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Merete aga arn aoe EN ae Oat) CG e NVE =7N a oltm hamnelaa ts See nea ace oe JRING THESE CASUAL PERFORMANCE PIECES IS Ss ENTALISM ea ear keel ate tue enue oar Nolet Re nN Pat ea cit iarahg VOLUME 2 INEXPLICABLE HAPPENS. YOU WILL LEARN A FANTASTIC IMPROMPTU, faaeleatron Mei ce hain ao) } rN ear ete a ener ROI JUST YOUR FINGERS, THE WORLD'S BEST Aten am Caneel MARK ELSDON ton aa eo es aoa Dee Pd Mi aa oa DNE OUTCOME IN MIND YOU ARE TALKING TO oS i GADGETS, Gh Conversation As Mentalism 2 Contents Introduction .. pS Shmagnetless.. 6 ‘Trempromptu .. p9 Bet On LA. .. pis Animal Magnetism .. p18 Wanted: Ad. .. p20 (Back) To The Future. p26 Bookless Booktest Know-How ... p31 The Red Envelope .. p33, ‘Copyight © 2014 by Mark Eon, A Rights Reserved Do not copy it donot cant donot upload. Thankyou Introduction ‘Many thanks fr buying his booklet the secondinthe Conversation As Mentalism Series. The goal ofthe ects (fered t0 35 CAMS) contained herein iso alow you the opgortunty to perform when you Kral have nothing with you". That mo eek wat, ro swam ne loop, fat no props, genmicks or eadgets tal Mostof the eects requir not much more than just word andlanguage. They are effective imagination games where physically very te takes place. A couple of ‘them require the use ofa place of paper and a pen, maybe a page tom out of any ‘magazine or perhaps your watch, but these are aways completely justified 3nd 2 ‘stra part ofthe conversation “wo ofthese CAs rely on Equnvoaue; one of mental mast misunderstood and underrated techniques yeu ae new to ths subject, don't be put off by the fact {that there iss bt ofa spt to remember. That's what Equbogue essentially i ‘mull ous done with words. So the scrpt Is everyting, an promise you, bth ‘ects got a great audience reaction and are well wart puting the lite tot ‘flor ned to arn hem ‘Remember that when you ae performing a CAM it must appear to the patipant ‘hatte snp anotural progression ofthe conversation, not that you have ‘mentioned tha boot/game/puzle/whatve jst in order 0 G03 ek So weave thee CAME nto you everyday cormeration you se t Maybe sow the sed By ‘mentioning te premise ofthe eect n passing and then coming back tthe actual pevlormance par ater Final, a wells the effect nd method of each CAM have generally provided you wth presentatansthook and an tine of the approach tse which serves as the ‘conversation’ part ofthe equation. othe than for specif elemets ofthe two Equvoqe effects have not ven fullszpt sine have ne how each eae ofthis boklet speaks. The very esence ofthese CAMS stat they shouldbe about ‘your conversation, shaving you memotse an ete presentation provided by me ‘would have been completely counter productive. Shmagnetless Effect: ‘Apartispants aed if they know much abou the etife prinples of magnetism After they respond, the performer explains that oe ofthe best ‘etectors of magnetism that we have acest the compass, and ask the Parteipant to download a eompas rom te pp Store) onthe mabe pone. As ‘ets dongs, he performer bry exlains thatthe compass sensitive tothe ‘atts magnet eld andn para the magnetic poles ‘The compas having been downloaded an nstale, que points to north The performer goes ono explain that mort materials ae capable of ame relationship ith magnets, and are ether tracted repulsed even f Ria level that we ‘Cannot easy detect However, afew substances ae measurably non-magnetic oppe, aluminium, gases and paste “The performer andthe partpant now hod varous cin and other objects, Including pen and creditcard over he compat, and sure enovgh doeeh't budge The performer tress fager = again nothing Soe now proposes weird Pest. The performer rls up his sleves and has the prtspant examine sams and hands tobe sare there sno funy business, and then nomiate one of the performers fingers. ‘The performer wes the ater 'M for Magnet’ on that finger and then olds t near the compas, but deity not touching the phone aay way, The compass ‘moves ingry at fst and then sudden pins wily The performer removes Is finger and he compass returns to normal The performer tess diferent ger nothing. Metres the M finger again and the compass moves again The performer sys that he bleves he can pass this pychotineiabity onto the Patelpant He touches the'Mfiger to one ofthe patipant tne ad then rect him to put ising near the compas. The performer sts wel back, out of the way Hestanty the partepant comptes and the compass moves ust ny mount The performer encourages the parcipant to ea concent on 8 to move the compas This eit swing impressively FY. No magnets infact, rue tothe premise ofthe CAM series, you dont ned to carry Spell ginmek of ny kind. This lea reat exampe of hour to ake an od ‘mortals effect an bring the methodology bang up to dat ane in he proces get ‘id ofthe previously required gimmick ‘Method and Performance: ‘The efecto using PK. psychie power to interupt magnetic es and nterere ith abt of compart to point tothe magntic North (or South you Tein the Southern Hemisphere) 5 well over a century ol, and was ret arocated with the ‘psychi (read: raudulent mess) Henry Slade nthe 1870. The wadional eth of couse required « magnet, athough for obvious eaonetcannot be ‘len inthe Rand or lev since tese are suspect and need tobe examine 3 free trom gute Stade's lever solution was to hie the magnet ini shoe an hen cos hileg Under the tbl, binging the shoe and magnet close tthe underde of the abe, the mide of wien sat the compas ‘An, but who canbe Bothered to eary power magne around everwhere? No, me nether However one thingDO cary everywhere tm mobilephone. ad the ‘reat news is that ony smartphones amst a ood at interfering with compass Sepasa magnets Ins a simple mater to set your phone on ‘lent mode (thing wil ge the game "sway a uiehy as suden tnt message let beep coming mysteriously fom ‘beneath the tbl! and tuck tata your sock with the back f your hone gust your sie ante tone, Thiscan be done quite afew mines ahead of me ‘Then st comforaby at table, opposte your participant and expan the promi of \what you'd thet Diet him to download x cmpats ap anyone wild} from the App Store. Ashe dowrioading and instalng it simpy cos you gs toast ‘your phone int postin, Tt your fot down sghty- you don't wan your phone {olnterfere withthe compass too ear. Ite prvate precce with your phone ond 2 parmer or rend’ phone as soon a you rad this boklet wileasture You that ‘sis very ey Serer eee eee ee Proceed as explained above, under Het. You may well dete hathavng the partipant selec finger ad then write teeter" on tis