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A. Background of the Study

Language is a system of communication. It is useful to compare it with

other systems of communication. For instance, the people communicate not

just through language but through gesture, art, dress, and music (Meyer, 2009).

Language as the system of communication has a very important role in human

daily life. Everybody needs to communicate to others by using language to

express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Todd (1995, p. 6) says

that a language is the set of signals by which we communicate.

Language has social function. It helps us to establish and maintain

relationships. There is a deep relationship between language and society. All of

these have been developed and widely known as a field named sociolinguistics.

From a sociolinguists perspective, the challenge was to account for the

knowledge that enabled people to use language appropriately in a range of

diverse social contexts. Using language appropriately involves knowing the

sociolinguistic rules for speaking in a community (Holmes, 2013, p. 440).

Humor is actually part of human communication process in

sociolinguistics. Humor in particular linguistic humor, presupposes a highly

developed intellect and can only exist within the framework of specific

sociolinguistic conditions. The social environment of humor is vast and humor

can be seen as a part of many different social actions. According to

sociologists, the social impact of joking and humor is very important in our

Humor plays an important role in everyday life. According to Hu

(2012) humor is mankinds greatest blessing. It can add interesting elements to

the topic of communication, bring happiness and pleasant feeling to people,

change a persons mood, sooth a sad heart and even construct a way to a happy

life. Understanding humor in the current situations is extremely required since

it could be used to release tiresome, fatigue, and stress. The main aspects of

humor are to amuse people, evoke laughter and evoke a good mood which

should be the primary aim of every humors situation. The primary functions of

humor in conversation are effect that the speaker may achieve directly by using

humors segments or texts in his or her discourse (Attardo, 1994, p. 322).

Laughter is a primary indicator of the experience of humor, but it is not the

only one. Smiles, grins, or even sudden exhalations can indicate such

Humor is a phenomenon which is influenced by culture. Every society

or every culture has its own types of humor that are somehow particular and

differ in many aspects. One of the most famous types of humor is American

humor, which is known in the world. American humor is not hard thing to find.

It happens in peoples everyday conversation. It can also be studied through

mass media, such as television provides constant diet of humor in the form of

sitcoms, blooper shows, stand-up comedy, and humorous advertisements; and

people also can find humor in newspaper comic strips, comedy movies, and

humorous books.
Humor phenomena are presented in an American comedy movie. In this

research, the researcher chooses an American comedy movie because it has

gained hugest success in television. They are enjoyed from all over the world.
One of American comedy movie is entitled The Boss. The Boss is

one of the new American comedy movies that was released on April 8 th, 2016.

This is one of the box office movies. It has been nominated in Teen Choice

Awards (Seitz, 2016). The Boss is the kind of Comedy movie that can portray

how humor plays an important role in peoples daily life, especially for

Besides enriching our life, the analysis of humor can provide

information about various situations and cultures in the country. The analysis

of humor can be an interesting tool for understanding the nuances of workplace

cultures. For instance, humor analysis can be used to see how individuals (from

different levels of the organizational hierarchy) interact with one other,

especially in terms of humor usage (Romero & Cruthirds, 2006). Another

fascinating and insightful use of humor analysis is for cross cultural studies.

Davies & Zins study (as cited in Sen, 2012) highlight the cross cultural utility

of humor analysis by discussing how various societies treats men, women, and

children differently in terms of humor.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in analysis

the structure and functions of American humor entitled An Analysis of

American Humor in an American Comedy Movie The Boss.

B. Formulation of the Problems

The formulation of the problems in this research are:
1. What are the structures of humor The Boss?
2. What are the functions of humor in The Boss?
C. The Scopes of Problem
The researcher has a purpose to focus and view the problems just for

some aspects, they are: (1) The structure and functions of American humor in

an American comedy movie, (2) White American comedy.

D. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the research as follows:
1. To find out the structure of humor in an American comedy movie The

2. To find out the functions of humor in an American comedy movie The


E. Significances of the Research

Regarding the background and objectives, this research is hopefully

able to bring same significances.

