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start up expenses

legal 1000
stationery 1000
Marketing budget 200000
website 61500
total startup expenses 263500


IT Equipment QTY Unit Cost Amount

Computer 2 10000 20000
Networking cost Lump sum 1500 1500
printer 1 19700 19700
scanner 1 10700 10700
telephone 2 2849 5698

Furniture QTY Unit Cost Amount

table 2 8000 16000
chair 3 5000 15000
sofa (2 seaters) 2 10000 20000

Other Equipments QTY Unit Cost RAmount

Air Conditioner 1 60000 60000
ceiling fan 1 3300 3300
LED lights 4 350 1400
capital investment Rs in actual
IT epuipments 57598
furniture 51000
other Equipments 64700
total startup expenses 263500
Total capital cost 436798

Working capital
Cash required 363202
total working capital 363202

total investment 800000

startup Assets
Cash required 363202
startup inventory 0
other current assets 0
long term assets 0
total assets 363202

startup funding
startup expenses to fund 263500
startup assets to fund 363202
total funding required 626702

non cash assets from startup 0
cash requirement from startup 363202
additional cah raised 0
cash balance on starting date 363202
Total assets 363202


current borrowing 0
long term laibilities 200000
Account payble 0
Interst 0
total laibilities 200000

Position QTY year 1 year 2 year 3

Web handler 2 18000 18000 18000
office boy 1 8000 8000 8000
total salaries 26000 26000 26000
312000 312000 312000
year 1 year 2 year 3
sales 9600000 9980160 10375374
cost of sales
total cost
gross profit
marketing budget

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