tea ment magicy foryourtking. You may prefer to se both hands, Ostend te, na power este inorder to apparent affect the compas with our Pk powers. That's fine theres rorightor wrong way and atthe end ofthe day all crmes downto your performance persona and whatever works best or you | presenti several ferent ‘way /Tovl of seriousness depending onthe pacar partipan. However you decide to present ithough, you should definitely make sure that he ina movement ofthe compass ty i deity case of sss more Remember thisisamentlsm effect a Pksturt, nota magic Wick When the compass est moves, the patpant willbe ver surpriee, 2 dn step onthe ‘moment by meaty having spin around with abandon Only ater thas Imovedatiny amount, couple of times shoud you rae you ale fly ad have ‘pa right around. And even then probably ist he once, ‘asin tis 2 matter for your own personal ste whether you alow the parteipat to ‘beable to move the compass Several perormers| know love th tind of spectator se ment eet ands for them this effect ia great cho. Im nat usualy 30 ‘convinced by that ppreac, bun this iene Lean assure you rom enperence atin wore treat Tri-mpromptu Effect: ‘The performer andthe patpant discuss the posses of knowing someone Well ‘enough, ether tough experience or obsereation, to pred thelr actone a2 ‘tain et of ecumstanes. The performer then entons that he has developed an uncanny abity to accurate prdiet te outcome of simple mind ame. The barcipnt ays any 3 objects onthe table, eg. hs wall, his phone a his watch “he performer write prediction which spaced in view toon ide. The parent rely chooses to put one ofthe objects nt of hina, another in front ofthe performer and leaves the al ane sat nthe mi ofthe table, The rein read and is 100% core. FY. ‘Thiseffect sone of my fvourites and has ben par of my repertlre since the ate 18805 The partcaaraproach to Equvoque wich strated in-impromptats ‘Ascussed n much greater deta (lng with mulplevarations ana ‘methodolopeal related eects) nmy forthcoming book on Equvoque Eveythine You need tart using this partular eterstaieht away explained in thorough ‘etal ight here hough Treks now, theory later). ‘The thing to remember about Equvoques that ts simply multpe-outs done with words. And slong as you have learnt the srg thorough, you aren complete onto respective of any deesns the parpant makes Method and Performance: The patcipant can chose any tres abet, though forthe sake of explanation we wil assume the objects ae the aforementioned wallet, wath and phone. ‘wnat about to happenis that although he wll have ree choice of he oder in which ouch the objets, ew at Fal understand what he going to do with ‘them uni are has touched them. You wil ue a technique eal Pot Choke Framing to lucite what hes tod, ina way at (hanks to ow this quo structured) seems entirely free and natural nest the outcomes 100% under Your contol Moreh that, Rwilfappearto him, andanyone ese watching hat Infact you tld him exact what he wast do ech time betore he mae his hoces Thsisae they aeteling themselves Back tothe action: the parteipant has place his wale, ls wath and his phone in the mile ofthe rable, between you both. You now wrt preiton whch tte: “I WL MAVE THE WALLET, THE PHONE WILLBE INTHE MIDOLE AND YOU WiLL AVE THE WATCH ‘As you pace this predtion wg side down of tothe ride ofthe table, you 3912 the paticpant, “hs ea preition for you; welt get ack to ter” ‘Thanks to Ded Cora’ bilan Free Wil principe (hich used here with ermison of Paul ichards of Ewood Magi who owns the right to tha eet) {he prection an be read by ether te performer or the partipant which gives ‘he prediction adferenttepretation depending on who reads t Th ives os ‘oof eu ut We now ut need to sete Equvague procedure to ensue that ‘he phone stasinthe middle an the wallet nd watch end up on eh eof the abe, The scripting is going to be quite spec hers, so please pay attention to exact what say nd when 537 You wl aso notice tht have s/tched to rst perzon to expan the Equvoque a wil mate consdeaby easier for you to understand, ‘And don't be righted ofthe multiple su headings have simply ited te alternative options this way to speed up your learning laste partcpat, Pease inthe thre objets up in straight ine, in the mide ofthe table between sin any order you choose” edocs so then 3 him, "You af going to mate two decisions conscious decison anda subconscious decsion. And they wilbe entre up to you. And each tine, before ‘You do anything wilt you exactly whats ong to happen ext 0 thet you know ‘exactly what your scttons wll mean, There wil be no equvecstion every decion wil be 100% yours” ‘eontinue, “Here's what ike you to do decide on any two objects, put your hands on them ad push them out ofthe ine over towards me. But keep your hands ‘onthe hey ae your choice” a ‘Anernatve 1: the participant has pushed the walt nthe watch foray, “That was Your conscious decison, Mere your subconscious decison without rely thinking Shout, jut allow your mind to continue to push oe ofthe objects llthe way over infront me aa pullthe other oneal the way back n font of yout Lets say he has pushed the watch infront of me and pled the wabet infront at recap, “Gute cls, yu have let he phone in the mide of the able the wat "you've ven tome, andthe walt sin font of you" ‘Att pont pik up the preston and sy, si this Wasa rection for You {votice'the emphasis) hs al about ou, nothing You decided onthe ‘objects you put them eracty where you wanted, and his for you too (handing ‘him the prediction), please read yout prediction.” “The parteipat reads the pretion out oud andi cores. a Les say he has pushed the walt infront me and ule the watchin front of hime recap, “duit lea, you have et the phone nthe middle ofthe table, the wallet you've vento me, and the watch infront ot you" [Atthis pin pik up the predietion andy, said th wat a prediction of what ‘you would o, and this all about you, Id nothing. You decided onthe objects ‘a you put hem exactly where you wanted. Hee shat predicted.” Thistine read te prediction ov and te corect Alteative 2: ‘The partlpant has pusbed the phone and the wallet forward Actual one ofthe ‘objects he pushes forward isthe phone, the ent ofthe other objet est ‘mater 35 hings wil layout dental whichever one sO! primary importance ‘sthe phone, which must be conto with what you ray next. However, or the sake ofthe explanation we will conte with the phone and the wale the ‘objects he pushes forward ate the phone and the watch, the procedure identi you wi ee shorty, ‘The prtipant’s hands aresillon the phone nd the walt a immediately