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Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : The Provision of Technical Approx. Value of the Contract:

Assistance Services for the Project Management
Consultant (PMC) of East Java Gas Pipeline US$ 3 956 818.5
Offshore Line Span Rectification Project
Country: Indonesia Duration of assignment (months): 47 Months
Location within country: Pagerungan, Indonesia
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina EP and Address: Gedung Oil Centre Lt. 2, JL. MH. Thamrin
continued with PT. Pertamina Gas Kav. 55, Jakarta Pusat
Contact Person : Eko Budi (Procurement)
Start Date : Agustus 2005 No. of professional staff-months provided by
Completion Date: 17 Februari 2009 associated Consultants:
20 Local Engineers + 2 Expart
Name of Associated Consultant: Nigel Curson as Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Director of Offshore Division Penspen Ltd.
Steve Wilde as Project Manager
Telp. +44 (0) 20 8334 2700, Fax. +44 (0) 20 8334 Febie Floradiniasari as Project Secretary


The East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) consists of an offshore subsea 28 diameter pipe, 360 km long from
Pageruan Island to Porong and an onshore pipeline, 70 km long from Porong to Surabaya and
Gresik. The pipeline is used to flow gas from operations at Pagerungan Island to costumers in Surabaya and
its surroundings; current flow is 250 MMSCFD and pipe flow capacity is 600 MMSCFD.

This pipeline has been operating since February 1994. After completion of the offshore pipe construction in
March 1993, an ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) survey was conducted to identify the offshore subsea
pipeline condition. The survey found 338 freespans located between KP 0.940 through KP 263.370 (KP 0.000
starting from Pig Launcher on Pagerungan Island) with span lengths ranging from 7m to 183m.
Aldaberta Experience

Several freespans exceeded the Maximum Allowable Span (MAS) length, as specified in the original pipeline
Design Basis (ref. Design Basis document or Philosophy Offshore Pipeline Vol.2/7 B1). From recent survey
findings, the total number of freespans exceeding MAS is 126 spans. There are 57 existing grout bag
supports and concrete mattresses between KP 0.960 andKP 42.700 in water depth of 11m to 48m.

In March 1999, an ROV survey between KP 0.800 through to KP 45.000 inspected grout bag condition and
placement, as well as monitoring the development of freespans. The survey identified that existing grout bags
were in good condition and that several freespans exceeded MAS but futher calculation concluded that those
freespans were still within acceptable limits and would not create any problems in near future.

In June 2002, another ROV survey was conducted along offshore pipeline from KP 0.900 through to KP
321.000. The survey found that 57 existing grout bags were still in good condition and there were 1041
freespans having span in excess of 28m, a significant number of freespans were calculated to have zero
remaining fatigue life calculated against international code (such as DNV).

PERTAMINA GAS intends to offer the rectification of Pagerungan to Porong 28 diameter gas pipeline (EJGP)
freespans on an EPC (Engineering Procurement Contract) basis at a later point. However, PERTAMINA GAS
will first conduct geotechnical, geophysical and metocean data aquisition to provide quality data for the
engineering analysis of the pipeline integrity prior to the actual rectification work.

In 2007, rectification of pipeline started with grout bag method and after that with Gravel Dumping Method.
Freespans rectification shall be carried out in Zones I, II and III of the East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP)
between KP 0.9 to KP 285.0.


To gather sufficient quality and quantity of geotechnical, geophysical and metocean data to support
engineering analysis of the pipeline integrity.

To conduct freespans Rectification of subsea 28 diameter gas pipeline to ensure the integrity of said pipeline.
It is expected that the rectification program will ensure that the pipeline will be safe from over span, freespan
and other hazards for its design life.

Project scope of work:

Scope of work The Provision of the Technical Assistance Services for The Project Management Consultant
(PMC) of the EJGP Offshore Line Span Rectification Project is as the following:

Assist PERTAMINA DOH JJB in preparing two packages of work for rectification, that is
survey/engineering and remedial work

Assist PERTAMINA DOH JJB in tendering and selection of the contractor for the two packages

Do the project management that include:

QA/QC and inspection so that the project completed on time, meet specification and not over
Aldaberta Experience

Project control, project optimization, and document control

Engineering design evaluation, review, and give recommendations for effective and efficient
project execution

Monitor project progress and field activities

Project close out report

Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name: Project Management Approx. Value of the Contract:

Consultancy Services Jabung Gas Booster Station
US$ 3 855 960.94
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (months): 33 Months +
Addendum until December 2009
Location within country: Jabung, Jambi, Indonesia
Name of Company: PT. Transportasi Gas Indonesia Address : Kompleks PGN, Gedung B, Lt. 2, Jl. KH.
Zainul Arifin No. 20, Jakarta 11140
Contact Person : Gugun Manurung (Ex-Direktur
Utama), Irwan Tasca
Start Date : October 2005 Completion Date: 2011
Name of Associated Consultant: Mike Dobson as Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Director of Onshore Division Penspen Ltd.
Geoffrey D.B (Project Manager)
Telp. +44 (0) 20 8334 2700, Fax. +44 (0) 20 8334
2701 Firman Wahyudi (Procurement Engineer)


Jabung Gas Booster Station comprises:

2x8 MW ISO Gas Turbines and Compressors, with facilities for future expansion to 4x8 MW ISO machines,
process equipment and piping, process utilities and full utilities for autonomous site operation (i.e. power
generation and water treatment facilities).

