 345 4136 1.83%

5 11 134 1.50% 4 51 3.29% 4 54 3.27% 499 5982 2.64%

6 15 188 2.10% 7 93 6.00% 7 95 5.75% 1023 12276 5.42%

7 13 161 1.80% 3 47 3.03% 4 51 3.09% 398 4772 2.11%

8 9 112 1.25% 3 40 2.58% 3 47 2.84% 513 6154 2.72%

9 9 108 1.21% 2 30 1.93% 2 31 1.88% 298 3578 1.58%

10 17 210 2.34% 2 34 2.19% 3 36 2.18% 399 4786 2.11%

11 32 387 4.32% 7 88 5.67% 7 92 5.57% 1057 12687 5.60%

12 29 348 3.89% 6 74 4.77% 6 79 4.78% 899 10793 4.77%

13 33 399 4.46% 5 70 4.51% 6 75 4.54% 954 11450 5.06%

14 34 419 4.68% 3 36 2.32% 3 40 2.42% 664 7972 3.52%

15 39 479 5.35% 7 95 6.13% 8 97 5.87% 1054 12653 5.59%

16 55 670 7.48% 7 90 5.80% 7 93 5.63% 1086 13032 5.76%

17 31 382 4.27% 4 50 3.22% 4 53 3.21% 691 8295 3.66%

18 118 1416 15.81% 4 57 3.68% 5 67 4.05% 1032 12380 5.47%

19 105 1264 14.11% 4 54 3.48% 4 58 3.51% 955 11460 5.06%

20 29 357 3.99% 5 65 4.19% 5 68 4.11% 942 11304 4.99%

21 17 205 2.29% 4 57 3.68% 5 61 3.69% 687 8241 3.64%

22 23 283 3.16% 5 63 4.06% 5 68 4.11% 778 9330 4.12%

23 20 241 2.69% 7 88 5.67% 7 93 5.63% 894 10731 4.74%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 376 4.20% 22514 9.95% /default.htm
2 158 1.76% 48103 21.25% /index-2.html
3 84 0.94% 6168 2.72% /gpage13.html
4 67 0.75% 30988 13.69% /gpage30.html
5 37 0.41% 4320 1.91% /gpage28.html


4 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

2 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
6 33 0.37% 21013 9.28% /gpage22.html
7 33 0.37% 2272 1.00% /gpage38.html
8 32 0.36% 7662 3.38% /gpage17.html
9 30 0.33% 7209 3.18% /gpage16.html
10 29 0.32% 3737 1.65% /gpage19.html
11 27 0.30% 1647 0.73% /gpage37.html
12 26 0.29% 1793 0.79% /gpage1.html
13 26 0.29% 3904 1.72% /gpage41.html
14 25 0.28% 254 0.11% /Splash_Screen.html
15 25 0.28% 3358 1.48% /gpage33.html
16 25 0.28% 3232 1.43% /gpage8.html
17 25 0.28% 3628 1.60% /gpage9.html
18 24 0.27% 2678 1.18% /gpage18.html
19 24 0.27% 1090 0.48% /gpage32.html
20 23 0.26% 900 0.40% /gpage15.html
21 23 0.26% 912 0.40% /gpage4.html
22 22 0.25% 1076 0.48% /gpage11.html
23 22 0.25% 2012 0.89% /gpage21.html
24 22 0.25% 978 0.43% /gpage25.html
25 22 0.25% 1080 0.48% /gpage31.html
26 22 0.25% 936 0.41% /gpage36.html
27 21 0.23% 6305 2.79% /
28 21 0.23% 2733 1.21% /gpage10.html
29 21 0.23% 2198 0.97% /gpage24.html
30 21 0.23% 2258 1.00% /gpage27.html
31 21 0.23% 789 0.35% /gpage7.html
32 20 0.22% 2692 1.19% /gpage20.html
33 19 0.21% 764 0.34% /gpage14.html
34 19 0.21% 994 0.44% /gpage29.html
35 19 0.21% 1163 0.51% /gpage3.html
36 19 0.21% 1029 0.45% /gpage34.html
37 18 0.20% 775 0.34% /gpage12.html
38 18 0.20% 1688 0.75% /gpage26.html
39 18 0.20% 1874 0.83% /gpage5.html
40 18 0.20% 873 0.39% /gpage6.html
41 17 0.19% 1142 0.50% /gpage23.html
42 17 0.19% 822 0.36% /gpage39.html
43 16 0.18% 1328 0.59% /gpage2.html
44 16 0.18% 594 0.26% /gpage40.html

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 158 1.76% 48103 21.25% /index-2.html
2 67 0.75% 30988 13.69% /gpage30.html
3 376 4.20% 22514 9.95% /default.htm
4 33 0.37% 21013 9.28% /gpage22.html
5 32 0.36% 7662 3.38% /gpage17.html
6 30 0.33% 7209 3.18% /gpage16.html
7 21 0.23% 6305 2.79% /
8 84 0.94% 6168 2.72% /gpage13.html
9 37 0.41% 4320 1.91% /gpage28.html
10 26 0.29% 3904 1.72% /gpage41.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 376 4.20% 339 33.66% /default.htm
2 158 1.76% 120 11.92% /index-2.html
3 84 0.94% 64 6.36% /gpage13.html


5 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

3 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
4 67 0.75% 53 5.26% /gpage30.html
5 37 0.41% 25 2.48% /gpage28.html
6 33 0.37% 22 2.18% /gpage22.html
7 33 0.37% 18 1.79% /gpage38.html
8 21 0.23% 17 1.69% /
9 29 0.32% 15 1.49% /gpage19.html
10 32 0.36% 14 1.39% /gpage17.html
11 24 0.27% 14 1.39% /gpage18.html
12 27 0.30% 13 1.29% /gpage37.html
13 30 0.33% 12 1.19% /gpage16.html
14 22 0.25% 12 1.19% /gpage31.html
15 24 0.27% 12 1.19% /gpage32.html
16 25 0.28% 12 1.19% /gpage33.html
17 22 0.25% 12 1.19% /gpage36.html
18 26 0.29% 11 1.09% /gpage1.html
19 22 0.25% 11 1.09% /gpage11.html
20 23 0.26% 11 1.09% /gpage15.html
21 22 0.25% 11 1.09% /gpage21.html
22 21 0.23% 10 0.99% /gpage24.html
23 22 0.25% 10 0.99% /gpage25.html
24 19 0.21% 10 0.99% /gpage34.html
25 23 0.26% 10 0.99% /gpage4.html
26 26 0.29% 10 0.99% /gpage41.html
27 25 0.28% 10 0.99% /gpage8.html
28 25 0.28% 10 0.99% /gpage9.html
29 18 0.20% 9 0.89% /gpage12.html
30 20 0.22% 9 0.89% /gpage20.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 376 4.20% 343 33.86% /default.htm
2 158 1.76% 120 11.85% /index-2.html
3 84 0.94% 69 6.81% /gpage13.html
4 67 0.75% 48 4.74% /gpage30.html
5 37 0.41% 20 1.97% /gpage28.html
6 21 0.23% 18 1.78% /
7 25 0.28% 18 1.78% /Splash_Screen.html
8 33 0.37% 18 1.78% /gpage22.html
9 32 0.36% 16 1.58% /gpage17.html
10 33 0.37% 16 1.58% /gpage38.html
11 29 0.32% 15 1.48% /gpage19.html
12 24 0.27% 15 1.48% /gpage32.html
13 24 0.27% 14 1.38% /gpage18.html
14 30 0.33% 13 1.28% /gpage16.html
15 25 0.28% 13 1.28% /gpage8.html

Top 50 of 547 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1465 16.36% 113 7.29% 37992 16.78% 94 9.14%
2 1030 11.50% 10 0.64% 3477 1.54% 2 0.19%
3 850 9.49% 8 0.52% 3009 1.33% 1 0.10%
4 314 3.51% 34 2.19% 3082 1.36% 31 3.01%
5 282 3.15% 4 0.26% 1190 0.53% 1 0.10%
6 272 3.04% 2 0.13% 663 0.29% 1 0.10%
7 173 1.93% 24 1.55% 1816 0.80% 25 2.43%
8 171 1.91% 1 0.06% 456 0.20% 1 0.10%
9 168 1.88% 0 0.00% 294 0.13% 0 0.00%
10 162 1.81% 1 0.06% 597 0.26% 1 0.10%


6 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

4 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
11 159 1.78% 51 3.29% 8886 3.93% 28 2.72%
12 118 1.32% 1 0.06% 266 0.12% 1 0.10%
13 114 1.27% 2 0.13% 318 0.14% 2 0.19%
14 113 1.26% 2 0.13% 331 0.15% 1 0.10%
15 92 1.03% 34 2.19% 3079 1.36% 27 2.62%
16 91 1.02% 0 0.00% 160 0.07% 0 0.00%
17 89 0.99% 48 3.09% 4103 1.81% 31 3.01%
18 81 0.90% 32 2.06% 4569 2.02% 29 2.82%
19 68 0.76% 63 4.06% 9015 3.98% 1 0.10%
20 67 0.75% 21 1.35% 3145 1.39% 20 1.94%
21 62 0.69% 2 0.13% 363 0.16% 1 0.10%
22 60 0.67% 38 2.45% 2748 1.21% 30 2.92%
23 58 0.65% 1 0.06% 864 0.38% 1 0.10%
24 58 0.65% 1 0.06% 355 0.16% 1 0.10%
25 58 0.65% 1 0.06% 176 0.08% 1 0.10%
26 57 0.64% 1 0.06% 247 0.11% 1 0.10%
27 57 0.64% 1 0.06% 242 0.11% 1 0.10%
28 57 0.64% 32 2.06% 4218 1.86% 14 1.36%
29 57 0.64% 1 0.06% 159 0.07% 1 0.10%
30 56 0.63% 1 0.06% 157 0.07% 1 0.10%
31 56 0.63% 1 0.06% 337 0.15% 1 0.10%
32 56 0.63% 1 0.06% 157 0.07% 1 0.10%
33 55 0.61% 1 0.06% 155 0.07% 1 0.10%
34 54 0.60% 1 0.06% 408 0.18% 1 0.10%
35 54 0.60% 22 1.42% 1816 0.80% 22 2.14%
36 51 0.57% 7 0.45% 2097 0.93% 5 0.49%
37 50 0.56% 1 0.06% 401 0.18% 1 0.10%
38 48 0.54% 43 2.77% 4332 1.91% 1 0.10%
39 48 0.54% 43 2.77% 4332 1.91% 1 0.10%
40 46 0.51% 43 2.77% 5094 2.25% 2 0.19%
41 46 0.51% 43 2.77% 5365 2.37% 2 0.19%
42 40 0.45% 28 1.81% 2611 1.15% 16 1.55%
43 39 0.44% 27 1.74% 4119 1.82% 12 1.17%
44 39 0.44% 0 0.00% 68 0.03% 0 0.00%
45 38 0.42% 9 0.58% 1453 0.64% 9 0.87%
46 36 0.40% 4 0.26% 361 0.16% 2 0.19%
47 36 0.40% 0 0.00% 63 0.03% 0 0.00%
48 35 0.39% 14 0.90% 2461 1.09% 5 0.49%
49 34 0.38% 25 1.61% 3388 1.50% 17 1.65%
50 31 0.35% 12 0.77% 761 0.34% 7 0.68%

Top 10 of 547 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname

1 1465 16.36% 113 7.29% 37992 16.78% 94 9.14%

2 68 0.76% 63 4.06% 9015 3.98% 1 0.10%
3 159 1.78% 51 3.29% 8886 3.93% 28 2.72%
4 46 0.51% 43 2.77% 5365 2.37% 2 0.19%
5 46 0.51% 43 2.77% 5094 2.25% 2 0.19%
6 81 0.90% 32 2.06% 4569 2.02% 29 2.82%
7 48 0.54% 43 2.77% 4332 1.91% 1 0.10%
8 48 0.54% 43 2.77% 4332 1.91% 1 0.10%
9 57 0.64% 32 2.06% 4218 1.86% 14 1.36%
10 30 0.33% 29 1.87% 4161 1.84% 1 0.10%

Top 33 of 80 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer

1 52 0.58%
2 9 0.10%


7 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

5 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
3 6 0.07%
4 4 0.04%
5 2 0.02%
6 2 0.02%
7 1 0.01%
8 1 0.01%
9 1 0.01%
10 1 0.01%
11 1 0.01%
12 1 0.01%
13 1 0.01%
14 1 0.01%
15 1 0.01%
16 1 0.01%
17 1 0.01%
18 1 0.01%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
31 1 0.01%
32 1 0.01%
33 1 0.01%

Top 30 of 128 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent

1 3730 41.65% Internet Explorer 5.0

2 2136 23.85% Safari (OSX)
3 1140 12.73% Firefox Unknown Version
4 648 7.24% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
5 554 6.19% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.3 Darwin/16.3.0
6 178 1.99% Spider:
7 107 1.19% Netscape
8 94 1.05% CCBot/2.0 (
9 68 0.76%
10 59 0.66% Spider:
11 52 0.58% Firefox 3
12 50 0.56% Spider:
13 30 0.33% ltx71 - (
14 23 0.26% Safari/12602.4.8 CFNetwork/807.2.14 Darwin/16.4.0 (x86_64)
15 15 0.17% Opera
16 12 0.13% Virusdie crawler/3.0
17 11 0.12% Spider:
18 5 0.06% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
19 5 0.06% Programming: Jakarta (Java)
20 4 0.04% Firefox 2
21 4 0.04% Twitterbot/1.0
22 3 0.03% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
23 2 0.02% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
24 2 0.02% Program: WinHttp.WinHttpRequest library (Visual Basic)
25 2 0.02% Sogou web spider/4.0(+


8 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

6 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
26 1 0.01% Grammarly/1.0 (
27 1 0.01% HEADMasterSEO
28 1 0.01% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
29 1 0.01% okhttp/3.2.0
30 1 0.01% python-requests/2.3.0 CPython/3.4.0 Linux/4.4.35-33.55.amzn1.x86_64

Top 27 of 27 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7980 89.10% 1241 80.01% 185392 81.90% United States
2 404 4.51% 26 1.68% 3692 1.63% Germany
3 248 2.77% 193 12.44% 19607 8.66% China
4 86 0.96% 23 1.48% 4219 1.86% France
5 83 0.93% 12 0.77% 1999 0.88% Russian Federation
6 74 0.83% 1 0.06% 584 0.26% Czech Republic
7 11 0.12% 10 0.64% 755 0.33% Netherlands
8 7 0.08% 7 0.45% 1341 0.59% Canada
9 7 0.08% 7 0.45% 2380 1.05% Great Britain (UK)
10 7 0.08% 6 0.39% 1045 0.46% Ireland
11 7 0.08% 4 0.26% 315 0.14% India
12 7 0.08% 7 0.45% 1476 0.65% Sweden
13 6 0.07% 0 0.00% 11 0.00% Norway
14 5 0.06% 2 0.13% 579 0.26% Israel
15 3 0.03% 2 0.13% 182 0.08% Spain
16 3 0.03% 3 0.19% 192 0.08% Korea, Republic of
17 2 0.02% 1 0.06% 62 0.03% Bangladesh
18 2 0.02% 1 0.06% 62 0.03% Egypt
19 2 0.02% 2 0.13% 131 0.06% Italy
20 2 0.02% 1 0.06% 62 0.03% Lithuania
21 2 0.02% 2 0.13% 560 0.25% Poland
22 2 0.02% 1 0.06% 62 0.03% Romania
23 2 0.02% 1 0.06% 62 0.03% Turkey
24 1 0.01% 1 0.06% 513 0.23% Brazil
25 1 0.01% 1 0.06% 513 0.23% Thailand
26 1 0.01% 1 0.06% 513 0.23% Ukraine
27 1 0.01% 1 0.06% 61 0.03% Anonymous Proxy

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23


9 of
141 Sunday March 12, 2017

7 of 7 3/12/2017 10:49 AM Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

March 12, 2017


1. 21,105 71.19% United States

2. 4,866 16.41% Great Britain (UK)
3. 3,775 2.61% Germany
4. 662 2.23% China
5. 380 1.28% Canada
6. 278 0.94% India
7. 255 0.86% France
8. 254 0.86% Czech Republic
9. 171 0.58% Netherlands
10. 69 0.23% Korea, Republic of
11. 65 0.22% Australia
12. 63 0.21% Rwanda
13. 53 0.18% Austria
14. 49 0.17% Brazil
15. 42 0.14% Poland
16. 36 0.12% Romania
17. 34 0.11% Argentina
18. 29 0.10% Philippines
19. 26 0.09% Spain
20. 22 0.07% Serbia
21. 21 0.07% Russian Federation
22. 20 0.07% Italy
23. 20 0.07% Malaysia
24. 17 0.06% Ireland
25. 14 0.05% Belgium
26. 14 0.05% Hungary
27. 14 0.05% Ukraine
28. 13 0.04% Hong Kong
29. 12 0.04% Greece
30. 12 0.04% Pakistan


10 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017
Published byHosted

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a
member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County
and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture
from U.S. Sponsored Mind Control)?


J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals -
COMPLAINT OF JUDICIALMISCONDUCT OR DISABILITY re 15-3400 and 16-1149; 03-16-900046 re ALL
U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No. 16-1149
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;15-3400
MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 16-4014 CATERBONE v. United States,; Case
No. 16-cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert; 05-2288; 06-4650, 08-02982;
U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16-cv-1751 PETITION FOR HABEUS CORPUS
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint against
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for Kathleen Kane
Superior Court of Pennsylvania Summary Appeal Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS for Kathleen
Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015; 16-1219 Preliminary
Injunction Case of 2016
Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-03401
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 16-10157

2 of
141 Tuesday
March 12,
10, 2017
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2017
Generated 01-Feb-2017 04:21 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2017

Total Hits 29647
Total Files 4086
Total Pages 4754
Total Visits 2931
Total KBytes 583679
Total Unique Sites 1445
Total Unique URLs 45
Total Unique Referrers 137
Total Unique User Agents 312

. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 39 751
Hits per Day 956 2066
Files per Day 131 263
Pages per Day 153 323
Sites per Day 46 132
Visits per Day 94 140
KBytes per Day 18828 32502

Hits by Response Code

Code 200 - OK 13.78% 4086

Code 206 - Partial Content 0.08% 23
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.56% 166
Code 404 - Not Found 85.55% 25362
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.03% 9


12 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

1 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Daily Statistics for January 2017

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes

1 396 1.34% 122 2.99% 191 4.02% 105 3.58% 101 6.99% 12074 2.07%

2 1260 4.25% 152 3.72% 194 4.08% 116 3.96% 109 7.54% 20184 3.46%

3 615 2.07% 126 3.08% 166 3.49% 113 3.86% 93 6.44% 16080 2.76%

4 1245 4.20% 253 6.19% 317 6.67% 140 4.78% 132 9.13% 32502 5.57%

5 1454 4.90% 263 6.44% 323 6.79% 140 4.78% 127 8.79% 29403 5.04%

6 1676 5.65% 217 5.31% 257 5.41% 113 3.86% 112 7.75% 29099 4.99%

7 565 1.91% 145 3.55% 192 4.04% 125 4.26% 108 7.47% 16318 2.80%

8 915 3.09% 132 3.23% 140 2.94% 77 2.63% 58 4.01% 15871 2.72%

9 2066 6.97% 126 3.08% 131 2.76% 91 3.10% 66 4.57% 19613 3.36%

10 945 3.19% 109 2.67% 121 2.55% 97 3.31% 70 4.84% 17150 2.94%

11 796 2.68% 79 1.93% 86 1.81% 76 2.59% 62 4.29% 15111 2.59%

12 1036 3.49% 87 2.13% 95 2.00% 79 2.70% 62 4.29% 15531 2.66%

13 1014 3.42% 77 1.88% 84 1.77% 75 2.56% 58 4.01% 16690 2.86%

14 1312 4.43% 135 3.30% 145 3.05% 68 2.32% 59 4.08% 18732 3.21%

15 797 2.69% 107 2.62% 117 2.46% 101 3.45% 88 6.09% 14129 2.42%

16 651 2.20% 129 3.16% 135 2.84% 83 2.83% 54 3.74% 18393 3.15%

17 684 2.31% 87 2.13% 94 1.98% 86 2.93% 80 5.54% 15244 2.61%

18 623 2.10% 92 2.25% 105 2.21% 86 2.93% 69 4.78% 16429 2.81%

19 1267 4.27% 146 3.57% 150 3.16% 92 3.14% 72 4.98% 22138 3.79%

20 741 2.50% 135 3.30% 149 3.13% 94 3.21% 74 5.12% 19626 3.36%

21 831 2.80% 137 3.35% 153 3.22% 108 3.68% 82 5.67% 20112 3.45%

22 718 2.42% 107 2.62% 116 2.44% 91 3.10% 80 5.54% 12964 2.22%

23 977 3.30% 127 3.11% 136 2.86% 89 3.04% 67 4.64% 21297 3.65%

24 995 3.36% 148 3.62% 158 3.32% 92 3.14% 80 5.54% 19172 3.28%

25 786 2.65% 110 2.69% 116 2.44% 85 2.90% 82 5.67% 17760 3.04%

26 731 2.47% 131 3.21% 138 2.90% 80 2.73% 70 4.84% 17878 3.06%

27 872 2.94% 142 3.48% 150 3.16% 95 3.24% 79 5.47% 21595 3.70%


13 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

2 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
28 713 2.40% 84 2.06% 174 3.66% 74 2.52% 68 4.71% 13635 2.34%

29 761 2.57% 112 2.74% 130 2.73% 84 2.87% 67 4.64% 16588 2.84%

30 767 2.59% 121 2.96% 133 2.80% 91 3.10% 81 5.61% 17321 2.97%

31 1438 4.85% 148 3.62% 158 3.32% 86 2.93% 67 4.64% 25040 4.29%

Hourly Statistics for January 2017

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 33 1024 3.45% 3 116 2.84% 4 134 2.82% 542 16788 2.88%

1 33 1046 3.53% 5 175 4.28% 6 193 4.06% 806 24982 4.28%

2 37 1173 3.96% 6 208 5.09% 7 228 4.80% 889 27545 4.72%

3 28 875 2.95% 4 141 3.45% 5 178 3.74% 628 19465 3.33%

4 20 650 2.19% 3 105 2.57% 3 122 2.57% 389 12064 2.07%

5 19 595 2.01% 7 229 5.60% 7 245 5.15% 737 22838 3.91%

6 22 692 2.33% 3 113 2.77% 4 143 3.01% 407 12625 2.16%

7 19 610 2.06% 5 166 4.06% 5 183 3.85% 672 20839 3.57%

8 28 874 2.95% 6 188 4.60% 6 213 4.48% 769 23841 4.08%

9 21 677 2.28% 3 121 2.96% 4 151 3.18% 481 14905 2.55%

10 24 758 2.56% 3 94 2.30% 3 112 2.36% 567 17578 3.01%

11 47 1482 5.00% 5 184 4.50% 6 210 4.42% 937 29062 4.98%

12 60 1867 6.30% 7 230 5.63% 8 257 5.41% 1051 32568 5.58%

13 65 2039 6.88% 6 189 4.63% 7 221 4.65% 764 23669 4.06%

14 41 1273 4.29% 5 162 3.96% 5 183 3.85% 867 26883 4.61%

15 30 940 3.17% 3 115 2.81% 4 136 2.86% 653 20245 3.47%

16 54 1698 5.73% 5 171 4.19% 6 192 4.04% 1020 31621 5.42%

17 60 1870 6.31% 6 199 4.87% 7 230 4.84% 1011 31335 5.37%

18 35 1097 3.70% 6 208 5.09% 7 234 4.92% 875 27127 4.65%

19 45 1424 4.80% 6 195 4.77% 9 304 6.39% 988 30633 5.25%

20 85 2637 8.89% 8 253 6.19% 9 283 5.95% 1266 39239 6.72%

21 51 1601 5.40% 6 211 5.16% 7 236 4.96% 998 30930 5.30%

22 40 1261 4.25% 6 188 4.60% 7 217 4.56% 895 27736 4.75%

23 47 1484 5.01% 4 125 3.06% 4 149 3.13% 618 19160 3.28%

Top 45 of 45 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
14 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

3 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

1 1447 4.88% 80518 13.79% /default.htm

2 439 1.48% 135493 23.21% /index-2.html
3 225 0.76% 17140 2.94% /gpage13.html
4 207 0.70% 96675 16.56% /gpage30.html
5 68 0.23% 15264 2.62% /gpage16.html
6 67 0.23% 7679 1.32% /gpage28.html
7 63 0.21% 4768 0.82% /gpage38.html
8 62 0.21% 36878 6.32% /gpage22.html
9 60 0.20% 7791 1.33% /gpage33.html
10 60 0.20% 3078 0.53% /gpage34.html
11 55 0.19% 6597 1.13% /gpage20.html
12 55 0.19% 8024 1.37% /gpage41.html
13 54 0.18% 5604 0.96% /gpage24.html
14 54 0.18% 2515 0.43% /gpage25.html
15 54 0.18% 5484 0.94% /gpage27.html
16 53 0.18% 3242 0.56% /gpage1.html
17 53 0.18% 2011 0.34% /gpage14.html
18 52 0.18% 6335 1.09% /gpage8.html
19 51 0.17% 3985 0.68% /gpage2.html
20 51 0.17% 2189 0.38% /gpage7.html
21 50 0.17% 7042 1.21% /gpage19.html
22 50 0.17% 2650 0.45% /gpage29.html
23 48 0.16% 518 0.09% /Splash_Screen.html
24 48 0.16% 4220 0.72% /gpage26.html
25 47 0.16% 2817 0.48% /gpage3.html
26 46 0.16% 4911 0.84% /gpage18.html
27 46 0.16% 4867 0.83% /gpage21.html
28 45 0.15% 11621 1.99% /gpage17.html
29 45 0.15% 2555 0.44% /gpage31.html
30 45 0.15% 2228 0.38% /gpage32.html
31 45 0.15% 2850 0.49% /gpage37.html
32 45 0.15% 2176 0.37% /gpage39.html
33 44 0.15% 5471 0.94% /gpage10.html
34 44 0.15% 1872 0.32% /gpage36.html
35 44 0.15% 6783 1.16% /gpage9.html
36 42 0.14% 1724 0.30% /gpage12.html
37 42 0.14% 1941 0.33% /gpage6.html
38 41 0.14% 2552 0.44% /gpage23.html
39 41 0.14% 1448 0.25% /gpage40.html
40 41 0.14% 3853 0.66% /gpage5.html
41 40 0.13% 1554 0.27% /gpage15.html
42 39 0.13% 1694 0.29% /gpage4.html
43 38 0.13% 1761 0.30% /gpage11.html
44 28 0.09% 8826 1.51% /
45 1 0.00% 11 0.00% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 45 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL


15 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

4 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
1 439 1.48% 135493 23.21% /index-2.html
2 207 0.70% 96675 16.56% /gpage30.html
3 1447 4.88% 80518 13.79% /default.htm
4 62 0.21% 36878 6.32% /gpage22.html
5 225 0.76% 17140 2.94% /gpage13.html
6 68 0.23% 15264 2.62% /gpage16.html
7 45 0.15% 11621 1.99% /gpage17.html
8 28 0.09% 8826 1.51% /
9 55 0.19% 8024 1.37% /gpage41.html
10 60 0.20% 7791 1.33% /gpage33.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1447 4.88% 893 35.16% /default.htm
2 439 1.48% 351 13.82% /index-2.html
3 225 0.76% 171 6.73% /gpage13.html
4 207 0.70% 166 6.54% /gpage30.html
5 67 0.23% 43 1.69% /gpage28.html
6 68 0.23% 40 1.57% /gpage16.html
7 62 0.21% 39 1.54% /gpage22.html
8 63 0.21% 33 1.30% /gpage38.html
9 60 0.20% 32 1.26% /gpage34.html
10 53 0.18% 27 1.06% /gpage1.html
11 54 0.18% 27 1.06% /gpage25.html
12 55 0.19% 26 1.02% /gpage20.html
13 54 0.18% 26 1.02% /gpage24.html
14 50 0.17% 25 0.98% /gpage19.html
15 60 0.20% 25 0.98% /gpage33.html
16 52 0.18% 25 0.98% /gpage8.html
17 53 0.18% 24 0.94% /gpage14.html
18 48 0.16% 23 0.91% /Splash_Screen.html
19 42 0.14% 23 0.91% /gpage12.html
20 46 0.16% 23 0.91% /gpage18.html
21 51 0.17% 23 0.91% /gpage2.html
22 50 0.17% 23 0.91% /gpage29.html
23 47 0.16% 23 0.91% /gpage3.html
24 45 0.15% 23 0.91% /gpage37.html
25 41 0.14% 23 0.91% /gpage5.html
26 28 0.09% 22 0.87% /
27 46 0.16% 22 0.87% /gpage21.html
28 48 0.16% 22 0.87% /gpage26.html
29 54 0.18% 22 0.87% /gpage27.html
30 45 0.15% 22 0.87% /gpage31.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1447 4.88% 1191 41.47% /default.htm


16 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

5 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
2 439 1.48% 360 12.53% /index-2.html
3 225 0.76% 171 5.95% /gpage13.html
4 207 0.70% 161 5.61% /gpage30.html
5 68 0.23% 43 1.50% /gpage16.html
6 62 0.21% 38 1.32% /gpage22.html
7 60 0.20% 34 1.18% /gpage34.html
8 63 0.21% 34 1.18% /gpage38.html
9 48 0.16% 33 1.15% /Splash_Screen.html
10 67 0.23% 32 1.11% /gpage28.html
11 60 0.20% 31 1.08% /gpage33.html
12 55 0.19% 30 1.04% /gpage20.html
13 54 0.18% 30 1.04% /gpage24.html
14 54 0.18% 28 0.97% /gpage25.html
15 54 0.18% 28 0.97% /gpage27.html

Top 50 of 1445 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname

1 2678 9.03% 212 5.19% 70207 12.03% 174 5.94%

2 1818 6.13% 144 3.52% 48013 8.23% 126 4.30%
3 1435 4.84% 19 0.47% 4698 0.80% 6 0.20%
4 1354 4.57% 13 0.32% 9024 1.55% 12 0.41%
5 1306 4.41% 144 3.52% 13010 2.23% 121 4.13%
6 1218 4.11% 14 0.34% 3153 0.54% 1 0.03%
7 978 3.30% 6 0.15% 4784 0.82% 6 0.20%
8 652 2.20% 7 0.17% 4724 0.81% 6 0.20%
9 611 2.06% 8 0.20% 2014 0.34% 1 0.03%
10 592 2.00% 4 0.10% 3084 0.53% 4 0.14%
11 414 1.40% 3 0.07% 896 0.15% 1 0.03%
12 394 1.33% 2 0.05% 1063 0.18% 2 0.07%
13 392 1.32% 3 0.07% 1326 0.23% 1 0.03%
14 261 0.88% 1 0.02% 969 0.17% 1 0.03%
15 259 0.87% 4 0.10% 1223 0.21% 1 0.03%
16 244 0.82% 6 0.15% 1389 0.24% 1 0.03%
17 233 0.79% 3 0.07% 970 0.17% 1 0.03%
18 228 0.77% 3 0.07% 811 0.14% 1 0.03%
19 221 0.75% 2 0.05% 1411 0.24% 2 0.07%
20 208 0.70% 54 1.32% 9445 1.62% 41 1.40%
21 203 0.68% 12 0.29% 2263 0.39% 12 0.41%
22 199 0.67% 2 0.05% 467 0.08% 1 0.03%
23 196 0.66% 3 0.07% 580 0.10% 3 0.10%
24 195 0.66% 6 0.15% 729 0.12% 1 0.03%
25 187 0.63% 94 2.30% 8277 1.42% 56 1.91%
26 174 0.59% 3 0.07% 937 0.16% 1 0.03%
27 171 0.58% 1 0.02% 346 0.06% 1 0.03%
28 166 0.56% 9 0.22% 990 0.17% 9 0.31%
29 163 0.55% 4 0.10% 756 0.13% 1 0.03%
30 160 0.54% 1 0.02% 339 0.06% 1 0.03%
31 146 0.49% 3 0.07% 760 0.13% 1 0.03%
32 136 0.46% 1 0.02% 355 0.06% 1 0.03%


