M3 A2 Team B

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Project Scope Team B 1

Running head: PROJECT SCOPE Woody 2000 Project (Team B)

M3: Assignment 2: Project Scope (Team B) Woody 2000 Project

Team Members: LeDetri Jenkins, Steven Kwizera & Janza Macklin

Argosy University

B6025 (Management Decision Models)

Dr. Juan C. Hernandez (PhD)

Project Scope Team B 2

Project Scope - (Team B) Woody 2000 Project

Why do you suppose renovation of the President and Executive Vice President's offices

were included in the project and was that a good idea?

The idea of including the top executives offices in the renovation process

theoretical appears to be a good idea because you can complete two major construction

projects at the same time. The key goal being that the total project would be completed

within the given timeframe with minimum production loss. It also could have provided an

incentives to the top executives to keeping the business at its current location and only

expanding as oppose to moving the entire operation. These two reasons help to

understand why the company would choose to include such a renovation on top of their

expansion; however it was not the best idea. The process of expanding a company by 25

percent is a large task alone without proper guidance the entire business can suffer. Each

member of the upper management had never undertaken such a task so focusing on that

task first would have proven more effective. The adding of renovations to other offices to

an already extensive construction development just added more confusion to the overall

Write a simple project scope statement.

Usually when you are asked to deliver a project, the first question any Project

Manager will ask their boss is, "so what is this project delivering (aka define project

scope) and when do you want it launched? Now sometimes you will be lucky and will

get a succinct, straightforward answer to this question. All too often, though you will find

that few people have a clue. This is where the problems start. (http://www.my-project-

Project Scope Team B 3

There are a number of ways in which you can define project scope. All should

start with a high-level statement regarding what the project will deliver. However you

need to use this to then drill down into the lower level details of what exactly this means

in terms of the project.

It also consists of Case Study Analysis providing project managers with

experience of strategic management problems that organizations face. A case study

presents an account of what happened to a business or industry over a specific period. It

chronicles the events that the managers had to deal with, such as changes in the

competitive environment, and charts the managers response, which usually involved

changing the business-or corporate-level strategy.

The reason why writing a Project Scope Statement is so problematic is because it

is defined during initiation. At this stage, the Project Manager is essentially working

"Blind" as no one will know exactly what the project will deliver. Many questions need to

be asked and answers need to be well understood. A seasoned Project Manager will know

when to push Stakeholders for answers, and when to simply assume what is required.

This is a key skill to have. It means you don't waste the Business Stakeholder's time on

insignificant pieces of functionality which take a few days to develop and test, instead

focusing their minds on the big deliverables which will take months and a large

percentage of the budget to deliver.

For our particular case study The Woody 2000 Project, we need to apply the

concepts of strategic management when we analyze the issues confronting the company.

It is absolutely critical that we read the case study several times once to grasp the
Project Scope Team B 4

overall picture of what is happening to the company, and then several times more to

discover and grasp the specific problems.

Detailed analysis of The Woody 2000 Project Scope Statement, as our case study,

will include eight areas:

1) The history, development, and growth of the company over time: The

Custom Woodworking Company is a small-to-medium sized custom furniture and

cabinet-making company, which moved to Someplace, BC in 1959. The Company gained

a reputation for attractively designed and well constructed furniture. They produced

custom furniture for wholesalers and retailers, and over the years, built up a loyal staff

and workforce. In 1989, there was a mini-boom in commercial construction in

southwestern BC, with a major airport expansion, and opportunities south of the border.

The company decided to expand.

2) Identify the companys internal strengths and weaknesses: This stage

involves the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Among

the Woody 2000 Project Strengths was the fact that they had a rich history of credibility.

One of their weaknesses was that their leadership was not strong and decisive. One of the

opportunities they got was a chance for expansion, and the biggest threat was taking on

an important project without deep planning.

3) Analyze the external environment: The Project saw an opportunity for

expansion given an economic boom in the region. However, the threat was that they were

getting into unknown territory, and getting out of a comfort zone of routine.
4) Evaluate the SWOT Analysis: Having identified the companys external

opportunities and threats as well as its internal strengths and weaknesses, well have to

consider their repercussions. What is Woodys competitive position after the project? Our

case study suggests the company will lose rather than gain.
Project Scope Team B 5

5) Analyze corporate-level strategy: To do this, we need to define Woodys

mission and goals. The decision to undertake an expansion project costing $17 million,

was a corporate strategy, that using would have succeeded had they undertaken SWOT

Analysis and followed through.

6) Analyze business-level strategy: After the corporate-level strategy and

SWOT analysis have been analyzed, the next level is identifying the business-level

strategy. Since Woodys is a single-business company, its business-level strategy will be

identical to its corporate-level strategy. Marketing also falls at this stage, for example a

offering a low-cost product range and a line of differentiated products.

7) Analyze structure and control systems: Woodys would use this analysis to

identify what structure and control systems they are using to implement its strategy and to

evaluate whether that structure is the appropriate one for the company. They would need

to analyze for example the number of levels in hierarchy (vertical or horizontal

differentiation). How do they award their employees? How do they handle organizational

conflict, power and politics?

8) Make recommendations: The quality of recommendations for Woody, is a

direct result of the thoroughness with which the project manager prepared the case

analysis. These recommendations are directed at solving whatever strategic problem they

are facing, and increasing its future profitability.

The above eight stages of a project scope, will go a long way to providing a

concrete and steady case study analysis of any company a project manager is to handle;

and if followed closely, nine out of ten projects will be a success.

Develop a work breakdown structure.
The following is the breakdown structure in chart form for the Woody 2000 Project:
Project Scope Team B 6
Project Woody 2000

Work Breakdown

Opportunity | Deliverable

Conception Phase Definition Phase Execution Phase

Feasibility & Contractor

Budget Planning
Functional Design Selection

Develop Monthly Draw Preliminary Obtain

Cash Flow Chart Designs Estimates

Select Select
Equipment Contractor

Manage and
Maintain Construction
Complete Records

Schedule Obtain Site

Connect Utilities
Planning Clearance

Establish and Set

Arrange Power
Target Date for Break Ground

Schedule Weekly Conduct Building Lay Perimeter

Meetings Inspection Foundation

Meet Delivery
Production Train Install A/C

Approve Install Dust-Free

Site Planning Contractor Shop Paint & Finishing
Drawings Shop

Debate Conduct Paint Additional
Relocation Shop Inspection Compressor

Arrange for Include Semi-

Choose Site Approved Surplus Automatic Production
Paint Disposal Train

Determine Accept Testing, Dry- Develop & Install Software &

Manufacturing running, & Production Hardware to Run the
Production Train
Space Start-up

Obtain Building
Determine Length Renovate
of New Building Executive Offices
Project Scope Team B 7

Hanna, M. and Newman, W. R. 2003. Decision Analysis. Accessed on November 12, 2009 From


Wideman, R.M. 1993. Woody 2000 Project. Accessed on November 12, 2009 From

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