Main Buildings include:

Full Accommodation Facilities (rooms, canteen, sport facilities, etc), Compressor Houses, Control and Utilities

Design Conditions:

1500 psig
465 MMSCFD (Future 608 MMSCFD)

Description of actual services provided by the staff within the assignment:

Aldaberta Experience

The objective of the PMC services for the Jabung Gas Booster Station project is to project manage on behalf
of TGI the execution of the project and to ensure that the project will be finished with the highest quality and in
a timely, effective and economic manner.

This Objective is achieved by PMC services which will:

Develop TGIs conceptual design through preliminary and basic design (FEED) to define the project such
that the FEED may form the technical input to EPCC contracts, without ambiguity and cost
consequence, and the basis for procurement by TGI of items of long-lead materials and equipment.

Tender and award EPCC and procurement contracts.

Project manage and construction manage the EPCC and procurement contracts.

Provide management services to TGI as specified through the engineering, procurement and
construction of the elements of the project through training, completion, start-up and commissioning of
the project.

The scope of the PMC services encompasses all the facilities associated with the Jabung Gas
Booster Station and covers:

Project Management Services

Process modeling for Grissik to Singapore Pipeline System

Full Basic Engineering of the Gas Booster Station, including definition of GTCP requirements

Procurement Services


Production of EPCC documentation

EPCC Tenders evaluation

Supervision of all stages of the EPCC Contractors works, including detailed design, procurement,
construction, installation, testing, commissioning and initial operation.
Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Matindok Gas Development Approx. Value of the Contract:

Project Pre-Front End Engineering Design (Pre-
FEED) US$ 1 616 342.7
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 6 Months + 2
Months Addendum
Location Within Country: Sulteng,Indonesia
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina EP Address : Gdg. Kwarnas Pramuka Lt. 5
Contact Person : Fransjono
Jalan Merdeka Timur No. 6, Jakarta Pusat,
Start Date : 12 November 2007 Completion Date: 11 July 2008
Name of Associated Consultant: Ken DN Peterson Name of Senior Professional Staff:
as Senior Engineer Penspen Ltd.
Eko Supriyo Aji as Project Coordinator
Phone: +44 20 8334 2744
Anton Helmawan as Process Engineer
Fax. +44 20 83342701

Description of actual services provided by the staff within the assignment:

Develop front end engineering design (FEED) for gas production facilities to supply gas to LNG plant and gas
production facilities to supply gas to power plant.

The request for proposal scope cover the upstream facilities begins at the well heads end of the tie in points
at the Senoro Gas Pipeline (28) that will be developed by job Pertamina Medcotomori Sulawesi (job p-mts).

The facilities consist of as follows:

1. Flow lines from each well

2. Manifold station including separator unit in area Matindok, Maleoraja and Minahaki

3. Block station consist of manifold, separator, scrubber, condensate handling facilities and ancillary
equipment in location Donggi and Matindok
Aldaberta Experience

4. Gathering line to transfer gas from each manifold station to block station and from block station to
gas processing facilities (GPF)

5. Gas processing facilities (GPF) consists of acid gas removal unit (AGRU), sulfur recovery unit and
dehydration unit (DHU) will be used to process natural gas from each block station

6. Trunk line to transfer treated gas from GPF to sales delivery points

7. Custody meters at sales delivery points locate in the tie in points Senoro Trunk Line

And help Pertamina EP to prepare document tender for engineering procurement and construction (EPC) for
gas processing plant Matindok.
Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Jasa Konsultansi Teknis dan Approx. Value of the Contract:
Pengawasan Pelaksanaan Proyek EPC
(Pembangunan Central Processing Plant Area Rp 7 800 000 000.00
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (months): 2 years

Location within Country: Cepu, Indonesia

Name of Company : PT. PERTAMINA EP Address : Gdg. Standard Chartered, Lt. 21
Contact Person : Toba Sitorus Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kav. 164
Jakarta, 12950
Start Date : 5 Januari 2009 Completion Date: On Going
Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Eko Supriyo Aji as Project Coordinator

Description of actual services provided by the staff within the assignment:

The objective of the PMC services for the Jasa Konsultansi dan Pengawasan Pelaksanaan EPC
Pembangunan Central Processing Plant Area Gundih is to project manage on behalf of Pertamina EP the
execution of the project and to ensure that the project will be finished with the highest quality and in a timely,
effective and economic manner. The Central Processing Plant (CPP) Area Gundih starts from the Flow Line
System to the Separation & Processing System which consists of: Header Manifold System, Separation
System, Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU), Dehydration Unit (DHU), Sulphur Recovery Unit (SRU), Mercaptant
Removal Unit (MRU), Water Injection Unit (WIU), etc.