17 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

6 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
33 135 0.46% 129 3.16% 13043 2.23% 3 0.10%
34 132 0.45% 61 1.49% 4828 0.83% 49 1.67%
35 128 0.43% 3 0.07% 605 0.10% 3 0.10%
36 124 0.42% 3 0.07% 649 0.11% 1 0.03%
37 123 0.41% 2 0.05% 604 0.10% 1 0.03%
38 116 0.39% 29 0.71% 4803 0.82% 19 0.65%
39 116 0.39% 2 0.05% 576 0.10% 1 0.03%
40 114 0.38% 1 0.02% 259 0.04% 1 0.03%
41 114 0.38% 2 0.05% 415 0.07% 2 0.07%
42 114 0.38% 2 0.05% 318 0.05% 1 0.03%
43 113 0.38% 2 0.05% 496 0.08% 1 0.03%
44 113 0.38% 2 0.05% 570 0.10% 1 0.03%
45 109 0.37% 1 0.02% 297 0.05% 1 0.03%
46 96 0.32% 1 0.02% 314 0.05% 1 0.03%
47 91 0.31% 1 0.02% 473 0.08% 1 0.03%
48 91 0.31% 7 0.17% 3740 0.64% 6 0.20%
49 88 0.30% 58 1.42% 4552 0.78% 30 1.02%
50 88 0.30% 43 1.05% 5167 0.89% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1445 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2678 9.03% 212 5.19% 70207 12.03% 174 5.94%
2 1818 6.13% 144 3.52% 48013 8.23% 126 4.30%
3 135 0.46% 129 3.16% 13043 2.23% 3 0.10%
4 1306 4.41% 144 3.52% 13010 2.23% 121 4.13%
5 208 0.70% 54 1.32% 9445 1.62% 41 1.40%
6 1354 4.57% 13 0.32% 9024 1.55% 12 0.41%
7 187 0.63% 94 2.30% 8277 1.42% 56 1.91%
8 87 0.29% 86 2.10% 6935 1.19% 3 0.10%
9 67 0.23% 38 0.93% 6311 1.08% 25 0.85%
10 67 0.23% 36 0.88% 5481 0.94% 24 0.82%

Top 50 of 137 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer

1 53 0.18%
2 45 0.15%
3 8 0.03%
4 8 0.03%
5 6 0.02%
6 5 0.02%
7 5 0.02%
8 5 0.02%
9 3 0.01%
10 3 0.01%
11 3 0.01%
12 3 0.01%
13 2 0.01% android-app://


18 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

7 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
14 2 0.01%
15 2 0.01%
16 2 0.01%
17 2 0.01%
18 2 0.01%
19 2 0.01%
20 2 0.01%
21 1 0.00%
22 1 0.00%
23 1 0.00%
24 1 0.00%
25 1 0.00%
26 1 0.00%
27 1 0.00%
28 1 0.00%
29 1 0.00%
30 1 0.00%
31 1 0.00%
32 1 0.00%
33 1 0.00%
34 1 0.00%
35 1 0.00%
36 1 0.00%
37 1 0.00%
38 1 0.00%
39 1 0.00%'
40 1 0.00%
41 1 0.00%
42 1 0.00%'
43 1 0.00%
44 1 0.00%
45 1 0.00%
46 1 0.00%
47 1 0.00%
48 1 0.00%
49 1 0.00%
50 1 0.00%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% 9 mmpistan

Top 30 of 312 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent

1 14863 50.13% Safari (OSX)

2 6227 21.00% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 3216 10.85% Firefox Unknown Version


19 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

8 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
4 1485 5.01% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.2.16 Darwin/16.3.0
5 1474 4.97% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
6 492 1.66% Spider:
7 347 1.17% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
8 312 1.05% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.3 Darwin/16.3.0
9 165 0.56% Netscape
10 149 0.50% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
11 140 0.47% Spider:
12 137 0.46% Programming: Java-based client
13 89 0.30% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
14 64 0.22% Spider:
15 51 0.17% netEstate NE Crawler (+
16 48 0.16% Safari/12602. CFNetwork/807.1.3 Darwin/16.1.0 (x86_64)
17 46 0.16% python-requests/2.7.0 CPython/2.7.6 Linux/3.13.0-107-generic
18 36 0.12% Safari/12602. CFNetwork/807.2.14 Darwin/16.3.0 (x86_64)
19 32 0.11% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
20 32 0.11% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.1.4 Darwin/16.1.0
21 32 0.11% Opera
22 25 0.08% Programming: Jakarta (Java)
23 23 0.08% Firefox 3
24 20 0.07% default
25 18 0.06% Twitterbot/1.0
26 13 0.04% Firefox 2
27 10 0.03% okhttp/3.2.0
28 7 0.02% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
29 5 0.02% Experibot_v1 []
30 4 0.01% MetaURI API/2.0

Top 30 of 88 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country

1 21105 71.19% 2554 62.51% 408722 70.03% United States

2 4866 16.41% 98 2.40% 33050 5.66% Great Britain (UK)
3 775 2.61% 210 5.14% 25116 4.30% Germany


20 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

9 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM
Usage Statistics for - January 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
4 662 2.23% 517 12.65% 43786 7.50% China
5 380 1.28% 189 4.63% 22814 3.91% Canada
6 278 0.94% 30 0.73% 2237 0.38% India
7 255 0.86% 100 2.45% 9636 1.65% France
8 254 0.86% 18 0.44% 1735 0.30% Czech Republic
9 171 0.58% 17 0.42% 2082 0.36% Netherlands
10 69 0.23% 9 0.22% 651 0.11% Korea, Republic of
11 65 0.22% 7 0.17% 526 0.09% Australia
12 63 0.21% 2 0.05% 257 0.04% Rwanda
13 53 0.18% 3 0.07% 367 0.06% Austria
14 49 0.17% 25 0.61% 1998 0.34% Brazil
15 42 0.14% 17 0.42% 1899 0.33% Poland
16 36 0.12% 18 0.44% 1124 0.19% Romania
17 34 0.11% 22 0.54% 1759 0.30% Argentina
18 29 0.10% 14 0.34% 876 0.15% Philippines
19 26 0.09% 15 0.37% 901 0.15% Spain
20 22 0.07% 11 0.27% 687 0.12% Serbia
21 21 0.07% 15 0.37% 1820 0.31% Russian Federation
22 20 0.07% 10 0.24% 624 0.11% Italy
23 20 0.07% 10 0.24% 624 0.11% Malaysia
24 17 0.06% 16 0.39% 1847 0.32% Ireland
25 14 0.05% 7 0.17% 437 0.07% Belgium
26 14 0.05% 7 0.17% 437 0.07% Hungary
27 14 0.05% 12 0.29% 1786 0.31% Ukraine
28 13 0.04% 5 0.12% 449 0.08% Hong Kong
29 12 0.04% 6 0.15% 375 0.06% Greece
30 12 0.04% 6 0.15% 375 0.06% Pakistan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23


21 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

10 of 10 2/9/2017 6:21 AM Hosted by OMNIS since 2015



22 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2017
Generated 09-Feb-2017 04:20 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2017

Total Hits 5904
Total Files 1092
Total Pages 1177
Total Visits 758
Total KBytes 153712
Total Unique Sites 436
Total Unique URLs 45
Total Unique Referrers 94
Total Unique User Agents 117
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 30 752
Hits per Day 738 1677
Files per Day 136 201
Pages per Day 147 213
Sites per Day 54 94
Visits per Day 94 109
KBytes per Day 19214 25413
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 18.50% 1092
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.08% 5
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.47% 28
Code 404 - Not Found 80.88% 4775
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.02% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.05% 3


23 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

1 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Daily Statistics for February 2017

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1677 28.40% 139 12.73% 154 13.08% 104 13.72% 91 20.87% 21809 14.19%

2 702 11.89% 133 12.18% 141 11.98% 107 14.12% 94 21.56% 18967 12.34%

3 617 10.45% 145 13.28% 154 13.08% 90 11.87% 81 18.58% 18564 12.08%

4 544 9.21% 136 12.45% 144 12.23% 81 10.69% 69 15.83% 17967 11.69%

5 419 7.10% 84 7.69% 91 7.73% 74 9.76% 62 14.22% 11734 7.63%

6 569 9.64% 201 18.41% 213 18.10% 104 13.72% 82 18.81% 25413 16.53%

7 605 10.25% 136 12.45% 144 12.23% 90 11.87% 79 18.12% 21956 14.28%

8 771 13.06% 118 10.81% 136 11.55% 109 14.38% 80 18.35% 17302 11.26%


24 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

2 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Hourly Statistics for February 2017

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 73 588 9.96% 7 59 5.40% 7 60 5.10% 922 7377 4.80%

1 139 1115 18.89% 12 100 9.16% 13 104 8.84% 1810 14476 9.42%

2 19 153 2.59% 3 29 2.66% 3 30 2.55% 581 4648 3.02%

3 14 118 2.00% 3 27 2.47% 3 29 2.46% 364 2913 1.89%

4 25 204 3.46% 3 31 2.84% 4 35 2.97% 615 4917 3.20%

5 9 75 1.27% 3 25 2.29% 3 30 2.55% 666 5325 3.46%

6 6 53 0.90% 2 19 1.74% 2 23 1.95% 232 1854 1.21%

7 15 125 2.12% 8 71 6.50% 9 75 6.37% 1080 8638 5.62%

8 8 71 1.20% 3 27 2.47% 3 27 2.29% 329 2628 1.71%

9 9 76 1.29% 3 31 2.84% 4 34 2.89% 408 3263 2.12%

10 13 108 1.83% 4 39 3.57% 5 42 3.57% 594 4753 3.09%

11 21 169 2.86% 4 37 3.39% 5 44 3.74% 670 5359 3.49%

12 43 345 5.84% 9 76 6.96% 10 82 6.97% 1259 10070 6.55%

13 34 276 4.67% 7 56 5.13% 7 62 5.27% 808 6467 4.21%

14 28 225 3.81% 5 43 3.94% 6 50 4.25% 817 6534 4.25%

15 39 315 5.34% 9 73 6.68% 9 76 6.46% 1396 11172 7.27%

16 27 217 3.68% 6 55 5.04% 7 56 4.76% 906 7246 4.71%

17 16 132 2.24% 4 32 2.93% 4 38 3.23% 558 4460 2.90%

18 32 259 4.39% 3 25 2.29% 3 26 2.21% 690 5518 3.59%

19 48 389 6.59% 4 34 3.11% 4 38 3.23% 740 5916 3.85%

20 18 149 2.52% 4 37 3.39% 4 39 3.31% 740 5918 3.85%

21 47 382 6.47% 11 94 8.61% 12 99 8.41% 1479 11830 7.70%

22 17 136 2.30% 4 35 3.21% 4 36 3.06% 899 7190 4.68%

23 28 224 3.79% 4 37 3.39% 5 42 3.57% 655 5239 3.41%

Top 45 of 45 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL

1 286 4.84% 16809 10.94% /default.htm

2 125 2.12% 38902 25.31% /index-2.html
3 71 1.20% 5410 3.52% /gpage13.html
4 48 0.81% 22645 14.73% /gpage30.html
5 22 0.37% 242 0.16% /Splash_Screen.html
6 22 0.37% 2187 1.42% /gpage5.html
7 20 0.34% 11662 7.59% /gpage22.html
8 20 0.34% 2686 1.75% /gpage33.html
9 19 0.32% 1439 0.94% /gpage38.html
10 18 0.30% 2160 1.41% /gpage28.html
11 18 0.30% 2535 1.65% /gpage41.html
12 17 0.29% 783 0.51% /gpage11.html
13 17 0.29% 3845 2.50% /gpage16.html
14 17 0.29% 3831 2.49% /gpage17.html
15 17 0.29% 745 0.48% /gpage25.html


25 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

3 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
16 17 0.29% 757 0.49% /gpage36.html
17 17 0.29% 1681 1.09% /gpage8.html
18 16 0.27% 689 0.45% /gpage12.html
19 16 0.27% 654 0.43% /gpage15.html
20 16 0.27% 2299 1.50% /gpage19.html
21 16 0.27% 1407 0.92% /gpage26.html
22 16 0.27% 883 0.57% /gpage29.html
23 16 0.27% 759 0.49% /gpage34.html
24 15 0.25% 919 0.60% /gpage3.html
25 15 0.25% 677 0.44% /gpage39.html
26 14 0.24% 1885 1.23% /gpage20.html
27 14 0.24% 1165 0.76% /gpage21.html
28 14 0.24% 545 0.35% /gpage32.html
29 14 0.24% 520 0.34% /gpage40.html
30 14 0.24% 679 0.44% /gpage6.html
31 14 0.24% 2208 1.44% /gpage9.html
32 13 0.22% 1428 0.93% /gpage24.html
33 13 0.22% 478 0.31% /gpage4.html
34 13 0.22% 569 0.37% /gpage7.html
35 12 0.20% 827 0.54% /gpage1.html
36 12 0.20% 697 0.45% /gpage37.html
37 11 0.19% 1433 0.93% /gpage10.html
38 11 0.19% 442 0.29% /gpage14.html
39 11 0.19% 739 0.48% /gpage23.html
40 11 0.19% 1183 0.77% /gpage27.html
41 11 0.19% 625 0.41% /gpage31.html
42 10 0.17% 830 0.54% /gpage2.html
43 8 0.14% 893 0.58% /gpage18.html
44 7 0.12% 1577 1.03% /
45 1 0.02% 11 0.01% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 45 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 125 2.12% 38902 25.31% /index-2.html
2 48 0.81% 22645 14.73% /gpage30.html
3 286 4.84% 16809 10.94% /default.htm
4 20 0.34% 11662 7.59% /gpage22.html
5 71 1.20% 5410 3.52% /gpage13.html
6 17 0.29% 3845 2.50% /gpage16.html
7 17 0.29% 3831 2.49% /gpage17.html
8 20 0.34% 2686 1.75% /gpage33.html
9 18 0.30% 2535 1.65% /gpage41.html
10 16 0.27% 2299 1.50% /gpage19.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

26 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

4 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
# Hits Visits URL
1 286 4.84% 240 33.20% /default.htm
2 125 2.12% 91 12.59% /index-2.html
3 71 1.20% 50 6.92% /gpage13.html
4 48 0.81% 41 5.67% /gpage30.html
5 20 0.34% 13 1.80% /gpage22.html
6 17 0.29% 12 1.66% /gpage25.html
7 20 0.34% 12 1.66% /gpage33.html
8 22 0.37% 12 1.66% /gpage5.html
9 18 0.30% 11 1.52% /gpage28.html
10 18 0.30% 11 1.52% /gpage41.html
11 17 0.29% 10 1.38% /gpage16.html
12 16 0.27% 10 1.38% /gpage19.html
13 17 0.29% 9 1.24% /gpage11.html
14 16 0.27% 9 1.24% /gpage15.html
15 17 0.29% 9 1.24% /gpage17.html
16 14 0.24% 9 1.24% /gpage21.html
17 16 0.27% 9 1.24% /gpage26.html
18 15 0.25% 9 1.24% /gpage3.html
19 22 0.37% 8 1.11% /Splash_Screen.html
20 16 0.27% 8 1.11% /gpage12.html
21 14 0.24% 8 1.11% /gpage20.html
22 13 0.22% 8 1.11% /gpage24.html
23 16 0.27% 8 1.11% /gpage29.html
24 14 0.24% 8 1.11% /gpage32.html
25 16 0.27% 8 1.11% /gpage34.html
26 15 0.25% 8 1.11% /gpage39.html
27 17 0.29% 8 1.11% /gpage8.html
28 7 0.12% 7 0.97% /
29 19 0.32% 7 0.97% /gpage38.html
30 14 0.24% 7 0.97% /gpage6.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 286 4.84% 257 34.68% /default.htm
2 125 2.12% 93 12.55% /index-2.html
3 71 1.20% 47 6.34% /gpage13.html
4 48 0.81% 39 5.26% /gpage30.html
5 22 0.37% 15 2.02% /Splash_Screen.html
6 22 0.37% 13 1.75% /gpage5.html
7 20 0.34% 12 1.62% /gpage22.html
8 17 0.29% 11 1.48% /gpage16.html
9 20 0.34% 11 1.48% /gpage33.html
10 19 0.32% 11 1.48% /gpage38.html
11 17 0.29% 10 1.35% /gpage11.html


27 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

5 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
12 16 0.27% 10 1.35% /gpage19.html
13 17 0.29% 10 1.35% /gpage25.html
14 16 0.27% 10 1.35% /gpage34.html
15 17 0.29% 9 1.21% /gpage17.html

Top 50 of 436 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1219 20.65% 99 9.07% 32921 21.42% 76 10.03%
2 1105 18.72% 19 1.74% 3778 2.46% 2 0.26%
3 357 6.05% 39 3.57% 3529 2.30% 29 3.83%
4 120 2.03% 3 0.27% 517 0.34% 1 0.13%
5 119 2.02% 4 0.37% 444 0.29% 2 0.26%
6 111 1.88% 2 0.18% 374 0.24% 1 0.13%
7 110 1.86% 1 0.09% 250 0.16% 1 0.13%
8 109 1.85% 1 0.09% 250 0.16% 1 0.13%
9 101 1.71% 28 2.56% 5533 3.60% 20 2.64%
10 98 1.66% 48 4.40% 5824 3.79% 1 0.13%
11 94 1.59% 86 7.88% 8404 5.47% 2 0.26%
12 86 1.46% 39 3.57% 4054 2.64% 27 3.56%
13 78 1.32% 2 0.18% 456 0.30% 1 0.13%
14 75 1.27% 1 0.09% 206 0.13% 1 0.13%
15 63 1.07% 2 0.18% 226 0.15% 1 0.13%
16 61 1.03% 1 0.09% 164 0.11% 1 0.13%
17 60 1.02% 1 0.09% 164 0.11% 1 0.13%
18 58 0.98% 1 0.09% 161 0.10% 1 0.13%
19 58 0.98% 1 0.09% 167 0.11% 1 0.13%
20 57 0.97% 1 0.09% 159 0.10% 1 0.13%
21 56 0.95% 1 0.09% 412 0.27% 1 0.13%
22 56 0.95% 1 0.09% 151 0.10% 1 0.13%
23 53 0.90% 22 2.01% 1834 1.19% 19 2.51%
24 47 0.80% 43 3.94% 5159 3.36% 1 0.13%
25 38 0.64% 4 0.37% 388 0.25% 3 0.40%
26 37 0.63% 17 1.56% 1485 0.97% 14 1.85%
27 35 0.59% 32 2.93% 3498 2.28% 1 0.13%
28 34 0.58% 0 0.00% 60 0.04% 0 0.00%
29 31 0.53% 0 0.00% 54 0.04% 0 0.00%
30 31 0.53% 6 0.55% 1416 0.92% 5 0.66%
31 29 0.49% 3 0.27% 274 0.18% 3 0.40%
32 27 0.46% 3 0.27% 1582 1.03% 3 0.40%
33 27 0.46% 18 1.65% 2306 1.50% 8 1.06%
34 27 0.46% 3 0.27% 1582 1.03% 3 0.40%
35 26 0.44% 2 0.18% 1069 0.70% 2 0.26%
36 24 0.41% 9 0.82% 708 0.46% 5 0.66%
37 24 0.41% 0 0.00% 42 0.03% 0 0.00%
38 23 0.39% 17 1.56% 2478 1.61% 16 2.11%


28 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

6 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015
39 22 0.37% 9 0.82% 569 0.37% 7 0.92%
40 22 0.37% 3 0.27% 262 0.17% 3 0.40%
41 22 0.37% 0 0.00% 39 0.03% 0 0.00%
42 20 0.34% 13 1.19% 1049 0.68% 9 1.19%
43 18 0.30% 12 1.10% 1761 1.15% 10 1.32%
44 18 0.30% 2 0.18% 659 0.43% 1 0.13%
45 18 0.30% 8 0.73% 1507 0.98% 8 1.06%
46 18 0.30% 10 0.92% 874 0.57% 10 1.32%
47 16 0.27% 2 0.18% 168 0.11% 2 0.26%
48 16 0.27% 11 1.01% 738 0.48% 13 1.72%
49 15 0.25% 7 0.64% 2056 1.34% 5 0.66%
50 15 0.25% 10 0.92% 1466 0.95% 9 1.19%

Top 10 of 436 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1219 20.65% 99 9.07% 32921 21.42% 76 10.03%
2 94 1.59% 86 7.88% 8404 5.47% 2 0.26%
3 98 1.66% 48 4.40% 5824 3.79% 1 0.13%
4 101 1.71% 28 2.56% 5533 3.60% 20 2.64%
5 47 0.80% 43 3.94% 5159 3.36% 1 0.13%
6 86 1.46% 39 3.57% 4054 2.64% 27 3.56%
7 1105 18.72% 19 1.74% 3778 2.46% 2 0.26%
8 357 6.05% 39 3.57% 3529 2.30% 29 3.83%
9 35 0.59% 32 2.93% 3498 2.28% 1 0.13%
10 23 0.39% 17 1.56% 2478 1.61% 16 2.11%

Top 15 of 94 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 8 0.14%
2 6 0.10%
3 5 0.08%
4 3 0.05%
5 2 0.03%
6 2 0.03%
7 2 0.03%
8 2 0.03%
9 2 0.03%
10 1 0.02% android-app://
11 1 0.02%
12 1 0.02%
13 1 0.02%
14 1 0.02%
15 1 0.02%


29 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

7 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Top 28 of 117 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent

1 2652 44.92% Safari (OSX)

2 1505 25.49% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 552 9.35% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
4 483 8.18% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.3 Darwin/16.3.0
5 193 3.27% Firefox Unknown Version
6 144 2.44% Spider:
7 110 1.86% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
8 94 1.59% Programming: Java-based client
9 53 0.90% Netscape
10 29 0.49% Spider:
11 24 0.41% Safari/12602.4.8 CFNetwork/807.2.14 Darwin/16.4.0 (x86_64)
12 7 0.12% Firefox 2
13 6 0.10% Opera
14 6 0.10% Spider:
15 6 0.10% Twitterbot/1.0
16 4 0.07% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
17 4 0.07% Spider: Netcraft Web Survey
18 3 0.05% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
19 2 0.03% Catch crawler/1.0 (Catch crawler;;
20 2 0.03% Firefox 1
21 2 0.03% Grammarly/1.0 (
22 2 0.03% MetaURI API/2.0
23 2 0.03% Programming: Jakarta (Java)
24 1 0.02% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
25 1 0.02% Scrapy/1.3.0 (+
26 1 0.02% crawler4j (
27 1 0.02% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
28 1 0.02%


30 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

8 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - February 2017 Hosted by OMNIS since 2015

Top 30 of 30 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 5115 86.64% 739 67.67% 115699 75.27% United States
2 280 4.74% 63 5.77% 8301 5.40% Germany
3 172 2.91% 146 13.37% 13102 8.52% China
4 111 1.88% 60 5.49% 7978 5.19% Canada
5 65 1.10% 5 0.46% 1314 0.85% Great Britain (UK)
6 42 0.71% 0 0.00% 41 0.03% Czech Republic
7 38 0.64% 30 2.75% 2902 1.89% France
8 17 0.29% 17 1.56% 1031 0.67% Anonymous Proxy
9 8 0.14% 4 0.37% 250 0.16% India
10 7 0.12% 4 0.37% 248 0.16% Netherlands
11 6 0.10% 3 0.27% 187 0.12% Brazil
12 6 0.10% 4 0.37% 365 0.24% Romania
13 6 0.10% 3 0.27% 173 0.11% Russian Federation
14 3 0.05% 1 0.09% 63 0.04% Hong Kong
15 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Australia
16 2 0.03% 2 0.18% 131 0.09% Bangladesh
17 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Bulgaria
18 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Greece
19 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Croatia
20 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Iraq
21 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Italy
22 2 0.03% 2 0.18% 524 0.34% Latvia
23 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Morocco
24 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Norway
25 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% New Zealand
26 2 0.03% 1 0.09% 62 0.04% Pakistan
27 1 0.02% 1 0.09% 513 0.33% Finland
28 1 0.02% 1 0.09% 61 0.04% Japan
29 1 0.02% 1 0.09% 144 0.09% Poland
30 1 0.02% 1 0.09% 61 0.04% Ukraine

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23


31 of 141
129 Sunday March 12, 2017

9 of 9 2/9/2017 6:22 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2016
Generated 01-Jan-2017 01:01 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2016

Total Hits 21836
Total Files 4568
Total Pages 5443
Total Visits 3124
Total KBytes 595590
Total Unique Sites 1739
Total Unique URLs 45
Total Unique Referrers 89
Total Unique User Agents 322
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 29 466
Hits per Day 704 1464
Files per Day 147 385
Pages per Day 175 436
Sites per Day 56 134
Visits per Day 100 133
KBytes per Day 19213 45351
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 20.92% 4568
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.10% 22
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.28% 62
Code 404 - Not Found 78.69% 17182
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 2

11 of 141
32 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

1 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for December 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 538 2.46% 97 2.12% 160 2.94% 75 2.40% 55 3.16% 19394 3.26%

2 536 2.45% 92 2.01% 114 2.09% 85 2.72% 59 3.39% 15362 2.58%

3 484 2.22% 119 2.61% 138 2.54% 80 2.56% 66 3.80% 15788 2.65%

4 349 1.60% 88 1.93% 89 1.64% 80 2.56% 55 3.16% 14109 2.37%

5 975 4.47% 150 3.28% 169 3.10% 84 2.69% 57 3.28% 25483 4.28%

6 571 2.61% 134 2.93% 145 2.66% 111 3.55% 102 5.87% 18048 3.03%

7 518 2.37% 86 1.88% 96 1.76% 83 2.66% 67 3.85% 14851 2.49%

8 535 2.45% 83 1.82% 91 1.67% 76 2.43% 70 4.03% 12590 2.11%

9 496 2.27% 192 4.20% 212 3.89% 66 2.11% 64 3.68% 21733 3.65%

10 437 2.00% 111 2.43% 120 2.20% 79 2.53% 74 4.26% 15152 2.54%

11 803 3.68% 135 2.96% 136 2.50% 80 2.56% 86 4.95% 15937 2.68%

12 1464 6.70% 128 2.80% 138 2.54% 105 3.36% 123 7.07% 20330 3.41%

13 1068 4.89% 119 2.61% 124 2.28% 71 2.27% 68 3.91% 19545 3.28%

14 1210 5.54% 150 3.28% 156 2.87% 91 2.91% 111 6.38% 20847 3.50%

15 908 4.16% 222 4.86% 240 4.41% 114 3.65% 97 5.58% 28455 4.78%

16 989 4.53% 155 3.39% 187 3.44% 119 3.81% 94 5.41% 21456 3.60%

17 524 2.40% 185 4.05% 224 4.12% 103 3.30% 98 5.64% 22864 3.84%

18 464 2.12% 98 2.15% 130 2.39% 95 3.04% 78 4.49% 11193 1.88%

19 841 3.85% 385 8.43% 436 8.01% 113 3.62% 89 5.12% 45351 7.61%

20 897 4.11% 142 3.11% 189 3.47% 130 4.16% 106 6.10% 19630 3.30%

21 598 2.74% 143 3.13% 203 3.73% 129 4.13% 112 6.44% 16197 2.72%

22 867 3.97% 134 2.93% 182 3.34% 133 4.26% 134 7.71% 17658 2.96%

23 570 2.61% 111 2.43% 139 2.55% 92 2.94% 97 5.58% 13801 2.32%

12 of 141
33 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

2 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
24 831 3.81% 112 2.45% 134 2.46% 98 3.14% 88 5.06% 14888 2.50%

25 598 2.74% 313 6.85% 346 6.36% 114 3.65% 92 5.29% 31040 5.21%

26 619 2.83% 116 2.54% 152 2.79% 104 3.33% 95 5.46% 14862 2.50%

27 564 2.58% 167 3.66% 210 3.86% 115 3.68% 95 5.46% 20065 3.37%

28 573 2.62% 165 3.61% 216 3.97% 127 4.07% 112 6.44% 17568 2.95%

29 832 3.81% 167 3.66% 219 4.02% 131 4.19% 117 6.73% 18439 3.10%

30 512 2.34% 148 3.24% 193 3.55% 123 3.94% 97 5.58% 18238 3.06%

31 665 3.05% 121 2.65% 155 2.85% 119 3.81% 107 6.15% 14714 2.47%

Hourly Statistics for December 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 22 689 3.16% 3 114 2.50% 4 138 2.54% 562 17416 2.92%

1 31 975 4.47% 4 124 2.71% 4 150 2.76% 652 20219 3.39%

2 32 1018 4.66% 6 210 4.60% 7 236 4.34% 888 27513 4.62%

3 40 1264 5.79% 13 425 9.30% 14 452 8.30% 1774 54996 9.23%

4 22 687 3.15% 5 157 3.44% 5 183 3.36% 583 18078 3.04%

5 18 564 2.58% 9 280 6.13% 10 323 5.93% 983 30477 5.12%

6 26 812 3.72% 7 244 5.34% 8 273 5.02% 875 27113 4.55%

7 26 833 3.81% 5 166 3.63% 6 188 3.45% 664 20593 3.46%

8 18 559 2.56% 5 164 3.59% 6 210 3.86% 641 19872 3.34%

9 23 715 3.27% 4 128 2.80% 5 163 2.99% 525 16271 2.73%

10 20 631 2.89% 4 147 3.22% 5 183 3.36% 667 20686 3.47%

11 27 856 3.92% 4 151 3.31% 5 185 3.40% 668 20717 3.48%

12 22 702 3.21% 6 201 4.40% 7 240 4.41% 784 24304 4.08%

13 37 1177 5.39% 5 178 3.90% 7 219 4.02% 839 26018 4.37%

14 34 1076 4.93% 5 172 3.77% 6 213 3.91% 696 21566 3.62%

15 31 966 4.42% 4 128 2.80% 5 165 3.03% 584 18102 3.04%

16 27 843 3.86% 5 178 3.90% 7 226 4.15% 776 24067 4.04%

17 29 901 4.13% 6 202 4.42% 7 241 4.43% 878 27210 4.57%

18 28 874 4.00% 6 187 4.09% 7 217 3.99% 779 24138 4.05%

19 47 1477 6.76% 6 213 4.66% 8 258 4.74% 977 30283 5.08%

13 of 141
34 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

3 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
20 34 1054 4.83% 6 213 4.66% 7 247 4.54% 872 27047 4.54%