coma, “And sie one of them bck shy" a hess the phone bac, say “Bu not al the way back into the ne, just te ‘way 20 that we can til ee what youve put where” [recap "So baal you eft the watch non of yourzt, you've pushed the wallet ‘veri ront of me, afd you've pulled the phone back into the mi.” ‘sy this, casual ne the objets up more of calm between mye and ‘the paripant so thats clearer whats wher, Inti instance, ead the prediction aloud 2 the sides the walt back, 527 “reat, bckint line. And eave the phone whereit “That was your conclousdecsion, now comes you subconscious deco, put our hapa onthe abject tht ae silin the ie, nd thou realy thinking bout {ust alow your mind to pul one ofthe objects athe way back in front you a push the othe ane althe way over in rant of me abe the pushes the wae ove infront of me an pulls the watch back infront of hist 3, "So, quite cary, you Rave pur the phone nthe mile ofthe table, ‘the walt you've putin font of me, andthe watch youve But in ont of youre * Inhsintane, | e3thepreiton aloud bt ithe pushes the watch ovr infront of me ad pulls the walt back mfront of his 2, "So, quite cer, you have pute phonein the mide ofthe tbl, the watch you've putin ron af me, athe walt yrve put infront of youeel.? Inti instance, the paripant reas the pedition alos ‘Aneratve 3: ‘The parteipant has pushed the phone nd the watch forward The oowing roceurelsvtually ental to that just Sescibed in Ateratve 2 ‘The parte)pans hand are stil on the phone andthe walt and immediatly continue, “And ie oe of tam back Sant ee ae hess the phone back, say “But not the way back into the in, js ite way, so that we can stil see what youve pu where.” ‘recap, "So tally you lathe wale in ont of yoursel youve pushed the watch ‘ver intron of me, and youve ple the phone back int the mie ‘Assay tis, casual tne the objects upn more of cum between myself and the partpant so that Ris cearer what whee Inhisintane, the partkipant reads the prediction aloud "the sides the watch back, say “eat, bckinto line, And leave the phone where it “That was your concousdelon, now comes your subconscious decon, put your hands onthe objects tht ae stilin the ine and without realy thinking about {ust allow your mind to pul one ofthe objects llthe way back n fron of you push ‘the other oneal the way over not af me” abe: "he pushes the wallet ove in ont of me and pls the watch back in font of ims sy, "So quite clear, you have put he phone the mide ofthe table, the wall you've putin rtf me, and he watch you've putin fon of youre * Inthisinstance, ead the precton aloud "he pushes the watch ove in front of mean pulls the wat back in font of mse sy, "50, quite clear, you have put the phone in the middle ofthe table ‘he watch you've putin front of me, and the walt you've pi in fontof youre” Inthisinstance, he patipant reads the predieson aloud Note: though tisha taken some space to expan thoroughly ew minutes practice with the pops in hand wil demonstrate that, swith all Equvoque elects, {hiss MUCH easier to perform than it reads on the printed page ‘YoU! have notices that in some ofthe Equivoque paths, no mentions made of the revo aluded to subconscious choc’ an the partcipant wal fogs ll ‘mention of. ust continue, comfortably at he procedure tated by his chokes was ways the ony possible option, Fall, ako need to mention that thi routine hasbeen omy repertoire fr well ‘vera decade and was shown to lt of Uk mentalsts during that tna. aso wrote IRupabovtnine years ago apart ofthe stibin-progres age book! am writing on quioque. nthe meartine, the great nny Fingers ad te ace Swedsh maglan Jonas ang Both leased handings that are sini sure they were as unaware of yet a wa of hes, and though mine war created longtime before ‘ther ofthe effects was publshe, It woul be amis of me nett acknowledge that both of her routines preceded mine in ein ree ase. As noted eal, also grateul to Paul Ricard of Eimwood Magi for permission to explain Ded’ aesore Free Wil prince, Bet On L.A. Effect: ‘testing about one of is favoue ns, The tig, and the kind of cone and ropestion bts featured inthe fn, the performer proposes simple bet ~ but one ‘hat simply eas wth words, rather than sme kin of tek or con Heres the bet The performer writes the flowing down ona ice of paper: THE _______SURGEON was. “TO OPERATE BECAUSE HE HAD _ ‘The parteipat is told that exact the same seven eters next the sae order ‘tin each of te thre black spaces. Ther eno trek Iangvage con Iealy the same ters inthe same order in each space fhe saves he pure, his pre that hewil have discovered an unusual new sbity Since you are aie guy there wil Deno forte fhe fas. Ore can Buy you a cates or beer, a you prefer! (8y the way, please have a oot sing tls purl before reading ahead and finding ‘out the solution. Its tc, but gene, word pul and wl fee! much more Satisfying you workout the answer for yourself) ‘After the ptiipant gives up and les he knows ths purl, he wl the former cis that the partcipanti struging because he focusing is {ogntive mind ca narouly on the data he dosnt have a that fhe swing to ‘ry plugs nto his subconscious the answer may well resent sl, The arsopant oaks Sceptcal, but agrees to pay slong and se what happens. ‘The pertormer takes another lace of paper and ters tino eight plces, writes a single ter on sven ofthe places and bins the inal one He then mbes up these Seven lees of paper and they ate handed writing sie own tothe parent. He takes them and deals them na ple oto the table, randomly switching the order of several pees ashe does so ‘The performer tons over the pices of pape tht have been mized and randomly est and reveals the allowing etter: 0, TA 8, and E. The prtepan’s lntutlon ha somehow revealed the answer: the notable surgeon was ot able to ‘operate because he hed notable! The eact ame seven eters inexact the sme ‘order ach tine RY. ‘do hope you had a goat caving th. Ite qute a dif purl, so well done you {ohed ti my best and gave you a dente tle a he ek Hares how he ‘completed olson loots afer ou flit i on he pace of pape the paripant WAS NOTABLE TO OPERATE "ve always enjoyed bar bets and puzles but to0 often when you show sseone the solution the response s, "Oh Right Very clever” Impyng that's not actual ery ‘ever at a but REALLY rather annoying! So wanted to fnd away fo turn this, one tof my four word pues, ito something more interesting ag entertaining ‘Method and Performance: “Te est part easy enough you simply wrt the purl npc af paper (coptaetrs make tor more legible) a shown on the preceding page. Ast they might think that you are tricking them