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Reg. No. : Question Paper Code : 31241 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013. Third Semester Chemical Engineering CH 2202/CE 1214/10155 CH 304/080320004 — MECHANICS OF SOLIDS Eo (Common to Textile Technology) (Regulation 2008/2010) (Common to PTCH 2202 — Mechanics of Solids for B.E. (Part-Time) Second Semester ‘Textile Technology — Regulation 2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Missing data if any may suitably be assumed. Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10x 2= 20 marks) 1. State Hooke’s law. 2. Acsteel rod 30m long is at a temperature of 30° C. Find the temperature stress in the rod if the expansion is prevented and the temperature is raised to 90° C. E= 200 GPa. Coefficient of thermal expansion is 12x10 /°C. » ‘Name different types of supports on a beam. Define shear force and bending moment. State Area moment theorems. What is a flitched beam? SP oe A solid shaft has to transmit a torque of 120 kNm. If the shearing stress is not to exceed 90 MPa, find the diameter of the shaft. Define spring constant . 9. Differentiate long and short columns 10. When will eccentric load occur in column? 2 PART B— (6 x 16 = 80 marks) 1i. (2) @ A steel bar having cross sectional area 1000 mm? is subjected to axial force as shown in figure 1. Find change in length of the bar if E= 200 GPa. ® Gi) A solid steel rod 40mm diameter, 2m long passes centrally through ‘a copper tube of 40mm internal diameter, thickness 5 mm and 2m long. The ends are braced together and a tensile load of 320 kN applied axially. Find stresses in steel and copper if Es = 200 GPa and E-= 100 GPa. @® Or (>) (@° A rod of 32mm diameter has a length of 600mm. If the tensile load is 120 KN, the elongation of the rod is 0.225mm and change in diameter is 0.0072mm. Find the Poisson's ratio and values of elastic constants. ® (ii) ‘Two plates 180 mm x 10 mm and 250mm x 12 mm are to be joined. Design a suitable fillet welded joint so that the full tension is developed in thinner plate. Draw a neat sketch of the joint, ‘The maximum tensile stress = 150 MPa and maximum shear stress = 105 MPa. ® 12. (a) Draw the SFD and BMD of the beam shown in figure 2. a6) Gowen seul te dbe ine eee Figure 2. Or () Draw the SFD and BMD of the beam shown in figure 3 a6) kN “ae 12kw 4m 5 im im 2m. % * 3m Figure 3. 2 31241 13, 14. @ ©) @) o) Using Macaulay's method, find slope at supports and deflection at mid span of the beam shown in figure 4. EI constant. (16) Pe an Qe co Figure 4. Or Using conjugate beam method, find slope and deflection at free end of the beam shown in figure 5. (16) tao Sour 4 bay <> ne ow Figure 5. (@ State the assumptions made in the simple bending equation and load derive the simple bending equation. ® Gi) @ Gi) A simply supported beam of span 8 m carries an UDL of 12 kN/m throughout the span of the beam. The cross section of the beam is rectangle 250mm wide and 500 mm deep. Draw the bending stress distribution at 1/4 span and mid span. ® Or A leaf spring 1 m long is to support a point load of 6 KN. If the maximum deflection of spring is not to exceed 45 mm and the maximum stress should not exceed 300 MPa, find the thickness of leaves and the number if each plate is 80mm wide. E = 200 GPa. (8) A simply supported beam of span 8 m carries point loads of 40 KN, 60 KN and 40 kN at 2 m, 4 m and 6 m respectively from one support. The cross section of the beam is rectangle 250 mm wide and 500 mm deep. Draw the shearing stress distribution at 1/4 span ‘and at support. ®) 3 31241 1b. @ ©) @ @ @ @ A close coiled helical spring has the stiffness of 40 N/mm. Determine the number of turns when the diameter of the spring is 10 mm and mean diameter of the coil is 80mm. Modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa. ® A maximum shear stress of 600 MPa is induced in a hollow shaft of 100 mm external diameter with 40 mm thickness. What maximum shear stress will be developed in a solid shaft of the same weight, material and length subjected to the same torque? ® Or State assumptions and limitations of Euler's formula. ® A hollow cast iron cylindrical column is 4m long. Determine the minimum diameter of the column for both end fixed, if it has to carry a safe load of 300 kN with a factor of safety of 4. Assume internal diameter as 0.75 times the external diameter. Also find the diameter if both ends are pinned. ® 4 31241

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