21 34 1068 4.89% 9 281 6.15% 12 373 6.85% 1122 34781 5.84%

22 38 1190 5.45% 6 188 4.12% 7 220 4.04% 831 25750 4.32%

23 29 905 4.14% 3 117 2.56% 4 140 2.57% 593 18372 3.08%

Top 45 of 45 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1415 6.48% 85144 14.30% /default.htm
2 399 1.83% 124955 20.98% /index-2.html
3 216 0.99% 16153 2.71% /gpage13.html
4 205 0.94% 82419 13.84% /gpage30.html
5 115 0.53% 12481 2.10% /gpage28.html
6 107 0.49% 24776 4.16% /gpage16.html
7 87 0.40% 12634 2.12% /gpage41.html
8 82 0.38% 6131 1.03% /gpage38.html
9 81 0.37% 4225 0.71% /gpage34.html
10 79 0.36% 3680 0.62% /gpage25.html
11 78 0.36% 10605 1.78% /gpage33.html
12 72 0.33% 9605 1.61% /gpage20.html
13 72 0.33% 3164 0.53% /gpage36.html
14 71 0.33% 17620 2.96% /gpage17.html
15 71 0.33% 7419 1.25% /gpage27.html
16 70 0.32% 33344 5.60% /gpage22.html
17 67 0.31% 9724 1.63% /gpage19.html
18 66 0.30% 3192 0.54% /gpage39.html
19 65 0.30% 5815 0.98% /gpage26.html
20 63 0.29% 3990 0.67% /gpage37.html
21 58 0.27% 3828 0.64% /gpage23.html
22 58 0.27% 3092 0.52% /gpage29.html
23 57 0.26% 8867 1.49% /gpage9.html
24 56 0.26% 4483 0.75% /gpage2.html
25 56 0.26% 2723 0.46% /gpage32.html
26 55 0.25% 3792 0.64% /gpage1.html
27 55 0.25% 3067 0.51% /gpage31.html
28 53 0.24% 6785 1.14% /gpage8.html
29 51 0.23% 6511 1.09% /gpage10.html
30 50 0.23% 2044 0.34% /gpage15.html
31 50 0.23% 5188 0.87% /gpage21.html
32 49 0.22% 2085 0.35% /gpage4.html
33 48 0.22% 2068 0.35% /gpage12.html
34 48 0.22% 2878 0.48% /gpage3.html
35 48 0.22% 2058 0.35% /gpage7.html
36 47 0.22% 5164 0.87% /gpage24.html
37 46 0.21% 2104 0.35% /gpage11.html
38 46 0.21% 4799 0.81% /gpage18.html

14 of 141
35 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

4 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
39 45 0.21% 2184 0.37% /gpage6.html
40 43 0.20% 463 0.08% /Splash_Screen.html
41 43 0.20% 1729 0.29% /gpage14.html
42 43 0.20% 4373 0.73% /gpage5.html
43 42 0.19% 1522 0.26% /gpage40.html
44 21 0.10% 6560 1.10% /
45 3 0.01% 33 0.01% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 45 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL

1 399 1.83% 124955 20.98% /index-2.html

2 1415 6.48% 85144 14.30% /default.htm
3 205 0.94% 82419 13.84% /gpage30.html
4 70 0.32% 33344 5.60% /gpage22.html
5 107 0.49% 24776 4.16% /gpage16.html
6 71 0.33% 17620 2.96% /gpage17.html
7 216 0.99% 16153 2.71% /gpage13.html
8 87 0.40% 12634 2.12% /gpage41.html
9 115 0.53% 12481 2.10% /gpage28.html
10 78 0.36% 10605 1.78% /gpage33.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1415 6.48% 781 31.28% /default.htm
2 399 1.83% 285 11.41% /index-2.html
3 205 0.94% 153 6.13% /gpage30.html
4 216 0.99% 143 5.73% /gpage13.html
5 115 0.53% 63 2.52% /gpage28.html
6 107 0.49% 50 2.00% /gpage16.html
7 67 0.31% 45 1.80% /gpage19.html
8 82 0.38% 44 1.76% /gpage38.html
9 70 0.32% 41 1.64% /gpage22.html
10 79 0.36% 41 1.64% /gpage25.html
11 72 0.33% 38 1.52% /gpage20.html
12 87 0.40% 37 1.48% /gpage41.html
13 78 0.36% 33 1.32% /gpage33.html
14 81 0.37% 33 1.32% /gpage34.html
15 71 0.33% 32 1.28% /gpage17.html
16 56 0.26% 32 1.28% /gpage2.html
17 55 0.25% 30 1.20% /gpage1.html
18 58 0.27% 30 1.20% /gpage23.html
19 71 0.33% 30 1.20% /gpage27.html
20 57 0.26% 30 1.20% /gpage9.html
21 72 0.33% 29 1.16% /gpage36.html

15 of 141
36 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

5 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
22 51 0.23% 28 1.12% /gpage10.html
23 50 0.23% 28 1.12% /gpage15.html
24 65 0.30% 28 1.12% /gpage26.html
25 66 0.30% 28 1.12% /gpage39.html
26 50 0.23% 27 1.08% /gpage21.html
27 43 0.20% 26 1.04% /Splash_Screen.html
28 47 0.22% 26 1.04% /gpage24.html
29 46 0.21% 24 0.96% /gpage11.html
30 53 0.24% 24 0.96% /gpage8.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1415 6.48% 1306 42.95% /default.htm
2 399 1.83% 293 9.63% /index-2.html
3 216 0.99% 147 4.83% /gpage13.html
4 205 0.94% 144 4.74% /gpage30.html
5 115 0.53% 69 2.27% /gpage28.html
6 107 0.49% 61 2.01% /gpage16.html
7 72 0.33% 44 1.45% /gpage20.html
8 70 0.32% 43 1.41% /gpage22.html
9 67 0.31% 40 1.32% /gpage19.html
10 79 0.36% 40 1.32% /gpage25.html
11 82 0.38% 40 1.32% /gpage38.html
12 87 0.40% 40 1.32% /gpage41.html
13 78 0.36% 38 1.25% /gpage33.html
14 58 0.27% 36 1.18% /gpage23.html
15 55 0.25% 33 1.09% /gpage1.html

Top 50 of 1739 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3612 16.54% 288 6.30% 96300 16.17% 234 7.49%
2 1077 4.93% 111 2.43% 10152 1.70% 75 2.40%
3 509 2.33% 6 0.13% 2193 0.37% 2 0.06%
4 362 1.66% 4 0.09% 1100 0.18% 4 0.13%
5 337 1.54% 14 0.31% 2529 0.42% 2 0.06%
6 324 1.48% 160 3.50% 13041 2.19% 127 4.07%
7 286 1.31% 74 1.62% 11736 1.97% 60 1.92%
8 281 1.29% 267 5.85% 32159 5.40% 5 0.16%
9 279 1.28% 5 0.11% 1818 0.31% 2 0.06%
10 245 1.12% 1 0.02% 585 0.10% 1 0.03%
11 232 1.06% 26 0.57% 13386 2.25% 23 0.74%
12 230 1.05% 4 0.09% 2449 0.41% 4 0.13%
13 216 0.99% 3 0.07% 609 0.10% 2 0.06%
14 214 0.98% 17 0.37% 2673 0.45% 17 0.54%

16 of 141
37 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

6 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
15 200 0.92% 1 0.02% 410 0.07% 1 0.03%
16 190 0.87% 3 0.07% 744 0.12% 1 0.03%
17 174 0.80% 2 0.04% 416 0.07% 1 0.03%
18 172 0.79% 3 0.07% 1836 0.31% 3 0.10%
19 168 0.77% 1 0.02% 353 0.06% 1 0.03%
20 146 0.67% 74 1.62% 6156 1.03% 57 1.82%
21 138 0.63% 4 0.09% 659 0.11% 1 0.03%
22 132 0.60% 129 2.82% 11193 1.88% 1 0.03%
23 132 0.60% 6 0.13% 958 0.16% 5 0.16%
24 129 0.59% 7 0.15% 639 0.11% 1 0.03%
25 129 0.59% 127 2.78% 12002 2.02% 1 0.03%
26 124 0.57% 2 0.04% 844 0.14% 2 0.06%
27 118 0.54% 4 0.09% 632 0.11% 2 0.06%
28 117 0.54% 2 0.04% 593 0.10% 2 0.06%
29 116 0.53% 2 0.04% 330 0.06% 1 0.03%
30 114 0.52% 1 0.02% 513 0.09% 1 0.03%
31 114 0.52% 2 0.04% 318 0.05% 2 0.06%
32 113 0.52% 2 0.04% 570 0.10% 1 0.03%
33 112 0.51% 41 0.90% 5659 0.95% 27 0.86%
34 110 0.50% 2 0.04% 333 0.06% 2 0.06%
35 110 0.50% 1 0.02% 311 0.05% 1 0.03%
36 109 0.50% 1 0.02% 428 0.07% 1 0.03%
37 109 0.50% 1 0.02% 250 0.04% 1 0.03%
38 98 0.45% 8 0.18% 4264 0.72% 8 0.26%
39 95 0.44% 1 0.02% 225 0.04% 1 0.03%
40 93 0.43% 76 1.66% 10112 1.70% 40 1.28%
41 92 0.42% 10 0.22% 906 0.15% 10 0.32%
42 92 0.42% 1 0.02% 220 0.04% 1 0.03%
43 83 0.38% 1 0.02% 657 0.11% 1 0.03%
44 74 0.34% 1 0.02% 204 0.03% 1 0.03%
45 72 0.33% 2 0.04% 753 0.13% 1 0.03%
46 72 0.33% 1 0.02% 201 0.03% 1 0.03%
47 63 0.29% 2 0.04% 360 0.06% 1 0.03%
48 63 0.29% 1 0.02% 424 0.07% 1 0.03%
49 63 0.29% 0 0.00% 110 0.02% 0 0.00%
50 62 0.28% 2 0.04% 227 0.04% 1 0.03%

Top 10 of 1739 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname

1 3612 16.54% 288 6.30% 96300 16.17% 234 7.49%

2 281 1.29% 267 5.85% 32159 5.40% 5 0.16%
3 232 1.06% 26 0.57% 13386 2.25% 23 0.74%
4 324 1.48% 160 3.50% 13041 2.19% 127 4.07%
5 129 0.59% 127 2.78% 12002 2.02% 1 0.03%
6 286 1.31% 74 1.62% 11736 1.97% 60 1.92%

17 of 141
38 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

7 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
7 132 0.60% 129 2.82% 11193 1.88% 1 0.03%
8 1077 4.93% 111 2.43% 10152 1.70% 75 2.40%
9 93 0.43% 76 1.66% 10112 1.70% 40 1.28%
10 146 0.67% 74 1.62% 6156 1.03% 57 1.82%

Top 33 of 89 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 44 0.20%
2 10 0.05%
3 8 0.04%
4 8 0.04%
5 5 0.02%
6 5 0.02%
7 4 0.02%
8 3 0.01%
9 3 0.01%
10 3 0.01%
11 3 0.01%
12 2 0.01%
13 2 0.01%
14 2 0.01%
15 2 0.01%
16 1 0.00% (null)
17 1 0.00%
18 1 0.00% android-app://
19 1 0.00% android-app://
20 1 0.00%
21 1 0.00%
22 1 0.00%
23 1 0.00%
24 1 0.00%
25 1 0.00%
26 1 0.00%
27 1 0.00%
28 1 0.00%
29 1 0.00%
30 1 0.00%
31 1 0.00%
32 1 0.00%
33 1 0.00%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% anything

18 of 141
39 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

8 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted

Top 30 of 322 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 8783 40.22% Safari (OSX)
2 5456 24.99% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 2497 11.44% Firefox Unknown Version
4 1516 6.94% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
5 1499 6.86% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.1.4 Darwin/16.1.0
6 477 2.18% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
7 452 2.07% Spider:
8 218 1.00% Netscape
9 160 0.73% Spider:
10 125 0.57% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
11 96 0.44% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.2.16 Darwin/16.3.0
12 90 0.41% Safari/12602. CFNetwork/807.1.3 Darwin/16.1.0 (x86_64)
13 68 0.31% Spider:
14 56 0.26% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
15 54 0.25% Firefox 3
16 46 0.21% Programming: Java-based client
17 29 0.13% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
18 26 0.12% Opera
19 21 0.10% Twitterbot/1.0
20 19 0.09% okhttp/3.2.0
21 17 0.08% Firefox 2
22 6 0.03% Experibot_v1 []
23 6 0.03% MetaURI API/2.0
24 6 0.03% btcrawler
25 4 0.02% Firefox 1
26 4 0.02% Programming: Jakarta (Java)
27 4 0.02% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
28 3 0.01% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
29 3 0.01% SpamBot: Pretends to be Mozilla 3.0
30 2 0.01% CCBot/2.0 (

19 of 141
40 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

9 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted

Top 30 of 101 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16238 74.36% 2706 59.24% 391411 65.72% United States
2 1027 4.70% 380 8.32% 45815 7.69% Germany
3 569 2.61% 9 0.20% 1613 0.27% Czech Republic
4 542 2.48% 65 1.42% 11048 1.85% Great Britain (UK)
5 511 2.34% 47 1.03% 6911 1.16% Canada
6 500 2.29% 373 8.17% 37723 6.33% China
7 280 1.28% 40 0.88% 2848 0.48% India
8 241 1.10% 143 3.13% 15495 2.60% France
9 168 0.77% 1 0.02% 353 0.06% Azerbaijan
10 145 0.66% 102 2.23% 17981 3.02% Russian Federation
11 136 0.62% 52 1.14% 5781 0.97% Israel
12 130 0.60% 128 2.80% 12515 2.10% European Union
13 128 0.59% 28 0.61% 2070 0.35% Brazil
14 113 0.52% 2 0.04% 494 0.08% Virgin Islands (U.S.)
15 84 0.38% 45 0.99% 4805 0.81% Romania
16 83 0.38% 1 0.02% 657 0.11% Venezuela
17 76 0.35% 10 0.22% 750 0.13% Turkey
18 51 0.23% 28 0.61% 3377 0.57% Poland
19 45 0.21% 24 0.53% 2135 0.36% Netherlands
20 43 0.20% 23 0.50% 1417 0.24% Spain
21 38 0.17% 19 0.42% 1186 0.20% Philippines
22 37 0.17% 17 0.37% 3216 0.54% Ukraine
23 32 0.15% 18 0.39% 1117 0.19% Argentina
24 32 0.15% 16 0.35% 999 0.17% Italy
25 31 0.14% 16 0.35% 997 0.17% Serbia
26 28 0.13% 15 0.33% 933 0.16% Korea, Republic of
27 26 0.12% 11 0.24% 792 0.13% Japan
28 26 0.12% 13 0.28% 812 0.14% Malaysia

20 of 141
41 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

10 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - December...
Published byHosted
29 24 0.11% 13 0.28% 938 0.16% Indonesia
30 20 0.09% 8 0.18% 507 0.09% Pakistan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

21 of 141
42 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

11 of 11 1/10/2017 5:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: November 2016
Generated 30-Nov-2016 01:09 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2016

Total Hits 19725
Total Files 3382
Total Pages 3840
Total Visits 2280
Total KBytes 496856
Total Unique Sites 1034
Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 133
Total Unique User Agents 317
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 28 637
Hits per Day 680 1251
Files per Day 116 378
Pages per Day 132 391
Sites per Day 35 94
Visits per Day 78 121
KBytes per Day 17133 49283
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 17.15% 3382
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.06% 12
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.64% 323
Code 404 - Not Found 81.12% 16000
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.04% 8

22 of 141
43 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

1 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for November 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1132 5.74% 140 4.14% 144 3.75% 70 3.07% 62 6.00% 18311 3.69%

2 817 4.14% 82 2.42% 93 2.42% 72 3.16% 54 5.22% 11698 2.35%

3 812 4.12% 139 4.11% 141 3.67% 87 3.82% 65 6.29% 18921 3.81%

4 724 3.67% 218 6.45% 230 5.99% 96 4.21% 64 6.19% 28600 5.76%

5 655 3.32% 114 3.37% 122 3.18% 96 4.21% 67 6.48% 13292 2.68%

6 459 2.33% 99 2.93% 110 2.86% 65 2.85% 50 4.84% 14023 2.82%

7 506 2.57% 80 2.37% 83 2.16% 70 3.07% 64 6.19% 13279 2.67%

8 529 2.68% 74 2.19% 77 2.01% 70 3.07% 38 3.68% 14143 2.85%

9 743 3.77% 101 2.99% 105 2.73% 84 3.68% 74 7.16% 15828 3.19%

10 865 4.39% 110 3.25% 119 3.10% 69 3.03% 53 5.13% 16390 3.30%

11 693 3.51% 200 5.91% 203 5.29% 72 3.16% 50 4.84% 29478 5.93%

12 375 1.90% 109 3.22% 112 2.92% 57 2.50% 56 5.42% 16421 3.31%

13 354 1.79% 78 2.31% 82 2.14% 64 2.81% 55 5.32% 14753 2.97%

14 469 2.38% 61 1.80% 64 1.67% 55 2.41% 49 4.74% 9594 1.93%

15 1159 5.88% 152 4.49% 181 4.71% 108 4.74% 75 7.25% 22636 4.56%

16 1136 5.76% 127 3.76% 236 6.15% 121 5.31% 50 4.84% 24810 4.99%

17 695 3.52% 101 2.99% 218 5.68% 117 5.13% 62 6.00% 17865 3.60%

18 579 2.94% 122 3.61% 140 3.65% 98 4.30% 75 7.25% 20001 4.03%

19 221 1.12% 47 1.39% 57 1.48% 48 2.11% 38 3.68% 8326 1.68%

20 548 2.78% 79 2.34% 93 2.42% 76 3.33% 59 5.71% 11534 2.32%

21 1251 6.34% 72 2.13% 86 2.24% 69 3.03% 94 9.09% 11515 2.32%

22 839 4.25% 162 4.79% 171 4.45% 98 4.30% 72 6.96% 22069 4.44%

23 861 4.37% 378 11.18% 391 10.18% 95 4.17% 70 6.77% 49283 9.92%

23 of 141
44 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

2 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
24 334 1.69% 84 2.48% 88 2.29% 68 2.98% 66 6.38% 10260 2.06%

25 977 4.95% 123 3.64% 133 3.46% 80 3.51% 54 5.22% 19102 3.84%

26 425 2.15% 85 2.51% 88 2.29% 81 3.55% 68 6.58% 11330 2.28%

27 333 1.69% 72 2.13% 80 2.08% 66 2.89% 53 5.13% 9910 1.99%

28 689 3.49% 87 2.57% 104 2.71% 74 3.25% 64 6.19% 9438 1.90%

29 545 2.76% 86 2.54% 89 2.32% 58 2.54% 49 4.74% 14046 2.83%

Hourly Statistics for November 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 14 434 2.20% 2 80 2.37% 3 104 2.71% 411 11912 2.40%

1 23 684 3.47% 2 78 2.31% 2 82 2.14% 403 11693 2.35%

2 28 840 4.26% 4 139 4.11% 5 154 4.01% 775 22476 4.52%

3 19 565 2.86% 4 133 3.93% 5 164 4.27% 515 14926 3.00%

4 23 694 3.52% 3 92 2.72% 3 113 2.94% 452 13096 2.64%

5 18 547 2.77% 4 141 4.17% 5 167 4.35% 641 18592 3.74%

6 23 670 3.40% 4 128 3.78% 5 148 3.85% 669 19393 3.90%

7 9 282 1.43% 3 89 2.63% 3 106 2.76% 462 13403 2.70%

8 16 487 2.47% 3 95 2.81% 3 109 2.84% 383 11113 2.24%

9 17 516 2.62% 4 140 4.14% 5 150 3.91% 640 18571 3.74%

10 16 488 2.47% 6 189 5.59% 7 215 5.60% 923 26779 5.39%

11 20 590 2.99% 5 162 4.79% 6 183 4.77% 819 23738 4.78%

12 40 1162 5.89% 6 184 5.44% 7 214 5.57% 970 28119 5.66%

13 33 984 4.99% 4 139 4.11% 5 150 3.91% 760 22027 4.43%

14 26 764 3.87% 4 132 3.90% 5 155 4.04% 626 18162 3.66%

15 77 2235 11.33% 8 254 7.51% 9 276 7.19% 1244 36089 7.26%

16 42 1243 6.30% 7 227 6.71% 8 254 6.61% 1084 31441 6.33%

17 43 1257 6.37% 5 149 4.41% 5 162 4.22% 916 26570 5.35%

18 23 672 3.41% 3 93 2.75% 3 104 2.71% 493 14296 2.88%

19 38 1126 5.71% 5 169 5.00% 6 188 4.90% 804 23306 4.69%

20 35 1018 5.16% 6 196 5.80% 7 212 5.52% 877 25441 5.12%

21 27 788 3.99% 4 132 3.90% 4 144 3.75% 731 21187 4.26%

24 of 141
45 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

3 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
22 31 916 4.64% 4 122 3.61% 4 140 3.65% 955 27696 5.57%

23 26 763 3.87% 4 119 3.52% 5 146 3.80% 580 16828 3.39%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 863 4.38% 51126 10.29% /default.htm
2 347 1.76% 105735 21.28% /index-2.html
3 213 1.08% 94760 19.07% /gpage30.html
4 81 0.41% 8641 1.74% /gpage28.html
5 80 0.41% 3402 0.68% /gpage25.html
6 79 0.40% 17302 3.48% /gpage16.html
7 73 0.37% 3306 0.67% /gpage34.html
8 72 0.37% 4727 0.95% /gpage13.html
9 71 0.36% 36382 7.32% /gpage22.html
10 70 0.35% 4772 0.96% /gpage38.html
11 69 0.35% 641 0.13% /Splash_Screen.html
12 68 0.34% 8257 1.66% /gpage19.html
13 65 0.33% 6036 1.21% /gpage21.html
14 62 0.31% 5715 1.15% /gpage24.html
15 62 0.31% 8332 1.68% /gpage9.html
16 61 0.31% 14048 2.83% /gpage17.html
17 59 0.30% 3518 0.71% /gpage1.html
18 59 0.30% 8267 1.66% /gpage41.html
19 59 0.30% 6788 1.37% /gpage8.html
20 56 0.28% 2282 0.46% /gpage6.html
21 55 0.28% 2941 0.59% /gpage3.html
22 55 0.28% 2140 0.43% /gpage36.html
23 54 0.27% 4625 0.93% /gpage27.html
24 54 0.27% 2897 0.58% /gpage31.html
25 53 0.27% 2651 0.53% /gpage29.html
26 53 0.27% 6449 1.30% /gpage33.html
27 51 0.26% 5730 1.15% /gpage10.html
28 51 0.26% 6059 1.22% /gpage20.html
29 51 0.26% 2033 0.41% /gpage39.html
30 50 0.25% 2725 0.55% /gpage37.html
31 49 0.25% 3571 0.72% /gpage2.html
32 49 0.25% 3940 0.79% /gpage26.html
33 48 0.24% 1799 0.36% /gpage15.html
34 48 0.24% 1339 0.27% /gpage40.html
35 47 0.24% 2955 0.59% /gpage23.html
36 47 0.24% 1982 0.40% /gpage32.html
37 47 0.24% 1602 0.32% /gpage4.html
38 47 0.24% 1709 0.34% /gpage7.html
39 46 0.23% 1958 0.39% /gpage11.html
40 46 0.23% 1767 0.36% /gpage12.html

25 of 141
46 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

4 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
41 45 0.23% 1570 0.32% /gpage14.html
42 45 0.23% 4688 0.94% /gpage18.html
43 45 0.23% 3854 0.78% /gpage5.html
44 12 0.06% 3783 0.76% /

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 347 1.76% 105735 21.28% /index-2.html
2 213 1.08% 94760 19.07% /gpage30.html
3 863 4.38% 51126 10.29% /default.htm
4 71 0.36% 36382 7.32% /gpage22.html
5 79 0.40% 17302 3.48% /gpage16.html
6 61 0.31% 14048 2.83% /gpage17.html
7 81 0.41% 8641 1.74% /gpage28.html
8 62 0.31% 8332 1.68% /gpage9.html
9 59 0.30% 8267 1.66% /gpage41.html
10 68 0.34% 8257 1.66% /gpage19.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 863 4.38% 707 31.75% /default.htm
2 347 1.76% 260 11.67% /index-2.html
3 213 1.08% 162 7.27% /gpage30.html
4 81 0.41% 53 2.38% /gpage28.html
5 71 0.36% 45 2.02% /gpage22.html
6 80 0.41% 43 1.93% /gpage25.html
7 72 0.37% 39 1.75% /gpage13.html
8 70 0.35% 39 1.75% /gpage38.html
9 79 0.40% 38 1.71% /gpage16.html
10 65 0.33% 37 1.66% /gpage21.html
11 68 0.34% 33 1.48% /gpage19.html
12 73 0.37% 33 1.48% /gpage34.html
13 59 0.30% 32 1.44% /gpage41.html
14 59 0.30% 31 1.39% /gpage1.html
15 62 0.31% 31 1.39% /gpage24.html
16 62 0.31% 31 1.39% /gpage9.html
17 54 0.27% 29 1.30% /gpage31.html
18 55 0.28% 29 1.30% /gpage36.html
19 69 0.35% 28 1.26% /Splash_Screen.html
20 61 0.31% 28 1.26% /gpage17.html
21 56 0.28% 28 1.26% /gpage6.html
22 59 0.30% 26 1.17% /gpage8.html
23 53 0.27% 25 1.12% /gpage33.html
24 55 0.28% 24 1.08% /gpage3.html

26 of 141
47 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

5 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
25 54 0.27% 23 1.03% /gpage27.html
26 53 0.27% 23 1.03% /gpage29.html
27 51 0.26% 22 0.99% /gpage10.html
28 49 0.25% 22 0.99% /gpage2.html
29 51 0.26% 22 0.99% /gpage39.html
30 45 0.23% 21 0.94% /gpage14.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 863 4.38% 675 30.21% /default.htm
2 347 1.76% 263 11.77% /index-2.html
3 213 1.08% 148 6.62% /gpage30.html
4 69 0.35% 48 2.15% /Splash_Screen.html
5 81 0.41% 46 2.06% /gpage28.html
6 80 0.41% 44 1.97% /gpage25.html
7 72 0.37% 41 1.84% /gpage13.html
8 79 0.40% 41 1.84% /gpage16.html
9 70 0.35% 40 1.79% /gpage38.html
10 65 0.33% 39 1.75% /gpage21.html
11 71 0.36% 39 1.75% /gpage22.html
12 73 0.37% 36 1.61% /gpage34.html
13 59 0.30% 33 1.48% /gpage41.html
14 62 0.31% 33 1.48% /gpage9.html
15 59 0.30% 32 1.43% /gpage8.html

Top 50 of 1034 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3441 17.44% 269 7.95% 90044 18.12% 218 9.56%
2 612 3.10% 6 0.18% 1659 0.33% 1 0.04%
3 430 2.18% 5 0.15% 1568 0.32% 4 0.18%
4 332 1.68% 3 0.09% 752 0.15% 1 0.04%
5 255 1.29% 3 0.09% 639 0.13% 2 0.09%
6 237 1.20% 4 0.12% 1103 0.22% 1 0.04%
7 225 1.14% 27 0.80% 13500 2.72% 25 1.10%
8 199 1.01% 2 0.06% 919 0.19% 1 0.04%
9 198 1.00% 6 0.18% 702 0.14% 1 0.04%
10 172 0.87% 3 0.09% 1021 0.21% 1 0.04%
11 172 0.87% 3 0.09% 479 0.10% 2 0.09%
12 172 0.87% 3 0.09% 1218 0.25% 3 0.13%
13 169 0.86% 2 0.06% 667 0.13% 1 0.04%
14 168 0.85% 6 0.18% 614 0.12% 1 0.04%
15 167 0.85% 3 0.09% 551 0.11% 1 0.04%
16 167 0.85% 2 0.06% 1316 0.26% 1 0.04%
17 159 0.81% 1 0.03% 338 0.07% 1 0.04%

27 of 141
48 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

6 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
18 155 0.79% 64 1.89% 5461 1.10% 44 1.93%
19 146 0.74% 123 3.64% 14961 3.01% 1 0.04%
20 133 0.67% 64 1.89% 5324 1.07% 38 1.67%
21 133 0.67% 1 0.03% 745 0.15% 1 0.04%
22 130 0.66% 1 0.03% 382 0.08% 1 0.04%
23 124 0.63% 75 2.22% 6630 1.33% 51 2.24%
24 122 0.62% 4 0.12% 450 0.09% 1 0.04%
25 121 0.61% 2 0.06% 417 0.08% 1 0.04%
26 120 0.61% 2 0.06% 583 0.12% 1 0.04%
27 118 0.60% 18 0.53% 1552 0.31% 36 1.58%
28 116 0.59% 28 0.83% 4202 0.85% 17 0.75%
29 116 0.59% 1 0.03% 517 0.10% 1 0.04%
30 115 0.58% 1 0.03% 276 0.06% 1 0.04%
31 115 0.58% 2 0.06% 358 0.07% 1 0.04%
32 114 0.58% 25 0.74% 1664 0.33% 47 2.06%
33 113 0.57% 1 0.03% 257 0.05% 1 0.04%
34 113 0.57% 41 1.21% 3516 0.71% 32 1.40%
35 113 0.57% 2 0.06% 325 0.07% 1 0.04%
36 112 0.57% 2 0.06% 383 0.08% 1 0.04%
37 111 0.56% 46 1.36% 3886 0.78% 29 1.27%
38 111 0.56% 1 0.03% 253 0.05% 1 0.04%
39 110 0.56% 47 1.39% 6466 1.30% 25 1.10%
40 105 0.53% 1 0.03% 946 0.19% 1 0.04%
41 103 0.52% 1 0.03% 239 0.05% 1 0.04%
42 95 0.48% 25 0.74% 2470 0.50% 44 1.93%
43 94 0.48% 86 2.54% 10254 2.06% 2 0.09%
44 93 0.47% 1 0.03% 675 0.14% 1 0.04%
45 91 0.46% 30 0.89% 4343 0.87% 2 0.09%
46 87 0.44% 1 0.03% 211 0.04% 1 0.04%
47 86 0.44% 1 0.03% 210 0.04% 1 0.04%
48 76 0.39% 22 0.65% 4056 0.82% 16 0.70%
49 75 0.38% 1 0.03% 190 0.04% 1 0.04%
50 71 0.36% 27 0.80% 2196 0.44% 19 0.83%

Top 10 of 1034 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3441 17.44% 269 7.95% 90044 18.12% 218 9.56%
2 146 0.74% 123 3.64% 14961 3.01% 1 0.04%
3 225 1.14% 27 0.80% 13500 2.72% 25 1.10%
4 94 0.48% 86 2.54% 10254 2.06% 2 0.09%
5 68 0.34% 63 1.86% 9015 1.81% 1 0.04%
6 124 0.63% 75 2.22% 6630 1.33% 51 2.24%
7 110 0.56% 47 1.39% 6466 1.30% 25 1.10%
8 52 0.26% 49 1.45% 6245 1.26% 1 0.04%
9 70 0.35% 40 1.18% 6229 1.25% 25 1.10%

