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Indian J. Hematol.

Blood Transfus 24(4):155165 155

Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165


Clinico-aetiologic prole of macrocytic anemias with special

reference to megaloblastic anemia
Vineetha Unnikrishnan Tarun Kumar Dutta Bhawana A. Badhe Zachariah Bobby Ashish K. Panigrahi

Received: 3 June 2008 / Accepted: 18 September 2008

Abstract Patients with an MCV of >110 were more likely to have

megaloblastic anemia (p value 0.0007). Three patients
Purpose of study This study was conducted to study the (mean age 55 years) with a megaloblastic marrow did not
clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with macro- respond to vitamin replacement and were found to have
cytic anemia and to determine the etiology of macrocytic myelodysplastic syndrome.
anemia with special reference to megaloblastic anemia.
Conclusion Megaloblastic anemia due to Vitamin B12 or
Materials and methods This study was a cross-sectional folate deciency remains the most important cause of mac-
descriptive study carried over a period of 18 months on 60 rocytic anemia. In settings with limited laboratory facilities,
adult patients (age 13 years) of macrocytic anemia. Mac- a therapeutic trial of vitamins B12 or folic acid is useful in
rocytic anemia was identied when peripheral blood exami- determining the specic vitamin deciency.
nation showed anemia with a mean red blood corpuscular
volume of >95 . Keywords Macrocytic anemia Non-megaloblastic mac-
rocytic anemia Bone marrow disorders Megaloblastic
Result The most common cause of macrocytic anemia was anemia Myelodysplastic syndrome
megaloblastic anemia (38.4%). The major causes of non-
megaloblastic macrocytic anemia were primary bone marrow
disorders (35%), liver diseases (15%) and hemolytic anemia Introduction
(8.3%). There was a signicant male preponderance in the
study (65%). The megaloblastic anemias observed were due Red cell size as related to mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
to either vitamin B12 deciency (78.3%) or combined B12 has for many years been used to classify anemia [1]. The
and folate deciency (21.7%). A signicant proportion of discovery, that an anemic patients erythrocyte is abnor-
nonvegetarians (73.9%) had megaloblastic anemia. mal in size, suggests certain diseases can be suspected or
excluded on the basis of this. With the advent of elect-
ronic cell counters, the MCV has become an integral
V. Unnikrishnan1 T. K. Dutta1 B. A. Badhe2 Z. Bobby3
A. K. Panigrahi1
and useful feature of the red cell prole [2, 3]. The
Department of Medicine Coulter counter generates a value for the average volume
Department of Pathology of red cells, which is important for categorizing the type
Department of Biochemistry and cause of anemia. The normal MCV ranges from 78 to
Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & 94 . Anemia is classied as macrocytic if MCV exceeds
Research (JIPMER),
95 [4].
Puducherry - 605 006, India
Macrocytosis is seen in 1.73.6% of patients seeking
T. K. Dutta () medical care and is a common nding in any clinical set-
e-mail: ting, often in the absence of anemia [2, 3, 5]. The disorders

