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UMU Explicit Instruction - Lesson Plan Template


Name: Lisa Highley Date: December 1, 2016

Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject(s): Math
Lesson # & Title: Measurement
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
Introduce New Skill or Content
Practice & Review

Context for Learning & Cultural Responsiveness:

Learner Attributes: I have 20 students in the class. 11 boys and 9 girls. This is a low inclusion classroom with only 2
students on IEPs. Within this class we have 1 African American student, 2 biracial students, 1 Hispanic student, and 16
Caucasian students. Several of the students within this class come from low socioeconomic levels.

Cultural Responsive Rationale: In planning this lesson, I will need to consider students prior experiences with
measurement and how often parents work with students at home.

Content Standards:
K.MD.A.2 Describe and compare measurable attributes

Rationale: This standard is being used because students have been working on a measurement unit. They have been
learning about how to directly compare objects and describe one as shorter/taller. This is a review lesson that has
culminating activities to wrap up what they know and understand about measurement.

Learning Objectives: (Aligned to Standards & Assessment Plan)

1. When given multiple objects, students will be about to compare lengths using taller than and shorter than with
aligned and non-aligned endpoints with 100% accuracy.

Academic Language: (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives)

1. Shorter than
2. Taller than
3. Endpoint

Assessment Plan: (Aligned to Learning Objectives)

Formative Assessment:
o Turn & Talk- Students will turn and talk with each other to figure out the answer to a question. During
this turn and talk, I will walk around the room to assess student progress and understanding.
o Students will organize strips of paper from shorter than to taller than with a partner. I will walk around
the room and assess whether or not students are able to complete this task. I will also listen for
students use of the academic language when talking to each other.
o Shorter than/ Taller than hand signals- students will use hand signals to show if an object is shorter
than or longer than another object. They will perform the signal to me and I will assess their ability to
show if an object is shorter than or taller than another object.

Summative Assessment:

Updated Fall 2016

o Students will complete an assignment where I will pass out the shorter string to half of the class (the
peanut butter partners) and the longer string to the other half of the class (the jelly partners). Students
with the shorter string will be instructed to only collect feathers that are longer than their string, and
students with the longer string will be instructed to only collect feathers that are shorter than their
string. Students will be instructed to go through the feathers and collect the appropriate feathers. I will
walk around the room and formally assess the students abilities to find the correct feathers. After all
students have found their feathers, they will glue them onto their turkey. They will also glue their
string on their turkey so this assignment can be graded and they can look back at the activity they did.
Students will turn these in as a summative assessment to be graded.

Procedures - Lesson Introduction: (15 minutes)

1. To start off the lesson, I will do a few fluency activities that align with what the students have previously
a) I will give each student 5 connecting counting blocks. They will be instructed to place them all in their
left hand. I will also have a set in my hand to model for the students. I will instruct them to put 2
behind their back and notice that there are 3 left in their hand. I will say, this means that 5 minus 2
equals 3. We will repeat this with four more examples. Then I will instruct students to do this on their
own and whisper the math problems to themselves.
2. Next I will say to students, remember how we have been working on learning shorter than and taller than?
You are now going to work with your partner to put these strips of paper in order from shortest to tallest using
the skills you have been learning. * Students will specific disabilities in math will be given a strip set of 3
while the rest of the students will be given a strip set of 6.
3. They will order these strips and I will walk around the class for a quick formative assessment of each student
and their ability in ordering from shortest to tallest.
4. I will collect strips and have students repeat the I can statements that we have been working on:
a) I can show which is shorter than.
b) I can show which is taller than.
5. I will tell students that we are going to review what they have been learning and do an activity that wraps up
the measurement unit.