wth te conditons somehow (sis ‘ru the cae with ths nd af bet but eassue them that you are being hones, {hat realy the sae seen letersi the same ode. you feding eel You ‘an sup them with couple adaonal cus you tk: that all seven ters fe cerent and that whilst tS the sme seven eters nthe sme order, this oes necessary mean hat ts the same word in each of the thre spaces, Tis italy ost confuse them even ore. ‘once they sv up, expan tht using the intuition might help Use another pec of faper and tear into eight nha nal again and then one fina time. Bin one of {he pleces and then on heather sever pieces wit ne each othe eters M0, , [Nf Lande Make sure the partpant Soest se what you wate This second ieee of paper should be reasonably sized, so thatthe tr smaller plces re f00 Smal ¥e so used smal apn, ber mas and pices of newspaper inthe pat ‘Appear to mixtheseup (lease don't ue the word Shue’) but real just eve ‘hema Chae (tse Haymow) shutout a series of soppy lookng running eu At the conclusion cut the’ paperback to the bottom, ‘You wil now have the partkipant do Pau Currys Switches Switch: he wil dea the ‘ces of paper one ata Seino apleon the able but tay te he ks he can Ewch he postons ofthe next wo pecs e's about to deal and then place them ‘mt the tbl api Thanks o Cun ingen, nothing has realy happened ‘Once he hashed deaing te sequences affected, hough o couse the letrs ate now in reverse oer Pick them up, casual) festng the bottom eter {the Wand hand them bck to him to deal trough ance mae, gan allowing hin toswiteh where be hes. Thi Sts them back inthe coret order ray for he reveal Tur the letters up oe ta time, placing ther into wom, completing the ‘ord NOTABLE” Now copy the ters ont the other piece of paper containing the uke sying the solution out oud as you dos, “Te notable surgeon was notable tw operate because neha notable” youre merous about having the partipant perform he dean, simply do ‘youre tity lowing hin fo dei where to suateh ‘The parteipat wine doubt be amused atthe puzrle and amazed by hiscapabilty frandoml fing the correct ter order, 29 congratulate him on Ns newfound bly to use hs subconscious mind or problem oN. Animal Magnetism Effect: The lscussion tums to whether anyone hs ever been hypntied, and who the most suggestble. iter afew stories abou seeing hypootss perform Ine et the performer proposes est using nothing more than some simple sugestion Irvaving singe ‘power word that he calms he read about na ontine pycholgy experiment. The performer whispers this power word! to aston, ft male partipant who then oem tobe momentarily robbed of he stength Fests tnabe to stag up whist the performer mpl presses single ng against his foreheed and ten the partisans unable foul apart the hands of» woman who is simpy touching her fgets together. Finally In an act of compassion, hes fetumed te his normal ise se FY. Much he Thumbting rom the fest CAM boot his flee uses dd phys properties of ur human bodies. As mentale and mags who have often been reading about thor Kinds of tnt for most fou Ive, eat to get las about the power thet ind of demonstration can hav. Toaymen wh have never wines them they can Bevery starting Method and Performan Ideally yout partpant shoul be strong, younger ay! usally choose someone in ther ary 25 wo obvousy works out Les all him Tom. Have Tom Sip tralghton ach, back teaight jus ke he was taghtin choot and have him put highend is ap Ack Him standup fom hie cha, none movement without sing hs hands, He should be able oda, Since his centre of gravity 0 trot of him, he wil ave to push down and forwards wih isles to dt, inorder to ve himselt momentu, butt shouldn't bea prablem, Have Tom sit back down. This time you whisper the power word ia his ar. Any word wild. Tiss already it of an ode thing too, o feel fee to whisper something od 2st relevant anyway. often se the word Bana, but ther times tor itt the person or situation, depending on the ceumstances Use your Imagination. Explain that ths power word wiltemporaniy rob Tom of Ns strength, ‘nce you have whispered the word dramatically extend he forefinger of your Hight hand and pres tight aginst Tons forehead He willbe able to el tat you are ‘eertng very ele pressure ‘Countdowe frm veto one and then ack Tomo stand up. He won't be able, and willbe shocked The more he ts, the unnie gets for anne ese watching Te ‘cts that phys agains ml As long a es sat the way Yu asked, once you're ‘oreinge pressing against im, its impossible for him to tan, Since what he needs sa shin nis entre grit, th wl requis to get fee frther back, Unde his ody so you must make sues sat on a seat tat won’ allw that, People never poy any atention to how they stand up they vst they snob ‘move their body forward andthe feet backwards nd maybe azo we thelr hands {oelp push the body up fromthe cha, al wthoutiking about Take those ‘wo things away, andthe lightest reson thei forehead wl ender hem Immobie For the second phate, you nee to elt the help of 3 woman, | sully ak someone ‘of asia ape ear 205) and think this phase looks beter if he does ook ke ‘he works ov Keay you want there tobe avery obvious diference sive and Strength Betwcen er and Tom Lat seal her Go. ‘ek Geto place her hands igertp-to-ingertip ina steeple. Her arms shoul be bent and asd 0 that her efbows are aos at shoul height wt er hands at the same level inbetween. Que ak hero press her fingertips together a ard seshecan, ‘You instroct Tom top Gears atthe wr: Teli to take hol and try to pl her hands apart He's nat alowed t jek them suddenly part he must we strength, not surprise to separate her hands. That rth on condition. No mater how hard he tes, he wrt be able to move thm inthe sights. Fun enough, ‘Geviwil be even more sured that Tom and you've picked two partipants wo know each oer or are a couple) ths can be very entertain as Ger brats “Tom for is suddenweaknest Fly sk Tom to stand up sraight and breathe in Soap younger in front of mantel him hate happy back to norma. ———— Wanted: Ad. Effect: The performer notices a magazine thatthe pactiipant has ished reading and asks ithe woul ket tw esimptewavalaation eer, The partcpant ay he woul, so the performer fips tothe rear ofthe magarine ad tears outa page of adver. This torn up several nes into a group of salir places andthe parpant takes the stack of places and decides on one He hen looks ta word or pitre on that piece ad concentrates on. The performer now reads the partpents mind and Feveals the exact word FY. This effet sone that once ean willbe n your repetaiefor the rst of your fe. is absolutely perfect or an prompts