156 Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165

that lead to macrocytic anemia comprises of a heteroge- Detailed information was sought on alcohol consumption,
neous group that act through a variety of known and pos- previous gastric surgery, malignant disease and drug ther-
tulated mechanisms. They are generally classied as those apy. All patients were investigated with a complete hemo-
resulting from disorders in DNA synthesis of erythrocyte gram that included estimation of hemoglobin level, red cell
precursors in the bone marrow (megaloblastic macrocytic indices, total leucocyte count, differential leucocyte count,
anemia) or those caused by a variety of other mechanisms platelet count and reticulocyte count, and peripheral smear
(non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia). examination and red cell distribution width estimation. A
Macrocytosis often precedes anemia [68], but is not bone marrow aspiration was performed in all patients with
investigated, especially if anemia is slight. Several case evidence of megaloblastic anemia, as shown by presence
studies have demonstrated that vitamin B12 deciency of hypersegmented neutrophils or macro-ovalocytes in the
may initially produce only a mild macrocytic anemia that peripheral smear, and when indicated on clinical grounds in
is maintained for long period before a rapid worsening other patients.
occurs. Among the ndings at routine laboratory investiga- Serum bilirubin, total protein and albumin, aspartate
tions, an elevated MCV may be the only indicator of condi- aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phos-
tions like vitamin B12 or folate deciency, preleukemia or phatase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase and LDH levels
alcoholism [8]. Since the clinical presentation of all types were obtained on a routine basis for all patients. Prothrom-
of anemia may be similar, many macrocytic anemias may bin time was estimated in patients with history of alcohol-
go misdiagnosed as iron deciency anemia. Only later does ism or evidence of liver disease clinically. Thyroid function
the non-responsiveness to iron supplementation prompt the tests were done in all the patients. The iron status in the
consideration of megaloblastic anemia. Hence, a high index patients with megaloblastic anemia was evaluated by the
of suspicion during clinical examination may provide clues estimation of serum iron and bone marrow stainable iron.
towards the diagnosis of macrocytic anemia. Distinct clini- An upper gastrointstinal endoscopy and gastric biopsy was
cal features of megaloblastic anemia may help in the early performed in a few selected patients with megaloblastic
recognition of cobolamin or folate deciency. anemia who gave consent for the same.
Patients with megaloblastic anemia conrmed by bone
marrow examination were subjected to a therapeutic trial
Aims and objectives with full replacement doses of vitamin B12 injections (1 mg
of cyanocobalamin intramuscularly for 10 days) and, in
To study the clinical and laboratory parameters in
case of a suboptimal or absent response to cyanocobalamin,
patients with macrocytic anemia
followed by 1 mg of folic acid orally for 10 days to iden-
To determine the etiology of macrocytic anemia with
tify the cause of megaloblastosis [9]. The patients who had
special reference to that of megaloblastic anemia
concomitant iron deciency, as shown by a low serum iron
levels or, more specically, a decreased marrow iron stores
Materials and methods grade 3 or less were given iron supplementation in the
form of ferrous sulphate tablets 200 mg thrice a day in the
This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried intensive phase of vitamin supplementation and continued
over a period of 18 months on 60 adult patients (age 13 upto 3 months.
years) of macrocytic anemia treated in a large teaching The response to treatment was assessed with a complete
hospital of India. Macrocytic anemia was identied when hemogram on days 3, 8 and 15. The response was said to be
peripheral blood showed: optimal if there was brisk reticulocytosis on day 3 with a
rise in hemoglobin, total counts and platelet counts (in case
1. A mean red blood corpuscular volume >95 and
of pancytopenia) with disappearance of hypersegmented
2. Anemia with a hemoglobin of
neutrophils by day 15.
i. <13 g/dl in male
Patients who showed an optimal response to cyanoco-
ii. <12 g/dl in female
balamin injections alone were labeled to have isolated vita-
iii. <11 g/dl in pregnant female
min B12 deciency and were further advised cyanocobala-
Women in the third trimester of pregnancy were excluded min injections 1 mg intramuscularly weekly for 4 weeks
from study, because of the ethical concerns about subjecting and then followed by 1 mg intramuscularly monthly for one
them to a bone marrow aspiration. year and thereafter yearly. The patients were followed up at
The history was taken in detail and a complete and thor- the end of the second month for conrmation of adequacy
ough physical examination was carried out in all patients. of the response.

Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165 157

Macrocytic Anemia

(MCV>95fL with macrocytes in peripheral blood)

Evaluate the smear and bone marrow aspirate

Hyper segmentation (+) No hyper segmentation,

Macroovalocytes (+) Round macrocytes
bone B12 therapy 1mg/day im x
marrow 10 days ferrous sulphate tabs
aspiration 200mg tid N or reticulocyte count reticulocyte count
with iron Follow up on days 3, 8, 15

Alcoholism Hemolytic
Bone marrow anemia
disorders Hemorrhagic
Optimal Sub optimal No response Hypothyroidism anemia
response response Hepatic disease
Unexplained or
suspected bone
marrow disorders
B12 Add folate Add folate
deficiency 1mg/day x 10 1mg/day x 10
days days

