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Criteria Cor
The script is very appropriate to the actors Script is almost always Script is sometimes Script is not appropriate
and this event. 111e introduction captures appropriate appropriate Introduction does not captures
attention and heightens the audience's Introduction aim ost always Introduction somewhat attention
understanding and appreciation of this captures attention captu res attention Playwright and title not
Selection scene. 111e playwright(s) and title arc Playwright and title are Playwright and title communicated
clearlv communicated. If needed. clear and communicated somewhat communicated Transitions seldom provided
creative transitions arc provided to link Clear transitions almost always Clear transitions sometimes
time, place, and scene changes. rovidcd rovided
Actors demonstrate an understanding of the Actors almost always Actors sometimes Actors seldom demonstrate an
script and the motivation of characters demonstrate an understanding demonstrate an understanding understanding
through the script. 111c pcrfonnancc is true Pcrfonuaucc almost Always Perfonnancc sometimes true Pcrfonnancc seldom true to the
to the intent of the playwright. 111c actors true to the playwright's intent to the playwright playwright's intent
Understanding arc cica riv in control of the characters and Actors Almost always in Actors sometimes in control Actors seldom in control
the scriptthroughout the performance. control Actors sometimes understand Actors seldom understand the
Because of the actors' clear understanding, Actors Almost alwnys convey the performance perfonnance
the audience has a clear understanding of an understanding of the
the pcrfonn:mcc. crfonnance
The actors use vocal traits to create the Actors almost nlwnys create Actors sometimes create Actors seldom create characters
characters in the performance which characters characters Actors seldom project,
include variety in pitch, rate, and quality. Actors almost always project, Actors sometimes project, enunciate and articulate
111c actors use projection, enunciation and enunciate and articulate enunciate and articulate Actors seldom physically
Characterization articulation. TI1c actors create characters Actors almost nlways Actors sometimes physically create
through the use of gesture, movement, physically create characters create characters characters
facial expression, and posture. Characters Characters almost always Characters sometimes Characters seldom believable
arc clearly motivated and sustained. 111c believable believable
actors arc vcrv well rehearsed and distinct.
The actors work together with imagination Actors nlmost always work Actors sometimes work Actors seldom work together
to establish the mood and meaning of the together together Pcrfomrnncc seldom shows
play. The perfonmmce shows evidence of Performance Almost always Performance sometimes evidence of rehearsal
Ensemble Effect rehearsal, a sense of creativity and an shows evidence of rehearsal shows evidence of rchcarsnl Actors seldom focused
understanding of the play and each actor's Actors almost nlwnys focused Actors sometimes focused
part in the performance. All actors arc
111c actors arc always the physical Actors almost Always the Actors sometimes the
embodiment of the characters thev arc physical embodiment of the physical embodiment of the Actors seldom the physical
portraying. TI1cy use external expression to characters characters embodiment of the characters
display the concept of the characters. The Actors Almost always use. Actors sometimes use Actors seldom use external
Overnll Effect actors arc polished in their use of gesture, external expression external expression expression
movement, facial expression and posture. Actors nlmost always polished Actors sometimes polished Actors seldom polished
111c characters arc controlled, precise and Characters nlmost always Characters sometimes Characters seldom controlled
believable. controlled controlled


Criteria for
The script is very appropriate to the actors Script is almost always Script is sometimes Script is not appropriate
and this event. TI1c introduction captures appropriate appropriate Introduction does not captures
attention and heightens the audience's Introduction aim ost always Introduction somewhat attention
understanding and appreciation of this captures attention captures attention Playwright and title not
scene. The playwright(s) and title are Playwright and title are Playwright and title communicated
clearly communicated. If needed, clear and communicated somewhat communicated Transitions seldom provided
creative transitions arc provided to link Clear transitions almost always Clear transitions sometimes
time, place, and scene changes. crovidcd orovided
Actors demonstrate an understanding of the Actors almost alw ays Actors sometimes Actors seldom demonstrate an
script and the motivation of characters demonstrate an understanding demonstrate an understanding understanding
through the script. The perfonnancc is true Performance almost always Performance sometimes tntc Performance seldom true to the
to the intent of the playwright. The actors tmc to the playwright's intent lo the playwright playwright's intent
Understanding are clearlv in control of the characters and Actors almost always in Actors sometimes in control Actors seldom in control

. the scriptthroughout the performance.

Because of the actors' clear understanding,
the audience has a clear understanding of
the performance.
Actors almost always convey
an understanding of the
Actors sometimes understand
the performance
Actors seldom understand the

The actors use vocal traits to create the Actors almost always create Actors sometimes create Actors seldom create characters
characters in the performance which characters characters Actors seldom project,
include variety in pitch, rate, and quality. Actors almost alwnys project, Actors sometimes project, enunciate and articulate
The actors use projection, enunciation nnd enunciate and articulate enunciate and articulate Actors seldom physically
Characterization articulation. The actors create characters Actors almost always Actors sometimes physically create
through the use of gesture, movement, physically create characters create characters characters
facial expression, and posture. Characters Characters nhnost always Characters sometimes Characters seldom believable
are clearly motivated and sustained. The believable believable
actors arc verv well rehearsed and distinct.
TI1e actors work together with imagination Actors almost alwavs work Actors sometimes work Actors seldom work together
to establish the mood and meaning of the together together Pconnancc seldom shows
play. The perfonnancc shows evidence of Perfonnancc almost always Pcrfonnancc sometimes evidence of rehearsal
Ensemble Effect rehearsal, a sense of crcativitv nnd an shows evidence of rehearsal shows evidence of rehearsal Actors seldom focused
understanding of the play and each actor's Actors Almost nlways focused Actors sometimes focused
part in the performance. All actors arc
The actors arc always the physical Actors almost always the Actors sometimes the
embodiment of the characters thcv nrc physical embodiment of the physical embodiment of the Actors seldom the physical
portraying. They use external expression to characters characters embodiment of the characters
display the concept of the characters. TI1c Actors almost always use Actors sometimes use Actors seldom use external
Overall Effect
actors arc polished in their use of gesture, external expression external expression expression
movement, facial expression and posture. Actors almost always polished Actors sometimes polished Actors seldom polished
The characters arc controlled, precise and Characters almost nlwnys Characters sometimes Characters seldom controlled
believable. controlled controlled

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