28 of 141
49 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

7 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
10 155 0.79% 64 1.89% 5461 1.10% 44 1.93%

Top 50 of 133 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer

1 40 0.20%
2 30 0.15%
3 12 0.06%
4 9 0.05%
5 9 0.05%
6 6 0.03%
7 5 0.03%
8 5 0.03%
9 5 0.03%
10 4 0.02%
11 4 0.02%
12 3 0.02%
13 3 0.02%
14 3 0.02%
15 3 0.02%
16 3 0.02%
17 3 0.02%
18 3 0.02%
19 3 0.02%
20 3 0.02%
21 3 0.02%
22 3 0.02%
23 3 0.02%
24 3 0.02%
25 3 0.02%
26 3 0.02%
27 3 0.02%
28 3 0.02%
29 3 0.02%
30 3 0.02%
31 3 0.02%
32 3 0.02%
33 3 0.02% http://xn----7sbbagbq7bd5aheftfllo4m.xn--p1ai/
34 3 0.02% http://xn--80aaomkdl5amcy.xn--p1ai/
35 3 0.02%
36 3 0.02%
37 2 0.01% (null)
38 2 0.01%
39 2 0.01%
40 2 0.01%
41 2 0.01%

29 of 141
50 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

8 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
42 2 0.01%
43 2 0.01%
44 2 0.01%
45 2 0.01%
46 2 0.01%
47 2 0.01%
48 2 0.01%
49 2 0.01%
50 2 0.01%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 30 96.77% anonymous
2 1 3.23% tommy caterbone

Top 30 of 317 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 9930 50.34% Safari (OSX)
2 5844 29.63% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 1381 7.00% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
4 833 4.22% Firefox Unknown Version
5 396 2.01% MobileSafari/602.1 CFNetwork/808.1.4 Darwin/16.1.0
6 327 1.66% Spider:
7 179 0.91% Firefox 3
8 134 0.68% Netscape
9 114 0.58% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
10 75 0.38% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
11 68 0.34%
12 64 0.32% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
13 58 0.29% Opera
14 50 0.25% Spider:
15 48 0.24% Safari/12602. CFNetwork/807.1.3 Darwin/16.1.0 (x86_64)
16 27 0.14% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
17 19 0.10% Spider:
18 18 0.09% Twitterbot/1.0
19 13 0.07% Firefox 2
20 10 0.05% Spider:
21 8 0.04% Go-http-client/1.1
22 8 0.04% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
23 7 0.04% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
24 5 0.03% python-requests/2.11.1
25 4 0.02% Programming: curl library (PHP)
26 4 0.02% SalesIntelligent (+
27 4 0.02% Spider: larbin (

30 of 141
51 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

9 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
28 3 0.02% Agent
29 3 0.02% Internet Explorer 4.01
30 3 0.02% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)

Top 30 of 52 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country

1 16717 84.75% 2346 69.37% 373456 75.16% United States

2 522 2.65% 46 1.36% 9044 1.82% Great Britain (UK)
3 431 2.19% 356 10.53% 35257 7.10% China
4 364 1.85% 215 6.36% 28261 5.69% Germany
5 300 1.52% 11 0.33% 1613 0.32% Brazil
6 240 1.22% 15 0.44% 1476 0.30% Czech Republic
7 149 0.76% 122 3.61% 15885 3.20% France
8 130 0.66% 129 3.81% 8798 1.77% Ukraine
9 121 0.61% 3 0.09% 1096 0.22% Thailand
10 112 0.57% 2 0.06% 314 0.06% Spain
11 103 0.52% 1 0.03% 239 0.05% Asia/Pacific Region
12 87 0.44% 47 1.39% 5155 1.04% Russian Federation
13 81 0.41% 10 0.30% 703 0.14% Netherlands
14 61 0.31% 1 0.03% 181 0.04% Finland
15 58 0.29% 1 0.03% 613 0.12% Philippines
16 57 0.29% 2 0.06% 218 0.04% Malaysia
17 57 0.29% 1 0.03% 159 0.03% Viet Nam
18 35 0.18% 24 0.71% 3715 0.75% Canada
19 13 0.07% 3 0.09% 652 0.13% India
20 8 0.04% 5 0.15% 712 0.14% Korea, Republic of
21 7 0.04% 1 0.03% 71 0.01% Australia
22 7 0.04% 2 0.06% 130 0.03% Ireland
23 7 0.04% 3 0.09% 187 0.04% Taiwan
24 5 0.03% 2 0.06% 127 0.03% Pakistan

31 of 141
52 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

10 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Novembe...
Published byHosted
25 5 0.03% 4 0.12% 1056 0.21% Romania
26 3 0.02% 2 0.06% 182 0.04% Greece
27 3 0.02% 2 0.06% 576 0.12% Indonesia
28 3 0.02% 2 0.06% 576 0.12% Italy
29 3 0.02% 3 0.09% 1540 0.31% Latvia
30 3 0.02% 3 0.09% 241 0.05% Anonymous Proxy

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

32 of 141
53 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

11 of 11 11/30/2016 7:29 AM
Usage Statistics for - Summary...
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary by Month
Generated 30-Nov-2016 11:27 GMT

Summary by Month
Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Nov 2016 680 116 132 78 1034 496856 2280 3840 3382 19725
Oct 2016 599 108 114 68 1030 455417 2114 3543 3365 18588
Sep 2016 559 122 131 67 1072 435530 2019 3933 3669 16780
Aug 2016 870 131 142 67 1091 504017 2090 4406 4067 26977
Jul 2016 694 126 141 68 1163 514193 2133 4377 3926 21516
Jun 2016 771 111 118 65 1148 445134 1967 3568 3349 23141
May 2016 891 115 128 68 1230 476902 2125 3978 3587 27639
Apr 2016 1407 117 514 64 1395 493708 1939 15446 3529 42228
Mar 2016 865 108 116 64 1236 427679 1998 3612 3375 26821
Feb 2016 707 104 119 68 1232 375237 2000 3461 3034 20504
Jan 2016 618 107 116 61 1178 394540 1897 3596 3325 19186
2016 5019213 22562 53760 38608 263105
Dec 2015 617 95 105 56 1011 382131 1766 3262 2975 19132
Nov 2015 328 71 84 47 906 257996 1414 2538 2158 9868
Oct 2015 312 48 55 41 424 70549 539 716 626 4060
2015 710676 3719 6516 5759 33060
Totals 5729889 26281 60276 44367 296165

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

33 of 141
54 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

1 of 1 11/30/2016 7:31 AM
Invoice - Omnis Network - Account Manager
Published byHosted

34 of 141
55 108
129 Tuesday
March 10,
12, 2017

1 of 1 11/30/2016 7:26 AM
Published byHosted
Network, 2015
1005 W Geneva Dr
Tempe, AZ 85282
(310) 316-9600

Stan Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
United States

Invoice: 5HZ-20161130
Date: Nov 30th, 2016
Due: Upon Receipt
Past Due: Dec 10th, 2016

Description Amount
amggl002 web site hosting (Nov 30th, 2016 to Feb 28th, 2017)
Web Site Hosting (Windows Web Hosting) $32.85

SubTotal: $32.85
Total: $32.85

Payment can be made using credit card or PayPal at any time using the Payments tool in the Account Manager at
To make a payment by check or money order, send the payment to our mailing address noting the invoice number on the payment.
Page 1/1 108
129 Tuesday
March 12,
10, 2017

Powered by TCPDF (

Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2016
Generated 22-Oct-2016 04:30 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2016

Total Hits 11151
Total Files 2182
Total Pages 2306
Total Visits 1356
Total KBytes 295816
Total Unique Sites 672
Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 192
Total Unique User Agents 269
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 22 281
Hits per Day 531 806
Files per Day 103 161
Pages per Day 109 167
Sites per Day 32 65
Visits per Day 64 85
KBytes per Day 14086 21226
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 19.57% 2182
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.09% 10
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.22% 24
Code 404 - Not Found 80.09% 8931
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.04% 4

Stats Page
1 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

1 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for October 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 618 5.54% 94 4.31% 102 4.42% 62 4.57% 57 8.48% 10650 3.60%

2 341 3.06% 103 4.72% 114 4.94% 59 4.35% 57 8.48% 10929 3.69%

3 715 6.41% 92 4.22% 101 4.38% 70 5.16% 52 7.74% 19146 6.47%

4 632 5.67% 161 7.38% 167 7.24% 85 6.27% 61 9.08% 20065 6.78%

5 496 4.45% 112 5.13% 117 5.07% 68 5.01% 49 7.29% 15908 5.38%

6 691 6.20% 124 5.68% 145 6.29% 81 5.97% 60 8.93% 14343 4.85%

7 595 5.34% 96 4.40% 102 4.42% 75 5.53% 65 9.67% 15021 5.08%

8 697 6.25% 87 3.99% 88 3.82% 59 4.35% 45 6.70% 14380 4.86%

9 385 3.45% 115 5.27% 120 5.20% 49 3.61% 43 6.40% 14389 4.86%

10 595 5.34% 132 6.05% 138 5.98% 66 4.87% 53 7.89% 17819 6.02%

11 472 4.23% 88 4.03% 90 3.90% 53 3.91% 48 7.14% 10663 3.60%

12 434 3.89% 97 4.45% 104 4.51% 68 5.01% 55 8.18% 11638 3.93%

13 362 3.25% 89 4.08% 92 3.99% 58 4.28% 62 9.23% 11593 3.92%

14 422 3.78% 147 6.74% 152 6.59% 52 3.83% 49 7.29% 21226 7.18%

15 407 3.65% 96 4.40% 108 4.68% 54 3.98% 47 6.99% 11804 3.99%

16 367 3.29% 78 3.57% 82 3.56% 60 4.42% 45 6.70% 11206 3.79%

17 392 3.52% 90 4.12% 92 3.99% 61 4.50% 46 6.85% 10454 3.53%

18 613 5.50% 97 4.45% 99 4.29% 69 5.09% 62 9.23% 14572 4.93%

19 806 7.23% 79 3.62% 81 3.51% 61 4.50% 47 6.99% 12446 4.21%

20 654 5.86% 107 4.90% 108 4.68% 79 5.83% 49 7.29% 14311 4.84%

21 457 4.10% 98 4.49% 104 4.51% 68 5.01% 58 8.63% 13252 4.48%

Stats Page
2 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

2 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

Hourly Statistics for October 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 25 537 4.82% 3 65 2.98% 3 78 3.38% 457 9593 3.24%

1 22 472 4.23% 3 75 3.44% 4 87 3.77% 515 10810 3.65%

2 23 489 4.39% 3 76 3.48% 3 79 3.43% 518 10876 3.68%

3 7 157 1.41% 2 52 2.38% 2 60 2.60% 295 6187 2.09%

4 12 268 2.40% 2 51 2.34% 2 58 2.52% 336 7053 2.38%

5 16 342 3.07% 3 67 3.07% 3 68 2.95% 354 7427 2.51%

6 10 223 2.00% 5 124 5.68% 6 129 5.59% 662 13900 4.70%

7 17 357 3.20% 3 75 3.44% 3 78 3.38% 453 9505 3.21%

8 11 237 2.13% 3 73 3.35% 3 78 3.38% 467 9815 3.32%

9 29 616 5.52% 3 74 3.39% 3 78 3.38% 579 12154 4.11%

10 14 306 2.74% 3 65 2.98% 3 68 2.95% 399 8379 2.83%

11 21 456 4.09% 3 77 3.53% 3 78 3.38% 594 12472 4.22%

12 24 505 4.53% 9 195 8.94% 9 198 8.59% 1052 22096 7.47%

13 27 582 5.22% 5 118 5.41% 5 122 5.29% 775 16270 5.50%

14 28 608 5.45% 3 76 3.48% 3 82 3.56% 581 12191 4.12%

15 42 897 8.04% 6 134 6.14% 6 136 5.90% 918 19272 6.51%

16 27 581 5.21% 3 82 3.76% 4 84 3.64% 479 10061 3.40%

17 27 586 5.26% 4 84 3.85% 4 86 3.73% 607 12746 4.31%

18 31 671 6.02% 3 83 3.80% 4 86 3.73% 564 11847 4.00%

19 29 616 5.52% 7 148 6.78% 7 154 6.68% 1036 21754 7.35%

20 24 517 4.64% 5 123 5.64% 6 135 5.85% 806 16920 5.72%

21 20 424 3.80% 4 89 4.08% 4 91 3.95% 552 11600 3.92%

22 21 445 3.99% 4 101 4.63% 5 110 4.77% 613 12867 4.35%

23 12 259 2.32% 3 75 3.44% 3 83 3.60% 477 10021 3.39%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1018 9.13% 60830 20.56% /default.htm

Stats Page
3 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

3 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted
2 217 1.95% 66124 22.35% /index-2.html
3 120 1.08% 51764 17.50% /gpage30.html
4 43 0.39% 6179 2.09% /gpage19.html
5 37 0.33% 21281 7.19% /gpage22.html
6 34 0.30% 3960 1.34% /gpage28.html
7 31 0.28% 2360 0.80% /gpage13.html
8 31 0.28% 2272 0.77% /gpage38.html
9 29 0.26% 1546 0.52% /gpage29.html
10 28 0.25% 6896 2.33% /gpage17.html
11 28 0.25% 3620 1.22% /gpage8.html
12 27 0.24% 1592 0.54% /gpage3.html
13 27 0.24% 3556 1.20% /gpage33.html
14 26 0.23% 276 0.09% /Splash_Screen.html
15 26 0.23% 6007 2.03% /gpage16.html
16 24 0.22% 1586 0.54% /gpage1.html
17 24 0.22% 1174 0.40% /gpage11.html
18 24 0.22% 3640 1.23% /gpage41.html
19 22 0.20% 2307 0.78% /gpage24.html
20 22 0.20% 978 0.33% /gpage25.html
21 22 0.20% 2258 0.76% /gpage27.html
22 21 0.19% 1136 0.38% /gpage31.html
23 20 0.18% 2232 0.75% /gpage18.html
24 20 0.18% 1660 0.56% /gpage2.html
25 20 0.18% 2756 0.93% /gpage20.html
26 19 0.17% 2903 0.98% /gpage9.html
27 18 0.16% 733 0.25% /gpage12.html
28 18 0.16% 975 0.33% /gpage34.html
29 18 0.16% 1770 0.60% /gpage5.html
30 17 0.15% 757 0.26% /gpage36.html
31 16 0.14% 1694 0.57% /gpage21.html
32 16 0.14% 657 0.22% /gpage7.html
33 15 0.13% 4728 1.60% /
34 15 0.13% 940 0.32% /gpage23.html
35 15 0.13% 743 0.25% /gpage32.html
36 15 0.13% 651 0.22% /gpage4.html
37 14 0.13% 520 0.18% /gpage40.html
38 14 0.13% 583 0.20% /gpage6.html
39 13 0.12% 1693 0.57% /gpage10.html
40 13 0.12% 483 0.16% /gpage14.html
41 13 0.12% 491 0.17% /gpage15.html
42 10 0.09% 938 0.32% /gpage26.html
43 9 0.08% 570 0.19% /gpage37.html
44 7 0.06% 339 0.11% /gpage39.html

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL

Stats Page
4 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

4 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

1 217 1.95% 66124 22.35% /index-2.html

2 1018 9.13% 60830 20.56% /default.htm
3 120 1.08% 51764 17.50% /gpage30.html
4 37 0.33% 21281 7.19% /gpage22.html
5 28 0.25% 6896 2.33% /gpage17.html
6 43 0.39% 6179 2.09% /gpage19.html
7 26 0.23% 6007 2.03% /gpage16.html
8 15 0.13% 4728 1.60% /
9 34 0.30% 3960 1.34% /gpage28.html
10 24 0.22% 3640 1.23% /gpage41.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1018 9.13% 591 44.81% /default.htm
2 217 1.95% 175 13.27% /index-2.html
3 120 1.08% 106 8.04% /gpage30.html
4 34 0.30% 26 1.97% /gpage28.html
5 37 0.33% 25 1.90% /gpage22.html
6 43 0.39% 21 1.59% /gpage19.html
7 31 0.28% 21 1.59% /gpage38.html
8 28 0.25% 20 1.52% /gpage8.html
9 28 0.25% 19 1.44% /gpage17.html
10 31 0.28% 18 1.36% /gpage13.html
11 26 0.23% 17 1.29% /gpage16.html
12 29 0.26% 17 1.29% /gpage29.html
13 27 0.24% 15 1.14% /gpage3.html
14 21 0.19% 14 1.06% /gpage31.html
15 27 0.24% 14 1.06% /gpage33.html
16 24 0.22% 13 0.99% /gpage1.html
17 15 0.13% 12 0.91% /
18 22 0.20% 12 0.91% /gpage24.html
19 24 0.22% 12 0.91% /gpage41.html
20 22 0.20% 11 0.83% /gpage25.html
21 18 0.16% 10 0.76% /gpage12.html
22 20 0.18% 10 0.76% /gpage18.html
23 16 0.14% 10 0.76% /gpage21.html
24 22 0.20% 10 0.76% /gpage27.html
25 17 0.15% 10 0.76% /gpage36.html
26 18 0.16% 10 0.76% /gpage5.html
27 20 0.18% 9 0.68% /gpage2.html
28 19 0.17% 9 0.68% /gpage9.html
29 26 0.23% 8 0.61% /Splash_Screen.html
30 24 0.22% 8 0.61% /gpage11.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

Stats Page
5 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

5 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

# Hits Visits URL

1 1018 9.13% 581 43.92% /default.htm
2 217 1.95% 176 13.30% /index-2.html
3 120 1.08% 100 7.56% /gpage30.html
4 43 0.39% 23 1.74% /gpage19.html
5 34 0.30% 23 1.74% /gpage28.html
6 31 0.28% 23 1.74% /gpage38.html
7 31 0.28% 22 1.66% /gpage13.html
8 37 0.33% 22 1.66% /gpage22.html
9 28 0.25% 20 1.51% /gpage17.html
10 28 0.25% 19 1.44% /gpage8.html
11 26 0.23% 18 1.36% /Splash_Screen.html
12 27 0.24% 16 1.21% /gpage3.html
13 29 0.26% 15 1.13% /gpage29.html
14 21 0.19% 15 1.13% /gpage31.html
15 24 0.22% 14 1.06% /gpage11.html

Top 50 of 672 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2277 20.42% 177 8.11% 58848 19.89% 154 11.36%
2 308 2.76% 5 0.23% 856 0.29% 2 0.15%
3 283 2.54% 3 0.14% 2031 0.69% 3 0.22%
4 260 2.33% 8 0.37% 1515 0.51% 1 0.07%
5 215 1.93% 5 0.23% 796 0.27% 1 0.07%
6 174 1.56% 4 0.18% 506 0.17% 1 0.07%
7 136 1.22% 5 0.23% 458 0.15% 1 0.07%
8 120 1.08% 2 0.09% 566 0.19% 1 0.07%
9 116 1.04% 2 0.09% 321 0.11% 2 0.15%
10 115 1.03% 1 0.05% 713 0.24% 1 0.07%
11 113 1.01% 2 0.09% 1221 0.41% 2 0.15%
12 113 1.01% 1 0.05% 257 0.09% 1 0.07%
13 111 1.00% 111 5.09% 6735 2.28% 36 2.65%
14 109 0.98% 1 0.05% 505 0.17% 1 0.07%
15 109 0.98% 22 1.01% 3706 1.25% 12 0.88%
16 109 0.98% 1 0.05% 266 0.09% 1 0.07%
17 90 0.81% 1 0.05% 217 0.07% 1 0.07%
18 76 0.68% 63 2.89% 9029 3.05% 1 0.07%
19 75 0.67% 75 3.44% 4551 1.54% 20 1.47%
20 74 0.66% 2 0.09% 637 0.22% 1 0.07%
21 73 0.65% 73 3.35% 4429 1.50% 17 1.25%
22 71 0.64% 27 1.24% 2402 0.81% 15 1.11%
23 71 0.64% 71 3.25% 4308 1.46% 24 1.77%
24 68 0.61% 1 0.05% 881 0.30% 1 0.07%
25 67 0.60% 1 0.05% 629 0.21% 1 0.07%
26 66 0.59% 1 0.05% 249 0.08% 1 0.07%

Stats Page
6 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

6 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted
27 63 0.56% 1 0.05% 424 0.14% 1 0.07%
28 63 0.56% 2 0.09% 620 0.21% 1 0.07%
29 62 0.56% 1 0.05% 620 0.21% 1 0.07%
30 62 0.56% 2 0.09% 255 0.09% 1 0.07%
31 62 0.56% 1 0.05% 168 0.06% 1 0.07%
32 61 0.55% 2 0.09% 419 0.14% 1 0.07%
33 61 0.55% 17 0.78% 1157 0.39% 15 1.11%
34 60 0.54% 2 0.09% 317 0.11% 1 0.07%
35 60 0.54% 1 0.05% 247 0.08% 1 0.07%
36 60 0.54% 23 1.05% 4508 1.52% 8 0.59%
37 60 0.54% 1 0.05% 419 0.14% 1 0.07%
38 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 615 0.21% 1 0.07%
39 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 245 0.08% 1 0.07%
40 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 178 0.06% 1 0.07%
41 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 208 0.07% 1 0.07%
42 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 615 0.21% 1 0.07%
43 59 0.53% 1 0.05% 417 0.14% 1 0.07%
44 58 0.52% 2 0.09% 200 0.07% 1 0.07%
45 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 613 0.21% 1 0.07%
46 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 613 0.21% 1 0.07%
47 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 355 0.12% 1 0.07%
48 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 864 0.29% 1 0.07%
49 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 235 0.08% 1 0.07%
50 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 415 0.14% 1 0.07%

Top 10 of 672 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2277 20.42% 177 8.11% 58848 19.89% 154 11.36%
2 76 0.68% 63 2.89% 9029 3.05% 1 0.07%
3 111 1.00% 111 5.09% 6735 2.28% 36 2.65%
4 23 0.21% 23 1.05% 5681 1.92% 22 1.62%
5 47 0.42% 43 1.97% 4843 1.64% 1 0.07%
6 75 0.67% 75 3.44% 4551 1.54% 20 1.47%
7 60 0.54% 23 1.05% 4508 1.52% 8 0.59%
8 73 0.65% 73 3.35% 4429 1.50% 17 1.25%
9 71 0.64% 71 3.25% 4308 1.46% 24 1.77%
10 55 0.49% 21 0.96% 4278 1.45% 12 0.88%

Top 50 of 192 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 30 0.27%
2 15 0.13%
3 15 0.13%
4 12 0.11%

Stats Page
7 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
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7 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted
5 11 0.10%
6 10 0.09%
7 9 0.08%
8 9 0.08%
9 9 0.08%
10 9 0.08%
11 9 0.08%
12 9 0.08%
13 9 0.08%
14 9 0.08%
15 9 0.08%
16 9 0.08%
17 8 0.07%
18 8 0.07%
19 8 0.07%
20 8 0.07%
21 7 0.06%
22 7 0.06%
23 6 0.05%
24 6 0.05%
25 6 0.05%
26 6 0.05%
27 6 0.05%
28 6 0.05%
29 6 0.05%
30 6 0.05%
31 6 0.05%
32 6 0.05%
33 6 0.05%
34 6 0.05%
35 6 0.05%
36 6 0.05%
37 6 0.05%
38 6 0.05%
39 6 0.05%
40 6 0.05%
41 6 0.05%
42 6 0.05%
43 6 0.05%
44 6 0.05%
45 6 0.05%
46 6 0.05%
47 5 0.04%
48 5 0.04%
49 5 0.04%
50 5 0.04%

Stats Page
8 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

8 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

Top 30 of 269 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 5103 45.76% Safari (OSX)
2 3332 29.88% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 881 7.90% Firefox Unknown Version
4 734 6.58% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
5 373 3.34% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
6 164 1.47% Spider:
7 107 0.96% Opera
8 76 0.68%
9 71 0.64% Netscape
10 37 0.33% Spider:
11 31 0.28% Spider:
12 28 0.25% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
13 25 0.22% Firefox 3
14 24 0.22% Internet Explorer
15 20 0.18% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
16 16 0.14% btcrawler
17 15 0.13% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
18 11 0.10% Firefox 2
19 9 0.08% Twitterbot/1.0
20 8 0.07% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
21 8 0.07% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
22 6 0.05% Internet Explorer 4.01
23 6 0.05% Spider:
24 5 0.04% Program: Powermarks (Bookmark Manager)
25 5 0.04% Spider:
26 4 0.04% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
27 3 0.03% Mediatoolkitbot (
28 3 0.03% Wotbox/2.01 (+
29 2 0.02% Agent
30 2 0.02% Internet Explorer (Mac)

Stats Page
9 of 141
129 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

9 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted

Top 30 of 40 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 7964 71.42% 1025 46.98% 175413 59.30% United States
2 766 6.87% 69 3.16% 11134 3.76% Great Britain (UK)
3 529 4.74% 526 24.11% 32373 10.94% Ukraine
4 400 3.59% 10 0.46% 1290 0.44% Brazil
5 230 2.06% 180 8.25% 17323 5.86% China
6 168 1.51% 90 4.12% 12098 4.09% Germany
7 120 1.08% 6 0.27% 595 0.20% Czech Republic
8 115 1.03% 1 0.05% 713 0.24% Puerto Rico
9 103 0.92% 100 4.58% 11220 3.79% Dominica
10 81 0.73% 11 0.50% 1125 0.38% Italy
11 81 0.73% 3 0.14% 791 0.27% Poland
12 70 0.63% 4 0.18% 1065 0.36% Canada
13 69 0.62% 52 2.38% 12278 4.15% France
14 61 0.55% 3 0.14% 284 0.10% Philippines
15 58 0.52% 1 0.05% 864 0.29% Portugal
16 57 0.51% 1 0.05% 611 0.21% Austria
17 57 0.51% 1 0.05% 159 0.05% Sweden
18 56 0.50% 0 0.00% 98 0.03% Bolivia
19 52 0.47% 26 1.19% 2990 1.01% Russian Federation
20 39 0.35% 36 1.65% 4239 1.43% Unresolved/Unknown
21 14 0.13% 14 0.64% 1755 0.59% Japan
22 10 0.09% 5 0.23% 960 0.32% Netherlands
23 7 0.06% 0 0.00% 12 0.00% Korea, Republic of
24 7 0.06% 3 0.14% 256 0.09% Singapore
25 6 0.05% 1 0.05% 69 0.02% Australia
26 6 0.05% 3 0.14% 640 0.22% India
27 4 0.04% 4 0.18% 1601 0.54% Viet Nam
28 3 0.03% 2 0.09% 123 0.04% Croatia

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

10 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - October 2016
Published byHosted
29 3 0.03% 3 0.14% 1288 0.44% Thailand
30 2 0.02% 2 0.09% 524 0.18% Israel

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

11 of 11 10/22/2016 5:36 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2016
Generated 01-Oct-2016 04:26 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2016

Total Hits 16780
Total Files 3669
Total Pages 3933
Total Visits 2019
Total KBytes 435530
Total Unique Sites 1072
Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 258
Total Unique User Agents 378
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 23 511
Hits per Day 559 901
Files per Day 122 216
Pages per Day 131 225
Sites per Day 35 98
Visits per Day 67 93
KBytes per Day 14518 25988
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 21.87% 3669
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.09% 15
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.63% 105
Code 404 - Not Found 77.30% 12971
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 2
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.02% 3
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.09% 15

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

1 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for September 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 556 3.31% 155 4.22% 160 4.07% 74 3.67% 75 7.00% 20099 4.61%

2 510 3.04% 111 3.03% 112 2.85% 68 3.37% 55 5.13% 10892 2.50%

3 514 3.06% 69 1.88% 72 1.83% 52 2.58% 58 5.41% 8647 1.99%

4 716 4.27% 98 2.67% 114 2.90% 71 3.52% 75 7.00% 11381 2.61%

5 726 4.33% 135 3.68% 147 3.74% 63 3.12% 57 5.32% 15893 3.65%

6 748 4.46% 148 4.03% 153 3.89% 59 2.92% 73 6.81% 15575 3.58%

7 549 3.27% 107 2.92% 113 2.87% 82 4.06% 98 9.14% 18913 4.34%

8 678 4.04% 116 3.16% 127 3.23% 76 3.76% 84 7.84% 11149 2.56%

9 361 2.15% 112 3.05% 132 3.36% 82 4.06% 71 6.62% 11893 2.73%

10 286 1.70% 86 2.34% 98 2.49% 65 3.22% 59 5.50% 9610 2.21%

11 901 5.37% 192 5.23% 203 5.16% 72 3.57% 70 6.53% 21352 4.90%

12 576 3.43% 138 3.76% 153 3.89% 91 4.51% 70 6.53% 17387 3.99%

13 362 2.16% 81 2.21% 83 2.11% 51 2.53% 51 4.76% 7954 1.83%

14 490 2.92% 150 4.09% 159 4.04% 74 3.67% 68 6.34% 14100 3.24%

15 661 3.94% 105 2.86% 107 2.72% 65 3.22% 59 5.50% 12041 2.76%

16 508 3.03% 172 4.69% 180 4.58% 69 3.42% 64 5.97% 20108 4.62%

17 238 1.42% 86 2.34% 91 2.31% 63 3.12% 60 5.60% 8715 2.00%

18 168 1.00% 73 1.99% 81 2.06% 57 2.82% 55 5.13% 7854 1.80%

19 633 3.77% 166 4.52% 172 4.37% 57 2.82% 48 4.48% 16800 3.86%

20 511 3.05% 95 2.59% 100 2.54% 42 2.08% 46 4.29% 12074 2.77%

21 772 4.60% 117 3.19% 129 3.28% 65 3.22% 64 5.97% 10486 2.41%

22 687 4.09% 123 3.35% 139 3.53% 67 3.32% 61 5.69% 17954 4.12%

23 704 4.20% 157 4.28% 162 4.12% 66 3.27% 59 5.50% 17600 4.04%

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

2 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
24 585 3.49% 108 2.94% 116 2.95% 59 2.92% 64 5.97% 14564 3.34%

25 223 1.33% 81 2.21% 85 2.16% 55 2.72% 64 5.97% 9534 2.19%

26 599 3.57% 216 5.89% 225 5.72% 78 3.86% 67 6.25% 25988 5.97%

27 839 5.00% 87 2.37% 109 2.77% 68 3.37% 60 5.60% 19234 4.42%

28 273 1.63% 123 3.35% 132 3.36% 61 3.02% 53 4.94% 15515 3.56%

29 828 4.93% 90 2.45% 102 2.59% 75 3.71% 65 6.06% 13435 3.08%

30 578 3.44% 172 4.69% 177 4.50% 93 4.61% 75 7.00% 18784 4.31%

Hourly Statistics for September 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 25 772 4.60% 5 159 4.33% 5 167 4.25% 661 19816 4.55%