demonstration of mind-reading anytime there isa magazine handy The secret that he pce forced in a ory lan way. There na extraneous action and everthing look jst as Itshould The clever methodotgy the branch of Edmund Rowlan, who publed itn the Pentagram November, 1952), Good to tnow that pony the best tk you ear thi year ior 50 years eh? Many thanks to Martin Bees or lowing me to desc It here, and to Russel Hal fr sranging the permission, Subsequent variations were publ by Fred Lowe (New Pentagram, 1972) A Koran Legacy 1972), Ceara Map 28,1973) and Ray Gramer (etre Spec, Undota). David Harkey and Exe Anerson havea eated idea, wich very ever and based on pure lf (Aha, 1997). Ihave adopted the binary method of counting from the Grsmer handing. And dont wey, ses! Method and Performance: The fect is tradonaly done with a newspaper but find the sckpages of cosy magazine are so much eae to factate te counting the pation wild, At, a ofthis wting (2018) newspaper ar very muchon the way out wth most ‘people now reading the news on ther phone o table. Magasin, fr now, ae st ‘ery popalr though Before you teat, you need to imagine the magazine pages vided into 16 ‘auares. Depending on how you tear the page, any ve ofthese rectangles an be ade to apeae at eny poston. However, we wil concem ores with jut one ‘rectangle, the one inaisted bythe in he fotowing aga ‘The ls for working out he placement of hat parle rectngle tothe selected umber are ese lat: 1. Whatevernumberis named, you mental subtract one frm to get your ‘ange umber 2. The four tears ou wlmak correspond tothe binary numbers 1,2 4,and 8 Imother words, 1 corresponds tothe 1" tear you make, 2 othe 2% 4a the ¥'yand 8to te ¢ tea 3. Whichever of these numbers are used to make up your target number (ei your target number 13, then you wil ase 1,4 and 8) when you make tose ‘wars (the 1,3 and €or our example numberof 3} you wil plac the ‘ight hand places UNDER the eft 4. the tea you are making doesnot corespond to any ofthe inary numbers ‘needed makeup your target umber then (the 2” tear, corresponding fo 2, ‘nour example of 13) then you place the righthand pieces ON TOP of the eft 5. After every ter, once you have placed he paces together they areal gen a turn ina cockwiee deecion, To proce, just tear several sheets of paper out of amagstne ad put bold to mak your force spot few tals wth pleeofpapern hand wil be suffnt to show you that this handling fr esiern practice thant reds on the page Heres anther example: the participant sos & Subtracting from 8 gives target hunter of7. The inary numbers which makeup 7 are 3, 2nd Se kow thet when ter the paper, afer the 1”, 2 and 3" teat the ight hands paces wl go under the lft hans pieces. On the 4 ter the right hands pleces wi go On op, The tne to perform his CAM i when youre with someone who leering magaine they/ve been reading or there i free mag or brochure where you a Simpy ak them they woud tke to tke patina vauasaton exercise hiss, defahtfll vague, but wi imtigue them nevertheless, Pickup the magaine en ip towards the rear. There shouldbe several (often many morel pages of ad Pek one 2 tear ou, asking the partipant’speemision fis the magi, Csicyglimse what in your force squce the one dct by the inthe stration above) on both ses ofthe page Obvious, wil be onthe et Rand ide ofthe page you look ton the reverse side, Merrie sy words, name, ogos > pictures. Then perform the tearing proces described above. At you are starting to make he ver frst tea, tell them hat sinc Yu are sing random page, you ilo ned a random number. Ask them to chose any number Between oe end teen, nce thats how many pleces there willbe once you've Frshes tearing up A eon 3 the ep, subtract ne tom ther number to get yur target number Dac you hve Fished the tearing, cleanly han the pce othe patton sk ito carefully coun trough the pees ti he gets to his random mom, she counts each piece ave him dap them on he table olor, topsng when 7 Ets ois number. You should be watchful whlst he des this since ihe makes ny mistaken the counting, perhaps aceidentally courting two pices oper hen the ck blown. When he gest schon pice have hin dard the in your hed away sgh whist he fishes the count and only tum back to face im when he has just his chosen plete eden in his cupped hands Slowly evel he vormation which you couldn’ howl) posy know: —_ Pre-fingered Effect: ‘The perormer says that he recently rea book called The Finger Roti by John ‘Manning. Manning's clams ae bared onthe scent esearch nto te aio, between the lengths of spect fingers. These ratio aeclelted based on Increments of 53:1. Whit theres sta lot move workto be done onthe sublet t Seems tht Dgt Ratios wil eventual fia place In modern sence a way that things ke Palmistry heve singular fale to do. He continues thet he would De 0 demonstrate nether property ofthe hands, but one for which theres no known scene bai. ‘The partcipant now mates some random chokes onthe Fingers of on had, ‘making gerne random moves between the ges unt abut one ae tliminated. Te performer open hshand and shows tht on tare the wor THES ‘ONE’ and an arrow pointing to 3 ger the exact same ge the pata hs choten FY. “The deli ite ner forcing ick has ben in my repertoe for amt a mg {as IVe ben interested in magi was taught tome tatty the frst magn ‘ver new, John Leckie who was one ofthe founders of the map cub whee grew up Whilst itis clever force ts CAM potential did't occur to me unt read two books Mx (Sel-pubished, 2007) by Phil Smith and The Finger Ratio (Faber and Faber, 203) by ohn Manning. Mito the ret ina trlogy of excellent books on, ontemporary mental by Phil and includes an elect he calls qulingu, which Is wer got the tea fr wring the preston on my hand Since Iam a sicker ot tek where write on my hang the adoption of Pi lever idea makes this CAM 9 stant cousin of One For The Roa! ram CAM volume 1. highly ecm al ‘tee of Phils books by the way. "Now al neded was presentational hook Ente The Finger to book adit ct gt even a quarter ofthe way trough, Whit Rr tl press sound, ‘and sentially based, Me Manning's erapaation ofthe ea wes pseudo-scenee nonsense ofthe highest order and had to bal. However, the subject ofthe gal Ratlo des offer alovly hook orth effect. One nal ning the numbers, 3 and Shieh eference wnen tak abut the book and introduce the CAM Rave noting whatsoever todo wit finger rats, Imention ther sol to make he force seem to make ate mare sense Method and Performance: Theres some bl preparation: wite the words THIS ONE’ onthe pain of your et hand and draw a arrow rm ther pongo your ringing. Make