The project includes:

Preparation (Project Administration, Engineering Estimate, Budgeting, Evaluation)

Engineering (Engineering, Survey, Review: Basic Engineering Design, Detail Engineering)

Procurement (Supervision, Review, Monitoring)

Construction (Supervision, Monitoring, Inspection, Quality Control Works)

Commissioning (Pre-Commissioning Works, Quality Control Works)

Supporting Works (Monitoring & Control, Scheduling, Document Control, Cost Control, Quantity
Survey, Reporting, Close Out Project Administration).

This Objective is achieved by PMC services which covers:

Tender and award EPC and procurement contracts (procurement by Pertamina EP is if required).

Project manage and construction manage the EPC and procurement contracts (procurement by
Pertamina EP is if required).

Provide management services to Pertamina EP as specified through the engineering, procurement and
construction of the elements of the project through completion, start-up and commissioning of the
Aldaberta Experience

The scope of the PMC services encompasses all the facilities associated with the Central Processing and
a. Prepare the Project Procedures Manuals (PPM) as the basis of the project execution and propose
it for approval
b. Review the basic design documents for Mechanical, Process, Civil, Geodesy, Piping, Electrical,
Control, Instrumentation, Quality Assurance& Quality Control, among other: specifications,
construction drawings, installation procedure, testing, etc.
c. Review the detailed engineering documents for Mechanical, Process, Civil, Geodesy, Piping,
Electrical, Control, Instrumentation, Quality Assurance& Quality Control, among other:
specifications, construction drawings, installation procedure, testing, etc. from the EPC Contractor
d. Supervise the mechanical, civil, inspection (Quality Control & Quality assurance), electrical, control
and instrumentations project execution for the entire construction phase, from survey to the startup
e. Help to supervise all preparation of the Certification works
f. Do the monitoring, quantity survey, and project control (Schedule, Cost, & Document)
g. Help project team in doing the Pre Commissioning and Commissioning works, which consist of:
Technical Data Collection of all the equipments, such as the Detail Design, Drawing,
Specification, Calculation Sheet, Purchase Order, Shipping or Delivery Document, QA-QC
Documents, etc
Prepare and /or check (if made by the contractor) the commissioning procedures for all the
equipments installed
Plan and/or check (if made by the contractor) the execution plan and timescales for the
Commissioning process
Together with PT. Pertamina EP team, supervise and actively involve in the Commissioning
and Startup process, including the analyzation and evaluation
Document all of the Commissioning activities
Create the Final Commissioning Report

h. In the Procurement process, Help PT. Pertamina EP team to do the following:

Coordinate the execution of the procurement stage which is done by the EPC contractor
Expediting and Mill Inspecting
i. Confirm all the manufacturing details and ensure that everything is as stated in the
contract, ex: drawing, manual operation, list of materials, mill certificate, etc
ii. Monitor and supervise mill inspector activities
Aldaberta Experience

iii. Review the purchasing and shipping activities of the EPC contractor, including the arrival
time of the equipments and materials
iv. Monitor the placement of all equipments and materials
v. Field check all of the equipments and materials that are supplied by PT. Pertamina EP
and EPC Contractor, including the materials maintenance and all the equipments in the
storage and stockpile area
vi. Monitor the acceptance of materials and equipments that are bought by the EPC
Contractor and decide on the goods that wanted to be sent to the site based on the
payment phase.
Shipping and custom clearance
i. Prepare and plan the shipping of the equipments and materials including planning the
storage system and inventory control
ii. Take care of all the custom clearance of the imported equipments and materials
i. Together with the PT. Pertamina EP team do the Field Engineering to make sure that the
construction works are in accordance with the AFC document and give corrective actions if there is
a difference
j. Develop and collect all project documents, such as Engineering documents, reports, shop drawing,
as-built drawing, etc
k. Execute all the works that are needed to be done for the project close-out
l. Documenting and supervise the certification process and do the calibration supervising as

Assignment Name : Manpower Supply Approx. Value of the Contract:
Precom/Com Mechanical Engineer for Bakrie
Construction Rp 43 000 000.00/month (exclude VAT 10%)
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Month): 4 Months

Location within Country: Cilegon, Indonesia

Name of Company : PT. Bakrie Construction Address : Gdg. Setiabudi Atrium, Lt. 4
Contact Person : Andre Decarpentry Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta, 12920
Start Date : 22 April 2009 Completion Date: 21 Agustus 2009
Aldaberta Experience

Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:

Leonard Rajagukguk as Senior Mechanical Engineer

escription of actual services provided by the staff within the assignment:

Manpower supply pre-com/com Mechanical Engineer for duration minimum 4 months.