1 33 1013 6.04% 6 180 4.91% 6 187 4.75% 817 24496 5.62%

2 22 684 4.08% 5 167 4.55% 5 173 4.40% 585 17545 4.03%

3 23 703 4.19% 5 155 4.22% 5 168 4.27% 631 18924 4.35%

4 15 473 2.82% 4 130 3.54% 4 142 3.61% 454 13615 3.13%

5 9 277 1.65% 5 156 4.25% 5 172 4.37% 519 15582 3.58%

6 20 603 3.59% 5 165 4.50% 6 205 5.21% 562 16855 3.87%

7 19 586 3.49% 5 161 4.39% 5 174 4.42% 625 18756 4.31%

8 10 303 1.81% 3 112 3.05% 3 118 3.00% 504 15122 3.47%

9 28 855 5.10% 6 183 4.99% 6 195 4.96% 733 22003 5.05%

10 18 567 3.38% 3 91 2.48% 3 96 2.44% 319 9559 2.19%

11 25 776 4.62% 5 151 4.12% 5 154 3.92% 585 17547 4.03%

12 39 1190 7.09% 6 195 5.31% 6 203 5.16% 618 18537 4.26%

13 26 790 4.71% 6 194 5.29% 6 204 5.19% 834 25033 5.75%

14 12 383 2.28% 2 89 2.43% 3 98 2.49% 411 12345 2.83%

15 20 622 3.71% 4 122 3.33% 4 130 3.31% 497 14907 3.42%

16 22 670 3.99% 4 135 3.68% 5 153 3.89% 484 14523 3.33%

17 26 802 4.78% 6 181 4.93% 6 192 4.88% 766 22976 5.28%

18 13 390 2.32% 4 134 3.65% 5 156 3.97% 457 13706 3.15%

19 32 983 5.86% 7 230 6.27% 8 240 6.10% 1042 31257 7.18%

20 35 1062 6.33% 5 170 4.63% 5 175 4.45% 634 19008 4.36%

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

3 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
21 20 628 3.74% 3 111 3.03% 4 120 3.05% 518 15550 3.57%

22 25 772 4.60% 3 108 2.94% 3 115 2.92% 460 13786 3.17%

23 29 876 5.22% 6 190 5.18% 6 196 4.98% 803 24085 5.53%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1776 10.58% 105169 24.15% /default.htm
2 187 1.11% 75918 17.43% /gpage30.html
3 147 0.88% 45966 10.55% /index-2.html
4 69 0.41% 7920 1.82% /gpage28.html
5 67 0.40% 38726 8.89% /gpage22.html
6 60 0.36% 5248 1.21% /gpage18.html
7 58 0.35% 5065 1.16% /gpage26.html
8 57 0.34% 2327 0.53% /gpage12.html
9 57 0.34% 5934 1.36% /gpage24.html
10 54 0.32% 12559 2.88% /gpage16.html
11 52 0.31% 2816 0.65% /gpage29.html
12 48 0.29% 3559 0.82% /gpage38.html
13 47 0.28% 10966 2.52% /gpage17.html
14 46 0.27% 3277 0.75% /gpage13.html
15 46 0.27% 6626 1.52% /gpage9.html
16 44 0.26% 2573 0.59% /gpage3.html
17 43 0.26% 1984 0.46% /gpage39.html
18 42 0.25% 5605 1.29% /gpage19.html
19 41 0.24% 5116 1.17% /gpage20.html
20 40 0.24% 4971 1.14% /gpage33.html
21 40 0.24% 5042 1.16% /gpage8.html
22 39 0.23% 408 0.09% /Splash_Screen.html
23 39 0.23% 3917 0.90% /gpage21.html
24 39 0.23% 2418 0.56% /gpage23.html
25 39 0.23% 2101 0.48% /gpage31.html
26 38 0.23% 1577 0.36% /gpage7.html
27 37 0.22% 4559 1.05% /gpage10.html
28 37 0.22% 1788 0.41% /gpage34.html
29 36 0.21% 2823 0.65% /gpage2.html
30 36 0.21% 1225 0.28% /gpage40.html
31 35 0.21% 1309 0.30% /gpage15.html
32 35 0.21% 1585 0.36% /gpage32.html
33 35 0.21% 4773 1.10% /gpage41.html
34 34 0.20% 3548 0.81% /gpage27.html
35 33 0.20% 1901 0.44% /gpage37.html
36 32 0.19% 10215 2.35% /
37 32 0.19% 1351 0.31% /gpage25.html
38 30 0.18% 1087 0.25% /gpage14.html
39 29 0.17% 1862 0.43% /gpage1.html

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73 Saturday
March 10,
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4 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
40 29 0.17% 1292 0.30% /gpage36.html
41 29 0.17% 1173 0.27% /gpage4.html
42 28 0.17% 1262 0.29% /gpage6.html
43 24 0.14% 1028 0.24% /gpage11.html
44 23 0.14% 2291 0.53% /gpage5.html

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1776 10.58% 105169 24.15% /default.htm
2 187 1.11% 75918 17.43% /gpage30.html
3 147 0.88% 45966 10.55% /index-2.html
4 67 0.40% 38726 8.89% /gpage22.html
5 54 0.32% 12559 2.88% /gpage16.html
6 47 0.28% 10966 2.52% /gpage17.html
7 32 0.19% 10215 2.35% /
8 69 0.41% 7920 1.82% /gpage28.html
9 46 0.27% 6626 1.52% /gpage9.html
10 57 0.34% 5934 1.36% /gpage24.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1776 10.58% 1014 52.03% /default.htm
2 187 1.11% 157 8.06% /gpage30.html
3 147 0.88% 109 5.59% /index-2.html
4 69 0.41% 47 2.41% /gpage28.html
5 67 0.40% 38 1.95% /gpage22.html
6 57 0.34% 32 1.64% /gpage12.html
7 60 0.36% 31 1.59% /gpage18.html
8 54 0.32% 30 1.54% /gpage16.html
9 46 0.27% 26 1.33% /gpage13.html
10 37 0.22% 24 1.23% /gpage10.html
11 48 0.29% 24 1.23% /gpage38.html
12 32 0.19% 23 1.18% /
13 42 0.25% 20 1.03% /gpage19.html
14 40 0.24% 20 1.03% /gpage33.html
15 36 0.21% 19 0.97% /gpage2.html
16 46 0.27% 18 0.92% /gpage9.html
17 52 0.31% 17 0.87% /gpage29.html
18 40 0.24% 17 0.87% /gpage8.html
19 47 0.28% 16 0.82% /gpage17.html
20 58 0.35% 16 0.82% /gpage26.html
21 39 0.23% 16 0.82% /gpage31.html
22 39 0.23% 15 0.77% /gpage21.html
23 57 0.34% 15 0.77% /gpage24.html

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
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5 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
24 35 0.21% 14 0.72% /gpage15.html
25 35 0.21% 14 0.72% /gpage41.html
26 39 0.23% 13 0.67% /Splash_Screen.html
27 30 0.18% 12 0.62% /gpage14.html
28 37 0.22% 12 0.62% /gpage34.html
29 39 0.23% 11 0.56% /gpage23.html
30 32 0.19% 11 0.56% /gpage25.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1776 10.58% 997 50.63% /default.htm
2 187 1.11% 149 7.57% /gpage30.html
3 147 0.88% 115 5.84% /index-2.html
4 67 0.40% 42 2.13% /gpage22.html
5 69 0.41% 40 2.03% /gpage28.html
6 60 0.36% 32 1.63% /gpage18.html
7 54 0.32% 28 1.42% /gpage16.html
8 39 0.23% 27 1.37% /Splash_Screen.html
9 46 0.27% 26 1.32% /gpage13.html
10 58 0.35% 26 1.32% /gpage26.html
11 48 0.29% 25 1.27% /gpage38.html
12 46 0.27% 23 1.17% /gpage9.html
13 40 0.24% 22 1.12% /gpage8.html
14 43 0.26% 21 1.07% /gpage39.html
15 32 0.19% 20 1.02% /

Top 50 of 1072 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 715 4.26% 62 1.69% 20689 4.75% 56 2.77%
2 500 2.98% 3 0.08% 2411 0.55% 3 0.15%
3 451 2.69% 7 0.19% 1247 0.29% 1 0.05%
4 446 2.66% 5 0.14% 1297 0.30% 1 0.05%
5 325 1.94% 25 0.68% 8407 1.93% 25 1.24%
6 259 1.54% 2 0.05% 1084 0.25% 1 0.05%
7 246 1.47% 4 0.11% 739 0.17% 2 0.10%
8 232 1.38% 2 0.05% 759 0.17% 3 0.15%
9 191 1.14% 3 0.08% 753 0.17% 1 0.05%
10 174 1.04% 3 0.08% 915 0.21% 1 0.05%
11 165 0.98% 1 0.03% 603 0.14% 1 0.05%
12 163 0.97% 1 0.03% 797 0.18% 1 0.05%
13 157 0.94% 0 0.00% 274 0.06% 1 0.05%
14 129 0.77% 1 0.03% 301 0.07% 1 0.05%
15 127 0.76% 1 0.03% 282 0.06% 1 0.05%
16 123 0.73% 4 0.11% 1203 0.28% 1 0.05%

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

6 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
17 121 0.72% 1 0.03% 271 0.06% 1 0.05%
18 115 0.69% 2 0.05% 319 0.07% 2 0.10%
19 114 0.68% 1 0.03% 513 0.12% 1 0.05%
20 114 0.68% 1 0.03% 257 0.06% 1 0.05%
21 114 0.68% 2 0.05% 311 0.07% 1 0.05%
22 114 0.68% 2 0.05% 770 0.18% 1 0.05%
23 113 0.67% 1 0.03% 315 0.07% 1 0.05%
24 113 0.67% 1 0.03% 290 0.07% 1 0.05%
25 112 0.67% 2 0.05% 962 0.22% 1 0.05%
26 108 0.64% 1 0.03% 248 0.06% 1 0.05%
27 108 0.64% 1 0.03% 248 0.06% 1 0.05%
28 107 0.64% 1 0.03% 699 0.16% 1 0.05%
29 90 0.54% 90 2.45% 5461 1.25% 15 0.74%
30 82 0.49% 1 0.03% 203 0.05% 1 0.05%
31 79 0.47% 79 2.15% 4793 1.10% 23 1.14%
32 78 0.46% 78 2.13% 18688 4.29% 76 3.76%
33 77 0.46% 77 2.10% 4672 1.07% 27 1.34%
34 77 0.46% 1 0.03% 194 0.04% 1 0.05%
35 69 0.41% 69 1.88% 4187 0.96% 23 1.14%
36 69 0.41% 69 1.88% 4187 0.96% 8 0.40%
37 68 0.41% 1 0.03% 631 0.14% 1 0.05%
38 67 0.40% 2 0.05% 625 0.14% 1 0.05%
39 66 0.39% 1 0.03% 175 0.04% 1 0.05%
40 66 0.39% 1 0.03% 168 0.04% 1 0.05%
41 64 0.38% 64 1.74% 3883 0.89% 15 0.74%
42 64 0.38% 1 0.03% 624 0.14% 1 0.05%
43 63 0.38% 1 0.03% 622 0.14% 1 0.05%
44 63 0.38% 1 0.03% 266 0.06% 1 0.05%
45 62 0.37% 1 0.03% 620 0.14% 1 0.05%
46 62 0.37% 1 0.03% 620 0.14% 1 0.05%
47 62 0.37% 1 0.03% 265 0.06% 1 0.05%
48 61 0.36% 1 0.03% 420 0.10% 1 0.05%
49 61 0.36% 1 0.03% 618 0.14% 1 0.05%
50 61 0.36% 1 0.03% 420 0.10% 1 0.05%

Top 10 of 1072 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 715 4.26% 62 1.69% 20689 4.75% 56 2.77%
2 78 0.46% 78 2.13% 18688 4.29% 76 3.76%
3 325 1.94% 25 0.68% 8407 1.93% 25 1.24%
4 57 0.34% 53 1.44% 6118 1.40% 1 0.05%
5 52 0.31% 48 1.31% 5743 1.32% 1 0.05%
6 90 0.54% 90 2.45% 5461 1.25% 15 0.74%
7 52 0.31% 48 1.31% 5002 1.15% 2 0.10%
8 45 0.27% 44 1.20% 4967 1.14% 1 0.05%

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

7 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
9 79 0.47% 79 2.15% 4793 1.10% 23 1.14%
10 77 0.46% 77 2.10% 4672 1.07% 27 1.34%

Top 50 of 258 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 43 0.26%
2 23 0.14%
3 16 0.10%
4 15 0.09%
5 15 0.09%
6 15 0.09%
7 15 0.09%
8 13 0.08%
9 13 0.08%
10 12 0.07%
11 12 0.07%
12 12 0.07%
13 12 0.07%
14 11 0.07%
15 11 0.07%
16 11 0.07%
17 11 0.07%
18 11 0.07%
19 10 0.06%
20 10 0.06%
21 10 0.06%
22 9 0.05%
23 9 0.05%
24 9 0.05%
25 9 0.05%
26 9 0.05%
27 9 0.05%
28 9 0.05%
29 9 0.05%
30 9 0.05%
31 9 0.05%
32 9 0.05%
33 9 0.05%
34 9 0.05%
35 9 0.05%
36 9 0.05%
37 9 0.05%
38 9 0.05% http://xn----7sbaphztdjeboffeiof6c.xn--p1ai/
39 9 0.05% http://xn--80aaomkdl5amcy.xn--p1ai/
40 9 0.05% http://xn--80ajbshivpvn2i.xn--p1ai/

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

8 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
41 9 0.05% http://xn--h1aakne2ba.xn--p1ai/
42 8 0.05%
43 8 0.05%
44 8 0.05%
45 7 0.04%
46 7 0.04%
47 7 0.04%
48 7 0.04%
49 7 0.04%
50 7 0.04% http://xn--b1ag5cfn.xn--p1ai/

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% how to develop unconscious mind in amemed iq
2 1 50.00% post office box experiment joint circuit in lab

Top 30 of 378 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 9200 54.83% Safari (OSX)
2 4413 26.30% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 706 4.21% Firefox Unknown Version
4 545 3.25% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
5 401 2.39% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
6 336 2.00% Spider:
7 259 1.54% Opera
8 149 0.89% Firefox 3
9 126 0.75% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
10 105 0.63% bhcBot
11 67 0.40% Spider:
12 50 0.30% newspaper/0.1.7
13 44 0.26% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
14 39 0.23% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
15 37 0.22% Internet Explorer
16 32 0.19% Netscape
17 32 0.19% ltx71 - (
18 27 0.16% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
19 23 0.14% Twitterbot/1.0
20 21 0.13% Internet Explorer 4.01
21 16 0.10% Spider:
22 10 0.06% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
23 9 0.05% Firefox 2
24 7 0.04% Spider:
25 7 0.04% rogerbot/1.0 (,
26 6 0.04% Internet Explorer 5.01

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

9 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
27 6 0.04% MetaURI API/2.0
28 5 0.03% Netscape 4.7
29 4 0.02% btcrawler
30 4 0.02% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+

Top 30 of 52 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 10064 59.98% 1588 43.28% 223624 51.35% United States
2 1376 8.20% 131 3.57% 18860 4.33% Great Britain (UK)
3 1074 6.40% 926 25.24% 57942 13.30% Ukraine
4 867 5.17% 21 0.57% 3160 0.73% Brazil
5 519 3.09% 3 0.08% 1184 0.27% Czech Republic
6 518 3.09% 404 11.01% 43993 10.10% China
7 415 2.47% 177 4.82% 18419 4.23% Germany
8 312 1.86% 6 0.16% 1998 0.46% India
9 205 1.22% 73 1.99% 11330 2.60% Unresolved/Unknown
10 179 1.07% 154 4.20% 26971 6.19% France
11 173 1.03% 5 0.14% 1051 0.24% Argentina
12 141 0.84% 9 0.25% 1264 0.29% Netherlands
13 117 0.70% 2 0.05% 791 0.18% European Union
14 112 0.67% 2 0.05% 962 0.22% Belgium
15 111 0.66% 2 0.05% 312 0.07% Mexico
16 78 0.46% 41 1.12% 3184 0.73% Russian Federation
17 60 0.36% 4 0.11% 1889 0.43% Pakistan
18 59 0.35% 2 0.05% 733 0.17% Sweden
19 58 0.35% 2 0.05% 220 0.05% Philippines
20 58 0.35% 1 0.03% 157 0.04% Thailand
21 54 0.32% 1 0.03% 606 0.14% Hungary
22 48 0.29% 1 0.03% 143 0.03% Serbia
23 41 0.24% 40 1.09% 4684 1.08% Dominica

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

10 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - Septembe...
Published byHosted
24 18 0.11% 15 0.41% 1414 0.32% Canada
25 18 0.11% 6 0.16% 709 0.16% Italy
26 14 0.08% 3 0.08% 333 0.08% Indonesia
27 14 0.08% 12 0.33% 1124 0.26% Ireland
28 7 0.04% 0 0.00% 12 0.00% Poland
29 7 0.04% 5 0.14% 1014 0.23% Romania
30 6 0.04% 5 0.14% 305 0.07% Switzerland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

11 of 11 10/22/2016 5:38 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2016
Generated 01-Sep-2016 04:21 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2016

Total Hits 26977
Total Files 4067
Total Pages 4406
Total Visits 2090
Total KBytes 504017
Total Unique Sites 1091
Total Unique URLs 45
Total Unique Referrers 304
Total Unique User Agents 487
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 36 5065
Hits per Day 870 5779
Files per Day 131 368
Pages per Day 142 408
Sites per Day 35 96
Visits per Day 67 105
KBytes per Day 16259 42334
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 15.08% 4067
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.16% 43
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.38% 102
Code 404 - Not Found 84.29% 22738
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.01% 2
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.09% 24

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

1 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for August 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 590 2.19% 185 4.55% 192 4.36% 61 2.92% 55 5.04% 25142 4.99%

2 5779 21.42% 257 6.32% 268 6.08% 105 5.02% 95 8.71% 41246 8.18%

3 1713 6.35% 89 2.19% 117 2.66% 68 3.25% 61 5.59% 13037 2.59%

4 1903 7.05% 200 4.92% 211 4.79% 96 4.59% 80 7.33% 30313 6.01%

5 832 3.08% 119 2.93% 123 2.79% 73 3.49% 64 5.87% 13576 2.69%

6 337 1.25% 124 3.05% 131 2.97% 55 2.63% 44 4.03% 15008 2.98%

7 238 0.88% 91 2.24% 105 2.38% 63 3.01% 49 4.49% 8181 1.62%

8 821 3.04% 77 1.89% 87 1.97% 61 2.92% 57 5.22% 10759 2.13%

9 926 3.43% 92 2.26% 100 2.27% 63 3.01% 55 5.04% 10877 2.16%

10 689 2.55% 143 3.52% 148 3.36% 58 2.78% 46 4.22% 19210 3.81%

11 382 1.42% 86 2.11% 96 2.18% 51 2.44% 48 4.40% 8497 1.69%

12 345 1.28% 88 2.16% 93 2.11% 72 3.44% 64 5.87% 9771 1.94%

13 508 1.88% 90 2.21% 95 2.16% 59 2.82% 56 5.13% 10012 1.99%

14 289 1.07% 106 2.61% 113 2.56% 50 2.39% 50 4.58% 11716 2.32%

15 493 1.83% 118 2.90% 121 2.75% 68 3.25% 59 5.41% 15144 3.00%

16 498 1.85% 107 2.63% 118 2.68% 62 2.97% 57 5.22% 12969 2.57%

17 556 2.06% 128 3.15% 148 3.36% 63 3.01% 50 4.58% 15869 3.15%

18 467 1.73% 130 3.20% 144 3.27% 64 3.06% 62 5.68% 13942 2.77%

19 546 2.02% 111 2.73% 116 2.63% 65 3.11% 63 5.77% 11795 2.34%

20 709 2.63% 139 3.42% 151 3.43% 57 2.73% 53 4.86% 16748 3.32%

21 272 1.01% 78 1.92% 84 1.91% 54 2.58% 48 4.40% 8047 1.60%

22 1183 4.39% 105 2.58% 109 2.47% 61 2.92% 53 4.86% 12989 2.58%

23 600 2.22% 150 3.69% 156 3.54% 82 3.92% 75 6.87% 24238 4.81%

24 2067 7.66% 181 4.45% 196 4.45% 93 4.45% 96 8.80% 22873 4.54%

25 406 1.50% 108 2.66% 113 2.56% 63 3.01% 71 6.51% 10740 2.13%

26 645 2.39% 106 2.61% 117 2.66% 70 3.35% 63 5.77% 14340 2.85%

27 333 1.23% 169 4.16% 184 4.18% 65 3.11% 72 6.60% 19838 3.94%

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73 Saturday
March 10,
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2 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
28 339 1.26% 137 3.37% 146 3.31% 80 3.83% 55 5.04% 15301 3.04%

29 305 1.13% 87 2.14% 109 2.47% 65 3.11% 60 5.50% 8628 1.71%

30 1186 4.40% 98 2.41% 107 2.43% 60 2.87% 53 4.86% 10877 2.16%

31 1020 3.78% 368 9.05% 408 9.26% 84 4.02% 83 7.61% 42334 8.40%

Hourly Statistics for August 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 34 1079 4.00% 6 187 4.60% 6 215 4.88% 709 21972 4.36%

1 27 853 3.16% 4 147 3.61% 5 162 3.68% 606 18800 3.73%

2 36 1132 4.20% 4 132 3.25% 4 140 3.18% 606 18789 3.73%

3 22 708 2.62% 4 140 3.44% 4 150 3.40% 644 19953 3.96%

4 23 721 2.67% 5 155 3.81% 5 164 3.72% 704 21816 4.33%

5 9 296 1.10% 5 172 4.23% 5 178 4.04% 618 19163 3.80%

6 14 449 1.66% 4 147 3.61% 5 158 3.59% 546 16924 3.36%

7 10 320 1.19% 3 101 2.48% 3 108 2.45% 345 10705 2.12%

8 13 422 1.56% 7 233 5.73% 8 260 5.90% 900 27895 5.53%

9 7 241 0.89% 2 75 1.84% 2 87 1.97% 287 8889 1.76%

10 10 314 1.16% 3 120 2.95% 4 133 3.02% 390 12086 2.40%

11 29 925 3.43% 5 168 4.13% 5 173 3.93% 698 21638 4.29%

12 41 1279 4.74% 7 242 5.95% 8 252 5.72% 871 26992 5.36%

13 30 946 3.51% 3 122 3.00% 4 139 3.15% 577 17893 3.55%

14 21 675 2.50% 6 198 4.87% 6 214 4.86% 757 23472 4.66%

15 39 1230 4.56% 4 149 3.66% 5 170 3.86% 510 15801 3.14%

16 22 704 2.61% 3 118 2.90% 4 128 2.91% 450 13945 2.77%

17 69 2159 8.00% 6 200 4.92% 6 208 4.72% 842 26095 5.18%

18 55 1728 6.41% 6 206 5.07% 7 221 5.02% 859 26625 5.28%

19 60 1861 6.90% 5 178 4.38% 6 195 4.43% 815 25267 5.01%

20 31 961 3.56% 8 248 6.10% 8 265 6.01% 798 24729 4.91%

21 33 1035 3.84% 6 192 4.72% 6 208 4.72% 718 22244 4.41%

22 34 1082 4.01% 4 127 3.12% 4 136 3.09% 556 17225 3.42%

23 188 5857 21.71% 10 310 7.62% 11 342 7.76% 1455 45099 8.95%

Top 45 of 45 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

3 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
1 1834 6.80% 108242 21.48% /default.htm
2 283 1.05% 114653 22.75% /gpage30.html
3 98 0.36% 29634 5.88% /index-2.html
4 85 0.32% 9840 1.95% /gpage28.html
5 74 0.27% 5294 1.05% /gpage38.html
6 70 0.26% 6094 1.21% /gpage26.html
7 68 0.25% 35440 7.03% /gpage22.html
8 64 0.24% 2999 0.60% /gpage39.html
9 60 0.22% 6373 1.26% /gpage24.html
10 59 0.22% 3037 0.60% /gpage29.html
11 58 0.21% 2993 0.59% /gpage34.html
12 58 0.21% 8267 1.64% /gpage41.html
13 57 0.21% 8897 1.77% /gpage9.html
14 56 0.21% 7474 1.48% /gpage19.html
15 55 0.20% 573 0.11% /Splash_Screen.html
16 55 0.20% 3185 0.63% /gpage3.html
17 55 0.20% 6852 1.36% /gpage8.html
18 54 0.20% 13791 2.74% /gpage17.html
19 54 0.20% 6985 1.39% /gpage33.html
20 52 0.19% 3807 0.76% /gpage13.html
21 50 0.19% 11534 2.29% /gpage16.html
22 50 0.19% 5054 1.00% /gpage27.html
23 49 0.18% 2068 0.41% /gpage12.html
24 49 0.18% 2094 0.42% /gpage36.html
25 48 0.18% 6327 1.26% /gpage20.html
26 48 0.18% 4976 0.99% /gpage21.html
27 47 0.17% 2136 0.42% /gpage6.html
28 46 0.17% 3487 0.69% /gpage2.html
29 46 0.17% 2499 0.50% /gpage31.html
30 44 0.16% 1717 0.34% /gpage15.html
31 43 0.16% 1957 0.39% /gpage25.html
32 41 0.15% 5211 1.03% /gpage10.html
33 41 0.15% 2686 0.53% /gpage23.html
34 41 0.15% 1980 0.39% /gpage32.html
35 41 0.15% 2533 0.50% /gpage37.html
36 40 0.15% 1577 0.31% /gpage7.html
37 35 0.13% 1615 0.32% /gpage11.html
38 34 0.13% 2207 0.44% /gpage1.html
39 31 0.11% 9518 1.89% /
40 30 0.11% 1113 0.22% /gpage40.html
41 29 0.11% 3125 0.62% /gpage18.html
42 29 0.11% 1216 0.24% /gpage4.html
43 26 0.10% 1006 0.20% /gpage14.html
44 23 0.09% 2083 0.41% /gpage5.html
45 2 0.01% 22 0.00% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 45 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 283 1.05% 114653 22.75% /gpage30.html
2 1834 6.80% 108242 21.48% /default.htm
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73 Saturday
March 10,
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4 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
3 68 0.25% 35440 7.03% /gpage22.html
4 98 0.36% 29634 5.88% /index-2.html
5 54 0.20% 13791 2.74% /gpage17.html
6 50 0.19% 11534 2.29% /gpage16.html
7 85 0.32% 9840 1.95% /gpage28.html
8 31 0.11% 9518 1.89% /
9 57 0.21% 8897 1.77% /gpage9.html
10 58 0.21% 8267 1.64% /gpage41.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1834 6.80% 1102 54.77% /default.htm
2 283 1.05% 231 11.48% /gpage30.html
3 98 0.36% 50 2.49% /index-2.html
4 85 0.32% 49 2.44% /gpage28.html
5 68 0.25% 38 1.89% /gpage22.html
6 49 0.18% 29 1.44% /gpage12.html
7 56 0.21% 24 1.19% /gpage19.html
8 74 0.27% 23 1.14% /gpage38.html
9 44 0.16% 22 1.09% /gpage15.html
10 31 0.11% 21 1.04% /
11 54 0.20% 21 1.04% /gpage17.html
12 48 0.18% 21 1.04% /gpage21.html
13 52 0.19% 20 0.99% /gpage13.html
14 59 0.22% 20 0.99% /gpage29.html
15 46 0.17% 19 0.94% /gpage2.html
16 50 0.19% 18 0.89% /gpage16.html
17 54 0.20% 18 0.89% /gpage33.html
18 58 0.21% 18 0.89% /gpage41.html
19 70 0.26% 17 0.84% /gpage26.html
20 55 0.20% 16 0.80% /gpage3.html
21 48 0.18% 15 0.75% /gpage20.html
22 46 0.17% 15 0.75% /gpage31.html
23 55 0.20% 14 0.70% /gpage8.html
24 55 0.20% 13 0.65% /Splash_Screen.html
25 41 0.15% 13 0.65% /gpage10.html
26 35 0.13% 13 0.65% /gpage11.html
27 50 0.19% 13 0.65% /gpage27.html
28 57 0.21% 13 0.65% /gpage9.html
29 41 0.15% 12 0.60% /gpage23.html
30 43 0.16% 12 0.60% /gpage25.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1834 6.80% 1086 53.21% /default.htm
2 283 1.05% 210 10.29% /gpage30.html
3 98 0.36% 54 2.65% /index-2.html
4 85 0.32% 42 2.06% /gpage28.html

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73 Saturday
March 10,
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5 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
5 68 0.25% 39 1.91% /gpage22.html
6 55 0.20% 35 1.71% /Splash_Screen.html
7 70 0.26% 28 1.37% /gpage26.html
8 56 0.21% 26 1.27% /gpage19.html
9 31 0.11% 25 1.22% /
10 55 0.20% 23 1.13% /gpage8.html
11 58 0.21% 21 1.03% /gpage41.html
12 57 0.21% 21 1.03% /gpage9.html
13 52 0.19% 20 0.98% /gpage13.html
14 54 0.20% 20 0.98% /gpage33.html
15 44 0.16% 19 0.93% /gpage15.html

Top 50 of 1091 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 605 2.24% 11 0.27% 2482 0.49% 1 0.05%
2 599 2.22% 6 0.15% 1785 0.35% 2 0.10%
3 583 2.16% 6 0.15% 1445 0.29% 1 0.05%
4 485 1.80% 8 0.20% 1386 0.28% 1 0.05%
5 448 1.66% 3 0.07% 941 0.19% 1 0.05%
6 435 1.61% 5 0.12% 1504 0.30% 4 0.19%
7 370 1.37% 3 0.07% 1002 0.20% 1 0.05%
8 369 1.37% 6 0.15% 1117 0.22% 1 0.05%
9 339 1.26% 5 0.12% 827 0.16% 1 0.05%
10 338 1.25% 2 0.05% 1163 0.23% 1 0.05%
11 294 1.09% 5 0.12% 913 0.18% 1 0.05%
12 291 1.08% 5 0.12% 1536 0.30% 1 0.05%
13 273 1.01% 2 0.05% 638 0.13% 1 0.05%
14 240 0.89% 6 0.15% 744 0.15% 2 0.10%
15 238 0.88% 4 0.10% 821 0.16% 1 0.05%
16 237 0.88% 4 0.10% 751 0.15% 1 0.05%
17 236 0.87% 4 0.10% 839 0.17% 1 0.05%
18 236 0.87% 4 0.10% 667 0.13% 1 0.05%
19 236 0.87% 4 0.10% 635 0.13% 1 0.05%
20 236 0.87% 4 0.10% 718 0.14% 1 0.05%
21 235 0.87% 4 0.10% 1392 0.28% 1 0.05%
22 224 0.83% 3 0.07% 861 0.17% 1 0.05%
23 219 0.81% 3 0.07% 532 0.11% 1 0.05%
24 205 0.76% 87 2.14% 10344 2.05% 1 0.05%
25 198 0.73% 6 0.15% 653 0.13% 1 0.05%
26 193 0.72% 2 0.05% 698 0.14% 1 0.05%
27 186 0.69% 2 0.05% 508 0.10% 1 0.05%
28 186 0.69% 4 0.10% 749 0.15% 1 0.05%
29 182 0.67% 22 0.54% 7216 1.43% 22 1.05%
30 179 0.66% 3 0.07% 815 0.16% 1 0.05%
31 179 0.66% 3 0.07% 942 0.19% 1 0.05%
32 178 0.66% 3 0.07% 759 0.15% 1 0.05%
33 177 0.66% 3 0.07% 934 0.19% 1 0.05%
34 176 0.65% 3 0.07% 571 0.11% 1 0.05%
35 176 0.65% 3 0.07% 994 0.20% 2 0.10%
36 174 0.64% 3 0.07% 736 0.15% 2 0.10%
Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
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6 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
37 173 0.64% 3 0.07% 506 0.10% 1 0.05%
38 169 0.63% 4 0.10% 1105 0.22% 1 0.05%
39 160 0.59% 1 0.02% 339 0.07% 1 0.05%
40 160 0.59% 1 0.02% 792 0.16% 1 0.05%
41 143 0.53% 2 0.05% 623 0.12% 1 0.05%
42 133 0.49% 3 0.07% 437 0.09% 1 0.05%
43 132 0.49% 2 0.05% 364 0.07% 1 0.05%
44 126 0.47% 2 0.05% 509 0.10% 1 0.05%
45 124 0.46% 5 0.12% 681 0.14% 1 0.05%
46 119 0.44% 2 0.05% 581 0.12% 1 0.05%
47 118 0.44% 2 0.05% 1037 0.21% 1 0.05%
48 118 0.44% 2 0.05% 416 0.08% 1 0.05%
49 118 0.44% 2 0.05% 385 0.08% 1 0.05%
50 118 0.44% 2 0.05% 522 0.10% 1 0.05%

