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Rismen : Hi Martinus, how are you?

Martinus : I am okay, and how about you?

Rismen : Not too bad. Martinus, have you visited Andre

Martinus : Whats happened with him? I mean, is he sick? Rismen: His parents
accompanied him to check his health at Abdoel Moloek Hospital and the doctor
said that he got typhus.

Martinus : Why didnt you tell me?

Rismen : Your phone was off yesterday, so I cant call you to send you about this

Martinus : Oh my God. I am so sorry, my phone was error yesterday and I couldnt

operate it. Have you visited him to Abdoel Moloek?

Rismen : Yes I have. Last night, I visited him because of his mother told me about his

Martinus : Ohh Could you accompany me to go, please?

Rismen : Sure, when will you go?

Martinus : Today, after school. Can you?

Rismen : Let me call my mother first. Actually I was asked to go with her after school,
but maybe she can postpone or ask my sister to accompany her.

Martinus : Oh, no problem. We can go tonight if you cant go after school.

Rismen : Hold on, I will call her first.

3 minutes later
Rismen : My mother lets me go. So, I am going to go with her tomorrow. She could
postpone our plan.

Martinus : Thank you Rismen.

Rismen : Youre welcome Martinus. Whats your plan? Should we make a surprise for
Andre, our best friend?

Martinus : Yeah, we have to. I know that he likes Movie and I have an idea. [

Martinus : I know Dedi bought new movie yesterday. I think we should give him that
movie too. Rismen: Is that CHAPPIE? The box office movie for this month?

Martinus : Yes youre right. Hows my idea?

Rismen : Its brilliant idea. But we have to be fast to buy that movie because three
hours more, we have to go to the hospital.

Martinus : Dont worry. I call Dedi. He will tell us where he got that movie.

5 minutes later

Rismen : Wonderful and lets make a surprise for Andre.

Martinus : Yaph, I cannot be patient waiting for his expression.

Rismen : So do I.

Martinus : Rismen, our teacher is coming. Lets go to the class.

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