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Obamas act of departure

Barack Obamas farewell speech was an ode to democracy, a playing out of a ritual faith in the Constitution
and in the people of the U.S. When a leader and the people renew their faith, democracy comes alive
democracy demands perpetual participa- ity, a sense that economics is not a zero-sum
S AT U R D AY , J A N U A R Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 7 tion. The ritual of citizens participation is game.
SHIV VISVANATHAN the only perpetual machine that keeps demo- Yet, the changes in technology now
cracy as faith and action alive. Living demo- threaten this solidarity. Politics has to create
cracy and dreaming democracy helps recre- a new social compact to meet new needs. Mr.
Pay heed to U.S. President Barack Obamas farewell ad-
ate democracy. The renewal of faith and the
reinvention of citizenship are continuous in a
Obama did not hide the dangers to demo-
cracy, be it race or terror. Yet he emphasised

Urjit Patel dress in Chicago this week was an epic event,

a drama in political dialogue which people
sensed as a terrific performance.
functioning democracy.
The power of his narrative was moving. It
was as if he had the vision of the founding
the need to avoid paranoia, and insisted on
empathy, where one cannot frame every is-
sue as a struggle between a hardworking

eserve Bank of India Governor Urjit Pa- Mr Obamas farewell address was more fathers in his blood. The audience was middle class and an undeserving minority.
tels emphasis on the vital importance of than an act of departure. It was an act of re- touched, even moved to tears as acclamation He cited Harper Lees great character Atticus
protecting domestic macroeconomic sta- newal. Being a talented speaker, he could became a ritual of solidarity. The impact was Finch, who claimed that you never under-
combine many messages and performances charismatic, folksy, everyday and one sensed stand a man till you get into his skin, and de-
bility could not have come at a more cru-
to create a memorable moment. Through his that no demagogue or dictator could achieve manded that the immigrant empathises with
cial juncture. With the Centre in the process of fi- speech he created a magical space, an epi- this music of democracy which one calls the white American whose world is capsizing
nalising the Union Budget, Dr. Patel has stressed phany on the power of the people and people trust. The American dream has moved mi- through economic change. It was a powerful
the need to ensure that it does not stray from the in power. In this way, an act of departure be- grants, refugees, pioneers, slaves, women to plea for empathy, where citizenship demands
path of fiscal consolidation, at a time when the ex- came an act of healing, of community, of organise. that we take on the role of the other. A demo-
ternal environment is already adverse and likely to solidarity, a ritual which recharged the U.S.s cracy which does not empathise with the
remain uncertain for the foreseeable future. That faith in democracy. It was an eloquent mo- A path to renewal other becomes a world of stereotypes, which
the clamour for a sizeable fiscal stimulus is likely to ment enacted with a full sense of almost op- Mr. Obama recognised that democracy is seeks comfort in sameness.
grow louder as budget day nears is a certainty, given eratic power. not a flawless machine, yet it works. He There was a magic to the narrative as the
the signs that an incipient demand slowdown may talked of the achievements of his own terms audience responded to the pedagogy of the
From President to citizen and shared his achievements with the people. ideals. He added that democracy is a battle of
have been exacerbated by the cash crunch caused In his body language, there was an ease There was and is a shared pride in the ideas, but ideas which explore difference on
by the withdrawal of high-value banknotes. Within about being in power and there was also an achievements of the Obama era. The sincer- the basis of reason. This demanded the con-
the government too, the temptation to loosen the The sincerity and the authenticity
ease about his giving up power. A farewell is a ity, the authenticity made one wonder how cession that even an opponent might be mak-
purse strings to assuage adverse reaction to the de- ritual where a president becomes citizen of the speech made one wonder this same America became a post-truth soci- ing a valid point.
monetisation decision is likely to be high. It is in again. Mr. Obama was clear that for all the how this same America became a ety, allowing someone such as Donald Trump Mr. Obama moved to a poetic sense of the
this context that the RBI chiefs reminder to the facts of empire and nationhood, the real hero post-truth society, allowing a to become president. American faith in change, in innovation, hail-
Centre that borrowing even more and pre-empt- of American democracy is the citizen. There The context nibbles at the text but the mes- ing what he called the spirit of the Kitty Hawk
ing resources from future generations cannot be a was humour in the act where he referred to Trump to become president sage sustains itself. A democracy that be- and Cape Canaveral. It is a spirit of innova-