sure ne one sees you doth oF secientalygimpses it before the cimax ofthe elect Once you've introduced the premise of the eect hols out your right hand, you ask the partkpart to holdout hte With youre forefinger, pin fo your ght ile finger pike for US. readers) and tel thepartipat that this wl thelr arin point. Sine the es ato ing scence i you preva pleasant) they wll make S moves. A move simply jump from the fg they eon toe ng or thumb next tot Tel ther that forthe purposes of ing rat, he thumb counted as finger. Demonstrate a jump by moving your et forehinge rom your ight lite finger to your right ing finger and counting ‘On’ Contin by moving gain to Your ight mde finger anc counting Tw Explain ha they ean ump in ether deco, forwards or backwards, Dice they understand, have them tart again on thei tle ige. Ten away 0 hat you cannot see what they ae doing and ask them to mate the 5 moves Te hem that although they made their own moves and could have ended upon any ings, you ate sre that they i end up on her thumb ote ge. They wil nf hat you ar correct. Ask them ta love those finger ito thet palm demonstrate with our own right hand by itn above your shoulder and losing he thumb and itl nent the pal) na the net moves on just thee three idle gers el them that the next rumberin the rat 3,0 they should make 3 jumps fom hefinger they are currenty on, The eaty ks, wherever they star they wil end up the mide irger. Comment that you ate prety sure they aerton thet retinge, 00 cose that oe into thet palm. Again, you demonstrate with Your ht hand. They wll eonfiem you are corectand los that finger Teilthem thatthe final number i, they are to make finaljmp, This wl put them on the ing ringer: Ask tert cle the mile ing as You sre sre they. ‘Tel them that you preieted which ager they Would inh on and as you tun back ‘towards them hol ut your let han, pal up but with alhe fingers except he ‘ing finger tight closed, which wihide the writing Since the willssume that You Just held hat Finger upright now they wil His joke. Slowly open your fgers ‘otha they can se the prediction, leting them know that pasude-acenc really roloughing matter. ik go cod. here are several way to accomplish this ete are the ones | use mmostoten (Back) To The Future Once confined to fantasy and scence tion, me raves now simply an engineering problem Ina cote sho tell my rend ogo and grab set whist get the dink in then ‘order anced cote or ea and ak the server toremave thee ad flip with 2 twat Ths provides col sik eat eon tat eo mites When o ‘sit down | gently take a sip and mime that itis too hot, and maybe mumble. Something abt much steed mi wart the concept ofthe ates my — riko eter the consiousness without propery regen, me making too biga deator In casual envronment (pethaps a coffee shop or fren’s home) the prfrmee Broposes small experiment in time-travel He anda patkipnt synchronise watches and ten the parscpant decider on a number betwoen Sand 10 Me merely closes his ees fora moment and when he opens them the perfrmer proves hat they both have indeed traveled ford in time by that exact number of mines. The both check the watches nd they hae indeed jumped ord the exact numberof minutes requested. Ad as further poo, the teaming hot cup of coftee the performer was ding snow (9 minutes ate] quite cold And thee a missed tet message on his phone rom 7 minutes ao.- And when they check with anyone ce that person wil conrm islndeed the tine the perfome! east to be, proving that everyone ese has travel forwards in tne oo! Atthelr house, or indeet my own crganing a hot dik to actualy be colds ven ‘esses Find any excuse to be on Your oun inthe keen (mare suger or mk?) nd ‘ip some ofthe dink away an top itup with cld wate. Ori’ your hous then simpy have a upbcate mug with already cold coffee int and switch nuts 8 You head tothe siting room There isno ight momenta ath ckcumstanc willbe diferent. ist seize whatever opportunity presents sll Remember, theyre not expecting you to perform and have no eason to supect that you are dctring your own d,s benot ooking for. ‘it cegards tothe missed message’ on your mab (cl phone, this aga simply tse. Set-up contact inyourohonebook wth the ame "Macao {and putyour own mobilephone number asthe number or tht contac. you now ‘Senda ext message to "Mr Jackson" you wilreceve the message an your gen ‘shone, butt wile you that tis fam MeJaesor" So you pretype a message (Chirk sorry ran out of Une yesterday, hopeful we can cate ter the week” or whatever) and have ead 0 Senda 00h at You tthe button, Ori Youuhave a smartghove (Phone or Andi) which haa delayed text mesnge Sending ap then set to send the message I minut ater You begin he eect. Either way, make sure your phones tured to Sent Mode’ ota wil not be FA Tiss strange one! The crux ofits Banach’ PX Time (steve Sham, Paychokineie Time, Magi nsprations, 1992) andthe fact that your watch was ava et minutes dead. Also, you use Banache’s rant method tc: the fist met set he prtpan’s watch bark inte, to apparemy etableh tht athe correct. ure te and then once more to set it baekonow, the el ine abe 9 minutes later than they think ts. Thi sts up the denoverment. you don't aredy 10 Banache’s brant effect, then peas o and ack down and enn it mediate. You wil ce forever snc ths is prformed 352 CAM and not atest. canions experiment you want ne whole thing tobe nce an ened 50 you need an environment wher here eno other cocks vile apd ther moble phone eter nthe pocket ef You rein a coffe shop o bar erin another oom ag. you area thelt house) ‘Method and Performance: ‘Soto perform, have your watch, dink and phone stupa aad cused Borrow the watch but make sure you take of ther, ac-down, shat they anna ze the time. Explain that you dont want ther ose the times ye couple of convincers can realy strengthen he fect and make peopl stat to YoU ike them to guess what te they thnk sit to ee how none they are weston ter perception of what actully happened. Fs, alvays havea hot With the temporal Row Thi of course, mans absolute notin. but sounds Interesting and covers the moment! Whatever ime they Guess use te PX Tne ‘method ost ther watch back 3 minutes and then show them how coe tele es actually was, Glance at your watch and cof the exact net the minute, So, or example they guess 10 minutes to 3 and ther math shows xt before Quarter to3, show them that the ines actualy ‘about quartet ed then si holding thelr watch, pul back your see, look at your own wath and sal he Sime saying something ike, "Or 248 we want to be prec Ofcourse Your watch wilactualy show 253, since your watch) minutes