The Consultant personnel should working for 6 days per week, 10 hours per days.


Title of Work: Fitness for Purpose Kuala Tungkal Panaran TGI Offshore Pipeline
Country: Indonesia
Work Site: Jambi, South Sumatera
Client: PT. Transportasi Gas Indonesia (TGI)
Work period : 2003 - 2004

Description of actual services provided within the assignment:

Aldaberta Experience

PT. Transportasi Gas Indonesia (TGI) operates 468 km 28 inch onshore and offshore gas pipeline from
Grissik in South Sumatera to border line with Singapore to supply gas to Singapore. Based on several
surveys performed in 2003 to 2005, TGI has identified several pipeline deformations which require further
detail analysis. As the consultant, PT. Aldaberta Indonesia (AI) were assigned to perform identification,
analyze and give recommendation action based on desktop study to ensure TGI offshore pipeline is reliable
and safe for operation condition and to optimize any repair action and cost of any repair if needed, and
produce invitation to Bid (ITB) document for the subsequent repair of work (if needed).

The scope of work for this project consist of the desktop study and the fitness for purpose. The desktop study

Review project document for Kuala Tungkal Panaran offshore Pipeline

Review Risk assessment study Kuala Tungkal Panaran offshore pipeline performed in 2003

Review intelligent Pigging MFL data for Kuala Tungkal Panaran offshore pipeline performed in 2004

Review Side Scan Sonar (SSS) and Multi Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) data for Kuala Tungkal
Panaran offshore pipeline performed in 2004

Review Deformation pigging data for Kuala Tungkal Panaran offshore pipeline performed in 2005

Set the analysis method for this work require TGIs approval

The scope of work for fitness of Purpose consist of as follows:

Perform detail analysis of TGI offshore pipeline for the defects found in the surveys from attachment.
The analysis should involve using finite element analysis of individual buckles and consider additional
weakening of pipeline if located at free span area. Detail of all calculation and drawing shall be
included in the final report

Identify other potential pipe damages based on desktop study

Give recommendation action, design, method and time frame to mitigate all identified damages or
potential damage

Give cost estimate and possible vendors for action taken to mitigate the pipe damage or potential

Provide recommendation on TGI current operation activities and inspection plan based on the
evaluation of the desktop study of fitness for purpose analysis

Produce Invitation to Bid (ITB) for action taken base don study by purpose contractor for rectification
or repair (if any)


Assignment Name : FEED for Kerendan Gas Field Approx. Value of the Contract:
Development Project
US$ 224.500
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 90 days
Working Day
Location Within Country: Bangkanai Block, Muara
Taweh, Kalimantan Tengah
Name of Company : PT. Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Address : Graha Elnusa, 7th Floor, Jl. TB.
Ltd. Simatupang, Kav. 1 B, Jakarta, 12560
Contact Person : Gilang Airlangga
Start Date : 3 March 2010 Completion Date: 23 July 2010
Aldaberta Experience

Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:

Jerry Pohan as Project Manager
Anton Helmawan as Process Engineer


Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd. (EBE) as operator, plans to develop the Kerendan Gas Field for export to the
PLN Power Plant Station. The Kerendan Gas Field in the Bangkanai PSC Block located in Kabupaten Barito
Utara, Central Kalimantan, 200 km away western of Balikpapan and 330 km away northern of Banjarmasin.
Bangkanai gas field is developed for gas supply to power plant within 20 years of time.

Production of Wells rate will be approximately 25 MMSCFD with gas sales of 20 MMSCFD. Company has
performed the conceptual Engineering, develop the design basis and chosen the preferred to development
option for the field. The current development option will require as follow:

The Installation Flowline for 7 well and Production manifold

Construction Central Processing Plant (CPP), Condensate Handling and Produced Water Treatment

Pipeline of sales gas to PLN Power Plant

Gas Composition

Gas Composition is taken from PVT analysis from Elnusa Bangkanai Energy. There are two cases for KGPF
process simulation, i.e. the first 5 th year of production as Case 1 (High Pressure Well) and the 6 th-15th year of
production as Cese 2 (Medium Pressure) and the last 5th year as Case 3 (Low Pressure Well).

The facilities consist of as follows:

Aldaberta Experience

1. Flow lines from each well including pigging system

2. Manifold station including inlet air cooler and separator unit

3. Gas Plant consist of manifold, separator, scrubber, condensate handling facilities, produced water
treatment and ancillary equipment

4. Gas processing facilities (GPF) consists of acid separation system and dehydration unit (DHU) will be
used to process natural gas

5. Sales Gas pipeline to transfer treated gas from GPF to sales delivery points and metering system

And help Elnusa Bangkanai Energy Ltd. to prepare document tender for engineering, procurement and
construction (EPC) for Kerendan Gas Field.