short cut to achieving durable long-term higher his lame duck status. lieves in itself renews itself. Peoples faith re- tion based on a rule of law and a faith in hu-
He began his speech easily and informally. steel mills. He enacted his biography as the creates peoples power. In fact, Mr. Obama man rights.
growth is significant. With the general govern-
His relationship with the American people biography of all migrants, renewing Amer- showed that even the transition of power is a He warned that this faith is being chal-
ment deficit among the highest in the G-20 eco- was not one of demagogic distance or charis- icas openness to all oppressed people. For moment to be proud of, emphasising the lenged. But the only answer to this was a re-
nomies, Dr. Patel reiterated what several of his pre- matic power but possessed the homeliness him, two magic words sustain the miracle power of institution over the idiosyncrasy of newal of the American spirit of democracy. A
decessors including Y.V. Reddy have harped on: and the humility of a conversation. He called America: people and change, both individuals. It is democracy that renews threat to democracy demands more demo-
high levels of government borrowing tend to crowd claimed that his conversation with the Amer- working through the institutions of demo- America. cracy. It is a battle which democracy has ex-
out private investment and paper over the urgent ican people kept him honest and made him a cracy. For Mr. Obama, democracy is the force Democracy, he explained, like an easy tended abroad challenging the Islamic State
need for more abiding reforms. better president and a better man. of alchemy which sustains both individual preacher, does not require uniformity. It cre- in every front. Yet he realised that terror
Specifically, the RBI chief has suggested that gov- A moment of departure is a moment of re- dreams while creating a notion of the com- ates solidarity through difference. He em- must be fought legally otherwise terror turns
ernment expenditure be ideally reoriented towards membrance. As applause punctuated liter- mon good. phasised that solidarity and uniformity cre- us into monsters.
creating more public infrastructure such as expan- ally every sentence, Mr. Obama recollected Yet democracy, he claimed, for all its vital- ated two different worlds of unity. Mr. Obamas speech was an ode to demo-
that he began his career in Chicago working ity can never be taken for granted. An act of Mr. Obama spelt out the challenges to cracy, a playing out of a ritual faith in the Con-
ded railway networks and urban mass transit sys- with church groups in the shadow of closed indifference is an act of betrayal because democracy a sense of economic opportun- stitution, in the people. It was moving,
tems that would help boost productivity even as it poignant and yet easy in its diction. A leader
leads to reductions in the oil import bill and and a people renew faith, and in the very act
provides the collateral benefit of improved air qual- CARTOONSCAPE of renewal democracy comes alive.
ity. And in what could be seen as an expression of
assertion of the RBIs independence of thought, Dr. Rhetoric hides the cracks
Patel spoke of the risks that policy interventions in There is power and simplicity to the act be-
the form of government guarantees and interest cause there is a faith which binds drama and
rate subventions pose. While not directly alluding everydayness. Watching it one knew that no
Vladimir Putin, Jacob Zuma, Narendra Modi
to Prime Minister Narendra Modis announce-
or Theresa May could have pulled this off.
ments last month, which included a doubling in There was a magic to it that one responded
credit guarantees for micro, small and medium en- to. For a few moments an old-fashioned
terprises, the RBI chief said that large credit guar- America came alive and Mr. Trump and para-
antees also impede optimal allocation of financial noid fears of the new society receded. Mr.
resources and increase moral hazard. With such Obama, as Canute, had reversed the tides so
guarantees only adding to the governments liabilit- that America could once again believe in
ies and raising the risk premium on its borrowing, democracy.
the better solution, he suggested, would be to re- Yet, one must remember that moments of
solve constraints such as transaction costs related renewal are moments of erasure. The power
of the performance, the easy rhetoric hides
to clearances and the taxation bureaucracy. As Dr. the cracks in the regime, the crevices through
Patel said, it is easy and quick to fritter away gains which Mr. Trump broke in. Rituals of farewell
regarding macroeconomic stability. But, as he ad- require rites of critique, and if America is a
ded, it would be hard and slow to regain them. vital democracy, these will follow soon. Ac-
clamation and solidarity in a moment of cul-
tural crisis strike an odd note but a presiden-
tial farewell is a true American melodrama.
Pakistans One wishes the effect would continue but a
farewell is a closure, the end of an era. The
storyteller waits anxiously for the new to
vanishing voices unfold.

