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The main objective of this study is to find out the effects in the academic performance of

single and a relationship students of the University of St. La Salle, Bacolod City. The

researchers conducted a survey with twenty female respondents from a chosen section,

COAT4A, of the university. The survey questionnaires was subsequently segregated from

students that are single and in a relationship and then adjusted to so that the number of

respondents in each category becomes equal.

All distributed surveys were returned and the researchers decided to choose 7 respondents

from both categories in accordance with the stated criterion above.

The following tables show significant results. Discussions and implications are also


Table 1 illustrates the number of hours allotted by single and in a relationship student in

studying. As shown in the table below, the distribution of the respondents with respect to the time

they are spending in studying is quite dispersed. This observation also applies to the respondents

who are single. These results imply that the respondents relationship status does not directly

affect the number of hours they spent studying.

Table 1
On Time Allotted for Studying
Frequency Frequency
(Single) (In a Relationship)
0-1 hour 2 1
1-2 hours 2 3
2-3 hours 2 2
3-4 hours 1 1
4-5 hours
5 hours and above
Total 7 7

Table 2 shows the extent of influence of the relationship status of the respondents towards

their academic performance. As shown in the data below, single respondents answers are widely

distributed. On the other hand, most respondents who are in relationship stated that they are

moderately influenced by their relationship status. These imply that the relationship status of

single students does not directly affect their academic performance. Whereas, for students who

are in a relationship, it can be said that their status somehow matter towards their academic


Table 2
On theExtent of Effect of Relationship Status to Academic Performance
Frequency (Single) Frequency (In a Relationship)
Slightly Influenced 2 3
Moderately Influenced 2 4
Greatly Influenced
Does not influence at all 2
N/A 1
Total 7 7
Based on the results of the schedule provided for the respondents, both for those in a

relationship and those who are not, certain implications were found. A correlation between

motivation and ones relationship status seems to be evident. As shown on Table 3, six out of

seven students or 86% of the respondents who are single feel the motivation to study while Table

4 shows that only two of the respondents who are in a relationship says that they are motivated to

study when they are with their partners. Furthermore, five single respondents says that they enjoy

studying because of their relationship status while only two respondents who are engage in a

relationship enjoys studying. However, 71% of the respondents who are in a relationship stated

that they are motivated to finished tasks assigned to them because they receive encouragement

from their partners.

In addition, results also imply that the level of concentration on ones studies is affected

by their relationship status. Six of seven single respondents admit that they can fix their attention

on their studies because they dont have to worry about their partners. Meanwhile, four

respondents who are engage in a relationship says that they cant concentrate on their studies

because of misunderstandings that occur in their relationship. Results concerning the attendance

between students who are engage in a relationship and those who are single proves to be

irrelevant in this study.

The results also show that all of the respondents who are in a relationship could still

comply with their academic requirements despite their level of motivation to study. Responses

from single respondents imply that the relationship status is not directly related with ones

academic performance since only two of the respondents stated that they could get higher grades

because they are single.

Table 3
On Conditions With Respect to Single Students
Conditions Frequency Percentage

I feel motivated to study with myself even when Im not in 6 86%

a relationship.
I get more comfortable when I solve my problems and 7 100%
concerns in my studies on my own.
I enjoy studying even if Im single. 5 71%
I think I can get higher grades when Im not in a 2 29%
I feel motivated to study even though my parents dont 4 57%
allow me to involve in a romantic relationship.
I can fix my attention on my studies because I dont have a 6 86%
romantic relationship to worry about.
I dont miss any of my classes. 4 57%
I hardly give attention to my studies because I lack the 0 0%
motivation from a romantic partner.
I think I cant get higher grades when Im single. 0 0%
I cant focus on my studies because I feel unloved. 0 0%

I dont feel motivated to study because my parents didnt 0 0%

allow me to be in a romantic relationship.

Table 4
On Conditions With Respect to Students Engage in a Relationship
Conditions Frequency Percentage

I expect my partner to help me with my studies. 2 29%

I feel motivated to finish my projects because I receive 5 71%
encouragement from my partner.
I am motivated to study when Im with my partner. 2 29%
I get more comfortable when I have my partner to discuss my 4 57%
problems and concerns in my studies to.
I enjoy studying when Im in a romantic relationship. 2 29%
I think I can get higher grades when Im in a romantic 2 29%
I feel motivated to study because my parents allow me to 2 29%
involve in a romantic relationship.
I cant concentrate on my studies whenever my partner and I 4 57%
have misunderstandings.
I cant fix my attention on my studies because I feel worried 1 14%
that this romantic relationship wont work out.
I often miss my classes because of hanging out with my partner. 1 14%
I cant concentrate on my studies because my parents dont like 0 0%
my partner.
I cant catch up with my lessons because I often hang out with 1 14%
my partner.
I hardly give attention on my studies because I feel worried 0 0%
about being left by my partner.
I can still pass my projects and homework on time even if Im 7 100%
in a relationship.
I think I cant get higher grades when Im involved in a 0 0%
romantic relationship.
I feel worried about my studies because my parents might know 0 0%
that Im in a relationship

The survey provided to the respondents also supplied their respective grades in their

subjects taken. Because of the variation of the subjects that they supplied in the questionnaires,

the researchers believe that it could not provide equitable results towards the goal of the study.

Concluding with collecting data, the analysis showed no correlation between romantic

relationship status and academic achievement in college. Certain effects discussed between

engaging in a relationship and not being in a relationship proved to be insufficient in deriving a

conclusion for the study since most of the results obtained are contradicting each other and

mostly inconsistent.

Previous researches involving the same topic conclude that being in a romantic

relationship could affect a students academic achievement but analysis of the responses obtained

from this study says otherwise. The researchers believe that individuals involve in relationships

are forced to manage their time and experience more stressors because of the relationship. Time

management was believed to be the deciding factor in an individuals performance in school.

The study conducted can influence policy in adolescents socialization. Say for instance,

young students can do research on the topic and they will be able to know if it is worth it to get

involved in a romantic relationship knowing that it might not have an effect on their academics.

A study like this can persuade students to be more social with others and understand the

involvement of a romantic relationship. Many students can be worried about their grades being

affected negatively because of their relationship and researching this study can reassure them that

it will not. Further investigations into therapy groups for students involved in consuming

relationships can be established (Huggins, 2015).

The possible limitations of this study involved many factors like the small number of

participants. The researchers believe that a higher number of participants would have been more

beneficial in conducting the study. Involving an all-female respondents also affected the outcome

of the study. This is because of the significant differences in the way boys and girls perceive and
experience romantic relationships. Data gathered might have also been compromised because of

the respondents confusion involving some of the questions.

The results of this study show that being in a relationship or being single does not directly

affect the academic performance of an individual. Although there were a certain number of

participants who stated their romantic relationships affected their academic performance and a

number of single respondents who believe that being single affects academic achievement, the

same is not enough to support the researchers hypotheses.

Romantic relationships, or the lack there of, play a role in the majority of people in

society. Individuals involved in relationships face shoulder more responsibility than their counter

part. Factoring in the beliefs and ideas of another person into daily decisionmaking, posses

unique challenges to the individuals involved; challenges that are widely accepted and enjoyed

throughout the world on a regular basis. It is partaking in these relationships which shape and

mold people into the individuals that they are (Ronco et. Al, 2012).

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