Dialectical Journal Day 5

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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Matthew Uk Peng Cung

Date: 1 February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)
Students were arrived the class at 7am. I like morning worksheet because I think
As soon as they arrived, they did their it makes them to get ready for class. It is
morning work worksheet. like warming up their brain to work,
Morning worksheet includes since morning worksheet includes
mathematics, English, Grammar, and mathematics, English, grammar and
vocabulary. vocabulary.
They did their morning work until 7:15 Substitute teacher Ibu did a great job but
am. I think her voice was too soft and small.
At 7:15am, Substitute teacher Ibu did the In my opinion, teacher should speak loud
devotion. Right after devotion, she and clear enough.
taught Science. I usually speak loud enough but
After science class, they had snack break sometimes I was not really clear enough.
for 15 minutes. I need to improve in this area.
I taught mathematics after snake break. I really like the way my cooperating
As usual I started with checking their teacher taught writing. She made a
homework. Then I gave them review writing map for them, and I observed
worksheet for their tablework, and my that students did not have any problem
teacher and I, we assisted their work. following her instructions.
After math class, my cooperating teacher Writing map was really helpful, and
taught English. Firstly, she did reading students knew what they are doing, what
aloud, then vocabulary worksheet and they supposed to do next and how are
writing (Research piece). they going to reach their goal.
Then, we had lunch break, and every
Wednesday we have chapel session after
lunch break.
Every Wednesday, elementary classes are
dismiseds at 1pm.

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