1. Theoretical significance
The research findings are expected to enrich the finding of humor under

sociolinguistics study. Humor is an important topic that can analyze using

linguistic approach. The researcher hopes that this research can be used to

understand humor in sociolinguistics or other linguistic studies.

2. Practical significance
a. For the lecturers
This research is expected to provide an additional teaching material

for linguistic approach in the class.

b. For the students
This research can give additional knowledge in linguistics,

especially in sociolinguistics for students of English department.

c. For other researchers
This research hopefully gives early information to other

researchers. It can also be as a reference to make another humor research

in sociolinguistics or other linguistics approaches on similar topic.

F. Operational Definition
To avoid misunderstanding about this research, it is necessary to define

the key words used in this research, as follows:

a. Analysis
Analysis is a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what

they do, and how they are related to each other.

b. Humor
Humor is something that makes a person laugh or smile. It will bring

the people in happy life.

c. American Humor

Particularly in America, humor is used as the medium of

communication. American humor is different from British one. The

American sense of humor is generally more slapstick that that in Britain

because their culture is different.

d. Comedy Movie
Comedy is a genre of movie in which the main emphasis is on

humor. These films are designed to make the audience laugh through

amusement and most often work by exaggerating characteristics for

humorous effect. One of the kinds of comedy movie is The Boss.


A. Theoretical Descriptions
1. The Theory of Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is an important discipline which studies the

effects of language use on a given society. Sociolinguistics studies

those types of language variation which result from the correlation

between language and social factors, such as social stratification

(status), role, age, sex, ethnicity (National Open University of

Nigeria, 2010).

According to Georgieva (2014) Sociolinguistics explores

language in relation to society. This means that it is concerned with

language as used for communication amongst different social groups

of people in different social situations. It is interested in explaining

why we speaking differently in different social contexts and it is

concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the

ways it is used to convey social meaning.

According to Holmes (2013, p. 1) Examining the way people use

language in different social contexts provides a wealth of information about

the way language works, as well as the social relationships in a community,

and the way people convey and construct aspects of their social identity

through their language.

In sociolinguistics, it can be shown that speakers change the

forms of language they use in quite precisely describable social

circumstances. Speakers might switch from a high form of their

language to a low form as and when the social environment

suggests that they should do.

The connection between the language and the society

also can be seen in different situations; for example, the

choice of words the people use depends on to whom they are talking to

friends, family, parents, boss, etc. Language is used to give the

information about the social relationship between people, language

is used to receive and give information, to express feelings,

and to show how well we know someone. It is a tool that

shows the interaction with the society.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

sociolinguistics observes the ways in which language is

used in real life.

2. The Theory Social Factor

Social factors have been relevant in accounting for the particular

variety used. Some relate to the users of language-the participants; others

relate to its uses- the social setting and function of the interaction. Who is
talking to whom (for examples boss-worker, teacher-student, wife-

husband) is an important factor. The setting or social context (for examples

home, work, office, school) is generally a relevant factor too. The aim or

purpose of the interaction (information, social) may be important. The

topic has proved an influence on language choice. University students in

countries which use English for tertiary education, such as Tanzania,

Indonesia and Papua, often find it easier to discuss their university subject

using English.
Not all factors are relevant in any particular context, but they can

be grouped in ways which are helpful. According to Holmes (2013, p. 9)

linguistic choices generally indicate peoples awareness of the influence of

one or more of the following components:

a. The participants: who is speaking and who are they speaking to?
b. The setting or social context of the interaction: where are they

c. The topic: what is being talked about?
d. The function: Why are they speaking?

3. The Theory of Humor

Humor is all encompassing category, covering any event or object

that elicits laughter, amuses, or is felt to be funny (Attardo, 1994, p. 4). It

is so pervasive while being most enjoyable and pleasant. Humor as

amusing communications that produce positive emotions and cognitions in

the individual, group, or organization (Romero & Cruthirds, 2006, as cited

in Sen, 2012). Humorr like all forms of communication requires context to

find it amusing. The audience must have certain knowledge,

understanding, and values.