Top 10 of 1091 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 91 0.34% 91 2.24% 22927 4.55% 88 4.21%
2 205 0.76% 87 2.14% 10344 2.05% 1 0.05%
3 105 0.39% 90 2.21% 9341 1.85% 1 0.05%
4 68 0.25% 63 1.55% 9015 1.79% 1 0.05%
5 182 0.67% 22 0.54% 7216 1.43% 22 1.05%
6 66 0.24% 63 1.55% 7055 1.40% 2 0.10%
7 89 0.33% 89 2.19% 5400 1.07% 26 1.24%
8 88 0.33% 88 2.16% 5339 1.06% 22 1.05%
9 86 0.32% 86 2.11% 5218 1.04% 21 1.00%
10 111 0.41% 43 1.06% 5207 1.03% 1 0.05%

Top 50 of 304 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 72 0.27%
2 61 0.23%
3 17 0.06%
4 14 0.05%
5 14 0.05%
6 14 0.05%
7 13 0.05%
8 13 0.05%
9 12 0.04%
10 12 0.04%
11 12 0.04%
12 12 0.04%
13 12 0.04%
14 11 0.04%
15 11 0.04%
16 11 0.04%
17 11 0.04%
18 10 0.04%

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

7 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
19 10 0.04%
20 10 0.04%
21 10 0.04%
22 10 0.04% http://xn--80aaagvmjabrs1aoc9luc.xn--p1ai/
23 10 0.04%
24 9 0.03%
25 9 0.03%
26 9 0.03%
27 9 0.03%
28 9 0.03%
29 9 0.03%
30 9 0.03%
31 9 0.03%
32 9 0.03% http://xn-----8kcatubaocd1bneepefojs1h2e.xn--p1ai/
33 9 0.03% http://xn----7sbahjd3btneuw1joc.xn--p1ai/
34 9 0.03% http://xn----7sbaphztdjeboffeiof6c.xn--p1ai/
35 8 0.03%
36 8 0.03%
37 8 0.03%
38 8 0.03%
39 8 0.03%
40 8 0.03%
41 8 0.03%
42 8 0.03%
43 8 0.03%
44 8 0.03%
45 8 0.03% http://xn--80aebbcbcdemfkhba4byaehoejh8dza3v.xn--p1ai/
46 8 0.03%
47 7 0.03%
48 7 0.03%
49 7 0.03%
50 7 0.03%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% documentary -youtube. united states suppressed secret -david
2 1 50.00% i no 97 mmpistan ring sige

Top 30 of 487 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 16499 61.16% Safari (OSX)
2 5339 19.79% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 2747 10.18% Firefox Unknown Version
4 515 1.91% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
5 216 0.80% Spider:
6 203 0.75% Opera
7 194 0.72% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
8 190 0.70% Netscape

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73 Saturday
March 10,
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8 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
9 188 0.70% Firefox 3
10 135 0.50% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
11 87 0.32% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
12 82 0.30% Spider:
13 75 0.28% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
14 68 0.25%
15 50 0.19% newspaper/0.1.7
16 47 0.17% NextGenSearchBot 1 (for information visit
17 41 0.15% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
18 39 0.14% Internet Explorer
19 37 0.14% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
20 21 0.08% Twitterbot/1.0
21 15 0.06% Firefox 2
22 13 0.05% Programming: curl library (PHP)
23 11 0.04% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
24 9 0.03% Spider:
25 8 0.03% Internet Explorer 5.01
26 8 0.03% MetaURI API/2.0
27 7 0.03% SpamBot: Pretends to be Mozilla 3.0
28 7 0.03% Spider:
29 6 0.02% }__test|O:21:"JDatabaseDriverMysqli":3:{s:2:"fc";O:17:"JSimplepieFactory":0:{}s:21:"\0\0\0disconnectHandlers";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i
30 4 0.01% Bot

Top 30 of 46 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 22353 82.86% 1923 47.28% 265011 52.58% United States
2 921 3.41% 911 22.40% 56575 11.22% Ukraine
3 513 1.90% 421 10.35% 50211 9.96% China
4 412 1.53% 285 7.01% 30309 6.01% Germany
5 383 1.42% 49 1.20% 9688 1.92% Unresolved/Unknown
6 287 1.06% 75 1.84% 10069 2.00% Great Britain (UK)
7 278 1.03% 2 0.05% 1180 0.23% Czech Republic
8 250 0.93% 175 4.30% 35342 7.01% France
9 234 0.87% 7 0.17% 2103 0.42% India

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

9 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
10 198 0.73% 22 0.54% 4523 0.90% Canada
11 181 0.67% 8 0.20% 1694 0.34% Brazil
12 176 0.65% 4 0.10% 1547 0.31% Australia
13 173 0.64% 44 1.08% 5827 1.16% Israel
14 70 0.26% 10 0.25% 1201 0.24% Netherlands
15 69 0.26% 4 0.10% 746 0.15% Switzerland
16 65 0.24% 2 0.05% 621 0.12% Austria
17 65 0.24% 6 0.15% 1379 0.27% Pakistan
18 56 0.21% 1 0.02% 157 0.03% Mexico
19 55 0.20% 1 0.02% 155 0.03% Peru
20 45 0.17% 43 1.06% 4876 0.97% Dominica
21 45 0.17% 23 0.57% 3619 0.72% Italy
22 42 0.16% 19 0.47% 3441 0.68% Russian Federation
23 18 0.07% 16 0.39% 4406 0.87% Romania
24 14 0.05% 14 0.34% 2322 0.46% Japan
25 12 0.04% 7 0.17% 478 0.09% Philippines
26 7 0.03% 1 0.02% 70 0.01% Ireland
27 7 0.03% 5 0.12% 710 0.14% Sweden
28 6 0.02% 4 0.10% 714 0.14% Korea, Republic of
29 6 0.02% 4 0.10% 1152 0.23% Serbia
30 4 0.01% 2 0.05% 125 0.02% Argentina

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
73 Saturday
March 10,
22, 2017
12, 2016

10 of 10 10/8/2016 5:08 AM
Usage Statistics for - Summary...
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary by Month
Generated 18-Aug-2016 07:25 GMT

Summary by Month
Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Aug 2016 994 123 133 66 617 271328 1127 2266 2100 16899
Jul 2016 694 126 141 68 1163 514193 2133 4377 3926 21516
Jun 2016 771 111 118 65 1148 445134 1967 3568 3349 23141
May 2016 891 115 128 68 1230 476902 2125 3978 3587 27639
Apr 2016 1407 117 514 64 1395 493708 1939 15446 3529 42228
Mar 2016 865 108 116 64 1236 427679 1998 3612 3375 26821
Feb 2016 707 104 119 68 1232 375237 2000 3461 3034 20504
Jan 2016 618 107 116 61 1178 394540 1897 3596 3325 19186
2016 3398721 15186 40304 26225 197934
Dec 2015 617 95 105 56 1011 382131 1766 3262 2975 19132
Nov 2015 328 71 84 47 906 257996 1414 2538 2158 9868
Oct 2015 312 48 55 41 424 70549 539 716 626 4060
2015 710676 3719 6516 5759 33060
Totals 4109397 18905 46820 31984 230994

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

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1 of
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

1 of 1 8/18/2016 2:55 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2016
Generated 18-Aug-2016 05:26 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2016

Total Hits 16899
Total Files 2100
Total Pages 2266
Total Visits 1127
Total KBytes 271328
Total Unique Sites 617
Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 226
Total Unique User Agents 323
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 41 5065
Hits per Day 994 5779
Files per Day 123 257
Pages per Day 133 268
Sites per Day 36 95
Visits per Day 66 105
KBytes per Day 15960 41246
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 12.43% 2100
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.12% 21
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.37% 63
Code 404 - Not Found 87.05% 14710
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.01% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 4

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2 of
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

1 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for August 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 590 3.49% 185 8.81% 192 8.47% 61 5.41% 55 8.91% 25142 9.27%

2 5779 34.20% 257 12.24% 268 11.83% 105 9.32% 95 15.40% 41246 15.20%

3 1713 10.14% 89 4.24% 117 5.16% 68 6.03% 61 9.89% 13037 4.81%

4 1903 11.26% 200 9.52% 211 9.31% 96 8.52% 80 12.97% 30313 11.17%

5 832 4.92% 119 5.67% 123 5.43% 73 6.48% 64 10.37% 13576 5.00%

6 337 1.99% 124 5.90% 131 5.78% 55 4.88% 44 7.13% 15008 5.53%

7 238 1.41% 91 4.33% 105 4.63% 63 5.59% 49 7.94% 8181 3.02%

8 821 4.86% 77 3.67% 87 3.84% 61 5.41% 57 9.24% 10759 3.97%

9 926 5.48% 92 4.38% 100 4.41% 63 5.59% 55 8.91% 10877 4.01%

10 689 4.08% 143 6.81% 148 6.53% 58 5.15% 46 7.46% 19210 7.08%

11 382 2.26% 86 4.10% 96 4.24% 51 4.53% 48 7.78% 8497 3.13%

12 345 2.04% 88 4.19% 93 4.10% 72 6.39% 64 10.37% 9771 3.60%

13 508 3.01% 90 4.29% 95 4.19% 59 5.24% 56 9.08% 10012 3.69%

14 289 1.71% 106 5.05% 113 4.99% 50 4.44% 50 8.10% 11716 4.32%

15 493 2.92% 118 5.62% 121 5.34% 68 6.03% 59 9.56% 15144 5.58%

16 498 2.95% 107 5.10% 118 5.21% 62 5.50% 57 9.24% 12969 4.78%

17 556 3.29% 128 6.10% 148 6.53% 63 5.59% 50 8.10% 15869 5.85%

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73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

2 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted

Hourly Statistics for August 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 25 430 2.54% 4 84 4.00% 6 106 4.68% 576 9794 3.61%

1 28 477 2.82% 6 106 5.05% 6 113 4.99% 746 12683 4.67%

2 39 679 4.02% 2 45 2.14% 2 48 2.12% 460 7818 2.88%

3 32 545 3.23% 3 54 2.57% 3 58 2.56% 565 9609 3.54%

4 15 270 1.60% 4 82 3.90% 5 86 3.80% 615 10450 3.85%

5 7 123 0.73% 3 54 2.57% 3 55 2.43% 327 5552 2.05%

6 9 154 0.91% 2 49 2.33% 3 51 2.25% 239 4069 1.50%

7 8 138 0.82% 2 49 2.33% 3 52 2.29% 272 4621 1.70%

8 15 261 1.54% 6 106 5.05% 6 113 4.99% 863 14665 5.40%

9 4 80 0.47% 3 51 2.43% 3 56 2.47% 248 4213 1.55%

10 7 119 0.70% 4 68 3.24% 4 73 3.22% 459 7806 2.88%

11 32 550 3.25% 4 76 3.62% 4 79 3.49% 575 9772 3.60%

12 44 753 4.46% 8 140 6.67% 8 146 6.44% 873 14847 5.47%

13 51 883 5.23% 5 85 4.05% 5 100 4.41% 767 13034 4.80%

14 34 585 3.46% 7 132 6.29% 8 141 6.22% 1020 17332 6.39%

15 22 382 2.26% 3 62 2.95% 4 72 3.18% 442 7514 2.77%

16 21 361 2.14% 3 60 2.86% 3 63 2.78% 416 7070 2.61%

17 101 1719 10.17% 4 71 3.38% 4 74 3.27% 610 10369 3.82%

18 44 755 4.47% 4 79 3.76% 5 88 3.88% 632 10744 3.96%

19 39 679 4.02% 5 90 4.29% 5 98 4.32% 817 13888 5.12%

20 35 597 3.53% 6 114 5.43% 7 121 5.34% 689 11713 4.32%

21 33 573 3.39% 7 123 5.86% 7 134 5.91% 869 14766 5.44%

22 17 296 1.75% 4 69 3.29% 4 74 3.27% 579 9842 3.63%

23 322 5490 32.49% 14 251 11.95% 15 265 11.69% 2303 39156 14.43%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 865 5.12% 51149 18.85% /default.htm
2 146 0.86% 56562 20.85% /gpage30.html
3 54 0.32% 16142 5.95% /index-2.html
4 51 0.30% 6000 2.21% /gpage28.html
5 40 0.24% 22241 8.20% /gpage22.html
6 40 0.24% 3374 1.24% /gpage26.html

Stats Page
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73 Saturday
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3 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
7 39 0.23% 2795 1.03% /gpage38.html
8 36 0.21% 1693 0.62% /gpage39.html
9 34 0.20% 1822 0.67% /gpage29.html
10 33 0.20% 3516 1.30% /gpage24.html
11 33 0.20% 1899 0.70% /gpage3.html
12 32 0.19% 2359 0.87% /gpage13.html
13 32 0.19% 4168 1.54% /gpage19.html
14 31 0.18% 6969 2.57% /gpage16.html
15 31 0.18% 1537 0.57% /gpage34.html
16 30 0.18% 3904 1.44% /gpage20.html
17 30 0.18% 4240 1.56% /gpage41.html
18 30 0.18% 3749 1.38% /gpage8.html
19 29 0.17% 2964 1.09% /gpage21.html
20 29 0.17% 3761 1.39% /gpage33.html
21 28 0.17% 1206 0.44% /gpage12.html
22 28 0.17% 2076 0.77% /gpage2.html
23 28 0.17% 4417 1.63% /gpage9.html
24 27 0.16% 6896 2.54% /gpage17.html
25 26 0.15% 276 0.10% /Splash_Screen.html
26 26 0.15% 1420 0.52% /gpage31.html
27 26 0.15% 1114 0.41% /gpage36.html
28 26 0.15% 1213 0.45% /gpage6.html
29 26 0.15% 1008 0.37% /gpage7.html
30 23 0.14% 6996 2.58% /
31 23 0.14% 2866 1.06% /gpage10.html
32 23 0.14% 900 0.33% /gpage15.html
33 23 0.14% 1478 0.54% /gpage23.html
34 22 0.13% 1448 0.53% /gpage1.html
35 22 0.13% 1040 0.38% /gpage32.html
36 21 0.12% 1027 0.38% /gpage11.html
37 21 0.12% 932 0.34% /gpage25.html
38 21 0.12% 2150 0.79% /gpage27.html
39 21 0.12% 1267 0.47% /gpage37.html
40 20 0.12% 869 0.32% /gpage4.html
41 18 0.11% 1897 0.70% /gpage18.html
42 16 0.09% 594 0.22% /gpage40.html
43 12 0.07% 483 0.18% /gpage14.html
44 12 0.07% 1146 0.42% /gpage5.html

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 146 0.86% 56562 20.85% /gpage30.html
2 865 5.12% 51149 18.85% /default.htm
3 40 0.24% 22241 8.20% /gpage22.html
4 54 0.32% 16142 5.95% /index-2.html
5 23 0.14% 6996 2.58% /
6 31 0.18% 6969 2.57% /gpage16.html
7 27 0.16% 6896 2.54% /gpage17.html
8 51 0.30% 6000 2.21% /gpage28.html
9 28 0.17% 4417 1.63% /gpage9.html

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4 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
10 30 0.18% 4240 1.56% /gpage41.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 865 5.12% 584 53.24% /default.htm
2 146 0.86% 121 11.03% /gpage30.html
3 51 0.30% 32 2.92% /gpage28.html
4 54 0.32% 32 2.92% /index-2.html
5 40 0.24% 21 1.91% /gpage22.html
6 23 0.14% 15 1.37% /
7 28 0.17% 14 1.28% /gpage12.html
8 32 0.19% 14 1.28% /gpage13.html
9 32 0.19% 14 1.28% /gpage19.html
10 29 0.17% 14 1.28% /gpage21.html
11 34 0.20% 12 1.09% /gpage29.html
12 23 0.14% 11 1.00% /gpage15.html
13 30 0.18% 11 1.00% /gpage20.html
14 31 0.18% 10 0.91% /gpage16.html
15 28 0.17% 10 0.91% /gpage2.html
16 40 0.24% 10 0.91% /gpage26.html
17 29 0.17% 10 0.91% /gpage33.html
18 39 0.23% 10 0.91% /gpage38.html
19 23 0.14% 9 0.82% /gpage23.html
20 30 0.18% 9 0.82% /gpage41.html
21 30 0.18% 9 0.82% /gpage8.html
22 27 0.16% 8 0.73% /gpage17.html
23 33 0.20% 8 0.73% /gpage3.html
24 26 0.15% 8 0.73% /gpage31.html
25 31 0.18% 8 0.73% /gpage34.html
26 23 0.14% 7 0.64% /gpage10.html
27 21 0.12% 7 0.64% /gpage11.html
28 21 0.12% 7 0.64% /gpage25.html
29 26 0.15% 7 0.64% /gpage6.html
30 26 0.15% 7 0.64% /gpage7.html

Top 15 of 43 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 865 5.12% 570 51.68% /default.htm
2 146 0.86% 110 9.97% /gpage30.html
3 54 0.32% 31 2.81% /index-2.html
4 51 0.30% 27 2.45% /gpage28.html
5 40 0.24% 20 1.81% /gpage22.html
6 23 0.14% 16 1.45% /
7 26 0.15% 15 1.36% /Splash_Screen.html
8 32 0.19% 15 1.36% /gpage19.html
9 40 0.24% 15 1.36% /gpage26.html
10 30 0.18% 15 1.36% /gpage8.html
11 36 0.21% 13 1.18% /gpage39.html
12 30 0.18% 13 1.18% /gpage41.html

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5 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
13 32 0.19% 12 1.09% /gpage13.html
14 30 0.18% 12 1.09% /gpage20.html
15 23 0.14% 11 1.00% /gpage15.html

Top 50 of 617 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 605 3.58% 11 0.52% 2482 0.91% 1 0.09%
2 448 2.65% 3 0.14% 941 0.35% 1 0.09%
3 435 2.57% 5 0.24% 1504 0.55% 4 0.35%
4 370 2.19% 3 0.14% 1002 0.37% 1 0.09%
5 339 2.01% 5 0.24% 827 0.30% 1 0.09%
6 338 2.00% 2 0.10% 1163 0.43% 1 0.09%
7 294 1.74% 5 0.24% 913 0.34% 1 0.09%
8 291 1.72% 5 0.24% 1536 0.57% 1 0.09%
9 238 1.41% 4 0.19% 821 0.30% 1 0.09%
10 237 1.40% 4 0.19% 751 0.28% 1 0.09%
11 236 1.40% 4 0.19% 839 0.31% 1 0.09%
12 236 1.40% 4 0.19% 667 0.25% 1 0.09%
13 236 1.40% 4 0.19% 635 0.23% 1 0.09%
14 236 1.40% 4 0.19% 718 0.26% 1 0.09%
15 235 1.39% 4 0.19% 1392 0.51% 1 0.09%
16 205 1.21% 87 4.14% 10344 3.81% 1 0.09%
17 198 1.17% 6 0.29% 653 0.24% 1 0.09%
18 193 1.14% 2 0.10% 698 0.26% 1 0.09%
19 186 1.10% 2 0.10% 508 0.19% 1 0.09%
20 179 1.06% 3 0.14% 815 0.30% 1 0.09%
21 179 1.06% 3 0.14% 942 0.35% 1 0.09%
22 178 1.05% 3 0.14% 759 0.28% 1 0.09%
23 177 1.05% 3 0.14% 934 0.34% 1 0.09%
24 176 1.04% 3 0.14% 571 0.21% 1 0.09%
25 174 1.03% 3 0.14% 736 0.27% 2 0.18%
26 173 1.02% 3 0.14% 506 0.19% 1 0.09%
27 160 0.95% 1 0.05% 339 0.13% 1 0.09%
28 160 0.95% 1 0.05% 792 0.29% 1 0.09%
29 143 0.85% 2 0.10% 623 0.23% 1 0.09%
30 134 0.79% 14 0.67% 4624 1.70% 14 1.24%
31 133 0.79% 3 0.14% 437 0.16% 1 0.09%
32 132 0.78% 2 0.10% 364 0.13% 1 0.09%
33 129 0.76% 2 0.10% 599 0.22% 1 0.09%
34 126 0.75% 2 0.10% 509 0.19% 1 0.09%
35 124 0.73% 5 0.24% 681 0.25% 1 0.09%
36 119 0.70% 2 0.10% 581 0.21% 1 0.09%
37 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 1037 0.38% 1 0.09%
38 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 416 0.15% 1 0.09%
39 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 385 0.14% 1 0.09%
40 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 522 0.19% 1 0.09%
41 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 379 0.14% 1 0.09%
42 118 0.70% 2 0.10% 866 0.32% 1 0.09%
43 117 0.69% 1 0.05% 264 0.10% 1 0.09%
44 117 0.69% 2 0.10% 572 0.21% 1 0.09%

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73 Saturday
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6 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
45 117 0.69% 2 0.10% 339 0.12% 1 0.09%
46 117 0.69% 1 0.05% 717 0.26% 1 0.09%
47 116 0.69% 2 0.10% 463 0.17% 1 0.09%
48 116 0.69% 2 0.10% 310 0.11% 1 0.09%
49 114 0.67% 2 0.10% 754 0.28% 1 0.09%
50 113 0.67% 1 0.05% 710 0.26% 1 0.09%

Top 10 of 617 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 47 0.28% 47 2.24% 11836 4.36% 46 4.08%
2 205 1.21% 87 4.14% 10344 3.81% 1 0.09%
3 68 0.40% 63 3.00% 9015 3.32% 1 0.09%
4 111 0.66% 43 2.05% 5207 1.92% 1 0.09%
5 47 0.28% 43 2.05% 5095 1.88% 1 0.09%
6 63 0.37% 21 1.00% 4895 1.80% 8 0.71%
7 134 0.79% 14 0.67% 4624 1.70% 14 1.24%
8 48 0.28% 43 2.05% 4396 1.62% 1 0.09%
9 48 0.28% 43 2.05% 4332 1.60% 1 0.09%
10 38 0.22% 32 1.52% 4197 1.55% 1 0.09%

Top 50 of 226 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 46 0.27%
2 10 0.06%
3 9 0.05%
4 9 0.05% http://xn-----8kcatubaocd1bneepefojs1h2e.xn--p1ai/
5 9 0.05%
6 8 0.05%
7 8 0.05%
8 8 0.05%
9 8 0.05% http://xn--80aebbcbcdemfkhba4byaehoejh8dza3v.xn--p1ai/
10 7 0.04%
11 6 0.04%
12 6 0.04%
13 6 0.04%
14 6 0.04%
15 6 0.04%
16 6 0.04%
17 6 0.04%
18 5 0.03%
19 5 0.03%
20 5 0.03%
21 5 0.03%
22 5 0.03%
23 5 0.03%
24 5 0.03%
25 5 0.03%
26 5 0.03%
27 5 0.03%

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7 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
28 5 0.03%
29 4 0.02%
30 4 0.02%
31 4 0.02%
32 4 0.02%
33 4 0.02%
34 4 0.02%
35 4 0.02%
36 4 0.02%
37 4 0.02%
38 4 0.02%
39 4 0.02%
40 4 0.02%
41 4 0.02%
42 3 0.02%
43 3 0.02%
44 3 0.02%
45 3 0.02%
46 3 0.02%
47 3 0.02%
48 3 0.02%
49 3 0.02%
50 3 0.02%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00% documentary -youtube. united states suppressed secret -david

Top 30 of 323 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 11371 67.29% Safari (OSX)
2 2493 14.75% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 1844 10.91% Firefox Unknown Version
4 209 1.24% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
5 188 1.11% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
6 123 0.73% Spider:
7 119 0.70% Netscape
8 80 0.47% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
9 68 0.40%
10 60 0.36% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
11 59 0.35% Opera
12 47 0.28% NextGenSearchBot 1 (for information visit
13 37 0.22% Spider:
14 22 0.13% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
15 18 0.11% Internet Explorer
16 16 0.09% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
17 13 0.08% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
18 10 0.06% Programming: curl library (PHP)
19 7 0.04% Firefox 2

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Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
20 7 0.04% Twitterbot/1.0
21 6 0.04% Internet Explorer 5.01
22 5 0.03% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
23 5 0.03% SpamBot: Pretends to be Mozilla 3.0
24 4 0.02% Bot
25 3 0.02% Internet Explorer 4.01
26 2 0.01% Firefox 3
27 2 0.01% Netscape 4.7
28 2 0.01% Programming: URLLIB (Python library)
29 2 0.01% Spider:
30 2 0.01% Spider:

Top 30 of 33 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 15098 89.34% 1209 57.57% 172657 63.63% United States
2 362 2.14% 358 17.05% 22426 8.27% Ukraine
3 204 1.21% 29 1.38% 4541 1.67% Unresolved/Unknown
4 198 1.17% 53 2.52% 6865 2.53% Great Britain (UK)
5 185 1.09% 132 6.29% 13229 4.88% China
6 130 0.77% 97 4.62% 9796 3.61% Germany
7 114 0.67% 43 2.05% 5212 1.92% Israel
8 90 0.53% 82 3.90% 17508 6.45% France
9 69 0.41% 4 0.19% 746 0.27% Switzerland
10 66 0.39% 10 0.48% 2273 0.84% Canada
11 65 0.38% 2 0.10% 621 0.23% Austria
12 64 0.38% 1 0.05% 94 0.03% Czech Republic
13 60 0.36% 2 0.10% 677 0.25% India
14 58 0.34% 1 0.05% 258 0.09% Australia
15 33 0.20% 32 1.52% 3517 1.30% Dominica
16 30 0.18% 16 0.76% 2840 1.05% Russian Federation
17 17 0.10% 12 0.57% 2288 0.84% Italy
18 10 0.06% 6 0.29% 416 0.15% Philippines
19 9 0.05% 7 0.33% 1294 0.48% Romania
20 8 0.05% 6 0.29% 415 0.15% Netherlands
21 5 0.03% 0 0.00% 7 0.00% Ireland

Stats Page
42 of129
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

9 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - August 2016
Published byHosted
22 4 0.02% 4 0.19% 318 0.12% Japan
23 4 0.02% 3 0.14% 1089 0.40% Serbia
24 3 0.02% 2 0.10% 123 0.05% Sweden
25 2 0.01% 1 0.05% 62 0.02% Denmark
26 2 0.01% 1 0.05% 62 0.02% Greece
27 2 0.01% 2 0.10% 574 0.21% Thailand
28 2 0.01% 1 0.05% 62 0.02% Anonymous Proxy
29 1 0.01% 1 0.05% 61 0.02% Brazil
30 1 0.01% 1 0.05% 513 0.19% Spain

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
43 of129
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

10 of 10 8/18/2016 2:59 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2016
Generated 01-Aug-2016 05:23 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2016

Total Hits 21516
Total Files 3926
Total Pages 4377
Total Visits 2133
Total KBytes 514193
Total Unique Sites 1163
Total Unique URLs 44
Total Unique Referrers 196
Total Unique User Agents 380
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 28 1792
Hits per Day 694 3000
Files per Day 126 261
Pages per Day 141 277
Sites per Day 37 96
Visits per Day 68 107
KBytes per Day 16587 32429
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 18.25% 3926
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.10% 22
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.16% 249
Code 404 - Not Found 80.42% 17304
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.07% 15

Stats Page
44 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

1 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for July 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 348 1.62% 92 2.34% 120 2.74% 74 3.47% 68 5.85% 15020 2.92%

2 335 1.56% 79 2.01% 88 2.01% 61 2.86% 68 5.85% 9139 1.78%

3 339 1.58% 80 2.04% 95 2.17% 74 3.47% 69 5.93% 9864 1.92%

4 338 1.57% 94 2.39% 101 2.31% 80 3.75% 59 5.07% 15301 2.98%

5 464 2.16% 146 3.72% 155 3.54% 84 3.94% 83 7.14% 21329 4.15%

6 512 2.38% 80 2.04% 90 2.06% 76 3.56% 63 5.42% 11559 2.25%

7 410 1.91% 80 2.04% 88 2.01% 64 3.00% 72 6.19% 10426 2.03%

8 816 3.79% 100 2.55% 105 2.40% 90 4.22% 87 7.48% 14678 2.85%

9 422 1.96% 54 1.38% 102 2.33% 48 2.25% 51 4.39% 7663 1.49%

10 178 0.83% 86 2.19% 92 2.10% 54 2.53% 52 4.47% 14645 2.85%

11 239 1.11% 61 1.55% 65 1.49% 49 2.30% 48 4.13% 9335 1.82%

12 526 2.44% 117 2.98% 121 2.76% 58 2.72% 55 4.73% 15960 3.10%

13 373 1.73% 50 1.27% 56 1.28% 47 2.20% 46 3.96% 7260 1.41%

14 963 4.48% 156 3.97% 215 4.91% 107 5.02% 90 7.74% 22414 4.36%

15 1101 5.12% 101 2.57% 137 3.13% 68 3.19% 66 5.67% 13688 2.66%

16 823 3.83% 141 3.59% 182 4.16% 74 3.47% 60 5.16% 19981 3.89%

17 720 3.35% 261 6.65% 277 6.33% 67 3.14% 71 6.10% 32429 6.31%

18 861 4.00% 123 3.13% 132 3.02% 74 3.47% 60 5.16% 15575 3.03%

19 2543 11.82% 127 3.23% 144 3.29% 87 4.08% 64 5.50% 21701 4.22%

20 839 3.90% 116 2.95% 124 2.83% 78 3.66% 96 8.25% 14943 2.91%

21 851 3.96% 241 6.14% 251 5.73% 72 3.38% 63 5.42% 30392 5.91%

22 595 2.77% 249 6.34% 263 6.01% 73 3.42% 62 5.33% 29347 5.71%

23 288 1.34% 169 4.30% 182 4.16% 74 3.47% 56 4.82% 18458 3.59%

24 843 3.92% 235 5.99% 244 5.57% 62 2.91% 56 4.82% 29476 5.73%

25 3000 13.94% 177 4.51% 184 4.20% 77 3.61% 64 5.50% 25010 4.86%

26 486 2.26% 102 2.60% 111 2.54% 56 2.63% 47 4.04% 12005 2.33%

27 820 3.81% 107 2.73% 114 2.60% 76 3.56% 73 6.28% 13800 2.68%

28 359 1.67% 143 3.64% 145 3.31% 59 2.77% 59 5.07% 13459 2.62%

Stats Page
45 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

2 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
29 200 0.93% 84 2.14% 89 2.03% 57 2.67% 47 4.04% 7512 1.46%

