The Noun Plural: 1. Substantive NUMARABILE

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1. Substantive NUMARABILE
-s : friend-friends
-es: subst care se termina in s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -o, -z: boses, classes,
churches, bushes, boxes, potatoes, buzzes.
-o la sg si s la pl: pianos, radios, videos, studios, kilos.
-f/fe la sg se transforma in V la pl si adauga es : leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves,
life-lives, wife-wives
Roof-roofs, proof-proofs, belief-beliefs
Vocala + -y la sg adauga s la pl : toys, boys
Consoana + -y la sg se transforma in I si adauga es la pl : body-bodies, city-
cities, baby-babies.
a) Substantive care au doar forma de pl : barrads=unitate militara,
headquarters=sediu/cartier general, crossroads=intersectie, means ( of transport ) =
mijloc, series= serial, species=specie.
b) Substantive care au aceeasi forma si la sg si la pl : sheep, aircraft, hovecraft,
spacecraft, fruit, fish fruits, fishes cand e vorba de specii diferite. ( the fishes of
the pacific ).
c) Substantive care au alta forma la pl : thooth-theeth, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-
mice, ox-oxen, die-dice, child-children.

2. Substantive NENUMARABILE

a) Substantive care au doar forma de singular si pot fi urmate de un verb la plural :

police, cattle=vite, poultry=pasari domestice, people
b) Substantive care au doar forma de singular si pot fi urmate de un verb la singular :
accomodation=cazare, advice, baggage=luggage, bread, damage=paguba
( damages=compensatii in caz de pagube ), equipement, furniture, hair ( hairs=fire
de par), homework/housework, information, jewelry=bijuterii, knowledge, money,
progress, research, scenary=peisaj, shopping, soap, tea.
c) Substantive care au doar forma de plural si pot fi urmate de un verb la singular :
materii scolare: Physics, Maths, Economics, sporturi: gimnastics, athletics,
billiards, darts, dominoes, boli/afectiuni: measles=pojar, mumps=oreion, news.
d) Substantive care au foar forma de plural si pot fi urmate de un verb la plural :
trousers, scissors, binoculars, wages=salariu sapt, shorts, pijamas,
glasses=ochelari, gloves.

3. Substantive COLECTIVE
Pot fi urmate de un verb la plural cand este vorba despre fiecare membru.

Pot fi urmate de un verb la singural cand este vorba despre tot grupul.

Ex : family, team, group, crew=echipaj, class, audience, committe, army, club,

press, governement, company

Heard = cireada

Flock = stol

Shoal = banc de pesti

Swarm = roi

4. Substantive COMPUSE
Ex : brothers-in-law = cumanti, mothers-in-law=soacre, passers-by=trecatori,

5. Susbantive STRAINE
la sg in a si la pl in ae : formula-formulae
la sg in is si la pl in es : crisis-crises, oasis-oases, hypothesis-hypotheses
la sg in on si la pl in a : criterion-criteria, phenomenon-phenomena
la sg in um si la pl in a : curriculum-curricula, memorandum-memoranda
la sg in us si la pl in i : cactus-cacti / cactuses

1. Cu subst numarabile:
o A couple of
o Several
o Few
o A few
o Many
o A good
o A large number of
o A great
2. Cu subt nenumarabile:
o Much
o Little
o A little
o A great deal of
o A good deal of

3. Cu subt numarabile + nenumarabile:

o A lot of
o Lots of
o Plenty
o No
o Hardly any = aproape deloc
o Some

Ambalaje pentru produse

A rasher of bacon = feliuta A carton of milk = cutie

A slice of bread = felie, bucata A bowl of sugar = bol, castron

A pot of youghrt = pahar A packet of rice = pachet

A can of cola = doza A jar of honey = borcan

A loaf of bread = o paine / 2 loaves = 2 paini

A piece of advice / furniture / luggage / news ( an item of news )

Some equipement / scissors

A lot of homework

A bar of soap

A pair of scissors

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