Humor has been claimed to emerge in three basic ways in human

thought: through perceptions of relief, incongruity, and superiority (Meyer,

2000, p. 312)
a. The Relief Theory

According to the Relief theory, humor results from reducing stress

or tension, often suddenly, and allows release of nervous energy.

Physiological symptoms are the most important to look at; the

emotional reaction is the key ( Meyer, 2000). Tensions (or arousal)

either exist previously (jag theory) or are built up (boost theory) in a

person before sudden release. A psychoanalytic perspective holds that

people generally restrain themselves from violating social norms to

avoid the negative consequences of doing so. Humor events allow a

sudden violation or enjoyment of the idea of violating social norms.

Thus, some of our existing tensions, aroused earlier, are released, and

this feeling of relief creates the humor, this is a jag theory. The joke to

begin a speech, especially in a controversial or awkward situation, is a

common example of enactment of the boost theory of relief humor.

The more tension relief found, the more humor experienced. One

memorable study that tought to prove the relief theory is valid

involved bringing students to an apparent biology lab.

For example:

The students in biology lab, where they were told they were to

help with a biology experiment. Researchers warned participants that

they would have to either hold rat, hold a vicious that could bite, or

take a blood sample from a vicious rat. In each case, the rat they were

actually handed was plastic (Shurcliif, 1968, as cited in Meyer, 2015).

Sure enough, the most humor was experienced by those thought to be

in the more dangerous situations. The plastic rat provoked the most

laughter and mirth in those that thought they would need to inject or

hold a vicious rat, respectively. The more apprehension aroused by the

stated planned task, the more humor participants experienced when

the task turned out to be not the threat they had expected.

Freud also believed that humor was a means by which people

could release their suppressed aggressive and sexual instinctive urges

in a socially acceptable manner (Freud, 1960, as cited in Sen, 2012).

Relief theory would not the violation o expected sexual norms, and

hold that the humor perceived is a result of that violation, perhaps in

the sense that someone actually can violate that norms, or perhaps that

it was not the hearer that violated it!.

b. The Incongruity Theory

The Incongruity theory holds that humor results from a mental

reaction to something unexpected, unusual, or odd in nonthreatening

way when an accepted norm or pattern is violated (Meyer, 2015, p.

17). The difference must be close enough to the norm to be

nonthreatening. This theory emphasizes cognition, though- individuals

must rationally understand patterns of reality to recognize the

differences. Appreciating humor requires the mental capacity to

understand and categorize expected patterns and mild deviations from

them, including an unexpected event or object, a physical or moral

defect, an odd or disproportionate object, or an observable deviation

from an implied standard.

An element of surprise is also a key ingredient in humor, but not

essential. When an incongruity- a violation of expected norms or

mental reasoning patterns, suddenly and dramatically presents itself, a

person seeks to resolve the incongruity.

For example:

How does an elephant hide in a cherry tree? It paints its toenails red.

There is an incongruity in the fact that an elephant would climb in

a cherry tree (an elephant would presumably squash the tree under its

weight if it attempted to climb on it and moreover elephants are not

arboreal creatures).

c. The Superiority Theory

The Superiority theory notes that people laugh outwardly or

inwardly at others because they feel some sort of triumph over them or

feel superior in some way to them (Morreal, 1983, as cited in Meyer,

2000). It also serves to explain the attraction of pleasant mirth

responses as a common individual and social reaction to stupid or

ignorant actions. Laughter follows descriptions of people acting in

ignorant ways, as one commons on how these people are too stupid

to live. This violation or contradiction endemic to humor is held to

have an edge to it, the violation indicates that superiority of those who

perceive it and presumably would not engage in the violation

A thriving source of enactments of superiority theory is accounts of

people less than smart, or less than familiar with commonly accepted

norms or knowledge.
For example:
The humor found as travel planners reported the following

complaints from returning customers:

We want on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers

as they were all Spanish.

