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ejemplo H 30,00 m c AT 88 kPa yt 60,00 8 ° 30,00 # “p 30,00 ° Zz 15,00 mm 25,14 kNim3 1 Zw 750 mw 9.81 kN/im3 20m Fo Rom Bow 108,69 ba fu OP mw 29561 EM te ftelwy* |. eu yemcee sue 3 oe S164 Fee che (wets —v- vee ye) Wages Vent ve Te2 Ces kiiu® v3oms (ele de st ao'- soror - 2 meaw HE lee AT B30 ¢ TIS cal Bo. Lan ejemplo 40m ~ | brea de Propeiades Plano suameno) | ean | eee to x zs “ Tai [20 a 7 7am a738 [20 Pea | ~ 122414 nd talud ® 195 = 9,81 kNim3_ Sieg teag ea¢-4 (re 2 cE Srnee eee a RES annga Be te amie ary Sap ihe 2716 a t ets pple fs 8g, + BH 9 + Om, x)G% 7 (62 a nee Eo Pa ‘ture im) 40 20 90 40 9 80 70 & 9 100 110 120 190 140 Distancia m) Datos: Peso espectfico 25,4 kNim? ‘Angulo det talud (banco) 5 Cohesian 140 kPa ‘Angulo de! talud de coronacion 45° Angula de trccion 45° ‘Altura del banco 16m ‘Ancho de la berma am area (na) Tose 5158.75] 115,758] 3308 37] 525,13 74,4063 3633.74 2530.42] 1364871 2127 95] 4472.65] 708.9701 4127 45] 1324 74] 87.2103 7880.70 2547 87| 75,7743 2922.15] 718.05| 84] 16,0504 1204.34 20889,15] 1555351 Solucién por Fellenius 7e440[ 2179.07] Dara 324,00[ 4395, 75] 4660, 79 1253.00] 3877.04 4144.80) _4245,18| 4282.44] 4206,03| "565,60| 2079, 14] 2119.28] 2162,87| 2178.98] 2184.84] 7120,00] 3592.95] 3798.08) 3864,96| 3889.56] 3898.51 “505,00[ 1472.40} 1608,80| _1093,42] 1702.42] 705,09] 7120,00]_1917,68[___1,00|__2549,67| _2580,02] 2591, 10] 2595, 12 565,60) 645,13 1,00] 1050.90] 1060.45] 1063.90] 1065.14) 1065, 14] ‘Sumatorial 2214904] 22635 40[ 22816,00) 22881 80) 228889 Ql 49,1 FS(arbitran)| 7,24] TA] 725 745 TA] 142| 143] 145 147 147 Soluci6n por Bishop Solucion por Janbu Bovela eb W-ub | Wtga_] Ieracion 1 |Reracion 2 feracion 3] Iteracion 4] Iteracion 6 [Iteracion 6] Heracion 7| 7 F440 217901] 447420] 4973,00| _9090,52| 5148.90] 510902] o176.97| 510,10) 16130) 2 924,00] 4395, 75] 7088.78) 7382.99] 748,13] 7814.71 7847,23]7851,68]7855,/9[ 7857.41 3 1253,00]_3877,94] 5037.95] 5762.92] 5866.39] 5907,92| 5924.38] 5930.87] 5933,43[__ 5934.43] 4 565,60| 2079,14[ 1957,80| __2641,85| 2682,18[ _2698,31[ 2704,69[___2707,21| _2708,20| 2708.59} 5 1120,00| 3592,93[ 2649,.96[4414,30| 4472,11[ 4495,12|4504,22[4507,80|__4509,21| 4509.77] 6 565,00[_1472,40[__ 45,47|_1839,29[ 1859,41|_1867.40|_1870,56[ 1871.80] __1872,29[ 1872.48) T 1120,00[ 1917.68] 898,75] 270365] 2727.58] 2737,07[ 2740.81] 2742.28] 2742,86[ 2743.09] 8 565,60] 645,13] 180,76] 1083,78| 1091,04] 1093,91| 1095,04] 1095.49] 1095,66] 1095.73] Sumatorial 23133,15|__31002,42| 31545,17[31763,40| 31849,96|__31884,10|_31897,54]_31902,83) fol 7,05] Q] 122,63] FS{arbitrario)| 1,34] 1,40) 142| 1,43] 144] 1,44] FS(calcutado) 140 1,42| 1.43] 1.44] 144 144)

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