Procedures - Lesson Body:

1-Presentation/Explicit Instruction (I do)

1. I will have all of the students come sit around the outside perimeter of the carpet.
2. I will show the students what hand movement I want them to make when I ask if an object is shorter than or taller
than. (they will put their hands close together if the object is shorter and pull their hands far apart if the object is
3. I will hold up sets of objects where one is shorter than the other. They will give the appropriate hand signal.
4. Say, I have two pencils (show students pencils of differing lengths). This pencil is shorter than the other one. Now,
close your eyes (place the pencils in my fist so that they appear to be equal. Have the students realize that the
pencils are still different lengths even though it doesnt appear that way
5. Explain that the endpoints of the pencils need to be in the same place for us to compare them.

2-Structured and Guided Practice (We do)

1. I will have a long strip of paper already on the carpet to act as an endpoint for the guided practice activity
2. I will have students sit quietly while I pass out objects of varying lengths to each student
3. I will explain to students that they will hold onto their object until they are called on to place their item along the
endpoint paper strip.
4. I will tell them that we are going to put all of these objects in order from shortest to longest. I will start by putting
one object down and review why it's important to line objects up on one end and come up with a strategy to do that
for all of the objects.
5. I will call on a student to place his/her object down. I wont show them were to place it. They have to estimate
where it will who in the whole scheme of things.

Updated Fall 2016

6. Guide the students through questions like: I noticed you left a lot of room between your marker and the pointer,
can you tell me why you did that?
7. After a student places an object, I will ask the class, do you agree or disagree? If someone disagrees, I will have
them explain why. If the object needs to be moved, the two students will work together to move it to the correct
8. Once all objects are placed we will make sure everyone agrees that each object was placed in the correct spot.

3-Independent Practice/Application (You do)

1. All students will be instructed to move to the table and put their name on a turkey that is in front of their seat. In the
middle of the table, markers, feathers, and glue will already be waiting.
2. I will pass out the shorter string to half of the class (the peanut butter partners) and the longer string to the other half
of the class (the jelly partners).
3. Students with the shorter string will be instructed to only collect feathers that are longer than their string, and
students with the longer string will be instructed to only collect feathers that are shorter than their string.
4. Students will be instructed to go through the feathers and collect the appropriate feathers. I will walk around the
room and formally assess the students abilities to find the correct feathers.
5. After all students have found their feathers, they will glue them onto their turkey. They will also glue their string on
their turkey so this assignment can be graded and they can look back at the activity they did.
6. Students will turn these in as a summative assessment.

Procedures - Lesson Closure:

1. Students will turn and talk with their partners about what they learned in the last week about measurement.
They will share which was their favorite measurement activity.
2. I will explain to the students that they can use these measurement skills in real life. I will have them raise their
hands to share how they think they can use measurement in their lives.
3. I will tell students that this was the end of the measurement unit and next we will be learning about shapes and
geometry. They should go home and talk to their family about the measurement activities that they did.

Instructional Materials and Support:

1. String (10 short and 10 long)
2. 20 pre-cut turkeys
3. 50 pre-cut feathers shorter than the long string
4. 50 pre-cut feathers longer than the short string
5. Class set of glue
6. Class set of markers
7. 10 sets of cut strips for students to make shortest to tallest (7 sets of 6 strips and 3 sets of 3 strips for
8. 2 pencils of different lengths
9. 20 items of various lengths (from a paperclip to a meter stick)

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:

1. For the two students on an IEP and the students that were formally assessed struggling with these math skills,
they will have less strips to order from shortest to tallest in the lesson introduction. They also are seated and
partnered with an MKO that can help them with their learning for other partner activities. There are visuals to
help them and I will model each activity so they can see an example before they begin the task.

Research and Theory Commentary:

Lev Vygotskys research theory promotes learning through social interaction. It is important for students to
work together during lessons because they can gain more knowledge and better their understanding on topics

Updated Fall 2016

discussed. Often class peers may serve as MKO and help the learning process. I intentionally included social
interaction through the partner activity of sorting the strips from shortest to tallest to deepen students learning.
Blooms taxonomy states that students should be engaged in learning that is analyzing and evaluating. This
lesson incorporates those ideas by the students having to apply their knowledge by measuring whether a
feather is shorter or longer than their string. Each component of this lesson was hands on an gave students an
opportunity to engage in their learning.

Updated Fall 2016

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