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A business analysis of chicken farm development in Dairi. Thesis science of breeding

programs, a graduate programs faculty of agriculture, University of North Sumatera. Under
the guidance Hasnudi and Rahmanta as main supervisor and mentor members.

A chicken farm is one of the cattle business with huge potential to be developed,
because a chicken has the advantage of producing more higher. A chicken farm villages in
Dairi district run consider and estimate the ability of business and see the magnitude of the
this opportunity. The purpose of this study are as follows : (1) analyze how much of use
production inputs (seed, home, feed, labor, and others), (2) analyze what business of chicken
farm is worth it or not to be developed economic area of research, (3) To determine strategy
of chicken farm in the future in Dairi district.

This study was conducted in Siempat Nempu and Siempat Hulu in Dairi districts. This
data used a primary data from various farmers community related to this research topics. The
analysis model is a economic analysis model farms and SWOTs.

The result showed that a chicken farm business in this area research is still profitable
and worth to be developed as well as strategies that do increase of strength and use of
opportunities that exist for development of chicken farm for future in Dairi district.

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