Main work consist of:

1. Project Management

2. Process Engineering

3. Plant & Piping Engineering

4. Mechanical Static Equipment

5. Heater and Heat Exchanges

6. Mechanical Rotating Equipment

7. RFQs / Request for Quotations

8. Package Units

9. Electrical

10. Instrumentation

11. Civil

12. Steel Structure

13. EPC Tender Document Preparation


Assignment Name : Project Management Approx. Value of the Contract:

Manpower Supply and Technical Support, South
Sumatera NGL Project US$ 1.579.090,00
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 25 Months
Location Within Country: Prabumulih, Palembang,
South Sumatera
Name of Company : PT. E1 PERTAGAS (PT Address : Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower
PERTA-SAMTAN GAS) I, 3rd Fl. Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta,
Contact Person : AW. Benny Moerdani 12910
Aldaberta Experience

Start Date : 18 October 2010 Completion Date: 2012

Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Steve Wilde as Contract Manager


PT. E1-Pertagas (Perta-Samtan Gas) is going to execute the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and
Commissioning (EPCC) of a Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) facility in South Sumatera. The project includes
extraction facilities at Prabumulih Barat and an NGL pipeline from Prabumulih Barat to PERTAMINA Refinery
(RU-III) where new fractionation, product storage and loading facilities will be located in Sungai Gerong.

The Plant is to be designed to process 250 MMscfd of Gas and will produce approximately 546 Metric Tons
per day of mixed LPG, 160 Metric Tons per day of Propane and about 2200 barrels per day of Condensate.

PT Aldaberta Indonesia (AI) will provide personnel and technical support to the Project Management Team
that will oversee the EPCC Contractor for the South Sumatera NGL Project to professionally execute the
project as an expert in preparing, planning, checking, supervising, monitoring, evaluating, analyzing, all of, but
not limited to, these activities:
a. Prepare the Project Procedures Manuals (PPM) as the basis of the Project Management Team to
fulfill its obligations to monitor and manage the project execution and propose it to PT. E1
PERTAGAS (Company) for approval.
b. Monitor and report to the Company on progress of the Project Execution, payment requirements,
contractual issues, Project Team Manning, budgets and expenditure and any other matters
considered relevant to maintaining the project execution on schedule and within budget.
c. Review all change orders in accordance with procedures agreed by the Company.
d. Liaise with technology licensor.
e. Monitor all activities relating to AMDAL and advice Contractor of any specific requirement.
f. Review the basic and detail design documents for Mechanical, Process, Civil, Piping, Electrical,
Control, Instrumentation, Pipeline, Quality Assurance & Quality Control, among other:
specifications, construction drawings, installation procedure, testing, etc.
Aldaberta Experience

g. Review the detailed engineering Review documents for Mechanical, Process, Civil, Piping,
Electrical, Control, Instrumentation, Pipeline, Quality Assurance & Quality Control, among other:
specifications, construction drawings, installation procedure, testing, etc. from the EPCC
h. Participate in the HAZOP and HAZID study.
i. Monitor the mechanical, civil, inspection (Quality Control & Quality assurance), electrical, control
and instrumentations project execution for the entire construction phase, from survey to the startup
j. Monitor all preparation of the Certification works.
k. Do the monitoring, quantity survey, and project control (Schedule, Cost, & Document).
l. In the Procurement process:
i. Monitor the execution of the procurement stage which is done by the EPCC Contractor.
ii. Expediting and Mill Inspecting
Confirm all the manufacturing details and ensure that everything is as stated in the
contract, ex: drawing, manual operation, list of materials, mill certificate, etc
Monitor mill inspector activities
Review the purchasing and shipping activities of the EPCC Contractor, including the
arrival time of the equipments and materials
Monitor the placement of all equipments and materials
Field check all of the equipments and materials that are supplied by Company and EPCC
Contractor, including the materials maintenance and all the equipments in the storage and
stockpile area.

III. Monitor the acceptance of materials and equipments that are bought by the EPCC Contractor.
iv. Shipping and custom clearance
Monitor the shipping of the equipments and materials including planning the storage system
and inventory control.
m. Monitor the construction works to ensure all activities are in accordance with the Approved For
Construction (AFC) document and give corrective actions if there is a difference.
n. Develop and collect all project documents, such as Engineering documents, reports, shop drawing,
as-built drawing, etc.
o. Actively assist in the Pre Commissioning and Commissioning works, which consist of:
i. Technical Data Collection of all the equipments, such as the Detail Design, Drawing,
Specification, Calculation Sheet, Purchase Order, Shipping or Delivery Document, QA-QC
Documents, etc
ii. Review the commissioning procedures and operating manual for all the facilities
iii. Review the execution plan and timescales for the Commissioning process
iv. Monitor the Commissioning and Startup process, including the analysis and evaluation.
NOTE : The EPCC Contractor has fully responsibility for all pre-commissioning and
commissioning activities
v. Document all of the Commissioning activities
vi. Create the Final Commissioning Report
p. Execute all the works that are needed to be done for the project close-out.
q. Documenting and supervise the certification process and do the calibration supervising as
required. Also liaise with Company on all spare parts requirements to be provided by Contractor.
Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Pengadaan Jasa Pengawasan Approx. Value of the Contract:

