Dialectical Journal Day 6

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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Matthew Uk Peng Cung

Date: 2 February 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)
At 7am, students were doing their The chapter end test results were really
morning work as usual. good. My cooperating teacher said this
At 7:15 am, my cooperating teacher led year results are better comparing to last
the devotion. year results.
At 7:30 I taught mathematics. Thursday I was encouraged by seeing my students
usually we have two periods for got good score in their test. I was so
mathematics but just snake break is in proud of my students. It encouraged me
between. to teach more and love more.
So I and my cooperating planned to I like what my cooperating teacher did
review the chapter before snake break with two students who were slow to
and having a test after snake break. finish answering test.
I did the revision for the whole chapter When I checked their answers, they got
13. First of all, I did checking their high scores, and I was reminded not to
homework, and I gave them exam tips judge students without knowing them
before we had chapter review worksheet well.
for tablework.
Students were doing review worksheet
until snake break, and I was monitoring
them and answering their questions with
my cooperating teacher.
After snake break, my cooperating
teacher took over the class to give them
exam, and I assisted her while students
were having exam.
And there were two students who could
not finish their test in one period. So my
cooperating teacher gave them time to
continue in her English class.

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