ahead ofthese. atthe core tine ‘Then a further ‘roo you point out your cold rfnished drink, And you eaten ‘biscuit And the text message from several minutes ogo ee ‘As mentioned atthe begining ths ina blockbuster myst for whole budence but ue tthe CAM eal tea provide a geniney disconcerting "eerience forthe person you eriorm ton Thanks to Banachek or rating he mechanics whieh make pose Use Banachel'smethod again to move tel watch 9 minutes forward (back othe Fight time and you must be certain that tis the exact sete e out wath) and place down onthe able, fceside downwards, Claim tat yu wily end jump several minutes forward in te, Sa that you jus reed to make sure that they have ther ees closed fra few moments and extend the fst gers of both hands. cplinng that you wl simply touch her evelie for seconds, As they close the eyes you of ours se theft an secand geri of fst your et and to touch bot their eyelids thus reeig up your rant hand forthe dy work! This teigue was at pushed in Walter 8. Gibsons ate The Trick of he Ghost Hunters a the December 1927 ive of Popuar Mechanis), Now you accomplish several things inthis Saeco tne fae, Fst, you ask them ro pck umber between Sand 10, Whatever they sy, you alm that you se now ravelig that umber of minutes forward in ine Atha sane tie you use Your ee ht hand to move couple of things around onthe table, ncn ther nach, Maybe you und your necktie. Maye you tae a drink out of your cl cup fe (have on several ocasins had opportunity to pour the whol tig ether a plan oto onthe foo, leaving behind jst cod empty mug!) Maybe you take ormathing of the tble and hide tin your pocket (abc? aa cela? the sugar out} ther way, what you want to aecomplsh shat when our rend opens thei eyes it : bows that somethings have changed during the 5 ueconds te eyes were lsed and your hands were sparen touching them that remains iso point ov your temporal relocation by ooking a their watch nd then YoU. And then anne ee they cre to ask Depending on which umber hey chose, 6,7, 8or9 minutes lft sine youcan ether tart the cunt from when he looked at ther watch or when you started talking about the experiment. vncnever way, fs Bookless Booktest Know-How Effect: {acy what 38) on thet the ably perform a book text, without book. FLV. & Method: This realy 2 CAM, but a way for you to devise 2 new CAM (or evra for youre is essential follow up chapter to ‘This Yea’ Book from the est AM booklet That trick was the one got the most emai about both interns of appreciative comments forthe tek nd request for mor information on the ahermativ word Ist mentioned an how to go about devising ther, The list gave in that wite up was fr Jn Ronton's The Psychopath Test Picador, 2011) ad mentioned that ako have lite for $0 Shades of rey, Tom Crs fins and tr Was, amongst others you remember, the effect of This Yea’ Book was that of book-tet wih just on imaginary book (abo menoned Le Ear's excellent pot that he term ‘book test isyery mocha misnomer would be appropriate we were tying to entiy which book someone has chosen, bute rent wre tying to entity» word! 30 Should be more accurately called 3 word-tes) The method wed was a progressive anagram and some pumping, nd gave his website s being indispensible in helping to dee progesineanaprans nt: scape com/wordtoak/conans minimally hp ower, 35 yu will qc discover if you ty to devise one, cming up with progressive anagrams ha expec you are working wth» narrow subject ange such 5 Tor Cru fins, Sar Wars characters and the ie, the best method isa sight iferent ype of anagram ~a branching anagram, hiss a word Ist where you pump fr various ters in turn cling ot each apt tern the anagram stunt you hear a'Ne answer and then proceed on tthe lowercase letters. the eter (capa or lowercase) has a word newt tt. ten en you hear a"No answer then that words the chosen word. you never ‘ecole any'No answers then the chosen word the lst ne on the ist Iryou want to retesh your memory about ung branching anagrars, the eet ‘Seen rom CAM vo. uses one. That wrt op alo ncudes important see and tips om mysl, huck Hckok and Banachek on how to present this tid of feet most success, ‘Thee of sing an anagram asthe method fora trick (progres, branching, Interlocking or otherwise the brainchl of Stanley Coli fist published in 920 (see ao Stanly Cons: Conurer,Coletr, and conaciest by Edwin A. Dawes, is) ‘Soin overt elp you devise your own branching anagrams, lam providing nk to ‘wo eos which wl prove invaluable you 4. Pater Lips reat tle Windows anagram generator which is feeware and ‘tributed here with his permission tos: /ane ropox con/s/a2serw8:9hyb/ANAGRAMMARE rr 2. Kevin M. Ours excllen online anagram program: p/w. cavemanchemsty con/anagramy With these two tools oie abet devise branching anagrams foray subject ouchoose.Enoy The Red Envelope Effect: Aer placing piece of paper onthe abe, the performer invites 3 portant play an imagination gxme which the performer sys wi leven wth an Impossible objet asa souvent. The game vores three nvsble object three inv enveiopes stale one 3 geen one, ana bis oe. The partpant chooses the ed. Next he decides whether to open the nv envelope wth 8 al of invisible scssrs, an nvsbe pent, or an nisbe letter opener He deci on the scisrs.Plcing up the pec of piper from the table, the performer mimes ppg out ofthe ible red envelope! He tele the partiipant that this obvious jst part ofthe inaginton game, since the paper war obvious onthe table befor any choices were made. Except the patent sited to unfols he piece of paper and read whats witen there says "You wl hoo tut open the RED envelope with the SOSSORST" FY. This another very dd ite perormance piece, butane that absolutely love Using Thnk fora moment about the premise ~ on imagination geme using nve Props produces an imposible objet Whats otto love?! Once again uses my good frend Equvoque but in 2 very sips form. Oh and sometimes avery simple let switch, done at peycholagaly invite moment | say sometimes, a a as SO% ofthe tie you dont have todo anything The Starting pont for The Red Envelope’ war an effec by George Laing called st imagine Apoctyse magzine, lune 1993) too featured Eguivoge, but unfortunate the approach was rather transparent and abou, ine read something along the ines of “hist utes te standard magcion’s hoe’ ore, my heat sinks. That as been remedied here, with amultayred steamined and motivated use of quvoque Method and Performance: You need two Bilt sia) pecs of oper. You could use seta bets (made of ard) you wanted, but think laymen might think abt strange that you are Carrying