Optimal Optimal No response Investigate appropriately

response response

Combined B12 Folate Inherited/toxin

and folate deficiency related causes,
deficiency MDS

Follow up at
2nd week and
2nd month

Chart Algorithmic approach to the study

The response was classied as suboptimal if the pa- have isolated folate deciency. These patients were advised
tients responded to vitamin B12 replacement with an initial to continue folic acid 1 mg per day for 3 months and were
brisk reticulocyte response on day 3 with a minimal rise in followed up at the end of second month with a complete
hemoglobin and leukocyte and platelet counts without hemogram.
disappearance of hyper-segmented neutrophils or macro- An intermediate group of patients who had earlier sub-
ovalocytes by day 15 (vide chart). The response was taken optimal response to cyanocobalamin and now showed an
as nil if there was no reticulocytosis on day 3 or a rise in he- optimal response on addition of folic acid were diagnosed
moglobin or counts by day 8. If the response at day 15 was to have combined B12 and folate deciency, and were fol-
not optimal with vitamin B12 replacement alone, folic acid lowed up at the end of second month for assessment of
was supplemented at a dose of 1 mg per day for a further complete response following cyanocobalamin injections
period of 10 days and then response was assessed with he- and oral folic acid. The therapeutic tests were necessitated
mograms on day 3, 8 and 15. Patients who showed optimal since there was no facility for vitamin B12 or folic acid esti-
response to folic acid replacement alone were labeled to mation in the hospital.

158 Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165

The patients whose anemia did not respond to replace- was found between the severity of anemia and the degree
ment of both vitamins were labeled as having refractory of elevation of the MCV (p = 0.239) (Table 4). The average
anemia and repeat bone marrow aspiration was performed MCH was 33.25 3.6 pg, while the MCHC was 34.12
to rule out any primary bone marrow disorder. 4%.
Statistical analysis was performed using students t test The peripheral smear examination showed neutrophilic
hypersegmantation and /or macro-ovalocytosis in 26 pa-
tients suggesting megaloblastic erythropoiesis (Table 5).
These patients were subjected to a bone marrow exami-
The mean age of the sixty adult patients was 38.96 16.4 nation and all of them were found to have megaloblastic
years. They comprised of 39 males and 21 females. Most of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. Morphologic abnor-
them belonged to the low socioeconomic group. There was malities in the peripheral blood which included hyper-seg-
a bimodal distribution in the age with a higher proportion of mented neutrophils, anisocytosis, macro-ovalocytosis, tear-
patients in the 2130 and 5160 year groups. drop cells and nucleated red cells, were strongly associated
The major symptoms at presentation were predominantly with megaloblastic hematopoiesis. Twenty-three of these
that due to anemia; however, 8.3% of patients did not have patients had megaloblastic anemia and three turned out to
the typical symptoms of anemia. They had predominantly have myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Among the 34 pa-
various other symptoms like abdominal pain and swelling tients who did not have either hypersegmented neutrophils
of feet (Table 1). Twenty-two patients had various bleeding or macroovalocytes in the peripheral smear, 21 were found
manifestations, while 15 patients had presented with history to have primary bone marrow disorder leading to macrocy-
of jaundice. One patient had noticed jaundice for the past tosis, nine had liver disease and ve had hemolytic anemia.
one year, and had been investigated outside with no appar- A 24-year-old woman who had been on oral cyclophospha-
ent cause having been made out. mide for steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome had hemor-
On clinical examination, pallor was universally present, rhagic cystitis with macrocytic anemia (Table 6).
ranging from mild to severe. Icterus was observed in 21 pa-
tients, 19 patients had splenomegaly, 17 had hepatomegaly. Table 2. Major signs at presentation
Other signs included edema, neurological manifestations Signs Number of patients %
and mucocutaneous changes (Table 2). Six patients had n=60
presented with altered sensorium due to hepatic failure. A Icterus 21 35
37-year old lady was brought with history of delusions of
Splenomegaly 19 31.7
indelity and persecution, with poor food intake and conse-
Hepatomegaly 17 28.3
quent malnutrition.
The hematological study at baseline showed mean he- Skin changes 14 23.3
moglobin of 5.6 2.12 g/dl (Table 3). Thirty-eight patients Edema 14 23.3
had severe anemia (<6g/dl) at presentation. The mean MCV Glossitis 12 20
of these patients was 106.5 9.59 . Maximum number of Neurological 6 10
patients had MCV in the 95105 range. No correlation manifestations
Clubbing 2 3.3
Table 1. Major symptoms at presentation
Symptoms Number of patients Percentage
Table 3. Hematological parameters at baseline in patients with
n=60 %
macrocytic anemia (n = 60)
Related to anemia 55 91.7
Parameter Mean SD
(Breathlessness, easy
fatiguability, malaise) Hemoglobin (g%) 5.61 2.12
Abdominal pain 26 43.3 PCV (%) 16.8 3.47
Bleeding 22 36.7 Red cell count ( 10 cells/L) 1.8 0.73
manifestations MCV (fL) 106.5 9.59
Swelling of feet 16 26.7 MCH (pg) 33.25 3.6
Jaundice 15 25 MCHC % 34.2 1.4
Pruritus 6 10 TLC ( 103/l) 10.43 28.13
Neurologic 6 10 Platelet count ( 10 /l) 1.09 1.1
Chronic diarrhea 1 1.7 Red cell distribution width 20.7 6.06

Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165 159

Primary bone marrow disorders liver with hepatic failure. Target cells were present in four
of these patients.
Among the patients with primary bone marrow disorders,
nine had aplastic anemia of varying etiology; eight had leu- Hemolytic anemia
kemia that included acute as well as chronic, and myeloid
as well as lymphoid types. A 50-year-old woman who had Five patients had hemolytic anemia. Of these four had au-
megaloblastic changes in the marrow responded to neither toimmune hemolytic anemia and a fth had G6PD decient
B12 nor folate and was found to be suffering from acute hemolysis. All of them had icterus and three had mild sple-
erythroleukemia secondary to myelodysplastic syndrome nomegaly. Their mean reticulocyte count was 14.3 11.7%.
(MDS). MDS without transformation into leukemia was The patients in this group had mean hemoglobin of 5.76
found in two patients. One patient had myelobrosis with 0.99 g/dl with MCV of 115.1 9.14 .
macrocytic anemia (Fig. 1). The mean hemoglobin in this No case of hypothyroidism was documented as a cause
category was 4.94 2.22g/dl and MCV was 102.92 7.11 of macrocytic anemia in our study.
. Of these, three patients of chronic myeloid leukemia
were on hydroxyurea. Megaloblastic group

Hepatobiliary disease including alcoholism Out of 26 patients in this group, 23 patients had megalo-
blastic anemia with a mean age of 35.7 16.1 years. There
Nine patients had evidence of liver disease, all of them were were 13 males and 10 females. There was a preponderance
chronic alcoholics and had clinical and laboratory evidence of younger patients in this group.
of alcoholic liver disease. All of them were males. Two of All the patients had symptoms of anemia. In addition,
them had alcoholic hepatitis and the rest had cirrhosis of bleeding manifestations were seen in 26 % of patients in

Table 4. Relation between the severity of anemia and the degree of macrocytosis
Hemoglobin (g%) Number of Patients Percentage Average MCV P Value
n=60 Mean SD
< 6.0 38 63.3 107.7 8.64 0.239
6.0 22 36.7 104.5 10.97

Table 5. Peripheral smear in Patients with Macrocytic Anemia Table 6. Etiology of macrocytic anemia
Peripheral smear Number of Percentage Etiology Number Percentage
Patients n=60 n=60
Macrocytic, no neutrophil 34 56.7 Megaloblastic anemia 23 38.4
hyper segmentation or Primary bone marrow disorders 21 35
Liver disease 9 15
Macrocytic, with neutrophil 26 43.3
hyper segmentation or Hemolytic anemia 5 8.3
macroovalocytes Other 2 3.3

Fig. 1 Primary Bone marrow disorders with Macrocytic Anemia (n=21)