Proyek Pembangunan Stasiun Pengumpul di
Struktur Niru US$ 589.000,-
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 18 Months
Location Within Country: Struktur Niru, Limau,
Prabumulih, Palembang, South Sumatera
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina EP UBEP Limau Address : Gedung Sentra Mulia, Lt. 7, Suite 710, Jl.
Contact Person : Prasetyo Hadi (PM) HR. Rasuna Said Kav. X-6, No. 8, Jakarta, 12940
Start Date : 20 Desember 2010 Completion Date: 2012
Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Tuhardjo Pranowo (Lead Piping/Pipeline Eng.)


To increase production capacity in the structure of Niru, Limau - Prabumulih - South Sumatra, Pertamina EP
Unit Bisnis UBEP Limau, plans the construction of upstream production facilities in the form of Gathering
Station (SP) in the region. This Gathering Station is called the Gathering Station SP XI Extension, this facility
will separate oil from the Limau field as many as 21 wells, each with a capacity of 1000 BFPD/well, so that
Aldaberta Experience

expected facilities output than 21,000 BFPD. In order to gain better control of implementation, monitoring
requires the assistance of independent consultants (Project Control Management Consultant).


Project Management Control Consultant shall prepare all the resources and find all the information
needed to perform the scope of work and the consultant must prepare a work plan and progress.

Project Management Control Consultant activities starting from the detail engineering and review
engineering drawings for the construction, implementation fabrication, construction, QA / QC, mechanical
completion, commissioning to start-ups.

Contractor works that shall be supervised by Consultant, such as:

Site Preparation Works (Engineering & Construction)

Installation works / installation flowline

EPCI SP Niru Works

Details of each job is contained in the Scope of Work document on each work package tender

Supervisory activities performed are as follows:

Review for all deliverables in the form of specifications, datasheet, calculation, Technical Vendor
Evaluation, construction drawings in detail engineering as well as built drawings submitted by
Aldaberta Experience

contractors, advice and revised if necessary prior to getting approval from the Project Manager.

Evaluating the physical development activities arranged by the contractor which includes: schedule
work plan engineering, procurement and construction.

Programs target the development, provision and use of manpower, equipment and supplies,
materials / building materials, information.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control Program on Procurement and Construction.

Control the physical development program that includes control program resources, time control,
control of physical targets (quality and quantity), providing materials for construction, control changes
the scope of work and administrative control

To evaluate the technical and managerial storage program that arise, the proposed correction
programs and actions to be taken and make technical corrections in the case of irregularities that can
not be avoided.

To conduct supervisory activities consisting of:

o To check and study the documents for the construction of which will be used as a basis for
supervisory jobs in the field.

o Checking the drawings for the implementation (for construction drawings and shop
drawings) of the proposed contractor.

o Supervise the use of materials, equipment and methods of operation and oversee the
provision of time and cost of construction work.

o Supervise the implementation of construction works in terms of quality, quantity and rate of
achievement of volume / physical realization.

o Collecting of data and information in the field to solve problems that occur during
Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Project Engineering and Approx. Value of the Contract:

Construction Management Services
US$ 1,954,259.50,-
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 24 Months
Location Within Country: Marunda Offshore, North
West Java, Indonesia
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina Hulu Energy Address : Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia, Tower F10th
ONWJ (PHE ONWJ) floor, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 88, Jakarta 12520,
Contact Person : Susilo Indonesia
Start Date : 30 November 2010 Completion Date: 2012
Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Bona Doly (Management Team.)


Aldaberta Indonesia shall provide personnel to support Program / Project Management, Construction
Engineering Services, Construction Management Service, Construction Supervision, Program
Management Services and Various others technical assistance service to oversee certain critical aspect
of the work related with Engineering, Procurement, Construction / Fabrication, Installation, Pre-
Commissioning and Commissioning activities for PHE ONWJ Facilities during Onshore, near shore and
Offshore construction activities for platform, FPSO, Onshore site Facilities and Pipeline and Submarine
Aldaberta Experience


Secondment of Project/Construction personnel to support project execution and construction activities via
secondment of specific skill that required by Project Team.

1. Others Services :
- Project Management Service
- Construction Management Services
- Construction Engineering Services

2. Third Party Services

3. Location of The Service (Worksite)

- Consultant Office (s)

- Company Contractors office, Company offices, Fabrication Yard, Manufacturing Area, Vessel(s)
- Companys Project Office (s), Project Site Location (s), others company facility
- Others designated locations, within area of operations, as may be determined by Company in the
respective Work Order.