tems of tatonery around for no serie eason, oer han maybe 12 ‘Show them ack. That ind of gos against the whole thor ofthe CAM mental, 501 simply se two pices of paper. The lester, but youd need tobe ae {old up into quarters so tat tena up ae that you are comfortable ing aing shoud the bile switch become necessary. ‘none pece wie: "You wi choose o cut open the RED envelope with he SOSSORSI This pice goes ito you let jacket oe pants pocket. On he other plece wrt; You wilchoose toc open te RED envelope wth the PENKNIFEY Th pce oes nto your ight jacket ox pants pocket, anywhere you can comfortably palm from ater you ned tater you have apparent taken the nv seisors and penknife out ofthat same pocket. Allthe wring shoul be done wth 3 peel or fine pen. Ris al that no one can see tat he folded p place of paper hae ay wing inside of Just so we're clear, the ovis’ envelopes which mime using imagine tobe the ‘same sea p2y envelope, Leone tat ony Sgt larger than plying ear wi ever mention the sz during te pertermance, bit spar of my sen sript nd abway mie hating them ae they were that, To perorm, begin by inviting the prtpant oplay the Imagination game, and then ‘ake the pleeof paper from you lft peckt and plac casually ot thee hand se of the table, saying,“ use this ater" Dont make abi dea about Rand Aetntay dont reer tot 35 reaction. Sao hi, “This imagination game uses invisible objects, 50 foro werk you need to, erm.. suspend your dbele le bit In ther word, dont think abot ‘uch jst flow what 37 and go wth the flow. ‘Then rm the same let pocket, mime pling tan envelope a you say, This 8 salle envelopes made of very thick red ear. Mime placing down onthe {able tothe lof centre ‘Again fom the same pocket, mime pling out an envelope 25 you say, “nd thi a small blue envelope. ts made of very shiny fo" Mime placing down on the {able tothe right centre Finally, mime puting a third envelope ou ofthe same pocket 2 you sy “And hiss small geen envelope. it ismadeat dark green recyled paper Mime plecnet ‘down nthe centre, between theft wo, Point tthe vse envelopes fom eto Heh, ecaping, “ed ere bie", ‘mating sure that they ae not oo close to one another, so everyones crystal eat which envelopes where Aernative i ‘Ask the patipat to pickup any two envelopes and hand them to you naming the Coloursashe des so. he hands you the green and the blue, then simply say Far rough’ and mime tering the green and bus envelopes (atthe sume tie) nto Smal pices, ime dropping them bck in your pocket nd say "The ved envelope however, you ar oi to open, with sigh emphasis on the “open Ateenave 2: Ask he partkpantopck up any two envelopes and han them to you, naming the colours ase does so. he hands ou the red and ne a theater eecopes (we say he hands you the red and the green forthe purposa of explanation say to him “Pick vp the blue one and tert up, obvious we dont need” Mine holding an envelope in each hand and then akin, “Take ether one fom me." with sight emphasis on the “om” fhe takes the redone you mime tearing up the green one (which nf, ashe tas aeady tor one up and say “OK. The red envelope however, you ae eoing to open with emphasis on te "open however he takes the green one, you say “And ou know what odo, tea itup” (Which consistent, ae has lead tor the fit one up.) Continue, “Tis red eovelope however, you ae going to open, wth emiphasson the “ope Obvious it would be the same procedure hehanded you the red and the Bue ther aternative ends with him holing the Inve re envelone pan: ‘You now each ino your right hand pockt and mine enging out the invite s€hssors, which you place onthe tbl to et, saying" pa of casos” You again reach nt the same pocket and mime bringing out the invisible peste, ‘which you place onthe table ight of etre, saying "A pene” ‘each nto the pocket third time and as you start bring out the nv etter ‘opener look ovr a the participant’ hands and say, "Youve gt the red emelope avert you? t's thick card therein way the letter opener wll open that” And place the invisible ete opener Barkin the pocket. Say, "So your al deion —do you want to. open the envelope with the scsor ot ‘the peninite?™ the says the sesrs, there iso ned forthe let sch, imply han him the Invisible seisors and mime puting away the Inve penkite,saying. "OK YOu ‘ake the sesors and keep te penkie™ ‘Askhimto cut open the envelope reminding him that itis made of thik card. Peck ‘up the lee of paper (redcton| wath youre hand and tate the isle _erwope fom him with your rght Mime squeeing the envelope open and tiping Something nto your lefthand Say, “And this the final act ofthe imagation game. want you to imagine that this lee of paper relly was inside the envelope alalng” ‘Pace the piece of paper onto one of his hands Continue,“ now i’ rary, since we both now twa things: that weve only Been sng imaglnary, vise objects for his gare nd that we cou both ete he ape was ther onthe tbl the whole time, ut teres somehing you ned to ee, lease open up the pec of paper and ead aloud what writen Inde" Wen he east ou stunned sence willow, ternative? Ithesaysthe pein, you wl nee to do the bile sich The good news is thatit is totaly covered by what hei doing ‘Simpy hand him the nv penknife nd mime tng aay the insble esos, saving, “OK, you tak the penknife and keep the acon Whilst yout ght hand sin the pocket, Firge-palm the PENKNIFE’ pice of paper ‘Askin toc open the envelope, reminding him tate made of thick car Ashe 's doing so, pickup the pice of pape rm the able with your left hand and shut sit nto your righthand. Theres no heat on thi fortwo reson alatterton on the partipant and noone knows what the pace pape for anyway Drop the paper rom your right hand ont whichever one ofthe parlpant’s hands \sobveusy) not hokng the vse envelope and pck vp that ‘nvelone wth Your same ght han. Mime squeeing he envelope open and oping something Onthis hand, Fight ontop ofthe pape. During thi action, depending on your Performance station, there maybe time to dch the iagerpaimed paper into your pact. If not though dont wary, you can do ina moment when Ne ods Out wat the paper Reis hlng ay Say, “And this the al st ofthe imagination game. I want yout imagine that this piece of paper ay wasinside the envelope al along. Know ts any, ine we both know two things: that we've on been using imgiory, invisible objects ond that we could both ce that the pape was thereon he table the whos ine Butters something you need to ae Place open up the piece of paper and read wats wrten nde.” When he eos out stunned sence wi follow:

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