160 Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165

the form of epistaxis, gum bleed or melena. All of them on to develop iron deciency in the course of therapy. One
had thrombocytopenia. Mean platelet count was 64,166 patient responded to B12 therapy while the other responded
67,930/l. Jaundice was a predominant feature in six pa- to addition of folate.
tients. The mean total bilirubin in these patients was 3.15 On clinical examination, all the patients had moderate
1.86mg/dl, the direct fraction being 1.47 1.12 mg/dl. to severe pallor (Table 9). Skin changes in the form of
Six patients had presenting complaints of numbness, par- hyperpigmentation or patchy alopecia were found in 11 pa-
esthesia and imbalance of gait (Table 7). One patient gave tients and mucosal changes in ten (Table 10). Glossitis was
history of chronic watery diarrhea for one year. He did not found to be a sensitive indicator of megaloblastic anemia.
give history of steatorrhoea. Cutaneous hyper pigmentation was also a sensitive nding
Three patients gave history of taking drugs, which could in megaloblastic anemia. lcterus was observed in six pa-
interfere with the metablolism of B12 or folate (Table 8). tients. Neurological ndings were present in six patients
One person had been on phenytoin for seizure disorder for (Table 11).
three years. A 31-year-old man had been taking omeprazole
for acid peptic disease for the past 2 years. A 55-year-old Table 9 Major signs at presentation
woman was on oral methotrexate for 4 years for rheumatoid Sign Number %
arthritis. Three patients were chronic alcoholics. The pa- n=23
tients with megaloblastic anemia were predominantly non- Pallor 23 100
vegetarian. Two patients with megaloblastic anemia were in Severe 18 78.3
the second trimester of pregnancy. Of them one person had Moderate 5 21.7
Mile 0 0
absent iron stores, another had normal iron stores but went
Edema 16 69.6
Skin changes 11 47.8
Table 7 Major symptoms at presentation
Mucosal changes 10 43.8
Symptoms Number Percentage
(n=23) Icterus 6 26.0
Related to anemia (Breathlessness, 23 100 Hepatomegaly 6 26.0
easy fatiguability, malaise) Neurological manifestations 6 26.0
Abdominal pain 7 30.4 Splenomegaly 5 21.7
Bleeding manifestations 6 26.1
Epistaxis 2 8.7 Table 10 Mucocutaneous manifestations in patients with
megaloblastic anemia
Gum bleed 2 8.7
Sign Number (n=23) %
Melena 2 8.7
Hyper pigmentation 11 47.8
Swelling of feet 6 26.1
Knuckle 11 47.8
Jaundice 6 26.1 Palmoplantar 1 4.3
Neurological symptoms 6 26.1 Glossitis 10 43.5
Imbalance 4 17.4 Angular cheilitis 3 13.0
Paresthesia 3 13.0 Alopecia 2 8.7
Numbness 1 4.3
Pruritus 2 8.7
Table 11 Neurological manifestations in megaloblastic anemia
Chronic diarrhea 1 4.3
Sign Number (n=23)
Table 8 Other signicant history Impaired vibration sense 6
History Number (n=23) Percentage % Impaired position sense 6
Drug intake 3 13.04 Impaired touch or pain perception 6
Anticonvulsant therapy 1 4.34 Ataxia 2
Chronic antacid use 1 4.34 Rombergs sign 2
Other 1 4.34
Decreased reexes 5
Alcohol abuse 3 13.04
Increased reexes 1
Dietary history
Vegetarianism 5 21.74 Spasticity 1
Veganism 1 4.34 Psychiatric disorders 1

Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165 161

The hematological parameters at baseline are given in count were lower. Eleven patients had pancytopenia (48%).
Table 12. The mean corpuscular volume of this subgroup There was a positive correlation between the level of MCV
was higher than that of the whole study population while elevation and the incidence of megaloblastic anemia; but
the mean hemoglobin, total leukocyte count and platelet there was no positive correlation between the severity of
anemia and the extent of MCV elevation.
Table 12. Hematological parameters at baseline in patients The iron status of these patients was assessed by the se-
with megaloblastic anemia (n = 23) rum iron levels and the bone marrow iron stores. The mean
Parameter Mean SD serum iron level was 64.32 37.7 g/dl. Four patients had
Hemoglobin (g%) 4.96 1.26 grade 0 iron stores.
All 26 patients who had megaloblastic marrow were
PCV (%) 14.65 3.83
subjected to a therapeutic trial with pharmacological doses
Red cell Count ( 10 cells/L) 1.78 0.48
of vitamin B12 and followed up at days 3, 8 and 15. Iron was
MCV (fL) 111.18 9.56
supplemented in four patients who had evidence of iron
MCH (pg) 35.05 4.43 deciency as per the absent iron stores.
MCHC % 34.2 2.35 Twenty-three patients responded to treatment, 18 had
TLC ( 10 /l) 4.30 2.25 complete clinical and hematological response to B12 ther-
Platelet count ( 10 /l) 98.5 95.2 apy and were followed up till the end of second month of
Red Cell Distribution Width 22.25 6.9 treatment (Tables 13, 14). They were categorized as Group
Reticulocyte Count (%) 2.5 0.04 I patients of megaloblastic anemia. Five patients had sub-
Serum Iron (g/dL) 64.32 37.7 optimal response to B12 alone, but showed optimal response
after addition of folic acid at day 15 and were followed up
Table 13. Response to therapy for approximately 75 days They were categorized as Group
Optimal response Number of patients Percentage II patients (Tables 15, 16).
n=23 % The clinical improvement was noticed by most patients
To B12 supplementation 18 78.26 initially as a subjective sense of well being, as early as third
(Group I) day of therapy, followed by gradual improvement of other
To B12 and folate 5 21.74 symptoms. At the end of two months, all the responders
supplementation (Group II) were remarkably free of all symptoms and sign. The men-

