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New Manchester

Media Center

Action Plan
Prepared By: Katrina Barnett For the Period: 2017-2018

Objectives Tasks Success Time Frame Resources
(List of Media Center (what you need to do to
Criteria (by when you need to (What Resources you need for each task)
Objectives) achieve your objectives) (How you can identify

achieve the tasks)
your success)
Basic Areas Collaborate with Teacher survey End of 2017-2018
teachers to plan school year. assessment-for-school-libraries-1254816
Become engaged in
an active teaching lessons .

role. Survey monkey account

Routinely assess Use a variety of design Analyze and record December 2017 Design tool template
tools in order to assess assessment data on a Formative and summative assessments
student achievement. monthly basis. Wi-fi access
Subscription to online assessment tool

Ensure flexibility in Make media center Student and teacher August 2017 Survey monkey account
media center. available before and surveys Wi-fi access
after school. Hours of Operation flyers

Ensure that classroom

Hold four professional Online module August 2017 Online modules
teachers are development meetings in assessments October 2017 Promethean board
order to train teachers on
integrating library
various media resources i.e. December 2017 Professional Development agendas
media resources into Myon, Read Theory, Padlet, February 2017 Wi-fi access
their curriculum. and Symbaloo. YouTube video access
Objectives Tasks Success Criteria Time Frame Resources
(List of Team Objectives) (what you need to do to
(How you can identify your (by when you need to achieve
(What Resources you need for

achieve your objectives) success)
the tasks) each task)
An advisory committee Develop a budget, identify Self-evaluation rubric Annually-- May Judy Serritella rubric
becomes effective in the
resources & materials
development of library needed for media center,

policy. and

Proficient Area(s) Collect and use student data Aimsweb probes August 2018 -Aimsweb access to student
Provide services to students from Aimsweb and GMAS in data and probes
who have diverse learning order to design activities Formative and Summative -Assessment tool access
abilities. that will lead to student assessments (Quibble, Socrative, and
Wi-fi access

Checked By: _________________________________ (Signature) Approved By: _________________________________ (Signature)

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