Humor here stems from a sense of superiority as we may chuckle

and wonder, How can people be so clueless? There is a one-up and a

one-down partly in all instances of humor, according to superiority


d. The Structure of Humor

One of the enduring issues in humor research has been the

structure of humor and its relation to cognitive processing. It is often

assumed that humor, regardless of their particular content share some

underlying structure in order for him to appreciate a humor.

According to Chapman & foot (1977) recent analyses of the
structure of humor have specified two structural features: Incongruity
and resolution.
1. Incongruity
The concept of incongruity reflects the idea that the humor

contains something which is surprising, unusual, or unexpected.

2. Resolution
The concept of resolution further specifies that the humor

contains information which serves to resolve, explain, or make

sense of the incongruity.

One very common proposal which further explores the use

of incongruity in humor is the Incongruity-resolution (IR) theory

(Shultz, 1976). This analysis state that incongruity alone is not

sufficient to create humor, but this incongruity must be resolved. This

is done by a multi-stage process in which an initial incongruity is

created, and then some further information causes the resolution of

that incongruity. There is general agreement about the existence of

this two stage structure in the process of perceiving and understanding

humor (Ruch, 1992, as cited in Routledge, 2004).

The way of creating and resolving the incongruity can be quite

varied, as are the analyses presented in the literature.

For examples:
A: What is grey has four legs, and a trunk? (Incongruity)
B: A mouse on vacation. (Resolution)

The incongruity is presented by the question part namely, that

the question appears to have a surprisingly easy answer and then

resolved in the answer, which is also a surprise.

A: Why did the elephant sit on the marshmallow? (Incongruity)

B: Because he did not want to fall into the hot chocolate. (Resolution)

The question presents an incongruous situation, and the answer

explains (resolves) it and adds a new incongruity.

Most expositions of incongruity-resolution have the

incongruity occurring prior (temporally) to the resolution, with the

resolution (the later event) producing the humorous effect. This

sequence would by an already established line of reasoning, so that the

resolution seems to precede the incongruity.

Another aspect which has been remarked is that the

incongruity must occur in a setting which is suitably secure, since if it

signals or embodies danger then it will not seem amusing. According

to Holmes (2013:9) the setting or social context of the interaction

consist of where are they speaking. For examples are home, works,

school and so on.

e. The Functions of Humor

According to Meyer (2000:310) humors enactment leads to

basic functions of humor in communication. The functions can be

viewed as falling along a continuum, starting with identification, then

clarification, enforcement, and at the other extreme, differentiation.

These are four basic rhetorical functions of humor in communication,

drawing examples of each from a variety of rhetorical setting.

1. Identification
One valuable function humor serves is to build support by

identifying communicators with their audiences, enhancing speaker

credibility and building group cohesiveness. Feelings may safely be

communicated using humor that normally might be blocked by lack

of a socially acceptable outlet. The appreciation of a sense of

humor is an important part of growing and deepening relationships

with people as mutual uncertainty is reduced.

2. Clarification
Communicators also employ humor to encapsulate their

views into memorable phrases or short anecdotes, resulting in the

clarification of issues or positions. Humor lines often serve to

express one's views creatively and memorably because they are

presented incongruously or unexpectedly. In this function show

humor in messages that serves to clarify social norms or

perceptions, yet may also reduce tension and promote good feeling

among communicators.

3. Enforcement
Humor can teach and enforce social norms. These norms are

developed cognitively as expectations for behavior. Any deviations

from such expectations may be seen as humor discipline those who

aw t and can be held up for ridiculed, invoking laughter to

discipline those who are not seen as properly following the rules of

a social group.
Humor involving children often serves an enforcement

function, as the violations of norms that produce a mirthful

experience illuminate something that a child has yet to learn.

4. Differentiation
As a final function, communicators use differentiation quite
often, constructing themselves with their opponents, their views

with an opponents views, their own social group with others, and

so on. Humor is invoked to make both alliances and distinctions.

Politicians may use humor to differentiate themselves from other

candidates; leaders may use humor to distinguish their own group

from others.
Humor can help speakers transcend the immediate situation

and objectify it, promoting the use of reason and thereby making

these differences clearer and less color by previous experience and

emotion. One can criticize with humor by ridiculing the opposition

through laughter rather than through indignation, anger or violence.