Table 14. Changes in the hematological parameters after B12 supplementation in Group I (n=18)
Parameter Baseline Day 3 Day 8 Day 15 End of p value
2nd month
Hemoglobin (g%) 5.10 1.06 5.99 1.37 7.06 1.55 8.64 1.24 11.05 0.84 .000
MCV ()1 109.72 9.91 106.86 8.60 102.14 9.22 96.69 5.69 90.64 3.94 .000
TLC ( 103/l) 4.41 1.93 5.26 1.89 6.62 2.47 7.25 2.55 7.23 0.67 .000
Platelet count .96 0.92 1.72 1.40 2.1 1.28 2.62 1.09 2.30 6.16 .000
( 105/l)
Reticulocyte 2.9 0.05 4.21 0.14 6.33 1.56 5.28 1.28 2.3 0.72
count (%)

Table 15 Changes in the hematological parameters after supplementation of B12 in Group II (n = 5)

Parameter Baseline Day 3 Day 8 Day 15 p value
Hemoglobin (g%) 4.46 1.86 5.16 2.88 5.72 2.49 6.0 2.57 .015
MCV () 116.2 6.90 108.54 1.08 108.4 1.04 106.24 0.88 .014
TLC ( 10 /l) 5.34 3.47 4.80 2.81 6.10 2.16 5.96 1.77 0.453
Platelet count ( 105/l) 1.08 1.24 1.54 1.46 2.70 1.14 2.59 1.26 .000
Reticulocyte Count (%) 1.3 0.01 2.7 1.04 3.2 0.83 2.2 0.54

162 Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165

tal status of the lady, who had presented with psychotic Three patients with megaloblastic bone marrow did
features, had considerably improved after two months of not respond either clinically or hematologically to vitamin
therapy along with increased food intake, weight gain and supplementation and were subjected to a repeat bone mar-
improvement in social and family relationships. The patient row aspiration and were found to have myelodysplastic
with megaloblastic anemia following methotrexate therapy syndrone. The average age of these patients was 55. One
had a delayed response to the addition of folate. of these patients was in the transformation phase to acute
The reticulocyte response started on Day 3 with the peak erythroleukemia and two had refractory anemia. The nal
levels at Day 8 (Tables 1416), but the extent of rise was not diagnosis in the patients with megaloblastic bone marrow is
as high as was expected as per literature (Table 17). depicted in gure 2.
Seven patients with normal bone marrow iron stores
and one patient with increased bone marrow stores who
were not supplemented with iron developed red blood cell Discussion
hypochromia at the end of therapy, probably indicating the
development of iron deciency due to increased demand In 1934, Wintrobe established the value of morphologic
of erythropoiesis. Five of these patients were in Group classication of anemia. He characterized anemias as
II, which had undergone therapy for a longer period than macrocytic, normocytic, simple microcytic and hypochro-
Group 1. The Mean serum iron of these patients was 59.3 mic microcytic [1]. Several surveys of macrocytosis have
50.4 g/dl. After this observation, even patients with nor- been published. Relatively small numbers of patients were
mal iron stores were supplemented with iron at the start of described in these reports and the denition of macrocy-
therapy and none of them developed hypochromia at the tosis varied considerably. Some investigators have used
end of therapy. a threshold MCV value of red blood cell of 100 ; others

Table 16 Changes in the hematological parameters in Group II after addition of Folic acid (n = 5)
Parameter Day 3 Day 8 Day 15 End of 2nd month p value
Hemoglobin (g%) 6.70 2.58 7.66 2.43 9.08 1.40 11.34 1.37 .000
MCV (fL) 107.14 7.74 103.98 8.55 99.44 6.28 92.22 2.93 .000
TLC ( 103/l) 6.54 1.27 7.0 1.56 7.08 0.88 7.62 1.28 .04
Platelet count ( 10 /l) 2.41 1.38 2.37 0.88 2.86 0.98 2.09 0.55
Reticulocyte Count (%) 5.8 3.49 7.0 3.39 7.0 3.65 2.7 3.0

