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Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Objective
Students will demonstrate the use of timelines in writing a story.
B. Standard(s):
IAS: 1.1.6 Develop a simple timeline of important events in the students life.
ISTE: 6. A. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of
their creation or communication.

II. Home Based Study DAY 1

At home students will watch the video provided on the class website explaining the activity we
will be completing in class the next day. It will include a personal example of my timeline for
them to follow. Then for the assignments the students will brainstorm a list of 7 events they want
to include in their timeline.

III.In-Class Lesson Study DAY 2

Anticipatory Set
Watch a video of a little girl telling a story about when she got to go to the beach for the
first time.
Lead class discussion about how she told the story and on the whiteboard, write the
order of events.
Make a timeline of the events listed from the video.
Ask the students about the video, ask a few to share some of 7 ideas they came up with
for events on their timeline.

Today we are going to learn about timelines because they help us tell a story in order.

V.Lesson Presentation (40 minutes)

Ask: What are timelines?
Give time for response
Ask: How can we use timelines to help us tell a story?
Give time for response
Create a timeline on the whiteboard of events that have happened this school year
Have the students get in groups of two at their desks and show each other the ideas they came
up with for their timelines.
Show the students an example of a timeline on paper.
Give the students paper and markers and have them create their own timelines like the
example shown.

VI. Closure/ Conclusion/Review Learning Outcomes

After they have had time to make their timelines have two/three (depending on time)
students share what they have created.
Review the concept of using timelines to tell stories.


Formative: Walk around the room while they are creating their timelines and talk with them about
their projects and what they like about their stories.


1. How could I adapt my lesson to my students with special learning needs?
2. What were the strengths of this lesson?
3. What were the weaknesses of this lesson?
4. How could I adjust this lesson in the future to make it flow from element to element more
5. Are there more specific questions I should ask my students during the online activity?
6. Did my students respond to the lesson?
7. Did my students respond well to the online part of the lesson?

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