4. The Theory of American Humor

American humor is different from other countries; even British

that has the same language. The differences are due to several factors,

especially culture. American, from its earliest years, has been largely

nation of immigrants, which brings former residents of many countries

together (walker,1998, as cited in Anggraini,2014). This circumstance

gave rise to humor dealing with ethnic groups, highlighting customs,

accents, and other characteristics which served to distinguish one group

of setters from another.

It is nonetheless true that many of Americas prominent writers

have found the various techniques of humor quite genial to their

purpose. One of them is Mark Twains. According to Anggraini (2014)

twains use of many major techniques of American humor in his novel,

including slapstick, satire, mistaken identity, wordplay, and

exaggeration. Those techniques of humor are being most of humor that

Americans use (Walker, 1998, as cited in Anggraini, 2014). Certain

American comedies have gained hugest succes in television. They are

enjoyed from all over the world.

5. The Theory of Comedy Movie

Comedy is a genre of film/ movie in which the main emphasis is

on humor. These movies are designed to make the audience laugh

through amusement and most often work by exaggerating characteristics

for humor effect. Movie in this style traditionally have a happy ending

(black comedy being an exception). Comedies are light-hearted dramas,

crafted to amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment. The comedy genre

humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and

Comedy is a kind of verbal-visual mode of communication. They

are consisting of the dialogues and conversations. These dialogues and

conversations are the embodiment of humor. They are not pure satire,

black comedy, puns, gags, joke, comedy of the absurd, sketches,

slapstick, parody, farce, and so forth. They are based on our daily

6. The Boss Movie
There is a great variety of comedy on TV and it reaches a large

audience, so it is potentially very influential. Television has a range of

types of scripted humor. One of the most popular genres of television is

situational comedy, also known as a sitcom.

The Boss is one of American situation comedy movie that was

released on April 8th, 2016. This is one of the box office movies. It has

been nominated in Teen Choice Awards (Seitz, 2016).

The Boss, which centers around a character (in Michelle Darnell)

that Melissa McCarthy originally created for the L.A. Groundlings

sketch comedy troupe, is the second feature length movie that McCarthy

has co written in collaboration with her husband Ben Falcone (who also

directed The Boss). There are also some artists in this movie, such as

Peter Diklage, Kristen Bell, Tyler Labine, Parker Young, Ella Anderson

Annie Mumolo, and Timothy Simons.

The Boss tells the tale of Michelle Darnell (Melissa McCarthy), a

woman who went from being a luckless orphan who, as a child, was

continuously passed around from one foster family to another to

being one of the wealthiest and most successful female entrepreneurs in

the United States. However, when Michelle crosses her lover turned

lifelong business rival Renault (Peter Dinklage) one too many times,

Renault rats her out to the government for insider trading and seizes all

of her wealth and assets while Michelle spends around half a year

behind bars.
Once her prison sentence is done, Michelle having been stripped of

her fortune and with Renault having also turned most of Michelles

onetime business associates/disciples against her struggles to get back

on her feet, with only her former assistant Claire (Kristen Bell) and

Claires daughter Rachel (Ella Anderson) to turn to for support.

Michelle, upon learning that Claire has a terrific brownie recipe and that

Rachel belongs to a girl scout organization (one known as the

Dandelions) that makes millions of dollars in cookie sales each year,

soon devises her next business venture: to create a brownie girl scout

troop/empire that rivals that of the Dandelions.

B. Related previous Study

In this research, the researcher also describes the previous study. It was

written by Anggraini (2014) entitled A Pragmatic Analysis of Humor in

Modern Family Season 4. There are some similarities and differences

between both of them. The similarities between Anggrainis thesis and this

research are both of the researchers analyze the American humor in a comedy

movie and used library research to collect the data of study. Besides that,

both of the researchers are used descriptive qualitative method.