Table 17 Reticulocyte response in group I

Red Cell Count at baseline Expected Reticulocyte response to Actual Reticulocyte response
(Million cells/l) therapy at Day 8 (%) observed at Day 8 (%) (Mean SD)
<1.0 5070 5.5 0.34
1.01.49 3647 5.3 0.78
1.51.99 2534 7.0 0.99
2.02.49 1522 7.3 0.65

Fig. 2 Final Diagnosis in Patients with megaloblastic bone marrow (n=23)

Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165 163

used values ranging from 105 to 115 . Wintrobe (1934) to the age. The mean age of the patients was lesser than that
and Hattersley (1964) had previously surveyed the causes of the series of McPhedran and Davidson [2, 3]. 63.3% of
of macrocytic anemia [1,10]. our patients had severe anemia (Hb less than 6g%). This
is in contrast to Davidsons observation where none of the
Etiology of macrocytic anemia: patients had hemoglobin less than 7g% [3]. He found that
the severity of macrocytosis increases in proportion to the
In Wintrobes study the most common cause of macrocytic degree of anemia. In our study we could not nd a positive
anemia was megaloblastic anemia produced by pernicious correlation between the degree of macrocytosis and the se-
anemia [1]. The other causes, in order of decreasing fre- verity of anemia. The likelihood of nding megaloblastosis
quency, were disorders of the liver like cirrhosis, bone mar- was higher if the MCV was >110 .
row disturbances like leukemia, myelodysplasia and aplasia, In Wintrobes series, it was found that the group of pa-
the anemia of acute blood loss and the anemia of pregnancy. tients with liver disorders was, on an average, less macro-
Patients with pernicious anemia had extreme macrocytosis cytic and less anemic than the megaloblastic group [1]. The
and severe anemia. Glossitis was also found to be an indica- other group, with bone marrow disorders and blood loss,
tor of the severity of anemia and macrocytosis[1]. had more severe anemia but only borderline macrocytosis.
In 1964 Hattersley reported a survey of 120 patients with These are similar to the ndings in our study.
macrocytosis calculated from electronic cell counters and In Davenports study, the most common form of non-
reported cirrhosis of the liver as the most common cause megaloblastic macrocytic anemia resulted from alcoholism
of macrocytosis[10]. In his series, more than 50% of the [13]. Davenport also states that the most common cause
patients had an MCV of 100-104.5 . of macrocytosis in the UK is alcohol consumption. In our
Davidson, in 1971, reported that 1% of all blood sam- study we found more of macrocytosis due to hematological
ples submitted for routine hematological examination had malignancy.
macrocytes in the peripheral blood. McPhedran (1973), The morphological ndings of hypersegmented neu-
Davidson (1978) and Colon-Otero et al (1992) have vari- trophils and macroovalocytes in the peripheral smear may
ously described their ndings in patients with macrocytosis preclude the need for a bone marrow aspiration procedure
[2, 3, 9]. McPhedran dened the cause of macrocytosis in in patients with a clinical picture of megaloblastic anemia.
the absence of anemia in 100 consecutive patients and re- In our study, we found that all the 26 patients with hyper-
ported that the most common cause of macrocytic anemia segmented neutrophils and/or macro-ovalocytes in the pe-
was megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 and folate ripheral blood had megaloblastic erythropoiesis in the mar-
deciency [2]. On the other hand, alcohol abuse was the row, making these peripheral blood ndings very sensitive
most common cause of macrocytosis as per Colon-Otero, indicators for megalopoiesis in the marrow.
followed by vitamin B12 and folate deciency [9]. In the We found drug therapy to cause macrocytosis in some
large study by Savage et al in 2000, the most common patients. The drugs implicated were omeprazole, metho-
cause of macrocytosis was drug therapy, followed by al- trexate, phenytoin and hydroxyurea. Except for the patients
cohol liver disease, and reticulocytosis [11]. Megaloblastic on hydroxyurea, all others had megaloblastic anemia, which
hematopoiesis accounted for less than 10% of his cases, responded to parenteral vitamin supplementation. The pa-
with cobalamin or folate deciency being present in only tient who had megaloblastic anemia following methotrexate
6% of patients. MCV values >120 were usually caused therapy for rheumatoid arthritis had a delayed but complete
by cobolamin deciency in his series. Brigden also stated response to vitamin B12 and folate supplementation.
that folate and vitamin B12 deciencies might be relatively
rare causes of macrocytosis compared to alcoholism, liver Clinical features
disease, drugs or myelodysplasia [12].
The ndings in our series parallel the results of the stud- A sizable number of non-vegetarians had megaloblastic
ies of Wintrobe and McPhedran with megaloblastic anemia anemia in our study group. Masalha, in his study of ur-
being the most common cause of macrocytic anemia [1, 2], ban Bedouin patients found that nutritional deciency of
followed by primary bone marrow disorders, liver disease cobalamin is common, even among non-vegetarians [14].
and hemolytic anemia. Matthews JH had studied the incidence of megaloblastic
Our study had a preponderance of male patients in con- anemia in Asians and found that of the 27 Asians with a
trast to that of any study on iron deciency anemia where megaloblastic anemia, 22 (81%) had nutritional deciency
there is usually a female preponderance. There was a bi- of vitamin B12, while ve (19%) had true pernicious ane-
modal distribution of the patients when classied according mia [15]. All the patients were Hindu vegetarians except

