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Education Qualification

Semester SGPA
6.48 6.72 6.54 6.46 6.35

1s t 2nd 3 rd 4th 5 th 6th 7th 8th


Devigange Pally
Ward No.- 13
P.O & P.S.Sainthia
Dist. Birbhum
Pin- 731234 CGPA : 6.85
State- West Bengal

University: West Bengal University Of Technology

Personal Details Language Known

1. English 2. Hindi 3. Bengali

Date of Birth : 11/02/1993
Fathers Name : Partha Rooj
Mothers Name : Kakali Rooj Personal Strength
Marital Status : Unmarried
Sex : Male Honesty, Analytical thinking and Decision Making, Managing People
Nationality : Indian Time Efficiency, Team Bonding And Leadership Capabilities,
Positive Thinking, Modest, Openness, Optimistic, Determined,
Self- Motivated, Remarkable logical and analytical skills

Contact Details

: (+91) 9614546100 Hobbies & Interests

Youtuber, Blogging, Human Psychology, Biking, Fashion, Technology : Photography and Editing, Adventure, NSE Investing, Tech Gadgets

: akash.rooj11
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Professional Experience
Company : Dev Genie Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Duration : January 2015- December 2016
Designation : Database Administrator

Dev Genie Software is Delhi based Indian company that provides high quality web solutions like Web
development, Web designing and Web Services. Dev have a large pool of resources and expertise to
develop web application provides application maintenance services since last 15 years.

Headquartered in Delhi, Dev is a small medium standard company committed and trusted by a
numbers of its clients throughout India and abroad. It is one of the trusted partners of Oracle

Project: FIS Mortgage Auditor.

Description: Mortgage Auditor the project is located in US and falls under the
Banking & Finance Domain.
It is Full Suite of Outsourced Services for Mortgage Bankers and Banks. It has been used by
various banks in USA to calculate and validate the qualification of a customer who is seeking a
loan from the bank. This application is based on the new US law and guideline for the banks that
is going to provide loan to any person. FIS is owner of this project and various banks have been
using the project as its clients. It has different modules such as Super Admin to manage banks
account, Institution Admin or Bank Admin to manage customer account. Calculator to
calculate the asset of a customer seeking loan and Validation to validate the ability to
qualified mortgage.

Client: Binaries Data source India Pvt. Ltd. - Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Technologies Used: Oracle 11g, ASP.NET MVC, Web Services (WCF Remoting HTTP), Java Script,
HTML, jQuery


Software Installation, Database Creation and Network Configuration.

Using Shell Script Monitoring Alert logfile, Tablespace Usage and Mount point usage.
Finding Inactive session and locking session.
Monitoring The Scheduling jobs and RMAN Backup jobs success.
Creating dblink using TNS, adding Datafile to the
Performing Schemas Refresh, Table Refresh using DATAPUMP.
Generating ASH Report, AWR Report and ADDM Report for performance related issues.
Knowledge on Switchover and Failover mechanism on High Availability Structures DATAGUARD.
Rebuilding the indexes, find the highest CPU consuming process and kill unwanted process if its running.
Creation new databases and administration of existing databases.

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Cloning Database using RMAN.
Data guard configuration and Resolving the Archive log gap on Standby server.
Rebuilding Standby until SCN if required.
Creating Users, Roles and Profiles, and granting Privileges to Users.
Installation of Oracle 11g, 12c software on Red hat Linux and OEL.

Starting and shutdown to the CLUSTER and DATBASE..

Environment: Oracle 11g, LINUX, Windows 2003 server, SQL server.

Databases: Oracle 11g, RAC, MS-SQL Server, MySQL.
Operating Systems: Windows 7/8/10, UNIX, Linux.

Career Summary
Having 1 year of working experience on ORACLE DBA.
Experience on ORACLE 11g.
Having on Good knowledge in oracle database architecture.
Having experience on USER Management.
Monitoring Alert logfile and Tablespace Usage, Mount point usage and Server load.
Hands Experience on RMAN. I had done Cloning Using RMAN.
Experience on Tablespace Management.
Listener.ora and Tnsnames.ora file configuration in both Client and Server Machine.
Experience Creating DB Link, Creating Directory.
Experience on DATAGUARD Configuration and Experience on Resolving Gap on Standby Server.
Having Knowledge on How to add New Node to The CLUSTER.
Experience on ASM Configuration.
Experience on Creating DISKGROUP and DISK.
Hands on Experience on DATABASE UPGRADATION.
Knowledge on Patching.
Monitoring errors in ggserror.log and resolving the error.


To achieve professional excellence and quality experiences.

To realize my potential where I get the opportunity for continuous learning from life.


Ms. - Indrani Sur

Director; IIP and TT Cell
Computer Science And Engineering
Calcutta Institute Of Engineering And Management

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I hereby declare that the details provided above are true to the best of my knowledge

Place: Bangalore

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