The differences between both of them are: (1) Anggraini analysis

the pragmatic perspective, while the researcher will analysis the

sociolinguistic perspective; (2) the humor analysis by Anggraini in a movie

Modern Family Season 4. While the researcher will analysis The Boss


A. Research Design
The research design is the conceptual structure within which research

is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and

analysis of data. As such the design includes an outline of what the researcher

will do from writing the hypothesis and its operational implications to the

final analysis of data (Kothari, 2004: 31). A research design is just a work

plan. A work plan details what has to be done to complete the project but the

work plan will flow from the projects research design.

According to Kothari (2004: 37) the design in such studies must be

rigid and not flexible and must focus attention on the following:
1. Formulating the objective of the study (what the study is about and why is

it being made?)
2. Designing the methods of data collection (what techniques of gathering

data will be adopted?)

3. Selecting the sample (how much material will be needed?)
4. Collecting the data (where can the required data be found and with what

time period should the data be related?)

5. Processing and analyzing the data.
6. Reporting the findings.
This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative research since

it emphasized on the phenomenon of the use of language in its context by

interpreting the data. It does so by analyzing words rather than numbers, and

by reporting the detailed views of the people. According to Maxwell, J. A

(2005, p. 22) the strengths of qualitative research drive primary from its

inductive approach, its focus on specific situations or people, and its emphasis

on words rather and numbers.

According to Frankel & Wallen (2009: 435) the term of qualitative

research refers to studies that investigate the quality of relationships,

activities, situations, or materials. It aims to understand the social reality of

individuals, groups, and cultures.

In this research, the objectives of analysis are the structures and the

functions of humor in an American comedy movie The Boss based on

Sociolinguistics perspective. There for, the researcher will collect the data to

find out the structures of humor, after that identify and classify it, and the last

the researcher will describe the function of each humor in an American

comedy movie The Boss.

B. Sources of the Data

The data sources of this research will be divided into primary and

secondary data. The primary source of data in this research is an American

comedy movie entitled The Boss. The secondary source of data are taken

from several sociolinguistics books, journals, articles, some information from

internet that support the theory relate to this research and the script of The

Boss movie.

C. Technique for Collecting the Data

In this research, the researcher will conduct a library research to collect the

data. Library research is the study that use library source to get the information. The

researcher will collect the data from The Boss movie as the sources and focus on

the structures and functions of humor. First, the researcher will watch the whole

story of The Boss movie, after that she will identify the humor, and classify the

humor based on the structures. In the other hands, the researcher will describe the

structures and function in each humor in this movie into a form of table.

D. Technique for Analyzing the Data

In this research, the researcher will use the content analysis of spoken

words in the comedy movie and written text of the comedy movie script to

find out the structures and the functions of humor in an American comedy

movie, The Boss. The researcher conducts several steps in analyzing the

data, as follows:

1. Identification
After collecting the data, the researcher will identify the data first.

The researcher will watch The Boss movie. When the researcher finds

humor in the movie, the researcher will write phrases or sentences in a

form of table.

2. Classification
The researcher will select the phrases or sentences which have

been written in a form of table. After that, the phrases or sentences will

be classified based on the structures and functions of humor. The

structures of humor can be incongruity and resolution. The functions of

humor can be identification, clarification, enforcement, and

3. Description
The researcher will describe the data in the form of table which

consists of analyzing the structure of humor and the function of its

4. Conclusion
The researcher will conclude the result of the research based on the

structures and functions that is found in The Boss movie.

E. Tentative of Schedule
a. Preparation
1. Library Research September 2016
2. Starting the problem October 2016
3. Making the Design November 2016
4. Having Seminar January 2017
b. Data Collection
1. Taking the documents by using library
January 2017
c Analyze the Data
1. Collecting references January 2017
2. Identifying February 2017
3. Classifying
4. Describing February 2017
5. Concluding and rechecking the data February 2017
analysis February 2017
d Writing the Thesis
1. Writing the thesis draft chapter by February-March
chapter 2017
2. Consulting the draft with advisors March-April 2017
3. Having thesis examination May 2017
4. Revising May 2017
5. Reproducing June 2017

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