Hiring Category :
Short term : < 3 months)
Medium term (3 6 month )
Longterm (>6 month)

Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development will maintain of pool personnel conducting recruitment including the
organization to assure every personnel provided have necessary paper works, permit, trainings include
HSE, Certification, Insurance, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) etc.
Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Front End Engineering Design Approx. Value of the Contract:
(FEED) Pembangunan Fasilitas Produksi Proyek
Pengembagan US$ 342.000,-
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 90 working days
Location Within Country: Desa Jayabakti, Kec.
Cabangbungin, Kab. Bekasi, West Java
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina EP Pondok Makmur Address : Menara Standard Chartered, 21st Floor, Jl.
Contact Person : Edi Saputra (PM) Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 164, Jakarta, 12950
Start Date : 28 Februari 2011 Completion Date: 2011
Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Jerry Pohan (PM)

Pondok Makmur field is producing oil and gas field Pertamina EP located at Desa Jaya Bakti, kecamatan Cabang
Bungin Kabupaten Bekasi and approximately 20 km north of the City of Bekasi.

Pondok Makmur Field will build a Block Station for Oil & Gas separation facilities and pipeline facilities from
production wells. Development of production facilities will divide in 2 phases. Phase-1 covers the construction of
facilities to produce oil from wells of Cluster-A, whereas in phase-2 covers facility development to produce oil from
wells of Cluster-B, C, D and E according to POD stages and will be approved by BP Migas.
In phase-1 development will be planned to build a permanent production facility with a production capacity of 7500
BLPD and 12 MMSCFD gas at the location of Pondok Makmur Cluster-A
Aldaberta Experience

Pondok Makmur Field Cluster-A is oil and gas Pertamina EP field of 5 wells from Marbleized Limestone formation
and 1 oil well from Pre Talang Akar Pre-TAF) formation. Character of oil from Pondok Makmur is the oil content of
wax was relatively high at 13% and Pour Point High ( 36 C). Pour-point high result, the oil will thicken / clot on
condition temperature environment is low, especially at night or in conditions - temperature rain conditions where the
environment is lower than the pour point of oil.


Scope of works of contractor to prepare FEED (Front End Engineering Design) of production facility development
Phase-1, Pondok Makmur field cluster-A that as deliverable:

a. Engineering's documents

b. EPC cost estimate

c. EPC schedule estimate with level 3

d. EPC bid document package

Production facility Phase-1 (Block Station) are and not limited to:

a. Flow lines of wells Pondok Makmur A

b. Cluster manifold at PDM A

c. Satellite line from cluster manifold to

d. Separation facility that consisting of

- Manifold at Block Station from Cluster A,A3,B,C,D and E

- Separation Unit (Separator, Scrubber and KO Drum)

- Crude oil Transfer Pump

- Crude Storage Unit (Crude Oil Thank)

- Flare Stack and Blowdown)

- Oil and Gas Metering Station

- Heater before to Separation Unit (If Applicable)

- Pour Point Depressant or Heater that oil can be transferred Storage Tank

- Flow Assurance Study

- Control Facilities and Information

- Lightning Protection & Grounding System

- Utilities Facilities :
Fuel Gas System Unit

Hot Oil System Unit

Air Unit & Instrument Air

Electrical and Power System Unit

Emergency Diesel Power Unit

Domestic Water (Water Deep Sump & Purifying Water System)

Aldaberta Experience

Unit Waste Water Treatment

- Fire Water System

- Infrastructure Facilities
Control Room & Local Instrument I/O Room

Electrical Substation

Equipment Shelter (Power House, Air Compressor Shelter, Pump House, Chemical

Injection Pump House

Data and Voice Communication Room


Fire and Emergency Station

Maintenance Workshop

Warehouse and Chemical Storage

Security Guard

Administration Office

All calculation shell be base on International Code and Standard

Aldaberta Experience


Assignment Name : Jasa Project Management Approx. Value of the Contract:

Support (PMS) Central Processing Plant (CPP) Area
Gundih Proyek Pengembangan Gas Jawa 17.758.681.128,-(IDR), (exclude VAT
Country: Indonesia Duration of Assignment (Months): 24 Months
Location Within Country: Randublatung, Kec.
Kedunglungsi, Kab. Blora, Central Java
Name of Company : PT. Pertamina EP Address : Menara Standard Chartered, 21st Floor, Jl.
Contact Person : Lelin Eprianto (VP SCM) Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 164, Jakarta, 12950
Start Date : 1 Nopember 2011 Completion Date: On Going
Name of Associated Consultant: - Name of Senior Professional Staff:
Jerry Pohan (PM)


PT. Pertamina EP intends to build and operate a Central Processing Plant (CPP) from gas wells in the area are
scattered on the ground Gundih Randublatung, Kedunglusi and Kedungtuban Blora District located in Central
Java. The purpose of this project implemented to process fluids that contain sour gas, condensate and produced
water from gas wells. The content of sour gas consisting of 21% CO2 maximum, maximum 5,000 ppm H2S, 900
ppm and 19,000 ppm maximum RSH Cl-maximum as well as some of the content of other impurities.