Shiv Visvanathan is director, Centre for the Study of

ver the past few days, five Pakistani act- Knowledge Systems, Jindal Global Law School, and the
writer of Theatres of Democracy.
ivists including the poet Salman Haider
have gone missing. The incidents have
left the rights groups, already under LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
pressure from the military and extremist outfits,
alarmed. Nobody has claimed responsibility, and Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
the family members havent got any ransom calls.
The government says it will find them, but the in- Jallikattu and culture have any misgivings about animals of Tamil Nadu. One would expect When the citizenry of a country served to jawans emerged, there
vestigation that started after Haiders disappear- being treated in a cruel manner. that Chief Minister O. does not have any sense of belonging have been a few more that have
At a time when most people are still A.V. Narayanan, Panneerselvam is given enough time and believes that subverting the surfaced (Whats cooking in the
ance on January 6 seems to have reached nowhere; experiencing the after-effects of to function before he is judged. The infrastructure is the best survival BSF?, Jan.13). The intervention by
since then four more have gone missing. Although demonetisation and farmers are government will lose its credibility if strategy, then the government is not the Prime Ministers Office should
the full facts are not available, the perception that reeling under drought, is jallikattu Jallikattu is not a social evil to be his constitutional position as Chief the only institution to be blamed. not result in a cover-up. The move to
the disappearances are somehow linked has gained that essential a sport to be fought fought against tooth and nail but a Minister is continually challenged Things will not change unless fear is give the whole issue a political hue is
credence. They were all active social media-based for? It may be called a bull-taming rural sport associated with the by party sycophants who are keen to induced among Indian citizens by unwarranted and the claim that
campaigners for human rights and critical of the sport but from what I have seen, it is annual harvest festival of Pongal curry favour with Ms. Sasikala who strictly penalising and punishing more attention is being paid to the
military and its support for militancy. They chal- only the participants who get tamed since the Sangam Age. It is has held no position in the party or them for such behaviour. plight of jawans is laughable. Mobile
lenged the extremist narrative propagated by the by the bulls. Where is the valour in entertaining as participants display public life. With a shroud of secrecy Ritvik Chaturvedi, apps in the hands of jawans should
fundamentalist groups and promoted the idea of a this sport? Are they fighting with grit, determination, will, strength, surrounding Jayalalithaas medical New Delhi not be misused at a time when India
bulls face to face? People run behind and even presence of mind. It is an treatment and the disproportionate has a tense relationship with
modern, inclusive Pakistan, largely through Face-
and hang onto a bull for some exaggeration to say that animals are assets case hanging like a sword of We must stop looking at cities as the neighbouring countries.
book posts and blogs. Haider was known for his distance. If they are able to do this tortured. As a photojournalist, I have Damocles over her head, Ms. engines of growth because these
strong stand on rights violations in Balochistan. N. Nagarajan,
for a while, they are labelled as covered this sport for nearly 16 years Sasikala would be well advised not engines are adding to pollution at Secunderabad
This is not the first time activists and writers crit- heroes. Many are also injured in the at Alanganallur and Palamedu in to assume an additional role as chief unmanageable rates. The
ical of the military-terror complex have come un- process, gored and even trampled Madurai district in Tamil Nadu and minister. government must ponder over what Happenings in the armed forces
der attack in Pakistan. For years both the security upon. When there are so many have a stock of about 500 Kangayam R. Narasimhan, former President Abdul Kalam said: continue to make news for all the
apparatus and militant groups have used force to si- burning issues for political parties to transparencies and negatives. In no Chennai The developed India will not be a wrong reasons. Most prominent
lence critics. Liberal activist and author Raza Rumi, tackle, why harp on this (Jallikattu frame that I have shot can I find nation of cities. It will be a network have been unappeased veterans
who had criticised state support for militants, was ban to stay as Supreme Court refuses animals to have been treated in a of prosperous villages empowered protesting and demanding pay
to be hurried into judgment, Jan.13)? cruel way. In fact jallikattu results in Vision for urbanscapes by telemedicine, tele-education, and parity through OROP, the
attacked by an extremist outfit in March 2014. A
D. Sethuraman, injuries to participants, which they As a resident of Delhi, I can e-commerce.... controversial appointment of the