164 Indian J. Hematol. Blood Transfus 24(4):155165

for a single Muslim who had pernicious anemia. Dietary to therapy, was documented in 11 patients (48%) with meg-
intakes of calories, protein, iron, vitamin B12 and folate aloblastic anemia in our group. Myelodysplastic syndrome
were below recommended level in both groups. He stated had to be considered in older patients with megaloblastoid
that nutritional deciency of vitamin B12 is the most com- marrow who were unresponsive to standard therapy. None
mon cause of megaloblastic anemia in Hindu vegetarians, of the patients with megalobalstic anemia showed the kind
but the incidence of true pernicious anemia is higher than of peak reticulocyte response on treatment as described in
previously thought and may approximate to that of the the literature.
white population. Hence, in our study population, perni- The presence of target cells was a sensitive indicator of
cious anemia may have been the cause for the megaloblastic liver disease as was the nding of an elevated gamma gluta-
anemia among the non-vegetarians in addition to the poor myl transpeptidase (GGT) as an indicator of alcoholism.
consumption of meat products due to economic reasons,
but we were unable to establish the diagnosis of pernicious
anemia for the want of appropriate tests. Conclusion
A history of chronic diarrhea could be elicted in only one
patient with megaloblastic anemia, but he was not symp- The pathological conditions associated with macrocytic
tomatic at presentation and barium meal and colonoscopy anemia are much more diverse than is often appreciated
studies were normal. Stool microscopy was normal in all and macrocytosis is not to be equated with megaloblastosis,
patients. Glossitis and cutaneous hyperpigmentation were since there are varied conditions associated with non-mega-
found to be the sensitive markers of megaloblastic anemia. loblastic macrocytosis. However, the presence of macro-
Wintrobe had described glossitis in his study as one of the ovalocytes and hypersegmented neutrophils in peripheral
commonest ndings in patients with megaloblastic anemia. smear almost always goes with a diagnosis of megaloblastic
Bleeding manifestations are characteristically mild in the anemia. Megaloblastic anemia still remains the most impor-
thrombocytopenia of Vitamin B12 or folate deciency; but tant cause of macrocytic anemia in our setting. The diver-
in our series, bleeding manifestations were severe enough sity and complexity of factors leading to macrocytic anemia
to be the presenting complaint in six patients. Neuro-psy- preclude a single or uniform method of investigation. The
chiatric features that showed complete response to vitamin investigative pattern must be tailored to the individual pa-
replenishment were observed in six of our patients. This has tient, giving importance to the clinical presentation. In set-
been documented in previous studies by several authorities. tings with limited laboratory facilities, a therapeutic trial of
Lindenbaum found in his study in 1998 that patients with vitamin B12 or folic acid is useful in determining the specic
cobalamin deciency may present with neuropsychiatric vitamin deciency in megaloblastic anemia.
disease in the absence of anemia in as many as 28% of
cases, hence any patient with unexplained neuropsychiatric
abnormality should be screened for cobalamin or folate
deciency, especially if they have macrocytosis [16]. Jaun- 1. Lee GR (1998) Anemia: a diagnostic strategy. In: Lee GR,
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