30 479 2.23% 182 4.64% 197 4.50% 53 2.48% 47 4.04% 19147 3.72%

31 445 2.07% 93 2.37% 108 2.47% 61 2.86% 62 5.33% 12676 2.47%

Hourly Statistics for July 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 18 581 2.70% 5 178 4.53% 6 192 4.39% 732 22692 4.41%

1 32 994 4.62% 3 105 2.67% 3 118 2.70% 514 15935 3.10%

2 19 611 2.84% 4 133 3.39% 4 143 3.27% 504 15627 3.04%

3 12 400 1.86% 3 106 2.70% 3 122 2.79% 603 18686 3.63%

4 17 535 2.49% 5 179 4.56% 6 196 4.48% 699 21654 4.21%

5 15 472 2.19% 3 106 2.70% 3 119 2.72% 476 14742 2.87%

6 14 446 2.07% 5 185 4.71% 7 228 5.21% 767 23786 4.63%

7 17 541 2.51% 9 287 7.31% 9 304 6.95% 1224 37948 7.38%

8 11 361 1.68% 4 126 3.21% 4 138 3.15% 477 14797 2.88%

9 21 680 3.16% 5 182 4.64% 7 236 5.39% 686 21255 4.13%

10 11 368 1.71% 7 231 5.88% 8 253 5.78% 787 24400 4.75%

11 16 523 2.43% 7 238 6.06% 8 250 5.71% 963 29841 5.80%

12 33 1026 4.77% 7 217 5.53% 7 236 5.39% 796 24685 4.80%

13 22 687 3.19% 3 115 2.93% 4 137 3.13% 475 14727 2.86%

14 23 740 3.44% 4 126 3.21% 4 136 3.11% 464 14386 2.80%

15 28 875 4.07% 5 158 4.02% 6 188 4.30% 611 18932 3.68%

16 40 1266 5.88% 4 138 3.52% 5 159 3.63% 690 21393 4.16%

17 34 1072 4.98% 3 123 3.13% 4 139 3.18% 506 15696 3.05%

18 39 1213 5.64% 3 98 2.50% 3 107 2.44% 480 14873 2.89%

19 112 3473 16.14% 7 242 6.16% 8 270 6.17% 1149 35623 6.93%

20 40 1261 5.86% 6 188 4.79% 6 208 4.75% 720 22322 4.34%

21 36 1118 5.20% 6 209 5.32% 7 223 5.09% 918 28452 5.53%

22 25 778 3.62% 4 137 3.49% 4 147 3.36% 720 22316 4.34%

23 48 1495 6.95% 3 119 3.03% 4 128 2.92% 627 19426 3.78%

Top 44 of 44 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1236 5.74% 74138 14.42% /default.htm
2 311 1.45% 123638 24.05% /gpage30.html

Stats Page
46 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

3 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
3 127 0.59% 35906 6.98% /index-2.html
4 85 0.40% 5866 1.14% /gpage13.html
5 83 0.39% 10844 2.11% /gpage41.html
6 81 0.38% 8351 1.62% /gpage24.html
7 79 0.37% 10537 2.05% /gpage19.html
8 79 0.37% 6660 1.30% /gpage26.html
9 79 0.37% 9000 1.75% /gpage28.html
10 77 0.36% 40399 7.86% /gpage22.html
11 74 0.34% 761 0.15% /Splash_Screen.html
12 74 0.34% 2974 0.58% /gpage12.html
13 71 0.33% 4552 0.89% /gpage1.html
14 70 0.33% 5397 1.05% /gpage2.html
15 67 0.31% 3048 0.59% /gpage39.html
16 66 0.31% 14687 2.86% /gpage17.html
17 66 0.31% 4469 0.87% /gpage38.html
18 65 0.30% 8007 1.56% /gpage20.html
19 64 0.30% 7885 1.53% /gpage8.html
20 64 0.30% 9090 1.77% /gpage9.html
21 63 0.29% 2980 0.58% /gpage34.html
22 62 0.29% 7855 1.53% /gpage33.html
23 61 0.28% 5824 1.13% /gpage21.html
24 61 0.28% 3829 0.74% /gpage23.html
25 60 0.28% 13040 2.54% /gpage16.html
26 60 0.28% 2640 0.51% /gpage25.html
27 60 0.28% 3428 0.67% /gpage3.html
28 60 0.28% 2453 0.48% /gpage7.html
29 57 0.26% 2575 0.50% /gpage32.html
30 56 0.26% 7159 1.39% /gpage10.html
31 56 0.26% 2762 0.54% /gpage29.html
32 55 0.26% 2840 0.55% /gpage31.html
33 54 0.25% 2228 0.43% /gpage36.html
34 53 0.25% 5246 1.02% /gpage18.html
35 53 0.25% 5052 0.98% /gpage27.html
36 52 0.24% 2914 0.57% /gpage37.html
37 51 0.24% 2281 0.44% /gpage6.html
38 50 0.23% 1881 0.37% /gpage15.html
39 50 0.23% 4687 0.91% /gpage5.html
40 46 0.21% 1560 0.30% /gpage40.html
41 44 0.20% 1570 0.31% /gpage14.html
42 42 0.20% 1608 0.31% /gpage4.html
43 41 0.19% 1713 0.33% /gpage11.html
44 32 0.15% 9585 1.86% /

Top 10 of 44 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 311 1.45% 123638 24.05% /gpage30.html
2 1236 5.74% 74138 14.42% /default.htm
3 77 0.36% 40399 7.86% /gpage22.html
4 127 0.59% 35906 6.98% /index-2.html
5 66 0.31% 14687 2.86% /gpage17.html

Stats Page
47 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

4 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
6 60 0.28% 13040 2.54% /gpage16.html
7 83 0.39% 10844 2.11% /gpage41.html
8 79 0.37% 10537 2.05% /gpage19.html
9 32 0.15% 9585 1.86% /
10 64 0.30% 9090 1.77% /gpage9.html

Top 30 of 44 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1236 5.74% 899 43.08% /default.htm
2 311 1.45% 255 12.22% /gpage30.html
3 127 0.59% 70 3.35% /index-2.html
4 77 0.36% 45 2.16% /gpage22.html
5 79 0.37% 43 2.06% /gpage28.html
6 74 0.34% 42 2.01% /gpage12.html
7 85 0.40% 38 1.82% /gpage13.html
8 83 0.39% 32 1.53% /gpage41.html
9 71 0.33% 31 1.49% /gpage1.html
10 79 0.37% 29 1.39% /gpage19.html
11 65 0.30% 28 1.34% /gpage20.html
12 66 0.31% 27 1.29% /gpage17.html
13 32 0.15% 26 1.25% /
14 61 0.28% 26 1.25% /gpage21.html
15 70 0.33% 25 1.20% /gpage2.html
16 63 0.29% 25 1.20% /gpage34.html
17 64 0.30% 24 1.15% /gpage9.html
18 60 0.28% 23 1.10% /gpage16.html
19 53 0.25% 23 1.10% /gpage18.html
20 81 0.38% 23 1.10% /gpage24.html
21 79 0.37% 20 0.96% /gpage26.html
22 62 0.29% 20 0.96% /gpage33.html
23 74 0.34% 19 0.91% /Splash_Screen.html
24 60 0.28% 19 0.91% /gpage3.html
25 55 0.26% 19 0.91% /gpage31.html
26 51 0.24% 18 0.86% /gpage6.html
27 56 0.26% 17 0.81% /gpage10.html
28 44 0.20% 17 0.81% /gpage14.html
29 61 0.28% 17 0.81% /gpage23.html
30 53 0.25% 16 0.77% /gpage27.html

Top 15 of 44 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1236 5.74% 866 41.55% /default.htm
2 311 1.45% 231 11.08% /gpage30.html
3 127 0.59% 77 3.69% /index-2.html
4 77 0.36% 46 2.21% /gpage22.html
5 74 0.34% 44 2.11% /Splash_Screen.html
6 85 0.40% 38 1.82% /gpage13.html
7 83 0.39% 38 1.82% /gpage41.html
8 79 0.37% 37 1.78% /gpage28.html

Stats Page
48 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

5 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
9 65 0.30% 33 1.58% /gpage20.html
10 79 0.37% 30 1.44% /gpage19.html
11 79 0.37% 30 1.44% /gpage26.html
12 32 0.15% 29 1.39% /
13 64 0.30% 28 1.34% /gpage8.html
14 66 0.31% 27 1.30% /gpage17.html
15 70 0.33% 24 1.15% /gpage2.html

Top 50 of 1163 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1949 9.06% 17 0.43% 4968 0.97% 2 0.09%
2 1353 6.29% 14 0.36% 4530 0.88% 2 0.09%
3 963 4.48% 12 0.31% 2986 0.58% 2 0.09%
4 634 2.95% 11 0.28% 1788 0.35% 3 0.14%
5 465 2.16% 7 0.18% 1212 0.24% 1 0.05%
6 414 1.92% 4 0.10% 1021 0.20% 1 0.05%
7 384 1.78% 5 0.13% 1063 0.21% 1 0.05%
8 256 1.19% 2 0.05% 550 0.11% 1 0.05%
9 254 1.18% 8 0.20% 1102 0.21% 3 0.14%
10 245 1.14% 6 0.15% 994 0.19% 2 0.09%
11 221 1.03% 4 0.10% 683 0.13% 1 0.05%
12 210 0.98% 201 5.12% 23999 4.67% 5 0.23%
13 181 0.84% 3 0.08% 807 0.16% 1 0.05%
14 175 0.81% 2 0.05% 1330 0.26% 2 0.09%
15 174 0.81% 3 0.08% 783 0.15% 1 0.05%
16 172 0.80% 2 0.05% 407 0.08% 1 0.05%
17 172 0.80% 1 0.03% 810 0.16% 1 0.05%
18 172 0.80% 2 0.05% 1127 0.22% 1 0.05%
19 169 0.79% 2 0.05% 461 0.09% 1 0.05%
20 169 0.79% 2 0.05% 923 0.18% 2 0.09%
21 168 0.78% 2 0.05% 400 0.08% 1 0.05%
22 168 0.78% 2 0.05% 924 0.18% 1 0.05%
23 168 0.78% 1 0.03% 533 0.10% 1 0.05%
24 168 0.78% 2 0.05% 412 0.08% 2 0.09%
25 130 0.60% 1 0.03% 739 0.14% 1 0.05%
26 125 0.58% 119 3.03% 13773 2.68% 4 0.19%
27 120 0.56% 1 0.03% 524 0.10% 1 0.05%
28 118 0.55% 4 0.10% 443 0.09% 2 0.09%
29 118 0.55% 2 0.05% 1230 0.24% 2 0.09%
30 115 0.53% 2 0.05% 388 0.08% 1 0.05%
31 108 0.50% 1 0.03% 248 0.05% 1 0.05%
32 104 0.48% 1 0.03% 257 0.05% 1 0.05%
33 96 0.45% 69 1.76% 8442 1.64% 32 1.50%
34 96 0.45% 16 0.41% 5184 1.01% 16 0.75%
35 94 0.44% 86 2.19% 9686 1.88% 2 0.09%
36 93 0.43% 89 2.27% 9388 1.83% 4 0.19%
37 92 0.43% 86 2.19% 10187 1.98% 1 0.05%
38 92 0.43% 1 0.03% 673 0.13% 1 0.05%
39 90 0.42% 1 0.03% 217 0.04% 1 0.05%
40 87 0.40% 83 2.11% 9947 1.93% 2 0.09%

Stats Page
49 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

6 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
41 85 0.40% 83 2.11% 7960 1.55% 3 0.14%
42 79 0.37% 33 0.84% 4375 0.85% 19 0.89%
43 78 0.36% 1 0.03% 196 0.04% 1 0.05%
44 73 0.34% 2 0.05% 649 0.13% 1 0.05%
45 73 0.34% 8 0.20% 2166 0.42% 2 0.09%
46 70 0.33% 2 0.05% 257 0.05% 1 0.05%
47 68 0.32% 1 0.03% 881 0.17% 1 0.05%
48 67 0.31% 67 1.71% 17613 3.43% 63 2.95%
49 67 0.31% 1 0.03% 273 0.05% 1 0.05%
50 67 0.31% 2 0.05% 625 0.12% 1 0.05%

Top 10 of 1163 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 210 0.98% 201 5.12% 23999 4.67% 5 0.23%
2 67 0.31% 67 1.71% 17613 3.43% 63 2.95%
3 125 0.58% 119 3.03% 13773 2.68% 4 0.19%
4 92 0.43% 86 2.19% 10187 1.98% 1 0.05%
5 87 0.40% 83 2.11% 9947 1.93% 2 0.09%
6 94 0.44% 86 2.19% 9686 1.88% 2 0.09%
7 93 0.43% 89 2.27% 9388 1.83% 4 0.19%
8 96 0.45% 69 1.76% 8442 1.64% 32 1.50%
9 85 0.40% 83 2.11% 7960 1.55% 3 0.14%
10 96 0.45% 16 0.41% 5184 1.01% 16 0.75%

Top 50 of 196 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 54 0.25%
2 43 0.20%
3 19 0.09%
4 17 0.08%
5 9 0.04%
6 8 0.04%
7 7 0.03%
8 7 0.03%
9 7 0.03% http://xn-----6kccaibs5cb8afhjrfmix2n.xn--p1ai/
10 7 0.03%
11 6 0.03%
12 6 0.03%
13 6 0.03%
14 6 0.03%
15 6 0.03%
16 6 0.03%
17 6 0.03% http://xn-----7kceclhb4abre1b4a0ccl2fxch1a.xn--p1ai/
18 6 0.03%
19 5 0.02%
20 5 0.02%
21 5 0.02%
22 5 0.02%
23 5 0.02%

Stats Page
50 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

7 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
24 5 0.02%
25 5 0.02%
26 5 0.02%
27 5 0.02%
28 5 0.02%
29 5 0.02%
30 4 0.02%
31 4 0.02%
32 4 0.02%
33 4 0.02%
34 3 0.01%
35 3 0.01%
36 3 0.01%
37 3 0.01%
38 3 0.01%
39 3 0.01%
40 3 0.01%
41 3 0.01%
42 3 0.01%
43 3 0.01%
44 3 0.01%
45 3 0.01%
46 3 0.01%
47 3 0.01%
48 3 0.01%
49 3 0.01%
50 3 0.01%

Top 3 of 3 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
11 33.33% attorney roy shirk lancaster pa
21 33.33% compared to prototypical hallucinogens dissociatives have stronger effects of __________.
31 33.33% joseph roda global technologies

Top 30 of 380 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 10987 51.06% Safari (OSX)
2 6801 31.61% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 1363 6.33% Firefox Unknown Version
4 717 3.33% Opera
5 595 2.77% Netscape
6 254 1.18% Spider:
7 202 0.94% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
8 121 0.56% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
9 91 0.42% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
10 79 0.37% Firefox 3
11 27 0.13% Spider:
12 26 0.12% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
13 26 0.12% Spider:

Stats Page
51 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

8 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
14 20 0.09% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
15 20 0.09% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
16 13 0.06% Programming: curl library (PHP)
17 12 0.06% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
18 11 0.05% Twitterbot/1.0
19 10 0.05% Internet Explorer (Mac)
20 9 0.04% Firefox 2
21 9 0.04% Mechanize/2.7.3 Ruby/1.9.3p551 (
22 7 0.03% PrivateSearch/0.1.0 (Polite Nutch Crawler;
23 5 0.02% Spider:
24 4 0.02% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
25 4 0.02% Netscape 4.7
26 3 0.01% Internet Explorer
27 3 0.01% Spider: Netcraft Web Survey
28 3 0.01% Wotbox/2.01 (+
29 3 0.01% spiderman
30 2 0.01% AHC/2.0

Top 30 of 48 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 15315 71.18% 1631 41.54% 222529 43.28% United States
2 1033 4.80% 868 22.11% 94476 18.37% China
3 677 3.15% 14 0.36% 2012 0.39% Brazil
4 603 2.80% 369 9.40% 41459 8.06% Germany
5 362 1.68% 6 0.15% 1431 0.28% Czech Republic
6 329 1.53% 308 7.85% 21056 4.10% Ukraine
7 327 1.52% 87 2.22% 13348 2.60% Unresolved/Unknown
8 325 1.51% 223 5.68% 29322 5.70% Russian Federation
9 304 1.41% 23 0.59% 3369 0.66% Italy
10 303 1.41% 10 0.25% 3697 0.72% Canada
11 293 1.36% 79 2.01% 9149 1.78% Great Britain (UK)
12 234 1.09% 7 0.18% 1734 0.34% Israel
13 207 0.96% 146 3.72% 30713 5.97% France
14 187 0.87% 4 0.10% 1560 0.30% Australia
15 176 0.82% 3 0.08% 1843 0.36% Iran

Stats Page
52 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

9 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - July 2016
Published byHosted
16 133 0.62% 10 0.25% 2263 0.44% Netherlands
17 81 0.38% 24 0.61% 5748 1.12% Romania
18 77 0.36% 2 0.05% 253 0.05% Bangladesh
19 66 0.31% 63 1.60% 7484 1.46% Dominica
20 64 0.30% 3 0.08% 1194 0.23% India
21 62 0.29% 6 0.15% 1584 0.31% Hong Kong
22 61 0.28% 1 0.03% 618 0.12% Panama
23 58 0.27% 3 0.08% 278 0.05% Mexico
24 58 0.27% 1 0.03% 161 0.03% Turkey
25 56 0.26% 1 0.03% 860 0.17% Singapore
26 56 0.26% 1 0.03% 157 0.03% Venezuela
27 12 0.06% 4 0.10% 305 0.06% Ireland
28 7 0.03% 5 0.13% 1463 0.28% Bulgaria
29 6 0.03% 6 0.15% 2578 0.50% South Africa
30 5 0.02% 5 0.13% 1661 0.32% Japan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
53 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

10 of 10 8/18/2016 3:00 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2016
Generated 01-Jul-2016 05:27 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2016

Total Hits 23141
Total Files 3349
Total Pages 3568
Total Visits 1967
Total KBytes 445134
Total Unique Sites 1148
Total Unique URLs 46
Total Unique Referrers 217
Total Unique User Agents 357
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 32 872
Hits per Day 771 3107
Files per Day 111 186
Pages per Day 118 203
Sites per Day 38 102
Visits per Day 65 114
KBytes per Day 14838 29077
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 14.47% 3349
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.16% 37
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.31% 72
Code 404 - Not Found 85.01% 19672
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.04% 10

Stats Page
54 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

1 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for June 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1203 5.20% 139 4.15% 142 3.98% 65 3.30% 71 6.18% 21542 4.84%

2 1810 7.82% 180 5.37% 191 5.35% 97 4.93% 102 8.89% 25290 5.68%

3 378 1.63% 64 1.91% 72 2.02% 48 2.44% 57 4.97% 7062 1.59%

4 419 1.81% 61 1.82% 66 1.85% 49 2.49% 55 4.79% 8502 1.91%

5 1300 5.62% 97 2.90% 102 2.86% 55 2.80% 67 5.84% 12963 2.91%

6 283 1.22% 136 4.06% 141 3.95% 62 3.15% 62 5.40% 15918 3.58%

7 295 1.27% 57 1.70% 63 1.77% 44 2.24% 52 4.53% 5602 1.26%

8 495 2.14% 81 2.42% 84 2.35% 59 3.00% 55 4.79% 10331 2.32%

9 388 1.68% 76 2.27% 80 2.24% 61 3.10% 53 4.62% 10065 2.26%

10 547 2.36% 120 3.58% 126 3.53% 80 4.07% 73 6.36% 17221 3.87%

11 793 3.43% 92 2.75% 94 2.63% 63 3.20% 70 6.10% 13676 3.07%

12 317 1.37% 108 3.22% 113 3.17% 45 2.29% 45 3.92% 11172 2.51%

13 566 2.45% 186 5.55% 194 5.44% 78 3.97% 77 6.71% 20968 4.71%

14 353 1.53% 106 3.17% 119 3.34% 70 3.56% 67 5.84% 12872 2.89%

15 933 4.03% 79 2.36% 87 2.44% 50 2.54% 53 4.62% 10230 2.30%

16 606 2.62% 183 5.46% 202 5.66% 79 4.02% 65 5.66% 23749 5.34%

17 419 1.81% 86 2.57% 87 2.44% 67 3.41% 64 5.57% 11197 2.52%

18 669 2.89% 133 3.97% 138 3.87% 63 3.20% 55 4.79% 17955 4.03%

19 440 1.90% 103 3.08% 105 2.94% 50 2.54% 55 4.79% 13480 3.03%

20 793 3.43% 93 2.78% 93 2.61% 60 3.05% 64 5.57% 13221 2.97%

21 1017 4.39% 116 3.46% 124 3.48% 77 3.91% 70 6.10% 17812 4.00%

22 3107 13.43% 174 5.20% 203 5.69% 114 5.80% 83 7.23% 29077 6.53%

23 1578 6.82% 160 4.78% 173 4.85% 72 3.66% 60 5.23% 24024 5.40%

24 649 2.80% 96 2.87% 99 2.77% 67 3.41% 61 5.31% 12103 2.72%

25 743 3.21% 146 4.36% 153 4.29% 61 3.10% 62 5.40% 15520 3.49%

26 648 2.80% 76 2.27% 82 2.30% 62 3.15% 79 6.88% 13381 3.01%

27 293 1.27% 77 2.30% 79 2.21% 57 2.90% 56 4.88% 11017 2.47%

28 825 3.57% 118 3.52% 125 3.50% 72 3.66% 79 6.88% 14792 3.32%

Stats Page
55 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

2 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
29 739 3.19% 135 4.03% 141 3.95% 81 4.12% 84 7.32% 15220 3.42%

30 535 2.31% 71 2.12% 90 2.52% 61 3.10% 64 5.57% 9174 2.06%

Hourly Statistics for June 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 54 1623 7.01% 4 142 4.24% 5 152 4.26% 772 23157 5.20%

1 44 1323 5.72% 7 233 6.96% 8 247 6.92% 1000 30001 6.74%

2 40 1224 5.29% 5 151 4.51% 5 163 4.57% 730 21899 4.92%

3 26 796 3.44% 3 107 3.19% 3 113 3.17% 499 14977 3.36%

4 15 463 2.00% 3 102 3.05% 3 102 2.86% 510 15295 3.44%

5 18 558 2.41% 5 165 4.93% 5 168 4.71% 656 19665 4.42%

6 17 532 2.30% 2 83 2.48% 2 89 2.49% 422 12674 2.85%

7 32 966 4.17% 5 174 5.20% 6 190 5.33% 706 21177 4.76%

8 10 318 1.37% 4 125 3.73% 4 133 3.73% 635 19042 4.28%

9 17 522 2.26% 4 146 4.36% 5 153 4.29% 510 15291 3.44%

10 19 573 2.48% 4 136 4.06% 4 143 4.01% 598 17941 4.03%

11 11 356 1.54% 3 114 3.40% 4 121 3.39% 401 12015 2.70%

12 17 523 2.26% 5 169 5.05% 5 179 5.02% 532 15974 3.59%

13 38 1159 5.01% 4 141 4.21% 4 144 4.04% 646 19378 4.35%

14 84 2548 11.01% 5 159 4.75% 5 168 4.71% 855 25638 5.76%

15 21 656 2.83% 3 113 3.37% 4 121 3.39% 507 15222 3.42%

16 36 1101 4.76% 3 119 3.55% 4 125 3.50% 613 18376 4.13%

17 24 744 3.22% 4 122 3.64% 4 131 3.67% 506 15173 3.41%

18 23 712 3.08% 4 140 4.18% 4 147 4.12% 566 16970 3.81%

19 56 1681 7.26% 5 154 4.60% 5 177 4.96% 793 23796 5.35%

20 54 1641 7.09% 5 158 4.72% 5 170 4.76% 678 20337 4.57%

21 16 488 2.11% 3 116 3.46% 3 119 3.34% 446 13379 3.01%

22 18 557 2.41% 4 122 3.64% 4 136 3.81% 515 15459 3.47%

23 69 2077 8.98% 5 158 4.72% 5 177 4.96% 743 22298 5.01%

Top 46 of 46 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1298 5.61% 78444 17.62% /default.htm
2 267 1.15% 113325 25.46% /gpage30.html
3 95 0.41% 29125 6.54% /index-2.html

Stats Page
56 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

3 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
4 75 0.32% 3631 0.82% /gpage34.html
5 64 0.28% 7484 1.68% /gpage28.html
6 64 0.28% 9579 2.15% /gpage41.html
7 63 0.27% 683 0.15% /Splash_Screen.html
8 63 0.27% 31240 7.02% /gpage22.html
9 58 0.25% 3305 0.74% /gpage3.html
10 53 0.23% 3952 0.89% /gpage13.html
11 52 0.22% 12481 2.80% /gpage17.html
12 52 0.22% 7138 1.60% /gpage33.html
13 51 0.22% 2154 0.48% /gpage12.html
14 51 0.22% 4502 1.01% /gpage26.html
15 50 0.22% 5494 1.23% /gpage24.html
16 48 0.21% 3819 0.86% /gpage2.html
17 48 0.21% 5053 1.14% /gpage27.html
18 47 0.20% 3172 0.71% /gpage1.html
19 47 0.20% 2787 0.63% /gpage37.html
20 46 0.20% 3255 0.73% /gpage38.html
21 45 0.19% 10093 2.27% /gpage16.html
22 45 0.19% 2469 0.55% /gpage29.html
23 45 0.19% 6783 1.52% /gpage9.html
24 44 0.19% 1984 0.45% /gpage39.html
25 42 0.18% 5405 1.21% /gpage10.html
26 42 0.18% 4341 0.98% /gpage21.html
27 40 0.17% 5174 1.16% /gpage19.html
28 39 0.17% 4981 1.12% /gpage20.html
29 39 0.17% 2158 0.48% /gpage31.html
30 39 0.17% 1664 0.37% /gpage7.html
31 39 0.17% 4966 1.12% /gpage8.html
32 36 0.16% 2351 0.53% /gpage23.html
33 36 0.16% 1471 0.33% /gpage36.html
34 35 0.15% 10781 2.42% /
35 34 0.15% 1535 0.34% /gpage32.html
36 34 0.15% 1225 0.28% /gpage40.html
37 33 0.14% 1287 0.29% /gpage14.html
38 33 0.14% 1488 0.33% /gpage25.html
39 31 0.13% 1227 0.28% /gpage15.html
40 30 0.13% 1407 0.32% /gpage6.html
41 28 0.12% 1130 0.25% /gpage4.html
42 27 0.12% 1223 0.27% /gpage11.html
43 25 0.11% 2567 0.58% /gpage18.html
44 23 0.10% 2291 0.51% /gpage5.html
45 1 0.00% 0 0.00% /.html
46 1 0.00% 11 0.00% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 46 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 267 1.15% 113325 25.46% /gpage30.html
2 1298 5.61% 78444 17.62% /default.htm
3 63 0.27% 31240 7.02% /gpage22.html
4 95 0.41% 29125 6.54% /index-2.html

Stats Page
57 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

4 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
5 52 0.22% 12481 2.80% /gpage17.html
6 35 0.15% 10781 2.42% /
7 45 0.19% 10093 2.27% /gpage16.html
8 64 0.28% 9579 2.15% /gpage41.html
9 64 0.28% 7484 1.68% /gpage28.html
10 52 0.22% 7138 1.60% /gpage33.html

Top 30 of 45 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1298 5.61% 900 46.73% /default.htm
2 267 1.15% 225 11.68% /gpage30.html
3 95 0.41% 53 2.75% /index-2.html
4 75 0.32% 39 2.02% /gpage34.html
5 63 0.27% 35 1.82% /gpage22.html
6 64 0.28% 33 1.71% /gpage28.html
7 58 0.25% 33 1.71% /gpage3.html
8 35 0.15% 29 1.51% /
9 53 0.23% 28 1.45% /gpage13.html
10 47 0.20% 27 1.40% /gpage1.html
11 51 0.22% 27 1.40% /gpage12.html
12 45 0.19% 25 1.30% /gpage16.html
13 48 0.21% 25 1.30% /gpage2.html
14 52 0.22% 23 1.19% /gpage17.html
15 40 0.17% 21 1.09% /gpage19.html
16 47 0.20% 21 1.09% /gpage37.html
17 45 0.19% 21 1.09% /gpage9.html
18 64 0.28% 20 1.04% /gpage41.html
19 42 0.18% 17 0.88% /gpage21.html
20 50 0.22% 17 0.88% /gpage24.html
21 51 0.22% 17 0.88% /gpage26.html
22 48 0.21% 17 0.88% /gpage27.html
23 45 0.19% 17 0.88% /gpage29.html
24 33 0.14% 16 0.83% /gpage14.html
25 39 0.17% 16 0.83% /gpage20.html
26 36 0.16% 16 0.83% /gpage23.html
27 46 0.20% 16 0.83% /gpage38.html
28 34 0.15% 15 0.78% /gpage40.html
29 42 0.18% 14 0.73% /gpage10.html
30 34 0.15% 14 0.73% /gpage32.html

Top 15 of 45 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1298 5.61% 859 44.90% /default.htm
2 267 1.15% 192 10.04% /gpage30.html
3 95 0.41% 64 3.35% /index-2.html
4 63 0.27% 51 2.67% /Splash_Screen.html
5 63 0.27% 42 2.20% /gpage22.html
6 75 0.32% 40 2.09% /gpage34.html
7 64 0.28% 34 1.78% /gpage41.html

Stats Page
58 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

5 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
8 58 0.25% 32 1.67% /gpage3.html
9 35 0.15% 30 1.57% /
10 64 0.28% 30 1.57% /gpage28.html
11 51 0.22% 27 1.41% /gpage26.html
12 45 0.19% 26 1.36% /gpage16.html
13 53 0.23% 23 1.20% /gpage13.html
14 52 0.22% 22 1.15% /gpage17.html
15 45 0.19% 22 1.15% /gpage9.html