year later, activist Sabeen Mahmud was shot dead take in their stride. completely relate to the writer when Army Chief, and now, a case that
Chennai R. Swarnalatha,
in Karachi after she hosted a debate on Balochistan. he says that our vision of making shows the dismal condition of our
This time the victims are social media activists, and R. Krishnamurthy, Chennai
Almost all political parties in Tamil Coimbatore urbanscapes better is doomed if our jawans. The government should
it is not hard to see the pattern. In Pakistan where Nadu have raised the pitch on the leaders give direct amnesty to ensure the well-being of those who
television faces censorship and the print media is subject. The reasons being given by people who construct illegal New chief ensure the security of the nation.
under pressure, social media platforms are a thriv- those who want the ban to be lifted A transfer of loyalty buildings (The citys bleak future, At a time when the dust has yet to Prerna Singh,
ing space where people express views without fear. are deeply unconvincing. Just Tamil Nadu has been sailing through Jan.13). Delhi has a number of such settle over the ouster of Cyrus New Delhi
Whoever is behind the disappearances is targeting because it is a traditional sport, why a stormy period with most of us settlements; some are being run as Mistry and the battle is still being
such free debates. This should be a wake-up call to should this sport of torture be watching helplessly as V.K. Sasikala, commercial spaces. As such fought at many levels, choosing N.
encouraged in the 21st century? Can a close personal aide of Jayalalithaa, constructions are illegal, a legal Chandrasekaran, chairman of TCS, Doormat row
the Pakistani state. Some commentators have
taming an animal by a human being has moved on to become the electricity connection is ruled out as the new head of Tata Sons is The thoughtless act by the online
already implicated the state, citing the pattern in be called a sport of valour? Man AIADMKs general secretary which results in the practice of surprising (TCS veteran picked to e-retailer giant in marketing
the disappearances and the militarys track record claiming victory over animal is not (Transfer of loyalty, Jan.13). Most stealing electricity from power lines head Tata Sons, Jan.13). The tea-to- doormats bearing the Indian
in dealing with dissent. The Interior Minister has heroism or valour. It is barbarism. of us do not know what role she and junction boxes. software conglomerate has still tricolour, and their subsequent
said the government is not in the business of dis- Bull taming is synonymous with played in politics or whether she has There is also the lack of a common failed to give specific and withdrawal, raises an issue about
appearing people, but he has the responsibility to torture, bloodshed and death. solutions to Tamil Nadus problems. collective culture in our cities. A convincing arguments for Mr. how such a retailer of repute can
find out what happened to the activists. For dec- Albert PRayan, A situation where there has been no visit to any Indian city will have you Mistrys removal across all Tata even think of doing such things.
ades Pakistan tolerated a culture of violence within Chennai regard for the consensus of the witness people breaking queues, subsidiaries in a transparent manner Come what may, promoting/
its society for political and strategic benefits, but people or even its party cadres is violating traffic rules, using roads as except stating that the group under marketing products that involve
this has backfired. Liberal space is shrinking in the It is to be remembered that the ban unfortunate. public conveniences and generally his leadership deviated from its core sensitivities is not only injudicious
affects the traditions and sentiments Aribalaji, making it a nightmare. Despite values. but inexcusable. The faux pas has
wake of challenges from the extremists that be- of people. Such races are held in efforts by the government to make only brought disrepute to the firm.
Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu R. Prabhu Raj,
nefited from the states tolerance of violence. The North India including Punjab. With things easy, people still turn a blind But how is the government going to
government has to take bold measures to check vigil on the Internet in this era of Ms. Sasikala, who has pledged to eye. The Delhi Metro is a case in trace and take action against small
these groups and promote free and fearless think- communication, one cannot miss follow in the footsteps of Jayalalithaa point. People do their own thing traders who peddle similar
ing if it wants the already vulnerable democratic any act of cruelty being inflicted on to ensure discipline and unity in the despite announcements every few A jawans grievance marketing ideas?
dynamics to survive. animals. Jallikattu can be termed a AIADMK party, must avoid seconds about platform and After the BSF jawans video clip on E.S. Chandrasekaran,
safe rural sport. There is no need to assuming the role of Chief Minister escalator etiquette. the poor quality of food being Chennai

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