PPGJ by Function / Department of Facilities (hereinafter TEAM FACILITY) has auctions off development work
Gundih CPP Area Development with the agreed contract period is for 24 months. In addition to the EPC work,
there are also activities of certification and certification of equipment installation in the system as the operation of
the CPP approval from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. All
phases of such work is supervised by TEAM FACILITY, since one thing and another it is deemed necessary to
support the Labor TEAM FACILITY that all work can be supervised in a professional manner so that it can run
smoothly, on cost, timely, and appropriate quality.

In the framework of the implementation of the project in question, PT. Pertamina EP, a service requires a Project
Management Support Services (PMS) Development Central Processing Plant (CPP) floating Area Gas Project
Gundih Eastern Java, which will help conduct a series of supervisory work of the EPC Contractor's work.

For the purposes of the above PT. Aldaberta Indonesia offers Consultancy Services Development Control above.


Provision of Project Management Support services (PMS) in the form of the provision of experts who are
competent to complete the task force in carrying out their duties PPGJ start of preparatory activities, engineering,
procurement, precommisioning, commissioning, in order to close out the construction of the CPP project
undertaken by the EPC contractor.
Aldaberta Experience

Consultant scope of work of the following matters but are not limited to:
FACILITIES TEAM Assist in the field of technical planning and budgeting for the Development Area
Gundih CPP.
Conduct a review of technical documents submitted to the EPC Contractor TEAM FACILITY so that
documents can be implemented on the ground at the time of construction.
construction supervision and QA / QC in Development Area Gundih CPP.
Assist in implementing the certification of equipment Oil and Gas (SKPI / SKPP)
Assist the preparation and implementation of the Commissioning
Assist the implementation of the project close-out
Assist the coordination of activities with related parties other than the EPC contractor.
Contractors should be supervised by the consultant are:
Preparation of the project site land
Preparation of engineering design documents that include the manufacture of basic design, detail
design, specification, calculation, data sheets, drawings, procedures, etc.
Procurement or purchase equipment that will be installed in the CPP
Construction or construction of physical units used CPP
As well as commissioning or CPP road test by turning the entire system and process units to the output
produced in accordance with the design.

Details of each work are included in the Scope of Work document on the tender documents the work
Aldaberta Experience

- Activities conducted surveillance are as follows:

- Conduct a review of all deliverables in the form of specifications, datasheet, calculation,
Technical Vendor Evaluation, construction drawings in detail engineering as well as built
drawings submitted by the contractor, suggestions and revised if necessary prior to approval of
the Project Manager TEAM FACILITY.
- Evaluating the implementation of physical construction activities disususun by the contractor
that includes: Schedule work plan engineering, procurement and construction.
- These programs target the achievement of construction, supply and use of manpower,
equipment and supplies, materials / building materials, information.
- Program Quality Assurance / Quality Control of procurement and construction.
- Controlling the physical construction program that includes control program resources, time
control, physical control of targeting (quality and quantity), procurement of materials to the
construction, work scope change control and administrative control.
- Conduct a program evaluation of technical and managerial irregularities arising, the proposed
correction programs and actions to be taken and make technical corrections if there are
deviations that can not be avoided.
- Conduct oversight activities consist of:
Check and study the document for the implementation of construction that will be used
as basis in monitoring the work in the field.
Examining the pictures for the implementation (for construction drawings and shop
drawings) the proposed contractor.
Supervise the use of materials, equipment and methods as well as overseeing the
implementation of provisions of time and cost of construction work.
Supervise the implementation of construction work in terms of quality, quantity and
rate of achievement of volume / physical realization.
Collecting data and information in the field to solve problems that occur during
- Scope of Development
Consultants conduct surveillance on the Development Area Gundih CPP Pertamina
EP which was built in the village of Resources, District Randublatung, Blora District, in
accordance with the scope of work (SOW) of the construction contractor CPP Gundih
The scope of work of EPC Contractor Development Area Gundih CPP is the
engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning for CPP construction
project - Area Gundih.

CPP facility consists of:

eight flowlines
Gas Separation Unit (GSU)
Condensate Handling Unit (CHU)
Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU)
Biological Sulfur Recovery Unit (BSRU)
Caustic treater Unit (CTU)
dehydration unit (Dhu)
Water Injection Unit
Flare and Flue Gas System
Sulfur Packaging Unit
Electrical and Power Generation System
Aldaberta Experience

Hot oil system

Air Compressor System
Fuel Gas System
Water Treatment System
Chilled Water System
Fire Water System
Nitrogen Generation System
Waste Water System

Details of work into the scope of work includes EPC CONTRACTOR, among others:
Implementation of survey
Preparation of land
Field testing
Report TKDN
Assistansi and supervision
Training of operators

Material surplus and capitalization

The final report EPC

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