Top 50 of 1148 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1341 5.79% 32 0.96% 7028 1.58% 2 0.10%
2 863 3.73% 9 0.27% 2302 0.52% 1 0.05%
3 629 2.72% 8 0.24% 1705 0.38% 2 0.10%
4 627 2.71% 6 0.18% 1469 0.33% 1 0.05%
5 618 2.67% 9 0.27% 1753 0.39% 1 0.05%
6 426 1.84% 1 0.03% 1060 0.24% 1 0.05%
7 418 1.81% 5 0.15% 1202 0.27% 2 0.10%
8 377 1.63% 3 0.09% 1083 0.24% 1 0.05%
9 350 1.51% 4 0.12% 1009 0.23% 2 0.10%
10 328 1.42% 3 0.09% 1709 0.38% 1 0.05%
11 306 1.32% 9 0.27% 1377 0.31% 1 0.05%
12 303 1.31% 1 0.03% 590 0.13% 1 0.05%
13 301 1.30% 23 0.69% 7198 1.62% 20 1.02%
14 286 1.24% 5 0.15% 804 0.18% 3 0.15%
15 271 1.17% 3 0.09% 906 0.20% 2 0.10%
16 215 0.93% 3 0.09% 550 0.12% 1 0.05%
17 175 0.76% 3 0.09% 741 0.17% 1 0.05%
18 174 0.75% 3 0.09% 787 0.18% 1 0.05%
19 172 0.74% 1 0.03% 354 0.08% 1 0.05%
20 171 0.74% 3 0.09% 672 0.15% 2 0.10%
21 171 0.74% 2 0.06% 842 0.19% 1 0.05%
22 168 0.73% 3 0.09% 780 0.18% 1 0.05%
23 167 0.72% 2 0.06% 431 0.10% 1 0.05%
24 161 0.70% 1 0.03% 342 0.08% 1 0.05%
25 157 0.68% 0 0.00% 275 0.06% 0 0.00%
26 147 0.64% 3 0.09% 639 0.14% 1 0.05%
27 146 0.63% 4 0.12% 454 0.10% 1 0.05%
28 138 0.60% 52 1.55% 4494 1.01% 44 2.24%
29 123 0.53% 2 0.06% 327 0.07% 1 0.05%
30 122 0.53% 1 0.03% 273 0.06% 1 0.05%
31 120 0.52% 4 0.12% 658 0.15% 1 0.05%
32 118 0.51% 2 0.06% 422 0.09% 2 0.10%
33 117 0.51% 1 0.03% 717 0.16% 1 0.05%
34 117 0.51% 1 0.03% 715 0.16% 1 0.05%
35 116 0.50% 2 0.06% 321 0.07% 2 0.10%
36 116 0.50% 2 0.06% 395 0.09% 1 0.05%
37 115 0.50% 2 0.06% 342 0.08% 1 0.05%
38 113 0.49% 2 0.06% 413 0.09% 1 0.05%
39 112 0.48% 2 0.06% 301 0.07% 2 0.10%

Stats Page
59 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

6 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
40 111 0.48% 1 0.03% 706 0.16% 1 0.05%
41 111 0.48% 1 0.03% 342 0.08% 1 0.05%
42 111 0.48% 3 0.09% 446 0.10% 1 0.05%
43 110 0.48% 1 0.03% 267 0.06% 1 0.05%
44 109 0.47% 1 0.03% 266 0.06% 1 0.05%
45 103 0.45% 58 1.73% 4993 1.12% 44 2.24%
46 103 0.45% 45 1.34% 5312 1.19% 1 0.05%
47 101 0.44% 2 0.06% 596 0.13% 1 0.05%
48 99 0.43% 1 0.03% 232 0.05% 1 0.05%
49 94 0.41% 86 2.57% 10318 2.32% 2 0.10%
50 84 0.36% 2 0.06% 424 0.10% 1 0.05%

Top 10 of 1148 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 58 0.25% 58 1.73% 14786 3.32% 56 2.85%
2 94 0.41% 86 2.57% 10318 2.32% 2 0.10%
3 68 0.29% 63 1.88% 9015 2.03% 1 0.05%
4 301 1.30% 23 0.69% 7198 1.62% 20 1.02%
5 1341 5.79% 32 0.96% 7028 1.58% 2 0.10%
6 50 0.22% 48 1.43% 5740 1.29% 1 0.05%
7 103 0.45% 45 1.34% 5312 1.19% 1 0.05%
8 46 0.20% 45 1.34% 5280 1.19% 1 0.05%
9 50 0.22% 43 1.28% 5100 1.15% 9 0.46%
10 43 0.19% 40 1.19% 5018 1.13% 2 0.10%

Top 50 of 217 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 110 0.48%
2 58 0.25%
3 48 0.21%
4 37 0.16%
5 17 0.07%
6 15 0.06%
7 14 0.06%
8 12 0.05%
9 12 0.05%
10 11 0.05%
11 11 0.05%
12 11 0.05%
13 10 0.04%
14 10 0.04%
15 9 0.04%
16 9 0.04%
17 9 0.04%
18 9 0.04%
19 9 0.04%
20 8 0.03%
21 8 0.03%
22 8 0.03%

Stats Page
60 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

7 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
23 8 0.03%
24 8 0.03%
25 8 0.03%
26 7 0.03%
27 7 0.03%
28 7 0.03%
29 6 0.03%
30 6 0.03%
31 6 0.03%
32 6 0.03%
33 6 0.03%
34 6 0.03%
35 6 0.03%
36 6 0.03%
37 6 0.03%
38 6 0.03%
39 6 0.03%
40 6 0.03%
41 6 0.03%
42 6 0.03%
43 6 0.03%
44 6 0.03%
45 5 0.02%
46 5 0.02%
47 5 0.02%
48 5 0.02%
49 5 0.02%
50 5 0.02%

Top 4 of 4 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 2 40.00%
2 1 20.00% shtan caterbone allstate homeowners claim lancaster pa.
3 1 20.00% stan caterbone lancaster pa
4 1 20.00% tom's project hope

Top 30 of 357 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 13895 60.04% Safari (OSX)
2 4755 20.55% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 2435 10.52% Firefox Unknown Version
4 319 1.38% Spider:
5 315 1.36% Netscape
6 265 1.15% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
7 215 0.93% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
8 138 0.60% ltx71 - (
9 129 0.56% Opera
10 114 0.49% Spider:
11 109 0.47% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+

Stats Page
61 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

8 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
12 68 0.29%
13 59 0.25% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
14 27 0.12% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
15 27 0.12% Twitterbot/1.0
16 20 0.09% Internet Explorer (Mac)
17 18 0.08% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
18 16 0.07% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
19 13 0.06% Internet Explorer
20 13 0.06% Spider:
21 10 0.04% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
22 9 0.04% Firefox 3
23 8 0.03% Netscape 4.7
24 5 0.02% spiderman
25 4 0.02% Agent
26 4 0.02% Mediatoolkitbot (
27 4 0.02% Program: Powermarks (Bookmark Manager)
28 3 0.01% BOT/0.1 (BOT for JCE)
29 3 0.01% MetaCommentBot;
30 3 0.01% Programming: Wget library (

Top 30 of 54 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 16222 70.10% 1742 52.02% 251550 56.51% United States
2 1912 8.26% 46 1.37% 7026 1.58% Brazil
3 565 2.44% 497 14.84% 32068 7.20% Ukraine
4 457 1.97% 307 9.17% 34483 7.75% Germany
5 410 1.77% 195 5.82% 33093 7.43% France
6 396 1.71% 275 8.21% 27015 6.07% China
7 333 1.44% 1 0.03% 603 0.14% Czech Republic
8 285 1.23% 7 0.21% 1046 0.24% Italy
9 228 0.99% 3 0.09% 1045 0.23% Australia
10 192 0.83% 42 1.25% 6882 1.55% Great Britain (UK)
11 172 0.74% 3 0.09% 1157 0.26% Poland
12 171 0.74% 3 0.09% 477 0.11% Philippines
13 170 0.73% 4 0.12% 534 0.12% Portugal

Stats Page
62 of110
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

9 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - June 2016
Published byHosted
14 168 0.73% 3 0.09% 780 0.18% Nepal
15 168 0.73% 2 0.06% 443 0.10% South Africa
16 146 0.63% 74 2.21% 8876 1.99% Canada
17 120 0.52% 7 0.21% 2026 0.46% India
18 116 0.50% 6 0.18% 960 0.22% Mexico
19 113 0.49% 2 0.06% 316 0.07% Thailand
20 111 0.48% 3 0.09% 446 0.10% Saudi Arabia
21 101 0.44% 51 1.52% 6281 1.41% Ireland
22 84 0.36% 2 0.06% 718 0.16% Chile
23 70 0.30% 2 0.06% 241 0.05% Angola
24 69 0.30% 3 0.09% 810 0.18% Malaysia
25 59 0.25% 1 0.03% 615 0.14% Argentina
26 58 0.25% 3 0.09% 698 0.16% Luxembourg
27 57 0.25% 1 0.03% 159 0.04% Mauritius
28 55 0.24% 1 0.03% 155 0.03% Jordan
29 28 0.12% 28 0.84% 5404 1.21% Romania
30 17 0.07% 10 0.30% 3540 0.80% Indonesia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
63 of108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

10 of 10 8/18/2016 3:02 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted

Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2016
Generated 01-Jun-2016 05:24 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2016

Total Hits 27639
Total Files 3587
Total Pages 3978
Total Visits 2125
Total KBytes 476902
Total Unique Sites 1230
Total Unique URLs 46
Total Unique Referrers 208
Total Unique User Agents 412
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 37 1237
Hits per Day 891 3264
Files per Day 115 229
Pages per Day 128 322
Sites per Day 39 91
Visits per Day 68 100
KBytes per Day 15384 25593
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.03% 9
Code 200 - OK 12.98% 3587
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.12% 32
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.86% 239
Code 404 - Not Found 85.85% 23727
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.16% 45

Stats Page
64 of108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

1 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted

Daily Statistics for May 2016

Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 513 1.86% 128 3.57% 131 3.29% 52 2.45% 49 3.98% 15488 3.25%

2 538 1.95% 111 3.09% 114 2.87% 52 2.45% 54 4.39% 15972 3.35%

3 839 3.04% 92 2.56% 92 2.31% 65 3.06% 91 7.40% 16094 3.37%

4 686 2.48% 84 2.34% 84 2.11% 51 2.40% 53 4.31% 9654 2.02%

5 448 1.62% 81 2.26% 83 2.09% 61 2.87% 57 4.63% 12814 2.69%

6 897 3.25% 190 5.30% 196 4.93% 73 3.44% 69 5.61% 25593 5.37%

7 838 3.03% 229 6.38% 236 5.93% 91 4.28% 85 6.91% 18569 3.89%

8 619 2.24% 65 1.81% 75 1.89% 60 2.82% 61 4.96% 9469 1.99%

9 829 3.00% 87 2.43% 94 2.36% 67 3.15% 75 6.10% 12651 2.65%

10 3264 11.81% 131 3.65% 146 3.67% 80 3.76% 69 5.61% 21827 4.58%

11 2812 10.17% 109 3.04% 119 2.99% 78 3.67% 77 6.26% 19730 4.14%

12 1369 4.95% 86 2.40% 89 2.24% 63 2.96% 59 4.80% 10758 2.26%

13 935 3.38% 103 2.87% 115 2.89% 68 3.20% 72 5.85% 14342 3.01%

14 426 1.54% 51 1.42% 76 1.91% 47 2.21% 50 4.07% 8571 1.80%

15 325 1.18% 105 2.93% 113 2.84% 77 3.62% 64 5.20% 12973 2.72%

16 592 2.14% 160 4.46% 167 4.20% 67 3.15% 70 5.69% 19488 4.09%

17 493 1.78% 144 4.01% 168 4.22% 75 3.53% 77 6.26% 15949 3.34%

18 806 2.92% 117 3.26% 129 3.24% 53 2.49% 57 4.63% 15295 3.21%

19 914 3.31% 75 2.09% 85 2.14% 57 2.68% 58 4.72% 11099 2.33%

20 1108 4.01% 140 3.90% 165 4.15% 85 4.00% 70 5.69% 21320 4.47%

21 938 3.39% 198 5.52% 322 8.09% 100 4.71% 61 4.96% 23600 4.95%

22 601 2.17% 99 2.76% 125 3.14% 73 3.44% 76 6.18% 14409 3.02%

23 1180 4.27% 110 3.07% 118 2.97% 91 4.28% 91 7.40% 14984 3.14%

24 653 2.36% 103 2.87% 107 2.69% 69 3.25% 64 5.20% 15627 3.28%

25 716 2.59% 141 3.93% 147 3.70% 76 3.58% 72 5.85% 20446 4.29%

26 1078 3.90% 92 2.56% 106 2.66% 80 3.76% 69 5.61% 13996 2.93%

27 945 3.42% 143 3.99% 147 3.70% 77 3.62% 61 4.96% 15792 3.31%

28 622 2.25% 137 3.82% 141 3.54% 58 2.73% 63 5.12% 18535 3.89%

Stats Page
33 of 141
65 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

2 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
29 368 1.33% 58 1.62% 59 1.48% 39 1.84% 38 3.09% 7345 1.54%

30 528 1.91% 101 2.82% 104 2.61% 77 3.62% 61 4.96% 9829 2.06%

31 759 2.75% 117 3.26% 125 3.14% 64 3.01% 60 4.88% 14681 3.08%

Hourly Statistics for May 2016

Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total

0 37 1156 4.18% 4 143 3.99% 5 158 3.97% 704 21824 4.58%

1 34 1082 3.91% 5 156 4.35% 5 175 4.40% 648 20101 4.21%

2 19 613 2.22% 5 159 4.43% 5 182 4.58% 686 21267 4.46%

3 27 838 3.03% 4 128 3.57% 4 153 3.85% 555 17200 3.61%

4 13 415 1.50% 2 81 2.26% 2 87 2.19% 261 8078 1.69%

5 20 628 2.27% 3 104 2.90% 3 112 2.82% 485 15032 3.15%

6 11 360 1.30% 3 98 2.73% 3 102 2.56% 420 13023 2.73%

7 25 788 2.85% 3 107 2.98% 3 116 2.92% 528 16354 3.43%

8 12 378 1.37% 2 81 2.26% 2 89 2.24% 333 10309 2.16%

9 21 672 2.43% 2 70 1.95% 2 75 1.89% 327 10131 2.12%

10 23 735 2.66% 4 150 4.18% 6 188 4.73% 606 18789 3.94%

11 41 1276 4.62% 4 142 3.96% 4 149 3.75% 630 19531 4.10%

12 38 1192 4.31% 6 209 5.83% 7 233 5.86% 802 24858 5.21%

13 38 1207 4.37% 8 250 6.97% 8 261 6.56% 1077 33382 7.00%

14 96 2987 10.81% 6 199 5.55% 7 222 5.58% 940 29142 6.11%

15 45 1423 5.15% 3 118 3.29% 4 134 3.37% 638 19771 4.15%

16 60 1883 6.81% 8 272 7.58% 9 307 7.72% 838 25964 5.44%

17 51 1584 5.73% 5 170 4.74% 6 188 4.73% 662 20513 4.30%

18 33 1035 3.74% 4 131 3.65% 4 139 3.49% 585 18122 3.80%

19 29 910 3.29% 3 104 2.90% 3 116 2.92% 500 15511 3.25%

20 72 2244 8.12% 6 193 5.38% 7 219 5.51% 824 25557 5.36%

21 52 1623 5.87% 5 180 5.02% 6 194 4.88% 776 24070 5.05%

22 61 1910 6.91% 7 235 6.55% 8 258 6.49% 1140 35351 7.41%

23 22 700 2.53% 3 107 2.98% 3 121 3.04% 420 13020 2.73%

Top 46 of 46 Total URLs

# Hits KBytes URL
1 1322 4.78% 77791 16.31% /default.htm
2 272 0.98% 110832 23.24% /gpage30.html

Stats Page
34 of 141
66 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

3 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
3 104 0.38% 11495 2.41% /gpage28.html
4 97 0.35% 47179 9.89% /gpage22.html
5 81 0.29% 10913 2.29% /gpage41.html
6 76 0.27% 17368 3.64% /gpage17.html
7 68 0.25% 20307 4.26% /index-2.html
8 67 0.24% 6339 1.33% /gpage27.html
9 65 0.24% 8685 1.82% /gpage19.html
10 60 0.22% 2187 0.46% /gpage12.html
11 60 0.22% 3888 0.82% /gpage13.html
12 60 0.22% 4318 0.91% /gpage2.html
13 59 0.21% 5189 1.09% /gpage21.html
14 57 0.21% 6514 1.37% /gpage10.html
15 57 0.21% 2941 0.62% /gpage3.html
16 56 0.20% 2968 0.62% /gpage1.html
17 56 0.20% 2016 0.42% /gpage7.html
18 55 0.20% 2547 0.53% /gpage34.html
19 54 0.20% 530 0.11% /Splash_Screen.html
20 54 0.20% 6360 1.33% /gpage20.html
21 54 0.20% 6164 1.29% /gpage8.html
22 52 0.19% 3934 0.82% /gpage26.html
23 51 0.18% 4726 0.99% /gpage24.html
24 51 0.18% 3333 0.70% /gpage38.html
25 49 0.18% 10157 2.13% /gpage16.html
26 49 0.18% 1958 0.41% /gpage25.html
27 47 0.17% 13619 2.86% /
28 47 0.17% 2154 0.45% /gpage31.html
29 47 0.17% 5375 1.13% /gpage33.html
30 47 0.17% 6436 1.35% /gpage9.html
31 46 0.17% 2535 0.53% /gpage37.html
32 45 0.16% 2687 0.56% /gpage23.html
33 44 0.16% 1450 0.30% /gpage14.html
34 44 0.16% 1989 0.42% /gpage29.html
35 44 0.16% 1883 0.39% /gpage32.html
36 43 0.16% 1762 0.37% /gpage11.html
37 43 0.16% 1190 0.25% /gpage40.html
38 41 0.15% 3542 0.74% /gpage5.html
39 40 0.14% 1603 0.34% /gpage6.html
40 39 0.14% 1646 0.35% /gpage39.html
41 38 0.14% 1338 0.28% /gpage36.html
42 38 0.14% 1261 0.26% /gpage4.html
43 35 0.13% 3015 0.63% /gpage18.html
44 33 0.12% 1146 0.24% /gpage15.html
45 8 0.03% 0 0.00% /.html
46 3 0.01% 33 0.01% /splash_screen.html

Top 10 of 46 Total URLs By KBytes

# Hits KBytes URL
1 272 0.98% 110832 23.24% /gpage30.html
2 1322 4.78% 77791 16.31% /default.htm
3 97 0.35% 47179 9.89% /gpage22.html

Stats Page
35 of 141
67 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

4 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
4 68 0.25% 20307 4.26% /index-2.html
5 76 0.27% 17368 3.64% /gpage17.html
6 47 0.17% 13619 2.86% /
7 104 0.38% 11495 2.41% /gpage28.html
8 81 0.29% 10913 2.29% /gpage41.html
9 49 0.18% 10157 2.13% /gpage16.html
10 65 0.24% 8685 1.82% /gpage19.html

Top 30 of 45 Total Entry Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1322 4.78% 962 46.34% /default.htm
2 272 0.98% 221 10.65% /gpage30.html
3 104 0.38% 69 3.32% /gpage28.html
4 97 0.35% 55 2.65% /gpage22.html
5 76 0.27% 48 2.31% /gpage17.html
6 47 0.17% 38 1.83% /
7 65 0.24% 38 1.83% /gpage19.html
8 68 0.25% 32 1.54% /index-2.html
9 60 0.22% 31 1.49% /gpage12.html
10 60 0.22% 31 1.49% /gpage2.html
11 81 0.29% 31 1.49% /gpage41.html
12 60 0.22% 30 1.45% /gpage13.html
13 57 0.21% 29 1.40% /gpage3.html
14 56 0.20% 28 1.35% /gpage1.html
15 59 0.21% 26 1.25% /gpage21.html
16 67 0.24% 24 1.16% /gpage27.html
17 57 0.21% 20 0.96% /gpage10.html
18 49 0.18% 20 0.96% /gpage16.html
19 54 0.20% 19 0.92% /gpage20.html
20 44 0.16% 19 0.92% /gpage32.html
21 46 0.17% 17 0.82% /gpage37.html
22 51 0.18% 17 0.82% /gpage38.html
23 54 0.20% 17 0.82% /gpage8.html
24 43 0.16% 16 0.77% /gpage11.html
25 45 0.16% 16 0.77% /gpage23.html
26 51 0.18% 15 0.72% /gpage24.html
27 49 0.18% 15 0.72% /gpage25.html
28 52 0.19% 15 0.72% /gpage26.html
29 47 0.17% 15 0.72% /gpage9.html
30 44 0.16% 14 0.67% /gpage29.html

Top 15 of 45 Total Exit Pages

# Hits Visits URL
1 1322 4.78% 908 44.16% /default.htm
2 272 0.98% 194 9.44% /gpage30.html
3 97 0.35% 63 3.06% /gpage22.html
4 104 0.38% 56 2.72% /gpage28.html
5 76 0.27% 48 2.33% /gpage17.html
6 81 0.29% 41 1.99% /gpage41.html

Stats Page
36 of 141
68 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

5 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
7 54 0.20% 40 1.95% /Splash_Screen.html
8 68 0.25% 38 1.85% /index-2.html
9 47 0.17% 37 1.80% /
10 65 0.24% 37 1.80% /gpage19.html
11 67 0.24% 35 1.70% /gpage27.html
12 60 0.22% 29 1.41% /gpage13.html
13 57 0.21% 29 1.41% /gpage3.html
14 52 0.19% 25 1.22% /gpage26.html
15 54 0.20% 25 1.22% /gpage8.html

Top 50 of 1230 Total Sites

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1848 6.69% 25 0.70% 6173 1.29% 2 0.09%
2 1804 6.53% 15 0.42% 4487 0.94% 3 0.14%
3 849 3.07% 7 0.20% 2383 0.50% 2 0.09%
4 689 2.49% 12 0.33% 2233 0.47% 4 0.19%
5 673 2.43% 11 0.31% 3825 0.80% 9 0.42%
6 640 2.32% 11 0.31% 2131 0.45% 3 0.14%
7 640 2.32% 9 0.25% 1632 0.34% 1 0.05%
8 329 1.19% 10 0.28% 1801 0.38% 1 0.05%
9 250 0.90% 5 0.14% 986 0.21% 2 0.09%
10 241 0.87% 3 0.08% 1302 0.27% 1 0.05%
11 235 0.85% 2 0.06% 844 0.18% 1 0.05%
12 230 0.83% 2 0.06% 580 0.12% 1 0.05%
13 223 0.81% 4 0.11% 673 0.14% 3 0.14%
14 214 0.77% 2 0.06% 946 0.20% 1 0.05%
15 213 0.77% 1 0.03% 431 0.09% 1 0.05%
16 178 0.64% 3 0.08% 489 0.10% 3 0.14%
17 174 0.63% 1 0.03% 815 0.17% 1 0.05%
18 173 0.63% 3 0.08% 512 0.11% 1 0.05%
19 173 0.63% 2 0.06% 676 0.14% 1 0.05%
20 172 0.62% 2 0.06% 506 0.11% 1 0.05%
21 172 0.62% 3 0.08% 792 0.17% 2 0.09%
22 165 0.60% 1 0.03% 437 0.09% 1 0.05%
23 163 0.59% 1 0.03% 433 0.09% 1 0.05%
24 152 0.55% 74 2.06% 7115 1.49% 26 1.22%
25 150 0.54% 4 0.11% 545 0.11% 1 0.05%
26 141 0.51% 129 3.60% 15477 3.25% 3 0.14%
27 134 0.48% 2 0.06% 346 0.07% 1 0.05%
28 130 0.47% 2 0.06% 600 0.13% 1 0.05%
29 126 0.46% 1 0.03% 280 0.06% 1 0.05%
30 123 0.45% 4 0.11% 1107 0.23% 1 0.05%
31 119 0.43% 2 0.06% 506 0.11% 1 0.05%
32 118 0.43% 4 0.11% 384 0.08% 1 0.05%
33 115 0.42% 1 0.03% 515 0.11% 1 0.05%
34 113 0.41% 2 0.06% 1221 0.26% 2 0.09%
35 112 0.41% 2 0.06% 401 0.08% 1 0.05%
36 111 0.40% 1 0.03% 706 0.15% 1 0.05%
37 110 0.40% 1 0.03% 252 0.05% 1 0.05%
38 110 0.40% 0 0.00% 193 0.04% 0 0.00%

Stats Page
37 of 141
69 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

6 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
39 109 0.39% 1 0.03% 250 0.05% 1 0.05%
40 109 0.39% 1 0.03% 250 0.05% 1 0.05%
41 107 0.39% 0 0.00% 188 0.04% 0 0.00%
42 104 0.38% 1 0.03% 241 0.05% 1 0.05%
43 93 0.34% 41 1.14% 2639 0.55% 23 1.08%
44 91 0.33% 1 0.03% 671 0.14% 1 0.05%
45 87 0.31% 1 0.03% 211 0.04% 1 0.05%
46 86 0.31% 85 2.37% 23 0.00% 1 0.05%
47 80 0.29% 42 1.17% 5415 1.14% 26 1.22%
48 76 0.27% 0 0.00% 133 0.03% 0 0.00%
49 74 0.27% 1 0.03% 189 0.04% 1 0.05%
50 73 0.26% 1 0.03% 187 0.04% 1 0.05%

Top 10 of 1230 Total Sites By KBytes

# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 67 0.24% 67 1.87% 17854 3.74% 65 3.06%
2 141 0.51% 129 3.60% 15477 3.25% 3 0.14%
3 152 0.55% 74 2.06% 7115 1.49% 26 1.22%
4 1848 6.69% 25 0.70% 6173 1.29% 2 0.09%
5 50 0.18% 48 1.34% 5740 1.20% 1 0.05%
6 80 0.29% 42 1.17% 5415 1.14% 26 1.22%
7 48 0.17% 44 1.23% 5157 1.08% 1 0.05%
8 43 0.16% 42 1.17% 5029 1.05% 1 0.05%
9 43 0.16% 42 1.17% 4984 1.05% 1 0.05%
10 1804 6.53% 15 0.42% 4487 0.94% 3 0.14%

Top 50 of 208 Total Referrers

# Hits Referrer
1 222 0.80%
2 56 0.20%
3 52 0.19%
4 25 0.09%
5 13 0.05%
6 12 0.04%
7 11 0.04%
8 10 0.04%
9 10 0.04%
10 10 0.04%
11 10 0.04%
12 9 0.03% data-dot
13 9 0.03%
14 9 0.03%
15 8 0.03%
16 8 0.03%
17 8 0.03%
18 7 0.03%
19 7 0.03%
20 7 0.03%
21 7 0.03%

Stats Page
38 of 141
70 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

7 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
22 7 0.03%
23 7 0.03%
24 6 0.02%
25 6 0.02%
26 6 0.02%
27 6 0.02%
28 6 0.02%
29 6 0.02%
30 6 0.02%
31 6 0.02%
32 6 0.02%
33 6 0.02%
34 6 0.02%
35 6 0.02%
36 6 0.02%
37 6 0.02%
38 6 0.02%
39 6 0.02%
40 6 0.02%
41 6 0.02%
42 5 0.02%
43 5 0.02%
44 5 0.02%
45 5 0.02%
46 5 0.02%
47 5 0.02%
48 5 0.02%
49 5 0.02%
50 5 0.02%

Top 4 of 4 Total Search Strings

# Hits Search String
1 4 50.00% stan caterbone allstate homeowners insurance claim lancaster pa.
2 2 25.00% allstate insurance claim stan caterbone lancaster pa.
3 1 12.50% stanley caterbone
4 1 12.50% tom caterbone

Top 30 of 412 Total User Agents

# Hits User Agent
1 13811 49.97% Safari (OSX)
2 8462 30.62% Internet Explorer 5.0
3 2383 8.62% Firefox Unknown Version
4 1258 4.55% Netscape
5 367 1.33% Spider:
6 281 1.02% Device: Samsung Mobile Phone
7 272 0.98% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
8 187 0.68% Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
9 85 0.31% Opera
10 68 0.25% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

Stats Page
39 of 141
71 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

8 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
11 64 0.23% Firefox 3
12 60 0.22% Spider:
13 43 0.16% Twitterbot/1.0
14 33 0.12% Spider:
15 16 0.06% SpamBot: Pretends to be Mozilla 3.0
16 15 0.05% Internet Explorer (Mac)
17 12 0.04% Internet Explorer
18 11 0.04% Internet Explorer 5.5 (Windows)
19 9 0.03% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
20 6 0.02% Programming: URLLIB (Python library)
21 5 0.02% Firefox 2
22 4 0.01% Internet Explorer 4.01
23 4 0.01% Mediatoolkitbot (
24 4 0.01% MetaURI API/2.0
25 4 0.01% MobileSafari/601.1 CFNetwork/758.3.15 Darwin/15.4.0
26 3 0.01% Agent
27 3 0.01% Device: I-mode Compatible Mobile Phone
28 3 0.01% Internet Explorer 6.0 (Windows)
29 3 0.01% MetaCommentBot;
30 3 0.01% Program: Powermarks (Bookmark Manager)

Top 30 of 57 Total Countries

# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 19835 71.76% 1894 52.80% 271904 57.01% United States
2 2370 8.57% 54 1.51% 8197 1.72% Brazil
3 643 2.33% 139 3.88% 29521 6.19% France
4 501 1.81% 398 11.10% 46989 9.85% Germany
5 467 1.69% 334 9.31% 33727 7.07% China
6 465 1.68% 407 11.35% 25847 5.42% Ukraine
7 309 1.12% 24 0.67% 3174 0.67% Italy
8 307 1.11% 2 0.06% 572 0.12% Czech Republic
9 250 0.90% 54 1.51% 5701 1.20% Great Britain (UK)
10 232 0.84% 58 1.62% 8200 1.72% Canada
11 213 0.77% 1 0.03% 431 0.09% Israel
12 206 0.75% 4 0.11% 597 0.13% Portugal

Stats Page
40 of 141
72 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

9 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM
Usage Statistics for - May 2016
Published byHosted
13 123 0.45% 10 0.28% 1993 0.42% Australia
14 118 0.43% 7 0.20% 2430 0.51% Romania
15 113 0.41% 2 0.06% 428 0.09% India
16 113 0.41% 2 0.06% 316 0.07% Mexico
17 111 0.40% 1 0.03% 706 0.15% Singapore
18 103 0.37% 91 2.54% 11550 2.42% Unresolved/Unknown
19 102 0.37% 3 0.08% 748 0.16% Spain
20 64 0.23% 40 1.12% 7562 1.59% Russian Federation
21 59 0.21% 1 0.03% 615 0.13% Cayman Islands
22 59 0.21% 2 0.06% 1127 0.24% Philippines
23 58 0.21% 1 0.03% 176 0.04% Iran
24 57 0.21% 1 0.03% 159 0.03% Chile
25 57 0.21% 1 0.03% 159 0.03% Colombia
26 57 0.21% 1 0.03% 159 0.03% Macedonia
27 57 0.21% 2 0.06% 670 0.14% Uruguay
28 56 0.20% 2 0.06% 216 0.05% Angola
29 56 0.20% 2 0.06% 216 0.05% Austria
30 56 0.20% 1 0.03% 157 0.03% Belgium

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23

Stats Page
41 of 141
73 108
73 Saturday
March 10,
18, 2017

10 of 10 8/18/2016 3:04 PM

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